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Elizabeth Fagan


Bold Points




Lakeland Senior High School

High School
2018 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, General
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      To work in the nfl



      2021 – 20221 year

      Track & Field

      2018 – 20224 years


      • 5x Leauge Section and County Champ

      Future Interests






      Bold Success Scholarship
      My goal is to attend The Ohio State University where I will obtain my bachelor's and master's degrees in elementary education and or sports broadcasting/management. After I receive my degrees I plan to work as an elementary school teacher preferably in 1st or 3rd grade. I also plan to pursue a career as a sports broadcaster with hopes of becoming the next Joe Buck. I am also considering becoming a general manager of an NFL team. I plan to achieve success through hard work and dedication. Staying committed to the process and always giving 100%.
      Bold Optimist Scholarship
      My grandfather was my best friend and he passed away unexpectedly this past June. Through grieving his passing I had to learn to remain positive and optimistic . I had to learn to look at all the good through the bad find the sun through the rain. You have to always find the good in every situation because there is always a positive . In this situation the positive was my grandfather was no longer in pain. My grandfather had always been in a lot of pain throughout my life , from a broken hip among other internal injuries. All I ever wanted was for grandfather to be pain free. Seeing him in pain broke my heart and that's how I made peace with his passing , was knowing he was pain free. In conclusion it is important to go through life with a ¨look on the bright side¨ mentality because there is good in every situation . Sometimes you may have to look a little harder but there is always good .
      Ron Johnston Student Athlete Scholarship
      There are a lot of people and things that have inspired me throughout my life. My best friend who we call "three" would be my biggest inspiration. Three and I we were inseparable, we did everything together. He was my right-hand man. He, unfortunately, passed away in August of 2017 and he became my why, my biggest inspiration. Three and I, we had our whole lives mapped out a plan we were going to follow. I was going to be a teacher and attend Ohio State and he was going to get a football or lacrosse scholarship to Penn State and go pro. Ever since he passed I have felt pressure and honor to keep our plan and his legacy alive. If I were to receive this scholarship it would really help me continue his legacy. Another person who has really inspired me is my grandfather who unexpectedly passed away suddenly in June. My grandfather was my best friend, I loved him more than I loved myself. he was my everything him and my grandfather. I have made it my mission to keep his legacy alive because his legacy was one worth remembering. My grandfather taught me a lot in life. He taught me the value of honesty and hard work. My grandfather had to work for everything he had and that really inspired me. My grandfather also taught me the value of being kind to others. You never know what a person is going through . my grandfather was always in a lot of pain everyday from having a broken hip. He always kept a smile on his face . you never know what a person is going through in life and it is better to alaway be nice to others . Lastly my grandfather taught me the importance of a legacy. You do not realize how much people meant to you until they are gone. It is important to leave people with good memories of you and memories that will last. my grandfather inspired me to leave people with a good impression and better than I met them. As you can see there is inspiration all around me and with this scholarship I hope to continue to spread my best friend and grandfathers legacies.
      Sports In Action Scholarship
      I want to pursue a career in sports because sports have made me the person I am today. I have learned so much from sports and what it means to be a part of a team. Throughout my life, I have played pretty much every sport you could think of but the only ones that stuck were volleyball, track, and football. I have played volleyball since the second grade and it's a sport I've grown to love. Through the game of volleyball, I have learned what it means to be a team player and how to be a good teammate which has taught me the greater lesson of being a great friend. To be a great friend you have to listen to and support your friends. The second sport that has become my life and inspiration for wanting to pursue a career in sports is track and field. I have been running my whole life. Ever since I was a kid and I would beat the boys in races at recess I knew running was something I was very good at. over the years track has become a key part of my life and I truly can't imagine my life without it. Through track, I have had my highest highs ad lowest lows and through it, all track has been there for me. Track has became my escape from reality and really allowed me peace of mind and an escape from reality. Through track, I have met some of the best people who I am so lucky to call my best friends and family. through the track, I have also built endurance and learned the importance of living a balanced lifestyle and healthy lifestyle. though track is mainly an individual sport you do learn how to be a part of the team and what it means to be on a team and how to be a leader. Through every lesson gained through track, I've also had a lot of losses. My freshman year I got stitches and a concussion and had to miss a large part of the spring season. My sophomore year covid canceled our spring season. My junior year during our league championship meet after I won the class A title for long jump, my grandfather passed away. Track was what helped me get through his loss because it was my way to honor him and he became my motivation to go harder. my senior year, this past December I got covid and had to miss the entire season due to return to play complications. In conclusion, track has taught me a lot and really fostered my passion for wanting to pursue a career in sports. Football was and still is my first love. From the moment I watched my first game I fell in love and I knew I wanted that to be a part of my future. Football came easy to me. When I graduate college my hopes are to receive a job working in the National Football League. I want to either be the next Joe Buck or a General Manager of an NFL Franchise. My senior year I helped start the girls flag football team that will be competing this spring for the first time ever in New York State. this was a really big deal for me because my goal has been to increase representation in my school for girls in football. I have also done this by becoming the theme manager of the varsity football team. In conclusion, football has had a really big influence in my life .
      Future Teachers of America Scholarship
      I am passionate about being a teacher because I love children. I also love going to school and I want to instill these same passions into the next generations.
      Frances Loretta Memorial Scholarship
      I have been very blessed to have some of the best and most amazing teachers over my years from kindergarten to senior year. It is very hard to pick one teacher that has been the most influential in my journey. But there are a few that stand out. First, would most definitely be my first-grade teacher, Mrs.Catlin. I remember how much I loved going to school because of her and her class. She was the reason I wanted to become an elementary school teacher and specifically teach 1st grade. Secondly, My 8th-grade I core and English Teacher, Ms.McNally. I remember she gave me my love for writing. My favorite assignment we did in her class was the letter to our future selfs. This assignment as my favorite assignment I have ever done and one I look forward to reccieveing this coming june. Lastly my Spanish teacher Ms. Anderson. Ms.Anderson loves all of her students and wants to see the best for them and it has really inspired me to want to be a teacher and what kind of teacher I want to be when I'm older. in conclusion it can be seen that I have been very fortunate to have been surrounded by many amazing teachers throughout my years that have really inspired me to become a teacher .
      Bold Listening Scholarship
      Listening to me means being their for others. it means being someone people can trust and feel safe talking to and having compassion for others. I actively listen by listening to my friends when they take and need a place to vent and seek advice.
      Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
      I hope to impact the world by creating an ever-lasting legacy on the game of football. I want to be a broadcaster and call NFL games when I'm older and be remembered as a person who inspired others to follow their dreams.
      Bold Art Matters Scholarship
      my favorite piece of art is starry night by vincent vangoh because I love the colors and the memories I have attached to the painting , it was my grandpa and i's favorite e painting and one of my fondest memories of him is when we went to go see it.
      Bold Self-Care Scholarship
      I practice self-care through dedicated time in my day every day to myself At that time I meditate, watch tv, listen to calming music and music in general. this impacts my life because it allows me to focus and put myself first and continue to live my best life.
      Bold Longevity Scholarship
      I believe there are two key factors into maintaining a long happy and healthy life, You must eat well as well as exercise daily because n will not work without the other. Also, you must keep your mind active through word searches, puzzles, and brain games. As you get older it is important to keep your mind active.
      Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
      Do not spend more than the you have saved
      Bold Driven Scholarship
      My goal is to work in the National Football Leauge, After growing up in love with the game, I have always had big dreams of working in the league I have big aspirations of working in the NFL. I want to increase female representation and be a part of the much-needed change. I grew up listening to people like Joe Buck, Al Michaels, Troy Aikman, Cris Collinsworth, and Jim Nantz call games, and hearing how they spoke about the game really resonated with me and helped me gain a deeper understanding and made me want to pursue a career in sports broadcasting. I love talking about the game and watching it and I truly believe I can positively impact the NFL through broadcasting. My senior year I took a class focused on becoming a general manager of a professional sports team and after taking that class I fell in love with the idea of becoming a general manager of an NFL franchise.
      Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
      I love football. I have loved it my whole life. The competition and lessons learned from the sport is what has always attracted me towards it. I wanted to make my impact on the world through football because I want other women and girls to share the love I have for the game. I have made an impact through my local high school. This past year (my senior year) I joined the football team as the team manager. I wanted to show girls at my school that you could do anything you want to regardless of your gender. Do not be afraid to love what you love and who you love. I have seen an impact since joining with girls reaching out saying I inspired them and asking how they can get involved and it truly meant a lot. I also started a girls flag football team this year at my school that will be playing a full season this spring ! I went to my principal asking if we could start a game and now we are playing a full season against other schools in New York! It's truly an honor to see my love of the game impact my school community and state. I hope to have shown other girls younger than me that you can be anything you want to be !