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destiny Andrews


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I'm Destiny Andrews a current 12th grader at Edison High. I'm planning to attend college in the fall semester of 2024, right after I graduate. My life plans are to potentially go to a 4-year college for nursing and after that attend nursing school to get the highest degree I can get. Being the first to graduate college in my family would be a blessing so I am determined to do whatever I can to get there.


Edison High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Certified registered nurse


      Track & Field

      Junior Varsity
      2021 – Present3 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        With my church — Handing out food and letting homeless know we were around
        2020 – Present

      Future Interests


      Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
      The hardest thing for my family to deal with when they moved to the US was figuring out how to settle down in a strange and new place. My family set out on this voyage, like many other immigrants, full of hope and resolve, hoping to better their own and future generations' lot in life. The shift was not without difficulties, though, such as overcoming financial difficulties, adjusting to a new culture, and figuring out the intricate immigration laws. The language issue was one of the biggest challenges we faced. When we moved here, none of my parents could speak English well, which made it difficult to do many daily tasks including interacting with neighbors, using public transportation, looking for work, and going to school. Our family's financial hardship during our early years in the US was exacerbated by the difficulties my parents had finding steady work and meeting our family's necessities. In spite of these difficulties, my family showed incredible fortitude, inventiveness, and tenacity. In order to provide my brothers and I with access to an education and possibilities they were never able to have, my parents worked incredibly hard, taking on numerous jobs and making sacrifices. They emphasized the value of education as a means of achieving success and empowering ourselves, and they ingrained in us the virtues of perseverance, hard effort, and dedication. I learned the value of resiliency, flexibility, and empathy from my immigrant family. I gained an appreciation for the richness of experiences that come with living in a multicultural culture, as well as how to negotiate cultural differences and embrace diversity. In addition, seeing my parents' unwavering commitment and sacrifice motivated me to pursue excellence and take advantage of chances for both academic and personal development. The difficulties my family encountered when they immigrated to the US have greatly influenced who I am now. They have given me a strong feeling of appreciation for the advantages and possibilities I have been given, as well as a dedication to giving back to my community and standing up for those who experience comparable hardships. They have also given me the resilience and willpower to face challenges and follow my dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem. I take the lessons and ideals my family's immigration experience has taught me with me as I set out on my own adventure. I am inspired to pay tribute to their sacrifices by aiming for greatness, seeing obstacles as chances for development, and changing the world for the better. My identity, aspirations, and goals have all been formed by my family's story, which motivates me to provide a better future for everyone involved.
      C.L. Scholarship of Black Women in Engineering
      Maya Angelou is a brilliant poet, author, and civil rights fighter whose writings have touched and inspired generations of people worldwide. She is one Black woman who has greatly inspired me. The life story of Maya Angelou is a monument to bravery, resiliency, and the transformational potential of narrative. Her unwavering dedication to justice, compassion, and the truth gives me hope and motivation as I make my own way toward both professional and personal fulfillment. With great insight and sensitivity, Angelou's poetry and prose convey the complexity of the human experience. She has championed social justice, shed light on the hardships and victories of underrepresented populations, and honored the resiliency of the human spirit via her expressive writing. Her ability to combine brutal honesty with poetic beauty has taught me the value of speaking up and utilizing my voice to confront injustice, speak truth to power, and encourage constructive change. Furthermore, Angelou's life serves as an example of the strength of tenacity in the face of difficulty. She endured pain, prejudice, and adversity, but she refused to let her situation define her or allow fear to keep her silent. Rather, she accepted her experiences as a source of knowledge and fortitude, using them to inspire and empower others through her artistic creations. Her journey from a difficult upbringing to being a well-known poet and activist around the world motivates me to pursue my goals with perseverance, self-belief, and endurance. I try to approach my goals with courage, authenticity, and a commitment to having a good influence in order to honor Maya Angelou's legacy and reflect her spirit of strength and perseverance. I take inspiration from Maya Angelou's example of overcoming adversity and utilizing my voice to inspire others, whether I'm pursuing my education, fighting for social justice, or engaging in artistic activities. My aim is to imitate Angelou's commitment to quality, innovation, and lifelong learning in both my academic and professional endeavors. I aspire to use my skills and interests to make a significant impact on the world and my community, just as Maya Angelou did via her writing, activism, and support of causes. In addition, I want to pay tribute to Maya Angelou's legacy by elevating the voices of the underprivileged, encouraging diversity and inclusivity, and cultivating compassion and empathy in every area of my life. I aspire to contribute to a society that is more compassionate, just, and equitable—one that showcases the richness and beauty of the human experience—by taking up her ideals and principles.
      Kayla Nicole Monk Memorial Scholarship
      I've decided to pursue postsecondary education in the culinary arts or STEAM, Mathematics fields because I have a strong passion for creativity, innovation, and changing the world. These pathways offer unique opportunities for professional and personal growth as well as for making important contributions to society. I am drawn to disciplines that, whether via the rigorous rigor of research or the artistry of culinary expression, foster inquiry, promote teamwork, and push the boundaries of what is possible. My decision to focus on culinary arts is a reflection of my passion for food as a unifying force that cuts across cultural divides and unites people. I want to become a better chef, learn about different cooking customs, and have a greater comprehension of the cultural, social, and environmental aspects of food through culinary education. Furthermore, I think that food may be a very effective tool for advancing social justice, sustainability, and health. Through utilizing the creative possibilities of culinary arts, my goal is to promote inclusive, ethical, and nutrient-dense food systems that benefit both people and the environment. However, my passion for multidisciplinary cooperation, creativity, and problem-solving is in line with my decision to pursue a STEAM education. There are countless opportunities in the STEAM fields to push the boundaries of knowledge, solve difficult problems, and promote technical innovations that benefit society. I am excited to use STEAM education as a catalyst for creativity, critical thinking, and good change, whether through scientific study, the design of sustainable technology, or multimedia art exhibits. It would be life-changing for me to be awarded a scholarship to help fund my study in the culinary arts or STEAM fields. This would allow me to pursue my goals and passions with more intensity, concentration, and influence. This scholarship would help me overcome financial obstacles and give me the tools and chances I need to succeed in my academic, professional, and personal endeavors. It would also reaffirm my dedication to community involvement, lifelong learning, and changing the world. I see myself advancing in my chosen field as a knowledgeable practitioner, inspiring leader, and caring advocate with the help of this scholarship. Whether I work as a scientist to advance environmental conservation, a chef to promote sustainable cuisine, or an artist using technology to inspire social change, I am determined to make significant contributions that leave a lasting legacy and encourage others to pursue their passions and dreams. In the end, this scholarship would enable me to be a catalyst for positive change in my community and beyond, in addition to helping me to achieve my academic objectives.
      Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
      Self expression is something that can shine through even when we don’t notice it. Have you ever used a form of self expression without even realizing it? Take my laptop for instance, it is like a stamped passport page. Over the last few years, I inadvertently covered it with stickers all over the inside, outside, top and bottom. I recently sat back and began to analyze what each one means to me. Each sticker represents a place I've been, a devotion I pursued, or a meaningful time in my life. Let me take you on a journey of what each sticker symbolizes and the important role it plays in my life. Sticker one is three chrome stars located in the upper left corner. These three stars represent me and my twin sisters. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. I plan to favor every moment with them before leaving for college next year. Located in the upper right corner is sticker number three. This sticker is the words, “ I am my own Muse.” To be your own muse means you inspire yourself and see the beauty within. You are able to connect to it and become passionate and have self confidence within yourself. Being able to accept your own uniqueness is one of the best feelings. Growing up acne was one of my biggest struggles and loving myself was a challenge. My battle with acne set forth the confidence I didn’t know I needed. “Love yourself girl or nobody will.” is my favorite motto! Sticker number four are the words “I thank God” which is sneakily ingrained in the lower left corner. I try to love all of my stickers equally but I would definitely say this one is my favorite. I always want my path in life and work association to be positive. This journey can only be achieved with faith in God to know that all things are possible through God. As I make my transition into my next chapter of life, it makes me sad to think that I may have to retire my laptop. It will be like the expiration of a passport. It will be hard leaving these stickers behind, but I probably won't need these in the second half of my journey (except my bumble bee). My next set of stickers will reveal new levels of aspirations and desires. These four stickers were the lock to keep me steady and grounded. The new set of stickers will be the key to my future paths that I will maneuver, the connections I will make and the knowledge I will gain moving forward.
      College Kick-Start Scholarship
      In my endeavor to bring about long-lasting transformation in my community, I hope to pursue a career path that will enable me to utilize my abilities, expertise, and enthusiasm to effect positive change. While my exact job path may change, my overall objective will always be to use inclusive methods and creative thinking to make a significant contribution to the growth and well-being of my community. Continuing my education at a trade school or college is an important step toward my goal of bringing about change. These educational paths provide a multitude of chances to gain specialized information, hone useful talents, and cultivate a more profound comprehension of society issues and their solutions. My goal in going to college is to get the knowledge and skills I need to deal with difficult problems and bring about significant change in my community. Pursuing a degree in community development or social work is one method I intend to bring about long-lasting change. I'll learn about the structural injustices and obstacles that affect underrepresented communities via my courses and real-world experiences. My ability to advocate for policy reforms, resource allocation, and community empowerment projects that address fundamental causes and promote equity will increase as I develop a more comprehensive understanding of social justice concerns. In addition, I want to take advantage of volunteer work, research projects, and internships that will let me apply what I've learned in the classroom to real-world situations. I try to actively contribute to the advancement of my community through working with neighborhood non-profits, assessing community needs, and leading courses on subjects like financial literacy and mental health awareness. Furthermore, I understand how crucial interdisciplinary cooperation is to bringing about long-lasting change. I therefore intend to take courses in subjects like environmental science, urban planning, and public health to supplement my education. Taking a comprehensive approach to community development allows me to tackle interrelated issues and investigate creative solutions that foster resilience and overall well-being. Additionally, attending college or a trade school offers a venue for professional development, networking, and mentoring. Through establishing connections with like-minded individuals, mentors from the faculty, and professionals from the industry, I can expand my viewpoints, acquire insightful knowledge, and obtain resources and chances that enhance my influence. In the end, my educational journey is about giving me the knowledge, abilities, and mindset to be a catalyst for positive change in my community—it's not just about earning credentials or improving my career chances. I am certain that I can make a significant and long-lasting influence that crosses boundaries and uplifts people around me if I embrace lifelong learning, encourage empathy and teamwork, and stick to my principles.
      Kathryn Graham "Keyport's Mom" Scholarship
      Self expression is something that can shine through even when we don’t notice it. Have you ever used a form of self expression without even realizing it? Take my laptop for instance, it is like a stamped passport page. Over the last few years, I inadvertently covered it with stickers all over the inside, outside, top and bottom. I recently sat back and began to analyze what each one means to me. Each sticker represents a place I've been, a devotion I pursued, or a meaningful time in my life. Let me take you on a journey of what each sticker symbolizes and the important role it plays in my life. Sticker one is three chrome stars located in the upper left corner. These three stars represent me and my twin sisters. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. I plan to favor every moment with them before leaving for college next year. In the lower right corner lies sticker two which is a bumble bee designed by Kaws. I brought this sticker back in my tenth grade year of high school; now torn, it is placed back together with many pieces of clear tape. Unbeknownst to me until recently this bumble bee is my spirit animal. A bumble bee is a messenger which brings the secrets of life and service to fruition. The bumble bee brings a sense of power and energy to me when I am feeling scattered and need to regain focus. Think about it like this, if you are stung that will send a message to wake up. The bee has also helped me to discover all of the sweetness in my life and helped me to overcome my antisocial tendencies. Creating a “healthy living” space was the goal and I am happy it was achieved so I can enjoy every moment with happiness and laughter. Sticker number four are the words “I thank God” which is sneakily ingrained in the lower left corner. I try to love all of my stickers equally but I would definitely say this one is my favorite. I always want my path in life and work association to be positive. This journey can only be achieved with faith in God to know that all things are possible through God. As I make my transition into my next chapter of life, it makes me sad to think that I may have to retire my laptop. It will be like the expiration of a passport. It will be hard leaving these stickers behind, but I probably won't need these in the second half of my journey (except my bumble bee). My next set of stickers will reveal new levels of aspirations and desires. These four stickers were the lock to keep me steady and grounded. The new set of stickers will be the key to my future paths that I will maneuver, the connections I will make and the knowledge I will gain moving forward.
      Commitment to Excellence Scholarship
      The concepts of unity, connection, and solidarity are powerfully expressed in the song "One Heart, One Beat..." In essence, it serves as a reminder that, despite our differences, we are all related and have a shared humanity and purpose, which captures the core of what it is to be human. We are very moved by this message, which also challenges us to recognize our intrinsic bonds to the earth and one another. The metaphor "One Heart" represents the idea of shared emotions, empathy, and compassion. It stands for the human heartbeat that transcends national, racial, and religious divides. Despite our varied backgrounds and experiences, we are all able to empathize and comprehend. By acknowledging our shared humanity, we may cultivate empathy that mends rifts and forges real connections. In a similar vein, "One Beat" emphasizes harmony and oneness. It alludes to a coordinated rhythm that binds us together in our pursuits, goals, and challenges. Similar to the different instruments in an orchestra, every person adds their own special voice to the overall symphony of life. We increase our influence and bring about good change in the world when our goals and behaviors are in line with a common goal. "One Heart, One Beat" as a whole represents the strength of unity and group effort. It serves as a reminder that we are better off standing as a team, able to overcome hardship and realize our common goals for a better society. Whether it's advancing environmental sustainability, social justice, or inclusive communities, this motto motivates us to collaborate to achieve our shared objectives.Furthermore, "One Heart, One Beat" is relevant in our communities and interpersonal interactions in addition to the larger world. It inspires us to develop compassion, empathy, and teamwork in our dealings with other people. Realizing our interdependence will help us create stronger, more resilient societies based on tolerance and understanding. "One Heart, One Beat" is essentially an invitation to accept our common humanity and work together to create a world that is more compassionate, just, and equal. It acts as a timeless reminder of the ability to bring about significant change via cooperation, empathy, and group efforts. Let us remember the wisdom of this straightforward yet profound motto as we negotiate the complexity of today's world and work to live in peace and live with dignified propounded unity with one another and the place we get to call home.
      Dr. Rajesh Aggarwal Scholarship for Scientific Studies
      The creation of solar-powered water purification systems to address clean water access in isolated or underserved locations is a prime example. Conventional techniques for purifying water might be energy-intensive and dependent on infrastructure that isn't always available. Through the integration of scientific principles and creative thinking, researchers have created solar-powered portable water purifying systems. These systems usually use solar panels to collect solar radiation along with cutting-edge purifying technologies like UV or membrane filtration. Their cost-effectiveness, portability, and efficiency make them ideal for use in isolated areas with limited access to clean water. These solutions, which minimize environmental impact and rely less on fossil fuels, not only make clean drinking water accessible but also support sustainability initiatives by using renewable energy sources and state-of-the-art purification procedures. This novel technique shows how applying scientific knowledge to creative thinking can result in workable answers to common societal problems. Let's examine the parts and advantages of solar-powered water filtration systems in more detail. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are used in these systems to collect solar radiation and transform it into electrical power. Usually, the panels are integrated into the purifying unit's design or set on a frame. They are available in a range of sizes and configurations, which facilitates deployment flexibility. Technologies for Purification: Membrane Filtration: This technique uses physical barrier processes to extract impurities from water using semi-permeable membranes. It may efficiently remove viruses, germs, and other impurities, resulting in clean drinking water. UV Disinfection: By destroying germs' DNA and making them harmless, ultraviolet (UV) radiation disinfects water. UV disinfection is a chemical-free method that effectively eradicates viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Durability and Portability: Solar-powered water purification systems can be used in distant or disaster-affected places where traditional infrastructure may be absent because of their tough and portable nature. They may be easily transported and deployed in difficult areas because they are frequently lightweight and compact. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: These systems use solar energy instead of fossil fuels or the grid to run, which lowers running costs and has a positive environmental impact. They offer a long-term solution to the problem of having access to clean water, especially in remote or resource-constrained areas. Community Impact: By promoting economic growth, boosting public health, and elevating general quality of life, solar-powered water filtration systems can have a positive effect on local communities. It is imperative to have access to clean water. All things considered, the creation and application of solar-powered water filtration systems is a prime example of how scientific innovation paired with innovative thinking can effectively and sustainably address urgent societal issues like clean water access.
      Rev. Ethel K. Grinkley Memorial Scholarship
      Self expression is something that can shine through even when we don’t notice it. Have you ever used a form of self expression without even realizing it? Take my laptop for instance, it is like a stamped passport page. Over the last few years, I inadvertently covered it with stickers all over the inside, outside, top and bottom. I recently sat back and began to analyze what each one means to me. Each sticker represents a place I've been, a devotion I pursued, or a meaningful time in my life. Let me take you on a journey of what each sticker symbolizes and the important role it plays in my life. Sticker one is three chrome stars located in the upper left corner. These three stars represent me and my twin sisters. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. I plan to favor every moment with them before leaving for college next year. In the lower right corner lies sticker two which is a bumble bee designed by Kaws. I brought this sticker back in my tenth grade year of high school; now torn, it is placed back together with many pieces of clear tape. Unbeknownst to me until recently this bumble bee is my spirit animal. A bumble bee is a messenger which brings the secrets of life and service to fruition. The bumble bee brings a sense of power and energy to me when I am feeling scattered and need to regain focus. Think about it like this, if you are stung that will send a message to wake up. The bee has also helped me to discover all of the sweetness in my life and helped me to overcome my antisocial tendencies. Creating a “healthy living” space was the goal and I am happy it was achieved so I can enjoy every moment with happiness and laughter. Sticker number four are the words “I thank God” which is sneakily ingrained in the lower left corner. I try to love all of my stickers equally but I would definitely say this one is my favorite. I always want my path in life and work association to be positive. This journey can only be achieved with faith in God to know that all things are possible through God. As I make my transition into my next chapter of life, it makes me sad to think that I may have to retire my laptop. It will be like the expiration of a passport. It will be hard leaving these stickers behind, but I probably won't need these in the second half of my journey (except my bumble bee). My next set of stickers will reveal new levels of aspirations and desires. These four stickers were the lock to keep me steady and grounded. The new set of stickers will be the key to my future paths that I will maneuver, the connections I will make and the knowledge I will gain moving forward.
      MedLuxe Representation Matters Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Simon Strong Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Going into high school with little to no confidence and coming out with all the confidence I need just shows the progress throughout the years of this hard time. Anyone can come fourth and say they have an ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, but for the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Aserina Hill Memorial Scholarship
      Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents, but I’ve taken in much more: a passion for learning and an insatiable curiosity which has served me well throughout my academic career. My mother, a nurse practitioner, taught me to explore the world, the different careers life consists of. Options are what she always explained to me and I can be anything I choose to be as long as I work for it and I am determined. My mother taught me to be independent and self-motivated by providing me opportunities to learn by trial and error. Growing up with two younger siblings only pushed me to work ten times harder. There is nothing more inspiring than having two little humans looking up to you and analyzing everything you do. I set the perfect example by going down the right path and being a positive role model. This in turn has helped me be more open minded about our talks, and the quality time we spend. Being a first generation student, the first to go to college in my family only pushes my aspirations more everyday, while also being able to see my sisters follow behind. My intellectual determination is the result of a unique combination of early influences and childhood experiences which have fueled my passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom. I hope to continue applying this certainty to all aspects of my life, exploring the world through the eyes of my childhood persona. By refusing to accept the obvious explanation, refusing to settle for a superficial understanding, and refusing to fall into a normalized generation. Attending a middle school in a predominantly white area, being bullied and talked about only brought down my self esteem. Going into high school as a young lady, confidence was key. Being able to walk through my highschool with my head held high, making friends of all colors and ethnicities, and being able to be myself was one of the best high school experiences i’d say I had. Anyone can come fourth and say they have a ability to make a change in their community, but is it that easily done? All changes arent done through actions, but words themselves. Being able to install affirmation and confidence in young individuals such as myself, having a community filled with love and confident people is just the beginning. Change isn’t always a scenery, but installing long-term confidence and seeing your community grow with love instead of jealousy is change. If I had to start my own charity it would be giving back to the youth, growing up not having all I wanted working to provide for those growing up like me would be my only desire. Voluteers would give clothes, shoes, free hair do's around school time to all the young family who may not be able to make it possible. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Dr. Robert M. Fleisher Liberty and Prosperity Award
      A good citizen can fulfill his or her role as a citizen and therefore strive to make the community a better place. There are many views as to what makes a good citizen. However, the very precondition of a good citizen is that one must be willing to pull his weight for the community. Most think that education is the key to what constitutes a good citizen. I certainly agree with this opinion. Nonetheless, I would like to draw attention to another essential quality of good citizenship which seems to be rather neglected nowadays. In my point of view, reading is one habit that should not be neglected when trying to form good citizens, especially in this era of the technology boom, where people’s attention is constantly diverted from the reading of words. In general, the values associated with this concept cover the exercise of civics and the responsibility of becoming an informed and intelligent citizen. Surely, through reading books, we can understand what qualities of mind formed the characters which have left a mark on their time. It is worth noting, however, if we only read books that everyone else is reading, we can only think what everyone else is thinking. Hence, we should read books of all sorts and eventually learn to choose what books to read by ourselves as this will ignite our thoughts and opinions on the happenings around the world. Being able to understand the world through words, understanding you don't have to come together with a group to be a good citizen but as it is installed within yourself it could be installed throughout others. Voting is an integral part of democracy, and people must have a voice. Everyone has the right to vote, which means that all Indians can vote for the Prime Minister of their choice. By voting, you can create change and make a difference in your community. It is also important to vote because you can only repeal a law if most citizens agree with it. Voting is one way to be more civically engaged with your government. It is vital to make a difference in the world by having your voice heard and representing the views of people who don’t have a voice. If you want to create change, voting is an excellent way. Voting in elections helps citizens ensure that the country is granted better rights and protection. To be a good citizen, knowing you have a voice to advocate for change only makes you want to work harder in your citizen role. Bringing together a group of people to make change you know is possible is the best feeling. The constitution makes me feel safe from the government because it protects my rights. It lets me know the government's power over the people, the laws they can make, and the laws they can not make. The Constitution ensures my freedom as an American. I feel safe, and protected, and know my rights are written in case of any wrong.
      Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
      The issue regarding the importance of participating in community service has for long time generated intense debate among behaviorists. According to anthropologists, sociologists and other behaviorists in different fields, doing charity work or helping others fundamentally changes something in our behavior and ability to understand others. Behaviorists argue that once you have worked on a community service project, you will want to continue helping others throughout your life. on the other hand, another group argues that forcing people to do community service in their town, city or country changes nothing inside the person’s life and only serves to fix problems albeit temporarily. When some people think of community service they think of it as a requirement or something that has to be done to graduate and succeed in high school. The difference is when I think of community service I think of the free help I am willing to give without gaining anything in return.Growing up in a low income household not knowing how I was going to go to college and be successful in college without worrying about finances, was the hardest thing. Being able to help others in ways I was never able to be helped made me happy each time. Knowing I am doing a good deed when I didn't have anything just shows how much good is within me as a person. Being the first to go to college in my family, setting examples for my younger siblings and trying to make a way with nothing is what keeps me going, growing up with determination and confidence is my key to success. This scholarship will help me pursue my future career in many ways, taking the financial concerns off my mother's shoulders, being able to live the life I want not worrying of cost and just being able to simply succeed with all the outside help I am able to get. This scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals. I have been working hard to save up for college, but with the exorbitant costs of tuition, my part-time jobs haven’t been enough. I am planning to work during my undergraduate degree, but I do wish to focus a lot of my time on my studies. This scholarship will help by lowering the costs of college and the amount of hours I’ll need to work throughout my studies. This way, I’ll be able to continue with my academic achievements. It will also give me time to find an internship. I have the passion and determination to become an Elementary School Teacher. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Etherine Tansimore Scholarship
      When you think of medical, the first thing that may come to mind is hospital and sick people. The difference is that when I think of medical I think of all the help I can willingly give to outside individuals. The love that can be shown through simple acts of kindness as in changing a bandaid, or brining breakfast up to your patients room. I am a black female who was raised in a low income household so my dreams of being in the medical field were never approved or denied, however was just up in the air for discussion. Coming from a low income family and being one of the first to go to college I made it my job to build up the confidence and determination I needed in order to purse the career I always dreamed of. Being able to help others, love on others, and be one that others can say they are proud of is all I ever wanted. Not having a medical influence in my family only pushes me ten times harder because Im setting an example not just for my family but other young black females who grew up in situations like me. Being accepted into my medical career I plan to make a positive impact on the world by living through people. Simply brightening days, surprising patients with free surgeries because I made it far enough to pay for it. Helping in the hospital isn't always blood and death but happiness and smiles. Being able to be the reason someone is smiling in their hospital bed and not feeling different than any other living their life in a hospital is much better. I grew up having to have determination and confidence. Living in such rough circumstances not knowing how you'll make it through college without grants and scholarships, thinking you must reside where the most money is but having determination and the confidence that money isn't a problem but chasing your dreams is the solution was the only answer. Your living conditions and the way you grew up should never outweigh the circumstances of your future. I don't look like what I've been through so in this case I am willingly ready to help others in ways I wasn't able to be helped. Why do I deserve this scholarship? I have the passion and determination to word within the medical field. With my education I can install confidence and determination in these children at a young age setting them up for success. This isn’t just helping me through college, you’re improving the quality of life for the countless families to come.
      Youth Equine Service Scholarship
      My volunteer experience has taught me to see the bright spots and hidden opportunities in difficult situations. I describe my style as very service-oriented because I want to help others develop their own leadership skills. My extensive volunteer work has helped me to master that balance between being accountable for creating impact and creating opportunities for others to shine.” Volunteering can teach you humility, empathy, and self-confidence. Volunteering can teach you how to accept change and difference in the world. Volunteering is one way you can get valuable leadership experience. As I volunteered I was able to learn plenty of things. The first thing I was able to understand was that culture should not be compared. Everyone's situation is different and shouldn't be compared to anyone doing better or worse. We don't need as much as we think, is the next thing I learned. Some people are able to function without making use of what they have however, some may not. The butterfly effect is real. Even small things like teaching a child the alphabet or reading a book with your toddlers can make a difference because you can lay the foundation for learning to act in a way that has never been done before them. A smile can make anything better in a matter of a second. A simple smile can break down language, cultural, economic, and other barriers and bring you an interesting message. When in doubt, shine that big smile. Everyone has their own story, When you volunteer for a community in need, you realize that everyone has a story about who they are and how they got to where they are. It is important to remember that each person has their own unique story, but it is equally important to take the time to honor, appreciate, and understand it. Whether you are volunteering at a nursing home, cafeteria, or homeless shelter, learning about their individual situation and history can make your experience as a volunteer more intense and useful. There is so much to learn through this process, For example, this list is a perfect example of that. Though, not directly, my volunteer experiences have taught me a handful of important life lessons that I never expected to realize on my trips. If I were to guess before leaving if people on the other side of the world could teach me these things, I would’ve said ‘no way’.
      Ojeda Multi-County Youth Scholarship
      Inner city schools, located in different parts of the world generally have a lower level of income than suburban schools. With the inner city schools, they have a lower level of income. These are seen in poorer areas. These schools often lack the means needed to help students achieve their goals. Inner city schools portray how wealth divides in America which leaves many African American children to go to school in beaten down and older buildings. Providing children with an unfair opportunity against suburban schools. There is unjust within these inner city schools pushing the achievement gap farther apart. The community must act to help narrow this gap to help these inner-city students and provide them with a fair opportunity to succeed. Current education is lacking the information they need in order to get success like everyone else. Growing up in a city surrounded by drugs, fighting, and crimes I knew the only thing I needed to do was make it out and succeed. Waking up and having to walk to the bus stop with people standing around was hard, going to school not being able to open windows, or the water fountains not working was hard. Not having everything the school in the suburbs had made it harder to get the education we needed. Not being able to go on education field trips as well as using the whiteboard to study for tests everything was just different. One night, during the cold winter, I walked along the sidewalk to reach the local store down the block. As I walked out, before I could realize it, I was dropping down onto the concrete while bullets swiftly passed me. I then began to run back home, but I wanted to keep running. Every day having to watch my back not knowing what to expect next was one of the hardest things. To be in the National Junior Honor Society you have to have good character, citizenship, service, and leadership. First, I have good character. I take criticism willingly, and I also welcome recommendations. Second, I demonstrate citizenship well. Civic involvement is very important, and I have high regard for freedom, justice, and respect for the American form of government. Third, I will serve the school and community. Making it out of the hard times and coming into something like this is just the success that I was waiting for growing up my whole life. Seeing the difference between the hard times and now having the opportunity to be able to learn like I should have been able to my whole life just opens up my eyes to a realization of what things could have been like. The difference in learning was clear, the advanced working ways, the way teachers teach, and the study tools that are helpful to us. Even the water fountains and lunch room, weights, and fitness during gym everything is just different. I was able to overcome them because I knew that wasn't going to last forever as long as I succeeded.
      Keri Sohlman Memorial Scholarship
      I have always gained motivation from helping others achieve their goals. Nursing offers a unique opportunity to help people work towards achieving a healthy state of being, one of the most important aspects of life itself. The rewarding nature of my nursing career, combined with the potential to enjoy stable work opportunities is what has motivated me to pursue a career in nursing. Human connection has always been important to me, with nursing it is a given opportunity for me to help people at their most vulnerable. I love working with other people and knowing that I'm part of a work family. Nurses come together to share their loads of work in a way that I tend to find encouraging. I would enjoy being the kind of person who can be counted on by my colleagues and who is seen as a good support network as a part of the job. I am someone who rises to challenges, who never quit, and who doesn't back down from hardships. If I'm in a position to fail, I get up and try again. I know that nursing can be tough, but that toughness is something I admire in others and in the profession as well. I believe I would be ideally suited for a place of work where I can be challenged. Life is a journey and an adventure, and nursing provides a place to be a kind of adventurer. With this being said I hope to continue growing in this profession for the entirety of my work life. I personally believe in the power of holistic care and patient advocacy. I am committed to understanding and addressing my future patients' physical, emotional, and social needs and advocating for their best interests. Nursing also provides a unique opportunity to forge a strong connection between patients and their families allowing me to be the center and provide that personalized care they are looking for. To me, nursing is a perfect combination of science and compassion. The human body and how it functions have always been fascinating to me, but I also want a career that will help me build personal connections. Nursing will give me the opportunity to use my scientific knowledge while building relationships. Nurses work alongside physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to provide care. My strong communication and teamwork skills will allow me to contribute effectively to this approach and lead the patients to their best outcomes. x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
      P&J Homestead "God Walks" Scholarship
      A good neighbor is a blessing, they can be set in place to make our life comfortable, secure, and pleasant. Being able to live right beside good neighbors makes life way more enjoyable. A good neighbor can be seen as affectionate and considerate. They respect your ask for privacy but are always there when you need an extra hand. Good neighbors don't cause any inconveniences as well as keeping surroundings clean. They are also respectful. They respect boundaries including both physical and emotional. They make sure their actions do not disrupt tranquillity and unity. A defining trait of neighbors is their desire to help in times of need. It's not just a person who lives next door, it's a vital component you need in a thriving community. Equally important is a sense of community, good neighbors make time to participate in such community activities they make sure everyone feels welcomed and at once. No form of isolation. When you have good neighbors it makes your neighborhood a better place to live in. They help frame a sense of community provide support when needed and bring satisfaction to everyday life. In conclusion, good neighbors are an essential part of our lives. They bring more value to our existence by giving support and companionship. They help bring together a broken community that is now vibrant, thriving, and harmonious. Good neighbors help people to realize that they are not alone and it isn't just them as one, it is us as a whole. Making it clear that we can overcome any challenge that may come our way. It extends far beyond proximity because of the qualities such as respecting boundaries, forming a community, and making it so that things don't feel forced, giving good insight to the community as well as being a personal development. You should be able to pop in and chat with your neighbor, be able to sit and drink a cup of tea together, or even go out for lunch at a restaurant and be able to sit and talk without giving each other blank stares. Helpfulness can be seem as one of the best identification of a great neighbor. Being reliable could be seem as the next, being able to trust your neighbor in different aspects. Maybe you have to stay late at work and your children need a parent to be dismissed off the bus having a good neighbor can be good for that or even taking your package off the porch because you are on vacation. Having a good neighbor is like having another good friend.
      Frank and Nelcie Williams Memorial Scholarship
      My goal for pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership is to first gain more knowledge of research as well as approach methods as it relates to my education. I mainly want to perfect my skills in research as I feel like that is vital to my form of education. I realize the significance of this degree for gaining credibility with my future associates. Being the first one to graduate college as well as earning my degree in the medical field would be one not only to show my accomplishments but to thank those who were there to push me through. Although the medical field is my main goal in education, I'd also like to do a few things such as volunteer work on the side to help better my community, some things with women empowerment, and also helping those without a voice gain one. My goal for the future is to get the highest medical degree I can, my determination isn't just seen through me but through my mother as well. With her not being able to get this far it only pushes me to go farther. I always hear it's a lot of schooling but I know if you want something you have to work for it. There are a lot of things that come with it, but I am up for the challenge. Being a doctor in my family would just show everyone how much I meant it and my desire for it. This was my long-term goal since I was three and to envision it and be in the position would be even greater. My community has meant a lot to me since I started taking action. Helping people was always my desire so my goal is to do this in any aspect possible. Whether it's helping the homeless, donating clothes, making platers and giving them out, or mainly working in a hospital helping a handful of people. Some doctors do it for the money, and some do it because of the ingenuity in their hearts. I am destined to be a doctor creating new medicines or curing incurable deceases. I graduate this year and the only things on my mind and on my calendars are college visits, high school medical programs, and scholarship deadlines. When I look at myself I see a young black determined doctor in the making, not just a doctor but a women empowerment worker, a real estate agent, a woman you see working to better her community, and lastly a young female who came from nothing who made her life into something.