Hobbies and interests
Meditation and Mindfulness
True Story
I read books multiple times per week
Hayden Eccleston
Bold Points3x
Hayden Eccleston
Bold Points3x
Hello everyone! My name is Hayden and I am going to school to become a registered nurse in women’s health. I have learned about the medical field from my mothers profession in an assisted living facility as well as observing what has gone on in my own family connecting to hospitals and doctor’s offices. I believe I could help change the community around me by doing something I am so passionate and dedicated to. I appreciate the whole opportunity to just put my story out there and connect to such generous scholarships.
I am passionate about my own progress and seeing those around me grow. I love my job as a caregiver and work hard to balance caregiving, school, the gym and family time. I’ve had a few people around me pass on - some so young - and it pushes me to live fully and genuinely. I go to great lengths for those that I love and have been through some unique life experiences which encourage me to value each moment. I am constantly viewing my life in a perspective focused completely on growth and connection to my spirituality.
I am on this website to take control of my financial future when it comes to school and have the chance to obtain my career goals. I have and always will be dedicated to learning and growing and would be very disappointed to see finances stop me from reaching these important goals.
American River College
Associate's degree programMajors:
- Biological and Physical Sciences
Desired degree level:
Associate's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Test scores:
Dream career field:
womens health
Dream career goals:
Leading and comforting women when it comes to their health and available choices
Independent2021 – Present4 yearsDasher
Doordash2021 – Present4 yearsCaregiver
Homeinstead2021 – 20221 yearHost->food runner-> some serving (before 18)
Mimis bistro and bakery2018 – 20202 yearsCoach
Synergy- Antioch sports center2017 – 20181 year
Club2016 – 20182 years
Junior Varsity2016 – 20171 year
- most improved
Psychology, General
Liberty High School — Research, organization of information and presentation2019 – 2020
School choir
Performance ArtWe had about 4 performances a year and one of them was a competition near Alameda california2016 – 2018
Public services
Liberty high - interact club — Volunteer- had lots of unique jobs and roles from working at elementary school to doing team building and clean up work.2016 – 2020
Future Interests
Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
Hello, my name is Hayden Eccleston and I am a driven, genuine, hard-working 19-year-old going into her third year of college. First, here is a little bit about who I am, I work full time along with school. I like to go to the gym and be with my family in my free time. I am a compassionate and dedicated caregiver and I have learned so much from the role I play as a caregiver. I have been drawn to a career in healthcare since I was little and my mother would bring me to her work where I would meet clients, do laps around the building with her and work in the office with her. I saw the difference she made in people's lives, especially those who are suffering. I am pursuing a degree in science to validate my application to nursing school.
I am going to school to be a registered nurse where I would be able to travel and work at many different hospitals and healthcare buildings with my degree. The years it will take for me to become a nurse are nothing when compared to the care I will be able to provide my future clients. I hope to learn all I can about the human body as well as the mind to guide my future patients in the right direction for their own health needs. I am already working in a job where I get to help people and play an essential role in someone's life. I know I want to be in healthcare and have always known that. For me to do essential work gives me such fulfillment and purpose in life. I get just as much out of the work I do as the clients I work for.
I am applying for this scholarship because it speaks to me and my purpose in school. It reminds me of why I put in the hours and why I need to further my education. The weight of a financial burden is not one I want to hold while trying to become an RN. I appreciate the time it took to read this and thank you for giving me the chance. If awarded this scholarship I would have what I need to pursue my healthcare career and be able to fully dedicate my time and resources to help those who really need it. With this money, I would have a weight lifted off of my shoulders which would only help me elevate further in school.
Overcoming the Impact of Alcoholism and Addiction
My name is Hayden Eccleston and when I was 9-13 years old both of my parents were struggling alcoholics and my father also was addicted to opioids on top of that. It was a very influential time of my life and seeing them in that state led me down some bad paths which later taught me more lessons than a lot of other difficult times I have been through. Seeing someone go through a hard time is rough, but when you are so young and need role models it can make 'right' and 'wrong' very unclear. With that being said, I decided to take a positive message from the whole experience, which changed my life for the better.
Observing everything they went through with alcohol, their addictions to it and every adverse effect it had on their lives taught me so much about love, progress, and substance abuse that I would never ask for different experiences. At the time it was the hardest thing I had ever been through. I was watching my parents lose love for one another. I was focusing on my classes - on my own, with no parents who could help with schoolwork if I needed it. I was making my own doctor/dentist appointments when I could and trying to make happy two very unhappy, hurting people. I even began making my own bad choices with substances very young and became addicted to pills at a very young age, but I made sure that wasn't the end of my story and continued to fight for myself through my states of depression.
A huge lesson I learned from this experience is how someone acts has 99% to do with themselves and nearly nothing to do with you, so do not take anything personally. Another lesson I learned is that all people have vices, what the vice is can vary though. Only giving yourself one way to relax or one vice will lead you to have an unhealthy dependence on that activity/substance. I also learned that although an alcoholic will always want more alcohol, and a heroin addict will always crave more heroin it does not mean in any way that the person suffering from the addiction wants the addiction.
I have learned so much about addiction, love, divorce, substance abuse, and my susceptibilities and weaknesses. Without the experience of my parents struggling with alcoholism, I may have never learned the lessons I believe I was meant to live through and overcome. It has taught me so much and given me an understanding of myself, my family, and even strangers who I have nothing to do with. I could have just as easily let this experience teach me to become more bitter, meaner, and more careless, but it was - and is - my choice to take a positive message from such a negative experience. In doing so, I even gain motivation to continue and challenge myself in my own life. I completely agree with the statement, "how we choose to respond to life's challenges shapes our life" because I am a living example of that.
- Hayden Eccleston
Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
I want to focus on my senior year of high school which is already a stressful time do to the upcoming changes with graduation. I was excited for this year but I never knew what it would mean for me and my future.
The year was progressing into the winter/spring and I was managing my classes and work. My grandfather started to get sick in early January - he was the reason I lived where I lived at that time. It was me and my mother, we were caring for him. He started needing hospital visits and from there on just stayed between the ER, the ICU and an assisted living place for ‘recovery’. At this time my mother and I were visiting everyday as soon as I got out of school I would head there and then my mom would arrive when she was off of work, we would stay until it was bed time and then wake up and do it again. There wasn’t much time for anything else. He ended up passing away a month or so later on February 12th. It felt as though a chapter of my life came to an end. He was the main focus in our lives at this time and now that focus was gone.
A month later, the pandemic hit and quarantine orders were put into place, now I was determined to finish high school online and probably graduate at home - what a bummer right? Just trying to heal and finish classes I pushed forward.
Two months after that I had an encounter with my boy friend of 3/4 years at the time and it turned physical and ended with me having to file a domestic violence report.
I was broke and torn between where my life was headed and my mental state was being challenged stronger than it had been in a long time. I was 17 while all this happened and turned 18 a month before the domestic violence case came to an end, given that the court systems take a long time to process things. I felt like I was just doing what I had to do to get by and create some feeling of freedom while having this drawn out stressful situation playing in the back of my head.
In the end, I focused on controlling the things I had power over controlling and graduated with great grades, enrolled in a college near me, was granted my no contact order from the court and began healing. I still struggle with some left over (what you may call) ptsd. I get anxiety for no reason and sometimes I can link it back to a bmw car noise which reminds me of my ex or a time of day which we used to cause trouble in etc. This was one of the most intense phases of my life so far, but I continue to choose myself and my happiness. I am constantly evolving and healing and I take advantage of the resources and support I have around me now. I never had someone leading me through this 9 month phase from January to September and no idea when it would come to an end while going through it. I was my own leader and continue to develop a deeper sense of self when I reflect and honor that time of my life and all the surprisingly amazing character traits and events it brought to me.
Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
I went from being 12 years old depressed, suicidal and addicted to pills to working full time, being a student with no dependency issues, and can now manage my toxic behaviors and thoughts.
I was introduced to drugs very young and took to them since it allowed me to release and enjoy myself while my family was falling apart and growing in different directions. I know this time of my life had huge effects on who I am today but I chose to use that energy in a positive way. I no longer take pills of any kind, I barely even take Tylenol and do not crave them or what they did to me. I focused my mind on school which is what I always used as an outlet because it was the only thing I ever had control over. I graduated high school and started college to quickly move cities (for the second time) in my second semester of college and that is when I started my job as a caregiver.
I look back all the time and reflect on who I was and why I did what I did. It’s painful but never a memory I want to rid myself of as it serves as a constant reminder to keep pushing forward. My mental health is the best it has ever been which does not mean I am immune to sadness or anger but I can control what those feelings mean for me and the people around me. That’s a brief explanation of my turnaround story.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
The two tips that I have heard to living a long and healthy life is to eat little and stay active. I need to explain these a little more for them to be understood.
Eating little does not mean starving yourself but over-eating is so common and leads to many issues. Obesity is a huge problem (especially in America) and it’s not just being overweight but having all these additional health issues that come from over-eating. The best thing for your body and diet is to each healthy, nutritious foods but in smaller portions. 4/5 small meals is better than three large meals a day.
The second piece of advice is to stay active which is easy to understand. Don’t be fooled and assume this means rigorous activity in the gym, but rather going for walks or finding a hobby that keeps you moving. Gently using your body is the best way to keep it going. Yoga, stretching, light exercise, cooking or housework, whatever it is, as long as you keep using it you won’t lose it (for a long time).
Bold Investing Scholarship
Don’t overanalyze it once you invest. Calm down and let it sit for a while before making changes to it.
I think this was some of the best advice I could have gotten when it comes to investing because a lot of people - including myself - have invested and then check it constantly. Worrying about your investment won’t help it. You can’t watch it constantly and determine where it’s going in a short time frame. You need to see what direction the stock is going after a longer period of time. Knowing this now, I drop money into a stock that I have faith in and then leave it for a while. This method has proved to help my mental state and my stocks.
I got this advice from my own brother who started investing before me and has given me some knowledge he has gained over the years. It’s something I remind myself of consistently when I think about checking my stocks multiple times in a day which is almost never necessary.
Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
When I was 12 I was very depressed and did not exactly understand it or get recognition for those feelings because of my age. I developed an addiction to pills which made me feel that life was interesting and comfortable for once and without them I just felt even more dull. These medications were not prescribed by a doctor as an antidepressant or anti-anxiety but rather were gathered on the street or from stores around us. It was a very dark time of my life where most days included stealing/trading things for drugs, taking them before school and then barely making it through a school day (stick with it it gets better eventually). I was taken to the hospital twice and suspended twice always for substance use or carrying substances on campus. This time was only worsened by families screaming at us, teachers shunning us, and forced to separate from all friends. The depression got worse and stayed for a long time.
Then comes high school where I became sexually active which brings all of its own stresses along with birth control! Now, at a young age I started taking hormonal birth control which had my emotions on a roller coaster of their own. Imagine (if you haven’t taken hormones) already going through puberty and then topping off the mood swings and body changes with even more hormones artificially added to your body. In short, I was a mess and it started with my mental state.
I did eventually grow from this mental state with rebuilding myself from some deeper rooted issues. I started being honest and open with my family and them with me. I took everything I wanted into my own hands and stopped giving others the responsibility of my happiness and completely reprogrammed my thoughts to strengthen who I truly am. I had to believe I was not always going to be an “issue”. I learned that everyone is meant to experience all emotions while not allowing yourself to stay in one emotion for too long because that’s when an issue will start to fester.
I developed a new, healthier mindset and understanding that the only things that matter are the things you give significance to; you are in control of your actions and feelings and that is it. Knowing these new affirmations and practices I hold with me everyday I look at everyone with some level of understanding that anyone could rise or fall to any position. The wealthy woman in the sky high building who has enough confidence for everybody could be you, the average person walking their dog listening to music could be you, the homeless man on the street holding the sign for change could be you. Having this innate connection with every human being allows you to be more vulnerable and able to connect with anyone who crosses your path. Our brains judge people instantly - almost subconsciously - but going through what I have with mental illness I take a step back and try to unpack all of someone’s layers and still not judge them on it. I have learned that letting people be who they need to be is the best option.
I carry these lessons with me at work where I run into people who are angry and will direct their anger and problems at me, but when I realize they have no power, they have no control and they are screaming out of fear then I can respond better and be of better service to them and anyone around me. Going through depression and dealing with the shadows it leaves behind is something I respect myself for so much and it helps me take a gentle and understanding approach when I deal with other people. You can only understand someone to the level you already understand yourself.
I know I will carry this into every future career in the medical field and will grace people with an open ear and heart. It’s been hard to keep my heart on my sleeve, but at the same time it’s simple and the only thing we all can do. I want to be able to affect people from a professional standpoint and let them relax knowing I can support them which I relate to cause I just wanted to feel supported when I was going through hard times. On my journey to becoming a PA in women’s health I will hold these values tight and show them as much love as they have shown me.
Community Service is Key Scholarship
In high school I signed up for interact club - a part of the rotary club which is at many schools across the nation. It was not required volunteer hours but rather a choice of extra involvement with the community. I had just moved to Brentwood and wanted to be involved and make my involvement mean something. I knew this club was trusty and gave back to the communities around the school and even cities over.
While I was in this club we worked in Brentwood, Oakley, Sacramento/rio vista area and more. I first gained knowledge of the types of people in this club. The people in interact club were wholesome, genuine and motivated human beings. I did drag a friend of mine along with me since she wasn’t in any clubs and a little reclusive. I thought this club would benefit both of us and it did. For starters, I gained connections and relationships with the people in the club and then eventually with people at the events we helped at.
We traveled to the Sacramento area one year and met up with all of the other interact and rotary clubs in the area. We filled a gymnasium sized room and listened to each other’s stories while meeting and gathering in a safe and comfortable environment. This was not an example of how the actual volunteer work affected me but rather how great the people are who you get involved with when you do community service work. I met countless people I would have never crossed paths with otherwise and this club gave me the opportunity to seek out other genuine individuals.
There was another time the interact club from my school went to a nearby elementary school to help fill in specific roles so that they could put on a little carnival for the kids. From organizing, to lifting things, to decorating, to serving food we were there to help. The work wasn’t work when you get to see children’s faces light up. It gave me a deeper appreciation for small acts of kindness. This mission specifically allowed me to see the beauty in innocent acts and how they can affect many people without someone realizing. I loved being able to help the communities around me by volunteering at many organizations like this elementary school and being able to see the difference you can make (even on a small scale). I never had younger siblings or cousins so getting to be around and have experience with young kids also helped me personally. I was able to get more comfortable with how to interact with kids.
I still find myself looking back at memories I have from community service and I catch myself grinning as I think of everything it has done for me along with the people I helped. I’m not sure exactly how many hours I put in, I think it was around 30, but that’s an estimate. Every hour was worth it and every person affected has stayed in my mind. I would definitely urge others to do community service and dedicate some time to their community as it is all of our duties to care for it.
Posh PA Underrepresented Minority Grant
I am a 19 year old girl from California. I have always been interested in the medical field and bounced from wanting to be a periodontist to a dermatologist to an OBGYN and now am happiest chasing my dream to be a physician’s assistant in women’s health.
I felt so pulled to this work since before I had my own gynecology appointments. Furthermore, what really set in the want to be in this field was when I was around 16/17 and wanted to be taken off of hormonal birth control but felt some light backlash from my provider. I realized her own opinions were taking the main stage and she revealed she really didn’t want me off of hormonal birth control. I felt disrespected that someone felt they had control over what goes in my body especially when I was responsible enough to get myself into an office at 14 and start birth control which was not easy. This moment was embedded in me and another personnel in the office called me in the next day to apologize for how their partner came off. I felt heard and understood and realized the difference that having someone give the extra effort for you means.
From then on I knew I wanted to inspire others to take control of their personal and sexual health through my career. I feel as though I could connect with many young women and help them protect themselves in the way they want to. I want to educate other women, girls, families and expecting families on everything they should know before taking any further steps and allowing their journey to be exactly that: their own.
I know that as a PA in womens health I could help lead future generations of women to more independent and fulfilling routes when it comes to their sexual health. I could educate the youth, prepare new parents, help create birth plans that fit each parent’s needs, help people give birth, support women and new families and the list goes on.
I have wanted to be a PA for about 3 years now and have wanted to be in the medical field since before I could remember. If I were to get this scholarship I would continue to work incredibly hard and have so much gratitude and appreciation for bold.org, posh PA and any other donors involved. I already appreciate sharing my stories and experiences.
Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
One of my main ways to serve others is by choosing to work as a caregiver. Although the money was better at restaurants with tips, by caregiving my soul gets paid in a more fulfilling way. What I do as a caregiver is to help individuals who cannot make it anymore by themselves. I can make food, clean, help with incontinence, apply topical medications, give medication reminders, sit with them as they near their time to pass on and especially bring joy and peace to them.
I see many other caregivers work themselves into bitterness because they pick up every shift offered to them and begin to burnout and take it out on their clients. Although, they are not mean people being overworked can affect someone in huge ways and that’s when I feel the need to give an act of service to them and let them know they should take a day off and take care of themselves. I ask how they are doing, why they are working so much and give them an ear when they usually don’t have someone to vent to.
I give acts of kindness when my family members get sick. I took care of my mother recently as she became ill and she didn’t know how to slow down and rest. I walked her through what her body and mind needed and eventually she gave in. She agreed to take medicine, she started getting more sleep and began eating better foods and is feeling better lately.
Acts of service can come in many forms but wearing your heart on your sleeve, doing what you know is right and treating others kindly are some of the biggest “acts of kindness” we can give and they sometimes make the largest differences in someone’s life.
Bold Listening Scholarship
Listening is not the same as hearing someone. You can hear someone but lack responsiveness and receptiveness. By being receptive and responsive one can say that they listened. To listen you have to have some understanding of what the other person said and WHY they said it. Looking deeper always reveals more which may not have been noticed at first glance.
I practice listening by trying to first understand why someone said what they said, usually there is a goal or some positive benefit that can come from talking about something. Once I seek that out I can respond and aim the conversation in that direction or ask more questions if I don’t actually comprehend the topic. Active listening doesn’t always mean giving a response or some form of advice either. Do you remember when you vented to someone and they just said “well why don’t you just do this..” as if whatever it was was that simple when you are in the position to do whatever it is. Sometimes when people vent they just need someone to listen and by listening and responding with facial expressions and body languages one can say enough and allow that person to be heard without forcing them to do something about it.
These active listening skills come into play when I am at work as a caregiver and am listening to my clients who so clearly just need to be heard. When I first started working as a caregiver I saw some people doubt me and I started doubting myself like maybe I don’t have anything to offer these people, I mean what could we have in common I am 19 and they are in their 80s but as humans no matter what form we come in we are all so similar.
Bold Passion Scholarship
One thing I am truly passionate about is helping others. There aren’t many things that feel natural to me, but caregiving, nurturing and being “motherly” to others is what makes me feel most at home.
My life as well as my activities vary greatly. I am a caregiver full time, student full time, I make time to go out, I adventure, I try new things and I care for others in my daily life. Whether it be taking my dog on walks and making sure he has social time at the park and regular baths to caregiving for clients at my job and doing everything that entails to holding a trash can in front of a friend when they have drank too much and bringing them water after. Caring for others can come in many forms but caring for all living things is most definitely something I am truly passionate about.
I hope to further this passion by continuing on with school and becoming a physicians assistant in Women’s health where I can lead young women, support soon to be families and encourage all women to control their personal and sexual health. This scholarship won’t pave the whole way but it would help immensely on getting to the next step.
Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
I believe the person I have had the most impact on is my grandfather who I cared for during the last four years of my life. As middle school was coming to an end for me my grandpa was starting to need some more help and visiting once a week wouldn’t be enough anymore so my mother and I moved in with him and moved both houses together in Brentwood about an hour and half from where I used to live.
I didn’t know him too well until I moved in with him where I learned his strict and unique schedule and what he likes and dislikes. I learned how to work with his stubborn behaviors and how to make him smile which was easy, all I needed to do was put a face mask on and he giggled every time. There were new challenges to face everyday and being around him taught me how to maneuver the end of life processes and events that happen. I learned random things like how much having a routine can change someone’s life and how serious a UTI can be when you are 80/90 years old.
I loved my time with him and sat next to his bed every chance I had the last two months of his life as I was approaching my high school graduation. Since he passed before my graduation he probably had a better seat than any of us. I know I impacted him with how he smiled when I would get home or how he would be so happy to tell me his stories - even though I have heard them before, I loved hearing them again. It was hard to see him in the final weeks but it gave me insight into what really happens towards the end of life and prepared me for getting my current job as a caregiver where I have made various more connections with individuals I would have never crossed paths with otherwise.
I take caregiving very seriously and know the deep mental and emotional impact I have on these people. I have been with my current client for about 10 months now - full time - (while going to school) and love every stage we go through together. I know he looks forward to having me there as someone he can trust which will allow him to let go a little easier. Although, doing this type of work is tiring and can take a toll on someone I enjoy it and know it is probably the most meaningful work I have done so far. It impacts the people I care for which started with my own grandfather, but it impacts me the most as I develop as an adult it inspires me to be kinder as well as encourages me to speak up when necessary. I have learned so much from caregiving and would not be as loving and understanding without it. Caring for others -especially my grandfather - has taught me to take a every day as it could be my last and enjoy the journey it takes to get somewhere.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
Senior year was a very hard for me. I wanted most to graduate on the honor roll and finish out my high school experience on a good note. I was planned to graduate in may/June but in late December/ early January my grandpa was getting more sick and near his time to pass on. I spent everyday after school at the hospital with him (he lived with us prior to needing hospitalization). On February 12, 2020 he passed away and we had a funeral the following week, I missed school and missed assignments, but eventually caught up. In march, we had spring break and then never went back to in person schooling because the pandemic hit. Following close behind in may I had to file a domestic violence case against my boyfriend at the time. We had been together nearly all of high school and I won’t go into detail but the relationship just became more and more toxic and rough to deal with. Now, I’m weeks away from graduating and going to court at the same time, I made up my schoolwork and graduated still on the honors roll. This was a very hard time to keep my priorities straight and keep up with everything going on around me. I learned how to persevere and take a few punches. I got better at choosing to continue to move forward even when you don’t know what the future holds.
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
Simple pleasures to me are things that may not seem like much but mean so, so much to someone. Simple pleasures can give peace, happiness and love to someone.
My own simple pleasures include having pure hearted, laughable conversations with my dad. We didn’t get to have open conversations when family dynamics changed and now that we can and both take advantage of that it brings me joy when his face lights up as he’s talking about something he experienced or watched a video of (he likes YouTube a lot). Another simple pleasure I have is when I help my mother for a full day and then I see the breath of relaxation she lets out as she knows she has someone watching out for her. My mother is the most hard working person I have ever met, she goes non-stop without a thought for herself and when I can take some of the weight of the world off of her shoulders it gives me so much joy.
Those are my simple pleasures and they fill my heart in the most fulfilling and pure way.
Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
Recovery means enjoying life without the accompaniment of a substance. Recovery can have lots of ups and downs but the goal is that you always come back up. It’s normal to have good days, bad days and days that make you drop to your knees but recovery means that you - sooner rather than later - choose to wipe those tears away and get back to it. Recovery means forgiving yourself for what you gave up to be under the influence while still never forgetting those times as they serve as constant reminders to stay clean and never go back to what you once thought was a solution to your problems. Recovery is never ending but that’s not a bad thing. You get to constantly learn yourself and your abilities and dedication. Recovery requires energy, recovery is constant and recovery is salvation.
JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
I was a very shy kid and struggled with the social aspects of school. I had friends and loved spending time with them but feared presentations and failure. This took years to get better with and of course I still have butterflies before presenting, but I also have a foundation of knowledge and confidence to back myself up. I realized I would have never gotten out of that fear if I had not been pushed so much by school and the teachers I had. School and getting an education in general can push you into uncomfortable places but that is where you finally get the chance to be challenged and forced to grow.
More generally speaking, getting an education has opened my eyes to the countless variations among us as a species. Not only are looks different among various people, but their traditions, food, beliefs, religion, ideas and ways of speaking are unique. Having an education has taught me that there is so much more out there than the little world each of us lives in during our day to day lives. Being educated has taught me how many problems we face as humanity, but also how possible it is to do the ‘impossible’. Being educated has structured my way of thinking to understand we have different preferences and as humans we like to have choices but when we look at the big picture each of us is so similar with very similar needs.
When I was young I used to feel that school was a tool to memorize things and learn facts, but getting an education and how one is educated structures their mind to view the world a certain way, it teaches people to act certain ways and to problem solve in specific ways. Having an education slowly taught me that we are all connected just as the subjects in school are intertwined. I started noticing in high school that every subjects overlaps with another and one event can have a ripple effect on many other things. To me the big picture of education is understanding that we have choices and a will to do what we want, and at first it seems like that choice is only subject to us, but then further on I learned each choice we make has countless unintended effects as well. So, being aware of all of those unintended effects and understanding how everything functions as a unit is the real beauty of education that has shaped me to view the world in a unique, organized and open-minded way.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
I created this piece a 3-6 months ago and based it on the idea of two people who are getting to know each other by sharing their intellectual and spiritual energy. You can see their eyes are not open since that is not the most important place or thing we see through. A couple months after being done with the drawing, I met someone who I felt I had connected with sooner and of such a deeper quality than anyone I had met before. We understood each other without having to explain every little detail with each other. He resembles this male image a lot. Before I drew it I didn’t really know anyone who looked like this, then I met him.
I met this boy in a very unique way since he actually had already met my mother when selling solar deals door to door. So my mother knew him months before I did and she tried setting us up when they first met but I was unavailable as I had just woken up and was uninterested. I say all of this because this is the clearest sign that proves what is meant for you will be, without fighting, without a doubt. You can say it was ‘destiny’. Now I’m not saying we will be married in a year and live out our entire lives together, but we were definitely meant to meet. This is so important to me because I found that experience as well as all of my art to be a very spiritual process. When something is so spiritual it connects to a deeper part of myself and tops everything else in my small little world.
I hope to have many unique art experiences such as this one in the future, my art will lead me.
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
In order to maintain a growth mindset I continuously tell myself these things:
-there’s no age limit to starting something new
-stop caring what others think when it doesn’t have to do with your well-being
-there is no roof, capping your potential; it’s limitless
-nothing stays the same forever and that is okay, you should change with the seasons too
Repeating and believing in these mantras has helped me learn new ways of looking at the world and my personal situations. These mantras allow me to understand I am always capable and willing to grow and exceed my own expectations.
A growth mindset is extremely important to have or else there would be no purpose to life at all if we were all staying the same and incapable of growth and progress. Since we are animals that can learn, we must take advantage of that and develop and keep a growth mindset. Steering clear of judge-mental friends and family helps one’s progress as well. Another great tip to keeping a growth mindset is to set your failures aside as lessons, don’t make them again but don’t hate yourself for making mistakes, we should expect mistakes and be able to level up with each failure.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
Being patient teaches you that every problem is real to someone and that everyone’s feelings matter. When you are patient you are more deserving of others to be patient for you too. It slows each of us down enough to look at what’s important and to have appreciation for the little things in life. Without patience we would not have strong relationships or progress. Without patience no one would understand real dedication and consistency.
In my life, patience has taught me to be there when someone is going through the rough. To stand by the sides of the people you love to show them that they matter. Patience gave me a relationship with my grandfather the last four years of his life. When you are given patience you see the world has love in it still and learn to be gentler and kinder.
Patience could make humanity a bit more kind and loving to each other. We all have different levels of patience but if we all worked on our own patience we could become a gentler and more compassionate society that focuses on giving rather than receiving.
SkipSchool Scholarship
My favorite artist would be Van Gogh, introduced to me by my mother. I have enjoyed his artwork and paintings in many stages of life so far and they continue to resonate with me. I respect the pain that he endured and the fact that he chose to force those intense feelings into artwork. We all suffer with something and nearly everyone experiences mental illness at some point in life, Van Gogh did as well as transferred that energy into something more beautiful and for those reasons he rises above in my books.
Young Women in STEM Scholarship
I grew up with supporting people around me but very challenging circumstances that I know have developed me into the person I am today. I always took the challenges that came and either conquered them or learned from them. I believe that in the last two years specifically I have turned my life upside down and made some drastic changes in who I am and the direction I am heading. I am now hurdling in a positive direction. From dropping some of my bad habits, to removing unhealthy people in my life to taking time to give 100% of my attention to my own well-being as well as to the ones I call family. I have experienced a lot of death for 19 years, learned and experienced what drug abuse is like, saw what horrible relationships could do to someone, unraveled a domestic violence case and so on. Everything that has happened in my life I choose to look at from a learning perspective and a forgiving point of view. Forgiveness is necessary to allow yourself and the ones around you to continue growing. I take life one step at a time and have learned the power in doing that. Life itself is an experience and I have figured out who I am when dark times come and what my spirituality and personal religion means to me. Knowing that, if I could do anything with my life I think I would travel the world and help children heal from traumas they have been through unwillingly. Although, a piece of me needs to be anchored near my family and I have so much respect for the medical field that my greatest wish and goal is the one I am chasing with my education which is to be a physicians assistant in women’s health. There I can educate, support and teach young women (and older women of course) to treat their bodies with love and respect while still being able to live the life they want to live.
I did not have healthy support from a medical professional when I started needing birth control or when I wanted to change it or come off of it so I want to be able to help others during those times of life. Currently I work in caregiving which means the world to me, I get to live in with various people and take care of them when they are vulnerable. Being in this field has taught me so much about the end of life processes we go through and has strengthened my spirituality having unique experiences with people near death. On the other hand, I want to be able to work on the other end of this spectrum in the future with the help of many more years of schooling. I can create unique birthing experiences for each individual mother/family to suit their own needs and allow people to see the beauty in child birth when they began as fearing it. I am drawn most to this field because I have had bad experiences from the patient side and have so many worries about having children in the future. Knowing how my brain works, I know I could help others who are suffering with similar things. Being in women’s health I can empower young women to take control of their sexual health from a young age - if they need it young - and to make each individual who comes in feel welcomed, accepted and heard which makes all the difference no matter one’s age. I can help women all over the world view their bodies and what they do with such positivity.
I would have to say the hardest thing I had to overcome was the year 2020, for many reasons. We all had a hard time in 2020 given the new pandemic and adjusting to constantly changing rules and regulations as well as facing the idea of a new vaccine and how to treat people within a close vicinity or what is now right or wrong to do. It was tense and hard for everyone. In addition, my grandfather died early in the year - who I moved in with to take care of during high school. This was obviously rough and gave me some of the worst anxiety I have experienced. I had lost someone very young before him but living with him for four years and then watching him deteriorate in the matter of months was very rough. Later on in the year I faced a domestic violence case that I filed on an ex boyfriend and went to multiple court hearings to get a no contact order. Soon after that another friend passed away at the young age of 20 from a drunk driver and soon followed my dog who passed. To sum it up, it was a year of constant hits and challenges being thrown at me left and right. I didn’t know what to do with all of this for a while and it made me realize that that’s what is also beautiful in life is the fact of not knowing. Having good and bad around the corner and all you know is that you can handle it and conquer it and learn from it. I would have never known everything I could do in life if I wasn’t pushed face first into the dirt. I am happy for all the good and bad because it teaches me how to love what I currently have and allow myself to let go of what no longer has a place in my life or a positive effect on my being. Your strength is within you and it’s always been there, sometimes it takes trying times to know what you are really made of it. 2020 taught me to forgive, let go, choose healing and to change what I have power over changing. Attitudinal healing is what I took away from some of the hardest times of my life.
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
Through the various and random experiences my life has held so far I have learned that my best skill is adaptation. I may not be good at something at first, I may need to put more time into it than some others around me, but I will always continue to try until I get it and then will choose to always be open to a better and new way of doing whatever I am doing. From making the volleyball team in high school to having very unique jobs I have learned that being good at something isn’t the skill that’s needed it’s the openness and willingness to grow. I was not good enough to make the volleyball team, I was not social enough to work in a restaurant, I was not experienced enough to be a caregiver, but by working on myself and knowing who I needed to be in those situations I could cultivate the right characteristics and push forward. Through lessons and teachings you can learn anything. Choosing to do the bare minimum to live is surviving. Choosing to grow and work through the challenges that will get you to where you want to be is succeeding at life. Therefore adaptation and being able to grow in new environments would be the best skill I have.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
My favorite way to help others is to be able to be there for the ones I love when other people may not be able to be there. I work as a caregiver and have taken care of my grandpa when he was approaching death and I am very used to bodily fluids as well as having uncomfortable or tense conversations. I appreciate the honestly that older individuals encompass and therefore respect them and take care of them knowing it could teach me a lot. By being a caregiver I have seen the maternal instincts come out of myself and learn to care for someone even when they don’t necessarily want help.
In my personal life I noticed when someone drinks too much and starts vomiting I will be there to help clean up and hold the trash can. In another example, when everyone wants to watch tv or go out I would stay in and help cleanup the house with my mother. Just the act of sacrificing something of mine to care for another person’s needs is probably one of the most rewarding things I have done and has taught me the most about people and myself. My favorite way to be there to help others is to be available for them and to remain unaffected by the challenges in their situations. When I remain untouched by someone’s hardships I notice it makes it easier for them to accept it as well and work on themselves in healthier ways and with more patience.
Bold Motivation Scholarship
When things get tough or new challenges arise I look back at who I used to be and it motivates me to never want to be back in that place again: mentally, physically or spiritually. It’s something we are all capable of but it resonates so deeply with me because I know how far I have come already and how many things I faced so young and therefore how much more I can conquer. There was addiction, family separation, health deterioration, domestic violence, depression and death in the first 18 years of my life and if I was told I had to go through all of that I probably would have taken my own life knowing how hard it would be and fear exactly what was coming. On the other hand, I never knew the beauty that was to come in my life in the form of friends, lovers and opportunities I never thought I would have. I learn now to not welcome challenges but to also never back down. Taking things one step at a time is necessary and a key component to my own successes. So when I need daily strength I simply choose to remember who I USED TO BE and it pushes me head over heels into WHO I AM BECOMING. :)
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
One of the most significant things I have learned about myself is that just like how I created who I am, I can also recreate the person staring back in mirror. We take things we hear about ourselves and judgements we make on ourselves to build a personality and mindset when we are really young. Although that may be our default setting that each one of us regresses to, we can actively choose to be whoever we want to be. From clothes, to tone of voice, to demeanor and having to do with all characteristics of ones personality, it is in our will to decide who or what version of ourselves we want to be. We can maneuver in and out of these unique mindsets to allow ourselves to thrive in many different settings. Without judging yourself, be who you need and want to be. Learning that I had the power and capabilities to do that changed a lot about how I look at activities and even the ones I may not like very much. I can direct my attentions on something else that can help me be better equipped to handle any situation and that is by choosing WHO I want to be in that event and cultivating that version of myself.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
In a world full of hate and violence I would want to leave a legacy of peace, resilience and strength. I would want my legacy and life to leave the next generation with less of a feeling to prove themselves but better yet experience yourself, learn yourself and remain calm through life’s ups and downs. Resilience is very important to me because without it I would have never made it this far already unless I truly had the hunger to succeed and prosper with those around me. The need for strength comes in times when you have the option to take the easier and more temporary route but instead choose the long lasting one which may be harder at first. I would be content if I left a legacy revolved around acceptance, calmness and growth as well, to lead the next generations that are affected by that legacy to live fuller, significant, loving and meaningful lives.
Act Locally Scholarship
I am a young woman who has seen lots of hate and violence in the short 19 years I have been alive. Violence and hate are some of the worst things out there and continue to be an issue in our society. When I was 13 I moved with my mother to take care of my grandfather for the next, and last, four years of his life. I saw many unique stages and took mental notes, when he passed away I had developed a bond with him I had never had with a senior family member or grandparent. Overall, I was so happy to have been there taking care of him during the final stages of life. It’s not always light and easy, it can get very rough and uncomfortable when transitioning out of life, but being around it and seeing a new perspective on how to view it is very important when appreciating life now while I’m young and healthy.
Going through that experience calmed me down and made me value peace of mind more than I ever have. I notice that we cannot control most of the things around us but by working on ourselves we are able to alleviate our own suffering and then can help others release their own blockages. I value growth and progress most and have taken that into my new career as a caregiver. It is the most important work I have done and has taught me the most life skills out of all of my jobs. I worked as a coach first which taught me about children and bringing them out of their own insecurities as well as disciplining people and keeping them on track. Next I worked at a restaurant which taught me communication and people skills as well as problem solving skills when things have to be worked out on the spot. Furthermore, caregiving has been the most influential. It has shown me diseases, disabilities and different mindsets. I have created trust and bonds with people I would have never thought I could connect with while opening their minds at such an older age. Caregiving means a lot to me because I am helping them while they teach me patience, love, letting go and acceptance. I bring these new focuses into my daily life and affect those around me with grace and calmness. My friends and family have even said it changed my personality a bit and has had lots of affects on me and my view on the world.
I value the small things in life a lot now, like making people laugh, challenging myself and overcoming those challenges and knowing most of all I don’t welcome challenges but I never back down. I take an active approach with every person I meet to make them smile or to just be an open ear and know that when someone “over-shares” they probably needed to get it out. For my community I choose to also allow myself to be vulnerable sometimes because teaching yourself is just as important as helping and teaching others. I try to change the world and environment we live in by trying my best to have a positive effect on all individuals I meet. Giving the random compliment, sparing a few bucks for the person begging, holding someone when they need to cry, sharing something you may not want to in order to let someone laugh or to let them see you are human too and have made mistakes. I think kindness, empathy and vulnerability are some things the people in this world - including myself - should take control of. When I stopped judging myself and just decided to truly SEE myself is when I started to transition and connect with more people, make each soul a little happier and let people know each of us are enough as we are.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
A technology that is revolutionary to me are ‘scanning machines’ in the medical field such as mri machines, cat-scans, x-rays and so forth. It is unbelievable that humans created something that can look within the body without opening the body up. It is even more incredible that different machines focus on different things, some can view lumps or cancer, others can observe brain functions and neurons, and others can look at the skeletal and vascular systems while some can allow us to view a developing fetus and even hear a heartbeat.
These body scanning machines have changed the old ways of medicine to help diagnose many diseases, disabilities or issues without having to use guesswork as much and more importantly without having to open someone up just to see what’s wrong. Going into surgery is a big deal; mentally, financially and physically. An mri scan is expensive without insurance but nothing like an actual surgery would cost just to diagnose someone and then figure out the next steps. These scans have small risks of radiation, but are practically non-invasive and somewhat timely.
This type of technology interests me so much because it can connect to my future goal career of working in women’s health as a physicians assistant where I will be using tools very similar like ultrasound devices which allow medical professionals to see directly into the womb of a mother and view a developing fetus. Ultrasounds also can allow a professional to spot developing cysts or ovarian cancer which is super important in keeping women safe and healthy. I am amazed at this technology and appreciate it every time I come into contact with it.
You Glow Differently When You're Happy Scholarship
I usually feel like the ‘mother’ of the friend group so when I allow myself to be vulnerable and share myself I learn a lot about the people around me. During my first break up I had broken up with my girlfriend at school after a long time of it needing to come and when I left the gym I was red and tearing but my best friend dropped her stuff and came running over to me to embrace. I felt her compassion and sympathy, she even broke out in tears herself and I felt so connected and loved.
Saroya Byrd Legacy Scholarship
When my parents split we spent a year not knowing where my dad was to then move my mother and I in with my grandfather to take care of him. Taking care of him taught me the necessary skills to work with seniors, people with disabilities and diseases and as a caregiver over all. Working as a caregiver was a huge step into my development as an empathetic person. I started caregiving about a year ago and it has changed the way I view people knowing we all have various and unique hidden issues. Caregiving has taught me patience and gratitude when looking at situations and my own life. It was the start to a new version of myself which is a better person to put out into the world everyday.
I could be making more money for my time if I was working in a restaurant/bar again which could allow me to make lots of tips, but knowing what it’s like to do meaningful and truly important work influences me as a whole and influences the direction I continue to go in life. I want to further my education and help people in another stage of life, at the beginning of life with birth. I am aiming to work with mothers, families, teenage girls and babies when I go into women’s health where I will be able to help young women choose how to protect themselves from stds and unwanted pregnancy as well as supporting the women and families who are expecting. I will be able to have a significant effect on the community around me by doing something that I am so passionate about. I can lead, support and give advice to those who need it, I will be committed and dedicated to the practice and the meaning behind it all; creating a better place for the next generation.
If I received this scholarship it would help in immense amounts which could allow me to somewhat glide through this long journey. Money is definitely an obstacle in the way of my goal career, but I never want to allow finances to stop my dreams and those I could help in the future.
I love to help others, create welcoming environments and meet new people. I can confidently say that I work hard everyday to make people smile and to allow them to let their guards down around me and be able to take a breath from the chaos around us. I have much appreciation for all humans and animals and life that surrounds us and would love to have the help of this scholarship to take my goals and the goals of the “Saroya Byrd Legacy Scholarship” to the next level.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
I enjoy doing many things, I don’t dislike many activities but what truly leaves me happy and fulfilled is when I nurture or take care of other people. It first started when I helped take care of my grandfather in the last four years of his life. I was completely hands on and by his side the entire last month of his life as well which gave me insights I can never forget. I learned so much about life and death and near death experiences. I gained more connections to my own spirituality and felt content that I did the best I could for him. Above everything, I felt that it was one of the most important times of my life, being able to put my own issues and things aside which included a four year relationship coming to an end and finishing classes and graduating high school. I felt fulfilled in the moments I spent with my grandfather and it left me feeling very happy after periods of mourning when he past away. Now, almost two years later I am a caregiver and have been since last February. I love it! Taking care of others, while challenging myself and learning about various diseases/disorders and being able to help make day to day life a little easier for those individuals makes my life worth it as well. I am happy when I go to bed tired and I am happy when I have helped another. I learned to care for others by caring for myself properly first which is a huge topic that brings me joy as well. Self care is just as important and essential to one’s health and happiness.
Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
I am a 19 year old from California, I have moved a few times in my life and I enjoy challenges. I played sports growing up, was in choir for a couple years and was involved in various clubs at school. I enjoy school, but I enjoy helping others most. I became a caregiver earlier this year and have felt as though I thrive at it. It means so much to me to go to work and know I am having a positive effect on someone’s life. I have worked full time for about 8 months now while going to school and am able to balance this because I have a deep love for what I do. I eventually want to go into women’s health to support other women who need advice or a shoulder to lean on. I know that my experiences with birth control were forceful and felt very opinionated when first starting. I decided when I needed it which was when I became sexually active and then decided when I wanted to stop hormonal birth control which I had no support from my physicians. I knew I had managed my own tests, doctor visits, birth control refills and check ups since before I could remember and then was being treated as though I didn’t know what my body needed. I stayed on birth control just non-hormonal methods which they said not to do; this was an opinion. I want to go into women’s health to support young women and make them feel liberated in their sexuality as well as encourage women to take control of their own bodies, sex lives and pregnancy in ways I felt I didn’t have. As a medical professional you should allow your clients to know all that you know while allowing them to take control of their own health choices and future and that is exactly what I want to do. I have also strengthened my beliefs of love and support through my readings of “Love is Letting Go of Fear” which teaches me to look at individuals as either extending love or acting out of fear and I have been able to extend love more often and understand when people are acting out of fear and calling out for love. This book has helped introduce me to a kinder, gentler and more genuine approach to view all human beings. I am able to apply the teachings of this book to all areas of my life especially when at work since older individuals with diseases can be problematic when it comes to finding solutions but understanding that someone with dementia for instance may never have the same problem-solving skills they once had. This book allows me to understand that everybody is projecting their own mindsets on to the world and therefore encourages me to act with hospitality and kindness to all.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
Self care looks different on every unique individual, but it always captures something that elevates one’s eternal being. Self care can be physical, mental or spiritual, if you are lucky enough you can find an activity that improves all three levels for you. I practice self care daily by taking essential time to either stretch, meditate, journal or do something that makes my soul happy. Sometimes self care comes in the form of singing or dancing without care of any judgement around me. Other times, self care is taking advantage of the gym where I sweat away my anxieties and build myself to be stronger. Another form of self care is eating a good meal when you may have been ignoring your dietary needs or taking that well deserved nap that your body so urgently needs. All of which I take advantage of and make time for. Many people’s brains - including my own - try to convince us that self care is a “waste of time”, it is not. Self care is one of the best things you can do for yourself, the ones around you and your community. When you take care of yourself first you are much more equipped to handle what life throws at you. When you choose your health and happiness first you have a better understanding of people’s true, undeniable needs and therefore can become more loving, generous and full of life. When I practice self care, I can tell the relationships with my family and friends improves, if I have a love life then it becomes more passionate, anything I put work into comes from a deeper place of gratitude and want to be better and I can find enjoyment in all activities.
Bold Books Scholarship
“Love is Letting Go of Fear” is the most inspiring book I have read because it can improve every single person’s life, it has a universal language of love which speaks to just about everyone. The book is based on the idea that we only have two emotions: fear and love. Therefore, every action and thought is either motivated by fear or love. This book teaches us about the best versions of ourselves and how we naturally are beings made purely out of love and how essential it is to put love first in every situation. One of my favorite sections is towards the beginning of the book on page 17 and it speaks on forgiveness and that forgiveness is the basis for all of the teachings in the book and forgiveness does not mean ‘the condoning of that behavior’ but rather the decision to no longer attack oneself. Forgiving is one the hardest things to do but can lead to the best outcomes, growth and happiness. Due to timeless teachings as that one that’s why “Love is Letting go of Fear” is the most inspiring book I have read.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity means giving when you may not have much yourself. Generosity is giving with pure intent and no selfish undertones. Generosity is going the extra mile for others even when things are already looking down. Real generosity is giving everything and some more on top. We all value generosity but not many can encompass what it really is themselves. My mother was a mother to many, she works long hours and always gives her all to any situation or person who needs it. I learned what a big heart is and what generosity is from her. When I see a family begging for money generosity is giving them money or some groceries I just bought when I don’t have much to give myself. Generosity was my mother sticking by my side when I wavered and suffered depression and had lots of accompanying issues. Generosity is represented in the individuals who give their free time in order for others lives to be easier. Generosity starts with kindness and can influence lots of kindness. It is one of those things that can create a positive loop of hope, love and peace in many lives that it affects. As a society we should make things like generosity and kindness more of a main focus and encourage it all together. In the end, generosity is needed and opens hearts and can make all lives easier and full of faith.
Deborah's Grace Scholarship
I moved from Sacramento to Brentwood ca right before my freshman year of high school. It was my first time moving cities and it felt like a huge change for me. We moved to take care of my grandfather and we did so for four years. During this time I got into a relationship my sophomore year of high school and we lasted about 3 1/2 years, a long hard 3 1/2 years. It grew to be a very manipulative and toxic relationship. We had good times as they all start out as, but the aggression and mind games started to take over. I remember never wanting to give up on him and those moments of comfort with each other felt like enough. You get so used to being treated a certain way you see these wild actions as normal eventually and are pushed into even crazier phases. When it reached the point of physical violence, I went home with my phone broken and my face with dried blood and thought I just need to sleep. When I woke up I had a while before I remembered what had happened the night before and I walked out to the bathroom and saw my mother who instantly gasped and asked what happened. I looked at myself and started crying seeing how it made her feel. I went to the police and reported the domestic violence and began my journey away from him. During the last stage of me and this ex boyfriend, my grandfather passed away and I was graduating high school. It was one of the most intense and stressful times of my life. I still maintained through school and asked for the necessary extensions and graduated happily. I learned a lot about myself in the following year and half since and I know I am still growing and forever will be. It taught me to see myself for who I really am, face my faults and know my potential. I was broken a year and a half ago and to see myself flourish and grow into who I am today is one of the most gratifying and beautiful things. I know I will succeed in anything I put myself into and I have learned that by going through things I could have never imagined I would have made it through. I still continue with school and plan to for years to come, I work and spend my free time with my family. Being able to gain some financial freedom would allow me to continue on my educational journey and help others overcome obstacles they never knew they would make it through.
Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
Legacy means leaving a message behind that inspires and a story that can motivate and be related to. Legacy can be who you were in your life, or what you did to make the best of a bad situation. One builds their legacy over time and with lots of effort and if they are lucky and if their legacy is great enough then it can have the power to inspire people long after the individual who owns that legacy passes away.
My upbringing started out in a nice way, I have fond memories of laughing with my parents and seeing them laugh together and enjoy parts of life. Unfortunately, quite early in my life my parents got into drinking very heavily and my father into opioid use as well. I watched them fall apart and retreat into themselves and further from each other. I went down a similar path with pills the following year and tore my mental space up. I struggled with that for a few years but stopped by the end of my freshman year of high school. Through all of that chaos and self hate I always poured myself and my energy into school and always maintained a good gpa. School was and still is my outlet and my way to accomplish something even when things go south. I worked my way out of pills, my parents worked their way out of alcohol and although things will never be exactly the same as before I really don’t think they should be. We have been through more, experienced more and learned the most from it all. We treat one another differently and going through all of that around the age of 12 I felt I grew up very fast. I carry myself differently than other people my age and have knowledge and connections that others don’t. Sometimes I forget not everybody has been through something like that. I work with my best friend to focus on each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We speak very openly and want to see each other become better versions of ourself. I break my cycles by speaking honestly with myself, we all know how we self destruct and it’s up to us to manage it, work on it and ask for help when we know we can’t do it alone. I think some of the greatest and most recent attributions to my success and hope for myself is therapy, finally truly taking care of my mind, body and soul and going to the gym to release my anxieties and get my heart pumping. When I wake up I go over how my day will go and not as in what tasks I have to do but understanding how I will react whether good or bad things happen that day. I decide who I am that day. I journal at the end of the day to vent and release emotion as well as to affirm who I am becoming. I take time for myself and allow myself to feel each emotion I have while not allowing myself to stay in any one emotional state too long as that is when we start to have issues arise.
In the pictures attached:
1. Me on the left. My best friend on the right.
2. My dog
3. My mother
3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
There are many ways to empower women, but one huge factor is giving women the resources and information needed to get through their tough times. Women face discrimination, hate, abuse, manipulation and unfair treatment and having resources for financial needs and helplines can make such a huge difference in women’s lives. As a women, I can empower other women by staying by their sides, giving advice and an open ear when other women need a shoulder to lean on. As a community or country there should be ways for single mothers, women in abusive relationships and those being discriminated against to find help and actually receive help.
I went through a domestic violence case my senior year of high school which taught me many things in the process. It was with a boyfriend of 3 1/2 years and it not only taught me to say goodbye to those that no longer serve my well being or growth, but it also gave me clear insight into how hard it can be to receive helpful advice, connections and ‘a way out’. Being in that relationship taught me how blind we can be to how badly we are treated and taken advantage of as women. Once realizing and facing the truth of the hate surrounding me I started to realize how many men specifically take advantage of a women they have in their life or even come into contact with just a few times. It was so disheartening and not only that but when I spoke out and reported the violence the whole process took months upon months and a few court visits. I thought how increasingly worse it would have gotten in that time for other women who don’t have the means to get away, luckily I wasn’t living with him yet and had supportive people around, but the stress, interrupted sleep, anxiety attacks and still having to manage my responsibilities while managing the case was horrific. Being able to clearly give women resources, help and financial aid for times of suffering is very important and can mean the world to them - to me. I had wished it was a simpler process even in some small ways. Having to pay legal fees and stay in work and school while going through that was horrible, on top of it all no clear routes or advice were ever given it was always misdirected or later claimed to be inaccurate. Having numbers to call, getting financial aid to support these women and being able to receive clear guidance can change a women’s life, I remember how much it would have helped me at that time.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
One huge change that could impact the education of future generations for the better would be to lessen the financial burden that furthering ones education places on an individual. There are programs like fafsa and scholarship programs that help out in great amounts, but that only help specific groups of people and definitely can’t help support the majority of aspiring students. If you were to ask millions of college students what holds them back, ‘financial needs’ would definitely be in the top 3 of nearly all of them. I have some friends who fell in the small percentage that get full rides but it’s sooner than later that they realize a lot of expenses aren’t actually covered and will need to be paid for out of pocket. Many students feel trapped after spending a few years in college just to notice that their final years won’t be covered or not as completely and now are deciding to go into debt or drop out. The need for financial aid is a huge burden placed on people who are trying to better themselves and the world around them by getting a higher education.
I -like thousands of others - am on this website because I need help paying for my higher education and will for years to come. I am working and manage my money but still know what is to come; financially. Having this dark money cloud float over us as students places a huge and sometimes unbearable road block in our journey. Removing such a huge obstacle could have a society flourish by motivating people to learn more, getting better jobs and helping the community that has helped them. Having some universal financial aid that could help students through each of their unique journeys would encourage furthering one’s education and would motivate students to give back after getting their degree as well. This also builds respect, admiration and love for ones nation knowing what was given or made accessible to them. Focusing on the classes themselves, our families, jobs and mental health is more than enough. Having an additional financial burden is not helping any student or family out there who’s just hoping for a better life and to make other's lives better.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
One thing that gives me hope is when I see people with good hearts initiate their actions out of kindness. It could be donating their clothes to families in need when they could sell them for a profit or seeing someone drop something on the street and that individual makes sure it gets back to the owner. The small things mean so much to me and I think I learned that from my mother who always makes small acts of kindness which change people’s days. I have seen her stop to help people who dropped something, I have seen her have a bad day and still go up to a stranger and compliment them and even pay for many necessities that others didn’t have and she didn’t want to see them go without. One moment that meant a lot to me and stuck with me was when we were driving to Folsom ca from Lincoln ca and my mother and I saw a women transporting cases of soda and she dropped a few dozen and my mother pulled over without a second thought and we unbuckled and hopped out to help pick everything up and throw the busted cans away. We were two out of five people that got out of the car to help which hurt me a little bit.
When I get to see people that resemble my mothers giving character it gives me hope that people can overlook their worries or insecurities and personal issues to help one another - especially in difficult moments.
My family and I were on food stamps at one point and I remember how it felt to have people working at a church after hours who didn’t need to be there to help feed us with food that people donated out of the goodness in their hearts. You can say going through situations like that have built me to be who I am today and has given me outside experience and knowledge of what it feels like to be on both sides. Now that we make more money we eat well and can even donate ourselves once in a while. Those are so of the most inspiring things: the pure giving, the ability to ask for help and obtaining the reachable progress/next goal.
Bold Be You Scholarship
In order to stay true to myself in daily life I must journal, read a little bit of a growth book and speak and listen to those that I love. In the end the human connections we make in life will be some of the most comforting and meaningful memories in our lives. I know how much I value family and specifically make time for my mother and speaking with my brothers and closest friends nearly every day even as hectic as all of our schedules are. Journaling helps me to get in touch with my emotions and subconscious thoughts as well as being able to vent and share things that may be better kept unsaid. Journaling allows us to see what we focus on and even create and release things while doing so. Reading is very important to me because it forces our brains to slow down and lose ourselves in a healthy way. Reading can help direct your daily thoughts and allow you to create a new perspective on what goes on around you and within your head. Reading self-help, growth, and spiritual books are my favorite as they have the most to offer to my needs and progress in life.
Bold Memories Scholarship
Being able to move in with my grandfather and take care of him during the end of his life was one of the biggest events in my life that forced me to go through immense amounts of growth. I moved in with him during my four years of high school and he passed away right before my graduation. The whole situation taught me a lot about life and not taking moments for granted as it can all change so quickly. I learned how to patient and kind to those that may not have much to give back to me and I learned I really enjoyed being able to take care of him which pushed me into being a caregiver and wanting to further my education and take advantage of education. I have been a caregiver now for about 8 months and completely love the deep connection in the work I do which I know I would have if I could become a Physician's Assistant as well.