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Germain-Blaise Nkede


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I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore's Doctor of Physical Therapy Program (June 2021-May 2024). I am the CEO of the “#alllovegermainblaise” movement. Mission Statement: to inspire love and positivity amongst all people.


University of Maryland, Baltimore

Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

Towson University

Bachelor's degree program
2017 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Physical Therapy

    • Dream career goals:


    • Receptionist

      Towson University’s Phonathon - Receptionist
      2018 – 20191 year
    • Clinic Assistant

      Medstar NRH Rehabilitation Network
      2020 – 20211 year
    • Resident Assistant

      Towson University
      2019 – 20212 years



    2006 – 20071 year


    2012 – 20131 year


    2020 – Present4 years


    • 1st place in my weight class (220lbs/99.8kg)

    Track & Field

    2013 – 20174 years


    • Hustle Award, Most Improved Player


    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness

      XLNTbrain LLC — To complete an online concussion test for athletes
      2018 – 2018
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

      Towson University — To complete various memory tests via computer.
      2020 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Towson University’s Tiger Fuel Zone — • Supplied drinks and snacks to the athletes at Towson University. • Consulted athletes on their nutritional habits and created individualized meal plans
      2019 – 2020

    Future Interests






    Julie Holloway Bryant Memorial Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS), where I hold the position of class president for the 2024 cohort. My aspirations extend beyond academic pursuits, as I aim to establish "Nkede's Health & Wellness," a facility dedicated to holistic well-being. One crucial aspect of my identity is my commitment to spirituality. To nourish my own faith and facilitate a sense of community, I initiated the UMSOM PTRS bible study group alongside my colleagues. This group serves as a platform for students to deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ and cultivate intimate relationships with Him. Being part of this community has not only strengthened my faith but also emboldened me to share my beliefs openly. As a result, our group has grown from a modest beginning of four members to a thriving community of eight, with plans for continued expansion. In my role as class president, I consider it my duty to be a vocal advocate for my peers. I regularly engage with the PTRS Faculty to address student concerns, employing innovative tools like the "This Is YOUR Voice" Google spreadsheet to enable anonymous expression of student opinions. Collaboration with my fellow class officers has resulted in the organization of various events, including the successful "Competition Day!" in April 2022, designed to promote physical fitness and health. Additionally, I've leveraged my experience as a powerlifter to lead "Lifting Squad" meetings, teaching colleagues proper structural exercise techniques such as squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. My commitment to representing the class and creating inclusive events will remain a constant in my future endeavors, whether they involve social gatherings, fitness groups, or school-related activities. Looking forward, my post-graduation plans involve the realization of "Nkede's Health & Wellness," a multifaceted community center. This facility will comprise "Nkede's Physical Therapy" and "Nkede's Gym," serving as a hub for individuals seeking both physical and spiritual nourishment. Within this environment, young adults will access exercise opportunities and receive educational and spiritual guidance. To support the development of youth, I intend to implement a mentorship program, offering free gym access to mentees who maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA) and meet regularly with their mentors. Furthermore, I plan to fund scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students using proceeds generated from gym memberships. Central to my vision for "Nkede's Health & Wellness" is the creation of a positive and uplifting atmosphere. To achieve this, I will adorn the facility's walls with biblical scriptures, including the encouraging words of Philippians 4:6 (NLT): "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." In essence, "Nkede's Health & Wellness" will not only offer compassionate physical care but also provide spiritual support to patients throughout their journey to improved health. In summary, my journey is driven by a commitment to both physical and spiritual well-being. As a bilingual individual, I recognize the value of effective communication in bridging cultures and communities, which is a unique advantage I bring to my endeavors. My experiences as a student leader and my vision for "Nkede's Health & Wellness" reflect my dedication to fostering inclusive and nurturing environments where individuals can thrive holistically. These qualities will undoubtedly guide my post-graduation plans and enable me to make a meaningful impact on the world.
    Diverse Abilities Scholarship
    My dream job is not just a career; it's a lifelong mission to make a positive impact on the world. Currently pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS), I am passionate about merging physical well-being with spiritual growth. My vision revolves around the establishment of a holistic health and wellness facility named "Nkede's Health & Wellness." To me, a fulfilling career should encompass several key qualities. First and foremost, it should allow me to integrate my personal beliefs and values into my professional life. This belief led me to initiate a bible study group within UMSOM PTRS, fostering a supportive community where students can explore their faith and strengthen their relationship with God. Through this initiative, I've not only deepened my own spirituality but also empowered others to do the same. This quality of leadership and mentorship is something I value and will carry forward in my future career. As the class president of 2024, I've also embraced the role of being the voice of my peers. My responsibilities include liaising with the PTRS Faculty to address student concerns and organizing various events. "Competition Day!" and "Lifting Squad" are examples of events I've organized to promote fitness, camaraderie, and knowledge sharing within the class. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of community building and the positive impact it can have on individuals. Looking ahead, my dream job extends beyond my current academic pursuits. "Nkede's Health & Wellness" is my vision for a comprehensive community center that blends physical therapy and fitness with spiritual nourishment. This facility will cater to individuals of all ages, offering mentorship programs, educational support, and access to a gym. My aim is to foster a nurturing environment where people can grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. One of the central tenets of Nkede's Health & Wellness is the mentorship program for those under 18, which provides free gym access in exchange for regular meetings and academic excellence. This initiative reflects my commitment to empowering young minds and nurturing their holistic development. Additionally, I plan to fund scholarships for students at different educational levels using the proceeds from gym memberships. This will enable me to give back to the community and support the educational aspirations of deserving individuals. Moreover, I envision Nkede's Health & Wellness as a place filled with positivity and spiritual encouragement. Biblical scriptures, such as Philippians 4:6 ("Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."), will adorn the facility's walls, fostering an atmosphere of hope and resilience. In essence, Nkede's Health & Wellness will not just provide physical therapy but also serve as a sanctuary where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual support throughout their journey to better health. In conclusion, my dream job is more than just a career; it's a calling to create a positive impact in the lives of individuals by nurturing their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. My experiences as a student leader and my vision for Nkede's Health & Wellness reflect the qualities I value in a career: leadership, mentorship, community building, and a deep commitment to holistic growth. I am confident that these qualities will guide my future career search and help me make a meaningful difference in the world.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Mental health is essential because it is one of the wellness dimensions. Spiritual, psychological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects comprise the dimensions of wellness. To maintain my mental health, I am involved with Towson's Grace Life Collegiate, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Bible Study, and the 2024 UMSOM PTRS cohort as class president. I believe that a strong spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and psychological life can assist others. Therefore, I joined Towson's Grace Life Collegiate as the coordinator of bible study and prayer. I learned how to organize bible study groups and prayer gatherings. These actions helped my classmates and I comprehend the importance of having the Holy Trinity in one's life; it is only through God that we can bear good fruit and improve the world. I continue this organization by joining the UMB DPT bible study group that I and my colleagues established. I am honored to be an active member of this group of students who desire to learn more about Jesus Christ and cultivate a personal relationship with Him. Being a member of this group has made me more confident in my faith and in speaking out against injustice. Because I shared my faith with my coworkers, I attracted more people to the group. Each semester, we each commit to bringing at least one new member to the bible study group. What began with four individuals has now grown to eight active members and will continue to expand as time passes. As class president, it is my responsibility to speak for the class. Therefore, I convene with the faculty to discuss student concerns. To effectively address the faculty, I must be in good physical, mental, emotional, and social health. I created a Google spreadsheet titled "This Is YOUR Voice" for students to anonymously convey their emotions, which will be shared with the faculty. Moreover, I work with my fellow class officers to organize social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising initiatives. One of the proudest spectacles I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. Students competed against one another to promote fitness and health at this event. Included in the competition were a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting titled "Lifting Squad" in which I instructed my peers on the appropriate execution of structural exercises using my experience as a powerlifter including squats, bench presses, and deadlifts among these exercises. Whether it's a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities, I will continue to be the representative of my class and develop events that appeal to the majority. I am appreciative of the initiatives I launched at UMB DPT. For instance, every Monday I send the class of 2024 an email titled "Motivation Monday." The objective is to motivate my colleagues to pursue their ambitions with integrity. This may involve academic, professional, or personal endeavors. I began this trend on October 25, 2021, and as of April 24, I am on Motivation Monday #66. I always conclude my emails with the phrase "Have an amazing week ON PURPOSE!" to express encouragement. No matter how bleak the circumstances may appear, it is essential to communicate words of life to oneself and others. A straightforward "thank you for..." or "I appreciate you for..." goes a long way in terms of expressions of appreciation. By doing so, you acknowledge the effort that the individual is exerting in a given circumstance, which will improve their demeanor when they realize that someone has noticed them.
    Jailyn Tamia Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024. Unfortunately, I have been unable to afford groceries, rent, and gas due to not having any more loan reimbursement funds. I have reached out to UMSOM's financial aid to find solutions to my issues; however, they informed me that I have already received the maximum loan amount for this academic year. Thus, my application for a loan increase was denied and I was not offered other resources to help me financially. Furthermore, I do not receive financial aid from my family since I support myself independently. I also reached out to classmates regarding resources for free food options such as the university pantry, local farmers markets, and Food Rescue Baltimore. My classroom performance has poorly been hindered by my inability to access quality nutrition. I have difficulty focusing and paying attention in class; hence, I have been unable to study and perform to my full capacity. Because I cannot afford to shop for well-balanced foods due to higher grocery store prices, I find myself eating out frequently at fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s to sustain myself. In addition, the monthly rent is $550 plus utilities. To make ends meet, I am constantly borrowing money from my peers. Due to the intensity and huge time commitment of my program, I am unable to work to support my basic needs. Although some people can work and still perform at a high level, I personally need to give my academic performance my full undivided attention. Consequently, maintaining a job while being in school will be detrimental to my success in the program. I intend to become a DoorDash and Amazon delivery driver to get through this challenging period. I have also begun participating in various research studies in exchange for monetary compensation. Furthermore, I will build a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness." Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, young adults will be able to exercise and get physical, educational, and spiritual assistance at this facility. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18 will be implemented. Mentees will receive free gym access by meeting with their mentor at least twice a month and attaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will utilize the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Mental health is essential because it is one of the wellness dimensions. Spiritual, psychological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects comprise the dimensions of wellness. To maintain my mental health, I am involved with Towson's Grace Life Collegiate, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Bible Study, and the 2024 UMSOM PTRS cohort as class president. I believe that a strong spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and psychological life can assist others. Therefore, I joined Towson's Grace Life Collegiate as the coordinator of bible study and prayer. I learned how to organize bible study groups and prayer gatherings. These actions helped my classmates and I comprehend the importance of having the Holy Trinity in one's life; it is only through God that we can bear good fruit and improve the world. I continue this organization by joining the UMB DPT bible study group that I and my colleagues established. I am honored to be an active member of this group of students who desire to learn more about Jesus Christ and cultivate a personal relationship with Him. Being a member of this group has made me more confident in my faith and in speaking out against injustice. Because I shared my faith with my coworkers, I attracted more people to the group. Each semester, we each commit to bringing at least one new member to the bible study group. What began with four individuals has now grown to eight active members and will continue to expand as time passes. As class president, it is my responsibility to speak for the class. Therefore, I convene with the faculty to discuss student concerns. To effectively address the faculty, I must be in good physical, mental, emotional, and social health. I created a Google spreadsheet titled "This Is YOUR Voice" for students to anonymously convey their emotions, which will be shared with the faculty. Moreover, I work with my fellow class officers to organize social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising initiatives. One of the proudest spectacles I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. Students competed against one another to promote fitness and health at this event. Included in the competition were a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting titled "Lifting Squad" in which I instructed my peers on the appropriate execution of structural exercises using my experience as a powerlifter including squats, bench presses, and deadlifts among these exercises. Whether it's a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities, I will continue to be the representative of my class and develop events that appeal to the majority. I am appreciative of the initiatives I launched at UMB DPT. For instance, every Monday I send the class of 2024 an email titled "Motivation Monday." The objective is to motivate my colleagues to pursue their ambitions with integrity. This may involve academic, professional, or personal endeavors. I began this trend on October 25, 2021, and as of April 24, I am on Motivation Monday #66. I always conclude my emails with the phrase "Have an amazing week ON PURPOSE!" in order to express encouragement. No matter how bleak the circumstances may appear, it is essential to communicate words of life to oneself and others. A straightforward "thank you for..." or "I appreciate you for..." goes a long way in terms of expressions of appreciation. By doing so, you acknowledge the effort that the individual is exerting in a given circumstance, which will improve their demeanor when they realize that someone has noticed them.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients as a physical therapist.
    Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
    It was approximately six years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a physical therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Doña Lupita Immigrant Scholarship
    I intend to teach my children on finding their calling. It was approximately five years ago when my calling of becoming a physical therapist was revealed to me. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to teach my children the importance of prayer and perseverance toward their goals.
    Charles Pulling Sr. Memorial Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS). I am driven to go beyond the norm of a traditional student by my role as class president of 2024. I am grateful for the initiatives I created at UMSOM PTRS. For example, every Monday, I send an email to the class of 2024 titled “Motivation Monday.” The goal is to inspire my colleagues to pursue their aspirations sincerely. These endeavors could be academic, professional, or personal. I began this trend on October 25th, 2021, and I am currently on Motivation Monday #57 as of February 13th. I always conclude my email with the statement, “Have an amazing week ON PURPOSE!” to convey words of affirmation. Our words have power and it’s important to speak life to yourself and others regardless of how dark the circumstances may appear. Words of affirmation do not have to be a fancy long message; a simple “thank you for…” or “I appreciate you for…” goes a long way. By doing this, you acknowledge the effort that the person is exerting into a given situation, which will brighten up their mood when they become aware that someone notices them. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the PTRS Faculty to discuss student issues. To effectively achieve this, I designed a google spreadsheet titled “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. In addition, I collaborate with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of the proudest events I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. This was a gathering where students competed with one another to promote fitness and health. The competition included a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting called “Lifting Squad” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues the proper execution of structural exercises. These exercises include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that appeal to the majority whether it’s a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities. I am honored to have been accepted by UMSOM PTRS. In this environment, I am learning how to be humble and accept constructive criticism. Moreover, I am learning how to be resilient: rather than resigning when I have questions and difficulties, I have approached the PTRS faculty for study tips and help. Thus, my relentless desire to continue evolving as a DPT student distinguishes me from others. Besides these examples, I attend PT conferences and network with other practitioners. Therefore, all these experiences are instrumental in making me the clinician that I aspire to be.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    It was approximately five years ago when I decided to make an investment in my mental health. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I had found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Career Search Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024. Physical therapy will bring me fulfillment by helping me make a positive impact on my patients. I believe one can help others by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined the UMSOM PTRS bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Being a part of this group has made me bolder in my faith and in speaking up to others. Because I vocalized my faith to my colleagues, I brought more members to the group. We all challenge ourselves to bring at least one new member to the bible study group each semester. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the PTRS Faculty to discuss student issues. To effectively achieve this, I designed a google spreadsheet titled “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. In addition, I collaborate with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of the proudest events I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. This was a gathering where students competed with one another to promote fitness and health. The competition included a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting called “Lifting Squad” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues the proper execution of structural exercises. These exercises include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that appeal to the majority whether it’s a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, young adults will be able to exercise and get physical, educational, and spiritual assistance at this facility. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18 will be implemented. Mentees will receive free gym access by meeting with their mentor at least twice a month and attaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will utilize the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Wellness Warriors Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024. I manage my personal wellness by participating in my school's bible study group and student government as well as remaining goal-oriented in opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I believe one can help others by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined the UMSOM PTRS bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Being a part of this group has made me bolder in my faith and in speaking up to others. Because I vocalized my faith to my colleagues, I brought more members to the group. We all challenge ourselves to bring at least one new member to the bible study group each semester. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the PTRS Faculty to discuss student issues. To effectively achieve this, I designed a google spreadsheet titled “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. In addition, I collaborate with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of the proudest events I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. This was a gathering where students competed with one another to promote fitness and health. The competition included a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting called “Lifting Squad” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues the proper execution of structural exercises. These exercises include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that appeal to the majority whether it’s a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, young adults will be able to exercise and get physical, educational, and spiritual assistance at this facility. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18 will be implemented. Mentees will receive free gym access by meeting with their mentor at least twice a month and attaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will utilize the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024. I will make a positive impact on the world by opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I believe one can help others by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined the UMSOM PTRS bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Being a part of this group has made me bolder in my faith and in speaking up to others. Because I vocalized my faith to my colleagues, I brought more members to the group. We all challenge ourselves to bring at least one new member to the bible study group each semester. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the PTRS Faculty to discuss student issues. To effectively achieve this, I designed a google spreadsheet titled “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. In addition, I collaborate with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of the proudest events I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. This was a gathering where students competed with one another to promote fitness and health. The competition included a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting called “Lifting Squad” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues the proper execution of structural exercises. These exercises include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that appeal to the majority whether it’s a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, young adults will be able to exercise and get physical, educational, and spiritual assistance at this facility. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18 will be implemented. Mentees will receive free gym access by meeting with their mentor at least twice a month and attaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will utilize the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
    I am currently pursuing my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024. My journey of becoming a clinician has changed my life trajectory by giving me the desire of helping others. To accomplish this goal, I will give open a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I believe one can help others by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined the UMSOM PTRS bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Being a part of this group has made me bolder in my faith and in speaking up to others. Because I vocalized my faith in my colleagues, I brought more members to the group. We all challenge ourselves to bring at least one new member to the bible study group each semester. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the PTRS Faculty to discuss student issues. To effectively achieve this, I designed a google spreadsheet titled “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. In addition, I collaborate with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of the proudest events I produced is called “Competition Day!” in April 2022. This was a gathering where students competed with one another to promote fitness and health. The competition included a wall squat sit, plank hold, free throw shot, push-up, and split challenge. I also hosted a meeting called “Lifting Squad” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues the proper execution of structural exercises. These exercises include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that appeal to the majority whether it’s a social gathering, a fitness group, or school-related activities. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, young adults will be able to exercise and get physical, educational, and spiritual assistance at this facility. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18 will be implemented. Mentees will receive free gym access by meeting with their mentor at least twice a month and attaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will utilize the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for high school, college, and graduate students. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Yvela Michele Memorial Scholarship for Resilient Single Parents
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises were the best strategies to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for successfully healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) as class president of 2024 to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my DPT degree, I will give back to my community by opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this facility will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor twice a month and receiving at least a 3.0 GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for students in high school, undergraduate, and graduate school. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls. In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    I will forever be a Towson University Tiger due to the life-changing experiences I received 2017-2021. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore Doctor of Physical Therapy (UMB) (DPT) as class president of 2024 to obtain my DPT degree. With my degree, I will give back to my community and enhance one's quality of life by opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I believe one can become healthier by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate as the Bible study coordinator and prayer coordinator. From there, I learn how to orchestrate bible study groups and prayer events. These actions helped my peers and I understand the importance of having the Holy Trinity in one’s life; it is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. I continue this organization by joining the UMB bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the DPT Faculty to discuss concerns felt among the student body. To effectively achieve this, I created a google sheet called “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. Thus, this improves one's mental health by articulating how one feels freely. Additionally, I come together with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of my proudest social events is “Lifting Day” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues how to properly do structural exercises, such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. improves one's physical health. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that will improve one's mental, physical, and spiritual health. Furthermore, I will build a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Moreover, this facility will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for students in high school, undergraduate school, and graduate school. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Your Health Journey Scholarship
    I will forever be a Towson University Tiger due to the life-changing experiences I received 2017-2021. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore Doctor of Physical Therapy (UMB) (DPT) as class president of 2024 to obtain my DPT degree. With my degree, I will give back to my community and enhance one's quality of life by opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I believe one can become healthier by obtaining a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate as the Bible study coordinator and prayer coordinator. From there, I learn how to orchestrate bible study groups and prayer events. These actions helped my peers and I understand the importance of having the Holy Trinity in one’s life; it is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. I continue this organization by joining the UMB bible study group created by myself and other colleagues. I am proud to be an active member of this organization full of students who want to learn more about Jesus Christ and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Thus, what started as four people has now doubled to eight active members and will continue to grow as time goes by. As class president, it is my job to be the voice of the class. Thus, I meet with the DPT Faculty to discuss concerns felt among the student body. To effectively achieve this, I created a google sheet called “This Is YOUR Voice” for my class. Students can express how they feel anonymously which will be shared with the PTRS Faculty. Thus, this improves one's mental health by articulating how one feels freely. Additionally, I come together with my fellow class officers to produce social events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers. One of my proudest social events is “Lifting Day” where I used my experience as a powerlifter to teach my colleagues how to properly do structural exercises, such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. improves one's physical health. Overall, I will continue to be the voice of my class and create functions that will improve one's mental, physical, and spiritual health. Furthermore, I will build a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Moreover, this facility will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for students in high school, undergraduate school, and graduate school. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    I will forever be a Towson University Tiger due to the life-changing experiences I received from 2017 to 2021. My involvement in being a Resident Assistant (RA) at Towson transformed me into the man I am today. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. I am currently attending the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (UMSOM PTRS) as class president of 2024 to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will give back to my community by opening a facility called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness.” I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?” In 2021, I initiated an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. For instance, I was a RA for a freshman residence hall called “Tower B” when I initiated my campaign; thus, many of my residents were exposed to my message directly. One month after I started my campaign, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wings were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school functions. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. Therefore, I continue to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers as a student, powerlifter, and class president of the UMSOM PTRS. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Nkede’s Health & Wellness” in the future. Nkede’s Health & Wellness will consist of “Nkede’s Physical Therapy” and “Nkede’s Gym.” My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships to produce scholarships for students in high school, undergraduate school, and graduate school. Finally, I will ensure Nkede’s Health & Wellness is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To accomplish this, I will have biblical scriptures on all of the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” In conclusion, Nkede’s Health & Wellness will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Athletics Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for successfully healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Coleman for Patriots Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity among all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Si Se Puede Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for successfully healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. My mother is the definition of perseverance, to not give up and remain faithful in all circumstances. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Ruthie Brown Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. With my degree, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity among all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. In conclusion, I will use my #alllovegermainblaise movement, physical therapy career, coaching career in powerlifting, and my faith in the Holy Trinity (God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), to pay off my student loans.
    Dema Dimbaya Humanitarianism and Disaster Relief Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity among all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments because I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of my residents were exposed to my message directly. In addition, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. In spite of that, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. On top of that, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. In addition, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under the age of eighteen. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong mental and spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care, improve mental health, and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    "Remember" Remember them days, I was cryin’, I was an underdog (For real) Now I made a way, but I still feel like an underdog (How come) So I kneel and pray, askin’ Lord for a better day (Yes Lord) Hence, fade away, to my music and my headphones (Yeah) Phone blowin’ up, sometimes I want to be alone (Solo) But I understand, have to stand out for the videos (Videos) All for the clout, hopefully I be on radios (One Day) Only trust a few, circle smaller than a cheerio (No trust) Don’t believe me now, don’t believe me in the future (Fake love) How you gon’ ride when you took me as a humor? (You fool) Yeah you called me ugly but my melanin is gorgeous (Beautiful) Wear my color proudly, don’t know you I cost a fortune? (Priceless) Don’t forget my dreadlocks, put you in a headlock (Full Nelson) Give me one chance, best believe I’ll make your bedrock (No cap) You want the star players, what about a Christian? (Wassup?) Thus, in the end, you get played, no musician (Musician) (Aww) Runnin’ back to me, I disappear like magician (Magic) Gave you my advice but you never ever listen (Not once) I have no regrets, I gave you my heart and soul (Soul) (All love) I do the best that I can, it makes me a better man (Growth) I’m followin’ God’s plan, all the way to the end (Yes Lord) Get away from my life, if you don’t wanna see me win (Be gone) Lord forgive me my sin, I’m providin’ for my kin (Kin) I surrender everything for the Lord and my twin (Twin) I remember all the talent shows that I did in the past (Past) Don’t forget the open mic when people said I was bad (Nah for real) Freestylin’ in the classroom, who knew I would last? (I did) Tom Brady ‘cause you know I’m a future goat in the draft (TB12) Shoutout to Duran, who provided me a chance (Thanks bro) Recorded my first song, had to prove my haters wrong (Wrong) Give it up for James, he started my whole career (Thank you bro) Some people may have left, but my bros still here (For Life) First born in America, overcomin’ the odds (Odds) I struggled, but I still give all glory to God (Hallelujah) I’m tired being tired, my parents stay on my back (Pressure) But I gotta make them proud by gettin’ first on the track (Track) Did not win the race, my talent won’t go to waste (Waste) Time to switch up, began to pick up the pace (Pace) (*Running Sound) We are not the same, you’re a jack, I’m an ace (Ace) I never had to cheat and that’s a closed case (Case) (*Book slam) Remember
    Manny and Sylvia Weiner Medical Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Holistic Health Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Antonie Bernard Thomas Memorial Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Marie J. Smith Esq. Social Sciences Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Mental health is important because it keeps individuals sane and optimistic in all circumstances. In order to have good mental health, one must have a firm spiritual foundation as well as be compassionate for others. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Towson University. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others and improve their mental health by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. Another way to improve one's mental health is through compassion. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment in order to improve their mental health. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, 2021 I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, 2021 I began attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story because I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, the “Act Locally Scholarship” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. Only through God can we bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position made me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. I initiated an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people when I became a RA. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of UMB, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a facility called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise’s Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise’s Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, Blaise’s World will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    Legacy is about how you want to be remembered for. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. I want to leave a legacy of Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." My father sow into me and I want to sow into others by building a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story because I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, the “Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for successfully healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. As a student, powerlifter, and class president of the University of Maryland Baltimore Doctor of Physical Therapy, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues.
    @ESPdaniella's Gap Year Scholarship
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    "Listen to your heart." It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Olympians Academy Leadership Wings Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and me understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. Only through God can we bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position made me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. I initiated an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people when I became a RA. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. Leaders need to be set apart from others. People should view the leader as an excellent role model. Therefore, as a student, powerlifter, and class president of UMB, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues. Furthermore, I will build a facility called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise’s Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise’s Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, Blaise’s World will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Science Appreciation Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my scientific research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. Science provides individuals with endless resources to improve one's community in a variety of settings such as healthcare. Without science, I would have not been able to assist in healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Learner Statistics Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I had a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method and accessory exercises was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for successfully healing my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Femi Chebaís Scholarship
    My goal is to create a healthy environment where individuals receive love and positivity from everyone. To accomplish this, I will build a facility called “Blaise’s World” in the future that consists of “Blaise’s Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise’s Gym”. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy student, powerlifter, and class president at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity to my peers and colleagues through my “#alllovegermainblaise” movement.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    I learned the power of prayer through my mom's injury. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover by creating a rehab program for her. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times when my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Hence, helping my mother recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Bold Mentor Scholarship
    I hope to bring compassion to others through my mentorship. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. While I am a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I will spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Acts 20:35 (ESV) “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Matthew 6: 33-34 (NLT) “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” My mother taught me these two scriptures. She informed me that there is nothing too hard for God. Ever since I was six years old, my mother informed me that we must make God a priority in our life and God will handle the rest. Even when it seems like there is no hope, we always have a fighting chance with God on our side. We must give all glory to God during our bad days and good days. It is because of scriptures like these that I can donate while not having a job and still feel secure in my fiances. It is because of scriptures like these that I can buy lunch for the homeless, give rides for free, and provide gifts for others and still feel sufficient. I put my trust in God and let him handle the rest. Thus, Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    Compassion is the biggest issue we currently face in the world. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. While I am a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for everyone through my compassion and “#alllovegermainblaise” movement
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    I believe one can help those who struggle with mental health, by having a strong spiritual life. I joined Towson University's Grace Life Collegiate from September 2018 to May 2021 as the bible study and prayer coordinator. In my role, I constructed bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a Resident Assistant (RA) from September 2019 to May 2021. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. When I became an RA, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. While I am at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I will create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues while at UMB. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, 2021 I began attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    I am passionate for everyone to increase their health through physical therapy and spiritual guidance. On May 21st, 2021, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. On June 1st, 2021, I began attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues while I am a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Towson University. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, I began attending University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    I stay true to myself in my daily life by remembering my journey. I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These deeds help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. With this movement, I help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at Towson but also at UMB through my compassion.
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    My father motivates me on a daily to achieve "The American Dream," attain a stable job. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science at Towson University. I am currently attending University of Maryland, Baltimore to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America; he is originally from Cameroon. Thus, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. Consequently, most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my endeavors. If I am granted this scholarship, “Bold Motivation" will not only help bring compassion into society but will also aid the lives that will need my help in the future.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Towson University. My involvement as a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a RA for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Black Students in STEM Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life due to the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These deeds help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a RA for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    I Am Third Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. I am currently attending University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a RA for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at UMB, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can workout and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT). Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
    My true understanding of becoming a physical therapist was revealed to me in January 2021. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I have a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times where my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want your legacy to be? These are one of the most important questions one must ask themselves. I want to be remembered for my compassionate and ambitious drive to improve one’s physical, mental, and spiritual health. With my degree, I will become attain a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree and open my own clinic and gym. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, the “Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Sikdope “Music Is The Cure” Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. On June 1st, I will attend University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can workout and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, Sikdope will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    AMPLIFY No Code Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. If I am granted this scholarship, “AMPLIFY No Code" will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    The importance of mental health has inspired me to help others. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Austin Kramer Music-Maker Scholarship
    I came up with this piece by reminiscing about my failures and accomplishments. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I thank The Heavenly Father, family, friends, and all those who helped me along the way. I will forever cherish the life lessons and memories I made here at Towson. I hope my endeavors inspire you to never give up on your dreams. There’s always light in the darkness; you just have to seek and expose it to the world.
    Black Nurse Magic Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a physical therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I have a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times where my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients.
    Jaki Nelson LGBTQ+ Music Education Scholarship
    My biggest artistic ambition is to bring compassion to the world. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my endeavors. If I am granted this scholarship, “Jaki Nelson LGBTQ+ Music Education " will not only help bring compassion into society but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future. My Music Link:
    Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship
    While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, “Imagine Dragons Origins” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    A Sani Life Scholarship
    The emergence of COVID-19 has altered countless lives, and my life has been no exception. While many people have lost friends and loved ones, I have been fortunate enough to not lose any of my family members. Nevertheless, this pandemic has affected my life educationally and professionally. COVID-19 has affected my educational experiences by causing the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) to be rescheduled, which is one of the requirements for the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS). I intended to apply for physical therapy school in August of 2020, and I was prepared to take the GRE in May. However, I was forced to evacuate my residential hall and return home to my parents when Towson University adjusted to a remote learning system. This abrupt relocation caused me to be unable to take the GRE on the original date, for I could no longer travel to the testing site. Fortunately, most applications are not due until early November of 2020, which gives me additional time to prepare for the exam. COVID-19 has also affected me professionally. For example, I was not able to obtain adequate observational hours due to the pandemic. Before COVID-19 occurred, I was observing physical therapists in different settings, including Loyola University, Medstar Union Memorial Hospital, and various orthopedic clinics. Unfortunately, the places I previously shadowed are no longer allowing individuals to observe to have as little people in the building as possible. Although PTCAS is allowing applicants to apply to physical therapy school without meeting the observation hours requirement, having fewer hours than other applicants weakens my application. Sadly, this has not been my only professional issue. The onset of COVID-19 has affected my life in other significant aspects as well. For instance, I was laid off from my position as a Residential Assistant at Towson University. The position was my sole source of income, and it affected my ability to accrue funds to pay for the GRE and applications for physical therapy schools. Furthermore, I do not qualify for waivers offered from many graduate school programs due to my families’ annual income. However, I did not let this hinder me; I overcame this challenge by acquiring additional loans to fund my endeavors, including my physical therapy application and the GRE. Overall, although I was affected by COVID-19 educationally and professionally, I was still able to progress and grow amid a pandemic. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Misha Brahmbhatt Help Your Community Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Breanden Beneschott Ambitious Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Mechanism should explore the issue of atheism. I believe in Christianity, The Holy Trinity. I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that it is better to believe in something than to believe in nothing. Furthermore, having faith in a higher being will bring one peace, for he will behave morally correct on Earth; if not, then he will face consequences in the afterlife. Since atheists believe in nothing, they have nothing to lose. Consequently, they are more prone to behave morally incorrectly. For example, they are more likely to murder someone, steal, and lie. Since I believe in Christianity, I take pride in my great sense of compassion. One of the biggest objectives of Christianity is to help others. Thus, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people ever since I was a child. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Nervo "Revolution" Scholarship
    My biggest artistic ambition is to bring compassion to the world. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my endeavors. If I am granted this scholarship, “Nervo ‘Revolution’" will not only help bring compassion into society but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, “ Elevate Women in Technology” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Black Entrepreneurs of Philadelphia Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Mary Jo Huey Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Residential Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at Marymount University, I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at Marymount University through my compassion.
    Philadelphia Black Entrepreneurs Grant
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, the "Philadelphia Black Entrepreneurs Grant" will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Black Students in St. Louis Scholarship
    I am a Towson University Tiger for life because of the life-changing experiences I have received over the past four years. On May 21st, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. My involvement in Towson’s Grace Life Collegiate and being a Resident Assistant (RA) transformed me into the man I am today. On June 1st, I will attend the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. With my degree, I will become a physical therapist and open my own clinic and gym. I believe one can help others by having a strong spiritual life. Thus, I joined Grace Life Collegiate as the bible study and prayer coordinator; I construct bible study groups and prayer events. These actions help my peers and I understand the importance of the Holy Trinity in one’s life. It is only through God that we can bear good fruits and make this world a better place. Also, one of my favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” To achieve this, I became a RA. This position makes me a resource for students by resolving personal issues and creating an inclusive community. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. Furthermore, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I am sharing my story, for I have a dream that will become true. Therefore, scholarships like this make it possible for me to continue my education. If I am granted this scholarship, “The Black Students in St. Louis Scholarship” will not only help further my education but will also aid the thousands of lives that will need my help in the future.
    Mahlagha Jaberi Mental Health Awareness for Immigrants Scholarship
    While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. Hence, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This affected me mentally as I watched my father struggle to send his finances back home and barely sustain enough to pay the bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master's degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. Although I helped my mother healed, she is still battling legal cases. Observing my mother through her agony tore me apart. She cried for nights, for she is no longer able to work. Nursing is all she ever wanted to be, and now it has been taken away from her. Thus, this inspired me to become a physical therapist I plan on building a community center called “Blaise’s World," which will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor weekly and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6. Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Elevate Black Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. My goal is to become a physical therapist. I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World.” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can workout and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    One of my favorite quote of all time is #alllovegermainblaise. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. This scholarship will support my education. On June 1st, I will be attending University of Maryland, Baltimore for their Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) program. Once I graduate, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World.” Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic'' and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    It was approximately five years ago when my true calling was revealed to me, becoming a physical therapist. My mother used to work as a nurse at Prince George's Hospital Center. Unfortunately, she was attacked at work by a psychiatric patient. This incident caused her to suffer injuries to her lower back and hips. My mom attended physical therapy sessions weekly, but she eventually had to stop the treatment due to financial difficulties. Thus, I took the initiative to help my mom recover. I have a few experiences with physical therapy since I suffered injuries from track and field. Due to having an eight-month lower back injury, I understood the requirements it took to recover. Based on my research and personal experience, the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method was the best strategy to help my mom heal from her injury. For rest, I informed my mom to put as minimal weight on her injured areas as much as possible. For ice, I used ice cups to massage her lower back and hips for 20 minutes every morning, evening, and night. For compression, I used ace wrap on my mom's injured areas to reduce swelling. For elevation, my mother slept with a pillow under her knees, in a reclined position, to relieve herself from uncomfortable pressure. Furthermore, she wore a back brace daily to walk around the neighborhood. After three months of acute pain, my mom began to perform small exercises and stretches. Over time, her range of motion improved, and she regained strength in her lower back and hips. I was extremely proud of myself for correctly implementing the RICE method on my mother. Watching my mom struggle helplessly broke my heart. My mother is one of the kindest individuals I know; she helped many patients through her comfort and compassion. Hence, helping my mom recover is my biggest accomplishment, for I was able to help her get back to doing what she loves to do. From that moment on, I knew I found my passion and would pursue a career in physical therapy helping others recover from their injuries. Recovering from an injury is not only a challenge physically but also mentally. There were times where my mother and I would both cry together. She cried every night about not seeing progress in her recovery, and she agonized over the thought that she may never be the same. I spent many nights motivating my mom to keep pushing during her two years of recovery. I wish to motivate my future patients the same way I motivated my mom through her recovery. Since my mother and I are both Christians, we prayed to God daily to heal her. My mother’s favorite verse that inspires her to not give up is Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Ever since then, I pray this verse whenever I am facing adversity. Therefore, I plan to continue praying and fighting until I achieve what I was born to do, having a positive impact on patients. To help others with their mental health, I will build a community center called “Blaise’s World.” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6. Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Impact International Student Athlete Scholarship
    My “why” consists of my education journey. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. Thus, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I make an impact on others by taking pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?” I grew up in an underserved community of Largo. Largo did not have many programs for children due to the low income. Thus, I initiated an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people a year ago. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Consequently, numerous residents were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for everyone through my compassion. My experiences made me who I am today by building a community center called “Blaise’s World.” in the future. Blaise’s World will include “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can exercise and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    I became a powerlifter on November 22, 2020. From then, my life has consisted of the following: God, school, work, gym, repeat. I could only exercise at midnight because of my busy schedule. I suffered minor injuries along the way but I never let it hinder me. Fortunately, I cut 28lbs in 3 weeks through the grace of God. Thus, my scripture for this season is Hebrews 12:11 (NLT). I want to thank God, my coach, and for everyone’s support. Now, it’s time to reset, refocus, restart. #alllovegermainblaise ♥️ Weight class: 100kg , 220lbs Deadlift: 500 (PR)
    Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans
    While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years. I have been dreaming big by building a community center called “Blaise’s World.” in the future. Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can workout and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service. I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?” I grew up in an underserved community of Largo. Largo did not have many programs for children due to the low income. Thus, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people a year ago. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion.
    Impact Scholarship for Black Students
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?”. A year ago, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. I make an impact by building a community center called “Blaise’s World.” Blaise’s World will consist of “Blaise Physical Therapy Clinic” and “Blaise Gym”. My goal is to create a healthy environment where people can obtain physical and spiritual nourishment. Additionally, this community center will be a place where young adults can workout and receive physical, educational, and spiritual guidance. To achieve this objective, there will be a mentorship program for individuals under 18. Mentees will receive free gym access and discounts by meeting with their mentor a minimum of twice a month and receiving a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Also, I will use the funds I obtain from the gym memberships for scholarships. Finally, I will ensure Blaise’s World is a place that is filled with a positive atmosphere. To do this, I will have bible scriptures on all the facility’s walls, especially Philippians 4:6 (NLT) “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Overall, Blaise’s World will be a place where patients receive compassionate care and spiritual encouragement throughout their service.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    The emergence of COVID-19 has altered countless lives, and my life has been no exception. While many people have lost friends and loved ones, I have been fortunate enough to not lose any of my family members. Nevertheless, this pandemic has affected my life educationally and professionally, and spiritually. I got accepted into the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Doctor of Physical Therapy’s (DPT) program during the pandemic. Because of COVID-19, many of their requirements were removed such as observational hours and the GRE. Without this removal, I would have not gotten accepted into physical therapy school, for I did not have sufficient observational hours nor GRE score. Furthermore, I lost my job as a Resident Assistant at Towson University. Thus, I did not have a steady income to pay for bills. However, my faith in Jesus grew exponentially, as I witness God provide for me financially. Without COVID-19, I would have never grown in my faith in the Lord. Overall, although I was affected by COVID-19 educationally, professionally, and spiritually, I was still able to progress and grow amid a pandemic.
    Bervell Health Equity Scholarship
    I take pride in my great sense of compassion. Ever since I was a child, I knew I had an aspiration for helping other people. The real question was “how?” I grew up in an underserved community of Largo. Largo did not have many programs for children due to the low income. Thus, I started an “#alllovegermainblaise” movement to inspire love and positivity amongst all people a year ago. I implemented this movement primarily on social media to create a sense of community. This is one of my biggest accomplishments, for I have seen firsthand how I have impacted the lives of others. One month after I started my movement, I noticed more freshmen attending campus events. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) for the freshman residence hall when I initiated my campaign. Thus, many of them were exposed to my message directly. Furthermore, some of the freshmen under my wing were shy and introverted. However, the positivity and charisma I displayed spurred them to socialize and attend school events. This led to my residents networking with other like-minded individuals. Also, my residents were exposed to more opportunities such as job fairs and mentorships. When I become a student at University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), I plan to spread the same message of love and positivity with my peers and colleagues. With this movement, I will help create a friendly and inviting community for all students at UMB through my compassion. I know how to overcome challenges because I am currently surpassing my tribulations. While I have been fortunate enough to attend Towson University for my whole undergraduate degree, it was not an easy journey. Due to my father’s job, I am not allotted any federal grants. Understandably, the government is under the impression that my father has adequate funds to support my academic pursuits. Under normal circumstances, this would be true. Unfortunately, this is not the case. My father is the first in his family to ever come to America, he is originally from Cameroon. As a result, he has taken on the mantle of financially supporting our family back in Africa. This means most of his finances are sent back home, and my father keeps just enough to pay bills here in America. Additionally, I have a twin sister who is also pursuing a master’s degree. Therefore, my dad sacrificed his retirement fund and took out loans for the last four years to support both of his children's school fees. This scholarship is not just “free money” to me. This fund is how I will give back to my father who has selflessly supported his family for many years.