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Emma Pierce


Bold Points






As an eight-year-old setting up an imaginary classroom with dolls as students, I didn’t realize how my affinity for teaching would continue to this day. From an early age, I loved school and immersed myself in my academic studies. High school has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form me into the person I am and laid the groundwork for the person I hope to become. It has been instrumental in helping me discover what I want to do with my life; namely, teach secondary-education history. My fascination with history began with my passion for vintage clothing, which I’ve nursed for as long as I can remember. This passion taught me that we can learn a lot from walking (sometimes literally) in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. In addition to classes, my numerous volunteer experiences over the past three years have taught me the power of building community, giving back, and sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. I will definitely continue to focus not only on my academic goals, but also my volunteer work throughout my college career.


Parsippany Hills High School

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      History Teacher

    • Participant

      Target Teach - Parsippany Hills HS
      2021 – Present4 years
    • Volunteer collection of clothing and food for those in need

      Market Street Mission
      2019 – Present6 years
    • Advocate

      Animal Rescue, Protection & Adoption
      2016 – Present9 years



    2014 – 20162 years


    • The Visual Arts

      National Honors Art Society — Member
      2020 – Present
    • Civics Honor Society

      Parsippany Hills HS Honor Society — Member
      2021 – Present
    • Spanish Honor Society

      Parsippany Hills HS Spanish Honor Society — Active Member
      2019 – Present


    • Village Halloween Parade (VHP)

      2019 NYC Village Halloween Parade
      2019 – Present
    • National Art Society (Honors)

      Visual Arts
      Many School projects, including Murals & Posters
      2019 – Present
    • Drama Club

      Guys& Dolls
      2019 – 2019
    • Drama Club

      The Little Mermaid
      2018 – 2018
    • Drama Club

      Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
      2017 – 2017

    Public services

    • Volunteering - IT’S (NOT) ALL IN YOUR HEAD MENTAL WELLNESS FOR ALL — Volunteer and Advocate
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Deer Lake Club — Volunteer
      2014 – 2018
    • Volunteering

      Market Street Mission, Morrsitown, NJ — Donations coordinator
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Bergen County Historical Society — Volunteer
      2018 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Morris County Historical Society — Volunteer Docent
      2020 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      Mount Tabor Historical Society — Volunteer and actor
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      5 CANS Recycling — Participant and Advocate
      2020 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Senior Homies — Volunteered time to visit with Senior Citizens
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Tackle Hunger — Participant & Advocate
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Power to the Period — Participant & Advocate
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Get the Filter out — Participant & Advocate
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests




    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    These past few years have been tough on all of us. The isolation forced upon us by the terrible pandemic has affected every age group. I have seen firsthand how many in my generation have turned inward and are less social. I have seen my cousin turn from a jovial, happy-go-lucky teenager to someone who would occasionally cut himself to, as he says, feel something. Fortunately, he has family that recognized the problem and was able to act upon it and get him help. I am relieved to say that he is doing much better. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable portion of our society, the elderly, have not always had that lifeline extended to them. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Physical interaction had become more challenging because of their susceptibility to Covid infection. It was easy to forget that Grandmothers and Grandfathers were not always content to be on their own and occupy themselves every hour of every day. In fact, statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. And as time went on, the percentages sadly would only increase. I could see the effect it had on my Grandfather, and decided I had to do something to try to help make a difference. Even if was small. I devised a plan to make contact through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing. I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends and was able to expand the project throughout my high school. I am hopeful that our efforts spread beyond that of our community, and inspired others to do the same. Now that I am a Freshman in college, I have come to see the importance of taking on these issues that affect our society and loved ones. However small they might appear at first. I truly believe that my generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    These past few years have been tough on all of us. The isolation forced upon us by the terrible pandemic has affected every age group. I have seen firsthand how many in my generation have turned inward and are less social. I have seen my cousin turn from a jovial, happy-go-lucky teenager to someone who would occasionally cut himself to, as he says, feel something. Fortunately, he has family that recognized the problem and was able to act upon it and get him help. I am relieved to say that he is doing much better. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable portion of our society, the elderly, have not always had that lifeline extended to them. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Physical interaction had become more challenging because of their susceptibility to Covid infection. It was easy to forget that Grandmothers and Grandfathers were not always content to be on their own and occupy themselves every hour of every day. In fact, statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. And as time went on, the percentages sadly would only increase. I could see the effect it had on my Grandfather, and decided I had to do something to try to help make a difference. Even if was small. I devised a plan to make contact through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing. I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends and was able to expand the project throughout my high school. I am hopeful that our efforts spread beyond that of our community, and inspired others to do the same. Now that I am a Freshman in college, I have come to see the importance of taking on these issues that affect our society and loved ones. However small they might appear at first. I truly believe that my generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    Carrying Our History Forward As we stand on the eve of the Semiquincentennial commemoration of the founding of this great nation, I’ve had time to reflect on my personal relationship to it and what it means to me. I can look to my ancestors who fought for their progressive ideals and imagine the peril in which they did so. They were willing to risk everything in order to forge a better life for myself and everyone who preceded me. I can imagine my sixth great grandfather, Ebenezer Pearce, struggling to decide whether or not to leave his wife, six children, and comfortable farm in Portsmouth, Rhode Island to take up a cause that must have looked impossibly daunting at the time. He risked losing everything—his life, family, and land—for a democracy not yet fully formed. I look back with pride at his choice and those of so many who fought alongside him for our independence. Throughout our history, our democracy has been tested on many fronts. At times, it felt as though it could break apart and descend into chaos. Social currents and misinformation, still yet to be defined, threatened what will be 250 years of sacrifice, toil, and commitment. Fortunately, it appears we have withstood the test and landed back on steadier ground. But the recent turmoil has shown just how fragile our democracy is and how we as a nation must be vigilant and protective of it. Part of this process is knowing what sources we can trust. The advent of social media and twenty-four hour news feeds have made it harder to discern truth from lies and reality from fiction. Disinformation has been used in ways that shape and distort personal opinion and critical thought. The one place we can still safely reference and learn from (while being sure to check multiple independent sources) is our history, and there’s no better way to dive into our past than through biographical or autobiographical texts. One of my favorite books that perfectly illustrates the qualities that make this country great is Ron Chernow's fantastic biography Alexander Hamilton. Through Chernow’s work, I started to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton and all the ways he remains an overlooked American hero. His story is one of perseverance, patriotism, and courage—a testament to how an individual could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. Guided by his love for our country and a driving resolve for freedom, he combated tyranny and promoted equality for all. I believe these are the principles that form the bedrock of our great democracy. Hamilton’s story is just one anecdote that can be culled from history. Our country’s road is paved with colorful narratives that can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual and a nation. I’ve been lucky to be able to trace my history back to family members who fought for freedom in the Revolutionary War, selflessly battled to keep our great nation united during the Civil War, and helped establish peace on foreign soil. I owe it to all the people who came before me to carry their bravery and enlightened ideals into the future. It’s this belief and my love of our rich heritage that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I hope to inspire the next generation to carry these same beliefs forward to the next.
    Project Pride of NJ Scholarship
    My name is Emma Pierce, and I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. Individually, as a society, country and civilization. I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. It’s this belief that has motivated me to excel in my academic studies. Maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction as well as involvement in many different honor societies. I plan on continuing in these efforts throughout my college career, as well as involvement in community outreach, tutoring and volunteer services. My generation are the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We must rise to the challenge ahead of us. We can learn a lot from walking in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the world than to share what I’ve learned with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, and founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well as afford me much-needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    V.C. Willis Foundation Scholarship
    As an eight-year-old setting up an imaginary classroom with dolls as students, I didn’t realize how my affinity for teaching would continue to this day. From an early age, I loved school and immersed myself in my academic studies, maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction, and participating in several honor societies. My high school experience has been wonderful. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. High school has helped form me into the person I am and laid the groundwork for the person I hope to become. Perhaps most notably, it has broadened my appreciation for learning—everything from Spanish, to world history, to science— and been instrumental in helping me discover what I want to do with my life; namely, teach secondary-education history. This passion taught me that we can learn a lot from walking in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the world than to share what I’ve learned with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity. In addition to classes, my numerous volunteer experiences over the past two years (Thanksgiving Campaign, Senior Homies, Get the Filter Out, Power to the Period, and Tackle Hunger, to name only a few) have taught me the power of building community, giving back, and sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. I will definitely continue to focus not only my academic goals, but also my volunteer work throughout my college career. As I researched colleges, I was excited to find that the College of New Jersey has an outstanding Secondary Education program and an extensive amount of social studies courses and clubs. These features make it the ideal college for me to pursue my teaching degree. In the School of Education, I plan to enroll in the five-year Secondary Education program with dual history and education majors and training in both special and general education. Field work and interaction with classroom students will provide real-world insight, and the experience will enhance my pedagogical knowledge and teach me how to meet my future students’ needs. Outside the classroom, I see myself enthusiastically embracing many of the College of New Jersey’s active organizations. I’m especially zealous about art and free expression, and I would love the opportunity to advocate its importance in our community. My interests and experience include music, fashion, painting, literature, film, and name a few. Winning this scholarship would significantly help me to achieve my goals, as well afford me much-needed help toward the financial stability (while in college) that would help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    At age twelve, I began a collection of vintage clothing. I visited just about every thrift store in New Jersey and searched on-line marketplaces from around the world. As a past-time, I read fashion history biographies, paid close attention to historical costuming in film and theater, and searched through vintage clothing books and catalogues. As of now, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century. This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. Over the years, my fascination with vintage clothing has deepened my interest in history as a whole. I can often be found pulling up to school, looking like an old photograph of my grandmother from the 1960s. Yes, I own a few of her old clothes too, including a pair of her leather boots that oddly fit me perfectly. I know my fashion sense is a little outlandish. There are often heads turning with looks of bemused interest and curiosity. Some people are appreciative, others give me that raised eyebrow. If anything, it has taught me that being your genuine self is ultimately the most important thing, regardless of what others may think or say. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage buttons and threads...resembling more a vintage boutique or curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. I plan on continuing in these efforts throughout my college career, as well as involvement in community outreach, tutoring and volunteer services.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. I plan on continuing in these efforts throughout my college career, as well as involvement in community outreach, tutoring and volunteer services.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. I plan on continuing in these efforts throughout my college career, as well as involvement in community outreach, tutoring and volunteer services.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    The Miracle of Compound Interest My Father has always stressed the importance of saving and investing on a continual basis. That it's not always about how much you do at any one given time, but more that you do it consistently. Even if it's a small amount. The proven strategy behind compound interest and growth is the foundation for how and why a "nest egg" can grow over time. I've followed that philosophy for as long as I can remember. Investing my allowance, money from birthday gifts, dog sitting and baby sitting gigs. And I've seen the positive returns. This is in stark contrast to that of my younger Brother's saving philosophy. I've tried to explain that money sitting in a piggy bank is a lost opportunity. And his savings have not grown beyond the principal. I've tried to convince him otherwise. Even with interest rates at such meager percentages, it would benefit him to at very least receive a one percent return on his money. I've done my best to explain...The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding, such that the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. Thus, the amount of compound interest accrued on $100 compounded at 10% annually will be lower than that on $100 compounded at 5% semi-annually over the same time period. Because the interest-on-interest effect can generate increasingly positive returns based on the initial principal amount, compounding has sometimes been referred to as the "miracle of compound interest." He's only 13, and likes to know exactly where his money is at any one given time, so I'll cut him some slack. I'm just hoping he wakes up sooner than later to the miracle that is compound interest.
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    My name is Emma Pierce, and I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. Individually, as a society, country and civilization. Education has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. It’s this belief that has motivated me to excel in my academic studies. Maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction as well as involvement in many different honor societies. I plan on continuing in these efforts throughout my college career, as well as involvement in community outreach, tutoring and volunteer services. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    My name is Emma Pierce, and I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an eight-year-old setting up an imaginary classroom with dolls as students, I didn’t realize how my affinity for teaching would continue to this day. From an early age, I loved school and immersed myself in my academic studies, maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction, and participating in several honor societies. My high school experience has been wonderful. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. High school has helped form me into the person I am and laid the groundwork for the person I hope to become. Perhaps most notably, it has broadened my appreciation for learning—everything from Spanish, to world history, to science— and been instrumental in helping me discover what I want to do with my life; namely, teach secondary-education history. My passion for History has taught me that we can learn a lot from walking in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the world than to share what I’ve learned with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity. Winning this scholarship would significantly help me to achieve my goals.
    Surya Education Assistance Scholarship
    As an eight-year-old setting up an imaginary classroom with dolls as students, I didn’t realize how my affinity for teaching would continue to this day. From an early age, I loved school and immersed myself in my academic studies, maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction, and participating in several honor societies. My high school experience has been wonderful. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. High school has helped form me into the person I am and laid the groundwork for the person I hope to become. Perhaps most notably, it has broadened my appreciation for learning—everything from Spanish, to world history, to science— and been instrumental in helping me discover what I want to do with my life; namely, teach secondary-education history. My fascination with history began with my passion for vintage clothing, which I’ve nursed for as long as I can remember. I started my collection at age twelve, helped by visiting almost every thrift store in the tristate area and by searching online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary methods of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few other time periods. I am most proud of my silk, 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which I purchased during my obsession with the Broadway musical Hamilton. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s, for which era I have a particular fascination. This passion taught me that we can learn a lot from walking (sometimes literally) in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the world than to share what I’ve learned with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity. In addition to classes, my numerous volunteer experiences over the past two years (Thanksgiving Campaign, Senior Homies, Get the Filter Out, Power to the Period, and Tackle Hunger, to name only a few) have taught me the power of building community, giving back, and sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. I will definitely continue to focus not only my academic goals, but also my volunteer work throughout my college career. In the School of Education, I plan to enroll in the five-year Secondary Education program with dual history and education majors and training in both special and general education. Field work and interaction with classroom students will provide real-world insight, and the experience will enhance my pedagogical knowledge and teach me how to meet my future students’ needs. Winning this scholarship would significantly help me to achieve my goals, as well afford me much-needed help toward the financial stability (while in college) that would help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    My Father's side of the family found their way to the US from Naples in the late 1800s. My Grandmother was the matriarch of the family, right up to her passing in 2019. She taught us family always came first. And that large Italian meals equaled love. I think of her often and how much She loved, inspired and meant to us all. Her constant warmth, wicked sense of humor, strength, faith, resiliency and calming influence. Sometimes it's something as simple as the smell of homemade sauce cooking on the stove that transports me back to her beautiful presence. She was a guiding light in my life, and I hope to carry those qualities She nurtured in me forward to the younger members of our family. And, if my dream to become a history teacher is successful, impart some of those qualities to my future students. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage threads...resembling more a vintage curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    Volunteering has been an important part of how I like to help others and give back to my community. It's the purest form of empathy. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Volunteering my time and energy is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    I’ve been interested in education and history for as long as I can remember. As an 8-year-old, setting up a classroom with my dolls as imaginary students, I could hardly realize at the time my affinity for teaching and Social Studies would become a passion. From an early age I’ve understood the importance of knowing your history. It not only shows us where we’ve been, but more importantly empowers us to dream of where we can endeavor to go. Individually, as a society, country and civilization. I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. A very wise person once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I couldn’t agree more. Education is the most powerful tool we have to truly better ourselves and make a difference in our world. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today” I can honestly say my high school experience has been a wonderful one. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. It has helped form the person I am, and continue to become. It has broadened my appreciation for learning. Everything from Spanish, to world history, to’s been instrumental in helping me uncover what it is I want to do with my life. It has also been a great motivator for building community, giving back in the way of volunteer work and recognizing the power in sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. I plan on carrying all these lessons with me throughout my college education. My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    I've always been a great fan of the art of Jean-Michel Basquiat. His paintings seem to perfectly express social commentary themes, such as injustice and racism. The style in which they are done have the immediacy of street art, but also have the sophistication of someone pulling from many different sources of inspiration. Everyone from Picasso to the German Expressionists to the great masters. And like all great artists, he has taken this inspiration and had made it his own. I was particularly drawn to his work called, "obnoxious liberals". As the title suggests, the painting depicts a series of figures representing capitalism and its powerless victims. The exploited victim, on the one hand, is virtually held hostage by mainstream White American culture, as represented by dollar signs, cowboy hats and Uncle Sam top hats as well as a "Not For Sale" sign. The victim's dark skin also hints at the systematic oppression of African-Americans. A powerful commentary on our society, that seems as poignant as ever.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    Volunteering has been an important part of how I like to help others and give back to my community. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Volunteering my time and energy is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Stefanie Ann Cronin Make a Difference Scholarship
    As an eight-year-old setting up an imaginary classroom with dolls as students, I didn’t realize how my affinity for teaching would continue to this day. From an early age, I loved school and immersed myself in my academic studies, maintaining a 4.25 GPA, achieving high honor roll distinction, and participating in several honor societies. My high school experience has been wonderful. It has taught me the importance of education in our society as well as in my personal life. High school has helped form me into the person I am and laid the groundwork for the person I hope to become. Perhaps most notably, it has broadened my appreciation for learning—everything from Spanish, to world history, to science— and been instrumental in helping me discover what I want to do with my life; namely, teach secondary-education history. My fascination with history began with my passion for vintage clothing, which I’ve nursed for as long as I can remember. I started my collection at age twelve, helped by visiting almost every thrift store in the tristate area and by searching online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary methods of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few other time periods. I am most proud of my silk, 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which I purchased during my obsession with the Broadway musical Hamilton. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s, for which era I have a particular fascination. This passion taught me that we can learn a lot from walking (sometimes literally) in someone else’s shoes. Doing so gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. Now, as my interest in history has deepened, I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as individuals and even as a civilization. This belief motivates me most in my aspiration to become a history teacher. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the world than to share what I’ve learned with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity. In addition to classes, my numerous volunteer experiences over the past two years (Thanksgiving Campaign, Senior Homies, Get the Filter Out, Power to the Period, and Tackle Hunger, to name only a few) have taught me the power of building community, giving back, and sharing knowledge and open dialogue with others. I will definitely continue to focus not only my academic goals, but also my volunteer work throughout my college career. Outside the classroom, I see myself enthusiastically embracing many of the College of New Jersey’s active organizations. I’m especially zealous about art and free expression, and I would love the opportunity to advocate its importance in our community. My interests and experience include music, fashion, painting, literature, film, and name a few. Winning this scholarship would significantly help me to achieve my goals, as well afford me much-needed help toward the financial stability (while in college) that would help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    I've been intrigued by vintage clothing for as long as I can remember. My own collection began at age twelve. I visited just about every thrift store in the tri-state area, and searched online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary method of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few miscellaneous time periods. I am most proud of my silk 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which were purchased during my obsession with Hamilton, the Broadway musical. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s. I am particularly fond of the fashion, music and culture of that time period, and always on the lookout for the next spectacular find. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes (literally). It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It’s the best way I know in which I can best give back to the world. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    Actively listening allows you to take in other points of view. It helps create open dialogue and healthy discourse. Which in turn, hopefully leads to better communication, sharing of ideas, understanding and empathy. And if there's anything we need more of now, it would be the ability to constructively talk to one another, instead of shouting, insulting and belittling.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage threads...resembling more a vintage curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    I've been intrigued by vintage clothing for as long as I can remember. My own collection began at age twelve. I visited just about every thrift store in the tri-state area, and searched online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary method of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few miscellaneous time periods. I am most proud of my silk 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which were purchased during my obsession with Hamilton, the Broadway musical. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s. I am particularly fond of the fashion, music and culture of that time period, and always on the lookout for the next spectacular find. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes (literally). It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It’s the best way I know in which I can best give back to the world. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    Stay curious! There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world. As well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    I believe the best way to live a long and healthy life is to remain active and engaged in your community. Whether through volunteer work or activism. It exercises the body as well as the mind. Keeping a balanced lifestyle between work and fun appears to be an important factor in aging gracefully. A positive outlook and healthy family life would also look to be beneficial. And finally, exercise and eating well goes a long way to getting you to those golden years. I try to include all of these factors into my life, and hope to continue to do so in the future.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    Our personal mental health and wellbeing has been severely tested these past few years. With political upheaval, and the isolating nature of this ongoing pandemic, we all need to step away from the constant onslaught of information, social media and distraction. I've been fortunate to find solace through the practice of mindful meditation. It has helped me focus my attention on things that are happening in the present moment. Things that are positive and hopeful. Writing has also helped me feel more relaxed and present. Journaling has been a great way for me to express emotions and focus on the here and now. Friendships have been another great way to take care of my mental health. The sharing of ideas, emotions and having another person who understands you. Someone you can pick up with, after a long time of not having seen one another, as if it were just yesterday. Someone who knows your strengths and your weaknesses. Are not judgmental, but not afraid to challenge you. False flattery will only last so long. But truthfulness is enduring. The past few years and the pandemic has challenged a lot of friendships. The inability to socialize in a "normal" manner has strained some relationships. I am however, fortunate and happy to say, all my significant friendships have passed the test.
    Bold Equality Scholarship
    Equality and diversity is one of the driving forces that has made us the country we have become. The sharing of diverse ideas and opinions has been the driving force for inclusion, creativity and ingenuity. These fundamental beliefs have been challenged these past few years. The lack of informed and meaningful discourse has sent our country in the wrong direction. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure and a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. Real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    Spring cleaning time – a nightmare come true for my eleven-year-old self. My mother wanted to tidy up our basement, which resembled something out of a horror movie; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura and the dreaded chores that awaited me, I discovered several archival boxes neatly stacked in a corner that instantly grabbed my attention. They didn’t reflect the disheveled condition of the basement, but instead looked well cared for. To my surprise, each box revealed a fantastic assortment of vintage clothing, including Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, and psychedelic 1960s jackets. It was by all standards, a museum-worthy collection. From that moment, I became deeply intrigued by vintage clothing. My own collection began at age twelve. I visited just about every thrift store in the area, and searched online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary method of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century. I am most proud of my silk 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s. This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my overall interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It's part of why I'm inspired to become a history teacher. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes (literally). It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    Generosity of spirit would best describe my thoughts on the subject. I realize it is a rather broad term, but it best encompasses my philosophy on the subject. Especially since it touches so many different facets of our lives. Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    Volunteer work has been an important part of my life these last few years. It has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid and this ongoing pandemic hanging over us. There's no doubt that we can all use some encouragement. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and have been able to expand the project throughout my high school.
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    It's been difficult to get to many things on my bucket list because of the pandemic we've been living through these past few years. I've had to put many of my travel plans on hold. However, it has allowed me the opportunity to refine and better research those plans. If everything goes to plan, I will finally achieve my dream of visiting England this coming April. It will be the perfect Graduation gift to myself after such a long time of not being able to travel. I've also been able to work on my family tree through, and have found it a wonderful experience. It's fascinating to find out more about my ancestors and where I came from. I believe it better helps me envision who it is I want to be. Part of that journey is to study to become a history teacher. And I'm happy to say I've been accepted to the college I believe to be the best in that category. Now I'm in the process of figuring out how to pay for it. Either way, it will be one more thing I can check off my list.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    I've learned over time that these few disciplines helped me succeed in my studies. Setting specific goals - Achieving your goals depends heavily on how well you can manage your time. Prioritizing has been a great way for me to not become overwhelmed. Resiliency - Fixed mindsets view mistakes or setbacks as insurmountable. Growth mindsets view them as opportunities for positive change. I try to push myself to better understand why something didn't work, and learn from it. Balance - I used to push myself to a level where I would essentially burn out. I've learned that keeping a balanced lifestyle between study, my many hobbies and just having fun helps me focus better. It also results in a happier me.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    The Miracle of Compound Interest My Father has always stressed the importance of saving and investing on a continual basis. That it's not always about how much you do at any one given time, but more that you do it consistently. Even if it's a small amount. The proven strategy behind compound interest and growth is the foundation for how and why a "nest egg" can grow over time. I've followed that philosophy for as long as I can remember. Investing my allowance, money from birthday gifts, dog sitting and baby sitting gigs. And I've seen the positive returns. This is in stark contrast to that of my younger Brother's saving philosophy. I've tried to explain that money sitting in a piggy bank is a lost opportunity. And his savings have not grown beyond the principal. I've tried to convince him otherwise. Even with interest rates at such meager percentages, it would benefit him to at very least receive a one percent return on his money. I've done my best to explain...The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding, such that the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. Thus, the amount of compound interest accrued on $100 compounded at 10% annually will be lower than that on $100 compounded at 5% semi-annually over the same time period. Because the interest-on-interest effect can generate increasingly positive returns based on the initial principal amount, compounding has sometimes been referred to as the "miracle of compound interest." He's only 13, and likes to know exactly where his money is at any one given time, so I'll cut him some slack. I'm just hoping he wakes up sooner than later to the miracle that is compound interest.
    Hobbies Matter
    Spring cleaning time – a nightmare come true for my eleven-year-old self. My mother wanted to tidy up our basement, which resembled something out of a horror movie; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura and the dreaded chores that awaited me, I discovered several archival boxes neatly stacked in a corner that instantly grabbed my attention. They didn’t reflect the disheveled condition of the basement, but instead looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. To my surprise, each box revealed a fantastic assortment of vintage clothing, including Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, and psychedelic 1960s jackets. It was by all standards, a museum-worthy collection. From that moment, I became deeply intrigued by vintage clothing. My own collection began at age twelve. I visited just about every thrift store in the tri-state area, and searched online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary method of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few miscellaneous time periods. I am most proud of my silk 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which were purchased during my obsession with Hamilton, the Broadway musical. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s. I am particularly fond of the fashion, music and culture of that time period, and always on the lookout for the next spectacular find. This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my overall interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also an interest I share with my mother. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she guides me through the process of handling the clothing: including repairs, cleaning certain pieces, and proper storage. Appreciating vintage clothing gives us both great joy and has become a wonderful bonding experience. Unfortunately, wearing many of the older clothing pieces could possibly cause irreparable damage. However, I can sport a dress from a more recent decade like the 1960s or 1970s. In some of my outfits, I even resemble my grandmother from old photographs. Luckily, I’ve inherited some of her own old clothing, including a pair of leather boots that fit me perfectly. While my fashion sense can seem a little outlandish to some people, others are very appreciative. If anything, dressing in vintage clothing has taught me that being my genuine self is ultimately the most important thing, regardless of what others may think or say. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes (literally). It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    Stay curious...there's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere we've never been before. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the greatest and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world, as well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    I see my life as purveyor of the past (a History teacher), and hopefully, as a positive influence on those that will succeed me. I believe that history is extremely important. We need to have a profound and deep understanding of the past, in order to find our way forward.... as a civilization. I hope to do so, in my own small way, by teaching history. Because we have to start somewhere, and what better place than where we've already been.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    I strongly believe in treating others the same way I would like to be treated. Imagining myself in another persons particular situation helps me to better understand their point of view. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes. It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It’s the best way I know in which I can best give back to the world. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    I've been intrigued by vintage clothing for as long as I can remember. My own collection began at age twelve. I visited just about every thrift store in the tri-state area, and searched online marketplaces from around the world. Reading fashion history biographies, watching historical sewing videos on YouTube, and scanning through vintage clothing catalogues became my primary method of research. Five years later, at age seventeen, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century, in addition to a few miscellaneous time periods. I am most proud of my silk 18th century men’s waistcoat and breeches, which were purchased during my obsession with Hamilton, the Broadway musical. My closet is now filled mostly with pieces from the 1960s and the 1970s. I am particularly fond of the fashion, music and culture of that time period, and always on the lookout for the next spectacular find. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else’s shoes (literally). It gives you a different perspective and a deeper understanding of history and time. I can appreciate where we’ve been, and perhaps more importantly, where we can endeavor to go. There’s no end to what you can learn from examining the past. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It’s the best way I know in which I can best give back to the world. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    Nature Brings Us To Our Senses In this day and age of constant connectedness, it's easy to become less aware of just how disconnected we are in our every day lives. One of the unique things about nature is that it pulls us into experiencing sensory awareness, rather than being caught up in our thoughts. When your senses are captivated by the beauty and mystery of a natural setting, it slows all the noise of mental chatter that normally clogs up our attention. It's important that we unplug from the virtual world and lose ourselves in the real one.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    Starting at age twelve, I began a collection of my own. I visited just about every thrift store in New Jersey and searched on-line marketplaces from around the world. As a past-time, I read fashion history biographies, paid close attention to historical costuming in film and theater, and searched through vintage clothing books and catalogues. As of now, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century. This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother and is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. Over the years, my fascination with vintage clothing has deepened my interest in history as a whole. I can often be found pulling up to school, looking like an old photograph of my grandmother from the 1960s. Yes, I own a few of her old clothes too, including a pair of her leather boots that oddly fit me perfectly. I know my fashion sense is a little outlandish. There are often heads turning with looks of bemused interest and curiosity. Some people are appreciative, others give me that raised eyebrow. If anything, it has taught me that being your genuine self is ultimately the most important thing, regardless of what others may think or say. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere we've never been before. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the greatest and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world, as well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    Know Your History My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage suggests, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    Volunteer work has been an important part of how I give back to the world. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. It has been personally fulfilling to be able to help those most vulnerable and I continue to look for new ways to give back to those in need.
    Second Chance Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    I would have to say these past few years and the Pandemic has been the most difficult of situations. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. One of my favorite books that perfectly illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic biography, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked American hero. His story is one of perseverance and courage. A testament of how an individual could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual and a nation. It’s this belief and my love of our rich heritage that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    After one long day at middle school, my father picked me up from school and he had the radio. When I opened the car door, tantalizing harmonies and jangly Rickenbacker guitar rhythms flooded my ears. I quickly asked what the song was and my father replied, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” by the 1960s folk-rock band, The Byrds. Five years later, it still remained one of my favorite songs. Originally written by folk singer Pete Seger in the late 1950s, The Byrds 1965 version became an international hit in the US, during times of social unrest with the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and assassinations of progressive leaders. The song’s most notable lyrics are, “A time to gain, a time to lose/ A time to rend, a time to sew/ A time for love, a time for hate/ A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.” Essentially, this means that there are both good times and bad times, but life will keep on turning. These words still continue to apply to today’s world, where we still face social issues as we did more than fifty years ago. When I listen to the song, it helps me adopt a less cynical attitude about the world with its lyrics. Perhaps there is hope for the future.
    Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
    After one long day at middle school, my father picked me up from school and he had the radio. When I opened the car door, tantalizing harmonies and jangly Rickenbacker guitar rhythms flooded my ears. I quickly asked what the song was and my father replied, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” by the 1960s folk-rock band, The Byrds. Five years later, it still remained one of my favorite songs. Originally written by folk singer Pete Seger in the late 1950s, The Byrds 1965 version became an international hit in the US, during times of social unrest with the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and assassinations of progressive leaders. The song’s most notable lyrics are, “A time to gain, a time to lose/ A time to rend, a time to sew/ A time for love, a time for hate/ A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.” Essentially, this means that there are both good times and bad times, but life will keep on turning. These words still continue to apply to today’s world, where we still face social issues as we did more than fifty years ago. When I listen to the song, it helps me adopt a less cynical attitude about the world with its lyrics. Perhaps there is hope for the future.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    Stay curious! There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. I would say my greatest ability is teaching and hopefully being a good influence on others. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world. As well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others.
    Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
    Freedom would best describe what it means to me to be an American. And freedom comes in many forms. To me, it is most important to be free and independent in my thoughts and beliefs. It is the very notion to which our Nation was built on. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure and a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. Real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. My dream in life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from our great American history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. That's what being American means to me.
    Future Female Educators Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief that motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. In addition to keeping active in my volunteer work, I hope to tutor and work in programs that will help further my studies, as well as keep my debt under control. I also plan to explore every scholarship opportunity that I feel I am best suited towards. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Better Food, Better World Scholarship
    My passion for environmental issues and clean, natural food stem from my lifelong journey as a vegetarian. I believe in a balanced lifestyle. Don't take more than you can give back. Lend a hand to those less fortunate, because you never know when you might require q helping hands. I believe that every choice we make when it comes to sustainable organic farming, limited use of harmful pesticides, genetically modified organisms, etc... will better serve our planet for future generations. Not only will it contribute to healthier lives, fight disease and cancers, it will also go a long way to limiting the pollution that is slowly killing our planet. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. We must act now, boldly and with true conviction. Pass legislation for clean and renewable energy. Take the power out of the hands of the large farming companies and back in the hands of people who believe in quality over profits. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. I hope to be a good role model (as a History teacher), and hopefully, as a positive influence on those that will succeed me. I believe that history is extremely important. We need to have a profound and deep understanding of the past, in order to find our way forward.... as a civilization. I hope to do so, in my own small way, by teaching history. Because we have to start somewhere, and what better place than where we've already been.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    My favorite artist of all time would have to be Pablo Picasso. The prolific amount of work, ingenuity and exploration of styles throughout his life is unparalleled. His influence has been enormous in the art world and can still be seen and felt today.
    Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship
    Volunteer work has been an important part of how I feel I advocate and lead. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so. My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. I see my life as purveyor of the past (a History teacher), and hopefully, as a positive influence on those that will succeed me. I believe that history is extremely important. We need to have a profound and deep understanding of the past, in order to find our way forward.... as a civilization. I hope to do so, in my own small way, by teaching history. Because we have to start somewhere, and what better place than where we've already been.
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    Generosity of spirit would best describe how I see myself and how I help others. I realize it is a rather broad term, but it best encompasses my philosophy on the subject. Especially since it touches so many different facets of our lives. Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    Generosity of spirit is one of things I would say I most value. I realize it is a rather broad term, but it best encompasses my philosophy on the subject. Especially since it touches so many different facets of our lives. Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    I hope to inspire others to - Stay curious...there's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere we've never been before. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the greatest and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world, as well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    Stay curious...there's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere we've never been before. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the greatest and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world, as well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others and be a positive influence in inspiring their curiosity.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    What makes me happiest would have to be learning something new. Whether it be a skill or a historical fact. It makes me a more well rounded individual. And one that is always willing to expand. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. As long as I remain curious about the world, and able to share what I've learned with other, I believe I will be my most happy self.
    First-Generation Educators Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend, mentor or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. My greatest influence has been that of my 10 grade history teacher. He taught us the importance of overcoming adversity and that we can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain curious, fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Art Matters Scholarship
    I tend to be drawn to art that has a social or political message. My first real love was for Picasso's masterpiece, Guernica. The powerful and extraordinary way in which he depicted a horrifying moment in Spanish history when a Basque country town was bombed in 1937 by Fascist allied countries. The large scale, black and white mural captures the carnage of war in an abstract and immediate way that was never depicted in such a manner up to that moment in time. According to scholar Beverly Ray, the following list of interpretations reflects the general consensus of historians: "The shape and posture of the bodies express protest"; "Picasso uses black, white, and grey paint to set a somber mood and express pain and chaos"; "flaming buildings and crumbling walls not only express the destruction of Guernica, but reflect the destructive power of civil war"; "the newspaper print used in the painting reflects how Picasso learned of the massacre"; "The light bulb in the painting represents the sun"; and "The broken sword near the bottom of the painting symbolizes the defeat of the people at the hand of their tormentors". Picasso's Guernica is truly a modern masterpiece that tells a story, through symbolism and artistic technique, of pain, suffering and the cost of War on the human spirit.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    I tend to be drawn to art that has a social or political message. My first real love was for Picasso's masterpiece, Guernica. The powerful and extraordinary way in which he depicted a horrifying moment in Spanish history when a Basque country town was bombed in 1937 by Fascist allied countries. The large scale, black and white mural captures the carnage of war in an abstract and immediate way that was never depicted in such a manner up to that moment in time. According to scholar Beverly Ray, the following list of interpretations reflects the general consensus of historians: "The shape and posture of the bodies express protest"; "Picasso uses black, white, and grey paint to set a somber mood and express pain and chaos"; "flaming buildings and crumbling walls not only express the destruction of Guernica, but reflect the destructive power of civil war"; "the newspaper print used in the painting reflects how Picasso learned of the massacre"; "The light bulb in the painting represents the sun"; and "The broken sword near the bottom of the painting symbolizes the defeat of the people at the hand of their tormentors". Picasso's Guernica is truly a modern masterpiece that tells a story, through symbolism and artistic technique, of pain, suffering and the cost of War on the human spirit.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Studyist Education Equity Scholarship
    I believe educational inequity is an issue that should be addressed in every country. I truly believe we would be much better off as a country, civilization and planet if we made education a priority and open to all. Regardless of financial or social status. I can only imagine the lost opportunities we have suffered from the lack of diversity of thought. And what a loss for us all that we allowed those minds to have gone unfed throughout our history. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure and a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. Real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. We need to make higher education affordable and available to all.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Self-care is probably the most important thing a person can do for themselves. This has never been more relevant than since this terrible pandemic began. Because of social distancing, we have become more isolated and cut off from our natural support systems. But there are things that you can do to help you through these tenuous days. Some of the most helpful practices have been taking time out to journal, meditate and exercise. These have all been extremely helpful in keeping me centered, focused and happy. It also gives me the strength and motivation to help others. I've been able to share these things with my Brother, Father and friends. All to positive affect. Best of all, it has become an essential part of my day, and a tremendously rewarding part of my life. It is the best way that I know to help me through the more trying times in life. Volunteer work can also help. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. To anyone feeling isolated out there. Stay strong and true to yourself. We WILL get through this!
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    "Waste not, want not" would probably be the closest thing to a saying that best reflects my beliefs. It's something my Father and Grandparent's have often repeated to me. I really do believe that it is our responsibility to take less from the planet than we currently do. Recycle, reduce and reuse are words that I live by. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Generosity of spirit would best describe my thoughts on the subject. I realize it is a rather broad term, but it best encompasses my philosophy on the subject. Especially since it touches so many different facets of our lives. Volunteer work has been an important part of what I consider generosity of spirit. For instance, it has been exceptionally difficult to volunteer these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we've also found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school. Generosity is giving back, and this is but one way that I've been able to do so.
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    Know your History...Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Deborah's Grace Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    I Am Third Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Self-care is probably the most important thing a person can do for themselves. This has never been more relevant than since this terrible pandemic began. Because of social distancing, we have become more isolated and cut off from our natural support systems. But there are things that you can do to help you through these tenuous days. Some of the most helpful practices have been taking time out to journal, meditate and exercise. These have all been extremely helpful in keeping me centered, focused and happy. It also gives me the strength and motivation to help others. I've been able to share these things with my Brother, Father and friends. All to positive affect. Best of all, it has become an essential part of my day, and a tremendously rewarding part of my life. It is the best way that I know to help me through the more trying times in life. To anyone feeling isolated out there. Stay strong and true to yourself. We WILL get through this! Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    Volunteering has been exceptionally difficult these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry... Life is a never-ending journey of growth and discovery. The sky is the limit if we stay determined. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look to history for excellent examples. One of my favorite books that best illustrates those qualities is Ron Chernow's fantastic book, "Alexander Hamilton". I've learned to greatly admire this much overlooked historical figure. That is, before the excellent Broadway musical brought him back into prominence. His story is one of perseverance. A testament of how a person could rise to great heights from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. They can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    Self-care is probably the most important thing a person can do for themselves. This has never been more relevant than since this terrible pandemic began. Because of social distancing, we have become more isolated and cut off from our natural support systems. But there are things that you can do to help you through these tenuous days. Some of the most helpful practices have been taking time out to journal, meditate and exercise. These have all been extremely helpful in keeping me centered, focused and happy. It also gives me the strength and motivation to help others. I've been able to share these things with my Brother, Father and friends. All to positive affect. Best of all, it has become an essential part of my day, and a tremendously rewarding part of my life. It is the best way that I know to help me through the more trying times in life.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Friendship is the sharing of ideas, emotions and having another person who understands you. Someone you can pick up with, after a long time of not having seen one another, as if it were just yesterday. Someone who knows your strengths and your weaknesses. Are not judgemental, but not afraid to challenge you. False flattery will only last so long. But truthful and open discourse will endure. The past few years and the pandemic has challenged a lot of friendships. The inability to socialize in a "normal" manner has strained some relationships. I am however, fortunate and happy to say, all my significant friendships have passed the test. To anyone feeling isolated out there. Stay strong and true to yourself. We WILL get through this!
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    The Miracle of Compound Interest My Father has always stressed the importance of saving and investing on a continual basis. That it's not always about how much you do at any one given time, but more that you do it consistently. Even if it's a small amount. The proven strategy behind compound interest and growth is the foundation for how and why a "nest egg" can grow over time. I've followed that philosophy for as long as I can remember. Investing my allowance, money from birthday gifts, dog sitting and baby sitting gigs. And I've seen the positive returns. This is in stark contrast to that of my younger Brother's saving philosophy. I've tried to explain that money sitting in a piggy bank is a lost opportunity. And his savings have not grown beyond the principal. I've tried to convince him otherwise. Even with interest rates at such meager percentages, it would benefit him to at very least receive a one percent return on his money. I've done my best to explain...The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding, such that the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. Thus, the amount of compound interest accrued on $100 compounded at 10% annually will be lower than that on $100 compounded at 5% semi-annually over the same time period. Because the interest-on-interest effect can generate increasingly positive returns based on the initial principal amount, compounding has sometimes been referred to as the "miracle of compound interest." He's only 12, and likes to know exactly where his money is at any one given time, so I'll cut him some slack. I'm just hoping he wakes up sooner than later to the miracle that is compound interest.
    Vanessa Muza Teskey Memorial Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Mentor Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might ake away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. To me, it is most important to be independent in my thoughts and beliefs. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure or a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. So much of our everyday lives have become a virtual experience, as opposed to being truly present and in the moment. More to the point, real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas and thoughts. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. It is our only way forward in achieving a better community, country...and planet. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. My dream in life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers this country has ever seen. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, leading the first spy program in the US, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
    The Miracle of Compound Interest My Father has always stressed the importance of saving and investing on a continual basis. That it's not always about how much you do at any one given time, but more that you do it consistently. Even if it's a small amount. The proven strategy behind compound interest and growth is the foundation for how and why a "nest egg" can grow over time. I've followed that philosophy for as long as I can remember. Investing my allowance, money from birthday gifts, dog sitting and baby sitting gigs. And I've seen the positive returns. This is in stark contrast to that of my younger Brother's saving philosophy. I've tried to explain that money sitting in a piggy bank is a lost opportunity. And his savings have not grown beyond the principal. I've tried to convince him otherwise. Even with interest rates at such meager percentages, it would benefit him to at very least receive a one percent return on his money. I've done my best to explain...The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding, such that the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. Thus, the amount of compound interest accrued on $100 compounded at 10% annually will be lower than that on $100 compounded at 5% semi-annually over the same time period. Because the interest-on-interest effect can generate increasingly positive returns based on the initial principal amount, compounding has sometimes been referred to as the "miracle of compound interest." He's only 12, and likes to know exactly where his money is at any one given time, so I'll cut him some slack. I'm just hoping he wakes up sooner than later to the miracle that is compound interest. As for me, I plan on staying true to the financial plan I have. Spend less than I make, carry as little debt as possible and continue to work hard to achieve my dream of becoming a History teacher. My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
    KNOW YOUR HISTORY My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past.
    Bold Optimist Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage threads...resembling more a vintage curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    Independence comes in many forms. To me, it is most important to be independent in my thoughts and beliefs. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure and a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. Real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. That's what independence means to me. Stay true to oneself.
    Bold Independence Scholarship
    Independence comes in many forms. To me, it is most important to be independent in my thoughts and beliefs. With the proliferation of social media in our lives, it's all too easy to lose track of independent thought. To really know what you stand for, outside of peer pressure and a mob mentality. Independence is throwing off those shackles in order to learn, grow and experience this world first hand. Not through another person's Facebook or Instagram post. Real and open dialogue is important for the genuine sharing of ideas. Whether you agree, or disagree with one another. True debate and discourse fuels independent thought. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. That's what independence means to me. Stay true to oneself.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    "If You Believe..." Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    Volunteering has been exceptionally difficult these past few years with the specter of Covid hanging over us. And with those challenges, we found ourselves more and more isolated. Senior citizens have been impacted most by this isolation. Statistics have shown that due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Through email, Facetime, telephone calls and good old-fashioned letter writing, I was able to contact my older relatives and open up a correspondence with each of them. By encouraging them to share their stories, I not only learned so much more about them and my family, I believe the process benefited their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is said that seniors who have strong connections with people in their lives have a 50% greater likelihood of survival. I've advocated the importance of doing so to many of my friends, and hope to expand the project throughout my high school.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Stay curious! Stay focused! And stay hungry...There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh and alive. And above all else, stay true to your genuine self and in what you believe. Tenacity will get you through life's many challenges. One simply needs to look around them for excellent examples. Whether it be a family member, friend or a historical figure. My dream life is to teach and hopefully inspire others. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! Starting at age twelve, I began a collection of my own. I visited just about every thrift store in New Jersey and searched on-line marketplaces from around the world. As a past-time, I read fashion history biographies, paid close attention to historical costuming in film and theater, and searched through vintage clothing books and catalogues. As of now, I am the curator of an assortment of textiles from every decade of the 21st Century. This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. Over the years, my fascination with vintage clothing has deepened my interest in history as a whole. I can often be found pulling up to school, looking like an old photograph of my grandmother from the 1960s. Yes, I own a few of her old clothes too, including a pair of her leather boots that oddly fit me perfectly. I know my fashion sense is a little outlandish. There are often heads turning with looks of bemused interest and curiosity. Some people are appreciative, others give me that raised eyebrow. If anything, it has taught me that being your genuine self is ultimately the most important thing, regardless of what others may think or say. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage buttons and threads...resembling more a vintage boutique or curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go. My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Stay curious! There's always something new to learn. Life is a never-ending journey of growth. A personal one. Both intellectually and spiritually. The sky is the limit, as long as we stay curious and interested in learning something new. Let our imaginations take us somewhere new. Let our dreams stay fresh, magical and new. My interests revolve mainly around history. And there's no end to what you can learn from examining the past. Past civilizations, historical figures, your own family lineage. It's an endless well of information. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or even that of a civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world. As well as continue to feed my appetite for knowledge. The absolute best would be to share it with others.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage threads...resembling more a vintage curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    The Miracle of Compound Interest My Father has always stressed the importance of saving and investing on a continual basis. That it's not always about how much you do at any one given time, but more that you do it consistently. Even if it's a small amount. The proven strategy behind compound interest and growth is the foundation for how and why a "nest egg" can grow over time. I've followed that philosophy for as long as I can remember. Investing my allowance, money from birthday gifts, dog sitting and baby sitting gigs. And I've seen the positive returns. This is in stark contrast to that of my younger Brother's saving philosophy. I've tried to explain that money sitting in a piggy bank is a lost opportunity. And his savings have not grown beyond the principal. I've tried to convince him otherwise. Even with interest rates at such meager percentages, it would benefit him to at very least receive a one percent return on his money. I've done my best to explain...The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding, such that the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest. Thus, the amount of compound interest accrued on $100 compounded at 10% annually will be lower than that on $100 compounded at 5% semi-annually over the same time period. Because the interest-on-interest effect can generate increasingly positive returns based on the initial principal amount, compounding has sometimes been referred to as the "miracle of compound interest." He's only 12, and likes to know exactly where his money is at any one given time, so I'll cut him some slack. I'm just hoping he wakes up sooner than later to the miracle that is compound interest.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    It was mid-March, 2015. That dreaded time again for this, my eleven year old self. Spring cleaning! My mother wanted to tidy up our old basement, which was the perfect picture of a haunted cellar; always filled with cobwebs, dead insects, dust, and darkness. Despite the unpleasant aura of the room and the dreaded chores that awaited me, there were these large, flat archival boxes, neatly stowed in the corner of the room, that instantly caught my attention. They were in surprisingly good condition and looked well cared for. I pleaded with my mother to open them, as I could barely contain my curiosity. Lo and behold, an inventory of vintage clothing appeared before my eyes. It seemed to light up the room. There were Edwardian shirt waists, 1920s Art Deco gowns, 1950s swing dresses, psychedelic 1960s jackets; a museum worthy collection. From that moment on, I was hooked! This hobby and fascination of mine is something that speaks to my interest in history, societal changes and cultural norms. It’s also a rewarding interest I share with my mother. After all, she was the one who introduced and encouraged it. I call her the “Vintage Guru” because she helps guide me through the process of handling the clothing: the sewing and repairing of materials, cleaning of certain pieces, and the proper storage. It is something that bonds us together and gives us great joy. I am, and sincerely believe, will always be, ‘a Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. With a room full of vintage threads...resembling more a vintage curiosity shop. There’s something to be said about walking in someone else's shoes (or, more accurately...clothes). It gives you a different perspective, and a deeper understanding of history and time. Where we’ve been, and perhaps, more importantly...where we can endeavor to go.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    My dream life is to teach and inspire. And what better way, than to become a teacher of history. I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    I've learned to greatly admire Alexander Hamilton. Partly spurred on by my love of the Broadway musical, but mainly driven by my great appreciation for history, my admiration for him has only grown. Overcoming adversity has to be one of his greatest strengths. A testament of how a person could rise to prominence from sheer will and determination. It has taught me that you can achieve great things if you work hard, stay focused and remain fearless and bold. It may not be the easy road to take, but it just might be the most rewarding. Hamilton went on to become one of the most prolific Founding Fathers. Creating a robust Federal monetary policy, being a trusted aid to George Washington, founding the Coast Guard, to name but a few. And all this from such a humble beginning...being born into a poor, socially marginalized family on a remote Caribbean island. It goes to show you, one needs to make the most of opportunities that present themselves. Because you might not get a second chance to see them through. His story is but one that can be culled from history. There are endless other examples, if we just pick up a history book or biography, we might take away something that would inform our life choices. There is great power in these stories. History can inspire and teach us how best to move forward as an individual or civilization. It’s this belief what motivates me most in my aspiration to become a History teacher. It's the best and boldest way I know in which I can best give back to the world.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    My Father has taught me the importance of investing on a regular basis. Even if in small amounts at a time. Investing for the long haul, and not letting emotions or panic dictate my choices. Look past the hype, and closer at the fundamentals of a company and its earnings and future outlook. He has also told me to always invest in a company or product that I know and love.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    Know you history I used to believe in the idiom, "Patients makes perfect". A measured weighing of the facts. An informed, objective approach to the solving of a problem or addressing of an issue. I still believe that this is the best way to go about it, but I'm starting to feel more and more... that we've been patient far too long. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    KNOW YOUR HISTORY My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    Live life to its fullest in your most creative and genuine self. Make the most of your time and give back as much as possible to the planet and all its inhabitants. Especially those in need. Always stay curious and open to learning new things. I believe it will afford one the ability to better understand and relate to others. Most importantly, be happy within yourself. No matter what form that may take...a healthy lifestyle (diet), meditation, spirituality, exercise....creativity...advocate for your beliefs. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past.
    Bold Influence Scholarship
    KNOW YOUR HISTORY My goal is to teach and advocate the importance of knowing one's history. In other words, a high school history teacher. My generation are the stewards... the future leaders, teachers and inventors of the world. We need to look past the rhetoric, misinformation and polarizing soundbites that occupy our everyday lives and paralyze us from moving forward with positive change and meaningful progress. Our lives, and that of our future Children, and their children, depend on us to make informed decisions. I strongly believe that any thoughtful action, whether it be big or small, is a step in the right direction. I propose we return to the simple notion of "COMMON SENSE". Something as simple as recycling a plastic bottle, so there's one less thrown in a landfill, or showing empathy, understanding and compassion to another human being simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Learn how to make our economies work, grow and strive within the framework of a cleaner, healthier planet. We need to start NOW, and we certainly must learn from past mistakes. We must learn and take away important lessons from our history. And as the old adage says, try not to repeat the errors of the past. Winning this scholarship will greatly help me achieve my goal, as well afford me much needed help toward financial stability (while in college) to help me immerse myself in my studies and advocacy work.
    Emma Pierce Student Profile |