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D'Mitric Starke, Jr


Bold Points






I am a senior at Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., where I have had the privilege of serving as the captain of the varsity basketball team. My leadership on the court has taught me the value of teamwork, perseverance, and dedication. Academically, I challenge myself with rigorous coursework, including AP Psychology, where I discovered my passion for understanding the mental aspects of athletic performance. Outside of school, I am deeply committed to my community, volunteering my time with my church’s youth and community outreach programs. These experiences have instilled in me a strong sense of empathy and a desire to make a positive impact on others’ lives. Inspired by my love for sports, I aspire to major in Sports Medicine. My goal is to support athletes in achieving proper physical and mental health, ensuring they can perform at their best. I am excited about the opportunity to further my education and make a meaningful contribution to the field. Being awarded a scholarship would greatly assist me in reaching my academic and career goals.


Winston-Salem State University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Social Sciences, Other

Paul Laurence Dunbar High School

High School
2022 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      My long-term career goal is to become a professional in sports medicine

    • Omega Youth Leader - Completed leadership development training, Team lead for special projects surrounding community involvement, Participated in youth forums to make a positive impact on DC

      D.C. Marion Barry Youth Leadership Institute
      2023 – 20241 year
    • Courtesy Clerk - Assist customers with carry-outs, Maintain cleanliness, Retrieve shopping carts, Provide excellent customer service to ensure a positive shopping experience

      Safeway Grocery(Albertsons Companies)
      2023 – Present1 year



    Junior Varsity
    2020 – 20222 years


    • Junior Varsity Captain
    • Determination Recognition


    2023 – 20241 year


    • GPA Award
    • Senior Leadership Award


    2022 – 20242 years


    • 2024 Allstar
    • Varsity Captain


    • Community Organization and Advocacy

      D.C. Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement — Community Engagement Youth Representative - polling/canvasing the neighborhood to gain community insight
      2023 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Little Eagles Basketball Camp — Youth Camp Counselor
      2021 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      The Church Without Walls (CWOW) — Media and Technology Advisor
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      The Church Without Walls (CWOW) — Homeless Outreach Youth Leader
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      DC Office of Neighborhood and Safety Engagement — Community Event Logistics Coordination
      2022 – 2024

    Future Interests





    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    "Beyond the Sirens"---- Growing up in Washington, D.C., I experienced the harsh realities of living amongst violence. Sounds of sirens, shootings, and fear of danger are a part of my everyday life. It’s a tough environment that shaped my character in ways I couldn’t imagine, also testing my resilience; specifically, when I was in middle school, my close friend was caught in the crossfire of a gang incident and was severely injured. That left me scared for my safety and those around me. It was a wake up call that made me realize how important it was to find a way out of the cycle of violence. To overcome this adversity, I focused on education, became involved in the community and looked for mentors. I’m the eldest child of a single-parent household and although my dad tries the best he can to support us financially, I knew that education was my ticket to a better future; for both myself and my family. With this, I know that financial burdens can be lifted. I dedicated myself to school, staying up late to finish homework and study. I participated in basketball; that provided a safe environment and academic support with study hall. I participated in community activities, such as D.C. Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement where we promoted focused approaches to disrupt violence and promote peace. Through this, I participated in community clean-ups, peace rallies, and mentored youth, (younger than myself of course). Involvement gave me purpose and helped build a network of like minded peers who supported each other in staying away from the violence. I found mentors in my teachers, coaches, and other elders in my neighborhood and surrounding community, who were respectful and weren’t afraid to give constructive criticism to us young folks. It’s because of them I can see possibilities beyond my immediate environment and aspire to aim higher. Facing adversity taught me determination. As my dad always says, “We can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our response”. It instilled in me a sense of commitment to giving back. Many kids were going through similar struggles as I did at their ages, and I wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem. So in turn, overcoming adversity helped me to develop a strong work ethic. I understood that nothing would be handed to me and I had to work hard for opportunities. This mindset stayed with me and continues to drive me. In the future, I want to give back to my community by becoming a sports medicine therapist, combining my love for basketball and helping others. My goal is to provide a safe haven for youth through sports, offering them an alternative to the streets. I envision heading a community center where young athletes can train, receive medical care, and find mentors who genuinely care about their well being and futures. I plan to establish programs that focus on physical health and mental resilience, teaching skills like teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. I hope to inspire kids to dream beyond their circumstances, just like I did and am currently still doing!; showing them that they have the power to positively change their path and impact their own lives and their community. Growing up I’ve been tested in my belief of myself, my self worth and my determination to succeed, but by changing my focus, I overcame those same challenges and shaped a better future for myself by being accepted to college! Overcoming adversity has made me stronger and more committed to making a positive impact!
    LeBron James Fan Scholarship
    When I was ten, my dad took me to my first NBA game. The Washington Wizards were playing the Cleveland Cavaliers, and although I was in my very early beginning stages of learning about basketball at the time, there was one name that echoed through the arena, one name that everyone seemed to be chanting: LeBron James. I remember watching him on the court, like a lion among men. His presence was magnetic, his movements effortless, and the way he commanded the game was nothing short of majestic. That night, as I watched LeBron soar through the air for a dunk that shook the arena, I knew then who my hero was. But my admiration for LeBron isn’t just about his athleticism, although that alone is legendary. It’s about what he represents, both on and off the court. To me, LeBron is more than just a basketball player, he’s a symbol of perseverance, intelligence, and heart. One of the things I admire most about LeBron is his resilience. His journey from a kid in Akron, Ohio, to the global icon he is today wasn’t easy. Growing up, he faced challenges that would have broken many, yet he never let his circumstances define him. Instead, he used them as fuel, pushing himself to become not only a better player but a better person. LeBron’s work ethic is legendary. Stories of his relentless training sessions, his commitment to perfecting his craft, and his desire to improve year after year, even when he was already the best, are what inspire me every day. In a world where people tend to rest at their peak, LeBron reminds me that true greatness is about never settling and always striving for more. Then there’s his intelligence. LeBron isn’t just a physical marvel, he’s a basketball genius. His basketball IQ, his court vision, his ability to read the game, to anticipate plays before they happen, is like watching a chess grandmaster in sneakers. I’ve lost count of the number of times he’s made a play that left me shaking my head in disbelief, wondering how anyone could see the game that way. But perhaps the most important reason I’m a LeBron James superfan is because of what he stands for off the court. LeBron has used his platform to speak out on social justice issues, to uplift his community, and to create opportunities for others. His I PROMISE School in Akron is a testament to his commitment to giving back and making a difference. LeBron isn’t just focused on his legacy in basketball; he’s focused on leaving a legacy that will impact the world. Now, do I think LeBron James is the greatest player of all time? Absolutely. I know this debate will rage on, with arguments for other legends like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, but for me, LeBron’s combination of skill, intelligence, and impact, both in and out of the game, sets him apart. He’s more than a player, he’s a movement. LeBron James taught me that greatness isn’t just about what you achieve, but how you achieve it, and the difference you make along the way. That’s why I’ll always be a fan, not just of LeBron the player, but of LeBron the person, the King whose reign extends far beyond the hardwood.
    Adrin Ohaekwe Memorial Scholarship
    My career goal is to become a sports medicine therapist, a role that blends my love for sports with my desire to help others overcome challenges. As I reflect on the journey ahead, I can’t help but notice how playing chess has prepared me for this path in ways I never expected. Chess is a game that demands both strategy and adaptability. When I sit down at the board, I’m not just playing to win, I’m playing to understand my opponent, to anticipate their moves, and to adapt my strategy as the game unfolds. This mindset is directly relevant to sports medicine. In this field, every patient is like a chess game, being unique, unpredictable, and requiring a personalized approach. Just as I analyze my opponent’s moves, I’ll need to analyze an athlete’s injury, understand the nuances, and develop a treatment plan that will consider both the immediate and long-term outcomes. In chess, there’s a delicate balance between offense and defense. Push too hard, and you might expose yourself to a counterattack; play too cautiously, and you might miss an opportunity. This balance is equal in sports medicine as well. As a therapist, I’ll need to know when to push an athlete to train harder and when to pull back to prevent further injury. It’s about finding that sweet spot where progress is made without compromising health, a skill I’ve mastered over countless chess games. One of the most important lessons chess has taught me is patience. There are moments in the game when progress seems slow, where the best move isn’t immediately obvious. In these times, it’s easy to get frustrated, but I’ve learned that patience leads to the best outcomes. In sports medicine, patience will be key. There is rarely a straight line to recovery and there will be setbacks. But just as I’ve learned to wait for the right moment to strike in chess, I’ll need to trust the process of healing and encourage my patients to do the same. Chess has also instilled in me the importance of preparation. Before a match, I may study my opponent’s previous games, look for patterns, and prepare for different scenarios. This preparation is key in sports medicine as well. I’ll need to stay updated on the latest research, understand different treatment methods, and be ready to handle any situation that arises. The discipline I’ve developed through chess will help me stay on top of my game in the constantly evolving field of sports medicine. Chess has shown me that success isn’t just about winning, it’s about learning. Every game, whether I win or lose, teaches me something new. This mindset will be invaluable in my career. Not every treatment plan will work perfectly the first time, but each experience will be a chance to learn, grow, and become a better therapist. As I pursue my goal, I’m grateful for the lessons chess has taught me. The game has sharpened my mind, strengthened my determination, and given me the tools I need to navigate the challenges that will lie ahead. In many ways, the path to my future is like a chessboard, and I’m ready to make my next move.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    In a world where athletes are celebrated for their strength, speed and skill, there is a realm of unseen heroes who mend the broken and strained, and ensure champions continue to perform their best. This is the world I’ve chosen to dedicate my life to, as a sports medicine therapist. The spark that ignited my passion for sports medicine began during my sophomore year of high school during the biggest football game of the year. Tensions were high as the scoreboard was tied with only minutes left on the clock. Then, it happened..our star player, Tim, made a sudden dash for the ball, only to collapse mid-stride, clutching his knee in agony. The game halted, and all eyes turned to the sideline. In those few moments of uncertainty, I witnessed something remarkable. The team’s sports therapist rushed onto the field with a calmness that put everyone at ease. She assessed Tim’s injury and her hands moved with gentleness and expertise. As she stabilized his leg and signaled for a stretcher, I saw the gratitude in Tim’s eyes. It was then that I realized the impact a sports medicine therapist could have, not just on an athlete’s career, but their spirit as well. From that day forward, I knew this was the path I wanted to pursue. The idea of being able to help restore and empower athletes captivated me. I started shadowing Ms. P, learning about the complexities of injuries, rehabilitation techniques, and the importance of mental resilience. She guided me through the intricacies of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that make up the human body. My fascination grew deeper into the science behind sports medicine. I discovered the human body to be an incredible machine capable of some astonishing things, but also susceptible to delicate imbalances. Understanding and finding ways to restore it became my interest. It wasn’t just the science that drew me in. It was the opportunity to be a part of an athlete’s journey and celebrate their victories and support them through their setbacks. I want to be a presence that athletes can rely on and help them rise after every fall. The idea of contributing to their success and playing a vital role in their stories, fills me with a sense of purpose. As I stand on the brink of my journey, I am filled with excitement and anticipation. The road ahead will undoubtedly be challenging, but I am ready to embrace it with the same passion that ignited my dream. My goal is to blend the art of healing with the science of performance to ensure that athletes can push their limits while staying safe and healthy. I see a future where I am not just a healer, but a partner in the pursuit of greatness. Everytime I think back to that day of sophomore year, I am reminded of the moment that set me on this journey, when I saw firsthand the difference a sports medicine therapist can make.
    ESOF Academic Scholarship
    What are your educational and professional goals? As I begin my journey at Winston-Salem State University, I have a clear vision of my professional goal of becoming a Sports Medicine Therapist. I am also confident in my educational goals and where I see myself in the next five years. Here’s a glimpse into my future and how I plan to get there: Year one at WSSU, I will lay the foundation. I will immerse myself in the core subjects of health sciences and actively engage in lectures, lab exercises, and group projects. By participating in class discussions and seeking mentorship from faculty, I will build a strong foundation in anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. I will also join relevant student organizations to connect with peers who share my passion for sports medicine. Year two, I will focus on gaining practical experience through internships and clinical placements. I aim to secure a position with a local sports team or healthcare facility, where I can observe and assist experienced professionals. Hands-on experience will be crucial in developing my skills in injury assessment, treatment planning, and rehabilitation techniques. I will also take advantage of the resources at the Rams Fitness Center to practice and refine these skills. Year three, I will engage in research and innovation by participating in research projects that explore innovative approaches to sports medicine. I am particularly interested in studying the effects of different physical therapy interventions on athletic performance and recovery. Collaborating with faculty and peers, I will contribute to research that advances our understanding of effective treatment strategies. I foresee presenting my findings at conferences and publishing in academic journals to help establish my reputation as a knowledgeable and forward-thinking professional. I am speaking it into existence! This is my goal after all. Year four, I will focus on developing leadership skills and exploring areas of specialization within sports medicine. I will take on leadership roles within student organizations and participate in community service projects, honing my ability to inspire and lead. I will explore specialized areas such as pediatric sports medicine or orthopedic rehabilitation, trying to identify the specific area where I can make the most significant impact. I’m excited to explore it all and anticipate graduating from undergraduate studies within year four. Year five, post-graduation, I will be well-prepared to transition into professional practice upon graduating from WSSU. My goal is to work with a reputable sports medicine clinic or join the medical staff of a sports team. By obtaining further certifications, such as becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC), I will enhance my credentials and expand my opportunities. In this role, I will apply the knowledge and skills gained at WSSU to help athletes achieve their best, whether they are recovering from injuries or striving to improve their performance. Achieving my goals requires a strategic approach beginning with academic excellence, therefore maintaining a high GPA will be a priority. It is essential for pursuing advanced certifications and graduate studies. Being that personal and professional development is an integral part of my plan, I will remain committed to taking advantage of all that WSSU has to offer me in becoming a well-educated and well-rounded student. Winston-Salem State University is an esteemed institution and offers the perfect environment for me to achieve my goals as a sports medicine therapist. The university’s strong academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to community engagement provide a solid foundation for my professional journey. By excelling academically, gaining practical experience, engaging in research, and developing personally and professionally, I am confident that I will be well-prepared to make significant contributions to the field of sports medicine. In the next five years, I see myself as a successful sports medicine therapist, recognized for my expertise and dedication to enhancing the well-being and performance of athletes. My journey at WSSU is just the beginning, and I am excited to embark on this path to achieving my dreams. Also, please describe your commitment to civic or public service. In my community of Washington, D.C. violence is an issue demanding action. I recognize the need for solutions to address it and create a safer environment for everyone who lives here. As my dad says, “It’s hard for a kid to be a kid having to worry about the same things adults do”; growing up fast to protect themselves in doing simple tasks, such as walking to the store or school. There is a need for awareness and education surrounding violence prevention. Some young people, like my peers and younger, may not understand the impact of violence or even know how to recognize warning signs. Programs in communities that teach conflict resolution, promoting the understanding of someone other than just yourself, and raising awareness about the consequences of violent actions is important. My community also needs access to support services for victims, such as counseling and shelters where people can find safety and receive the assistance they need to rebuild their lives. I am committed to public service and contributing to these efforts in several ways. I will advocate for prevention systems in schools, to work with administration to ensure that students receive violence prevention examples through education and support. Students at my own school have been victims of violence, so I plan to return on college breaks to connect with teachers and students to share my positive college experiences, with the thought that this will give students something to look forward to for themselves in creating their own paths. I will look for organizations that provide assistance to victims and volunteer my time, through activities such as fundraising and outreach or just service in general. By participating and lending my voice and helping hand, I hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people affected by violence and help contribute to building a safer and more compassionate community for everyone.
    Maxwell Tuan Nguyen Memorial Scholarship
    Sports medicine has always interested me due to its unique blend of healthcare and athletics. My aspiration to pursue a career in this field is driven by my passion for helping others and a love for sports. Through this career choice, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, and promoting the importance of physical activity. The primary role of a sports medicine professional is to ensure the health and well-being of athletes. By becoming a sports medicine physician or therapist, I will have the opportunity to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports-related injuries. Athletes, from amateurs to professionals, rely on sports medicine to help them recover from injuries and return to their peak performance. By providing effective treatment and personalized rehabilitation programs, I can help athletes regain their confidence and strength. I believe this support is crucial. Not only for physical recovery, but also for their mental and emotional well-being. One of the most important aspects of sports medicine is the emphasis on injury prevention. Educating athletes, coaches, and parents about proper training techniques, nutrition, and safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. As a sports medicine professional, I plan to conduct workshops and seminars to spread awareness about the importance of injury prevention. By working with schools, sports teams, and community organizations, I can implement programs that teach proper warm-up exercises, stretching routines,safe workout techniques, and the importance of using appropriate protective gear. I believe that this approach can help create a safer environment for athletes, regardless of age. Promoting physical activity is more important than ever, being that so many people are sedentary. There are so many quick-fix delivery options, curbside pick-ups and more. Regular exercise is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As a sports medicine expert, I will advocate for an active lifestyle and encourage people to participate in sports and physical activities. By working with schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities, I can develop programs that make physical activity accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Doing this can help lead others to a healthier and more active lifestyle, which ultimately reduces health issues and hospitalization. Sports should be an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, no matter age, gender, or ability. In my future career, I will also aim to promote inclusivity in sports by supporting sports programs for individuals with disabilities. By providing specialized training, I can help these athletes achieve their goals and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Inclusivity also means advocating for equal opportunities in sports for women and underrepresented groups of people. So by championing diversity and inclusivity, I can contribute to a more supportive sports community. In conclusion, pursuing a career in sports medicine offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. By focusing on improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, promoting physical activity, diversity and inclusivity in sports, I can contribute to a healthier, more active, and equal society. This career path not only allows me to combine my passion for healthcare and sports, but also allows me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of other people. I am super excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the positive changes I can bring to the world through sports medicine.
    Ojeda Multi-County Youth Scholarship
    The inner city of Washington, D.C. is more than just the nation’s capital, it’s a symphony of sounds, a canvas of vibrant street art, and a melting pot of dreams and struggles. Growing up here with historical landmarks and busy streets has shaped me in ways I could never have imagined. The challenges I faced have been as numerous as the murals that decorate our neighborhoods, but each one has taught me the spirit of bouncing back, creativity, and the love of community. From a young age, the rhythm of the city was my soundtrack. The constant hum of traffic, the chatter of street vendors, and the echo of political protests were as familiar to me as the voices of my friends. Our neighborhood is rich in history and culture, and it was here that I learned the importance of community, where neighbors looked out for each other and everyone had a story to tell. However, life in the inner city wasn’t without challenges. Our schools were underfunded, and resources were scarce. The playgrounds were more asphalt than grass riddled with drug paraphernalia and the threat of violence loomed over us at almost every turn. But it was also a place of hope and dreams, where kids believed they could be the next big thing. Getting a quality public education was a struggle, but my dad was a single parent and couldn’t afford a private one. Schools were overcrowded and teachers were stretched thin, but regardless of that, I was determined to succeed. I spent a lot of time at the library because it was a quiet place away from the neighborhood. I connected with teachers that saw potential in me and started playing basketball from a young age, which kept me very occupied. I managed to excel academically, earning a spot in an advanced placement program. This achievement was proof of my hard work and the company I kept. My friends and I studied together, helping each other out and sharing whatever materials we had. We knew that our success was intertwined, and we pushed each other to be better. Another significant challenge was the temptation of the streets. Opportunities in D.C. were limited and many of my peers were influenced into dangerous paths of robbery and drugs. The idea of quick money and the need to belong made gangs and crime a constant presence. I had to make a conscious decision to stay on the right path. Basketball became my sanctuary, a way to channel my energy and frustrations into something positive. The court was a place where I could escape the chaos and focus on my dreams. With the guidance of my coach, who became a father figure to me, I learned discipline, teamwork, and the importance of setting goals. Growing up in D.C., I was also surrounded by art. The murals that wrap our buildings told stories of struggle and hope. Go-Go City by Kaliq Crosby is my favorite. Go-Go is my favorite genre of music and it’s a reminder that D.C. is a community of history and a promising future. I enjoyed painting in school and found peace and freedom of expression in doing so. Art became a way to process my experiences and share stories. It felt good. Despite the challenges, the strength of our community was a constant source of inspiration. Neighbors organized block parties and youth events and we celebrated our heritage and supported each other through tough times. This sense of belonging and mutual support was a lifeline, reminding me that I was never alone in my struggles. Growing up in the inner city of Washington, D.C., has been more of a discovery to me. The challenges I faced taught me the importance of the value of education, and as I look to the future, I carry with me the lessons learned and belief that no matter where you come from, you have the power to shape your destiny. The city has given me strength, and I’m determined to give back and be a source of hope for the next generation growing up in the heartbeat of our nation.
    West Family Scholarship
    In the heart of the inner city of D.C., where concrete courts echo with dreams, basketball is more than just a game, it’s a lifeline. As the captain of the varsity basketball team, I’ve witnessed how the sport can unite and divide, and highlight differences and common ground. One of the most significant challenges we’ve faced is racial equality, especially when playing against predominantly white suburban teams. Our time on the court has brought attention to racial equality, and we’re striving to bridge the gap. Basketball is a universal language spoken fluently in both the inner city and suburbs. However, where I’m from, the dynamics on the court reflect the bigger divisions of society. Our team, composed of all African-American players, often faces teams from affluent suburbs, predominantly white, and seemingly worlds apart from our own experiences. The contrast is obvious, but the basketball court serves as a level playing field where talent and teamwork are the ultimate judges. From the tip-off, it’s clear the game is more than just about winning or losing. It’s an opportunity to challenge stereotypes and preconceived notions. Our team’s speed and agility always surprise our opponents, who might’ve underestimated us based on our appearances and backgrounds of being from the inner city, and not the “good part”. But their precision and strategic playing teach us to appreciate different styles and approaches to the game. These encounters go beyond the physicality of basketball. There are moments of silent communication through body language, where mutual respect is earned through grit and sportsmanship. Each game becomes a testament to the fact that, despite our differences, we can come together because we all love the sport! Off the court, our interactions with these teams have opened up avenues for understanding. Post-game handshakes and casual conversations have grown into discussions about our different lives. I believe that it’s these moments of connection where seeds of racial equality are sown. I initiated an informal group chat, pairing players from our team with suburban teams. At first, I received some pushback from my teammates, a lot of side-eyes, but with some convincing, now we exchange texts with healthy trash talking, and we’ve even visited each other’s neighborhoods, and I see that as breaking down barriers and forming friendships. Playing pick-up games in each other’s courts allows us to see beyond the stereotypes and understand the person behind the jersey. This experience has been eye-opening for everyone involved, dissolving misconceptions. I’ve learned that addressing racial equality requires more than just conversations. It requires action. The court has taught me that respect is earned through effort, and understanding comes from genuine interaction. I’ve seen how our differences can become strengths when we work together, and how the courage to step out of our comfort zones can lead to meaningful change. Looking forward, I hope to expand this initiative into a more massive platform, creating more opportunities for diverse groups to come together through sports and other common interests. I want to advocate for programs that bring inner-city and suburban youth together, using basketball as a catalyst for broader social change, since the sport is oftentimes the bridge that connects people of different backgrounds. I foresee a future where the lessons learned on the court translate into a society that values and practices equality. As we dribble, pass, and shoot, we’re not just playing basketball, we’re challenging the status quo and paving the way for a future of equality, especially among young people. The court is our canvas, and with every game, we paint a brighter and more inclusive picture for all!
    Norman C. Nelson IV Memorial Scholarship
    Sports medicine has always interested me due to its unique blend of healthcare and athletics. My aspiration to pursue a career in this field is driven by my passion for helping others and a love for sports. Through this career choice, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, and promoting the importance of physical activity. The primary role of a sports medicine professional is to ensure the health and well-being of athletes. By becoming a sports medicine physician or therapist, I will have the opportunity to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports-related injuries. Athletes, from amateurs to professionals, rely on sports medicine to help them recover from injuries and return to their peak performance. By providing effective treatment and personalized rehabilitation programs, I can help athletes regain their confidence and strength. I believe this support is crucial. Not only for physical recovery, but also for their mental and emotional well-being. One of the most important aspects of sports medicine is the emphasis on injury prevention. Educating athletes, coaches, and parents about proper training techniques, nutrition, and safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. As a sports medicine professional, I plan to conduct workshops and seminars to spread awareness about the importance of injury prevention. By working with schools, sports teams, and community organizations, I can implement programs that teach proper warm-up exercises, stretching routines, safe workout techniques, and the importance of using appropriate protective gear. I believe that this approach can help create a safer environment for athletes, regardless of age. Promoting physical activity is more important than ever, being that so many people are sedentary. There are so many quick-fix delivery options, curbside pick-ups and more. Regular exercise is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As a sports medicine expert, I will advocate for an active lifestyle and encourage people to participate in sports and physical activities. By working with schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities, I can develop programs that make physical activity accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Doing this can help lead others to a healthier and more active lifestyle, which ultimately reduces health issues and hospitalization. Sports should be an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, no matter age, gender, or ability. In my future career, I will also aim to promote inclusivity in sports by supporting sports programs for individuals with disabilities. By providing specialized training, I can help these athletes achieve their goals and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Inclusivity also means advocating for equal opportunities in sports for women and underrepresented groups of people. So by championing diversity and inclusivity, I can contribute to a more supportive sports community. In conclusion, pursuing a career in sports medicine offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. By focusing on improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, promoting physical activity, diversity and inclusivity in sports, I can contribute to a healthier, more active, and equal society. This career path not only allows me to combine my passion for healthcare and sports, but also allows me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of other people. I am super excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the positive changes I can bring to the world through sports medicine.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    A Court of Dreams Under the bright lights of our high school gym, where the echo of bouncing basketballs and the piercing yet rhythmic squeak of sneakers on polished floors paint a picture of endless possibility, I experienced my greatest achievement to date. Becoming the captain of our varsity basketball team in combination with being selected for the citywide all-star team was more than just a personal victory, it was a testament to hard work, leadership, and the power of dreams coming true! This journey defined my high school years and taught me invaluable lessons about myself. From the moment I first dribbled a basketball in elementary school, I was captivated by the game. Basketball became my passion, my escape, and my drive. By the time I entered high school, I set my sights on making the varsity team. I trained relentlessly, practicing every day after school, studying plays, and honing my skills. My sophomore year, I earned a spot on the summer team, and by junior year, I was named captain! Becoming captain was not just about being the best player, it was about earning the trust and respect of my teammates and coaches. I learned to lead by example, pushing myself to the limit in every practice and game. I also had to become a communicator, bridging the gap between the coach’s strategies and the players’ execution. Balancing encouragement with constructive criticism, I fostered a team spirit that emphasized unity and resilience. The pinnacle of my basketball journey came when I was selected for the citywide all-star team. This recognition was a dream come true, validating the countless hours of dedication and sacrifice of missing out on events and hanging out with friends. Competing alongside the best players from other schools was exhilarating and intimidating, but it pushed me to elevate my game further, proving to myself that I belonged on that court. The all-star experience taught me the importance of humility and continuous growth. No matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement, and there are always others who can teach you something new. Playing with and against top-tier athletes, I learned to appreciate different playing styles and strategies, broadening my understanding of the game. This journey taught me more than just how to play basketball, it taught me about perseverance, leadership, and believing in myself. Being captain meant shouldering responsibility, especially during tough times. There were moments of doubt, games we lost despite our best efforts, and times when team dynamics were challenging. However, these obstacles only strengthened my resolve. I learned that true leadership is not about always having the answers but about being willing to face challenges head-on and inspire others to do the same. The experience taught me about the value of teamwork. Basketball is not a solo sport, it requires coordination, trust, and mutual support. Leading my team to victories and through losses, I learned the importance of building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community. These lessons extend beyond the court and into every aspect of life, reminding me that we achieve more together than we ever could alone. Looking ahead, the lessons and skills I gained from this experience fuel my aspirations. My goal is to pursue a career in sports medicine, where I can combine my love for sports with a desire to help others. I want to support athletes in achieving their best performance and recovering from injuries, just as my coaches and trainers supported me. The discipline and leadership I developed as captain will serve me well in the sports medicine field, which I wish to pursue. Additionally, I hope to continue playing basketball at the collegiate level, where I can further hone my skills and perhaps even take on leadership roles once more. Whether on the court or in my professional life, I aim to embody the same spirit of perseverance, teamwork, and dedication that defined my high school years.
    CEW IV Foundation Scholarship Program
    Imagine standing in front of a locked door, knowing that behind it lies a world of opportunities. Now imagine that the key to this door is social justice. For me, the issues that mean the most are like the master keys. Those would be racial equality, gender equality, and access to education. These are not just concepts, but real issues that affect the lives of people around me, including my friends and family. Picture this, my friend, Larell, is an awesome athlete, but every time she and the volleyball team step onto the court at an opposing school that has majority white students, they face stares, slurs and discriminatory comments whispered. It’s not just hurtful, but in reality it’s unjust. Racial equality is important because it’s about recognizing that we are all human regardless of skin color. It’s about ensuring that Larell and others like her, can play and live without worrying about prejudice. Getting involved means standing up against racism whenever we see it, supporting movements like Black Lives Matter, and educating ourselves about the history and prejudice experiences of different racial groups (not just black either!) It’s about creating a world where everyone can unlock their potential without being discriminated against. Next, think about my cousin Travis, who dreams of owning his own black-owned construction company. He is brilliant, but faces constant challenges because he is transgender. Now couple that with being black. That would be double the challenge. Gender equality matters because everyone deserves to pursue their dreams without being held back by outdated stereotypes and biases. Travis prefers to be called Tyra, but I find that some people just refuse to respect others’ wishes and so that makes life difficult. Supporting gender equality means respecting people’s preferences, advocating for policies that protect the rights of all genders, challenging sexist jokes, and making safe spaces for everyone. It’s about breaking down the barriers that hold Tyra back so he can unlock his future as a black-owned business owner. Then there’s my little sister, Kennedy, who loves science and dreams of becoming a pilot or an astronaut. But the school she attends doesn’t have the resources to help nurture her passion. She attends public school, just as I did, and there is always an issue of available funding and budget cuts to specialized programs. Access to education is another issue because education is the ultimate bridge. It’s the foundation that allows dreams to take flight (pun intended! :-)) Equality in education means fighting for better funding for public schools, supporting programs that provide resources to underprivileged students, and mentoring younger students like Kennedy, who simply don’t have easy access to the better things in life. It’s about making sure that every child has a key to unlock their future. Why is it important to get involved? Because without involvement, there is no action, and these issues that I speak about continue to just be locked doors. We hold those keys to change in our hands. By getting involved, we are helping others and we are also shaping the world we want to live in. When we stand up for racial equality, gender equality, and access to education, we are building a society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Involvement can be as simple as joining a school club that focuses on social justice, contributing to community service projects, or just speaking openly about all of the challenges that people just like me face everyday. Every action, no matter how small it is, is a step towards unlocking a door for a better and successful future.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    Growing up in Washington, D.C., I experienced the harsh realities of living amongst violence. Sound of sirens, news of shootings, and fear of danger are a part of my everyday life. It’s a tough environment that tested my resilience and shaped my character in ways I couldn’t imagine. The most significant challenge started when I was in middle school. A friend was caught in the crossfire of a gang incident and was severely injured. That left me scared for my safety and those around me. It was a wake-up call that made me realize how important it was to find a way out of the cycle of violence. To overcome this adversity, I focused on education, became involved in the community and looked for mentors. I knew that education was my ticket to a better future. I dedicated myself to school, staying up late to finish homework or study. I participated in basketball that provided a safe environment and academic support with study hall. I participated in community activities, such as D.C. Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement where we promoted focused approaches to disrupt violence and promote peace. Through this, I participated in community clean-ups, peace rallies, and mentored youth. Involvement gave me purpose and helped build a network of like-minded peers who supported each other in staying away from violence. I found mentors in my teachers, coaches, and elders who were respectful and weren’t afraid to give constructive criticism to us young folks. It’s because of them I can see possibilities beyond my immediate environment and aspire to aim higher. Adversity taught me determination. While we cannot control our circumstances, we can control our response. It instilled in me a sense of commitment to giving back. Many kids were going through similar struggles as I did at their ages, and I wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem. Facing adversity helped me to develop a strong work ethic. I understood that nothing would be handed to me and I had to work hard for opportunities. This mindset stayed with me and continues to drive me. For anyone facing similar circumstances, my advice is to: remain positive, keep your head up, not down. If you’re looking down, it’s impossible to see where you’re going, so stay focused on your path. Focus on education. Knowledge is a tool to the most sought out places, but you must LEARN how to get there! Education opens doors and provides opportunities that seem out of reach. Get involved in community and seek mentors. Community can provide belonging and purpose for you that hanging with the wrong crowd cannot. Associating with negativity will leave you lost looking for purpose that you can find in those that genuinely care about your well being. Positive associations help counteract the negative influences around you. Positive mentors offer guidance and inspiration, showing that there are paths to success outside of violence and crime. Lastly, never lose hope. It’s easy to feel defeated, but you have the power to change your future. Surround yourself with support, stay focused on goals, and push forward, no matter how difficult. Growing up I’ve been tested belief in myself, my self worth and my determination to succeed, but by changing my focus, I overcame those same challenges and shaped a better future for myself by being accepted to college! Adversity has made me stronger and more committed to making a positive impact. To anyone facing similar circumstances, remember that you have the strength to overcome, and there are always people and resources available to help on your journey.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Growing up in a community filled with violence in Washington, D.C., has profoundly impacted my experience with mental health. Life has presented challenges in the midst of me trying to become my best self and move forward to higher places. Where I live and go to school is not the best environment to be in. The city is plagued with violence, due to drugs, robberies, murder, carjacking, the list goes on. This makes it difficult for one to focus on achievement when you are surrounded by much negativity. I have been affected by it from many angles. Some months ago, my schoolmate was gunned down and killed, robbed of his shoes on his way to work after school. Most recently, another schoolmate was gunned down and killed in a crossfire walking home from school, and a classmate was grazed by a stray bullet through our classroom window while we were in school. School is the one place where you’d think you're safe, only to see that too isn’t so. The thought of what my schoolmates could have been and to know that also could have been me, has distracted me from focus many times and if I stay in that mental space for too long, can also bring about a cloud of depression. That is alot for a person to handle. I work hard every day to change that for myself by staying positive in order to overcome it. This requires me to be intentional in my well being and focus on self care, engaging in meaningful activities to maintain resiliency and hope for my community. I believe that small daily actions can collectively make a significant difference in how you cope with and perceive the world around you. This experience has shaped my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. Navigating the challenges of living in an environment such as this has taught me the spirit of intentionally bouncing back, the importance of mental health, and the need to strive for a better future for myself and others that I love and that surround me. My goals have been shaped by my mental health journey as well. Witnessing the effects of violence and trauma on myself and my peers has fueled my ambition to pursue a career that can make a positive impact. I have seen how mental health issues can hold people back, and in addition to my career goal of Sports Medicine, I want to be able to advocate and help counsel others to help navigate their own mental health struggles. Afterall, I have been there before. Many of us have and continue to be. My own experiences have given me perspective and a sense of purpose for it. I am determined to break the stigma surrounding mental health of it being a topic that should not be discussed and provide support to those who need it. Living in a violent neighborhood has also had a profound impact on my relationships. Trust and safety are important to any relationship, but they are even more important in a community where violence is prevalent. My experiences have taught me to value genuine connections with people who offer emotional support and understanding. I have learned to seek out friends and mentors who encourage me to grow and provide positive influences. These relationships have been vital in helping me cope with the stress and trauma associated with my environment. My journey with mental health has made me more understanding of others’ struggles, allowing me to build deeper and more meaningful connections. My understanding of the world has been influenced by this also. I have been exposed to the harsh realities that many people face on a day to day basis, such as the systemic issues that contribute to violence and mental health struggles in communities like mine, from safety to access to health services or where a person’s next meal will come from. It has taught me the importance of the power of hope and that despite the challenges and obstacles, it is possible to overcome adversity and make a positive difference. Being a teenager in Washington, D.C., has presented numerous challenges, but it has also taught me valuable lessons. I have seen how violence and trauma can affect young people, leading to issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Seeing this has made me aware of the importance of mental health support and the need for accessible resources for those people who are struggling. My mental health journey is ongoing, but I am committed to using my experiences to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to advocate for a safer and more supportive environment for future generations.
    Jerzee Foundation Scholarship
    I am a Senior at Dunbar High School in our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C., and I will proudly be attending an HBCU - Winston-Salem State University in Winston-Salem, NC!! I am hoping to obtain a scholarship to achieve my goal of earning a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management with a minor in Sports Medicine, as well as aiming for a Master's degree. My goal to pursue a career in this field is driven by my passion for helping others and a love for sports. I have had the privilege of serving as the captain of my high school varsity basketball team. My leadership on the court taught me the value of not only perseverance and dedication, but teamwork and helping others out, whether it was a time of need or to help a fellow teammate improve. Through this career choice, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, and promoting the importance of physical activity. The primary role of a sports medicine professional is to ensure the health and well-being of athletes. By becoming a sports medicine physician or therapist, I will have the opportunity to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports-related injuries. Athletes, from amateurs to professionals, rely on sports medicine to help them recover from injuries and return to their peak performance. By providing effective treatment and personalized rehabilitation programs, I can help athletes regain their confidence and strength. I believe this support is crucial. Not only for physical recovery, but also for their mental and emotional well-being. Financial assistance will help me to have the best possible chance to achieve my professional aspirations in having a successful career. Even though I am working a minimum-wage part-time job after school and on weekends to minimize my financial dependency on my father for everyday life essentials, finances for college are still challenging. I am trying my best to save on my own for day-to-day college expenses, books and supplies, however, I still find myself in need of significantly more for the cost of attendance, My father is a single parent and his ability to provide me with financial assistance for four years is extremely limited. Still, after many years, my father is currently re-paying his college student loans, as well as many other financial obligations. Therefore, another loan for my education would put our family deeper into debt resulting in an extraordinary financial strain on my father who is already trying his best to keep our heads above water in today's inflated economy. To be able to attend and graduate college debt-free is important for my financial independence and stability, and I am confident that I can achieve this goal by remaining consistent in my scholarship application process. Accomplishing this will set a strong foundation for my future, allowing me to pursue my dreams without the weight of financial burdens. Despite financial challenges, my education continues to be a priority and the Jerzee Foundation Scholarship would have a significant impact on me being able to pursue my dreams. I sincerely appreciate your consideration and any support that will make it possible for me to attend college.
    Tanya C. Harper Memorial SAR Scholarship
    Sports medicine has always interested me due to its unique blend of healthcare and athletics. My aspiration to pursue a career in this field is driven by my passion for helping others and a love for sports. Through this career choice, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, and promoting the importance of physical activity. The primary role of a sports medicine professional is to ensure the health and well-being of athletes. By becoming a sports medicine physician or therapist, I will have the opportunity to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports-related injuries. Athletes, from amateurs to professionals, rely on sports medicine to help them recover from injuries and return to their peak performance. By providing effective treatment and personalized rehabilitation programs, I can help athletes regain their confidence and strength. I believe this support is crucial. Not only for physical recovery, but also for their mental and emotional well-being. One of the most important aspects of sports medicine is the emphasis on injury prevention. Educating athletes, coaches, and parents about proper training techniques, nutrition, and safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. As a sports medicine professional, I plan to conduct workshops and seminars to spread awareness about the importance of injury prevention. By working with schools, sports teams, and community organizations, I can implement programs that teach proper warm-up exercises, stretching routines, safe workout techniques, and the importance of using appropriate protective gear. I believe that this approach can help create a safer environment for athletes, regardless of age. Promoting physical activity is more important than ever, being that so many people are sedentary. There are so many quick-fix delivery options, curbside pick-ups and more. Regular exercise is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As a sports medicine expert, I will advocate for an active lifestyle and encourage people to participate in sports and physical activities. By working with schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities, I can develop programs that make physical activity accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Doing this can help lead others to a healthier and more active lifestyle, which ultimately reduces health issues and hospitalization. Sports should be an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, no matter age, gender, or ability. In my future career, I will also aim to promote inclusivity in sports by supporting sports programs for individuals with disabilities. By providing specialized training, I can help these athletes achieve their goals and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Inclusivity also means advocating for equal opportunities in sports for women and underrepresented groups of people. So by championing diversity and inclusivity, I can contribute to a more supportive sports community. In conclusion, pursuing a career in sports medicine offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. By focusing on improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, promoting physical activity, diversity and inclusivity in sports, I can contribute to a healthier, more active, and equal society. This career path not only allows me to combine my passion for healthcare and sports, but also allows me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of other people. I am super excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the positive changes I can bring to the world through sports medicine.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    Sports medicine has always interested me due to its unique blend of healthcare and athletics. My aspiration to pursue a career in this field is driven by my passion for helping others and a love for sports. Through this career choice, I plan to make a positive impact on the world by improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, and promoting the importance of physical activity. The primary role of a sports medicine professional is to ensure the health and well-being of athletes. By becoming a sports medicine physician or therapist, I will have the opportunity to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports-related injuries. Athletes, from amateurs to professionals, rely on sports medicine to help them recover from injuries and return to their peak performance. By providing effective treatment and personalized rehabilitation programs, I can help athletes regain their confidence and strength. I believe this support is crucial. Not only for physical recovery, but also for their mental and emotional well-being. One of the most important aspects of sports medicine is the emphasis on injury prevention. Educating athletes, coaches, and parents about proper training techniques, nutrition, and safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. As a sports medicine professional, I plan to conduct workshops and seminars to spread awareness about the importance of injury prevention. By working with schools, sports teams, and community organizations, I can implement programs that teach proper warm-up exercises, stretching routines,safe workout techniques, and the importance of using appropriate protective gear. I believe that this approach can help create a safer environment for athletes, regardless of age. Promoting physical activity is more important than ever, being that so many people are sedentary. There are so many quick-fix delivery options, curbside pick-ups and more. Regular exercise is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As a sports medicine expert, I will advocate for an active lifestyle and encourage people to participate in sports and physical activities. By working with schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities, I can develop programs that make physical activity accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Doing this can help lead others to a healthier and more active lifestyle, which ultimately reduces health issues and hospitalization. Sports should be an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, no matter age, gender, or ability. In my future career, I will also aim to promote inclusivity in sports by supporting sports programs for individuals with disabilities. By providing specialized training, I can help these athletes achieve their goals and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Inclusivity also means advocating for equal opportunities in sports for women and underrepresented groups of people. So by championing diversity and inclusivity, I can contribute to a more supportive sports community. In conclusion, pursuing a career in sports medicine offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. By focusing on improving athletes’ health, advocating for injury prevention, promoting physical activity, diversity and inclusivity in sports, I can contribute to a healthier, more active, and equal society. This career path not only allows me to combine my passion for healthcare and sports, but also allows me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of other people. I am super excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the positive changes I can bring to the world through sports medicine.