Hobbies and interests
Cars and Automotive Engineering
ATV Riding
Drag Racing
Electric Guitar
Bible Study
Public Speaking
Realistic Fiction
I read books daily
Hannah Crawford
Bold Points3x
Hannah Crawford
Bold Points3x
17 year old girl from michigan that's already accepted to Wyotech for collision and refinishing with a specialty program of chassis fabrication
Kingsley Area High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Trade School
Majors of interest:
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Become an inspiration to other young females in the industry
playa bowls2023 – Present2 yearsassistant auto body technician
Olson's Auto Body2023 – 2023
Varsity2020 – Present5 years
- most improved
Public services
march of dimes — advocator2022 – 2023
Future Interests
Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
I've had anxiety since I was a little kid. This means i've struggled with it longer than I can even remember. Everything I did seemed so scary to me back then. I've gotten better about coming out of my shell as I've grown up but there's always times after I do something that i sit back and think "wow I cannot believe I just did that." This happens right before I do things sometimes too. Even little things can feel like you're inching towards the top of one of those shock drop rides where you know you're about to go falling down towards the ground at any second.
One thing that I've always struggled with is asking for help when I don't know or understand something. I've always pushed myself to get things perfect all on my own without anyone's help because I have always been too scared to ask for it. I want to be able to go to school and learn more in order to push myself to be the greatest I can be.
On top of going to college for myself I want to go to college for the kids I hope to be able to teach when I'm done. I want to become an instructor in my field and I've been an assistant teacher at the Career Technical Center that I currently attend. I know how it feels to be the kid sitting in the classroom while everyone else is working on an assignment or project while I sit alone and don't know where to start. I know how it feels to have someone ask you to go do something and not know exactly how to do it. I know the pressure that comes mostly from myself when I have a job to do. I want to be the instructor that kids can come up to and ask for help from without having the anxiety or pressure that comes with it.
I know there are many kids like me. I know there were many before me that felt the same and there will be many after as well. I want to go to school so I can come back and help the kids like me. I want to help the kids that struggle to start something because they're scared they'll mess it up. Going to school would not only be helping me make myself better, but it would also be helping many kids in the future. I want to be able to push kids through their anxiety like I've learned to push myself through it. Winning this scholarship would help me go to school and, in the end, help me push others to be successful.
RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
Nothing Gold Can Stay
"Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
- Robert Frost
Most people take this poem by Robert Frost to be talking about the constant changes in nature and it is true that nature changes over time. However, many other things change over time. One might even go as far as to say that all things change over time and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. I think that is really what Mr Frost was trying to say with his poem.
Robert Frost says in his poem "Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour." This is saying that the things in nature that he notices and enjoys often change very quickly. Nature changes very quickly through the seasons but what else changes alongside nature? Everything changes. While the trees are starting to blossom in the spring a baby could be being born too. By the time the tree loses its leaves the baby is learning and growing more and more every day. Nature isn't the only thing that goes through constant, dramatic changes. But there's nothing anyone can do to stop the leaves from falling off the trees in the fall just like there's nothing anyone can do to stop that baby from growing and learning how to talk and walk.
Mr Frost also says, "Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief..." In this part of the poem he is talking about how the constant change is scary to some people. Many people hit good strides in their life where they don't want anything to change and the fact that they can't stop things from changing might be scary. As the leaves change peoples lives change too. Someone who was doing really well one spring, with new leaves blooming, might be doing terrible the following spring. Their life changed just like the leaves did. But, being scared of change doesn't stop things from changing and the leaves will still change and people will go through their lives for better or for worse.
The poem ends with, "So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay." Some might think the gold that Frost talks about is a symbol for good things in people's lives. This means that he would be saying nothing good can stay because things are always changing. This might be true but it can also be thought of in a more broad way. Nothing can stay. Good things may change but bad things will change too. The dawn will turn to day and the day will turn to dusk and the dusk will turn to night. Life is a constant cycle of changes in every way. Being scared of these changes doesn't stop them from happening but the changes aren't always a bad thing. Changes are constant whether things are going from good to bad or from bad to good.
Robert Frost wrote this poem to try and send a message to his readers. I believe that message is that changes are unavoidable but there's no reason to be afraid of them. If there were no changes in life you could get stuck having bad things happen to you throughout the whole thing. No one can be happy all the time but no one can be sad all the time either. Life is full of changes but without them our lives would be very different and it would most likely be for the worse.
A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
I'm Hannah. I'm a senior in high school and I also attend the local Career Tech Center in the auto body program. I love coming to school everyday but I love going to the Tech Center and being able to work on cars and do cool paint jobs even more.
The auto body industry is a male dominated industry. On top of that the majority of auto body technicians that are in the workforce currently are nearing retirement age. Within the next few years the industry will lose a large number of their technicians and painters. This means shops will need new people to train to replace the leaving technicians and painters with new ones.
I want to become a teacher of the program I currently attend because, just like most of the technicians and painters in the industry, my teachers are getting ready to retire within the next few years. As someone who recently went through the program I will be able to connect with students a lot easier than someone with a larger age gap in comparison to the students. I know exactly what struggles there are, what to look for and how to help. Students in the program with me now even come to me before the teachers because I'm more approachable and they're less intimidated asking me questions. And not only do I want to be able to help students learn how to do the different things they'll need to know to pass the program but I also want to encourage them to go into the industry if it's something they enjoy and would be successful doing for the rest of their lives.
The auto body industry doesn't have to be male dominated. I want to be able to encourage girls to take the class and see if they enjoy it too. A female student can do anything in the class that a male student can do and I want to be able to show that in the classroom in order to encourage more girls to join the industry. Not only can girls do everything the boys can but there are also female specific characteristics that can make them even better than male technicians or male painters. Women are better with seeing colors than most men which can help when color matching vehicles before they're painted. Women tend to have a better attention to detail than men which can help with ensuring customer satisfaction throughout the whole repair or restoration process of any vehicle.
There are many ways to make an impact in the world and people get many opportunities to do so every day. Whether it is something small or something large. This is my opportunity to change the world and make an impact for the better within my industry.
Thank you for your time.
John Geremia Memorial Trades Scholarship
I have been in love with cars and trucks all my life. From the time I could walk, I was in the shop with my father. I quickly became interested in the things he did and what he worked on every day. After I learned how to hold a flashlight and hand the correct tools to him when he asked for them, I quickly decided I wanted to learn more. Ever since I started asking my dad questions about his work, he involved me as much as possible so I could learn as much as I could from him. My dad taught me how to weld. My dad taught me how to apply and sand plastic filler and how to attach car panels. He helped me change the transmission on my first car, which I still have and drive every single day. Our latest project was an engine change and complete restoration of his old 1998 Chevy Silverado, which he's had since before I was born. It's been in our family since my dad and uncle bought it brand new. My whole family is passionate about cars and always has been throughout my life. Even before I could talk, I loved being in my dad's big lifted loud truck and my mom's loud car with the subs and stereo system in it. I want to continue my passion for cars by attending Wyotech and then teaching at the Career Technical Center where I am now. Getting this scholarship would go a long way towards my school expenses. I know going to Wyotech will be difficult for me because I will be away from my family for so long. While I am there I am very busy with school 8 hours a day and a part time job to pay for my food and other expenses that I have to pay. Cars and trucks and working on things has been the most stable and one of the most important parts of my life. I want to continue working on cars, trucks and all other vehicles for the rest of my life. From welds and new panels to airbrushing and clear coating, I want to learn more about it and be good at all the parts of the repairing and restoration process and that is what I plan to do when I finish the auto body program and chassis fabrication specialty program with Wyotech. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay and application.
Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
I've been through many different challenges throughout my life. My parents got divorced when I was 4 years old. This means that as far back as I am able to remember my parents haven't been together and what little I can remember of them being together was not good at all. My mom left my dad with my sister and I when my sister was just a baby. This meant that I had to try and help my dad with my sister as much as I could as a 4 year old kid. When my mom did come back not too long after she left she didn't have much money either. My parents tried their best to give my sister and I a good life as individuals apart from each other. My mom got remarried but that marriage worked out even worse for us than the last one had. CPS was at our house once every two months or so doing check ins on my sister and I along with our two step sisters and my baby brother. My mom and my siblings were abused by my ex step dad because of his addiction to steroids that made him have random fits of rage where the people that lived with him were the usual targets. He ended up going to jail and then to prison for other charges that had nothing to do with the abuse of me and my family. My mom, my sisters and I never got the justice we deserved and never got to say we were the ones who sent him to court. The general public had no idea about what was going on in any of the houses we lived in while my mom was married to him. After he went to jail the first time my mom divorced him too and we were right back where we started. Both of my parents had to find good paying jobs with just a high school education. This proved to be hard for both of them and they both had to overcome this challenge. My goal in life is to get a higher education in my field and have a solid career. I applied to my dream tech school and got in right away. This scholarship would help me greatly because I would be able to achieve my goal in my dream industry. I would be able to break the cycle that my parents started and have a better paying job out of tech school. My goal is to one day have kids and give them a better life than I did as a kid. A life where their parents have good jobs and enough money to send them to school with lunches and snacks every day. Going to school would help me to get a better job which would make the most difficult part of my goal far easier to accomplish. Thank you for taking your time to read my story and consider me for this scholarship.
Michael Hinrich Memorial Scholarship
I have had an interest in cars and trucks my whole life. I grew up in my dad's garage working on anything that he was working on right by his side. As I got older I stayed interested in cars and wanted to learn as much as I possibly could about them. My dad is still a mechanic and works on powersports equipment now and I still love helping him and learning what I can do when I have time to sit in the shop with him. We're also currently working to restore his 1998 obs Chevy that he's had since before I was born. When I was born dad had the truck completely stock and as I got bigger so did the truck. Eventually it was straight axle swapped and then dad hydro locked it and parked it out back in our field. As I got older and got more into auto body work and restoration I knew that truck was what I wanted to work on as my first real project. Now that we're almost done with it I realized that I want to keep doing what I've loved my whole life for a career and not just for fun when I have time. I got into my dream school for auto body and a specialty program in chassis fabrication. This scholarship would help me pay for my schooling so I can continue my dream career in the automotive industry. Thank you for your time.
Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship
This scholarship would help and benefit me in a variety of ways. Being given this scholarship would help me achieve my dream of going to school and from there, going into the automotive industry as a young female. There are not a lot of females that are in this industry currently but the number has been increasing a lot as of recent times. Getting this scholarship would help me pay for the schooling I need in order to be a part of the movement that is making women more common in not just the automotive industry but also in other previously male dominated industries as well. I want to be someone other girls in male dominated industries can look up to one day and getting this scholarship would help me greatly in my journey and help me greatly to achieve that major goal. Being awarded this scholarship would also help my family as well. Neither my dad nor my mom are college graduates or have any sort of schooling after high school. I would be the first person in my family to graduate with an education further than a regular high school diploma. This award would also be better given to me because I will use it for my schooling and use my schooling to get the full potential out of it. I have always been known to go above and beyond in what I do when I enjoy what I am doing. This award would be good for me because I will be able to concentrate on school and what I am learning there instead of having to worry about working outside of school hours and paying towards my student loans when I get out of school as well. Investing in someone who will use it to the fullest possible potential would be the best option for anyone looking to invest in a young person's future. Being given the money from this scholarship would be helping me pay to continue my passion within my industry. It would be a step in the right direction in showing other young females that they can still do things they want to do and achieve their dreams in a male dominated field and in the male dominated society that we live in today. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read through so many essays. Thank you for considering me for this scholarship.
William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
Making a long term impact to the world is difficult. My goal is to be able to make an impact in the automotive industry. I want to be a teacher at the Career Tech Center that I've been going to for the past two years. Teaching kids about things they are genuinely interesting is so rewarding. Being able to help someone else find the career they are passionate about and stick with for their whole life is my goal.
I'm currently an assistant teacher in my class while also being a student. When the parapro of our program retires next year I want to hopefully take his place and eventually move up to the teacher position after that. In order to do that I plan on going to Wyotech and learning about Auto Body and Collision Repair more in depth in order to be a better teacher. I've been working hard to make lesson plans for the kids in my class while also taking all the tests and getting good grades in everything else. I'm generally a straight A student and I'd like to continue my record of getting good grades after I graduate. Getting this scholarship would be a very big help in completing my goals and achieving my dreams. Since I've been acting as a teacher on certain days in the class I have realized that it is something I actually want to do. Originally I just agreed to help my teacher with online assignments because he isn't good with computers. Since I've started helping more and more I realized that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I can work on cars and be a teacher at the same time. It ties together the two things I have wanted to do my whole life. I always went back and forth between the two and now I no longer have to choose just one of them.
Like I said before getting this scholarship would mean everything to me. Getting this scholarship would help me pay for the schooling I need in order to do what I want to do for the rest of my life. I would give me the opportunity to make the impact I want to make in the industry. I would be able to go to school and come back and make a difference in kids lives. I'd be able to train the next generation and make them as passionate about the industry as working on cars as I am.