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Erica Lindsay


Bold Points




Being an international student requires financial support in another country. Opportunities presented where I could envision myself as a successful first-generation graduate. I made a bold step. I met a Chiropractor at a high school track meet as a student-athlete. At the time, I wanted to become a physical therapist. However, I was inspired by the chiropractor to choose this career path. I have been passionate about it ever since. I started college in my home country (Jamaica) and dropped out after my first year because I needed help paying my fees. I worked and saved and sent myself back to school. I applied for school in the United States, and I got accepted. I love it here at my college. I'm the only one still trying to fund my education because I refuse to give up. No matter how small the reward or help may be, I'm grateful for the assistance. I will become a chiropractor. I will make it by the grace of God.


University of Bridgeport

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Biology, General
    • Chiropractic
    • Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
    • Chemistry
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Business owner. I aspire to have my own company where I deal exclusively with athletes and specific days to be open to the public.

    • I was a teller and my responsibilities were to receive and distribute money to customers,Record all negotiable instruments of all financial transactions and Execute Bill Payments, Verify Signatures, Issue Receipts.

      Western Union
      2015 – 20172 years



    1998 – Present26 years


    • trophies certificates medals

    Track & Field

    2009 – 201910 years


    • medals
    • certificates


    • Jamique Ensamble

      2017 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Exploring the nature of our universe is an intellectual endeavor that has fascinated humanity for centuries, transcending cultural, geographical, and temporal boundaries. The pursuit of understanding the cosmos is deeply ingrained in our collective curiosity and represents a fundamental aspect of human nature. As we delve into why it is crucial to unravel the mysteries of the universe, we can identify several interconnected elements that highlight the significance of this endeavor. First and foremost, understanding the nature of our universe expands the horizon of human knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is an inherent characteristic of the human species, and it has been the driving force behind countless scientific, technological, and philosophical advancements throughout history. By unraveling the intricacies of the cosmos, we gain insights into the fundamental principles that govern the universe's existence and behavior. This knowledge forms the basis for advancements in various fields, including physics, astronomy, and cosmology, contributing to the overall progress of human civilization. One of the central motivations for understanding the universe is to decipher its origins. The question of how the universe came into existence has been a profound and persistent inquiry. Through scientific exploration, we strive to comprehend the mechanisms and events that led to the cosmos' formation. This quest to understand our cosmic origins satisfies our intellectual curiosity and provides a sense of context and purpose to our existence. It allows us to connect with the vastness of time and space, offering a perspective that transcends the immediacy of our daily lives. Moreover, exploring the nature of the universe fosters technological innovation. Historically, many technological breakthroughs have emerged from scientific inquiries seeking to understand the cosmos. The space race, for example, led to the development of technologies such as satellite communication, advanced materials, and computational systems, all of which have had profound implications for various industries and everyday life. By pushing the boundaries of our knowledge about the universe, we invariably push the limits of our technological capabilities, leading to advancements that have practical applications on Earth. In addition to technological innovation, the quest to understand the universe cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Scientific inquiry requires rigorous observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and analysis. This inquiry process instills a scientific mindset that values evidence-based reasoning and fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity. These skills extend beyond astrophysics and contribute to a broader scientific literacy essential for informed decision-making in a complex and technologically driven world. As we embark on the journey to unravel the mysteries of the universe, specific ideas and concepts become instrumental in guiding our exploration. One such concept is the scientific method, a systematic approach to inquiry that involves formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on empirical evidence. The scientific method provides a structured framework for investigating the natural world, ensuring that our pursuit of knowledge is grounded in objective observation and reproducible experimentation. Another crucial idea is the interdisciplinary nature of scientific inquiry. The universe's complexity requires collaboration among diverse scientific disciplines, including physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Integrating insights from various fields allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the cosmos. For example, astrobiology studies combine principles from biology and astronomy to explore the potential for life beyond Earth. Embracing this interdisciplinary approach enhances the richness of our exploration and enables us to address complex questions that transcend the boundaries of individual scientific disciplines. Additionally, the concept of theoretical frameworks plays a pivotal role in our quest to understand the universe. Theories provide overarching explanations for observed phenomena and serve as a foundation for further exploration. In physics, for instance, theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics have revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and matter. These theoretical frameworks guide experimental design and inspire new avenues of inquiry and exploration. The advancement of technology is a critical enabler in our pursuit of understanding the universe. Technological tools, such as powerful telescopes, particle accelerators, and space probes, extend the reach of our observations and experiments. Innovations in instrumentation and data analysis techniques enhance our ability to collect and interpret vast amounts of information, pushing the boundaries of what we can observe and understand about the cosmos. Furthermore, paradigm shifts are inherent in the exploration of the universe. Scientific progress often involves challenging existing paradigms and embracing new conceptual frameworks. For example, the Copernican revolution displaced the Earth from its central position in the cosmos, paving the way for a heliocentric solar system model. Similarly, ongoing debates and investigations in cosmology may lead to paradigm shifts that reshape our understanding of the universe's fundamental nature. In conclusion, the pursuit of understanding the nature of our universe is a significant and transformative endeavor with far-reaching implications for humanity. It expands the frontiers of human knowledge, provides insights into our cosmic origins, fosters technological innovation, and cultivates critical thinking skills. As we explore the cosmos, we rely on foundational concepts such as the scientific method, interdisciplinary collaboration, theoretical frameworks, technological advancements, and the potential for paradigm shifts. Embracing these ideas empowers us to navigate the universe's complexities, unravel its mysteries, and contribute to the continuous progression of human understanding. Ultimately, the quest to understand the universe is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human curiosity and the inexhaustible pursuit of knowledge.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    In my home country, we are known for producing some of the fastest athletes in the world. I am from Jamaica; in my career, I will make a significant impact by helping athletes in elementary schools, middle school, high school, colleges, and clubs So they can continue to be great representatives of our country. Jamaica has produced many great world-renowned athletes in track and field, namely, Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive with world records yet to be broken, and Shelly-Ann Frazer-Price. Being a chiropractor, I will establish a practice dedicated to student-athletes to help them maintain their health so they can successfully pursue all their dreams of becoming a professional athlete and proudly representing our country. On the contrary, my chiropractic practice will not be limited to just track and field athletes but all athletes representing Jamaica. Jamaican athletes are showing massive improvement in other sports, such as football. Our reggae girls recently became the first Caribbean nation to reach the knockout phase of the women's World Cup female football group from the Caribbean to reach the semifinals in the world championships. The Reggae boys are currently doing well in football, and our Sunshine Girls netball team has been doing great as they continue to tour Australia and New Zealand, winning games and making our country proud. Additionally, I aspire to be a sponsor of the Inter-secondary School Sports Association Jamaica (ISSA), as they are the governing body for high school sports in Jamaica. The second thing on my agenda to impact my country is to build shelters to help get people experiencing homelessness from off the streets and to establish more rehab centers to help persons get out of addictions. The most meaningful impact I will make is to generate scholarships to aid inner-city students who aspire to continue their studies through college because I know what it feels like growing up in an inner-city community without help and with our parents not being able to afford college and the struggle and the poverty and the limitations placed upon us because of our background. I aspire to build inner-city communities with more learning centers to help students with homework and assignments. I will also have tutors helping students with extra classes to get better grades. These learning centers will also aid every person in the community and support adult learners who did not get the chance to finish high school. It will teach them the basics of reading and writing, how to construct a proper resume, dress, and speak for interviews. I want to change how inner-city communities are perceived in the eyes of outsiders who don't understand the struggles that are faced daily. This scholarship will be the root of assisting me through the first phase, graduating.
    Minority Women in LAS Scholarship
    Firstly, I am expressing my gratitude and appreciation for the scholarship available. Immigrants are rarely recognized in the United States, and we are the ones who are building this country; the hardship is accurate, and the feeling of being an outcast follows naturally. I am currently enrolled in college here at the University of Bridgeport, and I can hardly find scholarships to help me continue my studies. I tried applying for several scholarships and got denied because I'm not a permanent resident or a citizen, so I'm not eligible for such a scholarship. I've tried for state help, and it's the same. I'm not a resident or a citizen, so I can't get help. There are also limitations to work availability and a maximum of 15 hours. It's hard to find a job being an immigrant. I can barely sustain myself and save even to help myself continue my studies. This country has many Loan companies willing to lend you money rather than implement more scholarships and grants willingly. I have cried myself many times to sleep wondering if I've made the right decision, wandering off in a country alone, wanting to return to my home country in Jamaica, and then wondering what the result would be. I'm here to make a difference. I aim to achieve all I aspire to do. Hence, I have to continuously push myself and remind myself of the reason why I came here in the first place, how I want to make my mother proud, how I want to make my father proud, how I want to Achieve the desire to become a first generation graduate from my family and how I want to motivate my sisters and be a role model to them and tell them not to give up so here I have to be strong even when I feel weak. There is no one to talk to, no one to turn to, no one to help me, even when I feel like I'm depressed and I don't have help. I still have to push myself and try to make ends meet. There were times when I had been deregistered from my classes because I owed fees. I had to search and push through over 20 applications to get in so I could be re-registered for my classes, and that was one of the most devastating moments in my life. I felt like Everything was falling apart. I almost gave up, and then I just found a little hope somewhere, so it isn't an easy path, but I am steadfast. Things will work out, so I remain faithful. Even if I am not awarded this scholarship, thank you for even considering such a scholarship.
    Crenati Foundation Supporting International Students Scholarship
    In my home country, we are known for producing some of the fastest athletes in the world. I am from Jamaica; in my career, I will make a significant impact by helping athletes in elementary schools, middle school, high school, colleges, and clubs So they can continue to be great representatives of our country. Jamaica has produced many great world-renowned athletes in track and field, namely, Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive with world records yet to be broken, and Shelly-Ann Frazer-Price. Being a chiropractor, I will establish a practice dedicated to student-athletes to help them maintain their health so they can successfully pursue all their dreams of becoming a professional athlete and proudly representing our country. On the contrary, my chiropractic practice will not be limited to just track and field athletes but all athletes representing Jamaica. Jamaican athletes are showing massive improvement in other sports, such as football. Our reggae girls recently became the first Caribbean nation to reach the knockout phase of the women's World Cup female football group from the Caribbean to reach the semifinals in the world championships. The Reggae boys are currently doing well in football, and our Sunshine Girls netball team has been doing great as they continue to tour Australia and New Zealand, winning games and making our country proud. Additionally, I aspire to be a sponsor of the Inter-secondary School Sports Association Jamaica (ISSA), as they are the governing body for high school sports in Jamaica. The second thing on my agenda to impact my country is to build shelters to help get people experiencing homelessness from off the streets and to establish more rehab centers to help persons get out of addictions. The most meaningful impact I will make is to generate scholarships to aid inner-city students who aspire to continue their studies through college because I know what it feels like growing up in an inner-city community without help and with our parents not being able to afford college and the struggle and the poverty and the limitations placed upon us because of our background. I aspire to build inner-city communities with more learning centers to help students with homework and assignments. I will also have tutors helping students with extra classes to get better grades. These learning centers will also aid every person in the community and support adult learners who did not get the chance to finish high school. It will teach them the basics of reading and writing, how to construct a proper resume, dress, and speak for interviews. I want to change how inner-city communities are perceived in the eyes of outsiders who don't understand the struggles that are faced daily.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    Being encouraging around others is effortless to me. I think people are drawn to me by my personality, my energy, and my presence. I always leave an impact because I listen, motivate and show compassion. I would use myself as an example and relate to them. Many people really just need someone around to listen to them at a time and to know that there is someone they can talk to. I would encourage them to not give up no matter what obstacle may arise. I would say "You may fall a thousand times but the more you fall and get up is the more knowledgeable you get". I would encourage others by suggesting an alternative. If the original plan does not seem to work try a new method. I have a friend that was brokenhearted, mentally, and emotionally damaged and I encourage him to work on him himself and told him it will get better and he is healthier now and happier than before and I still encourage him to stay focused and motivated even when things do not always seem to be going in his favor.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    Change is inevitable. I have learned to take personal responsibility for my future and my education. Growing up I was told by a close relative that all I have to do is pass all my high school examinations and graduate and my college fees are being put aside for when the time has come. At that time, my only responsibility was to continue to excel academically and as a student-athlete. I succeeded and graduated and that promise was not fulfilled. I started college and could have only gone through the first semester and dropped out. I decided that I will finish college and achieve what I aspire to because it is my life, my future, and my education. it is my responsibility to ensure I reach those goals. So I've worked and saved and sent myself back to school. Even though it is still challenging to do it alone, I am determined to fulfill my dreams, I will. Sometimes I think to myself that I should've graduated already and been in my career field but I have also learned it is my journey and everyone has their own. I have learned to embrace it and love the person I'm becoming.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    Empathy may be defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Ways how I make sure I treat others with empathy include checking in on them, consistently motivating them, encouraging them, and even helping them find solutions to whatever the issue is. An example is when this guy I barely knew openly expressed to me that he has been going through some challenges with the mother of his son. He was very depressed, heartbroken, emotionally and mentally damaged. On numerous occasions, he attempted suicide, but I was happy he trust me enough to talk to me about it all. I spoke with him and encouraged him that he needed to move on and protect his mental health. I guided him throughout all the changes he decided to make in his life because I empathized with him. Today I am one of his closest friends and he has ventured into a new career path and is now a firefighter. He is one out of the many I have encouraged and it is a very great feeling to know that I can impact one's life in a very positive way.