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Isaac Bonilla


Bold Points








Hello everybody! My name is Isaac and I have a dream to graduate from college in the foreseeable future! I am a first-year generation college student at Angelo State University so I am slowly learning how to figure all this out! My major is International Business and I have also added on a minor in Marketing! Thankfully, I was able to apply to colleges while holding a steady 3.90 GPA throughout my high-school career. Amazingly, I was able to be the valedictorian of my graduating class! I have such as great interest in business and want to specialize within this field. To be more specific, I would like to have a career in management or marketing. If neither of these options becomes viable, I would like to become a financial analyst for the stock market. I enjoy business to such a degree that I am learning how to invest! I hope to use my business degree and knowledge to eventually operate or fund a homeless shelter in the future! Helping those in need has always been important to me! Unfortunately, my family is in a rough spot in terms of financial help. My household was composed of four people before I left for college and everybody relied on my step-father's income. Health costs and a reduction in income due to the COVID-19 pandemic only worsened this financial situation. Due to this, I am paying for a majority of my college tuition. However, I do not let this stop me from achieving my future goals! I appreciate any help and would like to thank those who take me into consideration when finalizing those for a scholarship!


Angelo State University

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • International Business
  • Minors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

Reagan County High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • International Business
    • Marketing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      International Trade and Development

    • Dream career goals:

      Company Manager

    • Sales Manager

      Vector Marketing
      2022 – Present2 years
    • Sandwich Artist

      2021 – 2021
    • Team Member

      2021 – 20221 year



    2017 – 20214 years


    • State Team Tennis Awards
    • First Place Singles
    • First Place Doubles
    • Second Place Doubles


    • Personal

      Lettering, Signatures
      2021 – 2023
    • Personal

      Weight Loss, Weightlifting, Healthy Diet, Muscle Building
      2018 – Present
    • Personal Experience

      Jazz, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Funk, Indie
      2018 – 2020

    Future Interests



    Olympians Academy Leadership Wings Scholarship
    As the world collapses through uncertainty or thrives in prosperity, people look toward leaders all the time. Political leaders, company leaders, and even community leaders are examples of how people always look up to their own leaders. Once I realized this, it was incredible to me because I have always wanted to lead my own staff members in a corporate setting. This is because I have always wanted to help those I can but at an efficient capacity. It does no good to lead people in anything if you don't have the compassion, drive, or knowledge on how to effictively help them to the best of your ability. As Jerome Tailard once said, "...Leadership listens, inspires, motivates, and gives a direction, a common goal to aspire to..." because leadership is more than just making an appearance and working for a few hours. I am currently attending Angelo State University and learning as much as I can about the business field. I have spoken to business owners, phenomenal realtors, motivated marketers, and so many more people in my local area! I have done this because I love to get advice from those that have experience in either leadership skills or experiencing being led. As I am paying my way through college, I have taken up a position at a marketing company and have gained so many job skills that I am grateful for. My time management, communication skills, and teamwork abilities have all increased exponentially since I began my time at the company! I went from being scared of public speaking to conducting interviews. Yet, one of the biggest challenges that I face today, is the potential to be a leader. I have had the privilege to speak to many leaders, both in business and politics. The knowledge and advice I have received is incredibly valuable to me because I know it will help me become a great leader in my own office. This is the reason I am so passionate about learning as much as I can about leading. I want to be the best manager and leader in my own team. Sparking inspiration and motivation can be helpful for those who simply wish to receive a paycheck. Taking somebody who has no drive and helping them achieve their goals is one of the biggest rewards that few have the honor of receiving. Knowing that I can leave a positive mark on the people I see within my occupation is an astounding feeling. The positive impact that I want to leave behind with my leadership experience, is the feeling of content that I was able to help those around me. I love to help people succeed, which is why I want to be the best leader for them so they can turn to me if they need to. Whether the people in my office turn to me for financial, physical, or mental help, I want them to know I am always there for them. Having a reliable, honest leader helps inspire people to work for themselves because they know they have a person to turn to in times of crisis. This can also spread more positivity onwards which can be a never-ending cycle of good deeds. This is where I can ultimately impact the world, by starting the positivity chain with the people I see in my office. Learning to improve my own leadership skills can ultimately spread positivity beyond those around me, which leaves everyone involved with a better day and a bigger smile. In a world of negativity, having a dose of positivity is what makes it shine.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    Growing up and watching Disney was amazing for me because I was able to learn many life lessons through my television screen. However, the main character that always stuck out to me was Tiana from "The Princess and the Frog." This was due to Tiana being an inspiration to me at the time because of her hard-working character and her unparalleled determination. Many other Disney princesses were amazing, but Tiana really stuck out to me because it showed her struggle in working towards her goal. This was inspirational to me and I still remember this film today because of Tiana's character. In "The Princess and the Frog," Tiana works extremely hard in order to one day open her own restaurant. Tiana was able to take the same determination her parents contained and used it to keep her work ethic strong. Within the film, Tiana can be seen extremely exhausted after a long shift at work yet still manages to put money away for her dream. Even at a young age, I realized that people need to work hard to achieve the results they want. Now as an adult, I can understand the struggle of coming home late from work, being drained, and still continuing to keep your dream in mind. Yet, while I admire Tiana's work ethic to an extreme degree, it's how her character develops that really made her stand out to me. Later on in "The Princess and the Frog," Tiana's character begins to slowly change. As she goes on adventures with Naveen through the film, Tiana learns how to balance her personal life. Tiana goes from being to engrossed into her work, to being able to properly balance her personal and work life. This evolution of her character spoke the most to me because it seemed incredibly realistic and inspirational. Tiana is a unique Disney princess to me because she holds a job, continues to work towards her dream, and learn how to manage her time effectively. This left a profound effect on me in a positive way, and I continue to use Tiana's own story as inspiration in my life. Tiana is ultimately a talented, ingenious, brilliant, and capable person that has made her my permanent mark as my favorite Disney character.
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    Being brave in the face of obstacles or setbacks can be extremely difficult to maintain, especially if the situation seems hopeless. For me, I have been able to practice bravery and live boldly through my goal of achieving a successful career. While I am currently in college, I strive to learn as much as I can about both my major and my career. I am able to put any information I receive through my classes and professors to use by practicing what they say in a real-life scenario! While at Angelo State University, I have learned many great things due to my major being within the business industry. Given this, I have learned many things about taxes, managerial duties, and business laws within my studies. Yet, the skills that I have prioritized, are those of communication, networking, and building my resume. In the beginning, the biggest challenges I faced were being extremely introverted and having a lack of professional skills. However, despite these setbacks, I didn't stop myself from working towards my own goal! With these skills, I was able to land a position for a marketing company and have slowly learned even more through my current job. Having the skills needed to flourish in my career would most likely have never been received if it wasn't for my enrollment at Angelo State University! Being able to learn real-world skills and improve my current skills have greatly helped me gain confidence. Professors and managers alike have both contributed to me expanding myself both academically and professionally. I thank those around me for teaching me and allowing me to slowly achieve my goal of obtaining a successful career choice! With the skills I've learned, I've been able to use bravery to push past my setbacks and live with a bold attitude!
    Bold Books Scholarship
    Reading has always played an important role in my life, as I loved interpreting the words off of pages and creating my own mental image. From early childhood, I can still remember using the Accelerated Reader program, reading a wide variety of books, and competing with children my age. I believe incorporating the importance of reading from an early age led me to read many books later on in life. Out of the many novels I've had the pleasure of reading, the most inspiring one that has been meaningful in my eyes was "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. The book is incredibly popular and for good reason, as it simulates what our own society can transform into if we are not careful. Within the novel, reading is banned alongside other practices such as enjoying nature and thinking independently. Society has resorted to burning books and other forms of literature with the help of firemen. The protagonist, Guy Montag is a fireman who accepts the burning of books until he slowly starts to understand their importance through the people around him. After going against his boss and secretly hiding away books, he is caught and later goes on the run. Guy Montag's journey within "Fahrenheit 451" is one that illustrates the spark of ambition being re-ignited within humanity. Towards the end of the novel, Guy Montag finds other people that are just like him which shows that there is still hope for humanity. I find this novel incredibly inspiring as the reason for burning books was because society was becoming overly sensitive to literature, similar to today's times. Having Guy Montag transform from an everyday fireman to an individual who can think for himself inspires me to never back down from my own problems, even if society may knock me down!
    Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
    1) Why do you deserve this scholarship? I deserve this scholarship because I've seen so many episodes of The Big Bang Theory and relate to Sheldon. Sheldon loves college and scholarships help pay for college tuition, so I'd love to be like Sheldon. 2) What are your academic and/or career goals? I studied for many years at the Walkerville Elementary School alongside Ms. Frizzle. My career goals ever since then have been to create and operate a magical school bus. 3) Tell me about a time you've overcome an obstacle. There was once a time when I ran out of styrofoam cups to use for the water purifier. Without having any cups, I couldn't pour my water purifier. Thankfully, I was able to create a make-shift cup out of a plastic bowl located atop a twelve-pack of water.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health is an incredibly important topic that I believe should be talked about more in households everywhere. A seemingly overlooked variable in the past has perhaps the biggest effect on your life. Your beliefs, values, and personality are all attributed to your mental health. This shows that how you are as a person can do a lot with your mental health. Being able to openly discuss our mental health and how we can improve it, can be beneficial for everybody! People can improve themselves and be more understanding towards others if they can remain healthy mentally. The world around us could change in the future if we take the steps now to understand mental health. Now as a first-generation college student, I realized that my mental health is extremely important. Throughout my childhood, I had occasionally experienced periods of extreme anxiety or depression. However, when I first arrived at Angelo State University, I didn't realize how much more stressful life can be. Juggling a part-time job, full-time classes, hobbies, and social events can pile up quickly if you're not careful. Yet, despite these factors, I never let myself fall down the road to anguish and dejection. I knew that if I let myself succumb to the pressure around me, it would be a long time before I could smile again. To help myself, I found my solution by realizing I could organize my time better through a calendar, so I organized my weekly activities every Monday. Additionally, I let people that I trusted help me through conversation and advice. There are always ways to better your mental health, you just have to let yourself look for them! During my first semester at Angelo State University, I realized how important it was to keep my mental health in a positive state. This has motivated and pushed me to strive for success in my life. Recently, I have begun to take a new outlook on life by realizing that no matter how negative the situation or circumstance is, I can only control how I react. The only power that a situation has over me, is how much I let it have over me. I have taken this approach in life and it has helped me in various situations. For example, I applied to multiple job openings while at college to help pay for my tuition. Even though the tuition deadline was approaching and I still could not find a job, I didn't fall apart. I kept applying until eventually, I was able to find a part-time sales position. Not only did this help me pay for my tuition, but I was also able to benefit my career as I am majoring in international business and minoring in marketing. Mental health is perhaps one of the biggest factors that can change your life for the positive if you find the right balance! While I enjoy how my life has been progressing lately, I also realized I needed my past struggles to grow. If I didn't stress over upcoming exams or minor inconveniences, I would have never attained the motivation to better myself. Organizing my calendar, talking to others, and having a new outlook on life have all contributed to a better tomorrow! Struggling with anxiety yesterday helped me stay calm today in the same manner that dealing with depression last month has helped me smile with friends today! Mental health can negatively affect your life and those around you, however, it can also put that extra shine on your step if you let it!
    Papi & Mamita Memorial Scholarship
    As I progress through my academic career, I realize that my knowledge can impact the world around me. Currently, I am pursuing a bachelor's degree while majoring in International Business. Being at Angelo State University has allowed me to have opportunities to connect with others and gain an outlook on the real world, which is amazing. Whether I am networking with my fellow students or meeting business executives, I recognize that I have a chance to make a positive impact on the world. Gaining the skills and expertise needed through my college degree can finally help make my dream become a reality, which is to eradicate homelessness. Growing up, my parents taught me to always help those in need. Even when my family couldn't afford much, they still did their best to provide for others. My father would always go out of his way to give at least a few dollars to a homeless person on the street whenever he could. Similarly, my mother would provide clothing and appliances to those in my family when possible. Being raised in a Hispanic culture taught me these values early on in life, which is why I like to carry them forward. If I am in a position to help those not as fortunate as me, then I take the opportunity provided. Majoring in business and striving for my bachelor's degree has broadened my view of the world. Seeing new people and talking to those from different backgrounds has helped me understand that you can help others in many ways. I have seen some people volunteer at animal shelters while others have picked up garbage littering the streets. I realized that even if the individual impact is small, everyone can contribute to making an overall positive effect on the world. To play my part, I aim to open or fund a homeless shelter in the future. I also wish to teach financial literacy in these homeless shelters to give people a better chance at managing their income. Given that my degree specializes in the business industry, I hope I can transform my knowledge and use it to make my dream become reality. While I am not done with college just yet, I have noted the difficulties and challenges that come with opening or funding a homeless shelter. Obstacles that come with running a homeless shelter include overcrowding, ensuring proper hygiene, managing a health system, running a feeding program, finding a viable location, having a shortage of equipment, and appropriately hiring those to teach financial literacy. Making connections, earning my income, and maintaining adequate funding are also challenges I will personally have to deal with. However, despite these possible setbacks, I still wish to provide for those in need of housing and shelter. I understand there will be many complications that need to be solved for a homeless shelter to be fully operational, but I will not stop until I can make a positive change in the world.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    Obstacles and challenges are endured by people every day. When my grandmother was hospitalized or when my father needed surgery, I faced it alone. Having nobody there to be your pillar of support hurts. Being provided no help during your moment of need is a very demoralizing and saddening situation. Needing guidance and support is something that many people crave yet very few are offered. However, I love that no matter the circumstance, I am able to push myself forwards due to my self-determination. I believe that despite how horrible a situation may seem at the time, there is always a need to keep moving onwards. Experiencing obstacles and learning how to overcome them is something that I've dealt with my whole life. From a young age, I've seen many instances where my mother did not let a bad situation keep her down even if she had no support. This encouraged me to learn from her and strive to adopt her motivational mentality. My own ability to stay strong and overcome challenges is greatly inspired by my mother. This is why I am incredibly proud of my own skill to remain focused. Being able to practice something I learned from my mother while also being beneficial in real-life situations makes me love this aspect of myself tremendously. Nowadays, I keep this mindset of being your own support because I believe not everyone can be there for you all the time. I could be dealing with a difficult homework assignment, lack of creativity, or be facing financial issues yet I still persevere. Understanding that life can hurdle different obstacles at you helps when you are actually going through them. My skill of self-determination is a major characteristic that I love about myself because it proves there is always a better tomorrow.
    Bold Optimist Scholarship
    Life has many obstacles and challenges that you may face. However, I believe it is important to stay optimistic through these times otherwise you may succumb to bitterness and anger. An optimistic outlook on life can be the motivation needed to push forwards through your problems and succeed. As the COVID-19 pandemic worsened, my optimistic attitude helped me understand that there will eventually be a conclusion that I can look forward to. Even after it was known that the COVID-19 virus was creating new strains, I stayed optimistic that we could overcome this together. Personal conflicts such as reduced income have been tough for my family, but it hasn't changed my optimistic attitude nor stopped me from trying to raise my family's spirits whenever possible. Alongside staying optimistic, I enjoy trying to take action in hopes of finding a solution! Using optimism has taught me how tough times never last. While a situation may seem hopeless or despairing, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Staying optimistic through tough times has helped me stay resistant to high amounts of stress and anxiety. It may seem that optimism is not such a great tool to have, but it can definitely protect against negative emotions. Resisting the thoughts of despair and hopelessness can be all the difference in tackling a difficult situation. If you engage in a situation that is difficult, having an optimistic attitude can positively affect yourself as you go through it. Maintaining an optimistic attitude has taught me that there is no need to feed into more negative thoughts than I need to as well as showing me that there is hope for a conclusion!
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    Getting knocked down and feeling hopeless as we face obstacles in life is completely normal. However, how we choose to respond in those situations is the most important aspect in my opinion. This is why I have learned that no matter how daunting or terrifying a situation may seem within my life, I try my best to push forwards. This type of mindset has helped me overcome some of the biggest conflicts I have faced. Instead of sulking or sinking in self-pity, I prefer to work around the situation at hand and find solutions. When I am experiencing something difficult or burdensome, I choose to strive forwards which has provided an unimaginable amount of value to my life. A recent challenge that I've encountered within my life is the problem of college tuition. My family does not have the best financial situation so I mainly rely on myself to pay my college tuition. However, I chose to pursue higher education and planned on staying in college as long as possible. Given my recent admission into Angelo State University, I worked on ways to pay off my tuition without having to resort to student loans. Within this thought process, I found many ways I could help pay my tuition. Besides applying for as many scholarships as I can, I also applied and gained a part-time job. Alongside these elements, I filled out my FAFSA and looked into having textbook buybacks. This was my way of trying everything possible to resolve my "conflict." We can't control many things in this world, however, we can control how we react to being pushed around.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    Somebody could be displaying flames and I would ridicule them for not seeking water. This statement embodies how I had a habit of silently judging somebody too quickly in the past. Judging people at a first glance was a common practice that I had as a child and teenager. I would keep my judgment silent and remain polite, but it would still be present in the back of my mind. This was incredibly destructive to my character as I did not understand that people were going through problems while also trying to function within society. However, I expanded my point of view on this topic once I had received advice from my mother. As I grew into a young adult, my mother gave me a few words of wisdom that I still regard as crucial advice to this day. As I matured, my mother told me, "...Never judge someone too quickly because they are going through their problems, just as you wouldn't want to be judged for things out of your control..." which stayed with me from that point forward. From that advice, I learned that people are going through internal conflicts every day and have enough stress as it is. I realized that I don't need to contribute to their daily struggles and should instead treat others with compassion instead of judgment. Meeting others is important because it forms the first impression, however, judging others on that first impression solely is damaging. First appearances and behaviors are hard to erase in our minds once they are implanted. However, understanding that others are trying to reach their solutions can help spread just a little more kindness in the world. Everyone has their storm of struggles and using compassion could be the turning point they need in their life.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    Being forgotten from recorded human knowledge is perhaps one of the scariest things that can happen to us as individuals. Everybody only lives on this Earth once and only for a certain period. Therefore, I want to leave behind a legacy that embodies what I represented while I was alive. While it may seem distressing that everything you know will be gone one day, your memory can live on for generations. I want to leave a legacy behind because I would like for my descendants to know a little bit of information about me as well as learn about their family tree. Leaving behind my legacy one day that represents what I valued is one of my biggest ambitions in life. I want my legacy to show my core values, such as integrity, honesty, understanding, work ethic, and compassion. I aim to be very professional and determined when focusing on my career, however, I also like to express my social values daily basis. Currently, I am building up my profession as an entrepreneur, but one day, I would prefer for people to remember me for what I embody rather than what I achieved. This has been influenced by my grandmother as she is an incredibly kind woman who has a work ethic that is unmatched. My grandmother worked from a young age and never complained, even when she had the right to do so. The inspiration for my legacy is largely inspired by my grandmother and her compassion for others. Witnessing somebody instantly socialize and light up a room as soon as they enter is a legacy that I wish to have one day, just like my grandmother has now.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Financial lessons can make the difference between debt and freedom. Learning how to manage your finances is something that I find to incredibly important. This is why I believe the practice of budgeting is one of the most important financial lessons to learn. Understanding how to manage your income can help pay off important liabilities in the future. The different ways and steps to budget may seem complex at first, however, the key is to stay consistent. Budgeting your money is one the greatest prerequisites you can do to improve your income. Earning an income is amazing, however, it can easily be mismanaged if there are no budgeting practices in place. The importance of creating a spending plan may seem insignificant but it has a lasting impact once implemented appropriately. When your budget is managed effectively, necessities can be bought and bills can be payed off. Being able to financially secure yourself is a great achievement that brings a sense of satisfaction with it. Forming a spending plan also helps pay off any debt you may have as well as prevent future debt. Personally, budgeting has helped me slowly pay off my college tuition while also section a portion of my income for investments. Budgeting is a incredible financial lesson that I believe is extremely important because of the impact it carries. Once you have your spending plan created, everything else soon follows!
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Having a secure financial situation is one of the most desired goals around the world. This is why it is important to decide what kind of advice can help you achieve financial security. Personally, the most helpful piece of financial advice that I have received, is "...Stop thinking about what your money can buy. Start thinking about what your money can earn..." by J.L. Collins. This piece of financial advice is much more thought-provoking than it may initially seem. Many people, including myself, believe in what their money can purchase for them. Items such as designer clothes, new shoes, luxurious cars, and other assets are all objects that we like to buy. Social media and other platforms promote this type of lifestyle. However, when your mindset shifts into thinking what your money can earn, everything changes. When the focus of your money shifts into thoughts of investing, amazing things begin to happen. For instance, my financial situation improved once I had begun thinking on what my money could earn for me. I was incredibly determined to increase my income, which resulted in me learning how to invest. Real estate, cryptocurrency, and the stock market were all options that allowed me to earn passive income. Witnessing your money grow and increase over time because of the investments you made, is a fulfilling emotion. Affording college tuition is still a struggle for me as I don't have supporting income. However, I use my situation as motivation to increase my income instead of giving in to self-pity. Using the financial advice given by J.L. Collins has allowed me to change my mindset and grow my money in a progressive manner.
    Jae'Sean Tate BUILT Scholarship
    Being a candidate for this scholarship is an amazing honor! As mentioned in the description of the scholarship, I have personally pursued my education while also having a job in the food industry. With my Hispanic origins, my family has always persisted on me going into the workforce while also completing my education. This has resulted in me learning how to balance both my profession and education simultaneously. Throughout my educational career so far, I have held a part-time job at some time in order to help pay for expenses. My high school and college experiences are both examples of managing my schoolwork with the responsibilities of a part-time job in the food service industry. While attending high school, I had a part-time job working at Subway. This part-time job started during the beginning February 2021 and lasted until the beginning of August 2021. Throughout this time, I stayed up many nights to accomplish my school work. Social events and club gatherings were sadly missed as I had to work on many days of the week. Being a responsible and reliable employee was incredibly significant to me. This had the unintended effect of increasing my determination in the workplace. As I progressed, my work ethic was applauded by my superiors to the point I was considered for the position of assistant manager. In the end, I would eventually leave this job because I had to move in order to pursue a higher education. However, while managing both aspects of my life was incredibly difficult during this time, I managed to persevere and obtained the valedictorian status of my graduating class! After I had managed the achievement of graduating high school as a valedictorian, I set my sights on college. I had many applications to a wide variety of colleges, however, I chose Angelo State University after I had been accepted. Once my acceptance was finalized, I soon began the fall semester of 2021 which began in late August. Thankfully, after some time, I was soon able to find another job after applying to six different occupations in both the food service and retail industry. My job application to Chick-fil-A was fortunately accepted and I began working on September 21, 2021. Currently, I still have this part-time job as of November 2, 2021. While my college coursework is more demanding than my previous high school schoolwork, I have not been deterred in the slightest. Affording my tuition is incredibly important to me, which is why I am doing everything in my power to help me with my goal! My experiences of maintaining a job while also being responsible for my schoolwork has formed my character and maturity. Upholding the responsibilities of a job as well as an educational career is something that I am extremely proud of and continue to this day! Despite the conflicts I encountered throughout these times, I overcame them with effective time management and social skills. Pursuing my education is such a momentous task for me, that I will do everything I can to afford it as I strive forwards! I hope these experiences show how I would be a good candidate for this scholarship! I deeply appreciate those who look at my application, regardless of the outcome!
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    The practice of self-care is incredibly important for people keeping their mental and physical health in a positive outlook. Personally, I practice self-care whenever I feel that my mood is beginning to decline. For me, self-care consists of many different practices that give me comfort and relief any stress I may have. I do many things that give me comfort physically, emotionally, or mentally. I practice my self-care by playing my guitar, learning new ways to invest, reading novels, doing homework in sections, listening to music, working out, and playing video games. The impact of these practices may seem insignificant at first, however, they really matter as life goes on. The result of performing these self-care practices have really impacted my life. By practicing these activities, my attitude and mood is positively lifted. As a result, many other aspects of my life are improved. These aspects include bringing a positive attitude into social events, greeting others when entering a classroom, and completing assignments with effective time management. Besides improving your mood, practicing self-care can also help conquer conflict occurring within your life. When I worried over my financial situation during the Covid-19 pandemic, I occasionally listened to music in order to calm my nerves. This allowed my mind to think clearly and view my potential solutions through this hard time. Self-care is incredibly important because it allows yourself to relax and enjoy things you love. Life can be stressful and challenging at times, however, practicing self-care can help overcome these difficulties in a progressive manner.
    You Glow Differently When You're Happy Scholarship
    A happy memory that I can recall, occurred when I was seven year old. During that time, I played for my local Tee Ball team and managed to achieve a win. As a reward, my parents took me to a nearby late-night diner to eat. Despite my tiredness, I enjoyed every moment of that night because of the joyfulness in the environment. My parents and sibling were all proud of me, which gave me a feeling of content. A simple Tee Ball game resulted in me having a lifelong happy memory that I cherish to this day.
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    The one sentence I would share with the world is that, "...Instead of trying to impress others, work on trying to impress yourself..." because of the impact it has had on my own life. While it is important to impress others at time, such as when participating in public speaking or presenting a project, the only person you have to impress is yourself. This may seem redundant at first, but if you do not aim to surprise yourself, then you are not striving towards new goals. When the day comes to a close and you are about to go to sleep, nobody else is thinking of your achievements. However, if you aim to impress and surprise yourself in a positive way, then you have something to think about going into the following day. When you aim to better yourself every chance you can, then amazing results soon follow. The opportunities to impress yourself can come in a various amount of way. From increasing the amount of times you brush your teeth to sticking to a diet, impressing yourself is much more phenomenal than impressing others. Other people cannot see the strain and stress you go through to achieve results, which is why you should not rely on their reactions to receive satisfaction. When you begin work on yourself instead of pleasing others, the doors of elation begin to open.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    As I have progressed throughout my life, I have realized many things about myself. One of the many things I noticed within my lifetime, is that helping others makes me happy. When I contribute and help others towards their goals, I become happy. Happiness and elation comes as a result of assisting others when needed. Whenever I gift others a present, it brings me joy because I am able to see a smile on their face. This type of joy also comes to me whenever I help those struggling with money, even if I don't have much myself. Everybody has their bad moments in life, which is why I also pride myself on helping my loved ones strive forwards through their conflicts. It doesn't matter what kind of help I provide, as long as the person I am helping benefits from our encounter. Noticing the delight I bring to people, even if only temporary, is enough for me to stay happy and positive. Overall, helping those in need makes me realize that I'm doing something greater than myself.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    The song that inspires me the most, is "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles. This song sparks joy and inspiration within my soul because of the lyrics and melody used. The song itself describes a, "...long cold lonely winter..." in the beginning of the song. However, soon after, the song states, "...Here comes the sun..." which emphasizes the bright light erasing the cold winter. This could also be interpreted as having positivity overwhelm previous held negative feelings. As the song progresses, it announces, "...I feel that ice is slowly melting..." towards the end. As the song comes to a conclusion, the final lyric is, "...And I say it's all right..." which represents the support of a loved one. From the begging to the end, the song's melody is soothing and relaxing. The inspiration I take from this song, is that no matter how bad life can seem, it always gets better in the end. The words, "...Here comes the sun..." is the primary message carried throughout the song. This is important because it shows how a large source of positivity will eventually shine throughout any negative feelings. The "sun" represents positivity while "winter" and "ice" both represent negativity. This song reminds me that while I may be struggling at certain points in my life, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This type of inspiration has helped me manage the Covid-19 pandemic, my goal of graduating high school, and other aspirations. "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles is a song that inspires me to have hope and strive forward throughout the difficult moments in my life.
    Pelipost Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    While going through the motions of life, I've always looked up to my father. However, this changed once I was notified that my biological father had been incarcerated while being in my first year of high school. This immediately impacted my life as I changed my outlook on my biological father severely. Once he had been incarcerated, I received calls and letters updating me about his life. This negatively effected my emotional and mental health as I couldn't bear to see him in such a state. At one point, I began to grow bitter and resented my biological father for the choices he made. This impacted my grades and communication as my valedictorian status was in risk. My future goals, such as attending college, seemed to be insignificant and made me reflect on them. Overall, my life seemed to travel downwards all because I couldn't handle my biological father being incarcerated. However, my loved ones soon noticed my behavior which began the change I needed. While the incarceration of my biological father was incredibly difficult for me to handle, I was able to strive through this adversity by receiving the support I needed. Alongside the support I received, I understood that I could not let this situation dictate my future actions. If anything, after I reflected on the situation, my determination to better myself only soared. My mother would eventually meet my stepfather, which helped me move forward from this challenge. Alongside this, I focused on my grades and began my path towards attending college. Which only led me throughout many long nights, and stressful days. However, despite the stress experienced, the results were satisfying. I was able to leave my high school as the valedictorian of my graduating class with a high GPA. The joy of accomplishing these goals gave me the strength to overcome this adversity. While the incarceration of my biological father did negatively affect me for a great period of time, I overcame adversity by using this experience to fuel my future passions.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted my family and loved ones, however, there were positive results throughout these hard times. The recent pandemic placed my family in financial struggle, however, we did not give up and accept the reduced income without trying to solve the problem. Despite the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly strained my family's finances, we were able to begin investing. I searched for ways to help my family financial recover which eventually led me to find out about investing. After I learned about investing and how it functions, I was able to rely this information back to my family. I helped my parents set up their investing account and helped transfer their first deposit. Afterwards, I explained the functions of the stock market to them while also beginning the discussion of cryptocurrency. This brought a slight hope to their eyes as they learned how passive income functioned. While investing has only just begun for my parents and they have made no real income from it yet, it brought them hope during a hard time. In a unique way, the pandemic brought positivity to my parents and my life.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Constantly growing as a person throughout life is quite difficult. Therefore, it is important to have a growth mindset in order to persevere through hardships. With this knowledge, I am easily reminded that keeping a growth mindset is necessary in order to advance past my problems. Knowing the benefits of having a growth mindset helps me stay within the range of this type of mentality. I keep a growth mindset because I know I will eventually achieve results that benefit myself. A growth mindset can be applied to many aspects of your life, ranging from exercise to career options. The achievements accomplished and goals attained are the ultimate outcomes that can come from having a growth mindset. The journey through hardships may be tough and strenuous, however, keeping a growth mindset can help resolve these conflicts. This is because keeping a growth mindset sets your mentality to constantly expect situations to resolve. Eventually, hardships' will pass and positive outcomes will form. These expectations of a growth mindset has helped me keep it throughout my life. The positive results that come from keeping a growth mindset has helped me keep this type of mentality. All bad things will come to an end, which is why keeping a growth mindset throughout these conflicts can provide positive benefits to your life. I keep a growth mindset because it keeps me from falling into despair and self-pity. It also provides the constant determination I have in life for things I am passionate about. Keeping a growth mindset always sets a goal that pushes you past your limits, which is exactly why I keep this type of mentality.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    As an individual, having patience is extremely important to me. This is because of the many benefits you can receive out of being patient and tranquil. Of course, while being patient may seem boring or unnecessary at times, the results produced is usually positive. While patience itself may seem insignificant, it can actually determine the outcomes of your life. Determining whether you achieve something or not can sometimes solely rely on the patience you have. Being patient is a characteristic that is overlooked and under-valued. Many aspect of our lives are functioned through being patient. For example, you need the patience to pump gasoline into your car, brew your coffee, or when listening to somebody speak. Being patient is present in many of our daily lives but we overlook its importance. While patience is abundant in our daily lives, it is also present in our career choices. If somebody chooses to work as a surgeon, they must be patient and understand that a long amount of time may be required to successfully perform an operation. Other professions, such as carpentry and construction, need patience in order to finish projects. Patience is an amazing quality that is present in nearly everything we do. Patience is a trait that many people do not have. This is damaging as not having the patience for the smallest things will result in not having the patience for the things that matter. People who invest need patience to increase their income just as people who create music need patience to improve their talent. Patience is a quality that holds extreme importance and can advance you far in life if you let it flourish when necessary.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    While I have face many challenges and conflicts throughout my life, there is once specific story that I am particularly proud of. Throughout my final year of high school, I experienced many hardships. This is because during my final year of high school, I had to switch to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this may seem insignificant at first, there were two main factors that crushed me mentally. Firstly, my grandmother was dealing with significant health problems and required constant care. This hurt me emotionally as I loved her greatly and could not bear to see her so sickly. The care of my grandmother was top priority to me so I would be with her when she was available. Lastly, my valedictorian status was at risk due to the difficulties I had while learning online. In previous years, I held the top GPA status of my class at a steady rate. However, the final year of high school proved difficult to uphold my GPA. At times, I would have no internet connection and my computer would randomly turn off. However, despite these two main difficulties, I am proud of the outcome. I worked hard and didn't fall into self-pity. I worked hard every night and stayed updated on my assignments. Once graduation had arrived, I fortunately kept my valedictorian status. My GPA, while affected, stayed the top of my graduating class. Furthermore, my grandmother improved significantly in her health which relieved me greatly. The constant care she received helped improve her physical health tremendously. These challenges proved difficult to handle while learning online. While my final year of high school faced many challenges and difficulties, I am proud that I turned it around in the end.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    The best way to live a long, healthy life is to understand that it takes multiple factors. Being around those close to you, bettering your mental health, and setting realistic standards all contribute to leaving a healthy life. This is because I believe you cannot base a long, healthy life on one thing. Understanding how all of these factors help you live a healthy life may seem confusing, so I'll break it down. To begin, being around those close to you can help you improve your livelihood tremendously. If you surround yourself with those who you care about, including those that care about you, then you have a emotional "safety-net." Being around those that care about you gives you the opportunity to talk to them if you encounter any challenges in your life. Receiving advice about conflicts in your life, should they arise, can be improved upon by the knowledge that you have people to talk to. Bettering your mental health may be one of the most important goals to set in your life. Mental health is extremely important and can function every aspect of your daily life. Therefore, it is important to stay mentally healthy with emotional support and taking care of your physical health. The last goal to set in your life, would be to set realistic standards for yourself. Many people overwhelm themselves by misusing their time management, they expect too much out of themselves, or they accept more work than they can handle. Taking a step back and understanding when to accept help or disregard a task can relieve stress and anxiety that people have about their work ethic. Having these factors work together can help guide you to live a long, healthy life.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    The main investing tip that I have taken to heart, is the investing tip that, "...If you aren't willing to hold a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes..." by Warren Buffet. This is because this investing tip has taught me that you will need patience if you plan on investing in the future. While you may not need to hold a stock for ten years, the point of the investing tip is that you will need patience when it comes to investing. You cannot expect to instantly receive money while investing as it takes great patience. You will experience positive and negative decline over the years, however, it is important to keep your patience and invest when appropriate. There will be days or even weeks where you will lose money. During that time, you may want to sell everything while the price is still relatively high. However, there will always be days where the price increases and patience will be needed to achieve it. Overall, investing is not about those who can make the most money, but rather those that have the patience to wait for more money.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    The quote that has meant a lot to me within my lifetime, is the quote that "...Everything grows, it's destined to change" by Jermaine Cole. This is because this quote has made by realize that no matter what state of mind I may be in or what I am going through at the time, it is bound to change. This quote changed my mindset because now I realize that as humans, we are all destined to grow. We transform ourselves into new people with new beliefs over time. These changes can be seen as negative or positive, but they are still changes nonetheless. This quote can also apply to other aspects of life, such as civilizations and society. Civilizations such as the Roman Empire and the Mongol Empire were once extreme political powers around the world but soon collapsed. As long as the Earth keeps spinning, everything will grow, as it's destined to change.