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Janiya Morris


Bold Points




My life goal is to become a dentist and make positive impact on people's health and confidence through dental care. I'm passionate about helping others and improving their quality of life, whether through volunteering, leadership roles, or my future career in dentistry. My two years of dental office experience have given me valuable insights into the profession, and I'm dedicated to further developing my skills. I believe I am a great candidate because of my strong work ethic, commitment to serving others, and desire to make a difference in my community.


Tennessee State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Public Health


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Dentistry
    • Public Health
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      My long-term career goal is to establish my very own dental practice, where I can provide high-quality, patient-centered care while fostering a positive and inclusive environment for both patients and staff!



      2022 – 20242 years


      • Captain


      • HIP'Notyze Dance Troupe

        2024 – Present
      • Dance 4 Your Life

        2017 – 2022

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Creative Kids Rock — My role was to help facilitate activities like raffles for exciting prizes and to ensure the event was both engaging and enriching, giving the children a chance to feel celebrated and supported in a positive, uplifting atmosphere.
        2023 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        Tennessee Department of Transportation — My role was to keep Tennessee's roadways and public spaces clean so I picked up trash around my school with other classmates, by participating in organized litter cleanups.
        2023 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        Atlanta Community Food Bank — Sorting, packing, and distributing food, while also supporting the organization's efforts to raise awareness about hunger and work toward long-term solutions that strengthen the community.
        2024 – 2024

      Future Interests




      Online ADHD Diagnosis Mental Health Scholarship for Women
      Mental health plays a significant role in shaping both my academic performance and personal life. As a student balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and social life, I’ve come to understand that mental health is not just an aspect of well-being but a foundational element in achieving success and maintaining stability. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve faced moments where stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue have directly impacted my ability to focus and perform well in school. Over time, I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing my mental health to sustain both my academic success and personal growth. One of the key ways mental health impacts my academic performance is through stress management. Like many students, I experience anxiety during exam seasons, major projects, and when faced with high expectations. When my mental health is strained, my ability to concentrate diminishes, and even tasks that would normally take a short time become overwhelming. I’ve noticed that stress not only reduces my productivity but also lowers my confidence in my academic abilities. This creates a vicious cycle where anxiety leads to lower performance, which in turn increases my stress levels. In my personal life, mental health challenges can affect my relationships and my sense of self. When I'm mentally exhausted, it becomes difficult to engage with friends, family, or even take care of my own needs. My ability to maintain a positive outlook and connect with others is diminished when I am struggling internally. For instance, when academic pressure mounts, I may withdraw from social interactions, feeling that I don’t have the emotional capacity to balance both school and personal connections. Over time, I’ve realized how important it is to maintain these relationships as a support system, and I’ve begun taking intentional steps to nurture them, even during challenging times. To ensure my mental health remains a priority, I have adopted several strategies that help me stay balanced and resilient. First, I practice time management skills that allow me to structure my days in a way that avoids last-minute cramming and panic. By breaking down large assignments into smaller, manageable tasks, I reduce the pressure and anxiety that often accompany deadlines. I also set aside specific times for breaks and relaxation, allowing myself to step away from the books and recharge my mind. Another step I take is prioritizing self-care. This includes engaging in physical activities such as yoga or going for walks, which helps to release built-up stress and improve my overall mood. Physical exercise is a key tool in managing anxiety and mental fatigue, as it gives me a break from studying and clears my mind. In addition, I focus on getting adequate sleep. While it can be tempting to pull all-nighters, I know that lack of sleep directly impacts both my mental and academic performance. Finally, I actively seek support when needed. Whether it’s reaching out to friends, talking to a mentor, or utilizing campus counseling services, I recognize the importance of not going through struggles alone. Being open about my mental health has allowed me to build a support network that helps me navigate the challenges of school. I also practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and journaling, to keep myself grounded and aware of my mental state. In conclusion, my mental health has a significant impact on both my academic performance and personal life. Acknowledging this has helped me take proactive steps to ensure I maintain a balance between school and self-care. By managing stress, practicing self-care, and seeking support, I have been able to make my mental health a priority, which ultimately enhances my academic success and overall well-being.
      RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
      Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” (from The Republic) Passage: The prisoners in the cave see only shadows on the wall, believing them to be reality, until one prisoner escapes and sees the true world outside. Theme: The nature of reality, enlightenment, and the human condition. You can explore how Plato’s work touches on the limits of human perception and the transformative power of knowledge. In Plato’s *Republic*, the “Allegory of the Cave” is one of the most profound philosophical metaphors ever conceived, addressing the nature of human perception, the acquisition of knowledge, and the human condition itself. The allegory not only illustrates Plato's theory of Forms but also poses important questions about the limits of sensory experience, the transformative power of education and enlightenment, and the resistance of human beings to intellectual and spiritual growth. This allegory continues to resonate deeply with audiences because it captures the essence of human ignorance and the struggle to understand reality in a world dominated by appearances and false beliefs. Plato describes a group of prisoners who have been chained inside a dark cave since childhood, facing a wall. Behind them burns a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway where objects and puppets pass, casting shadows on the wall in front of the prisoners. Since the prisoners are only able to see the shadows and have never seen the actual objects or the outside world, they assume that the shadows are the entirety of reality. For the prisoners, the shadows are the only truth they know. However, one prisoner is freed from the cave and, after an initially painful and disorienting experience, escapes into the world outside. There, he sees the real objects, illuminated by the sun, and comes to understand that the shadows in the cave were mere reflections of true forms. Realizing this, he returns to the cave to share his knowledge with the others, but they reject his revelations, preferring the comfort and familiarity of the shadows. The allegory, at its core, highlights the limitations of human perception and the difficulty of transcending these limitations to grasp true knowledge. In Plato’s view, the cave represents the world of appearances, the everyday reality that most people accept without question. The shadows on the wall symbolize the superficial truths and beliefs that people hold—truths based on sensory experience, societal norms, or incomplete understanding. For most individuals, these shadows are sufficient; they provide structure and a sense of certainty, even if they do not reflect the deeper truths of existence. Plato suggests that most people are content to live in this world of shadows, never questioning the nature of reality or seeking higher knowledge. The prisoner who escapes from the cave represents the philosopher, or more generally, anyone who seeks to understand the true nature of reality. Plato believed that genuine knowledge—knowledge of the Forms—could only be attained through reason, not through sensory experience. The world of Forms, which is represented by the world outside the cave, consists of eternal, unchanging truths that exist independently of the material world. According to Plato, the material world is merely a reflection or imitation of the true world of Forms, and it is the philosopher’s task to transcend the material world and grasp the Forms through intellectual reasoning. The process of leaving the cave and adjusting to the light of the sun is symbolic of the difficult and often painful journey toward enlightenment. The prisoner’s initial blindness upon being exposed to the sunlight represents the disorientation that often accompanies the search for truth. When one begins to question deeply ingrained beliefs and to seek a deeper understanding of reality, the experience can be uncomfortable and even distressing. Plato emphasizes that the process of enlightenment is not easy; it requires effort, patience, and a willingness to endure discomfort and uncertainty. The sun, which illuminates the real world, symbolizes the ultimate truth, or the Form of the Good. In Plato’s philosophy, the Form of the Good is the highest and most important of all the Forms, as it is the source of all knowledge and reality. The allegory also illustrates the tension between those who have attained knowledge and those who remain in ignorance. When the enlightened prisoner returns to the cave to share his newfound understanding, he is met with resistance and hostility from the other prisoners, who are still chained and can only see the shadows on the wall. They are comfortable in their ignorance and do not want to accept the idea that the shadows they have known all their lives are not the ultimate reality. This reaction reflects Plato’s belief that people are often resistant to new ideas, especially when those ideas challenge their existing worldview. The prisoners in the cave, like many people in society, are unwilling to question the reality they have always known and are hostile toward those who attempt to enlighten them. This resistance to enlightenment has deep philosophical implications. Plato’s allegory speaks not only to individual ignorance but also to the broader societal resistance to change and the pursuit of truth. Throughout history, those who have challenged conventional beliefs or sought to expand human understanding have often been met with hostility and persecution. Socrates, Plato’s mentor, is a prime example. He was executed by the state for encouraging people to question accepted beliefs and think critically about the world around them. The allegory of the cave can be seen as a reflection of Socrates’ experience, as well as a warning about the difficulties and dangers faced by those who seek to illuminate the truth in a world that prefers to remain in the shadows. Plato’s allegory also raises important questions about the nature of reality and how human beings come to understand it. The shadows on the wall represent the world of appearances, which, according to Plato, is only a partial and distorted reflection of the true reality, the world of Forms. The prisoners in the cave are like most people, who rely on their senses to understand the world. However, Plato argues that sensory experience is unreliable and that true knowledge can only be attained through reason and intellectual inquiry. This distinction between the world of appearances and the world of Forms is central to Plato’s philosophy. He believed that the material world is constantly changing and therefore cannot provide reliable knowledge. In contrast, the Forms are eternal and unchanging, and only by understanding the Forms can one attain true knowledge. The allegory’s relevance extends beyond the philosophical ideas it presents; it also offers profound insights into the human condition. The journey out of the cave can be seen as a metaphor for personal growth and self-discovery. Just as the prisoner must leave the familiar but false world of shadows to discover the true world outside, individuals must often leave behind their comfort zones and challenge their existing beliefs in order to grow intellectually and spiritually. This process is not easy, and it often involves confronting uncomfortable truths and enduring periods of confusion and uncertainty. However, Plato suggests that the rewards of enlightenment—greater understanding, wisdom, and connection to the ultimate truth—are worth the struggle. Moreover, the allegory speaks to the role of education in shaping human understanding. Plato believed that education is not merely about imparting knowledge but about guiding individuals toward the truth and helping them to see beyond appearances. In this sense, education is a process of liberation, freeing individuals from the chains of ignorance and enabling them to engage with the world in a deeper and more meaningful way. The philosopher’s journey out of the cave is symbolic of the process of education, which involves not only the acquisition of knowledge but also the development of critical thinking and the ability to question accepted beliefs. In a modern context, the allegory of the cave remains highly relevant. In today’s world, where information is readily available but often superficial or misleading, Plato’s warning about the dangers of relying solely on appearances is particularly poignant. The shadows on the wall can be seen as a metaphor for the media, social networks, and other sources of information that shape public opinion but often present only a partial or distorted version of reality. Just as the prisoners in the cave mistake the shadows for reality, many people today accept the information they receive without questioning its accuracy or seeking deeper understanding. Plato’s allegory reminds us of the importance of critical thinking and intellectual inquiry in an age where appearances can be deceiving. In conclusion, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is a powerful and enduring metaphor that addresses fundamental questions about human perception, the nature of reality, and the pursuit of knowledge. It illustrates the limitations of sensory experience, the challenges of enlightenment, and the resistance to intellectual and spiritual growth. The allegory also emphasizes the transformative power of education and the importance of questioning accepted beliefs in the search for truth. In a world where appearances often dominate and deeper truths are elusive, Plato’s allegory remains a timeless reminder of the importance of seeking knowledge beyond the shadows on the wall. Through the allegory, Plato encourages us to strive for a higher understanding of reality and to recognize that the journey toward truth, though difficult, is ultimately the most meaningful pursuit. Thank you, Janiya Morris
      Eric W. Larson Memorial STEM Scholarship
      I come from a low-income household where the pursuit of education has always been a priority, but financial limitations have created significant obstacles. Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, my parents worked tirelessly to support my sibling and me. They instilled in me the importance of education as a means to overcome adversity and break the cycle of poverty. However, the challenges of navigating academic life and financial instability have been immense. Financial hardship has been a constant companion throughout my educational journey. While my parents worked multiple jobs, they couldn’t afford to save for my college education. As a result, I knew I would need to rely on scholarships, financial aid, student loans, and part-time jobs to make my dream of attending college a reality. While this was daunting, it also gave me a deep sense of responsibility and motivation to work hard, knowing that I would have to take ownership of my future. During high school, I faced the additional challenge of balancing academic responsibilities with part-time work to help support my family. I took on various jobs, from tutoring to retail, all while maintaining a strong GPA. These experiences taught me time management, discipline, and perseverance. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed, but the adversity I faced only strengthened my resolve to succeed academically. Upon graduating high school, I was accepted into Tennessee State University, where I am currently a Health Sciences major. My passion for healthcare, specifically dentistry, stems from my belief in the power of preventive care and its impact on quality of life. Growing up in a low-income community, I saw firsthand how limited access to healthcare, including dental care, can affect individuals’ self-esteem and overall well-being. Many people in my neighborhood could not afford regular dental checkups, leading to avoidable issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Witnessing this sparked my interest in dentistry, as I saw it as a way to directly improve lives. My two years of experience interning at dental offices have solidified my commitment to this field. Through these internships, I gained hands-on experience in patient care, learned about dental hygiene, and saw the positive effects that proper oral care can have on health and self-confidence. One powerful moment during my internship was seeing the transformation in a patient who had undergone extensive dental work after years of neglect due to financial struggles. The gratitude on her and her family's face and the renewed sense of confidence she exhibited made me realize that dentistry is about restoring dignity and improving lives. This experience has fueled my passion to pursue a career in dentistry, where I hope to provide accessible care to underserved communities. My financial circumstances have continued to present challenges throughout my time in college. Despite receiving financial aid and taking out student loans, there have been moments when I wasn’t sure how I would pay for textbooks or housing. However, these financial difficulties have motivated me to work harder and seek opportunities like this scholarship to stay on track with my academic goals. The adversity I’ve faced has taught me resilience and resourcefulness, and I know these qualities will serve me well in my future career. As a woman in STEM, I am particularly passionate about increasing diversity in the healthcare field. STEM fields, including dentistry, have historically been dominated by men, and I recognize the importance of diverse perspectives. As a university cheerleader advocating for change and inclusion, I have already taken steps to promote diversity on campus, and I hope to continue this advocacy in my future career. I want to be a role model for young women of color aspiring to enter STEM fields, showing them they can achieve their dreams despite barriers. Looking to the future, I am excited about the impact I can make through my work in healthcare. I want to open a dental practice focusing on care for underserved communities, particularly those unable to afford regular visits. I believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, and I want to help close the gap between those who can afford care and those who cannot. By offering affordable care and educating patients about preventive dental care, I hope to reduce oral health issues in low-income communities and improve overall health outcomes. In addition to providing patient care, I also aspire to be involved in community outreach and advocacy aimed at improving healthcare access and equity. Whether through organizing free dental clinics, providing educational workshops, or advocating for policy changes, I want to be an active force for positive change in the healthcare system. My goal is to create a more equitable system where everyone, regardless of background or income level, can access the care they need. In conclusion, my personal background and experiences with financial adversity have shaped my goals and fueled my passion for healthcare. While the challenges I’ve faced have been difficult, they have made me stronger, more determined, and more empathetic toward others who face similar struggles. Pursuing a degree in Health Sciences is about securing a stable future for myself, but about using my education to uplift others and make a meaningful difference in my community. This scholarship would provide the financial support I need to continue my education and bring me one step closer to achieving my dream of making healthcare accessible to all. I am deeply committed to my journey in healthcare and look forward to the impact I will make in the future. Thank you, Janiya Morris
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      My experience with mental health has been a defining part of my life, shaping the way I see myself, approach my goals, build relationships, and understand the world around me. Mental health, once a topic I seldom thought about, has become an important lens through which I now view life, and it has profoundly influenced my personal growth. Although it has been a challenging journey, it has also been one of immense self-discovery, resilience, and learning. During my high school years, I faced significant stress and anxiety due to the pressure of academics, extracurricular activities, and personal expectations. I was determined to excel in everything I did, but over time, the weight of these responsibilities began to take a toll on my mental health. As someone who was used to pushing through adversity, I didn’t initially recognize the signs of burnout. I believed that as long as I was doing well on the outside, it didn’t matter how overwhelmed I felt on the inside. Eventually, though, I reached a breaking point, and I realized that ignoring my mental health would only prevent me from achieving my long-term goals. This realization was a turning point for me. I began to understand that taking care of my mental health was not a sign of weakness, but a vital aspect of overall well-being. As I worked to address my anxiety and prioritize self-care, I learned important lessons that have shaped my goals and aspirations. First, I realized that success is not just about academic achievements or external accomplishments but about leading a balanced and fulfilling life. My goals have since evolved to include not only professional aspirations but also personal happiness, self-care, and meaningful relationships. In terms of my relationships, my experience with mental health has made me more empathetic and understanding toward others. I now recognize that everyone is carrying their own burdens, even when they appear strong or successful. This awareness has allowed me to build deeper, more authentic connections with those around me. I have become more open about discussing mental health with friends and family, and I’ve found that sharing my own experiences has helped others feel comfortable opening up about theirs. These conversations have strengthened my relationships and created a support network based on mutual understanding and care. In my role as a university cheerleader, I have also used my platform to advocate for mental health awareness. I believe it is important to break the stigma surrounding mental health, especially in environments where there is pressure to always appear strong, capable, and resilient. Cheerleading, like many other sports, can often come with high expectations, both physically and mentally. By sharing my own struggles and encouraging my teammates to prioritize their mental well-being, I hope to create a more supportive and compassionate environment for everyone involved. On a broader scale, my experience with mental health has transformed the way I understand the world. I’ve come to see that mental health is a crucial aspect of the human experience, one that is often overlooked or stigmatized. This realization has inspired me to pursue a career in healthcare, where I can contribute to the well-being of others not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I am particularly passionate about promoting mental health awareness in healthcare settings, where patients’ emotional needs are often just as important as their physical ones. My goal is to create a holistic approach to care that acknowledges the full spectrum of a person’s health, including their mental and emotional well-being. Moreover, I’ve developed a deeper appreciation for the importance of mental health in communities. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of background, and they are often interconnected with other social issues such as poverty, discrimination, and access to resources. This understanding has reinforced my commitment to making healthcare more inclusive and accessible. I want to be a part of the solution that helps dismantle the barriers preventing individuals from receiving the care they need, whether due to stigma, lack of resources, or systemic inequalities. As I continue my academic journey, I am motivated not only by my desire to succeed in healthcare but also by the lessons I’ve learned from my mental health journey. I know now that in order to achieve my goals, I must prioritize balance, self-compassion, and resilience. I have learned to listen to my mind and body, to recognize when I need help, and to understand that seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. These insights have made me a more determined, compassionate, and thoughtful individual, qualities I believe will serve me well in my future career. In conclusion, my experience with mental health has been transformative. It has shaped my goals by teaching me the importance of balance and self-care, influenced my relationships by deepening my empathy and understanding, and broadened my perspective on the world by highlighting the importance of mental health in all aspects of life. As I pursue a career in healthcare, I am committed to using these experiences to advocate for mental health awareness, promote inclusivity, and create meaningful, positive change in the lives of others. This scholarship will support me in achieving these goals by alleviating some of the financial burdens that come with higher education, allowing me to focus on what truly matters, learning, growing, and making a difference in the world. Thank you, Janiya Morris
      Women in Healthcare Scholarship
      From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the human body and how medical professionals can make a difference in people’s lives by providing care and healing. As I grew older, this curiosity turned into a passion for healthcare, and I decided to pursue a degree in Health Sciences with the goal of becoming a dentist. What inspired me most was the ability to transform someone’s quality of life through a combination of skill, compassion, and service. I chose healthcare because it’s a field where I can not only help individuals on a daily basis but also be a part of a larger system that promotes well-being in society. Having completed two summer internships at dental offices, I gained valuable insight into the role healthcare providers play in both treating patients and educating them about maintaining their health. I saw firsthand how healthcare professionals, particularly in dentistry, can improve someone's confidence and self-image by addressing oral health issues. I knew then that I wanted to dedicate my career to not only treating dental problems but also helping people smile confidently, knowing that their health is in good hands. As a woman pursuing a career in healthcare, I am aware of both the challenges and the opportunities ahead. Women continue to be underrepresented in many specialized fields of healthcare, and there are often barriers to career advancement. However, I view these challenges as an opportunity to make an even greater impact. By breaking down barriers and advocating for inclusion and diversity, I hope to pave the way for other young women who aspire to enter the healthcare field. My goal is to be a role model and mentor to those who, like me, are determined to make a difference through their work. One of the most powerful ways I plan to make a positive impact as a woman in healthcare is by focusing on creating inclusive environments for both patients and professionals. Healthcare should be accessible and welcoming to all, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic background. As a university cheerleader who advocates for change and inclusion, I have already begun working toward this mission in my current roles. I believe that, in the healthcare field, it is equally important to provide care with sensitivity to diverse experiences and identities. In my future dental practice, I plan to ensure that every patient feels heard, respected, and empowered to take control of their health. Additionally, as a woman in healthcare, I will bring compassion, empathy, and strong communication skills to my practice. Women are often uniquely positioned to offer emotional support to patients, and I believe that these qualities will allow me to provide holistic care that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of those I serve. I am passionate about educating my future patients on preventative care, ensuring they have the knowledge and resources they need to maintain long-term health. Ultimately, I chose to pursue a degree in healthcare because it aligns with my core values of service, compassion, and making a lasting difference in people’s lives. As a woman in the healthcare field, I am committed to not only providing excellent care but also advocating for greater inclusivity, representation, and education within the profession. I am excited to continue this journey and to contribute to the health and well-being of my community, one patient at a time. Thank you, Janiya Morris
      Jennifer and Rob Tower Memorial Scholarship
      Throughout my life, I have always believed in the power of kindness to positively influence others. One instance that stands out to me was my experience organizing a "Sneakerball" event for children in my community. This event was designed to give kids a chance to express themselves through fashion, enjoy a fun night of activities, and win exciting prizes like shoes, TVs, and more. The event was not only about entertainment but also about building confidence and creating an inclusive space where every child felt valued. What motivated me to create this event was the realization that many children in my community lacked opportunities to express themselves or be recognized in positive ways. I grew up in a neighborhood where some families struggled to provide opportunities for their kids to participate in enriching experiences. Many children, despite their talent and potential, didn’t have the platforms to express themselves in a way that helped build their confidence. I wanted to change that by organizing something special, where every child could feel like they belonged. I wanted to show these kids that their voices and self-expression mattered. To bring the event to life, I worked with local vendors, raised donations for raffle prizes, and brought together a team of volunteers to ensure the event was a success. Organizing this event required dedication, coordination, and an immense amount of effort, but seeing the children’s excitement and joy was worth every challenge. We created a space where kids could freely express themselves without judgment, all while having fun and forming meaningful connections with one another. Through this experience, I learned that even the simplest acts of kindness, like giving a child the chance to shine, can have a profound impact. The most powerful moment of the evening came when one of the raffle winners, a young boy who had been quiet and shy throughout the night, won a brand-new pair of shoes. His face lit up, and for the first time, he began to interact with other children, showing off his shoes with pride. That moment reminded me how much kindness, in the form of creating a supportive and fun environment, can boost someone’s confidence and sense of belonging. It was heartwarming to see how the event brought joy to all the children and helped them build friendships. Watching them step out of their shells, supported by the kindness they received, made me realize that this small act of generosity had the power to shape how they viewed themselves and the world around them. Beyond the "sneakerball," this experience reinforced a pattern of kindness I try to live by... looking for ways to lift others up and create environments where they can thrive. In addition to the Sneakerball, I have had the opportunity to practice kindness in various other roles. As a university cheerleader, I advocate for change and inclusion, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, feels valued and included. Cheerleading has given me a platform to push for greater representation and to foster an environment where all athletes feel empowered to contribute fully. By working with my teammates and university leaders, I have helped create a more inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and encourages people to express themselves freely. I also believe in the power of kindness through mentorship. At Tennessee State University, I’ve had the chance to mentor younger students, helping them navigate the challenges of college life. Through these mentoring experiences, I strive to be a source of encouragement, offering support and guidance whenever needed. By taking time to listen and share my own experiences, I hope to provide them with the tools and confidence to succeed both academically and personally. Whether it’s offering advice on handling tough coursework or simply being a supportive presence during difficult times, kindness in mentorship has allowed me to positively impact the lives of those around me. Another significant opportunity to practice kindness came through my involvement in the "No Trash November" event hosted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. As a volunteer, I participated in litter cleanups to help protect the environment and beautify our community. This experience taught me that kindness extends not only to individuals but also to our shared spaces. Through this event, I was able to engage with others in our community to make a difference and help preserve the natural beauty of our surroundings for future generations. Even in something as simple as picking up trash, we collectively contributed to a larger purpose, one that benefits everyone. In each of these instances, I’ve learned that kindness, whether expressed through volunteering, mentoring, or advocating for others, has a ripple effect. What begins as a small act of compassion can expand to positively impact countless lives. Organizing the Sneakerball, cheering for inclusion, mentoring others, and participating in environmental cleanups are all examples of how kindness can transform both individuals and communities. Ultimately, kindness is about recognizing the humanity in others and seeking ways to make their lives a little bit better. Whether it’s through a single act or a series of efforts, I believe that showing kindness helps build stronger, more connected communities. This belief drives everything I do, and it continues to inspire me to look for new ways to make a positive difference in the world around me. As I move forward in my academic and professional journey, I am committed to carrying this pattern of kindness with me, creating environments where people feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed.
      Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
      Community involvement has always been a significant part of my life, and what truly inspires me to get involved is the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the impact that a strong, connected community can have on individuals. Whether it was through church events, neighborhood cleanups, or volunteer projects at school, I saw how a community’s strength comes from its people coming together for a common good. That realization has driven me to take an active role in uplifting those around me and working toward positive change. One of the most significant influences in my community involvement has been my family. My parents instilled in me the values of service, compassion, and empathy. They always reminded me that no matter how little you may have, there is always something you can give, whether it’s your time, your effort, or a simple act of kindness. These lessons have stayed with me, shaping my desire to give back and be a source of encouragement and support to others. As I’ve grown older, my involvement in community service has expanded. One of the most impactful volunteer experiences I’ve had was organizing a “sneakerball” event for children. The goal of the event was to provide a space where kids could express themselves through fashion while also giving them a chance to win exciting raffle prizes like shoes and TVs. The event wasn’t just about having fun; it was about empowering children to feel confident and celebrated for who they are. Additionally, we partnered with local vendors, reinforcing the importance of supporting small businesses and creating a sense of community pride. Seeing the smiles on the kids' faces and knowing that I had a hand in bringing joy to their lives was incredibly rewarding. This experience fueled my passion to continue creating opportunities that uplift and inspire others. As a university cheerleader, I have taken on another meaningful role by advocating for change and inclusion within my team and campus community. Cheerleading has given me a platform to push for greater representation and ensure that all athletes, regardless of background, feel accepted and valued. By collaborating with my teammates and university officials, I’ve worked to create more inclusive environments where everyone has an equal chance to shine. Cheerleading isn’t just about team spirit; it’s about fostering a culture where everyone’s unique contributions are recognized and celebrated. Beyond individual events, I have worked to influence change by advocating for awareness on important issues. One initiative I’ve been involved in is promoting environmental sustainability through events like “No Trash November,” hosted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. My participation in this event reinforced the importance of keeping our public spaces clean and protecting the environment for future generations. By encouraging others to participate and helping to organize cleanups, I felt I was contributing to a greater cause, preserving the beauty of our campus while fostering a sense of responsibility and pride within our community. Involvement in my community is not just a responsibility; it’s a privilege. I am inspired by the people I meet, the challenges we face together, and the solutions we create as a collective. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness or large-scale events, I believe that community involvement is essential in building a better, more connected world. As I continue my academic journey, I look forward to finding new ways to serve, lead, and influence positive change in the communities I am a part of.
      Janiya Morris Student Profile |