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Jason Caryl


Bold Points


I’m Jason Caryl, a passionate math teacher and a father of five, with a deep love for STEM. After earning a BS in Exercise Science and working as a personal trainer, I found my true calling in education and data science. Currently, I’m pursuing an MS in Data Science, aiming to make a significant impact in the healthcare industry by leveraging my skills in math and coding. Balancing family, teaching, and studies has taught me resilience and adaptability, and I’m driven by the goal of creating a better future for my family while contributing to advancements in healthcare.


Eastern University

Master's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science
    • Data Science

Central Washington University

Bachelor's degree program
2009 - 2012
  • Majors:
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Healthcare Data Scientist

    • Dream career goals:

    • Teacher

      International Leadership of texas
      2021 – Present3 years


    Track & Field

    2000 – 201313 years


    • Team Captin
    • Coach's Award
    • Most Improved


    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness

      CWU — Assistant
      2012 – 2013


    • Omak school District

      Macbeth, Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and the seven Dwarves
      2000 – 2004

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      International Leadership of Texas — Staff Supervisor
      2022 – 2024
    Pushing Our Scholars Forward
    I am in the data science program because I believe strongly that data can change people's lives and, hopefully, the world. With the importance of analyzing vast amounts of data that fills our world today, I want to use that data to drive change. Data science isn't just numbers; it's finding patterns, making predictions, and, ultimately, using this knowledge to better people's lives. Among the reasons why I chose this field, one of them is versatility. Data science has wide applications across various industries, from healthcare to finance to education. I see endless opportunities to use my skills to improve society. For example, in healthcare, data can be used to predict disease outbreaks, improve patient outcomes, and optimize treatment plans. Moreover, data might be able to drive a change in how health insurance works. In finance, it can help individuals manage their money more effectively, hopefully leading to reduced stress and increasing basic knowledge of finances. In education, we can use data to create personalized learning plans that cater to individual student needs, or possibly help develop and improve upon existing curriculums, making them more effective. As a high school math teacher with five children, life is incredibly busy. Between my teaching responsibilities, parenting, and my studies in data science, I've been stressed. Thankfully, I've developed several skills throughout my life from sports, owning a business, and being a single father that have aided in my success up to this point. In the end, this balancing act will be worth it. Throughout my masters program, I will continue to prioritize tasks, stay organized, and keep my end-goal in mind. I know the knowledge I’m gaining will not only advance my career but also have an impact on the communities I serve. The challenges of balancing these responsibilities have also given me a greater understanding of the importance of flexibility and adaptability in both my personal and professional life. Working while being a student has forced me to focus on being efficient as well as reinforced my commitment to making a difference. Every late night and early morning is a reminder that the effort I’m putting in now will pay off in the future—for myself, my family, my students, and (hopefully) society as a whole. I plan to use the knowledge and skills I acquire in this program to find solutions to real-world problems. In the end, I want to build a legacy of positive change using data—contributing to a better world for future generations.'s "Let's Build Together" Scholarship
    Build a Legacy of Impact and Opportunity My goal in life is to build a legacy that extends far beyond my lifetime. For my family, that legacy isn't solely focused on providing financial stability. It's about creating a foundation that will allow my five kids, ages 3-7, every opportunity they'll require to be successful. More importantly, I want to instill in them the values, wisdom, and resilience that they may require to move through the challenges that life presents. I want to teach them how to manage stress, to resolve conflict, and to create meaning in relationships. Deep inside, I wish to inspire them to turn into good, loving human beings who can change the world for the better. My vision for legacy-building goes beyond the family. As I pursue my MS in data science, I see so many opportunities to drive meaningful change using data. I have yet to figure out the exact avenue, but it is my desire that has put me behind the wheels of making lives better through using data. I know it has potential to make a dent in health and nutrition, where data guides people toward healthier lives, or in the healthcare system, where it can be leveraged to enhance patient outcomes. And I also see the potential of using data science to increase financial literacy, reduce stress, and create better educational practices. My plan is to focus on one such area with the hope of finding a place to make a dent in society that's beneficial to all. Something that would contribute to people living better, more satisfying lives—whether it would be through a revolutionary application, a novel method of teaching, or a unique approach toward health and well-being. Ultimately, I would want to build a legacy that touches lives across generations and communities. It would be about leaving this world with a better place than I found it, using tools and knowledge to make that lasting, positive change.
    Heal Our World Software Scholarship
    In today's ever-changing world, innovative software has the potential to tackle many challenges As a Master’s student in Data Science with a passion for healthcare, I aim to leverage technology to transform the healthcare industry. My background in exercise science and experience as a personal trainer shaped my understanding of the health benefits of nutrition and exercise. I have witnessed firsthand how healthy lifestyles can transform the lifestyles of individuals from all walks of life. However, the healthcare industry often overlooks preventive measures like nutrition and exercise, leading to a reactive approach to health. This gap presents an opportunity for innovative software to make preventive healthcare more accessible, understandable, and integrated into our daily lives. One major challenge is accessing reliable health information and resources. People often struggle with the overwhelming amount of health advice from social media, google, and friends-much of which is outdated or even contradictory. Software can help by creating a platform that compiles the latest research on nutrition and exercise, offering personalized, evidence-based recommendations. Using machine learning, this platform can tailor advice to individual health profiles, preferences, and goals, providing the most relevant guidance. Additionally, the cost of personal training and nutritional advice is a barrier for many. By developing software solutions that integrate fitness and nutrition services with healthcare insurance plans, we can reduce this financial burden. A platform connecting healthcare providers with certified fitness professionals and dietitians could streamline referrals, ensuring comprehensive care. These fitness professionals could be vetted by healthcare professionals and only the best fitness professionals would be offered to individuals in need. Insurance companies could then promote these services by offering discounts or coverage or even paying/reimbursing portions of the costs, encouraging a more preventive approach to health. Beyond improving accessibility and affordability, innovative software can strengthen community resilience by promoting inclusivity. A digital platform that offers virtual fitness classes, community challenges, and support groups can foster a sense of belonging and motivation among users. By utilizing social networks and gamification techniques, such a platform can encourage individuals to embrace healthier lifestyles and maintain their wellness goals. Inclusivity can be further enhanced by making the platform accessible to people of all ages, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds, thus bridging the gap between different community segments. Looking ahead, I am dedicated to developing software solutions that reflect these principles. In conclusion, innovative software has the potential to address critical societal challenges in healthcare by making preventive measures more accessible, affordable, and inclusive. Through my pursuit of a Master’s in Data Science, I am dedicated to developing solutions that promote proactive health management, enhance quality of life, and contribute to the overall growth and resilience of communities. By harnessing the power of technology, we can create a healthier, more equitable future for all.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    I am 35 years old and a father of five children four boys and one girl. I currently work as a high school Math teacher. I have a BS in Exercise Science and my work experience includes being a personal trainer for about ten years. I have realized that there is a serious gap in the healthcare system with regards to fitness. There must be some level of general fitness if we want a complete health and wellness continuum, but this appears to be missing in today’s healthcare model. My background has helped me understand the role that fitness plays in leading a healthy life. But the structure of the healthcare system leans towards treatment and cure of diseases and illnesses, and not on lifestyle choices that are supposed to enhance the quality of people’s lives or assist in preventing diseases. Many health care professionals do not include fitness as part of their strategies used in handling their patients since often there is not enough data to justify the need for fitness in the healthcare continuum. To fill this gap, I am in the process of acquiring my Master’s in Data Science to kick start a career in Healthcare Data Science. Thus, I think that, in case of proper usage, data can significantly contribute to the shift of the current treatment paradigm. In other words, my end goal, through using data, is to show proof that supports a cause and effect relationship between exercise and health, with the latter including the elimination of many chronic diseases, healthier mental statuses and increased well-being. My vision is integrating a competent personal trainer and reliable fitness center into an ordinary treatment plan by means of regular recommendations to patients by health care providers. Such an approach might result in increased health standards of people, and the aim is to ensure prevention and treatment. Using health statistics and results, it is possible to prove that a health-centered process will decrease the expenses linked to caring for the patient, increase the quality of life, and improve the overall life satisfaction. Also, due to the increase in the number of wearable devices and health apps, there is an abundance of information regarding physical activity, heart rates, sleep, and other metrics. Thus, using the approaches of data science for this huge amount of data, the relation between the necessary types and the necessary amounts of exercise for different populations can be determined. Therefore, it would be easier for the health care provider to incorporate fitness in his/her practice because the plans are developed based on individual needs hence reducing the subjective aspect of the practice. To sum it up, my exercise science and personal training experience, and my current data science education, make me fit to be the voice that demands more concern in the field of healthcare and fitness. I care a lot about role of the evidence-based approach for the implementation of the fitness activities into the health care system and the vision of the health care, built on the principals of wellness and disease prevention. Thus, it is with this vision that I expect to foster a healthier society in which the individual can receive the advantages of fitness and health in the overall wellbeing in a society.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    I teach at the International Leadership of Texas where our motto is "others before self." This principle guides my actions every day. Selflessness, to me, is about putting others' needs before my own, and I've embraced this in many aspects of my life. Here are a few examples of how I've lived out this value. Every day, I'm dedicated to helping my students reach their full potential. I spend extra time before and after school working with those who struggle. One memorable instance involved a couple of students in my AP Calculus class. Despite their immense desire to succeed, they lacked some prerequisite skills that should have been taught years ago. We made a plan to stay after school at least once a week to help them catch up. We focused on building those foundational skills so they would have a better chance of passing the AP exam at the end of the year. In about a week, we'll find out if their efforts paid off, fingers crossed! During my senior year playing football, I received the Coach's Award. I had always played free safety, but my coach believed it would be more beneficial to our team if I played outside linebacker. He explained that this move would likely prevent me from becoming an "all-league" player on defense, but it would strengthen our team overall. I trusted his judgment and made the switch. In the end, I think he was right. Our team went on to be in the top 8 teams in the state, upsetting several of the "power schools" in the process. Another example of putting others first was during my senior year of wrestling. I weighed about the same as one of my best friends, and we were likely the two best wrestlers in the state at our weight class. Instead of competing against each other for the varsity spot, I decided to cut weight and wrestle in a different class. This allowed both of us to compete at state level, increasing our team's chances of winning a trophy. In the end, my friend became a state champion, and I placed a respectable fourth. Additionally, our team finished higher at the state tournament than ever before. Selflessness, is about making choices that benefit others, even if it means sacrificing your own goals or comfort. I've always tried to put others first because I know that's what I would want others to do for me. I will always try to live by the motto from my school, no matter where my future brings me, because I want my students and children to learn from my example and, hopefully, make the world a better place.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    Leadership is not always about being the most vocal or possessing the most glamorous position in high circles. It’s simple, it’s about trust, integrity, authenticity, and participation in people’s lives. My involvement as a captain for my college track and field team, high school track and wrestling teams, and president of my Senior class has made me realize that leadership is about being caring and humble and always leading by example. As a captain of my college track team and the holder of similar positions at high school, I was never one to give grand speeches. Instead, I led by example. I worked hard, I didn't complain, I gave assistance where it was needed and at all times, did my absolute best. Integrity is something that I have valued and practiced my entire life. My "yes" means yes and my "no" means no. This sincerity fosters trust and this is something every leader should seek to have with their followers. Teammates, colleagues, friends: everyone requires confidence that they can count on you. I have also also strived to stand up for the vulnerable. When in high school, I intervened if I saw another student being bullied or picked on and do the same for my students or any teacher in my school. Leadership is not just about the ability to steer; it is also the responsibility to shield and defend the sheep from the wolves. Through wrestling, I learned how to win with humility and lose with grace. Win or lose, you get up, look your opponent in the eyes, and shake their hand. These are concepts that go beyond sports. Sometimes we will be let down or miss out; that is inevitable no matter how smart you are. The way we handle these situations determines our character. As a leader, it is important to be able to recognize when you make mistakes and learn from them. All too often people try to deny making mistakes or make excuses instead of taking them for what they are: a mistake meant to be learned from. I try to model this for my children and my students because I don't want them to be afraid of making mistakes and they shouldn't avoid them. Instead, I want them to embrace the process and take advantage of making mistakes; mistakes are the best way to grow. I'm not your "typical" leader. In many senses, most people probably don't view me as a leader. However, when it comes down to it, when my peers are put into a situation in which they must choose a leader, I have been picked time and time again.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    Mathematics has always captivated me, deeply resonating with my personality and passions as a learner. Its appeal lies in its love for truth, objectivity, and the multi-solution approach to problem-solving, fostering constructive knowledge and skills. One of the most compelling aspects of mathematics is its objective nature. While people can endlessly debate different meanings and interpretations, math offers clear solutions that are either right or wrong, independent of opinions or perspectives. This certainty is both reassuring and invigorating. The drive to find the right solution, knowing it exists and can be reached through study, keeps me endlessly engaged. This objectivity also makes math uniquely fair. Unlike many other fields where solutions can be subjective and influenced by bias, math is unbiased. This fairness ensures that skills and hard work are recognized, regardless of race, color, gender, or nationality. It's one of the greatest joys in life to see merit acknowledged based purely on logical reasoning. Math's richness is reflected in its multiple approaches to solving problems. Each method, whether algebraic, geometric, or numerical, offers a different perspective. This variety allows me to appreciate the elegance of different problem-solving techniques. The journey to the result is as enlightening as the result itself. Another fascinating aspect is the concept of discovery. Each new theorem or formula adds to the pool of knowledge, making every revelation exciting. This constant exploration and learning align with my love for reason and knowledge, making the process highly rewarding. Math isn't just about solving equations; it's about logic, understanding, and analysis. These skills are not only crucial for understanding math, but are also essential in life. Systematic problem-solving, analysis, and logical reasoning are applicable in everyday life. Even if high-level math isn’t used daily, the problem-solving skills learned from studying math are invaluable. Whether it's managing expenses, organizing tasks, or drawing conclusions, the methodical thinking developed through math is incredibly beneficial. It enables a step-by-step approach to any problem, ensuring the best possible solutions. In summary, my passion for mathematics stems from its stable nature, objectivity, diverse problem-solving methods, and the joy of discovery. The logic and critical thinking it fosters are invaluable in both personal and professional life, driving my deep interest in this beautiful field.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    The notion of success can be defined by several different aspects. For me, success is primarily defined by three key elements: financial security, job flexibility, and having the ability to offer my family the best quality experiences. This chance to receive a graduate degree is a very significant step to the fulfillment of my definition of success. I stated that financial security is one of the key components of the concept of success. When you have five kids like I do, it is important that you set your financial house in order. This stability entails not only addressing the bare necessities, but also the ability to indulge in some of the finer things in life. Holidays, weekend outings, and occasionally given treats are all aspects of building good memories and raising healthy children. Currently, with my job as a teacher, even though it is rewarding in many aspects, cannot afford me to fulfill these dreams. The limited earnings here along with the lack of promotion opportunities and increased earnings without taking on substantially more work, are a big problem. Earning a graduate degree will lead to higher paying jobs, thus, the opportunity to build a better future for my family. Another factor that plays a role in my definition of success is maintaining balance between work and life. Education is a noble career; however, it embraces more than just the classroom. The pressure in terms of emotions and psyche, coupled with the requirement to take the work home, does not allow for any spare time or quality time with the kids. Right now, I have many responsibilities, and this hinders me from giving my undivided attention to my family. This imbalance prevents me from getting that wonderful feeling that is associated with spending quality time with my friends and family. This chance to attain graduate level education is a significant step in bettering this situation. I will qualify for a better paying job that will provide flexibility and enable me to have a better work-life balance. A career with more decent working hours would make me more responsive to the needs of my children and allow me to value our moments together. It will give the drive and mental focus required to appreciate all of the activities we do together. Completing this degree and making a change in my career will allow us to indulge in experiences that we could not afford in the past. Basic activities like going to the trampoline park or the zoo become possible, directly improving our family’s quality of life adding joy and excitement to it. More importantly, the thought of going on a family vacation, which is yet to be achieved since our family began over 7 years ago, becomes possible. It is not just about recreation, but it is about harvesting family time and sharing unforgettable moments. To my children, such moments are priceless. In conclusion, success is a combination of financial stability, flexible working hours, and giving my children a prime opportunity to have more experiences. This opportunity to continue my education is critical in attaining these objectives. Further education is costly, and this scholarship will reduce the financial burden while completing my studies. When I am done, I will be situated to get a better paying and more flexible job which will enable me establish happiness and joy for my family. This is the vision of success that I am working to build.
    Rebecca Hunter Memorial Scholarship
    Trying to balance the demands of being a student and a single parent is a constant challenge requiring much strength, dedication, and resilience to keep going. This duality tests me most by consuming all of my time and energy. I work as a high school math teacher, striving to give my students the best education possible. Sadly, this commitment doesn't leave me with any opportunity to give my children the attention they need. This scholarship will help reduce my financial burden, allowing me to focus on my studies and look after my children in the best way possible, which will help me provide a better future. The main challenge I face is time management. Each day is a juggling act. I want to meet my children's needs, by staying on top of being their father or tending to their needs as kids. They come first; I try to spend quality time with them, teach them, play with them, and just be around them, but the demands of my job and studies often leave me feeling stretched thin, and I am always worried that I am not giving them enough of myself. Teaching is quite rewarding, but it also comes with some challenges. Preparing lesson plans, grading papers, and giving feedback that aims to benefit my students, are very time consuming. At times, I have to carry some of my schoolwork home, using the precious time I want to spend with my kids. Pursuing my Master's makes the matter worse, complicating my life further on top of the other things I usually do. This scholarship would open a door for me and my family. I worry about the financial stress and how I will support my children and study. This scholarship would ease some of that stress. I can then spend more time with my children. This degree will allow me to transition to a higher-paying career more quickly, providing my family with greater financial stability. A higher salary would enable me to fill the needs of my children and to plan for their secure future, including their education and extracurricular activities. Besides financial security, completing my degree would also bring me more time with my kids. The better-paid job most likely would also take less time, therefore allowing me to leave things at work and focus on my family at home. This would increase my availability for homework help, school events, and being there overall for my children during these critical years. This scholarship is an investment not just in my education but in my family's future. These funds would provide some means of support that I need in order to be able to meet some of the challenges at hand as well as help me create a more stable and nurturing environment for my children, thus enabling them to lead their own lives toward success. Being a student and a single parent, the most demanding part would be managing time between the two roles effectively. The scholarship will shed some of the financial weight off my shoulders, literally freeing me to concentrate more on the books and my children. Without financial stress, I would be able to save time, setting up my family for a brighter future ahead. With a degree and my new, better-paying career, I could surely provide more financial security for my children and give them much more of my quality time to make sure that they have the support and the resources they need to succeed. This scholarship will be a crucial step toward a brighter future for my family and me.
    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    The experience reveals the fact that I have had substantial difficulties in the process of education, especially two injuries that interrupted my graduate course. One of the first misfortunes that happened was when I dislocated my shoulder and had to undergo surgery and as a result, drop out from schoo After recovering from the initial surgery, I fell off the stairs and fractured my right ankle and had to withdraw again the very next year because of a surgery. These experiences made me ponder about my place in academia as I felt frustrated and disheartened with the entire experience. During that time, I had to decide what was most important to me; to devote my energies to my family, and that has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made – the Lord has blessed me with five magnificent children and a loving fiancé who assists me in being encouraged every day. However, the following challenges have presented themselves: Nonetheless, my interest in STEM especially, mathematics, science, and technology has not waned. In these fields, I have always enjoyed the logical kind of problems that you address and the versatility that is always characteristic of these fields where you can make a positive impact on the world. It is this passion that fuels my ambition to obtain a degree in Data Science as I seize the opportunity to apply my natural affinity to technology and display my analytical capability for pushing the boundaries of innovation. At the moment, I devote myself to work full time so that I can care for my family. Additionally, I work overtime to provide for my family’s necessities. One of the challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities while enrolling in higher learning institutions is that it can be so time consuming and energy sapping. I consider this scholarship as my vital chance If I get the scholarship, it means that I am going to be relieved from some financial burdens for a while, therefore I will reduce my working hours and fully concentrate on my studies. This support would not only help me succeed academically but would also help me play an active role in the academic and co-curricular activities that will complement my course learning and help me build a successful career in Data Science. In other words, to come out of all the challenges means that bear has only boosted my spirit of continuing my education specifically in STEM fields, and this scholarship that I am requesting would be of great importance in enabling me achieve my dreams.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    I've known for many years that my mind naturally gravitates towards the sciences: math, science, and technology. I innately "got it" more than in arts or humanities. Doing well in these subjects, I always enjoyed what I learned. It all started when I majored in computer science for my undergrad studies. This was when I realized that programming all day was something I really didn't want to do. I would much rather lead an active life. Time went by, and things in technology changed with it. The burgeoning opportunity is in the field of Data Science. This is the perfect field for me since I am good at math, science, and technology, which provides a way toward a much better career that may be engaging. My course of study has, to date, brought me through advanced math classes, leading to Calculus II, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. I also have had coursework in biology, physiology, anatomy, and computer programming. One of the highlights of my early education was reaching the "Math is Cool" competition in 5th grade, where I finished 7th in the state individually, and our team came in first. These experiences made me more interested and responsive in problem-solving and critical thinking, which are crucial skills for a data scientist. This, in particular, is a reason that motivates me to use data science in healthcare. The ability to analyze healthcare data to drive better insights for patient outcomes and efficiency-based improvements is exceptionally motivating—marrying my love for solving problems and tangible impact on people's lives. This is the way I have always preferred for my personal and professional development so that I can fight for a better future for my five children. Working full-time and raising a family can make things quite demanding, especially for an individual returning to school. This scholarship support would help cushion the financial burden and give me more time to engage in my studies rather than spending extra time worrying about money. In summary, my passion for STEM and solving real-world issues motivated the selection of a major in Data Science. That does not only meet my strengths but also a very fulfilling and impactful career. This scholarship would go a long way in making the dream accurate both educationally and professionally, helping my family and thereby opening doors to an optimistic future for all.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Mathematics is engineered to perform functions in every scientific structure and in particular calculus is fundamental to STEM education for several reasons. Personally, I consider calculus to be one of the most important branches of math, as it is not just a tool that gives additional comprehensive knowledge about certain phenomena but a powerful tool that allows one to study many sciences and engineering fields in much more depth. Probably the most basic and substantial roles that Calculus plays across various STEM fields is the manner in which it is employed in capturing and measuring change. Regardless whether we’re analyzing an electric current’s circulation through circuits, a space shuttle’s path, or changing populations’ rates, calculus offers the way and means to describe and possibly predict these alterations. For instance, in electrical engineering, all of a sudden calculus enables us to model how circuits behave through differential equations to establish varying voltages and currents over time. Furthermore, calculus is an absolute prerequisite if one were to study or work in the sphere of motion and dynamics. Many concepts such as acceleration, velocity, position, which is fundamental to physics engineering, and other areas can all be defined using calculus. Differential calculus enables one to find the rates of change at a point in space, and this is useful in physics for example, for evaluating the speeds of an object at a certain point in time. Integral calculus, on the other hand, enables easy determination of total characteristics which may include like total distance covered or the total electric charge that has been collected in a given period. Calculus does give us the tools for these activities, especially those involved in estimation and optimisation. Optimization problems, those problems that form a quantitative decision model in which the objective is to obtain the highest or lowest value of some quantities under certain constraints, can be solved using calculus where the solution may include finding the critical points, analyzing the endpoint, and or using optimization algorithms. The calculus is used in such areas as Economics to solve problems like profit-maximization functions as well as in Structural Engineering where engineers are forced to design structures that uses minimal material possible while maximizing their sturdiness. In addition , calculus is fundamental in many other mathematical concepts and theories that are core in the breadth of STEM disciplines. From the first and second order differential equations; whereby we explain the variations of systems with respect to time, to the calculus of variations employed in physics/ engineering optimizations, calculus offers a fundamental structure that is currently applied in the majority of present day science and technology. In my opinion, it is fundamentally true that calculus is integral and not just a collection of ideas and principles in the context of pure mathematics. It has numerous uses across almost every branch and its importance as a component of education and academic research is hard to overstate in professions that rely on accurate quantitative measures and prediction models.
    Career Test Scholarship
    I've known for many years that my mind naturally gravitates towards the sciences: math, science, and technology. I innately "got it" more than in arts or humanities. Doing well in these subjects, I always enjoyed what I learned. It all started when I majored in computer science for my undergrad studies. This was when I realized that programming all day was something I really didn't want to do. I would much rather lead an active life. Time went by, and things in technology changed with it. The burgeoning opportunity is in the field of Data Science. This is the perfect field for me since I am good at math, science, and technology, which provides a way toward a much better career that may be engaging. My course of study has, to date, brought me through advanced math classes, leading to Calculus II, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. I also have had coursework in biology, physiology, anatomy, and computer programming. One of the highlights of my early education was reaching the "Math is Cool" competition in 5th grade, where I finished 7th in the state individually, and our team came in first. These experiences made me more interested and responsive in problem-solving and critical thinking, which are crucial skills for a data scientist. This, in particular, is a reason that motivates me to use data science in healthcare. The ability to analyze healthcare data to drive better insights for patient outcomes and efficiency-based improvements is exceptionally motivating—marrying my love for solving problems and tangible impact on people's lives. This is the way I have always preferred for my personal and professional development so that I can fight for a better future for my five children. Working full-time and raising a family can make things quite demanding, especially for an individual returning to school. This scholarship support would help cushion the financial burden and give me more time to engage in my studies rather than spending extra time worrying about money. In summary, my passion for STEM and solving real-world issues motivated the selection of a major in Data Science. That does not only meet my strengths but also a very fulfilling and impactful career. I'm also certain that this will be a much more enjoyable career than what I'm doing currently. This scholarship would go a long way in making the dream accurate both educationally and professionally, helping my family and thereby opening doors to an optimistic future for all.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    My decathlon experience in Central Washington University is one of the greatest experiences in my life which shaped the kind of person that I am now. I can hardly believe it, but I got the marks of the fourth respondent in the level of this school and passed the exams for several regions of the country! Moreover, it is also with reference to the experiences I faced in the course of my studies as they are part of what made me a person. Another major challenge that hit me very hard was one time I sustained a major injury just before a track event. I had worked so hard and was very keen on proving myself and then one day, here I am, benched. Of course it was challenging to just sit and watch all other players train and me only doing my rehabs and physiotherapies. However, from the numerous physiotherapy sessions and modifying my schedule I got to grasp some good lessons in perseverance. What sustained me was my passion of wanting to be back in the field stronger than I was before. I dedicated much time in studying the methods of training and the provision of food so that every aspect of my training was as efficient as possible. About it was not just about coming out on top; it was about waking up each day feeling better and better and laying the groundwork for success in all the aspects of my life. The opportunity of getting back in competition can best be described as amazing. Wow it was a source of great strength and focus I had not known before. And you know what? Being a rather shy person, I was surprised to be able to get second in the conference and even become the team captain. It was really such a special prize and it showed that there are benefits to that of not giving up. In my position, it was quite fulfilling to make my team considered as my own and teach people about the principles I had learned concerning dedication and teamwork. This journey however was not all about track and field. It also gave me some very valuable lessons of life I must say. I learned that one faces many challenges in life, but if you greet these challenges with good attitude and stronger determination the former leads to greater accomplishments. It was more than gold, silver and bronze; it was people, friendships, health, and preparing for a good future. As for the future, I could hardly wait for the actual experiencing of the next stage of my life. Whether it is concern to having a promotion or taking responsibilities for my family, I will endeavor to press myself and be an example. The motivation that drives me every single day is to be able to get up in the morning and make the loved ones in my life proud of the hard work I put in every day. Thus, while on many moments the goal was simply chasing records, it was also about finding myself, learning not to fall so easily, and becoming the person I always wanted to be.
    Future Leaders Scholarship
    While I was in college, I was voted captain of the track team. This came as a surprise to me, because I was neither the best athlete nor the most vocal person. I think what set me apart was my support for my teammates, belief in their abilities, and my own work ethic. When I first joined the track team, I wasn't the most confident. I walked on to the team because my high school performance wasn't very impressive. Despite my circumstances, I dedicated myself to the sport, putting in countless hours of training, researching my events, and always offering advice where I could. In the end, my hard work paid off, and by the time I graduated, I held the fourth highest score in school history for the decathlon and was a national provisional qualifier. En route to my performance and being voted to team captain, I led by example. I was usually one of the first to arrive and usually one of the last to leave. I never hesitated to support my teammates, whether it was by offering encouragement during tough workouts or helping them with technique during practice. One of my favorite memories was cheering on our 10k runner at our Conference Finals meet. My consistent dedication and positive attitude must not have gone unnoticed, and I believe these qualities were some of the reasons my teammates voted me as their captain. A significant test of my leadership came during a season when I was injured and unable to compete. Despite my disappointment and inability to participate, I remained fully engaged with the team, attending every practice and meet. I offered support and guidance wherever I could, reinforcing my commitment to the team’s success over my individual achievements. This period was challenging because I had to navigate my own frustrations while continuing to motivate my teammates. One memorable incident that highlighted my leadership involved a mistake I made during practice. I had been throwing the shot put in an undesignated area, which resulted in holes in the grass. When our coach inquired about the damage, I immediately admitted my fault, despite knowing there could be repercussions. Another teammate, who had also been practicing with me, later expressed his admiration for my willingness to take responsibility so quickly. This incident reinforced the importance of accountability, a trait I have carried forward into all aspects of my life. The experiences and lessons I gained as team captain have helped shape my approach to leadership. My work ethic and readiness to own up to mistakes have proven invaluable. In my future career, I plan to apply these skills by setting ambitious goals and pursuing them with determination. I will also maintain a high level of transparency and continuous improvement by admitting my mistakes and learning from them. Helping others achieve their potential will remain a cornerstone of my leadership style, as I believe that a supportive and cohesive team can overcome any challenge. In conclusion, my tenure as the track team captain taught me that exceptional leadership is not about being the best or the loudest. It is about being dedicated, supportive, and accountable. These principles have guided me thus far and will continue to do so as I strive to make a positive impact in my future career.
    Norton Scholarship
    Nowadays, we all know about the phrase, "my truth." It has to do with your personal lens to view and experience life (filtering through your emotions, experiences, and lenses). It gives an outlet for people to express their own opinions; however, it raises pivotal questions when we look at it compared to Biblical truth. Our truth and God's truth are a lot different from us. Personal and idiosyncratic truths reflect the perspective of one person on what they see in the world and how that shapes their experiences. For example, one event that happened impacts my moods and thoughts all day, while my husband doesn't feel anything of this and already forgets about it or has a completely different truth about what had happened that time. It promotes a wholly unproductive compounding phenomenon in any field involving thinking humans simply because "my truth" is the ultimate cop-out for anything difficult: I Am Right, Hear The Fire Hose Of My Truth. Whereas God's truth contains no gray areas. It transcends personal feelings and is always constant. This is why the Bible—God's Word—shows up as what is framed to be a brighter light of shining truth. In John 14:6 (NIV), Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life." This is Jesus indicating that He is the personification of truth, not just a concept of it or abstractions. Even the New Testament teaches that truth is unchanging. John 17:17 (NIV) says, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." So Jesus makes it clear that the words of God are the truth and not opinions preached by men. What separates our truth from God's truth is where it comes from. What we understand to be true or false is contingent on our experience and perception, contrasted with God who is not contingent on His essence and knowledge of all things. All this is validated by Hebrews 13:8 (NIV), which reads, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." This constancy assures a stable basis for constructing the fabric of so-called reality. Another key difference is one of scale. Our truths are infants in the nursery of our mere experiences and limited understanding, while His divine Truth stretches back to creation and forward to Eternity. We see this in Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV), where God reminds us, "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'" "My truth" acknowledges an individual point of view, but aligning it unto God's truth requires humility and an open mind to divine wisdom. This saying comes from Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." It encourages believers to look for God's truth over their own wisdom and to recognize that, humanly speaking, our perspective is temporal. This practically looks like us holding our personal truths up alongside the truth of Scripture and being willing to ditch those that do not line up. Hence the desire to transform as our spirit has been renewed, aligning our lives with God's plan for us. In doing so, we can arrive at a deeper and more sustained truth that transcends our specific circumstances.
    Organic Formula Shop Single Parent Scholarship
    Trying to balance the demands of being a student and a single parent is a constant challenge requiring much strength, dedication, and resilience to keep going. This duality tests me most by consuming all of my time and energy. I work with dedication as a high school math teacher, striving to give my students the best education possible. However, this commitment doesn't leave any opportunity for my children to get the attention they need. This scholarship will help reduce my financial burden, allowing me to focus on my studies and look after my children in the best possible way, which will help me provide a better future for us all. The main challenge I face is time management. Each day is a juggling act. I want to meet my children's needs, be it by staying on top of being their father or tending to their needs as a kid. They come first; I try to spend quality time with them, teach them, play with them, and just be around them, but the demands of my job and studies often leave me feeling stretched thin, and I am always worried that I am not giving them enough of myself. Teaching high school math is quite rewarding, but it also comes with its own challenges. Preparing lesson plans, marking papers, and giving feedback that aims to benefit my students constitute very time-consuming and energy-intensive work. At times, my workloads are so engaging that I sometimes have to carry some of my schoolwork home, hence using the precious time I ought to spend with my kids. The pursuit of more education as a professional advancement makes the matter worse, complicating my life further on top of the other things I usually do. This scholarship would open a great door for me and my family. I worry mainly about the financial stress and how I must support my children and still study. This scholarship would rid me of some of that burden, which would help me study properly without being worried about further financial needs. I can then spend more time with my children, ensuring they have all the attention and love they need. Also, the reduced financial pressure would be pivotal in compounding our life. If I take less debt to supplement my education, I would complete my degree in a better financial position. This would allow me to transition to a higher-paying career more quickly, providing my family with greater financial stability. A higher salary would enable me to fill the needs of my children and to plan for their secure future, including their education and extracurricular activities. Besides financial security, completing my degree would also bring me more time with my kids. The better-paid job most likely would also take less time, therefore allowing me to leave things at work and focus on my family at home. This would increase my availability for homework help, school events, and being there overall for my children during these critical years. This scholarship is an investment not just in my education but in my family's future. These funds would provide some means of support that I need in order to be able to meet some of the challenges at hand as well as help me create a more stable and nurturing environment for my children, thus enabling them to lead their own lives toward success. Being a student and a single parent, the most demanding part would be managing time between the two roles effectively. The scholarship will shed some of the financial weight off my shoulders, literally freeing me to concentrate more on the books and my children. Without financial stress, I would be able to save time, setting up my family for a brighter future ahead. With a degree and my new, better-paying career, I could surely provide more financial security for my children and give them much more of my quality time to make sure that they have the support and the resources they need to succeed. This scholarship will be a crucial step toward a brighter future for my family and me.
    Kirk I. Woods Memorial Scholarship
    My future will be changed by education, with the skills and knowledge to make a real difference in healthcare. I am excited to learn how to analyze complex data, find essential insights, and develop new solutions that can improve how healthcare works through a Master's in Data Science. I aim to utilize these skills to help make the healthcare industry proactive at problem prevention, especially by including fitness and personal training in regular healthcare. I have a Bachelor's in Exercise Science and have worked as a personal trainer, so I knew firsthand that fitness and training were often not given the respect they deserve. While these professions impact health and well-being, they are not perceived as legitimate professions that require education and training. That's a problem because personal trainers and fitness professionals are an essential part of getting people healthy and preventing diseases. As a fitness instructor, I have witnessed the potential of an individualized fitness plan and proper training to benefit health significantly. Regular clients of knowledgeable trainers often show improvement in chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even when these benefits are considered, healthcare, for the most part, remains more about treatment than prevention. In comparison, this way of dealing with health problems is more expensive and does not address the root causes. I want to address this gap by bridging data science with my undergraduate background in exercise science. The data science gives us powerful tools to look deeply at the health data, predict trends, and develop strategies for disease prevention. For example, based on the evidence of information from fitness bands, electronic health records, and patient-reported outcomes, we detect patterns and can determine risk factors that cause chronic disease. This information can be used then to come up with personalized wellness programs that focus on problem prevention and lifestyles. This leads me to an important area where I see potential: creating data-driven health initiatives that include fitness as an essential element in preventive care. Predictive analytics can pinpoint the people who are most at risk for conditions like heart disease and diabetes so that intervention may be made through fitness programs designed to lower these risks. This proactive approach will reduce chronic diseases, lower healthcare costs, and improve public health. I can also use such expertise to push for the recognition of personal training and general fitness as key components of health care. This means working with healthcare providers, policymakers, and schools to set standards and certifications that highlight the importance of fitness and training in keeping people healthy. By showing the value of including fitness in healthcare, we can change how people see these professions and make sure they are respected. What I plan to do is give community health programs through fitness and preventive care on a community level through education. With this, we can promote a culture of health and wellness that helps individuals take control of their health, meaning that the burden on the healthcare system will ultimately decrease. I will also mentor promising data scientists and fitness professionals, sharing the insight and experience that has led me to their level of success. By facilitating the new crop of professionals, we can contribute to the growth of the health and fitness space and make sure it's growing in the right direction to further link fitness with preventive care. In conclusion, education is the power that vigorously enforces my ability to change health care. Combining my skills as a data scientist and exercise scientist, I am committed to promoting a proactive approach to health that values fitness and preventive care.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    My journey with mental health has deeply influenced my perspective on life and has guided my aspirations, especially in my academic and professional pursuits. It has been a journey marked by both challenges and personal growth, ultimately leading me to a profound understanding of myself and those around me. Through my struggles with mental health, I have come to understand the critical importance of mental health awareness and the need to remove the stigma associated with it. I firmly believe that mental health is just as significant as physical health and deserves the same level of care and attention. This belief has fueled my passion to advocate for mental health awareness and to challenge misconceptions surrounding mental illness. By promoting acceptance and understanding, I aim to contribute to creating a more supportive society for individuals dealing with mental health issues. Moreover, my experiences with mental health have deeply impacted my relationships. They have taught me the value of empathy, compassion, and understanding in my interactions with others. I have learned to be more patient and supportive, recognizing that everyone faces their own battles and challenges. These lessons have strengthened my relationships and deepened my connections with others. I have also become more open and honest in my communication, believing that vulnerability is essential for building genuine and meaningful relationships. In terms of my career aspirations, my journey with mental health has inspired me to pursue a career in data science, with a focus on healthcare. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Data Science with the goal of becoming a healthcare data scientist. I am passionate about using data analytics to improve healthcare outcomes and patient care. I believe that my background and experiences will allow me to bring a unique perspective to this field, enabling me to make a meaningful impact on healthcare practices and policies. My journey with mental health has not been without its challenges. There was a time when my own mental health struggles prevented me from pursuing a master's degree. After experiencing an injury that required surgery, I fell into a deep depression. The weight of the depression was overwhelming, making it difficult for me to concentrate and engage with my studies. Eventually, I was forced to make the difficult decision to withdraw from the program. It was a heartbreaking moment for me, as I had worked so hard to get to that point, but I knew that my mental health needed to be a priority. This experience had a profound impact on me and further solidified my belief in the importance of mental health awareness and support. It taught me firsthand the devastating effects that mental health issues can have on one's life and the importance of seeking help and taking care of oneself. It also reinforced my commitment to helping others who may be facing similar challenges, as I understand the struggles and obstacles that can come with mental health issues. Despite the setback, I am grateful for the experience as it has made me stronger and more resilient. It has also fueled my determination to pursue a career where I can make a positive impact in the lives of others. I am more committed than ever to raising awareness about mental health and providing support to those in need. My own struggles have shaped my journey and have given me a unique perspective that I hope to bring to my future endeavors in the field of mental health counseling. In conclusion, my experience with mental health has shaped my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations in profound ways. It has taught me valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and resilience, and has inspired me to pursue a career where I can make a positive impact in the lives of others. I am dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues and supporting those who are struggling, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in my journey of growth and self-discovery.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My experience with mental health has had a big impact on me, shaping my goals, relationships, and how I see the world. It's been a journey with ups and downs, but it's taught me a lot about myself and others. Dealing with mental health issues has made me more empathetic and understanding towards others. I know how tough it can be, so I want to help others going through similar struggles. That's why I'm studying psychology in college, to help people with their mental health and make a difference in their lives. My mental health journey has also changed how I relate to people. I've learned that open communication and being vulnerable are key to building strong connections. I've become more patient and accepting, both with myself and others, knowing that everyone has their own battles to fight. In addition, my experience with mental health has opened my eyes to the stigma surrounding it. I've become passionate about raising awareness and promoting acceptance. I want to help break down barriers and make it easier for people to talk about their mental health. Overall, my mental health journey has been transformative. It's taught me important life lessons and shaped my goals for the future. I want to use my experiences to help others and create a more understanding and compassionate world for everyone.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Understanding the universe holds immense significance as it not only unravels the mysteries of our existence but also shapes our perspective of the world. It provides a framework to comprehend the cosmos and our place within it. This pursuit of knowledge has fueled scientific inquiry and technological advancement, leading to profound discoveries and innovations. In this essay, I will explore the importance of understanding the universe and discuss the ideas and concepts I hope to employ in this endeavor. One of the primary reasons why understanding the universe is crucial is that it offers a sense of context and purpose. By exploring the cosmos, we gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and our place in the grand scheme of the universe. This knowledge can be enlightening, inspiring contemplation about the nature of existence and our role in the universe. Additionally, understanding the universe drives technological innovation and scientific progress. Many of the technologies that we rely on today, such as GPS, medical imaging, and space exploration, are a direct result of our understanding of the universe. By continuing to explore and understand the universe, we can develop new technologies and innovations that have the potential to transform our world. Moreover, understanding the universe stimulates curiosity and fosters a spirit of exploration. The universe is a vast and uncharted frontier, offering endless possibilities for discovery and exploration. From the mysteries of black holes to the complexities of quantum mechanics, there is always something new and exciting to learn about the universe. To better understand the universe, I plan to employ a variety of ideas and concepts from mathematics, coding, and data science. Mathematics is the language of the universe, providing a framework for describing and predicting natural phenomena. By studying mathematics, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the universe. Similarly, coding and data science are essential tools that can help us simulate complex systems and test hypotheses about the nature of the universe. By learning how to code, I hope to create simulations that can help us better understand the universe and its underlying principles. In conclusion, understanding the universe is a noble pursuit that has the potential to expand our knowledge, inspire technological innovation, and drive human exploration. By employing ideas and concepts from mathematics, coding, and data science, I hope to contribute to our collective understanding of the universe and unlock new insights into the nature of reality.
    Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
    Overcoming Challenges to Pursue Higher Education Balancing the responsibilities of a full-time job as a math teacher, parenting five children, and pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science is no easy feat. Before and after school, I dedicate time to planning lessons, grading papers, and tutoring students. Additionally, I spend a significant amount of time contacting parents to keep them updated on their child's progress. As a parent, I often feel stretched thin, arriving home exhausted with little energy left to give my children, who deserve more of my time and attention. My wife, too, deserves more of my time and energy as a husband. Despite these challenges, I remain committed to advancing my education and making a positive impact in the field of healthcare data science. Areas of Excellence In my role as a math teacher, I have excelled in fostering student growth and achievement. Last year, I achieved over 80% growth in my students, with 80% of my AP students passing their respective AP tests. My proficiency in math, coding, and programming has not only contributed to my success as a teacher but has also inspired me to seek further education in Data Science. I am confident that these skills will serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field. Field of Study and Post-Graduation Goals My chosen field of study is Data Science, with a specific focus on healthcare. My goal upon graduation is to secure a position as a healthcare data scientist, where I can leverage my skills to drive advancements in healthcare. I am driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact in the field, both professionally and personally. Driving Change in Healthcare In the field of healthcare, I hope to drive changes that will lead to improved healthcare outcomes and advancements in the industry. By applying data science techniques to healthcare data, I aim to uncover insights that will enhance patient care, streamline healthcare processes, and contribute to more efficient healthcare systems. I am willing to drive innovation and change in the field by collaborating with healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to implement data-driven solutions. Personal Growth and Development On a personal level, pursuing higher education in Data Science represents a significant opportunity for growth and development. I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills in this rapidly evolving field, which will not only benefit my career but also enrich my personal and professional life. I am willing to dedicate myself to continuous learning and improvement in order to accomplish these goals. Conclusion In conclusion, my journey to higher education has been marked by challenges, but I have remained determined to pursue my goals. I have excelled in my career as a math teacher and have a strong foundation in math, coding, and programming. My field of study is Data Science, and my goal is to become a healthcare data scientist. I am committed to driving changes in healthcare through data-driven solutions and personal growth. Through perseverance and dedication, I am confident that I can overcome any challenges that come my way and achieve success in my academic and professional endeavors. Winning this scholarship is crucial to me for several reasons. Firstly, it would alleviate financial burdens associated with pursuing higher education. As a math teacher with a family of five, balancing work, family, and studies is already challenging. Financial assistance would ease this burden, allowing me to focus more on my coursework and family responsibilities. Secondly, winning this scholarship would validate my efforts and dedication to furthering my education. It would serve as recognition of my hard work and commitment to personal and professional growth. This validation would not only boost my confidence but also motivate me to continue striving for excellence in my academic and professional endeavors. Moreover, this scholarship would provide me with the opportunity to pursue my passion for healthcare data science. By alleviating financial constraints, I would be able to fully immerse myself in my studies and research, contributing to advancements in healthcare. This, in turn, would enable me to make a meaningful impact in the field, driving positive changes in healthcare outcomes and systems. Furthermore, winning this scholarship would set a positive example for my children. It would demonstrate the importance of education, perseverance, and seizing opportunities for growth. This lesson would be invaluable in shaping their own attitudes towards education and personal development. In conclusion, winning this scholarship would not only alleviate financial burdens but also validate my efforts and enable me to pursue my passion for healthcare data science. It would set a positive example for my children and motivate me to continue striving for excellence. This scholarship is not just about financial assistance; it is about empowerment, recognition, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact in the field of healthcare.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    As a math teacher at International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas), I am deeply committed to giving back to my community. I volunteer my time to help students excel in math, believing that education is a key factor in their future success. Additionally, ILTexas has volunteer requirements for both teachers and students. Students are required to participate in an "Others Before Self" service project each year, while staff members must supervise at least one group project annually. One particularly meaningful experience I supervised involved bringing comfort items to terminally ill cancer patients and spending quality time with them. This project not only provided much-needed support to the patients but also taught our students valuable lessons in empathy and community service. In addition to these projects, I have been involved in organizing drives to collect and donate essential items such as food and clothing to local missions. These drives have had a significant impact on the community, providing support to individuals and families in need. Another way I give back is by writing letters to children with cancer at the Children's Hospital in Houston. These letters are a small gesture, but I hope they bring some joy and encouragement to the children during difficult times. Outside of school-related activities, I have volunteered at various multicultural events, including celebrations for the Chinese Lunar New Year and International Club movie nights. These events promote cultural awareness and unity among our diverse student body and community members. Additionally, I have served as a coach for football, track, and wrestling. Through sports, I have been able to teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience to students. Looking to the future, I am passionate about health and aspire to use my skills in data science to improve healthcare outcomes for all. With a background in math and a strong commitment to community service, I am pursuing a Master’s in Data Science. My goal is to use data analytics to revolutionize healthcare, contributing to more efficient healthcare systems and ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals worldwide. In conclusion, my current efforts in giving back are rooted in my role as a math teacher and community volunteer. I am dedicated to helping my students succeed, supporting those in need, and fostering cultural understanding. In the future, I plan to use my skills in data science to make a positive impact in healthcare and contribute to a better world for all.
    Robert Lawyer Memorial Scholarship
    Returning to college as a non-traditional student has been a transformative experience. After earning a BS in Exercise Science and working as a personal trainer for several years, I realized that my true passion lay in math and science. This realization led me to pursue a career change, and I now teach math. Balancing this career with being a father of five has required resilience and adaptability, which have been crucial in my journey back to higher education. My interest in STEM started in 5th grade when I competed in the “Math is Cool” competition. My team won the event, and I placed 7th individually in the state. This early experience, along with the inspiration from my AP Calculus teacher, cemented my love for math. However, life took me in a different direction initially, leading me to a fulfilling career in personal training. Despite enjoying my work, I felt a strong pull back towards STEM, especially math and data science. Being a non-traditional student means juggling multiple roles. My days are filled with teaching, parenting, and studying, leaving little time for leisure. However, this experience has taught me invaluable lessons in time management and prioritization. Unlike traditional students, I bring a wealth of life experience to my studies, which enriches my understanding and application of academic concepts. My background in exercise science and personal training has given me a unique perspective on the practical applications of math and data science, particularly in healthcare. The decision to return to school was driven by a desire to provide a better future for my family. Pursuing an MS in Data Science is a step towards a career that aligns with both my passions and my responsibilities. My goal is to enter the healthcare data science field, where I can use my skills to make a meaningful impact. This scholarship would greatly reduce the financial strain on my family, allowing me to dedicate more time to my studies and less to extra work hours. Being a non-traditional student also means facing unique challenges. Financial pressures are a constant concern, as I need to balance the cost of education with the needs of my family. The $500 "Tuition Solution" Scholarship would significantly alleviate this burden, enabling me to focus more on my academic pursuits and less on the financial strain. It would also allow me to participate in extracurricular activities and internships, which are crucial for gaining practical experience in data science. In conclusion, being a non-traditional student has profoundly shaped my educational journey and future goals. It has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of time management. With the support of the $500 "Tuition Solution" Scholarship, I can continue to pursue my dream of contributing to the healthcare industry through data science, while also providing for my family. This scholarship would be a crucial step towards achieving my goal of making a significant impact in healthcare through data science.