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Jacey Lucas


Bold Points




Hi! My name is Jacey Lucas, and I am from Stonewood, West Virginia. I am currently a sophomore at West Virginia University. One life goal of mine is to become a nurse anesthetist, even if I have to work my way up. When I graduate from high school, I would love to attend a nursing program to earn my BSN and MSN. I am most passionate about helping people in any shape or form. From the time I was born, I've experienced health issues, and the compassion and love I've received has always inspired me to pay it forward by giving that same to others that I will meet along my journey of life. I always put others before myself and focus on how I can make their lives better. If it wasn't for the amazing health care staff that myself and family had encountered through the years, I wouldn't be where I am or even who I am. Along with my family, they have been a huge part of my life. I am a great candidate because I have all of the bold qualities. I consider myself driven, determined, hardworking, and compassionate individual. One of my biggest goals in life is make a positive impact on as many lives that I can, show compassion, and be that helping hand to those who need it. Receiving a scholarship from would mean the world to me. Winning a scholarship would allow me to achieve my goals and improve other lives in a significant, meaningful way. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!


Bridgeport High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Health, Wellness, and Fitness

    • Dream career goals:

      Nurse practitioner



      2018 – 20213 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        United Way for Harrison County — gift wrapper
        2018 – 2021

      Future Interests



      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      My mother has been the most profound influence in my life. She has helped me to realize my full potential and has been there for me through thick and thin. Growing up, I was a shy and introverted child. I struggled with making friends and often felt like I didn't fit in. My mother recognized my struggles and worked tirelessly to help me overcome them. She was always there to listen to me, to encourage me, and to support me. When I was struggling in school, she would sit with me for hours, helping me with my homework and answering any questions I had. When I was feeling down, she would always find a way to make me laugh and lift my spirits. My mother taught me the importance of hard work and dedication. She instilled in me a strong work ethic and encouraged me to always do my best. She was always there to cheer me on when I succeeded and to pick me up when I fell short. One of the most significant ways in which my mother impacted my life was by teaching me to be kind and compassionate to others. She showed me that everyone has their struggles and that we should always try to be understanding and empathetic. She encouraged me to volunteer in the community and to help those in need. This lesson has stayed with me throughout my life, and I continue to strive to be a kind and compassionate person. My mother has been my rock through some of the most challenging times in my life. When I was going through a difficult breakup, she was there to listen to me and to offer her support. When I was struggling with my mental health, she helped me to find the resources I needed to get the help I required. When I was facing a difficult decision, she was there to offer her advice and guidance. As I have grown older, my relationship with my mother has continued to evolve. She has become not only my mother but also my friend and confidant. We share our hopes, dreams, and fears, and I know that I can always count on her to be there for me. In conclusion, my mother has profoundly impacted my life by helping me realize my full potential. She has taught me the importance of hard work, dedication, and kindness. She has been there for me through the ups and downs of life, and I am grateful for her unwavering love and support. I know that I would not be the person I am today without her guidance and influence, and I will always be grateful for everything she has done for me.
      Appalachian Region Vocational Scholarship
      I have always been drawn to the healthcare field, and nursing, in particular, has always been a career that I have been passionate about. For me, being a nurse is more than just a job; it is a calling. I believe that nursing is a noble profession that offers the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives, and I am excited to be pursuing this career. One of the things that drew me to nursing is the opportunity to work closely with patients and their families. I believe that nursing is a very personal and intimate profession, and I am excited about the opportunity to build strong relationships with my patients. I believe that this is one of the most important aspects of nursing, as it allows me to provide care that is tailored to each patient's unique needs. Another aspect of nursing that I find appealing is the chance to work in a variety of settings. Whether it is in a hospital, clinic, or community health center, nursing offers a wide range of opportunities to make a positive impact on people's lives. I am excited about the prospect of working in different settings throughout my career, as I believe that this will allow me to gain a broad range of experience and develop a well-rounded skillset. As I begin my career in nursing, my goal is to make a difference in the lives of my patients. I believe that nursing is a profession that requires both technical skill and compassion, and I am committed to developing both of these qualities throughout my career. One of the ways that I plan to make a difference as a nurse is by working with underprivileged communities. I believe that access to quality healthcare is a basic human right, and I am passionate about working to address healthcare disparities in my community. Whether it is through volunteering my time or working in a community health center, I am committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those who are most in need. Another way that I plan to make a difference is by pursuing further education and training. I believe that nursing is a constantly evolving field, and I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and best practices. Whether it is through pursuing a master's degree or obtaining certification in a particular specialty, I am committed to continuing to grow and develop as a nurse throughout my career. In conclusion, I am excited to be pursuing a career in nursing, and I am committed to making a positive difference in the lives of my patients. Whether it is through building strong relationships with my patients, working in underprivileged communities or pursuing further education and training.
      Bold Joy Scholarship
      What does joy mean to me and how do I seek out joy in my life. Joy to me is anything that provides me with a warm feeling, smile, happiness, positivity, or love. There are so many things that provide joy to life. Waking up and going to bed every night knowing my family is healthy and safe provides joy. The joy from my dog, Archie, who excited to see me when I come home. Hearing my little cousin call me " Jacey Rae" in his sweet 3 year old voice. Watching his baby sister crawl and smile. Going to church with my family and looking around to see we are all together singing the same song. Riding to school with my brother every morning and talking to each other. Watching my mother reading her book on the couch in the evenings as she looks up to smile at me and say "I love you." The way we talk over a cup of hot tea in the evenings to recap and reflect on our day. Looking through old pictures and reliving memories of my childhood. I believe the things some might view as small everyday things or even overlook are what provide my life with so much joy.
      Bold Happiness Scholarship
      What makes me happy? I try to find happiness and joy in my everyday life. I learned from an early age that tomorrow isn't a guarantee. It's important to me to focus on the happy moments and joys in my life than worrying on the gloomy, not so wonderful parts. Some things that have contributed to my happiness are my mother and little brother. We are a triangle of love, each point contributes happiness to the other points to have a solid foundation. My whole family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins also contribute to my happiness. I discovered in middle school that playing volleyball provides joy and happiness as well. It keeps my mind clear, as well as a healthy way to work through any issues that might be occurring. Waking up everyday and being in good healthy, my past has provided me with a different outlook on life than what I think most people my age define as happiness. I find happiness in being able to walk my dog around my neighborhood without feeling the effects of what others might experience in other parts of this country and world. I find happiness in loving myself and others. Happiness to me, starts with me. I'm responsible for my own happiness and others can contribute to it. That's what beautiful to me about happiness, it's in our own control.
      Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
      One way in which I try to have a positive impact on the world is by showing everyone kindness and love. With everything that is going on in the world, kindness and love seem to be lacking. I've always thought if a smile can positively affect someone's day, can you imagine if the world started treated each other with love and kindness. It's free, doesn't take any time, and it doesn't require additional effort. It's about wanting the world to be better. Love and kindness will change the world, I know that because everyone wants some type of love. Not only does everyone want love and kindness, we need it.