Hobbies and interests
Business And Entrepreneurship
Clinical Psychology
Food And Eating
Human Rights
Mental Health
Social Media
Shopping And Thrifting
Food and Drink
Social Issues
Sports and Games
I read books multiple times per month
Eian Burge
Bold Points1x
Eian Burge
Bold Points1x
I am a first-generation college student looking to create a successful future for myself and my family. I enjoy life's many experiences, enabling me to be well-rounded. Books, food, poetry, and experiencing new cultures are my many hobbies and interests. Living life and creating a future one step at a time.
University of Nevada-Reno
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
Dream career field:
Marketing and Advertising
Dream career goals:
Create and own my personal business/ Help run my family business.
Shift Lead
Firehouse Subs2021 – 20243 yearsIntern
Office Dynamics2024 – 2024
Junior Varsity2019 – 20201 year
- 2 trophys, one for first and one for second
Sierra Vista Chamber Choir
MusicGuys and Dolls Musical2017 – 2023
Future Interests
Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
Taylor Swift is a powerful woman, a woman who has defined the pop landscape of the 2010s. A small-town country girl who had a guitar and a dream would unbelievably become the number 1 popstar in the world and that journey into pop began with her fifth studio album titled "1989". This album would start the beginning of Swift's legendary pop album run alongside other albums like Reputation, Lover, and Midnights. 1989 would give birth to hit singles like Wildest Dreams, Out of The Woods, Shake It Off, Bad Blood, and Blank Space, but there was one song specifically that would go on to become my number-one song from 1989, Style.
On February 9th, 2015 Taylor Swift would release her third single on her record 1989, Style. This song was like no other from the album, from the intro to the hook to the bridge. Without a doubt this song would solidify Swift as one of the best Pop girls in the current era, not only that but Style would solidify itself as one of the best pop songs of all time. The first 25 seconds of the song is deemed the most legendary opening sound to a song by millions across the globe including me. There is such an unexplainable atmosphere created in just the intro that when she transitions into her first verse this feeling of self-levitation hits. Not only did she create an opening like no other she also made one of the most catchy choruses of any of her songs, even rivaling her big hit songs like Shake it Off and Blank Space. Style to me is the best song sonically off of 1989 and cannot be recreated.
Moving away from the sound of the track, which is obviously stunning, I want to go into the lyrics and theories behind the song that I love. Speculations are still being made today about who Taylor Swift wrote this song about, many claim it is about Popstar Harry Styles, as the name of the song is close to his last name. That will always keep me guessing and decoding her lyrics on all of my listens, especially when she would go on to include the lyrics "you got that long hair, slicked back, white T-shirt", at the time Styles would wear his hair slicked back and had been spotted wearing plain white tees often. That is one reason Style is my favorite song from 1989, it is a track with many strengths including sound, lyricism, and storytelling keeping the track fresh. Allowing me to enjoy each and every listen, and keeping me from getting bored with the track.
In all 17+ years of Taylor Swift's career in the industry Style not only ranks as my number 1 song from her album 1989 but one of my favorite songs of all time. It is a once-in-a-generation craft, it captures all elements of pop music and more forming a perfect track. I can listen to this song 50 times a day and love every listen, the production is so simple yet complex. For someone who finds much joy in diving into lyrics Style is also a track I look forward to listening to so I can figure out who it's about and how it relates to me. Style is a defending track within Swift's flawless discography and it will always remain my favorite song from 1989.
Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
Everybody is unique in their own way, essentially making everyone a maverick. But I've always felt different from others because of the way I authentically express myself. In today's age with social media, you never know who or what can be real. Even well before the spike in social media people have a hard time being themselves and it's become more and more prevalent. That what I feel makes me so unique is that I am always myself no matter the judgment, hate, or thoughts about who I am. I hope one day I am able to give back to those kids who feel like because of who they really are it is not okay to be themselves because they don't fit in with trends or social groups.
Growing up I was always different from the other boys, I was chubby, unathletic, had crazy gel hair, and wore bright skinny jeans, and shirts with pandas that blew bubbles. The kids at school would make fun of me, pretend to be my friend and then talk about me, and even ignore me because of what I looked like not for who I was. Deep down it did hurt me because I loved my purple pants, or bright red shirt even if they did not match. I loved the crazy hairstyles I would put together in the mornings, and the food I loved to eat. But I did not change who I was or what I wore I simply opened up and talked because I am a very social person it was the key trait I had and continue to have in life. Some people found it annoying other people absolutely loved it and fell in love. I knew that to be myself would mean to face judgment, but receive praise, and I also knew I would rather that than be loved for someone I am not.
Now I am 18 years old and still, that same boy, the same boy who loves to do his hair, wears his own unique style of clothing, eats a bunch of food, and talks all of the time. But the difference is now social circles meant more, social media is much more involved in my life and trends matter. High school was tough, if you did not fit in with the trends or have the looks and personality people wanted you to have you would not be accepted. At this point, I had tried being trendy and tried to suppress my over-the-top personality so those around me could like me. But it felt suffocating, I went back to being myself and it would do wonders I felt so free and open like my life was my own. Even though I was not trendy, and cool I stopped caring and realized the best trait you can have is to just be you. I hope one day to grow a platform on social media and spread the notion that everyone is unique and they all have something that no one else has.
Being myself is the best attribute I have, in fact, the best attribute we all have. It is what defines me and groups all of my quirks and flaws together that make me, me. No matter what I was told by my friends or social media, I knew being my original self was always the most important thing. That it would continue to allow me to grow in life and hopefully one day reach the point where I can stand on a platform and speak to those who also have unique attributes.
JADED Recovery Scholarship
During typical childhood everything goes smoothly, kids only know about toys, friends, family, and whatever their imagination brings them to. For me it was never like that, both of my parents abused alcohol and were involved with drugs. So much so that by age 6 I knew most name-brand alcohols and even a few substances. These two things would be in my life for years and years, but I never let that stop me from growing and setting goals. Though it was a tough childhood and because those two things were so prevalent, it would affect my relationships with family, change how I saw the world, and guide me down a different path that led me to today.
In elementary school when I was growing up everyone around me still had their innocence, me included for the most part. Deep down I still knew about things I should not have known about and that changed the way I thought and would interact with those around me. I was always the kid who made the adult jokes and told other kids all of the stuff I knew about which gave me a bad reputation for years and years affecting the way the other students and even parents viewed me. But I knew no better to me those types of jokes and talks were normal because I was exposed to those topics at such a young age. Because of those early moments, I felt like I had lost my inner kid too early and my innocence went away too fast. Now though looking back at it, all it helped me realize how damaging drugs and alcohol can be for a kid whether it was an indirect or direct experience. It also allowed me to set a boundary for myself so I do not ever go down the path my parents did allow their kids to be exposed to such horrid things at such young ages.
My relationship with both of my parents was never great, and the substances are to blame. Most of the time my mom was blacked out in her room with some stranger, and I had to write letters under her door to get her attention. So I never was very close with her and did not really have any sort of emotional connection with her. For my dad it was different when he was not drunk he was a decent father, he would cook dinner, buy clothes and even pay attention to me. But he was drunk most of the time to the point where I would only get about an hour or two with him a day. Not all relationships were negatively impacted because I had a lack of parents. My brother and I grew very close as he would take care of me most of the time, and we mostly had each other. A lot of my relationships were impacted because of the presence of drugs and alcohol in my life.
I have never really had a set career in my mind, I do not have some driving force that is telling me what direction to go in life. But I know how it felt to be put through all of that trauma and I want to make sure kids can be helped through those situations. My past with drugs and alcohol has made me want to help young kids dealing with issues that may affect them for a big portion of their life. With exposure at such a young age substances have impacted me in most corners of my life but they never defined me.
Donald A. Baker Foundation Scholarship
The most significant role model in my life is my grandmother Joan Burge. She is a strong, independent, and hardworking woman who for generations has kept her family together. She owns her own business, "Office Dynamics" which she started over 30 years ago. With this business, she has inspired thousands of people across the globe, giving them knowledge and hope. My grandma has been through so much in her life whether it is work, family, health, or any form of adversity, but she has always overcome it and did it with a bright smile and a warm heart.
During my childhood, both of my parents were absent as my mother was a drug addict and my father an alcoholic. Eventually, I went into the foster care system and made myself believe that I would not see either of my parents again. Then my grandma came in to pull my dad out of this dark place, she gave him every resource he needed so he could get himself back together and fight for my brother and me. With time, love, and hope my dad was able to obtain guardianship over us again and I owe it to my grandma. She never gave up on him, or us, she wanted her family to come back to her and for that, I will always look up to her as she saved our family.
In the early morning of July 4th, 2014 my grandma would be rushed to the hospital unbeknownst to my family and me. Later we found out that she had developed a large tumor in her brain, which we later found out was life-threatening. Throughout these times she would undergo surgery after surgery, but she stayed strong and fought through every procedure, test, therapy, etc. After months of recovery, she came back around to herself. Then it struck again, during August of 2015 she would go under the knife again, and this time her heart would be operated on. This hit my family extremely hard as we did not know what the outcome would be this time. Another six or seven months would pass and she would recover from her open heart surgery. All in about the span of a year and a half my grandma went through two of the most intense surgeries and was able to come back from them. After her surgeries she would go on back to her business, working so hard that it would have its biggest year in terms of income. These moments live with me because they inspire me to be just like her, she went through the lowest of the low and was able to bounce back to an even greater point than she was at before.
In life, we all have someone who inspires us, leads us, and is someone we look to for guidance. For me, that person has always, been and always will be my grandma she is one of the biggest pillars in my life. From being a business owner, a survivor, an inspirator, and a strong symbol of hope she is everything I work to become daily. Joan Burge is my role model.
Ms. Sobaski’s Strength and Kindness Memorial Scholarship
My name is Eian Christopher Burge, yea it is Eian with an "E", it is unique just like my story. Growing up for me was a challenge both physically and mentally. The environment that surrounded me was harmful, unsupportive and one that should not be what a kid develops in. My mom was not stable she was always on some type of drug or medication, and my dad was battling his addiction to alcohol. That left me alone and uncared for most of the time I would have to take care of myself, which at the young age of seven was hard. With time, strength, and optimism I was able to make it past this all.
Challenges were thrown at me from every angle during my childhood, but the biggest was being the odd one out. At school I remember all of the other kids had better quality clothes, they looked cleaner, did not have as much body fat as I did, and even had high-end school supplies that I would long for. I had no way of obtaining any of what the other kids had so I simply stopped comparing myself to what I did not have and instead showed those around me that I did have a kind heart. I would not spend my years in elementary with hate in my heart because I was not like everybody else, I would befriend everyone and enjoy the bonds I made. This kindness that I showed was the reason my first years at school were not miserable like my home life, the reason that I would no longer feel unlike everyone else, the moment I knew that no matter how different I was, with a kind heart, I could overcome any obstacle in my way.
A few years would pass, and I went into the foster care system for about a year and lived with amazing people who helped guide me in the right direction. I did not like it at first, I was not with my parents, and I had a sense of emptiness as everything I knew was gone. I then remembered that if I approached this with hate it would only make my life harder. I opened my heart up to my foster family and showed them nothing but gratitude and love allowing us to grow our bond. Then my dad would go to rehab and deal with his addiction, which he would overcome. He fought so hard, and I mean a day in and day out to get me and my brother back under his roof. His hard work would pay off as he gained custody of my brother and me, and a new chapter in my life could finally begin. I was healthy, and my dad provided everything for me to have a stable home life. I am now eighteen years old and accepted into the university I had wanted to attend forever, I am healthy, surrounded by people who care for me and love me so much.
Strength and kindness are the two things that got me through my rough childhood from the beginning to now. I could have given up and allowed myself to become nothing, maybe give in and become like the old version of my parents. Instead, I would push through and live a life that the younger me would have never thought of living. Kindness is what really got me through, allowing me to make friends, forgive, and move on. Everyone's stories are unique, we all grow differently but with kindness and strength, we can all grow together.
Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
During my time in the education system, there has only been one person who has supported me since the beginning, my brother. Growing up we had a very rough childhood, taken from our dad and placed with our mom only at a very young age. Unfortunately, things would continue to worsen for us, our mom was never there for us emotionally or even physically, she was gone every day leaving us to fend for ourselves essentially. We were then taken from her and put into the foster care system, which would leave us with only each other.
The school was always an escape for me, my friends, a safe environment, and even supportive adult figures, so I always wanted to be there. I was always struggling with my work falling behind the curve that was built by my peers. I would spend days trying to understand a topic that took other kids 1 class to grasp. With no one to turn to, I would often feel discouraged, that was until my brother noticed I was struggling. He´d put his own life aside to help me every night with homework and projects, ensuring I was able to succeed and understand what I was doing. There would be multiple nights a week where he´d push everything he had going on to make sure I was doing good in school. With help from my brother, I was able to find a new passion for my education allowing me to set even bigger goals than before.
To this day my brother remains my biggest supporter and has allowed me to achieve the educational goals I thought were once impossible. I am now graduating high school with a 4.0 GPA, multiple awards, scholarships, a white gown, acceptance to college, and confidence in my educational abilities. I would say I did this all on my own but I´d be lying, my brother and all of his support enabled me and gave me a solid support system that I otherwise did not have especially when I was younger.