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Glory Ebong


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Id consider myself a very positive and enthusiastic person who has been disciplined with the mindset that “you only get out of life what you are prepared to put in”. I have big ambitions and dreams for my future that I hope becomes reality. Though I’m still in the earlier stages of my adolescence, I know the only way I can possibly achieve those desired goals is if I intentionally act to work hard, continuously persevere past my adversities , and intensively be prepared to listen and learn.


Alief Taylor High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Computer and Information Sciences, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      Software engineer

    • Crew member/ Drive through coordinator

      2023 – Present1 year



    2020 – 20211 year


    • participation award


    • Ap Sculpting

      Realistic Horse, Greek Satue, Charcuterie board, Realistic Human Face
      2022 – 2023

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Breast cancer marathon — Held the event set the start and ending location, food and drinks, as well as raising money and donating it to go funs me breast cancer account..
      2022 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Local church food drive — coordinator in choosing what foods and assigning roles for other to contribute to.
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    Growing up in a low-income household with a strong, independent mother, I’ve learned the value of hard work and resilience. My name is Emma, and I’m a high school senior passionate about STEM and determined to make a difference in the world. As a little girl, I was always curious about how technology worked and why it did what it did. While other kids played outside, I spent hours dismantling gadgets and exploring their inner workings. When my father got sick, it was devastating. His illness wasn’t a physical ailment but an addiction to drugs. The man who once brought home old computers for me to tinker with, sparking my interest in technology, became consumed by his addiction. Pills became more important to him than the family he had sworn he’d never abandon. Seeing him struggle every day was heartbreaking, and I felt powerless. Before he passed away, I made a promise to him that I wouldn’t stop pursuing my passion for technology, even though his journey was cut short. His addiction became a driving force for me, fueling my determination to find ways to improve healthcare and addiction recovery through technology so that one day, I might help others avoid the fate that took him. As an African American girl, I’ve often felt out of place. Many people in my culture are more connected to their ancestry, while I spent my time exploring technological discoveries. Additionally, I often didn’t feel “girly” enough because the girls around me weren’t into technology. They thought I was different, even calling me names and assuming I was gay. These experiences were painful, but they made me more determined to stay true to myself and my passions. In school, I took on leadership roles as captain of the robotics team, president of the National Science Honor Society math club, and head of the school fundraiser committee. Balancing these responsibilities with my academic work was challenging, especially as I maintained my rank as third in my class. Coordinating fundraisers to support various causes was rewarding, but it added another layer of responsibility. Through it all, I drew inspiration from my mother’s strength and my father’s memory, pushing myself to excel and make a difference. What excites me most about STEM is the endless potential to innovate and drive meaningful change. The idea that technology can solve complex problems and improve lives is incredibly motivating. In a career in information technology, I aim to develop educational tools and platforms that make learning accessible to everyone, regardless of their socio-economic background. Growing up, I often stuck my head in a computer, searching for new technological discoveries. After my father’s addiction, I became even more determined to leverage advanced technology to make a difference. One of the greatest challenges I’ve had to overcome was balancing my academic responsibilities with leadership roles while managing my family’s financial constraints and coping with my father’s addiction. Maintaining a top class rank and leading the robotics team and math club demanded significant dedication and effort. Watching my father battle his addiction was heart-wrenching, and it fueled my desire to find technological solutions that could have helped him. Growing up in a low-income household with a strong mother, I drew inspiration from her resilience and my father’s journey. I promised him I wouldn’t let obstacles deter me from my passion. Additionally, as an African American girl with a deep interest in technology, I often felt out of place. Many girls around me weren’t interested in technology and thought I was different, calling me names and assuming I was gay. These experiences, though painful, became a source of strength. I overcame these hurdles by staying organized, setting clear priorities, and remaining focused on my goals. My mother’s support and my determination to create a better future for myself and others kept me going, even during the toughest times. If I could do anything with my life, I’d pursue a career in information technology, hoping to innovate and find ways to improve healthcare technology. My dream is to create solutions that can prevent others from experiencing the pain of losing a loved one to addiction, like I did. By focusing on healthcare technology, I hope to bridge educational gaps and create opportunities for those in underprivileged communities, making a positive impact on the world. My father’s legacy is attempting severe renewal through living on in my determination to use technology to heal and to inspire others to pursue their passions, no matter the obstacles they face.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya's multifaceted career is a shining example of versatility and impact, with each aspect leaving an indelible mark on popular culture. Among her impressive array of talents, what stands out to me the most is her role as an activist. While her accomplishments in fashion, acting, and singing are undeniably impressive, it is her dedication to using her platform for meaningful change that truly resonates with me. Zendaya's activism reflects her commitment to making a positive impact on society. She employs her influential voice to raise awareness about crucial social issues, including racial inequality, gender disparity, and mental health. Her involvement in initiatives such as advocating for diversity and representation in media showcases her advocacy for a more inclusive and equitable world. Her ability to address these issues with eloquence, grace, and a genuine passion for change demonstrates her role as a beacon of hope for her generation and beyond. What sets Zendaya's activism apart is her thoughtful approach to driving change. She doesn't simply lend her name to causes; she immerses herself in understanding the complexities of the issues, amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, and advocating for substantive solutions. Her willingness to engage in uncomfortable conversations and her dedication to continuous learning showcase her commitment to being an effective agent of change. Zendaya's activism aligns with my aspirations to contribute positively to society. As a young scholar, I am inspired by her ability to leverage her platform and resources to effect tangible change. Whether through her influence on social media, her candid discussions in interviews, or her active participation in various campaigns, Zendaya exemplifies how one individual's dedication can catalyze a movement and inspire countless others to join in. In my pursuits, I aim to follow Zendaya's lead by integrating activism into my future career. I aspire to use my education and passion to advocate for change in areas that resonate with me deeply, such as education equality and environmental sustainability. By leveraging the knowledge and skills I acquire through scholarship, I hope to be a catalyst for positive change and contribute to the betterment of society. In conclusion, while Zendaya's accomplishments in fashion, acting, and singing are remarkable, her role as an activist stands out to me as the most admirable aspect of her multifaceted career. Her dedication to creating a more just and equitable world through her influence and actions resonates with my values and aspirations. Through her example, I am inspired to pursue a path that combines my passion for learning with my desire to effect meaningful change on a broader scale.
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    Life's journey often presents unexpected challenges that test the very core of our resilience and determination. My path has been no exception, as I navigated the heart-wrenching decision to leave my father behind, trapped in the grip of drug abuse. In the face of adversity, I found strength in pursuing my passion for computer science, and today, I stand poised to give back to my community through advocacy for drug awareness. Leaving my father behind was an agonizing choice—one that no child should be burdened with. The pain of watching a loved one consumed by addiction was a harsh reality that motivated me to seek a better life. The decision to live with my mother was a leap of faith, a step toward reclaiming my stability and emotional well-being. Throughout this challenging transition, the allure of computer science emerged as my guiding light. Immersing myself in programming languages and algorithms became more than just a pastime; it became a space where I could channel my emotions constructively. Through sheer determination and unwavering focus, I carved a path for myself in the world of computer science. I embraced the challenges, cultivated my skills, and absorbed knowledge with a hunger that refused to be quenched. Now, as I stand on the precipice of a promising future, I am committed to using my journey as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others. My desire to give back to my community, especially those affected by the scourge of drug abuse, has fueled my determination to advocate for drug awareness. I believe that my story is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, and I am dedicated to sharing it to spark conversations that can potentially save lives. Through workshops, seminars, and outreach initiatives, I aim to raise awareness about the devastating impact of drugs on individuals, families, and communities. I intend to collaborate with organizations dedicated to addiction recovery, sharing personal narratives and insights to shed light on the often misunderstood struggle of those affected by addiction. By fostering open dialogues, I aspire to reduce stigma, encourage understanding, and ultimately contribute to a society that offers support and resources for those grappling with addiction. My journey from adversity to achievement, from leaving a painful past behind to embracing a hopeful future, has shaped my resolve to be an agent of positive change. By advocating for drug awareness, I aspire to be a source of guidance for those who find themselves in similar circumstances, reminding them that they possess the strength to overcome and the potential to make meaningful contributions to society. In conclusion, my life's trajectory has been defined by challenges turned into opportunities, struggles transformed into triumphs. Leaving my father's addiction behind, I embraced the realm of computer science to find purpose and direction. Now, with an unshakable determination to create a better world, I am driven to advocate for drug awareness, harnessing my experiences to illuminate the path toward recovery and resilience.
    Alief Imagine Good Apple Scholarship
    In the realm of technology, where innovation and progress intertwine, I am resolute in my ambition to not only succeed but to passionately dominate an industry traditionally dominated by men. Given the necessary resources, I stand poised to challenge conventions, catalyze change, and spearhead technological advancements that transcend gender biases. Since my earliest encounter with lines of code, I have been drawn to the artistry of problem-solving that computer science embodies. Yet, the reality of a male-dominated landscape cannot be ignored. I see this as an opportunity, not a deterrent. Armed with the resources to further my education and career, I am equipped to shatter the glass ceiling that has confined countless talented minds before mine. My passion is anchored in a vision of progress that transcends personal ambition. I strive to prove that worthiness knows no gender. Armed with the tools to make technological advancements, I intend to craft solutions that address real-world problems—solutions that bridge gaps and enhance lives. Collaboration is the cornerstone of my approach. I recognize that no advancement is singularly achieved. I intend to leverage the resources at my disposal to create mentorship programs, workshops, and initiatives that uplift and amplify underrepresented voices. By fostering an ecosystem of shared learning, I aim to kindle a culture of inclusivity that promotes progress over prejudice. The innovations I envision are rooted in a commitment to impact. With the resources at my disposal, I will delve into AI, machine learning, and software engineering, striving not just for technical excellence but for transformative applications. Armed with knowledge, determination, and a relentless spirit, I will harness the power of technology to drive societal progress. In a landscape where technology shapes our present and future, I am unwavering in my resolve to be a trailblazer. With each breakthrough and each advancement, I am not seeking to dominate but to inspire. To inspire the belief that gender is not a limiting factor and that the fusion of talent and resources can give rise to solutions that redefine what is possible. In the world of technology, I see myself not as an outlier but as a visionary. I am determined to prove that I am not just worthy enough to make technological advancements, but that I am an indomitable force capable of reshaping the landscape, rewriting the rules, and redefining success. My passion, my commitment, and my unwavering dedication to progress will be the driving forces that propel me forward, ultimately leaving an indelible mark on the male-dominated industry and paving the way for a more inclusive, innovative, and equitable future. Hardship I overcame: The moment I witnessed my father grappling with drugs remains etched in my memory, a poignant reminder of the fragility of our family's unity. As I observed the toll it took on him and our household, I felt an indescribable mix of emotions, sadness, disappointment, and an unyielding determination. Seeing my father's struggle fueled my aspiration to be a better person not only for myself but also for society at large. I yearn to demonstrate that his choices had profound consequences, not just within our family but also on a broader scale. I want to channel my energy into positive endeavors, to stand as living proof that even in the face of adversity, one can rise above and create a meaningful impact. Through my actions, I aim to send an unspoken message to my father, that he lost not just a family, but the chance to witness his child becoming an agent of positive change, committed to making the world a better place.