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Devin Freeman


Bold Points






I'm a real-life Andy, full of boundless energy and a never-ending imagination. Just like Woody and Buzz, I'm on a mission to reach for the stars. I'm fueled by the belief that anything is possible, no matter how big the challenge. It's time to make my mark on the world, one adventure at a time!


Texas Southern University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering

Mount Zion High School

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      electrical engineering

    • Dream career goals:

    • Junior Assistant

      Key Engineering
      2020 – 20222 years



    Junior Varsity
    2020 – 20211 year


    • MZHS Bulldogs

      2021 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      New Life in Christ — Drum Instructor
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests



    LeBron James Fan Scholarship
    LeBron James, a name synonymous with greatness, a titan of the basketball court. My admiration for this extraordinary athlete runs deep, fueled by his unparalleled skill, unwavering dedication, and his ability to transcend the game itself. As a fan, I've been witness to countless jaw-dropping performances, from his alley-oop dunks that seem to defy gravity to his clutch three-pointers that steal away victories. Beyond his athleticism, it's LeBron's intelligence and court vision that truly sets him apart. He's a maestro, orchestrating every play with precision and finesse. The debate over the greatest basketball player of all time is a timeless one, and LeBron's name is always at the forefront. While the argument is subjective and often fueled by personal biases, I firmly believe that LeBron deserves a place among the all-time greats. His longevity, consistency, and impact on the game are undeniable. He's not just a basketball player; he's a cultural icon, inspiring millions around the world. While some may argue that other players have achieved more championships or individual accolades, I believe that LeBron's overall body of work is unparalleled. His ability to dominate at both ends of the court, his leadership qualities, and his commitment to giving back to his community make him a truly exceptional athlete. In conclusion, my admiration for LeBron James goes beyond his basketball prowess. He's a symbol of hope, a role model for countless young people, and a testament to the power of hard work and dedication. While the debate over the greatest player of all time may never be fully settled, LeBron's legacy is secure. He's a king of the court, a legend of the game, and a force to be reckoned with.
    Dr. Edward V. Chavez Athletic Memorial Scholarship
    Losing a parent at such a young age is a profound and formative experience. It can shape one's worldview, relationships, and aspirations in profound ways. While the loss of a father can be particularly challenging for a young boy, it can also serve as a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. The loss of my father at the age of 10 was a traumatic experience that I did not fully comprehend at the time. The shock and grief were overwhelming, but I felt a deep sense of responsibility to be strong for my mother and younger siblings. I suppressed my emotions, believing that crying would be a sign of weakness and that my father wouldn't have wanted it. This internalization of grief had a significant impact on my emotional development, as I struggled to process my feelings and connect with others on a deeper level. One of the biggest challenges I faced after my father's death was the fear of abandonment. I worried that my mother might also leave me, and I clung to her for support and validation. This dependency made it difficult for me to develop my own sense of self and identity. I also struggled with feelings of anger and resentment towards my father for leaving us. These unresolved emotions created significant internal turmoil and affected my relationships with others. The sport of baseball, however, played a crucial role in my healing process. It provided an outlet for my emotions and a sense of purpose and belonging. The structure and discipline of the sport helped me to develop self-control and perseverance. Baseball also taught me the importance of teamwork and cooperation, as well as the value of hard work and dedication. Through baseball, I was able to channel my grief and pain into something positive and productive. As I have grown older, I have come to understand the impact of my father's death on my life. While the loss has been painful, it has also made me a stronger and more resilient person. I have learned to embrace my emotions and express them in healthy ways. I have also developed a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others who have experienced loss. I am committed to paying it forward and creating triumph out of tragedy. I believe that my experiences can be a source of inspiration and hope for others who are struggling with grief and loss. I plan to use my platform as a baseball coach and mentor to help young people develop their skills and overcome challenges. I also hope to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and emotional well-being, particularly for those who have experienced trauma. In conclusion, losing a parent at a young age is a complex and multifaceted experience. While it can be a source of pain and suffering, it can also be a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Through my own experiences, I have learned the importance of emotional expression, empathy, and perseverance. I am committed to using my story to help others heal and find hope.
    Erin Lanae's HBCU Excellence Scholarship
    The cadence of the drumbeat has always resonated deep within me. Growing up, it was a rhythm that connected me to my roots, a pulse of Black culture in a world that often felt indifferent. Choosing an HBCU was a natural progression, a decision to immerse myself fully in a space where my identity was celebrated, not questioned. The marching band is more than just an extracurricular for me; it's a brotherhood, a collective expression of our shared heritage. Every performance is a testament to our resilience, our joy, and our unwavering determination. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who understand the complexities of being a Black man in America has been invaluable. My HBCU experience is molding me into a leader, a bridge-builder, and a proud representative of my community.
    ESOF Academic Scholarship
    The world around us buzzes with the invisible language of electricity. From the comforting hum of a refrigerator to the awe-inspiring crackle of lightning, electricity shapes every aspect of our lives. This fascination with the unseen force that powers our modern world ignited a spark in me at a young age, a spark that has grown into a burning desire to pursue a career in electrical engineering. However, my vision extends beyond a traditional engineering role. I aspire to not only contribute to the advancement of electrical technology, but also to leave a legacy of innovation and service for my future children and the community as a whole. My educational goals are the foundation upon which this vision rests. Earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering will equip me with the necessary knowledge and technical skills to understand, design, and develop complex electrical systems. I envision myself delving deep into circuit analysis, mastering electromagnetic principles, and exploring control systems. Each challenge will be an opportunity to unlock the secrets of manipulating the flow of electrons to create practical solutions. However, I believe that theoretical knowledge thrives alongside real-world experience. Therefore, actively seeking internship opportunities during my studies is a critical element of my plan. Working alongside experienced engineers in a professional setting will solidify my understanding, provide valuable hands-on experience, and offer invaluable insights into the practical challenges and triumphs of the field. Beyond the pursuit of academic excellence, my professional aspirations are twofold. Firstly, I am driven to contribute to the advancement of electrical technology by working for a leading engineering firm. The opportunity to collaborate with talented engineers to develop cutting-edge solutions in renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, or life-saving medical equipment would be incredibly fulfilling. Imagine brainstorming with colleagues to design a new solar panel array that could power entire villages or develop a revolutionary electrical grid that minimizes energy waste. These possibilities fuel my passion for innovation and motivate me to be a part of an energetic team that pushes the boundaries of what's possible. However, while contributing to a reputable firm provides invaluable experience and fosters creative collaboration, my entrepreneurial spirit yearns to carve a unique path. The long-term dream of starting my own electrical engineering business is deeply rooted in my family's legacy of hard work and dedication. Building a company from the ground up, based on my knowledge, skills, and unwavering commitment, would be a monumental achievement. This venture wouldn't be solely focused on financial success; it would be a legacy I could leave for my future children, a testament to the power of innovation and perseverance. Imagine the pride and satisfaction in passing down a company that not only provides for our family but also contributes positively to the fabric of the community. However, my aspirations extend beyond professional success and building a family business. I believe in the importance of giving back and using my skills to make a positive impact on the world around me. My commitment to civic or public service is unwavering. I envision myself volunteering my expertise to local organizations, offering electrical knowledge to projects that benefit underprivileged communities. This could involve helping with infrastructure development in areas with limited resources, providing electrical system evaluations for schools or community centers, or assisting with the installation of energy-efficient lighting solutions in low-income housing units. These contributions may seem small, but when combined, they have the power to improve lives and empower communities. In conclusion, my decision to pursue electrical engineering stems from a deep fascination with the science and a desire to use its power to create a brighter future. I am driven by the prospect of learning, innovating, and leaving a lasting legacy – not just through a potentially successful business, but through a commitment to contribute to the advancement of technology and serve the community. As I embark on this exciting journey, I am determined to be a lifelong learner, a dedicated engineer, and a responsible citizen who uses their skills to create positive change in the world. This journey is not just about me; it's about building a future filled with innovation, service, and a brighter light for all.
    Anderson Engineering Scholarship
    The scent of oil and metal wasn't perfume, but to my eight-year-old self, it was the intoxicating aroma of a world waiting to be built. My great-grandfather, Pop, a man whose hands bore the wisdom of countless creations, held a rusty wrench in mine. It wasn't heavy, but it felt momentous, a key to unlocking a universe of invention. Pop, with his twinkling eyes and grease-stained overalls, wasn't just tinkering with a car engine; he was showing me the magic of engineering. Fast forward a decade, and that childhood fascination hasn't faded. It's transformed into a burning desire to pursue engineering as a career. But my interest isn't just fueled by childhood memories. Summers spent shadowing my stepfather, a civil engineer, haven't been filled with textbooks and lectures. They've been crash courses in the real world – the thrill of watching blueprints come to life as towering bridges took shape, the meticulous planning behind ensuring a new neighborhood had a strong foundation. Witnessing firsthand the dedication and creativity required to build the world around us solidified my passion. Unlike a formal co-op program, these summer experiences were raw and unfiltered. I wasn't just observing; I was actively involved. Holding surveying equipment under the scorching sun, feeling the satisfying thud of a hammer driving a nail, these weren't tasks for show – they were opportunities to understand the nuts and bolts, the literal and figurative, of engineering. But engineering isn't just about physical construction. It's about problem-solving, about finding innovative solutions to challenges. During a school science fair, faced with the task of building the strongest bridge possible using limited materials, my team and I delved into the world of tension and compression forces. The thrill of our bridge defying expectations, holding more weight than any other, wasn't just about winning; it was about the satisfaction of applying engineering principles to a success story. These experiences, both with my great-grandfather and my stepfather, have instilled in me a deep appreciation for the impact engineers have on our lives. From the sturdy bridges we cross daily to the life-saving medical equipment in hospitals, engineering is a silent language that shapes the world we live in. It's more than just a career path; it's a chance to be a creator, an innovator, someone who leaves their mark on the world, not with words, but with structures, systems, and solutions that improve lives. The calloused hands I might have in the future won't just be a testament to hard work, but a symbol of the dreams I nurtured with that rusty wrench so many years ago. Engineering isn't just about building – it's about building a future, brick by innovative brick. And that's the future I'm excited to be a part of.