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Gabrielle McGregor


Bold Points






I am a very passionate person when it comes to learning new things and exploring the outdoors. My hobbies include collecting local fossils from the ledge of the Niagara escarpment, flowers for plant-pressing, and tumbled beach glass from the Great Lakes. I have been athletic all my life from doing gymnastics and soccer since I was three, to starting track and field in 6th grade. I found my interest in hurdles and made the varsity team in high school freshman year. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic halted all school extracurricular activities. Therefore, at the height of the pandemic, I found myself spending more time outdoors focusing on my mental health. I love nature, I spend as much time as I can outdoors exploring state parks and traveling about the U.S. Getting the opportunity to see how beautiful and diverse nature is and hope to expand that beyond. Another great quality of mine is my work ethic. I am currently a pharmacy technician obtaining beforehand knowledge of the future career I wish to go into. I want to bring change in people's lives, and I watch pharmacists do this daily. I dedicate myself every day, with each step I take, each class attended, and each shift worked. I will achieve my goal of making a difference in the world.


University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Pharmacy Technician

      2021 – Present3 years
    • Cashier/Stocker/Unload Truck/Curbside Pickup/Fedx/Photo Orders/Cleaner

      2019 – Present5 years
    • Cashier

      2017 – 20181 year



    2016 – 20171 year


    2013 – 20141 year

    Artistic Gymnastics

    2006 – 201711 years


    2008 – 20157 years

    Track & Field

    Junior Varsity
    2015 – 20205 years


    • Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences

      Finding and studying fossils
      2021 – 2021


    • Dance
      2010 – 2013

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Cardinal Community Mentors — Creating decorations and helping kids around the building
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Key Club — To clean up the high school courtyard, fundraising, & donating
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests




    Student Life Photography Scholarship x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Although relatively new to the financial world, I have learned and seen the best course of action for saving up for college or any future endeavor. It the importance of starting your retirement plan, start a saving account, apply for scholarships, and financial aid, and calculate how much you will need to for college each year. Preparing this way can have you come out of college debt-free. Having a financial plan is the first start to being financially stable and preparing for any future unanticipated events. Another great finance lesson that I have learned is being knowledgeable about loans and which one to take and how much to take out so you do not end up in more debt than originally planned. Having knowledge and doing research and tips and tricks is one step in a great direction to having great future planning habits that can impact you for the rest of your life. That can teach you lessons you will need in further adult years for planning for buying a house, having children, and anything unexpected that occurs. Financial planning is always a great tip to help you have a stable, happy, and healthy lifestyle.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, and I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. Things that bothered me before COVID-19 were a huge bother to me. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    One thing I have learned about myself is the awareness of mental health. One way to improve personal health is to check in with your state of mind, and there is no better time to start practicing healthy habits than in the high school years. When everyone is changing, whether it's dealing with the stress of what they want to be when they grow up or figuring out time management when it comes to school, work, or extracurricular activities. By seeing how someone is mentally you are able to get a deeper insight into how students feel about themselves and how they are treating themselves based on that. If we take the first steps in pushing more for mental health awareness, personal hygiene, better-eating habits, stress on students, time management, and homework will all improve. No better time to teach the future generations all about self-care than while they are going through the most crucial point and the most decision-making time in their life. Overall, looking into children's mental health and habits will help them throughout their growing process and will teach them lifelong skills and good habits that will give them a happy, successful, long life. Especially during this period of life, no better time to practice self-care and time to oneself and to do something that makes someone happy. It has changed my life and outlook on how to take care of my body and my happiness.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, and I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. Things that bothered me before COVID-19 were a huge bother to me. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, and I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. Things that bothered me before COVID-19 were a huge bother to me. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    Growing up in a country setting, gardening was an important facet of life. Especially in this day in age where people wanna know where their food comes from. It taught me life skills, responsibilities, and hardship. Gardening taught me and my family everything we need to know about life when it comes to learning about life and death, photosynthesis, raising plants, the important things we need on our planet, and how we learn if one essential component is taken away it starts a domino effect. You almost have to be like a mother and nurture it and protect it from bugs and diseases. We have faced struggles with deer and rabbits eating our crops so we built a fence around our garden to keep them away. Maintaining a garden has given me the passion to help and nurture people and plants and a passion for being outdoors and learning that every life has meaning. Raising up a garden is one of my hobbies I enjoy doing and could continue to do without getting bored. It gives me a reason to enjoy the outdoor weather and produces fresh crops and snacks that are healthy. It also gives me time with my family, exercise, and enjoyment of the outdoors. In order to find your happy place, you have to get out and seek the joy in life whether it is my family time with your family or just by gardening and being outside.
    College Showdown Scholarship
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    The beautiful outdoors is a gateway to experiencing amazing wildlife and fulfilling lifestyle habits. Throughout my life, I have always been outdoors, whether it ranged from exploring national parks across the U.S or being in my own backyard. Nature gives me a new appreciation of life and how we need to nurture it and protect it. I regularly pick up trash and with my family go to the Great Lakes to collect beach glass from the shorelines and collect it and make jewelry to raise awareness and give what was trash before a new purpose instead of ruining the environment. Nature is inspirational in the sense it gives us a lot of things. It fills our eyes with wonder and how nature can be in itself its own art and continues to thrive and adapt despite how some might be destroying it. Life always finds a way which I think in itself is an inspiration.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    Throughout my duration of High School, we have all encountered the pandemic of COVID-19. During this year and a half of uprooting, I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk (not thinking my participation would lead anywhere. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. In school for example, if someone in the hallways had pushed me in the hallways, I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You do not know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    The ability of listening gives one the knowledge and social language of how someone is doing mentally and physically. You gain the ability of "Reading a person", you get to know a person's body language and get to know how someone is feeling. The power of listening can help a friend, family member, or someone that can just needs to talk, get things off their chest. Through experience, I have always been an active listener to my friends. It tells me who they are as a person and sometimes how much they needed to get things out of their mind, so they are able to move on from the situation rather than holding it in and having the situation fester and become unhealthy. Listening gives someone the power of trustworthiness because the person who is talking is pouring their vulnerability to you and putting trust within you. Which I believe is the key to being a friend and a great human being. Listening is one of my greatest qualities because it helped me decide on my future career. I have chosen to become a pharmacist and work in customer service because of the stories and how much people need help in the world or just a friend to talk to. Whether it is giving someone recommendations or listening to them and their situation. The power of listening is a great tool that everyone needs because it allows one to grow as a person and mature. To learn and see all different life situations and how you can help better the world.
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    The meaning of life can vary for everyone and what they believe to be their "calling" in life. Growing up in my situation, I believe my purpose and meaning of it is to help those in need. I have always since a young age wanted to help people. Whether it is mentally, physically, or out of kindness. Which can range from holding a door open for something or helping one of my friends find a job at my workplace because she was being bullied at her old workplace. Working in a customer work setting for my teenage years has determined my future job and changed my outlook on life. Seeing how many people in the world need help and especially during these tough times, I wish to make a difference and change people's lives for the better. I have always had a passion for helping others and will reach my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I was inspired to pursue this career because I put myself into their shoes and hear their stories and think about how I can make a difference in their life. I know how much a small difference can make for someone. My goal is to also inspire others to continue on and help those in need to the future generations and for them to also be inspired. Whether it's big or small, every step you take out of your way to help someone else is a step in the right direction. The meaning of life for me is to teach and guide others to help each other through life. Therefore becomes a chain reaction that creates a happy, healthier social space and environment for everyone.
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    I am currently a high school senior at Fond du lac high school, and I am accepted into UW-Oshkosh. I am going for a biology major and then transferring to UW-Madison for Pharmacy Graduate School. I have always had a passion for helping others and those in my community. I have been working at Walgreens for over two years and have earned customer service experience and greater social skills in order to help people better. Since I have turned 18 I transferred into the pharmacy department and have taken the role of pharmacy technician. One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. expectations. Whether it is helping my family, myself, the community, nature, or at work, I always try to stand out and do more than what is expected of me.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    One way to improve personal health is to check everyone's mental health and state of mind, and there is no better time to do that than in the high school years. When everyone is changing whether it's dealing with the stress of what they want to be when they grow up or figuring out time management when it comes to school, work, or extracurricular activities. By seeing how someone is mentally you are able to get a deeper insight into how students feel about themselves and how they are treating themselves based on that. If we take the first steps in pushing more for mental health awareness, personal hygiene, better eating habits, stress on students, time management, and homework will all improve. No better time to teach the future generations all about self-care than while they are going through the most crucial point and the most decision-making time in their life. Overall, looking into children's mental health and habits will help them throughout their growing process and will teach them lifelong skills and good habits that will give them a happy, successful, long life. Especially during this period of life, no better time to practice self-care and time to oneself and to do something that makes someone happy. It has changed my life and outlook on how to take care of my body and my happiness.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. Finishing my freshman year of high school all in person and then was thrown into complete online learning. During this year and a half of uprooting, I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first, speaking up for myself and others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. For example, if someone had pushed me in the hallway, I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    Working in a customer work setting for my teenage years has determined my future job and changed my outlook on life. Seeing how many people in the world need help and especially during these tough times, I wish to make a difference and change people's lives for the better. I have always had a passion for helping others and will reach my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I was inspired to pursue this career because I put myself into their shoes and hear their stories and think about how I can make a difference in their life. I know how much a small difference can make for someone by simply holding open the door or helping them carry something. Therefore, I have taken steps towards this goal by gaining customer service experience to gain social skills. I joined Walgreens when I turned 16 and have been there for two years and now transitioning back into the pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician. Going a step further and getting an education in this field will help me help others professionally. By giving recommendations in medicines and advancing my knowledge so that I can help people live a happier, healthier life and change one life at a time. My goal is to also inspire others to continue on and help those in need to the future generations and for them to also be inspired. Whether it's big or small, every step you take out of your way to help someone else is a step in the right direction.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    Working in a customer work setting for my teenage years has determined my future job and changed my outlook on life. Seeing how many people in the world need help and especially during these tough times, I wish to make a difference and change people's lives for the better. I have always had a passion for helping others and will reach my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I was inspired to pursue this career because I put myself into their shoes and hear their stories and think about how I can make a difference in their life. I know how much a small difference can make for someone by simply holding open the door or helping them carry something. Therefore, I have taken steps towards this goal by gaining customer service experience to gain social skills. I joined Walgreens when I turned 16 and have been there for two years and now transitioned back into the pharmacy and have become a Pharmacy Technician. Going a step further and getting an education in this field will help me help others professionally. By giving recommendations in medicines and advancing my knowledge so that I can help people live a happier, healthier life and change one life at a time. My goal is to also inspire others to continue on and help those in need to the future generations and for them to also be inspired. Whether it's big or small, every step you take out of your way to help someone else is a step in the right direction.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    Growing up in a country setting, gardening was an important facet of life. Especially in this day in age where people wanna know where their food comes from. It taught me life skills, responsibilities, and hardship. Gardening taught me and my family everything we need to know about life when it comes to learning about life and death, photosynthesis, raising plants, the important things we need on our planet, and how we learn if one essential component is taken away it starts a domino effect. You almost have to be like a mother and nurture it and protect it from bugs and diseases. We have faced struggles with deer and rabbits eating our crops so we built a fence around our garden to keep them away. Maintaining a garden has given me the passion to help and nurture people and plants and a passion for being outdoors and learning that every life has meaning. Raising up a garden is one of my hobbies I enjoy doing and could continue to do without getting bored. It gives me a reason to enjoy the outdoor weather and produces fresh crops and snacks that are healthy. It also gives me time with my family, exercise, and enjoyment of the outdoors.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    One way to improve personal health is to check everyone's mental health and state of mind, and there is no better time to do that than in the high school years. When everyone is changing whether it's dealing with the stress of what they want to be when they grow up or figuring out time management when it comes to school, work, or extracurricular activities. By seeing how someone is mentally you are able to get a deeper insight into how students feel about themselves and how they are treating themselves based on that. If we take the first steps in pushing more for mental health awareness, personal hygiene, better eating habits, stress on students, time management, and homework will all improve. No better time to teach the future generations all about self-care than while they are going through the most crucial point and the most decision-making time in their life. Overall, looking into children's mental health and habits will help them throughout their growing process and will teach them lifelong skills and good habits that will give them a happy, successful, long life. Especially during this period of life, no better time to practice self-care and time to oneself and to do something that makes someone happy. It has changed my life and outlook on how to take care of my body and my happiness.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    Working in a customer work setting for my teenage years has determined my future job and changed my outlook on life. Seeing how many people in the world need help and especially during these tough times, I wish to make a difference and change people's lives for the better. I have always had a passion for helping others and will reach my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I was inspired to pursue this career because I put myself into their shoes and hear their stories and think about how I can make a difference in their life. I know how much a small difference can make for someone by simply holding open the door or helping them carry something. Therefore, I have taken steps towards this goal by gaining customer service experience to gain social skills. I joined Walgreens when I turned 16 and have been there for two years and now transitioning back into the pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician. Going a step further and getting an education in this field will help me help others professionally. By giving recommendations in medicines and advancing my knowledge so that I can help people live a happier, healthier life and change one life at a time. My goal is to also inspire others to continue on and help those in need to the future generations and for them to also be inspired. Whether it's big or small, every step you take out of your way to help someone else is a step in the right direction.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    I am currently a high school senior at Fond du lac high school, and I am accepted into UW-Oshkosh. I am going for a biology major and then transferring to UW-Madison for Pharmacy Graduate School. I have always had a passion for helping others and those in my community. I have been working at Walgreens for over two years and have earned customer service experience and greater social skills in order to help people better. Since I have turned 18 I transferred into the pharmacy department and have taken the role of pharmacy technician. One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. Before the Pandemic I was a shy person, not volunteering to go first or talk. When I returned to school I noticed the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors and doing Silver Cord this year. It was a turning point in my life. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way. During this point in time was a huge challenge, no longer seeing friends, but also seeing how small things are. For example, whether it was someone pushing me in the hallway or just saying something rude. I had to take a step back with patience and an open mind to assess the situation as a whole and put myself in their shoes. You don't know their situation and what kind of mindset they are in or their backstory. The power of forgiveness of not holding onto grudges shows who you are as a person and still after they do something rude to you have the ability to look past that. I can now put myself in their shoes and understand their situation to try to lend my support in helping them.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    One way to improve personal health is to check everyone's mental health and state of mind, and there is no better time to do that than in the high school years. When everyone is changing whether it's dealing with the stress of what they want to be when they grow up or figuring out time management when it comes to school, work, or extracurricular activities. By seeing how someone is mentally you are able to get a deeper insight into how students feel about themselves and how they are treating themselves based on that. If we take the first steps in pushing more for mental health awareness, personal hygiene, better eating habits, stress on students, time management, and homework will all improve. No better time to teach the future generations all about self-care than while they are going through the most crucial point and the most decision-making time in their life. Overall, looking into children's mental health and habits will help them throughout their growing process and will teach them lifelong skills and good habits that will give them a happy, successful, long life. Especially during this period of life, no better time to practice self-care and time to oneself and to do something that makes someone happy. It has changed my life and outlook on how to take care of my body and my happiness.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    I currently work at Walgreens and recently transferred from customer service to the pharmacy department. I am currently attending High School with release privileges to further advance myself for pharmacy school. Not only did I gain the ability to "handle" customers but learn social skills, learn about products, registered skills, handling money, and most importantly during all of this, you're helping your customers and dealing with the public in a real-world experience. Whether they are looking for recommendations and are too scared to ask. I will always be the one to ask if they need any help or if they would like recommendations from the pharmacist. One of the greatest obstacles that I've encountered throughout my duration of High School is the pandemic of COVID-19. This episode opened my mind to a different point of self-reflection and growth. Finishing my freshman year of high school all in person and then being thrown into complete online learning throughout my sophomore and junior year put a damper on a lot of things in my life. During this year and a half of uprooting, I realized now that it was also a metamorphosis for me. When I returned to school I noticed (along with my peers) the confidence in myself I've gained. Assertiveness to what I want, whether it's knowing my future career or being confident in my answers. I have grown out of my shell, I am no longer frightened of going first or speaking up for myself or others gave me the motivation to become a member of the Key Club. I've started volunteering with the Cardinal community mentors. Figuring out who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future and helping others lost along the way.
    Grow Your Own Produce Sustainability Scholarship
    Growing up in a country setting, gardening was an important facet of life for my family. Especially in this day in age where people want to know where their food comes from. Gardening taught me life skills, responsibilities, and hardship. My family and I were able to learn everything we need to know about the cycles when it comes to the beginnings of life and death, photosynthesis, raising plants, and the important things we need on our planet, and how we learned that if one essential component is taken away it starts a domino effect. You almost have to be like a mother and nurture it and protect it from bugs and diseases. We have faced struggles with deer and rabbits eating our crops so we built a fence around our garden to keep them away and tried numerous natural ways to protect the garden. Maintaining a garden has given me the passion to help and nurture people and plants and for the love of being outdoors and learning that every life has meaning. Also, that sometimes some things need others to step in and help when it is struggling. For example, during the dry season, the plants didn't get the water they required so we had to step in and put the sprinkler in and water the garden. First starting our garden, we faced many hardships on how to get our plantings off to a good start. Whether it was figuring out what we wanted to plant, the sunlight, water, space they required, and keeping animals and diseases away. We faced many trials and errors throughout the years of having a garden and each time we tried again and did something different. This taught me the life skill to never give up and that you have to keep trying and adapt to situations when things don't always work out. Another important key aspect is the health benefits of growing your own produce. Not only did it save my family a lot of money but also gave us healthy foods to cook with. Benefiting us with healthy diets and great health conditions. Growing our own garden has also changed my outlook on life, whether it is to care for and nurture others or by giving me lifelong lessons. Gardening is an overall fulfilling experience. It teaches lifelong lessons and facing hardships. It gives you an outlook on life that teaches you to nurture others and a passion for hard work and dedication. Lastly, the benefits are worth every second of raising a garden, when it comes to living a long and happy life. The most important trait was patience was taught, no matter what we did, mother nature can never be rushed.