Hobbies and interests
Color Guard
Mock Trial
Realistic Fiction
I read books multiple times per month
Ilana Taylor
Bold Points1x
Ilana Taylor
Bold Points1x
Hello! My name is Ilana and I am a current high school senior who hopes to be a CPA, or something in the accounting realm perhaps, after college. I did a wide variety of extracurriculars throughout my time in high school, making me a well-rounded candidate. I am extremely committed to furthering my education and pursuing my life goals. Thank you for your consideration!
Hanover Park High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Accounting and Computer Science
- Law
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Lindsey Vonn ‘GREAT Starts With GRIT’ Scholarship
If one word could embody my persona, I would say the correct term is grit. When I was young, I grew up in a very toxic household. My troubled brother had anger issues and would often take it out on his surroundings. In fact, he had a sheet as a door for as far back as I can remember because my father was sick of buying new doors. I remember being shoved down stairs, bounced out of trampolines, and smacked around to no end. I like to think I took it like a champ. Being honest though, I probably cried and got him yelled at. At age 18 my brother had a child and moved out. Not having to deal with that anymore made me a very happy 10-year-old.
Furthermore, my parents never got along. In fact, they were infamous for having loud arguments and embarrassing me. I never knew why at the time, but looking back, I know what it was about. My mother fell ill when I was around 6 years old, leading to her forceful, permanent leave from work. As my dad had to take off of work more and more in order to take care of her, money troubles soon arrived. He was already an old father and had his own issues to worry about, but he never had the best luck.
A couple years later my parents separated. This actually made me much more happy than it should’ve but came with its own set of challenges. Living with my old father as I became a young lady was difficult to say the least. He never really knew how to cook or clean properly, and he definitely knew nothing about shaving legs or menstrual cramps. YouTube tutorials were my best friend during that time, quite literally since we moved to another state and I had some trouble making actual friends there. However, I made the best out of a bad situation via studying more and gaining some new hobbies. I learned how to cook, clean, got more into makeup, video games, learned how to do my nails, and much more.
After almost 2 years though we decided to move back to our old area. School and time management have tested my limits ever since. I signed up for some clubs, focused on school, and learned how to really take responsibility. I got a job with a local CPA sophomore year and have loved it. While my home life isn’t ideal as my mom moved back in with us, I can say it is never a dull moment. Each day I push myself. Each day I feel sad, I pull myself together and move on. The people I despise most are the people who sit around feeling sorry for themselves. Those who use it as an excuse to shut down. That tactic will never get me anywhere in life. I also have some amazing friends now that have helped me through a lot. I work hard in school and work hard in general so I can have a better future. I will have that better future because I will never give up.
Nell’s Will Scholarship
My high school is set in a very wealthy, predominately white town. While yes, I am white, I suppose I was never the "right kind of white". Who knew there even was such a thing? I have always felt like an outsider to this town, and it is definitely not because I came here a little late in fourth grade. I guess I can’t really speculate the actual reason why I’ve never been fully accepted here, but I do have my guesses. Take the pick: a little bit bigger than everyone else, not as wealthy as everyone else, a little different personality wise. No matter the reason, I can’t wait to get to college where hopefully my true life begins.
I really am a true believer in paying it forward. Not too long ago, the car in front of me paid for my Dunkin Donuts order through the drive through. As a resident of New Jersey, things like this don’t happen often. I was on my way to work at the time and was extremely tired. That simple act brightened my entire day. I arrived at work with a coffee in my hand and a big smile on my face. The next day I paid for someone's Wendy’s order. Knowing that I could give someone else that feeling filled my heart with joy. I think everyone should be kind and respectful to each other. If that was the world we lived in, a lot of major problems would be solved and everyone would be much better off. I know it’s not realistic to expect this on a wider scale, but I think every little act going towards it is a major help.
Receiving this scholarship would be very meaningful to me in a number of ways. I come from a more disadvantaged background with an ill mother and a very old father. I have learned to do most things for myself over the years and was forced into growing up pretty quickly. I know my parents each love me very much, but the fact is they just aren’t the most capable. My mother has been disabled and out of work since I was little. My father no longer has his job and spends his days at home. Recently I’ve been having to work more and more. Paying for my own things has been adding up and this makes me extremely fearful for what will happen in college. I will need to find a job quickly and figure out how loans work evidently. However, I am ready for the challenge. I am dedicated to pursuing my goals and I know I will come out the other end in a better situation. This scholarship opportunity will mean the world to me, a little in the grand scheme of things, but a lot in my heart.
Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
Wizards of Waverly Place and Good Luck Charlie are my two favorite Disney Channel shows of all time and this is why. I grew up sitting on my dad's bed, staring at the television for hours and hours. When I was young, I always wanted to be Alex Russo. I would always think of how easy my life would be and how quick I could get my chores done if only I had her powers. Her sarcastic, sassy attitude and her overall flare drew me in closer and closer. Of course there was also Justin Russo, a major childhood crush of mine. Then, there was Good Luck Charlie. I always wanted an older sister, stuck of course with only an older brother that tortured me. This family was like my escape. Aside from my huge little girl crush on Gabe(a reoccuring theme in most shows I watched clearly), the family dynamic as a whole was refreshing and I almost felt like part of their family when I watched along. I already identified with the loud, attention-grabbing mother. Yet the sibling dynamic, where they(for the most part) got along with each other, was a distant dream for me at the time.
Crossover episodes were my absolute favorites when they came on. I still remember one with Jessie and Dog With A Blog. Crazy Connie tied Luke up and forced her into marrying him as Jessie and Avery sat tied up watching. Calling me crazy for this being one of my favorite episodes makes sense for sure, but I still maintain that it was iconic.
If my two favorite shows had a crossover, the title would be, "Charlie on Waverly Place". The Duncans are on a trip to New York City because Teddy has some kind of show there. Casually doing some shopping and walking around in New York's Greenwich Village neighborhood, they get hungry and walk into The Waverly Sub Station. As the family eats, Gabe gets curious and wanders into the back, looking to make some trouble like usual. Gabe eventually finds the back room and opens it to see Max levitating some pizza into his mouth.
Max freaks out as he knows he's not supposed to expose the family secret. He does a sleep spell, knocking Gabe out long enough to get him up to his room. When Gabe comes to, they get to talking. Eventually they become friends. The episode is filled with their wild adventures as they explore the city and Max shows Gabe all of his tricks. Meanwhile, the Duncans panic and scour the city for Gabe. Members of each family run into each other as the episode progresses. Teddy misses her show as Alex attempts to help her locate her missing brother.
When the Duncans arrive back home, Gabe tries to explain where he was. He tells his family all about Max and the magic the Russo family has. Naturally, they don’t believe him. The episode ends with Teddy video-diarying to her younger sister Charlie. She says, “The moral of the story, when you have an important place to be, don’t let your crazy brothers mess it all up for you. Good Luck Charlie.” Gabe tries to interject but Teddy closes the camera and the episode ends.
This episode would be my ideal crossover. A mix of my two very favorite childhood shows. Though, Disney has done more than provide me with entertainment. It has taught me what good morals I should hold close, to be true to myself, always work hard, never give up, and so much more.
William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a CPA. Not just an accountant, a CPA. I know it's hard to imagine a ten year old running around telling people that they wanted to be a CPA, but it's completely true. Of course, no other ten year old knew what a CPA was. I would tell them, "It's like an accountant, but better. They make more money." I would then follow this with a big smile and nod, leaving the other 10 year old confused and maybe slightly weirded out.
Maybe it all started with my family telling me about how great my grandpa was. He died when my mom was pregnant with me, so I never got to meet him. I am, till this day, told how much he would have loved me and how proud he would have been. At some point my parents told me he was a CPA earlier in life. Combined with the fact that my favorite subject in school was always math, I guess something clicked. It just made sense.
We also have a neighbour who's an accountant, and I happen to be friends with his son. Hearing about all he does always helped me when making my choices. All of these facts combined along with my stellar school record, helped me get the job I now have. I am an office assistant/intern for a CPA in the town next to where I live. I get to experience first-hand what accountants do and gain valuable insight from an accredited, go-to New Jersey tax professional. At the very least, it's twenty times better than working somewhere like McDonalds as most high schoolers are typically forced to do.
In college, whichever college I choose, I hope to pursue my dream. I should have my masters degree after four to five years and my CPA license after six. While I know this will be no small feat, I am prepared to take on whatever challenges life brings to me.
I am no stranger to hard work. After growing up with one old and one ill parent, I have learned to do most things for myself. Ironically though, I would not trade it for anything. I like to believe my childhood has shaped me into the strong, capable woman I am today. Even considering this, I also never find trouble when I need to ask for help. I am very open to suggestions and guidance whenever I can get it. I know the more perspectives and information I have, the better prepared I can be.
Now realistically, $1,000 isn't much in today's society. However, if I win, I will make the most out of it. I will put it towards my education and my future, one hopefully filled with joy and happiness. I can't wait to see what comes my way, and I am beyond excited for the new experiences I will gain.
Sara Chaiton Scholarship for Resilient Women
I was nine years old and sleeping peacefully in my fathers bed. My brother seemed to burst through the door, crying and breathing heavily.
"Nanny's dead," he said. "She and her sister got into a car accident. They were hit. Mom and dad are driving there now."
That single day changed the course of my life forever. Although I was young, the damage it caused has stayed with me till this very day. I mean it was my grandmother. This was the woman who called me "Shayna Punim" while pinching my cheeks. The one who made me matzoh ball soup when I was sick. This was the woman who I sat with watching the sun rise because she always woke up before the sun did.
My dad had me when he was fifty years old. Me being born was a day my nanny never thought she would see. Her first biological grandchild, the light of her life. My dad reminds me almost every day of how much she loved me. I still remember the funeral too. My cousins and I ran around in a room adjacent to where the ceremony was being held, watched by my uncle. Looking back I wish I could've been in that room. I wish I could've said that one last goodbye. I could only imagine the pain my father was going through and I should've been there for him. I guess there's not much a nine year old could do to help in a situation like that.
Further than all of this, it marked the death of my religion. My nanny was the one who really practiced Judaism. Although I am ethnically 99.7% Ashkenazi Jewish, religion wise I am lost. My brother even got to have his bar mitzvah, demanded of course by my nanny. My parents never really practiced their religions after leaving home. They still identify as Jewish but don't really observe any of the corresponding holidays. So when Nanny passed on, my parents gave me the option. Little nine year old me was having enough trouble learning Spanish in school and figured she didn't need Hebrew anyways. This was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. I can't fault myself since I was nine, but I still feel resentment. I've always wanted to raise my future children as Jewish. I want them to go to Hebrew School and receive each and every Hanukkah gift. Luckily for me, I have very religious cousins and extended family that can help me when the time comes.
Although this death didn't quite affect my traditional schooling, it deeply affected my internal being. If it never happened, I may be a very different person than I am today. Maybe even a better person. I will always miss my nanny as well as everything I missed out on because of her death. I carry her in my memory and trust she's watching over, looking out for me wherever I go.