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Harmony Fulwood


Bold Points






Hello! My name is Harmony Fulwood, I am a communicative sciences and disorders major currently studying at North Carolina A&T. My passion lies in understanding and supporting minority populations living with disabilities. I believe it's important to advocate for equity in my future career and in my personal life. I am proud to be the first in my family to pursue a college degree. However, my path has not been a traditional one. I began my educational journey at Hampton University, but due to mental and physical health challenges, I had to withdraw from the university and lost my merit scholarship. Despite these setbacks, I am determined to continue my education. In my free time I enjoy reading, baking, and being outdoors. Despite juggling work, clubs, and school I still find it essential to make time for hobbies and self-care.


North Carolina A & T State University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services

Hampton University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
  • Minors:
    • Psychology, General
  • GPA:

East Central H S

High School
2018 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Social Work
    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
    • Psychology, General
    • Research and Experimental Psychology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Therapist, Researcher, Professor, Speech Language Pathologist

    • CSA Note Specialist

      Can-Teens Foundation
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Substitute Teacher

      The Mothership Preschool
      2023 – 2023
    • Babysitting

      2018 – Present6 years
    • Teacher's Assistant

      The Mothership Preschool Summer Camp
      2022 – 20231 year



    • Sallie Mae

      Borrowed: August 27, 2024
      • 46,000

        Principal borrowed
      • 52,000

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:

        Sallie Mae
    • Sallie Mae

      Borrowed: June 14, 2023
      • 16,000

        Principal borrowed
      • 16,000

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:

        Sallie Mae
    • The Federal Government

      Borrowed: October 6, 2022
      • 3,464

        Principal borrowed
      • 3,464

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

      • Debt collection agency:




    2019 – 20201 year


    • Myer's-Briggs Personality Types and Jungian Personality Theory

      Leesville High School Gifted Program — Student
      2018 – 2019


    • Robert G Cole High School

      Commercial Photography
      2020 – 2021
    • Rocky River High School

      2019 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Hampton University Sociology Club — President
      2023 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      Girl Scouts of America — Volunteer
      2023 – Present
    • Advocacy

      TurnUp Activism — Volunteer
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Sister2Sister — Volunteer
      2022 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Youthopeian — Chapter President
      2021 – 2022

    Future Interests





    Delories Thompson Scholarship
    Our voice and how we connect with others define much of our human journey. I'm deeply passionate about stepping into the realm of Speech-Language Pathology, a domain where SLPs play a pivotal role in empowering individuals, young and old, who grapple with speech-related challenges or disorders, enabling them to express themselves effectively. My vision is to establish a private practice in East Charlotte, my hometown, with a focus on offering accessible and culturally competent care, to give back to my community. Opting to pursue Communicative Sciences and Disorders at an HBCU was a deliberate choice, considering that only 3% of professionals in Speech-Language Pathology are Black. My time at Hampton University is not just about academic growth but also about finding a supportive environment where I am surrounded by like-minded peers who share my background and aspirations. Here, my capabilities are celebrated without question, setting a standard of excellence. At Hampton, our education goes beyond the textbooks. We benefit from firsthand insights shared by industry professionals who illuminate the realities of being Black in this field, equipping us with strategies to navigate micro-aggressions and racism in professional settings. This unique experience and support system provided by an HBCU are invaluable assets that will undoubtedly shape my success in the field and contribute to my ability to serve diverse communities effectively
    MedLuxe Representation Matters Scholarship
    As a Black, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individual, my profound awareness of the importance of identity-conscious care in healthcare, particularly within the field of speech-language pathology, has been a driving force in shaping my career aspirations. The stark underrepresentation of Black professionals, where only 3.6% of practitioners identify as Black, serves as a catalyst for my commitment to contribute to a more diverse and inclusive healthcare system. My primary goal is to conduct research exploring the environmental factors contributing to speech or hearing disorders, with a specific emphasis on understanding how identity intersects with informed, quality care for patients. This research, initiated at my university, is not only an academic pursuit but a dedicated effort to address the unique needs of diverse individuals within the healthcare system. In pursuit of my healthcare career, I am dedicated to earning two master's degrees, one in Speech-Language Pathology and one in Social Work. The integration of these fields aligns with my vision of creating a comprehensive, holistic healthcare space. This envisioned space seeks to offer integrated care for speech and hearing concerns alongside mental health support through psychotherapy. Furthermore, I am committed to opening a private practice that prioritizes accessibility, particularly for uninsured and low-income individuals and families, offering care at low or no cost. In my medical career, my overarching goal is to establish a healthcare program that truly reflects and caters to the diverse needs of the community. I aim to pioneer initiatives that prioritize inclusivity, foster cultural competence, and provide equitable care to all individuals. I firmly believe that increasing racial diversity in healthcare is paramount because it not only addresses disparities in access to care but also enhances the quality and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Diverse healthcare professionals bring unique perspectives, cultural competence, and a deeper understanding of the varied needs within communities, thereby creating a more holistic and responsive healthcare system. My commitment to this cause is rooted in the belief that a diverse healthcare workforce is essential for achieving healthcare equity and ensuring that every individual receives care that is not only of the highest quality but also culturally sensitive and inclusive. My commitment to studying communicative sciences and disorders arises from a dedication to providing identity-conscious care for every individual seeking healthcare. The intersectionality of my own identity underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing diverse needs within the healthcare system. I am confident that my education, research endeavors, and advocacy initiatives will contribute significantly to making a meaningful impact in the field, and uplifting members of my community. Beyond my professional aspirations, I am deeply committed to advocacy and community involvement. Active participation in organizations such as DREAM (Disability Rights Education Advocacy and Mentoring) and the Psychology Club reflects my dedication to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. These involvements not only allow me to connect with like-minded individuals but also provide valuable opportunities for community outreach and education. As a woman in the field, my chosen path in speech-language pathology is rooted in a fervent desire to provide inclusive, identity-conscious care. I aim to contribute to breaking down barriers and fostering a more diverse and compassionate healthcare landscape. Through my work, I aspire to inspire future generations of speech-language pathologists, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of diverse individuals within the healthcare system. My journey is driven by a commitment to making a lasting, positive impact, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background, feels heard and receives the quality healthcare they deserve.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Navigating the complexities of college life with emotional and learning disabilities has been a formidable challenge, marked by a profound turning point in my freshman year. Struggling with the most debilitating depressive episode I had ever faced, the new environment, coupled with social and academic pressures, left me feeling utterly isolated. Unaware of the resources available through my University's Office of Disability Services and facing difficulties in accessing healthcare independently, my mental health deteriorated to the point of hospitalization. Battling suicidal ideation, I reached out to emergency resources on campus, ensuring I received the urgent care I needed. In the aftermath of my hospitalization, I confronted the harsh reality that my academic performance had suffered, resulting in the loss of my merit scholarship. Recognizing the imperative need to prioritize my mental health for academic success, I made the difficult decision to take a medical leave of absence from school. This hiatus became a pivotal moment for reflection and a commitment to transforming my challenging experiences into catalysts for personal growth. During this period, I sought intensive therapy and psychiatric treatment, delving into self-discovery to develop coping mechanisms for loneliness and isolation. It was during this time that I connected with my grandparents, who graciously opened their home to me during my medical leave. Staying with them allowed for a deeper understanding of my struggles, fostering a bond that transcended generational gaps. Their unwavering support became a crucial element in my journey towards recovery and self-discovery. This transformative phase enabled me to recognize the importance of seeking the right support and utilizing available resources to ensure my success upon my return to school. I took proactive steps, registering with the Office of Testing and Disability Services to facilitate a smoother navigation of academic challenges. Additionally, I reevaluated my academic pursuits, realizing that my initial major in Marine and Environmental Science failed to bring me joy. During this period of reflection, I engaged in part-time work at a preschool, discovering a passion for working with children with developmental disabilities. This newfound interest propelled me to change my major to Communicative Sciences and Disorders, aligning my academic pursuits with my personal growth. The experience of facing mental health challenges not only influenced my beliefs but also deepened my relationships, particularly with my grandparents. Living with them during my medical leave allowed them to gain insight into my struggles, fostering empathy and understanding. Their support became an anchor during a turbulent time, strengthening our bond and underscoring the importance of familial connections in the face of adversity. Now, as a mentor for students transitioning to my University from high school, I am determined to provide the guidance and support that I wished I had when I first arrived. My journey, marked by academic and social struggles, has evolved into an empowering narrative, emphasizing the significance of embracing a holistic approach to the college experience. Through my experiences, I have cultivated resilience, empathy, and a commitment to helping others navigate their own challenges with mental health. This evolution has not only shaped my beliefs but also influenced my career aspirations, guiding me toward a path that combines my newfound passion in Communicative Sciences and Disorders with a commitment to mental health advocacy and support.
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    In the initial months of my freshman year in college, I encountered a profound and challenging experience that not only reshaped my perspective on the importance of a support system in one's educational journey but also revealed the transformative power of kindness. Struggling with overwhelming thoughts and feelings, I found myself hospitalized due to suicidal ideation. This critical juncture became a turning point that led me to a deeper understanding of the significance of genuine support, and it was the kindness of one person, Dr. Kristie Norwood, that left an indelible mark on my life. Amidst the sterile environment of the hospital during the fall semester, I had ample time for reflection. It became evident that navigating through college required more than mere academic prowess; a robust support system was imperative to weather the storms of isolation that had previously propelled me into a depressive spiral. Upon my release from the hospital, I was introduced to Dr. Kristie Norwood, the Director of the Student Counseling Center on campus. In stark contrast to the clinical setting I had just left, Dr. Norwood enveloped me with warmth and empathy. In our initial meeting, she not only dedicated time to truly listen to my experiences, the events leading to my hospitalization, and the emotional aftermath but also displayed an extraordinary kindness that surpassed professional duty. Dr. Norwood's kindness manifested in her genuine care, going beyond the call of duty. She advocated for my well-being by granting a temporary medical leave before resuming classes, understanding the importance of mental recuperation. This compassionate gesture provided me with the essential time and space to rebuild my mental resilience, and it was during this period that I began to witness the profound impact of selfless kindness. As Dr. Norwood consistently extended her unwavering support, becoming a reliable anchor in my educational journey, her kindness not only facilitated my personal recovery but also inspired a fundamental shift in my perspective. The depth of her compassion ignited a passion within me to contribute positively to others' well-being. I started to recognize the transformative power of kindness and empathy, realizing that even the smallest acts could make a significant difference in someone's life. Her exceptional kindness changed how I think, making me more selfless and attuned to the needs of others. Motivated by her example, I resolved to become a compassionate figure in the lives of those who might be grappling with the cold and impersonal nature of mental health challenges. Dr. Norwood's kindness became a guiding light, shaping my outlook on the importance of empathy, understanding, and support in the lives of those facing hardships. The pivotal experience during my freshman year not only highlighted the crucial role of support but, more importantly, it underscored the profound impact of kindness. Dr. Kristie Norwood's unwavering support and extraordinary kindness have become the driving force behind my aspiration to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others facing similar struggles. Her selfless acts of compassion have not only influenced my career trajectory but have also instilled in me a commitment to fostering a more empathetic and supportive community for those in need.
    Women in Healthcare Scholarship
    As a Black, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individual, my awareness of the profound need for identity-conscious care in the field of speech-language pathology has been a guiding force in shaping my career aspirations. In light of the stark underrepresentation, with only 3.6% of speech-language pathologists identifying as Black, I am resolute in my commitment to contribute to a healthcare landscape that reflects diversity and inclusivity. My current focus revolves around engaging in research at my university, where I delve into the intricate dynamics between identity and speech or hearing disorders. My goal is to unravel the complexities of how one's unique identity influences the delivery of quality care. By generating insights through my research endeavors, I aim to make tangible contributions to the speech-language pathology field, fostering an environment that prioritizes understanding and inclusivity. Moreover, this undertaking serves as a platform to inspire others to embark on similar journeys of discovery and advocacy. In my pursuit of a dual master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology and Social Work, I envision creating a healthcare environment that prioritizes comprehensive, holistic care for individuals grappling with speech and hearing concerns. The integration of mental health support within this framework aligns seamlessly with my commitment to addressing the multifaceted needs of those seeking assistance. This dual-degree approach reflects my understanding of the interconnected nature of healthcare, recognizing that the mind and body are intertwined elements that require equal attention. Central to my career objectives is the principle of ensuring healthcare accessibility for all, driven by the conviction that everyone, irrespective of their background, deserves compassionate and effective care. With this ethos in mind, I plan to establish a program within my future practice, specifically tailored to cater to uninsured, low-income individuals, and families. This initiative aims to break down financial barriers and ensure that quality healthcare is not a privilege but a right. The belief that everyone deserves to have their voice heard serves as the cornerstone of my dedication to studying communicative sciences and disorders. Beyond my professional aspirations, I am deeply committed to advocacy and community involvement. My active participation in organizations such as DREAM (Disability Rights Education Advocacy and Mentoring) and the Psychology Club has provided me with invaluable opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. These engagements have also allowed me to contribute to impactful community outreach initiatives, reinforcing my commitment to fostering a more inclusive healthcare system. In summary, my passion for pursuing a career in speech-language pathology is deeply intertwined with my conviction that everyone deserves compassionate and inclusive care. Through a harmonious blend of education, research, and advocacy, I am resolute in my pursuit to uplift members of my community and serve as an inspiration for future professionals within the speech-language pathology field. As a woman contributing to the healthcare landscape, I aspire to break down barriers, foster inclusivity, and make a lasting positive impact on the lives of those seeking care.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Navigating the complexities of college life with emotional and learning disabilities has been a formidable challenge, marked by a profound turning point in my freshman year. Struggling with the most debilitating depressive episode I had ever faced, the new environment, coupled with social and academic pressures, left me feeling utterly isolated. Unaware of the resources available through my University's Office of Disability Services and facing difficulties in accessing healthcare independently, my mental health deteriorated to the point of hospitalization. Battling suicidal ideation, I reached out to emergency resources on campus, ensuring I received the urgent care I needed. In the aftermath of my hospitalization, I confronted the harsh reality that my academic performance had suffered, resulting in the loss of my merit scholarship. Recognizing the imperative need to prioritize my mental health for academic success, I made the difficult decision to take a medical leave of absence from school. This hiatus became a pivotal moment for reflection and a commitment to transforming my challenging experiences into catalysts for personal growth. During this period, I sought intensive therapy and psychiatric treatment, delving into self-discovery to develop coping mechanisms for loneliness and isolation. It was during this time that I connected with my grandparents, who graciously opened their home to me during my medical leave. Staying with them allowed for a deeper understanding of my struggles, fostering a bond that transcended generational gaps. Their unwavering support became a crucial element in my journey towards recovery and self-discovery. This transformative phase enabled me to recognize the importance of seeking the right support and utilizing available resources to ensure my success upon my return to school. I took proactive steps, registering with the Office of Testing and Disability Services to facilitate a smoother navigation of academic challenges. Additionally, I reevaluated my academic pursuits, realizing that my initial major in Marine and Environmental Science failed to bring me joy. During this period of reflection, I engaged in part-time work at a preschool, discovering a passion for working with children with developmental disabilities. This newfound interest propelled me to change my major to Communicative Sciences and Disorders, aligning my academic pursuits with my personal growth. The experience of facing mental health challenges not only influenced my beliefs but also deepened my relationships, particularly with my grandparents. Living with them during my medical leave allowed them to gain insight into my struggles, fostering empathy and understanding. Their support became an anchor during a turbulent time, strengthening our bond and underscoring the importance of familial connections in the face of adversity. Now, as a mentor for students transitioning to my University from high school, I am determined to provide the guidance and support that I wished I had when I first arrived. My journey, marked by academic and social struggles, has evolved into an empowering narrative, emphasizing the significance of embracing a holistic approach to the college experience. Through my experiences, I have cultivated resilience, empathy, and a commitment to helping others navigate their own challenges with mental health. This evolution has not only shaped my beliefs but also influenced my career aspirations, guiding me toward a path that combines my newfound passion in Communicative Sciences and Disorders with a commitment to mental health advocacy and support.
    PRIDE in Education Award
    As a Black, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individual, my journey toward self-discovery and acceptance has significantly shaped my perspective on the importance of identity-conscious care, particularly within the healthcare system. My identity as a bisexual and nonbinary person has been a crucial aspect of my personal and academic journey, influencing not only my sense of self but also my commitment to fostering inclusivity in the healthcare field. From a young age, I grappled with finding my identity, especially as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, I was fortunate to have a supportive network of friends who, like me, identified as LGBTQIA+. This sense of camaraderie played a pivotal role in helping me navigate the complexities of my identity, fostering an environment where I felt seen and accepted. This early experience instilled in me the significance of community support and inspired my commitment to creating inclusive spaces for others. In college, I have continued to find strength and support within the LGBTQIA+ community through active participation in organizations such as the LGBTQ+ Caucus and MOSAIC. These communities have not only provided a sense of belonging but have also allowed me to connect with diverse perspectives within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Engaging with these groups has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals within the community, reinforcing my dedication to advocating for inclusivity and understanding in all aspects of life, particularly within the realm of healthcare. My journey as an LGBTQIA+ individual intersects with my academic pursuits in STEM, as I am determined to contribute to a more diverse and inclusive healthcare system. The underrepresentation of Black individuals within the field of speech-language pathology, with only 3.6% of practitioners identifying as Black, further underscores the need for diverse voices and perspectives. My personal experiences have fueled my passion for conducting research that considers the intersectionality of identity and its impact on the development of speech and hearing disorders. Through my involvement in research at my university, I aim to explore the environmental factors that contribute to communication disorders, with a keen focus on how diverse identities intersect with healthcare outcomes. I believe that by generating knowledge in this area, I can contribute to a more informed, inclusive, and compassionate approach to speech-language pathology. Looking ahead, my vision extends beyond my academic pursuits, as I plan to obtain master's degrees in both Speech-Language Pathology and Social Work. This dual expertise will empower me to create a healthcare space that prioritizes comprehensive, holistic care for individuals struggling with speech and hearing concerns. My goal is to establish a private practice where patients can access speech and hearing-related care alongside psychotherapy, recognizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being. In conclusion, my LGBTQIA+ identity is an integral part of my narrative, influencing my journey, values, and aspirations. As a Black, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individual pursuing a STEM career in speech-language pathology, I am driven by a deep-seated desire to provide identity-conscious care. Through education, research, and advocacy, I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact in this field, uplifting members of my community and inspiring future generations of speech-language pathologists. My unique perspective and unwavering commitment to inclusivity set me apart, and I believe that, with the support of this scholarship, I can continue to contribute to positive change in healthcare, ensuring that everyone deserves to be heard and cared for with dignity and respect.
    Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
    Growing up as an ARMY Brat, I was initially puzzled by my father's decision to join the military. However, as I matured, I realized the profound sacrifice he made to provide for our family. Witnessing my parents' determination to overcome their educational limitations, I became deeply motivated to pursue higher education, driven by the belief that knowledge could break the cycle of limitations that had constrained my family for generations. My mother, who had me at the age of 18 and married my father at 19, faced the harsh reality that pursuing a college education was not an option for her. The challenges of young parenthood meant that stable careers were crucial for our family's well-being. Despite her unfulfilled academic aspirations, my mother instilled in me the importance of education, emphasizing its transformative power. As the oldest among my siblings, I felt a sense of responsibility to not only break free from the constraints of our circumstances but also pave the way for my younger siblings to follow suit. However, my academic journey was not without its obstacles. Battling inattentive type ADHD throughout my academic career meant that I consistently had to put in 110% effort to keep up with my peers' 100%. High school presented its own set of challenges, but upon entering college at Hampton University, I faced an entirely different landscape. Despite choosing an Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, I found myself grappling with imposter syndrome. Assuming I would effortlessly fit into a community with similar backgrounds, I was surprised to find that many of my peers came from vastly different upbringings. Some had received private education and seemed leagues ahead of me in intelligence and experience. This dissonance left me feeling unsure of myself, isolated, and ultimately led to a bout of depression that adversely impacted my grades. In response, I made the difficult decision to take a medical leave of absence, providing me with the time and space to evaluate my true motivations for pursuing higher education. During this period of introspection, I unearthed my genuine passion: helping students from backgrounds like mine succeed not only in college but also in society at large. My decision to change my major from Sociology to Communicative Sciences and Disorders, with a minor in Psychology, was fueled by my desire to specialize in Speech-Language Pathology, particularly focusing on aiding children with speech disorders, especially those on the autism spectrum. What distinguishes me from other scholarship applicants is the amalgamation of my unique journey, diverse experiences, and unwavering commitment to using my challenges to make a positive impact. Growing up as an ARMY Brat instilled in me resilience and adaptability, qualities that have been indispensable in navigating various environments. My struggles with ADHD and imposter syndrome have not only strengthened my resolve but have also fueled my passion for advocating for underrepresented communities. Through my academic and professional pursuits, I am determined to empower individuals to break through barriers and realize their full potential. My story embodies the values of perseverance, compassion, and service, and I firmly believe that my dedication to creating positive change in both my immediate community and society at large makes me a deserving recipient of this scholarship. By investing in my education, you are not just supporting an individual; you are contributing to a narrative of resilience and hope that has the power to inspire and uplift others.
    Donald Mehall Memorial Scholarship
    Navigating the intricate landscape of college life with emotional and learning disabilities has proven to be a formidable challenge that has shaped my journey in ways I could never have anticipated. The hurdles I faced in my freshman year were not just academic; they were deeply intertwined with my mental health. I found myself grappling with the most debilitating depressive episode I had ever experienced, a challenge that nearly consumed me. The transition to college life was overwhelming, and the combination of social and academic pressures left me feeling isolated. In the throes of this struggle, I was unaware of the valuable resources offered by my University’s Office of Disability Services. Additionally, facing difficulties in obtaining healthcare independently exacerbated my situation, ultimately leading to my mental health deteriorating to the point of hospitalization. Battling suicidal ideation, I summoned the courage to reach out to emergency resources on campus, ensuring I received the urgent care I so desperately needed. I made the difficult decision to take a medical leave of absence from school. This hiatus allowed me to reflect on my journey and prioritize my mental health over academic pursuits. Unfortunately, my academic performance suffered, resulting in the loss of my merit scholarship. However, I recognized the importance of this pause as an opportunity for personal growth and decided to turn my challenging experience into a catalyst for positive change. During this hiatus, I dedicated myself to intensive therapy and psychiatric treatment. This period of self-discovery was instrumental in developing coping mechanisms for loneliness and isolation. It also facilitated the process of registering with the Office of Testing and Disability Services at my school, ensuring that I could navigate the academic challenges awaiting me upon my return. Furthermore, I reassessed my academic pursuits and discovered a new passion while working part-time at a preschool – a passion for working with children with developmental disabilities. This realization prompted me to change my major to Communicative Sciences and Disorders, aligning my academic pursuits with my newfound passion. This introspective phase was transformative, enabling me to grow personally and develop resilience in the face of adversity. I learned the profound importance of seeking the right support and utilizing available resources to ensure my success. Now, as a mentor for students transitioning from high school to my University, I am determined to provide the guidance and support that I wished I had when I first arrived. This role serves not only as a source of empowerment for me but also as a testament to my journey—from academic and social struggles to embracing a holistic approach to the college experience
    Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
    As a Black, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ individual, I understand the importance of identity-conscious care and the impact it can have on individuals seeking healthcare. With only 3.6% of speech-language pathologists identifying as Black, I am passionate about pursuing a career in STEM to create a more diverse and inclusive healthcare system. My goal is to conduct research that takes into account the various environmental factors that can lead to someone developing a speech or hearing disorder. I believe that by creating a better understanding of how identity impacts informed, quality care for patients, I can influence the field of speech-language pathology and inspire others to do the same. I am currently in the process of beginning research through my University, a stepping stone that allows me to get closer to my goals. In pursuit of my career goals, I plan to earn two master's degrees, one in Speech-Language Pathology and one in Social Work. With these two fields combined, I am confident that I can create a space where individuals can receive comprehensive, holistic healthcare. I envision opening my own private practice where individuals struggling with speech and hearing concerns can receive speech and hearing-related care alongside psychotherapy. I am determined to make healthcare accessible to all, especially for speech and hearing. That's why I plan to offer a program through my private practice where uninsured, low-income individuals and families can receive care at low or no cost. I am passionate about studying communicative sciences and disorders and am driven to provide equitable healthcare. Everyone deserves to be heard, and I am confident that I can make a meaningful difference in this field. In addition to my professional goals, I am also committed to advocacy and community involvement. I am an active member of several organizations that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. Like DREAM (Disability Rights Education Advocacy and Mentoring) and the Psychology Club. My involvement with organizations on campus has allowed me to connect with individuals who share my passion for creating a more equitable healthcare system and has provided me with opportunities to engage in community outreach and education. Overall, my passion for pursuing a STEM career in speech-language pathology is driven by my desire to provide identity-conscious care to all individuals seeking healthcare. I am confident that with my education, research, and advocacy efforts, I can make a meaningful impact in this field by uplifting members of my community, and inspiring future speech-language pathologists for generations to come.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    As I embark on the journey to become a speech-language pathologist, my passion for communicative sciences and disorders is matched only by the financial hurdles that stand in my way, making this scholarship not just a support system but a key to unlocking my aspirations. I envision myself in the future opening my own private practice, after years of research and schooling, I aim to create a space where individuals struggling with speech and hearing concerns can receive speech and hearing-related care in tandem with psychotherapy. After undergrad, I will earn two master’s degrees, one in Speech-Language Pathology and one in Social Work. I hope that by bringing these two fields together I can create a space where individuals can receive comprehensive, holistic healthcare. I plan on having a program through my private practice where uninsured, low-income, individuals and families can receive care for low or no cost. I believe that healthcare should be accessible, especially regarding speech and hearing. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard, so I am passionate about studying communicative sciences and disorders and driven to eventually provide equitable healthcare to all. This scholarship is pivotal in the process of making my vision come to life. I faced mental health challenges during my freshman year of college, which ultimately led to me failing most of my classes and losing my merit scholarship. As a last resort to continue my education, I have been financing my sophomore year on a private loan with a 15.66% interest rate. I am no longer eligible for private loans through any lending agency as my current debts are too high. In the event that I do not receive enough outside funding for my education, I would have to leave school indefinitely until I can secure enough funding to advance my education. As the first in my family to go to college, I want to set an example for my siblings by showing them that despite our family’s financial situation, we can earn degrees from institutions of higher education. By pursuing a career as a speech-language pathologist I aim to give back to the communities that created who I am today. Seeing too many people like me struggle to receive specialized health care has catalyzed me to want to create a better future for us. I hope that in receiving this scholarship, I will be able to complete my degree program, go to grad school, and eventually serve my community.
    Margalie Jean-Baptiste Scholarship
    In a world that often feels like a battleground for acceptance and understanding, my journey with emotional and learning disabilities has transformed into a testament of strength, defying the odds and rewriting the narrative of my success. Bipolar disorder started to present in me during high school. Throughout my life, I had always struggled with depression, but I had never experienced extreme highs and lows until I was about 16. My condition severely affected my academic performance and social life in school. I struggled to maintain my attendance and was often in the hospital for extended amounts of time due to suicidal ideation. However, I was still highly academically motivated. My parents have consistently motivated me to achieve more academically. I knew I wanted to go to college and I wouldn’t let my condition hinder me from doing so. I graduated high school with high honors, in the top 10% of my class, and a myriad of college acceptances. I had to accept that I was going to have to work harder than others at times to overcome the challenges that come with my condition but instead of using that as an excuse to underachieve- I used it as motivation to work towards my goals. I would go on to college and find new challenges waiting for me. During my freshman year I experienced difficulties focusing in class, in addition to depression due to social isolation. I was not doing well academically and I felt like I needed help but I didn’t know how to get help in this new environment. I ultimately had to take a medical leave of absence to focus on my mental well being. While I was away from school, I received an ADHD diagnosis and was given the resources I needed to reach out to in order to get academic accommodations in college. Upon receiving these resources I prepared for my return to Hampton University by taking courses over the summer. However, due to my school’s policy regarding merit scholarships- I ultimately have lost my scholarship for the rest of my time at Hampton because of my GPA my freshman year. I raised my GPA from a 1.8 my freshman year to a 2.9 during Fall of my Sophomore year. I feel that I proved my academic merit by working through my mental challenges and improving academically. Receiving a scholarship would allow me to continue my education without significant financial burden on my family, especially because both my mother and my younger brother have decided to start pursuing Bachelor’s degrees this coming school year. With little to no financial support from my institution and the government I aim to earn scholarships to fund my education.
    Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship
    Since the tender age of three, my father has exemplified an unwavering commitment to the United States Armed Forces, his role as a combat medic stationed at West Point becoming a cornerstone of our family's identity. A distinguished Sergeant First Class, he has selflessly served tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, embodying the essence of sacrifice and duty. Growing up in the orbit of military service, I bore witness to the profound impact that post-war experiences can have on individuals. It was not merely a theoretical understanding but a deeply personal exploration of the challenges faced by those returning from deployments, often grappling with mental health issues and disabilities. The metamorphosis in demeanor and the enduring psychological scars etched by the crucible of war painted a vivid picture of the sacrifices made not only by my father but by countless others who serve and their families. This early exposure to the multifaceted struggles of military life became a catalyst for my academic journey. I am currently immersed in a dual course of study, delving into the realms of Psychology and Communicative Sciences and Disorders. These disciplines serve as my tools to comprehend and address the complex interplay of trauma, communication disorders, and mental health challenges prevalent in the military community. My commitment to making a meaningful impact took root during my formative years. Engaging in community service at on-base hospitals provided me with a firsthand understanding of the profound ways trauma manifests in military personnel. The experience not only deepened my empathy but also solidified my resolve to contribute to the well-being of those who have dedicated their lives to service. Post-graduation, I envision myself on the front lines of change, working diligently at a VA hospital to provide holistic support to disabled veterans. This envisioned career is not a mere professional aspiration; it is a heartfelt response to the pressing needs of those who have sacrificed so much. I see myself as a conduit for positive transformation, leveraging my acquired knowledge to afford those who have served a second chance at life. Navigating the intricate landscape of mental health within the veteran community, I am resolute in my commitment to making sustained and meaningful contributions. A career at a VA hospital is not just a professional endeavor; it is a personal mission to honor the sacrifices of our military personnel. I am dedicated to ensuring that their journey to recovery is marked by compassion, understanding, and unwavering support. In embracing this career trajectory, I am poised to merge the academic insights gained from my studies with the experiential lessons gleaned from my unique familial vantage point. This holistic approach reflects not only my professional aspirations but also a deep-seated sense of duty to give back to the community that has given me so much. Through this journey, I aim to be a beacon of hope and healing for those who have faced the harrowing trials of war.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    As a student grappling with learning and emotional disabilities, my journey through academia has been a continuous challenge, particularly concerning my mental health. Battling bipolar depression and inattentive-type ADHD, I've faced obstacles that often impede my ability to fully engage in the learning process. In high school, I successfully navigated these challenges, graduating with high honors and establishing a robust support system within my community. However, the transition to college presented an entirely new set of hurdles. The coping mechanisms that served me well in high school seemed inadequate in this unfamiliar environment. My social anxiety intensified, making it arduous to forge new connections at college, resulting in a distancing from my high school friends. This isolation, coupled with the challenges of managing my mental health, led to a severe depressive state that ultimately necessitated hospitalization. Following this critical juncture, I made the decision to take a medical leave of absence from school. The hiatus provided the necessary time for reflection and an opportunity to recalibrate my mental well-being. During this period, I proactively researched the support services available at my university for students with disabilities. To my relief, I discovered that the university offered free therapy sessions and accommodations through the office of disability services. With this newfound knowledge, I took proactive steps to avail myself of these resources, recognizing that they were essential for my successful return to academia. However, I understood that these measures alone would not suffice. To truly thrive in a college environment, I needed to develop and prioritize strategies to safeguard my mental health. Upon my return, I dedicated myself to establishing a robust self-care routine tailored to the demands of college life. Embracing activities such as journaling, allocating time for hobbies, regular exercise, and active participation in mental health-related clubs, I sought to ground myself amidst the chaos of academic responsibilities. Furthermore, I instituted dedicated self-care days to ensure that I consistently nurtured my mental well-being. These self-care strategies have proven instrumental in reshaping my college experience. They not only provide a buffer against the challenges posed by learning and emotional disabilities but also foster a genuine enjoyment of college life. Through my journey, I have come to appreciate the profound impact that intentional self-care can have on academic and personal fulfillment. In applying for this scholarship, my motivation to pursue higher education despite the hurdles posed by my learning disabilities is fueled by a resolute determination to overcome challenges and contribute meaningfully to society. I firmly believe that my resilience, coupled with the strategies I've developed to prioritize my mental health, positions me as a strong candidate for this scholarship. I am eager to continue my educational journey, armed with the experiences that have shaped me and the unwavering commitment to triumph over adversities.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Recognizing the importance of my mental health has become a fundamental aspect of my life, shaped by personal experiences and the understanding that a healthy mind is crucial for overall well-being. My belief in the significance of mental health stems from the profound impact it has on various facets of life, including academic performance, relationships, and overall quality of life. Maintaining my mental wellness has become a priority, driven by the lessons learned from navigating the challenges of mental health issues. The awareness that my mental well-being directly influences my ability to function, connect with others, and pursue my goals has prompted me to adopt intentional strategies for self-care. To sustain mental wellness, I have incorporated a range of practices into my daily life. First and foremost, I prioritize open communication about my feelings and experiences. Sharing my thoughts with trusted friends, family, or mental health professionals has proven to be a cathartic and supportive process, fostering a sense of connection and understanding. Regular exercise has become a cornerstone of my mental health routine, as it not only contributes to physical well-being but also serves as a powerful stress reliever. Engaging in activities I enjoy, such as hobbies and creative pursuits, provides an outlet for self-expression and a break from the demands of daily life. Mindfulness and meditation play a pivotal role in maintaining my mental wellness. Incorporating moments of mindfulness into my routine helps alleviate stress, improve focus, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. These practices empower me to navigate challenges with a calmer mindset and develop resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, seeking professional support through therapy has been instrumental in my journey toward mental well-being. Therapy provides a dedicated space to explore and understand my emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and gain valuable insights into managing the complexities of life. Recognizing the importance of setting boundaries and taking breaks is another crucial aspect of my mental wellness strategy. Acknowledging when I need rest and allowing myself moments of relaxation contributes to sustained emotional balance and prevents burnout. In conclusion, my belief in the importance of mental health is grounded in personal experiences that underscore its pervasive influence on various aspects of life. To maintain my mental wellness, I actively engage in practices that promote self-care, seek support when needed, and cultivate a mindful approach to navigating life's challenges. This proactive and holistic approach enables me to not only cope with the demands of daily life but also to thrive and experience a fulfilling and balanced existence.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    Since the tender age of three, my father has exemplified an unwavering commitment to the United States Armed Forces, his role as a combat medic stationed at West Point becoming a cornerstone of our family's identity. A distinguished Sergeant First Class, he has selflessly served tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, embodying the essence of sacrifice and duty. Growing up in the orbit of military service, I bore witness to the profound impact that post-war experiences can have on individuals. It was not merely a theoretical understanding but a deeply personal exploration of the challenges faced by those returning from deployments, often grappling with mental health issues and disabilities. The metamorphosis in demeanor and the enduring psychological scars etched by the crucible of war painted a vivid picture of the sacrifices made not only by my father but by countless others who serve and their families. This early exposure to the multifaceted struggles of military life became a catalyst for my academic journey. I am currently immersed in a dual course of study, delving into the realms of Psychology and Communicative Sciences and Disorders. These disciplines serve as my tools to comprehend and address the complex interplay of trauma, communication disorders, and mental health challenges prevalent in the military community. My commitment to making a meaningful impact took root during my formative years. Engaging in community service at on-base hospitals provided me with a firsthand understanding of the profound ways trauma manifests in military personnel. The experience not only deepened my empathy but also solidified my resolve to contribute to the well-being of those who have dedicated their lives to service. Post-graduation, I envision myself on the front lines of change, working diligently at a VA hospital to provide holistic support to disabled veterans. This envisioned career is not a mere professional aspiration; it is a heartfelt response to the pressing needs of those who have sacrificed so much. I see myself as a conduit for positive transformation, leveraging my acquired knowledge to afford those who have served a second chance at life. Navigating the intricate landscape of mental health within the veteran community, I am resolute in my commitment to making sustained and meaningful contributions. A career at a VA hospital is not just a professional endeavor; it is a personal mission to honor the sacrifices of our military personnel. I am dedicated to ensuring that their journey to recovery is marked by compassion, understanding, and unwavering support. In embracing this career trajectory, I am poised to merge the academic insights gained from my studies with the experiential lessons gleaned from my unique familial vantage point. This holistic approach reflects not only my professional aspirations but also a deep-seated sense of duty to give back to the community that has given me so much. Through this journey, I aim to be a beacon of hope and healing for those who have faced the harrowing trials of war.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    The financial struggles my family faced in providing disability-specific care for my siblings and me during my formative years have not only shaped my narrative but have ignited a passion within me to make a transformative impact on the lives of others. The profound impact of witnessing the barriers to necessary care has been the driving force behind my pursuit of a career as a speech-language pathologist and licensed clinical social worker. The challenges my family faced were multifaceted, ranging from the essential need for a speech-language pathologist for my sister to the unmet need for neuropsychological testing for myself due to financial hardship. This exposed me to a systemic gap in accessibility to quality healthcare services for individuals with disabilities, particularly those from low-income backgrounds. It was this revelation that solidified my resolve to dedicate my future career to filling this gap for others through a path that integrates speech-language pathology and clinical social work. As I immerse myself in the academic journey required to achieve my goals, I am not merely pursuing a set of qualifications; I am on a mission to become a catalyst for positive change. My ambition is not confined to personal success but is rooted in a broader vision of creating a more equitable healthcare landscape. I envision establishing a community clinic that serves as a haven for low-income families and individuals, offering comprehensive mental health care and treatment for emotional, learning, speech, and hearing disabilities. The core of my passion lies in my belief that every individual, regardless of their financial circumstances, deserves access to quality care. This belief is not just an abstract principle but a lived experience that has etched itself into the fabric of my aspirations. The struggles of my past have fueled a commitment to ensuring that others do not encounter the same barriers that my family faced. My dedication to bridging the healthcare accessibility gap extends beyond the confines of a clinic. It encompasses a commitment to community outreach, advocacy for policy changes that promote inclusivity, and collaboration with like-minded professionals to create a support system for those facing adversity. My dreams are not solely about personal success but about weaving a narrative of change, resilience, and empowerment for individuals and families navigating the challenges of disabilities and limited financial means. Through my journey of education and training, I am cultivating not only the technical skills required for my chosen professions but also a deep sense of empathy, resilience, and advocacy. My story is one of transformation, and my dreams are a testament to the enduring power of personal experience to drive positive change. I am passionate about fulfilling these dreams because they are not just mine; they are a collective aspiration for a more compassionate, inclusive, and accessible world where everyone, regardless of their background, can realize their full potential.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    The financial struggles my family faced in providing disability-specific care for my siblings and me during my formative years have not only shaped my narrative but have ignited a passion within me to make a transformative impact on the lives of others. The profound impact of witnessing the barriers to necessary care has been the driving force behind my pursuit of a career as a speech-language pathologist and licensed clinical social worker. The challenges my family faced were multifaceted, ranging from the essential need for a speech-language pathologist for my sister to the unmet need for neuropsychological testing for myself due to financial hardship. This exposed me to a systemic gap in accessibility to quality healthcare services for individuals with disabilities, particularly those from low-income backgrounds. It was this revelation that solidified my resolve to dedicate my future career to filling this gap for others through a path that integrates speech-language pathology and clinical social work. As I immerse myself in the academic journey required to achieve my goals, I am not merely pursuing a set of qualifications; I am on a mission to become a catalyst for positive change. My ambition is not confined to personal success but is rooted in a broader vision of creating a more equitable healthcare landscape. I envision establishing a community clinic that serves as a haven for low-income families and individuals, offering comprehensive mental health care and treatment for emotional, learning, speech, and hearing disabilities. The core of my passion lies in my belief that every individual, regardless of their financial circumstances, deserves access to quality care. This belief is not just an abstract principle but a lived experience that has etched itself into the fabric of my aspirations. The struggles of my past have fueled a commitment to ensuring that others do not encounter the same barriers that my family faced. My dedication to bridging the healthcare accessibility gap extends beyond the confines of a clinic. It encompasses a commitment to community outreach, advocacy for policy changes that promote inclusivity, and collaboration with like-minded professionals to create a support system for those facing adversity. My dreams are not solely about personal success but about weaving a narrative of change, resilience, and empowerment for individuals and families navigating the challenges of disabilities and limited financial means. Through my journey of education and training, I am cultivating not only the technical skills required for my chosen professions but also a deep sense of empathy, resilience, and advocacy. My story is one of transformation, and my dreams are a testament to the enduring power of personal experience to drive positive change. I am passionate about fulfilling these dreams because they are not just mine; they are a collective aspiration for a more compassionate, inclusive, and accessible world where everyone, regardless of their background, can realize their full potential.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up in a financially constrained environment, witnessing the struggles my family faced in affording disability-specific care for my siblings and me has left an indelible mark on my perspective and aspirations. These early experiences have fueled my determination to make a positive impact on my community by addressing socioeconomic adversity through my chosen career path. The challenges my family encountered were diverse, ranging from the necessity of a speech-language pathologist for my sister to the unmet need for neuropsychological testing for myself due to cost-related reasons. These experiences made me aware of a gap in accessible care for individuals with disabilities, particularly for those from low-income backgrounds. It was this realization that inspired me to pursue a dual career as a speech-language pathologist and a licensed clinical social worker. My overarching goal is to establish a community clinic tailored to meet the needs of low-income families and individuals. This clinic will offer comprehensive mental health care and treatment for emotional, learning, speech, and hearing disabilities. My vision is grounded in the belief that every individual, regardless of their financial situation, deserves access to quality care and support. This conviction stems from the firsthand understanding of how socioeconomic adversity can significantly impact one's well-being. In my pursuit of becoming a speech-language pathologist and licensed clinical social worker, I am not merely acquiring professional qualifications; rather, I am arming myself with the skills and knowledge necessary to bridge the existing gaps in healthcare accessibility. I am dedicating myself to this educational and training journey to ensure that all members of my community have equitable access to the health services they require. By combining my expertise in speech-language pathology and clinical social work, I aim to create a holistic approach to healthcare that addresses not only the immediate needs of individuals with disabilities but also considers the broader socio-economic factors influencing their lives. My commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond providing clinical services; I aspire to contribute to community outreach programs, advocate for policy changes that enhance healthcare accessibility, and collaborate with other professionals to create a supportive network for those facing adversity. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has profoundly shaped my beliefs, relationships, and future plans. It has instilled in me a sense of empathy, resilience, and a deep understanding of the importance of community support. My journey is not just about personal success; it is about leveraging my experiences to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others, fostering a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their economic circumstances. Through my dedication to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive healthcare environment, I aim to be a catalyst for positive change in both my community and beyond.
    Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
    During my spring semester at Hampton University, I had to take a medical leave of absence from school. I felt incredibly defeated as a freshman with only one semester under my belt, having to go back home with a 1.8 GPA and a deflated ego. The five-hour car ride back to my hometown was filled with thoughts of what I could do to make my situation better and how I could make up for lost time. However, during my reflection, I realized that I had been consumed by stress, depression, and overall hopelessness, which hindered my ability to dedicate myself to my studies during the previous semester. Instead of dwelling on how to avoid repeating the spring semester, I shifted my focus to creating a game-plan to prevent a repeat of the fall semester. I knew that I needed to find ways to cope with my depression and darkness in order to succeed. I made the decision to start therapy and visit a psychiatrist as a means of healing. Through my treatment, I discovered that I had been struggling with a learning disability and was limiting myself with self-sabotaging behaviors. In addition to seeking professional help, I also prioritized building a stronger support system. While at Hampton, I often felt alone and had no one to turn to. To combat this, I made a conscious effort to reach out and spend more time with family. Whether it was calling daily or going out with relatives when asked, I did all I could to strengthen my connections with the people in my life, so that I could feel like I had a system of people who cared about me as much as I cared about them. This shift in my mindset and my efforts towards self-improvement proved instrumental in my healing journey. Now, I feel surrounded by the warmth of people who care about me, and I know that when I return to Hampton, I can rely on them to support me throughout my educational journey. I believe that with the knowledge I have now and the people in my life, I am going to be able to continue my time at college with the resources and support I needed at the beginning of my Freshman year. I will make sure not to repeat the same mistakes that lead me to become consumed by my own thoughts and depression. I am excited about what the future holds for me and am ready to take on any challenges thrown my way.
    Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    Navigating academia as a student with learning and emotional disabilities has been a continuous challenge, with my mental health playing a pivotal role in shaping both my academic performance and personal life. Bipolar depression, coupled with inattentive-type ADHD, has posed persistent obstacles, affecting my attendance and ability to focus on my studies. In high school, I successfully managed my mental health, graduating with high honors. However, the transition to college brought forth an entirely new set of challenges, exacerbated by the absence of the support system I had cultivated in my high school community. Social anxiety made it challenging to forge new connections, leading to a sense of isolation and ultimately triggering a depressive spiral that resulted in hospitalization. Following this critical juncture, I took a proactive step by opting for a medical leave of absence to reflect and restore my mental well-being. During this time, I delved into researching the resources available at my university for students with disabilities. To my relief, I discovered that the university offered free therapy services, and I was also eligible for accommodations through the Office of Disability Services. Equipping myself with these resources was a crucial first step, but I recognized that more was needed to prioritize my mental health effectively upon my return to school. Consequently, I undertook the task of developing self-care strategies tailored to the demands of college life. Since resuming my studies, I have implemented various self-care practices to anchor myself amidst the chaos of college. Journaling has become a therapeutic outlet, providing a space for introspection and emotional expression. Allocating time for hobbies has proven instrumental in fostering a sense of balance, while regular exercise contributes to both my physical and mental well-being. Recognizing the importance of community and shared experiences, I joined clubs related to mental health, creating a supportive network within the college environment. Additionally, designating specific days for self-care has become an integral part of my routine, ensuring that I prioritize my mental health amidst the academic hustle. These concerted efforts have not only enhanced my overall well-being but have also positively impacted my academic performance. By acknowledging the need for a holistic approach to mental health, I've discovered that making time for myself not only alleviates stress but also fosters a genuine enjoyment of college life and, more broadly, life in general. My journey through academia has been shaped by the interplay between mental health challenges and proactive measures to address them. The lessons learned from navigating these complexities have not only enriched my academic experience but have also cultivated a profound understanding of the importance of prioritizing mental health in the pursuit of personal and academic success.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    During the fall semester of my freshman year in college, I encountered a challenging experience that reshaped my perspective on the importance of a support system in one's educational journey. Struggling with overwhelming thoughts and feelings, I found myself hospitalized due to suicidal ideation. This critical juncture became a turning point that led me to a deeper understanding of the significance of genuine support and connection. Amidst the sterile environment of the hospital during the fall semester, I had ample time for reflection. It became evident that navigating through college required more than mere academic prowess; a robust support system was imperative to weather the storms of isolation that had previously propelled me into a depressive spiral. Upon my release from the hospital, I was introduced to Dr. Kristie Norwood, the Director of the Student Counseling Center on campus. In stark contrast to the clinical setting I had just left, Dr. Norwood enveloped me with warmth and empathy. In our initial meeting, she dedicated time to truly listen to my experiences, the events leading to my hospitalization, and the emotional aftermath. It was a transformative moment as I felt heard and understood for the first time throughout this challenging process. Recognizing the need for mental recuperation, Dr. Norwood advocated for my well-being by granting a temporary medical leave before resuming classes. This compassionate gesture provided me with the essential time and space to rebuild my mental resilience. From that point forward, Dr. Norwood consistently extended her unwavering support, becoming a reliable anchor in my educational journey. Her impact transcended the immediate crisis, as I discovered a newfound inspiration to delve into the field of mental health. Dr. Norwood's genuine care and empathetic approach ignited a passion within me to contribute positively to others' well-being. Motivated by her example, I resolved to become a compassionate figure in the lives of those who might be grappling with the cold and impersonal nature of mental health challenges. As I continued my academic pursuits, Dr. Norwood remained a steadfast supporter, offering guidance and encouragement. The connection we forged expanded beyond the confines of a therapeutic relationship; she became a mentor, providing valuable insights into the complexities of the mental health profession. Her unwavering belief in my potential served as a driving force during moments of self-doubt. In conclusion, the pivotal experience during my freshman year not only highlighted the crucial role of support but also propelled me toward a career path in the mental health field. Dr. Kristie Norwood's unwavering support and genuine compassion have become the driving force behind my aspiration to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others facing similar struggles. Through her influence, I have come to understand the transformative power of empathy and support in fostering resilience and inspiring positive change.
    @ESPdaniella Disabled Degree Scholarship
    Seeing my family not be able to afford disability-specific care for my siblings and me growing up left a lasting impact on me. Whether it was my sister needing a speech-language pathologist or me being unable to seek neuropsychological testing for cost-related reasons, there always seemed to be a gap that needed to be filled for us. I aspire to fill that gap for other people through my career. I am studying to become a speech-language pathologist and licensed clinical social worker. My goal is to open a community clinic where low-income families and individuals can receive mental health care and treatment for emotional, learning, speech, and hearing disabilities. I believe that regardless of one's financial situation, they are worthy of quality care. I am dedicating myself to my education and training to ensure that all people in my community have access to the health services they need.
    VonDerek Casteel Being There Counts Scholarship
    My name is Harmony Fulwood, currently a second-year Sociology major with a Criminal Justice minor at Hampton University. Born from a desire to understand and heal, my academic journey is fueled by the conviction that education can be a catalyst for positive change within the African American community. As I share my story, I hope to convey the depth of my commitment to my career goals, elucidate why I am deserving of this scholarship, and outline the transformative impact it would have on my educational journey. From a young age, I witnessed the transformative power of education within my family. My parents, despite facing challenges, instilled in me the belief that knowledge is the key to breaking barriers. As a result, my career goal is to become a therapist specializing in Black mental health. This aspiration is deeply personal, rooted in my own struggles with mental health and the experiences of my family. I aim to ensure that everyone within the African American community has access to the mental health care they deserve. My choice of majoring in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice at Hampton University is intentional. It reflects my commitment to addressing the pressing issues affecting our community, particularly in the realm of mental health. By understanding the societal structures that contribute to disparities in mental health care, I believe I can actively contribute to dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community. I deserve this scholarship because of my unwavering commitment to academic excellence, community engagement, and social justice. Despite facing challenges, I have maintained a strong academic record, driven by my passion for learning and making a positive impact. In addition to my studies, I actively engage in community outreach programs, collaborating with local organizations to raise awareness about mental health and provide resources for those in need. This scholarship would be instrumental in supporting my academic journey at Hampton University. As a student, I am dedicated to maximizing my learning experiences, but financial constraints can sometimes pose a barrier. Receiving this scholarship would alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with pursuing higher education, allowing me to focus more on my studies and community engagement. It would provide me with the resources necessary to continue striving for academic excellence and actively contributing to the betterment of my community. Moreover, the scholarship aligns with my long-term goals of making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals within the African American community. With this financial support, I can further invest in my education, gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become an effective advocate for Black mental health, and contribute to the broader goals of social justice within my chosen field. In conclusion, my journey is a testament to my dedication to education, community, and justice. I am not just a student; I am a passionate advocate for change. This scholarship would not only recognize my past achievements but also invest in my potential to create a positive impact on the African American community through my chosen career path. I am grateful for your consideration and am excited about the opportunity to continue my journey towards empowerment and positive change with the support of this scholarship.
    Grand Oaks Enterprises LLC Scholarship
    My story is one deeply rooted in the pursuit of education through the lens of my African American heritage, a journey fueled by a passion for understanding, healing, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals within my community. Growing up, I witnessed the transformative power of education within my family, where academic achievement was revered as a cornerstone for progress. Despite facing challenges, my parents instilled in me the value of knowledge, resilience, and the importance of community. My journey, marked by both personal and collective struggles, fueled my determination to attend an Historically Black College or University. For me, being at Hampton University is not merely a continuation of my academic pursuit; it is an immersion into a rich tapestry of culture, history, and empowerment. Studying at an HBCU is a deeply personal decision — a deliberate choice to embrace my roots, understand my history, and contribute to a legacy of excellence. The HBCU environment fosters a sense of belonging and pride, allowing me to navigate academia while preserving my cultural identity. It means being part of a community that understands the nuanced challenges faced by African Americans and provides a supportive foundation for success. Choosing to major in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice is a conscious decision to address the prevalent issues affecting our community, particularly in the realm of mental health. My academic journey at Hampton has equipped me with the tools to analyze societal structures, question norms, and seek solutions to the pervasive disparities in mental health care within the African American community. To me, attending an HBCU is a commitment to dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community. Having personally grappled with mental health challenges, I recognize the urgency of addressing these issues within our community. My family, too, has been touched by the impact of mental health struggles, reinforcing my determination to make a lasting difference. My ultimate goal is to become a therapist specializing in Black mental health. I aspire to provide a safe and empathetic space where individuals can navigate their mental health journeys with culturally competent care. Through my studies, I aim to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical solutions, advocating for accessible mental health resources tailored to the unique needs of the African American community. In making a difference for my family and community, my actions extend beyond the classroom. I actively engage in community outreach programs, collaborating with local organizations to raise awareness about mental health and provide resources for those in need. Through my journey, I hope to inspire others, showing that it is not only possible but essential to break the silence surrounding mental health in our community. Moreover, my commitment to social justice extends beyond mental health advocacy. As a Sociology major, I am passionate about dismantling systemic inequalities and contributing to the creation of a more just society. I plan to leverage my education and experiences to initiate meaningful change within my community, addressing issues ranging from education disparities to criminal justice reform. In conclusion, my journey to this point at Hampton University is a testament to my unwavering commitment to education, community, and the pursuit of justice. Attending an HBCU is not just an academic choice but a declaration of my dedication to empowering and uplifting the African American community. Through my studies and future career in Black mental health, I aim to make a tangible difference, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to receive the care they deserve. My journey is not just my own; it is a shared narrative of resilience, empowerment, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future for us all.
    Marian "Nana" Rouche Memorial Scholarship
    Embarking on a journey fueled by a passion for children's rights, I find myself at a crucial juncture where the pursuit of my dreams intersects with the invaluable opportunity presented by this scholarship. My name is Harmony Fulwood, a dedicated and driven individual deeply committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of children and contributing to a world where their rights are protected and upheld. As a second-year Sociology major with a Criminal Justice minor, I have immersed myself in the study of societal structures and legal frameworks that influence the well-being of children. My involvement in the Girl Scouts of the Tidewater region has provided me with hands-on experience in community engagement, reinforcing my belief in the power of advocacy and grassroots initiatives to effect positive change. The path I have chosen, however, is not without its challenges, particularly in the pursuit of advanced studies in social work and child development. This scholarship represents more than financial assistance; it is a beacon of support illuminating the way toward the fulfillment of my dreams. With this scholarship, I envision a future where I can channel my passion and academic pursuits into meaningful action. Financially, this scholarship will serve as a gateway, alleviating the burdens associated with higher education and allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies. Pursuing a graduate degree is not just a personal aspiration but a strategic step toward conducting impactful research that contributes to stronger legal protections for children in the United States. The scholarship will empower me to fully engage in this academic journey, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder my ability to excel. Beyond the academic realm, this scholarship is a catalyst for my active participation in initiatives that directly impact children's lives. Whether through internships, community service projects, or research opportunities, the financial support will enable me to immerse myself in experiences that bridge theory and practice. I am eager to seize every chance to contribute to the betterment of children's lives, and this scholarship is the key that unlocks those possibilities. This scholarship, therefore, represents more than a financial boost—it symbolizes belief and investment in my potential to effect positive change. It is a vote of confidence in my ability to contribute meaningfully to the field of children's rights. With this support, I am not only pursuing a dream; I am laying the foundation for a career dedicated to creating a safer, more just world for children. In conclusion, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity this scholarship provides. It is not just a financial aid package; it is a crucial stepping stone that will empower me to transform my dreams into reality. I am committed to leveraging this support to its fullest potential, ensuring that the investment made in me today yields a future where the rights of every child are protected and upheld.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    Receiving this scholarship is instrumental in propelling me toward the realization of my future goals in advocating for children's rights and contributing to positive societal change. As a dedicated student with a passion for creating a safer and more equitable world for children, this financial support will play a pivotal role in shaping my educational and professional journey. Firstly, the scholarship will alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing a graduate degree in social work and child development. As I aspire to delve deeper into the complexities of children's rights, attending graduate school is a crucial step in gaining the specialized knowledge and skills necessary for impactful research and advocacy. The scholarship's financial support will enable me to focus more intensely on my studies and research efforts without the added stress of financial constraints, ensuring that I can make the most of this educational opportunity. Moreover, this scholarship will empower me to actively engage in meaningful extracurricular activities and internships that complement my academic pursuits. Whether through additional fieldwork, participation in relevant conferences, or networking opportunities, the scholarship will afford me the freedom to immerse myself fully in experiences that enhance my understanding of children's rights issues and their practical applications. Beyond academics, the scholarship will provide me with the resources to contribute directly to initiatives and projects aimed at improving the lives of children. Whether through community service, research funding, or participation in advocacy campaigns, the financial support will allow me to make a tangible impact on the ground, translating theoretical knowledge into real-world change. In essence, this scholarship is more than a financial aid package; it is an investment in the future of children's rights advocacy. By supporting my education and practical experiences, the scholarship not only facilitates my personal growth but also contributes to the broader objective of creating a better and safer world for children. I am committed to maximizing the opportunities that this scholarship affords, ensuring that the investment made in my education pays dividends in the form of positive contributions to society. In conclusion, the scholarship represents not just financial assistance but a transformative opportunity that aligns with my passion and commitment to children's rights. With this support, I am confident that I can pursue my future goals with unwavering dedication, making a meaningful impact on the lives of children and furthering the cause of justice and equality. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity this scholarship provides, and I am eager to channel this support into creating positive change in the world.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    Approaching the white brick house adorned with vibrant green accents, nestled in a forested neighborhood, you immediately sense the perfect fusion of elegance and natural charm. The exterior facade boasts pristine white bricks, flawlessly arranged, while accents of lush greenery, such as climbing ivy and hanging baskets of flowers, add a refreshing touch. The front yard welcomes you with a meticulously manicured lawn, bordered by a variety of vibrant plants and flowers. A winding stone pathway leads to the entrance, guiding your steps with its enchanting allure. Tall trees tower over the property, their branches gently swaying in the breeze, creating a serene atmosphere. As you enter the house, the grand foyer greets you with its soaring ceiling and a magnificent chandelier that casts a warm glow. Polished hardwood floors flow throughout the main level, complementing the neutral color palette that provides a sense of tranquility. The spacious living room beckons you to unwind with its plush white sofas, adorned with vibrant green throw pillows. The large windows offer sweeping views of the verdant surroundings, allowing ample natural light to flood the space. A stone fireplace, with a mantel adorned with fresh green garlands, serves as a focal point, radiating cozy warmth during colder months. Adjacent to the living room, the formal dining room showcases an elegant white table surrounded by high-back chairs upholstered in lush green fabric. A dazzling chandelier hangs above, casting an enchanting glow over memorable dinners and gatherings. The kitchen embodies modern sophistication, with its white cabinetry seamlessly integrated with green accents. Sleek countertops provide ample space for culinary endeavors, while high-end stainless steel appliances stand ready to assist. A large central island, topped with a gleaming marble countertop, acts as the heart of the kitchen, inviting both cooking and casual conversation. Venturing upstairs, you discover a haven of six spacious bedrooms, each exuding its own unique character. The master suite boasts a king-sized bed with luxurious white linens, accompanied by green accent pillows and curtains that frame the large windows. An en-suite bathroom features a spa-like ambiance, complete with a deep soaking tub, a glass-enclosed shower, and marble countertops. The remaining bedrooms, adorned with a harmonious blend of white and green decor, offer comfort and privacy for family members or guests. Natural light filters through the windows, showcasing the picturesque views of the surrounding forest. Stepping into the expansive backyard, you're greeted by a breathtaking sight. Towering trees provide a natural canopy, offering shade and tranquility. A large patio with comfortable seating beckons you to relax and enjoy the serene ambiance. Lush green lawns stretch out, perfect for outdoor games and activities, while flowerbeds burst with a riot of colors, attracting butterflies and birds.
    Ruebenna Greenfield Flack Scholarship
    My family has always meant the world to me; they're at the heart of everything I do, and their well-being is my top priority. As the oldest sibling, I've been through thick and thin with them, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles together. It's a responsibility I take seriously, and as I embark on my educational journey, I carry the weight of being a role model for my younger siblings. I want to show them that dreaming big and pursuing their aspirations is not only possible but essential. The thought of making my parents proud by attending college gives me a profound sense of purpose. It's a driving force behind my motivation to reach my full potential and make the most of this opportunity. Growing up in the Black community has shown me first-hand the struggles faced by those who don't have access to the resources and opportunities they deserve. Witnessing these disparities has sparked a fire within me to make a difference. I firmly believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of inequality and injustice. My studies have given me a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that perpetuate social inequities, and I'm committed to doing something tangible to help those who are most in need. Within marginalized communities, crucial topics like mental health and children's rights often go unnoticed and unaddressed. The stigma surrounding mental health prevents people from seeking help, causing unnecessary suffering and isolation. Moreover, children growing up in underserved communities face various challenges that affect their well-being and future prospects, such as limited access to quality education, healthcare, and exposure to violence. Drawing from my own experiences and the injustices I've witnessed, I'm determined to create change. My education in Sociology has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities underlying these issues. I eventually aim to specialize in School Counseling. I want to make a difference by promoting mental health awareness, offering support, and fostering resilience among young individuals. Every child deserves equal opportunities and a nurturing environment that nurtures their growth and development. As a School Counselor, my mission will be to advocate for the mental health and rights of children in underserved communities. I envision creating safe spaces within schools where students feel heard, supported, and encouraged to overcome any obstacles they may face. By collaborating with teachers, parents, and community organizations, I will work towards implementing comprehensive mental health programs and initiatives. Individual and group counseling will be vital in equipping students with the tools to cope with challenges and develop a strong sense of self-worth. In conclusion, my personal experiences and passion for mental health and children's rights have guided me towards a career as a School Counselor. Through my education in Sociology, I aim to address systemic issues and uplift marginalized communities. Advocating for mental well-being and providing the necessary support to children is my way of making a lasting impact and inspiring others to recognize the power of education and compassion in transforming lives.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
    Nature photography has always held a special place in my heart, as it allows me to capture the beauty and wonder of the natural world through the lens of a camera. From the intricate details of common weeds to the majestic presence of rare animals, I firmly believe that nature should be immortalized in photographs. However, my fascination with nature photography extends beyond mere aesthetic appreciation. It has evolved into a mission to raise awareness about the pressing environmental issues our world faces today, such as littering, nature degradation, and the impacts of climate change. Nature photography not only celebrates the magnificence of our natural world but also exposes the harsh reality of the challenges it confronts. By delving into the depths of nature, I have encountered the "bad and ugly" aspects that can mar its pristine beauty. From litter strewn across once-unaltered landscapes to the scars left behind by deforestation, these photographs provide visual evidence of the negative impact humans have on our environment. As a photographer, I recognize the responsibility I bear in portraying the consequences of human actions on the natural world. By capturing images that showcase the devastation caused by pollution, deforestation, and climate change, I aim to shed light on the urgent need for change. Through these photographs, I hope to stir emotions, spark conversations, and prompt viewers to question their own relationship with nature. Nature photography serves as a powerful medium to raise awareness and inspire action at both an individual and collective level. Through my work, I aim to engage viewers emotionally, fostering a sense of empathy and connection with the natural world. By showcasing the stark juxtaposition of pristine landscapes and their degraded counterparts, I hope to awaken a desire for change within each viewer. Nature photography has become my chosen genre as a photographer due to its power to both captivate and educate. By capturing the beauty and vulnerabilities of the natural world, I strive to raise awareness about the impact humans have had on nature. It is through the lens of a camera that I hope to contribute to a collective awakening, one that acknowledges the urgency of our environmental challenges and fuels a commitment to preserving the wonders of nature for future generations.
    STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
    When I envision my future as a School Counselor, I am filled with a deep sense of purpose and excitement. I see myself stepping into a role where I can make a tangible difference in the lives of young people from diverse backgrounds. The impact that school counselors had on me during my own educational journey was immense, particularly as a military child who frequently moved from one school to another. They became my guiding light, providing support and guidance as I navigated through new environments and educational systems. Throughout my formative years, the school counselor was always the first person I would meet when entering a new school. Their warm presence and genuine concern for my well-being instantly made me feel welcome and supported. They played a pivotal role in helping me acclimate to unfamiliar surroundings, forge new friendships, and adapt to the unique challenges that come with being a military child. The guidance they offered went beyond just academic matters; they also provided emotional support, helping me cope with the difficulties of constant change and separation from friends and family. As I reflect on those experiences, I realize the profound impact that school counselors have on students' lives. They possess a remarkable ability to identify students' strengths, interests, and struggles, and then provide personalized guidance tailored to their specific needs. School counselors are not only academic advisors but also mentors, confidants, and advocates for students' overall well-being. My own encounters with school counselors sparked a passion within me to become an advocate for young people and help them navigate the complex educational landscape. I am drawn to the idea of using my voice and position to empower students, inspire them to pursue their passions, and guide them towards fulfilling and successful futures. As a School Counselor, I envision myself creating a safe and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, fears, and aspirations. I see myself building strong relationships with students, fostering trust and open communication. By actively listening to their concerns and providing empathetic support, I aim to help them overcome obstacles, whether they are academic, personal, or social in nature. I believe that every student possesses unique strengths and talents, and my goal as a counselor would be to nurture those qualities, instill confidence, and guide them towards making informed decisions about their educational and career paths. Furthermore, I am excited about the opportunity to promote mental health and emotional well-being within the school community. Mental health issues among young people are on the rise, and as a School Counselor, I would be committed to raising awareness and destigmatizing these challenges. Looking into the future, I see myself as a catalyst for change and a source of inspiration for students. I am driven by the belief that every young person deserves access to quality education and equitable opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. By utilizing my voice, knowledge, and passion, I am determined to advocate for educational policies that prioritize students' well-being and promote inclusivity. In conclusion, as I envision my future as a School Counselor, I am filled with a sense of purpose and dedication. Inspired by the transformative impact that school counselors had on my own life, I am motivated to create a positive change in the lives of young people from diverse backgrounds. By using my voice and position to empower students, provide guidance, and promote mental health, I am committed to making a lasting difference and shaping a brighter future for the next generation.
    Rivera-Gulley First-Gen Scholarship Award
    My name is Harmony Fulwood, and I am currently pursuing a Sociology degree at Hampton University. As the oldest in my family of seven and the first to attend college, I recognize the significance of education in shaping my future and inspiring my younger siblings. The unwavering support of my family has fueled my determination to make a positive impact on underserved communities. This essay explores my passion for mental health and children's rights, and how I plan to utilize my education to become a School Counselor, advocating for and uplifting marginalized individuals and communities. My family has always been the center of my universe, and their well-being is of utmost importance to me. Being the oldest sibling, I have witnessed the struggles and obstacles we have faced together. As I embark on this educational journey, I carry the responsibility of being a role model for my siblings. By pursuing higher education, I hope to inspire them to dream big and pursue their own aspirations. Making my parents proud by embracing the opportunity to attend college gives me a sense of purpose and motivates me to maximize my potential. Growing up in a marginalized community, I have seen firsthand the challenges faced by individuals who lack access to essential resources and opportunities. Witnessing these disparities has ignited a deep-rooted passion within me to effect change. I believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of inequality and injustice. Through my studies in Sociology, I have gained a deeper understanding of systemic issues and how they perpetuate social inequities. Armed with this knowledge, I am committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Within marginalized communities, the topics of mental health and children's rights often go unnoticed and unaddressed. The stigma surrounding mental health prevents individuals from seeking help, leading to a perpetuation of suffering and isolation. Additionally, children growing up in underserved communities may face various challenges, such as limited access to quality education, inadequate healthcare, and exposure to violence. These circumstances can severely impact their overall well-being and future prospects. Motivated by my personal experiences and the injustices I have witnessed, I have developed a strong determination to make a change. My education in Sociology has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities underlying these issues. By specializing in School Counseling, I aim to empower young individuals by promoting mental health awareness, providing support, and fostering resilience. I firmly believe that every child deserves equal opportunities and a nurturing environment that facilitates their development. As a School Counselor, I will serve as an advocate for the mental health and rights of children in underserved communities. I aspire to create safe spaces within schools where students feel heard, supported, and encouraged to overcome obstacles. By collaborating with teachers, parents, and community organizations, I will work towards implementing comprehensive mental health programs and initiatives. Through individual and group counseling, I aim to equip students with the tools to cope with challenges and develop a strong sense of self-worth. In conclusion, my personal experiences, coupled with my passion for mental health and children's rights, have steered me towards a career as a School Counselor. By leveraging my education in Sociology, I intend to address the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality and strive to uplift marginalized communities. Through my advocacy, I aim to promote mental well-being and provide children with the support they need to flourish. By choosing this path, I hope to create lasting change and inspire others to recognize the power of education and compassion in transforming lives.
    Opportunity for Our People Scholarship
    When students aim for higher education, their grades in high school and standardized tests are often considered crucial in determining their future path. However, I strongly believe that grades should not be the only measure of a student's potential. There is so much more to a student than just their grades. In my opinion, high schools aren't effective in recognizing and developing students' unique abilities. Why should a student who wants to be a writer be punished because they struggle with math like geometry and calculus? And why should students be ranked solely based on grades when schools spend more time disciplining students than teaching the material? It's important to understand that students have different talents and strengths that can't be captured by grades alone. Grades show some of a student's academic performance, but they don't show the full picture. Some students may excel in subjects like literature or history but struggle with math or science. It's unfair to ignore their talents and passions just because they don't get high grades. The education system should celebrate and support students' individual abilities, recognizing that everyone has their own strengths. High schools often focus too much on certain subjects and overlook other important skills like critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and communication. The heavy emphasis on tests and traditional subjects doesn't give these skills the attention they deserve. By only looking at grades, we miss out on recognizing and appreciating these important skills that can benefit students in their future. Ranking students solely based on grades also ignores the many factors that can affect their performance. Public schools, especially, face challenges like limited resources, overcrowded classrooms, and differences in students' backgrounds. These issues have a big impact on students' learning experiences and, in turn, their grades. Punishing students based only on grades without considering these factors is unfair and contributes to inequality in the education system. Moreover, too much focus on grades creates a stressful environment where students prioritize memorization instead of real learning. Students become obsessed with getting high grades, sometimes at the expense of understanding the material. This approach hinders their growth and limits their exploration of their interests. By shifting the focus away from grades and towards holistic development, we can encourage students to love learning and engage with subjects they are genuinely interested in. To sum up, high school grades should not be the only measure of a student's potential and future opportunities. The current high school system doesn't effectively nurture and recognize students' unique abilities. Students shouldn't be punished for struggling in specific subjects or ranked solely based on their grades. Instead, the education system should acknowledge and celebrate the diverse talents and strengths that each student possesses. By adopting a more holistic approach to evaluation, we can create a learning environment that supports students' passions, fosters their abilities, and prepares them for a successful future beyond the limitations of traditional grading.
    Phoenix Opportunity Award
    As a first-generation college student, I understand the barriers and challenges that come with applying to college, finding financial support, and finding resources to support oneself while in college. I want to become someone who can eliminate the barriers I faced in going to college for others. So ultimately, I decided the best career path for me was Social Work. Social workers play an integral part in our society. They help those in need by helping others find their own strengths and weaknesses in order to reach their goals. I am especially interested in playing this role with disadvantaged youth. I have noticed that many people around me who are also first-generation students, do not believe that they have the ability to go to college because of one of the aforementioned barriers that come with going to school. I want to be able to motivate students like this by providing them with the resources to attend college, allowing them to see college as an option for their future rather than something that is out of reach. I am passionate about allowing young people to reach their fullest potential because I feel if I had someone like a Social Worker or even a School Counselor to help me by providing me with resources, I could have avoided many pitfalls I experienced in my college search. I will become that person for other students so that they can succeed.
    Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
    I believe that my selfless, caring, and empathetic nature is what makes me unique. Since a young age, I have always had an inner calling to help those in need. Whether it was standing up for someone being bullied at school or lending a helping hand to my parents when they needed it, I have always felt driven to make a positive difference in the world. I feel that there is too much negativity in the world and it is essential to counteract it by spreading kindness and compassion. My personality has motivated me to give back to my community through my future career and in my everyday life. I currently volunteer with organizations that promote youth advocacy, environmental justice, and race equity. Additionally, I am the current president of the Sociology Club at my school. I decided that the mission of the Sociology Club should be to promote sociological ideas and raise awareness of social injustices through advocacy, education, community involvement, and discussion. I believe that this mission will help me and my club members impact our school and surrounding community by getting directly involved with the social issues that affect our everyday lives. In the future, I plan to work as a Social Worker and hope to enable disadvantaged individuals to see the potential within themselves and provide them with the resources to reach it. To achieve my career goals, I am currently pursuing a degree in Sociology and plan to pursue my Master's of Social Work later. I believe that understanding how society works is the first step towards creating positive change. I am passionate about learning about the structures and institutions that shape our world and how we can work to make them better. As I have studied Sociology, my desire to make a positive change has only grown stronger. I firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. I am confident that I can use my understanding of social issues to identify areas that need improvement and work towards creating solutions. I am unique because of my dedication to kindness and compassion to others, I plan on utilizing my nature to help shape my community and the world through my career and through community outreach. Because ultimately, I believe it's important for all of us to try our best to make the world a better place for each other.
    Operation 11 Tyler Schaeffer Memorial Scholarship
    From a young age, I've always had an inner calling to help those in need. Whether it was standing up for someone being bullied at school or lending a helping hand to my parents when they needed it, I've always felt driven to make a positive difference in the world. I have always felt that there is too much negativity in the world, and it's essential to counteract it by spreading kindness and compassion. These feelings led me to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and eventually my Master's in Social Work. I believe that understanding how society works is the first step toward creating positive change. I am passionate about learning about the structures and institutions that shape our world and how we can work to make them better As I've studied Sociology, my desire to make a positive change has only grown stronger. I believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. With the knowledge and skills I've acquired, I believe that I can help make a difference in people's lives. I'm confident that I can use my understanding of social issues to identify areas that need improvement and work towards creating solutions. One career that particularly resonates with me is social work. Social workers play a vital role in our society, and I aspire to become one. I want to help people navigate the challenges they face in life and support them through difficult times. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a happy and fulfilling life, and social work is a way to make that happen. I believe that I can make a positive impact on the world by seeing the potential in others and helping them reach it through my career. As a social worker, I hope to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. I know that the work can be challenging, but I'm ready for it. I believe that my compassion and empathy, combined with my understanding of social issues, will make me an effective social worker. I'm excited about the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and help them overcome the challenges they face. I am driven by my desire to make a positive difference in the world. I believe that studying Sociology and pursuing a career in social work will allow me to do just that. I'm enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. I know that the road ahead won't be easy, but I'm ready for the challenges that come with it.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    I believe that my selfless, caring, and empathetic nature is what makes me unique. Since a young age, I have always had an inner calling to help those in need. Whether it was standing up for someone being bullied at school or lending a helping hand to my parents when they needed it, I have always felt driven to make a positive difference in the world. I feel that there is too much negativity in the world and it is essential to counteract it by spreading kindness and compassion. My personality has motivated me to give back to my community through my future career and in my everyday life. I currently volunteer with organizations that promote youth advocacy, environmental justice, and race equity. Additionally, I am the current president of the Sociology Club at my school. I decided that the mission of the Sociology Club should be to promote sociological ideas and raise awareness of social injustices through advocacy, education, community involvement, and discussion. I believe that this mission will help me and my club members impact our school and surrounding community by getting directly involved with the social issues that affect our everyday lives. In the future, I plan to work as a Social Worker and hope to enable disadvantaged individuals to see the potential within themselves and provide them with the resources to reach it. To achieve my career goals, I am currently pursuing a degree in Sociology and plan to pursue my Master's of Social Work later. I believe that understanding how society works is the first step towards creating positive change. I am passionate about learning about the structures and institutions that shape our world and how we can work to make them better. As I have studied Sociology, my desire to make a positive change has only grown stronger. I firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. I am confident that I can use my understanding of social issues to identify areas that need improvement and work towards creating solutions. I am unique because of my dedication to kindness and compassion to others, I plan on utilizing my nature to help shape my community and the world through my career and through community outreach. Because ultimately, I believe it's important for all of us to try our best to make the world a better place for each other.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    During my spring semester at Hampton University, I had to take a medical leave of absence from school. I felt incredibly defeated as a freshman with only one semester under my belt, having to go back home with a 1.8 GPA and a deflated ego. The five-hour car ride back to my hometown was filled with thoughts of what I could do to make my situation better and how I could make up for lost time. However, during my reflection, I realized that I had been consumed by stress, depression, and overall hopelessness, which hindered my ability to dedicate myself to my studies during the previous semester. Instead of dwelling on how to avoid repeating the spring semester, I shifted my focus to creating a game-plan to prevent a repeat of the fall semester. I knew that I needed to find ways to cope with my depression and darkness in order to succeed. I made the decision to start therapy and visit a psychiatrist as a means of healing. Through my treatment, I discovered that I had been struggling with a learning disability and was limiting myself with self-sabotaging behaviors. During my time away from school, I have also had the opportunity to learn more about myself, a nd discover my aspirations in life. I've always felt driven to make a positive difference in the world. I have always felt that there is too much negativity in the world, and it's essential to counteract it by spreading kindness and compassion. These feelings led me to pursue a degree in Sociology. I believe that understanding how society works is the first step toward creating positive change. I am passionate about learning about the structures and institutions that shape our world and how we can work to make them better As I've studied Sociology, my desire to make a positive change has only grown stronger. I believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. I'm confident that I can use my understanding of social issues to identify areas that need improvement and work towards creating solutions. One career that particularly resonates with me is social work. Social workers play a vital role in our society, and I aspire to become one. I want to help people navigate the challenges they face in life and support them through difficult times. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a happy and fulfilling life, and social work is a way to make that happen. I believe that I can make a positive impact on the world by seeing the potential in others and helping them reach it through my career. As a social worker, I hope to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. I know that the work can be challenging, but I'm ready for it. I believe that my compassion and empathy, combined with my understanding of social issues, will make me an effective social worker. I'm excited about the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and help them overcome the challenges they face. I am driven by my desire to make a positive difference in the world. I believe that studying Sociology and pursuing a career in social work will allow me to do just that. I'm enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. I know that the road ahead won't be easy, but I'm ready for the challenges that come with it.
    Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
    During my spring semester at Hampton University, I had to take a medical leave of absence from school. I felt incredibly defeated as a freshman with only one semester under my belt, having to go back home with a 1.8 GPA and a deflated ego. The five-hour car ride back to my hometown was filled with thoughts of what I could do to make my situation better and how I could make up for lost time. However, during my reflection, I realized that I had been consumed by stress, depression, and overall hopelessness, which hindered my ability to dedicate myself to my studies during the previous semester. Instead of dwelling on how to avoid repeating the spring semester, I shifted my focus to creating a game-plan to prevent a repeat of the fall semester. I knew that I needed to find ways to cope with my depression and darkness in order to succeed. I made the decision to start therapy and visit a psychiatrist as a means of healing. Through my treatment, I discovered that I had been struggling with a learning disability and was limiting myself with self-sabotaging behaviors. In addition to seeking professional help, I also prioritized building a stronger support system. While at Hampton, I often felt alone and had no one to turn to. To combat this, I made a conscious effort to reach out and spend more time with family. Whether it was calling daily or going out with relatives when asked, I did all I could to strengthen my connections with the people in my life, so that I could feel like I had a system of people who cared about me as much as I cared about them. This shift in my mindset and my efforts towards self-improvement proved instrumental in my healing journey. Now, I feel surrounded by the warmth of people who care about me, and I know that when I return to Hampton, I can rely on them to support me throughout my educational journey. I believe that with the knowledge I have now and the people in my life, I am going to be able to continue my time at college with the resources and support I needed at the beginning of my Freshman year. I will make sure not to repeat the same mistakes that lead me to become consumed by my own thoughts and depression. I am excited about what the future holds for me and am ready to take on any challenges thrown my way.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    From a young age, I've always had an inner calling to help those in need. Whether it was standing up for someone being bullied at school or lending a helping hand to my parents when they needed it, I've always felt driven to make a positive difference in the world. I have always felt that there is too much negativity in the world, and it's essential to counteract it by spreading kindness and compassion. These feelings led me to pursue a degree in Sociology. I believe that understanding how society works is the first step toward creating positive change. I am passionate about learning about the structures and institutions that shape our world and how we can work to make them better As I've studied Sociology, my desire to make a positive change has only grown stronger. I believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. With the knowledge and skills I've acquired, I believe that I can help make a difference in people's lives. I'm confident that I can use my understanding of social issues to identify areas that need improvement and work towards creating solutions. One career that particularly resonates with me is social work. Social workers play a vital role in our society, and I aspire to become one. I want to help people navigate the challenges they face in life and support them through difficult times. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a happy and fulfilling life, and social work is a way to make that happen. I believe that I can make a positive impact on the world by seeing the potential in others and helping them reach it through my career. As a social worker, I hope to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. I know that the work can be challenging, but I'm ready for it. I believe that my compassion and empathy, combined with my understanding of social issues, will make me an effective social worker. I'm excited about the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and help them overcome the challenges they face. I am driven by my desire to make a positive difference in the world. I believe that studying Sociology and pursuing a career in social work will allow me to do just that. I'm enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. I know that the road ahead won't be easy, but I'm ready for the challenges that come with it.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    In the future, I dream to become a leader that inspires young people to advocate for themselves.
    Martha Mitchell Truth Scholarship
    The United States Constitution is not just a mere document outlining laws to be followed, but a fundamental document that delineates the natural rights of every American citizen. Therefore, it is essential to be passionate about the Constitution and its contents, as comprehending your civil liberties permits you to defend yourself from unjust treatment by government entities. Unfortunately, many individuals have a limited understanding of the Constitution and its significance. This document outlines the natural rights that are intrinsic to each person in the United States. It is essential to comprehend these rights to protect oneself from persecution, especially among marginalized communities that have experienced historic injustices. As an aspiring Social Worker, I believe that I have a responsibility to advocate for those I aim to assist. By helping people understand their civil rights, they will be empowered to better protect themselves from unfair treatment. I hope to inspire individuals to become involved in their communities and advocate for those who have been denied their civil rights. In my future career, I plan to fight for civil rights by advocating for the people I intend to help. My goal is to assist marginalized communities in understanding their civil rights and to provide resources for them to protect themselves from unfair persecution. I also hope to encourage individuals to become involved in their communities and advocate and fight for those who have not had their civil rights respected. To bring about meaningful change, it is necessary to engage in community organizing and activism. This involves collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations to advocate for policies and legislation that promote civil rights and social justice. It is important to remember that the fight for civil rights is an ongoing process and that progress can be slow. Nevertheless, every effort counts, and even small steps can make a significant difference. Educating oneself and others about civil rights is also essential. Reading about the history of civil rights movements and the current issues affecting marginalized communities can help individuals understand the importance of fighting for civil rights. Sharing this knowledge with others and engaging in conversations can also raise awareness about the need for civil rights advocacy. In conclusion, being passionate about the Constitution and its contents is critical to understanding our natural rights as Americans and to protect ourselves from unjust treatment by government entities. Advocating for civil rights in our communities is an ongoing process that requires engaging in community organizing, activism, volunteering, and educating oneself and others. By standing up for civil rights, we can develop a more equitable and just society for everyone.
    Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
    Dealing with my mental health issues since childhood has been a challenging journey for me. I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 and ADHD at a young age, and from that point, I have been navigating the mental health industry to find appropriate care for my needs. Throughout my experience, I have seen both positive and negative sides of the mental health industry. Unfortunately, my first admission to a behavioral health facility was a disappointing one. I remember waiting for six hours to see the doctor and then being admitted around 2 AM with no available beds to sleep on. It was an uncomfortable and disheartening experience, especially for children like me who had to sleep on mats on the floor. However, my disappointment with the state of the facility and the lack of resources motivated me to cooperate with the doctors and the care team to ensure that my stay was as short as possible. Although my time there was challenging, it opened my eyes to the inadequacies of the mental health industry and the need for better funding and resources. Fortunately, I was able to find an excellent therapist during my outpatient treatment who provided me with the support and care that I needed at that moment in my life. She helped me develop healthy coping mechanisms and encouraged me to function better in my everyday life. My experience with my therapist inspired me to pursue a career in the mental health industry. I am currently pursuing a degree in Sociology, and my plan is to obtain my Master’s in Social Work and Art Education. I aim to work as an Art Therapist, providing support and care to those in need. As someone who has experienced firsthand the difficulties that come with mental illness, I believe that everyone deserves access to quality mental health care. It is imperative to advocate for better funding and resources in the mental health industry, so that everyone can receive the care they need and deserve. My personal experiences have motivated me to work towards this goal and make a positive difference in the lives of others who are struggling with their mental health. In conclusion, my struggles with mental health, my experiences with the mental health industry, and my passion to advocate for better care have led me to pursue a career in the mental health field. I am committed to providing support and care to those in need and to work towards improving the mental health industry by advocating for better funding and resources.
    Sunshine Legall Scholarship
    Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Sociology with the ultimate goal of earning a Doctoral degree in Social Work. I believe that this education will equip me with the necessary tools and knowledge to make a significant difference in people's lives. Furthermore, I aspire to set a good example for my family and community by demonstrating the importance of education. My ultimate professional objective is to serve as the Secretary of Education for the United States government. I plan to gain experience in different fields, such as Art Therapy, Case Working, school psychology, and counseling, to achieve this goal. I believe that these experiences will enable me to understand and address the challenges that people face, thereby equipping me with the skills and knowledge necessary to make a difference. Giving back to the community is an essential aspect of my life, and I consider it a personal goal. I have learned that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact. As a result, I have been volunteering at after-school programs for children, organizing community events, and providing assistance to the homeless in my area. These experiences have taught me that I can make a real difference in people's lives, and this motivates me to continue. I am passionate about my academic pursuits because I believe that education is the key to success. I am eager to continue learning and growing in my field so that I can bring real solutions to the issues facing our society. However, more than that, I want to be a role model for others, particularly those in my community who may not have the same opportunities as I do. I want to demonstrate to them that with hard work and dedication, they too can achieve their goals and make a difference in the world. To achieve my academic and professional goals, I have set several short-term objectives. Firstly, I aim to maintain a high GPA throughout my Bachelor's degree program. Secondly, I plan to participate in internships and other relevant programs that will help me gain practical experience in my field. Thirdly, I will actively seek out mentors and advisers who can provide me with guidance and support as I navigate my academic and professional journey. Finally, I intend to apply for scholarships and grants to help me finance my education and reduce the burden of student debt. I believe that my commitment to giving back to the community is closely tied to my academic and professional goals. By serving others, I gain a deeper understanding of the issues and challenges facing our society. This, in turn, drives me to pursue my academic and professional goals with greater determination and purpose. In conclusion, I am confident in my goals and aspirations to serve and make a positive impact in the world. Whether it's through my academic pursuits or my community service, I am committed to doing everything in my power to help others. I believe that with hard work and determination, anything is possible, and I am excited to see where this journey takes me.
    Andrew Perez Mental Illness/Suicidal Awareness Education Scholarship
    As someone who suffers from Bipolar Type 2 and ADHD, I have come to rely on certain coping mechanisms to help me manage my mental health. However, my passions have been instrumental in helping me cope with my illnesses. Pursuing my passions in social work, photography, and using art to heal has been a significant factor in maintaining my well-being. My passion for social work stems from my desire to make a difference in the lives of others. I believe that by providing support and resources to individuals who are struggling, we can help them live fulfilling lives. My goal is to become a licensed clinical social worker, and to work with individuals who are struggling with mental illness. I hope to provide them with the tools and resources they need to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. In addition to my passion for social work, I am also passionate about photography. Photography allows me to express myself creatively and connect with the world around me. It has been a source of comfort and inspiration for me, especially during difficult times. I hope to continue pursuing my passion for photography and using it as a tool for self-expression and healing. Finally, I am also passionate about using art to heal. As someone who has experienced the transformative effects of art therapy, I believe that it can be a powerful tool for mental health. Through art therapy, individuals can express themselves and work through their emotions in a safe and non-judgmental space. My goal is to integrate art therapy into traditional mental health care, and to provide individuals with a more holistic and comprehensive approach to treatment. Of course, managing my mental health while pursuing my passions can be challenging. I have developed certain strategies to help me cope, including prioritizing self-care, seeking support from my loved ones, and being mindful of my triggers. By staying proactive and taking care of myself, I am able to pursue my passions and maintain my well-being. Looking towards the future, I am excited to continue pursuing my passions and achieving my goals. My aspirations include becoming a licensed clinical social worker, continuing my photography work, and integrating art therapy into traditional mental health care. I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of others and contribute to the field of mental health care in a meaningful way. In conclusion, my passions for social work, photography, and using art to heal have been instrumental in helping me cope with my mental illness. While managing Bipolar Type 2 and ADHD can be challenging, pursuing my passions has given me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I am excited to continue pursuing my passions and achieving my goals, and I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of those who are struggling with mental illness
    Ruthie Brown Scholarship
    Student loan debt is an issue that has intimidated me throughout my college journey so far. But I believe with a solid plan, I can remove some of the fear and anxiety associated with student loan debt. My first step in addressing my student loan debt is understanding my current situation. I have taken the time to review my loan amounts, interest rates, and repayment terms. This information has helped me to understand how much I owe, when I need to start repaying my loans, and how much I can expect to pay each month. Once I had a clear understanding of my student loan debt, I started to develop a plan to pay it off. The first thing I did was create a budget. I estimated all of my potential future income sources, including a full-time job and any scholarships or grants that may alleviate costs, and subtracted all of my potential expenses, including rent, utilities, and other bills. By doing this, I can see how much money I have left each month, which I can use to pay off my student loans. Next, I looked into different repayment options. I researched different loan repayment plans and found one that works for me. I plan to use the income-driven repayment plan, which adjusts my monthly payments based on my income. This will help me to manage my payments once I enter the workforce. Additionally, I plan to make extra payments whenever possible. If I receive a bonus at work or have any extra money left over at the end of the month, I will put it towards my student loans. This will help me repay my loans faster and save money on interest over time. Finally, I am looking into ways to reduce my student loan debt. I have applied for scholarships and grants to help cover the cost of my education, and I am also considering working part-time during the school year to earn extra income. These efforts will help me to minimize the amount of student loan debt I will have in the future. In conclusion, student loan debt can be overwhelming, but it is important to address it proactively. By creating a budget, exploring repayment options, making extra payments, and looking for ways to reduce my debt, I feel confident that I can manage my student loans and avoid the stress that comes with overwhelming debt.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    Recently, I've been challenged to ask myself what I want to get from my education. I had to leave my university because several lumps formed in my breasts, and constant doctor's appointments meant I was missing classes. I watched as my grades slipped with my mental and physical health. I decided to medically withdraw from school, work on my health, and find out what I wanted to get from my education. I came to school not really knowing what I wanted to do. All I knew is that I wanted to help people in some way. As long as I could dedicate my life to serving others, I would be satisfied. But "helping people" isn't a career. It's certainly something I can do while in school, but it's not a real educational goal. As a result, I stumbled through majors, struggling to keep up with the material, and ultimately feeling out of place everywhere I went in college. Now I have six months until Fall again when I need to know what I truly want out of my education. Through my education, I want to set an example for all of my siblings that higher education is achievable for us. My parents didn't go to college. They had me and my siblings young and missed out on the college experience. While my siblings may not be able to get help from my parents regarding college, I want them to be able to look to me for advice and guidance. This means I have to become someone who can give said advice and guidance. I hope to earn my Bachelor's in Social Work and eventually pursue my graduate degree. I believe that by working towards these things, I can become someone my family can look up to. I feel that this is the best thing I can do for myself and my family with my education. Ultimately, my physical health may have slowed me down in reaching my goals, but it hasn't stopped me. In fact, I believe that because of the challenges I faced during my first year of college, I had the time to reflect on my experience and figure out what I wanted to get out of my college education. I want to be a catalyst for the people in my family to strive for better. I hope that with my degree, I can inspire many young black people to pursue an education despite all odds that may stand against them.
    Margalie Jean-Baptiste Scholarship
    "Your Dad got orders for Fort Sam Houston; we are going to be moving to San Antonio!" In spite of my Mom's clear enthusiasm, I could not help but groan at the bittersweet news. When we first moved to Fort Polk, Louisiana I remember begging to leave. Although my mother told me we would be moving, at last, I found myself wanting to stay. Despite being in my sophomore year at the time, I was at my third high school. At this point in my life, I had accepted that being a military kid meant I could never have a normal high school experience; but that did not mean that I did not still desire just that. Moving to San Antonio meant I was straying further away from the stable life for which I longed. A life where I was in control. How could I ever grow if I was going to be constantly being uprooted and planted in unfamiliar soil? At the time, the answer was- I could not. I did not see how I could ever reach my potential while not being able to grow up the same way as my peers. They were allowed time to put down roots, while I was constantly transplanted. Since I could never have that life, I did not feel I was fully living my own. That summer before our move, I found myself frequently visiting the library. I have always enjoyed books but, It was only during that particular summer that I started to explore the world of non-fiction. In that world, I found an opportunity to bridge the gap between myself and my civilian peers. I discovered that what made me feel inadequate was the inconsistent quality of education I was getting. Moving around a lot meant I did not have the opportunity to participate in certain school programs, that I could not take the classes I wanted, and that I would always have to settle for "what I could get" in terms of education. As someone who grew up loving learning, the idea that I would never be able to reach my academic potential because of outside factors felt unfair. As I walked through the aisles of the library I realized how much information there was available to me. All I had to do was harness it for myself. I started with Philosophy. Reading about questions surrounding the human experience led me to come up with questions and ideas of my own. In order to organize these as I read, I filled the pages with yellow sticky notes of my thoughts. Soon each book that I read started to become a conversation between me and the author. I understand now that by engaging with the things that I read, I taught myself things I may never have learned in a classroom.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    As someone with ADHD and Bipolar Depression, I have struggled to maintain focus and motivation, leading to difficulties in achieving my educational and career goals. I've lost many opportunities due to my impaired ability to work and maintain focus on my goals. I feel that despite these challenges, it is possible for individuals with mental health issues to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. One of the most critical factors in overcoming mental health issues is seeking help from a mental health professional. Mental health professionals can provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their goals. In my life that has meant receiving guidance from a therapist and getting on the correct medication to stabilize my mood. But I feel mental health treatment can look different for everyone depending on their needs. At the end of the day. I feel as long as treatment is approached with the intent to improve one's condition and kindness to one's self, The results of treatment will show. Another crucial factor in overcoming mental health issues is the support of loved ones. Friends and family members can provide individuals with the emotional support they need to maintain their motivation and overcome their struggles. As I have been mostly introverted my entire life I had a hard time building a support system. Even confiding within my family has been difficult my entire life because they have always seen me as "Ms. Independent." Through my mental health challenges, I had to find a compromise within myself. because while I found it difficult to speak to people, I knew I couldn't suffer alone in silence forever. By starting with confiding in two people I slowly ended up being able to open up to my family members. I was always afraid they would treat me differently because of my struggle. But upon talking to them, I learned that everyone else is struggling in some way too, I truly felt I was not alone. In my experience, individuals who have overcome mental health issues have often gone on to achieve great things in their careers and personal lives. They have used their struggles as a source of inspiration, fueling their motivation to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world around them. In conclusion, mental health issues can have a profound impact on an individual's beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. However, with the right tools, resources, and support, it is possible for individuals to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. Seeking help from a mental health professional and relying on the support of loved ones can provide individuals with the tools they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their dreams. Ultimately, mental health issues should not be a barrier to success, and individuals who have struggled with mental health issues should be proud of their resilience and determination in overcoming their struggles.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    As someone with ADHD and Bipolar Depression, I have struggled to maintain focus and motivation, leading to difficulties in achieving my educational and career goals. I've lost many opportunities due to my impaired ability to work and maintain focus on my goals. I feel that despite these challenges, it is possible for individuals with mental health issues to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. One of the most critical factors in overcoming mental health issues is seeking help from a mental health professional. Mental health professionals can provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their goals. In my life that has meant receiving guidance from a therapist and getting on the correct medication to stabilize my mood. But I feel mental health treatment can look different for everyone depending on their needs. At the end of the day. I feel as long as treatment is approached with the intent to improve one's condition and kindness to one's self, The results of treatment will show. Another crucial factor in overcoming mental health issues is the support of loved ones. Friends and family members can provide individuals with the emotional support they need to maintain their motivation and overcome their struggles. As I have been mostly introverted my entire life I had a hard time building a support system. Even confiding within my family has been difficult my entire life because they have always seen me as "Ms. Independent." Through my mental health challenges, I had to find a compromise within myself. because while I found it difficult to speak to people, I knew I couldn't suffer alone in silence forever. By starting with confiding in two people I slowly ended up being able to open up to my family members. I was always afraid they would treat me differently because of my struggle. But upon talking to them, I learned that everyone else is struggling in some way too, I truly felt I was not alone. In my experience, individuals who have overcome mental health issues have often gone on to achieve great things in their careers and personal lives. They have used their struggles as a source of inspiration, fueling their motivation to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world around them. In conclusion, mental health issues can have a profound impact on an individual's beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. However, with the right tools, resources, and support, it is possible for individuals to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. Seeking help from a mental health professional and relying on the support of loved ones can provide individuals with the tools they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their dreams. Ultimately, mental health issues should not be a barrier to success, and individuals who have struggled with mental health issues should be proud of their resilience and determination in overcoming their struggles.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    In my experience, mental health issues have impacted my career aspirations. As someone with ADHD and Bipolar Depression, I have struggled to maintain focus and motivation, leading to difficulties in achieving my educational and career goals. I've lost many opportunities due to my impaired ability to work and maintain focus on my goals. I feel that despite these challenges, it is possible for individuals with mental health issues to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. One of the most critical factors in overcoming mental health issues is seeking help from a mental health professional. Mental health professionals can provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their goals. In my life that has meant receiving guidance from a therapist and getting on the correct medication to stabilize my mood. But I feel mental health treatment can look different for everyone depending on their needs. At the end of the day. I feel as long as treatment is approached with the intent to improve one's condition and kindness to one's self, The results of treatment will show. Another crucial factor in overcoming mental health issues is the support of loved ones. Friends and family members can provide individuals with the emotional support they need to maintain their motivation and overcome their struggles. As I have been mostly introverted my entire life I had a hard time building a support system. Even confiding within my family has been difficult my entire life because they have always seen me as "Ms. Independent." Through my mental health challenges, I had to find a compromise within myself. because while I found it difficult to speak to people, I knew I couldn't suffer alone in silence forever. By starting with confiding in two people I slowly ended up being able to open up to my family members. I was always afraid they would treat me differently because of my struggle. But upon talking to them, I learned that everyone else is struggling in some way too, I truly felt I was not alone. In my experience, individuals who have overcome mental health issues have often gone on to achieve great things in their careers and personal lives. They have used their struggles as a source of inspiration, fueling their motivation to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world around them. In conclusion, mental health issues can have a profound impact on an individual's beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. However, with the right tools, resources, and support, it is possible for individuals to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. Seeking help from a mental health professional and relying on the support of loved ones can provide individuals with the tools they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their dreams. Ultimately, mental health issues should not be a barrier to success, and individuals who have struggled with mental health issues should be proud of their resilience and determination in overcoming their struggles.
    Jerome D. Carr Memorial Scholarship for Overcoming Adversity
    In my experience, mental health issues have impacted my career aspirations. As someone with ADHD and Bipolar Depression, I have struggled to maintain focus and motivation, leading to difficulties in achieving my educational and career goals. I've lost many opportunities due to my impaired ability to work and maintain focus on my goals. I feel that despite these challenges, it is possible for individuals with mental health issues to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. One of the most critical factors in overcoming mental health issues is seeking help from a mental health professional. Mental health professionals can provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their goals. In my life that has meant receiving guidance from a therapist and getting on the correct medication to stabilize my mood. But I feel mental health treatment can look different for everyone depending on their needs. At the end of the day. I feel as long as treatment is approached with the intent to improve one's condition and kindness to one's self, The results of treatment will show. Another crucial factor in overcoming mental health issues is the support of loved ones. Friends and family members can provide individuals with the emotional support they need to maintain their motivation and overcome their struggles. As I have been mostly introverted my entire life I had a hard time building a support system. Even confiding within my family has been difficult my entire life because they have always seen me as "Ms. Independent." Through my mental health challenges, I had to find a compromise within myself. because while I found it difficult to speak to people, I knew I couldn't suffer alone in silence forever. By starting with confiding in two people I slowly ended up being able to open up to my family members. I was always afraid they would treat me differently because of my struggle. But upon talking to them, I learned that everyone else is struggling in some way too, I truly felt I was not alone. In my experience, individuals who have overcome mental health issues have often gone on to achieve great things in their careers and personal lives. They have used their struggles as a source of inspiration, fueling their motivation to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world around them. In conclusion, mental health issues can have a profound impact on an individual's beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. However, with the right tools, resources, and support, it is possible for individuals to overcome their struggles and achieve their goals. Seeking help from a mental health professional and relying on the support of loved ones can provide individuals with the tools they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve their dreams. Ultimately, mental health issues should not be a barrier to success, and individuals who have struggled with mental health issues should be proud of their resilience and determination in overcoming their struggles.
    Delories Thompson Scholarship
    Pursuing a career in Social Work for me means being able to give back to my community. I knew it was important to get my degree from an HBCU, because learning about how to better serve people who look like me I believe, can only be truly taught by other people who look like me. The black experience in America is unique, special, and important. And so I feel it's crucial to nurture black youth so they can overcome any challenges they face in this country, especially challenges that are exacerbated by systemic issues. By becoming a Social Worker, I can provide the support that black people need to them while being able to understand their issues from a personal standpoint. Being Black is being a family. Black people have a collective cultural understanding of each other within the U.S. Our shared experiences are what bring us together as a whole. I chose to attend an HBCU because I wanted to be surrounded by people who were also working towards elevating themselves and who also had similar experiences to me. I wanted to feel like I was at home while in college rather than alienated by a sea of people who don't see past my skin color. I didn't want to be "Smart for a black girl" at a PWI. I wanted to be just smart- at an HBCU.
    Normandie’s HBCU Empower Scholar Grant
    When it came to college decisions, choosing an HBCU felt like a no-brainer for me. I attended a primarily black middle school, and at the end of my 8th-grade trip, we went to visit Atlanta, Georgia. We saw several sites but the one that stood out to me most was the tour of Spelman College. Our tour guide gave us insight into the school's rich history and current academic programs and offerings. What stood out to me though, was the concept of a school filled with black people who wanted more for themselves. At my middle school, I noticed how many students got left behind academically because they didn't care about their education, or they had external stressors which lead school to be a secondary choice for them. Being a part of an education system that seemed to not care about people who looked like me, made me feel almost as if education wasn't made for people who looked like me. However, by experiencing Spelman's campus I came to understand that there were places made for black people to succeed academically, unlike the oppressive structure of the K-12 education system. I believe that by choosing an HBCU I have chosen a safe space where I can learn and express myself through the lens of a black woman and that HBCUs create a place where my experiences and my culture can be considered a norm rather than a deviation.
    Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
    If I had 1,000 I would put $500 into savings to use towards external college costs. My school's tuition is $46,198 a year. It's almost a given that most students have some degree of debt after graduation. But outside of tuition costs like a laptop, dorm essentials, books, and campus events also pile up. My family is not doing well financially at the moment so I don't expect them to pay for these things for me. I would give the other $500 to my parents. ‎On top of moving me out-of-state for school, my dad got orders from the Army to West Point, NY from San Antonio, TX. I want to support them by helping them pay for some of these moving costs. My family has supported me through all of my hardships. Whenever I was admitted to a behavioral health facility for depression they were a shoulder for me to lean on when I became out-patient. Being able to give back to them in some way when they are struggling is important to me. I know how hard me leaving the house is affecting my mom especially. She had me whenever she was 17 years old, she sacrificed going to college to raise me- and now she finally is sending me off to college 17 years later. I know $500 isn't a lot compared to what it took to raise me but, I'd be happy to be able to give my parents anything in their time of need.
    College Showdown Scholarship
    Renee Scholarship
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    H onest. I have a hard time telling even white lies. I had to learn that being overly honest isn't always a good thing. A frican American Army Brat. R estless. The only time I am still is when I am asleep. I want to explore everything this world has to offer me. M editative. I like meditation and yoga. They make me feel more connected with myself and the earth spiritually, and physically. O pen-minded. I put understanding before judging. N aive. I have a hard time picking up social cues. Y ours truly, Harmony
    Normandie Cormier Greater is Now Scholarship
    "Your Dad got orders for Fort Sam Houston; we are going to be moving to San Antonio!" In spite of my Mom's clear enthusiasm, I could not help but groan at the bittersweet news. When we first moved to Fort Polk, Louisiana I remember begging to leave. Although my mother told me we would be moving, at last, I found myself wanting to stay. Despite being in my sophomore year at the time, I was at my third high school. At this point in my life, I had accepted that being a military kid meant I could never have a normal high school experience; but that did not mean that I did not still desire just that. Moving to San Antonio meant I was straying further away from the stable life for which I longed. A life where I was in control. How could I ever grow if I was going to be constantly being uprooted and planted in unfamiliar soil? At the time, the answer was- I could not. I did not see how I could ever reach my potential while not being able to grow up the same way as my peers. They were allowed time to put down roots, while I was constantly transplanted. Since I could never have that life, I did not feel I was fully living my own. That summer before our move, I found myself frequently visiting the library. I have always enjoyed books but, It was only during that particular summer that I started to explore the world of non-fiction. In that world, I found an opportunity to bridge the gap between myself and my civilian peers. I discovered that what made me feel inadequate was the inconsistent quality of education I was getting. Moving around a lot meant I did not have the opportunity to participate in certain school programs, that I could not take the classes I wanted, and that I would always have to settle for "what I could get" in terms of education. As someone who grew up loving learning, the idea that I would never be able to reach my academic potential because of outside factors felt unfair. As I walked through the aisles of the library I realized how much information there was available to me. All I had to do was harness it for myself. I started with Philosophy. Reading about questions surrounding the human experience led me to come up with questions and ideas of my own. In order to organize these as I read, I filled the pages with yellow sticky notes of my thoughts. Soon each book that I read started to become a conversation between me and the author. I understand now that by engaging with the things that I read, I taught myself things I may never have learned in a classroom.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    The most inspiring book I've read is Hearts in Atlantis by Steven King. At first glance, it's a bizarre novel which details a twisted and strange version of the past. Simply a work of historical fiction. But upon further examination, you can see King's thoughts come out in the work. Through the lives of Bobby Garfield and the people in his life, you can see the horrors of the Vietnam war, and the failure of the baby boomer generation to stand up for what they believed in. I find King's frustrations inspiring because I see my own thoughts about my generation in that book. Even though we shout and try to fight for change I feel like we have so far, constantly fallen short. People want change but they don't want a revolution. Generation Z pacifies themselves with the internet in order to escape the bitter reality outside of social media algorithms. Just how the college students in Hearts in Atlantis pacified themselves with their card game in order to distract from the horrible things going on around them.
    Mirajur Rahman Self Expression Scholarship