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hailey helo


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San Diego State University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Social Sciences, Other

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Sociology
    • Communication, General
    • Psychology, General

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Communication, General

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Sociology

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General

Valhalla High

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      speech pathologist working with special needs kids

    • Dream career goals:

    • Associate Banker

      Chase Bank
      2022 – 20231 year



    2022 – Present2 years


    2022 – Present2 years


    2020 – Present4 years


    Junior Varsity
    2014 – Present10 years


    2007 – Present17 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      First Communion Teacher — Teacher
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Middle School Youth Group Leader — Teacher/Leader
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      High School Youth Group — Teacher/Leader
      2022 – Present
    Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship
    Free speech plays a pivotal role in the intellectual and personal development of American college students, serving as a cornerstone for fostering diversity of thought, critical thinking, and personal growth. It is essential to preserve this fundamental right as it allows students to explore, challenge, and understand diverse perspectives, enriching their educational experience and preparing them for the complexities of the world beyond academia. In the context of my personal experiences and aspirations, especially inspired by my younger brother Peter's journey with autism and epilepsy, and the profound quote, "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... But why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities to interact with them?", I see free speech as integral to advocating for inclusivity and empathy within the college community. In my field of study, speech pathology, free speech is not just a right but a goal we strive to achieve for everyone, especially those who struggle to communicate like Peter. This field teaches us the importance of giving a voice to the voiceless and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, have the opportunity to express themselves. By promoting diversity of thought and free speech, we encourage students to think critically about the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and to consider innovative ways to support them. This not only advances the intellectual development of students but also fosters a sense of empathy and understanding. Furthermore, my involvement in extracurricular activities, particularly volunteering with children who have special needs, aligns with the ethos of free speech. These activities provide a platform for these children to be heard and understood, challenging the mainstream narratives and stereotypes. This not only contributes to preserving free speech on campus but also promotes a culture where diversity of thought is celebrated and respected. By engaging with and advocating for those with special needs, I am actively participating in a dialogue that enriches the college experience for all students, encouraging them to consider perspectives that may differ from their own. Preserving free speech in academic settings is crucial for nurturing an environment where students can freely explore, debate, and learn from a multitude of viewpoints. It allows them to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to navigate the complexities of today's world. In my field of study, free speech is not only about the ability to speak one's mind but also about enabling others to do so. By advancing diversity of thought and promoting an inclusive understanding of different abilities and challenges, we are upholding the very essence of free speech. In conclusion, free speech is a fundamental right that is vital for the intellectual and personal development of college students. It fosters a learning environment where diverse perspectives are explored and respected, enhancing critical thinking and empathy among students. In my field of speech pathology and through my extracurricular activities, I am committed to advancing this diversity of thought, particularly by bringing attention to and advocating for individuals with special needs. By doing so, I am not only preserving free speech on campus but also contributing to a more inclusive and empathetic academic community.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have everyone in the world read just one book, it would be "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This classic novel, set in the Deep South during the 1930s, is much more than a story about racial injustice; it's a profound exploration of human morality, empathy, and the struggle against prejudice. One of the book’s greatest strengths is its ability to present complex social issues through the innocent and inquisitive eyes of a child, Scout Finch. Through her experiences and the guidance of her father, Atticus Finch, readers are invited to confront the harsh realities of racism and inequality, while also being reminded of the inherent goodness and dignity in people. Atticus’s unwavering moral compass, his commitment to justice and equality, and his compassionate approach to others serve as a powerful example of integrity and empathy. Moreover, "To Kill a Mockingbird" delves into the importance of understanding and compassion in the face of ignorance and bigotry. It challenges readers to look beyond their prejudices and to recognize the common humanity in everyone. The novel’s timeless message of empathy and understanding is as relevant today as it was when it was first published in 1960. In a world still grappling with issues of racism, inequality, and injustice, this book offers valuable lessons on the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. In essence, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a book that can change perspectives, inspire compassion, and encourage a deeper understanding of humanity. It’s a book that I believe everyone should experience, not only for its compelling narrative but for the enduring values it imparts.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    I am deeply driven by a personal mission shaped by my life experiences, particularly those involving my younger brother, Peter. His journey, marked by the challenges of being nonverbal with autism and epilepsy, has profoundly influenced my decision to pursue a career in the healthcare/medicine field, specifically in speech pathology. Growing up in a family that emphasized resilience and adaptability, I witnessed firsthand the complexities and demands of caring for someone with special needs. Peter's condition has not only impacted our family emotionally and financially but has also been a pivotal factor in my career choice. His struggle with communication and the daily challenges he faces have sparked in me a passion for helping individuals like him find their voice and place in the world. In college, I am pursuing an ambitious academic path, with a focus on speech pathology. This field resonates with me because it combines my interests in healthcare and communication, allowing me to directly impact the lives of individuals with speech and language disorders. My goal is to develop skills and expertise that will enable me to support and empower those who face communication challenges, much like my brother. Beyond the clinical aspect, my interest in speech pathology is fueled by a desire to advocate for individuals with special needs. I aim to be a voice for those often overlooked or misunderstood in our healthcare system. My experiences with Peter have taught me the importance of empathy, patience, and innovative communication strategies – qualities that are crucial in speech pathology. Moreover, my family background and experiences have instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility towards my community. As the first in my family to pursue higher education, I am aware of the expectations and the hopes that rest on my shoulders. My parents, who immigrated to provide a better life for their children, have been a constant source of inspiration. Their journey and sacrifices have motivated me to not only excel academically but also to use my education to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Volunteering has also been a significant part of my journey, allowing me to engage with various communities and understand the diverse needs within them. These experiences have reinforced my commitment to the field of healthcare and have provided me with a broader perspective on the different ways I can contribute to improving patient care and support. In summary, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology within the healthcare/medicine field is a deeply personal endeavor. Inspired by my brother's challenges and my family's journey, I am driven to specialize in a field that will allow me to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals with special needs. Through my education and future career, I aim to be an advocate, a supporter, and a healthcare professional who contributes to a more inclusive and understanding healthcare environment.
    Harry & Mary Sheaffer Scholarship
    In my pursuit to build a more empathetic and understanding global community, I draw upon unique talents and skills, largely shaped by my personal experiences, particularly with my younger brother, Peter. His life as a nonverbal child with autism and epilepsy has profoundly influenced my approach to empathy, communication, and advocacy. My journey with Peter has taught me the significance of patience, attentiveness, and nonverbal communication skills. Understanding his needs without spoken words has not only deepened my empathy but also enhanced my ability to connect with others who may have similar communication barriers. I plan to use these skills in advocating for individuals with special needs, ensuring their stories and perspectives are recognized and valued in the global community. I envision establishing a therapeutic center or school for children with special needs, which will serve as a hub for inclusivity and understanding. This center will not only provide specialized care and education tailored to these children’s unique abilities but will also promote awareness and empathy in the broader community. It will be a place that celebrates differences and fosters a more inclusive environment, demonstrating the positive impact of understanding and accommodating diverse needs. My active involvement in community service, especially with special needs children, has provided me with invaluable insights into the challenges and strengths of this community. This experience has equipped me to effectively advocate for policy changes and increased resources that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities. By influencing policies and societal attitudes, I aim to contribute to a world that is more accommodating and empathetic towards people with different abilities. In addition to advocacy, I am committed to leveraging my education in speech pathology to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies. These endeavors will be instrumental in aiding individuals with special needs to express themselves more effectively, thereby facilitating better understanding and connection within the global community. Improving communication is key to bridging gaps in understanding and fostering deeper, more empathetic relationships. Furthermore, my experiences have instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility to share my knowledge and skills. Through workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs, I plan to educate and sensitize others about the importance of inclusive interactions and the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. By raising awareness, I hope to cultivate a more empathetic and understanding approach in society towards diversity and inclusion. Moreover, I intend to collaborate with professionals in various fields to create a comprehensive support system that addresses the holistic needs of individuals with special needs and their families. Recognizing that empathy and understanding extend beyond individual interactions, my goal is to create an ecosystem that supports the overall well-being and development of these individuals. In conclusion, my unique talents and skills, shaped by my experiences with Peter and my professional aspirations, are the foundation of my commitment to building a more empathetic and understanding global community. From establishing a center that celebrates the unique abilities of children with special needs to advocating for systemic change and utilizing my speech pathology expertise, my objective is to create an inclusive environment where empathy and understanding are paramount. By doing so, I aim to ensure that individuals with special needs are not only accommodated but also appreciated for their unique contributions to our global community.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    My vision for making a positive impact in the world is deeply influenced by my journey, particularly my experiences with my younger brother, Peter. At ten years old, Peter's life with autism and epilepsy has been both challenging and inspiring. Reflecting on the profound quote, "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... But why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities to interact with them?", I am motivated to create a more inclusive and understanding world for individuals with special needs. My primary goal is to establish a nurturing environment where children like Peter can thrive. This plan involves setting up a therapy center or school dedicated to special needs children, offering them specialized care and educational programs tailored to their unique requirements. This space would be more than a learning environment; it would be a place where these children's potential is celebrated, and their individuality is recognized. Here, they can develop, grow, and find joy, surrounded by support and understanding. Additionally, my commitment extends to advocacy and raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with special needs. My volunteer work, especially with special needs children, has highlighted the societal gaps in understanding and support. By drawing on these experiences, I plan to advocate for more resources, better support systems, and inclusive policies within the community. This advocacy includes educating the public and fostering empathetic and informed interactions with individuals with disabilities. Volunteering has been a cornerstone in shaping my approach. Through various roles, including community service and outreach programs, I have gained invaluable insights into the strengths and challenges of children with special needs. These experiences have not only honed my empathy and communication skills but also fueled my passion for driving change. I aim to use every opportunity, whether through direct service or advocacy, to promote a society that is more understanding and inclusive of all its members. Furthermore, my plans include collaborating with professionals in healthcare, education, and social services to develop comprehensive support for children with special needs and their families. Recognizing the importance of a holistic approach, I envision offering resources that support not just the children but also their families, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to nurture their child’s development. In the longer term, my vision is to contribute to policy changes that enhance the lives of individuals with special needs. This involves working towards systemic change that improves accessibility to education, healthcare, and social services for those with disabilities. By influencing policies, I aim to make a lasting impact that transcends immediate community boundaries. In summary, my plan to make a positive impact on the world is multifaceted. It is centered around establishing a supportive environment for children with special needs, inspired by my experiences with my brother Peter. This involves creating a specialized center for their development, advocating for societal change, and using my volunteer experiences to enhance understanding and inclusivity. Through these efforts, I am committed to contributing to a world where individuals with special needs are not only accommodated but celebrated for their unique talents and potential. My journey with Peter has taught me the importance of empathy, resilience, and advocacy, and I intend to carry these lessons forward in my mission to create a more inclusive and empathetic world.
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    My aspiration to create a lasting legacy in my future is deeply rooted in my personal experiences, particularly those shaped by my younger brother, Peter. His life, as a ten-year-old nonverbal child with autism and epilepsy, has not only been a journey of challenges and learning but also a source of profound inspiration. Through Peter, I have come to understand the critical need for specialized support for children with special needs, and this understanding has shaped my dream: to one day open a therapy center or school dedicated to helping children like him. This envisioned venture is more than a business; it’s a mission to provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children with special needs can thrive. My experiences with Peter have taught me the importance of tailored care, patience, and innovative communication strategies. I plan to incorporate these insights into the foundation of my future establishment, ensuring that it’s a place where every child’s needs are met with understanding and empathy. The legacy I aim to build will be one of inclusivity and empowerment. I envision a center where children with special needs are not just accommodated but celebrated for their unique abilities and potential. My goal is to create a space that fosters growth, development, and joy for these children, offering therapies and educational programs designed to enhance their skills and confidence. This ambition is also about shining a light on the often-overlooked needs of children with special needs and their families. Through my venture, I hope to raise awareness and advocate for greater support and resources in the community. I plan to collaborate with professionals in the field, leveraging their expertise to offer a wide range of services that cater to the diverse needs of these children. In addition to direct support for children, I envision providing resources and support for families, helping them navigate the challenges and joys of raising a child with special needs. This holistic approach is crucial, as it acknowledges the family’s role in the child’s development and well-being. My time with Peter has not only prepared me for this undertaking but has also ignited a passion for making a tangible difference. I shine my light by using my experiences, education, and empathy to advocate for those who may not have a voice. Whether it's through volunteering, pursuing my education in speech pathology, or planning for my future business, I am committed to positively impacting the lives of children with special needs and their families. In summary, my plan to create a legacy revolves around establishing a therapeutic center or school for children with special needs. Drawing from my personal experiences with my brother Peter, I aim to build an inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment that caters to the unique needs of these children. My goal is to not only provide specialized care and education but also to advocate for greater awareness and support within the community. Through this endeavor, I aspire to leave a lasting impact that transcends my professional achievements, reflecting my commitment to enhancing the lives of children with special needs and their families.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    My journey as a college-bound student from an immigrant family is rich with experiences that have shaped my perspective and defined my aspirations. My parents, who bravely emigrated from their war-torn homeland to escape religious persecution, have instilled in me the values of resilience, hard work, and the profound importance of education. Their sacrifices in seeking a safer, more prosperous life have afforded me opportunities they never had, including the pursuit of higher education. This backdrop of my family's immigrant experience has been the foundation upon which my ambitions are built. The most significant influence in my life has been my younger brother, Peter. At ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His condition presents daily challenges that have profoundly impacted our family both emotionally and financially. As one of his primary caregivers, I've learned invaluable lessons in empathy, patience, and the complexities of nonverbal communication. These experiences with Peter have not only shaped my character but have also deeply influenced my educational and career aspirations. In college, I intend to channel these life lessons into my studies, aiming to specialize in a field that allows me to make a substantial impact on the lives of individuals with special needs. My educational journey is more than a pursuit of professional qualification; it is a mission to extend the empathy, understanding, and support I've cultivated at home to a broader community. I see my role as an advocate and a voice for those who face challenges similar to Peter's, turning our shared experiences into a catalyst for positive change. As a child of immigrants, I carry with me the legacy of resilience and the pursuit of the 'American Dream.' My parents' journey of leaving everything familiar behind to start anew in a foreign land is a narrative of courage and hope. This story, interwoven with my own experiences, has ingrained in me a strong sense of responsibility to leverage the opportunities I've been given to better the lives of others. My college education is not merely a personal achievement; it symbolizes the realization of my family's dreams and the potential to open doors for others who face similar struggles. My plan is to use my education to create solutions and support systems for individuals with special needs. I aim to be at the forefront of developing innovative therapies and interventions that can make a tangible difference in their lives. My vision extends beyond individual support; it includes advocating for systemic changes that enhance accessibility, understanding, and inclusion for people with disabilities. This commitment to making a positive impact is also a tribute to my parents' struggles and triumphs. It is an acknowledgment of the hardships they endured and the better life they envisaged for their children. By utilizing the education and opportunities available to me, I aim to honor their sacrifices and extend their legacy of resilience and determination. In conclusion, my background as a college-bound student from an immigrant family, coupled with the experiences and challenges of supporting my brother Peter, has equipped me with a unique perspective and a deep sense of purpose. I am committed to using my education not only to advance my career but also to contribute meaningfully to society. My journey is one of turning obstacles into opportunities, of transforming personal challenges into a drive for societal change. Through this process, I aim to embody the resilience and hope that my parents brought to this country and to be a force for positive change in the lives of individuals with special needs.
    Julius Quentin Jackson Scholarship
    Facing the challenges of my younger brother Peter’s autism and epilepsy has profoundly shaped me. His condition, especially managing his frequent seizures, has placed significant emotional and financial strain on our family. As one of his primary caregivers, I’ve learned patience and adaptability, balancing this crucial role with pursuing two majors and two minors at university. Financially, the burden of Peter’s medical and therapeutic needs has limited my resources for education. I am deeply committed to my academic goals, yet the cost of tuition, books, and materials, alongside my family responsibilities, presents a continual challenge. This scholarship represents more than just financial relief; it is an opportunity to fully dedicate myself to my studies without the weight of financial stress. It would ease the burden on my family, allowing me to focus on my aspiration to support individuals with special needs, inspired by my journey with Peter. Achieving this scholarship is a critical step towards realizing my educational and professional ambitions, enabling me to contribute meaningfully in my chosen field.
    Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
    The power of diverse voices in public relations is instrumental in shaping public narratives, particularly in fostering a more inclusive and understanding society. This belief is deeply rooted in my personal experiences, especially those involving my younger brother, Peter. His situation – being a ten-year-old nonverbal child with autism and epilepsy – has opened my eyes to the importance of representation and diversity in public discourse. In the realm of public relations, diverse voices bring a multitude of perspectives that are crucial for creating narratives that resonate with a broader audience. In Peter's case, the challenges he faces are not often highlighted in mainstream media or public narratives. His daily struggles and triumphs, and those of countless others with similar conditions, are stories that need to be told. The inclusion of voices like Peter's in public relations can significantly impact how society perceives and interacts with individuals with disabilities. When public relations campaigns incorporate diverse perspectives, especially from underrepresented communities, they foster empathy and understanding. They break down stereotypes and misconceptions, replacing them with authentic, nuanced portrayals. In doing so, they not only give a voice to those who are often unheard but also educate the public. For instance, if more narratives about individuals with special needs are shared in the media, it can lead to greater awareness and advocacy. It can shift public opinion, influence policy, and encourage societal change. From my experiences with Peter, I have learned that communication is not just about speaking; it's about being heard and understood. In public relations, diverse voices ensure that the narratives being crafted and shared are reflective of the complex, multifaceted nature of our society. They bring to light different experiences, challenges, and triumphs, contributing to a more inclusive public discourse. Furthermore, the inclusion of diverse voices in public relations can lead to more creative and effective communication strategies. Understanding different perspectives and experiences allows for the development of more targeted, impactful messaging. It ensures that public relations campaigns are not only seen and heard but also felt, creating a deeper connection with various audiences. In my future career in speech pathology, inspired by Peter's journey, I aim to contribute to this diversity of voices. By advocating for individuals with special needs and ensuring their stories and experiences are part of the public narrative, I can help shift perceptions and foster a more inclusive society. It's about giving a platform to those who, like Peter, have unique perspectives and valuable insights to share. In conclusion, the impact of diverse voices in public relations on shaping public narratives is profound. It fosters a more inclusive, empathetic, and understanding society. My experiences with Peter have taught me the significance of representation and the power of diverse narratives. In public relations, embracing these diverse voices not only enriches public discourse but also drives societal change, ensuring that all members of our community, especially those with special needs, are recognized, understood, and valued.
    Youth Equine Service Scholarship
    My journey in volunteer service has been a profound learning experience, deeply enriching my understanding of myself and the world around me. Reflecting on my family history, I realize that among my ancestors, I am perhaps the most fortunate. This awareness, significantly shaped by my volunteer experiences, has taught me humility, gratitude, and the beauty of life’s miracles. Volunteering, especially in roles such as a first communion teacher, and youth group leader, and through community initiatives like Helping Hands, has exposed me to a wide array of life stories and challenges. It has been a humbling reminder of my privileges, such as the opportunity for higher education and a stable, supportive environment, luxuries not afforded to everyone. This realization has fostered a deep sense of gratitude and a strong sense of responsibility to give back to my community. My experiences have also revealed the transformative power of small acts of kindness. Whether guiding children through their first prayers, mentoring teenagers, or helping those in need, each act of service has underscored the potential we have to impact lives positively. These moments have been daily reminders of God's work, manifesting in the growth, smiles, and gratitude of those I assist. Moreover, volunteering has given me valuable insights into my capabilities. I have discovered my capacity for empathy, a commitment to service, and an ability to connect with diverse individuals. This self-awareness has been both empowering and humbling, fueling my passion for volunteer work. One of the most significant influences on my volunteer journey has been my brother, Peter. At ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and copes with epilepsy. His life, marked by its own unique set of challenges, has been a pivotal inspiration. Witnessing his struggles and resilience pushed me to extend my volunteer efforts to other special needs children at my church. Working with these incredible kids has not only been an extension of the support I give to Peter but also a way to understand and connect with others who face similar challenges. This extension of my volunteer work has been incredibly rewarding. It has allowed me to use the lessons learned from my experiences with Peter to better support and understand other children with special needs. Each interaction with these children has been an opportunity to witness the extraordinary strength and potential within them. It's a constant reminder that each child, regardless of their abilities, brings something unique and valuable to the world. In addition to personal growth and humility, my volunteer service has also provided a unique perspective on life’s challenges. It has taught me that while hardships are universal, they can be overcome with support, love, and community. This understanding has further reinforced my resolve to be a supportive presence in Peter’s life and in the lives of others I meet through my volunteer work. In conclusion, my volunteer service has been a transformative journey, shaping my character and outlook on life. It has opened my eyes to my privileges, taught me the importance of giving back, and shown me the beauty of God’s miracles in everyday acts of kindness. Volunteering has also been a path to self-discovery, revealing my strengths and deepening my commitment to making a positive impact. Most importantly, it has been a journey that Peter’s situation inspired, guiding me to extend my support to other special needs children and affirming the incredible impact volunteer service can have.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    In addressing the critical social issue of inclusion for individuals with disabilities, I am guided by a powerful quote: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... But why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities to interact with them?" This statement has become a cornerstone of my mission, largely inspired by my personal experiences with my younger brother, Peter. Peter, who is ten years old, is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and struggles with epilepsy. His journey, particularly in learning to communicate and interact in a world not designed for his unique needs, has opened my eyes to the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. Peter's situation underscores a significant disparity in our societal approach to inclusion and interaction. While considerable effort is devoted to teaching children like Peter to adapt to the surrounding world, there is a noticeable lack of emphasis on educating those without disabilities on how to engage and interact with individuals who have disabilities. Motivated by Peter's experiences and this imbalance, I am dedicating my life to addressing and changing this social issue. My approach involves a two-pronged strategy: first, empowering individuals with disabilities through speech pathology and communication support, and second, advocating for societal change in attitudes and interactions towards those with disabilities. In my pursuit of a career in speech pathology, I am focused on developing skills and knowledge that will enable me to directly support individuals like Peter. My goal is to devise innovative communication strategies and therapies that can help bridge the gap between children with disabilities and the world around them. However, I recognize that this is just one part of the solution. The broader aspect of my mission involves changing societal perceptions and fostering inclusivity. This means advocating for educational programs in schools, communities, and workplaces that focus on teaching people without disabilities how to interact and empathize with those who have disabilities. It's about creating environments where individuals with disabilities are not merely integrated but are actively understood, accepted, and valued. I am actively involved in community outreach and awareness programs, aiming to enlighten and educate the public about the importance of inclusive interactions. By sharing stories like Peter's and highlighting the challenges and triumphs of individuals with disabilities, I hope to foster a greater understanding and empathy within the community. These efforts are crucial in building a more inclusive society where differences are not just tolerated but embraced. Furthermore, my advocacy extends to policy and systemic change. I am committed to working towards creating and supporting policies that ensure better accessibility, education, and resources for individuals with disabilities. This includes advocating for inclusive education practices, better healthcare services, and increased support for families of children with special needs. In conclusion, my work in addressing the social issue of inclusion for individuals with disabilities is deeply personal and driven by my experiences with my brother, Peter. It involves a commitment to both direct support through speech pathology and broader advocacy for societal change. The goal is to create a world where individuals with disabilities are not only equipped to navigate their surroundings but are also met with understanding, acceptance, and respect from those without disabilities. This mission is not just about professional fulfillment; it is a lifelong dedication to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.
    Pierson Family Scholarship for U.S. Studies
    My background is a vivid combination of Middle Eastern heritage, community engagement, and a profound respect for education, deeply influenced by my family's story. My parents, having fled their country due to war and the persecution of Christians, arrived in the United States with dreams of safety and a better future. Their journey, marked by starting anew in an unfamiliar land and learning a new language, has been a cornerstone of inspiration in my life. I, along with my three siblings and our beloved dog Toby, were born and raised in this new homeland, carrying both the legacy of our parents' courage and the opportunities afforded by their sacrifices. As the first in my family to pursue higher education, I am acutely aware of the significance of this endeavor. It's not merely a personal achievement; it's a tribute to my parents' resilience and the hopes they harbored in leaving their homeland. My pursuit of higher education in the United States is driven by a desire to honor their journey and the sacrifices they made for our family. My involvement in the community has been a vital part of my upbringing. I am an active first communion teacher, a leader in middle and high school youth groups, and a Vacation Bible Study leader. Additionally, my participation in a volunteer organization called Helping Hands has further strengthened my commitment to community service and leadership. These roles have instilled in me a deep sense of empathy, a dedication to service, and an ability to connect with others—qualities that are integral to my chosen field of study. The most defining challenge in my life has been understanding and supporting my younger brother, Peter. At ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and deals with epilepsy. His life, particularly enduring 2-3 seizures a month for nearly a year, has been both a challenge and an inspiration for our family. As one of his primary caregivers, I have learned invaluable lessons in patience, adaptability, and the power of nonverbal communication. Peter's resilience, and his ability to express love and reassurance even in his most vulnerable moments, have profoundly influenced my outlook and career aspirations. Inspired by Peter, I have chosen to pursue a career in speech pathology. His journey has opened my eyes to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and highlighted the critical importance of communication. My goal is to empower individuals like Peter, helping them find their voice in a world that often overlooks their unique needs. Following my graduation from San Diego State University with a bachelor's degree, my ambition is to attend Vanderbilt for my master's degree. This step is vital for becoming a licensed speech pathologist. My academic journey doesn't end there, as I plan to further pursue a PhD, focusing on innovative communication strategies and therapies for individuals with special needs. My post-graduate plans are a reflection of a deeply personal mission, one that extends beyond professional aspirations, inspired by my brother's life. In essence, my background is a narrative of cultural roots, familial resilience, and community service, shaped by my parents' remarkable journey and the challenges we faced as a family. Peter's life has been the most significant influence on my path, driving me towards a career in speech pathology. My educational journey in the United States is a testament to my family's enduring spirit and my commitment to making a positive impact in the field of special needs communication.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, and to help children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, and to help children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
    Bruce & Kathy Bevan Scholarship
    Balancing a full-time job while being a full-time college student at San Diego State University, taking an ambitious 14 classes this semester, has profoundly shaped my personal and professional growth. This challenging endeavor is part of my commitment to pursuing a career in speech pathology, a path inspired by my younger brother, Peter, who is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of his condition on his communication abilities have deeply influenced my life, fueling my dedication to speech pathology. Juggling work and school has been a test of resilience, time management, and perseverance. The experience has honed my ability to prioritize effectively, manage stress, and maintain a strong work ethic. These skills are not just vital for academic success but are also crucial in my future profession as a speech pathologist. The discipline I’ve developed through this process has been integral in navigating the academic demands of both my bachelor's and master's degree programs, essential for becoming a licensed speech pathologist in California. In my role as Peter’s primary caregiver, I’ve encountered the complexities and extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This responsibility, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic and work commitments. The lessons learned from caring for Peter, coupled with the skills developed through balancing work and school, have enriched my understanding of empathy, patience, and adaptability. The dual demands of work and school have also instilled in me a greater sense of responsibility and maturity. Managing a rigorous academic schedule alongside full-time employment has required a level of self-discipline and motivation that has transformed my approach to challenges, both personal and professional. It has prepared me to face the rigors of the professional world, where juggling multiple responsibilities is often the norm. This balancing act has not only been about managing time but also about navigating financial challenges. Working full-time while studying is a necessity, helping to ease the financial burden of my education. It's a testament to my commitment to my educational and career goals, understanding that this investment of time and effort is essential for my aspiration to help children like Peter. Furthermore, the experience has heightened my appreciation for the support systems in my life. It has reinforced the value of teamwork, both in personal relationships and professional collaborations. Learning to seek help when needed and to offer support to others has been a crucial part of this journey. In conclusion, the experience of balancing a full-time job with a full-time college workload has been a transformative phase in my life. It has significantly contributed to my personal and professional development, equipping me with skills that are invaluable in my pursuit of a career in speech pathology. Every day, as I navigate this demanding schedule, I am reminded of the importance of this mission – to be a voice and advocate for children with special needs, inspired by my brother Peter. This journey is shaping me into a more resilient, empathetic, and skilled individual, ready to make a positive impact in the field of speech pathology.
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    The kindness of one person that has profoundly impacted my life is my younger brother, Peter. Despite facing his immense challenges, including enduring 2-3 seizures a month for almost a year due to his epilepsy, Peter's kindness and love have been a guiding light in my life. His ability to communicate reassurance and affection, particularly during his most vulnerable moments, has fundamentally changed how I perceive and respond to adversity. Peter, who is nonverbal and has autism, expresses his emotions in ways that transcend words. The most poignant example of this is during his seizures. Despite the pain and confusion he experiences, he reaches out to me, grabs my face, and looks into my eyes. In those moments, his eyes convey a message of comfort and resilience – a silent communication that says, "Everything will be okay." This gesture of kindness, coming from someone enduring so much, has been incredibly impactful. His actions have taught me the extraordinary power of nonverbal communication and the depth of human connection that can exist beyond words. Peter's ability to express love and reassurance in his moments of pain has profoundly altered my understanding of empathy and compassion. It has shown me that kindness can be a source of strength, not just for the receiver but also for the giver, even in the most challenging circumstances. Peter’s influence has been instrumental in shaping my outlook on life. His resilience in the face of his medical challenges, coupled with his unwavering affection, has instilled in me a sense of hope and a belief in the enduring power of human connection. This experience has not only strengthened our bond as siblings but has also influenced my decision to pursue a career in speech pathology. Witnessing Peter's strength and his unique way of communicating has motivated me to dedicate my life to helping individuals with special needs express themselves and connect with others. In conclusion, Peter's kindness, shown in his most vulnerable moments, has been a life-changing influence on me. His ability to convey reassurance and love, without words, has reshaped how I approach challenges, value communication, and connect with those around me. Peter’s impact on my life is a testament to the profound effect that kindness, in any form, can have on an individual, inspiring and transforming their perspective and actions. His silent message of resilience and hope continues to guide and inspire me in every aspect of my life.
    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    The most influential person in my life has been my younger brother, Peter. Despite being just ten years old, nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battling epilepsy, Peter has profoundly shaped my life and directed my career path. His experiences and our shared journey have been my greatest teachers, instilling lessons that have defined my character and professional aspirations. Peter’s daily life, marked by unique communication challenges, has been a window into a world that many never see. As his primary caregiver, I have navigated the complexities of supporting someone with special needs. This role, filled with both challenges and triumphs, has not only strengthened our bond but has also deepened my understanding and empathy. Observing Peter's resilience in the face of adversity has taught me the true meaning of strength and perseverance. His condition, particularly his nonverbal communication, has been a powerful catalyst in my decision to pursue a career in speech pathology. Through Peter, I have learned the importance of nonverbal cues and the need for innovative communication methods. This realization drove me to San Diego State University, where I am undertaking an intensive educational journey to become a speech pathologist. The lessons I’ve learned from Peter are shaping my academic pursuits, as I acquire skills to assist and positively impact the lives of individuals like him. Peter's influence extends beyond my professional goals. He has reshaped my perspective on disability and the broader societal understanding of it. His daily struggles and achievements have highlighted the need for greater empathy, compassion, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his life has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility to create a more inclusive and understanding environment for children with special needs, where their abilities are celebrated, and their potential is nurtured. Moreover, Peter’s influence has been a guiding force in my personal growth. He has taught me patience, the value of nonverbal communication, and the joy found in small, everyday moments. These lessons have transcended our personal experiences, influencing how I interact with the world around me. In conclusion, Peter has been the most influential person in my life. The experiences we’ve shared have not only guided me toward a career in speech pathology but have also imparted invaluable life lessons. His impact on my life is a testament to the profound effect that one individual can have, shaping another's perspective, character, and future aspirations. Peter’s influence continues to inspire me every day, as I work towards creating a positive impact in the lives of those with special needs.
    Frederick and Bernice Beretta Memorial Scholarship
    My passion for speech pathology is deeply intertwined with my personal life, especially through my experiences with my younger brother, Peter. At ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and deals with epilepsy. His journey, marked by communication challenges and daily struggles, has significantly shaped my perspective and directed me toward a career in speech pathology. As Peter’s primary caregiver, I have gained an intimate understanding of the complexities involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role has been both challenging and rewarding, reinforcing my commitment to speech pathology. I am currently pursuing this path at San Diego State University, undertaking a comprehensive academic program to earn both a bachelor's and a master's degree. This education is vital for me to acquire the skills necessary to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals like Peter. My experiences with Peter have profoundly influenced my view on disability, underscoring the importance of empathy, compassion, and advocacy. Learning to communicate with him despite his nonverbal condition has been life-changing, driving me to seek innovative communication strategies and therapies. My studies in speech pathology are centered on improving the lives of children facing similar challenges, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often unprepared for their unique needs. My interest in speech pathology also extends to creating an inclusive environment for children with special needs. I envision a world where their talents are recognized and nurtured, a commitment that goes beyond my professional aspirations to a personal dedication. This involves providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children achieve their potential and navigate life in an environment that fosters growth, independence, and belonging. This career path also reflects a blend of my personal experiences and cultural background. Belonging to a Middle Eastern family, I faced initial skepticism from my extended community, as traditional career paths like medicine or engineering are typically preferred. However, the unwavering support of my immediate family has been instrumental in pursuing my passion for speech pathology. This combination of personal and cultural experiences has uniquely shaped my interest in the field, fortifying my commitment. In conclusion, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology is more than an academic endeavor; it is a personal mission inspired by my life with Peter. It signifies my dedication to being an advocate for those with communication challenges. Each day with Peter reminds me of the significance of this path. Through my education and future career, I am determined to make a positive impact, ensuring that children with special needs receive the opportunities and support they need to thrive. My interest in speech pathology is a testament to the influence of personal experiences in shaping one's passion and my resolve to contribute positively to a world that values the diverse abilities of all its members.
    STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
    I am passionately pursuing a career in speech pathology, a path that is far more than a professional aspiration for me. It's a deeply personal mission, one that is intimately tied to my family experiences and, in particular, the journey I share with my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily life, marked by numerous challenges and a significant impact on his communication abilities, has greatly influenced my perspective and fueled my dedication to speech pathology. As one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've gained an in-depth understanding of the complexities and commitment required in supporting someone with special needs. This role has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding, solidifying my commitment to my chosen field. The path to becoming a licensed speech pathologist in California is rigorous, requiring both a bachelor's and a master's degree. This educational journey is crucial, equipping me with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively assist and make a positive difference in the lives of children like Peter. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my understanding of disability, highlighting the importance of empathy, compassion, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his struggles and learning to communicate with him despite his nonverbal condition has profoundly altered my life's perspective and instilled in me a determination to dedicate my career to serving children facing similar challenges. I am committed to developing innovative communication strategies and therapies, utilizing my education to enhance the lives of these children and ensure they have the means to express themselves in a world often unaware of their distinct needs. This vision extends beyond the clinical aspects of speech pathology. I am driven to create a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are recognized and celebrated, rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children flourish, achieve their full potential, and navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This commitment to speech pathology also represents a departure from traditional career paths often valued in my Middle Eastern community. While my immediate family has been incredibly supportive, there exists a broader cultural expectation leaning toward professions like medicine, law, or engineering. Shifting from an initial pursuit of becoming a registered nurse to speech pathology, I've encountered perspectives within my extended community that don't fully grasp or support this change. However, I am blessed to have the unwavering support of my family, who value and respect my aspirations. My journey reflects a blend of my cultural background and my personal experiences, shaping a unique trajectory towards a career in speech pathology. While navigating the cultural expectations and embracing my family’s support, I am motivated by a profound desire to advocate for and assist children with special needs. This path is not just about pursuing an education and a career; it's about being a voice and champion for individuals like Peter. Every day, as I learn from my brother, I am reminded of the significance of this mission: to ensure that every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. My commitment to this field is a testament to the power of personal experiences in shaping one's life path, and a reflection of my determination to contribute positively to a world that values the diverse abilities and potentials of all its members.
    Veerakasturi and Venkateswarlu Ganapaneni Memorial Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, and to help children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    At San Diego State University, my journey toward a career in speech pathology is more than a professional aspiration; it's a personal mission, deeply influenced by my family experiences. The most profound inspiration for this path comes from my younger brother, Peter. At just ten years old, he is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and combats epilepsy. Observing his daily challenges and the impact of his conditions on his ability to communicate has significantly shaped my perspective, fostering a deep sensitivity to the unique needs of individuals with special challenges and fueling my passion for speech pathology. In my role as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I have intimately experienced the intricacies and immense dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This responsibility, while challenging, has been incredibly rewarding and has cemented my commitment to my chosen field. To become a licensed speech pathologist in California, I am dedicated to completing the rigorous academic journey of obtaining both a bachelor's and a master's degree. This educational pathway is essential, equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively assist and positively influence the lives of children like Peter. My personal experiences with Peter have profoundly reshaped my understanding of disability. They have underscored the importance of empathy, compassion, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing Peter's seizures and learning to communicate with him despite his nonverbal condition has profoundly altered my life's perspective. It has instilled in me a determination to dedicate my career to serving children with similar challenges. I aim to develop and implement innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging my education to enhance the lives of these children and ensure they have the means to express themselves in a world often unaware of their distinct needs. My vision extends beyond the clinical aspects of speech pathology. I am driven by the ambition to create a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs. In this environment, their talents and potential are recognized and celebrated, rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment goes beyond professional responsibilities; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children flourish, achieve their full potential, and navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This commitment is not just about advancing my education; it's about realizing a dream to be a voice and advocate for individuals like Peter. I strive to help children with special needs find their voices, drawing daily inspiration from my interactions with my brother. Each day with Peter reinforces the significance of my mission, a mission to ensure that every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. In conclusion, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology at San Diego State University is deeply intertwined with my personal life experiences, particularly those involving my brother Peter. These experiences have not only informed my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs but have also motivated me to make a positive impact in this field. Through my education and future career, I am committed to contributing to a world that values and supports the diverse abilities and potentials of all its members, especially those with special needs.
    Derk Golden Memorial Scholarship
    My lifelong involvement in sports, encompassing soccer, volleyball, flag football, tennis, kickball, and a willingness to try any new sport, has been more than just a pursuit of physical activity; it has been a journey of emotional and personal growth, deeply intertwined with my relationship with my younger brother, Peter. He is ten years old, nonverbal, and lives with autism and epilepsy. My experiences in various sports have not only been a source of personal joy and development but have also played a significant role in connecting with and supporting Peter. Each sport I've embraced has offered unique lessons and experiences. Soccer and volleyball, my first love in the sporting world, taught me the value of teamwork, resilience, and strategic thinking. They were the fields where I learned to channel my energies and where the complexities of life, including caring for Peter, momentarily paused. Flag football introduced me to a different dynamic of teamwork and agility, while tennis challenged me individually, pushing my limits in precision and endurance. Kickball, often reminiscent of childhood simplicity, underscored that sports can be about unadulterated fun. My openness to trying any sport stems from a drive to constantly challenge myself, to learn, and to grow. This diverse involvement in sports has extended beyond personal fulfillment to profoundly impact my bond with Peter. Sports have provided a platform for connection, transcending the communication barriers posed by his condition. Whether it’s playing a simple game of kickball together or watching a tennis match, these activities bring immeasurable joy to Peter. Observing his excitement during these moments is a powerful reminder of the unifying and inclusive nature of sports. Integrating sports into Peter’s routine has been beneficial. They have helped improve his motor skills, coordination, and overall physical health. More importantly, these activities offer him an avenue for expression and interaction, contributing positively to his emotional and mental well-being. The sheer joy he exhibits in these moments speaks volumes about the positive effects of sports on individuals with special needs. For me, sports have been a mirror, reflecting my strengths and areas for growth. The discipline, perseverance, and spirit of sportsmanship I've developed transcend the playing field, influencing my approach to life's challenges, including those related to Peter's care. Sports have also instilled in me the importance of balance – balancing competitiveness with fun, and personal achievement with teamwork. Moreover, sports have fostered a sense of community and belonging, not just for me but for Peter as well. These shared experiences have been instrumental in bringing us closer, providing common ground for enjoyment and interaction. Witnessing Peter's enthusiasm for sports, his eagerness to be involved, and his enjoyment of these activities, reaffirms the inclusive and transformative power of sports. In summary, my passion for sports and my commitment to sharing this with Peter have been pivotal in our lives. Sports have served as an escape, a source of joy, and a tool for learning and bonding. They have provided unique ways to connect with Peter, enhancing both our lives. As I continue to engage in various sports, I remain dedicated to involving Peter in these experiences, using sports as a means to support his development, happiness, and mutual understanding and connection.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    My life has been profoundly shaped by experiencing socioeconomic adversity, a journey that has not only defined my character but also my aspirations to positively impact my community and school. Growing up in a family that faced financial struggles, especially as we navigated the complexities of caring for my younger brother Peter, who has autism and epilepsy and is non-verbal, has imbued me with a deep understanding of the challenges that come with limited resources. This exposure to socioeconomic adversity has instilled in me a strong sense of empathy and a determination to help those in similar situations. Witnessing my family's resilience in the face of financial constraints, particularly my parents' relentless effort to provide for us and ensure Peter received the care he needed, has profoundly influenced my beliefs and relationships. It has taught me the value of community support, the importance of perseverance, and the impact of small acts of kindness. These experiences have shaped my approach to life and my plans. I am committed to using my education and future career to make a positive impact in communities facing socioeconomic adversity. As a student, I plan to engage actively in community service initiatives and advocacy programs that address these challenges. My goal is to create and participate in projects that provide support and resources to families struggling with financial hardships, especially those with members who have special needs. In school, I aim to raise awareness about the realities of socioeconomic adversity and its impact on families. This involves organizing events, workshops, or seminars that educate my peers about these issues and encourage them to get involved in community service. I believe that fostering a culture of empathy and understanding within the school environment is crucial to creating a supportive community. Moreover, my experiences have driven me to pursue a career in speech pathology, focusing on assisting children with special needs. I envision using my professional skills not only to provide therapeutic services but also to advocate for affordable and accessible healthcare for families facing economic challenges. I aim to work with community centers, schools, and healthcare facilities to develop programs that offer affordable speech therapy and support services. In addition to my professional goals, I plan to be a mentor and a role model for young people who come from similar backgrounds. I want to share my experiences and the lessons I've learned to inspire and guide others facing socioeconomic adversity. By showing that it is possible to overcome these challenges and achieve one's goals, I hope to encourage and empower others to pursue their dreams despite financial obstacles. Furthermore, experiencing socioeconomic adversity has reinforced my belief in the importance of policy change to address systemic issues. In the future, I intend to be involved in advocacy at a higher level, working towards policies that provide better support for low-income families, especially those with special needs children. This includes advocating for better educational opportunities, healthcare access, and social welfare programs. In conclusion, my personal experiences with socioeconomic adversity have not only shaped my beliefs and relationships but have also directed my plans. I am determined to use my education and career to make a positive impact in communities facing similar challenges. Through community service, advocacy, and professional dedication, I aim to contribute to alleviating socioeconomic adversity and supporting families who are navigating these challenges. My journey is a testament to the idea that adversity can be transformed into a driving force for positive change and community upliftment.
    Frank and Patty Skerl Educational Scholarship for the Physically Disabled
    My deep connection with the disabled community, particularly through my experiences with my younger brother Peter, who has autism and epilepsy and is non-verbal, has profoundly shaped my view of the world and influenced my future endeavors. Being closely involved with Peter's care and witnessing the challenges he faces daily has offered me a unique perspective on life, one that emphasizes empathy, resilience, and the importance of advocacy. This exposure to the disabled community has broadened my understanding of the diverse experiences and struggles that individuals with disabilities encounter. It has made me more aware of the societal barriers, prejudices, and often overlooked needs that they face. This awareness has shifted my worldview to be more inclusive and considerate of the challenges encountered by individuals with disabilities. It has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility to contribute positively to their lives and to work towards a more accommodating and understanding society. My experiences with Peter have also taught me about the strength and resilience that often characterizes the disabled community. Despite the numerous challenges, there is a persistent spirit of perseverance and hope that is both inspiring and humbling. This has influenced my approach to life, teaching me the value of persistence, the beauty of celebrating small victories, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook in the face of adversity. In my future endeavors, I plan to utilize these experiences and insights to make a tangible difference. My goal is to become a speech pathologist, focusing particularly on children with special needs. This career path is not only a professional choice but a personal mission to ensure that children like Peter have the support and resources they need to communicate effectively and lead fulfilling lives. In this role, I intend to apply my firsthand knowledge and understanding of the disabled community to provide compassionate and effective care. My experiences have equipped me with a unique perspective that I believe will be beneficial in understanding and addressing the needs of my clients. I plan to use my skills not only to aid in their communication development but also to advocate for their rights and needs within the broader community. Furthermore, I aim to be an advocate for change, using my voice and experiences to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the disabled community. I believe that education and advocacy are key to fostering a more inclusive and understanding society. By sharing my experiences and the lessons I have learned, I hope to contribute to greater societal recognition and accommodation of the needs of individuals with disabilities. Additionally, I see my role as extending beyond the clinical setting. I aspire to be involved in community outreach and policy advocacy, working towards systemic changes that improve accessibility, support, and resources for individuals with disabilities. This includes advocating for better educational opportunities, healthcare access, and societal integration. In conclusion, being a part of the disabled community has not only changed my view of the world but has also given me a clear direction for my future. It has instilled in me a passion for helping those with communication disorders and a commitment to advocacy and change. My experiences have taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, empathy, and the importance of a supportive community. I am determined to use these lessons to positively impact my future endeavors, striving to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and to contribute to a more inclusive and understanding world.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    Reflecting on the women who have shaped my life, the most profound influence has been my mother. Her journey, marked by resilience and determination, has not only inspired me but has also been a cornerstone of support in my education and career path. As an immigrant who left her country due to war, her story is one of courage and sacrifice, a narrative that has deeply impacted my aspirations and values. My mother's decision to leave her homeland was driven by the desire for a better life for her family, a testament to her foresight and strength. Arriving in America, she faced numerous challenges, from cultural adjustments to financial hardships. However, her resolve never wavered, and her experiences laid a foundation of resilience and perseverance in our family. Her journey has been a constant reminder to me of the power of determination and the importance of seizing opportunities, especially in education. The challenges she faced were further compounded when my younger brother, Peter, was diagnosed with autism and epilepsy and is non-verbal. Peter's condition required special care and attention, which my mother provided tirelessly. Watching her navigate his healthcare, education, and daily needs, often in a system that was unfamiliar and sometimes unsupportive, was both heart-wrenching and inspiring. Her unwavering dedication to Peter's well-being highlighted the depth of her strength and compassion, qualities that have deeply influenced my own life choices. In terms of my education, my mother has been a relentless advocate. She and my father, particularly my mother, have always emphasized the importance of education as a pathway to a better life. Her belief in education stems from her own experiences as an immigrant – recognizing it as a tool for empowerment and change. Her encouragement and support have been pivotal in my pursuit of higher education, especially as I navigate the challenges and pressures of college life. Her influence extends beyond just advocating for academic success; she has instilled in me a sense of purpose and responsibility. Her journey has taught me the value of hard work, the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, and the power of a positive mindset. These lessons have been instrumental in shaping my career goals and my approach to challenges, both academic and personal. Moreover, my mother's experience with Peter has significantly shaped my career choice. Her dedication to his care, and the challenges she faced in securing the right support for him, exposed me to the world of special needs education and healthcare. This exposure ignited a passion in me to pursue a career in speech pathology, where I can make a meaningful impact in the lives of children like Peter. Her journey has not only guided my career choice but has also provided me with a unique perspective on the needs and challenges faced by families of children with special needs. In essence, my mother's journey from an immigrant fleeing war to establishing a life in America for the betterment of her family has been a source of constant inspiration and support. Her resilience in the face of adversity, her dedication to our family, and her unwavering belief in the power of education have profoundly influenced my educational pursuits and career aspirations. Her story is a testament to the strength and sacrifice of countless mothers who, like her, have overcome incredible odds to provide their children with opportunities for a better life. Her influence on my life is immeasurable, and I carry her lessons, values, and spirit with me in every step of my journey.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    I am a student deeply committed to making a meaningful impact in the field of speech pathology, a passion that stems from personal experience and a strong sense of social responsibility. My journey towards this goal is not just a career path but a reflection of my core values and my desire to contribute positively to the world. My interest in speech pathology was sparked by my experiences with my younger brother, Peter, who is ten years old, nonverbal, and has autism and epilepsy. Growing up with Peter, I witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by individuals with communication disorders and the profound impact that specialized care can have on their lives. This experience has not only given me a unique perspective but has also instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to helping those with similar challenges. In pursuit of my goal, I am currently studying speech pathology in college. This field fascinates me because it blends science and compassion, requiring a deep understanding of linguistics, psychology, and healthcare to effectively assist those with communication difficulties. My academic journey is supplemented with practical experiences, such as internships and volunteer work, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing the skills and confidence needed to be an effective speech pathologist. My plan to make a positive impact in my career involves several key goals. Firstly, I aim to provide high-quality, individualized care to children with speech and language disorders. By working directly with these children, I hope to not only improve their communication skills but also boost their confidence and independence. I envision a career where I can use innovative therapies and interventions to help children like Peter find their voice and express themselves. Beyond individual therapy, I am passionate about advocacy and community education. I believe that creating a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with special needs requires raising awareness and understanding among the general public. Therefore, part of my mission is to engage in community outreach programs, educating people about the challenges faced by those with speech and language disorders and the importance of early intervention. I also plan to advocate for policy changes that improve access to speech therapy and related services, particularly for underserved communities. By working towards systemic change, I hope to contribute to a world where quality speech therapy is accessible to all who need it, regardless of their background or financial situation. Another aspect of my plan to make a positive impact is to be a role model and mentor, especially for those who may be the first in their families to pursue higher education or a healthcare career. By sharing my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned, I hope to inspire and guide others who are navigating similar paths. I believe that empowering others to achieve their goals is a vital part of making a lasting positive impact. In conclusion, my plan to make a positive impact on the world through my career in speech pathology is multifaceted. It involves providing compassionate, individualized care, advocating for systemic changes, engaging in community education, and serving as a mentor and role model. My journey is driven by a combination of personal experience, academic pursuit, and a deep-seated desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Through my career, I aim to not only improve the lives of individuals with speech and language disorders but also to create a more inclusive, understanding, and supportive world for them
    Veerappan Memorial Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, to help children with special needs find their own voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
    Dr. Christine Lawther First in the Family Scholarship
    Being the first in my family to obtain a college degree carries a profound sense of pride, responsibility, and hope. It represents breaking new ground, setting a precedent for future generations, and honoring the sacrifices and dreams of my family. This achievement is not just a personal milestone; it symbolizes the culmination of my family's collective aspirations and the beginning of a new chapter in our legacy. It's a testament to the belief that through hard work and determination, barriers can be broken and new paths can be forged. In college, I am pursuing a degree in speech pathology, a decision deeply influenced by my personal experiences with my younger brother, Peter. Peter is ten years old, nonverbal, has autism, and suffers from epilepsy. Witnessing his challenges and the profound impact that specialized care and support can have on individuals like him has ignited a passion in me to help those with similar difficulties. I aim to understand the intricacies of speech and language disorders and to acquire the skills necessary to provide effective therapy and support to those in need. The field of speech pathology fascinates me because it intersects with various disciplines like linguistics, psychology, and health sciences, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding and aiding human communication. In college, I am immersing myself in courses that cover a range of topics, from the development of speech and language to the use of assistive technologies in speech therapy. I am also taking advantage of opportunities to gain practical experience, such as internships and volunteering at local clinics and schools. These experiences are not only enriching my academic knowledge but are also providing me with invaluable hands-on experience. My long-term goal is to become a licensed speech pathologist specializing in working with children with special needs, particularly those who are nonverbal. I envision a career where I can apply my skills and knowledge to make a tangible difference in the lives of these children and their families. I aim to work in an environment where I can contribute to the development of innovative therapies and interventions, staying abreast of the latest research and advancements in the field. Beyond my professional aspirations, I have a broader goal of advocating for better support systems and resources for individuals with speech and language disorders. I want to be involved in community outreach programs, raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and the importance of early intervention and specialized care. Part of this advocacy involves working towards policy changes that ensure better access to speech therapy and related services, particularly for underserved communities. Additionally, as the first college graduate in my family, I have a long-term goal of being a role model and a source of inspiration for my siblings, cousins, and the wider community. I want to demonstrate that with perseverance and dedication, educational and professional aspirations are attainable, regardless of one's background. I hope to mentor and guide others who may be aspiring to break similar barriers, sharing my experiences and lessons learned along the way. In conclusion, being the first in my family to obtain a college degree is a badge of honor that carries with it a sense of duty and purpose. My pursuit of a degree in speech pathology and my long-term goals are deeply interwoven with this responsibility. They reflect my commitment to making a difference in the field of speech therapy, advocating for those with speech and language disorders, and inspiring others in my family and community to pursue their educational and professional dreams.
    Online Learning Innovator Scholarship
    In my journey to become a speech pathologist, a field deeply inspired by my experiences with my younger brother Peter, who is nonverbal and has autism and epilepsy, I have heavily relied on various online platforms, tools, and resources. These digital assets have not only enriched my understanding of speech pathology and special needs education but have also been instrumental in applying this knowledge practically and effectively. Firstly, academic databases like PubMed and Google Scholar have been invaluable. They provide access to a wealth of research papers, case studies, and review articles, offering the latest findings and theoretical advancements in speech pathology and related fields. These resources have allowed me to stay abreast of current trends and practices, enabling me to understand complex topics more deeply. For instance, reading about the latest therapeutic interventions for nonverbal children has given me insights into alternative communication strategies that I could potentially apply in my future practice. Online courses and webinars, particularly those offered on platforms like Coursera and edX, have also played a significant role. These courses, often developed by leading universities and experts in the field, have provided structured and comprehensive learning experiences. They cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of speech and language development to specialized subjects such as neurodiversity and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. The interactive nature of these courses, with their quizzes, discussion forums, and practical assignments, has helped me apply theoretical knowledge in simulated real-world scenarios, enhancing my practical understanding. Additionally, I have utilized specialized speech pathology tools and applications, such as speech therapy apps and AAC software. These tools have given me hands-on experience with the technologies that assist individuals with speech and language impairments. For example, experimenting with AAC apps has helped me understand how nonverbal individuals like Peter can use technology to communicate. This practical application has been crucial in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice. Forums and online communities, including those on social media platforms like LinkedIn and specialized forums like, have also been significant. They provide a platform to connect with peers, experienced professionals, and academics in the field of speech pathology. The exchange of ideas, advice, and experiences in these communities has broadened my perspective, allowing me to learn from real-world case studies and practical challenges faced by professionals in the field. Furthermore, I have found immense value in online video resources, such as YouTube channels dedicated to speech therapy and special education. These videos, often created by experienced speech therapists and educators, offer practical demonstrations and tutorials on various therapy techniques and tools. Watching these videos has helped me visualize and better understand how to apply different strategies in therapy sessions. Lastly, podcasts and webinars hosted by experts in speech pathology and special needs education have been a source of continuous learning. They provide insights into the experiences and approaches of seasoned professionals, offering a blend of academic knowledge and practical wisdom. This has been particularly helpful in understanding the nuances of working with children with special needs, offering perspectives that are not always covered in textbooks. In conclusion, the amalgamation of these diverse online platforms, tools, and resources has played a pivotal role in my educational journey. They have not only enriched my academic understanding but have also provided practical insights and hands-on experiences, crucial for applying my knowledge in real-world scenarios. This blend of theoretical learning and practical application is preparing me to become an effective and compassionate speech pathologist, capable of making a significant difference in the lives of children like Peter.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Success, for me, is defined by the ability to make a substantial and positive impact on the lives of children with special needs, like my younger brother, Peter. He is ten years old, nonverbal, has autism, and suffers from epilepsy, with frequent seizures that have at times been life-threatening. My experiences with Peter have not only shaped my understanding of success but have also charted a clear path for how I intend to achieve it. This opportunity, particularly in the realm of speech pathology, stands as a crucial stepping stone toward realizing my vision of success. To me, success looks like creating a world where children like Peter can thrive. It's about fostering an environment where their unique challenges are not barriers but are understood and accommodated. Success means being able to communicate effectively with nonverbal children, unlocking a world of potential that lies beneath the surface of their silence. It's about advocating for these children and ensuring that they have a voice in a world that often overlooks them. This opportunity to specialize in speech pathology is not just a career choice; it's a commitment to making a real difference in the lives of children who face struggles similar to Peter's. The journey towards this success is deeply personal. Balancing my role as a primary caregiver with my academic pursuits as a full-time college student has been challenging, yet it has provided me with invaluable insights and skills. These experiences have equipped me with patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of nonverbal communication – skills that are essential in the field of speech pathology. This opportunity to further my education and specialize in this field is therefore not just a step towards a professional goal, but a continuation of a personal journey that began with Peter. Success also means changing societal perceptions and fostering inclusivity. It involves educating others about the importance of understanding and embracing individuals with disabilities. This opportunity to study speech pathology provides me with the tools and knowledge to contribute to this societal change. It will enable me to be an advocate for inclusion, educating not only children with special needs but also the society that surrounds them. It's about bridging the gap between these children and the world, creating a mutual understanding and acceptance. Moreover, success in my eyes is synonymous with resilience and perseverance. The challenges I've faced, from managing Peter's health crises to juggling academic responsibilities, have reinforced my determination to succeed in this field. Each obstacle has been a learning experience, strengthening my resolve and sharpening my focus on my goals. This opportunity in speech pathology is a chance to harness this resilience and apply it to a professional setting, where it can benefit others. In a more practical sense, success will also be measured by my ability to provide effective and compassionate care to children with special needs. This opportunity will enhance my clinical skills, broaden my understanding of various speech and communication disorders, and provide me with the latest methodologies and practices in this ever-evolving field. It's about being the best in my profession, not for personal accolades, but to ensure that I can offer the highest quality of care to those who need it most. Finally, success for me is about legacy – the impact that I can leave on the world. It's about being a role model, showing that with empathy, dedication, and education, one can make a tangible difference in the lives of others. This opportunity in speech pathology is a platform for me to build this legacy, to be a voice for the voiceless, and to make a lasting impact in the field of special needs education and care. In conclusion, success for me is a multi-faceted concept deeply rooted in my personal experiences with my brother, Peter. It encompasses professional achievement, societal change, personal growth, and the creation of a lasting positive impact. This opportunity in speech pathology is the key to unlocking this success, providing me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and platform to turn my vision into reality.
    Jennifer Gephart Memorial Working Mothers Scholarship
    Balancing the demands of a full-time college student with the responsibilities of being one of the primary caregivers for my younger brother, Peter, who is nonverbal, has autism, and suffers from epilepsy, has been a challenging yet profoundly shaping experience in my life. This unique journey has not only influenced my academic and career pursuits but has also deeply ingrained in me a sense of purpose and a commitment to advocacy in the field of speech pathology, specifically tailored towards children with special needs. Peter, at the tender age of ten, has faced immense challenges. His condition means that he experiences 2-3 seizures almost daily, with his most severe seizure nearly costing him his life. These experiences with Peter have not only been heart-wrenching but have also opened my eyes to the complexities and the urgent need for specialized care and support for individuals with similar conditions. Observing Peter’s world, understanding his needs, and learning to communicate with him in non-traditional ways has been a transformative experience, steering me toward a career in speech pathology. My goal as a future speech pathologist is not just to provide therapy but to foster an environment where children like Peter are not defined by their disabilities but are celebrated for their individuality and potential. This goal transcends the boundaries of a profession; it is a calling to contribute to a world where diversity, equity, and inclusion are not mere buzzwords but are actively practiced and valued. The path I have chosen is one where every step is geared towards making a tangible difference in the lives of special needs children and their families. The challenges of juggling academics with caregiving have been substantial. There were times when the weight of these responsibilities felt overwhelming, but these experiences have also been incredibly enriching. They have imbued me with patience, resilience, and an acute awareness of the nuances of non-verbal communication. These skills are not just essential for my chosen career but are valuable life lessons that have reshaped my perspective on personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, my experiences have highlighted a significant societal issue: the need for greater understanding and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. This realization has driven me to advocate for a more inclusive approach to education and community interaction. I am motivated by the belief that creating a truly inclusive society requires a dual effort: not only equipping individuals with disabilities with the tools to navigate the world but also educating society at large to understand, accept, and embrace diversity. The journey has not been without its trials, but it has been incredibly rewarding. The strength and joy that Peter exudes, despite his challenges, are a constant source of inspiration. His resilience pushes me to persevere in my studies and fuels my passion for my chosen field. As I progress in my career, I am determined to apply the lessons learned from caring for Peter to help other children with special needs, advocating for their rights, and working tirelessly to ensure they have the opportunities and support necessary to thrive. In summary, my experience as a caregiver and a full-time student has been integral in shaping my career goals. It has taught me the importance of empathy, resilience, and advocacy. As I continue my journey toward becoming a speech pathologist, I carry with me the lessons learned from Peter's life – lessons of courage, perseverance, and the transformative power of love and support. These experiences are not just the foundation of my career; they are the guiding principles that I intend to live by, both professionally and personally.
    Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
    From a young age, faith has been a cornerstone of my life. Growing up in the church, attending every Sunday was not just a routine but a family tradition ingrained by my mother. This early exposure to faith has shaped my life in profound ways. Now, as a first communion teacher, a middle school and high school youth group leader, a Vacation Bible Studies teacher, and a lector at my church, my faith journey has evolved from mere participation to active leadership and mentorship within my religious community. However, the journey has not been without its challenges. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our family, like many others, faced trials that tested our faith. Churches were closed, and as the world grappled with uncertainty and fear, our family battled its turmoil. My younger brother, Peter, who is ten years old, nonverbal, and diagnosed with autism and epilepsy, experienced severe seizures. For almost a year, he suffered 2-3 seizures daily, with his final seizure nearly costing him his life. During this time, I was studying to become a registered nurse. Yet, amidst the chaos and heartache, I sensed that this path was not aligned with God's will for me. I wrestled with feelings of anger and confusion towards God for allowing such suffering to befall my innocent brother. Amidst these trials, my perspective began to shift. The tragedy we experienced brought our family closer than ever before. After Peter's seizures, as the churches reopened post-COVID, I experienced a profound moment of clarity. It felt like a sign from God, steering me towards a new path - to become a speech pathologist working with special needs children. This direction was not just a career choice; it was a calling informed by my experiences and reinforced by my faith. My journey to becoming a speech pathologist is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. My inspiration comes from Peter, whose struggles and triumphs have profoundly shaped my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. I am driven to create a more welcoming world for these children, where their talents are celebrated. This commitment extends beyond professional aspirations; it is a reflection of my faith, which compels me to empathy, understanding, and action. A guiding quote in my work and advocacy is: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This underscores the need for a more inclusive approach in our society. In my future role as a speech pathologist, I plan to address this by working directly with special needs children and educating the community on inclusive interactions. This journey has not only been about academic and professional growth but also significant personal evolution, fostered by my unwavering faith. I have grown more empathetic, patient, and committed to social justice. The knowledge and skills I acquire will be crucial in advancing my professional goals and advocacy efforts. Every step in this journey is a testament to the power of faith, guiding me toward creating a more inclusive world for children with special needs. Through faith, I have found the strength to overcome challenges and the vision to see beyond them, shaping a future where I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these children.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    My journey to becoming a speech pathologist, specifically working with special needs children, is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice within this community. My inspiration comes from my younger brother, Peter, who is ten years old, nonverbal, and diagnosed with autism and epilepsy. Witnessing Peter's struggles and triumphs has profoundly shaped my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. This experience has driven me to dedicate my life to assisting children like him, with a strong desire to make a significant difference. My goal is to create a more welcoming and encouraging world for children with special needs, where their unique talents and potential are recognized and celebrated, rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. In pursuing a career in speech pathology, I am committed to providing these children with the necessary tools, support, and guidance to grow and realize their full potential. By creating a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging, I hope to equip each child with the means to overcome their challenges and joyfully embrace their life's journey. This commitment is not just a professional choice but a lifelong dedication to ensuring that all children with special needs have access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. A quote that often resonates with me in my work and advocacy efforts is: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This statement underscores a significant gap in our approach to inclusion and social justice. It challenges us to rethink our societal attitudes towards disability and inclusion. In my pursuit to become a speech pathologist, I aim to address this gap by not only working directly with children with special needs but also by educating and sensitizing the community about the importance of inclusive interactions. This perspective advocates for a two-way street in inclusion efforts, where the focus isn’t solely on teaching children with disabilities to adapt to the world around them, but also on educating society to adapt to and embrace these children. It emphasizes the need for awareness and education in schools, communities, and workplaces about the value of diversity and the importance of inclusive practices. This approach fosters a more empathetic, understanding, and inclusive society, where children with special needs are not just integrated but are actively accepted and valued. My journey in this field has not only been about academic and professional growth but also a significant personal evolution. I have grown more empathetic, patient, and committed to social justice. My experiences have taught me the importance of understanding each individual's unique experiences and the need to advocate for equitable and inclusive practices. The knowledge and skills I acquire in my studies will be instrumental in advancing my professional goals and my advocacy efforts. Every step in this journey reinforces my belief in the power of empathy, education, and advocacy in creating a more inclusive world for children with special needs.
    John J Costonis Scholarship
    My journey to becoming a speech pathologist, particularly for special needs children, is deeply personal and fueled by a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. The inspiration for this path comes from my younger brother, Peter. He is ten years old, nonverbal, and has been diagnosed with autism and epilepsy. Witnessing his struggles and achievements has profoundly impacted my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. This experience has motivated me to dedicate my life to helping children like Peter, aiming to make a significant difference in their lives. As the first person in my family to pursue a college education, my path has not been without its challenges. The financial burden of higher education is significant, but my determination to achieve my goals and make a difference in the lives of special needs children overrides these challenges. I am committed to creating a world where the unique talents and potential of these children are recognized and celebrated. My goal is to provide them with the tools, support, and guidance they need to grow, achieve independence, and enjoy a sense of belonging. This isn't just a career choice for me, but a lifelong dedication to ensuring that children with special needs have access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. A quote that resonates with me and guides my advocacy efforts is: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This highlights a critical gap in our approach to social justice and inclusion, challenging societal attitudes towards disability. In my pursuit of becoming a speech pathologist, I aim to bridge this gap not only by working directly with children with special needs but also by educating the community on the importance of inclusive interactions. This perspective advocates for a holistic approach to inclusion, focusing on mutual adaptation and understanding between individuals with and without disabilities. It emphasizes the need for awareness and education in schools, communities, and workplaces about the importance of diversity and inclusive practices. This journey has been as much about personal growth as it has been about academic and professional development. I have become more empathetic, patient, and committed to social justice. My experiences have taught me the value of understanding each person's unique experiences and the importance of advocating for equitable and inclusive practices. The knowledge and skills I gain in my studies are crucial for my professional goals and advocacy efforts. Every step in this journey reinforces my belief in the power of empathy, education, and advocacy in creating a more inclusive world for children with special needs. Despite the financial hardships of being a first-generation college student, my resolve remains firm. The cost of education is steep, but the dream I hold - to help as many special needs children as I can feel loved, welcomed, and deserving in this world - is far more valuable. I am determined to make this dream a reality, knowing that the journey will not only fulfill my aspirations but also bring positive change to the lives of many children. My commitment goes beyond professional responsibilities; it is a promise to myself and to every child who, like Peter, deserves a world that understands and values them.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    My journey to becoming a speech pathologist, specifically working with special needs children, is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice within this community. My inspiration comes from my younger brother, Peter, who is ten years old, nonverbal, and diagnosed with autism and epilepsy. Witnessing Peter's struggles and triumphs has profoundly shaped my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. This experience has driven me to dedicate my life to assisting children like him, with a strong desire to make a significant difference. My goal is to create a more welcoming and encouraging world for children with special needs, where their unique talents and potential are recognized and celebrated, rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. In pursuing a career in speech pathology, I am committed to providing these children with the necessary tools, support, and guidance to grow and realize their full potential. By creating a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging, I hope to equip each child with the means to overcome their challenges and joyfully embrace their life's journey. This commitment is not just a professional choice but a lifelong dedication to ensuring that all children with special needs have access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. A quote that often resonates with me in my work and advocacy efforts is: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This statement underscores a significant gap in our approach to inclusion and social justice. It challenges us to rethink our societal attitudes towards disability and inclusion. In my pursuit to become a speech pathologist, I aim to address this gap by not only working directly with children with special needs but also by educating and sensitizing the community about the importance of inclusive interactions. This perspective advocates for a two-way street in inclusion efforts, where the focus isn’t solely on teaching children with disabilities to adapt to the world around them, but also on educating society to adapt to and embrace these children. It emphasizes the need for awareness and education in schools, communities, and workplaces about the value of diversity and the importance of inclusive practices. This approach fosters a more empathetic, understanding, and inclusive society, where children with special needs are not just integrated but are actively accepted and valued. My journey in this field has not only been about academic and professional growth but also a significant personal evolution. I have grown more empathetic, patient, and committed to social justice. My experiences have taught me the importance of understanding each individual's unique experiences and the need to advocate for equitable and inclusive practices. The knowledge and skills I acquire in my studies will be instrumental in advancing my professional goals and my advocacy efforts. Every step in this journey reinforces my belief in the power of empathy, education, and advocacy in creating a more inclusive world for children with special needs.
    Journey 180 Planner Changemaker Scholarship
    My journey to becoming a speech pathologist, specifically working with special needs children, is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice within this community. My inspiration comes from my younger brother, Peter, who is ten years old, nonverbal, and diagnosed with autism and epilepsy. Witnessing Peter's struggles and triumphs has profoundly shaped my understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. This experience has driven me to dedicate my life to assisting children like him, with a strong desire to make a significant difference. My goal is to create a more welcoming and encouraging world for children with special needs, where their unique talents and potential are recognized and celebrated, rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. In pursuing a career in speech pathology, I am committed to providing these children with the necessary tools, support, and guidance to grow and realize their full potential. By creating a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging, I hope to equip each child with the means to overcome their challenges and joyfully embrace their life's journey. This commitment is not just a professional choice but a lifelong dedication to ensuring that all children with special needs have access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. A quote that often resonates with me in my work and advocacy efforts is: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This statement underscores a significant gap in our approach to inclusion and social justice. It challenges us to rethink our societal attitudes towards disability and inclusion. In my pursuit to become a speech pathologist, I aim to address this gap by not only working directly with children with special needs but also by educating and sensitizing the community about the importance of inclusive interactions. This perspective advocates for a two-way street in inclusion efforts, where the focus isn’t solely on teaching children with disabilities to adapt to the world around them, but also on educating society to adapt to and embrace these children. It emphasizes the need for awareness and education in schools, communities, and workplaces about the value of diversity and the importance of inclusive practices. This approach fosters a more empathetic, understanding, and inclusive society, where children with special needs are not just integrated but are actively accepted and valued. My journey in this field has not only been about academic and professional growth but also a significant personal evolution. I have grown more empathetic, patient, and committed to social justice. My experiences have taught me the importance of understanding each individual's unique experiences and the need to advocate for equitable and inclusive practices. The knowledge and skills I acquire in my studies will be instrumental in advancing my professional goals and my advocacy efforts. Every step in this journey reinforces my belief in the power of empathy, education, and advocacy in creating a more inclusive world for children with special needs.
    In Memory of Liv Scholarship
    As a Chaldean and the first in my family to attend college, my journey has been a remarkable blend of challenge and inspiration. My role as a trailblazer in higher education has been shaped by overcoming the challenges of being a first-generation college student, while simultaneously carrying the hopes and dreams of my entire family. The unwavering belief in the power of education, ingrained by my parents, is reflected in every academic achievement I have attained. My academic career at San Diego State University, particularly in speech pathology, is not just a professional choice but a deeply personal mission, molded by my family's experiences. This journey was profoundly influenced by my younger brother, Peter, who at ten years old is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles have sharpened my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and ignited my commitment to speech pathology. As one of Peter’s primary caregivers, I have intimately experienced the complexities and dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. These experiences have driven my aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California, a path requiring the completion of both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. This educational journey is academically demanding and poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is crucial for easing the burden on my family and concentrating on my academic and professional growth. It represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to creating a world attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and underscored the need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the challenges faced by individuals with special needs. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, enhancing the lives of children like Peter, and ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated. This commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow and thrive. If I could walk in someone’s shoes for one day, it would be Peter’s. Experiencing the world from his perspective would provide invaluable insights into the challenges and joys he encounters daily. Understanding his viewpoint would deepen my empathy and enhance my ability to develop effective communication strategies and therapies tailored to his and similar children's needs. Walking in Peter’s shoes, even for a day, would be a profound learning experience, reinforcing my commitment to being a voice for those like him and helping children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, to create a world where every child with special needs has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.
    Rose Ifebigh Memorial Scholarship
    I am a first-generation college student from a Chaldean (Middle Eastern) background, currently studying at San Diego State University. As the first in my family to pursue higher education, my journey has been both challenging and inspiring. Being the eldest in a traditional Middle Eastern family, I've had to navigate the complexities of a new academic world while carrying the hopes and dreams of my entire family. This experience has been a testament to my resilience and determination. The unwavering belief in the power of education instilled by my parents is mirrored in every academic milestone I achieve. My academic journey is not just a personal endeavor; it connects my family's past with their aspirations for our future. Life as an immigrant student in the U.S. has been a blend of opportunity and challenge. Integrating into a new cultural and educational environment while maintaining my cultural identity has been a unique experience. It has taught me the importance of adaptability and perseverance. I have learned about the diverse perspectives that shape our world, which has broadened my understanding and appreciation of different cultures, including my own. This journey has also highlighted the stark contrasts and similarities between my home country and the U.S., especially in terms of educational opportunities and societal norms. My choice to pursue a career in speech pathology is deeply personal, and rooted in my family's experiences. The catalyst for this decision was my younger brother, Peter, who is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His struggles with communication and the impact of his condition on our family life have profoundly influenced my career path. Serving as one of his primary caregivers, I have gained firsthand experience in the complexities of supporting someone with special needs. This role, coupled with the academic challenges of pursuing a speech pathology degree, underlines the commitment and passion I have for this field. The financial aspect of this educational journey is significant, particularly as it involves completing both a bachelor's and a master's degree. Securing financial support is crucial in easing the burden on my family and allowing me to focus on my academic and professional development. This support is not just an investment in my future but also the future of children with special needs. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my understanding of disability, emphasizing the need for empathy, understanding, and innovative communication strategies. My ambition is to develop therapies that enhance the lives of children with similar conditions, ensuring they have a voice in a world often unprepared for their unique challenges. I envision creating an inclusive environment where the abilities of children with special needs are celebrated. This mission extends beyond professional obligations; it's a lifelong dedication to helping these children achieve their full potential in a nurturing environment. The financial assistance I seek is vital not just for my education but for realizing my aspiration to advocate for and aid children like Peter, helping them find their voices and thrive. My journey with Peter constantly reminds me of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has the opportunity to succeed.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, and to help children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive. A quote I think about a lot that I wanted to share: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This statement makes me think, and I think it deserves more attention.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    From Aversion to Obsession: My Journey Through Worlds of Words For years, books were my nemesis. I saw them as nothing more than monotonous stacks of paper, symbols of enforced learning that I avoided like the plague. The very thought of reading for pleasure was foreign, almost laughable. That was until a transformative encounter in my freshman year of high school with Mrs. Mechecka, a teacher who unknowingly set me on a path of literary exploration, self-discovery, and insatiable curiosity. I remember walking into Mrs. Mechecka's English class with a sense of dread, anticipating another year of tedious reading. However, she saw something in me that I had yet to discover – a latent love for stories. She introduced me to Colleen Hoover's "Slammed" series, and with a mix of reluctance and curiosity, I opened the first page. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous. The words leaped off the page, pulling me into a world of intense emotion, relatable characters, and captivating narratives. It was as if a dam had burst within me, releasing a torrent of latent passion for reading I never knew existed. From that moment, my relationship with books transformed dramatically. I became an avid reader, devouring stories with a zeal that astonished everyone, including myself. My freshman year saw me completing an astounding 210 books, immersing myself in diverse genres and styles. Although my sophomore year was more demanding academically, reducing my count to 150 books, my enthusiasm for reading never waned. Every spare moment became an opportunity to escape into another world, to live lives vastly different from my own. As a 20-year-old woman, books have played a monumental role in shaping who I am. They have been my constant companions, guiding me through the tumultuous journey of adolescence into adulthood. Reading has allowed me to live multiple lives, to experience the world through countless perspectives. I've felt the heartbreak of characters as if it were my own, laughed at their humor, and learned from their journeys. Books have been a haven, a source of comfort during challenging times, and a means of broadening my understanding of the world. Each story has left an indelible mark on me, teaching me empathy, resilience, and the power of the human spirit. Through characters' eyes, I've traversed different cultures, periods, and social settings, gaining insights that have profoundly influenced my worldview. Reading has honed my critical thinking skills, enhanced my creativity, and deepened my appreciation for the complexity of human emotions and experiences. Moreover, books have been instrumental in developing my sense of identity. They've provided me with the courage to explore and embrace my uniqueness, to question norms, and to seek my path in life. The myriad of characters I've encountered in my reading adventures has inspired me to be braver, kinder, and more understanding. In conclusion, my journey from a staunch book avoider to a passionate book lover has been transformative. What started as a reluctant encounter with a single book series in freshman year unfolded into a lifelong love affair with literature. Books have not only enriched my life with endless adventures and emotions but also played a pivotal role in molding me into the introspective, empathetic, and curious woman I am today. They have taught me that life is not just about the path one walks but also about the multitude of paths one experiences through the magical world of reading.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    At San Diego State University, my pursuit of a career in speech pathology transcends a mere professional choice; it's a deeply personal mission, inspired and molded by my family experiences. The catalyst for this profound journey was my younger brother, Peter. At only ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. His daily struggles and the significant impact of these conditions on his communication abilities have profoundly influenced my life, sharpening my sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals with special needs and igniting a passionate commitment to speech pathology. Serving as one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've intimately encountered the complexities and the extensive dedication involved in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while immensely fulfilling, presents unique challenges, particularly in harmonizing these responsibilities with my academic endeavors. My aspiration to become a licensed speech pathologist in California demands completion of both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the field, a pathway pivotal in equipping me with the necessary skills to effectively aid and impact the lives of children like Peter. This path is not only academically demanding but also poses significant financial challenges. The financial support I seek is critical in facilitating this educational journey. It would cover tuition fees and essential materials for both my undergraduate and graduate studies, significantly easing the financial burden on my family and allowing me to concentrate more fully on my academic and professional growth. This support represents an investment in the future of children with special needs, reflecting a commitment to shaping a world more attuned to their unique challenges and potential. My experiences with Peter have reshaped my perception of disability and highlighted the critical need for empathy, understanding, and advocacy in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs. Witnessing his seizures and the complexities of his nonverbal communication has profoundly altered my perspective on life, instilling a determination to dedicate myself to the service of children with similar conditions. My goal is to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies, leveraging the knowledge and skills gained through my education to enhance the lives of these children, ensuring they have the means to express themselves in a world often oblivious to their distinct needs. I am driven by the vision of creating a more inclusive, understanding, and empowering environment for children with special needs, where their talents and potential are celebrated rather than overshadowed by their difficulties. My commitment extends beyond professional obligations; it is a lifelong dedication to providing the necessary tools, support, and guidance to help these children grow, achieve their full potential, and joyfully navigate their life's journey in a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. This financial assistance is not just crucial for advancing my education; it is integral to realizing my aspiration to be a voice for those like Peter, and to help children with special needs find their voices. Every day, as I support and learn from my brother, I am reminded of the importance of this mission, a mission to create a world where every child with special needs has access to the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    My decision to transition from nursing to speech pathology was profoundly influenced by my personal experiences with my younger brother, Peter. At just ten years old, Peter is nonverbal, diagnosed with autism, and battles epilepsy. Witnessing his struggles and challenges in communication has deeply impacted me and ignited my passion for speech pathology. His journey has not only heightened my awareness of the unique difficulties faced by individuals with special needs but also fueled my dedication to this field. As a primary caregiver for Peter, I have firsthand experience with the complexities and immense dedication required in supporting someone with special needs. This role has been incredibly rewarding, yet it comes with its own challenges, particularly in balancing caregiving responsibilities with academic pursuits. My journey toward becoming a licensed speech pathologist in California – which necessitates completing both a bachelor's and a master's degree – has been both academically and financially demanding. Choosing a career in speech pathology marked a significant divergence from the traditional paths of medicine, law, or engineering, typically favored in my Middle Eastern family. Leaving nursing to specialize in helping special needs children was met with considerable resistance from my family, who saw it as a deviation from cultural norms. Despite this opposition, I remained steadfast in my belief in the impact and importance of this profession. The journey, though fraught with doubt and isolation, reinforced my determination and taught me the importance of perseverance and trusting my instincts. This adversity profoundly shaped my goals and aspirations. It instilled in me a deeper sense of empathy and commitment to advocating for my patients. It also broadened my perspective on success and fulfillment, emphasizing that true achievement lies in following one’s passion and making a positive impact on others. Overcoming these challenges has not only guided my professional path but also fundamentally influenced my life approach, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning. My brother's condition drastically changed my outlook on life, making me acutely aware of the vulnerability of his health and the complexities of his nonverbal communication. Believing strongly in the power of empathy, understanding, and advocacy, I've dedicated my life to assisting children with special needs. Witnessing the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, or other conditions has driven me to create a more welcoming and encouraging world for these children. I am committed to providing the tools, support, and guidance needed for them to flourish and realize their full potential. My goal is to create an environment that fosters growth, independence, and a sense of belonging, equipping each child with the means to surmount challenges and embrace their journey with joy. This lifelong commitment to aiding children with special needs is more than a career choice; it's a dedication to shaping a world where every child has access to the opportunities and support they require to thrive. A quote I think about a lot that I wanted to share: "A child with disabilities often spends hours being taught how to interact with others... but why don't we spend time teaching those without disabilities how to interact with them?" This statement makes me think, and I think it deserves more attention.
    FAR Impact Scholarship
    My inspiration to switch from nursing to speech pathology stemmed from a very personal experience–my younger brother, Peter. Peter, who is only just ten years old, and is nonverbal, has been diagnosed with autism and suffers from epilepsy. Witnessing his struggles and the impact of these conditions on his ability to communicate effectively has deeply affected me. My interactions with Peter have not only heightened my awareness of the challenges faced by individuals with special needs but have also fueled my passion for speech pathology. As one of Peter's primary caregivers, I've experienced firsthand the complexities and the immense dedication required in supporting someone with special needs. This role, while incredibly rewarding, comes with its own set of challenges. Balancing my responsibilities as a caregiver with my academic pursuits has been a rigorous journey. However, it has also reinforced my resolve to advocate for and aid those who face similar challenges as my brother. To become a licensed speech pathologist in California, I must complete both a bachelor's and a master's degree. This educational path is essential to provide me with the skills to effectively support and make a difference in lives like Peter's. It's a challenging journey, both academically and financially. The financial assistance I seek is crucial for funding my education. It will cover tuition for my undergraduate and graduate studies, and other essential materials and resources. This support would greatly reduce the financial burden on my family, allowing me to concentrate on my academic and career goals. Receiving this support would not just be an investment in my education; it would be an investment in the future of children with special needs. My ultimate goal is to utilize the skills and knowledge acquired through my studies to develop innovative communication strategies and therapies. I am committed to improving the lives of children like Peter, giving them a voice and the means to express themselves in a world that often overlooks their unique challenges. Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you’re needed by someone. Seeing my nonverbal brother experience seizure after seizure completely changed my outlook on life, which also made me realize how vulnerable his health is and how complicated his nonverbal situation is. Because I believe in the power of empathy, comprehension, and advocacy, I have decided to devote my life to assisting children with special needs. I strongly desire to make a difference after seeing the distinct difficulties of people with special needs, whether they have autism, developmental disabilities, or other conditions. I am motivated by the need to make this world for these kids more welcoming and encouraging, where their unique talents and potential are valued rather than defined by their difficulties. With my devotion, I want to give people the tools, support, and direction they need to grow and realize their full potential. I hope to give each kid the tools they need to overcome challenges and joyfully embrace their journey by creating a supportive environment fostering growth, independence, and a sense of belonging. I intend to devote the rest of my life to this cause to help create a world where all children with special needs have access to the opportunities and support they need. This financial support would be a pivotal step in my journey to becoming a speech pathologist. It would enable me to advance my education, alleviate the financial strain of being a primary caregiver, and bring me closer to my goal of helping children with special needs find their voice, just as I strive to do every day with Peter.
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    Magic Meets the Stage: A 'Wizards of Waverly Place' and 'Hannah Montana' Crossover Spectacle In the realm of Disney Channel shows the idea of a crossover episode often sparks a delightful excitement among fans. Two of my all-time favorites, 'Wizards of Waverly Place' and 'Hannah Montana,' possess unique charm and magic. Bringing these two worlds together not only promises a blend of humor and enchantment but also opens the door to a heartwarming and sincere exploration of friendship, identity, and the challenges of growing up. The crossover episode, aptly titled "Magic Meets the Stage," weaves a narrative where the mystical realm of wizards intersects with the glittering world of pop stardom. The plot unfolds as Alex Russo, the quick-witted and sometimes mischievous wizard from 'Wizards of Waverly Place,' accidentally transports herself to the world of 'Hannah Montana' during a spell gone awry. She finds herself backstage at one of Hannah Montana’s concerts, just as Miley Stewart struggles with the overwhelming pressure of her double life as a normal teenager and a pop star. The mix-up leads to a series of humorous and enlightening encounters as Alex navigates this new world of fame, fans, and the frenzy of the music industry, all while trying to find a way back home. Alex, in her usual adventurous spirit, decides to explore this new world. She stumbles upon Miley Stewart and, in true Russo fashion, accidentally reveals her wizardry. Miley, initially shocked, becomes fascinated by Alex's magical abilities and her life in the wizarding world. In turn, Alex is drawn to Miley's down-to-earth personality and her talent as Hannah Montana. Despite their different lives, they find common ground in the challenges of balancing their extraordinary abilities with their desire for a normal teenage life. The heart of the episode lies in the friendship that develops between Alex and Miley. They share their fears, dreams, and the often humorous mishaps that come with leading a double life. Miley confides in Alex about the struggles of keeping her identity as Hannah Montana a secret, while Alex shares her own experiences of keeping her wizardry under wraps. They realize that despite their different worlds, they face similar challenges. The climax of the episode arrives as a magical mishap by Alex accidentally exposes Miley's secret identity during a concert. In a moment of panic and unity, Alex and Miley work together to fix the situation. Alex uses her wizardry to reverse time, allowing Miley to perform without revealing her secret. This act of selflessness cements their bond, showing that true friendship transcends the boundaries of their very different worlds. As the episode draws to a close, Alex prepares to return to her world. The friends share a heartfelt goodbye, with Miley expressing her gratitude for the unique perspective Alex has brought into her life. Alex leaves, having learned a valuable lesson about the power of empathy and understanding in friendships. In "Magic Meets the Stage," the crossover between 'Wizards of Waverly Place' and 'Hannah Montana' offers more than just a blend of magic and music. It presents a sincere and genuine exploration of teenage struggles, the value of friendship, and the realization that sometimes, the most magical experiences come from understanding and connecting with someone from a seemingly different world. This episode would not only delight fans of both shows but also leave a lasting impression about the universality of growing up and finding one's place in the world.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    In the Heart of the Waves: My Alliance with Team Conrad In the enthralling narrative of "The Summer I Turned Pretty," the hearts of readers are often torn between the charming Jeremiah and the introspective Conrad. As the waves of the story ebb and flow, my allegiance firmly anchors with Team Conrad. This choice is not just a preference for a character but a reflection of a deeper connection to Conrad's journey, one that resonates with the complexities of my own experiences. Conrad, the older Fisher brother, initially presents himself as enigmatic and somewhat distant. But beneath this exterior lies a depth of character that is both compelling and profoundly relatable. In Conrad, we see the embodiment of internal struggle, the weight of unspoken responsibility, and the silent battle with personal demons. His character is a mirror reflecting the challenges of those who often carry burdens in silence, resonating with anyone who has felt the pressure of unvoiced expectations. One pivotal moment that cements my alliance with Team Conrad is his handling of familial pressures. Conrad's struggle with his father's expectations and the untimely illness of his mother paints him as a character grappling with realities that force maturity beyond his years. This is particularly evident in the subtle ways he tries to shield his family from his pain, a trait I find both heartbreaking and admirable. It speaks to a silent strength, a quality that often goes unnoticed but deserves recognition and empathy. Another aspect of Conrad's character that draws me to his side is his complex relationship with Belly. His love for her is nuanced and evolves. Unlike Jeremiah's more straightforward affection, Conrad's feelings are interwoven with a sense of timing and fate. His hesitance, often mistaken for indifference, is a testament to his introspective nature. He's cautious, not because he cares less, but perhaps because he cares more deeply. This depth of emotion, the understanding that love is both timing and feeling, makes Conrad's character not only intriguing but deeply human. Moreover, Conrad's evolution throughout the series is a journey of self-discovery and eventual vulnerability. He represents the often difficult path of learning to open up, confront one's fears and insecurities, and ultimately allow oneself to be vulnerable. This journey is a powerful reminder that strength is not just in resilience but also in the courage to show vulnerability and to grow from it. In contrast to Jeremiah's more easygoing and open demeanor, Conrad's character requires patience to understand, a patience that is richly rewarded as his layers are peeled back. His story is one of complexity and depth, echoing the reality that people are often a tapestry of emotions and experiences. In conclusion, my support for Team Conrad is rooted in a deep appreciation for his complex character. It’s a choice that speaks to the beauty of understanding someone beyond their facade, of recognizing the silent battles they fight, and of appreciating the depth of their journey. Conrad's character is a reminder that sometimes, the most profound connections are with those who challenge us to look deeper, to be patient, and to understand that true strength often lies beneath the surface.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    In the tapestry of my life as a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest child, the journey of self-discovery has often mirrored the unpredictable and supernatural adventures of Netflix's 'Stranger Things.' If given the chance to form a squad with three characters from the show to face a new supernatural threat, I would choose Eleven, Dustin, and Hopper. Each of these characters, in their unique way, resonates with different facets of my identity and the challenges I face. Eleven, with her extraordinary powers and her struggle to find where she belongs, echoes my journey of navigating two cultures. Like her, I have often felt out of place, caught between the traditions of my Middle Eastern heritage and the new norms of a Western society. Her resilience in the face of adversity, and her gradual understanding and acceptance of her identity, inspire me. She embodies the strength I strive to possess, the courage to embrace my unique identity as a bridge between two worlds. Dustin, with his unwavering optimism and ingenuity, represents the part of me that tackles challenges with a positive attitude and a resourceful mind. As the oldest child in my family, I have had to be the problem-solver, the beacon of hope and guidance for my siblings. Dustin’s character, always ready with a plan, a gadget, or a quip, reminds me of the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and resourcefulness, regardless of the circumstances. Hopper, the protective and somewhat gruff guardian, symbolizes the role I've often had to assume within my family – the protector, the unspoken guardian. His character demonstrates the balance of strength and sensitivity, mirroring the dual role I play: enforcing rules and boundaries, while also providing emotional support. His evolution from a man haunted by his past to a figure of paternal care and responsibility inspires me to embrace my role with both its challenges and rewards. Forming a squad with these characters from 'Stranger Things would not only provide diverse strengths and perspectives in facing a supernatural threat but also symbolize the multifaceted approach I use in navigating the complexities of my life. Eleven’s resilience, Dustin’s ingenuity, and Hopper’s protective nature reflect the qualities I’ve had to develop as a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest child. This imaginary alliance is more than a strategic combination for battling supernatural forces; it’s a metaphor for the allies I seek in my own life - figures who embody resilience, innovation, and protection. It underscores the importance of embracing diverse traits and perspectives to tackle the challenges I face, whether they are cultural, personal, or societal. In conclusion, forming a squad with Eleven, Dustin, and Hopper from 'Stranger Things' is a reflection of the multi-dimensional approach I have adopted in my life. Their characteristics resonate with the roles and responsibilities I bear and the challenges I navigate as a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest child. This exercise of aligning myself with these characters not only highlights the strengths I possess and need to develop but also uplifts and encourages me to embrace my unique journey of self-discovery and resilience. Like them, I am learning to face the unknown, drawing upon my inner strength, resourcefulness, and protective instincts to chart my course.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    As the autumn leaves begin their dance, turning the world into a mosaic of oranges and reds, my mind drifts to a ritual that has become integral to my fall experience – savoring a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL). This drink resonates deeply with my identity as a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest child. It symbolizes the blend of my rich heritage with the new culture I embrace, telling a tale of tradition, transition, and self-discovery. In my Middle Eastern home, autumn was marked by the aroma of cardamom coffee and freshly baked treats, a testament to our family traditions. These flavors were the threads of our cultural tapestry, weaving stories of generations past. As the eldest child, I was the custodian of these traditions, tasked with bridging our heritage and the new world we were part of. My first encounter with the PSL was more than a mere indulgence; it was a step into an unfamiliar yet inviting world. The creamy texture and the symphony of spices were new to me, a stark contrast to the autumnal flavors of my childhood. This drink became my exploration into American culture, a delightful venture into a world where autumn was synonymous with pumpkins and spice. Embracing the PSL mirrored my journey as a first-generation immigrant, symbolizing my endeavor to find a balance between two distinct worlds. It was a journey of understanding, of integrating the essence of my Middle Eastern roots with the nuances of my American surroundings. Each sip was a step towards crafting my unique identity in this diverse landscape. The PSL also served as a solace in moments of introspection. As the oldest in a Middle Eastern family, I bore the weight of expectations – to be strong, to guide, to seamlessly blend the old with the new. In the quiet of a Starbucks corner, with a PSL in hand, I found a space for contemplation. It was here that I pondered my dual identity, where I could weave the richness of my heritage with the fabric of my new experiences. However, this journey of self-discovery was tinged with moments of melancholy. There were times when I felt adrift, caught between two worlds, fully belonging to neither. The PSL, in these moments, was a poignant reminder of the complexities of my identity, encapsulating the adaptations and the sense of loss that comes with bridging two cultures. With time, the PSL evolved into a symbol of resilience and adaptability. It represented my capacity to honor my roots while embracing new experiences. It became a metaphor for my life – a harmonious blend of the traditional and the contemporary, the familiar and the novel. Over the years, the PSL transitioned from a seasonal novelty to a familiar emblem of comfort. It became a ritual that heralded the arrival of fall, now a season symbolic of change and growth. The PSL stood as a reminder of my evolution – a Middle Eastern woman finding her place in a foreign culture, melding her past with her present to forge a unique path forward. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is far more than a Starbucks fall beverage; it is an integral character in my autumn narrative. It represents my journey as a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest daughter – a journey marked by the fusion of two cultures, the quest for balance, and the discovery of self. It symbolizes the beauty of embracing one’s multifaceted identity, a celebration of the sweetness and complexity of life as an immigrant, and a testament to the richness that emerges from embracing the entirety of who I am.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Finding My Voice in the Melody: How Taylor Swift's Eras Tour Illuminated My Identity As a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest child in my family, my path to self-discovery has been as intricate as it has been challenging. In this complex journey, an unexpected source of inspiration and understanding emerged: Taylor Swift, particularly her transformative Eras Tour. Her music, a beautiful tapestry of storytelling and emotional resonance, became a mirror reflecting my own life experiences, guiding me through the nuances of my identity and providing both solace and empowerment. Navigating the expectations of my heritage and the aspirations of my individuality often placed me at a cultural crossroads. The oldest daughter's role in a traditional Middle Eastern family comes with inherent responsibilities - being a caretaker, a role model, and a cultural liaison. In this balancing act, my dreams and personal identity seemed to fade into the background, struggling for recognition and voice. Taylor Swift's evolution as an artist showcased vividly in her Eras Tour, struck a chord with me. Witnessing her embrace each era - from the youthful country vibes of 'Fearless' to the introspective and mature narratives in 'Folklore' and 'Evermore' - I saw a reflection of my journey. Her music, traversing various themes and emotions, celebrated growth and authenticity. It was a journey of a woman finding her voice in a world quick to define and confine. Her songs became more than melodies; they were messages and lessons. “Shake It Off” taught me resilience in the face of stereotypes and judgments. “The Man” highlighted the gendered struggles I faced, echoing my sentiments about the double standards prevalent in both my cultures. Yet, it was in “Invisible String” that I found a profound connection - the idea that our lives are mysteriously intertwined and that every personal experience is a step towards discovering our true selves. This realization was pivotal. Taylor Swift’s journey through her musical eras mirrored my quest to blend my Middle Eastern roots with my first-generation aspirations. Her unapologetic evolution inspired me to embrace my story's complexities. Her music became a backdrop to my life, a source of courage and inspiration, urging me to explore and celebrate my multifaceted identity. The Eras Tour transcended the bounds of a typical concert series. It was a vivid demonstration of embracing one's entire self. For someone like me, constantly negotiating between two worlds, this was a powerful message. It was an affirmation that my diverse background was not a hurdle but a rich, defining aspect of my life. Through her music, Taylor Swift taught me the power of owning one's voice, not just in song but in the essence of life. Her fearless expression of her truths inspired me to articulate my own story. Her songs became a medium through which I learned to narrate my life, stand up for my dreams, and become a role model for others navigating similar paths. In conclusion, Taylor Swift's Eras Tour was an artistic journey that resonated deeply with my voyage. It helped me understand and embrace the intricacies of being a Middle Eastern, first-generation, oldest woman. Her music, a symphony of diverse experiences, taught me that our differences contribute to the harmony of who we are. Her songs, resonating with empowerment and authenticity, have been a guiding force in my journey to self-discovery and self-expression.