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Isaiah Sloan


Bold Points






Hello! My name is Isaiah Sloan, and I am a first-generation undergraduate student majoring in microbiology at the University of Florida. I am planning on accompanying this with a double major in political science. I am a driven and passionate leader who tackles any obstacle for the greater good. While my main focus for the future is to become a Ph.D. candidate in the genetics field, I enjoy all the work I have done in the political realm. From anti-gun violence advocacy to collaborating in UN work, I have enjoyed every aspect of both realms of study.


University of Florida

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Political Science and Government
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Orlando Science Middle High Charter

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Microbiological Sciences and Immunology
    • Political Science and Government
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to pursue a combined MD + PhD in the field of Genetics and continue to advocate for the rights of others on the international level

    • Peer Mentor

      Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarship Program
      2024 – Present7 months
    • Undergraduate Research Assistant

      University of Florida Research
      2024 – Present7 months
    • Officer of The Board of Directors - Director of Academics

      Florida Model United Nations
      2024 – Present7 months
    • Assistant Director of Academics

      Florida Model United Nations
      2023 – 20241 year
    • Developer

      Arena of Glory
      2020 – Present4 years
    • Shift Supervisor

      2021 – 20232 years



    2013 – Present11 years


    • Black Belt


    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Science and Government

      Florida Model United Nations — Assistant Director of Academics
      2023 – 2023


    • School

      Performance Art
      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Students Demand Action — Volunteer
      2023 – 2024
    • Advocacy

      Students Demand Action — State Team Representative
      2024 – Present

    Future Interests






    Caminos de Éxito: The Jose Prado Scholarship
    As a first-generation Hispanic student, my journey toward higher education has been a winding road marked by formidable challenges and hard-won triumphs. From the start, the complexity of the college application process without family guidance was an intimidating feat. But with every obstacle I faced—financial constraints, cultural barriers, imposter syndrome, and moments of self-doubt—there was a gain in the intensity of my will to move forward. I knew overcoming these hurdles would pave the way for my success and open doors for those following me. In the dark moments when the path ahead seemed shrouded in uncertainty, my mother's unwavering inspiration and support as a role model kept me focused on my goals. Being the one who didn't have the chance to complete a degree in higher education, she knew how challenging the situation was and became a beacon of hope: taking challenges head-on and not letting them be detrimental to her overall success; she reminded me that my dreams are attainable. She believed in me unwaveringly and mentored me to reach heights I never thought possible. But the path to higher education was not obstacle-free, to be sure. From balancing part-time jobs to supporting my family to navigating the complexities of financial aid applications, each challenge seemed more daunting than the previous. But in those moments of adversity, I learned the value of resilience and perseverance. I would not allow that obstacle to define me; on the contrary, I used it as fuel to propel me forward with a relentless determination to succeed in the face of all odds. In pursuing higher education, I am inspired by Jose Prado's legacy: being a champion for education and an indefatigable campaigner in the fight to empower underrepresented communities. His undying belief in the transformational power of knowledge and dedication to ensuring everyone gets equal opportunities has been a constant source of encouragement. Following the example of Prado, I want to graduate from school for my good and for the betterment of others, hopefully creating a domino effect of positive change. If given the opportunity to establish a scholarship, my purpose would be to provide a pathway for first-generation and underrepresented students to access higher education. Candidates with a relentless drive, passion for learning, and an objective to use their education as a catalyst for positive change within their communities would be my target. I would be more interested in people who have gone through significant challenges and remain resilient in the face of adversity. In those qualities, I would see the potential of the next best thing that could happen. Education is more than just knowledge; it is a transformational tool that will break the cycles of poverty, challenge the status quo, and bring about a just and equitable world. Through education, I have come to understand the world better and have the tools to shape it for the better. It has empowered me to find my voice, speak out for the often-voiceless, and be an agent of positive change. Education has the ability to transcend borders, open doors of opportunity, and inspire future generations. As I stand on the brink of a new chapter in this academic journey, I bring with me all the hopes and expectations of the one who preceded me: my parents, whose sacrifices and undying belief in me have driven me to achieve higher education. I go forward with a sense of purpose and determination to become the pathway for those who will follow, to continue breaking down barriers, and to leave a legacy that will resound across generations.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Throughout the annals of human history, the quest to understand the true nature of our vast and enigmatic universe has stood as a driving force, an all-consuming fire that has propelled our species forward in a relentless pursuit of knowledge. From the earliest dawn of civilization, when our ancestors first gazed up at the star-studded tapestry of the night sky in awe and wonder, to the cutting-edge research being conducted in modern laboratories around the globe, this insatiable curiosity has been the catalyst that has unlocked the secrets of the cosmos and unveiled the intricate workings of the world around us. At the heart of this endeavor lies a profound and inescapable truth: that a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the universe is not merely an academic pursuit but a lofty intellectual exercise confined to the ivory towers of scholarly institutions. Instead, it is a vital and indispensable catalyst for our collective growth, development, and advancement as a society, transcending the boundaries of any single discipline or field of study. The intrinsic value of this quest becomes self-evident when one considers the inextricable intertwining of the various branches of knowledge that inform our understanding of the universe. The studies of physics, biology, philosophy, and countless other disciplines are not isolated silos but rather intricately interconnected threads in the vast tapestry of human knowledge, each one shedding light on the others and revealing the underlying interconnectedness of all aspects of our existence. Take, for instance, the realm of physics. By delving into the fundamental laws and principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy, from the subatomic realm of quantum mechanics to the vast expanses of galaxies and beyond, we gain insights and revelations that have far-reaching implications for fields as diverse as engineering, medicine, and energy production. The development of life-saving medical technologies, the harnessing of renewable energy sources, and even the exploration of distant planets – all of these groundbreaking advancements are built upon the solid foundations laid by our ever-evolving understanding of the physical world and its laws. Or consider the study of biology, which unveils the intricate tapestry of life itself, from the microscopic realm of cells and molecules to the intricate web of ecosystems that sustain our planet. As we unlock the secrets of genetic inheritance, cellular processes, and evolutionary mechanisms, we open new doors to groundbreaking medical treatments, sustainable agricultural practices, and a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of our natural world – all of which are essential for the continued survival and prosperity of our species. And yet, our pursuit of knowledge cannot be confined solely to science. The insights gleaned from philosophy – the exploration of ethics, metaphysics, and the very nature of reality itself – provide a crucial lens through which we can interpret and contextualize our scientific discoveries, ensuring that our quest for understanding is grounded in a profound awareness of our place in the universe and our moral and ethical responsibilities as stewards of the knowledge we uncover. This holistic, interdisciplinary approach – this interweaving of diverse fields of study and intellectual endeavors – is key to unlocking our species' true potential. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, we not only expand the boundaries of human knowledge but also open new paths for innovation, collaboration, and progress across all facets of society, driving us ever closer to a more complete and nuanced understanding of the world in which we live. As a first-generation college student, I have experienced firsthand the transformative power of embracing this quest for understanding and its profound impact on an individual's journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth. Initially, when I embarked on my studies in genetics – a domain that has historically been dominated by generations of scientists – I was confronted with a sense of imposter syndrome and self-doubt, questioning my place in a world that seemed so foreign and daunting. However, through the guidance and mentorship of individuals who understood the profound importance of our collective pursuit of knowledge, I could shift my mindset and embrace my chosen path with renewed vigor and determination. This journey of self-discovery also led me to explore the inextricable links between the realms of science and politics, recognizing that the latter plays a pivotal role in shaping the very fabric of our existence, influencing the direction and priorities of scientific research, and determining the extent to which the fruits of our intellectual labor are accessible to all. Through advocacy and a commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices, I have become a catalyst for change, driven by the belief that true progress – in our understanding of the universe and in the application of that knowledge for the betterment of society – can only be achieved when all perspectives are heard and valued, when the doors of opportunity are flung open to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. It is this vision – a vision of a world where individuals are empowered to embark on their journeys of discovery, fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a burning desire to contribute to the betterment of our understanding of the universe and all that it encompasses – that compels me to advocate for increased access to education and research opportunities. It is only by breaking down the barriers that have historically limited the participation of underrepresented groups in the pursuit of knowledge that we can truly unlock the full potential of human ingenuity and unleash a torrent of groundbreaking discoveries and paradigm-shifting revelations. Moreover, we must inspire individuals across the globe to embrace this quest for understanding and to become empowered explorers of the fields that ignite their passion and curiosity. Whether it is the study of astrophysics, molecular biology, anthropology, or any other discipline that captures the imagination, we must cultivate an environment that celebrates intellectual curiosity and encourages bold questioning and innovative thinking. By doing so, we not only create a foundation for groundbreaking discoveries but also nurture a culture of lifelong learning and personal growth – for it is through the act of seeking understanding that we truly embody the essence of what it means to be human: to constantly push the boundaries of our knowledge, to challenge long-held assumptions, and to forge new paths towards enlightenment. As I look to the future, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination, fueled by the knowledge that my contributions to the fields of genetics and politics have the potential to shape the course of human understanding and progress in profound and lasting ways. Whether it is through pioneering research that unlocks the mysteries of life itself or through policies and initiatives that empower and uplift underrepresented voices, my goal is to leave a legacy that will inspire generations to come and drive us ever closer to a deeper comprehension of the nature of our universe and our place within it.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    As a first-generation student, the immense privilege of pursuing higher education carries with it a profound sense of responsibility—a burning desire to honor the dreams and aspirations of my parents, who were denied this opportunity. Their sacrifices have ignited an unwavering fire within me, driving me not only to achieve personal success but also to uplift and empower others along the way. I give back through my involvement in initiatives like Model United Nations, where I have discovered the transformative power of international relations to bridge divides and inspire change. With great purpose, I mentor high school students, passing on the knowledge and wisdom that have been instrumental in my growth. As I look into their eyes, alight with curiosity and ambition, I see the future leaders of tomorrow. My sacred duty is to nurture their potential, kindle the flames of their aspirations, and equip them with the tools needed to create meaningful, lasting change. Beyond the classroom, I champion causes at the heart of our collective future through legislative advocacy. From advocating for gun safety measures to ensuring every student feels safe and empowered to pursue their dreams, I refuse to remain silent when generations' aspirations hang in the balance. I am committed to using my voice to drive systemic change, dismantle barriers, and pave the way for a more just and equitable society. Perhaps most poignantly, I give back as a peer mentor for incoming first-generation college students, coming full circle to offer the same guidance and support that once carried me through my challenges. Looking into the eyes of these remarkable individuals, I see the fire that once burned within me. I am honored to stoke those flames, ensuring no one feels the weight of imposter syndrome or doubts their ability to succeed. Understanding their unique obstacles, I am driven by a deep desire to help them navigate these challenges, provide a listening ear, and be the unwavering source of support they need to thrive. Moving forward, I plan to positively impact the world by continuing to uplift and empower others, creating a legacy that will resonate through generations. Each of my experiences has reinforced the profound truth that true fulfillment lies not in individual accomplishment but in our ability to inspire and empower those around us. This truth has become the driving force behind my every action, the very essence of my purpose and passion in life. I carry with me the hopes and aspirations of those who came before and the boundless potential of those who will follow. It is a responsibility I cherish, a calling that fills my heart with determination and an unquenchable thirst to create a better world. True success is not measured by accolades or achievements but by the lasting impact we leave on the lives of others – a legacy that will echo through generations to come, inspiring and empowering countless souls to reach for the stars. This is the positive change I plan to create, one act of service and one empowered life at a time.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    Pursuing higher education as a first-generation student has been an immense privilege with a profound sense of responsibility. With each step forward, I am driven by an unwavering determination to honor the dreams and aspirations of my parents, who were denied the opportunity for a college education. Their sacrifices have ignited within me a fire that cannot be extinguished—a fire to achieve personal success and uplift and empower others along the way. After graduating high school, I knew my journey extended far beyond individual accomplishments. It became my life's purpose to create a legacy that would resonate through generations, inspiring and guiding those who follow in my footsteps. This realization has shaped my every action, fueling a passion for developing skills that propel me forward and enable me to serve as a beacon of hope and support for others. Through my involvement in initiatives like Model United Nations, I have discovered the profound power of international relations to bridge divides and inspire change. I now wield this power with great purpose, mentoring high school students and passing on the knowledge and wisdom that have been instrumental in my growth. Their eyes are alight with curiosity and ambition, and I see the future leaders of tomorrow. My sacred duty is to nurture their potential, kindle the flames of their aspirations, and equip them with the tools they need to create meaningful and lasting change. But my mission transcends the classroom boundaries, for actual change begins with the courage to raise one's voice. Through legislative advocacy, I have become a champion for causes at the heart of our collective future, from advocating for gun safety measures to ensuring that every student feels safe and empowered to pursue their dreams. I refuse to remain silent when the aspirations of generations hang in the balance. I am committed to using my voice to drive systemic change, to dismantle barriers, and to pave the way for a more just and equitable society. Perhaps most poignantly, my role as a peer mentor for incoming first-generation college students has allowed me to come full circle, offering the same guidance and support that once carried me through the challenges of being a first-generation student. As I look into the eyes of these remarkable individuals, I see the fire that once burned within me, and I am honored to stoke those flames, ensuring that no one feels the weight of imposter syndrome or doubts their ability to succeed. I understand the unique obstacles they face, and I am driven by a deep desire to help them navigate these challenges, to provide a listening ear, and to be the unwavering source of support they need to thrive. Each of these experiences has reinforced the profound truth that true fulfillment lies not in individual accomplishment but in the ability to uplift and empower others. This truth has become the driving force behind my every action, the very essence of my purpose and passion in life. I carry with me the hopes and aspirations of those who came before and the boundless potential of those who will follow. It is a responsibility I cherish, a calling that fills my heart with determination and an unquenchable thirst to create a better world. In the end, true success is not measured by accolades or achievements but by the lasting impact we leave on the lives of others – a legacy that will echo through generations to come, inspiring and empowering countless souls to reach for the stars.
    Pinki Promise Scholarship
    My best friend entered my life during a chance encounter five years ago. I was visiting my aunt's farm in Georgia when one of her horses stepped on my foot, leaving me upset and in pain. But out of that bad moment came an unexpected blessing - the puppy who would become my loyal companion, Max. When I was hurt, a two-month old German Shepherd puppy ambled over and gently climbed into my lap, instantly comforting me. I later learned my cousin and his wife could no longer keep the pup due to issues with their landlord. In that serendipitous moment, I knew Max and I were meant to be together. After hours of begging my skeptical parents, he officially became a part of our family. We set out on a road trip up the East Coast to bond with our new addition. Max was wide-eyed and adventurous as we trekked through the Great Smoky Mountains, gazing out over rocky cliffs and misty valleys. When we walked the monuments of DC (he was lucky enough to be carried,) he took in the sights with a puppy's innocent wonder. With Max by my side, landmarks like the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument came alive in new ways. His energetic spirit added joy to every pitstop and destination. Back home, Max and I settled into life together. He was endlessly playful, bombarding me with toys and excitedly circling his leash for walks. His silly antics made every day brighter. When I was stressed about school, he would rest his head comfortingly on my lap, grounding me. On lazy weekends, we would nap side-by-side, his steady breathing lulling me to sleep. Max gave my life laughter, routine, and unconditional love. Now Max is my constant companion, accompanying me on new adventures. We regularly explore our town's hiking trails and parks together. The woods seem less intimidating and more beautiful with my loyal pup as guide. When I'm feeling hopeless about the future, one look at Max's grinning face lifts my spirits. He embodies unbridled joy and lives fully in the moment - an example I try to follow. While it will be hard leaving home, I'm grateful I'll have his comforting, familiar presence to look forward to when I return each semester. My intended majors, biology and political science, are very different but both passions of mine. I hope to one day give back by volunteering at shelters, inspired by the unconditional love Max has shown me. He proves pets should be seen as family, not possessions easily abandoned. My dream is to open an animal sanctuary where rescued dogs like Max can thrive. He changed my life unexpectedly that day on the farm. Now I strive to pay that gift forward. With Max, I've learned life's best surprises can come from unlikely places. He will walk by my side wherever the future leads, reminding me to approach each day with joy. Though just a puppy when we met, he has become the embodiment of loyalty. Of all the destinations we've explored over the years, my most treasured is the journey with Max. He is my once-in-a-lifetime companion.
    Good People, Cool Things Scholarship
    Photography is my creative passion. Ever since I got my first camera in middle school, I’ve loved capturing the world around me through images. Photography allows me to share unique perspectives and find beauty in everyday moments. I believe it can make the world better by inspiring appreciation for the diverse experiences and landscapes that surround us. Recently, I’ve been photographing our local parks to highlight the life they contain. My photos showcase people from all walks of life enjoying these public spaces – kids climbing trees, families picnicking, couples strolling hand-in-hand. My goal is that by focusing my lens on these shared places, I can inspire viewers to see our common humanity. Protecting local parks and green spaces has so many community benefits, from health to social connection. My dream is that my images encourage more equitable access and investment so everyone can enjoy nature’s gifts. Nature photography has also shown me the fragility of our environment. Capturing wild places over years has illustrated the impacts of climate change – from receding glaciers to increasing drought. My photos documenting these shifts aim to emotionally move people towards sustainability. Images can spark imagination in a way facts alone cannot. I hope reminding people how much beauty there is to be preserved will translate into action. If I had an extra 24 hours in my day, I would dedicate much of it towards community service. I’d volunteer at additional food banks, homeless shelters, and youth programs to expand my impact. I’d also use the time to hone my craft – taking photography classes, curating portfolios, and networking with other artists. Having more hours to give back while also developing my skills would be a dream. The time I’d cherish most would be using those extra 24 hours to mentor youth interested in photography. I’d love to create a free class teaching fundamentals like composition, lighting, and editing. Making photography instruction accessible could unlock creative potential in those without the resources. Seeing students’ passion ignite as their confidence grows would be incredibly rewarding. My goal would be empowering the next generation of visual storytellers to capture and change the world. I feel most creative late at night when the world quiets. With fewer distractions, I can tap into imaginative spaces and brainstorm new projects. I’ll review photos I’ve taken, combining and rearranging them in unexpected ways. As sunrise nears, new inspiration flows that I can later channel into my art. The freedom of working without limits during those dark hours often sparks my best ideas. Photography is more than my passion – it’s the lens through which I see the world’s beauty and injustices. When creative vision combines with compassion, powerful things can develop. I will continue using my images not just to observe life but to change it. My camera is more than a tool of art; it’s an instrument of hope.
    Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up as a low-income, first-generation student has shaped me into who I am today – someone committed to creating positive change. While my family's financial situation often created challenges, it also instilled in me grit, resilience, and empathy. I learned from an early age the importance of community and supporting those around you. As the oldest child, I have always felt a responsibility to look out for my younger siblings. I helped care for them while my parents worked long hours to provide for our family. Though we didn't have much, we made the most of our time together. Simple pleasures like board game nights and homemade meals kept us happy and bonded. This innate desire to nurture and protect those I care for expanded as I got more involved in my community. I began volunteering at a young age, serving food at soup kitchens and helping out at community centers. Seeing firsthand the struggles some families face only strengthened my commitment to being a supportive, compassionate force in my community. I now volunteer regularly at a local organization that provides tutoring, meals, and other services to low-income families. The work is challenging but rewarding. Knowing I can make a meaningful difference in someone's life motivates me to do more. One cause I feel especially passionate about is advocating against gun violence. After a close friend was deeply affected by a school shooting, I realized no one should ever have to experience such trauma. I started an awareness campaign at my school, organized community forums, and lobbied our local leaders to pass common-sense gun reform. Though progress is slow and there is still work to be done, knowing I can drive real change at the grassroots level empowers me. I also give back by volunteering with the organization that runs our state's academic competition, preparing students for United Nations-style debates on everything from public policy to ethics. As a mentor, I help students research complex issues and articulate their arguments. Many are from disadvantaged backgrounds like my own, so I provide guidance based on my experiences. The hours I spend coaching them pay dividends when I see their confidence grow as they find their voice. My goal is to empower them just as others empowered me. My dream is to be the first in my family to graduate college. I want to make my parents' sacrifices worthwhile and blaze a trail for my younger siblings to follow. While the road ahead will be challenging, my experiences have prepared me. I know that with perseverance, compassion, and community on my side, I can achieve my dreams. After college, I hope to give back by supporting youth programs and local organizations. I aim to provide the same guidance and support to the next generation that others so selflessly gave to me. Though I do not know exactly what path my life will take, I do know this: I will meet each new challenge with grit, resilience, and a heart open to those around me. My commitment to my community runs deep, and I will continue to be a caring, supportive force for good.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up as a low-income, first-generation student has shaped me into who I am today – someone committed to creating positive change. While my family's financial situation often created challenges, it also instilled in me grit, resilience, and empathy. I learned from an early age the importance of community and supporting those around you. As the oldest child, I have always felt a responsibility to look out for my younger siblings. I helped care for them while my parents worked long hours to provide for our family. Though we didn't have much, we made the most of our time together. Simple pleasures like board game nights and homemade meals kept us happy and bonded. This innate desire to nurture and protect those I care for expanded as I got more involved in my community. I began volunteering at a young age, serving food at soup kitchens and helping out at community centers. Seeing firsthand the struggles some families face only strengthened my commitment to being a supportive, compassionate force in my community. I now volunteer regularly at a local organization that provides tutoring, meals, and other services to low-income families. The work is challenging but rewarding. Knowing I can make a meaningful difference in someone's life motivates me to do more. One cause I feel especially passionate about is advocating against gun violence. After a close friend was deeply affected by a school shooting, I realized no one should ever have to experience such trauma. I started an awareness campaign at my school, organized community forums, and lobbied our local leaders to pass common-sense gun reform. Though progress is slow and there is still work to be done, knowing I can drive real change at the grassroots level empowers me. I also give back by volunteering with the organization that runs our state's academic competition, preparing students for United Nations-style debates on everything from public policy to ethics. As a mentor, I help students research complex issues and articulate their arguments. Many are from disadvantaged backgrounds like my own, so I provide guidance based on my experiences. The hours I spend coaching them pay dividends when I see their confidence grow as they find their voice. My goal is to empower them just as others empowered me. My dream is to be the first in my family to graduate college. I want to make my parents' sacrifices worthwhile and blaze a trail for my younger siblings to follow. While the road ahead will be challenging, my experiences have prepared me. I know that with perseverance, compassion, and community on my side, I can achieve my dreams. After college, I hope to give back by supporting youth programs and local organizations. I aim to provide the same guidance and support to the next generation that others so selflessly gave to me. Though I do not know exactly what path my life will take, I do know this: I will meet each new challenge with grit, resilience, and a heart open to those around me. My commitment to my community runs deep, and I will continue to be a caring, supportive force for good.