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Hailey Lopez


Bold Points




My goals are to be able to apply and win as many scholarships as i can so that it'll be easier for me when i go to college and my family doesn't have to stress about the costs


Herbert H Lehman High School

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • employee

      2022 – 2022



    2019 – 20201 year


    2012 – 20175 years


    • Psychology, General

      none — researcher
      2022 – 2022


    • sasf

      2016 – 2016

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      school — protestor
      2015 – 2015

    Future Interests



    Marie J. Smith Esq. Social Sciences Scholarship
    When graduate, I plan on becoming a psychologist and my goal is to graduate with both a bachelors and master’s degree from CUNY Brooklyn. I believe that I'll enjoy this area of work because I really take pleasure in encouraging people to do well. There are several technological capabilities needed for social work similar as using wisdom exploration to gather, arrange, and decipher client’s distinct situations. Accordingly, having the capability to empathize enables better client understanding and build trust.Social wisdom substantially comprises anthropology, psychology, economics, sociology, history, and political wisdom. It also includes the study of legal systems and persuasions of colorful countries and societies. Social science uses trials and scientific styles to come up with mortal aspects.There are several pros and cons to being a psychologist. Some benefits of being a psychologist is establishing client’s growth, seeing their ability to live a more comfortable existence and demonstrate noticeable change. Some cons of being a psychologist is not seeing client’s growth, working long hours, and managing too many client cases at once.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    A reason to wake up even there is very little to repeat the same thing over again to be miserable to see the same faces again wondering to yourself when is it going to end with all the violence you'd think you'd be used to it to be scared to go outside and have terror over civilians with gang violence all around and the strong fumes in the air have people with marijuana with the blunts that they share with all the stares that one gets for trying to be different for trying to make a change but what change is being made living poverty all the homicides suicides its sick but its welcome to New York the famous city people want to live in but no one knows the horror that we take in the cities being run down by gangs and their territories but with all the killings that were done everyone has a story something that they want said but not everyone gets the chance its either their sleeping or their dead but its welcome to New York the city everyone wants to see their so blinded by the lights but they don't know what happens on these streets
    Your Dream Music Scholarship
    In my opinion I think the song with the most important message to me comes from the song "F song" by Strawberry guy.I think this is the most important song to me because the lyrics in the song are meaningful and I could relate to the lyrics.I have been through a lot in my life when it comes to relationships and other issues and this song has helped me in a way of getting away or distracting myself.This song is a song where i could sit down and think to myself .The tempo of the beat as well is something that calms me down as well.Between the choice of the lyrics the voice of the artist and his beat it all ties together and has made it one of the most important songs to me.It seems that a song is only important to one that is easy to understand and easy to relate to whether it being a current issue or an issue from the past.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    My favorite character is frothy. frothy the character was created in 1932 at Walt Disney. And the reason for that's that frothy with long cognizance, his brown chapeau big smile. The flightiness of frothy that brings to all isn't just what he says, but the way he walks, addresses and indeed the clothes he wears their ether to big or just redundant big. frothy as silly he can be his intentions are always good, one of the caught expressions that I like is “ At What Time is the 3 PM Cortege? frothy was born to an idea of Mr Walt Disney just like the other characters lets not forget frothy is about 6 bases altitudinous. frothy with his innocent look and amenability to help others in a different way. His heart is always in the stylish interest of anyone around him.However, his voice alone is funny his mores are silly, If you hear frothy talk.The story isn't just of a man called Disney but what he develop, yes he has made other characters like Mickey mouse the most popular character around.For me the most popular cartoon character is frothy. Let me partake a many secret with you Goofy’s original name was Dippy Dawg. also in after times it came “ Dippy the Goof ” also ultimately just “ frothy. ” Another secret Mr Colvig handed the original voice of Goofy. Although other names have raised Goofy as well, Colvig was the man who came up with the laugh that made frothy notorious for.He is a character that doesn't get as much recognition as he should but in all honesty in my opinion he is the best character and one of the oldest and most original as well and that's why in my opinion that's why he is my favorite character in the disney franchise.
    Lifelong Learning Scholarship
    Learning is important to me it helps people to feel happier and further filled in their lives and careers, and to conserve stronger cognitive functioning when they get older. Learning is to acquire new knowledge that will hold a tremendous impact on our well- being. It's meaningful to pick up new chops and ways as literacy allows an individual to be suitable to have an intelligent discussion with other people. literacy is a nonstop process that involves the metamorphosis of information and experience into capacities and knowledge. Learning, according to me, is a two way process that involves the learner and the preceptor leading to knowledge accession as well as capability.Lifelong literacy is the nonstop structure of chops and knowledge throughout the life of an existent. The first specific of lifelong literacy is that it encompasses both formal and non-formal/ informal types of education and training. Formal literacy includes the gradually structured academy system that runs from primary academy through the university and organized academy- suchlike programs created in business for specialized and professional training.Lifelong literacy is important because knowledge is the primary source of value in the world moment and capability to expand our mind and allowing out of box is the key to attain success. For illustration to be successful in your career/ field you need to be over- to- date with the information and knowledge available in your field and this needs a lifelong literacy.These literacy’s can be of different types ranging from the home education, artistic literacy, particular literacy, spiritual literacy, learning to keep up to date with technologies and original medical lores education etc. Learning through gests in life helps an individual to fantasize the purpose of life from a new prospective that inspires them to be tone- contended.Lifelong literacy doesn't inescapably have to circumscribe itself to informal literacy, still. It's stylish described as being voluntary with the purpose of achieving particular fulfillment. The means to achieve this could affect in informal or formal education.Lifelong literacy can enhance our understanding of the world around us, give us with further and better openings and ameliorate our quality of life. It's a necessity for both particular and professional career as it makes us able of understanding and handling effects in a better way in life.Learning is a nonstop process that encourages acquiring capabilities, knowledge, and chops to develop unborn openings. Knowledge is no longer delicate to gain as it's now readily available at our fingertips.
    Dr. Meme Heineman Scholarship
    I believe I deserve this scholarship because it's been a dream of mine to be a psychologist.So, seeing this as an opportunity to express myself I would want to take it.If I got this scholarship I will try my hardest to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and better myself as psychologist.It has been my dream to become a psychologist for the simple fact that my sister has mental disabilities and seeing how the psychologists are with her or the people in the social behavior field treat people with disabilities or any mental health issue, my goal is to help fix the issue. I seen how stressed out my mom gets with her psychologist and I want to be able to make it so that nobody else has that issue and they have that connection with the psychologist where it's simple easy and there's communication involved. With the power given I would like to help people like my sister out so that they have better experiences.
    Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
    The social development of gifted children is often most heavily created by a lack of similar peers who share their interests, particularly early in growth. Extroverted and introverted gifted children alike usually express the feeling that they lack a “genuine friend.” The social development of many gifted children mirrors their academic development because they are often ready for a more mature companionship at an earlier age in comparison to their age-peers which might only be concerned with having someone to play with. Provide freedom for enrichment through programs and projects outside the classroom. Enhance peer relationships by allowing the child to connect with intellectual peers, which are a very much alike mental age. With my career goals, I will finally be able to work with gifted children and give them or accommodate them in any way that will benefit them. Gifted adolescents need to be around people like them and with similar mindsets as them and need to be in a specific setting. They need the right attention and support to be able to grow in a sense. They need to be seen and heard and given opportunities that other children may get.Just because a child may not be as efficient as another child it doesn't mean they should be completely shut out and put to the side they should be cared for the same and given the love and support any other children may get and with the career path of my choice I will work my hardest to help these children to give them the love and treatment they deserve because that's what every child deserves.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    I value the fact that im a pure person. For the simple fact it's not every day that you meet somebody that's actually a loyal person and wouldn't betray you. It seems as if I was made into the person that I am due to my experiences in the past. So, I tried to make sure that I became to the person that I wish I had around. I feel like knowing that I am someone that people could trust and turn to when they need me; it kind of feels good knowing that I could help them. This quality could help in the future because with the career that I want to pursue I might be seen as a more welcoming and warm person, and in general it goes for everybody as well. Growing up over in the Bronx, it's extremely rare to meet somebody that you could trust and put your faith in. People are always getting betrayed end set up so you never really meet a genuine person, they might seem like it but deep down it's like a trap and they're just waiting to see who's willing to fall for it. My intentions are to help people but learn in the process as well. I like hearing about people's problems because then I can put it into my perspective, but I also learn as well, which is something I like. What I know about people, I keep it between me and them because I want them to know that they could tell me stuff and that they could confide in me. It's really hard to trust somebody nowadays because there's always something happening so at least having one person is better than having nobody at all. If you don't have nobody, you're just bottling up all your feelings and it's not good to do that there's things that you should keep private and things you should tell people and get off your chest but to hold everything in is not healthy. I've had people come to me and cry and tell me things I walk around in the building and school and people coming to me left and right saying hi or telling me something that happened, and it's pretty cool sometimes it's overwhelming cause I have to remember a lot of things but I feel like it doesn't really matter because at the of the day I'm helping people.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    With the loss of one of my closest family members, it really made me come to the realization to cherish what you have and to not take it for granted. Every now and then i think about how people only mourn someones death for a bit and move on as if they never existed. My grandpa always wanted me to do good in school and to be someone, to pass my mom and be better. Go to college and create something out of myself. There have been times where I wanna give up, but then I remember his words and I use them as a way of motivativating myself to do better. And now I am writing this to whoever is reading this and fulfilling his request, and i'm combining my sophomore and junior year in high school and now i'm graduation earlier, then I should. I hope to make him and the rest of my family proud, cause I have been working pretty hard trying to please not only them but myself as well, there have been ups and downs, but I feel as if it'll be beneficial at the end seeing that I did exactly what my grandpa wanted.
    Ojeda Multi-County Youth Scholarship
    Growing up in the city is more or less a challenge. While growing up in the bronx and being a current resident, I have experienced things no one would ever imagine. It seems as if it's all about surviving or just getting through the day. there's a lot of gang violence and crimes that even happen in school. Growing up in New York, it's just a matter of keeping your mouth shut and keeping it to yourself. It's crazy that even children experience this as well. The city is a busy place, if you don't keep up with what's going on, you're on your own. There's no one really there to guide you. No one to tell you right from wrong. You just sit and watch.There's no knowing if anything will happen you just go throughout your day and just hope for the best. The city is a challenging place to be in, but you get used to the noise, the busy streets and all the commotion, and it becomes a normal thing. The most challenging thing about living in the city is experiencing all the crimes and gang rivalry. You have to be careful how you walk and represent yourself because one wrong move and they automatically think something else. This summer my friends best friend Ethan was stabbed in the subway and killed, and he was only 14 a child getting mixed in with gang activity, and its sad cause over here, its normal. People getting set up, shot, stabbed, dismembered, throwing their bodies in random locations, the list goes on. People over here don't care; it doesn't matter to them, it's all about getting the kill. The city definitely isn't for the light-hearted.With all the tragities that go on, the city is the last you would want to be at. But in all honesty, it just feels like home; there's nothing that could ever replace city life. Yes, the city is a dangerous place, but it feels like if you could survive the city you could survive anything.If you really see the city for what it is there is real beauty. Like children playing and riding their bikes in the summer, the fire hydrants blasting water, the ice cream trucks, the old people sitting outside their buildings playing dominos and drinking, or the block parties and just people having a good time.The city isnt the safest place or the cleanest place but we work with what we have and we make it work and have fun and create memories that we cherish.
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