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Hope Ambachew


Bold Points






My life goal is to become a Psychiatrist to help and serve others who are the most vulnerable. I believe that those with mental health concerns that may have been able to cope with the worlds challenges, face a significant deficit with the COVID pandemic. They became even more isolated, lost income, and lost their normal coping mechanisms that had helped them with life's struggles. Too often seeking those suffering the most do not seek mental health resources as it is still taboo in certain cultures. We need to look past these taboos and see that seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness. I have maintained a 3.9 GPA as a full time running start student taking college courses while in high school. My passion is also as an athlete. I have been a full time all around season athlete awarded athlete of the year, athlete of the month, athlete of the week, made it to Regional competitions for both high school women's wrestling, and Track and Field. I qualified for four events in Track and Field at the Regional Level this past year. I was named Iron Woman 2021 last spring in High School. I was the Vice President in the SBA throughout Middle School and also my freshman year in High School. I have been active in my church to assist with helping homeless children by filling backpacks with food to help these kids so they are not hungry over the weekends. I also have helped fill and hand out personal item kits for the homeless. I also help deliver donations to our local animal shelter every month with food, supplies and toys for dogs and cats.


Mountlake Terrace High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Research and Experimental Psychology
    • Psychology, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Company Founder



      2016 – 20171 year


      Junior Varsity
      2017 – 20181 year

      Track & Field

      2016 – Present8 years


      • Regional level, Championships in 4 events
      • Varsity Letter
      • Sub District 2nd place in Javelin and Pole Vault
      • Leading Female with the Most Track Points for the Season 2021 Spring
      • Named All-Wesco Team Spring Sports 2021

      Cross-Country Running

      Junior Varsity
      2019 – 20201 year

      jiu jitsu

      2021 – Present3 years


      2018 – Present6 years


      • Varsity letter, Top Freshman Wrestler, Sub District Champion, Regional Placement
      • Iron Woman Award 2021
      • Men's Varsity Two Years in a Row, Women's Varsity


      2018 – Present6 years


      • Most Versatile Player -Center Mid-able to cover any position if needed.
      • First Place Team, Select Soccer Team Rush


      • School and Church

        2018 – Present
      • Photography

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Local Pet Shelter — Coordinate and deliver
        2020 – Present
      • Volunteering

        Church — Preparing kits for the homeless children and adults. Filling backpacks for children with food for the weekends. Also, filling personal supply kits including socks, water, toothpaste, toothbrushes, protein bars, gloves, and so on.

      Future Interests





      Gary "G" Goldstein Scholarship
      Self care is about finding what makes you feel fulfilled and joy. I learned a long time ago that I find the most happiness when I put my full effort into a sport such as wrestling and I know it is on me whether I succeed or not. I found myself to be the only girl on the high school wrestling team after a few other girls became injured or quit. Even though I had to wrestle boys in a much bigger weight class then myself and literally had to carry their weight during drills. I found out early on I had to push harder to earn their respect yet I wouldn't change my experience for anything. I have been doing sports each season since I started middle school from team sports to individual sports. My happy place is definitely the individual sports as I know the outcome is completely dependent on my drive, my determination, my mental preparation and tenacity. When I pin a girl or guy during wrestling it gives me the biggest joy because I know the end result was due to my hard work, and passion for the sport. I hope someday other people will see how girls wrestling is just as important as boys wrestling in high school and beyond. We put in the same hours, the same blood (yes I mean blood), sweat and tears to accomplish the same goal. I love what I do and nothing makes me happier. Even though my time in high school wrestling is coming soon to an end, my love and passion for the sport will continue. I know the life lessons I learned pushing myself will help beyond school, and beyond college. There are many life lessons I have had to push past my comfort zones and leave it all on the mat. I know that if I give my all the sky is not the limit but I can soar above.
      Scholarship Institute Future Leaders Scholarship
      One sentence that I would want to share the world is the motto that I go by. To lead yourself you lead with your head, to lead others you lead with your heart. I believe too many people in this world are so focused on self, instead of looking at others around them and what may be meaningful for others. Anyone can be driven forward with determination and goals, but doing it alone will not get you very far. I believe that type of success is only temporary. Instead, to go far in life you need to stay humble and have the passion to lead with others in mind. If you lead your life as a servant leader, I believe that opportunities are endless and the drive forward will lead you along many paths in life. I would love to go into the field of psychology especially to help those who are the most vulnerable and underserved as I want to bring a voice and openness to those of different cultures to know that it is ok to seek help and not feel shame. There are many people who need the help, but choose not to seek the help they need based off of cultural norms and taboo history. I want to be someone that those who otherwise may suffer in silence, may someday feel that they can turn to in order to have a voice and to be someone who cares to hear what they have to say.
      Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
      I am fortunate to have parents that pushed us to read not just what the schools required or at their time limits, but instead to read what we love for as long as we wanted. When the school would say read 30 minutes a night, my parents would say why stop there? Why have a time limit to reading? I remember at times reading until late into the night and my parents knocking on my bedroom door to turn off the light and sleep. I learned not to set limits, but instead to go beyond expectations and seek more. Through my parents advise and pushing the envelope it has led me to go by this motto: To lead yourself you lead with your head, to lead others you lead with your heart. I believe too many people in this world are so focused on self, instead of looking at others around them and what may be meaningful for others. Anyone can drive forward with determination and goals, but doing it alone will not get you very far. Instead, to go far in life you need to stay humble and have the passion to lead with others in mind. I would love to help those who are the most vulnerable and underserved as I want to bring a voice and openness to those of different cultures to know that it is ok to seek help and not feel shame. There are many people who need the help, but choose not to seek the help they need based off of cultural norms and taboo history. As a female of color I want to be someone that those who otherwise may suffer in silence, may someday feel that they have a voice and someone who cares to hear what they have to say.
      "If You Believe..." Scholarship
      Self care is about finding what makes you feel fulfilled and joy. I learned a long time ago that I find the most happiness when I put my full effort into a sport such as wrestling and I know it is on me whether I succeed or not. I found myself to be the only girl on the high school wrestling team after a few other girls became injured or quit. Even though I had to wrestle boys much bigger weight class then myself and had to carry their weight during drills, I had to push harder to earn their respect I wouldn't change my experience for anything. I have been doing sports each season since I started middle school from team sports to individual sports. My happy place is definitely the individual sports as I know the outcome is completely dependent on my drive, my determination, my mental preparation and tenacity. When I pin a girl or guy during wrestling it gives me the biggest joy because I know the end result was due to my hard work, and passion for the sport. I hope someday other people will see how girls wrestling is just as important as boys wrestling in high school and beyond. We put in the same hours, the same blood (yes I mean blood), sweat and tears to accomplish the same goal. I love what I do and nothing makes me happier. I wish there was a local University that had wrestling as a sport for girls just as they do for boys.
      Bold Wisdom Scholarship
      One sentence that I would want to share the world is the motto that I go by. To lead yourself you lead with your head, to lead others you lead with your heart. I believe too many people in this world are so focused on self, instead of looking at others around them and what may be meaningful for others. Anyone can driver forward with determination and goals, but doing it alone will not get you very far. I believe that success is only temporary. Instead, to go far in life you need to stay humble and have the passion to lead with others in mind. If you lead your life as a servant leader, I believe that opportunities are endless and the drive forward will lead you along many paths in life. I would love to go into the field of psychology especially to help those who are the most vulnerable and underserved as I want to bring a voice and openness to those of different cultures to know that it is ok to seek help and not feel shame. There are many people who need the help, but choose not to seek the help they need based off of cultural norms and taboo history. I want to be someone that those who otherwise may suffer in silence, may someday feel that they have a voice and someone who cares to hear what they have to say.
      Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
      My goal is to attend college to answer my calling on this earth. I am passionate about my fellow human beings and creating a world where we are servant leaders. I want to go into the field of psychology not only because it peaks my interest, but I feel that this world at times especially during the COVID pandemic has further taken people's mental health to a level of crisis that may have been able to self manage prior. Unfortunately, the coping mechanisms that people once had were taken away from them through isolation, debt and instability. It is more important than ever for people to seek treatment and create an environment where they feel that they can be transparent and safe. Too often people of color do not seek psychological help as it may be seen as a sign of weakness, but having a women of color represent them I am hopeful that I can provide the help and reassurance that they may need. I know that my passion runs deep with my faith which further strengthens my drive to become successful. I have been on the honor roll every quarter since I have entered into the running start program at my community college. I have also been a full time athlete every season since 7th grade. I believe in perseverance, drive, compassion and humbleness. I learned from my parents that it doesn't make sense to start anything, if I don't put one hundred percent into everything that I do. My hope some day is to start a non-profit company that will provide psychological help to those in need that cannot afford, cast aside, the most vulnerable and are not given a second chance by others. My goal is to attend a school in Washington State with the goal of giving back to those where I am from, who mentored me, gave me the choice to be the best person that I can be and to give back to those who put their faith in my accomplishments. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for the teachers who believed in me, the coaches who inspired and guided me and parents who sacrificed their lives to work through the entire pandemic when others worked from home. I am humbled to care for others and driven to provide a world where you can change one person's life at a time. My father immigrated to this country from Ethiopia and is a self made person, who devotes his life to helping though less fortunate. His struggles to come to this country during a time when his country was going through turmoil does not define who he is, but it helped shape who he is today.
      Elevate Girl's Wrestling Scholarship
      Self care is about finding what makes you feel fulfilled and joy. I learned a long time ago that I find the most happiness when I put my full effort into a sport such as wrestling and I know it is on me whether I succeed or not. I have been doing sports each season since I started middle school from team sports to individual sports. My happy place is definitely the individual sports as I know the outcome is completely dependent on my drive, my determination, my mental preparation and tenacity. When I pin a girl or guy during wrestling it gives me the biggest joy because I know the end result was due to my hard work, and passion for the sport. I hope someday other people will see how women's wrestling is just as important as men's wrestling. We put in the same hours, the same blood, sweat and tears to accomplish the same goal. I love what I do and nothing makes me happier. My first pin will always be my favorite memory in wrestling. My first pin was the moment when I knew this was something I want to do for the rest of my life. I was nervous at a different school since my school did not have any female wrestlers able to compete. Many teachers and staff from my high school were actually in the school where I was competing, but they were there to watch the boys basketball game. I was so excited to have an actual meet and to wrestle a girl in my weight class since most of my training was against the guys in my school who are much bigger than I am. I took every opportunity to press hard and with every ounce of my energy I was able to pin my opponent. What I didn't realize was that many of the teachers and school staff that were in the building for the basketball team actually came across the hall and watched me wrestle and make my pin. Once I looked up after shaking the other coaches hand, I noticed a line of people standing near the door way cheering my name. I walked closer and it was only then that I realized all of these people saw my pin. It was the proudest moment of my life and one I will never forget. I will continue to wrestle as long as I can as there is no other feeling like it.
      Bold Be You Scholarship
      My life goal is to become a Psychiatrist to help and serve others who are the most vulnerable. I believe that those with mental health concerns that may have been able to cope with the worlds challenges, face a significant deficit with the COVID pandemic. They became even more isolated, lost income, and lost their normal coping mechanisms that had helped them with life's struggles. Too often seeking those suffering the most do not seek mental health resources as it is still taboo in certain cultures. We need to look past these taboos and see that seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness. I want to help those that are invisible to the many that just walk by. We all have a purpose and brought to this earth for a reason. To lead oneself we lead with our head, but to lead others we need to lead with our heart. To define an angel is fulfill your purpose in life. If your legacy is accomplished by changing another person's life for the better, then what is better? I don't need to draw a picture, or sing a song to define the term angel, but what I can do instead is change a life. If everyone made it their personal goal to change a life, think of what kind of world we would live in. I can't define how I can make each person's life for the better, it has to be meaningful not to me, but instead to them. If you can pull someone out of their sorrow, out of their grief, free from their burdens and place an ounce of happiness back into their world then we are doing an angel's work.
      Social Change Fund United Scholarship
      My goal is to attend college to answer my calling on this earth. I am passionate about my fellow human beings and creating a world where we are servant leaders. I want to go into the field of psychology not only because it peaks my interest, but I feel that this world at times especially during the COVID pandemic has further taken people's mental health to a level of crisis that may have been able to self manage prior. Unfortunately, the coping mechanisms that people once had were taken away from them through isolation, debt and instability. It is more important than ever for people to seek treatment and create an environment where they feel that they can be transparent and safe. Too often people of color do not seek psychological help as it may be seen as a sign of weakness, but having a women of color represent them I am hopeful that I can provide the help and reassurance that they may need. I know that my passion runs deep with my faith which further strengthens my drive to become successful. I have been on the honor roll every quarter since I have entered into the running start program at my community college. I have also been a full time athlete every season since 7th grade. I believe in perseverance, drive, compassion and humbleness. I learned from my parents that it doesn't make sense to start anything, if I don't put one hundred percent into everything that I do. My hope some day is to start a non-profit company that will provide psychological help to those in need that cannot afford, cast aside, the most vulnerable and are not given a second chance by others. My goal is to attend a school in Washington State with the goal of giving back to those where I am from, who mentored me, gave me the choice to be the best person that I can be and to give back to those who put their faith in my accomplishments. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for the teachers who believed in me, the coaches who inspired and guided me and parents who sacrificed their lives to work through the entire pandemic when others worked from home. I am humbled to care for others and driven to provide a world where you can change one person's life at a time.
      Ruth and Johnnie McCoy Memorial Scholarship
      My goal is to attend college to answer my calling on this earth. I am passionate about my fellow human beings and creating a world where we are servant leaders. I want to go into the field of psychology not only because it peaks my interest, but I feel that this world at times especially during the COVID pandemic has further taken people's mental health to a level of crisis that may have been able to self manage prior. Unfortunately, the coping mechanisms that people once had were taken away from them through isolation, debt and instability. It is more important than ever for people to seek treatment and create an environment where they feel that they can be transparent and safe. Too often people of color do not seek psychological help as it may be seen as a sign of weakness, but having a women of color represent them I am hopeful that I can provide the help and reassurance that they may need. I know that my passion runs deep with my faith which further strengthens my drive to become successful. I have been on the honor roll every quarter since I have entered into the running start program at my community college. I have also been a full time athlete every season since 7th grade. I believe in perseverance, drive, compassion and humbleness. I learned from my parents that it doesn't make sense to start anything, if I don't put one hundred percent into everything that I do. My hope some day is to start a non-profit company that will provide psychological help to those in need that cannot afford, cast aside, the most vulnerable and are not given a second chance by others. My goal is to attend a school in Washington State with the goal of giving back to those where I am from, who mentored me, gave me the choice to be the best person that I can be and to give back to those who put their faith in my accomplishments. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for the teachers who believed in me, the coaches who inspired and guided me and parents who sacrificed their lives to work through the entire pandemic when others worked from home. I am humbled to care for others and driven to provide a world where you can change one person's life at a time.