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Dyllan Odegaard


Bold Points




Henry J Kaiser High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      Senior Data Scientist

      Future Interests




      Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship
      Upon the earlier years of my youth, I was very engaged in video games and the communities surrounding some of my favorite video games such as the Halo and Call of Duty Franchise. I spent many hours heavily invested into the beautifully fictional worlds and stories these games had to offer. To a degree, my years growing up with these games have shaped parts of me and remain a key element of my childhood that I continuously revisit. However, as great as the nostalgia can be for such games, I was delivered upon horrid and vile experiences that have caused a purely fictional game's community to have very tangible effects upon my adolescence. We, as common respectable human beings, must uphold a responsibility of being civil. Civility is what distinguishes us humans as people with emotions, intelligence, and consideration for those around us. Civility sponsors healthy discussion, brings forth new ideas, and allows us to grow mentally. Civility must be preserved and fostered for the generations of those that surpass us to allow for a better society of people. Without civility, we are merely just barbarians in conversation. Online gaming forums have strayed from the path of civility in their discussions. These gaming forums were a magical place, and still are to a degree, as they bound a community of like-minded people conversating upon a game that has encapsulated their hearts and fostered love for what the game had to offer. To many in these forums, their beloved game had ascended beyond being a materialistic superficial leisurely activity and had grown to bringing these enjoyers to a family of gamers. In these forums were passionate discussions of a video game's mechanics, the enriching story they offered, or simple suggestions on how to progress through a game much more efficiently. At times these discussions could turn into very fiery and furious debates and arguments; however, it was mostly out of passion for the game. Although, in an era where online users are assured anonymity, discussions in these gaming forums have gone beyond passion for a game and have discarded civility, the very thing that makes us human. A simple disagreement in forums can devolve into a mudslinging match between one or more people. Throwing insults to one's identity or passions seem to have replaced the societal civil norms. To some users, these insults are merely just a bundle of a package when dealing with people in the online realm. However, to others these insults grow to become the lurking dark depths of their mind that feed into a negative lifestyle and ultimately harm the victim of these insults. Online gaming forums certainly have promoted negative and hurtful behaviors amongst others which transfers to real world situations and behaviors. For instance, a fanatical user who is challenged within the forum may result to doxing, the act of publicly posting personal information of another user. It is here where the virtual world oversteps the boundary into reality. Civil discussion is disregarded and results to very personal attacks. Additionally, one's own identity becomes a target for users in the forums. A homosexual may be attacked for their sexuality. As a gamer, I have certainly heard a prominent number of homophobic slurs directed towards people. Online gaming forums have strayed far from civility. Concludingly, civility in online gaming forums still does exist. However, as we progress with technology in anonymity, civility will be disregarded and the topics of discussion in the forums will become personal attacks that harm those in the real world. We must preserve civility in discussion no matter the realm it occurs.
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