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Emily Barrera


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Hello, my name is Emily and my lifelong dream has been to make it into the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing at the University of Arkansas. I want to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse. By applying to this website I am hoping to get a lot of scholarships to make college more affordable for me!


Denison High School

High School
2023 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      To be the best Labor and Delivery Nurse

    • Cashier and Customer Service

      2023 – Present2 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      library — helping tutor toddlers and organizing the books
      2023 – 2024
    Patricia Lindsey Jackson Foundation-Mary Louise Lindsey Service Scholarship
    Empowerment to me is gaining the power and confidence in myself to make decisions and take charge of my life according to my goal and values. It's gaining the power to know my worth and potential, and use them in reaching my goals and in overcoming failure. Empowerment does not work alone; it's empowering other individuals as well and creating a society that can assist in lifting other individuals. Empowerment also plays a very vital role in my life in terms of solution to problems. Whether the problem is about school, relationship, or progress, empowerment leads me towards solution and struggle to attain my objectives. For instance, every time I face any challenge in school, I think about all that I can do because I remind myself of my potential and effort that I have invested. It also enables me to approach difficult issues boldly, and not because of fear. Spiritual faith in God is my most empowering weapon. My own belief is that God empowers us by filling us with power, direction, and inspiration. Whenever I face a difficult moment or I am lost, I pray and also read the Bible in a bid to provide me with the confidence that all shall be well. Having a sense of God's presence with me, believing in and having confidence in my capability, enables me to take risks and venture beyond my comfort zone. It’s like having a constant source of encouragement that reminds me I’m not alone in my journey. And, along with this, my faith also compels me to help others and empower them as well. When I see a person in need, I need to help him/her and motivate him/her. Volunteering, mentoring, or simply being a shoulder to cry on that will listen to them – empowering people not only helps them but also rewards me. It makes me feel that I am doing a something for some thing and that feels good. Empowerment also affects my attitude towards failure. I never think of failures as the end of the world. Rather, I think of them as a time to learn and return stronger than ever. Through God's mercy, I am able to learn from my failures and return stronger than ever before. The resiliency steps in as part of my empowerment process because it never lets me give up regardless of the challenge that is facing me. Simply put, empowerment is believing in my gift, doing that which I love, and empowering others along the way. My Christian belief is a vital part of the process, providing me with confidence, direction, and a sense of belonging that I require. By accepting the fact that power lies within us and getting others to do the same, I think we might be able to achieve this world where every individual becomes special and empowered to be the best version of themselves.
    Empower Her Scholarship
    Empowerment for me is having the ability and confidence in my own self to make decisions and control my own life in accordance with my goal and values. It's possessing the ability to identify my value and strength, and apply them towards accomplishing my objectives and overcoming failure. Empowerment cannot accomplish anything on its own; it's empowering other individuals as well and creating a society that can assist in elevating other individuals. Empowerment is also very instrumental in my life as regards to problem solution. Whether the matter is school, relationship, or progress, empowerment leads me towards solution and pushing to accomplish what I want to do. For instance, when I face any hindrance at school, I think of all that I am able to do because I recall my potentiality and hard work that I have invested. It also enables me to face difficult challenges with bravery, and not out of fear. My most empowering resource is spiritual belief in God. My personal belief is that God empowers us by endowing us with power, guidance, and inspiration. When I am trapped in a difficult challenge or I am lost, I pray and also read the Bible in an effort to provide me with the assurance that all will be well. Having a sense of God's presence with me, believing in and having confidence in my capability, enables me to take risks and venture beyond my comfort zone. It’s like having a constant source of encouragement that reminds me I’m not alone in my journey. And, with that, my faith also compels me to serve others and empower them as well. If I encounter a person in need, I have to help him/her and motivate him/her. Volunteering, mentoring, or even being a shoulder to cry on who will hear them out – empowering people not only helps them but also me. It makes me feel like I am doing a something for some thing and that feels good. Empowerment also affects my attitude towards failure. I never think failures are the end of the world. Rather, I think of them as a learning moment and return stronger than ever. By God's grace, I am able to learn from my failures and return stronger than ever before. The resiliency comes in as part of my empowerment process because it never makes me give up regardless of what challenge lies ahead of me. Simply put, empowerment is believing in my talent, living my passion and serving others in the process. My Christian faith is a key component of the equation, giving me faith, direction, and belonging I require. By accepting that power is in us and bringing others to this point of thinking the same way, I feel we can succeed in building such a world where each individual gets transformed into an individual and enabled to be their best self.
    Janet and Jim Boettcher Memorial Scholarship
    My experience in debate and speaking has been so worthwhile in helping me prepare to testify for my Christian faith. I took a speech class last year for my requirement, and it served me well in that it made me capable of speaking so wisely and confidently about my faith. The speech class educated me on the basics of public speaking, such as how to organize a speech, how to capture the audience's attention, and how to convey my message. These are the most essential skills when I preach my religion because I must make sure that my message enters the ears of the people and their hearts. I have also learned to structure what I am saying in a way that it is fluid and enjoyable for the audience to hear. For instance, when I am presenting general assumptions of Christianity, I can present them in a structured way so that I show how they relate to daily life. In addition, the class stressed the importance of including storytelling in spoken words. I have learned from the lesson that personal-level narratives will make my writing readable and engaging. My contribution in religion, I usually communicate in the style of story based on real-life stories from experience showing how my practice of religion impacted my life and decision-making process. Such a story element makes the practice of my religion and individuals humanized at a personal level. My debating and speech experience also trained me to be an effective critical thinker and counterarguer. I would anticipate and prepare counterarguments when I debated. That's useful in debating religion because I am confronted day and night with counterarguments and skepticism. When I am well-informed and well-prepared on religious topics, I am able to respectfully engage with someone who does not agree with me, answering questions and countering objections without being argumentative. This makes for free communication where one can better comprehend the other's opinion. Moreover, the experience of gaining constructive feedback through debate and speech has also taught me the value of humility and self-refinement. Arguing my religion sometimes creates difficult discussions, but I have come to know that criticizing is a way of being a good listener and communicator. Being open-minded to criticisms enables me to polish my message and become a good representative of my religion. The confidence that I gained from speech class and debating team membership also helped a great deal in being able to see. Public speaking is scary, but the experience that I gained gave me an opportunity to battle my fear and have a sense of confidence with what I was talking about. Having confidence makes me feel more comfortable in approaching to talk about faith so witnessing to others is so much easier. Overall, my speech and debate class, that particular speech class I took last year, has actually prepared me to be able to share my Christian faith. The art of communication, the art of storytelling, the art of thinking, and the confidence that I have gained have given me what I need to be able to communicate to people my religion. Proceeding further to have such types of communications, I am sure that I can effectively communicate my religion both practically and effectively.
    Katherine Vogan Springer Memorial Scholarship
    My experience with speech and debate has come in handy with knowing how to voice my Christian belief. I needed to sign up for speech last year, and it benefited my learning about delivering clearly and strongly what I have to believe. I learned the basic mechanics of giving speeches, as well as presenting the message concisely. They are useful skills when sharing my religion, since I need to ensure my message is heard and comprehended. I have learned how to place my thoughts in an understandable order that is sufficient to attract the attention of people towards them. For example, when I am speaking of the basic teachings of Christianity, I can place them in a meaningful sequence so that it focuses their practice on everyday life. Further, the class learned how to tell stories in speech. I have learned that using my own experience makes my message personal and interesting. From learning about my own religion, I know that I am using my own experience examples that illustrate how my religion influenced my experience and decisions. Such stories make my religion personal and allow me to relate to other people at a personal level. Debate and speech also allowed me to be critical in thought as well as learning how to respond to counterarguments. Debating, I had to craft expected counterarguments and be willing to argue them down. It is such a valuable skill debating religion because I am always dealing with other systems of belief and skepticism on a daily basis. Well-educated and well-versed in my religion, I am able to practice good debate that answers questions and concerns without defending. Doing so maintains channels of communication open where there is more respect for the other's point of view. Secondly, the experience of listening to constructive criticism on speech and debate has been a great schoolmaster in humility and self-correction. Defending my beliefs requires sometimes having awkward conversations, but I have realized that I can use criticism as an opportunity to sharpen my thinking and my communication. Being willing to be criticized enables me to sharpen my message and communicate more effectively with my beliefs. The confidence that I have gained through speech class and debates has also been a great help in practicing my faith. Public speaking is daunting, but the experience that I have developed through speech class and debates helped me develop confidence and made me overcome my stage fright. With that confidence, I am more at ease now with faith talk in a good mindset and without tension because I am in a better position to talk of it. In short, my speech and debate experience, or rather the speech class that I took last year, has sufficiently equipped me to present my Christian faith to others. Communication skills, storytelling ability, critical thinking, and confidence that I have gained have all equipped me to be in a place to share with others my faith. To move forward and have these conversations, I believe that I can present my faith in a meaningful and effective way.
    Philippe Forton Scholarship
    I would like to share with you an experience that I have had and which was the best demonstration of compassion in action. It was a cold afternoon at a local community center where I used to volunteer from time to time. The center was bustling with activity, as it was a shelter for destitute families. On the particular day, Sarah, a young woman, and her two children walked in. She appeared drained and frustrated, and patently having trouble keeping it together herself. I sat there as Sarah was trying to complete some paperwork and warding off her kids. Her son was crying and her daughter was tugging on her arm, asking for snacks. She was obviously at her wit's end. A gentle-faced older woman with a smile, named Mrs. Thompson and who volunteered every week at the center, walked over to Sarah and smiled. Mrs. Thompson bent down to the level of her children with a warm smile and said hello, soothing them at once. Mrs. Thompson then asked Sarah a question, if she needed assistance with filling out the forms. Sarah paused for a moment, clearly troubled, but Mrs. Thompson reassured her that it was more than alright to need assistance. Once the burden had been lifted from her shoulders, Sarah consented to being provided with the help. While Mrs. Thompson helped her with the forms, she spoke to Sarah, inquiring about herself and family. It was clear that Mrs. Thompson was not just helping her with the paper work but also inquiring about her well-being. Sarah told her of being a single mother and the daily issues she faced. Mrs. Thompson listened carefully, speaking words of encouragement and encouragement to her. What actually left me amazed was the way that Mrs. Thompson's empathy did bear fruit. She transformed the mood of Sarah in a couple of minutes. The tension from her worry began to dissipate because she felt heard and recognized. It was just really such a reminder about the power of kindness and compassion. After they had finished filling out the forms, Mrs. Thompson came over and sat down to play with the kids and Sarah was left with a bit of space to come to her senses. This deeply impacted me. Observing this silent exchange between them, I understood that sometimes all a person might need is a bit of compassion and understanding. It sensitized me to other individuals in my surroundings who could be hurting and help where I could. It made me realize that compassion does not always necessarily mean doing something extraordinary; it is the little things that we do which are more likely to have an impact. The experience also learned me the value of community. Everyone has bad days and to have somebody that cares is what makes the entire thing turn around. It was an eye-opening experience in realizing that this chain reaction of hope and kindness could be initiated by extending and expressing interest in other people. Ultimately, that visit to the community center was not necessarily about assisting an individual; it was about planting one seed of compassion that can motivate and inspire all concerned. I departed with appreciation for the awareness that we can all alter the life of an individual, no matter how minute our action may be.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    Being accepted into my dream school, the University of Arkansas, has been my greatest accomplishment to date. It is not just a letter of acceptance but rather a full change for me. I experienced so many hardships as a child, including growing up with one parent. Our financial struggle and mental struggle shaped my childhood, which set me on a rough path. As a teenager, I was drawn to smoking and other negative influences as the way that I would be able to gain comfort and a means of escape from the hurt that I was enduring. In the midst of the chaos, though, there was a point of transformation that totally changed everything. I realized that I needed to be something more than I had been created to be. It was through reflection that I prayed to God and surrendered to Jesus. It was not a decision that would come and go; it was the start of my new life. Believing in my faith provided me with direction and purpose. I enjoyed the fact that I could do things that I once thought were impossible. It was not an easy path to self-improvement, but it was worth it. I also learned the importance of persistence and determination. I remained dedicated in school, determined to break the cloud of negativity that had surrounded me. Every day, I was more strengthened in faith and more determined in purpose. I associated with good people, sought mentors to direct me, and worked diligently at being a better person. When I had opened the acceptance letter of the University of Arkansas, I had thought that a dream was achieved. It was evidence of all the effort I had devoted to something and acceptance of the things that I had done to my life. I had understood that 15-year-old me, as lost and desperate as she was, would have never thought that she would ever achieve all this. This was my success, that I would be able to narrate my tale once again, regardless of whatever might have been my past. In the days to come, I am hoping to learn and improve. I want to achieve the best out of my college years, not just academically but even spiritually and socially. I want to be an inspiration for others, just as my religion has been an inspiration for me. I hope that my education will be utilized to help people of the same background as me, proving to the world that it is possible not to be held back by your environment. In short words, my life experience of having been born in difficult circumstances but ultimately being accepted into my dream college has been amazing. It has taught me precious lessons of faith, perseverance, and stretching out to the lofty horizon for a brighter future. I am eager to look forward to the future and committed to being the best version of myself without ever forgetting where I started and the strength that I gained from faith. Thank you for considering my application! God bless
    Public Service Scholarship of the Law Office of Shane Kadlec
    My motivation for public service, particularly as an L&D nurse, is sheer determination to work in other people's lives. I was attracted to the healthcare field at a very young age in life and the great work healthcare professionals do in patients' and families' lives. To be fortunate enough to assist in bringing a new life into the world is likely one of the most humbling and eye-opening experiences, and I am ready to be a part of it. My second, but primary, reason for wanting to be an L&D nurse is my own conviction in humane care. Childbirth is merely a period of tremendous change, an era of vague emotions involving love and hope on one side, apprehension and terror on the other. It will be an honor but still a duty to be emotionally supportive, reassuring, and delivering great medical care during labor and delivery. Visiting hospitals has provided me with an understanding of pregnant women's and new mothers' needs firsthand. This has restored the need for low-cost, quality care and the significance of nurses taking central roles in achieving healthy outcomes for mothers and babies. Obstetrics and gynecology department is an excellent environment to practice in, where quality of care is enhanced by harmonizing technological progress with research and practice. As an L&D nurse, I will always be able to apply what I have learned and remain updated with the recent development and best practices. Long-term quality improvement is one that is specifically relevant to my own values and career and my requirement to provide the highest quality of care possible to my patients. The second characteristic that excites me about being an L&D nurse is that I will be working within a multidisciplinary team. Labor and delivery is a multi-professional specialty where the following work: nurses, midwives, obstetricians, pediatricians, and other health care workers. I perform optimally in the team setting and believe that open communication and collaboration are the foundations of quality care. To have like-minded professionals who share an interest in healthy and safe deliveries to work with will be extremely fulfilling. It was ultimately to be an L&D nurse out of a sense of public service and life's calling in maternal-child health. I am attracted by the resilience and strength of unplanned pregnancy women and committed to their loving care with concern and love they so richly deserve. It will be an honor to be present at such a pivotal moment in one's life cycle of a family. I am literally over the moon to be in this role, and I just know each day is going to be a challenge and an honor to give and to make a difference. Lastly, what inspires me to serve the public and become an L&D nurse is being able to provide care and assistance to individuals at one of the most remembered moments of their life. By gentle care, ongoing learning, and collaborative practice with other medical professionals, I promise to make a difference in the lives of mothers and babies. This is not just a wonderful career for me, but calling, and for this great, noble work I would gladly give my life. Thank you for considering my application. God bless!
    Ride for Kip Scholarship AOT BMX
    One of the soldiers whose work has influenced my life greatly is my uncle, Sergeant James Thompson. Uncle James was always a source of strength and integrity in our family during his childhood. His patriotism and the need to assist others have left a lasting impression in my life. Uncle James enlisted in the Army after school since he had to and he had to serve and be useful. He had served for a number of years in various occupations, undergoing multiple foreign tours. Back home every time, he carried reports of camaraderie, acts of bravery, and service men and women's struggle. My experience from him is that life in the military was real and of the sacrifices undergone by service men and women. The most poignant was when Uncle James came back from a very difficult deployment. He had been deployed in a combat zone where everything was difficult and danger lurked all the time. But he bragged about his comrades and the camaraderie between them. He spoke of small gestures of kindness and words of encouragement that saw them through, even at their worst moments. His tales were testament to the toughness and resilience of the human spirit. Uncle James's service also reached us. We appreciated the time we spent with him since we understood that every homecoming visit was invaluable. His not being around on holidays and family functions earned us an appreciation for military families' sacrifices. Not just Uncle James served, but we served by staying behind him from afar and keeping him in our hearts. It cannot be expressed what thankfulness to soldiers, such as Uncle James, is. It is not so much having knowledge of the enormity of sacrifice and sacrifices made by them on and off battlefields. It is being sensitive to the bodily and psychological expenditure of military service and being entire support in reciprocation. One of the ways to display such appreciation is to provide veterans with the support they need for them to thrive. This includes quality healthcare, mental health care, education, and job opportunities. The soldiers typically have terrible issues when they get home, and giving them what they need is an excellent way to demonstrate appreciation for their service. And also, sharing their histories and bringing them to life with others is a proper way of expressing gratitude. By bringing their histories to life and sharing them with others, we can encourage others to express more gratitude for what they did. We can do so by participation or sponsorship of such activities as oral history projects, memorial ceremonies, and study programs of military history. Small gestures of kindness count too when it comes to showing appreciation. Writing letters to soldiers abroad, working with veterans' organizations, or doing something for military families can be a big deal. These little things show that we value and honor the sacrifices and service of our soldiers. Overall, my Uncle James's service in the military has made a lasting impression on my life and taught me what gratitude is. His dedication, bravery, and perseverance are what inspire me each day. Gratitude for our troops is about expressing thanks for what they sacrifice, praying they return home, boosting their spirits by thinking of them, and demonstrating compassion and service. By doing this, we are honoring their service and recognizing that their legacy of service continues to inspire and motivate us.
    Hicks Scholarship Award
    My name is Emily, and I am striving diligently to make my dream come true of becoming a labor and delivery nurse. My experience with cancer has influenced me directly and indirectly on becoming a nurse and also influenced the kind of nurse I want to be. My character has been shaped, I have gained the understanding of sympathy for human beings, and I was motivated to look after other human beings at some of the most crucial points in their life. I witnessed my aunt fight breast cancer with relentless determination and spirit. Her struggle was with recurring hospitalizations, chemotherapy, and uncertainty. I was a youngster then, and I did not fully realize the gravity of the situation, but I certainly felt the fear and tension that seemed to be pervading our household. I remember sitting watch over her, holding her hand, and trying to offer reassurances. That is when I came to appreciate the immense difference that a sympathetic and empathetic health care provider can make in a person's life. Her nurses did not only function as healthcare providers; they were also pillars of hope, strength, and support which we most urgently needed. This makes me want to be a support pillar and source of comfort to all the rest too. I want to become a travel nurse and specialize in labor and delivery. Having children and giving life to the earth is so beautiful and lovely, but dirty and difficult to deal with as well. I hope that I might stay with mothers and families, not only with medical attention but also with care during this fragile period. My second encounter with cancer also impacted my educational and professional interests tremendously. I visited nursing homes and got to interact with patients and families, listening to them and offering them an ear. I gained empathy and active listening from the experience. I had learned that there are times when the best that you can do for another human being is to be present and give them an ear. This has been an experience that has stuck with me as I continue on towards becoming a labor and delivery nurse. Scholarship-wise, my experiences with cancer have made me work that much harder in school. My own experiences have given me my own purpose that is unique to myself, allowing me to learn with drive and determination. I pledge to perform to the best of my abilities to be the best nurse that I can be, not only for myself, but for patients and families whom I will serve. On a professional level, I am interested in working in the underprivileged community, where quality health care is not often available. My belief is that every individual has the right to skilled and sympathetic care regardless of their condition or background. What I have learned from cancer is the importance of having good healthcare to take care of you and I am determined to make a difference in the life of the person who needs it the most. Last but not least, my direct and indirect experience with cancer influenced my life considerably and made me want to persue nursing. These experiences also taught me the value of empathy, resilience, and the influence one has as a compassionate healthcare provider. I am committed to using these lessons so that I can be able to give as much compassion as possible to mothers and families in assisting in bringing new life into this world with love and compassion. My journey has not been without struggle, but it has been well worth it!
    Gregory Chase Carter Memorial Scholarship
    One of the greatest things I love most about Denison, Texas, community activities is the Fall Festival in October. The festival brings people of all ages together to a day of enjoyment, great food, and the sense of belonging that is so wonderful. I went to the festival last year, and it was a very enriching experience for a variety of reasons. Second, the Fall Festival is such a great event in which the people in the neighborhood have the chance to socialize and meet up. We are so engrossed in our own world that we become separated from those who merely live next door. The festival is an open area and free space where you are comfortable enough to pop by and chat among yourselves, share experiences, and connect with each other. I made new friends and caught up with acquaintance with some of my friends, and built stronger bonds within the community. Secondly, the festival is filled with activities for every interest and age. From pumpkin-carving contests and hayrides to live performances and local craft booths, something for everyone is present. My highlight was being given the kids' game booth duty, assisting in setup and management of children's games. To see their beaming smiles illuminate with wonder and delight was truly rewarding. It reminded me of the significance of having wonderful experiences to share with the next generation and bond. Also, the Fall Festival is a huge economic advantage to our community. Local vendors and businesses get a chance to sell their products and services, with customers who would not otherwise be coming to them. This not only increases their sales but also advantages local residents in that they can shop locally. I saw that most of the crowd going to attend the festival would try new local shops and acquire purchases, therefore enhancing the financial welfare of Denison as a whole. For the Fall Festival, I want to see some progress and change in our culture. Firstly, I want to see that more people come every year and its numbers increase year after year. Having more participants would also mean that there would be more individuals interacting and taking care of one another. Second, I would also prefer that there be more emphasis on the environment and going green while at the festival. For instance, the provision of recycling bins and encouragement of green products can assist in making individuals understand how crucial it is to keep our environment secure. Moreover, I believe that the effect of the festival can be maximized by creating more community events on a regular basis throughout the year. Fund drives, clean-up days, and educational seminars are only a few examples of activities that can help continue to foster the community spirit of cooperation and mutual support created through the festival. Encouraging continued community involvement can foster a more active, empathetic, and sustainable community at Denison. In brief, the Fall Festival is a beloved occasion that brings together our community, supports local commerce, and forges enduring memories. It's important because it fosters our social cohesion, generates economic benefit, and allows for a way of positive change. I would like the festival to continue inspiring growth, sustainability, and further community engagement in Denison to make our town an even more desirable place to live.
    Carolyn Craddock Memorial Scholarship
    Adjusting to life with type 1 diabetes has been a rollercoaster of endless obstacles, but endless chances to be strong and become better. I knew when I was diagnosed that this illness was going to make me struggle through fierce determination and welcome the world and the people that surround it gently. Carolyn is my inspiration at all times and I try to inject some of her into my daily battle with diabetes. One of the greatest legendary battles that I was engaged in was figuring out how to control my blood sugars. That involved determining what food, what exercise, and what stress factors affected my body. It was intimidating at first, but I charged at it with the same zest that Carolyn had charged at life. I learned a lot about living with diabetes, and talked to health care providers. Taking control helped me control my condition better and reduce the frequency of extreme hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic reactions. Having diabetes socially was another challenge. I too experienced moments when I felt like I was isolated or ostracized because of my condition. I instead learned to be as compassionate with myself as possible and accept that I was different. I also talked to my friends and family about my diabetes and taught them what it’s like and how they could assist me. This rendered it an open and accepting environment where I was no longer alone. In addition, I gained from diabetes support groups and lived vicariously through others. Sharing it with them provided me with the feeling of being heard and given practical tips on surviving with diabetes. Physical activity was exercising with diabetes but was not an easy task to accomplish. Exercise with blood glucose levels was a lot of thinking and monitoring. I took up this challenge with determination, making exercise a part of daily routine and learning to control my insulin and food intake. Running, swimming, or doing yoga was something I enjoyed. Carolyn's hot temper encouraged me to fight through the challenges and remain devoted to my exercises. Further, I have had bouts of burnout and frustration in moments when it felt like fighting a daily struggle to cope with diabetes. On such occasions, I tapped into Carolyn's compassion and employed it on my behalf. Being compassionate with myself during those challenging periods helped me recharge and dedicate myself to diabetes care once again with renewed vigour and interest. I envision making the workplace a kinder and more considerate space for the diabetic community. Carolyn's compassion challenge to me is to be kind and compassionate to all of them so none of them will have to face hardship alone. One of the most potent experiences of being Carolyn's character was when I volunteered to work at a summer camp for kids with diabetes. I was able to share with the children my knowledge and ways, enabling them to battle for themselves against the illness. Seeing them grow self-assured and know they were not alone was reward enough. It was a testament to the power of sheer will and supportive prodding in the presence of adversity. In brief, type 1 diabetes has not been easy but a wake-up call. Working with Carolyn's stubborn will and generous heart, I have been able to overcome a few obstacles and stay healthy. Diabetes has made me self-taught, guided by my friends, physically fit, and gentle with myself. These not only enabled me to live with the disease but enriched my life in ways too many to mention.
    Online ADHD Diagnosis Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    Mental health is important as far as school success and success in life in general, especially if you're still in school. I am more focused, motivated, and willing to do projects and assignments when I'm mentally healthy. I can attend class discussion and interact with other individuals. But when I'm depressed or stressed, really, it prevents me from learning, focusing, and even attending. It's like the entire world is against me and I simply cannot cope with school. In trying to maintain my sanity, I have found that praying to God and reading my Bible have been a big help. When I am stressed or concerned about school, I sit for a bit and read scripture. It is like taking a breath of fresh air! The Bible provides a different perspective and reminds me I don't have to battle it out by myself. I enjoy the scriptures about hope, strength, and endurance. It is such a great way of clearing your head and remaining sane in the middle of a commotion. I also pray a lot. I pray to God about what's going on in my life, whether it's exam pressure, peer pressure, or just feeling overwhelmed in general. It is such a relief to be able to voice out your concerns and receive guidance. I end up praying a lot and then having that feeling of calmness wash over me so that I can better address my issues with a clear mind. That would be like letting go of all that worry that's built up and just being open and honest and vulnerable, that could be kind of liberating. Aside from reading and prayer, self-care is something else that I do. It's anything from stepping back when it's called for, taking a walk, or just hangin' with some of my close friends who know how to just be there for my mood. It being okay to step back and recharge whenever suffocating situations occur has helped me. Having a school-activity schedule with free time is a throbbing necessity in keeping myself mentally balanced. I also find it helpful to talk to someone when I’m feeling down, whether it’s a trusted friend, family member, or a counselor. Having that support system makes a big difference. It’s nice to share what I’m going through and get different perspectives on how to handle things. Overall, prioritizing my mental health is an ongoing journey, but I’ve found that integrating my faith through reading the Bible and praying has been a cornerstone of my well-being. It helps me stay grounded and focused, allowing me to navigate the ups and downs of school life with a little more grace.
    Deanna Ellis Memorial Scholarship
    My history of drug addiction, with mine being marijuana, has been far-reaching and profound in its own dramatic style of effect upon my spirituality, relationships, and professional aspirations. It has also been a saga of conflict, redemption, and finding a larger purpose in serving my Lord. It was there, during my early years of high school, that I started smoking marijuana. It was harmless and even recreational at the time. It was a way of being with others and short-term evasion of life and school stress. But what was recreational behavior turned into addiction. I needed it more and more to be myself, and it started affecting all areas of my life. My grades began to drop, and I was fed up with participating in things that I once enjoyed. My family life and friendships also began to disintegrate as I became more and more reclusive and alone. The individual that I saw staring back at me in the mirror was not one that I wanted to be, but I was stuck in a pattern that I was unable to break free from. Rock bottom is where I ended up. I was losing my grip on life, and I realized that I had to do something about it. This rock bottom was when I came to God. I was religious but never committed to my religion. I began praying and reading the Bible, trying to find strength and guidance. The deeper I got into my faith, the more content I was! It was in the Lord that I discovered enough strength to break free from addiction. It was not easy, and there were a million moments that I wanted to quit. My church family and my growing faith, though, helped to provide the motivation to continue. I started relying increasingly on prayer and scripture to help guide me through the struggles, and I gradually began the healing process. During my recovery from drug abuse, my values and beliefs were significantly changed. I was taught the significance of living a meaningful and honest life. My religion taught me the significance of self-discipline, being compassionate, and helping others. These were the main values in my new life, which influenced my behavior and choices. My relationships were also enhanced a lot. My mom, who had been so worried about me, saw the difference and trusted me again. I gained new friends and re-made old friends who shared the same views and stayed with me the whole ride. The care and love I experienced from my church family were a great aspect of my healing, and I formed close and healthy relationships that are still a blessing in my life. On a career note, all that I have experienced with recovery and addiction has brought me to where I desire to help others with matters of the same sort. I now wish to be a nurse and I would like to share my testimony to guide and encourage others and inform them that there is a better life with help and with faith and that addiction is overcomeable. In conclusion, my high on marijuana experience and rehabilitation by believing in the Lord have had a significant impact on my beliefs, relationship, and career plan. I came to understand the importance of living a responsible and truthful life, and I strongly wish to guide others away from the hellish addicted life. My life is a life of redemption and hope, and I am grateful to God for the patience and lessons that I have learned through faith.
    Begin Again Foundation Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I belong to a poor family where there was never enough money. My family backed me and remained with me through all the lures, never losing their love and support. I have faced so many issues in my life as a kid, but they motivated me to move even further to accomplish my dreams and leave my mark on the world. Today, I am thrilled to report that I am at my dream school, the University of Arkansas, where I will become a labor and delivery nurse. One of the most life-changing experiences of my life was that of my sepsis experience. My younger brother became extremely sick, and we learned that he had developed sepsis, a life-threatening infection that is the result of the body's overreaction to an infection. It was traumatic to see my brother sick with such a critical illness, and that is when I truly valued caring and skilled healthcare professionals. The nurses who took care of my brother were not only professional in their medical services but provided my family members with great emotional support too. Their compassion and dedication had a deep impact on me and reaffirmed my decision to become a nurse. My motivation for labor and delivery nursing stems from my passion to empower and support women during one of the most memorable moments of their lives. I firmly believe that all women, regardless of their socio-economic status, must be cared for during pregnancy and childbirth. My background experience of being born into a poor family has helped me to understand the plight of most regardless of their socio-economic status, must be cared for during pregnancy and childbirth. My background experience of being born into a poor family was helped me to understand the plight of most families in accessing health care. I am committed to combating healthcare disparity and witnessing all women receive the sufficient care and support they need. Christianity, apart from nursing, is the center of my life. My walk with Him has been what has encouraged and sustained me amid turmoil or victory. I am passionate about sharing with other individuals the love and grace of Jesus and I believe that my faith will be the cornerstone of my nursing practice. I am drawn by the teachings of Jesus to be compassionate, humble, and kind to individuals. As a labor and delivery nurse, I would like to be a reflection of His love in each patient and family interaction, providing not only medical care but also spiritual and emotional care. To attend the University of Arkansas is my heart's desire. Not only is it a chance for personal and professional development, but also a chance to be able to support my community and be in a position to make a change in others' lives. I am excited to finish this experience and to become the best nurse that I can be. My background of sepsis, interest in labor and delivery, and commitment to Jesus Christ have all propelled me to where I am today as a person. I am strongly equipped for life's challenges and possibilities and look forward to being able to make a positive difference in other people's lives with the career that I have selected.
    Angelia Zeigler Gibbs Book Scholarship
    I want to be a nurse because I have my own choice to enhance and change lives. I witnessed as a child the struggle of having hardly any health care. My mother had to work hard to earn a living for us, and her strength encouraged me towards a career where I could enhance people's lives. The most fondly remembered mishap that ever occurred to me was when my youngest brother got sick. There were no sufficiently equipped clinics within reach, and therefore, it was not easy to obtain proper treatment for him. I could see the nurses handling him tactfully and expertly. How they weren't only providing medical attention but some kind of emotional nurturing was something that struck me so forcefully. I understood that nursing was a line of work in which I could marry the passion for caring about people with the drive to do some good. Volunteering in high school at the clinic just reinforced even more that I was going to be a nurse. I was able to watch healthcare providers and get a sense of what type of patients were coming in. That type of experience opened my eyes to all the various things about being a nurse, and it made me aware that nursing is the career for me and my goals and values. I am more interested in labor and delivery nursing because I am concerned about the health of women and children. In my view, every woman should be well cared for during pregnancy and childbirth. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will be able to care for and empower women through one of the most significant experiences of their lives. Briefly put, my pain and experience instilled in me the desire to become a nurse. I am dedicated to bettering the lives of my patients and working toward a more equitable healthcare system.
    Women in Nursing Scholarship
    I want to be a nurse because I've long had a passion for caring for others and making a positive difference in their lives. I've existed in a poor state for the majority of it, witnessing firsthand the disfavor of poverty as well as compromised healthcare access. My single blue-collar mother who had no way of being capable of graduating from high school or college but fought long and hard to provide for us was my source of grit and resilience. She was the person who showed me my enthusiasm about having an appetite to become a nurse. What touched my heart and made me choose to be a nurse was when my youngest brother got very ill. We didn't have much health care in our community, and it was never simple getting proper medical treatment. I was at the hospital with him being ill for days, seeing how kindly the nurses handled him. Their ability to comfort and heal my family members during those moments of despair left a lasting mark on my life. I learned to value that not only do the nurses heal the patients, but also psychologically and emotionally they calm down the families. Apart from that, assisting in a community clinic during high school school only strengthened my resolve to become a nurse. I would be working among medical professionals and meeting all sorts of patients. The experience imparted the wholeness of nursing and reassured my intuition that this is the best career for my values and aspirations. I was drawn most to the wholeness of nursing, healing the entire person—body, mind, and social. I would rather be a labor and delivery nursing specialist because I am particularly interested in the health of mothers and babies. My aspiration is that all women regardless of their social class receive the very best care during pregnancy and childbirth. Using specialized labor and delivery nursing, I aspire to serve and care for women during this transformation period of life. I hope that they receive the best quality of care and have good birth outcomes. Lacking in everything, my experience and struggle are quite obviously related to being a nurse. My experience with the nurses who cared for my brother and my volunteer work has made me feel that it is a satisfying profession for me. I would like to be able to make a positive impact on the lives of my patients and be involved in an equal system of care.
    Joieful Connections Scholarship
    Growing up in poverty and living with a single mother who never went to high school or college has been a massive shaping factor in my path to college. Having experienced these things, I've developed a strong foundation of tenacity, resilience, and compassion that I think all people entering the field of nursing need to have. My mother worked all she could to keep us above water, and she sacrificed for me so I would have what she lacked. My mother was my role model and my push, and because of her courage and endurance, I found myself with the bravery to be somewhere where I could influence people's lives. I was exposed at a young age to the hardships and challenges caused by economic uncertainty. I learned the value of hard work and perseverance from all this. I never assumed anything and valued every chance that I received. I excelled in school despite the hardships, knowing that education would open a brighter tomorrow. I took part in extracurricular activities, volunteered, and looked for leadership roles to keep developing my skills and gaining experience. These achievements not only placed me beyond college levels but also solidified my dedication to helping others. I will be graduating with a nursing degree to become a labor and delivery nurse. This is also one of my biggest areas of practice because it provides an opportunity for me to merge my passion for nursing and caring with my passion for medicine and empowering and assisting women at the most vulnerable times in their lives. In addition to medical treatment, some of the responsibilities of a labor and delivery nurse include assistance, education, and advocacy for mothers and neonates. I am very committed to ensuring that all women get the highest quality of care no matter where she is from or what their disease is. I hope to fight for better maternal health care and to be among those who contribute to a more just system of care. I wish to be an inspiration through experience and life to inspire other people to inspire other people to pursue their dreams regardless of what they have working against them. I am certain my experience will enable me to be close to my patients on a personal basis and give them compassionate and empathetic care. Other than that, I will arrange to provide community outreach programs for education and support to such families who have limited access to healthcare centers. I will also be working with local agencies and providing prenatal education, parenting education, and prenatal support groups to pregnant women. With this, my goal will be to create a support system that will help the families survive and make sure all the children get healthy beginnings in life. Overall, my educational life has been characterized by the challenges and hardships of being raised in poverty and having a single-mother home. These have best equipped me for a career in labor and delivery nursing. I am also interested in maternal health and dedicated to leaving a mark in my community. In my working life, I intend to improve healthcare outcomes, advocate for access to better resources, and inspire others to be successful.
    Scholar Budget Define Your Dream Scholarship
    My dreams propel my ambitions, my vision that guides me. My own is double: to be a labor and delivery nurse who travels the globe serving the less fortunate, and to work to lead others to Jesus, to ask them to live for Him. These are aligned dreams in the sense that they are ignited by a heart that longs to heal, to serve, and to offer love and hope. My first and initial guiding principle is education. I will attend school conscientiously, theoretically and practically, in nursing. Through school, clinical rotations, and experience opportunities for what I learn, I will have the knowledge and ability to perform as an effective and compassionate labor and delivery nurse. I will also be certified and specialized in areas that will make me a valuable asset to any healthcare center. Networking and mentoring are also crucial to my strategy. I shall find mentors who specialize in labor and delivery nursing as well as international healthcare. They will share knowledge, guidance, and insight, which will be useful when addressing the challenges and opportunities I shall be forced to face. Having a network of professionals established, I shall be able to utilize information, career development, and partnerships to move toward achieving my goals. To prepare myself for my career as a travel nurse, I shall strive to develop diverse clinical experiences. Through work in different healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and community health centers, I will be exposed to diverse medical conditions, populations, and cultures. Exposure to them will not only make me a better clinician but also increase my flexibility, cultural competency, and problem-solving skills – all the qualities one would expect in a successful travel nurse. Apart from my career, I plan to become spiritually mature and live according to Jesus' teaching. I will pray daily, read the Bible, and fellowshipping with other Christians to increase my walk with God. Through my active church membership, community service, and witnessing others, I will try to bring people closer to Jesus and call them to live for Him. When I start my career as a travel nurse, I will strive to work for companies and projects whose own values and goals are in alignment with those that I value most. Through avenues of collaboration with non-profit organizations, religious organizations, and international health organizations, I can attempt to treat populations who do not have acceptable access to quality care. Apart from the delivery of health care services, I will also provide capacity building and training of local health practitioners whose efforts will bear fruit in decades to come. Finally, I will use personal experiences in my life as a writer, public speaker, and social media participant. I will share stories of hope, transformation, and resilience, inspiring others to serve and live meaningfully with high expectations. By using my own life, I wish to demonstrate how through faith, grit, and a servant's heart, we can impact this world. Overall, it will be a mix of learning, experience, religion, and doing well for other individuals that will make my desires come true. As long as I am moving toward the highest aim, continue looking for means of learning and progress, and believing in God's plan, there is absolutely no doubt in my head that I am going to be a travel labor and delivery nurse who brings humans closer to Jesus and cares for those who most need it. This journey not only will make my dreams come true but will leave behind an irreparable legacy of love, hope, and healing.
    Success Beyond Borders
    Title: “Rise and Deliver” Opening Scene: The camera films a small, unpretentious apartment in Denison, Texas, where morning light creeps through thin curtains and illuminates the space. The jarring shriek of a baby shatters the stillness, and a seventeen-year-old high school student cradles a new baby daughter in her arms. Despite the weariness etched upon her face, there is determination in her eyes. This is where my story begins. The scene shifts to a busy high school hallway. The young mother, with a backpack across one shoulder and baby sling across the other arm, jostles through the group. Whispers and disapproving glances are thrown in her direction, but she keeps her head high, focused on her education and her child's future. The camera zooms in on a picture of the two of them in a frame on her locker, reminding her of her hero at all times. Flash forward a couple of years, and the scene is a small commencement. The young mom, the cap on her head and gown wrapped around her waist, graduates across the stage to collect her diploma, her daughter cheering loudly in the stands. The pride and happiness on their faces are palpable, the first of many hurdles passed. The camera then cuts to a flashback of my childhood. From helping my mother with the daily chores to late-night studying, the images are of a life with problems but unbreakable support and love. My mother's sacrifices and strong will are now the canvas of my dreams. The camera cuts to me, a young adult, outside a hospital. I enter with the camera, my trepidation and anticipation thudding in unison with the beat of my heart. This is my inaugural day as a nursing student and the beginning of my path as a labor and delivery nurse. The movie catches some of the intense studying, practice training, and emotional ups and downs that come with being a member of the medical staff. The climax is revealed as the camera catches me helping out with my very first delivery. The miracle of birth, the cry of the new baby, and the joyful tears of the parents are all captured in great detail. This experience sets me more strongly in my will and determination to transform the world, one birth at a time. Action turns to a map of the world with places labeled. The camera is now on me, a confident and experienced labor and delivery nurse, folding my clothes into my suitcase. My travel nursing fantasy has now turned into a reality. The flashbacks show me in distant places, taking care of women in Third World communities, and learning from multicultural groups. Every encounter, every birth, is proof of my determination to leave my mark across the globe. The final scene is in my small apartment where I began. My mother, grayer but with the same spark of determination in her eyes, sits proudly as I tell tales of my journeys and of those whose lives I've impacted. The camera backs away, the two of us sitting together side by side, a picture of powerful strength, resilience, and devotion that propelled me. As the screen fades to black, the words "Rise and Deliver" come on screen, encapsulating the path of my life – rising above hardship and delivering hope and compassion to the poor.
    Chi Changemaker Scholarship
    In my community, I noticed that there was a great issue with no affordable child care. The majority of parents, especially poor parents, lack secure and affordable care for their children. There were not enough childcare centers that prompted me to act because I knew it was essential to have safe and secure care for the children when their parents were working or engaging in other activities. It was what made me seek a means to end this issue when I saw the pain and suffering the parents go through, as it happened to many in my family while I was still a young child. Nothing ought to occur due to it, and other families should not also be cursed in vain without being offered any kind of support. I wished to return to my society with the information to help society become a good place to live for working parents. To help ease this, I started offering free babysitting to my community. I contacted parents in my community via community bulletin boards and social media to let them know that I was available to work. I also organized group babysitting at local community centers within the communities, where multiple children could be watched together in a secure and safe environment. My efforts to date have not been in vain. Some parents have valued the service and relief that my babysitting activities have rendered them. I have been able to help dozens of families have peace of mind that their children are well taken care of as they proceed to go to work or pursue other activities. In the days to come, I would wish to expand my operations by getting more volunteers that will help me provide cheap babysitting services. This can be done by visiting schools and institutions around our area to advertise the utilization of cheap child care and seek more volunteers who will work. I would also wish to initiate a sustainable childcare program with longer babysitting as well as homework for the kids. By embarking on this project, I aim to make positive, long-term impacts on the lives of the parents and children in our community.
    Valerie Rabb Academic Scholarship
    I am a 17-year-old single parent and I'm headed toward achieving my dream career as a labor and delivery nurse. My single teenage mother had to drop out of high school to have me and held not one, but three jobs so she could contribute to the essentials. It wasn't easy but it made me who I am today. My mother's strength and determination have been my biggest sources of inspiration. Seeing her work all these long, countless hours and several jobs and remain ever ready for me at all times instilled in me within myself the culture of hard work, resilience, and the value of pursuing one's dreams no matter the cost. My commitment as a labor and delivery nurse is my desire to heal the world one mom and baby at a time in perhaps the most vulnerable moment of their lives. It is my personal opinion that every mom needs to be understood and comforted in giving birth and I would rather be a part of it and mom and child safe and sound. I will demonstrate commitment, compassion, and conscientious working ethic towards the professional path I have selected, which I acquired from experiences in life. The challenges that I had to face growing up as a kid with one teen mother were monumental, but made me stronger and more focused on achieving success. My mother's sacrifices and inspirations encouraged me to learn more in school and follow my dream of becoming a nurse. Notwithstanding the economic and emotional struggles, I persisted with the suffering of learning, which I believed was the greatest key to a good life for my mother and me. I did what I could, whether grants or after-hours employment, to see to it that I could compete at a higher level. These are challenges that were hard to navigate through, yet ones which instilled the merit of grit, resilience, and the resilience of an uplifting network. I have come to prioritize my duty, keep focused on my target, and never forget the destination no matter how difficult the path becomes. Such values have helped me possess endurance to meet the challenges associated with a career in nursing and provide the quality of care possible to patients. In short, my life has been shaped by growing up in a single-parent family but also sparked a passion to be a labor and delivery nurse. I am committed to making the world a better place by providing loving touch to mothers and babies. My experiences have also educated me in the importance of determination and hard work and the importance of chasing one's dream, and I want to imbue these values into my career.
    Ryan Stripling “Words Create Worlds” Scholarship for Young Writers
    Writing has long intrigued me, this form of self-expression, of expressing my thoughts and my emotions in a thoughtful and imaginative manner. What unites individuals most to me regarding writing is the way that it unites people, how it speaks in stories that reach the heart, and how it conveys messages that are capable of inspiring and challenging the mind. It's a very powerful tool that allows me to see the world in so many various ways and research topics that are pertinent to me. The pleasure of writing itself is in the act. The scratch and click of pen upon paper, or fingers across keys, is intoxicating and therapeutic. It is beautiful ceremony where I can lose myself in the rhythm of words, building sentences that express the feeling of what I am attempting to convey. Even writing makes me independent and self-sufficient in the sense that I get to build worlds, characters, and stories based on what I have imagined and lived. I look forward to further nurturing my love for writing in all its different forms in college. First, I would find out about the different courses in writing offered. From journalism, technical writing, to creative writing, I would try my hand at different styles and genres so that I am a master writer and also learn the craft of writing. These courses will not only improve my writing skills but also acquaint me with newer styles and working methods that could directly be put to use in my profession. I also plan to join campus writing clubs and associations. Writing with other writers will provide me with the criticism, motivation, and stimulus that I need. It's where we read each other's writing, say to each other what we can learn from one another, and collaborate on projects. Having other writer friends will motivate me to stay committed and focused on my writing goal, and where I can share my writing. Another method through which I will continue to write is writing for the college newspaper or literary magazine. This will give me a way to write regularly and have someone read what I'm writing. Writing about what's going on on campus, writing opinion editorials, or publishing creative works, writing for these publications will give me an opportunity at hands-on experience and a portfolio of published work. Apart from this, I am also going to schedule time for writing myself. Writing novels, poetry, or even just journaling in simple common language, I am going to make room for it in my life. This for myself, I will be able to include writing in my life in spite of college life madness. Generally speaking, writing is one of the activities that I am passionate about and enjoy doing, and I am excited to continue to develop as a writer and learn new forms of writing in college. I will integrate writing into college life and beyond through course work, service, and personal commitment.
    Elite Security International Scholarship
    As a first-generation college student, college and life after college were influenced in ways I could never have imagined. Wins and losses along the way shaped and transformed me. When I chose to attend college, I understood that I was embarking on a journey that demanded perseverance and steadfast patience. Without the direction of a family navigator to guide me through, I would be lost the majority of the time. Without direct teaching in college applications, scholarships, and courses, I was on my own and learning much of this and had go seek out advisors and mentors for guidance. It was a great lesson in resourcefulness and self-sufficiency. I have also been able to question, question what is taken for granted, and be able to speak up for myself, and all these are skills which have been well served for my studies. Struggle, too, as the first college student in my family, has also been a good stimulus. My dreams and aspirations are on my shoulders, who have done a million things so that I can study and make them proud. Their belief in me all these years is what I used to work so hard to succeed. I am motivated by a sense of wanting to make them happy and leave a lasting legacy for their generations to look up to. It has provided me with very high work ethic and dedication to excellence. It has had lasting effects by educating me in a growth mindset. I now realize that failure and setbacks are not indicators of failure but indicators of doing it better. Whatever fails for me is an indicator of knowing how to do it better. Having this knowledge, I have been courageous enough to venture out of my comfort zone and try something new. Whether it is leading student groups, research projects, or internships, I am always seeking ways to continue my education and enhance my skills. In the future, being a first-generation college student has influenced my pursuit of higher education. I am encouraged to proceed on to graduate school and become a professional leader. Specifically, I would like to pay it forward and help other first-generation students. I wish to be a role model and a mentor, motivating others to find out the details of college and their own success. Generally speaking, being the first from my family to have a college degree has been life-changing. It has also taught me how to remain firm, in charge, and see the progress that can happen through having a growth mindset so one can help someone succeed in the face of adversity. It has enabled me to give my best and motivated me to help people through it to gain learning. In making the step toward my scholarship, I am with the conviction that I am not doing it for myself only but providing the heritage of wisdom and potential to generations to come.
    Text-Em-All Founders Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I am a first-generation college student with an ardent aspiration to be a labor and delivery nurse. I was raised by my family to always show fortitude and strength-a character that, over the years, deeply engraved in my personality the urge and drive in pursuit of nursing as a career course. It's mainly driven by personal motivation; assurance that I do not add any negative attribute to the world but instead will always believe that a difference can be brought in the lives of mothers and newborns through the best choice of academics and career. Being a first-generation college student, I am facing various challenges and everyday success stories. My parents remind me of how important education and hard work are since they never attended college. Their sacrifice and indefatigable support keeps me working hard to excel in all of my endeavors. I promise to make them proud with my goal achievements, both academic and career-wise. That miracle of birth and the need to assist the woman in what is considered the most important moments of her life must have fostered my interest in labor and delivery. Labor and delivery nurses assume responsibility for mother and baby throughout the childbirth experience. They offer emotional support, pain management, and medical care that makes a huge difference in the birthing experience. I look forward with anticipation to being a part of this transformational process, guiding new life into the world. It was the time in college when I was enrolled in the nursing program that inspired me on how to become a labor and delivery nurse. My coursework has been rigorous, and the clinical experiences have really prepared me for this profession. I took up courses in prenatal care, labor and delivery procedures, postpartum care, and neonatal nursing. Each of these experiences further enlightened me about the complex issues of birth and resolidified my commitment to compassionate and competent care. It is coupled with clinical exposure that goes hand in hand with classwork, applying whatever I have been taught. In light of this, I have volunteered my services at nearby hospitals and clinics, working under experienced nurses and other health workers. Such experiences greatly upgraded my clinical skill but most importantly equipped me with empathy, communication, and teamwork toward clients. I would wish to be the inspiration for change in this world by serving as an advocate for the health of mothers and newborns throughout my work in labor and delivery nursing. It is my firm belief that all women deserve safety and empowerment within their birth process, and their patients will most definitely receive exactly that from them. I would also like to contribute to health education and awareness in my community. I have included outreach programs that will provide expectant mothers with valuable information on prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. I would like to empower women with knowledge and resources so that their pregnancies are healthier, with better outcomes for the mothers and babies. It is my desire to become a first-generation college student and a labor and delivery nurse that motivates me-a dream so closely associated with my commitment to making a difference in this world. I want to be able, through education and career, to give compassionate and competent service to mothers and newborns, to advocate for health and wellbeing, and provide health education to my community. Far more excited about the future than with an opportunity that, at last, may finally be able to bring about real changes in many people's lives.
    William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
    My name is Emily, and I am excited to be a labor and delivery nurse. This would mean everything in my mind because it relates to my love of science with the desire to make a difference in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Thus, this strand is very much worth an opportunity to try and make a change in other people's lives. My interest in biology and anatomy initially drew me into the study of nursing. Indeed, I have always been fascinated by the way the human body works, how the various systems within interactively function with one another, and how good health may best be maintained. Therefore, I chose to major in nursing-to take a scientific-based degree and apply the knowledge learned within to real life. Through the course, I learned all the physiological processes of pregnancy, child delivery, and postpartum. These were complemented by field experience through internships and volunteer services. To date, I have been afforded the opportunity to work in various healthcare settings where the concept of patient-centered care was learned. Through these experiences, I have learned how to communicate with patients and their families, emotionally support them, and manage physical demands while caring for patients in nursing. Changed lives through skilled, compassionate nursing care can be really experienced, evidenced through improved lives of patients. I also want to give the best kind of care as a labor and delivery nurse to the mothers and the newborn babies. More importantly, I purposed in my mind that I will do my best to keep abreast with all new research as it becomes available about maternal and neonatal health evidence-based releases, and that shall even further equip me in the pragmatic implementation of nursing care based on the best evidence so that my clients can achieve their very best outcomes. I am all for patient education; this arms them with resources and knowledge to understand options pertaining to their health and their babies on a personal basis. Further to this, I truly value the promotion of mothers' and families' needs. I know this might be one of those sensitive and tender moments in life, and that's why I'm just here to offer them the support and care that best I can provide. That means supporting their wishes and needs, from pain management and birth plans right through to postpartum care. I believe every mom has a birthright to an empowering birth experience, and to make it so for them is within my powers and means. Most importantly, being a labor and delivery nurse would encompass combining my love for science with passion for people. I am all for sensitive care, evidence-based in need of advocacy for mothers and newborns, with respect to preference. Working hard and commitment to working will let me leave my 'thumbprint' in nursing but make much of a difference in the life of each family that crosses mine. Thank you for considering my application, it means the world to me!
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    The personal experience of mental health influences me on levels of beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations that are deeply personal and transformative. There have been those times, especially when I have grown up with anxiety and depression when it feels like I'm going to drown in this sea of unbridled emotion. These are not mere glimpses of sadness or fits of worry but long-standing companions who shadowed practically every aspect of my life. In working my way through my mental health, those beliefs that once had seemed so cut and dried became complicated and nuanced. The hard way I learned was that mental illness is not a weakness nor some condition that could easily be "fixed." It is all a part of who I am, a part that requires understanding, compassion, and ongoing care. It was this realization that would shift my beliefs on strength and resilience. I came to realize that real strength lies in admitting our vulnerabilities and finding help where and when we need it. It's about finding the guts to face those moments of darkness and yet opting to move on. All these mental health struggles considerably changed my relationships, too. I felt isolated several times because I couldn't interact due to invisible barriers set by my anxiety and depression. I used to push people away all the time because, well, I always thought they wouldn't understand, or they would feel me as a burden. This way, the loneliness that seemed to have no end was developed. Nevertheless, from these sad experiences, the lesson that I got is related to the role of genuine and supportive relationships. The friends and family members who were present with me through my worst times taught me the way to show compassion and empathize. They just showed me that I was not alone and that leaning on other people for help was not shameful at all. These experiences have also shaped my career goals in profound ways. Internal battles with my mental health have grown into a burning desire deep inside to help people in similar situations. I want to work in mental health awareness: tearing down the walls of stigma wrapped around mental illness, and supporting those in need. I will be a therapist and give sanctuary to the clients as they unravel their emotions and heal. My journey thus far has brought a perspective and a deep compassion for others that I can bring to the job, which is what makes me an effective professional in this field. In closure, my experiences with mental health have been very much a process of self-discovery and personal growth. The journey has shaped my beliefs: it has taught me what strength means, as well as resilience. It has deepened relationships for me with the power of compassion and support. It has inspired me in my career aspiration-to help, to advocate for mental health awareness. But while my journey has been filled with challenges, it has also been a source of profound learning and transformation. It has made me who I am today, and for that, I am grateful. Thank you for considering my application, it means the world to me!
    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Growing up with a teen mom, having my brother and me back to back, it would just seem like one financial problem right after another always would happen. My mom never quit trying, but it was never easy. We would constantly be moving from house to house searching for a cheaper one. It feels like that was such a huge part of my growing up, and it has weighed heavily upon me. It's just that no kind of financial education was available to us. My mom did the best she could; we learned basic stuff, but there was so much more we just had to learn by trial and error. More importantly, I learned pretty well how my mom juggled bills, worked two jobs, and managed to put food on the table. This, while it taught me the value of hard work and persistence, also instilled in me the gravity of financial stability and the concept of planning for the future. Growing up, I had made it a point to get out of that vicious circle of instability with money that seemed to plague my family. This I did by first acquiring for myself a host of books and online courses on personal finance. Accordingly, I joined financial literacy programs to engage with important concepts for an individual future perspective or personal success with stabilization: Budgeting, saving, investing, or the management of indebtedness. Indeed, the more learning occurs, the more educative and relevant these are. One thing I picked up from the experience was to budget and stick to it. In so doing, by keeping an inventory of all my income and expenses, I was able to ascertain quite clearly which of these things could be scaled down and some savings made. Besides making me manage finances better, this also made me in control of the financial decisions that I was making and a bit confident too. The other aspect that I welcomed in financial education was savings and investment. I opened a savings account and began to save some part of my income every month. Gradually, I began seeking other ways of growing and securing my financial future through such means as investment in stock and mutual funds. Most importantly, practical monetary skills helped me to learn how I should look towards money with a positive mindset. I realized that my financial situation was not defining and, with the right knowledge and determination, I would be able to make a change in life. That was an empowered perspective and further motivated me to learn and reach financial stability. The knowledge and skills developed in matters of finance are what I will put into practice from now on for a secure and stable future. Financially independent means one would be able to look after oneself, one's family, and community. These shall be developed through continued training or otherwise but beyond that, smart financial decisions need to be taken as an ongoing process for one to be out of the vicious circle altogether and create an enhanced future at least for their loved ones also, and foremost the self. This provided me, while growing up, with some important lessons in financial education and planning. I am in control over my finances, still learning to secure a stable and prosperous future.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I was brought up by a poor family. Growing up, money was always an issue; however, that never stopped me from pursuing my dreams. It was just last week that I got the awesome news that I actually got into my dream college: the University of Arkansas, studying to become a labor and delivery nurse. This opportunity is a gift that proves my hard work and determination had not gone unnoticed and, for which I am so grateful to have been given the chance to pursue the education and pursuit of a higher degree and future in my career. It was not always smooth sailing to achieve this. School meant part-time jobs to enable us to study along with other needs of running the family on hand. Although, I never give up my aim to be a nurse. Through my lifetime, I have been passionate about healthcare and the various impacts it can have on any person and even their community. Being a labor and delivery nurse spoke to me most since it is an opportunity to bring new life into the world and to support and care for mothers and even their families at the most significant time in their lives. Hopefully, with my future work as a labor and delivery nurse, I'll make this world a better place because I would be able to provide health care to those families who are devoid of it. In fact, access to quality health care is a right by itself, and still, many families from the poorer background have issues receiving their needed medical care. I will fill this gap by providing loving and holistic care to all my patients regardless of their economic status. Every mother and baby will feel loved, cared for, and supported every step of the way through my working with them. Apart from medical care, a kind and loving nurse can bring the greatest difference to the patients. I regard the emotional and psychological support given by nurses to patients as nothing lesser than the level of medical care. I ensure my patients are safe and made comfortable by a friendly environment I create for them. Building relationships with families who I care for reduces the stressful and anxiety experience that childbirth and health care situations often pose. In summary, my background and experiences have molded me into a strong yet compassionate individual who is ready to make a difference in the world through my career as a labor and delivery nurse. Attending the University of Arkansas will equip me with the knowledge and skills to provide quality healthcare to those in need. This commitment to serving low-income families and being a loving and caring nurse will guide me in making a meaningful difference in the lives of my patients and their communities.
    Mark Green Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I really thank and look forward to this chance. So, I have decided to apply for this scholarship. My family originally came from a poor background. Right now, I am staying with my grandmother, two little brothers, and five cousins. It is quite hard since money is tight. I need to work 30 hours a week to just make ends for myself and my family. All these notwithstanding, I never let go of my education and community, giving them back as much as I could to my best. Work and school do not make a good balance; however, they have been great teachers of the value of hard work, perseverance, and time management. A very hardworking student, all of my free time is spent on giving back to my community. I volunteer at a local library, where it organizes and helps with the reading programs, book clubs, as well as other readings. This has been fantastic in developing an interest in reading in many children and even adults. In school, during the week, I support special needs children. It has been profoundly rewarding as most of this work has a direct impact on people's lives. Receiving this scholarship would be a wonderful experience for me. It would reduce some burdens on us regarding finances; hence, we could pay much more attention to our studies and community involvement. I feel I deserve it since I have always been dedicated to getting even further education and activities in the community. Even though financial pressures were not able to make it any easier for me, I still had to go on attaining excellent grades, along with actively participating in a variety of volunteer activities. This scholarship would serve the purpose of meeting my academic aspirations and further enable me to bring differences to my community. Aspired to change the world positively by inspiring others that financial setbacks are never a pre-set criterion of somebody's future. I want to inspire others to strive for success, despite their financial situations. By overcoming my financial difficulties, I hope to set an example for others and show them that chasing after their dreams is achievable. I also plan to give back to my community upon receiving my nursing degree. I have a passion for healthcare and truly believe that every human being has the right to receive proper medical attention. I would use my time and skills as a nurse to help those families who cannot afford the health care they need. This would result in better health and well-being for people in my community, adding to a fairer and more compassionate society. Indeed, this would be a life-changing scholarship, and I consider receiving this opportunity as very uplifting in my life. This is because the money will be sure for continued studies to make my community a better place, it is my concern to use acquired education and skills for benefits to others, and an inspiration to overcome their struggles. Thank you for considering my application!
    Jean Ramirez Scholarship
    Losing my great-grandmother was one of the most profound and heart-wrenching experiences of my life. She was more than just a family member; she was my confidante, my guide, and my source of unwavering love. Our bond was unique, strengthened by the simplest of pleasures – those orange peanut-shaped candies known as circus peanuts. Every time I see them, I feel her presence, as if she’s still here, watching over me. It felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me that day. Eventually, after the shock and denial, this was followed by the abyss of grief: she is that constant illuminating my world with her beams of warmth and wisdom. Something torn apart in the heart without her is just unbearable agony. Over the following days, I tried to get used to the loss by getting along with everything that reminded me of her, from the stories she told me, and recipes shared with me, down to those ever-present circus peanuts. These candies became bitter-sweet reminders of the bond between us, every time I came upon them speaking sorrow and yet comfort, with a spirit so close by. It was a journey of grief to learn to navigate. Some days, the pain was just too much, and I didn't know how I could ever get over her. The nights were the worst, with this aching emptiness and this yearning for her presence. Yet, amid that darkness, I started to find small glimpses of hope and resilience. It sounds quite silly, but one of the important lessons that I came out with was that it is perfectly all right to grieve-to let it hurt, cry, and miss her desperately. Grief does not occur along a continuum; it is neither on a specific schedule nor time. It's something personal process that calls for a great deal of patience and love toward oneself. Days passed and I started to find my peace in keeping her memory alive. Started doing everyday things she loved such as cooking her favorite recipes, telling her stories to other people of course always having a bag of circus peanuts close to me. It was these small acts of remembering that comforted me and connected me with her. This brings out the inner strength, probably not known to a person and supposedly, well, for a loss; the pain can never be erased. It only takes time which may make it bearable. And to my case, the strong love from family and supportive friends was with me at that hour of my darkness; reminding me that I am not alone in this stage of grief. The memories of my great-grandmother through the things that we shared stay with me, and this is her lingering legacy. My great-grandmother taught me what love, kindness, and strong will are about. Every time I see orange circus peanuts, she is by my side and guides me or gives me strength wherever I need it. Losing her was a tragedy, but in the pain, I found a way to keep her memory and spirit alive within me. Her love continued to be my hope and strength, and I knew that as long as the memories of us stayed with me, she too would always remain a part of me.
    Francis E. Moore Prime Time Ministries Scholarship
    My educational goal is to become a labor and delivery nurse-a career that combines not only my passion for healthcare but also provides a singular opportunity to have a deep influence on the lives of individuals and communities that are disproportionately under resourced. This will give me an avenue to provide needed support during one of the most important moments in the life of a family and at the same time contribute toward dealing with broader issues of health inequality. My first reason is that my education in nursing will provide me with the appropriate medical knowledge and clinical skills to deliver quality care to mothers and their newborn babies. I will pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and later major in labor and delivery with further certifications and training. This educational path will ensure that I am fully prepared to manage all the complexities of child delivery from routine deliveries to high-risk situations. Being well-trained equips me with the ability to provide the very best care that I can master for all patients regardless of their socio-economic level.   One of the significant ways through which achieving my education goals will empower the under-resourced is through advocacy and education. Most such under-resourced communities show a serious deficiency of easily accessible prenatal and postnatal care concerning access and frequency, resulting in very frequent complications and poor health for mothers and newborn babies. This being the case, as an L&D nurse, I would be very well placed to educate the expectant mother regarding the need and importance of prenatal care, proper nutrition, and healthier lifestyle choices regarding the well-being of the baby and herself. It is through this that, by educating her, I will be bettering her ability to take care of herself and her baby, avoiding complications that could have been prevented. Apart from individual education, I hope to work with community organizations, participate in public health initiatives toward better maternal health service accessibility, and organize free-of-charge prenatal clinics, childbirth education classes, and advocate for policies to ensure all women will have access to such care. This could also be addressed by networking with other healthcare professionals as well as community leaders to identify and in most cases, help in developing a system that would be of support to the under-resourced families through this period of pregnancy and delivery. Another important role played by the labor and delivery nurse is address to emotional and psychological needs. This might be further stressful and overwhelming for women, especially when such support is not forthcoming from any direction. The care I offer will be compassionate and empathetic; this will go a long way in soothing anxiety and fears in most pregnant women. Moreover, emotional support is most needed in such under-resourced communities because of other extra stressors, such as financial instability, lack of transportation, or healthcare access. Again, this would be a great opportunity for the girls to become associated with a role model/mentor already engaged in the health career. Having the ability to show how wide a responsible and caring nurse can reach out in touching the lives of their patients means having the ability to encourage others who have significant disadvantages and motivate them toward joining a healthy workforce. Increased workforce diversity in health care will go hand in glove with reduced health disparities while culturally competent quality care is advanced among communities. This is why my personal and educational goal of becoming a labor and delivery nurse pushes me to make as active driving as possible in the quality care for any motherly patient and her baby irrespective of any economic situation any family stands in. With the help of adequate knowledge and a set of acquired skills, I would not only try to facilitate equal access to maternal health care service access, but also educate the expecting mothers regarding childcare, and provide them emotional support during the delivery. Besides the community-based organization, public health programs, thus facilitate opportunities in which resource-poor families can use the given resources to access their healthy pregnancy as well as child delivery. These shall, in the long run, translate into the realization of my educational goals in enabling me to be an agent of change for less privileged people and communities toward the goal of an equitable and just healthcare system.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    Introduction Plato's "The Republic" is a sort of foundational document of Western philosophy in that it probes deep into the definition of justice and what constitutes the good life. Wrapped within the core of this more philosophical dialogue is, in itself, the meaning of justice articulated by Socrates: "Justice means minding your own business and not meddling with other men's concerns." This says it all for Plato's ideal society where each human being contributes a distinctive but contributive function towards the common good. That is to say, a claim well beyond the reach of simple non-interference into labyrinthine individual responsibility, social order, and the nature of human capacity. Historical Background The weight of Plato's arguments is only more authentically appreciated within the historical and philosophically entangled climate of ancient Greece. The Greek city-states were wracked with strife, political ferment, and mixed systems of governance: oligarchy, and democracy. Under conditions of turbulence, it is debates about justice, government, and virtue that occupy pride of place in political thought. One such enthusiast was Socrates, a mentor to Plato, who conducted public arguments and nudged people to question the surface of received moralities and governments. Against this backdrop, Plato wrote "The Republic" in response to the then-democratic experiment of Athens, which he saw as not only anarchic but also highly flawed. It was the execution of Socrates for corrupting the youth and impiety that sent shockwaves down his spine and, if anything, further increased his skepticism of democracy and the mass's ability for self-rule. Tripartite Theory of the Soul One of the touchstones of Plato's philosophy is the tripartite soul, and it finds its fullest application in "The Republic". The theory, briefly postulated, holds that the soul is constituted of three parts rational, the spirited, and the appetitive-suggesting the reflection of particular elements of human nature much as there were the three corresponding classes in Plato's ideal society: the ruling class, the auxiliary class, and the producing class. 1. **The Rational Part**: That part of the soul striving to know, and be in knowledge of the truth, and wisdom; it embodies reason and intellect, thus guiding men through informed decisions for the greater good. In Plato's ideal state, this is the part that corresponds to the ruling class or the philosopher-kings, who preside over governmental matters based on their superior understanding of justice and virtue. 2. **The Spirited Part**: The spirited part reflects those emotional and strong attributes of human nature, ambition, honor, and the drive to protect. It corresponds to the social scale- to auxiliaries or warriors who defend the state and its values. This class is characterized by a sense of loyalty and courage necessary to maintain order and security. 3. **The Appetitive Part**: This is the part of the soul that houses these different types of desires, appetites, and physical requirements. While it does relate to those desires to eat, to indulge, and for material goods, in the ideal state, farmers, artisans, and laborers form the souls through very crucial roles within society insofar as ensuring that the basic needs within the community are provided for. What it means is that the whole process is said to attain personal justice, that is, the unity of those three parts of the soul. Just as personal justice is ensured when coordination and coherence are in place, for social justice, all classes should play their due role. Ideal State: Form and Function Plato's concept of justice is indissolubly joined by the ideal of the state. He gave a glimpse of such an efficient society with this overt hierarchy: making sure that people perform roles ordained by nature, the stratum is not casual but depends on one principle, namely, that the natural inequality assured by Plato constitutes the basis on which humans ability and virtue will be developed. The rulers would be the philosopher-kings as they have to govern the ideal state and are responsible for just judgments owing to their wisdom and knowledge. On the whole, they keep peace in the entire state since laws are run in all spheres, led by true justice or goodness. Following would be auxiliaries - warriors - the guardians who protect the State from outer aggressions and keep its laws. The role of the producers then would be to cater to the material needs of the community and ensure that the economy is booming as a means of ensuring social stability. Justice in the Ideal State In this sense, justice is a legal as well as an ethical condition when each class in the society performs its proper function. An ideal that in one sense summed up the meaning of the doctrine of non-interference: each should mind his or her own business. Each part of the soul operates in harmony; so too, within the just individual and society, justice occurs. However, Plato does concede that dysfunction could arise if classes step beyond their ordained functions. For instance, the balance would be upended in the event of producers seizing power or if the rulers were to be consumed by self-interest; it would cause conflict and injustice, culminating in eventual decline. Each class, therefore, is called to know its place respect the place of others and contribute towards the common good. Individual Justice and Self-Mastery The Platonic thought of justice extended further from the social and political structures to include personal ethics and morals. Plato believes individual justice corresponds with that of state justice: a state becomes just if every class plays its role in society, and so does a man attain justice if every part of his soul-rational, spirited, appetitive-play in harmony. Such inner harmony or balance requires self-mastery in such a way that the rational has to govern the feelings and appetites. Self-control means that appetites or emotions are not allowed to overpower and mislead; reason controls behavior. The person who has inner harmony in himself leads a virtuous life and so furthers general social justice. This kind of self-government includes and involves education and the use of philosophical thinking that, Plato asserts, are necessary for rulers and for raising individuals in a State. Criticism of Democracy One of the major themes in "The Republic" is Plato's skepticism towards democracy. He approached democracies as if the systems were ill-conceived and predestined for chaos and instability since they allow individuals to assume roles that they are badly fitted for. Plato felt that the democratic mode of governance was often manifested to deteriorate into a sort of governance by uninformed impulsively emotional masses who based their decisions on what was personally best rather than the common good. Democracy is a playground wherein each person's wishes are given elbow freedom to express themselves, which only gives wide opportunities for perturbation in harmony. Plato claims that the meritocratic regime in which wise, philosophically knowledgeable, and virtuous people are thrust into power- constitutes the only regime in which true justice can occur. It would fall onto the rulers of the said regime to deliberate on what's best for the state without regard for individual self-interests. While Plato's thoughts came in ancient Greece, they found a strong resonance in the contemporary discourse of justice, governance, and social ethics. The consideration of natural inequalities, the need for functional roles in society, and the importance of self-mastery remain points that even to this date sharply stir thought and debates. In debates about social justice, Plato's view-"justice means minding your own business"-balancing individual responsibility with the good of all, how might contemporary societies design systems that not only recognize the place of the individual in society but also make sure the voices of all individuals are not only heard but valued? Given some of the problems democracies are faced with today over questions of governance and leadership, Plato's warnings against populism and uninformed decision-making are remarkably current. The Dimension of Justice: Education On both the level of the individual and on the social plane, education is also included within the frame of Plato's theory of justice. In "The Republic," Plato supports an extremely stern form of education that would give rise to the ruling class of philosopher-king rulers, one that could rule upon knowledge and moral principles. In projecting the scheme of education, he aims at training the rational part of the soul to enable it to pursue knowledge and truth. In education, Plato views this area not as a sole skill-building venture but as an activity fostering virtues that will help keep justice alive. It would thus be possible for society, in this view, to produce leaders through moral responsibility and a sense of philosophical questioning whose ambition would be cooled by the pursuit of the common good. It is this importance of education given by Plato married to his greater vision of justice: it is that which holds individuals and society in harmony. The Role of Art and Literature Another interesting aspect of Plato's analysis of justice is the status that art and literature would have within the perfect state. In "The Republic," he raises misgivings that certain types of artistic presentation tend to evoke undesirable emotions that lull people away from rationality and justice. For Plato, art has the potential to mold character and act as a source for behavior modification; he thus calls for rigorous policing to ensure that the right kind of art serves the interests of morality. Thus, art and literature censorship can prove to be proper messages representing ideals of justice and goodness that citizens are shown the path to virtuous living. Of course, here also, at this point certain questions arise such as freedom of expression, the power of narrative, and responsibility for creators in the present society. Conclusion To sum up, the view on justice connected both with personal morality and social organization, which was deep and amazingly chiseled by Plato's "The Republic.". While describing how the performance of assigned roles explains such harmony depending on the regard for individual or collective responsibilities, Plato further elaborates using indicated complexity within human nature evident within a tripartite theory of the soul in such a way that no justice will exist apart from balance or self-mastery. Plato's critique of democratic governance calls for the consideration of contemporary societies to think about informed leadership and the responsibilities of citizens. Undoubtedly, his views regarding censorship and the arts would find huge argumentation even today; simultaneously, they stir this much-needed thinking process: reflection about what forms our values and morals. What counted finally in Plato's theory of justice, as relevant to humankind two millennia ago as today, challenging us to wrestle with fundamental questions about morality and governance and the very nature of the just society. In working through the most difficult areas of living in the modern age, Plato's wisdom challenges us to rethink our roles and duties in the collective endeavor toward the common good. Such thoughts put us in mind that justice is not some static definition but rather a dynamic interplay of individual virtue with social order created, acted out, and aspired to in continuo. Further Considerations The present tour through the concept of justice in Plato's "The Republic" well serves to show how one of humanity's better-perpetuating quests can be found. Such perennial reflections cannot but become timely with considerations as to how today's communities self-govern with pluralism on behalf of the just life. The interplay here between philosophical argument and worldly practice reminds us of how energetically Plato's insights, if not plead with us to take action on behalf of all that is decent in human life and communal existence. It is just this sort of philosophical exploration, in all its nuance, that flows from Plato's question about justice, ethics, and the complexity of human life toward ongoing concern for inquiry, virtue, and the common good. At the same time, a personal and civic duty to strive for an ever greater understanding of what it means to live justly and to contribute meaningfully to the world around us. Thank you for considering my application!
    Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
    Excellence in life is about commitment to continuous improvement, an exemplary work ethic, and a positive attitude. Here is how I try to model those values and pay them forward in my community: First of all, I always try to set achievable and realistic objectives for myself-be it academic, personal, or professional goals. A target keeps me focused and driven. This helped because big goals broken down into small achievable tasks have a process never overwhelming, thus having ensured steady progress. Growth mindset: Mistakes and failures are normal; they show up at instances. For me, if people allow that to discourage themselves, that keeps them from better opportunities for learning and developing. It helps me to be resilient, adapt to changed circumstances, and builds up two of the most important elements necessary in striving for excellence, actually. For example, if some challenging project or activity does not go my way, I seek to understand what went wrong, seek feedback, and make amends. This will not only improve my skill but also give confidence in taking up other future challenges. I am positive; hence, creating a supportive environment. Positive people, together with shared commitment to excellence, are likely to encourage and challenge me further to outdo myself. Trying to be of the same temperament as others and joining in celebrating their successes or standing with them whenever others need help in some issues would make all see a more propitious facilitating environment around all. Real Talk: some of the ways I have sought to make a difference or give back to my community include but are not limited to: Volunteering is a huge role in my life. This happens in many different forms and includes participation in community projects right at grassroots levels, things as simple as organizing food drives, cleaning up after your neighbor, or just spending time in local shelters. Such an act would be contributory to a form of community or solidarity where the need met would have been immediate in nature. I also seize this opportunity to mentor students younger than myself or even my peers. In return, one helps others get through adversities and come closer to attaining their objectives by sharing experiences and knowledge. Mentorship, which varies from academic help, career counseling, or just being an attentive listener, has given me an enriching experience with added personal meaning. Giving back to the community through the help of one's skills and interests also really appeals to me. For example, if I happened to be good at or expert in anything, I offer workshops or classes so that others learn from me. This will not only help in the attainment of new sets of skills by the individuals themselves but will also foster a culture of learning and growth within. I am someone who believes in standing for something-whether it's environmental awareness, mental health, or education-and does my bit to raise my voice and contribute whatever I can toward bringing about change. It may range from actively supporting and participating in campaigns on the ground to events and spreading the word via social networking sites. Excellence and giving back to society go hand in hand in my life. Setting clear goals, maintaining a growth mindset, keeping an optimistic attitude, and community service with advocacy are major ways, according to me, I try to make a difference in life and to the community. These further lead to not only my personal development but also contribute much to the creation of a better and kinder atmosphere around me.
    Lucent Scholarship
    My aspiration to be a Labor and Delivery Nurse forms because of personal tragedy that happened in my life, which I couldn't have changed but has shaped me into what I am today. My stepmother was seven months pregnant with my baby sister. We were so thrilled to meet her soon. Everything filled us with great joy and delight, bringing another new member into our family. All these changed our lives and brought immense joy into our world, until my baby sister's death before birth shattered it. Among other disastrous incidents that happened in my life, the traumatic death of my baby sister stays fresh in my mind and is an indelible mark in my heart. Deep down in memory still lies the very day, when a wave of grief passed through our family, that very hopeless condition when I stood and watched my stepmom with such pain. The difference compassionate, skillful professionals in health care have made to their family during moments of critical events struck me during such a moment in my sorrow. It was both a beauty and a heart-wrencher to watch the care and support the nurses gave my stepmom during and after the loss. They provided medical care, emotional support; they treated our family with kindness and compassion. They made a difference when it counted, and that is a moment when I knew I wanted to be that source of comfort and strength for other families facing similar challenges. It had set it in my mind that I wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse. I would like to be part of the family during one of the most crucial critical times in your life, either one of the greatest joy or one of your saddest times in life. I want to give quality care to make sure both mother and newborn go home safe. But most of all, I want to be the understanding presence: a willing ear, an outstretched comforting hand to one that may want or need it. Adding this to various other academic and co-curricular engagements, it further fortified my determination. Attendance at such places as the Science Fairs, Robotics, and coding has prepared a platform for building STEM education, enabling me to appreciate how technology is outstanding in care. I know this area plays an integral role in bringing immense changes to improve maternal and neonatal results, thus really inspiring me in contributing my bits. A combination of experiences and academics thus helps me contribute a great amount to the field of labor and delivery nursing with much social importance. I will practice lifelong learning and professional growth in pursuit of the best update about the latest advances in maternal care. Furthermore, I plan to share those professional lives which work in pursuit of high-quality maternal health for all women across backgrounds or circumstances. She died when she was a baby sister of mine, and that was the most devastating moment in my life and an interest trigger in becoming a labor and delivery nurse. That taught me just how important compassionate and skilled healthcare providers are in its provision; it made me want to be a source of that comfort and strength to other families. It is my hope that, through dedication and hard work with a commitment to lifelong learning, I can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their babies so that every family will get the care and support they need during one of the most important moments of their life.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    My decision to become a labor and delivery nurse is highly personal, a love for healthcare. Growing up, I was able to experience first-hand how health professionals who are committed can provide a positive change in the lives of any individual when disaster strikes. This experience instills in me this desire to pursue a nursing career in this field. One of the reasons I chose this field is because I wanted to be a part of those huge moments of any family, which is child delivery. Birth is considered one of the most important junctures in the lives of a family where they seek maximum assurance about the safety and well-being of both the mother and the newborn; in that respect, the labor and delivery nurse has much scope for intervention both medically and emotionally. What really attracts me to this career is the fact that I will be there for the family to support and guide them through such a pivotal experience. I want to be that source of comfort, strength, and reassurance during what can be both an exhilarating and nerve-wracking time. I understand both the emotional and physical toll medical conditions take on families. I want to be that nurse who will provide excellent medical care and be empathetic and understanding. This may bring me to being an advocate in supporting the best possible care for the mothers and babies. That means always current, up-to-date with the recent growth occurring in maternal neonatal care with utmost regard to that standard of service to meet what is expected; also, participating in the nurturing and empowering perspective for women on childbirth, therefore respecting birth wishes, giving one all the need for necessary information, hence supporting choices. For me, nursing is far beyond the clinical aspects of the commitment to lifelong learning, the continuous improvement of professional competency. Later on, I look forward to further studies and probably specialization in either of those mentioned-neonatal intensive care or maternal-fetal medicine-with which I can promote my competencies for the service provided to the patients. I am also passionate about addressing disparities in maternal healthcare. I would wish to work toward ensuring that all women, irrespective of their background or circumstance, receive quality care. This may involve working in an underserved community or advocating for policy changes that would improve maternal health outcomes. All these put together answer the question of why I chose the area of labor and delivery nursing. Personal experiences and an interest in health care deep within me have pushed me to dedicate myself to service for mothers and babies-to giving truly compassionate and competent care, while never ceasing to strive for excellence in my profession. It is my hope that, through my commitment and hard work, I will be part of a better and fairer healthcare system that will support and care for every family in one of life's most important moments.
    Nick Lindblad Memorial Scholarship
    Music has always played a huge role in my life, especially through high school. I never joined the band, choir, or any other music-related extracurricular activities while in high school, but music nonetheless played an important role in shaping my experiences and helping see me through various ups and downs during this period. Maybe this could be one of the strong ways music can influence my years in high school: into comfort and a kind of escape. High school could be really stressful times, what with academics, social dynamics, and personal problems. Favorite songs and artists would always be sought out by me whenever overwhelming situations presented themselves to help see me out and find solace. Amazing, you know-the power it gave to the music to take me into some other place, and that could actually enable me to just forget my problems and just be there in the present moment. Music was something that became a way of coping with all stress and anxiety many times on the journey of high school. Besides, during the revision periods, it was again music. For example, listening to certain genres of music, such as classic or instrumental music while doing homework and studying for exams, turned out to be far more productive in enabling me to use my body in better concentration. It just creates a calm environment and then shuts out those disturbing sounds. Hence, my focus shifts to the activities that I have to undertake at any particular point in time. It nearly began to be imperative as far as studies were concerned in my schedule, and therefore most of the time, I make playlists according to the class or mood that prevails. The role of music in social life is that through this music, it made people bond due to a common bond or when doing more acquaintances in college. It created bonding relations through the release dates, talking over favorite songs among friends, and those were basically the activities making an individual bond strongly attach with great strength. That would be able to bring out how music managed to unite and combine people toward similar goals through a bond-creating culture in society. It was always fun to find out that someone else loved the same band or artist that I did, and this opened up conversations and connections that otherwise would not have taken place. Music also worked for me in terms of inspiration and motivation. Song lyrics have made their way to my heart in instances that brought along wisdom, encouragement, and empowerment: be it one of overcoming, finding myself, or a song of trials, music would talk with my soul in remembrance of not being alone. The soundtrack for high school, following me through all the good times and bad-giving me that strength to keep on truckin'. Last but not least, though not being directly involved in any extracurricular music-related activity while at high school, it is the time which influenced me the most. It was a place of refuge, it made me concentrated, reinforced my relations with other people, and gave inspiration and motivation. The music was there with me step by step, adding flavor and color to years spent at school.
    Monroe Justice and Equality Memorial Scholarship
    Improvements in the relations of law enforcement with the African American community in the United States are going to be deep and multilayered, long abiding. Among the most urgent steps to be taken, police departments have to be made far more transparent and accountable. Some use of body cameras on all police officers, investigations of wrongdoing, and published disciplinary actions that could reassure communities. There should be independent oversight committees that review police use-of-force incidents. Investigations into these incidents should be impartial and complete. Other key areas to build these relations include in-depth training for the officers on cultural competency, implicit bias, and de-escalation techniques. With an understanding of the unique experiences and challenges of the African American community, the officers will serve such communities better and minimize the unjustified use of force. In addition, tenets of empathy, effective communication, and respect during interactions with community members are brought into law enforcement training programs. Law enforcement agencies should also be representative of the communities they serve. Indeed, hiring officers reflecting the demographics of the community they serve would help narrow the gap between law enforcement and African American communities. The diverse police forces will lead to understanding and respect for the cultural differences of others, enabling them to show greater effectiveness and care in the discharge of their duties. By the same argument, more African American promotion to leadership positions offers different perspectives necessary to help shape more inclusive and equitable policy development. The dialogue between law enforcement and the African American community needs to continue openly and honestly. Town hall meetings, forums, and listening sessions can be held regularly so that the community members can share their grievances and experiences. The leadership in law enforcement should listen to their concerns and work together to find solutions. Only through the display of a genuine interest in comprehending the issues and finding a way to work through them with African American communities can law enforcement rebuild trust and create a safe community environment that embraces everyone. It is the root causes of crime and social unrest that need to be confronted in African American communities. The deeper systemic issues, such as poverty, quality education, and healthcare, need to be tackled. By investing in community development programs, job training, and education, law enforcement agencies will be able to create an environment where crimes are less likely to occur. Of course, it requires cooperation from local organizations, businesses, and community leaders. Beyond these, it is worth considering and being aware of the historical perspective of the contact between the police and African Americans. Atone for past imbalances and injustices by offering redress as important for the healing of some of the hurt from the past and ways of proceeding into an even brighter future. This can take the form of a public apology, memorials, or whatever forms of redemption show the will to change. These relationships are improved not with a moment, but with a movement-one that is long-lasting. It takes nothing less than an internal reform in the ranks of the police departments, along with bigger movements in systems steeped in inequity and injustice within society as a whole. Through collaboration, respect, trust, and cooperation can be fostered and developed between African American communities and law enforcement for the good of all.
    Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship
    Growing up as the child of a parent in the military-or, in my case, an uncle who served in the military-is an experience unlike any other, one that shapes you from an early age. My biological father has never played a role in my life; thus, my uncle took that position and became the father figure I so desperately needed in my life. His commitment to military career and commitment of service to our family bound him and made strong marks in my life. In my family, his military service brought in frequent movements and changes. Frequent movement simply implied that I was changing schools at different places or I needed to make new friends at different places. Although quite tough at first, this situation made me more flexible to some extent and prepared me with the fortunes of change. I can learn to become flexible toward an open-minded attitude toward everything new in life-a quality that will help me evolve into a strong empathetic person. Having a military parent, a sense of duty and patriotism in me is one of the striking features. My uncle committed to serving our country made me develop great respect for the sacrifices military people and their families have to make. I grew up with values such as service, honor, and dedication; that is what I am made of. This meant that my uncle often deployed for many months at a time. For my family, these were hard absences, especially as milestones and holidays came around. My uncle often tried to stay in touch with us through letters, phone calls, or even video chats. His effort to keep the relationship with me close, even from thousands of miles away, showed me how important family is and how far one can go to keep their loved ones near. I became more responsible when he was deployed-helping Mom with household chores, taking care of my younger siblings. The whole experience taught me the value of responsibility and how to work with a team. This is also where all my appreciation of sacrifice in military families started, and just how much strength and resilience was required to support someone in the services. His return from deployments was always a time of great rejoicing and relief. The reunions were replete with emotional moments of a refreshed feeling of togetherness. My uncle would narrate stories about what he had experienced and the places he had been, giving me an insight into the life of a soldier. His stories were both inspiring and humbling; they furthered my respect for his service and the sacrifices he made. Growing up with a military parent provided me with different cultures and backgrounds; living in different parts of the country and getting to know diverse people further expanded my world and instilled in me a sense of understanding and inclusiveness. My experiences have engrained in me a way of looking at the world, teaching me to be sensitive and open to new ideas. I have grown up as a child of a parent in the military, most especially my uncle, who has been like a father to me, shaping my life in so many ways. His commitment to his career in the military, strong family commitment, and values instilled in me formed me into what I am. Through all the challenges and experiences, being a military family taught me about resilience, adaptability, responsibility, and service before family. These lessons will continue guiding me in pursuit of my own path in life, through an example set by my uncle.
    Margalie Jean-Baptiste Scholarship
    My personal battle with adversities has been huge in my life right from growing up days when a parent was suffering due to ALS. These experiences have molded me in many ways, taught me resilience, empathy, and how always to move ahead in life. It could be a big shock to your mind when the diagnosis about your parent's condition comes out to be ALS, but it immediately tunes your family with the reality of medical appointments and treatments which then slowly sets up a progressing condition. While high levels of emotional and financial stress marked our relationship at the same time, it brought us closer to the family by making us really learn how to help each other through those tough times, strengthening each other by this unity. Some of the significant challenges were trying to balance my academic responsibilities with those that caregiving placed on me. Most nights were late nights, having to attend to my parent before doing my homework. Despite such challenges, I continued with my education. My interest in science and technology made me find solace and get motivated to participate in science fairs, robotics club activities, and coding workshops, among others. These furthered my love for the course, and it also convinced me that with STEM, there was so much that could be done toward problem-solving around the world. One of the major setbacks involves financial constraints. Care for ALS is very expensive, and thus it took much from the financial resources of our family. It was difficult to share money for educational expenses, but I was not going to let this factor stand in my way. I sought scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid that could help fund my education. I also picked up part-time jobs and internships, helping the family's income while getting relevant experience in the field that I was interested in. This toughened me and made me versatile because of the experiences. Then it struck me that there would always be problems in life; however, I had a choice about how to react or respond to it. I decided to face adversity head-on since this would help push me further ahead to meet my goals. My journey instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and a strong urge to help others who may be going through similar challenges. It motivated me toward a career in healthcare and biomedical engineering, developing solutions to improve the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. Overcoming adversity was a well-defined part of my life. Such experiences have taught me very important lessons about resilience, empathy, and perseverance that eventually made me what I am. They have further amplified my passion for STEM, together with its commitment toward the betterment of the world.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    I feel that one of my callings in life is to help make a difference in this world, and the best avenue for me to do so involves a career in healthcare and biomedical engineering. Growing up with a parent who has ALS has deeply influenced my perspective and motivated me to pursue this path. What is especially good to know personally, as well is the fact when the people meet serious difficulties and pains in chronic management, this normally heavily presses on finance to the point bringing truly hard means to live situations. With that said, though, I fully focus on engineering the accessible medical device. Strongly, I have a feeling about such a thing across the world-a lot of persons do not avail simple health facilities while my belief will be that just engineering and innovative can bridge all that gap there for me. Examples are low diagnostic tools or other sorts of portable, medical devices access to vital care in resource-deficient environments. This, for my part, I think, implies that trying to work on the affordability and accessibility of such innovations, I hope to bring care to many more people regardless of their background. The other very important way that I will make an impact is through the promotion of STEM education to underrepresented groups. Indeed, there is a rather big problem connected with the gender gap in the STEM disciplines. I am absolutely convinced that promoting diversity will open up more innovative answers to the many global problems. By participating in science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops, I have seen firsthand the strength of STEM education. By mentoring mainly young girls, I will be teaching them to love and learn about STEM so that hopefully, in the near future, it will set an example for more engineers and scientists. If it is not health care or education, then certainly this is one thing taken seriously: climate change. In the future, that is certainly earth-friendly and technological practices and applications that the earth will lean toward. So as an engineer, I am free to use my skills to further this cause. After all, it is the development of new renewable energy alternatives or the creation of new eco-materials that I am ready to contribute whatever little I could toward reducing the effects we leave upon our earth. It summarizes my proposition to create a change in this world by collating my education in healthcare and biomedical engineering, formulating novelty solutions with quality-of-life improvements, accessibility, and responses to global challenges. This developed experience and personal passion in the field of STEM could help build a better future-one more equal and sustainable.
    Women in STEM and Community Service Scholarship
    Some of the global issues that faze me greatly include access and quality of health care, especially in regard to people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like ALS. I have first-hand experienced seeing the dynamics it creates with people and families on deep levels. The described experience has been a driving factor that further cemented my commitment to pursuing healthcare and biomedical engineering as a means of improving life quality for people at large facing such adversities. Care for ALS accompanies enormous financial burdens for many families. It's not a local problem, it's global, and thousands of people are suffering from this deadly disease around the world. I will apply the knowledge and skills I have learned to devise creative solutions that may alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with healthcare. With new advances in biomedical engineering, I am ready to apply these to designing and developing medical devices and technologies in cost-effective ways that improve patient care and outcomes. What's made a bit of difference to patients and their families is making the devices more assistive, cheaper, and diagnostic tools of better quality. What bothers me is that it is actually the gender gap in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that really bothers me. It is because of the under-representation of women in these areas that certain sets of perspective and ideas do not get incorporated into these respective fields. I am fortunate to have had the exposure to transformation in the stream of STEM education through participation in science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops. I actually do believe that streamlining education in the fields of STEM and mentorship/support given to the young women will be long steps toward empowering the next generation to take leadership roles. The near future I can see is creating educational programs and initiatives that can provoke girls to enroll in a STEM field and enable them to study. That is as much as one can do best for the moment. Another highly relevant global issue is climate change. It basically affects the earth, the ecosystem, climate, and human health. Thus, this is a huge opportunity to contribute as a biomedical engineer in finding sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of climate change. For example, it would be possible to introduce ecologically friendly medical technology and health care practices that reduce the ecological footprint of this industry. I also have an interest in research and development of renewable energy solutions, which could potentially power medical facilities. This would also reduce dependence on fossil fuel. The key methodology is teamwork and interdisciplinary processes. The sum of experts with diverse backgrounds results in the whole-actually, more-than-whole-solutions when experts collaborate- which touch the heart of the issue. I use education to foster collaboration and progress in healthcare and STEM fields, pushing the frontiers of innovation within them. That might be achieved through research; developing new technologies, or, like I will, advocate for policy changes. Some of the challenges I really care about include making healthcare more accessible, closing the gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and math subjects, and action on climate change. Personal experiences and education groomed passion in these challenges. These skills and education shall be useful during the development of creative solutions that are targeted at promoting STEM education to further one's contribution to a more sustainable and equitable future. I really believe that the implementation in these topics will result in a better world for people with health issues, inspire the next generation of girls in STEM, and protect our planet to ensure it's great for generations to come.
    Women in STEM Scholarship
    It thereby creates a network of informed, curious, better-equipped women contributing to STEM. I am very grateful to be part of this network, in particular, because I strongly believe in the education of a woman in STEM and what it is able to bring along. In my view, the scholarship meant much more than finances or money; this was an investment into the grooming of the next generation of women leaders in the field of science, technology, engineering, and math. This inquisitiveness or, rather, this insatiable curiosity in understanding the world around me has been my driving force throughout academics and education. It was this curiosity that drew me into science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops, with all these building a very strong foundation in the fields of STEM. These experiences not only whetted my technical skills but also strengthened my belief in the power of knowledge to drive innovation and solve complex problems. Growing up, having a parent with ALS really set a great imprint on my view of the importance of healthcare and biomedical engineering. It was huge to understand how big this battle was in my mom, the impacts on our family-all these things eventually motivated me to want to serve in a capacity concerning the better livelihoods of those who present with similar challenges. This personal experience instilled in me a deep sense of empathy, and a commitment to making a tangible difference through my work in STEM. These economic demands brought on by the cost of ALS care have, until now, made it very hard to allot for education expenses. This will take some pressure off and also enable me to pay more attention to studying and learning with enthusiasm for my dear STEM, without disturbance due to continuous budgetary limitations. The extended opportunities will involve taking advantage of the resources, attending conferences, and involvement in research that furthers my knowledge and skills in the field. The affiliation deals with being associated and, with all inspirational feelings of empowerment, one is inspired to be part of this community of women in STEM. This avenue provides communication with likemindedness in people having interests and drives similar to themselves. These networks provide the best support and mentorship-remember, it opens a whole world of collaboration, idea sharing, and guidance toward people who have walked this path. Having this feeling of cameraderie-maybe a sense of shared purpose-is also very motivating. This scholarship also puts into practice what it preaches in causes that center around inclusion and diversity in the field of STEM. It realizes some of the peculiar disadvantages women face within the field and seeks to bridge the gap by way of opportunity and support. We can only tear down some of the walls and make STEM more inclusive and fair by better equipping women with knowledge and resources. It is another step toward that dream world I'm proud to be a part of. It means much more than just a scholarship; it is an investment in our future, that of women in the area of STEM. It arms us with knowledge, stirs our interest, and hence empowers us to contribute constructively toward that end. As a recipient of this scholarship, I pledge myself to make fullest use of the opportunity provided and further my education in the chosen field of interest, healthcare, and biomedical engineering, contributing towards the advancement of STEM. I am grateful for the support and excited to be part of a community that is really driving positive change in shaping the future of STEM.
    Barnaby-Murphy Scholarship
    I have found myself placed and instilled a lot of traditions, values, with a strong community to be resilient in working hard for the community so that one will also give back. I come from a Caribbean background that has both formed my personal values and given me the right attitude towards education and opportunities in future career life. Since childhood, I have always strived for achieving academic excellence and never allowed the opportunity to pass to learn more. My family always valued education, as it would be the medium through which an individual could contribute to a better development of society and be key to success. This pushed me to study hard and participate in different activities, such as science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops. These further consolidated my notion about the role of STEM education in transforming one's life to tackle global problems. So far, my journey has been riveted with their own challenges: anxiety is something I had to battle through, which, I think, has affected substantially my beliefs, relationships, and even the aspirations pertaining to my career. It has something of a kind of complex experience-both overwhelming, at the same time, been fuel for growth and self-awareness. Seeking therapy and love from the family and near ones had really helped me in accepting that anxiety was just a part of the journey instead of viewing it as a restraint. I had mental health issues that affected my beliefs and relationship issues. I can empathize and considerate of others in the same condition as me. This helps me in maintaining relationships because I am taught to be open, supportive, and sympathetic when tackling such concerns. The belief I hold is that awareness about mental health issues and that the kind of environment individuals grow well in terms of academics and emotions should be created. These have influenced the kind of career I will have in the health sector, which is health care and biomedical engineering. The most exciting aspect about working in the healthcare sector is the development of innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life for these patients with their health problems, including their mental health. All of them, be it experiences as a result of working in the field of STEM or personal feelings in tackling anxiety, pretty much have all been a good positive impact by providing insight with a personal deep feel of empathy so I am really motivated about doing the best that makes differences in society. Other than all these professional commitments, recognition and advocacy that mental health deserves would also be something in which I shall make every effort at all fronts. I would work in close association with educational institutions and community-based organizations for the execution of projects, equipping students with tools and support they would require to thrive, and hope that this culture of understanding and compassion empowers people enough so that they take help for themselves and in the process, do the same for others as well. Or in other words, the fact that it was the Caribbean origin and experiences regarding mental health that created my academic life and job prospects, therefore, has helped make me a strong-willed, empathetic corrective person to this mad world that has seemed to get worse day by day. It is through this biomedical engineer working under healthcare and carrying experience in advancing the awareness of mental health in society that sees the future ahead to serve the cause towards betterment for the brighter tomorrow of my community.
    First-Gen Flourishing Scholarship
    Anxiety is the major hindrance that occurred along the way to my growth from childhood onward. Anxiety started during early teenage years as some kind of gnawing feeling of unease and apprehension, with situations at times seemingly inappropriate. It has affected most of my ways of living. For example, social interaction, performance in academics. I always felt like I was incapable of doing anything well, and I became afraid of failure, and that stopped me from doing lots of things I had done before. Well, it wasn't easy to overcome that phase; it just became a point in my personal growth. I started seeing therapy to receive support and learned numerous mechanisms for coping: mindfulness, cognitive-behavior techniques. Apart from learning different strategies, they were not only for anxiety, but educated me on mental health and self-care, too. These finally made me understand, with time, that anxiety does not define me, yet it is that part of the journey which has made me strong and resilient. My experience greatly influenced me in regards to my perception of education. Education ceased to be viewed by me as an end and became an instrument toward change of the self and society. The personal fights with anxiety finally made me a sensitive person toward people who suffer from the same problem, but they instilled in me the drive for building supportive and inclusive learning environments. I have engaged in promoting awareness about mental health and peer support through various activities within the school because I believe education should address the academic and emotional aspects of a student's life. In the years to come, I look forward to using my education in a career in healthcare and biomedical engineering to make a difference in my community and the world effectively. I hope to devise innovative solutions aimed at improving the living standards of those individuals who are affected by different health problems, for instance, those affecting their mental state. I have deeply engraved in my mind that my anxiety experiences make me unique; hence, I am a very empathetic individual who is forced by nature to change the status quo. The objectives in life that parallel my career goals have to do with awareness and support of mental health. I want to help create programs in schools to give students the means and resources necessary to navigate successfully through a socially and emotionally successful academic career. I would strive to create an environment where it is comfortable to get help or to help others by cultivating empathetic understanding. Anxiety shaped my journey of growth and instilled a new view toward education. Anxiety taught me values: to be strong, empathetic, and to know how important taking care of mental health is. I am committed to positively influencing the world with my education and career in order to provide others with opportunities that support them in their development to overcome adversities and thrive.
    Crawley Kids Scholarship
    Community service took me through many changes in life, building me into the man I am right from cleaning the trash in my neighborhood to taking care of my teacher's kids. It showed me responsibility toward the environment and people's need to be compassionate toward others around. I also got to mix my interest in healthcare with being an athletic trainer as a student. This assistantship with a special needs student, if anything, really taught me so much about inclusiveness and being understanding. These experiences have fixed my determination in the service to others and influenced my future goals in healthcare and biomedical engineering: developing and providing solutions to make lives better, acting as an advocate of support where and when needed most.
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    I am deeply invested in leaving behind a legacy, especially because of personal experiences in my childhood with a parent suffering from ALS. This indeed has deeply shaped my perspective on life and my aspirations for the future. A deep-seated passion and motivation have always driven me to make meaningful contributions to the field of healthcare and biomedical engineering. I am going to create a company that will spur medical technology to offer hope to the lives of people stricken with the debilitating disease called ALS. This is a research and development company, focusing on finding new and innovative biomedical devices and solutions that would help patients in improving their life and living qualities. These are all things from state-of-the-art prosthetics up to modern diagnostic apparatus. It needs to be available at reasonable rates. Most of the families suffer financially due to long-term healthcare needs. In this manner, I would be able to take away some of the tension and stress my family had to undergo. Besides the professional plans, I also wish to create more awareness and garner further support for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. It would involve partnership with research institutions, awareness drives, and all the way even to bring changes in the health care system by advocacy for changes in policies. I strongly feel that a position wherein one could throw light on such an issue would be like working towards a more compassionate and sensitive society. The driving of STEM in my life was great, evidenced by engagement in science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops. Such experiences acted as an eye-opener to date on how technology and education could change. It is my hope that others, especially the young, may get encouraged to pursue a career in the same fields. This is something that will provide them ample opportunities to influence change in society. A personal legacy I am going to leave on is using one's talents and skills in service for the good of mankind-be it changing lives with engineering life-changing medical devices or fighting for improved healthcare to inspire yet another generation of innovators. My life just must be that shining example of how perseverance, compassion, and innovation can get done. It is on empathy and endless pursuit of improvement in healthcare that my legacy should stand. Someday, I want to change the world so that people suffering from health-related issues get better healthcare, the families are brought closer, and the young ones get to nurture big dreams in their minds for innovation. I do believe that by shining my light in this direction, I am making a difference in a positive way, one that shall honor my experiences and develop a brighter future for all concerned. Eclectic in nature, this is a legacy that melds professional feats with advocacy and inspiration. What that is to me is what building tangible differences within the world, taking experiences and passions, looks and feels like. I strongly feel that business, advocacy, and personal interactions are just the ways one is able to have a legacy about compassion, innovation, and change.
    Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
    I can still remember, while in the second grade, writing in my "what I want to be when I am older" book, wanting to deliver babies. It was one of those clear and strong visions in my mind, even then. Helping bring new life into the world, being part of such a significant moment in people's lives-just inspired me so. I would tell my family and friends of my dream to become a nurse who delivers babies, and to my surprise, they always encouraged me to pursue it. This passion only grew as I grew older and began to be aware of the many different roles available within this field, of the various ways healthcare professionals were making a difference in the lives of others. Experiences in science and biology during school re-energized my desire for a medical profession. Attendance at science fairs, membership in robotics clubs, and coding workshops have also contributed toward STEM. My journey became a little more defined as I chose to pursue my nursing degree. Being a labor and delivery nurse just called to me, and that is what I aimed for. I had an outstanding program in the University of Arkansas, a well-rounded education that came along with an outstanding community. It's funny, but the more I learned about the program, the more excited I got with all the opportunities available to help me reach my dream. Since the very day I entered the University of Arkansas, I am committed to academics and plunge myself into experience as much as possible. From various rotations to volunteering that I did in a lot of hospitals, it seemed there was nothing left ungrasped to grow and gather experience. In each of these, passion for labor and delivery nursing, the long-cherished dream inside of me, developed. Now, while reaching the end of my studies, I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, there is sadness in each farewell, and for me, too, everything went so great, though really exhausting and challenging in all ways, but just enriching overall. I am at this moment more inspired than ever with nursing and able to contribute more toward the families who mean most in one's life. These experiences in mental health further influenced my belief and relationship to become an empathetic and compassionate caregiver. It was during my childhood when delivering babies became an urge, and this became my objective and inspiration. From the drawing of my ambition in the second grade to a labor and delivery nurse here at the University of Arkansas, it is still aligned with that belief of mine back then. I can only just wait with excitement for such an exciting time of creating this change through healthcare.
    Sandra West ALS Foundation Scholarship
    It has really shaped my life and education, growing up with a parent who has ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that progressively takes away the abilities to move, speak, and ultimately breathe from people afflicted by it-this is disastrous. Watching this in my parent has been heart-wrenching, yet so motivational. It put me in tune with the brittle thread of life and the strides of medicine. More importantly, this personal experience instilled in me a strong motivation to pursue a career not only in healthcare but also in biomedical engineering in order to make a positive impact and improve the living standards of people suffering from similar conditions. My parent needed much care; this had a large effect on the financial state of affairs at home. Costs thus ranged from medical treatments to special equipment to structural adjustments in home mobility. All these economic aspects weighed our household down hugely to date, thereby making it very difficult to apportion some of the funds to educational expenses. Despite all these challenges, I have remained focused on my academics: excelling in science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops. All these activities have enhanced not only my technical skills but also increased my conviction in the transformative role of STEM education in addressing a variety of pressing global problems that pertain to health and well-being. This scholarship would therefore be a great instrumentality that will help me reach both my academic and career goals. This would ease a bit of the financial constraints facing my family, whereby I would not have much concentration on the financial aspect, but on my studies. By providing me with such support, I would manage to afford some necessary important resources in education, such as textbooks, equipment for laboratories, or even software packages, which have become so important in my growth process as a biomedical engineer. This also will give me the chance to engage in advanced projects and internships for hands-on experience, and exposure to the latest technologies applicable in the field. The provided scholarship will also serve as a validation of these last handful of years-an introspective process of diligence and tenacity through which I worked to transform my life. It would make all the struggle worth it that my family and I have been going through and further strengthen my resolve to do something useful in the health sector. To this effect, biomedical engineering would offer the opportunity to give back to the community by coming up with new and innovative devices to help alleviate these debilitating conditions. This will come with the ideation of better medical devices, creation of new treatment protocols, and an advance in basic knowledge regarding neurodegenerative diseases. I will not stop striving to make a change. Finally, it was while struggling through the many trials and hardships caused by a suffering parent that my educational journey began, which went on to inform my career. A personal experience so unique is coupled with large economic burdens, which have not deterred my ambitions but rather further fueled them. It would be great to have such a scholarship support me in reaching my goals and giving back to the field of healthcare and biomedical engineering. I am certain that, with your support, I can try to make a difference and bring improvement in the lives of the people who are suffering from grave medical conditions. Thank you for considering my application.
    Phoenix Opportunity Award
    Being a first-generation college student, it really shapes my career goals. It gives me that deep-seated feeling of responsibility and determination to be able to make it not just for myself but also for my family. It motivates me to work harder and set even higher standards, being cognizant that I'm paving the way and setting an example to be emulated by future generations within my family. This further advances my excitement regarding my role in pursuing a career in the STEM field: healthcare and biomedical engineering by using technology to better lives. As a matter of fact, I want to be a labor and delivery nurse to assist in bringing new life into the world and help families through this life-altering experience. In fact, so far, it has been mental health that influenced me most towards a career. I strongly believe that a lot can be done with it. The prospect which the use of technology assures is enormous in this respect. These put together with good education, will give sufficient opportunities for helping people like him go through traumatic experiences easily. Being a first-generation college student obliges me to effectively differentiate myself in others' lives through the struggles inherent in part of that day-to-day existence. This makes me, as a first-generation student, apply my education to get involved in international challenges and enhancements of lives with better healthcare. Such a point of view assists in the development of career goals and nourishes ambitions for making a difference in biomedical engineering and as a labor and delivery nurse.
    Overcoming Adversity - Jack Terry Memorial Scholarship
    Jack Terry's story is one of resilience and determination. Born with a physical disability, Jack faced many challenges from his early childhood onward. Often belittled and discriminated against, he refused to let any of these obstacles define him. Rather, he took those as challenges and strived to do better to achieve his goals. The entire schooling of Jack was a story of persistence: performing well academically while certain tasks required more effort due to physical inefficiency, his love for learning and determination towards making a stand for himself drove him to jump every hurdle in the way. The story of Jack provides a strong reminder: that the best view of adversity comes in the form of an opportunity for growth. Not our limitations but our responses to those limitations define us, and in so doing, will define us, even as a man, Jack proves here, is limitless in his resiliency or in his capacity to rise above at least some insurmountable circumstances. Adversity came to my life in the form of self-doubt and a feeling of being an imposter. STEM is very competitive and challenging; thus, it was not easy to pursue a career in. Several times, I felt that I am not good enough, or I felt that maybe I did not belong. However, just like Jack, I chose to view these as opportunities for growth. I looked for mentors, leaned on my passion for healthcare and biomedical engineering, and reminded myself of the impact that I actually could make through the work. This has taught me the importance of persistence, believing in oneself, and the importance of a supportive community. From these, I have learned that it is not just about going through hardships but also about using them as stepping stones to achieve greater things. I have learned to love my peculiar strengths and to see setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. These lessons have not only shaped my personal and academic journey but have also reinforced my commitment to giving back to society. The drive towards STEM, especially in health and biomedical engineering, aims at the betterment of life through leaps in technology and scientific findings. In my firm opinion, most of the global challenges which are facing mankind are related to health and climate change, which could be overcome only through education. He tries to combine his passion for STEM with the urge to help others; thus, he can find innovative solutions that make a tangible difference in people's lives. In the future, I want to make my contributions to health by developing technologies that will contribute to improving the care and outcomes of patients. Be it in designing medical devices, researching new treatments, or simply advocating for better policies in healthcare, I want to be able to apply my knowledge and skills to help. The story of Jack Terry reminds me that no matter how insurmountable the challenges we face, all of us are capable of overcoming them and leaving a dent in the world. The story of Jack Terry just goes to tell how resilient one individual can be and how determined. It really is a lesson to be learned-that adversities could be a strength, and that our response to life's challenges defines our success. Having overcome my adversities to pursue my passion for STEM, I hope to give back to society for a meaningful impact in the field of healthcare.
    Tebra Laney Hopson All Is Well Scholarship
    I am excited about the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and eventually work as a traveling labor and delivery nurse. This degree combines my passion for providing compassionate care to expectant mothers and their newborns with my love of travel and experiencing diverse cultures. Nursing, particularly labor and delivery, is that perfect blend of science, empathy, and hands-on care that speaks to both my intellectual curiosity and my nurturing nature. I have drawn my interest in labor and delivery from my abiding respect for the miracle of childbirth coupled with how vital nurses can be on such an occasion. Labor and delivery nurses present at some of the most pivotal moments occurring in the life cycle of a family are charged with offering necessary support, teaching, and medical care. This is one area of practice where there will be great demands in a BSN-prepared nurse; it is indeed a very highly physiologically and emotionally complicated nursing area. Anatomy, physiology, and maternal-child health coursework along with clinical rotations will give me the knowledge and skills necessary for the management of complications setting in during labor and delivery. Travel nursing avails the opportunity to touch lives in a number of healthcare institutions across the nation or even abroad. Above all, this course of career choice is very unique and interesting; it will really marry two of my strongest passions: nursing and traveling/gaining different cultural experiences. Being a travel nurse that specializes in labor and delivery, the possibility of working with various hospitals and clinics and being exposed to an array of health professionals is just intriguing, to say the least. Besides bringing development to my clinical skills, it would widen my horizons in the fields of healthcare practices concerning the care provided to patients. Also, flexibility and adaptability are one of the features which I try to cherish and develop in myself with travel nursing; every assignment would consequently bring its new challenge and learning possibility, hence making the work dynamic. With that in mind, being able to fit into any environment with ease, build rapport with whatever team she happens to be working with, and provide great care irrespective of location, speaks volumes of the strength and versatility of a travel nurse. That aspect of the job really excites me; it speaks volumes about my personal and professional growth goals. Another big influencer in my decision to pursue a BSN is an increasing demand for highly educated nurses. The BSN not only opens the gate for further field opportunities but also puts one in a leadership position for an advanced practice that opens in the future. With the ever-changing health landscape, a strong academic foundation would mean that I could remain updated with evolving best practices and innovation in care provision. Besides, most hospitals and health facilities require or prefer a BSN for specialty areas like labor and delivery; hence, this degree is very important in my aspirations. Conclusion: The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is important to me because it represents a major step toward my dream of becoming a traveling labor and delivery nurse. This degree will finally give me the broad-based education I need, along with clinical experience, to excel in this specialty while offering flexibility in the various health settings in which I will practice. I am excited about the opportunities this career path will afford me and give meaning to the lives of mothers and newborns throughout the world.
    Kristinspiration Scholarship
    Education is important to me for a number of reasons. It is the backbone where, through much hard work, personal and professional growth is achieved. Education provides me with the knowledge and the set of skills necessary to carry myself and make sense of the world. It becomes all the more valid in the field of STEM, where technology and scientific changes are changing landscapes, hence requiring a lifetime of learning and adaptation. It helps solve big problems and puts innovations on the way, developing a solution that will help somebody. The other reason that makes education important to me is the fact that it aids in building one's critical thinking and solving ability. It is significant to me not just academically or professionally but on a personal note too. This helps in making choices and decisions or solving problems in a systematic manner by thinking of different perspectives. These skills are invaluable in the fields of STEM in this world of interdisciplinary collaboration. They enable me to make connections between knowledge from different disciplines, work effectively with others, and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. Education is also a social and economic equalizer. It opens up opportunities that might otherwise be shut and allows the realization of human potential. In this respect, pursuing a STEM education opens my door to an avenue whereby I can make a difference in society: understand the operation of things, share in the knowledge of the natural world, and apply themselves for betterment and advancement in healthcare and biomedical engineering for quality living afforded to so many. It is this dream that has remained in my heart, influencing me to do the best possible in academics, extracurricular science fair projects, and other related work, robotics, and coding programs. I was taught, so I will, too, create a legacy with inspiration and encouragement. I am willing to contribute my experiences, sharing what inspired me, or could inspire, others toward chasing their dreams, passions in highly condensed worlds in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Actually, I just want to share my path and acquired knowledge with future generations and make them look around at the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. I would love to be remembered as that one who changed everything: advanced education, built curiosity, and contributed to betterment by advancing society. The other dream would be dealing with such worldwide problems as climate change or health-related issues, with the help of an engineering-based mindset developed within the framework of STEM education. I try through the use of latest technological advances and scientific discoveries to come up with novel ideas which would alleviate these problems and increase quality of life for the community. What I want to impact with my presence is more than what I can do but a multiplier effect in motivating others to continue the research and find new ideas that would alleviate the societal condition. It means a lot to me because it arms me with what I need to understand the world and be able to change it, instills key competencies, and opens possibilities toward personal and professional growth. It would be a dream to leave behind a legacy: to inspire others, to empower others, and also to offer pertinent contributions through the development of STEM.
    Beverly J. Patterson Scholarship
    Though I am not going into nursing as a career, I can explain why someone would feel so strongly about the practice of nursing and what their aims might be. Here is your response for your assignment in complete form: It also gives one a special calling to serve others while simultaneously making much difference in other people's lives. Many people are often drawn to nursing because of direct care that one is allowed to offer the patients; thus, the immediate consequences of the job may be witnessed. There is something about being able to soothe and being supportive to the patients through some of the harshest times of their lives time that is extremely rewarding and touching. To the ardent lover of nursing, a career in nursing promises lifelong learning and professional development. Nursing is a field that will always change because new medical technologies, treatments, and best practices are constantly being developed. This makes the environment dynamic, offering a constant opportunity for nurses to learn more and expand their repertoire of skills, thus remaining abreast of their work. Regarding specialization, a nurse can take up a vast number of different areas, all with their own special challenges and gratifications. Some would want to be into critical care or emergency nursing, where they have to work in rapid action and make quick, lifesaving decisions. Others may opt for pediatrics, where one deals with the health and well-being of children, or oncology, whereby one supports those who are up against cancer. Each specialty is a unique way of making a positive difference in someone's life. The impact a nurse can make within their chosen specialty is profound. For instance, a critical care nurse can offer the much-needed support to patients who have life-threatening conditions, assuring them of the best possible care during the most vulnerable moments of their lives. A pediatric nurse may be very involved in the child's healthy development medically but also offering lots of emotional support both to the child and the family. In oncology, it also enables the nurses to extend much-needed compassion in the care of cancer patients by seeing them through treatment and being a comfort to them during these times. More often, the impact a nurse makes reaches beyond an individual patient level. Many times, nurses are serving in such roles as advocacy, medical research, and educating a community about different aspects of healthy living. A number of nurses are also integrating clinical expertise with helping others in developing efforts pointed at bringing a number of changes inside the healthcare system, which includes bringing improvements into a number of other people's lifestyles. After all, nursing is a very rewarding career that offers one the opportunity to touch patients' lives, learn something new each day, and specialize in areas of interest and strength. A committed nurse makes a difference at the bedside but contributes to changing healthcare practices and policies for the good of society.
    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    Most of us, at one point or another in our lives, are faced with some kind of adversity that tends to make us who we turn out to be. Mine happened to be one between pursuing academics and meeting the requirements of my family responsibilities. From when I was a teenager, my day was filled by being between schoolwork and responsibilities that needed my time. This taught me the value of resilience and time management that has been priceless in my educational journey. Despite these challenges, I have always remained committed to my studies and my passion for STEM. My passion for pursuing a degree in STEM is derived from my fascination with the natural world and how things work. My curiosity to understand how things work and happen steered me toward participation in science fairs, robotics clubs, and coding workshops. This helped me realize how theoretical knowledge is applied to practical problems at a greater depth and helped me to understand and apply some of the concepts forming part of STEM. I am particularly interested in healthcare and biomedical engineering because I strongly feel that with technological advancement and scientific breakthroughs in these fields, the quality of life for many can be immensely improved. Financial challenges come with their set of challenges in pursuing higher education. My family has always supported my pursuit of education, but we have always faced financial difficulties in covering all college expenses. It would lighten the financial load and thus enable me to concentrate more on my studies rather than stress about finances. It will also afford me an opportunity to access resources, conferences, and research opportunities needed for academic and professional improvement. The scholarship would support me both financially and affirm my hard work and dedication to the field of study. It will help me in the recognition of my effort and encourage putting in more hard work. With such encouragement, I would like to contribute towards the solution of some major global challenges like climate change, health-related hazards, and so on, using innovative ideas and an interdisciplinary approach. I do consider the STEM degree a rewarding and worthwhile career, with various branches of specialization and further advancements. Having had all these challenges, I have learned resilience and the essence of time management that helped me quite a bit throughout my academic journey. Driving my passion in the field of STEM is a burning curiosity to make a great difference in society with advanced technology and scientific discovery. The financial support provided by this scholarship would be of immense help, so I would be able to invest all my energies in studies rather than having to compromise at any point in time due to financial constraints. Hence, I am very sure to achieve my goals and give valuable contributions in the concerned area of STEM.
    Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
    It is a very personal and influential decision to pursue the course in the field of mental health. Basically, what motivates this course of action is the strong vital need to help others function mentally and to live a meaningful life. Diseases regarding mental health are everywhere; it can happen to anyone regardless of age, background, and social status. My personal aspiration is to be supportive, understanding, and helping the struggles of mentally ill individuals as a mental health professional with an aim to better lives. The most appropriate reason that led me into the field is the recently increasingly growing awareness and acceptance over mental illness. It is until recent years that mental health began to be felt and realized by society as a priority, but most of the mental health services are still unavailable or inaccessible. The pursuance of this field for a degree will, therefore, contribute to the bridging of gaps in the availability and access of mental health services and ensure more people are treated. This not only encompasses the promotion of mental health awareness and education on mental health problems but is also committed to making mental health services accessible to all populations, particularly the underserved. Making a difference in other people's lives will be addressed in many ways. First, evidence-based practices will be used to provide the highest level of care for my clients. That is, abreast of recent research and developments within the field, continuously working at perfecting one's skills, and incorporating evidence-based modalities of treatment. Another would be a non-judgmental, safe, supportive environment that would help the clients to feel free to share experiences and struggles. Much emphasis needs to be placed on trust and empathy in the therapeutic relationship if positive treatment outcomes are expected. I will also want to practice the prevention and early intervention. In attempting to attain this, I hope to try at earlier stages of the problems, with the help of schools, community organizations, and health care providers. Because such ways are proactive, possibilities are very high for the impacts to be minimal in intensity and the promotion of the overall well-being to prevail. My interventions will also feature education and awareness campaigns because they have enormous potentials for reducing stigma in seeking help when necessary. This mental health course is a promise-a promise of commitment to helping someone in need. This work calls for compassionate care and support, advocacy of awareness, and a focus on prevention and early intervention that will collectively lead me to contribute towards a healthier and supportive society. It would be a privilege and a great responsibility to be given a chance to have a positive effect on a fellow human life, and in their mental health and wellbeing-a privilege that I look forward to embracing.
    Dr. Michal Lomask Memorial Scholarship
    The reasons that root my interest in pursuing a course of education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are deeply influenced by the interest in the inquisitive nature of everything that happens around me. Since I was a child, I was attracted to the mystery of the universe, the complication of biological systems, and the solutions that technology may offer for the betterment of life. This curiosity has driven me into the pursuit of knowledge and skills in the fields of STEM, where I can explore these interests and contribute to advancements that have much potential to impact positively on society. Perhaps one of the most compelling things that a STEM education may guarantee is that it's interdisciplinary. The disciplines within the field of STEM are so closely connected; an understanding of one usually requires knowledge of another. For instance, medical technologies rely on the principles of engineering, biology, and computer science.This aspect of collaboration in STEM is really the most appealing to me because it deals with teamwork and idea sharing to find a solution that is both innovative and effective. A number of hands-on experiences and projects also further confirmed my interest in the subject areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Moreover, participation in the science fair, robotics club, and coding workshop let me apply in practice most of the theoretically obtained knowledge for the solution of some real tasks. Furthermore, these experiences become so rewarding in nature while deepening not only the learning process itself but, above all, the ability to potentially draw implications. For example, precision, creativity, and perseverance really came to the fore in the robotics project, while during the coding workshops, the power of programming in efficiently solving complicated problems became crystal clear. The second aspect in which the training provided by STEM education is accomplished is in solving some of the problems that have posed a serious challenge to our world today. Examples may include, among others: the environment, health, or sustainable development. These involve revolutionary solutions and such solutions, which shall really address these concerns, would be possible only with very well-grounded STEMs as a foundation. In line with this, through taking a higher education in a STEM course, I try to take part in efforts and join the generations which will rise up to challenge. My interest, however, lies in healthcare and biomedical engineering since I believe that much can be done to improve the quality of life with the help of technology and scientific discoveries. I also feel that besides the intellectual stimulation and problem-solving opportunities, STEM offers opportunities for personal and professional growth. The STEM field jobs are in a great demand and offer quite a scope for specialization, with further advancement. Eventually, a good education in STEM will provide me with all the necessary tools in order to pursue an effective and successful career. Besides, the critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and technical proficiency that a student acquires through education in STEM are highly transferable skills, which also hold great value in many other disciplines. It is, in other words, this insatiable desire to comprehend the world of nature, solve intricate problems, and give something back to society that has always driven my urge to pursue a career in STEM. Interdisciplinary in nature, hands-on experiences, and the potential to take up global challenges make STEM exciting and rewarding. I look forward to continuing that journey through a career in STEM where improvements to life and progress within our fast-changing world can be discussed.
    Community Health Ambassador Scholarship for Nursing Students
    One thing that always lay close to my heart was my desire to earn a degree in nursing. It is deeply cemented in personal experiences and how care can change one's life and that of family members. I was brought up amidst family members who fought chronic diseases. These are the nurses who cared for them, yet not limited to being caregivers, beacons of hope, and comfort during the worst moments of our lives. Such was the commitment and empathy that left an indelible mark on me to join hands with them and become part of the workforce trying to bring a change in someone's life. The last touches to my mind, which set the seal on my vocation to be a nurse, was when my dear grandmother became seriously ill. She was diagnosed with the already advanced stage of the terminal disease. Of course, all our family were destroyed. During her last months, the nurses who cared for her showed an extraordinary level of compassion and professionalism. They took care of my grandmother medicinally and importantly emotionally supported my whole family. The acts of kindness and empathy they provided made what was painful a loving and dignified experience. It then opened my eyes to see how much impact nurses could have on patients and their families, and I knew I wanted to be that source of comfort and strength for others. This being the case, I hope that in the future as a nurse, I will be able to help my society by providing good care and comfort to my patients. My career goal is to become a labor and delivery travel nurse by broadening experience and serving multiple communities. This profession gives me great opportunities to combine my passion for healthcare with a craving to help in making each mother and baby happy. I believe every mother should deliver a child safely and positively, and that each newborn must get an optimal beginning in life. Apart from the advanced education in nursing, I will be equipped with the right knowledge and abilities necessary for practice and giving my patients due dignity and care. The "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors would prove to be the most critical moment of my academic life. This scholarship would alleviate some of the financial stresses with my education, and I would be able to focus more on my studies and career without the stress of student loans or part-time jobs. This means it is one step toward my aspiration: to be a travel L&D nurse, provide an opportunity for improving lives for mothers and newborn babies across different communities. It will also help me academically provide an avenue wherein I can give back needed community service in return. I am deeply committed to contributing toward affecting other people's lives positively, and nursing is just the right kind of job I think that I can contribute to constructively. I would like to bring comfort, strength, and care with me in trying to offer solace and support to patients and their families during those most fragile moments of life. Pursuing a nursing degree for me is not just a career but a calling. All these influences in my life have sparked furtherance on this path to make a difference in the lives of others meaningfully. The "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship would go a long way toward helping me reach my goals and achieve my dream of giving something back to my community in a positive manner.
    Mrs. Yvonne L. Moss Scholarship
    High school attendance truly inspired me toward higher education and shaped my aspirations in profound ways. My high school years were filled with diverse experiences and opportunities that really nurtured a passion for learning and growth in my life. I have tried to contribute to my community through active participation in different activities, including volunteering through athletic training and special needs teaching. These experiences enriched my life but also gave me a very good opportunity to be helpful and make a change for others. High school allowed me the option to explore my interests further, along with developing my skill sets. Through the method of athletic training, I fully learned about the need to have good physical health. With this, working with the athletes helped me develop perseverance and dedication toward whatever one does. It was so rewarding to see the progress of those athletes I worked with and to know I helped along the way with their recovery. This experience sparked my interest in health care and further concretized my want for nursing. Besides being an athletic trainer, volunteer work with the special needs students has been one of the two most life-changing opportunities in my entire high school thus far. Teaching and supporting these students has taught me patience, empathy, and the importance of inclusivity. Each student has unique needs and abilities, and it has been a privilege to help them navigate their educational journey. But seeing any kind of milestone or gain in confidence of a student would just become unparalleled. This experience definitely crystallized my determination and commitment toward effecting a positive change in the lives of people in need, particularly those who get disregarded by everyone. These volunteer activities gave much to my community and also allowed me to grow not only for giving back to the community but as a person as well. I have learned to show compassion, be resilient, and how a support group makes a difference. It has majorly influenced my goals and aspirations in life. What mainly motivates me is the urge to create more positive impact in my society through the pursuit of higher learning as a travel labor and delivery nurse. My career goal will revolve around working as a travel labor and delivery nurse for assorted experiences in caring for mothers and newborns across diverse communities. It is the profession that will enable me to combine my passion for health care with serving different communities. The more education I pursue, the more knowledgeable and practised I will be to provide higher quality care and really make a substantial change in the lives of mothers and newborns. My life will be benefited by receiving the "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors through eased financial burdens of a collegiate education. This scholarship will enable me to pay more attention to my studies and career goals without any burden of student loans or part-time jobs. This scholarship would bring me closer to my dream career and help in providing outstanding care to mothers and newborns within various communities. I consider this scholarship to be the most important moment of my academic life and the entrance toward the realization of my goals in nursing.
    Valentine Scholarship
    Community service can take any form, but the most vital one I have experienced so far is volunteering to serve as a special needs aid for kids with autism and other disorders. This has given me a chance to make a difference in the lives of children and their families while teaching me valuable lessons in empathy and patience, as well as the power of individualized support. One of the most memorable experiences has to be working with a young boy with autism, Ethan. At the start of my work with Ethan, he was quite closed in and did not participate in most activities or interact much with other people. Quite early on, it became obvious that he was an individual for whom predictability in his immediate surroundings played an important role. We implemented visual schedules to help him know what is expected throughout his daily routine and embedded various sensory activities he seemed to relax and enjoy. Through this, I have found Ethan gradually opening up to participate in group activities, make eye contact, and even speak out with increased confidence. It was highly rewarding and really underlined how each child needs his own type of support, whatever that might be. Meanwhile, I learned that each child has his way of viewing the world and how, once given the perfect support, they will prosper and do great things. It has also taught me to be more patient and to appreciate even small successes. Every step forward is a big success for them and their families. This experience really brought it home to me that the power of individualized attention can have a huge and long-lasting impact on a child's development. There are numerous other ways one may be of help or volunteer around the community. For example, tutoring or mentoring may mean a lot for some students in their academic or personal growth. You can mentor or guide students with their school work or otherwise help them to overcome certain obstacles to meet challenges and realize their aims and aspirations. Other more involved projects include organizing or taking part in community clean-up events to help clean parks, beaches, and neighborhoods in your community. Other ways to serve your community effectively will be volunteering at food banks or shelters. You can be able to help in the distribution of food, or appropriate shelter to the less fortunate. Such activities as spending time with the elderly residents either in a nursing home or senior centers, provide companionship and support to the isolated people that may not have anyone else to talk or share with, as simple as having a conversation, playing games, or helping them out with some daily activities. Volunteering is also possible in animal shelters. You can take part in the care of pets and their placement in decent homes, thereby changing the lives of animals and their future owners for the better. You can also organize donation drives for clothes, food, or school supplies and help your community. In conclusion, the experience of being a special needs aid volunteer has changed my life by teaching me about empathy, patience, and the power of individualized support. There are so many ways to impact your community positively, and each one of those little acts contributes to making an inclusive and supportive environment for all. Whether it be through tutoring, clean-ups of the community, food banks, time with the elderly, animal shelters, or organizing donation drives, any effort given helps make life for all in the community a little bit better.
    Kristie's Kids - Loving Arms Around Those Impacted By Cancer Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I am on the journey to become a travel labor and delivery nurse. Though it hasn't happened to me, my life deeply changed when my Pawpaw finally succumbed to stage 4 liver cancer. The fight was really hard but at the same time, it gave me great lessons about tenacity and the impact compassionate healthcare has. His treatments and the care accorded him somehow fascinated me and influenced me to take up a career wherein I could be of service and care to people in their most helpless moments. The loss of my Pawpaw marked a major turning point in my life. It is at this juncture that the import of having committed and caring health professionals struck me. His experience stoked the fire in nursing, especially in labor and delivery, where I am able to serve mothers and newborns during such a crucial time in each of their lives. I want to be that for families-provide the compassion and dedication that the nurses did for my Pawpaw. This course is an imperative step to reach my goal. My aim/goal is a good education and skill to perform successfully as a nurse. I want to be a traveling labor and delivery nurse because this means an opportunity to serve different communities and experience life in those locations. In this way, one could provide quality health care to both mother and child with the need for a very adaptive environment for every experience. Winning the "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors would mean so much to my education. For one thing, it would take some of the financial burdens off college-usually saddled with student loans and/or part-time jobs-to allow me to devote all my energies to my studies and career goals. Therefore, with this support, I am certain that I can commit wholly to both academic and professional areas, since it will ensure that I obtain the best education and training. This scholarship will bring me one step closer to my dream: becoming a labor and delivery nurse. The golden opportunity to listen and learn from experienced practitioners in the field, hand-on training, and hands-on practice that give me great scope for improvement would provide quality care and be of great help to mothers and babies, touching lives, just as the health professionals did for my Pawpaw. In the long run, I envision being married to a Godly man who supports my ambitions. To me, that will be a big determinant in balancing my life and career. We'll create a life where I can excel in my career, be sure to nurture a loving, supportive family environment. At the end, becoming a travel labor and delivery nurse is deep within me. My experiences in fighting my Pawpaw's cancer drive me to attend college, and receiving the "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors will be pivotal in realizing these goals. This support will enable me to focus on my education, acquire the skills needed, and thus provide quality care to mothers and newborns in different communities. I am committed to making a difference in healthcare and keeping my Pawpaw's memory alive through commitment and compassion as a nurse.
    Kayla Nicole Monk Memorial Scholarship
    Higher education is an important step toward my career goal of becoming a travel labor and delivery nurse. This career path will not only provide me with diverse experiences but also afford me the opportunity to give quality care to mothers and newborns in different communities. The "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors is a pivotal opportunity that will go a long way in affecting my educational journey and career aspirations. One of the major reasons I decided to pursue advanced education in nursing is my deep passion for maternal and neonatal care. Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the miracle of childbirth and the critical role that nurses play in ensuring the health and well-being of both mothers and their babies. As a labor and delivery nurse, I want to be that nurse who can tangibly affect the lives of families at one of the most important times in their life. This scholarship will remove a part of the financial burden from my education by allowing me to concentrate on studies and clinical training. The absence of stress related to student loans or part-time jobs will permit me to be more successful academically and practically in clinical settings. With this financial aid, I can make the most of every learning opportunity that comes along, be it advanced coursework or hands-on clinical experiences. This scholarship will also bring me closer to my dream of being able to work as a travel nurse. In traveling to varied communities, I would share my knowledge and skills with diverse patients, fit into various healthcare environments, and learn something new from each unique experience. This kind of exposure will promote not only professional growth but also an ability to give compassionate and culturally competent care. Besides my career goals, my lifetime aspiration is to be married to a supportive, Godly man who shares my values and ambitions, a marriage that will be supported when financial stability is achieved through this scholarship to build a solid foundation for my future family and balance my professional and personal life. In the end, the "College Here I Come" Essay Scholarship is not just financial assistance but a stepping stone toward fulfilling my dreams. The financial burden of this scholarship would ease my education, therefore enabling me to concentrate on my studies, excel in my career, and thus provide quality service to mothers and newborns throughout communities. I am committed to using this opportunity and contributing positively to the field of nursing.
    Global Girls In STEM Scholarship
    My experience in the field of STEM has been quite influential for my career aspirations: it entrenched a firm grounding in the ability to critically think through and solve complex problems. Involvement in STEM helped me grasp the importance of evidence-based practices and how the scientific method is reasonably central to healthcare. Being a young woman in this field comes with its set of challenges, like gender stereotypes and underrepresentation, but these only make me stronger in the quest to succeed. I've learned to advocate for myself and seek out mentors who support my goals, which has been instrumental in my journey. My drive toward STEM is the potential it has to make tangible differences in people's lives. It acts as such a motivator when it is realized that scientific knowledge has an application in solving problems out there in the real world, hence improving patient outcomes. I would like to contribute my skills for the betterment of maternal and neonatal care so that mothers and their newborns get optimum treatment right at birth. I also look forward to applying new concepts in my practice through active participation in research updates and current trends for quality service delivery to my clients. The extra-curricular STEM activities and projects have been highly instrumental in developing my leadership qualities. Having managed to lead teams at different levels during the science fairs, being an active member of robotics clubs, and organizing health awareness in my community, taught me project management, working in a team, and explanation of complex ideas in a simple manner. These experiences will guide me on how to take up leadership roles later in my career and, hence, be able to mentor newly graduated nurses in their first years, spearheading improvement initiatives regarding patient care. It is by the implementation of these skills that I look forward to inspiring others toward a culture of excellence and innovation in healthcare. Some of the significant challenges that I have had to deal with and surmounted as a young lady in this STEM field include underrepresentation and lack of support. Most of the time, this makes me the only female in a sea of males in the room, something which really daunts me. This taught me, though, resilience and the importance of building a network of support. This includes finding female mentors or organizations that support women in the STEM field, giving one the encouragement and the resources needed to thrive. Thank you for considering my application for this scholarship.
    Beacon of Light Scholarship
    I chose healthcare education because helping others and trying to make a difference in their lives has always meant a lot to me. Since my childhood, the way the human body works has always intrigued me. Further, this curiosity led me to research different areas in the healthcare field, and I felt that nursing, especially labor and delivery, was most appealing to me. The idea of being there for mothers at one of the biggest moments of their lives and making sure their newborns arrive safely is incredibly rewarding. Other reasons for my decision include personal experiences with healthcare professionals. The selfless acts of nurses during my family's medical situations make me want to be just like them. I realize that nurses are very much involved in patient care, sometimes offering more than medical assistance but emotional support as well, which I value and would like to provide in my practice. My future career goals are about becoming a travel labor and delivery nurse. I strongly believe that working with different communities will not only expand my clinical skills but also expose me to diverse cultures and health systems. This wide exposure will surely enhance my ability to provide quality care to mothers and newborns from all walks of life. This forms my commitment to a lifetime of learning and adapting to new environments that will make me a more versatile and effective nurse. Apart from a wide range of experiences, I would love to perform at the top in this field by knowing the very latest developments concerning maternal and neonatal care. Graded continuous education and professional growth are very significant in this line of health, and it is something that I am pursuing additional certifications and specialization for. I aim to be part of a supportive resource my colleagues can tap into, which also makes me an reliable caregiver for my patients who is committed to excellence throughout. In the long run, I hope to give back to the nursing community through mentoring new nurses and sharing my knowledge and experiences. By supporting the next generation of nurses, I can help ensure that more patients receive compassionate and competent care. Mentorship is a way to give back to the profession that has given me so much and to help maintain high standards in nursing practice. In the end, my core personal values of compassion, hard work, and continuous growth form the basis of my professional ambitions. I have a strong desire to touch the lives of mothers and their newborn babies with tender, loving care during those first critical hours. A travel labor and delivery nurse position would be pursuing my dreams and fulfilling one of my lifetime passions: helping people and making the world a better place.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    Growing up in an immigrant family-in particular, on my stepdad's side-really enriched experiences of a college-bound student. I've seen the struggle and sacrifice that goes along with seeking better opportunities in a new country. The importance of education was always brought up from my stepdad's family as a means of achieving a better life. Their stories of perseverance inspired me to pursue my academic goals determinedly and gratefully. Growing up in an immigrant family has taught me resilience and adaptability. I have learned to work through different cultures and environments; this broadens my view and understanding of the world. This background molded my character and also influenced my commitment to serving others. This is my drive in using my education to contribute positively to the world, especially in the health field. This is the value my stepdad's family inculcated in me, which has not fizzled out in my higher education journey; their unflinching support and faith in education pushed me to emerge as a bright academic performer. I give my utmost to whatever opportunities present themselves; this is the best way I could prove that it is not a futile venture to have sacrificed for me. I would love to be a travel labor and delivery nurse because such a profession allows me to give the best care possible for mothers and newborns in any community. This position is quite critical in ensuring that every family Irrespective of background and location, gets all needed support and care during such a juncture of their lives. I work in various settings, from compassionate and informed care for the needy to a form of respect to sacrifices that my stepdad's family had to go through for a better future. These experiences, along with my education, have prepared me to fill the gaps in health care and advocate for improved maternal and newborn care on an international level. I want to be the best labor and delivery nurse ever, married to a Godly man who supports me and my ambitions. I just hope that I can actually touch the world with my whole self-being, academically and career-wise, like the strength and resolve of an immigrant family that just so happens to belong to my stepdad. The journey to be a college-bound student was one that included much resilience and adaptability; coming from an immigrant family, it fostered a deep commitment to education. My stepdad's family shaped my aspirations and instilled in me a great yearning to contribute to making this world a better place. Reciprocally, I will always make them proud in doing all it takes to ensure quality care for mothers and newborns, fill the gaps in health care, and fight to bring change for better results in maternal and newborn outcomes around the world.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Calculus is crucial in the disciplines of STEM, as it introduces foundational tools necessary to describe and understand changes and motions. Most of the problems one is asked to consider in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are involved with studying quantities' rates of change and accumulation-two central ideas in calculus. For instance, physics applies calculus in describing moving objects, electric flows, and the laws of thermodynamics. If it weren't for calculus, it would be relative impossible to model or predict, with any kind of accuracy whatsoever, physical systems that have to do with anything. In engineering, calculus is used to design and analyze many systems and structures. In engineering, calculus is applied by engineers to find the forces acting on a structure, the rate of heat transfer, and the flow in pipes among many others. These are essential calculations needed so design cannot just be safe but also efficient and effective. For example, civil engineers use calculus to find out the load-carrying capacity of bridges, while in mechanical engineering, it's applied to build up or develop the efficiency of machinery or an engine. Calculus also assists in technology and computer science. Quite often, principles of calculus assist when algorithms-which power everything from search engines to data encryption-are in the development stage. In computer graphics, it is used to create realistic animations and simulations. That is very fundamental in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, with optimization models that help in understanding patterns of data. Calculus is that meeting point in mathematics where different fields and conceptions meet. It gives greater insight into functions, sequences, and series; it is also used in a number of important proofs of theorems. It opens bridges to more advanced areas of mathematics, known as differential equations and real analysis-both very important in solving problems within STEM fields. More importantly, calculus is one of the very important subjects that inculcate good critical thinking and solving skills. The learning of calculus at any level involves logical reasoning, attention to detail, and problem-solving ability in often challenging difficulties. These are very important skills, which not only help in the study of most fields in STEM but also help practically in life and others. Mastery of calculus equips students with tools that form the foundational concepts for solving a wide range of problems, hence their crucial inclusion in the training of STEM students. Thank you for considering my scholarship application!
    Ryan R. Lusso Memorial Scholarship
    The experience of watching my grandpa deal with lung cancer has really shaped me into the person I am today. He was pretty much like a father figure for me, and his fight with cancer has deeply marked my character, values, and aspirations. First of all, the lung cancer of my grandfather taught me how to be truly empathic and compassionate. Having to witness his physical and emotional pain rendered me more sensitive toward others' suffering. I felt the potential magnitude of giving support and much-needed kindness to not just the family but everyone around. Empathy is now a part of me in all of my interactions with people and, consequently, my relationship with them. Through the journey, my grandpa learned how important it is to be resilient and determined. With his illness, day in and day out, he met it head-on courageously, positively. His strength to always rise above gave me the inspiration to develop within myself my resilience during any challenge. I have learned that there will be setbacks and hardships in life, but it's our reaction toward these difficult circumstances that defines us. This lesson has been priceless in my academic and personal life, for it helped me to overcome adversity and keep a positive attitude toward the outcome. Partial influence of the career goals has also been the lung cancer that my grandfather fought against. The case was rather touching, as passion and dedication were great from the caregivers. I find it admirable how the doctors and nurses managed the patients' medication and emotional states. This further provides a boost for nursing as a career, which combines a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with a desire to serve others. I value the guiding principles of integrity, respect, and dignity in professional practice, rooted in my faith and resilience. The experience also made me realize how important it is to take care of oneself, work-life balance. Trying to balance caregiving with commitment made me quite aware of the need to take care of my physical and mental health. I learned that for me to be able to support others well, I must first be in a good place myself. This has made me engage in healthier habits and to spend more time doing things that are enjoyable and relaxing. My grandfather's fight with lung cancer shaped me into the individual I am today. Indeed, this taught me immense empathy, strengthened my resilience, molded my career aspirations, and taught me the importance of self-care. These have been some of the things that have helped guide me through the challenges of life and have further strengthened my desire to give service to people. Going forward, I carry with me the strength and inspiration drawn from my grandpa's journey, trying meanwhile to make a difference in other people's lives.
    David Foster Memorial Scholarship
    Among those high school teachers, who influenced me and drastically changed my perspective on life, was Mrs. Thompson, my special needs classroom teacher. I was privileged enough to be her teacher assistant, and this experience was nothing short of life-changing. Mrs. Thompson is not just a teacher but a beacon of hope, faith, and encouragement who always uplifts me to believe I can do anything I set my mind to with the power of prayer. Mrs. Thompson taught in a very special way that could bring out the best in each student no matter what was going on in that child's life or background. She often tells me, "If God puts a dream inside your heart, you should go after it with all your might." Those words have just really resonated deep within my heart and seem to have grown up to be a life motto for me. Her staunch faith and belief in me give me the guts to follow my dreams, no matter how impossible they may sound. One of the most considerable ways Mrs. Thompson has influenced my life is when she helped me get into my dream college, which is the University of Arkansas. I still remember the day I shared my dreams and fears with her about college applications. Busy as ever, she listened to me, gave me not only advice but a lot of encouragement. She guided me through the application process, reviewed my essays, and even wrote a glowing letter of recommendation highlighting my strengths and potential. She never lost belief in me, even at times when I did not believe in myself. This would be a recurring thing she said to me: "With God, all things are possible," and it was basically my mantra leading through the application process. Upon acceptance to the University of Arkansas, Mrs. Thompson was among the first that I had to share this news with. Her joy and pride were palpable in my accomplishment; it was a moment I will always cherish. Besides academic support, Mrs. Thompson has always been there for emotional and spiritual guidance. No matter how busy she may get, she always manages to lend an ear whenever I need one. Whether it is some personal problem or just a need to speak with somebody, here she is, guiding and comforting me with her wisdom. This assurance of being understood and heard has been really soothing during difficult times. But Mrs. Thompson doesn't stop there. She has taught me the value of empathy, patience, and resilience. For such is life, whatever challenges it may face her students in the future, she had armed them with the greatest devotion and faith in themselves. She has shown me that with hard work, faith, and the support of those who believe in you, anything is possible. She has touched my life in ways that I could never have imagined. She instilled in me a confidence that I had great potential, urged me to pursue my dreams, and stood by me through thick and thin. She has taught me that with the power of prayer and faith, nothing can stop me from achieving what I want. She is more than a teacher; she is a mentor, friend, and a beacon to me. I always remain indebted to her influence and all the lessons that come my way through her.
    Maria's Legacy: Alicia's Scholarship
    A college degree will define the course of my life, and of those coming after me in my family, by opening great opportunities that up until this point have been beyond my grasp. It will provide me with the knowledge and skill needed to further my dream career of a travel nurse in labor and delivery since my passion is to help others and make some form of tangible difference in people's lives. It will not only allow me to give quality care to my patients, but it will also serve as an inspiration and motivation for my family and future generations to pursue their own educational and professional dreams. Personally, a college degree represents more than just academic achievement; it encompasses years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It shall testify to my commitment to embedding values like compassion, empathy, and wholism into professional practice. It will also strengthen my faith and further empower me in rendering a service of meaning to others within the nursing profession. This will eventually enable me to enable my patients in their best interest and see to it that one receives the best care in one of the most important moments of life. I am excited about being a travel labor and delivery nurse because I believe that helping bring new life into this world is one of the deepest and most rewarding experiences possible for any human. That would be a very good opportunity to provide care and support for both mothers and newborns during the most critical period. This is also in agreement with the values I hold dear: integrity, respect, and dignity. Trying to pursue this passion, babysitting, and taking care of my grandmother have enriched me with patience, empathy, and the ability to multitask and solve problems. These experiences have indeed cemented my interest in the nursing profession and equipped me in dealing with the challenges that come with the profession. Backing up the experience I have as a caregiver, I pursued expanding my education and practical knowledge within the health care field. Volunteering at local hospitals and clinics has provided me with the venue to work with medical professionals and learn something from them. All these experiences make me aware of the nursing caring profession and further my resolve to offer compassionate and holistic care to my patients. This college degree will not only change my path in life but also make a difference in future generations coming from my family. It would give me the opportunity to fulfill my passion for nursing and leave a mark on the world with something positive that makes a difference. Becoming a labor and delivery travel nurse will put me in a position to care for and support mothers and newborns while making sure the best care possible is provided at one of life's most critical junctures. This degree represents a commitment to my values in making lasting change as a nurse.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    It would, of course, be renewable energy, and solar power. Solar power takes the energy incoming from the sun and converts it into electrical energy, which human beings can utilize to power their homes, businesses, or even whole cities. This is an up-and-coming technology that will further reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which are among the leading causes of climate change. This would burn fewer fossil fuels, which would lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce air pollution, leaving a greener life for future generations. This is to point out that solar power does not stop working for the betterment of the environment; it can also be very significant in many aspects to make lives better around the world. For example, in developing countries alone, most of their people do not have access to or have limited access to electricity. It is a reliable and relatively inexpensive energy that allows solar power to give access to clean water, education, and health care. That may mean, for example, solar-powered water pumps for clean drinking water or simply lights so that the children can study in the dark. This helps bridge the gap between the developed and developing worlds and promotes equality, improving living standards. Besides all this, it is a source of some economic opportunities. The solar industry is fast emerging; hence, it provides a source of employment in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. This type of growth can trigger local economic activities and, in return, provide opportunities for employment to people both in urban and rural areas. Decentralization of energy production reduces the overall cost of energy while improving the security associated with the supplies of energy; the communities are therefore resilient to changes in energy prices or any disruption to supplies. Another exciting thing about solar power is flexibility and adaptability. Solar panels can be mounted on rooftops, integrated into building materials, or installed on farms. This kind of flexibility enables a range of small-scale residential systems to large-scale industrial installations. Thus, in times to come, solar power is promising to fulfill hopes for a better future in this world it environmental benefits, improvement in the quality of life, economic opportunities, and versatility. Solar power is a powerful tool in the fight against climate change and global inequalities.
    Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
    I am Emily, and I am a senior at Denison High School. I love helping others in need, attending concerts, shopping with friends, and learning new things! I come from a single-parent household and live with my mom and brother. My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and why I want to become a nurse. My favorite thing in the whole world is babies and I am currently on the route of obtaining my degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. Once I receive my degree | want to sign contracts for different hospitals and travel the world to ensure that patients worldwide are getting the quality healthcare they deserve. Mental illness has cast a long shadow over my life, starting from a very young age. It was like the bottom had literally fallen out of my world when my dad left. I was still a child and couldn't grasp why my daddy wasn't around anymore. That abandonment instilled in me such a doubt-it always seemed to feel deep inside of me that I would never be enough for anyone. This feeling of inadequacy has haunted me ever since, influencing my relationships and even my self-worth. The turmoil in my mind is too much to handle. My mood fluctuations are heavy and unpredictable, moving from very high to contrarily low. On my good days, I feel like I'm on top of the world: filled with energy and optimism. But these moments are fleeting. They're often followed by a steep descent into sadness and despair. The contrast is jarring, and it's exhausting to constantly navigate these emotional extremes. These mood swings have made it hard for me to have steady relationships. I'm always scared that my feelings may be too much for others to handle. I fear people leave, just like Dad did, and this fear of abandonment makes me hold back from opening up fully with anyone. It is a vicious circle of loneliness and isolation. A sad paradox indeed-to want to connect, yet to push people away out of fear of being hurt again. The effects of mental illness on my daily life are huge. Simple tasks have become impossible to handle whenever I am in a low mood. Getting out of bed, going to work, or even taking care of myself could be monumental challenges. On the other side, when I'm on a high, I do too much, overcommit myself, and create unrealistic expectations. This inevitably leads to burnout and disappointment, reinforcing the belief that I'm never enough. Despite these challenges, I’m trying to find ways to cope and heal. Therapy has been a crucial part of my journey, helping me to understand and manage my emotions better. I’m learning to be kinder to myself, to recognize that my worth isn’t defined by others’ actions or my mental health struggles. It’s a slow process, but I’m determined to keep moving forward. But the reality is, mental illness will always affect my life. It has molded me into the person I am and the way I view the world. But I hope that, in time, with support, and self-compassion, there is a way for me to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    The influence of mental health has had a great power in my life: to shape and set perspectives I never could have anticipated. At times, the crushing weight of anxiety and stress has felt like it is almost insurmountable to consider a way forward. It is in these moments of struggle that I have found the greatest challenge yet have learned much-needed lessons in resilience and self-compassion. Perhaps one of the most significant influences my mental health has had in my life is in my relationships. There have been times when I feel so withdrawn and cannot understand or be understood even by people close to me. The stigma that shrouds mental health often seals one's lips when openness and requests for needed support are called for. These experiences have taught me, however, that it is important to be vulnerable and that much strength can come out of sharing one's struggles with trusted friends and family. My faith played an important part in my fight for mental health. I found comfort during my dark days in praying and asking God to show His comforting presence. The hope of knowing that I am not completely alone in this fight and the self-confidence my faith instills in me are the two things that have kept me alive. A spiritual connection to something much greater has made all the difference in finding peace and clarity in the midst of chaos. On the road to improved mental well-being, I began to understand the relevance of self-care and the need to seek professional help. Therapy became one of the most helpful tools for me in understanding and managing my emotions. Counseling helped me to further develop active coping strategies and the refinement of my self-concept. The entire process was one of self-discovery-not easy yet quite necessary in fostering a healthier state of mind and well-being. All of these experiences have combined to shape my career goals, particularly my resolve to become a nurse. I wish to draw upon my personal insights and empathetic abilities in order to assist others who are also experiencing such situations. My journey of mental health has taught me the values of compassion, patience, and holistic care-all significant in the nursing profession. I am committed to creating a secure and encouraging environment for my patients, where they are listened to and valued. The impact of mental health on my life has been immense and multi-layered. It modulated my relationships, amped my faith, guided my aspirations with regards to my career. Difficult, yet it was an incredibly transforming journey. A lot of these lessons came along with loads of resilience, for which I'm grateful. These experiences have prepared me to approach future challenges with courage and compassion; I am committed to using my experiences in a positive manner that will touch people's lives.
    Jennifer Gephart Memorial Working Mothers Scholarship
    To me, this balancing scale was between working and taking care of others, and somehow it managed to not only influence daily activities but even career aspirations. These have ranged from baby-sitting small children to caring for my grandmother; each had its very special demands and significant lessons. First, babysitting requires massive amounts of patience, creativity, and attention. Children are curious and energetic, hence commanding one's constant engagement and supervision. This position has taught me how to multitask and solve problems swiftly. For instance, handling a child's tantrum and preparing their meal or helping them with homework require a sensitive balance between empathy and firmness. All these experiences have honed my ability to remain composed under pressure and think on my feet-skills invaluable in any professional setting, especially nursing. Caring for my grandmother involves other aspects of difficulties: as years go by, her needs have been more confusing, requiring attention not only with regard to physical needs but also to emotional considerations. This role has further embedded in me the importance of empathy and compassion in caregiving. Helping her with daily activities of bathing, dressing, giving medication provided me with hands-on experience in holistic care. I learned to clearly listen to her, communicate well with her, and make her feel appreciated and respected. All this caregiving had to be balanced by going to work, which needed urgent attention in terms of time management and prioritization. There are days when it gets so excruciatingly trying to manage these responsibilities, but it has taught me a great deal about resiliency and self-care. I have learned to say no and when to ask for help-realizing the more important issue at hand is that to care for others well, I need to take good care of myself first. The caregiving experiences highly influenced my career objectives. These experiences have confirmed my need to provide nursing services because I will utilize my acquired skills and developed values in the field of nursing service. To me, nursing is not just a profession, but a calling; this is because nursing demands that a person must commit to caring for others with compassion, empathy, and as a whole. This perspective was further honed through experiences gained in church ministries, besides experiences in teamwork, communication, and advocacy of needs for those in need. A scholarship for furthering my education in growth in faith and increase in my ability to serve others within the nursing profession would be a blessing. These critical skills will be applied in an attempt to change the lives of people, making a difference to the outcomes through faith and instillation of Christian values that hold integrity, respect, and dignity in regard. It has been my strength, guide, and comfort during difficult times, and I believe it will further give me resilience for a gratifying nursing career. Essentially, caregiving and working have been a well-worth-it but hard journey on many aspects. What happened was the molding of character, tightening of skills, and clarification of goals about careers. These experiences have prepared me to face the demands of a nursing career with compassion and competence. Some of the principles guiding professional practices that I consider central to my work are empathy, respect, and care. I am quite excited about the opportunity to get further education and to continue with serving others meaningfully.
    Jim Coots Scholarship
    This scholarship fund would impact my life and career in tremendous ways. It would allow me to further my studies with increased training in nursing, a very dear field to my heart. It would ease financial strain on tuition, which is often straining as it takes concentration away from what I really should be focusing on in school. Of course, this would be a good blessing because all the things I am going to need to excel in school and at work would be provided. The scholarship would give me an opportunity to learn more and get more skills in Holistic Health and Healing. The holistic health addresses the totality of the person: body, mind, spirit, and emotions in their quest for optimum health and wellness. This is in complete harmony with my philosophy of care, as it involves showing compassion and empathy toward the patient. I would also like to learn more on the different kinds of holistic practices that exist, which can be incorporated with conventional medical treatments to further improve any patient outcome. My objective in advancing practices to promote and apply totality of well-being will fall under holistic health. It doesn't mean just curing the physical symptoms but should extend to the treatment of their emotional and spiritual needs also. I really feel that such a holistic approach would serve much better, all-rounded patient care. For example, the integration of mindfulness techniques, stress management strategies, and nutritional counseling can serve long in increasing the quality of a patient's life. The scholarship would avail me the opportunity to learn such techniques and apply them in my nursing practice. I also want to utilize my skills in educating and empowering patients in self-help about their health and healing. Education is an important feature in holistic health as it equips the patient with knowledge and tools necessary in making informed decisions on their care. I support these patients by providing them with information on various holistic practices, methods of implementing them into daily routine, and how they can actually complement their traditional treatment. This in turn creates a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy, which might also be connected to improved health outcomes and quality of life. The scholarship would provide me with the opportunity to research and advocate about holistic health. It helps me add to the knowledge base about them and thus their health effects. In so doing, I hope to contribute to the already big body of knowledge and therefore bridge the gap between conventional medicine and alternative or holistic medicine. Advocacy also spreads awareness about the benefits of holistic health and their integration into mainstream health. This would be so important for communities that may not have had adequate health care service delivery. My scholarship would mean a transformative experience in view of how it is going to help me pursue my education and further equip me with the necessary skills relevant in the field of study. With that knowledge, I hope to make a treasured difference in the field of holistic health, promoting complete care and teaching of patients, while continuing to contribute to research and related advocacy. My ultimate goal is to give compassionate, empathetic, holistic care that attends to my patients' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs with guidance from my faith and values.
    Joseph A. Terbrack ALS Memorial Scholarship Fund
    ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Reflecting on how this disease has affected me, I have come to realize it has been a journey of profound learning, resilience, and deepened purpose. This journey has further shaped my perception of the cycle of life, the fragility of human existence, and has strengthened my commitment to serving others through my profession as a nurse. Most of all, ALS has taught me compassion and empathy. The struggling of the persons with ALS-the disintegration of muscle functions and becoming dependent on others to such an extent-obviously influenced my view of patient care. It has brought into focus holistic care, a concept that encompasses the patients' needs not just from a physical perspective but also from emotional, psychic, and spiritual standpoints. This validates my philosophy of compassion, empathy, and care in nursing practice. Besides, church ministries have taught me valuable ways of dealing with ALS. The experiences that I have gained in teamwork, communication, and advocacy have been invaluable. These are the most important elements of practice with ALS patients and their families, who usually need strong family support and good communication of all difficult matters concerning the disease. I place my faith as a source of strength and guidance in helping me to remain resilient and compassionate in the face of adversity. The biggest lesson that seems to have come out of my experience with ALS is the aspect of advocacy. Many challenges beset patients with ALS, such as limited treatment options and extensive caregiving. I would like to advocate for more resources, more funding into research, and more support systems. This work has only strengthened my resolve to be an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves and work toward improving the quality of life for ALS patients. I am now committed to utilizing my skills and experiences in the continued effort to bring change into other people's lives, most specifically those fighting ALS. As a nurse, I try to show compassions, render holistic care, and ensure that patients are treated like they matter. My faith will continue to lead me through those moments of strength and resilience that this challenging yet promising career requires. A scholarship would be a blessing that gives me an opportunity to further my education and spiritual growth. It would provide me with opportunities to further develop my skills and knowledge for better service to my patients. I will always base my professional practice on the basis of integrity, respect, and dignity and believe that my faith will go on guiding and giving me more strength. Essentially, it's ALS that has taken center stage of my life and has served as a valuable teacher in areas of compassion, empathy, and effective advocacy. My faith and active participation in church ministries have played a huge role in shaping my perspective on patient care. I am committed to applying my experiences and acquired competencies to the continued service of making a difference in the lives of other people through my faith and values, guiding me toward their betterment. My ALS experiences have reinforced this commitment within me: my commitment toward helping others and deepened resolve to be a compassionate and empathetic nurse.
    Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and my journey has deeply entwined with my faith-from which I have been given so many life struggles and a lot of blessings. It is my great connectedness with God, and my will to serve others through my nursing career, that make me different and unique from the other candidates for this scholarship. My faith means not only personal comfort but also shapes my professional ethos, placing emphasis on compassion, empathy, and holistic care. The main reason I would wish to pursue higher education is because it allows me to enhance my skills and knowledge in nursing. I consider this my calling, an avenue of service to the betterment of my patients' lives. During my volunteering activities through libraries,school, and community projects I learned invaluable lessons pertaining to teamwork, communication, and advocacy. These experiences have prepared me for my nursing career and will enable me to be a caring, efficient nurse who tends to the patient's physical needs but also attends to emotional and spiritual needs. Over the years, my family has always guided me through, persuading me not to give up on my dreams and instilling in me values such as integrity, respect, and dignity. It is these values that form the core of my professional practice. I have equally struck a balance between pursuing academic work and discharging responsibility at home to ensure that I set a good example for my siblings and peers. I take great pride in the fact that community service is an active part of my life. Caring for the elderly, and mentoring the young members of our congregation are all activities that have enabled me to give back to my community while further developing a deeper sense of the importance of service. In this light, practical experience has enhanced my motivation towards nursing and serving people. What sets me apart from other candidates is firm determination to weave my faith into professional life. In this respect, the scholarship would afford not only further education but also an opportunity to increase my faith, and with it, my ability to serve. I am committed to availing my skills to make a meaningfully different life for my patients guided by the power of compassion, empathy, and holistic care. It will be a blessing to have this scholarship in empowering me to answer my call and stand up to create lasting impacts in the nursing profession.
    Tim Dunham Blood Disorder Awareness Scholarship
    These blood disorders can have dramatic effects on an individual and his or her family. The personal experience of living with or knowing somebody affected by a blood disorder has been challenging and enlightening; it has really driven home the importance of awareness, early diagnosis, and compassionate care. Here's how this journey has shaped me and how I hope to spread awareness about these conditions. Living with a blood disorder or caregiving for a loved one with a blood disorder brings its own specific sets of challenges. A long list of blood-related disorders includes conditions such as anemia, clotting disorders, leukemias, and hemophilias, among others. Many of these disorders require continued medical interventions, frequent hospitalizations, and an intimate grasp of complex medical information. It can involve a lifetime of symptomatic management, adherence to treatment, and coping with the medical and emotional problems that the disorder presents. Perhaps one of the largest effects a blood disorder can have on any person is the way in which life will be affected on a daily basis. Things that used to be relatively easy now become major challenges. For instance, hemophilic patients must be cautious about injury because minor ones, such as cuts, might lead to uncontrollable bleeding. People with anemia very often have chronic tiredness and hence are unable to continue the day with routine work. Of course, this constant vigilance is tiresome sometimes, frustrating isolation arising as a consequence. Yet, such a life has drawn out and strengthened the usually inhibited strength and resilience. Living with a blood disorder has taught me the importance of persistence, strong family bonds, and medical advancement. It has also made clear the need for greater public awareness and education about blood disorders. Raising awareness about blood disorders is important on several counts. First, awareness can result in early diagnosis and treatment. Many disorders of the blood can be managed through the proper dispensation of medical treatment, although often, the timing of interventions makes all the difference. By educating the public about symptoms associated with these disorders and the risks thereof, we may encourage more people to seek medical advice much earlier than otherwise. Awareness can help reduce stigma related to blood disorders. Misconceived beliefs and misunderstanding often lead to discrimination and social isolation for those affected. Sharing proper information with personal stories may allow a person to live in an inclusive and supportive community. Finally, awareness translates into funding and support for research. It is through medical research that new treatments can be developed, and maybe even cures for blood disorders. Public awareness campaigns spur donations and advocacy and often lead to huge medical breakthroughs. Personal and community levels are the plans for the dissemination of information on blood disorders. It could be that allowing others to relate to the conditions more personally will be enabled through sharing personal experiences through blogs, social media, and public speaking. Also, in collaboration with healthcare organizations, informational workshops and support groups could hold an environment of valuable resources and community. Although painful, living with a blood disorder has been trying but an educating experience. It has taught me much about the value of resiliency, the need for a support system, and the greater need for raising public awareness. By telling my story, it too is one of higher education and research to which I hope to ensure some positive contributions are made within the lives of those affected with disorders of the blood and to an informed, caring society.
    Maxwell Tuan Nguyen Memorial Scholarship
    My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and why I want to become a nurse. The one thing in this world that is my favorite thing is babies, and I am currently obtaining my degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. With my degree, I would like to sign contracts for different hospitals and travel to other parts of the world. This would be to ensure that various people from all over the world are accorded the quality health care that they deserve. As long as I can remember, my mom and I would go to the nursing home she worked at in our free time and visit all of the elderly. My mom and I would help them assemble puzzles, feed bread to the birds on the patio, and talk to them about how much they all missed their families, who had abandoned them after they placed them in this nursing home. Throughout my childhood, I watched my mom, a nurse, change the lives of the elderly. As time passed by, I wanted to do that too. I want to help people and change their lives for the better, just like my mom always has. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will be able to help not only the women experiencing childbirth but also their baby(s). I will get to save their lives and make sure that any complications that may arise, I could help solve. I feel that giving my patients quality care is the root of making a positive impact on the world and the medical field. I will always strive to change for the best throughout my nursing career. As an L&D nurse, I shall always do my best to care for my patient's health, not only physically but emotionally and psychologically as well. I will build trusting relationships with all my patients so they can be certain that their needs will be met and problems solved to the best of my abilities. I want every patient I treat to feel heard, respected, and supported. It is how I plan on positively affecting the world by bettering this nursing field. In conclusion, my mom is my inspiration for wanting to pursue a career in the medical field. I will make a difference in my career by being compassionate, and empathetic, and giving holistic care to all of my patients. Alongside my mom, my faith has created the base from which I will be able to provide strength, comfort, and support to all expecting mothers and their babies.
    Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
    God has been such a huge strength and guiding light throughout my life. Since day one when I felt His presence, He comforted me in despair and rejoiced with me in times of joy. His eternal love always reminded me that I will never be forsaken, as bad as it feels. Praying and reflecting have, in many ways, clarified some life choices; his teachings have fashioned my values and actions to great ends. My faith has been the bedrock in my journey to becoming a nurse-a career, more of a call to serve humanity. My faith imparted much and deepened my compassion and empathy toward all. It is the love and service to others preached by Christ that inspired me to bring caring approaches to my future patients with much-needed patience and understanding. This place, I believe, is where my faith will continue enabling me to apply holistic care to not just the physical needs but also the emotional and spiritual needs of the ones I will be caring for. Moreover, these ministries in the church have been a source of great experiences that always help me in my nursing profession. Volunteering to work with the youth group and community outreach programs taught me listening skills for understanding the needs of the people, how to support them, and advocate for them. This improved my communication skills and teamwork, which are highly essential in the nursing practice. I take it as a great blessing that I can earn a scholarship, which I will use to lengthen my education to better my capability of serving other people. I will be able to attend Christian conferences and mission trips while also getting educational materials that could further help me in spiritual growth and leadership capability. This shall translate into personal growth, but at the same time, allow me to mentor or lead others in their spiritual walk as I continue my work with the church ministries and community service. I also have practice goals as a nurse: giving back, and using my knowledge and skills to go forth and positively impact my patients' lives. This shall be my guide through faith in offering compassionate care and advocating for the vulnerable. I pledge myself to integrity, respect, and dignity in professional practice; and I do firmly believe that through my faith, inner strength, and resilience would be added considerably as a Member of this noble career which opens its silvery gates of challenge before me. In conclusion, God's presence in my life has been a great joy and strength. My faith has shaped me into what I am and will continue to shape me throughout my journey in the nursing field. More importantly, I'm grateful for how I was given the opportunity to give to others and am excited at the prospect of making a difference in patients' lives. I enter this vocation with the understanding that through God's leadership, I can make a difference and bring about good to the world.
    Stafford R. Ultsch Legacy Scholarship
    My great-grandmother, despite being very strong and very independent, had to bear a lot of burdens. She always made sure her family came first before her; yet, unfortunately, she had to face some form of mental health problems that drove her to commit suicide. This loss had a significant effect on my family and me; it orients my view in considering mental health and influences my aspirations in a nursing career, especially concerning mental health. I have grown up on lots of stories about my great-grandmother, told of how kind and helpful she was: poor as she was, she would always be the first to lend a helping hand to the people around her. Yet, amidst all her jovialities and smiling face, she battled with bad depression and anxiety. Poor mental health was taken poorly and sometimes even mocked, so she never got the kind of support or treatment she should have. My great-grandmother's death became another motivating factor for my future occupation. Helping others is my passion, and nursing gives me that opportunity. With it comes great lessons learned, and one of the things my personal experiences have made me aware of is the importance of mental health. I will be a nurse who gives mental and emotional support along with physical care to my patients. Mental health, though an important aspect of health, is still majorly unprotected or taken lightly by many great-grandmothers, helpless and unable to seek assistance, silently hurt. I want to be a nurse and advocate for mental health. This will allow me to give a more holistic approach toward health by incorporating mental health into my nursing practice. There is still a lot of stigma and misunderstanding concerning mental health issues, and I believe education is the key. This is my contribution to increasing awareness about the nature of mental health through nursing. I would wish to offer my patients a comfort zone in which they can speak about their mental health without feeling victimized or ostracized. Outreach in the community and advocacy, besides direct care to my patients, are other ways would want to be involved. Mental health is a community issue; it calls for a community response. I will make an impact on a larger scale by working with local organizations and taking part in mental health activities. I would like to make my contributions towards building a society where mental health gets its rightful place and due care, be it through professional workshops, support groups, or public awareness campaigns. I know my path to enter the nursing profession with a psychiatric specialization is long and tortuous, but I am dead serious about it nonetheless. Currently, I am diligently continuing with my schooling to lay the proper foundation of skills and knowledge that I need in my future practice. I have been serving actively in my church through several volunteer ministries and outreach programs. All this has only whetted my desire to serve people in my small way to uplift their lives. Thus, the tragedy of my great-grandmother keeps on echoing within me and my family. It did expose me to the area of mental health and made me more sensitive and interested in nursing with a major in mental health. I am determined to render empathetic and holistic care for whatever physical and mental concerns my patients might have. I have tried to keep my great-grandmother's memory alive and contribute to a world where it is acknowledged and understood, and mental health becomes supported.
    Jennifer D. Hale Memorial Scholarship
    While not being a biological mother, I have taken my nephew right from the hospital and brought him up to date. It has influenced me so much in my view of life and my educational journey. Assuming the role of a caregiver at a tender age taught me great things about responsibility, patience, and unconditional love. It is so hard with every failure, and quite evident that the resolve to provide the best life for my nephew has only been strengthened. Amongst the things that have been tougher for me are balancing my school and taking care of my nephew. There were even instances when a choice had to be made between giving him some attention and losing an opportunity for which I was to pursue academics. These experiences, however, have made me even more determined to succeed than ever. They instilled in me a hard work ethic and a deep regard for the value of education. I learned how to use my time wisely and to keep my eyes on long-term goals when short-term situations would try to get in the way. Basically, these care experiences have driven me to seek a nursing career. Indeed, helping people gave me the opportunity to find my calling-as I am naturally capable of caring and supporting. For me, nursing means the very ability to extend this care and love outside the circle of my nephew into society. It answers my ambitions of being of significance in people's lives and serving useful social functions. My faith also guided my career choice. I look at nursing as an avenue that can practice the values of being kind, serving, showing compassion, and thus serving others practically to have much impact by depicting love and care similar to what I have been given through my church family. This involvement with the various ministries of the Church instills in me a commitment to service to those in need and gives a new vision for professional involvement that is in keeping with those values. I am excited about the opportunities a nursing career will bring my way. I am looking forward with enthusiastic interest in taking up studies and developing the skills and knowledge that would enable me to excel in this field. Whereas first, it has been a pretty long painful journey, secondly, it has also been immensely rewarding. I feel grateful for all those experiences that molded me into what I am today and gave me an opportunity to make some difference in the lives of the people with my choice of career.
    Judy Ann Watland Memorial Scholarship
    I am not a biological mother, I have taken on the role of raising my nephew whom I have taken care of since his first day home from the hospital. It has, therefore, been an invaluable experience that has shaped my view on life, love, and the need to attend to those in distress. My passion to be a nurse started when I was young. This is more than an appeal to work in health but a calling to serve and be in a position to positively influence people's lives. My faith has thus led this personal journey in instilling values such as compassion, empathy, and selflessness. These indeed are also at the heart of nursing and have thus motivated me to commit my life to serving others. The day my nephew was born, I knew right then and there that I would assume responsibility for giving him all the love and care he needed. Taking him home and bringing him up as my own has thus been one of the most challenging yet satisfying experiences that I have gotten to encounter to this date. I have catered to everything he needed; from basic needs to guidance and emotional support. To him, I am what he considers as mom, and this responsibility has only strengthened my resolve to be a beacon of light and hope to my children, community, colleagues, and the patients I serve. Being a single mother has taught me about the importance of resiliency and perseverance. This has taught me that with a little faith and determination nothing is insurmountable, and one can give as much love to the people dear to us. My nephew's life has been a constant reminder of the power of love and the effect one human being can have upon another's life. This has indeed strengthened my relation with my religion and all the values instilled within me. I envision attending to and showing compassion with my patients, just as was shown to my nephew, and bringing comfort to whomever is in need of my service by providing them treatment for their sickness and being there to offer a listening ear for emotional and spiritual needs. That is just consideration of others with love and respect, since my faith taught me that all people are worthy. I am going to be a role model as far as healthy questions and concerns are concerned in my community. Sharing my experiences and the knowledge gained is going to inspire others into active participation in their health, as well as in that of their loved ones. That's hoping to touch lives by helping others' lives through community outreach programs and volunteer work. Colleagues, I intend to be supportive and cooperative in this group. Nursing, in itself, is a work of pressure; talking about teamwork, mutual support has played a very important role so far. I will maintain a friendly and helpful work environment which provides optimal care to our patients, and helps each other in professional development. I would, in the future, like to be that light in every other person's life and a sign of hope to them. Through practice, such as nursing or taking care of my nephew like a mother, I try to live my faith and values installed in me by my religion, be it keeping busy within the community. This I do with a view to make a dent worth the while in people's lives and answer that deep call in my heart.
    Autumn Davis Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Emily, and I am from Denison, Texas. I am starting my career journey at the University of Arkansas this fall and applying to their excellent nursing school the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing. Above everything, these experiences have molded deeply held beliefs in mental health, relationships, and career aspirations for which, through mental health nursing, I am determined to make a change. It brings me to understand mental health struggles that emanate from personal challenges I have faced with my mental health, such as overthinking and not being able to focus. These have nurtured empathy and resilience in me and greatly influenced my understanding of the importance of support and compassion. The knowledge from these sessions further enriched the personal relationships I have been involved in, as I learned to be open and communicative in offering support. These experiences have thus influenced me to take up a career in which I will be of help to people taking up their mental health journey. Free time: traveling, concert-going with friends, shopping, family time, playing with babies. It balances my life and gives me great joy; it reminds me of my mental well-being. Particularly, the travel has opened my eyes to the diverse ways of life, cultures, and ways of living-a critical features in offering empathetic mental health care. The influence has further caused me to volunteer with the different ministries within my church, such as the youth groups, along with the outreach programs within the community. It is in such a life that I have come to realize how vital it is to have people around you close enough to support one emotionally for the mental status to be sustained. In serving others and sharing the love of Christ through acts of kindness, I witness how compassion and understanding positively change the mental health of individuals. One thing I am certain of is that, as a registered nurse, I will utilize my education and all those life experiences in further advanced practice in the care of patients with mental health issues. I will care for such patients holistically and sensitively so that comfort and understanding shall be accorded to them. I am current with recent progressions in mental health, besides being on a continuous lookout for ways to apply them in creating differences in people's lives. On one side, I shall be mentoring people and advocating for more community service to make the world more caring and sensitive. I consider myself blessed if I get the scholarship, I view this opportunity to expand my knowledge and competencies so that I will be more useful to people and their communities. I wish my career in mental health nursing to provide me with an avenue to give my contribution to the advancement of mental well-being, promote awareness about mental health, and bring comfort with empathy and compassion to those in distress.
    Etherine Tansimore Scholarship
    My name is Emily but everyone calls me Em and I am from Denison, Texas. I can barely contain my excitement when I say it out loud: I am about to attend my dream college the University of Arkansas and attend their excellent Eleanor Mann School of Nursing. It is here that I will work my way into the career field of a labor and delivery travel nurse career that encompasses my passions for health care, adventure, growth, and the love of helping others. My interest in labor and delivery nursing is influenced by my fascination with childbirth and the miracle of bringing new life into the world. It is indeed always an honor and a privilege to be able to share this very precious moment in any family's life. Fair enough, being a travel nurse will assure quality care to mothers and their newborns in whatever location, especially in underprivileged communities where health care is inaccessible and or not up to date. This way, I will be contributing positively to the life of every mother and child with the best service delivery regardless of the geographical location. I love traveling, listening to concerts with friends, shopping, spending time with my family, and playing with babies during my free time. All these activities keep me so happy and put me in a state of balance with my loved ones. Traveling opened my eyes to the different ways and cultures of living, and it showed me that actually, it's important to continue helping others in great communities with your future nursing career. Concerts, shopping, spending time with family, and playing with babies keep me real and focused on real issues in life: family and community. In the future, I look forward to taking part in my education and experiences to advance the nursing profession and continue offering quality service to mothers and their newborns. I would like to update myself regarding all the recent developments related to medical technologies and further create opportunities for availing those new technologies in my current practice, which indeed will enable me to make my contributions toward shaping the future of nursing. I also foresee being able to help others on their path spiritually and further committing myself within ministries at the church, and in helping out within the community as a means of paying it forward for the blessings and opportunities given unto me. Thank you for considering my application!
    Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Hello, my name is Emily, and I work as a travel labor and delivery nurse. This career has been fueled by my passion to support moms and families through this part of life where everything changes with new life being delivered into this world. My interest in science and mathematics throughout my journey to this day influenced me, as those subjects form the necessary knowledge base and skills that help understand intricacies of the human body and medical procedures involved in childbirth. The curiosity about human biology and a miracle of life instigated at an early stage. This fascination led me to further studies in science and mathematics in-depth studies of the subjects gave me a solid foundation for the pursuit of medical careers. All through my academic career, I have pursued academic excellence, participated in several research projects, and sought practical experience through internships and volunteer work. These experiences not only solidified my knowledge but further developed my passion for making a difference in the lives of others. Post-graduation, my number one priority remains to practice as a travel labor and delivery nurse; this enables me to combine my love for travel with my commitment to providing quality care to mothers and their newborns. This will give me the opportunity to amass different experiences working in different places, learning various health systems, and introducing innovative practices where I will be serving. Long-run Objective: I believe this field of nursing has to be one of those advanced systems wherein the integration of new technologies and improved standards of patient care have brought better outcomes for both mothers and babies. The scholarship would be a blessing and further endow me with resources to enhance my education, extending my multiplicity of serving others. The financial burdens have always been a big concern to me, and with the scholarship, it would alleviate the burden and let me focus more on my studies and future career. The scholarship will, therefore, be very significant in my endeavor as it will avail all learning materials that I need to attend conferences and any other training programs that introduce me to the latest knowledge and skills in the field of nursing labor and delivery. It would also enable me to further serve the community and church ministries that I have served for some time now. I believe in paying it forward, and once educated, I would love to return the favors through being able to mentor other people in their spiritual journeys and comfort less fortunate people through random acts of service and a show of kindness. Thus, this scholarship benefits not only me but also the many people and families I shall serve during my professional life because I am investing in my education. In my opinion, the position of a travel labor and delivery nurse is much more than a career; it is my calling. I feel this scholarship will afford me the opportunity to participate in my passion rather than having to be focused on what financial burdens it may cause. It has always been my resolve just to be able to make a difference in the field of nursing. I appreciate your giving me this privilege to share my story and aspirations. Thank you for considering my application.
    Public Service Scholarship of the Law Office of Shane Kadlec
    Public service has always been a field that I have personally identified with, inspired by the urge to bring about some form of change within society. Basically, an interest in public service develops through some combination of life and educational influences that combine with an inherent motivational drive to contribute positively to the well-being of the community and beyond. I had a very participatory parental background in community service when growing up, and was a very empathetic, compassionate, caring young boy. They instilled the value of giving back very early in my life. After watching how committed they were to helping people, I knew that public service wasn't just a job-it's called to serve. These were the early exposures that planted the seeds for my passion to do public service, and with time, it grew even stronger. Further, education stirred my interest in public service. My academic career really pointed me in the direction of social studies, political science, and ethics. These subjects opened my eyes to the many complexities surrounding societal issues and how public policy and governance can play a role in those areas. The life stories of individuals throughout history who had dedicated their lives to public service and provided immense change in society truly inspired me. Their legacy made me believe that I, too, could make a difference. Later in college, it was my involvement with one community outreach program that became, in reality, the pivotal moment that sealed my decision for this career in public service. It was a program aimed at providing educational support and facilities to some of the less privileged children within our locality. Working this closely with the children and witnessing all the different tragedies they went through every day were heart-rending, to say the least, and an eye-opener. This further reiterated unequal opportunity and the need for concrete public policy in an attempt at bridging gaps. This experience crystallized my commitment to service and resolve by working toward the equity of society. Above all, I am driven by a sense of responsibility: to utilize my experience, knowledge, and skill for the betterment of society. In a time when it would appear all seem to be working for individual gains, I strongly believe that public service offers an unparalleled opportunity that places others before self. It has also allowed me to be a part of something bigger than myself and enable me to contribute toward the common good. That which excites me most is the fact that I can work on policies and initiatives which will better lives, promote social justice, and further sustainable development. Interest in public service rises from a combination of personal values, educational influences, and interest in the solution of societal challenges. It is for this reason that I am taking up this career path, having in mind that I wholly believe in the power of public service to create meaningful change and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. In fact, this is truly the path that meets my values, passion, and aspiration, and hence the call for me to commit the rest of my life in creating positive change through the power of public service.
    Student Referee Scholarship
    One of my most memorable moments refereeing is from an outstanding high school basketball championship match. The atmosphere in the gym was electric, and the fans filled the stands and supported their teams with cheers. The game was extremely close; all the players were it giving their all, and the score kept switching between the teams. Being a referee, I always focused on making sure everything was called correctly some moments the stakes were high, and pressure was felt. What made that memory very special is the sportsmanship coming from the players and their coaches. So much pressure in that situation, yet they could respect each other. One that really has stuck, though, from the close of the game, was the player from one team helping up an opponent after a hard fall and receiving applause from the entire gym. That was one of those beautiful reminders of the true spirit of sportsmanship. In general, taking part in sports as a referee has strengthened my character in numerous ways. Most importantly, refereeing has taught me the importance of integrity and fair play. As a referee, the core of my job is to ensure a game is played fairly and that the rules are followed, affording equal opportunity for all players to participate. This requires an intense sense of morals and principles and the ability to make impartial decisions amidst pressures from players, coaches, and fans. Refereeing also taught me to develop good communication skills. Officiating means clearly communicating with players and coaches while arguing over decisions-mostly in high-pressure situations. I have learned how to communicate calmly and eloquently in pressure situations from it, which has been very valuable in other aspects of my life. Moreover, refereeing has taught me the importance of teamwork and collaboration. While most discussions involve players, referees also require teamwork for the game to flow. Communication and cooperation are constant, both with fellow officials, coaches, and players. I have learned from this how to work effectively within a team, balancing my personal responsibilities with the needs of that particular team. Later on, I want to continue being involved in refereeing and to take on new challenges within the field. Among my goals, there is an ambition to be certified for a higher level of competition, like college level or even professional games. For this, one will have to continue his development as a referee and build more experience, look for further training, and certification opportunities. I will also mentor and support those new referees who enter the service. I remember how it went with me when I first started officiating, and I must say that it is very daunting. I want to help others through the challenges and build their confidence and skills. By sharing my experiences and offering guidance, I hope to contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of referees. Furthermore, I promise to help infuse values about sportsmanship, justice, and respect within the sports fraternity. It is through refereeing that I get to set a good example to the players, coaches, and fans in building an atmosphere that will allow everyone to enjoy the game and have fair competition. By upholding all these values, I can make more meaningful impact on the lives of the young athletes and help build a better, more inclusive sports culture. Above all, refereeing has been an excellent experience, and it has played an important and influential role in my character and values. I look forward to continuing this journey and to making positive contributions within the sports community for years to come.
    Sammy Ochoa Memorial Scholarship
    I am Emily and I am a senior at Denison High School, and I have always wanted to be a labor and delivery travel nurse. My life journey so far has not been easy, but it has sculpted me into the person I am today and molded my desire to change the world. Growing up, my family had financial burdens that appeared endless. My parents had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and often we didn't have the greatest of times trying to put food on the table. I remember the stress and a stress-filled face my parents always wore, the many things they forsook just to see that my siblings and I had our needs. Nevertheless, my parents never stopped being impressed by the use of education and hard work. They motivated me to pursue my dreams, no matter how hard the road ahead would be. One of the toughest times was when Dad lost his job. It was as if the ground we stood on started crumbling. We had to vacate our house and move into this small apartment. There was a sense of instability everywhere, yet it knit us closer. We learned to support one another in ways that we had not before. My mom started pulling extra shifts at work, while I took on a part-time job, trying to balance school with helping pay the bills. It was a tough time, yet one that gave me resilience and the value of perseverance. Despite such challenges, I did well in school and became interested in health care. Locally, I volunteered at clinics and shadowed nurses, further confirming my passion for becoming a labor and delivery nurse. I witnessed firsthand the difference compassionate care can make in someone's life, and I knew right then that I wanted to be part of that. Currently, I am getting ready to attend the University of Arkansas to obtain my nursing degree. I want to work as a travel labor and delivery nurse so I can take care of mothers and babies with basic needs and poor medical services all over the world. I want to make sure every mother will have a safe and positive birth experience no matter where in the world. Therefore, all the problems that my family has been experiencing with finances have directed me not only to be successful in life but to give something back to society. I want my career to support others in need and help people get through tough times. So, quality healthcare can bring about a massive difference in so many families' lives. I now know, looking back, that the trials and tribulations our family has lived through taught me a lot about determination and how to grow stronger. They taught me about empathy, compassion, and community. I carry these lessons forward on my journey and am committed to leaving a positive impact on the world one patient at a time. Everything that has happened in my life has contributed to my goals and my desire to make a difference in others. I pray that through a career as a travel labor and delivery nurse, I can give care and support to those most deserving and impact the world in a lasting way.
    Green Davis Teacher Training Scholarship
    The philosophy of teaching for me is pegged on the perception that education acts as a workable tool for the transformation of self and society. Education, therefore, stands out as one of the sure ways through which the individual can be empowered, critical thinking stimulated, and a sense of curiosity and lifelong learning instilled in him or her. I was born and brought up in a multicultural environment; I know how richness in perspective adds to education. It has thus influenced my approach toward teaching whereby, I try to bring in cultural and linguistic diversity into the lessons. I believe this enhances the learning experience for my students, besides fostering an appreciation of self-worth. Therefore, this is the most efficient way of interactive, student-centered teaching methodology in my classroom. Examples of such strategies may include collaborative learning, project-based activity, and integration of technology that actively engage students in learning and make it relevant to their daily life. For example, my class teacher used to give projects which included working as a group for the development of teamwork and problem-solving skills. This I would do by structuring lessons in culturally responsive and linguistically responsive ways with the intention of providing a meaningful learning process in which all students would be able to relate to something and find some worth. One of my most important goals as a teacher would be to make a difference in their academic and social lives. I work at building a strong academic foundation, since acquiring knowledge provides an important foundation in reaching my goal of instilling a love of learning in my students that can last a lifetime. Socially, I want to make sure the student is free to be him/her and takes risks, making mistakes while working through the process of progression through trial and error systematically. By instilling in my students a growth mindset, I firmly believe that they will tackle challenges head-on and further build confidence. This would be done in accomplishing these goals through the use of differentiated instruction to address the diversification of students' needs, including modifications in teaching methods and instructional materials to meet different styles, abilities, and interests of students. Apart from this, I embed social-emotional learning into my curriculum so that students can learn the needed skills in areas such as empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. I am committed to professional growth. Continuous development for me means allowing people to become effective educators. To this regard, I will seek active professional development through attending workshops, conferences, and online courses that shall keep me updated with the latest educational research and best practices. My approach in reflective practice will lead me to regular assessment of my teaching methods by seeking feedback from colleagues and students regarding my identification of areas for improvement. I also want to establish a network with other educators that will be supportive. This will indeed enable me to share my ideas with them as I learn from their experiences for new insights into the effective strategies of teaching. In this way, I can make the necessary adjustments in teaching to meet the various needs of all my students. Thus, the cornerstone of my philosophy of teaching is that education is a transformative force that can be used to empower citizens for a world of social inclusion and equity. By creating a culturally and linguistically responsive learning environment, using effective teaching strategies, and being committed to professional growth continuously, I seek to make positive and lasting impacts on my students' building, making them confident, successful learners.
    Hampton Roads Unity "Be a Pillar" Scholarship
    Indeed, I have been affected by a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and it set the scale for my plans for future activism. This was during my first year in college when I had become friends with a classmate named Alex. He was blunt about his identity as non-binary, and he grew to be one of my closest friends. It was through our talks, however, that I found out about the difficulties and discriminations they were facing daily: misgendering and abhorrent hostility. This opened my eyes to an important realization-the need for an advocacy of support for the LGBTQIA+. There's one incident that has stuck in my mind. Alex and I attended one of the events organized on the university campus, where a bunch of students, while passing by, started rotten comments about their gender identity. I could see how those remarks made him feel pain and uncomfortable, and that was enough to remind me how prevalent prejudice still is. And it was that feeling of witnessing this wrong on my behalf that made a fire within me, that I needed to act more actively in fostering equality and acceptance. From there, I joined the LGBTQIA+ college support group and participated in many events trying to raise awareness, accommodate more individuals on campus, and educate people about the sensitivity that comes with respecting and supporting identity diversity through workshops and support groups. This experience helped me grow not only as an ally but also reassured my commitment to the fight for equality. Looking to the future, my own path in activism has been deeply informed by the friendship of Alex and experiences shared. I will continue my passion in activism for the rights of LGBTQIA+ people by continuing to take part in organizations that will help in policy change, education, and services to the community. I strongly believe that this is how society can become inclusive: through knowledge-sharing and challenging unjust practices at all levels. I envision a world where no one has to live in fear of discrimination or prejudice because of their identity. The relationship I develop with Alex has been one of the most pivotal forces in my commitment to activism in service of LGBTQIA+. Their bravery and resilience in the face of a sea of adversity galvanized me to take a stand and struggle for a world that was fairer and more accepting. In the future, I am committed to lending my voice and actions in support of the LGBTQIA+ community and to advocate for lasting change.
    District 27-A2 Lions Diabetes Awareness Scholarship
    Living with diabetes has formed in me the person that I am today. When I was first diagnosed, my world was upside down. The initial shock and drastic changes I had to make within my lifestyle were so overwhelming. As time went by, I looked upon my condition no longer as a limitation but more as an opportunity toward resilience. Living with Diabetes management calls for self-discipline, awareness, and self-care on a different level. All these features have collectively instilled a sense of maturity in me, perhaps a little more than what I would naturally or otherwise have developed. One of the most influential aspects of diabetes in my life is the self-awareness and proactive health management. I've grown fully aware of my body and its needs, the signals, which have made me highly attuned to my overall well-being. This goes further than just health; it's made me highly aware of my mental and emotional state. I know when I get stressed or anxious and have learned the signs and ways to overcome such situations effectively. This is an approach to health that helped me a lot. Diabetes has also taught me the importance of planning and organization. Management of blood sugar, medication, diet, and exercise is highly detailed and needs to be planned out, and constantly addressed. This necessity has further translated into other areas of my life, making me organized and goal-oriented. I am good at setting realistic goals, breaking them down into achievable steps, and tracking my progress. Those skills have been priceless in my academic and professional life, enabling me to make it through different functions well. But more than anything, it has instilled in me a feeling of empathy and compassion while living with diabetes. I am fully aware of the swaddling and frustration accompanying the management of one's chronic disease, and this has made me more understanding toward other people who go through the same thing. I had become an advocate for health awareness and support, often volunteering to share my experiences and offer guidance to others newly diagnosed with diabetes. This has, without doubt, been an enriching experience in advocacy and further strengthened my need to make positive contributions to the lives of others. Going into the future, I feel that my experience with diabetes will continue to shape my life in meaningful ways: the resilience and self-discipline developed will, without question, serve me in my future personal and professional life. I am now more than ever determined to embark on a healthcare career, whereby the challenges I went through would be of immense value in the management of the conditions of others, improving their quality of life. Having lived with a chronic illness firsthand provides a perspective that will be invaluable in providing compassionate and effective care. Besides, organizational and planning skills will be highly important in overcoming the complexities of higher education and a demanding career. I am quite confident that what I have learned by managing diabetes will help me remain focused, motivated, and resilient during obstacles in life. In essence, living with diabetes has etched contours of who I am in possibly one of the most profound dimensions: into a person of character, values, and aspiration. It has taught me strong-willed perseverance, self-awareness, empathy, and how to face up to health management. Taking this into the future, I would trust in these experiences that have continued to guide and enable me to pursue my dreams and make wholesome positive changes in the world around me.
    Stewart Family Legacy Scholarship
    In and of themselves, leadership and science are drivers of our futures through innovation, problem solving, and guiding the course of development in societies. In other words: Leadership allows for the formulation of visions and the promotion of change in attempts to inspire and motivate people towards a shared goal. It would be the effective leader who is capable of highlighting challenges, accepting strategic plans for their solution and mobilizing resources for that purpose. For these reasons, leadership is crucial to the establishment of an intellectual atmosphere in which scientific research and innovation can occur. In this direction, leaders in science seek funding, formulate policies that favor research and development, and ensure that ethical parameters are enforced. In turn, science has equipped us with the knowledge and tools to address the world's top problems, ranging from medical breakthroughs and environmental conservation to coping with life. For instance, scientific research in the health sector leads to the establishment of new treatments and technologies that improve patient care, while research in environmental sciences helps us to understand climate change and find ways of softening its impact. Where leadership and science meet, magic is created. Leaders who understand and value science are in a position to make decisions on fact that foster sustainable development and innovation. For example, leaders supporting scientific research in health can speed up the processes of developing life-saving vaccines and treatments. Similarly, leaders who will enforce the application of science to the environment will further policies for the protection of natural resources while encouraging sustainability. In the years to come, the teamwork between leadership and science will be increasingly crucial. From global challenges like climate change, pandemics, and technological disruptions, we require strong leadership with a scientific background or at least knowledge in decision-making. A leader has to increasingly solve complicated problems, make informed decisions using data evidence, and build an international team for overcoming such global adversities. Moreover, linking leadership and science could provide economic development and the opening of more prospects. By means of investment in scientific research and innovation, leaders are able to support economic growth through job creation and making an economy more competitive. For example, renewable energy technology innovations may allow the emergence of new industries and a decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. Education also provides a very key avenue in shaping the direction of leadership and science. STEM education will help to ensure that the next generation of scientists and leaders continue to forge progress toward the future. Educational institutions and policy makers have to strive toward providing access to quality education and resource opportunities, enabling people to build on scientific and social advancements. The duo of forces that leadership and science represent together shape the future and create innovating solutions to complex problems, while steering the progress of society. Much as appreciating scientific knowledge and integrating it into effective leadership the world over will therefore lead to solving global challenges, promoting sustainable development, and advance new opportunities for economic growth. The collaboration between leadership and science will be at the heart of dealing with complexity facing our world and assuring a prosperous, sustainable future for all in the years to come.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    I have always found nursing to be a very personal and emotional field that one can work in, and it probably will be so in the future. My mom chose to serve other people in a nursing home, and this made me develop a real passion for being a nurse. Compassionate looks, acts of commitment, and tireless make-a-difference drive in patients' lives have greatly impressed my soul. My mother's commitment to her career has shaped my desire to be just like her and contribute to the nursing field. From childhood, my fascination with health and how much particular difference one solitary nurse can bring about to the life of a given patient kept growing. Growing up, my mother would relate many incidents from being a caregiver to the elderly in a nursing home. She often spoke about the rapport she could build with her patients and how fulfilling it was to know she served a positive purpose in their lives. I admired her so much; she had so much compassion and empathy, which further inspired me to seek a profession that offers similar care and support to people in need. This makes me want to be a travel labor and delivery nurse, to be able to give care and support mothers in various healthcare settings, most especially in those areas that are at a disadvantage. I strongly feel that all mothers deserve quality health care, irrespective of their living conditions or address. As a labor and delivery nurse, I would like to help bridge the health disparity gap by bringing my expertise to communities that are usually neglected. I want to be there for mothers at one of the most important moments of their lives, offering them the support and care necessary for a safe, positive birthing experience. I would, other than providing care, like to bring awareness in some capacity: counseling, social work, or education about mental health. My experiences with mental health have taught me resilience, problem-solving, and empathy skills that are important, I believe, a nurse should possess. I want to draw upon my experiences and use them to support and empower others while ensuring their care is holistic. This is how I aspire to make a difference: developing a more holistic and compassionate healthcare system, patient by patient, through handling their physical and mental needs. For me, it would have to be about finding a balance between professional fulfillment and personal stability as a travel labor and delivery nurse. By age 24, I envision myself having a paid-off home and car, to the extent that I will have the financial freedom to pursue personal and career goals. This scholarship will help alleviate some of these financial burdens of education so that my time and energy can be devoted to studies and clinical experiences. This scholarship, no doubt, will play an important role in my successful journey of bringing about positive changes in mothers' and babies' lives while living my dream. My interest in nursing grew deep inside me due to my mother's inspiration and the urge to make a difference in people's lives. My goal is to provide care and support for mothers from all different facades of health, be an advocate for mental health awareness, and make a difference by promoting a kinder system of health care. I am sure that with the support of the scholarship, I will be able to reach my goals and satisfy my dream of being an enduring impact nurse in the patients' lives.
    Lexi Nicole Olvera Memorial Scholarship
    I have always found nursing to be a very personal and emotional field that one can work in, and it probably will be so in the future. My mom chose to serve other people in a nursing home, and this made me develop a real passion for being a nurse. Compassionate looks, acts of commitment, and tireless make-a-difference drive in patients' lives have greatly impressed my soul. My mother's commitment to her career has shaped my desire to be just like her and contribute to the nursing field. From childhood, my fascination with health and how much particular difference one solitary nurse can bring about to the life of a given patient kept growing. Growing up, my mother would relate many incidents from being a caregiver to the elderly in a nursing home. She would often speak about the rapport she could build with her patients and how fulfilling it was to know she served a positive purpose in their lives. I admired her so much; she had so much compassion and empathy, which further inspired me to seek a profession that offers similar care and support to people in need. This makes me want to be a travel labor and delivery nurse, to be able to give care and support mothers in various healthcare settings, most especially in those areas that are at a disadvantage. I strongly feel that all mothers deserve quality health care, irrespective of their living conditions or address. As a labor and delivery nurse, I would like to help bridge the gap in health disparity by bringing my expertise to those communities that are usually neglected. I want to be there for mothers at one of the most important moments of their lives, offering them the support and care necessary for a safe, positive birthing experience. I would, other than providing care, like to bring awareness in some capacity: counseling, social work, or education about mental health. My experiences with mental health have taught me resilience, problem-solving, and empathy skills that are important, I believe, a nurse should possess. I want to draw upon my experiences and use them to support and empower others while ensuring their care is holistic. This is how I aspire to make a difference: developing a more holistic and compassionate healthcare system, patient by patient, through handling their physical and mental needs. For me, it would have to be about finding a balance between professional fulfillment and personal stability as a travel labor and delivery nurse. By age 24, I envision myself having a paid-off home and car, to the extent that I will have the financial freedom to pursue personal and career goals. This scholarship will help alleviate some of these financial burdens of education so that my time and energy can be devoted to studies and clinical experiences. This scholarship, no doubt, will play an important role in my successful journey of bringing about positive changes in mothers' and babies' lives while living my dream. My interest in nursing grew deep inside me due to my mother's inspiration and the urge to make a difference in people's lives. My goal is the ability to provide care and support for mothers from all different facades of health, be an advocate for mental health awareness, and make a difference by promoting a kinder system of health care. I am sure that with the support of the scholarship, I will be able to reach my goals and satisfy my dream of being an enduring impact nurse in the patients' lives.
    Rick Levin Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my journey as a teacher assistant to special needs children, I came across numerous people who have touched my life significantly. Among the many, there is one figure who inspires me most in my special education program: Ms. Thompson, the dedicated and compassionate special education teacher. Her dedication to her students and nurturing and inclusive environment have inspired me and challenged my lifelong goal of being a travel nurse. I am now seriously considering a career as a special needs teacher. Ms. Thompson's classroom is a place of dignity and understanding for every student. Her patience and empathy are expressed in every action she makes with her children. She does whatever it takes to make sure each child receives as much individualized attention and support as needed for them to be successful both academically and emotionally. I have watched her with my own eyes and have seen the immense difference a passionate and caring teacher can make in the lives of special needs children. One thing that stuck in my mind while working with Ms. Thompson was when we had to put on a school play. The children were stressed about being in front of an audience, to which she immediately reassured them and made it a very positive experience. Countless hours of rehearsals, changing script lines around to fit their needs, and reassuring them it would all work out-just some of the ways to build up their confidence. Indeed, joy and pride were etched on their faces that particular day and words could not define them. This is one of those great moments that states how huge education is and how significant a supportive and inclusive environment is. Presently, I feel grateful as a teacher assistant to have been able to work closely with these amazing children, witnessing their growth and progress. Each day brings an array of challenges and opportunities for learning which I have grown to love in the moments of connection and breakthrough created in the classroom. The relationships I have built with the students and their families have been very rewarding, and I feel great satisfaction in knowing that I am making a positive difference in their lives. My initial desire to be a travel nurse was so that I could provide care for mothers in all different settings, especially those that were underserved. However, this special education program has opened my eyes to another route. I have learned that my true passion is advocating for special needs children. The patience, empathy, and problem-solving skills developed from working as a teacher assistant in this area are invaluable. Moreover, that sense of purpose and fulfillment felt when working with these children, is particularly incomparable. I am equally impressed by the resilience and determination of the students I work with. Despite challenges, they face each new day with optimism and a desire to learn. Their progress, however minuscule, stands as a testament to their strength and power of supportive educational contact. I look forward to continuing my education and professional development to become the best advocate and educator for these children. Ms. Thompson's passion and the great experiences I have had as a teacher assistant have further inspired me to become a special needs teacher. While the travel nurse vocation was an initial goal for me in caregiving, now I know I am called to special education. I welcome the opportunity that allows me to make certain impacts on the lives of special needs children and their families, and I am committed to continuing my journey in this rewarding and fulfilling profession.
    Learner Online Learning Innovator Scholarship for Veterans
    Quizlet has been so helpful in building up the levels of understanding that I have reached in the subjects that I study. This is because it has several study tools, which avail versatile modes of learning, hence making concepts easier to grasp and retain. One of the most useful things about Quizlet is the flashcards. Flashcards are good means through which to conduct active recall, which is very important in memory retention. The more regularly I test myself using the flashcards, the more I can reinforce my knowledge of the key terms and concepts. This technique helps me transfer the information from my short-term to my long-term memory, where it becomes much easier to recall either for exams or practical use. Apart from the flashcards, Quizlet also includes practice quizzes and tests providing immediate feedback. This is helpful in the sense that it makes me realize where I need further practice. For example, if I happen to get particular questions wrong all the time, this simply means I have to go through that material again and again. A focused approach to test preparation such as this helps me organize my efforts well and hence understand the subject matter well. Another very useful point of Quizlet is being able to generate and share study sets with classmates. I know this is one of the most powerful ways to learn because I get to learn from other perspectives and understandings of the material. I can go through different study sets others make, therefore learning something that might have taken more time if I had to do it myself. Other than that, making my study sets lets me review the material once more; hence, the deeper my understanding becomes when I organize information and generate questions. With Quizlet's "Learn," "Match," and "Gravity" available study modes, studying will be more interactive and engaging. Such modes make learning easier and not so tedious; that is one of the most important things in maintaining motivation for long study sessions. For instance, the "Learn" mode automatically adjusts to my progress, so that over time, it focuses more on the terms that I struggle with and makes sure I have mastered everything. Matching and Gravity games turn studying into a fun, competitive event; therefore, studying can be less stressful and more vivid. Quizlet resources, such as study guides and class notes, have been critical to my studies. They are elaborately explained with detailed examples that explain complex issues. As it were, studying for my would-be position as a travel labor and delivery nurse requires me to work out study sets concerning anatomy, physiology, and patient care. These study sets have details and real-life-like scenarios that orient me to an actual health situation. Overall, Quizlet has enriched my understanding of whatever subjects I study. The variety of study tools, immediate feedback, and collaboration features available on this site make learning more effective and thus enjoyable. The more active I am in the class and the better I learn from the resources available to me, the easier it will be to apply my knowledge in real-life situations. This is why, as I forge ahead in my career as a travel labor and delivery nurse, I am always sure that Quizlet will continue to be an indispensable tool in all my academic and professional pursuits.
    Gabriel Martin Memorial Annual Scholarship
    Vasovagal syncope has indeed brought a challenge to me while living with the condition. Sudden heart rate and blood pressure drops, with inevitable sudden fainting spells, have made me more aware of my health and take precautions where necessary to try and avoid triggers for such an attack. It has been a kind of learning curve to learn how to cope with my stress, stay hydrated, and always be in a secure place when an episode could occur. Despite these difficulties, it taught me much more about my body and the best ways to care for it. This condition has also taught me the importance of resilience and problem-solving skills. Each time I have faced an episode, quick thinking and adapting to the situation have been necessary. These experiences have fortified my ability to keep calm under pressure, which is important in labor and delivery nursing. I have learned how to approach problems with a clear mind and find effective solutions that will be very helpful in supporting mothers during birth. My ultimate goal is to be able to practice as a traveling labor and delivery nurse-a career that marries my passion for health care with my desire to assist mothers on one of the most significant occasions in their lives. This medical condition has influenced this journey into the career path that I have chosen because it has increased my sensitivity and awareness toward patients' needs. I would like to incorporate my experiences into compassionate care, making the mothers feel supported and safe throughout labor and delivery. Academically, I am committed to achieving excellence in my studies and field experiences. The scholarship I receive is critical in taking some of the financial load off of my education so that I can spend more time focusing on my clinical experiences and my academic courses. I am thankful for the University of Arkansas support because it has contributed to my academic excellence. The support here will not only be financially enabling but also build my professional reputation for better internships or job prospects for my future career. Later in the years, I will make sure that I can have a perfect balance between professional fulfillment and personal stability. At age 24, I want to be debt-free about my house and car, which shall provide the financial security to allow pursuit of career goals without added stress. I want to be a traveling labor and delivery nurse, touching mothers' and babies' lives to make a difference, whether in an underserved area or even an ordinary one. My scholarship and education will provide the much-needed key to support me in the realization of these goals and changing society. Ultimately, living with vasovagal syncope has shaped me as an empathizing resilient, determined person. Such attributes will surely serve me in my future as a labor and delivery nurse. I look to what the future holds and promise my heart to give quality care to mothers and their babies-to be supportive and empowering during such a vital period of their lives.
    Jessica's Journey Brain Tumor Survivor Scholarship
    Having a brain tumor has been one of my most dislocating experiences. It tested my resilience, problem-solving skills, and empathy in ways I never expected. The journey was not only about fighting a serious health situation but also about understanding my inner self and the importance of mental health. This experience influenced me deeply toward life and urged me to promote mental health awareness in my future endeavors. Along the way, the learning of a support system and the power of attitude played a great role. What keeps pushing me to move on in life is the urge to make a difference in other people's lives, especially those who face their own health challenges. I would like to return the same amount of care and support that I received in those distressing situations. My goal is to be a travel labor and delivery nurse, where I can provide care and support for mothers and their newborn babies in diverse health settings. This career appeals to me because it blends my interest in health care with my other interests of traveling and adventure. This also affords me an opportunity to reach some of the most underserved areas with much-needed critical care. On the academic front, I am engaged in reading and studying hard to excel in my studies to gain as much knowledge as possible and clinical experience. The scholarship being given to me aids in covering the burden of education in general; therefore, it is very important and helps take the stressors associated with funding off my mind. I really owe a lot to the University of Arkansas since this is no doubt one of the main reasons for my success. The scholarship not only enables me to pursue higher education but also adds to my professional image since this prestigious scholarship will open doors for internships and job opportunities that further prepare and place me for career advancement. In the long run, I hope to strike a balance between professional satisfaction and personal security. By the time I am 24 years old, I want to have a fully paid house and car so that a financially stable foundation is laid on which I can comfortable pursue my career interests and further growth. I pledge to make a change in the life of mothers and babies while living my dream. These goals are going to be assisted nicely, and I can make a difference with the help of my scholarship and education.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    I am Emily, and I am a senior at Denison High School. I love helping others in need, attending concerts, shopping with friends, and learning new things! I come from a single-parent household and live with my mom and brother. My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and why I want to become a nurse. My favorite thing in the whole world is babies and I am currently on the route of obtaining my degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. Once I obtain my degree I want to sign contracts for different hospitals and travel the world to ensure that patients all over the world are getting the quality healthcare that they all deserve. Ever since I can remember, my mom and I would spend our spare time going to the nursing home where she works to visit with all of the elderly people. My mom and I would help them put together puzzles, feed bread to the birds that were on the patio, and talk to them about how much they all miss their families who abandoned them after they placed them in this nursing home. After spending my entire childhood watching my mom be a nurse and changing the lives of these elderly people I realized that I wanted to do this too. I want to help people and change their lives for the better just like my mom always has. By becoming a labor and delivery nurse I will be able to help not only women who are experiencing childbirth but also their baby(s). I will get to save their lives and ensure that if any complications were to occur I could help solve them. I believe that giving my patients quality care is the root of making a positive impact on the world and the medical field. I am committed to always evolving and becoming better in my nursing journey. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will do my best to address not only my patient's physical health but also their emotional and psychological ones. I am going to build strong, trustworthy relationships with all of my patients, where they know that their needs are going to be met and their problems will all be resolved to the best of my abilities. I want every patient that I treat to feel heard, respected, and supported. This approach to bettering the nursing field is my plan to make a positive impact on the world.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    The struggles with mental health shaped not only my beliefs but also the relationships I made and my career aspirations as a travel labor and delivery nurse. It has been a rather arduous and enlightening journey, one from which a lot of valuable insights have stemmed to affect every aspect of my life. Perhaps among the most profound ways my mental health journey has influenced me are in my beliefs about resilience and empathy. Certain experiences in mental health have taught me resilience-how one copes with and deals with setbacks and keeps right on trucking forward despite hardships. This belief in resilience, to me, is quite important in this field of nursing, especially in labor and delivery, since there can always be complications ensuing, and emotional support is considered very vital. These experiences have also made me more emphatic toward others. These struggles, when understood, have helped me become kind and sensitive to my patients. It leads to a trusting relationship with a patient who feels understood and supported. Mental health-wise, this has taught me the value of communication and support in any relationship. I've learned that communication is the key to healthy relationships, which all make for a very important nursing career of teamwork and collaboration. Opening up my experiences has allowed me to develop closer relationships with my friends, family, and coworkers alike. I have also learned that it is good to have people around you with whom you may be able to share everything. Having supportive and understanding people around me means a great deal in my journey, and I try not to lag in offering the same to people, both personally and professionally. Mental health experiences have reinforced my aspirations for work as a travel labor and delivery nurse. I am highly interested in the care and support of mothers in different healthcare settings that also involve highly underserved populations. I believe that all mothers should have the birth experience that they deserve, and I am committed to making that a reality for as many women as possible. Another aspect of my career desires involves financial stability, which my mental health journey has influenced. At the age of twenty-four, I want to own a fully paid house and a car for stability in one's life and to free the mind to focus on building one's career and personal growth. This scholarship is very important to me because it lessens some of the financial burdens regarding education and allows me to have more freedom to focus on my studies and clinical experiences. With this scholarship, I am capable of further enhancing my professional reputation by creating new paths through participating in internships or by viewing various job opportunities. As a travel labor and delivery nurse, my top priority is a personal balance between my career and personal life. Within my mental health journey, I have learned the importance of self-care and a healthy work-life balance. To take care of my patients, I need to take care of myself by setting boundaries, taking priority in self-care practices, and seeking help if the need arises. I am committed to a balance that enables me to give my best to my career and at the same time enables me to stay healthy mentally and emotionally. In ending, mental health has altered a lot in the way I view beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations as a travel labor and delivery nurse by imparting important lessons such as resilience, empathy, communication, and support. These have been lessons that shaped my nursing practice and molded me to be compassionate, and an effective caregiver. My mental health journey brought out the importance of financial stability and work-life balance for professional fulfillment and personal stability. I am so grateful for the University of Arkansas' educational support and this scholarship, as it will add to my success in making a positive impact on mothers' and babies' lives as I pursue my dreams.
    Mental Health Profession Scholarship
    It is a very personal struggle that is still ongoing to this day. From seeking professional help, having a strong support network, and putting in place self-care practices, the lot I have tried. Naturally, therapy becomes an important foundation in this process: it provides a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings, putting into place coping strategies. Still, the most valuable support has come from friends and family. They are an understanding, encouragement, and sense of belonging that fights the feeling of isolation. Exercising regularly, meditating, and eating a good diet helped in manage my mental health. It is through exercise that your body releases endorphins, which help improve your mood and lower the levels of stress. The mindfulness meditation taught me how to live in the moment and deal with anxiety more constructively. Sleep and setting boundaries to prevent burnout are other indispensable parts of my self-care. Going forward, I am committed to supporting others and creating awareness around mental health challenges. I would like to help other people in my future roles as a counselor, social worker, or educator to use personal experiences and professional training during their journey of maintaining good mental health. The non-judgmental space that I create provides them with every good opportunity to continue open conversations with me about their mental health and hopefully decrease the stigma associated with it. One way I wish to help others is through the leading of support groups where experiences and information can be shared between members, as well as cohesion and mutual support that is largely absent from the lives of the poorly mentally healthy. I also want to promote education on mental health in both schools and workplaces to impress upon them the necessity of early intervention and what resources can be used to help someone. Raising awareness is also very important. I want to raise awareness about mental health issues and resources through social media platforms, public speaking opportunities, and events within the community. I want to normalize mental health challenges by telling my story and others in hopes that people will feel inspired to speak out and get help. I also plan to develop access to mental health through various local organizations and health providers, especially in communities that have been traditionally underserved. These may include workshops, the distribution of information, and the advancement of advocacy efforts at higher levels of government to drive policy changes toward funding and resourcing mental health. Last but not least, professional help, support networks, and self-care are critical elements that come into play to surmount mental health issues. Going ahead, I shall continue using my experiences and skills to help others and raise more awareness about mental health. By providing effective support, education, and advocacy, I'll always be committed to enriching this mental health landscape to help others find strength and the means to prosper.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    "Behold! human beings living in an underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets." In Plato's "The Republic," the Allegory of the Cave is a deep metaphor about human perception and enlightenment. At the very core of the allegory, humans are shown within a limited realm of reality, prisoners of it-as if they sat within a cave staring at the dim shapes on the wall. The underlying meaning in most of Plato's works is related to enlightenment and the passage from ignorance to knowledge. He affirmed that human beings lived in a state of ignorance, considering this world of sensory experience as the ultimate reality. This is depicted by the chained prisoners who cannot see the real origin of the shadows-the light of fire behind them. Plato portrays the process of enlightenment as neither easy nor simple, but rather as one that requires a radical change in perception. The escape from the cave is a symbol of the ascent of the philosopher to knowledge and to the understanding of Forms constituting the true reality of things. Light from the fire represents the early stages of enlightenment, while the sun outside the cave symbolizes the ultimate source of truth. This is an intellectual and moral ascent; it also involves turning away from the comfortable deceptions of the familiar and confronting the painful truths of existence. Moreover, Plato's allegory emphasizes the contribution a philosopher makes to society. In return, enlightenment imposes on them a duty: again, to return to the cave and help others out of their state of ignorance, even if they are resisted or hostile towards them. This was in tune with Plato's view of the 'philosopher-king', a ruler who not only was wise but also virtuous enough to lead society for the common good. In other words, the essence of the Allegory of the Cave is timeless in its stress upon human nature: education, critical thinking, and pursuit of truth are the keys toward breaking human ignorance for social justice. The prisoners in the cave, bound and facing a wall, perceive nothing but the shadows of things reflected by the fire burning behind them. The shadows symbolize the perceptions of those whose view is that empirical evidence constitutes ultimate reality. Plato uses this imagery to illustrate that what we perceive through our senses is but a shadow of the true form of reality. In this case, the chains stand for the conceptual restraints of ignorance, which in fact withhold from them a world of reality beyond the superficial vision. The fire that has been burning behind the prisoners throughout the story is an essential object in the allegory. It symbolizes the very first glimpse of enlightenment, a bridge to the ultimate truth. But it is not the origin of the highest light; it is only a reflection of the true light, which is the sun outside the cave. He uses the sun as an allegory for the Form of Good, the principle imparting intelligibility and light to all other Forms. This climb up towards the sun symbolizes the attempt of the philosopher to reach the very highest wisdom and knowledge. The climbing out of the cave is hard and turns the gaze away from the shadows in the direction of light. This turning away is indicative of the intellectual-moral awakening that constitutes enlightenment. It involves much questioning and critical re-evaluation of those beliefs and assumptions hitherto taken for granted. The initial exposure to the light is blinding and painful, and this reflects the discomfort and resistance that often accompany the process whereby a correct apprehension of reality is gained. But once the eyes get used to it, a person starts to see and understand the reality that is of a higher order. In this respect, another important thing developed in Plato's allegory is the very notion of education and its power for transformation. For him, education is not just a factor of information but rather a method of soul transformation in relation to self-awareness and acquaintance with the Form. Education is the turning of the soul from darkness to light, from ignorance to cognition and truth. This process of education is not easy; it needs guidance by those who have already achieved enlightenment. The one who has ascended to the light and has now known the reality of things themselves has to return into the cave, then, to assist in the elevation of others to the same state of enlightenment. This part of the allegory therefore points to one more appreciation of Plato's belief in the so-called philosopher-king, that kind of ruler combining in himself both wisdom and virtue. The philosopher-king is obligated not only by knowledge but by moral integrity to govern justly. Plato believes that only the truly knowledgeable should rule because they recognize what the good ultimately is, and then can lead society toward it. Resistance and hostility against the enlightened person upon return to the cave because of the difficulties in introducing new ideas and challenging established beliefs-the prisoners, accustomed to the shadows, may
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    To me, success is a life that incorporates my love for adventure and passion for serving others. In the future, as a labor and delivery nurse, I envision traveling to most parts of the country and being able to provide care and support for mothers at one of the most critical moments in their lives. My journey in this path is going to start at the University of Arkansas, which will equip me with the knowledge and skills I need to excel in the field. This scholarship opportunity is thus very important in helping me achieve this vision, as it would help lift a huge financial burden off my education and give me ample opportunity to focus entirely on my studies and clinical experiences. Being a travel labor and delivery nurse means I will work in different healthcare settings from busy urban hospitals to rural clinics. This diversity in experience will not only enhance my professional skills but also broaden my understanding of the differences within diverse communities and their unique healthcare needs. What excites me most, however, is the prospect of practicing quality care in these regions where access to maternal healthcare is so basic. This position will provide me with an opportunity to make a much greater impact on improving the health of the people to the fullest extent possible, irrespective of geographic location, ensuring that every mother and baby gets the best service possible. Another important ingredient to my definition of success is financial stability. By the time I am 24, I want to have a paid-off house and car; this stuff will create a great building block for me to further my career. That level of financial security will give me more freedom to take on assignments that I am interested in and that are needed by the communities I will serve, and not necessarily because I need the money. This would also enable me to save and invest in my future for long-term stability, and if I so wish, be able to pursue further education or specialization. The scholarship would be quite instrumental in enabling me to pursue these objectives. First and foremost, the financial support accorded by the scholarship will reduce my reliance on student loans, enabling me to graduate with minimal debt. In particular, this will be of great importance when I work in a profession requiring me to change job locations often and bear the expenses for it myself. Moreover, the scholarship means an opportunity for me to fully spend my time studying and practicing rather than combining several jobs to pay tuition fees as well as living expenses. As a result, being focused on education will enable me to prepare well for the quality care that I will be providing for my patients. The associated prestige with this scholarship will also greatly boost my confidence and professional reputation. This will prove to potential employers that I am indeed one who is committed and dedicated to being only the best in my craft. In turn, this would open up high-class internships and job opportunities, which again will fast-track my career. This enables me to be in a position where I can touch the lives of many mothers and babies all over the country, see new places, and experience new cultures. My education and training are going to be expensive so receiving this scholarship would allow me to focus on my studies, have more valuable clinical experiences, and graduate with minimal debt. It will put me on track toward financial independence; that is to be able to own a fully paid house and car by the time I am 24 years old. In the end, the scholarship is an investment not only in my education but also in the several lives I will have touched along my career path.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Of all the undertakings that humankind can engage in, few are as basic and crucial as the understanding of the nature of our universe. It is in this quest not only that our basic curiosity is met but also one from which practical applications could affect our lives and even those of future generations. It is in the investigation of the secrets of space that we can learn more about our basic questions in life, such as our origin, the beginning of the universe, and how it works. Furthermore, the search for those facts belongs to technological and scientific development that will enhance not only our way of life but also help solve some of humanity's greatest problems. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons it will be so important to understand the nature of the universe is that it affords us an attempt to answer some of the core questions about our existence, such as where we came from, what reality has in store, and if we are the only ones in the universe. These are questions that plagued philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. It gives our minds the grounds to figure out answers to such profound questions. An example is cosmology: a study of the origin and evolution of the universe that gave us the Big Bang theory of how the universe began and has evolved over billions of years. Such an understanding satisfies not only our curiosity but also puts us in context regarding our existence in the cosmos. Another reason to continue the search for an understanding of the universe is that, in large part, the search itself drives innovation in technologies and sciences. This need to understand how the universe works and came to be spawned a great many new technologies and methodologies with quite substantial uses other than astronomy and cosmology. While it was the development of telescopes, among other observation instruments, that let us peep into space closer, it is this drive that underlines much of the improvement in optics and imaging technologies applied within medical diagnostics, communications, and beyond. This effort has given rise, so far, to technologies like the World Wide Web, initially developed to be used amongst scientists at CERN for the study of particle physics and the forces of nature. Moreover, knowledge about the universe would give us the power to fulfill some serious challenges that humankind suffers. The exploration of Earth's climate and interaction with the Sun and other celestial bodies will help us understand how to best develop counteracting modes to its change. The search for life beyond Earth or habitable planets will bring us closer to understanding what conditions are needed for life and how to better protect and preserve it here on Earth. It also allows us to strategize against research into asteroids and comets that might affect Earth when an impact occurs. Now, a few underlying concepts and ideas can be used to develop an understanding of the nature of our universe. Of these, perhaps the greatest is the scientific method itself process of observation, hypothesis, experimental testing, and data analysis applied to concluding. This is pretty much how we have investigated the world around us for centuries systematically and rigorously. Another important concept is mathematical modeling and simulation. The universe functions in a manner that it runs on specifics according to physical laws described by different mathematical sets of equations. By being able to develop and test such models, they are then enabled to make predictions about the behavior of celestial bodies and also about the evolution of the universe. For example, general relativity propounded by Albert Einstein helped them come up with a formula that predicted black holes and gravitational waves, of which both were observed. Besides all these, the concept of interdisciplinarity is an important thing in understanding the universe. Several scientific disciplines are playing into the cosmos, including knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. It is by integration of information from these disciplines that scientists can come up with a better understanding of the universe. An example is the branch of science called astrobiology in which knowledge from astronomy, biology, and geology is combined to study the possibility of life existing elsewhere other than Earth, and the conditions which must be at hand for its existence. The study of the universe now uses advanced observational instruments and technologies. Telescopes allow us to observe ground-based to space-based ones, distant galaxies, stars, and planets. Other instruments, involving mainly spectrometers and detectors, enable us to analyze the composition and other properties of these celestial bodies. Space probes and rovers charted other planets and moons of our Solar System-beaming back important information about their geology, climate, and habitability. Besides what was put forth above, collaboration and international cooperation are characteristics that take scientists forward in the study of the universe. Most large, complicated astronomical investigations require cooperation among scientists and engineers, as well as institutions from many parts of the world. International collaboration enables a lot of countries to put together projects such as the Hubble Space Telescope, Large Hadron Collider, James Webb Space Telescope, and others, pooling resources and expertise that no single country could manage to achieve advances. This will instill a tradition of curiosity about the universe and general scientific literacy that will continue to inspire future scientists, engineers, and explorers. Public outreach programs, such as planetarium shows, science museums, and educational programs, can also share the excitement of exploration and serve to motivate interest in science and technology in a wider audience. In conclusion, everyone needs to work together to get a better understanding of our universe and prepare for what is to come in our future.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Mental health is important because it affects every area of our lives, from how we think and feel to how we manage stress, treat others, and make decisions. The core of good, healthy living and having a quality life lies in good mental health. If our mental health is at an optimal level, then we can face the challenge of life more easily, cope with relationships in a healthier way, and work out our goals. On the other hand, poor mental health is known to give rise to everything from emotional distress and relationship problems to physical health problems. Mental health issues are quite prevalent in my family. Most of my family members have struggled with anything from anxiety and depression to serious conditions. Growing up with these things has indeed sensitized me greatly to the concern for mental health and the need for healthy coping and support systems. That inspires me in driving an advocacy for mental health awareness and support because of how it terribly has affected my loved ones. I do this by continuing to work out a few important methods in my life that work for me. The most effectual method I balance my mind with is shopping. Although it may sound unimportant, shopping gives me a sense of power and fulfillment. Whether buying a new book, clothes, or even groceries, the process of selection and purchase makes me feel so much more grounded and in control of my surroundings. It's a small but substantial way to get happy and to rid myself of much stress. Another major way I care for my well-being is through travel. Seeing new places, other cultures, and breaking my routine serves to broaden my horizons and break the monotony of life. Traveling helps me to detach from the usual stressors and immerse myself in new experiences, which can indeed be rejuvenating. Whether through a weekend getaway or an elongated vacation, traveling enables me to unwind, reflect on, and recharge my batteries. Other than shopping and traveling, I try to squeeze in self-care and mindfulness activities. I make sure to carve out the time it takes to engage myself in things that I enjoy, and that elevate me, whether reading, writing in my journal, or outside. Mindfulness and meditation are also really helping me in managing my mental health incredibly. Such practices help me remain focused on the present, handle stress, and grant a deeper sense of inner peace. I also know that communication must be open with my support system. I realize the importance of reaching out to friends and family whenever I need help and being available to them in return. One of the cornerstones in the building of mental well-being has been establishing and nurturing these relationships. Mental health is important because it affects all aspects of our lives. I grew up in a family where issues with mental health are very common. Since childhood, therefore, the importance of mental health has been deeply instilled in my psyche. Shopping, traveling, self-care, mindfulness practices, strong support systems depend on each to maintain my mental well-being. These strategies help me handle stress, keep myself grounded, and view life from the right perspective. When my mental health is set, then it is easier to go through various challenges and be present for others.
    Grace and Growth Scholarship
    I could reflect on high school and realize that my journey has included great leadership and service, particularly in mental health support and athletic training. These experiences have character-shaping qualities, solidifying my aspirations to positively contribute to society. Among all leadership roles, one that had great personal importance to me was the one I played in supporting the mental health of others. I promote mental well-being among my peers. I have instituted several peer support groups and provided help for people who struggle with it their mental health. These were very personal and dear to me since I have struggled with mental health issues myself, thus it felt great seeing a change this effected within the students. By creating a space where others could be open and receive support, I was in a place to help my peers through their struggles and build their resilience. Other than mental health, I am an avid student athletic trainer, one who helps athletes when they get injured. It is highly demanding since one is expected to attend to the injured athlete with first aid, then organize rehabilitation exercises, and emotionally support such athletes. It is very rewarding to see athletes recover and get back to their respective sports, knowing I was a part of the process. Higher education is very important for realizing my career goals, part of which includes advocating for mental health awareness and support. However, the expense of college was and still is the biggest hurdle my family and I had to face. This scholarship would help to lessen part of that load by allowing me to work more on my studies without constantly stressing about finances. It would enable me to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to me, including internships, research projects, and extracurricular activities. This scholarship would further enable me to give back to my community through service and leadership. During college, I look forward to involvement in different student organizations and volunteer groups that continue my passion for mental health advocacy and social work. By doing so, I am better able to enhance my skills and involve myself in initiatives that are making a difference to truly count in people's lives. My high school experiences have equipped me to handle these roles confidently and with a lot of dedication. In the process, my years in high school were the affirmation of my commitment to leadership and community service. This scholarship would help a lot in relieving part of the financial burden that arises with the pursuit of higher education. In return, I would be able to focus more on my academics and extracurricular activities. Equally important, with such support, I have little doubt that I can continue making positive impacts in society and further causes very dear to my heart.
    Karl L. Burnell Memorial Scholarship
    It has truly affected my life in many ways. To manage this condition, one must always be conscious of blood sugar levels, monitoring them regularly and working out a diet and exercise based on these levels. Sometimes, it can be bulky day by day, but at the same time, it's able to teach a great deal of discipline and self-care to me. I have become way more aware of the changes in my body and taking the measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, diabetes influenced the relations in my life. It made me more sensitive, tolerant, and even more empathetic towards all the people suffering from health issues. Family and friends were quite supportive, which is very important to overcome such a condition. That, in turn, makes relations stronger and closer: I am free to talk about my needs, which allows me to feel deeper connections to others and mutual support. Professionally, having to live with diabetes has influenced my aspirations thus: I would want to advocate for better health care and supporting mechanisms for people with chronic conditions. The resilience and problem-solving skills I develop through managing diabetes are invaluable in whatever career path I choose. On the whole, even though diabetes poses daily challenges, it has equally given me an edge in various ways, through unique insight and strengths that have positively influenced my beliefs, relationships, and career goals.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    My experience with mental health has deeply influenced a number of my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. Moving through some of the more complicated spaces in mental health has taught me empathy, resilience, and self-awareness in ways that each has become core to my worldview and interactions with others. Over time, I have grown to believe that the mind is as important as the body and that it is entitled to equal attention and care. This has made me compassionate, patient-first with myself, then others. I understand that everybody has his own battles, often unseen. And this awareness has fostered a more inclusive and supportive outlook on life. It has, speaking relation-wise, made me grateful for the support systems around me. I have learned the values of open communication and the importance of being there for others. This has cemented my relationships with family and friends, as I have become more attuned to their needs and ready always to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. I have also been more discriminative in the company I keep, being with people who understand, support, and take care of my mental health. My career goals also largely feature in the inspiration of my mental health journey. This urge has grown within me to advocate for the awareness and care of mental health in whatever path my profession may take. Whether through direct involvement with mental health services, creating workplace environments which promote healthy minds, or just being a vocal advocate for the care of individuals suffering with mental health issues, I try to make a positive impact. This passion has steered me toward roles that show, clearly and concisely, a focus on helping others, such as counseling, social work, or even roles in education where I might offer support and guidance to young people moving through their own challenges. My personal experiences have equipped me with certain skills valuable in any career, including resilience, problem-solving, and empathy, and remaining unruffled under duress. These qualities will make me an effective, compassionate professional and also one who can bring a different kind of perspective into a given team or organization. In other words, my mental health has turned to be the transformative force in my life. It molded my beliefs- made me emphatic, full of understanding. It cemented my relationships, teaching me the value of support and openness. And it framed my career aspirations, impelling me toward roles wherein one can make sure of leaving an impact on the mental well-being of people. This struggle has made me a stronger, more compassionate, and directed person because I have learned to keep up with and deal with the issues.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    I think I love math because it gives me that special feeling of melding logic, creativity, and problem-solving together in a way that can be so satisfying. That is the beauty of math: it is so exact, with clarity in every problem; there is a concrete way to arrive at a solution through a series of logical steps. This, in a way, may be comforting since the world is really chaotic and unpredictable. Besides, math is the universal language that bridges all cultural and linguistic barriers. It thus finally allows us to describe and understand the world in a very exact and consistent manner. From simple arithmetic all the way up to sophisticated calculus, math gives us the means to make sense of it all-from everyday problems to the mysteries of the universe. I also love the way math exercises my mind to think both critically and creatively. Oftentimes, the process of solving a hard problem in math can almost be likened to piecing out a puzzle, which requires much patience, persistence, and sometimes the ability to shift thinking. The process of working your way through a problem, making mistakes, and then coming up with the right solution is something rewarding at times. Last but not least, mathematics is at the very core of nearly every domain of studies and every aspect of life: scientific, engineering, economics, even art-so versatile, it is just so handy to have it around and interesting to study. The more I learn about math, the more my head fills with thoughts about not just elegance, but the power needed to help me unlock new understanding and possibilities.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    The #BookTok phenomenon has taken the literary world by storm; favorite reads, recommendations, and reviews flow across. It really shaped the reading habits of book sales, pushing forward into the limelight new and old titles. The perfect #BookTok bookshelf should be one that not only reflects the popular trends but also diverse stories. "The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller is a retelling of the Iliad from Patroclus' perspective, Achilles' companion.The emotional depth and lyrical prose have wider repercussions in terms of critical acclaim and many heartfelt discussions within the community. Perhaps most prominently, readers share tearful reactions and personal thoughts, making reading a communal experience that strengthens the bond between #BookTok members. "Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo is another staple on this #BookTok bookshelf, this is a story about misfits pulling off a daring heist. Due to its buzz on #BookTok, there have been incessant discussions related to the shows of fan theories, analyses of characters, and creative content such as artistic works or cosplays. In a nutshell, it says much about "Six of Crows" for having such an engaging storyline and how it reunites people. "Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" by V.E. Schwab: A young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever but is cursed with being forgotten by everyone she meets. This novel really created a ripple in the #BookTok community because of the themes, mainly of identity, memory, and the desire to leave one's mark in this world. It was such resilience on Addie's part, walking through the ages in complete loneliness that worked among the readers. Lyrical writing by the novel, combined with deep themes, encouraged many to share their own interpretations and connections with the story, therefore fostering such rich dialogue within the community. The influence of such titles on #BookTok extends beyond the popularity of the books themselves. It is the conversations, the creativity, and the solidarity the reading of these books has invoked among the people reading them-something called into being by these books. Many times, discussions over those very books go beyond the superficial to deeper themes and personal experiences that can be shared. A love of shared stories creates a supportive and engaging space in which one can be themselves, sharing thoughts and feelings. In all, the ideal BookTok-driven bookshelf would not be complete without "The Song of Achilles," "Six of Crows," and "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue." Besides making audiences love books through their intriguing storyline, they have built connectedness and a sense of community in the #BookTok realm. A testament to the power of storytelling, its effect confirms that indeed, books can join people in one space of discussion, creativity, and emotional outlet.
    Julie Adams Memorial Scholarship – Women in STEM
    Labor and delivery travel nursing to get a degree is an adventure inspired by passion, dedication, and intrinsic drive to add some valuable contribution to the expectant mothers and their families. Such is the combination of my love to travel, commitment to providing incomparable healthcare, and fascination with the miracle of childbirth. Here, I explain the motivational factors leading to interest in this career path by discussing how uniquely it binds personal satisfaction, professional development, and high impact on others. First and foremost, it is gratifying to have the opportunity to support and care for a woman at one of the pivotal moments of her life. Labor and delivery nurses are of great importance during birth to ensure safety and welfare for both mother and baby. Great responsibility includes much more than medical expertise, but empathy, patience, and emotional support. It's magic; it's one of those feelings which bring tears of pure joy and relief to the face of new parents as they hold their newborn. It cannot be described, only experienced: being part of the creation of life in this world and part of the families' greatest moments. Besides, it is exciting and dynamic on the travel side of the career. As a travel nurse, the opportunity for working in various healthcare settings within different regions with their particular problems to be solved or learnt offers excitement and challenge in a job that can mostly be very monotonous when one stays in one location for a long period. Traveling exposes me to different cultures, healthcare systems, and medical practices; hence, it widens my perspective and enhances my ability to adapt. It is indeed one avenue through which I get to merge my passion for exploration with my dedication to nursing into an exciting, dynamic career. What I will also find most satisfying about this field is the way it keeps on demanding learning and professional development. Medicine is one of those fields that does not stand still; therefore, the development of new techniques, technologies, and best practices is constant. As a labor and delivery nurse, it has been very important for me to stay current with these changes. The ever-changing atmosphere of travel nursing adds to this even more so, since with every new assignment comes new experiences and knowledge. Continuous growth helps in growing not only in skills and knowledge but also motivates. Excellence in healthcare is always pursued as a lifetime journey, and that aspect itself makes me so enthusiastic to be a part of it. Besides, flexibility and autonomy remain other key benefits of travel nursing. Other than in regular nursing, travel nursing gives one greater control over schedule and work environment. This flexibility will enable me to achieve a better balance between work and personal life-surefire recipes for maintaining personal well-being and avoiding burnout. I would have the leeway to shape my career profile in a manner that fits both my personal and professional goals by accepting only assignments that fit my interests and strengths. To me, this degree of autonomy is a sure catalyst in having a fulfilling and sustainable career. Aside from personal and professional fulfillment, the impact that this has on communities I serve helps fuel my passion. Many regions, especially rural and underserved areas, struggle with large health professionals shortages. It is in these identified gaps that I can help bridge by accepting travel assignments, thus providing much-needed care. This aspect of travel nursing really appeals to my interest in positive change in the world and in health equity. It is really motivating to know that my work may have real impacts on improving the lives of individuals and communities. Another enriching side to this career comes from the relationships that are built in the process. With every assignment comes a possibility to meet new colleagues, patients, and their families. In this respect, such interactions cultivate a certain feeling of camara-derie and mutual respect for working toward one goal: excellent care. The relationships that one will establish in the delivery room are particularly close and well remembered, as emotions run high, and teamwork really plays a huge role. These contacts will not only enrich the work experience but also build professional contact and friendship networks that cross the country. The last of my passions in this career stems from the personal vocation that urges me to serve others and take care of them. Nursing, and even more so labor and delivery nursing, could not be considered as much a career but rather a calling-one that required compassion, dedication, and an absolute love for serving others. Grateful to be able to touch people's lives, help them through bad times, and share their joys and victories, it all feels so fulfilling. Thus, feeling of purpose and knowing that I am making a difference pretty much compels me, literally, to be the best version of myself in seeking more learning and growth opportunities. All of this means simply that my interest in becoming a travel labor and delivery nurse has deep roots, anchored in commitment to patient care, love for travel and novelties, urges for continuous learning, and a calling to serve. Hence, the career that combines personal satisfaction, professional growth, and possibly a contribution to improving the lives of individuals at large and in society is what really excites me. It is a path I am excited to begin and believe will be quite challenging at the same time as highly rewarding.
    Women in STEM Scholarship
    This is literally one of the great opportunities that is going to have a real, positive impact on the STEM field. It is with this very scholarship that you will bring together a community of women who are empowered by knowledge and driven by curiosity. Thus, it is not merely an intervention on the vertical plane-just STEM careers for women-but a package deal to minimize the gender gap in these STEM fields with increased density. Of the many great things about this scholarship, it is providing an education in a STEM field for women where numerous barriers exist. Expenses may include tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses that could cause added stress for the receiver. These stresses will be eliminated by the scholarship, hence allowing women to be fully involved in their academic pursuit and maximize their full potentials. This community can indeed be of great support in ensuring that each recipient gets mentorship and collaboration opportunities throughout the important parts of their academic and professional pursuits. The sense of community among its recipients also includes the scholarship. Women who receive the scholarship are joined in a network of similar-minded people who all share the same passion in studying about STEM. Here, the scholarship offers an opportunity for women to excel and support one another by matching them with mentors and peers whose interests and goals are similar. Another major factor that the scholarship encourages in STEM is curiosity. Curiosity fosters scientific discovery and innovation. Permitting women to give chase to that curiosity and explore new ideas with a scholarship furthers a culture of inquiry and creativity. This becomes important in the fields of STEM, where further advancements most often arise through questions and challenging established knowledge. The scholarship aims to facilitate the creation of curiosity within the coming generation of innovators and problem solvers in this regard. Besides, the scholarship seeks to equip women in a position that provides valuable inputs toward this area of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In these various fields of STEM, women have not come to prominent positions for quite a long period of time; their meaningful contribution has rarely been presented in these positions. It is through the women's empowerment in such areas that breaks the trend to prove their contributions, perspectives, and insights are highly valued in these areas. Knowledge and curiosity surely enable them to contribute much to scientific research, technological advancement, and engineering solutions for the benefit of humankind. Therefore, this scholarship tends to create far more impact than on the recipients themselves. Because this scholarship is available, more women enter the field of STEM and make the particular field of STEM diverse and inclusive. It is important that innovation and the solving of complex challenges draw representation from a diverse scope within STEM. When different perspectives and experiences are put together, new ideas and approaches start emerging. This is progress, and it will go a long way in yielding better outcomes. Support for women in these STEM fields equalizes and energizes the dynamic workforce present within STEM. The scholarship you have pointed out is targeted at developing women in the area of STEM by providing financial support, community, and curiosity for contribution. Therefore, the scholarship will try to answer such gender inequity in areas of STEM and encourage women to pursue professions in these areas, which can lead to considerable developments, leading towards a more diverse and innovative community in the fields of STEM. The initiative furthers both the beneficiaries and the larger effort at achieving gender equity and diversity in the field of STEM.
    Sarah Eber Child Life Scholarship
    My sophomore year of high school brought tremendous adversity upon me. My family went through a financial crisis that put pressure on us all. My stepdad lost his job, which was highly unexpected, and my mom's income alone could not pay for all our expenses. Some of the really tough choices we had to make were tightening our belts on groceries and other basics; there was always a stressor about whether bills would get paid. Those were some really trying times, emotionally and financially. I felt overwhelmed and helpless at first. The uncertainty of our situation was quite frightening, and it was tough to keep focused on my schoolwork amidst everything that was happening at home. However, I knew I had to be strong for my family and find a way I could help out. So, I opted to get a part-time job after school to help raise the family income. It wasn't easy juggling work and school, but it was a necessity. My plan of action involved strict prioritization and time management. I made a tight schedule that allowed me to do my homework and study for exams but to work enough hours so that my contribution to family finances was significant. I also spoke to my teachers and explained the situation to them. They were very understanding and gave me extensions whenever I needed them, which helped alleviate some of the pressure. I also went to see the guidance counselor at school, who helped identify scholarships and other financial support that might help our family in the longer term. The proactivity taken not only offered temporary relief but also provided me with much-needed hope and motivation during my weakest phase. This experience changed many things for me about my perception of life. This taught me resilience and the use of hard work. I realized that even in the face of adversity, it's possible to find solutions and make a difference. This period of my life also outlined something very important: community and support systems. The understanding of teachers, friends, and even strangers offering help restored my faith in humanity. More than anything, it designed my future goals. I got more focused on academic success and on building up a career that would bring stability into the family's budget. All this encouraged me to contribute to my community as a way of paying back, since I knew what the meaning of support during complicated times meant. This is the reason why I continued my practice of volunteering and community service, as I know even small deeds can make a huge difference in someone's life. In other words, it was the tremendous adversity faced in the financial crisis of my family that turned out to be a defining moment in my life. I was challenged that I needed to rise up, make myself tough, and see ways in which I could possibly contribute to keeping the positive note within the family. Further, this experience did more than strengthen my character; further, it solidified my commitments to undertake the fight for a better future with people.
    Norman C. Nelson IV Memorial Scholarship
    I am Emily, a senior at Denison High School, juggling my final year with the preparation for an exciting future. My life is filled with diverse interests and passions. I find great pleasure in helping others in need, which can be through volunteering at local organizations or even just being there for a friend. During my free time, I enjoy concerts where the atmosphere is full of energy and time spent shopping with friends, creating memories to last a lifetime. I also like learning something new. As I always say, knowledge is a strong weapon that can make all the difference in life. I come from a single-parent home, though, with an amazing mom and and my super intelligent little brother. My mom has been like my rock-my support system, basically. She has always been there for me, she is my harshest critic, always pushing me to be my best and supporting me to chase my dreams. It's her unconditional support that drives me to be a nurse, specifically in labor and delivery. What excites me most is the thought of being able to help new families at one of the most crucial moments in their lives. I love babies-they are actually the best thing in this whole world, there is just something so special about them. I can envision, with a degree at the University of Arkansas as a labor and delivery nurse, making a difference in life. I envision signing contracts with various hospitals and traveling the world, so that every patient can receive the quality health care they deserve. Thinking back in my childhood, I remember how much time was spent just my mom and me at the nursing home where my mom works. Those visits became special rituals for me and my mom and we would spend our time doing activities that put smiles on their faces. We did puzzles with them-listening as they reminisced about their past. We would feed the birds on the patio and hear them talk about how much they missed their family. The thing that really touched my heart was to see my mom toiling and taking care of the elderly. I had seen the change in those people: how their lives get comforted and companioned because of her kindness. That sparkle of life on their faces whenever she entered-this connectedness is what I would want to mirror in my career as a nurse. The desire to help people better and further their lives, just as my mom did, became a driving force in my life. Slowly, my high school years are coming to a close, and for all that has defined me through experiences and lessons alike, I am grateful. I carry in me the values instilled in me by my mom: the hard work she manifests and the immense love she has for our family. These memories act like fuel to my desire to make a difference in the life of others. I aspire to contribute, by becoming a labor and delivery nurse, to that legacy of compassion and care by assuring that every new life that comes into this world gets the love and support it deserves. I look forward to embracing each opportunity that will come my way in the years ahead in the field of nursing. I am about to start, and yet, I thrill at the very thought of the impact I can do, not only to the family that I get to be a part of but to my very self while growing and learning through this promising path.
    Matthew E. Minor Memorial Scholarship
    Community involvement and giving back to society have always been a part of my being. During all my years in high school, I have taken an active part in various projects and initiatives that contribute to community service. Mainly, these have been picking up the parks in our neighborhood so that the public space continues clean and pleasant for everybody. I have also volunteered to help my city library with event organization and help others find books. These opportunities have allowed me to relate to my community and make a tangible impact. Moving into higher education, the financial burdens are overwhelming. My family has always taken education rather seriously, but with the growing cost of tuition, books, and other rising expenses, it seems difficult to study at college. My mom works hard to support our household, yet she is limited in her income. Scholarships and financial aid are extremely important for me to pursue my academic goals without putting a burden on my family. I pledge to make the most of such opportunities through performing well in my studies and giving back to society. An area that puts a fire in my heart is the safety and well-being of children and youth. This has caused me to involve myself, within my community, in various initiatives that help combat bullying and cyberbullying. I have educated parents, educators, and others about the signs of bullying and how to provide an accepting environment. Building from this I have tried to implement anti-bullying policies, providing resources for victims of bullying. Online safety is another critical aspect of my efforts. It is specifically my community involvement, financial need, and commitment to keeping children and youth safe from bullying and cyberbullying that define me. I have pursued higher education in furtherance of these commitments and otherwise to make positive contributions to my world. I have always believed in the power of community and giving back. Community service projects and initiatives have consumed much time throughout my high school career, whether it be from volunteer work in local food banks to organizing neighborhood clean-up events. I have committed much time to making sure I am giving back something positive to my community. One of the most enriching experiences I've had was through volunteering for children. The opportunity provided me with an avenue to offer guidance and support to these children. Providing love and friendship to children in need, further developed my urge to be of importance in making a difference in someone's life. Now that I am in higher education, times for me are economically very tough. My family values education; however, with rising tuition, books, and other expenses, college is slowly becoming unaffordable. My mother does an amazing job in attempting to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads; unfortunately, her income is limited. Financial aid and scholarships are very much essential to alleviate me towards my academic pursuits without further strain on the family budget. I am committed to making the most of these opportunities by excelling in my studies and giving back to my community.
    Larry Darnell Green Scholarship
    My mom became a single mother at the tender age of 17-a decision that defined her life, as well as mine. Shortly after I was born came my little brother, Tatum, and from then on she has been our only parent. As a matter of fact, the journey has been everything other than smooth. We had to struggle for stability, shared everything: the available food, leftover bathwater to take our baths, clothes, and even a single toddler-sized mattress to sleep on. These experiences brought in us such resilience and bonded my siblings and me together. Growing up in a poor, single-parent home influenced my educational career immensely. My mom never went to college, so she had to work her tail off just to provide for us. There came a time when she was holding down as many as four jobs, just to keep us under a roof and to feed us. It was relentless, the effort she put in, and this opened my eyes to how tough life must be without a degree; it instilled in me a determination to forge a different path. I aspire to excel academically and pursue a nursing degree. The above qualities have instilled in me the determination to excel academically and pursue a nursing degree. Witnessing how much my mom sacrificed for us set up a strong desire within me. I want to break the cycle of hardship and create a better life for myself and for my family. In my experiences, I have been able to learn more about being independent and time management. I made education a priority and was willing to work hard to reach my goals. I also learned it is very important to work toward my goals. Often, juggling all the schoolwork, home life, part-time job, and volunteering had been a challenge. There have been nights when, in order to complete all the assignments, I needed to stay up until late or weekends that required me to sacrifice all social activity-just so I could be able to focus on my studies. But I have become accomplished at prioritizing my responsibilities and ensuring that my academic commitments have been met. This art of time management is one I am continually honing, and it has made me resilient against any challenges that might come along. These experiences have grown in me a unique perspective on the worth of healthcare and have driven my interest in becoming a nurse. I have seen, in the line of duty, how caring-touched and affectionate attention applied to an individual or family can turn their lives around. I want to be that force for good. My goals are not just to further my education but also to apply myself and my skills in making positive life changes for people. I have come to a close, and my journey so far has defined my goals and strengthened my desire to make it. I am indebted to the humps life has thrown my way. I will have a nursing degree someday through hard work, determination, and keeping a vivid image of my goals in my mind. My mother's sacrifice becomes my daily inspirations, and the more I learn through our struggle. I just want to build a good future for myself and after that to uplift people around me.
    Bear Fan Scholarship
    The perfect ending to "The Bear" one that encapsulates the elements of the show together. In the last episode, we saw Carmy achieve his vision for The Original Beef of Chicagoland. Now the restaurant is thriving and has become a symbol of resilience. Carmy's achieved his journey from a fine-dining chef to a neighborhood hero and finds a feeling of peace in balancing his passion for cooking and supporting his friends and his family. Sydney opened a restaurant of her own inspired by the experiences that she gained while working at The Original Beef and she created a space that combines her ideas with the inclusivity that she learned while working with Carmy. Her restaurant became a big hit and she grew into a talented chef. Richie finds a new role that brings him fulfillment. He becomes a mentor and community organizer, using his street smarts to help others find their purpose. His transformation from troubled to caring is heartwarming. Tina finally got her recognition and became the head chef at a new branch of The Original Beef where she mentors the upbringing of young chefs. Her journey from skeptical to head chef is respectable and a testament to her hard work. Marcus opens a bakery and creates a blend of innovative flavors with traditional ones. He achieves his dreams and is thriving. They finally bring all the characters together for one huge celebration at The Original Beef. They gather together and talk about their accomplishments, past, and journeys to success. The series ends on a happy ending and they have all evolved while staying true to their community.
    Chappell Roan Superfan Scholarship
    Chappell Roan's music has impacted me in a variety of different ways, which is why I admire her. Her music has a lot of emotions and storytelling which resonates so deeply with me. Each song of hers is filled with honesty and vulnerability that most artists fail to achieve. One reason that I support Chappell Roan's career is her ability to tackle themes of self-discovery. These themes are relatable to people like me who are constantly overcoming challenges with ourselves. Chappell opens up about struggles of finding one's identity and strength which is super comforting to me. Listening to her music feels as if I'm having a conversation with my best friend which I enjoy. Additionally, her style sets her apart from everyone else in the music industry. Her voice carries a quality that is so beautiful and capable of conveying a range of her emotions. Her songs enhance storytelling aspects which make them memorable. In conclusion, Chappell Roan's music has impacted me by providing a source of inspiration. Her ability to convey themes through her unique sounds and authentic storytelling is why I support her so much. Her staying herself and creating beautiful music but inspiring her fans to embrace themselves makes her an artist that is worth supporting!
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    My favorite aspect of Minecraft is the ability to create intricate worlds. The creativity mode allows players like myself to make anything we can imagine. It is a creative outlet for me and lets me bring all my visions to life. This ability to create my visions is exhilarating and gives me joy when each house comes out the way I want it to. This resonates with me deeply because it gives me the same sense of joy as I get when I am building projects in real life. I also love how I can explore on Minecraft because it appeals to my love for adventures. Each of the new worlds has its individuality and offers endless discoveries and adventures. The survival mode also adds challenge to the game which I enjoy. I also enjoy that I can play with other people. It allows all of us to bring our ideas together and create an endless world of possibilities and creativity. Social interaction is a key component of why I enjoy playing Minecraft so much. In conclusion, Minecraft's creativity and exploration aspects are my favorite aspects of the game. This resonates with me deeply because of my love for exploring and my creative outlet. The game offers a perfect mix of challenge, connecting with people, and showing my creativity.
    Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
    The book-to-film series "The Lord of the Rings" is an adaptation that is special to me. The novels are renowned for their complex characters and epic narrative. Peter Jackson adapted these books into films and faced the challenge of staying true to the source material all while creating an engaging cinematic experience. The films not only met but exceeded every one of my expectations. My favorite thing about the adaption is the attention to detail. The costumes, backgrounds, and sets were designed to reflect the descriptions in the books. From the rolling hills of the Shire to the imposing towers of Mordor, every location felt real. This made the gap feel real and helped me bridge the gap between book-to-film adaption. The characters were another crucial element that contributed to the success of the film. All of the actors were perfect for their roles. Each of them embodied their character and fit the descriptions that were given in the books. For example, Gandalf has the strength and the warmth of the wizard. Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn brought the inner conflict to life. They portrayed the books well and made the transition seamless. The films translate the complexities of the books. The friendships, sacrifices, and struggles of rights and wrongs were powerfully conveyed through both the performances and films. The emotional connections with the characters helped me with the gap between the internal experiences of reading it and the experiences of viewing it. Another aspect that made the adaption well done was the use of special effects. The films used techniques to create realistic inspiring visuals. The use of CGI and practical effects made creatures such as Gollum and the Balrog come to life in a captivating way. Music also plays a significant role in bridging the gap between reading and viewing. It captures the emotional depth and adds another layer of immersion to the experience. It evoked the same feelings of adventure and camaraderie that the books inspired. Music is the main aspect that made the films close to the books. "The Lord of the Rings" adaption is special because it bridged the gap between book-to-film adaption and bridged the gap between reading and viewing experiences for me. It detailed all of the books into a visually and emotionally compelling cinematic experience. The detail, emotional depth, music, and groundbreaking effects all came together and made the film terrific. All of these details added together made me change my view on book-to-fimls.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    "The Pursuit of Happyness" is the movie that has had the greatest impact on my life. It is the true story of a man who overcame obstacles to provide a better life for his son and accomplish all of his dreams. This movie has inspired me to persevere through challenges and remain hopeful. One aspect of this movie is its portrayal of resilience. The main character, Chris Gardner transforms his life from being homeless to becoming a successful stockbroker. This was a testament to his belief in himself, which inspired me. Despite him facing numerous setbacks while raising his son he never gave up. This is a reminder that success comes from the ability to keep going even when the odds are against you. This movie's main message is the importance of hard work and dedication. Chris illustrated in this movie that achieving your goals requires talent and perseverance. He studied constantly, worked a variety of jobs, and seized every opportunity to improve his situation. This is so motivating to me and shows viewers that working hard and dedicating to your dreams can lead to success even in difficult situations. The relationship between Chris and his son is another impact of the movie. Their bond is motivation for him and shows how important family is. The film shows the sacrifices that Chris had to make and the bond that they both share. This resonates with me because it underscores the significance of supporting and caring for your loved ones, even when you are struggling. Their bond motivates him and highlights the importance of family. The sacrifices Chris makes and the love they share resonate deeply, which reminds us of the significance of supporting and caring for our loved ones, even in difficult times. In conclusion, "The Pursuit of Happyness" has had an impact on my life that has taught me the values of working hard, overcoming obstacles, and showing up for the people that I love. The film's message has inspired me to push through hardships remain positive and pursue my goals with hard work and dedication. It serves as a reminder that the support of our loved ones can overcome obstacles and achieve our dreams. "The Pursuit of Happyness" is the movie that has had the greatest impact on my life. It is so motivating to me the way that Chris overcame obstacles to provide a better life for his son and achieve his dreams. This movie has inspired me to persevere through challenges and remain hopeful.
    Vegan Teens Are The Future Scholarship
    I became a vegan for multiple reasons, all of the reasons are rooted in my beliefs. First of all, I have a strong compassion towards animals and the idea of animals dying for people to eat them is disturbing to me. Eating meat or animal products has never been something that sat well with me because I believe that all living things deserve to live free from harm. I cannot support food, beauty products, or any other items that cause harm to animals, especially because there are so many animal-free alternatives. Another reason that I decided to become a vegan is for my overall health. I care about what I consume and after cutting out meat and animal products my body feels a lot healthier. I am convinced that it is the best choice for my health. Being a vegan can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a couple of different types of cancer. I feel more energized and vibrant than ever before by eating an abundance of different whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, and legumes. A third reason that I have decided to commit to a vegan life is environmental sustainability. Meat industries contribute to high levels of environmental degradation, including deforestation, and water pollution. By my decision to no longer use or consume these things, I am helping to preserve our planet for future generations. I believe that every individual who decides to commit to a vegan lifestyle comes together to make a huge positive impact on the planet. Additionally, I think the taste of meat is super unappetizing. The consistency of meat, the texture, the taste, and the idea of eating animal flesh have never appealed to me. This has made being vegan really easy for me. I am always discovering vegan alternatives that are in my opinion better than other options. They are delicious and prove that a vegan lifestyle is not only healthy but also incredibly tasty and ethical. I have plans to use my education and experience to grow the community of vegans and make the world a better place for all animals. One goal of mine is to advocate for being vegan through my education. I would love to host seminars to inform communities about the benefits of cutting out meat and animal products from their lives. By sharing my experiences I hope to increase the amount of people who live a vegan lifestyle. In conclusion, being vegan has made my life a lot better. I am stronger and more alive than ever before. My body is healthier and I love contributing to a healthier planet by cutting out animal consumption. Being a vegan is an amazing decision that I should've started a long time ago.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    My plans for the future are to attend the University of Arkansas and major in Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing. After obtaining my degree, I aim to become a travel labor and delivery nurse who provides compassionate care to expecting mothers and their newborns. I am fully committed to becoming an excellent nurse who ensures that all of my patients feel supported and receive the healthcare they all deserve. Getting my education at the University of Arkansas will equip me with the skills and knowledge that are necessary to excel in this field of nursing. Winning this scholarship will significantly impact my journey by alleviating the financial burden of student loan debt. This will allow me to focus on my studies rather than stressing over financial burdens. I believe that receiving this scholarship will help me achieve all of my plans for my future and allow me to fully dedicate my time and passion towards being a labor and delivery nurse who makes positive differences every day for mothers and their newborns. I will use the knowledge and experiences that I gain from my college experience to provide top-quality healthcare to all of my patients. In addition to my academic and professional plans for the future, I plan to become involved in several mentorship programs to help support future generations of nursing students. I will encourage others to pursue degrees as nurses to better the field of nursing. I am eager to engage in leadership roles in the nursing field. I plan to join organizations so that I can stay updated about the latest developments in maternal and neonatal care. By doing this I hope to contribute to the nursing field's effort to improve the outcomes of all patients. I envision a future where I can inspire future students who want to pursue degrees as nurses. I aim to cultivate excellence in the field of labor and delivery. This scholarship will help me achieve these goals and provide the help that I will need to become a leader. Ultimately the plans for my future are all in God's hands and while I do have plans his are always better. I would love to have everything that I said in this essay to turn into my future reality but it is all in God's control and that is perfectly fine with me. Thank you for considering my application and for supporting other future college students!
    Kyla Jo Burridge Memorial Scholarship for Brain Cancer Awareness and Support
    Personal Connection: Brain cancer is a disease that I have not experienced personally or through my family and friends, but it has still deeply influenced my view on the healthcare system. By learning about the burdens and impacts of brain cancer and the difficulties it causes for individuals and their families, I have begun to reflect on the importance of brain cancer awareness and advocacy. I have realized how important it is to be supportive of those who are affected by brain cancer. This reflection has caused me to raise awareness and support those in need. Advocacy and Support: I have started a support system for those who battle with this illness. I ensure that they know that I am someone they can rely on to drive them to the hospital, talk to when they need to rant, or even hang out with. This ensures them that they are not alone while battling with this terrible illness. I advocate for brain cancer through my social media accounts by posting about it so people can be aware of the disease and hopefully begin to also start advocating for it as well. By advocating and supporting brain cancer I have seen the positive impact that it has on the individuals that battle with brain cancer, and it has been an incredibly rewarding feeling. It has made me grow and taught me so much that I did not know beforehand. Through these efforts, I have learned that even small actions can make a big difference. Educational and Career Goals: Winning this scholarship will be a step closer to achieving my career goal of being a nurse, and I will continue to speak up for brain cancer awareness and support throughout my journey in the medical field. I am going to combine my education with my passionate advocacy for brain cancer to make meaningful contributions toward patients who have brain cancer, ultimately improving the lives of patients and their families. I would love to start a local fundraiser and participate in charity runs dedicated to supporting brain cancer research and providing resources for the patients and families that have been affected. These fundraisers and charity runs would raise money for their treatments and bring them together as a community. By bringing the community together it will bring together support systems for all brain cancer patients. I hope to create a difference in the community of brain cancer.
    One Chance Scholarship
    I am Emily, and I am a senior at Denison High School. I love helping others in need, attending concerts, shopping with friends, and learning new things! I come from a single-parent household and live with my mom and brother. My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and why I want to become a nurse. My favorite thing in the whole world is babies and they are my one true passion in life. I am currently on the route of obtaining my degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. Once I obtain my degree I want to sign contracts for different hospitals and travel the world to ensure that patients all over the world are getting the quality healthcare that they all deserve. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to become a labor and delivery nurse. I love caring for babies and I am willing to do anything in my power to keep them safe and healthy. I am so passionate about being a labor and delivery nurse and getting to save baby's lives. By becoming a labor and delivery nurse I will be able to help not only women who are experiencing childbirth but also their baby(s). I will get to save their lives and ensure that if any complications were to occur I could help solve them. I believe that giving my patients quality care is the root of making a positive impact on the world and the medical field. I am committed to always evolving and becoming better in my nursing journey. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will do my best to address not only my patient's physical health but also their emotional and psychological ones. I am going to build strong, trustworthy relationships with all of my patients, where they know that their needs are going to be met and their problems will all be resolved to the best of my abilities. I want every patient that I treat to feel heard, respected, and supported. This approach to bettering the nursing field is my plan to make a positive impact on the world. By winning scholarships like this one I would be able to perform better in my classes because I would no longer have to stress about funding college alone. I have applied to over fifty scholarships and I am praying that I win a few of them. College is already challenging enough so I might as well take a leap of faith towards winning this scholarship!
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and the main reason I want to become a nurse. Babies are my absolute favorite, and I'm currently pursuing a degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. After I graduate, I plan to sign contracts with various hospitals and travel the world, ensuring that patients everywhere receive the quality healthcare they deserve. Since I was young, my mom and I have spent our free time visiting the nursing home where she works. We would help the elderly with puzzles, feed birds on the patio, and listen to their stories about missing family members who had left them there. Watching my mom change the lives of those residents made me realize that I want to do the same. I aspire to help people and improve their lives, just like my mom has always done. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will not only care for women during childbirth but also for their babies. I’ll aim to save lives and address any complications that may arise. I genuinely believe that providing quality care is fundamental to making a positive impact in both the world and the medical field. I'm committed to constantly improving in my nursing journey. I want to focus on my patients' physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Building strong, trustworthy relationships with them is essential, so they know their needs will be met and their concerns addressed. I want every patient to feel heard, respected and supported. This dedication to enhancing the nursing field is my way of making a positive difference in the world.
    TLau "Love Fiercely" Scholarship
    One of my most memorable outdoor experiences was a hiking trip that I took this past summer with my family in Pettigrew, Arkansas. The hike was pretty challenging and we were all exhausted and we were cramping and hungry. It was rewarding when we made it to the stopping point and got to see the stunning views and have a sense of accomplishment that we all got. We began the hike at 10 A.M. The sunrise was beautifully cast over the trees. The sounds of the animals were so peaceful and the views were breathtakingly beautiful. This experience shaped my life in a couple of different ways. It taught me to keep striving for excellence, I wanted to give up every few minutes but perseverance came throughout me and made the hike to the summit even more rewarding than it already was. The hike also taught me to prepare more. I didn't bring any water, I didn't have any food, and I wore the wrong shirt. I should have prepared for the hike but I didn't even consider it. The hike taught me a lot about my life. I started to apply the lessons that I learned on the hike to my day-to-day life. For instance, my experience with anxiety attacks has taught me the importance of never giving up just like I did on the mountain. The rewarding feeling of hiking to the summit serves as a reminder that with determination and preparation, I can achieve anything. The hike also made me thankful for the beautiful world am so blessed to live in. My favorite part of the hike was surrounded by the beauty of mountains, the air, and birds and grasshoppers chirping. I got to take a deep breath a forget about the hustle and bustle of my everyday life. It allowed me to realize how important it is to disconnect and recharge, which has become a new part of my life. This hike gave me a love for exploring the world and inspired me to seek more opportunities to connect with the Earth. It made me realize how I need more bonding moments with my loved ones. In conclusion, my most memorable experience was this hike. It taught me multiple life lessons and has had a lasting impact on my life. It showed me that perseverance, being prepared for events, and taking a moment to connect with Mother Nature are all important. These lessons have all shaped my approach to life's challenges.
    Wicked Fan Scholarship
    I am a fan of the movie Wicked because of the perspective of The Wizard of Oz. It focuses on the story of the Wicked Witch of the West, the musical, and provides a sympathetic portrayal of characters viewed as villains. Another aspect that I like about Wicked is its characters. Nobody understands Elphaba and she has green skin, Glinda is a good witch and is always happy, and they both experience a ton of personal growth during the movie. I think Wicked is a fresh look at a classic that doesn't disparage said classic and even celebrates it. The best thing about Wicked in my opinion is the lessons that you learn that the audience can apply to their modern-day lives. The first one is being okay with being yourself and knowing that your looks aren't the only important thing about you. There is also a lesson about supporting others. Another reason I love this movie is because it inspired me by Brittany Johnson being able to become the first black actor that play Glinda on Broadway. I also love the fact that it is so similar to The Wizard of Oz. Wicked is worth the watch and I would watch it over and over again.
    Charli XCX brat Fan Scholarship
    My favorite song on Brat is "I Might Say Something Stupid" because it is an unfiltered expression of what it feels like to be vulnerable. This song has relatable lyrics and an upbeat melody that makes me want to start dancing. The lyrics "I Might Say Something Stupid" are relatable because I always fear saying the wrong things to people. This line makes me feel better because it reassures me that other people also have feelings of doubt and fear of saying the wrong things. I love how Charli XCX is so willing to expose her flaws in her songs and engage with her fans. Listening to her music, especially the song " I Might Say Something Stupid" gives me a feeling of vulnerability which I enjoy. This song is a nice reminder that even celebrities experience these emotions and uncertainties. This song is not only appealing because of its upbeat melody but also its emotional depth. "I Might Say Something Stupid" is my favorite song on the Brats album because it explains the complexity of emotions. The lyrics and melody make it the best song for me. I could listen to it over and over again without being annoyed. I find new layers of meaning every time I listen to it.
    Tamurai's Adventure Scholarship
    I am Emily, and I am a senior at Denison High School. I love helping others in need, attending concerts, shopping with friends, and learning new things! I come from a single-parent household and live with my mom and brother. My mom is my ride-or-die, biggest supporter, biggest critic, and why I want to become a nurse. My favorite thing in the whole world is babies and I am currently on the route of obtaining my degree as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of Arkansas. Once I obtain my degree I want to sign contracts for different hospitals and travel the world to ensure that patients all over the world are getting the quality healthcare that they all deserve. Ever since I can remember, my mom and I would spend our spare time going to the nursing home where she works to visit with all of the elderly people. My mom and I would help them put together puzzles, feed bread to the birds that were on the patio, and talk to them about how much they all miss their families who abandoned them after they placed them in this nursing home. After spending my entire childhood watching my mom be a nurse and changing the lives of these elderly people I realized that I wanted to do this too. I want to help people and change their lives for the better just like my mom always has. By becoming a labor and delivery nurse I will be able to help not only women who are experiencing childbirth but also their baby(s). I will get to save their lives and ensure that if any complications were to occur I could help solve them. I believe that giving my patients quality care is the root of making a positive impact on the world and the medical field. I am committed to always evolving and becoming better in my nursing journey. As a labor and delivery nurse, I will do my best to address not only my patient's physical health but also their emotional and psychological ones. I am going to build strong, trustworthy relationships with all of my patients, where they know that their needs are going to be met and their problems will all be resolved to the best of my abilities. I want every patient that I treat to feel heard, respected, and supported. This approach to bettering the nursing field is my plan to make a positive impact on the world.
    Smith & Moore Uplift Scholarship
    I am going to pursue a degree in STEM by becoming a labor and delivery nurse. Pursuing a degree in STEM offers numerous benefits to society. As a labor and delivery nurse, my primary role will be to provide care and support systems for mothers who are going through childbirth. This is a list of ways that a STEM degree is going to allow me to benefit my society through nursing. 1. I will have an advanced amount of knowledge about the human body. A STEM degree will provide a foundation in medical science and physiology that I will need while assisting patients. This knowledge is crucial for me as a labor and delivery nurse because it allows me to understand the challenges of childbirth and allows me to manage any complications that may arise. With a strong knowledge of these medical concepts, I will be able to make informed decisions and give my patients high-quality care. 2. I will have a lot of technology proficiency. The fields of nursing are reliant on advanced medical technology, especially in the field of labor and delivery. Labor and delivery technology is crucial because I will need to know how to be proficient with technology such as fetal monitoring systems and ultrasound machines. A STEM degree will provide me with a lot of skills and will give me the ability to effectively use these technologies. This will lead to good outcomes for both mothers and babies, ultimately benefiting society by reducing maternal and infant death risks. 3. I will have great problem-solving skills. A STEM degree will help me develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. This is essential in the nursing field since they're are life-or-death situations on a daily basis. Childbirth especially can be complicated and complications typically happen so it is really important to know what to do when put in these situations. 4. Lastly, I will have great leadership skills. A STEM degree will provide me with a lot of knowledge and team-building skills. I will contribute to the healthcare field by fixing problems and saving mothers and their baby's lives, which will drive positive changes and benefit my society on a larger scale. In conclusion, pursuing a degree in STEM will provide me with advanced knowledge, technology proficiency, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, team-building skills, and a commitment to improvement. These attributes will allow me to give the best care I can to all of my patients which will benefit my society.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    I have had raging anxiety since I was in elementary school. I would cry every time my mom would drop me off at school, I dreaded having to be surrounded by bullies at school for eight hours a day. My anxiety got so bad to the point I would eat lunch in the bathroom because I was so scared of people watching me eat. I was always the kid in class who was chosen last for group projects and when kids handed out birthday party invitations they would skip over me. As I have gotten older my anxiety has grown more and more. I have started to get anxiety attacks about four times a week and it is really difficult to explain to my mother or any of my friends, who don't have anxiety how it feels to constantly be in a battle with your thoughts all day every day. Senior year is when my anxiety started to get out of control. All I think about is college and how I am going to afford to pay tuition by myself on top of being in an accelerated nursing program. I am so torn between going to my dream college and being in student loan debt or going to a local community college and being debt-free but missing out on the college experience. This decision has caused a lot of anxiety and mental breakdowns because college is a huge factor in determining how my future will be. Either way I know that the Lord has a plan for me, but it is really difficult to overcome my overthinking and all of my anxious thoughts when all I can think about it my college degree. Pursuing a college degree is so important to me for several reasons. First off, it represents my achievements and my ability to overcome all of the hardships that I have gone through such as anxiety. Earning a degree will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as a labor and delivery nurse. Additionally, obtaining a college degree is a crucial step toward getting financial stability and independence. It will allow me to get a good job and a higher earning potential, which will enable me to support myself and all of my loved ones. Ultimately, pursuing a college degree is a great way to prove to myself that I am capable of anything that I put my mind to, and that my anxiety can not hold me back any longer.
    Be A Vanessa Scholarship
    I plan to make the world a better place through my education in the medical field. I will obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and become a travel Labor and Delivery Nurse. Once I am a Labor and Delivery Nurse I will use my education to provide compassionate and skilled care to newborns and their mothers. My education is going to provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to support my patients during one of the most critical moments of their lives. By ensuring that mothers receive the best care possible, I will be using my education to make the world a better place. I will educate pregnant women about their health, pregnancy, well-being, and the childbirth experience. Additionally, I will provide them with the information that they need to make informed decisions that support healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries. By doing this I will help reduce the risks that are associated with childbirth, which makes the world a better place. I have overcome adversity by watching my single mother struggle my entire life. My mother had me as a teenager and then had my brother three years later which made everything about her life 10x more challenging. Since my mother had two kids before she was twenty-one she was not given a chance to get a college degree or live the normal life that most people do in their adolescence. We grew up bouncing from one home to another because my mom struggled to afford the basic living costs for all three of us. This caused a lot of struggles for my brother and me having to move so frequently that we never had a stable childhood. These challenges have made my mother instill a successful mindset into me from an early age. College has always been a dream that my mother has wanted for me and I am doing everything that I can to make that dream come true. She has made it a priority for my brother and I to get a proper education so that our futures will be bright and we will no longer struggle. I am currently in my senior year of high school and filling out scholarships such as this one to afford college and make all of my mother and my dreams come to life. Throughout all of the adversity and hardships I have endured, I will continue to better my future and use my education to make the world a better place.
    ADHDAdvisor's Mental Health Advocate Scholarship for Health Students
    I will never forget seeing a girl in my eighth-grade reading class who was shaking and hysterically crying all while repeatedly saying "I don't want to be alive anymore." At one point in my life, I had similar thoughts like this so I figured that I could relate to her and attempt to help her. No matter how many times I explained to her how loved she was and that she should stay she just continued to try and self-harm. She would show up to class nearly every day with brand-new cuts on her wrists and try to cover them with big sweatshirts. It broke me to see such a lovable person thinking that she was not worthy of the love that she gave to everyone else. Thankfully she got counseling and now she is happy and living her life to the fullest. She no longer wears big sweatshirts and her arms are free from cuts. Experiencing this has taught me to check in on my peers. I make it a goal of mine every day to check on people (even the ones who look happy) and assure them that I am always there if they need anything. I remind everyone they are worthy and assure them that God has a plan for them. I also point out that bad days are temporary and that tomorrow is a new day. Additionally, my email and social media dm's are open so everyone can contact me at any time. I make it known that people can come to me about anything no matter what. I am pursuing a degree as a nurse and I am going to use my studies to give my patients the proper counseling and coping strategies that they all need. I will continue to check on my peers and I will prevent as many people as I can from self-harming and suicide.
    Online ADHD Diagnosis Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    Mental health is important, not only to me as a student but also to me in my typical day-to-day life. I have struggled with anxiety and severe depression since I was little. Testing and other activities are harder for me than other students when my mental health is in a bad place. Anxiety and depression have made being a student very difficult for me. As a student, mental health is even more important because it directly impacts my ability to concentrate, retain information, interact with my classmates and professors, and my overall ability to perform to the best of my abilities in my academics. The pressures that I face with an academic life, such as exams, studying, extracurricular activities, assignments, and maintaining a social life, can be very overwhelming. Good mental health allows me to stop stressing, stay focused, make good grades, and maintain a positive outlook on both my studies and my future healthcare career. It also helps me build resilience so that I can overcome any challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in both my academic and personal life. I advocate for mental health in my community by always being a supportive friend that everyone feels they can trust to help them. I also advocate for everyone’s mental health throughout my social media platforms. I believe in the power of education and open conversations to reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health issues. I aim to provide my peers with the knowledge and resources that they need to take care of their mental well-being and seek the care that they might need. Additionally, I make it a point to check in on my friends, family, teachers, and classmates by always offering a listening ear, being a shoulder for them to lean on, and encouraging them to seek help if they are struggling. I also promote mental health at home by creating a supportive, loving, and understanding environment. I talk openly about mental health with my family, and I emphasize the importance of self-care and seeking help from a professional when they need it. Making my mental health a priority is so important. If my mental health is not good then I am not able to be a good family member, classmate, coworker, or role model for others. To keep my mental health prioritized I do things that bring me joy. I also stay active and do coping exercises so I can keep my mental health on the right track. By sharing my own experiences and my strategies for coping, I hope to inspire others to prioritize their mental health. Through these efforts, I strive to contribute to making a community where mental health is valued and everyone feels empowered to seek the help that they all deserve.
    Breanna Coleman Memorial Nursing Scholarship
    I have dreamed of being a nurse since I was a toddler. I dressed up as a nurse every year for Halloween, and in second grade, I wrote on a piece of paper, "I am going to be a nurse for babies." I still have that paper, which I use to motivate myself whenever I feel overwhelmed with my classes. I have always had a burning passion for caring for others, and I especially love caring for infants. My dream is to attend the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville to obtain my degree in a bachelor of science in nursing. I am going to use my degree to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse and travel throughout my time as a nurse. I plan to sign traveling contracts with the hospital I will work for so that I can travel the world all while pursuing my dreams of helping people in need. Everything I have done since I was little has somehow contributed to my future in nursing. I have taken every health class that I possibly can and I even joined a training club to learn about treating injured athletes and how to perform rehab on patients. My mother is an EKG tech at a retirement home for veterans and I grew up spending my spare time watching her take care of her patients and learning how to do medical tasks such as inserting an IV. She is the person who has inspired me to be a nurse. I have seen the love and care that she provides every single one of her patients. She has always gone the extra mile to make sure that everyone gets the proper care that they all need. I currently give back to my community through volunteering. I volunteer on the weekends at my local library by cleaning up, restocking the shelves with the books in chronological order, and reading to the children. I also volunteer for all of the sports teams near me by being in a training program. I attend all of their practices, scrimmages, and games. I observe the athletes play so that I can nurse them if an injury were to occur. I have also volunteered as a babysitter for parents who do not have the funds for daycare. In conclusion, I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse and I plan to give back to my community throughout my occupation of nursing. I would love to give healthcare to my community and ensure that every individual is given the proper care that they all deserve. I cannot wait to see what the future of nursing has in store for me.
    Raise Me Up to DO GOOD Scholarship
    I was raised by my mother who had me at the ripe age of seventeen. Three years after she had me she had my younger brother, Tatum. Having to raise two children before being twenty-one was hard on my mother. She was still trying to figure out how to be an adult all while having to take care of not one but two kids. She did it though, she raised my brother and me all by herself and gave us the best life that she possibly could. Growing up it was rough when it came to bills. We would have to share baths to conserve the water bill or use a flashlight to make the light bill cheaper. My mother my brother and I all shared a room for a while and we constantly had to move from house to house. Sometimes we lived with a family member and other times we were fortunate enough to live with my mom's fiance. Moving around so much made it hard to develop friendships and I often wonder how my life would be if I had a stable home. My mom has always had to work exponentially harder than most moms and at times has had to work four jobs just to provide for our family. It is devastating when my mom has to work and is not able to attend events for my little brother and me but I know she has to so that we can survive. It is also really difficult when holidays come up because my mom has to fork out additional funds for food, traveling expenses, gifts, and all of the other expensive things that come with the holidays. I am extremely grateful for my mother though because despite all of our hardships she always finds a way to make it and she makes sure that we are never without. We ended up moving in with my mom's fiance and he owns a travel trailer which is nice because my mom doesn't have to worry about paying monthly rent anymore. Additionally, I gained a stepbrother and a stepsister and now we have a blended family. It is so much fun having two new siblings but it makes things such as grocery shopping more expensive. Despite all of the challenges that we faced with finances growing up we were always taken care of at the end of the day. I have learned that money is not as important as family is and that as long as I have a loving home the money can wait. I love having a blended family and I wouldn't change my life for the world. As far as my future goes I want to become a labor and delivery nurse. I will use my talents to ensure that women are given the proper childbirth experience. I will make sure that all of their wants and needs are met and that their birth experience is as easy, safe, and smooth as possible. I will continue to spread the love and selflessness that I learned from my upbringing.
    Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
    On a random Thursday in June, my whole world ended. I lost my best friend, my biggest role model, and my great-grandpa all in one. My great-grandpa would come and pick me up from school every Friday and we would get a roast beef slider from Arby's and share a large order of extra crispy curly fries. After this, we would go back to his apartment and watch cop shows and talk for hours. This might not seem enjoyable to most teenagers but for me, it was the highlight of my entire week. His death affected all of his friends and family, but it affected me the most. I lost my appetite and shut out everyone close to me. I was at a loss of my emotions and all I wanted was for my grandpa to come back. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I cried or how much I begged for him to come back, it wasn't going to happen. I felt so bad for my great-grandmother. She lost the love of her life who she has been married to since she was a teenager. She had been with him for decades and started a family with him and now she was alone. She couldn't take the heartache for long and she ended up passing away three short months after he did. One day I want a love like theirs. To know my great-grandparents was to love them. They were the most down-to-earth people I have ever known and I just know that they are living the best life in heaven. Losing my great-grandparents has shown me how important it is to love the right person. I want a love like the love that they had. They made each other a better person and I want something like that if I decide to get married in the future. They were a constant reminder of what a healthy relationship should look and feel like. They always were the pea to each other's pod and it killed my great-grandmother being away from the man that she loved so dearly. I am now a senior in high school and it is so difficult to not have my great-grandparents with me. I would love for them to be here to attend my graduation, meet their great-great-grandchildren, or see me get married one day. It is really hard grieving your loved ones that you have lost but I know that everything happens for a reason and God wanted them to go home to him. It is still really hard without them and I would do just about anything to be able to go with him one more time after school.
    Sheila A Burke Memorial Scholarship
    I envision myself as a Labor and Delivery Nurse in a huge city. My entire life I have known who I am meant to be, a nurse. I dream of going to the University of Arkansas to get my degree in Bachelor of Science in Nursing so that I can one day be a travel Labor and Delivery Nurse. Being a nurse is what I have longed for my entire life. I decided I wanted to become a nurse when I was only five years old, and I have dreamed of becoming one ever since then. I have taken every class that is related to nursing such as AP Physics, Principles of Health Science, medical terminology, kinesiology, biology, Sports Medicine and so many more. I also joined an athletic training club that allows me to nurse injured athletes. I perform rehabilitation on the athletes and assist with their injuries. Once I get my dream occupation I will travel around the world all while getting to save people's lives. I have always wanted to explore the world but I have never gotten to. As a nurse, I will have the opportunity to travel and venture out of my comfort zone. I would make a wonderful nurse because I have a lot of sympathy, good listening and communication skills, an amazing work drive, and I am determined to give my patients the best care. I am going to make a positive difference in all communities by being one of the best healthcare workers by giving patients quality care. I will be devoted to my occupation and ensure that every patient gets the care that they need. As a patient, it can be difficult to stay in an emergency room so I must make them feel heard, appreciated, and welcome during their time at the hospital. As a Labor and Delivery Nurse, there will be many complications that I will have to face like babies that are born with a disability or are premature. I am so thrilled to have a job in the nursing world but I am so devastated about having to see expecting mothers going home empty-handed. My biggest motivation during my path to nursing school is my mother. She has been my backbone and supported me through every step of my journey. She is in the nursing field and I aspire to be as amazing and hardworking as she is. I have spent years watching my mom take care of elderly people. She inspires me to help others which is where my motive for nursing came from. I cannot wait to leave a positive difference in my community through my nursing journey!
    Evan James Vaillancourt Memorial Scholarship
    Becoming a nurse is what I have longed for my entire life. I decided I wanted to become a nurse when I was only five years old, and I have dreamed of becoming one ever since. I have taken every class that is related to nursing such as AP Physics, Principles of Health Science, medical terminology, kinesiology, biology, and so many more. I also joined an athletic training club that allows me to nurse injured athletes. I perform treatment on the athletes and assist with their injuries. My goal is to attend the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I want to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing to get a degree as a travel Labor and Delivery Nurse. Once I get my dream occupation I will travel around the world all while getting to save people's lives. I have always wanted to explore the world but I have never gotten the opportunity. Becoming a nurse will allow me to travel and venture out of my comfort zone. I would make a wonderful nurse because I have a lot of sympathy, good listening and communication skills, an amazing work drive, and I am determined to give my patients the best care. I am going to make a positive difference in all communities by being one of the best healthcare workers by giving patients quality care. I will be devoted to my occupation and ensure that every patient gets the care that they need. As a patient, it can be difficult to stay in an emergency room so I must make them feel heard, appreciated, and welcome during their time at the hospital. As a Labor and Delivery Nurse, there will be many complications that I will have to face like babies that are born with a disability or are premature. I am so thrilled to have a job in the nursing world but I am so devastated about having to see expecting mothers going home empty-handed. My biggest motivation during my path to nursing school is my mother. She has been my backbone and supported me through every step of my journey. She is in the nursing field and I aspire to be as amazing and hardworking as she is. I have spent years watching my mom take care of elderly people. She inspires me to help others which is where my motive for nursing came from. I cannot wait to leave a positive difference in my community through my nursing journey!
    NYT Connections Fan Scholarship
    This puzzle is called “category.” The goal is to the grid into a total of four groups. Each of the groups has its own categories consisting of: 1. Flowers: Rose, Tulip, Daisy, Lily 2. Animals: Horse, Deer, Dog, Wolf 3. Sports: Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer 4. Desert: Cake,Brownie,Muffin,Cinnamon Roll The Grid would be: 1. Rose 2. Tulip 3. Daisy 4. Lily 5. Horse 6. Deer 7. Dog 8. Wolf 9. Tennis 10. Basketball 11. Baseball 12. Soccer 13. Cake 14. Brownie 15. Muffin 16. Cinnamon Roll The category that is includes Rose, Tulip, Daisy, and Lily. These are all common flowers that are often used in floral arrangements. Each flower is used as a popular choice for various occasions, from weddings to decorations for a dinner table. The second category is animals which consists of Horse, Deer, Dog, and Wolf. These animals are known for their presence in the wild. The third category is sports, which consist of Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer. A lot of athletes play these sports and they are well known all over. The final category Dessert consists of Cake, Brownie, Muffin, and a Cinnamon Roll. Everyone loves to eat a desert and those are the top choice of deserts. In conclusion, this puzzle consist of words you have to try and group into seperate categories. The categories chosen emphasize the diversity of interests. This exercise tests the opponents ability to categorize all while giving appreciation for different aspects of Earth.
    Team USA Fan Scholarship
    My favorite athlete on Team USA is Jayson Tatum for multiple reasons. One reason is because of his skills and versatility on the basketball court. He can play power forward, small forward, and guard which makes him a well-rounded player. His skills during games demonstrate his talent and how dedicated he truly is. The other reason that he is my favorite athlete to cheer for on Team USA is because of his commitment to always improve. He is always improving his skills so that he can perform to the best of his capabilities. His growth demonstrates how hard he works to become the best version of himself. Jayson also has outstanding leadership skills and is always positive. He demonstrates humility and is kind to all of his peers. He is also very respectful and always puts his teammates before himself. His dedication to his team makes them even better. He embodies the spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship which makes him stand out even more! In conclusion, he is my favorite because of his skills, work ethic, and leadership qualities. His respect and work ethic also give him bonus points in my book. He is a player that is worth rooting for.
    Sabrina Carpenter Superfan Scholarship
    I have always loved Sabrina Carpenter, she is so beautiful and seems like a genuine person. I have always been amazed by her journey as an artist and an actor. It inspires me how she is so versatile as an artist. Her music truly resonates with me because her songs all have empowering messages of being yourself. This is important during this age that I am at because I am always picking apart myself and trying to be like others to fit in. Her lyrics address love and resilience, which many of her fans can relate to. Listening to her songs reminds me that it's okay to be unique and stand out. Her commitment to being a singer actress and songwriter demonstrates a level of commitment that I strive to have in my own life. She has taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and staying true to oneself. In conclusion, I am a huge fan of Sabrina Carpenter and I aspire to be like her in the future. I admire how talented she is and how she is able to conquer everything that she has dreamed of. Sabrina Carpenter reminds me to stay focused on my dreams and to be resilient.
    Love Island Fan Scholarship
    My new challenge would be called the love connection. The goal of the game would be to see how well the couples know each other and it would also build their relationship in a fun way! The location would be outdoor and there would be a comfy vibe to the setup. There would be an area with cozy seating, fairy lights, and a big screen to display questions and scores for each couple. The materials they would get would be whiteboards and markers a buzzer and a set of questions that have already been prepared. For the first round, the couples would sit back-to-back. One partner would answer a round of questions about their relationship and the other would write down what they think their answer is. Then they would receive a point for each question answered correctly. The second round would be a physical type of challenge. The couples would have to complete tasks together to get a point. For example, one of the partners would have a blindfold over their eyes while the other one guides them through a maze. Points would be given for their speed and communication. The third round would be the romantic one. Each of the partners has to plan a romantic surprise for the other one using items they are given. The other couples would vote for one who has the best romantic gesture and the point would go to the couple's gesture that was chosen. The couple that has more points than the other will win a fancy dinner and a spa retreat!
    GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship
    Olivia Rodrigo's songs have been a huge part of getting me through heartbreak. I love her ability to sing everything that I think. Her song "The Grudge" is the best song she has in my opinion. The lyrics "and I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did but I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it" explain all of the the emotions I feel towards my ex boyfriend. It shows how different each side of the heartbreak is. I always think about how he is moving on and I hold onto every detail of all the wrong things that he has done to me. My best friend Ka'yauna and I would play this song on repeat and rewind the song just to scream those lyrics. We would ride around town just so we could scream these lyrics and let all of our anger out. I often think about how he can move on from our relationship so easily. He has zero remorse for breaking my heart and all of the damage that he has caused to my emotions. Every time he has ever texted another girl, left me waiting for him on a date, slept around with other people, or any other wrongdoing. The lyrics about her holding onto everything is so relatable because I do hold onto every detail like my life depends on it resonates with me so hard because I remember every single thing he has done to me. I tell Ka'yauna everything he has done to hurt me and she listens to me every time as if she had not already heard me tell about all of it before. This is not only the case for me but also the feelings of other people who have experienced having their feelings damaged. This line explains how it feels to be someone who is going through a breakup and thinks that their ex did not care about the hurt that they put on the other partner. A vast majority of people hold onto all of the times that someone has hurt them especially if they were with the person. In conclusion, the lyrics " "and I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did but I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it" detail my feelings. It explains how easy it is to hold onto a grudge.
    Resilient Scholar Award
    My name is Emily, and I am a senior in high school. I was born and raised in a small town called Denison, Texas. I grew up with my mom, who had me at seventeen years old and my little brother at twenty and raised us all by herself. She is the strongest woman I know, and I strive to be as amazing as she is. Despite how much she struggled, my mom always did her best to provide for my brother and me. Growing up we bounced from one house to another house and then another. There were even times when we had to go live with my grandmother or stay at my mom's coworker's house. My mom worked three jobs which caused her to miss out on so much of our childhoods. Despite our challenges, my mom is my role model and is a superhero in my eyes. In my sophomore year of high school, my mom was dating a guy who I did not get along with so I decided to move in with my grandma. I thought living with my grandma would be better but it was far from better. My grandmother was severely poor and struggled a lot, four of my cousins and my little brother on my dad's side of the family lived with her and survived off of her solo income. We lived in a house infested with cockroaches, spiders, ticks, and black mold. Our food was donated from the community and we struggled with money constantly. When I moved in with my grandmother my biological father who was never around for my life started to pop up. He was severely toxic to all of us. This messed with my emotional well-being. I started to become anxious all of the time and I would isolate myself from my friends and family. Moving away from my home made me realize that living in poverty is not bad as long as you have your necessities. No matter how much my mom has struggled with money we have always found a way to make it through. She has always figured out a way to make things work out for us at the end of the day. I always thought that life would be better somewhere else but through the countless times I have moved I realized that home is not a place it's who is in your home.
    Andre' Burchelle Roach Scholarship
    I am Emily, and I am a senior at Denison High School. I come from a single-parent household and live with my mom and brother. My mom is my ride-or-die, my biggest supporter, and my biggest critic. I love helping others in need, going to concerts, shopping with friends, and learning new things! My favorite thing in the whole world is babies. I have always wanted to get a degree that involved infants. I started to gain a love for helping kids with autism as well. I am stuck between being a teacher for students with special needs or being a labor and delivery nurse. I volunteer for a class of kids that has a wide range of students with special needs. I adore all of the kids and can see myself doing it as a job. All of the kids in there are the sweetest people I have ever met and they all just want to be seen and heard. I'm skeptical about which degree to get because I have always wanted to be in the medical field. I have always wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse. Either job is meant for me because I love to help people. My dream is to go to the University of Arkansas but it is out of my budget. I am funding college alone and I do not want to be paying off student loan debt for thirty years. I would utilize this scholarship by adding it to my funds to help cover my college expenses. I am fully aware that I can get a good education somewhere more affordable. I just want to move off and figure out my life, and Arkansas is the perfect place to move to. It is a good space from my home but not to far and I have my uncle and two cousins who live there so I would have at least a little family close by. Receiving scholarships like this one will allow me to get my degree in a much less stressful manner. By winning this scholarship I would become the best nurse because I would not have to worry about how to afford nursing school and all of my other necessities. If I get this scholarship it will make my family so proud. My biggest goal in life is to always make my loved ones proud of me. I am so excited to see what God has planned for my life.
    Ella's Gift
    I have always had bad mental health. Growing up I was always the kid who was being bullied and it left me always questioning my worth. I grew up with a single mother who did not have the income to buy my little brother and me the trending clothes and shoes that everyone else would wear. This caused me to be discluded by all of the trendy girls. The bullying got worse when I got to junior high and my body started experiencing changes and my figure started to change. Boys would pay attention to me and I would feel worthy for a bit and then they would try to use me for their pleasure and insult me when I refused to do those things with them. This has continued to happen more frequently since I started high school. When I turned fifteen I turned to pills to cope. I would go to the kitchen get in my mom's basket of medicine and start taking whatever I felt like. I also would go days without eating which would make me feel very bad. This would last for days and then I would be so hungry that I would sit and eat enough food to feed four people. I got to a very bad point in my life and went looking for love in every way I could. I snuck one of the quarterbacks that all of the girls were obsessed with into my room when my parents were not home. I got caught by my mom's fiance and ended up being kicked out of my mom's house. I went to live with my grandmother and while I lived there my mental health just got worse and worse and worse. My biological father would come over to her house and stay four days a week. He would gather up all of his anger and take all of it out on me and my grandmother. He would mentally and physically hurt me he has hurt me more than anyone or anything ever has before. I will never be able to erase all of the things he has said to me out of my memory. I ended up going back to live with my mother and I am still struggling but I am way happier. I could no longer accept being abused. I am in my final year of high school and as much as I want my father to be a part of it I am better off not allowing him back in. I constantly think about forgiving him because that's what God would do. A couple of months ago I was in a head-on collision and could've died. I turned to God and he has not failed me since. I love God with all of my heart and I know that his plan is greater than my plan. God has been with me through all of my battles in life and I know he will heal me soon. Mental health is such a crucial thing that I am trying to improve. I am learning to love myself because God created me and he never makes mistakes. I plan to continue to grow through the Lord. GOD IS SO GOOD AND HE IS MY PATH TO RECOVERY!
    First-Gen Futures Scholarship
    I have chosen to obtain a higher education to make my future the best that I can make it. Growing up with money struggles has always made things complicated for me and my family. We always struggle with birthday parties and big events like Christmas which is normal for low-income families. I want better for my future and that has led to a sense of grit for me to get my life together. This is something that caused my decision to pursue a higher education. I have always known that I was going to get a college degree and end the cycle of not attending college. Going to college is the main thing I can do to make life easier for myself and my family. I am going to get a nice job in the hospital and have a nice house that I will one day pay off. I want to have the luxury of buying new clothes and getting my hair and nails done when I want them done. Being a first-generation college student it will allow me to be able to support myself and buy things I want to buy. I would also love to pay for things that give back to my mom and grandmother because they have always supported me and gotten me to become the person I am today. It is honestly challenging not having any family that has graduated from college because I would love their help but I can't get it. I know they would help if they knew what to do, but since they didn't attend it makes it challenging for all of us. I have prepared myself as a first-generation student by starting college early. I began my first dual-credit classes when I was a junior in high school. I have also started a savings account to afford college and all things that come with it. I have started applying to my dream colleges and started filling out every scholarship I can find. I also ask questions non-stop to ensure I am on the right track and getting the knowledge I need. I am going to get my college degree no matter how much I have to work and stay up all day and all night to pass. I will do everything in my power to become a college graduate and make my mom and family proud. Ultimatly college is my first goal in life to make myself the best I can be.
    Lindsey Vonn ‘GREAT Starts With GRIT’ Scholarship
    I believe that having grit is such a critical part of being successful. Without having it no one would be able to strive for success and reach their dreams. Having grit makes me a better person in several ways. It makes my grades high, keeps me active, and makes me aim for my dreams. My grit came from growing up with financial issues. My family has not had it easy and we have always been low on the tax bracket. This is what led to my grit. My ultimate goal is to be successful and have a big fancy paid off house with a Jacuzzi and all of the bells and whistles, a high-paying job, and most of all a financially stable household for my future kids and husband. I want to attend medical school to become a labor and delivery nurse,but my dream college is way out of my family and I's budget. This is devastating for me because I could easily attend a cheap community college and make so much money without having to pay back any loans, but I want more for myself. I want to go to my dream college and live the "college experience" but is it worth the debt? This is the grit I have. I came to the ultimate decision that it is all in God's control and if I get into my dream college then I do, and that's what's best for my plan according to God. I also believe that I can do anything I put my heart and soul into. I have no made it a goal to do anything and everything I can to get into this college. I have filled out over forty scholarships, saving every dollar I make, and praying for my dreams of going to my dream college to work out. My biggest setback was totaling my mom's freshly paid off car. She was so generous and allowed me to drive her car and I wrecked it when I pulled into a gas station and a speeding car hit me. When the paramedics arrived I was having an awful panic attack. All I could say was my dreams are over there is no way I can go to college anymore. I saw all of my hard work disappear within ten seconds. All of the saving I had are going to a car and now I have nothing saved for tuition. I am hoping and praying that God provides a way for me to still attend. Grit has definitely caused me to strive for my future, with all odds against me.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    Taylor Swift's songs "Shake It Off" "Wildest Dreams" "Welcome to New York" and "Bad Blood" are the songs that sum up how my year has been so far. My life has been pure chaos and these two songs put my life in context. "Shake It Off" would be on my soundtrack since it is a great way to shake off haters. This year I changed schools and I had a lot of people who judged me and said quite a few hurtful things. This song reminds me of the lyrics "Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play, And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo) Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break, And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off. I always get so happy to hear those lines, it reminds me that haters are going to hate regardless. "Wildest Dreams" is exactly how I feel about the boy I fell in love with. The lines "I can see the end as it begins, My one condition is, Say you'll remember me, Standing in a nice dress, Staring at the sunset, babe, Red lips and rosy cheeks, Say you'll see me again, Even if it's just in your wildest dreams. This is in detail how I was feeling when I started dating him. This song just brings back all of the memories I have of him and me. "Bad Blood" is another song that I can relate to. The lyrics "'Cause baby, now we got bad blood You know it used to be mad love, So take a look at what you've done 'Cause baby, now we got bad blood (hey!),Now we got problems,And I don't think we can solve 'em,You made a really deep cut And baby, now we got bad blood." These lyrics are how I feel towards the boy that I am with. Lastly, "Welcome to New York" is a song that always gives me a nostalgic upbeat. New York has always been somewhere I wanted to travel to and the lyrics "Welcome to New York, it's been waitin' for you, Welcome to New York, welcome to New York" makes me want to book a flight and go right away. Taylor Swift's 1989 album has always been my favorite. The songs each have a happy upbeat and it makes me want to dance.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    My journey with Jesus has made me selfless. Jesus is my savior and he gave his life for me and everyone else, that is the biggest act of selflessness. I read my bible every morning and it gives me a sense of security that nothing can replace. The Lord is so amazing and always puts his sons and daughters before himself. Jesus is always selfless, so I should also be. One big act of selflessness I do is teaching people who have special needs. I volunteer three days a week in a special needs class. I have taught them to write, exercise, dance, pronounce words, play games, and most importantly I have always been kind to them. I truly do love volunteering for these students. They are all the most genuine people I know and they all just want to be treated the same that everyone around them is. I have started to bond and grow close with these kids. All of them are so full of joy and all they want is someone to be kind to them. My second act of selflessness was when I moved in with my grandmother for a few years. My grandmother was sick and lost her husband to cancer which made her health go downhill. When I went and lived with her I would clean her house, give her baths, take care of her when she was under the weather, and I would comfort her at all times. Another act of selflessness I have done was helping out my pregnant friend. One of my friends got pregnant when she was not in a very good situation. I helped her move out of her old house and into her new apartment, I helped get stuff for her baby, and I was always there to support her. The last act of selflessness I always do is athletic training. I volunteer for the volleyball, football, soccer, and softball players by providing treatment to them when they get hurt. I also help them with rehab to nurse them back to their normal health. Jesus keeps me selfless, I always have a warm feeling inside of me when I do good things that benefit others. I try to love others the way that Jesus does and the biggest part of that is by putting others' needs ahead of mine. Jesus is my biggest role model and I will continue to follow in his footsteps and become more and more selfless!
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    The woman who makes me dinner every night, teaches me everything I know about life, provides a loving home for my brother and me, pays for everything I need, and picks me up from school every morning is my biggest mentor, my provider, and my biggest supporter. That woman is my mother, and she also plays the role of my father because he is not in my life. My mother has been my number one supporter of everything I have done, especially in my education. My mom had me when she was a teenager so she could not go to college, work full-time, and raise a baby all by herself. This has made our life pretty challenging because my mom is a single mother to me and my little brother Tatum. She has to work way harder than most people who graduated college and have a good salary. Due to all of her hardships, it made her a very supportive mother. She is always pushing me to strive for better. My mom always makes sure that my grades are good, and she ensures my education is always prioritized. She makes sure that I am always filling out scholarships, passing all of my classes, staying up to date with assignments, and getting all of my work turned in. She is always cheering me on whether it's something small like losing ten pounds or one of the best things that could happen like winning a five-star vacation. No matter what I do I know I have my mom as my cheerleader which brings me so much joy. I honestly have no idea who I would be if God did not choose my mom as my mother. She has made me into who I am today. I have always wanted to be a Labor and Delivery Nurse since I was seven years old. I wrote on a page when I was in second grade that said "I am going to be a baby doctor" with a drawing of me holding a baby and she still has it in our office. Growing up my mom would buy little nursing outfits and toys that resembled being a nurse and she would teach me about how to use them. I am now seventeen years old, the age my mom had me. My number one goal is to get into college and show my mom that all of the support she gave me didn't go unseen. I am so excited to follow my dreams and make my mom so proud of me!
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    In 2020, my aunt was giving birth and came close to the verge of dying. She had a high-risk pregnancy and a huge tumor in her stomach which ruptured while she was giving birth to her son. The doctors made her chose between saving her life or saving her sons life. She made the choice of saving her son. Ever since this incident I have decided that I am going to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse so I can help women who have other birth experiences like this one. I desire to make a positive impact by saving women’s lives that are pregnant. My goal is to ensure every women has the best childbirth experience. I hope to prevent other women from experiencing dangerous pregnancies like my aunt had.
    Krewe de HOU Scholarship
    My name is Emily Barrera, I am currently a senior at Denison High School on the path of obtaining my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I plan on attending the University of Arkansas next fall to join their accelerated nursing program, the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing. Once I earn my degree I will become a travel labor and delivery nurse and give back to my community every day with the help of my medical training! I give back to my local community by always being an extra helping hand. Every day after school I volunteer in the athletic training room by performing rehabilitation exercises on athletes and helping assist other injured athletes. I go to all their games, scrimmages, and practices and assist with anything they need. Additionally, I volunteer at my school by helping teach and play with other students who have autism and other learning conditions. I teach them to talk, spell, and do other tasks such as shaking people's hands. These students are the most kind-hearted genuine people I know and it is an honor to socialize with them. I am a mental health advocate as well for my local community. I help peers who struggle with their emotions and help them get better by offering a listening ear, helping them overcome challenges, and guiding them to seek help from professionals. Mental health is so important for having a positive community. I plan to make a positive impact by being a kind person who everyone knows they can rely on for whatever the case may be. I also hope I inspire people to always volunteer in their communities. I want others to view me as someone who is a helping hand who is always supportive and kind and who makes an impact on their everyday life. By always being a helpful hand and being kind to everyone I pray to make a long-lasting positive impact. I would also love to make a positive impact by starting a fundraiser to help out with the local schools in my community and anybody else who might be struggling financially and need a little boost of help. The community is struggling with financial problems right now, so starting a charity or some other way to raise money would be a great way to make a positive impact. In conclusion, I love to make changes in my community and I am constantly trying to help to the most of my abilities.
    LeBron James Fan Scholarship
    My admiration for LeBron James stems from his generosity. He has used his social media to advocate for social justice, educational justice, and more development in communities. He is always giving back to others and creating opportunities for underprivileged children. He is always willing to speak up about important issues which makes him a role model to others and it demonstrates how athletes can be a powerful change in our society. Lebron can play well in multiple positions on the court which helps set him apart from others. He has to make crucial decisions under pressure. His career statistics demonstrate how hard he works, he has All-Star selections, multiple NBA championships, and numerous MVP awards. LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time. Him being the greatest player of all time depends on people’s opinions. Most fans think that Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Shaquel Oneal, and Kobe Bryant are the greatest players of all time but I disagree. Ultimately, the debate over the greatest basketball player of all time is never going to have a definitive answer. In conclusion, LeBron James is an incredible athlete. His extraordinary skills, work ethic, and generosity make him the world's best basketball player. Lebron will continue to inspire and influence future generations.
    Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship
    I adore Billie Eilish, her voice and lyrics are amazing. She can connect with her fans through her music, which fascinates me. I love just about every song she has dropped but three songs in particular that resonate with me are: "When the Party's Over," "Bury a Friend," and "Everything I Wanted." Each of these songs brings out different emotions and thoughts. "When the Party's Over" is a beautiful song that describes how it feels to be lonely and going through a heartbreak. The orchestra sounds in the background and Billie’s vocals create an intimate atmosphere that makes her fans feel every word of that song. The lyrics are about the pain that comes with having to let go of someone that you love and the struggle of moving on, which many people relate to. This song resonates with me because it reminds me of how important it is to process all of my emotions, rather than just suppressing them. "Bury a friend" is another song that goes into darker aspects. The song has emotions of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. It’s a very raw and real depiction of the emotional battles that many people face. Finally, "Everything I Wanted" is a song that reflects on the pressure of fame and the struggles. The lyrics describe the challenges that Billie faces in dealing with her success. This song resonates with me because it serves as a reminder that even those who seem to have everything in life also struggle sometimes.
    Aserina Hill Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Emily Barrera but everyone just calls me Em, and I am a senior at Denison High School. My dream is to go to the University of Arkansas so that I can pursue my career in nursing by being accepted into their excellent nursing program, the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I am very confident in myself and know I will be an amazing nurse. Once I get my degree I will help so many pregnant women and make sure that they feel understood, important, and valued. I would be very supportive and ensure that their hospital stay is a good experience/ Throughout high school, I have been a part of the yearbook club and helped decorate the school for sports tournaments and games. I am also an athletic trainer for the volleyball, softball, and football teams. I attend all of their games, scrimmages, and practices and ensure each player is healthy and if they happen to get an injury I help them. Additionally, I joined a club called the Sports Medicine Program where I assist athletes by giving them rehab and modalities so that they can perform their best. If I started a charity I would be torn on what to choose but I ultimately think I would decide to promote mental health and provide support to those who need it. I would strive to make a community where mental health is treated with the same importance as other major illnesses. I would stop the stigma around mental health and ensure that everyone has access to professional help if they need it. By helping make a supportive society I would help everyone live their lives to the fullest and aim to make them see the good in all things. My charity would help everyone who has mental health problems, no matter how big or how small they may be. Special attention would be given to underserved populations who might not have easy access to mental health care, such as low-income families, minorities, and rural communities. This kind of support would bridge the gap in mental health care and ensure that no one is left behind. Volunteers would be a huge part of the charity. They would help organize and lead a ton of supportive groups, facilitate workshops about self-care, and participate in campaigns that teach the community about the importance of their emotional well-being. Additionally, volunteers would provide one-on-one support to individuals in need, helping them navigate the mental health care system and access necessary resources. By engaging volunteers in activities like this, the charity would not only extend its reach but also build a community that advocates mental health for all people.
    John J Costonis Scholarship
    My lifelong goal has been to go to my dream college at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas! I want to get my degree in Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing so that I can become a Labor and Delivery Nurse. Being a Labor and Delivery Nurse has always been a dream of mine since grade school. Helping other people has always been who I am. By becoming a Labor and Delivery Nurse I will help women every day who are giving birth. Other than a fancy degree and a high-paying job my goals for the future are to have a happy and healthy family, travel the world, and have a paid-off house. I want to be able to live life without worrying about rent being due every month and I want to provide for my future children and give them everything that I didn't receive growing up. I want to be able to travel and make memories that I can look back on and cherish. Having a paid-off house and a good degree will give me the ability to do that. To work toward my dream of being a Labor and Delivery Nurse I have taken just about every health class to ensure I get accepted into a nursing school. Some of the classes I have completed include Principles of health science, AP Physics, chemistry, medical terminology, kinesiology, Sports Medicine 1, and Sports Medicine 2. I did a few college courses too so that when I go to college it will be easier when I start nursing school. The hardship I experienced was transferring to a super small 1A high school. I had to relocate to a different school and live with another family member for a little bit, which affected my emotional well-being. The school I transferred to was a fifth of the size of my old school so I had to retake courses since the other school did not accept the credits that my other school allowed. Having to retake courses made school stressful for me. I am also going to have a really difficult time trying to afford my tuition which is why I am applying for scholarships like this one. Regardless of the struggles I have gone through to get to where I am, I am so excited to follow my dreams and I am going to continue striving to work towards achieving all of them.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My experience with mental health has had a profound impact on my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. As I have gotten older I have gotten more and more aware of the importance of mental health through personal experiences and the struggles of those around me. This awareness has driven me to advocate for mental health and has shaped my aspirations in the healthcare field. My dream is to be able to advocate for people’s emotional well being everyday. I pray that I leave a long lasting impact on everyone and they feel worthy around me. In terms of my goals, my experience with mental health has solidified my desire to focus on compassionate patient care and holistic approaches to better the healthcare field. I aim to create environments where mental health is given the same attention and care as physical health is given. This perspective has influenced my decision to pursue a degree as a labor and delivery nurse, where I hope to integrate mental health support into everyday patient care and advocate for policies that prioritize mental well-being. My relationships have all been deeply influenced by my understanding of mental health. I've learned the importance of empathy, active listening, and creating a supportive environment for those that I care about. Being involved in mental health awareness campaigns and support groups has taught me how to offer meaningful support to all of my friends and family members. These experiences have strengthened my relationships, as I strive to be a source of comfort and understanding for everyone around me. Additionally, my understanding of the environments I am in has been broadened by my experiences with mental health. I've come to realize that mental health issues are pervasive and can affect anyone, regardless of their background. This realization has fueled my passion for mental health advocacy and has driven me to work towards reducing the stigma associated with mental health. By promoting mental health awareness and creating supportive communities, I hope to contribute to a world where individuals feel empowered to seek help and where mental health is prioritized. Overall, my experiences with mental health has shaped my goals, my relationships, and my understanding of the world in a significant way. I am driven me to pursue a career in healthcare with a focus on my patients mental health, strengthen my relationships through empathy and support, and broaden my perspective on the importance of mental health.
    Iliana Arie Scholarship
    I grew up with a teenage mother who didn’t have anyone to help her. She was seventeen years old when she became a mom. A majority of seventeen year olds like myself are stressed over how they’re going to pay for the new pair of shoes everyone is wearing whereas my mom was stressed about raising a whole human. We grew up bouncing around from one house to another. My mom didn’t have the opportunity to obtain a fancy degree in order to provide a stable income for us. This left us being stuck in circumstances where we didn’t know where we were going to even sleep at night. My mom was forced to work three jobs at once just to be able to afford child care for me and the basic necessities that we needed to survive. When my birthday and Christmas came around it was really rough for her because she wanted to be able to buy me presents but it was already hard on her by having to provide everything else that we needed. This caused me to start having aweful comparison issues because I would see all of the other kids around me that got an abundance of items. Now that I am older it is even harder having a single mother because we have to find different ways for us to afford things like my tuition and a dorm. Despite the hard patches of life my mother and I have been through I would do it all over again because it made me who I am today. It made me learn to appreciate things way more than most teenagers with a two-parent household and it also made me really independent. Sometimes I am bitter at my father for leaving a making my mother struggle so much but if he wouldn’t have done it then I wouldn’t have became who I am and I wouldn’t have the bond with my mother that I do have. Overall coming from a single-mother household made a huge impact on who I am but sometimes when things come up like Father’s Day it is really hard for me. I love my mom so much but I would love to have a household that has a mother and a father in it. Additionally, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by becoming a role model for others and advocating for the rights of other single mothers. I want to inspire others to pursue their dreams, regardless of their background or their circumstances. I believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed. Through my work, I hope to create a lasting impact that empowers single mothers and their children.
    Learner Mental Health Empowerment for Health Students Scholarship
    Mental health to me is so important not only as a student but also just in my typical day-to-day life. I have struggled with anxiety and severe depression since I was little. Testing and other activities are harder for me than other students when my mental health is bad. I have had to leave school on several occasions due to having bad anxiety and it has made being a student very difficult for me. Mental health is even more important being a student though because it directly impacts my ability to concentrate, retain information, interact with my classmates and professors, and just overall my ability to perform to the best of my abilities in my academics. The pressures that I face with an academic life, such as exams, studying, extracurricular activities, assignments, and maintaining a social life, can be super overwhelming. Good mental health allows me to stop stressing, stay focused, make good grades, and maintain a positive outlook on both my studies and my future healthcare career. It also helps me build resilience, which is crucial so that I can overcome any challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in both my academic and personal life. I advocate for mental health in my community by always being a supportive friend that everyone feels they can trust to help them. I also advocate for everyone’s mental health throughout my social media platforms. I believe in the power of education and open conversations to reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health issues. I aim to provide my peers with the knowledge and resources that they need to take care of their mental well-being and seek the care that they might need. Additionally, I make it a point to check in on my friends, family, teachers, and classmates by always offering a listening ear, being a shoulder for them to lean on, and encouraging them to seek help if they are struggling. I also promote mental health at home by creating a supportive, loving, and understanding environment. I talk openly about mental health with my family, and I emphasize the importance of self-care and seeking help from a professional when they need it. By sharing my own experiences and my strategies for coping, I hope to inspire others to prioritize their mental health. Through these efforts, I strive to contribute to making a community where mental health is valued and everyone feels empowered to seek the help that they all deserve.
    Women in Healthcare Scholarship
    I want to pursue a degree in healthcare because I enjoy helping others. I would love to be able to save people's lives and improve their health every day. I want to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse, which comes with huge responsibilities. Being a Labor and Delivery Nurse would be a great way for me to pursue my dreams and allow me to help people every day. Pursuing a healthcare degree is a decision fueled by a passion for helping others and is a huge commitment to positively impacting our society. As a woman in the healthcare field, I hope to bring a valuable perspective to other women who wish to pursue a degree in the healthcare field as well. As a woman in healthcare, I will bring compassion, empathy, support, and a unique perspective to patient care. By providing compassionate and hardworking care I aim to build strong, trusting relationships with all of my patients. This trust is crucial for effective treatment and will ensure that all of my patients feel valued, understood, and important. I also hope to advocate not only my patient's physical health but also their mental health and their overall emotional well-being. I aspire to be a role model and advocate for other women who are looking into being a part of the healthcare field. The healthcare field has been dominated by men over the past couple of decades, especially in leadership positions, but I hope that more women like myself begin to make a change in this. Advocacy for gender equality in the healthcare field is vital to me. By supporting policies that promote diversity and inclusion, I aim to contribute to a better healthcare system where everyone, regardless of their gender, has an equal opportunity to succeed and the possibility to make an impact on the world. By demonstrating how women can excel in this field, I hope to encourage more women to pursue their passions in healthcare. My decision to pursue a degree in healthcare is driven by my desire to constantly help others and improve the quality of life for both individuals and communities. Through my dedication and compassion, I aspire to leave a lasting positive impact on the healthcare system and inspire future generations of women to follow their dreams in this crucial profession. I hope that I have a long-lasting impact on the future generation of women in the nursing field.
    F.E. Foundation Scholarship
    I am currently in my last year of high school, and I am chasing my dreams of nursing. I am also a first-generation college student and am trying to beat the odds that are against me. I have taken just about every health class such as kinesiology, biology, physics, health science, AP physics, med term, and sports medicine 1 and 2, just so I can become the best possible nurse that I can be. I even joined a club called the sports medicine program where I assist injured athletes by working in the training room doing rehab and modalities working practices and monitoring athletes. My goal for this year is to make it into the University of Arkansas so that I can pursue my career in nursing by being accepted into their excellent nursing program, the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Once I get my degree I plan to get a great job at a hospital in Frisco and continue doing my favorite thing, helping people! Helping others and growing our community values has always been what I love to do. That will never change. I have aspired to make my mark on the world since I was four years old, by becoming a Labor and Delivery Nurse. I have always been someone who loves to help others and I knew that I would always be able to do that if I got an occupation in the nursing field. I have known since I was four that this is my passion, and I am excited to see it become a reality. Throughout my career, I would assist mothers who are giving birth. I will make sure to give them superior care available to them and assist them in navigating the healthcare system. I would perform an abundance of tasks to ensure they have the best labor experience. These tasks would include things like monitoring their contractions, administering medication, injecting an epidural, monitoring vital signs, checking their cervical, assisting during birth, helping with any complications that occur, and being there for emotional support. Care is a holistic experience. Being a Labor and Delivery Nurse is one of the most positively impactful occupations in the world because they assist in delivering babies which ensures everyone and everything's positive evolution. Without Labor and Delivery Nurses a lot of babies would have decreased survival rates, because of all of the complications that can occur during childbirth. I had an aunt who faced an uncertain demise due to a tumor in her stomach that ruptured while she was giving birth. If it were not for a Labor and Delivery Nurse's quick thinking and actions, being there to assist with the complications, then she would not have survived. This occurrence is just one of the many examples of Labor and Delivery Nurses making a huge impact individually and collectively. I think being a nurse is who I am meant to be, and I will continually learn to continually make a huge impact on the world.
    Emily Barrera Student Profile |