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elijah frame


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I am a welder who loves working with metal and creating new products or repairing old ones. I am passionate about welding because it is a challenging and rewarding profession that allows me to use my skills and creativity to solve problems and meet customer needs. My life goals in the welding career are to: Learn new welding techniques and methods to improve my performance and quality. Earn certifications and licenses that will enhance my credibility and opportunities in the industry. Advance to higher-level positions such as welding inspector, engineer, or manager. Travel to different places and work on diverse projects that will expand my knowledge and experience. Contribute to the development and innovation of the welding field and share my expertise with others. I am a good candidate for a welding position because I have: Training and experience in welding, such as, FCAW, SMAW, GMAW, MIG,TIG and OSHA10. Welding skills competition 2nd place winner Strong technical skills, attention to detail, and safety awareness. A positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a dedication to excellence. The ability to work independently or as part of a team. A flexible schedule and a readiness to travel if needed. Welding is a great career choice for me because it offers many benefits, such as high demand, competitive salary, job security, opportunities for advancement, creativity, hands-on work, travel opportunities, independence, variety, and job satisfaction. I am proud to be a welder and I look forward to pursuing my career goals in this exciting and dynamic industry.


Kentucky Welding Institute

Trade School
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Architectural Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Minors:
    • Mechanical Engineering

Nicholas County High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Trade School

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Construction Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • laborer/ worked along side my pastor

      2023 – Present1 year



    2021 – Present3 years


    • Mechanical Engineering

      NCCTC — student
      2020 – Present


    • NCCTC

      2021 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Student Council — Literacy Event Member
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Thomas Mashig Foundation Scholarship
    My name is Elijah Frame, a proud senior at Nicholas County High School. For the past three years, I have been honing my skills in the Welding Program at Nicholas County Career and Technical Center. My dedication and passion for welding were recognized when I won 2nd place in the in-house Skills USA competition. This July, I look forward to furthering my education at the Kentucky Welding Institute. Welding has always been more than a trade to me, it’s an art form that I deeply enjoy. But beyond the sparks and the steel, I believe in using my skills to make a difference in my community. I have helped my church with various events such as the Potato Festival and a live Nativity scene. These events, aimed at bringing our community together, have been rewarding experiences. In addition to these, I find joy in helping the elderly with their lawns or any other needs they might have. I believe in the power of giving, whether it’s donating food to those in need or simply offering a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Most importantly, I believe in the power of prayer and its ability to provide comfort and strength. As I look to the future, I am excited about the numerous ways I can utilize my trade of welding. Firstly, I can offer my services to local businesses and homeowners for repair and construction needs. Secondly, I can use my skills to create custom metal art, contributing to the local art scene and providing unique pieces for individuals and public spaces. Thirdly, I can volunteer my skills for community projects, helping to build structures that benefit the community such as park benches or playground equipment. Moreover, I envision teaching others the art of welding, passing on the skills and passion I have developed. By doing so, I can help others discover a potential career path or a rewarding hobby. Lastly, I can use welding to support causes I believe in, either by donating my services or creating pieces for charity auctions. In conclusion, welding is more than a trade to me. It’s a skill, an art, and a tool for service. As I move forward in my journey, I am committed to utilizing my welding skills to the best of my ability, not only to build structures but also to build community and make a difference in the lives of others.
    Matthew S. Greene Student Athlete Scholarship
    As a high school student-athlete in West Virginia, I have always strived to embody the core values that define me: a love of athletics, show my passion for sports, whether it’s baseball, fishing, hunting, or trapping. Practice regularly, always strive to improve, and most importantly, enjoy what I do. Strong academics, prioritize my studies, aim for excellence in my academic pursuits. Education is not just about grades, but also about learning and growing as an individual. High character, be honest, respectful, and responsible. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Stand up for what is right, even when it’s not easy. Christian faith, live according to the teachings of Christianity. Pray regularly, read the Bible, and strive to live a life that reflects the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Also, community involvement, actively participating in community events, volunteer my time and skills to causes I care about. Every small act can make a big difference. These values, I believe, are the cornerstones of not just a good athlete, but a good person. Being a good teammate extends beyond the field or court. It means supporting each other in times of victory and defeat, fostering a positive environment, and working towards a common goal. The most significant team I’ve been a part of is not confined to a specific sport, but rather a spiritual journey Team Jesus. This team transcends the boundaries of traditional sports, focusing on personal growth and faith. In the realm of athletics, I’ve learned that a team is not defined by the name it carries, but by the athletes who represent it. Each baseball team I’ve been a part of has taught me the importance of individual contribution to collective success. However, my athleticism is not limited to traditional sports. My love for the outdoors, fishing, hunting, and trapping, has shaped me into a versatile athlete, one who finds joy in the simplicity of nature. My faith has been my guiding light, both on and off the field. As a Baptist, I’ve found solace and strength in my beliefs, especially during challenging times. My faith has not only supported me but also inspired me to give back to my community. From participating in a live nativity to assisting with the potato festival, I’ve sought to make a positive impact. My academic journey, marked by my upcoming graduation with honors, mirrors my athletic and spiritual journey. It is a testament to my dedication, perseverance, and the balance I’ve maintained between my various passions. In conclusion, being a student-athlete in West Virginia is not just about excelling in sports or academics. It’s about embodying values, nurturing faith, contributing to the community,
    C. Burke Morris Scholarship
    In the heart of Nicholas County, within the booth at the Nicholas County Career and Technical Center, a story of determination and accomplishment unfolds. My journey began when I was a freshman in high school, and I attended the career center to see if any programs interested me. I thoroughly enjoyed welding and decided my sophomore year I would try to get accepted in the program. I attended 2 years my sophomore and junior years. I didn’t compete with skills USA because I wanted to focus on getting my certifications, which I was able to accomplish. I enjoyed welding so much that my senior year I was allowed to go back and compete int he skills USA. So as the open house welding competition at the Nicholas County Career and Technical Center was approaching, I made several decisions on what I was going to do to compete. The competition was fierce, with participants showcasing their skills and creativity. Despite the intense competition, I managed to secure second place. This achievement was not a matter of luck, but the result of countless hours spent honing my skills and perfecting my craft. Instead of attending a traditional two- or four-year degree program, I chose a different path. I enrolled in the Kentucky Welding Institute’s six-month program, a decision that would see me spend at least eight hours a day in the shop, some Saturdays, and maybe even a few hours in between church services on Sunday to get equipment and supplies ready for Monday. My commitment to welding extended beyond just welding in class. I stayed after school three, sometimes four days a week, practicing until 6 in the evening. Every spare moment I had was dedicated to welding, a testament to my passion and commitment to the craft. In my pursuit of excellence, I made a significant sacrifice. I traded my dirt bike, a prized possession, for a welder. This allowed me to practice welding at home, further enhancing my skills and understanding of the craft. This decision, while difficult, underscored my dedication to becoming a proficient welder. In conclusion, my journey in welding has been one of dedication, sacrifice, and accomplishment. Securing second place in the open house welding competition at Nicholas County Career and Technical Center was a significant milestone, but it is just the beginning. As I continue my education at the Kentucky Welding Institute, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. With my welder in hand and a passion for the craft, I am ready to forge ahead on my welding journey.
    Career Test Scholarship
    As I stand on the precipice of graduation from high school, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. The Nicholas County Career and Technical Center has been a crucible of learning, where I have honed my skills and prepared for the future. My journey in the world of welding has been both challenging and rewarding, and as I prepare to attend KWI, I carry with me the knowledge and certifications that are a testament to my dedication to this craft. Welding, to me, is not just a trade; it is an art form. It is the alchemy of transforming metals into structures that are both functional and, at times, aesthetically pleasing. My fascination with welding began as a spark of curiosity and has since ignited into a burning passion. The certifications I have earned, including the 2G, 3G, and 4G SMAW, as well as my OSHA 10, are more than just accolades; they are milestones in my journey of mastering this art. At KWI, I plan to further my education in welding, building upon the strong foundation laid at the technical center. My goal is to not only deepen my understanding of welding techniques but also to explore the science behind the materials and processes. I envision a future where I can contribute to advancements in welding technology, perhaps developing new methods that increase efficiency or enhance safety in the field. The hands-on experience I gained at the technical center has been invaluable. Each arc struck and bead laid has taught me the importance of precision, control, and patience. Welding requires a steady hand and a keen eye, qualities that I have developed and refined over countless hours of practice. These skills will serve me well at KWI, where I will be challenged to push the boundaries of my abilities. My aspirations in welding extend beyond personal achievement. I am driven by the desire to make a difference in the world through my work. Welding is a critical component in various industries, from construction to manufacturing, and plays a vital role in the development of infrastructure. By advancing my skills and knowledge, I aim to contribute to projects that not only stand the test of time but also improve the quality of life for communities. Education is a continuous journey, and I am eager to embrace the new challenges and opportunities that await me at KWI. I am confident that the institution will provide me with the resources and guidance necessary to achieve my professional dreams. The prospect of collaborating with like-minded individuals, learning from experienced instructors, and accessing state-of-the-art facilities is exhilarating. As I reflect on my time at the technical center, I am grateful for the mentors who have guided me, the peers who have supported me, and the challenges that have shaped me. These experiences have solidified my resolve to pursue a career in welding, and I am ready to take the next step in my educational journey. In conclusion, my passion for welding is the driving force behind my ambition to excel at KWI. The certifications I have received are not merely achievements but steppingstones towards a future where I can leave a mark on the world through my craft. I am committed to continuous learning, innovation, and excellence in welding, and I look forward to the opportunities that KWI will offer to further my education and contribute to the field.
    Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship
    As the sparks flew and the metal melded under my skilled hands, I realized that welding was more than just a trade it was my calling. My journey began at the Nicholas County Career and Technical Center, where I immersed myself in the art of joining metals. Over the past three years, I’ve honed my skills, competed in welding competitions, and discovered a profound passion for this craft. Welding isn’t merely about fusing metal; it’s about creating something enduring. The sizzle of the welding torch, the smell of molten metal, and the precision required it all exhilarates me. When I strike an arc, I feel connected to generations of welders who shaped our world with their craftsmanship. Whether it’s constructing bridges, skyscrapers, or intricate sculptures, welding is the heartbeat of progress. Winning second place in the in-house welding competition was a defining moment. The heat of the competition, the pressure to execute flawlessly it pushed me to my limits. But when the judges praised my welds, I knew I was on the right path. Yet, challenges persist. Welding demands physical endurance, mental focus, and an eye for detail. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but the rewards are worth every bead of sweat. Life isn’t all about welding booths and metalwork. One day, out of season, I aimed my gun at a duck in the creek. I had missed and went on my way. My neighbor had caIled the law on me instead of speaking with my parents. A 16-year-old boy and I had broken the law. Honestly, I hadn't thought anything about it. I had only wanted to taste duck, that's all. When the authorities arrived, I faced a choice: lie or confess. Honesty prevailed I admitted my mistake. Surprisingly, they gave me a warning, emphasizing the importance of abiding by regulations. That incident taught me integrity and responsibility, values I carry into my welding career. My welding education isn’t just about certificates and qualifications; it’s about building a legacy. I envision myself working on monumental projects bridges that span rivers, pipelines that connect cities, and sculptures that inspire awe. I’ll continue learning, perhaps pursuing specialized certifications like the Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). Eventually, I dream of mentoring young welders, passing on the torch of knowledge. Welding isn’t just a job; it’s my purpose. As I forge my path, I’ll remember that duck, the warning, and the importance of staying true to both my craft and the law. With each weld, I’ll leave my mark on the world a testament to passion, honesty, and the enduring power of metal.
    Trades Make the World Go 'Round
    The decision to pursue a career in the welding field was not a random choice, but a carefully considered one, influenced by a variety of factors. Firstly, I have always had a deep appreciation for craftsmanship and the tangible results that come from working with one’s hands. The art of welding, with its bright sparks and glowing metal, fascinated me. The ability to join separate pieces of metal into a single, strong structure seemed almost magical. This passion for the craft was a significant factor in my decision to enter the welding field. Secondly, the practical aspects of job security and demand in the industry played a crucial role. The welding field is an integral part of numerous industries, including construction, automotive, and aerospace. With the constant need for skilled welders, I recognized the potential for steady employment and a reliable income. Thirdly, the field of welding offers numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. With experience and additional certifications, a welder can progress to more complex and higher-paying jobs. The prospect of continuous learning and improvement was appealing to me. Lastly, I was drawn to the welding field because of the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the world. From constructing buildings to repairing vehicles, welders play a crucial role in society. Knowing that my work contributes to the functioning and development of our community gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction. In conclusion, my decision to choose the welding field was influenced by my passion for the craft, the practical benefits of job security and demand, the opportunities for growth, and the chance to make a meaningful contribution to society. As I continue my journey in this field, I look forward to the challenges and rewards that lie ahead.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    The movie “Sheffey” has left a profound impact on my life, inspiring me toward higher education. It’s remarkable how films can touch our hearts and motivate us in unexpected ways. “Sheffey”, released in 1977, is a biographical drama that portrays the life and works of Robert Sayers Sheffey. He was a 19th-century circuit rider, a Christian evangelist, and a preacher who ministered to the mountain folk of the central Appalachian region. Brother Sheffey, a man of unwavering faith and dedication, resonates with my own journey toward furthering my welding experience. Like Sheffey, we can recognize a higher calling, a purpose that transcends mere occupation. Welding isn’t just about joining metals; it’s about shaping communities, building bridges, and leaving a lasting impact. Sheffey rode the rugged trails of Appalachia, ministering to souls. Similarly, I tread the path of molten steel, seeking mastery and service. Sheffey ministered without formal theological training, relying on faith and conviction. My journey, too, began with hands-on experience in the classroom. Now, as I consider an institute for further education, I stand at the anvil of knowledge. Professors become mentors, textbooks my blueprints. Each lecture, each lab session hammers my skills into refined artistry. Sheffey believed that even when we think we’re insignificant, Jesus recognizes our worth. As I step into the institute, I trust that unseen hand to guide me. The torch I wield echoes Sheffey’s lantern the light that pierces darkness, revealing hidden seams and possibilities. Sheffey faced rugged terrain, harsh weather, and skeptical hearts. Yet, he persisted. His legacy is etched in the lives he touched. My welding torch, too, leaves its mark on structures, on safety, on the very fabric of society. Each bead is a testament to resilience. Sheffey ministered to mountain folk, bridging gaps between souls. My welding joins metal, but it also binds communities' fences repaired, railings strengthened, sculptures crafted. In the institute, I will forge bonds with fellow learners. Together, we will build bridges of knowledge, spanning disciplines and cultures. So, as I picture myself, cap adorned with a miniature welding torch, standing before peers. Sheffey’s spirit whispers: “Even when you think you’re not much, Jesus does.” As I graduate, I will remember Sheffey’s eternal flame, a torch passed from one generation to the next. My journey intertwines with his, and his impact echoes through time. “Sheffey” serves as a true story of courage, laughter, and tears. It reminds me that my actions, driven by faith and compassion, can impact lives far beyond my own. May my pursuit of higher education be guided by the same spirit of dedication and trust that Sheffey exemplified.
    Riegle Family Scholarship
    The recent unemployment of my father has brought about significant financial challenges in my family. His return to work this week, while a blessing, does not immediately alleviate the financial strain we are under. In these circumstances, the importance of this scholarship to my continued education cannot be overstated. My interest in welding was sparked by a fascination with the creation process. The ability to join separate pieces and create something new and strong resonates with me. I see welding as a metaphor for my life, where I am constantly learning and growing, joining new knowledge with the old to build a robust future. Choosing to pursue welding as a career in the tech industry was a conscious decision. The tech industry is ever evolving, offering opportunities for continuous learning and growth. Welding, in this context, is not just a traditional craft, but a skill that can be honed and adapted to various technological applications. The scholarship is crucial for me to continue my education in welding. It would alleviate the financial burden on my family and allow me to focus on my studies. With the scholarship, I can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the tech industry as a professional welder. In conclusion, the journey of welding mirrors my life, constantly evolving and adapting to new circumstances. This scholarship is not just financial aid; it is the fuel that will drive my journey forward in the tech industry. Despite the financial challenges, my passion for welding and the tech industry remains unwavering, and with the support of this scholarship, I am confident that I can build a successful career.
    Overcoming Adversity - Jack Terry Memorial Scholarship
    Life is a crucible of experiences, shaping us into who we are. For me, the story of Jack Terry, and my personal experiences have been the anvil and hammer forging my character. Jack Terry’s story is one of resilience and determination. Despite the adversities he faced, he rose above them, using them as steppingstones rather than stumbling blocks. His journey with no family, struggling to survive, his hard work and determination, and his commitment to continuous learning inspire me every day. Similarly, adversity knocked on my door at a young age when my father lost three fingers in an accident. The incident was a turning point in our lives. As I grew older, I had to step up and help more, as there were things my father could no longer do. This experience taught me the value of resilience, responsibility, and empathy. From this adversity, I learned that life is unpredictable and often challenging. However, it is through these challenges that we discover our true strength. Just like in welding, where intense heat and pressure forge the strongest metals, life’s trials and tribulations shape our character. My father’s accident also taught me the importance of safety, especially in professions like welding. It instilled in me a deep respect for the craft and the inherent risks associated with it. These understanding fuels my drive to excel in my welding studies, ensuring that I not only master the skills but also prioritize safety. Inspired by Jack Terry’s story and my personal experiences, I am pursuing my passion for welding. I believe that my welding studies will allow me to give back to society in several ways. Firstly, welders play a crucial role in various industries, from construction and manufacturing to aerospace and automotive. By becoming a skilled welder, I will contribute to these industries’ growth and, by extension, our economy. Secondly, I aim to promote safety within the welding industry. By sharing my father’s story and the lessons I’ve learned, I hope to raise awareness about the importance of safety measures and precautions in preventing accidents. Lastly, I aspire to inspire others, just as Jack Terry’s story inspired me. I want to show that despite life’s adversities, we can rise above them and achieve our dreams. Through my journey, I hope to encourage others to pursue their passions relentlessly, face challenges head-on, and never stop learning. In conclusion, Jack Terry’s story and my personal experiences have shaped my journey in the welding industry. They have taught me valuable lessons about resilience, responsibility, safety, and the power of dreams. As I continue my welding studies, I am committed to using my skills to contribute to society and inspire others. After all, welding is not just about fusing metals; it’s about forging a better future.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    Three years ago, I embarked on a journey that would not only shape my career but also define my purpose. I took up welding, a profession often overlooked yet vital to the backbone of every industry. Little did I know, this path would lead me to discover a passion that burns as brightly as the torch I wield. In the beginning, I was just another novice, captivated by the sparks and the power of fusing metal. The first time I donned the helmet and ignited the torch, I felt an inexplicable connection. The flame was not just molding the metal; it was shaping my future. Over the years, I honed my skills, spending countless hours perfecting my technique. The whir of the machinery became my symphony, the bright sparks against the dark visor my fireworks. Each project was a testament to my growth, each completed work a step closer to mastery. This year marked a significant milestone in my journey. I participated in our in-house SkillsUSA competition, a platform that celebrates technical skills and craftsmanship. Competing against the most skilled welders in our organization, I won second place. This achievement was not just a testament to my technical skills but also a validation of my dedication and passion. However, the journey doesn’t stop here. This July, I will be attending the renowned Kentucky Welding Institute (KWI). Known for its rigorous program and commitment to excellence, KWI is the forge where the best welders are tempered. I am both excited and anxious, but I know this is the next step I need to take. People often ask me why I chose welding, why I am so passionate about it. The answer is simple yet profound. Welding is not just a profession; it’s an art form. It’s the power to create, to build, and to repair. It’s about taking raw, disparate pieces and transforming them into something functional, something beautiful. But more than that, welding symbolizes my life philosophy. Just like how a perfect weld requires the right amount of heat and pressure, life too, shapes us through challenges and experiences. And just like how a welder fuses separate pieces into a cohesive whole, I too, am bringing together my skills, passion, and dreams. Winning the SkillsUSA competition and the upcoming journey to KWI are not just about career advancement. They are about fulfilling my dream. A dream to master my craft, to contribute to society, and to inspire others. A dream that was ignited three years ago with a welding torch and a piece of metal. As I look forward to my future, I am reminded of a quote by Richard Bach, “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it come true.” I have been given the dream and the power, in the form of my welding torch. And I am passionately committed to making it come true.
    Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
    Welding, a craft that combines science and art, is a field that requires a unique blend of skills. As I embark on my journey into the welding field, there are several key skills that will aid me in my pursuit. Firstly, technical skills are paramount. Welding involves the use of various tools and equipment, and understanding how to operate them safely and effectively is crucial. This includes knowledge of different welding techniques such as MIG, TIG, and stick welding, each with its own specific applications and nuances. Hand-eye coordination and dexterity are also essential in welding. The ability to control the welding torch with precision while monitoring the weld pool requires a steady hand and keen eye. Furthermore, a good understanding of materials science is beneficial. Knowing how different metals react under heat and how they bond can help me make stronger, more durable welds. Problem-solving skills are another important aspect of welding. Each project presents its own unique challenges, and being able to think critically and find effective solutions is a valuable skill in this field. Lastly, patience and attention to detail are vital. Welding is a process that often requires a slow, steady hand and a keen eye for detail to ensure the highest quality work. Now, let’s delve into why welding interests me. Welding is a field that offers a unique blend of creativity and practicality. It’s a craft that allows me to build and create, to see the tangible results of my hard work. This can be incredibly satisfying and fulfilling. Moreover, welding is a skill that is in high demand across various industries, from construction and manufacturing to automotive and aerospace. This provides numerous opportunities for career growth and advancement. Additionally, the science behind welding can be fascinating. The process of fusing two pieces of metal into one, the way the materials react under the intense heat, the formation of the weld bead – these can all be intriguing to someone with a curious mind. Furthermore, there’s a certain artistry in welding. It’s not just about joining pieces of metal together; it’s about doing so in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This blend of art and science, of creativity and practicality, can be very appealing. In conclusion, as I embark on my journey into the welding field, I bring with me a set of skills that will aid me in my craft. My interest in welding stems from its unique blend of creativity and practicality, the satisfaction of seeing the tangible results of my hard work, and the fascinating science behind it. As I ignite my torch and don my helmet, I will remember that each spark is a step towards mastering my craft, a symbol of my dedication, and a beacon for my future.
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    As I embark on my journey into the welding field, I carry with me not just a torch and a helmet, but a vision for the future. This vision is of a legacy that I plan to create, a business that I hope to build, and a light that I intend to shine. My legacy in the welding field will be built on the foundation of my skills, my work ethic, and my dedication to my craft. I plan to create a legacy that is as strong and durable as the welds I will produce. This will involve continuous learning and improvement, staying abreast of the latest techniques and technologies, and striving for excellence in every project I undertake. My legacy will be defined not just by the quality of my work, but also by my commitment to safety, my professionalism, and my respect for the craft. I will also strive to be a mentor, sharing my knowledge and experiences with the next generation of welders. I will inspire them with my passion for the craft, my dedication to quality, and my unwavering work ethic. The business I hope to create one day is a reflection of my passion for welding and my desire to make a positive impact on the industry. Perhaps I envision a welding shop that offers a range of services, from custom fabrication to repair and maintenance. Or maybe I dream of a manufacturing company that produces high-quality, durable goods. Whatever the specifics, my business will be built on the principles of quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. It will be a place where skilled craftsmen come together to create, innovate, and inspire. My business will not only serve customers but also contribute to the local economy, creating jobs and opportunities. It will be a beacon of craftsmanship, where the glow of the welding torch is a symbol of progress and prosperity. In terms of shining my light, I plan to do so in several ways. First, through my work, by producing welds that are not just functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. Second, through my interactions with others, by being a positive and supportive presence in the workplace. And third, through my contributions to the industry, by sharing my knowledge, advocating for best practices, and helping to shape the future of welding. In shining my light, I will illuminate the path for others, leading by example and embodying the values of the welding profession. My light will be a beacon of inspiration, guiding others on their own journeys in the welding field. In conclusion, my journey into the welding field is about more than just learning a trade. It’s about forging a legacy, building a business, and shining my light. It’s about shaping metal, but also shaping the future. As I ignite my torch and don my helmet, I will remember that each spark is a step towards realizing my vision. Embrace the heat, the light, and the sparks, for they are the tools with which I will build my legacy.
    Angelia Zeigler Gibbs Book Scholarship
    Title: “Igniting Sparks: A Journey from Classroom to Craftsmanship” As the sun sets on my senior year, a new dawn breaks, illuminating the path to a future filled with sparks and steel. This chapter of my life could aptly be titled “Igniting Sparks: A Journey from Classroom to Craftsmanship”. The title encapsulates my transition from a student to a skilled craftsman in the welding field, symbolizing the sparks that will fly as I wield my welding torch, and the knowledge I will gain at KWI. The title “Igniting Sparks” signifies the beginning of my journey into the world of welding. It represents the literal sparks that will fly as I learn to manipulate metal, but also the metaphorical sparks of passion, curiosity, and determination that will drive my success in this new endeavor. These sparks are the first step in my transformation, the ignition of a process that will shape me just as I shape the materials I work with. The phrase “A Journey from Classroom to Craftsmanship” acknowledges the path I have traveled so far and the road that lies ahead. My time in the classroom has provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge, but it is my upcoming hands-on training at KWI that will hone these skills into true craftsmanship. This journey symbolizes the process of ‘adulting’ in the welding field, where I will not only learn to create strong, durable welds, but also navigate the responsibilities and challenges of a professional career. The reason for choosing this title lies in its ability to capture the essence of my transition. It acknowledges the end of an important phase of my life - my senior year - and the beginning of an exciting new chapter. It recognizes the skills and knowledge I will gain at KWI, and the transformation I will undergo as I become a professional welder. Moreover, it encapsulates the spirit of ‘adulting’, a term that signifies taking on new responsibilities and facing the world with maturity and determination. In conclusion, “Igniting Sparks: A Journey from Classroom to Craftsmanship” serves as a fitting title for this chapter of my life. It is a testament to the journey I am about to embark on, a journey filled with learning, growth, and the sparks of a welding torch. As I step into the world of welding, remember that each spark I ignite is a step towards mastering my craft, a symbol of my dedication and hard work. Embrace the sparks, for they are the harbingers of my bright future in the welding field.
    Joe Ford Trade Scholarship
    Welding is more than a trade to me; it’s a craft that requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of materials and techniques. My interest in welding stems from the ability to transform raw materials into something functional and beautiful. It’s the perfect blend of science and art, and I find this fascinating. During my high school years at Nicholas County Career and Technical Center (NCCTC), I’ve had the opportunity to apply my welding skills in various projects. From crafting intricate roses that require a delicate touch and attention to detail, to constructing the robust ‘Almost Heaven West Virginia’ swings that demand structural integrity and strength, each project has honed my skills and fueled my passion for welding. After three enriching years at NCCTC, I am excited to take the next step in my welding journey. I have been accepted into the six-month program at the Kentucky Welding Institute (KWI), starting in July. This program offers comprehensive training in pipe welding and other advanced techniques, which will equip me with the skills necessary to excel in the welding industry. If an adult were asked why they would recommend me for a scholarship, they would likely mention my dedication and commitment to my craft. They would speak of the countless hours I’ve spent perfecting my skills, the initiative I’ve shown in taking on challenging projects, and the responsibility I’ve demonstrated in balancing my academic commitments with my passion for welding. They would also highlight my future plans to attend KWI, showing my determination to continually learn and grow in my trade. Moreover, they would likely mention my ability to overcome challenges. Welding is a demanding trade that requires physical stamina, precision, and a keen eye for detail. Over the years, I’ve faced and overcome numerous challenges, each one making me a better welder. These experiences have taught me the value of perseverance and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, even when faced with difficult tasks. They would also speak of my commitment to continuous learning. The field of welding is constantly evolving, with new techniques and technologies emerging regularly. My decision to attend KWI reflects my desire to stay at the forefront of these developments and continually enhance my skills. Finally, they would highlight my potential to make a significant contribution to the welding industry. With the skills and knowledge, I’ve acquired at NCCTC and the advanced training I will receive at KWI, I am well-positioned to make a positive impact in my future career. In essence, this scholarship would not just be an investment in my education, but also an investment in the future of the welding industry. It would enable me to achieve my career goals and contribute to the growth and development of the field I am so passionate about. In conclusion, welding is not just a trade for me, but a lifelong passion and a future career. This scholarship would significantly support my educational journey, allowing me to focus on mastering my craft and contributing positively to the welding industry.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    As a welding student, my journey has been one of continuous learning and growth. Over the past three years, I have dedicated myself to mastering the craft at the Nicholas County Career and Technical Center (NCCTC). The hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge I have gained have not only honed my skills but also ignited a passion for welding that drives my career goals. My education at NCCTC has been comprehensive, covering various welding techniques, safety protocols, and practical applications. This rigorous training has prepared me for the challenges of the welding industry and instilled in me a strong work ethic. I have learned to appreciate the precision and skill required in welding, and I am eager to further refine these skills. My next step is attending the Kentucky Welding Institute (KWI) in July. KWI is renowned for its advanced welding program, and I am confident that the training I will receive there will equip me with the skills necessary to excel in the welding industry. My goal is to become a certified welder and contribute to projects that require a high level of expertise and precision. Furthermore, I believe that the welding industry is not just about joining metals; it’s about building the infrastructure of our society. Every bridge, skyscraper, and vehicle are a testament to the skills of welders. As I embark on this journey, I am not just pursuing a career; I am becoming part of a legacy. This scholarship will not only support my education but also contribute to this legacy. It will enable me to acquire advanced skills, engage in groundbreaking projects, and ultimately, make a significant contribution to our society. This is the dream that fuels my ambition and determination. However, pursuing higher education comes with financial challenges. This is where the significance of a scholarship comes into play. A scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden but also provide me with the opportunity to focus entirely on my studies. The impact of this scholarship on my life and career would be profound. It would serve as a testament to my hard work and dedication, and it would provide me with the means to continue my education without financial strain. Moreover, it would enable me to invest more time in mastering my craft, thereby increasing my chances of securing a promising career in the welding industry. In conclusion, my education as a welder and my career goals are intertwined. The skills and experiences I have gained at NCCTC have laid a solid foundation for my future. As I look forward to attending KWI, I am hopeful that this scholarship will support me in achieving my educational and career goals. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and contributing positively to the welding industry.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    As a third-year welding student at Nicholas County Career and Technical Center (NCCTC), I have learned that the path to success is often paved with challenges. One of the most significant adversities I have faced is balancing my myriad responsibilities. Between schoolwork, applying for scholarships, practicing for SkillsUSA competitions, attending church, and working odd jobs, my plate has been more than full. However, I have found that these challenges have not hindered my progress but rather shaped me into a more resilient and determined individual. The first step in overcoming this adversity was acknowledging the challenge. I realized that to succeed, I needed to manage my time effectively. I began by prioritizing my responsibilities, dedicating specific time slots for each task. This not only helped me stay organized but also ensured that I was able to devote adequate time to each responsibility. Applying for scholarships, for instance, required meticulous attention to detail and considerable time. I set aside dedicated hours each week to search for scholarships, fill out applications, and write essays. This systematic approach helped me secure the necessary funding for my education without compromising on my schoolwork or SkillsUSA practice. Balancing schoolwork with SkillsUSA practice was another challenge. SkillsUSA provided an excellent platform to showcase my welding skills and learn from others. However, it demanded significant practice time. To manage this, I used my free periods and weekends effectively, ensuring I had enough practice while keeping up with my academic commitments. Church and odd jobs, while not directly related to my education, played a crucial role in my personal development. They taught me the value of community service and hard work. I learned to juggle these responsibilities with my academic and extracurricular activities, further enhancing my time management skills. Looking ahead, I am excited to take the next step in my educational journey by attending the Kentucky Welding Institute (KWI) in July. The skills and experiences I have gained at NCCTC and the resilience I have developed in overcoming adversities have prepared me well for this transition. In conclusion, the journey of balancing various responsibilities has been challenging but rewarding. It has taught me the importance of time management, prioritization, and resilience. As I look forward to attending KWI, I am confident that these skills will enable me to successfully navigate the challenges ahead and achieve my goals in the welding industry. Moreover, I am grateful for the support I have received from my teachers and peers at NCCTC. Their encouragement and faith in my abilities have been instrumental in my journey. As I prepare to embark on this new chapter at KWI, I carry with me their unwavering belief in my potential. This fuels my determination to excel and make them proud. I am excited for the opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to making the most of them.
    Spirit of West Virginia Scholarship
    Being a West Virginian is an identity that is deeply rooted in a rich history, a strong sense of community, and a profound connection to the natural world. Growing up in West Virginia has shaped my view of the world in many ways. West Virginia, with its stunning landscapes and close-knit communities, has instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature and the environment. The rolling hills, lush forests, and rushing rivers are not just beautiful sights, but also constant reminders of our responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. This has shaped my worldview, making me more conscious of my actions and their impact on the environment. The strong sense of community in West Virginia has taught me the importance of unity, cooperation, and mutual support. In our small towns, everyone knows everyone, and we all look out for each other. This has shown me that every individual matters and that we can achieve great things when we work together. It has made me value relationships and community involvement, shaping my view of society and my role in it. West Virginia’s rich history, from the struggles of coal miners to the state’s pivotal role in the Civil War, has given me a deep understanding of the complexities of socio-economic issues. It has taught me that every place and every person have a story, and these stories are often intertwined with larger historical and societal narratives. This has shaped my perspective on issues like social justice, economic inequality, and political engagement. Moreover, growing up in West Virginia has instilled in me a strong work ethic. The state’s history is filled with stories of hard-working individuals who have overcome adversity, and this spirit of resilience and determination is a fundamental part of what it means to be a West Virginian. This has influenced my approach to life, teaching me to face challenges head-on and to never give up on my goals. In conclusion, being a West Virginian means being part of a community that values nature, history, hard work, and each other. My experiences growing up in West Virginia have shaped my worldview, influencing my attitudes towards the environment, community, social issues, and personal resilience. I am proud to call West Virginia my home, and I carry these lessons with me as I navigate the world. Furthermore, the cultural heritage of West Virginia, from its music to its folklore, has enriched my understanding of diversity and the importance of preserving cultural traditions. This has broadened my perspective, allowing me to appreciate different cultures and traditions around the world. Finally, the challenges faced by West Virginia, such as economic hardship and the opioid crisis, have made me more empathetic and aware of the struggles faced by others. This has motivated me to strive for positive change and to contribute to making the world a better place. Overall, growing up in West Virginia has not only shaped my view of the world but also defined who I am today. It has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, community, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. These lessons continue to guide me as I navigate through life, influencing my decisions and actions. I am grateful for these experiences and proud to call myself a West Virginian.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Success is a personal journey, unique to each individual. To me, success looks like the freedom to pursue my passions and the ability to make a positive impact on the world around me. It’s not just about reaching a destination, but also about the growth and experiences gained along the way. Impact, drive, and passion are three key elements that can significantly contribute to success. Making a positive impact, whether in my personal life, work, or community, can lead to a sense of accomplishment and purpose. It motivates me to continue striving for excellence and innovation. Drive is the inner motivation that pushes me to go beyond my comfort zone, overcome obstacles, and persist in the face of adversity. Drive propels me towards my goals and keeps me moving forward, even when the journey is challenging. When I am passionate about what I do, it fuels my dedication and determination. Passion makes the hard work feel worthwhile and can lead to greater job satisfaction and outstanding results. These elements, combined with hard work and resilience, can lead to success in various aspects of life. Success in welding is a personal and professional goal that can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and continuous learning. Success can mean different things to different welders, such as: Mastering various welding techniques and methods. Earning certifications and licenses that demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Advancing to higher-level positions or roles in the welding industry Working on challenging and rewarding projects that meet customer needs and expectations. Contributing to the innovation and development of welding technology and solutions Traveling to different places and working on diverse and exciting projects Achieving financial stability and job security Finding satisfaction and fulfillment in your work This scholarship opportunity from the Redefining Victory Scholarship Fund would be a catalyst in my journey towards success. With the financial support of $2,500, I could focus more on my studies and personal development without the burden of financial stress. It would allow me to attend workshops and seminars related to my field, enhancing my knowledge and skills. Moreover, this scholarship would enable me to take part in community service projects, which is a vital component of my definition of success—giving back to society. The Redefining Victory Scholarship recognizes that education and success are not confined to traditional academic paths. As someone who believes in the power of self-education and unconventional learning, this scholarship aligns perfectly with my values. Whether it’s through a university degree, a trade school, or a certificate program, the opportunity to grow and learn is what I seek. By applying for this scholarship, I am showing my commitment and passion for welding. I am also taking a step closer to my dream of becoming a successful welder. This scholarship can help me overcome the challenges and barriers that may prevent me from reaching my full potential. It can also open up new doors and possibilities for my welding career. In conclusion, success to me is about the relentless pursuit of one’s goals with passion and perseverance. This scholarship would provide me with the resources to continue my education, expand my horizons, and contribute meaningfully to my community, thus helping me to weave my own complex tapestry of success.
    Appalachian Region Vocational Scholarship
    From the moment I first saw a welder at work, I was captivated. The sparks flying, the intense glow of the torch, and the transformation of raw metal into something new and purposeful, it was like watching a magician. This initial fascination sparked a curiosity that led me to choose welding as my career path. Welding is not just about joining pieces of metal together. It's an art form, a science, and a critical part of our society's infrastructure. It's the invisible force that holds our world together, from the cars we drive to the buildings we live and work in. I chose welding because it allows me to play a part in creating and maintaining the world around us. The field of welding offers a unique combination of hands-on work and intellectual challenge. It requires a deep understanding of materials, physics, and engineering principles, as well as a steady hand and a keen eye for detail. These aspects of the profession appealed to my love for learning and my desire for a career that would keep me engaged and challenged. But my decision to pursue welding was not driven by interest alone. I saw in this field an opportunity to make a significant impact. Through my welding career, I plan to focus on sustainable and efficient practices. My goal is to contribute to projects that prioritize eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs. In doing so, I hope to play a part in reducing the environmental impact of construction and manufacturing processes. Safety is another area where I plan to make a difference. The welding industry, like any other, has its risks. By advocating for safety measures and working towards the development of safer equipment, I aim to reduce workplace accidents and ensure the wellbeing of my fellow welders. Education is a powerful tool for change, and I intend to use it to make a difference in the welding industry. By sharing my knowledge and experiences, I hope to inspire and educate future generations of welders. I believe that by fostering a love for welding in others, we can ensure the continued growth and advancement of our industry. In addition, I plan to use my skills to give back to the community. Whether it's by helping to repair a local school or creating a piece of public art, I believe that welding can be a force for good. In conclusion, I chose welding because it combines my passion for creation with my desire to contribute positively to the world. Through sustainable practices, safety advocacy, and education, I plan to make a difference in my welding career. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to making the most of them.
    Russell Koci Skilled Trade Scholarship
    I chose welding as my plan of study because it offers a blend of technical skills and creativity. Whether you are fixing a small item or constructing a large structure, welding empowers you to create, repair, and transform. Welding is a craft that requires precision, understanding of materials, and a steady hand. It’s a field where one can see the immediate results of their work. The demand for skilled welders across various industries assures job security. My plan to pursue a career in welding stems from my fascination with the process of joining metals. The sparks flying off the welding torch, the intense focus it requires, and the sturdy, finished product are all aspects of welding that I find appealing. Welding offers diverse career paths, from working in construction and manufacturing to specialized fields like underwater welding. Welding can be a well-paying trade, especially those with specialized skills and certifications. I believe I will be successful in welding because of my dedication to mastering the craft. I understand that becoming a skilled welder requires practice, patience, and a commitment to safety. I’m prepared to invest the time and effort needed to learn various welding techniques and stay updated with the latest industry standards and technology. Success is a journey, not a destination. With passion, dedication, continuous learning, safety, consciousness, and problem- solving skills I feel I will be on my way to a successful career in welding. To me, a successful life is one where I am making a positive impact on others' lives, continuously learning, contributing to society, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Success means having a career that I love and am good at, while also having time for personal growth and leisure. It’s about setting goals and achieving them, but also about enjoying the journey. Success is a personal journey and what matters most is that I am meeting my own goals and aspirations in my welding career. I am confident that I will be successful because I am driven, committed, and not afraid of hard work. I understand the value of lifelong learning and am prepared to adapt to the evolving demands of the welding industry. I believe that my passion for welding, coupled with my determination to excel, will guide me towards a successful career in welding and a fulfilling life. I understand the skills I learn in welding can be applied to many areas in my life, and the resilience I build will help me navigate any challenges I may face.