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Isabelle Dietzler


Bold Points




Ever since I was young, I loved animals. I always feel like I have more of a connection with animals than people. I have known for a long time that I would always need to surround myself with animals! This love of animals and understanding of them has driven me into working hard at school to help achieve the goal of one day becoming a veterinarian. Additionally I take great pride in my leadership skills which I excel in both inside and outside of school.


University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other
  • Minors:
    • Animal Sciences


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Animal Sciences
    • Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      To become a veterinarian for the USDA or own a household exotics veterinary clinic

    • Customer Service

      2024 – Present10 months
    • Cashier

      Walgreens and Fleet Farm
      2021 – Present3 years



    2021 – Present3 years


    2014 – Present10 years


    • Community Organization and Advocacy

      4-H — I researched and helped to put together a presentation which my group and I presented to the USDA
      2024 – Present


    • School musical

      2021 – Present
    • school band

      2021 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Combined Veterinary Clinics — I helped with post surgery care for the dogs.
      2020 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Humane society — socialize animals, exercise animals
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      4H — bell ringing for Salvation army, Making cards for nursing homes, health and beauty drives for nursing home patients, food drives, fundraising activities.
      2016 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Ruby's pantry — help package food
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Team Crosby Forever Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
    I have wanted to be a veterinarian ever since I knew what a veterinarian was. I have always been obsessed with animals of all species. Because of my love for animals my parents decided to have me join 4-H in 4th grade. We however lived in the city and I was only able to show my dog and a rabbit that my parents let me get. In 6th grade we moved out to the country and I was able to get the horse that I always wanted. I soon became very involved in 4-H through many animal projects including dog, rabbit, poultry, small market animal and horse. My love for poultry and the genetics behind them grew which led me to start my own poultry breeding program in 2019. I now breed five different breeds of chickens, one breed of duck and two species of quail. I not only sell breeding stock locally but I also ship eggs nationwide for people who are interested in hatching their own birds. This year I had the chance to share my love for poultry with other local youth through a class which I taught at a county event. Outside of the poultry project I am also very involved in the horse project and the dog project. I have competed at the state level in both projects and am considered a valuable leader in both projects. In the horse project I help teach the jumping work nights and in the dog project I am the showmanship instructor. These 4-H projects have allowed me to participate in many other activities outside of 4-H in my local communities. Because of my dog project experience I had the chance to become a handler for a local golden retriever breeder who is unable to get around with his dogs in the show ring. All of these experiences really cemented down my idea of becoming a veterinarian. With my small animal experiences I have decided that I want to become a small animal vet with household exotics experience so I can work with house birds, cavy and rabbits. I have been trying to get in all of the vet experience that I can before I head off to college this next fall. As a volunteer at my local humane society I not only work with socializing the animals but I also get to help at all of the vaccine and spay/neuter clinics that the humane society puts on. Additionally I have been putting in shadowing hours at my city's local small animal vet and with my local equine vet office. Outside of the humane society and vet offices I have also volunteered at my local zoo where I was able to help take care of other types of animals which included kangaroos, serval cats, porcupines, lemurs and many other amazing species. After working with so many different types of animals it is definitely very hard to choose a favorite. All of the animals I have worked with are very intelligent in their own ways. In the end though I believe my favorite animal would be a horse, they are very similar to me in many ways, both stubborn and hard working at the same time but very loyal once a relationship has been created. I am very excited to start my higher education towards becoming a veterinarian. I am very passionate about this career choice and know that it will take a lot of work and dedication to get into vet school. I know that I will continue to push myself in my academics and experiences.
    Andrea Claire Matason Memorial Scholarship
    I have wanted to be a veterinarian ever since I could remember. I grew up having frequent experiences with a variety of animals. These experiences came mainly from my local 4-H program, friends/family pets, and our own pets. Once old enough, I gave the majority of my free time to volunteer at different animal places in my area. Through a veterinarian friend I was able to help with a local native American reservation spay/neuter clinic which is what ultimately set my career path to become a veterinarian. After helping with this clinic for a few years I started getting other volunteer experiences, these included; feral cat spay/neuter clinics, shadowing/helping out at a few different vet clinics (large and small animal), volunteering at the local zoo (where I got to help feed animals and clean cages), along with helping out at my county's humane society where I mainly worked with the dogs on basic training. All of these different experiences have helped me realize exactly how needed veterinarians are in my area. I am a recently graduated high school senior and I will be attending the University of Wisconsin-River Falls this fall with a major in Animal Science with a Pre-Vet track. I am very hardworking and very excited to start my future in the veterinary world. All of my animal experiences so far have set me up for success in this career path, especially since I have a lot of hands on experience with the spay/neuter clinics that I volunteered at. I believe that whatever veterinary track that I choose to take (likely household exotics but maybe I'll change to large animal) that I will be able to make an impact. One thing that being an active member in 4-H has taught me is about how I, at any age and any point in my life, can make an impact on my community, and potentially the world. Through 4-H I had the opportunity to be one of nine youth selected from my state to attend the National 4-H Conference in Washington DC this past spring. This national conference was an amazing experience for me, especially as a pre-vet track, because I was selected to be one of the students which would do a presentation to the USDA. Doing a presentation to the USDA allowed my group and I to sit down and speak with some very important people that work through this federal agency. I had the honor to speak directly with the Secretary of Agriculture and the lead USDA scientist. Both of these conversations led me to finding some really good veterinary resources both through the USDA and locally. In the end, the USDA staff that listened to our presentation were so amazed at some of our information and ideas that they were wanting to use a portion of our presentation for their next round table discussion about that topic with the President. This is an example of how I already have made an impact in my community (potentially the whole country) and I will continue to do so throughout my veterinary future. I believe that I would be a good candidate for this award because I am very hardworking and I know exactly what I want my future to look like and how I will get to that point. Thank you for reading my application.
    Keep Her Dream Alive Scholarship
    Throughout my entire life I have been around animals. I grew up with animals of many different species and had many opportunities to work with additional exotic type animals as well. However what really pushed my passion to become a veterinarian was my experiences through 4-H. Being a part of my county's 4-H program was very influential to my choice in becoming a veterinarian in a few different ways. I was a part of the poultry program where I raised ducks, chickens and quail, the horse project and was also a very active member in the dog project. All of my animal projects created opportunities for many educational experiences which allowed me to grow my knowledge in not only the species I personally raised but also other similar species. These educational experiences included dissections, getting to shadow large and small animal vets, and being able to do an eye dissection lab at the local veterinary school. All of these experiences guided my love for veterinary work as my future career. The two experiences which I believe really made me realize that I want this as a career were; my shadowing experiences with large and small animal vets and my National 4-H Conference experience in Washington DC. My shadowing experiences helped me realize that I wouldn't only be helping an animal feel better but I would also help my community. Veterinarians help the community everyday. They do this by helping to control the feral dog/cat population and giving vaccines which help prevent the spread of infectious diseases among animals, additionally large animal vets can help maintain a healthy food industry so the meat we eat and the milk we drink is from healthy well maintained animals. My experiences at the National 4-H experience were just as compelling. In this conference all 350 youth from 48 states and 4 territories were split into 20 different groups where we had an assigned federal agency which we were to create a presentation about. These presentations were based off of questions which were provided by the agency. At the end of the conference we then presented these presentations at that federal agency's headquarters. My group received the USDA which I feel was a great agency. Throughout my research I learned that I had interest in possibly becoming a veterinarian for the USDA where I would be able to help the community more widespread. This choice was quickly cemented when I was able to meet and talk with some very amazing people at the USDA who listened to my group's presentation. These people included the Secretary of Agriculture, the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, the Director of NIFA and the lead USDA scientist. At that moment I felt more drawn to that exact career choice than I ever had about any other career. I know that it will be very difficult in these upcoming years of schooling in order to even get into vet school, but I know that this is the career I truly want and that I will work very hard for it. I am very excited to start an internship with the USDA this summer to get a foot in the door years in advance so I can hopefully create a relationship with the USDA veterinarians in my state. I am excited to see what experiences and opportunities await in my future.
    Bethel Memorial Award for Veterinary Medicine
    I have been interested in Veterinary medicine ever since I knew what a veterinarian was. I have been around animals my entire life which range from cats to dogs to horses and many others along the way. For most of my life I have also been a part of 4-H where I have shown countless animals at the county and state level along with teaching educational animal related classes to other youth within my region. 4-H additionally taught me many leadership skills which I know that I would need in the veterinary field. I have been a showmanship instructor for my counties dog project, a junior handler for a local dog breeder and a poultry instructor for my counties poultry project. For the past five years I have had the opportunity to own my own poultry breeding business which has allowed me to create connections with other animal people across the country. However, what truly set my heart on becoming a veterinarian was my love for genetics, anatomy, and creating/inspiring change. Throughout the years I have thrown around the idea of becoming either an equine vet, small animal vet or household exotics vet, however, recently I have decided that I would like to pursue my career in meat animals to hopefully eventually work as a veterinarian for the USDA. Last week I had the amazing opportunity to travel out to Washington DC and work with the USDA on a presentation. Throughout this experience I learned of all the many different USDA job opportunities, including the veterinary medicine careers. I had never particularly been interested in eventually working for a big company, however I felt that the USDA was not run like any other big company. I was very excited to learn about all of the different things that a USDA veterinarian took part in, which included helping the future of veterinary medicine. I don't want to have a career where I just follow along with everyone else and stick to the basics. I want a career where I can make discoveries and create change within the field and communities across the country. Being a leader within my community and my nation is what I ultimately want in a career. I feel that my love for animals and experience with animals at this age will make me a great future veterinarian that can hopefully make changes for the better inside and outside of my career.
    Inguz Memorial Scholarship
    I have wanted to be a veterinarian ever since I knew what a veterinarian was. I have always been obsessed with animals of all species. Because of my love for animals my parents decided to have me join 4-H in 4th grade. We however lived in the city and I was only able to show my dog and a rabbit that my parents let me get. In 6th grade we moved out to the country and I was able to get the horse that I always wanted. I soon became very involved in 4-H through many animal projects including dog, rabbit, poultry, small market animal and horse. My love for poultry and the genetics behind them grew which led me to start my own poultry breeding program in 2019. I now breed five different breeds of chickens, one breed of duck and two species of quail. I not only sell breeding stock locally but I also ship eggs nationwide for people who are interested in hatching their own birds. This year I had the chance to share my love for poultry with other local youth through a class which I taught at a county event. Outside of the poultry project I am also very involved in the horse project and the dog project. I have competed at the state level in both projects and am considered a valuable leader in both projects. In the horse project I help teach the jumping work nights and in the dog project I am the showmanship instructor. These 4-H projects have allowed me to participate in many other activities outside of 4-H in my local communities. Because of my dog project experience I had the chance to become a handler for a local golden retriever breeder who is unable to get around with his dogs in the show ring. All of these experiences really cemented down my idea of becoming a veterinarian. With my small animal experiences I have decided that I want to become a small animal vet with household exotics experience so I can work with house birds, cavy and rabbits. I have been trying to get in all of the vet experience that I can before I head off to college this next fall. As a volunteer at my local humane society I not only work with socializing the animals but I also get to help at all of the vaccine and spay/neuter clinics that the humane society puts on. Additionally I have been putting in shadowing hours at my city's local small animal vet and with my local equine vet office. Outside of the humane society and vet offices I have also volunteered at my local zoo where I was able to help take care of other types of animals which included kangaroos, serval cats, porcupines, lemurs and many other amazing species. After working with so many different types of animals it is definitely very hard to choose a favorite. All of the animals I have worked with are very intelligent in their own ways. In the end though I believe my favorite animal would be a horse, they are very similar to me in many ways, both stubborn and hard working at the same time but very loyal once a relationship has been created. I am very excited to start my higher education towards becoming a veterinarian. I am very passionate about this career choice and know that it will take a lot of work and dedication to get into vet school. I know that I will continue to push myself in my academics and experiences.