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Emilie Vayner


Bold Points






Hi! I am Emilie Vayner. I am the daughter of two immigrant parents and an aspiring lawyer. After being fortunate enough to travel around Europe I discovered my passion for utilizing uniqueness to help others. As someone who comes from a home where both parents are immigrants, I understand the immense opportunities available to me as a young American citizen. Being Jewish, female, and first-generation American has presented its challenges, yet I decide to use them to my advantage. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" I strive to use my differences to create a positive impact and be an example for others. I am dedicated to extracurricular clubs (mock trial and debate) which prepare me for my future in the legal and public service sector. I am most passionate about utilizing my skills and diving into my life passions such as law and philanthropy to give back to the community that has shaped me. My parents sacrificed more than I can explain, and it is my wish to make them proud by helping others. My dedication to success drives my actions. I always put in 110% effort into every new endeavor in my life. My determination and ability to use my specific skill set allows me to produce an ideal result while being efficient and considerate. I am bold because I have many different interests, skills, and characteristics which separate me from my peers. Instead of shying away from my differences I have always decided to lean into them and use them to my advantage.


Lower Moreland Hs

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      company founder

    • Intern

      Pennsylvania's State Representative Office (152 Legislative District)
      2019 – 2019
    • Intern

      Feretti inc
      2018 – 20202 years



    2010 – Present15 years


    • over 30 first places


    • American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence

      Independent — Researcher
      2018 – 2018


    • Not to Be Rude

      2020 – Present
    • Brilliant Dancesport

      2010 – Present
    • Pleaser

      2019 – Present
    • Independent

      Lower Moreland Art Show
      2016 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      local library and township — volunteer
      2018 – Present
    • Public Service (Politics)

      State Representative's Office 152 legislative district — Intern
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests





    Breanden Beneschott Ambitious Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    My dad listens to classic jazz while watching Sunday night football. My mom watches Russian soap operas while cooking Persian TahDig. Every facet of our daily lives is beautifully diverse. So why is everyone obsessed with achieving the same type of success? We live in a world where the hidden gems of life are forgotten because we are too preoccupied with people who are more successful than we are; those who are rich, beautiful, high achieving, or widely recognized. Boiling life’s complexity down to this sorry definition of success deafens the blaring potential of humanity. I’ve never felt good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, kind enough, successful enough. Not once in the middle of a twelve hour study session, eight hour dance or mock trial competition, seven day juice cleanse diet, or a seventeen year-long life did I stop and ask myself, when? When did I learn to equate success to grade-point averages, numbers on the scale, and placements in competitions? I don’t know the answer to that question because I can’t remember a time where I wasn’t consumed by defining my worth through quantity. I’ve come to realize that this obsession is linked to today’s widely accepted definition of success. Currently, society uses metrics such as grades, salary, followers, or even apartment size to gage success. This creates a world of tension and competition that depends on the failure of others to achieve greatness. If I could change anything in the world it would be the definition of success. The definition of success should be reinvented to encompass personal exploration. Success lies in the practice of creation, not in the money or fame that comes in the aftermath. The world can no longer let the fate of its success rest in the opinions of others. There is no singular way to measure success, and when the world becomes aware of this, ingenuity and progress will thrive. Not everyone can be the richest person in the world, or help find the cure for cancer, and that is the beauty of our world. By using different perspectives and skills the world comes together and enriches society. When John F. Kennedy visited NASA in 1962, he noticed a janitor and walked over to him. He asked the man what he was doing, and the janitor replied “Well, Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.” Every person on this Earth is taking small steps towards one giant leap for mankind. Trying to measure prosperity with the same ruler is inefficient, and I think it’s time to invent a new system.
    First-Generation, First Child Scholarship
    Hi! I am Emilie Vayner. I am the daughter of two immigrant parents and an aspiring lawyer. After being fortunate enough to travel around Europe I discovered my passion for utilizing uniqueness to help others. As someone who comes from a home where both parents are immigrants, I understand the immense opportunities available to me as a young American citizen. Being Jewish, female, and first-generation American has presented its challenges, yet I decide to use them to my advantage. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" I strive to use my differences to create a positive impact and be an example for others. I am dedicated to extracurricular clubs (mock trial and debate) which prepare me for my future in the legal and public service sector. I am most passionate about utilizing my skills and diving into my life passions such as law and philanthropy to give back to the community that has shaped me. My parents sacrificed more than I can explain, and it is my wish to make them proud by helping others. My dedication to success drives my actions. I always put in 110% effort into every new endeavor in my life. My determination and ability to use my specific skill set allows me to produce an ideal result while being efficient and considerate. I am bold because I have many different interests, skills, and characteristics which separate me from my peers. Instead of shying away from my differences I have always decided to lean into them and use them to my advantage.
    Rosemarie STEM Scholarship
    With a minor in international relations, focusing on regional politics and cultural anthropology, I can focus on global progress. Using my podcast-production and writing skills, I’ll volunteer for Daryl Ireland’s project, Undaunted Voices of Turkey: the perfect amalgamation of communication and political science, truly showing PR’s global impact.
    Nikhil Desai "Perspective" Scholarship
    I had successfully avoided environments that forced reckoning with mortality, such as nursing homes, for most of my life, as they cause signals of distress to shudder throughout my body. Interning for State Representative Thomas Murt changed that. He explained that his job involves being present for his community, including a couple with dementia he visited weekly. He cautioned they might mistake me for his daughter. My new identity was the least of my worries, as anxiety crept up my spine upon entering the couple’s room. Through conversation, I learned that Mr.Murt was one of the few people, including their children, who visited them. In times where family fails, community can triumph. Though our stories were repetitious, the couple’s reaction resembled their first time having the conversation; we remembered their deteriorating memory while they celebrated reliving one. Knowing that I could contribute to their happiness outweighed any feeling of discomfort I previously felt regarding nursing homes. That moment changed my perspective on life. Seeing that the couple had almost no one coming to visit them made me realize that life will be the best when I live it for myself. From that moment on I decided to never let comfortability stand in the way of my dreams and passions.
    Giving Thanks Scholarship
    I believe that friends are chosen family, and I am so thankful I have amazing circle of friends around me. This picture shows one of my best friend's Anna and I on a school field trip (she is on the right). This photo perfectly encapsulates why I am so thankful she's a part of my life. Since we met in the 6th grade we have been inseparable, and we can turn any moment into a happy one. She is insanely intelligent and hilarious. We've spent countless hours laughing together yet we are still able to be serious and concerned for each other. I know that at the end of the day she will always support me and I will be there for her in return. Our bond is one that so many dream of, and I hope to never take it for granted. I'm thankful for the outrageous experiences I've had because Anna pulled me out of my comfort zone. I couldn't imagine my life without her by my side, and I know no matter where we end up, our hearts and souls will always be bonded together. She makes me feel loved, important, and worthy of appreciation. I hope everyone gets a chance to create such a powerful connection with someone because it is irreplaceable and I am eternally grateful.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    This is from my first Mock Trial state competition as a sophomore in high school (second person from the left in the front.) Our team had progressed forward and won cases against over 50 teams in Montgomery County, so we were able to travel to Pittsburgh and compete against some of the best teams in Pennsylvania. I was one of the first mock trial participants my age to be able to compete in the state competition, and it was an honor. This competition was a true test of my capabilities and allowed me to lead the mock trial team today.
    Cyber Monday Prep Scholarship
    Zara -Their website can be a little bit difficult to navigate but the high class fashion aesthetic makes it a really enjoyable experience to browse. Aritzia -I can't always afford it, but I try and shop here once in a while to invest in sustainable clothing rather than fund fast fashion. Amazon -Great place for great deals and quick delivery, love finding anything I need very quickly.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    I am very fortunate to be growing up in an era that acknowledges mental health. Unfortunately, this acknowledgement doesn't change the fact that mental illness is insanely prevalent in my generation, and I am no exception. I have had my fair share of anxiety along with some members of my family. Growing up with an older brother with severe depression and dealing with my own mental health struggles shaped every aspect of who I am as a person. I think that those who struggle with any form of mental illness will tell you believing is the hardest part. Believing you'll get better, believing you're worthy, and even believing life is worth living. I have yet to decide if I am a spiritual person, but I do believe that there is always a new open door when one closes. I believe that I am worthy of love and acceptance. It took me many years of struggling with severe anxiety to gain some wisdom and belief in the world. When in the middle of a panic attack, simple things help me cope. My favorite show, or simply acknowledging how lucky I am to be on this Earth. My lens of the world has been shaped by years of struggle, but I think it was worth it. I see the world as a place of endless treasures one must simply work to discover, and I have made it my mission to appreciate all the details my peers might miss. Relationships are difficult for everyone, but especially for those who struggle with their relationship with themselves. I don't have many friends, rather a select few that I give my all to. Friendship is extremely important to me. Many will say blood is thicker than water, and your family comes before everyone. While I do adore my family, my friends are family. They are my chosen family. If my friends weren't a part of my life during some of my darkest times, I am scared to think who I would be today. I have learned not to tolerate toxicity and those who make my anxiety or depression worse. Mental health has created a filtration system for my life, and my relationships have benefitted. I would say my mental health experiences have been most impactful on my career aspirations. Although I would love to be a lawyer, or work in public relations, mental health has more accurately impacted my philosophy on career. I used to be so focused on success in a monetary sense, and having everything figured out when I leave high school. My struggle with anxiety and subsequent help I've received from professionals made me see that I strive to simply use my skills to achieve my potential. Wherever it may be. I hope to become a lawyer and use my experience with psychology to analyze juries and achieve success in the field of law. My other interest career wise include public relations which would also let me focus on facets of the mind, specifically the minds of consumers. Mental health is extremely important to me. It is something I deal with every single day, and have been able to overcome in order to shape my beliefs, relationships and career aspirations. I hope to bring awareness to mental health in every endeavor of my life.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    I want to see empathy become a priority. Coming from an immigrant home, I appreciate different cultures and backgrounds, acknowledging that a global perspective is vital to developing empathy. It is from that understanding that change can ensue. In my local community I want to see more acceptance of people from different background. In the country I want to see more focus on climate change prevention, and women's rights. In the world, I want everyone to remember the immense capabilities we hold to progress as humans. I have volunteered throughout my entire life. From attending nursing homes, to organizing events for children at my local library. Visiting nursing homes was daunting, but even though I was watching beautiful memories deteriorate in senior's minds, I allowed them to relive happiness. I volunteered at my local library before the Covid-19 pandemic for over 60 hours. I think education is extremely important and local libraries make that possible for everyone. I am also a member of the environmental club at my school where we orchestrate campus cleanups and work on green initiatives throughout the school. I hope to continue doing my part in my community throughout my life and my goal is to work extensively in a soup kitchen in college.
    Reputation Rhino Protection and Preservation of Wildlife and Nature Scholarship
    Endangered species must be saved. Our government should save endangered species because protecting endangered species benefits humans. Taking away these animals could cause huge consequences, and a variety of species make our world a happier and better place. These species have as much right to be on earth as we do. So these endangered species saved. Endangered species benefit humans, provide jobs, medicines, and a diversity of life. The diversity that these animals provide is considered by scientists to be a necessary condition for humans to develop. The medicines that these animals provide are crucial in helping to cure certain diseases. Most medicines are made from over 90 plant species, and those species are becoming endangered. On the other hand, some people believe that humans should not save endangered species because endangered species pose a threat to human lives by killing crops, and cause hardships by having to use land to build special habitats for endangered species. Removing endangered animals and plants from our ecosystem can cause many consequences. One of these consequences is a drop in population. Medicines that have been made using endangered species will not be able to be produced anymore, because there will be no animals to make the medicines from. This may cause some humans to die of a particular disease because it cannot be treated. Medicines are made from endangered species such as the Asian Elephant. Parts of its feet are turned into paste to treat hernias. Animals that are also used to make medicine are the Sun Bear, and Bunting. Critics think that there are more consequences by not removing these animals from our ecosystem compared to removing them. Some people say this because humans will lose money and time if they try and save these species. Because of all the habitats that are required to build for these animals. In the past, all of these crucial things have come to a cost of $5.7 million dollars, and the majority of this money came from federal places. By providing diversity of life, these animals make our world a better place. They provide jobs for many people. Endangered animals have changed our world and made it a better place, because they save human lives by providing cures to life threatening diseases. Critics believe endangered species can make our world more of an unpleasant place because they can spread diseases such as measles, parasites, and White Nose Syndrome. Estimates of 6.7 million bats were killed because of White Nose Syndrome. When people visit the famous caves, which these bats live in, they can catch this disease, and the disease spreads. In conclusion, our government should save endangered species. These species benefit humans because taking them away can cause huge consequence. They make our world a better place to be in. There are people who disagree. They disagree because protecting these animals can be time consuming and require a lot of money. The variety of these species can be dangerous, spread disease, and they pose a threat to humans by killing crops. “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” says Martin Buber.
    Black Friday Prep Scholarship
    I think that personal finance is so important and not taught enough in our school systems at a young age! Thankfully social media has opened a portal of endless information regarding personal finance. These are my three favorite influencers for learning more about personal finance. 1. Tori Dunlap (Tik-Tok) -Provides free tips on how to start saving at a young age, but doesn't make me feel guilty about some spending habits. Extremely informational and she is working to increase rights for women! 2. Humphrey Yang (Tik-Tok) -Takes daunting financial topics such as car depreciation and mortgage payments and explains them in a way that I can digest, and be informed on important aspects of my future life. 3. Delyanne (the money coach) (Tik-Tok) -Teaches new investors how to effectively invest in the stock market. I am passionate about the stock market, but it is a very complicated concept. She has helped me learn about correct investments so I can prepare for my future. Personal finance has always been something I worried about, but didn't know where to begin! These three influencers symbolize my endeavors into the financial world and work to prepare for saving and being successful in the future.
    Low-Income Student Scholarship
    Joining the Mock Trial team was single-handedly the best and most challenging decision I have made to date. After my best friend (who only ended up showing up to one meeting) begged me to come with her to the inaugural Mock Trial meeting, I hesitantly agreed. I had voiced my concerns to her: I'm not smart enough, I'm scared of public speaking, and my strongest argument: the students in Mock Trial are all in advanced classes, and I'm not. Thankfully she told me I was perfectly capable and that if I was interested, I should go. I'm positive she simply didn't want to go alone, but the confidence was the extra push I needed. I remember my first ever Mock Trial meeting as if it happened yesterday. Green. White. Green. White. I cataloged the colors of the floor tiles, eyes plastered to the floor, cowering behind my friend who was acting as my shield against self-doubt. We were traveling to a place far out of my comfort zone, and I packed all my baggage. As the coach explained the basics of Mock Trial I became more than intrigued. He spoke of on-your-feet thinking, speech giving, and experiencing the American justice system hands-on. Excitement fluttered around my stomach in the air of maintained unease. At the time, I knew that joining the team would provide me with unmatched time management, logical thinking, and public speaking skills, but I could not predict the moral and intellectual transformation that would ensue in the next four years. Not only did I go on to obtain material accomplishments and acknowledgments within Mock Trial, but I learned to acknowledge myself and my capabilities. I went from hardly ever speaking in team meetings to leading them. I used to cower behind my peers, and now I stand proudly in courtrooms and classrooms presenting my case. Of course, winning awards and cutthroat competitions fills me with a joy I can hardly convey, but the everlasting commitment to betterment that I have gained is invaluable. Before joining the team, I could not even dream of a time where I would choose to take advanced classes or willingly compete against some of the most talented debaters in Pennsylvania. Each day I pour my heart and soul into my work, I am actively choosing to believe that I am capable. To me, that is the greatest achievement. Mock Trial has allowed me to gain the confidence and skills to walk into every room, looking to learn something new and show the world what I've learned. My comfort zone lies at the crux of my future aspirations, and I would never let the dense blockade that is discomfort get in the way of becoming the person I know I am and want to be deep down.
    WiseGeek Nurse Appreciation No-Essay Scholarship
    Galactic Fed Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    WiseGeek No-Essay Military Appreciation Grant
    National Healthcare Heroes Grant for Nurses
    Cappex No-Essay Scholarship
    Christian Colleges No-Essay Scholarship
    1000 Bold Points No-Essay Scholarship
    "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship
    "Fight for Equality" Women in STEM Scholarship
    WiseGeek Mental Health Well-Being No-Essay Scholarship
    Penny Hoarder Smart Money No-Essay Scholarship
    400 Bold Points No-Essay Scholarship
    Hustle Tech & Business News No-Essay Scholarship
    Newsette No-Essay Leadership Scholarship for Women
    CollegeXpress No-Essay Scholarship
    500 Bold Points No-Essay Scholarship