Hobbies and interests
National Honor Society (NHS)
Painting and Studio Art
Drawing And Illustration
Community Service And Volunteering
Linda Corley
Bold Points1x
Linda Corley
Bold Points1x
Hi, my name is Gracie! I'm a high school senior in Georgia, with big dreams for my future! I dream of becoming a character designer for Walt Disney Animation Studios, then possibly becoming an Art college proffessor. My passions include art, drawing, singing, and pursing my faith in Jesus Christ. I believe myself to be a good candidate for scholarship opportunities because I am a straight A student, an over-acheiver, a person full of dreams, and one bursting with determination and drive to make those dreams come true, God willing!
Troup County High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Visual and Performing Arts, General
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Character Designer for Walt Disney Animation Studios
Treetop Adventure Attendant
Callaway Gardens2022 – Present3 yearsLifeguard
Great Wolf Lodge2021 – 2021
Varsity2018 – 20213 years
- Scholarly Athlete Award
Troup High Theatre/Drama
PaintingRudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: The Musical2021 – PresentNational Art Honor Society
Drawing2019 – PresentAP 2D Design
Religious ArtPortfolio of Drawings Depicting My Faith2020 – 2021
Public services
Rosemont Baptist Church — Head Bible Story Teacher/Worship Leader in Pre-K department2021 – PresentVolunteering
Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy — Head of Advertising, Leader2020 – PresentVolunteering
Troup High Ambassadors — Member and Head Advertiser2020 – Present
Future Interests
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
Something I have learned that has changed a perspective in my life is this: looks are NOT everything. Now, this may sound like a lesson we all should know, but how many of us actually apply this to our lives? We, I, stress about how my makeup looks, if my outfit matches the room or if it's trendy, how wide my side looks, "Is my hair perfecly straight?", "Does this dress make me...". All are small things that we let take up WAY too much brain strength and devotion of time. I let my looks control my mood and how my day went.
Appearance has become something society basically praises, whether it's social media or even a Disney movie. But life is so much more than appearance. Beauty is like a flower: radiant when it blooms, but fades away just the same. Our looks fade just as fast as they blossom, but our character remains. If you spend so much time focused on the outside, you won't have the time to take care of the inside and see its struggles, or successes.
As a woman of faith, this lesson goes beyond that. The Lord wants the light of our relationship with Him to shine, not our eyeshadow or our fabulous outfits. The beauty of life fades away, but the glory of Christ and what He does with our lives, my life, remains forevermore. Letting your looks dictate your emotions and your life will destroy you. It's a hard lesson to fully understand, but when you let go, and worry more about WHO you are, life becomes beautiful and more than you ever dreamed it could be. You allow yourself to grow and be able to make a mark on the world, rather than just another pretty face to walk past.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
At Troup County High School, we have a program that teams up with Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy called Peer Leadership. In this program, 11th and 12th graders are given incredible opportunities to not only learn how to be a leader, but also to learn how to serve their community. I have been in this program for 2 years, and it has changed me so much, and allowed me to make an impact on more people than I ever dreamed I could.
Last year, I was appointed head of advertising in our group. I designed the flyers and online ads for an outdoor Drive-Up movie, to raise money for a local relief group for those who have suffered from abuse or domestic violence called Harmony House. My advertisement reached a lot of people and our lot for the movie was packed out! We raised over $1,000 for Harmony House in one night! It was absolutely incredible.
This year, as a senior, the opportunities have grown tremendously. We are currently working on creating an outdoor classroom/sensory garden for our beloved students in the Exceptional Education program. Not only was I chosen to write the project narrative, but I also designed the blueprints for the area, and a mural to be painted on its wall. Their faces when they saw all the designs and plans were precious, and I'll never forget that joy.
This past Christmas I also led a project in a local senior home, Vernon Woods, to hold a surprise Christmas party with goodie bags and Christmas Carols. We had so many donations to make the bags, we had enough to bring them to 3 other homes!
Being able to serve and change my community has been life changing.
Bold Mentor Scholarship
Last summer, God opened doors for me to start mentoring younger girls. I had the opportunity to be a counselor at my church's Christian camp called Camp Viola. It serves less fortunate children in our community, giving them a place to come and feel loved, appreciated, and free of some of the stress in their lives. In my cabin, I had 3 girls. We'll call them Jane, Amy and Meg. I completely fell in love with each of them, and I was blessed to be able to create special relationships with each of them.
On the day before they all left, Jane came up to me and whispered into my ear "I want to be with Jesus and ask Him into my heart." I got to sit with her on the porch and pray for Jesus to come into her life. It was amazing. Since then, I've gotten to take her, Amy and Meg to church every week for almost a year now. And I've seen them blossom through the love and acceptance they find there.
And every week, those car rides to and from church are so much more than transportation. I get the opportunity to mentor these girls. They text me at all hours and ask my advice. Amy has since also asked Jesus into her heart. And all three girls are flourishing in this new church family.
I hope through what I have learned about being a mentor to these precious girls, I can be a greater light to others. Whether it's by example or by actually being a mentor like I am with those beautiful girls, I want to impact the world not for my own fame, but for Jesus. Working hard and keeping the faith, even in the dark, that's how you grow.
Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
One thing I do and have done to serve my community is making sure that senior citizens here feel loved. Being in a retirement home can be sad and lonely sometimes. It's such a change from being in their own home with the people they love. They face loss of loved ones, and struggle with their health.
This can be especially hard at Christmas time, because some senior citizens, once they're put in a home, don't get to see their families as much as they'd like. It's so heartbreaking. I can't imagine something like that happening to my Grandpa, who is currently residing in Vernon Woods Retirement Community here in LaGrange. I love him so much and I don't know what I would do without him. So this past Christmas, I wanted to make sure that the Vernon Woods seniors I'd met and come to love knew how cherished they were, and had a joyful and merry Christmas. Two other peers and I sat down with the head of Vernon Woods and planned a surprise Christmas party for all 80 residents. There were Christmas goodie bags and Christmas carols and so much more.
When we got the word out to our school about what we were doing, we had donations left and right. In the end, we had enough to not only make 80 bags for the residents, but we were actually able to make more than double that, and other clubs were able to bring Christmas goodies to other senior homes. It was truly a Christmas miracle.
Whenever I'm at Vernon or have the opportunity to talk with a senior citizen, I try to make sure they feel loved and important. I want them to know we care. I want them to know they matter.
Stefanie Ann Cronin Make a Difference Scholarship
I want to make a positive impact on this world by spreading the message that nobody is perfect. Nobody can be perfect. Mistakes are inevitable and imperfections are beautiful. It’s what makes us unique. From Disney princesses to social media, this world tries to make us believe that there is a specific mold we must fit in to be accepted or get anywhere in life. A friend of mine named Emily shared with me once, “God created our uniquenesses so He could show His power of love to so many different people.” Being imperfect and unique is so much more beautiful than being like everyone else. If the world could start to see that and accept differences, whether it’s in appearance or size or background or even lifestyle, we would be able to start a brand new chapter. I want to make this impact through my art.
The Lord blessed me at a very young age with artistic abilities. So many doors have opened because of these beautiful gifts, not only to my future, but also to opportunities to touch others. In the past year, I have been able to use my art for more than just creating images. I use it to create messages that people can relate to their own life and their own feelings. Art is a medium that can express something beautiful when words cannot. I can use my abilities to create images, even characters, to show light and hope. Those images can break down barriers for those who feel alone or trapped or misunderstood. My most recent pieces have been aimed at revealing the holiness of God, in hopes that those images would open a door and allow His power to flow through people’s lives as they see my work. I believe that through my symbolic imagery, others can see a piece of themselves, and then see the light and hope in the Lord that lies there.
One of those pieces won 3rd place recently at the state National Beta convention, allowing me to reach an audience beyond my small town. But I have bigger dreams, visions, of what I could do. I’ve always dreamed of designing a character for Walt Disney Animation Studios, one that would perhaps even be a household name. I want that character to be beautiful, to be strong, to be capable, and to be imperfect.
I want to embrace the truth that no one will ever be perfect, and there really is no mold of perfection. The beauty of our world and our life comes from the uniquenesses of who we are, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I want to reflect that truth in a character I create, so someday, someone will sit in a dark movie theater and see that uniqueness as a blessing, not a curse. I want it to plant the seed of light and love, and communicate the message that each one of us has a purpose delicately and precisely drawn by our Creator.
As I continue to grow in my artistic abilities, I hope this message will grow and deepen inside me, so that someday, when and if I get the chance, I can use my art to show the world this truth. If we could ever even for a moment see ourselves as God sees us, or love as God loves us, I truly believe it would be life-changing, even world-changing. They don’t need to remember me, just the truth that is found in the beautiful imperfection that makes us all so perfect.
Bold Independence Scholarship
As I’m sure is true of most high school seniors, I’ve been thinking a lot about what true independence means. Applying for scholarships, meeting deadlines, finding a roommate, getting financial aid all weigh heavy on my shoulders. As a Christ follower, I know I can give all my anxieties to God, and He will deliver me. But if I don't strive to live the life He calls me to live, one of hard work and obedience, things will get really hard, really fast. These things are not something my mom or dad or anyone can do for me. This is my life, and my responsibility. And the stakes are suddenly so high.
To be independent means to take hold of your life, and realize that the only person who's going to achieve your success and chase your dreams is you. It doesn't mean to isolate yourself from the people you love, or refuse to help others or even receive help. It means to take responsibility for your life. To be independent means stepping up to the plate and giving 100%, and not relying on someone else to do it for you.
Doing these things, becoming an adult, it's hard. Life completely changes. It's like a spinoff of a TV series: new setting, new cast, but the same person is at the center. You have to be able to take life by the reins and work YOUR hardest to get what you want. You can't leave the hard stuff up to anyone else. You still want those people in your life, because you love them. But, when it comes down to big decisions or any of the other things it takes to achieve your dreams, you have to hold yourself accountable. I am finding strength to do this in Jesus Christ.
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
In the last year, my life has become full of the small things, the ones that are simple but overwhelm you with so much joy. I used to get stuck on the big things, and kept looking into the future for what was coming next. I never lived in the moment. It always gave me anxiety and I was never happy with who or where I was. Now, thanks to my Lord and savior Jesus, that has all changed.
Now, things like the sky can make my day. Everyday, whether it's on the way to school or in my daily devotional spot, wherever I am, when I look into the sky and see it's beauty, I’m filled with peace. It's never done that for me until recently. It's because of my relationship with Jesus. He created the sky, and this whole world, and is greater and above it all. The same God who awoke the dawn and sets the sun at dusk created me and loves me. So every time I get to just look at the sky, I'm reminded of His holiness. The feeling it gives me can only be described as "pure bliss."
Another simple thing I get joy from is walking alone, with my music playing. So simple and yet it has become so much more to me. Music is an art form, and I love to let the beauty of it and the emotions it arouses enhance my surroundings and color my life with its notes. It's very peaceful and a great time to talk to God. Just getting to watch the world pass by, to think and pray, especially outside, it's simple but I’m convinced it’s one of the deepest joys there is.
Bold Passion Scholarship
Something I'm very passionate about is art. All it's mediums and possibilities have been a major part of my life since I was 4 years old. The way one can create emotions, nostalgia, memories, praise, and so much more with art is breathtaking. And the fact that there are so many different ways to amplify those things, from abstract art to realism to zentangle, each is so different, yet so meaningful, is incredible.
For me, I use my art to demonstrate praise to God, as well as the inner turmoil of my heart. Whether it's a revelation the Lord has blessed my life with, spiritual warfare, the holiness of the Lord, heartbreak, I can make it into something beautiful a viewer can relate to their own life and make their own. My favorite way to use my art is to demonstrate what it looks like to live a life in which you walk with Jesus. Rather than words, I use symbolism and beauty in mixed mediums to demonstrate it. I do this because it allows people to make it into what they see, not what I say. God's holiness is so much more vast than any worldly definition of it. He is loving, He is merciful, He is vengeful of His people, He is just, and so much more that we can't even fathom. I believe that in allowing people to interpret my art in praising Jesus for what He's done in me, I allow for His holiness to overflow over my viewers, with so many different aspects of His holiness to be seen.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
This piece is entitled “The Fifth Day.” This is one of my most symbolic pieces, in that it represents creation on several levels. At face value, it represents the 5th day in Genesis, when God created the fish and the birds. But it also represents something being created inside me, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
It has always fascinated me that God took one day for just the fish and the birds, two entirely different creatures occupying two very different spaces. Each captures a different aspect of God.
In this piece, I'm looking up in awe at what is around me. There is a purple wall behind me, with the shadow of a soaring dove. Purple is the color associated with royalty and birds often represent freedom. I am using these images to symbolize the freedom I have found in the King of Kings. The koi fish speak to the questions and yearning that surround me as I draw closer to God. Their colors, white and red, represent the blood of Christ washing me clean. Just as God created a new thing on that 5th day, He is creating a new thing in me each day.
The vision for this piece comes from finding a real and personal relationship with Jesus in the midst of heartache and trials. Where the world failed me, God never will. The story of Genesis is so much more than seven days. It is what God does. It is who He is. He is always creating a new thing. I want the art I bring into the world to be beautiful of course. I want it to inspire and bring joy. But most of all, I want it to shine a light on the glory of the Lord, who makes all things new.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
My favorite piece is a classic: "The Starry Night" by Van Gogh. I love this piece because I feel as though it truly captures and radiates the beauty and complexity of the night. The individual strokes of color he uses to encircle the stars create an abstract illusion of light that captures the beauty of God's creation. Each time I read in the Bible about the stars, this is the piece I picture in my mind. And when I look up into the night sky, I imagine that if I were closer to the stars, I'd see what I see in Van Gogh's painting. Those individual strokes are what make it so perfect, so pleasing to the eye. I love how it captures the motion of the light as it travels through the night. No painting of the night has ever come close to the way Van Gogh captures the perfect shine of the stars in the night.
Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
My name is Gracie Corley, and I'm a senior at Troup High in LaGrange, Georgia. When I was 4 years old, my mom brought home a "How to Draw Veggietales" DVD from a consignment sale to keep my siblings and I occupied. She never expected anything to come of it, but she couldn't have been more wrong. I took that DVD, started practicing drawing the characters, and in that moment God unlocked the door to a new life for me, a future. Since then, I never stopped trying to improve my drawing. I'm now a self-taught artist who does portrait art, realism, colored pencils and graphite. I get to use these talents to bring joy to others. And more importantly, God has blessed me with a gift to be able to depict a life in Christ with my work, and spread the truth with my abilities. Now, that passion is informing my choices for my future career. I'm planning to pursue my BFA, and then MFA, at Auburn University. Art has given me a pathway that inspires me and makes me feel free.
My life has been heavily influenced by both art and music since I was very young. In addition to my drawing, I'm a classically trained singer with Young SIngers of West Georgia. I am so inspired by how art and music connect society. They both create something beautiful that can relate to anyone's life, and bring a group of people closer together. Art can be interpreted in so many different ways, as can music, and it is so astonishing how one message or image can mean something so different from person to person.
In my art, just watching how different people react to and study my pieces is so remarkable.
Art and music can tap into feelings that have been buried deep down and hidden from the light. It can be used for so many different, beautiful things. The different genres of music provide a soundtrack for almost everything: celebration, grief, heart break, empowerment, relief, comfort, really any emotion in the human experience. For me, as I walk this life with Christ, my Lord and Savior, I love to see how worship and praise music bring people together and can move people for His will. It can touch the hearts of anyone, and radiate the goodness of God. In sorrow or in joy, music can bring healing, hope and deepen any experience.
I cannot picture a world without art and music. I think of how colorless and flat our world would be without these blessings. The chance to be a part of adding to that beauty motivates me and makes me want to reach my maximum potential. I truly believe I can be a part of changing the world, by adding beauty and joy to it. Just think how much things would change if everyone used their skills and talents to make the world a more joyful place.