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Ivy Tran


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Hi, I'm Ivy! My goal is to double major, earning my BA/BFA in dance and a BA in advertising.


Tennessee Connections Academy

High School
2016 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Dance
    • Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Performing Arts

    • Dream career goals:


      • History

        History Club — President
        2020 – 2020


      • Beatrice Davis Training

        2022 – 2023
      • Buckman Dance Conservatory

        The Nutckracker
        2023 – Present
      • Tennessee Governor's School for the Art's

        2022 – 2022
      • Dance Dynamics Memphis

        Disneyland Performance, Ballet Memphis production of The Nutcracker
        2016 – 2020

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Crown Club — To help the girls understand online safety
        2023 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        Library — Volunteer
        2022 – 2023

      Future Interests



      Ahmadi Family Scholarship
      Throughout my life, I've faced numerous challenges stemming from my low-income background. These challenges have not deterred me but have instead fueled my determination to achieve a brighter future through education. The pursuit of a scholarship is a crucial step on my journey to self-improvement and a way to break free from the constraints of my circumstances. Growing up in a financially disadvantaged family, I became intimately familiar with the struggles of making ends meet. It was a constant battle to afford the basic necessities, and educational expenses seemed like a distant dream. However, my passion for learning and my unwavering determination to overcome the odds pushed me forward. I understood that education was the key to unlocking a world of opportunities, but it was not going to be handed to me; I had to earn it. One of the significant challenges I faced was balancing work and academics. While my peers had the luxury of focusing solely on their studies, I needed to work part-time jobs to contribute to my family's income. This often meant late nights of studying after long shifts, battling fatigue, and finding the strength to persevere. But I never let the exhaustion deter me from my educational goals. Financial constraints also meant I had to explore alternative paths for learning. I took advantage of community resources and online courses, which, although not ideal, allowed me to gain knowledge and skills. My commitment to self-improvement led me to excel academically and develop a strong work ethic. Despite these challenges, I refused to give up on my dreams. I maintained a stellar academic record and actively participated in extracurricular activities, showing that my determination and commitment went beyond mere survival. Education became my escape from adversity, my sanctuary of hope. This scholarship would be a lifeline for me. It would ease the financial burden of tuition, allowing me to fully invest my time and energy into my studies. It would also provide me with the opportunity to explore and engage in enriching academic experiences that were previously beyond my reach. With this scholarship, I could focus entirely on my education and continue to break the cycle of poverty that has held my family for generations. In conclusion, my journey has been marked by adversity, but it has also been a testament to resilience and the power of education. I've faced numerous challenges, but they have only fueled my determination to succeed. With the support of this scholarship, I can continue my journey toward a brighter future, not only for myself but for my family and community. It's not just a financial boost; it's a symbol of hope and an investment in a better tomorrow.
      Eco-Warrior Scholarship
      Living sustainably is not just a trendy catchphrase; it's a crucial responsibility in today's world. It involves making intentional choices in our daily lives to minimize our environmental impact and reduce our carbon footprint. These choices are vital because they contribute to the well-being of our planet and the future of generations to come. One of the intentional choices I make to live sustainably is reducing my energy consumption. This means turning off lights when not needed, unplugging devices that aren't in use, and using energy-efficient appliances. By doing so, I not only save money on my energy bills but also reduce the demand for fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which drive climate change. By consuming less energy, I directly lower my carbon footprint. Another choice I've made is to minimize single-use plastic in my daily life. Plastic pollution is a severe environmental issue, with plastics taking hundreds of years to decompose. I use reusable bags, bottles, and containers, and I'm mindful of the products I purchase, opting for those with minimal or recyclable packaging. These actions help reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, ultimately protecting wildlife and ecosystems. I also choose to reduce my water usage. Conserving water is essential because it's a finite resource, and many regions around the world are facing water scarcity. I use low-flow fixtures in my home, fix leaks promptly, and avoid running the tap unnecessarily. Water conservation not only saves this precious resource but also reduces the energy required to treat and pump water, which, in turn, lowers carbon emissions. Another sustainable choice I make is supporting local and sustainable agriculture. I prioritize buying locally grown and organic products. This not only reduces the carbon emissions associated with transporting food long distances but also encourages sustainable farming practices, which are less harmful to the environment. Additionally, I try to grow some of my fruits and vegetables at home, which further reduces my carbon footprint and supports biodiversity. Waste reduction is another essential aspect of sustainable living. I make a conscious effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle. By composting kitchen waste, recycling paper, glass, and plastic, and repurposing items whenever possible, I divert a significant amount of waste from landfills. This not only conserves resources but also reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal. The intentional choices I make to live sustainably are underpinned by my understanding of the importance of reducing my carbon footprint. Climate change poses a grave threat to our planet, with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise affecting ecosystems, economies, and communities. Furthermore, my sustainable choices also contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. As habitats are destroyed and pollution increases, many species are at risk of extinction. Sustainable living practices help protect these vulnerable species and maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems. In conclusion, living sustainably involves a series of intentional choices that aim to reduce our environmental impact and carbon footprint. Whether through energy conservation, plastic reduction, water conservation, support for sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly transportation, or waste reduction, these choices collectively make a significant difference in preserving the health of our planet. It's important to reduce our carbon footprint because it directly addresses the critical issues of climate change, resource depletion, and the preservation of biodiversity. As individuals, we have a moral and ethical obligation to take these steps to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for all.
      Gabriel Martin Memorial Annual Scholarship
      Your medical conditions, such as asthma and allergies, have the potential to influence various aspects of your life and your aspirations for the future. While I don't have personal experiences or medical conditions, I can provide insights into how these conditions may impact individuals and their future goals. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that can affect your daily life. It may lead to symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing, especially during asthma attacks triggered by allergens, exercise, or other factors. Managing asthma often involves taking medications, monitoring symptoms, and having an asthma action plan. This condition may impact your physical activities, potentially limiting your participation in strenuous sports or outdoor activities. However, many individuals with asthma successfully manage their condition and lead active lives. Allergies, on the other hand, can lead to various symptoms depending on the allergen, from sneezing and itchy eyes to skin rashes and severe reactions like anaphylaxis. Managing allergies often involves allergen avoidance, medication, and, in the case of severe allergies, carrying an epinephrine auto-injector. Allergies can affect your social life, especially when dining out or attending events where allergens may be present. This necessitates caution and pre-planning. In terms of your future goals, managing asthma and allergies may require some adjustments. Career choices may be influenced by the need to work in environments that minimize exposure to asthma triggers or allergens. Some individuals with these conditions may pursue careers in healthcare or research, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of their condition and help others facing similar challenges. Education can also be affected, particularly for students with allergies and asthma. Informing educational institutions about your condition can lead to accommodations, such as access to allergy-free dining options, permission to carry necessary medications, or the flexibility to manage your condition during class. Travel plans should also consider your medical conditions. Researching allergen risks in different locations and ensuring you have necessary medications and information in case of emergencies is vital when exploring new places. In the broader context, managing these medical conditions can be a valuable life skill. It fosters responsibility, resilience, and adaptability. Your experiences dealing with asthma and allergies can also make you more empathetic and understanding of others facing similar challenges. While medical conditions like asthma and allergies can pose challenges, they don't need to hinder your future goals. With proper management, support, and a proactive approach to your health, you can work towards a fulfilling future. Medical advancements and ongoing research offer hope for improved treatments and potentially even cures down the road. In summary, your asthma and allergies can influence your daily life by affecting routines and choices, and they may impact your career, education, and travel plans. However, with the right approach, these conditions can be managed, allowing you to pursue your goals and lead a meaningful life. Your medical conditions are a part of your life, but they do not define it, and they can be successfully navigated to ensure a bright future.
      Windward Spirit Scholarship
      The "Ode To Millennials-Gen Z" text appears to be an intriguing and potentially thought-provoking subject for a scholarship essay. This topic provides an opportunity to explore the unique characteristics, challenges, and contributions of these generations, and it can lead to a deeper understanding of their impact on society. To approach this essay effectively, you might consider the following ideas: Defining Characteristics: Begin by discussing the defining characteristics of Millennials and Gen Z. These generations have grown up in a rapidly changing world influenced by technology, globalization, and social change. Explore how these factors have shaped their worldview, values, and behavior. Shared Challenges: Both Millennials and Gen Z have faced unique challenges, such as economic uncertainty, student loan debt, and a rapidly evolving job market. Discuss how these challenges have influenced their attitudes and aspirations. Cultural Contributions: These generations have made significant cultural contributions, from social activism and advocacy to the rise of social media and online entrepreneurship. Highlight the ways in which they have influenced society and culture. Inter-generational Dynamics: Explore how Millennials and Gen Z interact with other generations, including Baby Boomers and Generation X. Consider the impact of these interactions on social and political dynamics. The Path Forward: Discuss the future and the potential role of Millennials and Gen Z in shaping it. Consider the positive changes and innovations they can bring to address current global challenges. Personal Connection: Share your personal experiences, if relevant, to provide a unique perspective. How have these generations influenced your own life or career goals? Incorporate statistics, anecdotes, and relevant research to support your points. Your essay should reflect a balanced view of the topic, acknowledging the strengths and challenges faced by Millennials and Gen Z. Ultimately, the essay should convey your understanding of and appreciation for the contributions these generations have made to our society while also acknowledging the complexities of their experiences.
      Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
      The quest to better understand the nature of our universe is not merely a scientific endeavor; it's a fundamental human pursuit that holds the key to unraveling the mysteries of existence and shaping the future of our species. This pursuit is of paramount importance, and I am committed to contributing to it by employing ideas and concepts that promote exploration, critical thinking, and collaboration. Understanding the universe is vital because it allows us to grasp our place in the grand tapestry of existence. It answers age-old questions about where we come from, where we are going, and why we are here. This knowledge is not only intellectually satisfying but has practical applications that benefit humanity. From advances in technology and medicine to addressing existential threats like climate change and asteroid impacts, a deeper understanding of the universe informs solutions to some of our most pressing challenges. I believe that one of the primary ideas crucial to exploring the universe is interdisciplinary collaboration. The universe is a complex and interconnected system, and to comprehend it fully, we must bring together experts from diverse fields such as astronomy, physics, biology, and philosophy. Each discipline offers a unique perspective on the universe's mysteries, and by fostering collaboration, we can integrate these perspectives and generate a more comprehensive understanding. I am committed to working in diverse teams, fostering cooperation, and encouraging the cross-pollination of ideas. Another essential concept in this quest is scientific curiosity and open-mindedness. We must maintain a spirit of curiosity, always asking questions, and be willing to challenge our existing beliefs. Scientific progress often comes from testing established theories and being open to alternative explanations. I am committed to being an open-minded explorer of the universe, embracing the uncertainty and the mysteries it presents, and approaching every problem with an insatiable appetite for knowledge. Moreover, the concept of ethical responsibility plays a critical role. As we explore the universe, we must consider the ethical implications of our actions. For instance, the search for extraterrestrial life raises questions about our responsibilities in the face of potential contact. Similarly, space exploration has environmental impacts on celestial bodies we visit. I am committed to considering these ethical dilemmas and working towards a future of space exploration that is not only scientifically driven but also ethically responsible. The concept of public engagement is also vital. As we explore the universe, it's imperative to share our discoveries and insights with the wider public. The mysteries of the universe are not the sole domain of scientists but belong to humanity as a whole. I am committed to being a science communicator, conveying complex ideas in an accessible manner, and fostering public interest in space exploration and the broader quest for understanding the universe. Furthermore, the concept of perseverance is crucial. Understanding the universe is a monumental task, and it often involves overcoming significant challenges and setbacks. I am committed to persevering in the face of obstacles and setbacks, understanding that failure is an integral part of the scientific process, and that it often paves the way for greater discoveries. In conclusion, the quest to understand the nature of our universe is a noble endeavor that demands interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific curiosity, ethical responsibility, public engagement, and perseverance. I am committed to embracing these ideas and concepts in my pursuit of knowledge about the universe. By working together, fostering curiosity, and being mindful of ethical concerns, we can unlock the mysteries of our existence and ensure that our understanding of the universe benefits not only the present generation but also generations to come. The universe is our greatest teacher, and I am determined to be one of its diligent students, driven by the belief that the more we understand, the better equipped we are to navigate the challenges of our world and beyond.
      New Kids Can Scholarship
      Being "the new kid" has been a recurring theme throughout my life, and this experience has significantly shaped my perspective, influenced my friendships, and clarified my future goals. The challenges and opportunities that come with constantly adapting to new environments have not only made me more resilient but have also instilled in me a profound appreciation for diversity and the power of connections. One of the most immediate impacts of being "the new kid" is the need to adapt and connect with unfamiliar surroundings. This adaptability has become one of my defining characteristics. It has made me more open-minded, flexible, and resourceful. As I moved from place to place, I learned to embrace change and uncertainty. This quality has been invaluable in my life, enabling me to thrive in dynamic and unpredictable situations, which I believe is an essential skill in an ever-evolving world. Building friendships as "the new kid" has been both challenging and rewarding. It has taught me the importance of empathy and active listening. I've often found myself on the outside looking in, which has given me a unique perspective on social dynamics. This perspective has made me more sensitive to others who may feel excluded, and it has driven me to be a friend to those in need. My experiences as "the new kid" have made me a more inclusive individual, always willing to extend a hand of friendship to others who might be in a similar situation. My interactions with different people and cultures have expanded my horizons and influenced my future goals. Being "the new kid" exposed me to a diverse array of perspectives, customs, and traditions. It fueled my passion for cultural understanding and global issues. As a result, I am deeply committed to pursuing a career in international relations and diplomacy. I want to work to bridge gaps between different cultures and promote cooperation on a global scale. The diverse friendships I've formed throughout my life have provided me with insights and connections that will undoubtedly be invaluable as I embark on this career path. In addition to my career goals, my experiences as "the new kid" have also inspired my desire to advocate for social change. I have seen the impact that inclusivity and kindness can have on individuals, and I am committed to promoting these values. In the future, I plan to work on initiatives that encourage acceptance and diversity, particularly in educational settings. I believe that by creating more inclusive environments, we can empower individuals to reach their full potential. In conclusion, being "the new kid" has been a profound and transformative experience in my life. It has cultivated my adaptability, nurtured my capacity for empathy, and solidified my commitment to building bridges between different cultures and fostering positive social change. I am grateful for the lessons and values I've gained through these experiences, and I look forward to continuing my journey as an advocate for understanding and unity in an increasingly diverse world.
      Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
      If I were to be sorted into a Hogwarts house, I believe I would find my home in Ravenclaw, and I consider myself the perfect fit for this house due to my insatiable thirst for knowledge, my creativity, and my unwavering commitment to learning and personal growth. Ravenclaw, known for its appreciation of wisdom, wit, and the pursuit of academic excellence, aligns closely with my values and aspirations. I have always been driven by a deep passion for learning, not only in the traditional sense of academics but in a broader context that encompasses a love for exploration, discovery, and innovation. One of the primary traits that define a Ravenclaw is a relentless curiosity, and I embody this characteristic in my everyday life. I have an innate desire to seek out information and understand the world around me. Whether it's delving into the mysteries of the universe, exploring the complexities of art and literature, or engaging in philosophical debates, I'm always eager to expand my horizons. This curiosity drives me to ask questions, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to approach problems with a creative and open mind. Creativity is another facet of my personality that aligns seamlessly with the Ravenclaw house. I see creativity as an integral part of the learning process, and it's a trait I hold dear. Whether I'm expressing my thoughts through writing, embracing the arts, or finding innovative solutions to real-world challenges, I believe creativity is a powerful tool for growth and self-expression. In Ravenclaw, I'd find a community that values and fosters creativity as a means to unlock new possibilities and deeper understanding. In my pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement, I've always emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication. Ravenclaw house values those who put in the effort to excel academically and intellectually, and I am no exception. I understand that true knowledge is not simply handed out; it's earned through diligence and perseverance. In my academic endeavors and personal projects, I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and an unwavering commitment to achieving my goals. Furthermore, the sense of community and camaraderie within Ravenclaw appeals to me greatly. The house celebrates individuality and encourages students to be themselves while still fostering a strong sense of unity. I appreciate the idea that each member is valued for their unique strengths and contributions, making the house a place where one can grow, learn, and find support in the pursuit of their dreams. In conclusion, Ravenclaw is the perfect fit for me because it embodies the values I hold dear—intellectual curiosity, creativity, hard work, and a sense of community. In this house, I would find kindred spirits who share my passion for learning, who celebrate the beauty of knowledge, and who inspire one another to reach new heights. I eagerly look forward to becoming a part of Ravenclaw and contributing to its vibrant tapestry of wisdom and creativity while continuing to pursue my own journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
      Liv For The Future Scholarship
      Exemplifying leadership in everyday life is a commitment I hold close to my heart. It's a mindset that transcends titles and positions, encompassing actions that make a positive impact on the people and communities around me. In every aspect of my life, I strive to lead by example, inspire others, and effect change, driven by a deep belief in the transformative power of leadership. One of the most defining ways I exemplify leadership is through my involvement in community service. Volunteering has been a cornerstone of my life, and it's a space where I've learned to lead by serving. Whether it's organizing food drives, participating in clean-up events, or tutoring underprivileged children, I've consistently taken on roles that require initiative and responsibility. Through these experiences, I've discovered that leadership is about showing up, taking ownership, and inspiring others to join in making a difference. I've seen how small actions can ripple out, leading to broader community engagement and lasting change. In my academic life, I've embodied leadership by actively participating in group projects and collaborative initiatives. I recognize the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and the ability to motivate others toward a common goal. As a group leader, I ensure that every member's voice is heard and valued, fostering an environment of inclusivity and innovation. I lead by example, demonstrating dedication and a strong work ethic to inspire my peers to give their best. Moreover, I strive to be a bridge between students and faculty, conveying their concerns and suggestions to foster an improved learning environment. In extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs, I have embraced leadership roles that demand responsibility and a commitment to teamwork. I believe in the power of sports to teach discipline, resilience, and unity. As a team captain, I've been entrusted with guiding my teammates, instilling a strong work ethic, and encouraging mutual support. I've found that leadership on the field translates seamlessly to leadership in other aspects of life, reinforcing the idea that the qualities of a leader are universally applicable. Beyond my immediate community, I've engaged in projects that address global challenges. I've participated in fundraisers for charitable organizations and awareness campaigns for critical issues like climate change and education inequality. Leadership, in this context, means raising awareness and rallying people towards a common cause, transcending geographical boundaries to make a global impact. My commitment to these initiatives demonstrates that leadership knows no borders and that a single person's actions can trigger change on a global scale. Additionally, I have consistently sought to expand my knowledge and skills through continuous learning and self-improvement. Leadership requires adaptability and growth, and I am committed to personal development. Whether it's through reading, attending leadership seminars, or learning from mentors, I invest in becoming a better leader. I believe that by evolving as a person, I can inspire others to do the same. In conclusion, leadership is not just a role or a title; it's a way of life. It's about demonstrating integrity, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact. Through community service, academics, extracurricular activities, and global initiatives, I've strived to embody leadership in everyday life. I understand that leadership is a continuous journey of growth, one that involves learning, empathy, and the courage to step forward. As I look to the future, I'm excited to further develop my leadership skills and inspire positive change in the world, making a lasting difference in the lives of those around me.
      Disney Super Fan Scholarship
      My favorite thing about Disney is how many times it’s brought my family together. I had my first trip to the Disney Parks in Orlando when I was only 11 months old. We still have videos of little me on the people mover in the Magic Kingdom on our old camera we used for home videos back in the early 2000s. Although I have no personal recollection of my first trip, I do know that I’ve loved Disney ever since! There’s nothing like the first step on Mainstreet at Disney. The array of colors, balloons, characters, and the smell of the confectionery welcomes you right into the magic. It’s like a new reality where everything is joyful and bright. My family and I have visited both Disney World and Disneyland. I would say I’ve been to the Disney parks approximately 14 or 15 times in my 17-year-long life. Now that’s a lot of Disney. We’ve been at Halloween, Christmas, you name it! Celebrating holidays at Disney is something my family has always enjoyed. Not only that, but we have also set sail on about 5 Disney cruises because there’s nowhere more tropical than Castaway Cay! I hope one day I can make it to the other Disney parks around the world because I think it would be a great way to experience Disney in new places with new people! Disney has the power to bring communities together in such a positive way and I love that. Disney movies from the classics, Pixar, the MCU, and even Disney Nature films have always been family favorites in our house. If it’s Disney, we’re watching it! Even my other family members like my aunt, uncle, and cousins share the same love for Disney. Sometimes when a new movie comes out, all of us will go to the theater to see it together. We recently went to see “The Little Mermaid” and had a blast. All those times I’ve been to the parks, they’ve been there a few times with us as well. It doesn’t matter what it is because as long as it’s Disney, it’s going to bring my family together. It’s really special to have that in common with the people I love. Whether someone is young or old, Disney can have a place in their heart. Everyone in my family has a place for Disney in our hearts and it creates a bond between us. Disney has always been and will always be part of my life. I’ll never stop going to the parks to ride the coasters, get a pair of shiny new ears, take pictures with Mickey and friends, and watch the castle firework shows. I’ll always go see new films and watch the older ones from my couch. Disney is so nostalgic for us, and I think that’s why we love it so much. Disney lights a spark in all of us because everything about it is so loveable and fun. Disney exudes positivity and brings out the best in everyone. That is why I love Disney; it brings us closer whether that’s across the globe or more personally like it is for my family.
      Overcoming Adversity - Jack Terry Memorial Scholarship
      Being a girl from a low-income family with big dreams makes my life challenging in more ways than just one. Overcoming adversity is something that I’m familiar with at this point. I attend a free online school, my mother is single, we don’t own a car or a house. There is nothing I want more than to earn my higher education to not only better myself, but better this world as best as I’m able. I know what struggling is like and helping others would be a privilege. Although adversity is something I overcome every day, I do have a story about an opportunity I could have lost due to our financial state. I have been a dancer my whole life. When the opportunity to audition for Governor’s School for the Arts fell upon me in January of 2022, I could not pass it up. Three weeks at Middle Tennessee University to connect with professors from across the nation and meet friends. I knew I had the grades and work ethic, but it was up to them to decide if I had the talent. When I received that acceptance email, words couldn’t describe my excitement. I was in and I got a talent-based scholarship. I was jumping for joy until the dollar sign with all those numbers behind it caught my eye. I was very grateful for the scholarship they gave me, but it just wasn’t enough. I could never in a million years get that kind of money. The only choice I had left was to contact the financial aid advisor and see what she could do for me. I assumed it was over for me because that’s just how things are when we can’t afford them. There I was, sitting on the verge of tears awaiting a response as patiently as possible. Five minutes later, a new letter appeared in my inbox, and it was from her. I took a deep breath before I opened it as her decision would either make me or break me. She said yes. All costs were waived. I was astounded, and I will forever appreciate it as I consider attending Governor’s school my biggest accomplishment to date. This shaped me as a person because it shaped my dreams for the future. Everything I’ve done to better myself as both a scholar and a dancer has been college focused since middle school. Being a senior now, I’ve finalized my future. As a first-generation college student, I have researched everything I need to know about college. I’m going to double major in dance and advertising to later earn my master’s degree in dance to be a professor. Doing so much research and interacting with professors, especially at Governor’s school, made me realize that’s what I want. I chose advertising because it’s a lot like marketing and the more business-like side of the arts. I already have experience with advertising and creating content thanks to my involvement as President of the Student Leadership Council. These two fields feel like they’re made for me. I can be my authentic artistic self, while also making enough money to support myself, help my family, and help others in my community that are going through the struggles that I go through now. I hope to be able to continue to indulge in community service and involvement. That opportunity did not have to be given to me and I am very lucky. It’s my turn to give someone something that they need or give them a chance to discover something new about themselves just as I did.
      Joey Anderson Dance & Theater Scholarship
      I’ve been passionate about dance my whole life, literally nearly my whole life. My mom put me in my first ballet class and signed me up for my first recital at two years old. I was the youngest and tiniest of the class. When I look back on the slightly blurry recital recording from 2008, I hear a loud “aww” from the audience when I come toddling out behind the other 4-and 5-year-old girls. The rest is history and I’ve never looked back. I got a little older and I wanted more out of dance. I started jazz, tap, contemporary, and hip-hop. I wanted to experience the fullness and versatility of the art. Dance has always been my thing, even when I was too young then to remember it now. Writing this just takes me through how much I’ve done and how hard I’ve worked for dance. It’s never felt like a chore or an obstacle to me. Sure, I’ve faced challenges along the way but that’s just life. That’s what dance is to me, it’s my whole life and always has been. I can’t think of a time when I’ve ever been afraid of the stage. From freestyling my ballet choreography at two years old to performing in pre-professional shows at Governor’s School for the Arts, the stage has been a place I belong. The bright, warm lights hit your face like the sun on a summer’s day as the audience watches you pour out your heart through your movement to the music. It feels so bold and so freeing to me. I’ve always felt the need to be my best self and work as hard as I can in dance classes. It’s my nature to be a workaholic, but with dance it didn’t feel forced. It wasn’t like school where I was just pushing and pushing for that success. Instead, it was just natural because that’s what I had to do. I wasn’t striving for it; I was consumed in it. Dance consumes me and I get lost in this hyperfocus on the projects I’m given. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Dance is just a part of me. The number of connections I’ve made with other people in the community just makes my heart swell. I’ve met and worked with so many fantastic people that I truly do love. Dance brings out the best in me and makes me my happiest self. It’s not just work, it’s who I am. It brings people together and has the power to expel the negativity that we have in this world. I’ve known I wanted this as my career since probably sixth grade. Ever since I’ve been searching college dance programs and scouring the internet for places I would feel like I belong. Now that I’m a seventeen-year-old incoming senior, I couldn’t be more grateful for starting that search as I now have so much knowledge surrounding what a dance career looks like and how to get there. There’s nothing more I want out of my life, and nothing could ever come above my passion for dance. In conclusion, I’m so lucky to have found my place in the world at such a young age. Dance is my home, my safe place. It feels like the reason for my existence. I’m alive and on this earth to be a dancer. It’s in my soul, I can feel it. I will never give up on dance because it has led and guided me to become the person I am and always will be. Put simply, I love it.