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Gianna Montore


Bold Points






As a community college student, I, Gianna Montore, have always had a passion for law and a strong desire to become a lawyer. However, the path to achieving this goal has not been easy. While studying at the community college, I have faced numerous challenges, including financial constraints, that have made it difficult for me to continue my education and pursue my dream career. Despite the obstacles, I have remained determined and committed to my goal of becoming a lawyer. I have worked tirelessly to excel in my studies, maintain a high GPA, and participate in extracurricular activities that enhance my skills and knowledge in the legal field. I have also sought out mentorship and guidance from professionals in the legal industry to gain insights and advice on how to achieve my career goals. While community college has provided me with a strong foundation in my education, I know that in order to achieve my dream of becoming a lawyer, I need to transfer to a university to further my studies and obtain a degree in law. However, the cost of attending a university is a significant barrier for me. As a low-income student, I lack the financial resources to cover tuition fees, books, and other expenses associated with higher education. In conclusion, as a community college student with a strong passion for law, I am determined to overcome financial barriers and continue my education at a university to become a lawyer. I am committed to working hard, seeking support, and pursuing my goals to make a difference in the legal field.


Virginia Commonwealth University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

John Tyler Community College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Law
    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Religious Institution Administration and Law
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:



      2014 – 20184 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        St. Gabriel's Catholic Church β€” Food assembler and maker.
        2017 – 2021

      Future Interests





      Learner Math Lover Scholarship
      I love math primarily because of the invaluable problem-solving skills it cultivates. At its core, math is about identifying patterns and formulating strategies to tackle challenges. This analytical approach transcends mathematical problems and applies to real-life situations, enabling us to navigate complexities with confidence. Moreover, math sharpens memory. The process of learning formulas, theorems, and problem-solving techniques enhances cognitive abilities. Every equation we solve reinforces our mental agility, making us quicker and more adept at recalling information in various contexts. Math also fosters curiosity. It encourages us to ask questions and seek deeper understanding. Each mathematical concept often leads to new inquiries, driving our desire to explore further. The beauty of math lies in its layers; the more we learn, the more questions ariseβ€”nurturing an insatiable quest for knowledge. Lastly, math teaches perseverance. The journey to solve a problem can be challenging, filled with trial and error. Embracing these struggles helps build resilience and the determination to keep trying until we succeed. This persistence not only applies to math but also instills a valuable life lesson: that failure can be a pathway to success. My love for math stems from its ability to develop problem-solving skills, sharpen memory, encourage curiosity, and instill perseverance. Each of these elements enriches my life, shaping my thinking and approach to challenges in profound ways.
      Mental Health Scholarship for Women
      Strong and positive mental health is an essential foundation for academic success and building meaningful relationships. In my personal experience, maintaining a stable and healthy mindset has not only enhanced my academic performance, but has encouraged me to foster connections with friends outside of the classroom. By prioritizing my mental well-being, I have seen notable improvements in my studies and my social life. When feeling stressed or down I do not have the energy to hang out with my friends or sometimes even leave the house at all. One of the core strategies I employ to support my mental health is my commitment to daily prayer as a practicing Muslim. The five daily prayers serve as a structured opportunity for me to take a step back from the pressures of academic life. Each prayer acts as a moment of reflection and meditation, allowing me to clear my mind and reconnect with God. This practice helps reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to focus on my studies. When I feel grounded spiritually, my cognitive abilitiesβ€”such as concentration and retentionβ€”are significantly enhanced, leading to improved academic performance. In addition to prayer, surrounding myself with a supportive friend group at the masjid has proven invaluable. My friends share similar values and experiences, creating a nurturing environment for personal growth. Together, we motivate each other in our educational pursuits while also engaging in social activities that foster camaraderie. When we step outside of the classroom, whether by attending Quran study sessions or community service, we build not just friendships but also a strong support system. This social network boosts my confidence and provides emotional support during challenging academic periods. I am exceedingly lucky that the majority of my friends from the masjid also share the same university as me. It is encouraging to have the same friends in school and in the masjid as we keep each other disciplined. Moreover, strong mental health fuels my energy and enthusiasm to participate in extracurricular activities. These can include joining clubs, playing sports, or attending festivals. Feeling mentally at ease encourages me to engage more deeply with my studies and enjoy my time with friends. When I prioritize self-care and foster a sense of community, I experience a ripple effect that positively influences all aspects of my life. Prioritizing my mental health through prayer, reflection, and community creates a solid foundation for my academic success and personal relationships. The steps I take to maintain my mental well-beingβ€”such as engaging in daily prayers and nurturing friendshipsβ€”enable me to thrive both in school and in my social circles. Ultimately, the interconnectedness of mental health, academic performance, and social engagement shapes a fulfilling and balanced life.
      Colonial Italian American Organization Donor Scholarship
      My grandmother, Marie, is a true testament to the American dream. Born and raised in Sicily, she made the courageous decision to leave her homeland and start a new life in America when she was 13. With only one of her sisters by her side they embarked on a journey that would forever change the course of their lives and the lives of their descendants. Marie brought with her a deep sense of pride in her Italian heritage. From the way she prepares her homemade pasta sauce to the stories she tells of her childhood in Sicily, she has never lost touch with her roots. Every Sunday, our family gathers around the table to enjoy a traditional Italian meal prepared lovingly by my grandmother and mother. The aromas of garlic and tomatoes fill the air, transporting us back to the streets of Sicily.Despite the challenges and hardships they faced as immigrants, my grandmother and grandfather worked tirelessly to provide for their family. Their work ethic and determination serve as an inspiration to me each and every day. As my grandmother approaches her 95th birthday, I have made the decision to live with her and help her with her daily needs and tasks. It is the least I can do for the woman who has sacrificed so much for her family. Watching her struggle with the simplest of tasks reminds me of the strength and resilience she has exhibited throughout her life. It is because of my grandmother that I have chosen to pursue a career in law. She has always stressed the importance of standing up for what is right and fighting for justice. I want to continue her legacy by making a positive impact in the field of law. I want to bring diversity and different perspectives to the table, challenging the status quo and advocating for those who may not have a voice. I know that pursuing a career in law will not be easy. It will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to make my grandmother proud. I want her to know that her sacrifices were not in vain, and that her legacy will live on through me. I am determined to break down the stereotypes that surround immigrants and show the world the valuable contributions they make to society. I want to be a beacon of hope for those who may feel marginalized or misunderstood. I want to be a source of strength and inspiration for my grandmother and all those who have come before me. In the eyes of my grandmother, I see the unyielding spirit of a woman who has overcome every obstacle life has thrown her way. I am grateful for the lessons she has taught me, the wisdom she has imparted, and the love she has given unconditionally. I want to honor her in everything I do, and I know that by pursuing a career in law, I am taking the first step towards making her proud.
      TEAM ROX Scholarship
      Growing up, I was never the brightest student in my elementary school class. I struggled with understanding concepts and often found myself needing help with school assignments. I remember being held back in the 1st grade, feeling embarrassed and confused in myself. It was a tough time for me, as asking for homework help from my friends was not always met with kindness. I vividly recall instances where my classmates would bluntly refuse to help me, leaving me feeling isolated and frustrated. Despite the difficulties I faced in elementary school, this experience sparked a passion within me to help others when I reached high school and college. I never wanted anyone to feel the way I did when I was struggling academically. This drive to assist and support others in their academic journey has become a defining trait of mine, one that I hold close to my heart. In high school, I made it my mission to be there for my classmates whenever they needed help with their studies. Whether it was tutoring them in difficult subjects or simply explaining complex concepts, I was always willing to go the extra mile. I understood firsthand the struggles of constantly needing assistance, and I wanted to be the support system that I had yearned for during my own academic challenges. In college, this commitment to helping others only grew stronger. Currently in my college courses I have friends that always go to me first when they are in need of help! I became involved in study groups, peer tutoring programs, and volunteered my time to assist fellow students with their coursework. I took on leadership roles within academic organizations, organizing study sessions and workshops to facilitate learning among my peers. I was driven by the belief that no one should ever feel alone or discouraged in their pursuit of education. Reflecting on my journey from struggling student to passionate mentor, I am grateful for the challenges I faced in elementary school. They shaped me into the compassionate, empathetic individual that I am today. I am proud to say that I will always be the first to lend a helping hand to those in need of academic support, because I know what it feels like to be the one asking for help. And I will continue to share my knowledge and experiences with others, hoping to inspire and empower them on their own educational paths. Now I have an ambition to continue my studies past community college and go to a four-year university to continue growing my knowledge and helping my friends and classmates along the way!
      Student Life Photography Scholarship
      Learner Math Lover Scholarship
      I have always had a love for math. From a young age, I found peace in the straightforward nature of numbers and equations. Unlike other subjects where interpretation and analysis can lead to differing opinions, math is black and white. There is a clear set of steps to follow to arrive at the correct answer, leaving no room for debate. The feeling of solving a complex math problem is unmatched by any other subject. The satisfaction of seeing that final answer and knowing that it is undeniably correct is a feeling that cannot be replicated. It is a sense of accomplishment that only comes from mastering a specific set of techniques and applying them successfully, like in a math class. What I love most about math is the presence of patterns and repetition. While other subjects may require creativity and interpretation, math relies on logic and structure. There is beauty in recognizing patterns and relationships between numbers and equations. It is like deciphering a secret code or unlocking a hidden treasure. The feeling of catching a pattern in math is like catching the sunrise - it is a moment of clarity and understanding that is both rewarding and exhilarating. In math, there is a sense of order and predictability that is comforting to me. Unlike the ambiguity of languages or the subjectivity of history, math follows a set of rules and principles that are consistent and unwavering. There is a sense of security in knowing that there is always a right answer and a wrong answer, with no room for interpretation or opinion. For me, math is not just a subject to be studied or a skill to be mastered. It is a way of thinking and problem-solving that shapes the way I view the world. It teaches me to look for patterns and connections in everything I do, from everyday tasks to complex problems. It challenges me to think logically and critically, to break down problems into smaller, more manageable steps. In a world that can often feel chaotic and unpredictable, math provides a sense of order and structure that is both grounding and comforting. It is a reminder that there is a method to the madness, a way to make sense of the world around us. And for me, that is why I love math - because it is straightforward, logical, and always satisfying.
      Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
      Applying for a significant scholarship is not just an opportunity, it is a stepping stone towards achieving my lifelong dream of becoming a personal injury lawyer. The thought of being able to represent and defend individuals who have been wronged or injured fills me with a sense of purpose and drive. However, the harsh reality of high tuition fees poses a significant obstacle in my path toward this goal. Growing up in a family where financial struggles were a constant reality, I have always been acutely aware of the impact that money can have on one's ability to pursue higher education. With divorced parents, the responsibility of making ends meet fell heavily on my shoulders at a young age. When circumstances led me to move in with my grandmother to help her with her daily needs, I was faced with yet another challenge that tested my faith. Despite the difficulties that arose from this change, I found solace in my faith, which played a significant role in helping me see the positive side of the tough situation. Living with my grandmother not only taught me the value of selflessness and compassion but also instilled in me a sense of gratitude for the opportunities that I have been afforded. It is through her unwavering support and encouragement that I have been able to persevere in the face of adversity and continue to pursue my dreams. As I navigate the twists and turns of my academic and personal journey, faith will always be my guiding light, guiding me toward a brighter future filled with promise and possibility. The thought of pursuing a career as a personal injury lawyer may seem daunting, especially when faced with high tuition fees. However, I am confident in my ability to overcome these challenges and carve out a path for myself in the legal profession. With determination, hard work, and a steadfast belief in my abilities, I am certain that I will be able to achieve my goals and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those who need it the most. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship, as it represents a glimmer of hope in a world filled with uncertainty and doubt. It is a chance for me to prove myself, to demonstrate my commitment to my education and my future, and to show the world that I am capable of achieving greatness. With the support of my family, my community, and my faith, I am confident that I will be able to overcome any obstacles that come my way and emerge stronger and more determined than ever before. As I embark on this journey towards becoming a personal injury lawyer, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination. I am ready to face the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that with faith and perseverance, I will be able to achieve my dreams and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. This scholarship represents not just a financial opportunity, but a chance for me to make a lasting impact on the world around me.
      Bright Lights Scholarship
      As I look towards my future, I have always had a clear goal in mind: I want to become a personal injury lawyer. I am passionate about advocating for those who have been wronged and helping them seek justice. However, pursuing this career path requires extensive education and training, particularly a bachelor's degree followed by law school. These high-cost educational requirements have been a source of anxiety and stress for me, as I come from a divorced family and currently live with my grandmother to help her with her everyday needs. The path to becoming a personal injury lawyer starts with earning a bachelor's degree, typically in a related field such as pre-law or criminal justice. However, the cost of tuition and fees for a four-year degree has been a significant barrier for me. Despite working part-time and applying for financial aid, the expenses associated with pursuing a higher education have continued to pose challenges. Without the support and resources needed to cover these costs, my dream of becoming a lawyer may remain out of reach. After obtaining my bachelor's degree, my next step will be attending law school to earn a Juris Doctorate. The tuition and added expenses associated with law school are notoriously elevated, often reaching six figures. The financial burden of pursuing a legal education is a daunting prospect, especially for someone like me who comes from a financially disadvantaged background. While scholarships and financial aid can help alleviate some of these costs, they may not fully cover the expenses associated with attending law school. My decision to live with my grandmother to help her with her needs has also had a significant impact on my financial situation. While I am grateful for the opportunity to support her and spend time with her, it has added another layer of financial strain to my already challenging circumstances. Balancing the demands of caregiving and pursuing my education has been a tough act, and the added financial responsibility has made it even more difficult to focus on my academic goals. Despite these challenges, I remain determined to achieve my dream of becoming a personal injury lawyer. I am dedicated to putting in the hard work and effort needed to succeed in my academic pursuits and build a successful career. However, I realize that I cannot do it alone, and I am in need of financial assistance to help me reach my goals. This scholarship would not only provide me with the financial support needed to pursue my education, but it would also serve as a source of motivation and encouragement as I continue on my path toward achieving my dreams. I am in need of this scholarship because my future plans consist of pursuing a high-cost education to become a personal injury lawyer. The financial challenges associated with obtaining a bachelor's degree and attending law school are significant, and my current circumstances only add to the financial strain. With the support of this scholarship, I am confident that I can overcome these obstacles and fulfill my ambition of becoming a successful lawyer dedicated to fighting for justice for those in need.
      Career Test Scholarship
      Ever since I was young, I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of the judicial system. As I grew older, my interest only grew stronger, leading me to pursue a career in law. Becoming a lawyer is not just a goal for me; it is a passion and a calling that I am determined to pursue with all my drive. To start my plan to becoming a lawyer, I have taken various steps to prepare myself for the challenges that lie ahead. Firstly, I have been working diligently towards obtaining my bachelor's degree in business that will provide me with a solid foundation for my future legal career. By immersing myself in courses that sharpen my critical thinking, analytical skills, and writing abilities, I am obtaining the essential skills needed to succeed in law school and as a practicing attorney. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have taken proactive steps to immerse myself in the legal world. I joined a pre-law club at school, where I have had the opportunity to engage with like-minded students who share my passion for the law. Through the club's various activities, workshops, and events, I have gained valuable insights into the legal profession and have been exposed to different facets of the law that have further fueled my interest. I have sought out short-term internships at law firms to gain hands-on experience in a legal setting. These internships have provided me with a glimpse into the daily workings of a law firm, allowing me to witness firsthand the challenges, responsibilities, and rewards that come with being a lawyer. By working closely with attorneys, observing courtroom proceedings, and assisting with legal research and writing tasks, I am gaining practical skills and knowledge that will serve me well in my future legal career. My interest in becoming a lawyer aligns perfectly with my chosen career path because I am driven by a deep desire to positively impact my community. I believe that as a lawyer, I have the power to effect change, uphold justice, and advocate for those in my community. With perseverance, truthful judgment, and a strong drive to help any clients in need, I am confident that I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those I work for. To conclude, my journey towards becoming a lawyer is a personal and professional goal that I am committed to achieving. Through hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, I am confident that I will one day reach my goal of practicing law and making a lasting impact in the legal profession!
      A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
      As an Italian Muslim revert living in America, I have always felt a strong sense of duty to give back to the community and help those who are in need. Growing up in a family that instilled the values of compassion, justice, and integrity, I have always been drawn to the idea of becoming a lawyer. I see the field of law as a powerful tool to bring about positive change, to fight against injustice, and to help those who are struggling in their lives. Being a Muslim in America has its challenges, as there are often misconceptions and stereotypes that can create barriers between different communities. However, I have always believed in the power of education and understanding to bridge these gaps and foster unity. By pursuing a career in law, I hope to not only advocate for those who are marginalized or oppressed, but also to be a voice for diversity and tolerance in the legal field. I am driven by a deep-seated desire to be a problem solver and a voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves. I want to use my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the lives of others, to help them navigate the complexities of the legal system, and to seek justice for those who have been wronged. It is my belief that by becoming a lawyer, I can be an agent of change and a force for good in the world. However, the path to becoming a lawyer is not an easy one, especially when it comes to the financial burden of law school. The cost of tuition can be a struggle for many students, and I am no exception. As someone who comes from a modest background, I have had to work hard and make sacrifices to pursue my dream of becoming a lawyer. But I refuse to let financial obstacles stand in the way of my ambition and drive. I have worked part-time jobs, applied for scholarships, and sought out other forms of financial assistance to help me afford law school. I am determined to overcome these challenges and to prove that with hard work, dedication, and determination, anything is possible. I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and put in the effort needed to achieve my goals, no matter how daunting they may seem. I am inspired by the stories of other trailblazing individuals who have overcome similar obstacles to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world. I am driven by a fierce sense of purpose and a commitment to using my talents and skills to help those in need and to advocate for justice and fairness. I believe that by becoming a lawyer, I can be a beacon of hope for those who are struggling and a source of strength for those who are facing adversity. In conclusion, I am passionate about becoming a lawyer to help others with their legal troubles, to be a problem solver, and to bring diversity to the field of law. Despite the financial challenges that may come my way, I am determined to pursue my dream and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. I will not let money stand in the way of my drive to become a lawyer and to be a force for justice and change in the world!