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Isabella Cartas


Bold Points








Hello, I am Isabella Cartas and I like to help people no matter who they are. I like to read books that are of any type of genre and I like volunteering for anything. I volunteered to read books and leave reviews on them in school. I volunteered to help kids in summer camps. I like learning Mandarin because the language and culture are beautiful. I also love watching anime (Japanese cartoons) and it has helped me differentiate many languages from eachother. My main goal is to be a capable person with skills to help anyone who may need it. Completing that goal would mean trying to get into university and taking the medical field because I’m interested in it and I’ll be able to learn which is something else I love doing (learning). In the future I would like to travel in order to learn about differnt cultures because its good to have that aquired knowledge and I would would to participate in daring adventres. I have alot of compassion and I am a very open minded person which is something I am very proud of it. I wish people were more empathetic and more compassionate towards others because we are all human beings. Being aware and educated is better than being ignorant and hiding in your shell. Through my future abilities and the abilities, I have now which is learning Mandarin and volunteering I can see myself becoming a helpful person. I know somehow and in someway I’ll be able to fulfill my dreams through these scholarships. I strive to live a fllfilling life where when I am old I can say " I truly lived." I’ll try my hardest.Thank you.


Florida International University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026

South Miami Senior High School

High School
2020 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Physical Sciences
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Human Biology
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

    • Dream career goals:


      • School

        2019 – 2020

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        National English Honor Society — volunteer
        2021 – Present
      • Volunteering

        National Science Honor Society — Secretary
        2021 – Present
      • Volunteering

        School — Volunteer to read books and write reviews on them
        2020 – Present
      • Volunteering

        St. Kevin Catholic School Summer Camp — Volunteer Helping out
        2019 – 2019

      Future Interests


      Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
      I identify strongly with Malgorzata "Maggie" Kwiecien's struggles and can see facets of myself in her inspiring path. I went to the United States for my education, much like Maggie, and I am aware of how brave it is to travel to a new nation without any assistance. Maggie's tenacity and bravery motivate me to embark on the trip even though abandoning familiar surroundings and embracing an unfamiliar setting may be both thrilling and intimidating. Like Maggie, I have a daring mind and am always seeking to increase my skill set. I am committed to learning, and I aspire to be a leader in the sector of my choice. As I work to attain academic success and have a significant influence in the STEM area, Maggie's drive to succeed in anything she set her mind to inspires me. Like Maggie, I also appreciate physical challenges and outdoor activities. Sports and adventurous pursuits aid in the development of one's physical abilities as well as tenacity and commitment. I enjoy outdoor sports like riding, skiing, trekking, and traveling because they give me the chance to push my limits and discover my inner strength. Maggie's commitment to dialogue and debate also resonates with me. I respect candid and intellectual discussions, and I firmly believe that participating in discussions broadens viewpoints and encourages critical thinking. Like Maggie, I like intellectual challenges and look for opportunities to learn more about challenging topics. By applying for this award, I hope to pay tribute to Maggie and continue her legacy of bravery, tenacity, and intellectual curiosity. Like her, I'm driven to succeed academically and make a contribution to the STEM disciplines. This scholarship would give me tremendous assistance in reaching my goals, enabling me to concentrate on my studies and excel in my chosen sector. I am motivated by the brave attitude that Maggie possessed, and I make an effort to model my ambitions after hers. Her drive to learn, unrelenting tenacity and joy for life serve as a continual inspiration, showing me that with hard work and bravery, I can overcome obstacles and do great things. In conclusion, I identify with Malgorzata "Maggie" Kwiecien's struggles as an international student and the bold pursuit of her academic, athletic, and intellectual aspirations. By pursuing the opportunities that an education in the United States has to offer, I aim to pay tribute to Maggie's memory and continue her legacy by applying for this scholarship. As much as Maggie's life inspires me, I hope to inspire others by following my aspirations courageously and having a good influence on the world, just like she did in her day.
      Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
      I have encountered many difficulties and hurdles in my quest to seek more education and realize my ambition of becoming a neurosurgeon as a Nicaraguan woman reared by a single mother. As a woman of color from a low-income family, my experiences have made me aware of the discrepancies and obstacles that people of color face while trying to obtain higher education. In addition, I have suffered the agony of abuse, endured prejudice, and dealt with financial constraints. Despite these struggles, I have stayed steadfast in my resolve to improve my family's and my own life. My love for biology and chemistry has always been sparked by a life-changing brain aneurysm I had when I was ten years old. This incident not only piqued my curiosity about the human brain and its intricacies, but it also motivated me to study more and assist those who are dealing with neurological illnesses. I have experienced times of self-doubt and hesitation throughout my scholastic career, particularly when I have experienced racial and gender-based prejudice. Being subjected to racial insults and having chances refused based purely on my race and gender has left me feeling incredibly wounded and frustrated. But these encounters have also strengthened my resolve to dispel myths and remove obstacles for other women like me. I want to be a role model for other women of color, demonstrating to them that we can succeed in traditionally male-dominated professions like STEM and medicine despite all the obstacles. My mother's fortitude have served as my greatest sources of inspiration as a single mother and abuse victim. She has always been my staunchest ally, stressing the value of education and exhorting me to aim high. She made sacrifices so that I could follow my aspirations, and I want to make her proud by making life better for us both. For me, receiving the Barbara J. DeVaney scholarship would be a game-changer. I would be able to finish my study without being overwhelmed by student loan debt if I received this funding. In addition to relieving my financial burden, the scholarship would provide me with the recognition and inspiration I need to continue pursuing my academic and professional goals. The scholarship money would be used to pay for my tuition and other educational costs while I continue to study biology and chemistry to position myself for a lucrative future in the medical industry. I would be able to achieve academic excellence and acquire the information and abilities required to become a successful neurosurgeon if I had the chance to concentrate entirely on my study. Additionally, I would spend a portion of the scholarship money to help groups that fight for the rights and welfare of women who are the targets of discrimination and abuse survivors. I have a strong love for social justice and equality as a result of my experiences, and I want to give back to the community by supporting programs that empower women who have had similar difficulties. In conclusion, as a woman from a group that frequently encounters major impediments to higher education, the Barbara J. DeVaney scholarship has considerable relevance for me. In addition to relieving my financial burden, receiving this scholarship would provide me with the recognition and encouragement I need to go toward my goal of becoming a neurosurgeon. With this scholarship, I want to dispel prejudice, promote equality, and improve the lives of people working in the medical sector. I'm committed to improving my life and the lives of my family, and this scholarship will help me get closer to those ends and change the world.
      Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
      My single mother has been my unfailing foundation of support as I work for my educational objectives. I saw her unwavering drive to provide my younger brother and me with a better life while I grew up in poverty with her as my lone parent. My academic path has been motivated by her sacrifices and determination, and she has been instrumental in forming my ideals and objectives. My mother instilled in me the value of education and its capacity to change lives from an early age. Despite our difficult circumstances, Mom consistently highlighted the importance of education and pushed me to achieve academic success. Her confidence in my skills and her unfailing support has been a continual source of inspiration, inspiring me to aim higher and put in more effort. Practically speaking, my mum has been quite supportive of my efforts to further my education. She ran our home, worked hard to meet our requirements, and made sure I had the supplies I needed for my studies. She valued my education despite her limited resources and made concessions to make sure I had access to books, educational tools, and a comfortable place to study. Her ingenuity in using our little resources wisely has been admirable, and it has taught me the value of tenacity and adaptation. My mother has been my emotional compass in addition to providing practical help. She has been my confidante, speaking words of encouragement and reassuring me of my skills when I have struggled academically or during times of self-doubt. She never wavered in her conviction in my ability, which gave me the courage to follow my aspirations without concern for disappointment. My mother's personal experiences as a single parent have greatly affected my views as I pursue a career as a neurosurgeon. Her tenacity and will in the face of hardship have inspired me and taught me the value of perseverance, hard work, and empathy. My dedication to having a positive effect on the lives of people I aspire to serve as a nurse has been molded by her consistent focus on treating others with compassion and understanding. In addition, my mum has helped me with my volunteer work. She fueled my desire to serve others and promote equality by encouraging and supporting my attempts to give back to the community. Her advice has reaffirmed how crucial it is to apply one's knowledge and abilities to advance society and give those in need hope. In summary, my single mother has been my steady and necessary support system while I work toward my academic objectives. My ideals and objectives have been greatly influenced by her tenacity, willingness to make sacrifices, and faith in my abilities. Her support has inspired me to achieve academic success and maintain my dedication to pursuing my ambition of becoming a neurosurgeon. She has practically helped me, but she has also taught me the value of hard effort, compassion, and the significance of giving back to the community via her actions and counsel. I carry with me the deep effect of my mother's support, love, and unshakable trust in my skills while I pursue my educational goals and work to improve the lives of others.
      Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
      The traits of Gryffindor include bravery, courage, and chivalry. My journey has needed a tremendous amount of guts and tenacity because I was raised by a single mother in poverty. I've demonstrated my great sense of bravery and perseverance by overcoming obstacles at an early age and taking on tasks beyond my years. My desire to help others suffering from neurological illnesses has inspired me to pursue a career in neurosurgery, which further exemplifies my bravery and chivalry. My love of biology and chemistry, together with my dedication to scholastic brilliance, are in line with Gryffindor's enjoyment of learning and applying knowledge to lofty goals. Hard labor, loyalty, and justice are valued in Hufflepuff. Because of the obstacles I had while caring for my younger brother and pushing myself to do well in my academics, my experiences have helped me build a strong work ethic. Hufflepuff's emphasis on education and personal development connects with my commitment to study and the quest of knowledge. My willingness to provide a hand and my volunteer activities demonstrate my commitment and compassion. My dedication to advancing social justice and equality demonstrates my devotion to Hufflepuff's principles of fairness and opportunity for everyone. The traits that Ravenclaw appreciates most include wit, knowledge, and a desire to study. My love for biology and chemistry, which was inspired by a significant incident in my life, shows that I have a hunger for knowledge and an awareness of the natural world. My interest in neurosurgery is a reflection of my passion to dive into challenging topics and discover creative answers. My passion to learning and my desire to become a neurosurgeon are examples of how I am committed to applying what I know to improve the lives of others. Although there are characteristics of each house that appear to fit my personality, I am aware that Hogwarts houses are not mutually exclusive and that people frequently have traits from many houses. My special combination of courage, tenacity, and love of learning could enable me to become a well-rounded person who combines characteristics from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Hogwarts houses are a fun way to highlight various facets of a person's character, and I think that regardless of which house I might be sorted into, the Hogwarts community would celebrate and cherish my commitment to making a positive impact on the world, my determination to pursue my dreams, and my compassion for others.
      DRIVE an IMPACT Today Scholarship
      My life story perfectly fits the DRIVEN scholarship's goal of giving deserving students opportunities regardless of their upbringing, region, socioeconomic class, or personal preferences. I know the value of conquering challenges and exhibiting grit, respect, inventiveness, adaptability, equality, and nurturing since I was raised in poverty by a single mother in Nicaragua. My journey has been built on determination. I persisted in my dedication to learning and personal development despite my financial difficulties and limited resources. At an early age, I had a brain aneurysm, which awakened my interest in biology. My resolve to become a neurosurgeon was strengthened by this tragedy because I wanted to aid those who were suffering from neurological illnesses and brain injuries. I've learned to put into practice the virtue of respect throughout my life. I saw the difficulties my mother endured as a single parent while growing up and the sacrifices she made for us. I learned from this experience how important it is to respect people and treat them with compassion and sensitivity. I connected with people from a variety of backgrounds via substantial volunteer work, and I constantly exhibited respect for their problems and experiences. I support fostering a workplace where everyone feels heard and appreciated. Another aspect that motivates me in my academic and extracurricular endeavors is innovation. I became engrossed in the study of biology and chemistry, which inspired me to pursue scientific research and come up with original solutions to problems. I make an effort to use critical thinking and come up with fresh answers to challenging problems in the medical industry. I'm committed to contributing to research and improvements in neurological care as a future neurosurgeon, giving patients the greatest outcomes. I learned versatility early on because of the difficulties I encountered. Being poor as a child required me to be inventive, and I developed my ability to think creatively to get around problems. My varied experience and passion for learning have made me responsive to new ideas and ready to adapt to new difficulties. This adaptability enables me to collaborate and interact with a variety of patients and coworkers, establishing a productive working environment. I believe social justice and equality to be very important principles. My volunteer work made me aware of the challenges faced by underrepresented groups, which stoked my enthusiasm for advocating for equality and inclusiveness. I'm dedicated to removing obstacles and giving everyone the same opportunity, regardless of their circumstances or background. I want to become a neurosurgeon and work with various populations, ensuring everyone gets access to high-quality medical treatment. I acquired the importance of nurturing via the sacrifices made by my single mother. I learned from her unrelenting commitment to the value of fostering ambitions and aspirations. As a future neurosurgeon, I want to provide my patients with a sense of hope and healing while also giving them supportive care as they make their way to recovery. I want to have a huge effect on neurosurgery if I'm given the DRIVEN scholarship. I'll utilize the scholarship to work hard at my studies and research to overcome the obstacles encountered by those who have neurological illnesses and brain injuries. Additionally, I want to promote fair healthcare access, especially for underprivileged populations. Beyond my medical profession, I aim to contribute to society by being involved in programs that encourage social equality, healthcare, and education. I want to be an example for those dealing with similar difficulties, motivating them to pursue their goals with tenacity and fortitude. My personal experience has served as a testimonial to the principles that the DRIVEN scholarship seeks to promote.
      Doña Lupita Immigrant Scholarship
      I am a Nicaraguan who has lived through the struggles of having a single mother parenting two children while growing up in poverty. I learned early on the value of resiliency, independence, and tenacity thanks to these trying circumstances. I was given responsibilities that were above my years as a youngster since I was my younger brother's protector and guardian. Although she was a single parent and had to work very hard to support us, my mother's unrelenting commitment to providing us with a better life was a continual source of inspiration. My beliefs and goals have been greatly influenced by my background, and I want to pass those ideals on to any children I may have or any future families. Resilience is the first quality I would like to impart. Growing up in poverty taught me that despite the obstacles life might provide, it's important to meet them head-on and overcome them by becoming even more resilient. Despite the difficulties, my mother's determination taught me the value of maintaining a positive attitude and refusing to let failures dictate my future. I want my child(ren) to grow up resilient and realize that setbacks in life are development opportunities. Another characteristic I cherish and want to impart to my child or children is independence. Because I was raised by a single mom, I early understood how important it was to be independent and take responsibility for my own life. I want my child(ren) to be a confident and independent thinker, capable of making responsible decisions and navigating life's challenges with self-assurance. Resilience and perseverance go hand in hand, and I want my child(ren) to know that while pursuing their goals may not always be simple, everything is achievable with hard effort and determination. I wish to inspire my child(ren) to remain dedicated to their objectives despite hardships by using my journey toward a profession in neurosurgery as an example of the power of perseverance. My experiences have strengthened the virtue of compassion, especially during my volunteer activities. I have a strong feeling of empathy for other people's hardships, and I want to help those who are in need. I want my child(ren) to grow up with a caring heart and to be kind and empathetic to others. The foundation of my personal growth and development has been my education. I've always loved studying, and it's always been my haven when things become tough. I want to instill in my child(ren) a love of learning and inspire them to be inquisitive and interested in the world. I think that curiosity is the basis of knowledge, and I want my children to be curious about everything they encounter. As I think back on my trip, gratitude is a virtue that has grown even more clear to me. Despite the difficulties, I am appreciative of the chances I have had and my mother's support. I want my child(ren) to be grateful for the gifts in their lives and to acknowledge the often-overlooked small things. I place a high value on family bonds since I know firsthand how strong and dependable a loving family can be. My goal is to provide a loving home where my child(ren) will feel appreciated, cherished, and inspired to follow their ambitions. My single mother instilled in me the virtues of moral and ethical integrity. The tenets that have guided our lives have been integrity, honesty, and respect for others. I want my child(ren) to see the value of morality and ethical behavior as the cornerstones of good character and civic responsibility.
      Corrick Family First-Gen Scholarship
      My road to becoming a neurosurgeon was motivated by a pivotal experience from my youth. I had a brain aneurysm when I was just 10 years old, which not only altered the path of my life but also sparked a desire for education and working with those who have brain injuries. My journey has been shaped by both personal experiences and a genuine love for science. Growing up in a challenging environment with a single mother, I learned the value of resilience and determination early on. Despite the hardships, I always had an innate curiosity about the natural world. Biology, in particular, fascinated me - the intricate workings of living organisms, the complexities of the human body, and the marvels of the brain. I knew from a young age that I wanted to dedicate my life to understanding the human body and making a difference in the lives of others. When I had a brain aneurysm, my life took a drastic shift. Although the encounter was horrifying, something in me was stirred. I focused my concentration on comprehending what had occurred to me and what might be done to avoid and treat such circumstances rather than letting panic overcome me. The beginning of my future profession as a neurosurgeon was sown by this circumstance. My interest in biology further deepened as I went further in my schooling. I've recently developed a fresh interest in chemistry. I was in awe of how atoms combine to create molecules, and how these molecules interact to power biological activities. I came to see that the integration of biology and chemistry was essential for understanding the complexity of the brain and developing creative remedies for neurological problems. My path has been built on my intellectual interests, but my dedication to assisting others has been just as crucial. I firmly believe in the merits of empathy and compassion in the practice of medicine. I have devoted many hours to volunteering to get real-world experience and better comprehend the difficulties experienced by patients and their families. Through this, I have seen firsthand the effects that neurological problems have on people and the people close to them, which has strengthened my resolve to change people's lives for the better. I am fully aware of how difficult the road to becoming a neurosurgeon is. It calls for unrelenting determination, unceasing devotion, and an insatiable need for knowledge. I'm ready and willing to take on the difficulties ahead. My upbringing has given me the fortitude and perseverance needed for this trip because of the special combination of personal experiences and intellectual zeal it contains. I'm intrigued by the opportunities that lay ahead as I pursue my chemical research and biology coursework. I am aware that the path to becoming a neurosurgeon will be difficult and drawn out, but my commitment to helping people in need keeps me going. Every action I do is motivated by the hope that one day I may be able to utilize my expertise to assist others who are dealing with similar difficulties as I was. I want to make a difference in their lives and serve as a lighthouse of hope for them. My desire to become a neurosurgeon is motivated by my early experiences, my love of biology, and other factors. I'm dedicated to improving the lives of those who have neurological illnesses and brain trauma. I am convinced that I will realize my ambition and make a significant and lasting contribution to the field of medicine with the help of my loved ones, mentors, and my perseverance.
      Luv Michael Impact Scholarship for Autism Acceptance Advocacy
      I believe everyone in this world no matter who they are deserves a chance at living a happy and fulfilling life. Everyone deserves the same opportunities that are given to anyone alive because at the end of the day we are all human. People with autism are no different; they deserve the same opportunities that everyone else gets. Volunteering and advocating are ways that people can open their horizons and make a change in this huge world. I am tremendously interested in joining Luv Michael Volunteer Program because as it says in my Bio I like helping people. If there is any way that I can advocate or volunteer to help people I’ll happily join because it’s something that I like doing. If I can help even one person in the world through my advocating or volunteering that’ll make me the happiest in the world for the reason that because of this— there is a change made in the world. Autism doesn’t mean their life is over; it just means that the person needs a little more help than someone else. They’re still the same kind person that you know and making people aware helps more people with autism want to live a happy life openly.
      AMPLIFY Mental Health Scholarship
      How are you?” “I’m fine” “I’m good” “I’m okay” That’s a line that many people who suffer from mental health say. It’s a sad line that even I very, unfortunately, have said myself and I’m sure many others have as well. It’s a line that they either say to protects themselves or to protect others. Mental health has been with me since I was in 3rd grade maybe even before that but that’s as far as I can remember really. Writing the words “I’m stupid and dumb” on a piece of paper in third grade was probably the start of what has been a long battle of depression. The depression started hitting more when my family issues started getting worse in the 6th grade and in the 7th the self-harm started. Part of the reason why I want to help people considerably is that I know what it feels like to be and feel alone and feel like there’s no escape to what you’re doing and feeling. The experiences with my mental health and helping my other friends with their mental health have taught me how to be a more compassionate person towards people because you never know what someone’s going through. In the 8th grade the self harm lessened because of a friends help. That, of course, doesn’t mean that the depression ends. Moving forward I hope I am able to help myself to get better even more and the people that are suffering or are in need of help through my neurological skills in the future and volunteering. Advocacy is something I hope I’m able to do as well for those who need help no matter what it is. As I move forward the experiences I have obtained from these challenges will hopefully help me help others so that they don’t feel alone and can also move forward.
      Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship
      As a first-generation student, it is easier for me to be living and studying here because I was born here and I know the English language fluently. Compared to refugees and immigrants, it’s harder for them since they’ll need to get accustomed to the U.S, the language, and whatever cultural differences there are. In the end, we’re all the same human beings that deserve a chance and that have goals and achievements that we want to complete in our lives. When I graduate high school I wish to go to university to be a Neurosurgeon since that’s my job goal. That goal came from the near-death experience I had when I was 10 in fifth grade. When I was in fifth grade during school, a vein popped in my brain, which led to my near-death if the ambulance hadn’t come like 5 minutes earlier than expected. From then for four months I was at the hospital, trying to regain my speech, eyesight, walking, or any sort of movement that’s simple like sitting or chewing. I couldn’t even dream of sitting or hold my little brother's hand. The reason this experience stuck was that my parents have never been rich and so it was a struggle to cover those hospital bills, MRI’s, or even therapy treatments even with insurance. Being a first-generation American means my parents weren’t born here so they both had to work long hours and no one could talk care of me. This experience made me want to be a neurosurgeon to help more people like me and that are in need. Being alone at a hospital isn’t the best and it’s terrible especially when you feel horrible so I hope with my job I’m able to provide some sort of comfy to the person by helping them get better with the surgery. I have had many things that have happened to me such as racism, misogyny, and even molestation. That’s why I hope that as I grow up I can help people that have gone through terrible things such as that through advocating, through my future job, or just being a friend as well. Being first-generation gives me the advantage of having gone through so many experiences that others may be going through now and in that way I can help those people.
      Brady Cobin Law Group "Expect the Unexpected" Scholarship
      A legacy is something that I’ve heard many people talk about when they graduate from high school. Adults have told me they’ve had children to have their legacy live on for a long time. I’ve also seen people who try to make their legacy through becoming famous but if you do that by creating scandals or not being a kind person is it worth it? Realistically speaking I believe people want to leave legacies so that they’re not forgotten or that people know they existed. However, how often do we think about the people before we were born if we’re going by the logic of those people who only have children to leave a legacy behind? A legacy to me is leaving a good impact on people through help or being a generous person who genuinely lives their life to the fullest and is remembered by that fact. Various types of legacies are valuable but it depends on the family or person. Some people would rather leave family traditions such as a cooking recipe as their legacies and others would rather just pass down an heirloom it just depends on the type of person and family you are. The type of legacy I would like to leave is to be remembered as a generous person who truly lives their life. I would like to be known as someone who helped people as best I could. Being known for good things is better than being known for bad things.
      WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
      Great achievements are made by everyone at least once in their lives. Some people’s achievements are acknowledged by the world and others aren’t. No matter what the achievement is I believe every achievement should be acknowledged by the people we care about at the least and rewarded. My greatest achievement was in my freshmen year when I won 3rd place in a Chinese writing essay competition. The experience of winning 3rd place against 50 other students who were born in China gave me a confidence boost in my Chinese skills because that means I have mastered the language. The experience taught me that if I put myself into doing something I can accomplish various things in life. The thing about winning something is that you feel better about yourself because you’re rewarded for your hard work. Being rewarded for hard work taught me that in life you need to work hard and efficiently to accomplish things. If you push yourself further to accomplish something you will do many great things in life. The best part of hard work is the results that come out of it. In the future, I hope I can become a capable person of helping people. Whether it be advocating or just helping the homeless I hope I can help everyone no matter their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I believe everyone deserves a chance at being helped and if I’m able to get into the medical field I will have more skills to help people physically for their health and well-being. I hope I can achieve my dreams for myself so that I can push myself forward to work harder and accomplish more goals I may have in the future.
      Empower Latin Youth Scholarship
      I was born to a Nicaraguan mother and a Panamanian father in the United States of America. While it is a privilege to have been born in this country there are still many struggles that occur with being born here as a Latin person. I was raised by my grandma to be proud of my origins and culture and while I am proud to be Nicaraguan there were many times that I was ridiculed or discriminated against for being who I simply am. My elementary and middle school years were good just because everyone there was Hispanic except for the few times a kid would call me Indian or phrases such as those. It's sad to see kids discriminating at such a young age, but in the end, it's the parents who teach them these things or don't correct them. Usually, Latin families are close with one another, however, my family isn't those types of families for a reason: That reason being my mother. Aside from the blatant racism in school and my situation with the family money was and still is always an issue. Because my parents did not study here and they came in their 20's they had to get whatever job they could find, therefore, there isn't a lot of money to spend. In my high school years, t turned out my mother is a flagrant racist and narcissist that I did not understand when I was younger. That pushed me further into wanting to leave to help other people like me because I have dreams of my own but I want to help others that may be struggling with parents such as mine. Advocating for the right things is something I want to keep doing in my life for as long as I live because it's something that could help another person survive. Along with advocating, I want to pursue a medical field because that means that I'm helping people with any illness or trouble they may have. I hope that I can make a difference even if it may be insignificant because everything counts. I hope to help everyone no matter their race, sexual orientation, or sex because everyone in this world deserves equal treatment and respect. Even though I had a rough childhood, I learned from all these experiences and they brought me forward with my plans in helping people that may need it. Growing up as a Latin person has its advantages and disadvantages but I wouldn't change it for anything. I am proud of who I am and where I' am from.
      Mental Health Movement Scholarship
      Mental illness is something that can happen to anyone at any time. We, as humans, tend to not realize that not only we suffer but others do as well. Mental illness is something that for some reason not many people think exists. That is probably due to the family background of their beliefs. My personal experience with mental illness is still ongoing but it’s getting better as the years go by. On January 12, 2015, while I was in 5th grade, I had an aneurysm. That, in a way, started my mental illness journey because problems started arising. There were many hospital bills from MRIs and my father and mother didn’t have the time to be with me. Then three months later when I came back home things at home were loud in the way that my parents fought a lot now. At the time it wasn’t a very healthy place to be. Then in 6th grade, girls started picking their groups and wearing makeup; everything changes that grade. The people I used to hang out with were childhood friends that were slowly drifting away. Most of the year I was relatively alone and it was until the end of the 6th-grade year that I found my new friend group. During the summer, that's when I started noticing things such as weight and looks. That took a toll on me and it was in 7th where things got bad. In 7th grade, I figured out sexualities was a thing, and the things I would consider normal such as dreaming about wanting to kiss girls or things weren’t considered “normal” to other people. My parent's marriage was also starting to get worse and it wasn’t a good time because there was self-harm.From 8th grade to now junior year, I’ve been working on getting better by relying on friends or believing that I can get better. I wish that my experience would show other people that it’s possible to get better and to have hope and courage to not give up. There’s this feeling of accomplishment of winning against your own demons.
      Pride Palace LGBTQ+ Scholarship
      I am proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ for many reasons, and many of the reasons are no matter the situation; this community won’t give up. We, as a community, won’t let ourselves be stepped on and would advocate for the rights of everyone. I am proud because we’re who we are. We were all born this way and deserve the same respect everyone gets. Twitter: Sugaisalilmeow
      Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
      My favorite all-time favorite film is the Japanese film called the Grave of the Fireflies. The Grave of the Fireflies is a film that holds a melancholy and solemn tone throughout the movie. It is a movie based on two siblings who try to survive in the concluding months of World War 2 while the Americans are bombing Japan. It is my favorite movie because it shows different sides to the war and it most definitely will leave you crying as it did to my brother and me. The film is so beautiful yet so sorrowful as you watch two kids suffer alone and it’s this feeling I can’t exactly describe. It’s this feeling where the people who watch it don’t speak because you just can’t you have this great sadness is the best way I can describe it. It is also the fact that you know back these people went through those same things or similar at least similar experiences and it is just sad. For all these reasons, this is why the Grave of the Fireflies is my favorite. Whoever may come across to read this I hope you give it a chance because it is a moving film that shows you a different perspective.
      JuJu Foundation Scholarship
      Finding inspiration in life is probably one of the hardest things to do in life but, thankfully, I was able to grasp what inspires and drives me in life when I was in 6th grade because of mindless curiosity. As dumb as it may sound the South Korean Pop group BTS is what drives me to continue forward and keep pushing for a happy and fulfilling life where I can love myself and be proud of myself. When I was in 6th grade I didn't have a lot of self-confidence and my home life wasn't great either so there were times when I would give up. Then out of nowhere while I was watching a youtube video I heard someone repeating "BTS BTS BTS" and that where it all started. They have helped me realize I have to help myself before helping others and appreciate the life I have because it is precious. Even writing this essay for a scholarship, back then I would probably doubt myself not try to apply or give it a chance but now I'm proudly applying, knowing my self worth and moving forwards with my life for a better future.
      Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Scholarship
      My encounter may not be the worst encounter of adversity that's happened, but the fact it even happened is what brought me more into reality and made me realize that anything can happen to you. In December of 2020, despite my brothers and my dislike of going on a road trip to Texas while the Coronavirus is still killing people my mother made the road trip happen. We live in a relatively diverse city so things such as hate crimes or blatant racism have never occurred to the three of us. While we were driving, further and further away from the relevant places in Florida and made it to Ocala still situated in Florida but closer to Alabama if anything that is where things starting happening. Her boyfriend stopped at a Wawa for us to buy some snacks and I entered with my mother while she went to use the restroom I bought snacks for my brother and me. When I go to checkout and it's my turn to pay, a white old lady looks at my Hispanic self up and down, and at first, I thought I was overreacting so I didn't think much about it, that is until she was done checking my items out. She proceeds to throw the bag with my snacks in them at me, to which I immediately left the store feeling disrespected. I had completely forgotten about my mother who was using the bathroom at the time and returned to the inside of Wawa since she can't speak English very well and I feared something worst would happen to her. Thankfully, There was a different cashier this time, everything went smoothly, and our road trip continued. Six hours later after four stops in between, we arrived at Alabama according to the sign that said "Welcome to Sweet Home Alabama" in bold letters. We stopped at a gas station somewhere in Alabama and the first thing I noticed from the outside was the excessive amounts of Trump merchandise. Again it was my mother and I who entered because we both needed to use the restroom, and right when we entered there was even more trump merchandise there ranging from flags to toilet seats for some reason. The cashier lady looked at both my mother and me with her blue, piercing eyes in disgust which only I noticed because my mother doesn't focus on small details. After we used the bathroom my mother wanted to explore the store and the lady at the cashier went out of her desk thing and started following us around which once again my mother did not notice. The whole store was filled with people wearing shirts, that were Trump-related or just had very not good meanings that I understood and I, of course, felt very uncomfortable since they were also staring at us and the lady kept following us. I proceeded to push my mother out of there since she was not getting a hint and hurriedly ran to the car since I didn't want to get hate crimed or something. This experience will always stay with me as a reminder that this country as a whole has not moved forward enough. Because of this adversity I fear going to any of the states or cities I visited. I fear disrespecting someone that is white or walks on the streets in fear that they'll do something to my brother or me. I have become a more involved person, and help people of all kinds through advocation on social media and spreading petitions that I come across on any app that I use. In ways, I feel like this experience will help me become more involved in helping people in different ways I haven't tried yet because I'm still young and help me be a more considerate person.
      Pettable Pet Lovers Scholarship
      The Yorkshire’s name is Chiki. Chiki is a small special dog that surprisingly refuses to eat anything that is not dog food. Chiki's main activities are sleeping, eating, and looking cute the whole day, however, she is energetic at times, especially, when we come home. The second dog is a bulldog named Spike and he is such a sweet and old dog. Unfortunately, Spike is too old to the point where he can’t see and is in pain. He deserves all the love in the world which is why we love him so much.
      First-Gen in Health & Medicine Scholarship
      Being a first-generation student in many ways puts an immense amount of pressure on any individual. There are many worries in being the older sibling and first-generation student as well since you're quite frankly the guinea pig of the family for your siblings and cousins ultimately. Parents may pressure you to excel further in school and pick a beneficial major that will bring you a considerable amount of money, so you don't end up having to find random jobs that they don't like but have to do. Medicine/healthcare is a career that many parents would push their children to grasp to ensure their future of a successful life. That is why I believe this is one of the many factors that may have caused me to choose this career choice. When I was a little girl, I remember always being told by my brother's father in Spanish "Ay la futura doctora" which translates to " Ah the future doctor." That phrase along with many other expressions, made me realize because I am a first-generation, I have to pick a career that will bring me a large sum of money and along with that make my parents proud. As the years went on though the pressure to be in the medical/healthcare career grew stronger and I grew to hate hearing about doctors or going to doctors altogether. It was until 10th grade, during the beginning and middle of quarantine when I started seeing all these people in pain and being hurt because of the virus or anything else in the world that was happening, that I then realized I wanted to be in the medical field to help people in need no matter what. I noticed that because I am a first-generation student, I have an opportunity to follow these dreams of helping anyone that may need them through my future studies of Medicine. Being a first-generation student has made me realize that my parent works a lot for my brother and I so that we can study and do what we want to do in our lives. Money may partake in what I want to do, however, I mostly want to help as much as I can since I have a chance as a first-generation student. My journey in pursuing this career may be demanding, nevertheless, I have hope that with the window(of opportunity) of being a first-generation and my hard work will pay off and I'll be able to fulfill my dreams and hopes of others too with my abilities.
      A Sani Life Scholarship
      2020 was a year that educated me and yet wrecked me at the same time. It was supposed to be my year where I was supposed to go to my first concert in my entire life for my favorite band which happens to be BTS. I was also supposed to enjoy my last 6 months at an amazing high school with my friends before I had to transfer for junior and senior years. Unfortunately, not everything goes the way we want them to sometimes and I learned that the hard way. The thing with 2020 is that without that year I wouldn’t be who I am today. I used to be a very ignorant and close-minded person, to be honest, but I learned that year of many things. When the Black Lives Matter protests began I learned the many flaws that our country has and how many other countries have many other problems that we do not notice or do notice but choose to ignore. I learned how to become an even more compassionate person and to expand my mind in understanding other people and their struggles, especially during those times. Lastly, I learned what it is to feel the pain of seeing other people you care about or just other people that you don’t know suffering. Everyone in the world had different experiences with the Coronavirus or other things but something I will always remember is my mother losing her job and looking at my brother and me with a fake smile to avoid worrying us. I will always remember January when I realized the Coronavirus was something serious when I saw the death rates in other countries. I will always remember the experience of hearing my uncle catch the Coronavirus and almost die from it. I will always remember seeing an immense amount of people come together to fight for the rights of people that they don’t even know but acknowledge in their hearts it is the right thing to do. All moments of pain and despair were always backed up with the hope of humanity to get through this. These moments shaped me into a better person to wanting to assist people who need help or are just suffering. 2020 helped me realize at some point I want to support many organizations for the people instead of being a greedy and ignorant person. 2020 is a year we’re all going to remember in both a bad light but also a good light.