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Finn Foster


Bold Points




Hello I’m Finn, an aspiring graphic designer from Texas. I’ve dabbled in my fair share of extracurriculars and hobbies such as performing in one of the best Texan marching bands, work as an officer and social media manager in my school’s board game club, earned two Adobe certifications in Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as started up an outside of school group to clean up our local nature trails. I hope to use the resources I have to graduate college debt free and enter the workforce straight out of college.


Savannah College of Art and Design

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Graphic Communications
  • Minors:
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

Flower Mound High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Graphic Communications
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Graphic Design

    • Dream career goals:

      Graphic Designer

    • Barista

      Feng Cha, Lewisville
      2023 – 20241 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      My own — Leader / Founder
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Chris Struthers Memorial Scholarship
    For the longest time I viewed graphic design as a career option for people who make logos or arrange magazines, but after learning about the craft in a classroom environment, I’ve come around to realizing how graphic design is one of the most expressive arts there are. Sure writers and painters share their emotions in their art forms, but a graphic designer communicates the purpose and emotions of their project with their viewer, without the viewer even realizing it at times. Every corner of our world is built around the web of designs; from the color of the traffic lights that tell us to stop and go, the font chosen to convey a serious vibe on a website, to the round shapes on a poster advertising a family friendly event. In my journey as a student, I have learned to fall in love with each step of the process. My personal favorite project was transferring the emotions that a song conveys into a visual format, emphasizing the importance of color. By researching the general consensus of what colors and emotions people associate with one another, I put together a piece on a song called “Pools” by Glass Animals (My process for this project is available with the attached files). I started with thumbnailing the illustration, moving from uglier sketches, into a more refined base to work from. Next, I put together a list of emotions I felt from the song from most present to least. Taking these emotions I could work on developing a palette with diverse values that accurately depicts the burst of momentum that came from the music. Even during the final stages of polishing the piece, I run the progress by my teacher and peers to determine if the energy of the art matches that of the original media it was based on. Despite how time and work intensive the process can be, I love being able to work with my peers in each step to improve my communication skills, not only as a designer, but as a person. The cross pollination of ideas that comes out of the design space can really open your eyes to a whole new perspective of what you are capable of creating. With that open minded attitude, there becomes an extensive amount of work opportunities. The world of design allows for the expression of diverse ideas, from the most concrete to the highly abstract. For instance, designing a logo involves encapsulating the essence of a brand—its identity, values, and promise—in a simple yet powerful visual symbol. On the other hand, creating a poster or an illustration can be an exploration of more abstract concepts like emotions, dreams, or social issues. This versatility is what makes graphic design such a powerful tool for expression. It provides a platform to explore and convey different dimensions of human experience, making the abstract accessible and the invisible visible. At its core, design is deeply integrated into every career and part of our world. It is in this intricate connection that I found my passion in combining art, psychology, and a versatile job market. Wherever I go in the world, there is a role waiting for me where I can help people, and accomplish important work. Without this art form, the connections between people and cultures would be much more difficult.
    Crawley Kids Scholarship
    Even during the sweltering summer heat of Texas, I persist in clearing the local trails of discarded beer cans, torn plastic, and miscellaneous items. Picking up trash is more than just maintaining cleanliness; it is an expression of respect for the environment and the community. Being able to preserve the beautiful patches of nature in a growing suburb are key to maintaining public spaces that both people and the wildlife can thrive in. Having grown up next to a lake, my eyes have been opened to the simple beauties that Texas wildlife has to offer. Many aspects of the trails go overlooked, from the tart dew berries growing amongst the bushes to even the rare sighting of a bald eagle. Instead, attention is drawn to the garbage left out by drunk campers or careless hikers. By engaging in trash pick-up, my group can inspire a broader commitment to environmental conservation and making fond memories outdoors. Regardless of where I end up in the next few years, my aspirations to make my communities greener will never die.
    Hubert Colangelo Literacy Scholarship
    As an 18-year-old student aspiring to study graphic design, the opportunity to secure a scholarship holds significance in a time when financial stability feels like an unattainable goal for young adults, especially those of a latino background like me. This scholarship represents more than just a monetary award; it symbolizes the possibility of graduating debt-free and representing more Brazilian and latino individuals in the graphic design industry. With the rising costs of higher education, graduating debt-free has become a rare privilege, which is typically held by wealthy white Americans. By covering a portion of my tuition expenses, I can help represent my culture and community in an effort to free our generation of financial burden. Beyond the practical benefits, graduating debt-free would instill a sense of confidence and empowerment in others to chase scholarships and pursue a higher education, without suffering from debt. In essence, this scholarship would not only ease the financial burden of pursuing a college education but also lay the groundwork for a future filled with promise and potential. It would empower not only me, but others to chase our dreams without reservation, knowing that we have the support and resources necessary to succeed in a world where financial hardships are all too common.