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Deandrea Woodhouse


Bold Points




There were situations in my life where I started my college career at the at a young age with my disability of cerebral palsy, which to most people that’s the first thing they see. But then life happened, and I had to take a break to get my mind and a body to be come one again. Yes, I have a disability but it’s not a disadvantage. It actually gives me a different perspective and made me realize that what I want really wanted to do in life was help people the same way. I was always fascinated with the field of psychology. I am a talker, so this seem to be a perfect fit for me, but I have the climate change. I realize the importance of completing my battery degree in this area there’s a need. For those that can’t help themselves and need support to find the resources and services to get them back on their feet despite their limitations. After receiving my bachelors degree in psychology, my goal is to get my certification in psychiatric rehabilitation and my messages are green within the area as well. People need help just like I do on a regular basis. This is my goal and my purpose in completing my degree. I currently use my associates degree to volunteer at Just Ducky Behavioral Health LLC. I assist in filling out and filling applications for the department of human services and resources such as the SNAP, energy assistance, housing, and other Maryland services based on the clients needs for Just Ducky and non Just Ducky clients in Maryland. Having this opportunity allows me to both gain the experience as well as helping those in need from a case management perspective.


University of Baltimore

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General

Anne Arundel Community College

Associate's degree program
2004 - 2009
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Just Ducky Behavior Health LLC — Providing assistance finding services and assisting in applying for them
        2023 – Present
      • Volunteering

        Our daily bread, of Baltimore city — Data entry volunteer information
        2011 – 2012
      Dwight "The Professor" Baldwin Scholarship
      I am 38 years old, and wheelchair bound due to being diagnosed with cerebral palsy 6 months after I was born to a single mother with three sisters. I decided to go back to school and finish my bachelor’s degree after a close friend asked me to come in and run a case management client, which I was not even aware that I had been doing for the last three years. I thought I was just helping people fill out forms and documentation for services through the state because I wanted to help them not lose their benefits for their everyday need. I know I could help and that is what I did. It was not until my friend put a title on it that I realized it was considered case management. The clinic was supposed to be a once-a-month situation, however that first day was the refocuses I needed to get back on track academically. I had original started my higher education career in 2004 after graduating Kennedy Krieger High School, in which I enrolled at Anne Arundel Community college where I received my associate’s degree in general education with a concentration in psychology in 2009. I started my bachelor’s degree in 2009 and had to take a mental break in 2012 and really ask myself why was really pursuing my bachelor’s degree. I realized that I was not seeking this degree for myself, and I had to figure out who I was and if pursuing a degree in psychology was something I really wanted to do. Therefore, I had to take time for myself and start living outside my safety bubble. That meant going out because I wanted to and making decisions that were best for me not because someone else wanted me to or because they thought it was best. Having a disability at any age is hard for anyone, however being raised in a close-net family makes find one self-identity hard sometimes especially when it came to make decisions. I always knew that I wanted to help people and I always was showed compassion when listening to others speak. The field of psychology allows me to do just that. Having allowed myself the time to refocus and putting myself and my needs first has allowed me to make the choice to go back to school and finish my degree on my own term. Helping people in a case management capacity allows me to reinforce what I already learn and grow among the mental health field, as well as help those that come in navigate the application process for the services they need. Yes, I have a disability, but it has not stopped me from navigating my own life. It made me find my spark and my passion again to help others. My disability allows me to break down the stereotypes when people meet me for the first time, as I collaborate with individuals that seek my help their body language change and they become more at easy, and they start opening up about what their needs are. If I considered this scholarship, it would allow me to continue my academic journey in the mental health field as well as help others in brace and navigate their own struggles mentally or physically.
      Mental Health Scholarship for Women
      It has taken me a long time to find a healthy balance between self-care and how I handle situations within my daily activities outside of my own personal bubble. Finding that balance is not always been easy and it has taken a lot of work. With the support of my friends and family I realized that putting myself first is not always a terrible thing because for a long time I put others needs be from my own. I had to learn the importance of self-care and without that I cannot take care of myself, I cannot help others. Now that I have found balance I know and feel the importance of maintaining my own mental health. Personally, I realize that it is okay to say no to things that are not necessarily important to take care of right away and that it could make me feel overwhelmed because I am trying to please other people and do what is best for me. I have also realized that when I start to feel anxious, I need to talk to somebody to ease my anxiety. I have people that I can truly be honest with and talk about whatever is causing my anxiety without feeling like I am being judged. What I have also learned about my own mental health is that I cannot always manage it on my own. Accepting when I need help, as well as when I should ask for it before my anxiety becomes a situation where I feel as though I must hide within myself with the notion that I can manage it all by myself. On those days when I feel down or anxious one of my coping mechanisms along with talking it out is Journaling. Writing about my feeling about a situation that is causing me distress helps me visualize my feelings were a situation physically on paper and sometimes if I need to, I physically tear out the page or pages and throw it away, this action helps me physically release those emotions and help me overcome my situation of anxiousness. However, academically I have a structural balance that helps me manage my anxiety. I use my calendar to organize my syllabus by the dates of the assignments are due. Then insert my reminders a couple of days ahead of time so that I know what is due. Physically I look at my assignments and know how I am going to plan out my day, which also allows me to balance my personal life because there is a time for when I work academically and when I put time aside for my personal life. Another strategy that I had involves pacing the amount of work that I must do based on the class and the assignments due dates. This will decrease the feeling of being overwhelmed and decrease my anxiousness with each assignment and when they are due. I can say with confidence that I am in control and have strategies that are put in place to help me be as successful as I can be personally and academically, I have prioritized my mental health and with my strategies balanced both my personal and academic life with self-care as my main focus.
      Bright Lights Scholarship
      My future plans have always involved helping people in some capacity. Experiencing the need to receive help from others because of my own personal struggles, I know how difficult it is to learn to advocate for oneself. I am drawn to help those with mental health needs because it is difficult to ask for help when you are truly struggling with how you see yourself and how the world may see you. We tell ourselves that it does not matter how others see us but internally for those that are struggling mentally or physically it matters, which could influence their daily life and the ability to socialize with others and provide for themselves. I am enthusiastic for advocating for individuals who have difficulty speaking up for what they need because they are struggling to advocate and help aid in assisting applying to get access to those services. I am also driven to help build confidence so one day those individuals could advocate for themself, but until then my goal is to support. This is my focus and why I am going back to school to complete my bachelor’s degree in psychology. The more I learn, the more I can teach and support others who need it the most. This is why I speak out for those individuals who are often overlooked or ignored for they matter. Avoiding those individuals out of fear are the individuals that truly suffer most, additional factor could cause them to be in the situation that their end. It is sad to say that most individuals care not to notice or ask. Therefore, my future goals do not just include me completing my bachelor’s degree but also applying for my master’s program. I want to receive my LGPC, however I must get my LG first. As I prepare to complete my bachelor’s degree, I am also focused on the fact that my education is important but applying it in the mental health field reinforces what I am learning in the classroom. I have been volunteering at a mental health facility to gain that real world experience and even though I have only been there for a few months, I have seen the impact that the mental health field has on the councilors and the clients that they serve daily. Their work continues to inspire my passion and complaining my goals for myself so that I have the tools and the teachings to help those that are struggling or at risk because of their situations either mentally, physical, or situational. Nevertheless, I think everyone should I have a chance are living a good life even if they struggle from mental illness or just down on their luck. We never know what a person goes through, well we should not judge those that are struggling. We all have our situation where we have struggled in one way or another throughout our life, most of us have overcome those situations because of the support of our family or friends but not everybody is that lucky. This is what I want to do, I want to be the support for those that have none so that they can have a better life. I know then not everyone can be saved, however, I am willing to help those that are ready to help themselves. This scholarship will allow me the ability to continue my education so that I can help those in need any professional capacity to overcome their downfalls. Thank you for your consideration for this scholarship.
      Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
      I am currently volunteering at a mental health facility helping clients in a case management capacity fill apply for services to ease the burden on the everyday needs. Those services include applying for housing based on their psychic or psychical needs as well as different housing due to low-income status. These services are free even if the client is a part of the practice as a client or not. Navigating the application process either on paper or online can be a stressful process for anyone, however it has come to my attention that when and individual is going through mental health issues they may need additional support when figuring out how to manage their everyday need as their mental health needs. From personal experience having mental health issues along with the burden of everyday necessities when they are not able to financially take care of yourself can affect the balance. We never know what a person is going through when we see them in society tends to judge people based on their appearance versus sitting down and having a simple conversation with those that are struggling to find out their story of how they became in the situation that they are currently in. Sometimes those situations are not as dire, other times they are facing homelessness, but if we do not ask instead of judge we will never know. As people we all have a story, we all have struggled with positive or negative, but it is how we overcome them that makes us the best that we can be. I want to believe that the work that I do brings positivity to those that I work with and help. I care and I tell people from the first time I meet them, that even on their bad days I will be there to help them find the resources or services they need to get through it. We as people should not have to struggle to get access to the necessities of clothing, food, and shelter based on our income or a lack of income in certain situations. I feel as though it is my job to help educate those that do not have the adequate skills that they need to get where they want to go in life. If the client needs assistance looking for housing resources, I help them through the process of applying to increase their chances of acceptance into those programs. Working in case management as a volunteer shows support, understanding and non-judgment and I hope the help that I provide helps the clients that I work with. Yes, working through their mental health issues is and major reason clients come in, collaborating with the company that allows me to help clients with the services that are available to them while they seek mental health treatment keep them coming back. It also shows me the combination of these two services benefits the client’s well-being. However, I know there are people that seek case management services, start the application process, and not follow through and that is their choice. I know that mentally there are individuals that are not ready for the next step for additional services and that is okay, it is their choice. I let them know we go at their paste or not at all they are in control of all the decisions that they make during this time they meet with me. I have the time and I am committed to helping those in need. No matter how long it takes everyone deserves a chance to overcome their struggles with genuine support.
      Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
      My mental health experience has shown me the importance of self-care and finding my balance of family, volunteering, and completing my bachelor’s in psychology, and eventually applying to a master’s degree program. I have worked so hard to get to this point where I can say I accept my strengths and continue to work on my weakness with the support of friends and family. My thought process is not the same, I am not the same or ashamed of my mental health struggles. I also realized that I would have bad days, and, on those days, I talk it out with those that I trust keep my thought and emotion inside or trying to manage situations on my own is not healthy for me and those are me. Therefore, I feel confident in myself and my ability to help others that are struggling to learn what self-care is and how to come up with different strategies when it comes to situation where they are becoming triggered, and the symptoms of their diagnoses becomes present in order for them to re gain self-control of themself. I always knew that that I wanted to help people in some capacity from and education perspective I was gaining the knowledge and the skills as I was going through my associates degree and bachelor degree before my mental health issues caused me to take a brake and find the tools I need to manage my self-care and balance, I realized that as much as I was fascinated by the content and the different therapeutic styled I was missing the applied perspective. Nevertheless, as I continue to learn the importance of self-care and continue implicating the approach on myself, I have seen the impact and benefits of volunteering in a mental health facility collaborating with clients in a case management and administrative capacity. I have built on what I learned so far and can continue to learn from an applied perspective. I feel and see the importance and need for more individuals to enter the mental health field. Even though I am helping people apply for services I see gratitude and appreciation once and application is completed for a client. My passion for the field of mental health continues to influence my drive to complete and continue my education because of the people and the work that I do when I volunteer. When individuals come into the office for the fist time, I pride myself on try to make their first experience prior to their first session of counseling to be a positive experience since I am the first person that they see working the front desk administratively. I notice that there are times where new clients give off the since of uncertain, I try to ease that feeling with simply conversation about everyday stuff to try to ease their anxiousness. However sometimes I leave them alone based on my observations. Making the client feel welcome and supported as they continue to go through their threptic process with their counselor and continued session makes me value the importance in the role that I play volunteering makes me feel confident in my own self care needs and completing my education role. My calling is in mental health and this scholarship would help in the continuation of education and growth within my career aspiration.
      Redefining Victory Scholarship
      My failures have led to my success, finding what I am passionate about, and what motivates me due to my failed attempts at success when I was younger. No one is ever perfect experience makes you a better person and my experiences forced me to look at what I wanna do with my life and that is why I chose to proceed in the mental health field. I know how it is to mentally struggle in life and in academics, you’re not fully developed mentally to know what you wanna do especially at a young age with external pressures and family pushing you to do what they want you to do, because of that experience, I am not certain and what motivates me, and what my goals are academically, and professionally. That is to help others understand that your failures become your strength and your strength sometimes becomes your passion and your career choices. We as individuals are not meant to be perfect I think, as you get older, you become wiser and older. I have experienced real-life situations mentally, and physically that have changed how I see those who struggle with mental illnesses. It is more than a passion. It is in my heart to make people see their strengths and persevere, as well as allow them to realize that their weaknesses are not necessarily and negative things that should hold them back from pursuing their dreams. I have grown in mind and spirit because of my failures and I know that my bachelor's degree in psychology will not only educate me but allow me to help those figure out what it is that makes them truly happy or manage their mental health struggles. In my heart, I feel as though this is my calling to help those that are in need, and to learn how to do that professionally without losing my passion, or my sense of self. People matter to me, no matter how they find themselves or see them They are who they truly believe they’re meant to be and I am not here to judge that but to help them live to the fullest of their potential marketing with them to build in confidence they need for a mental perspective. Without the support of my family and friends, I would not be going back to school in a non-traditional sense. I am not a non-traditional person. I do not fit in the box. I am my own individual therefore, success is not easy it is not meant to be, but as long as I have perseverance in me, no matter how long it takes, I will complete my degree, despite the perception of others and what they think. I know my sense of self and that is why I’m driven to be successful and help those that struggle to see their mental illness. This essay question is easy to answer, but a truthful one, because my success is driven by the needs of others. Therefore, receiving this scholarship would not only help me academically but also professionally to achieve my fullest potential and passion for helping those in the mental health field, knowing that I am there to support individuals and serve them with the knowledge and training that allow me to advise adequate services based on the needs and that they are not alone. Success is not easy but the scholarship opportunity will make it more reachable to achieve it.
      Lotus Scholarship
      Coming from a single-family household has instilled in me the strength and the passion to pursue the mental health field. When I decided to go to college after high school I knew it was going to be challenging financially and my physical limitations. I knew financially if I didn’t get a financial package where my mother wasn’t fully responsible for the cost of my tuition I wouldn’t be able to go, luckily qualified for financial aid. Therefore I paid for my books and I had to come out of pocket for that my mother is in so much for me and my siblings. I knew that was the least I could do even if that meant taking out loans. That was my choice and my responsibility so therefore, my mother was never a cosigner. I was taught to be strong, and I was spoken and advocated for therefore I asked little of my mother because I knew that there were other ways to overcome other financial obstacles when starting my academic journey. My mother still had three other little women to raise by the time I started my academic journey. It wouldn't have been fair of me to add to her struggles for me to complete my college degree. I decided to start at a Community College it was cost-effective and didn't burden me as much to pay for books and any other essential items that I would need. Being physically challenged due to my cerebral palsy Has made me more self-aware of my abilities because of her. My mother treated me no differently than my other siblings most people in my situation are isolated among others who are just like them and don't have the real-world experience to navigate the world once they turn 18. My mother made it her mission to make me independently responsible and aware and that could be especially when she knew I got accepted to Anne Arundel Community College. My upbringing has made me see the world differently because it has allowed me to appreciate the resources the world has to offer and puts no limits on one 's ability to pursue their goal or their passion. My goal and passion are to help people who have struggled with physical and mental illnesses and to show them they're just like they are struggling I struggle as well and if you truly want to achieve a goal such as my dream of getting my bachelor's degree in psychology that it is possible it is not going to be easy but when it's worth it's not it's not supposed to be. Currently, I volunteer for a mental health facility called Just Ducky Behavioral Health having this opportunity allows me to appreciate my abilities to contribute even from an associate's degree level because I can grow upon it and help those who are struggling even if it's from a case management perspective. I hope that when my clients come in for services that they take away I am similar to them my challenges are physical and if I can work through my challenges they can too. I am here to help them. I know how it feels to not know where to start but I had the support of my mother and that is what continues to drive me to continue to perseverance seeking my bachelor's degree and one day my master's degree. I want to help those who do not have the same support that I had growing up. My goal is to support those who feel as though they don't have support from their family.
      Social Change Fund United Scholarship
      My utopian version of optical mental health for the black community would start with the negative cogitation that surrounds the notion that “what happens in the house stays in the house “. To this day this phase continues to infiltrate the black house whole, especially in low-income communities. We need to start communicating about the uncomfortable situation and past amongst and within our family especially when it comes to our family history from both a medical and especially mental health. We as black people only find out about our family's past after a heath mental or physical situation has occurred and by that time treatment options are limited based on insurance limitations or the financial means for the individual or the family members themselves because of “what happens in the house stays in the house”. Generation after generation this concept continues to exist as a shield to continually protect us within the black community as individuals and as a group from the judgment, fear, and stereotypes within our community and other ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, in my version of a utopian society in the black community regarding mental health and the stigma associated with seeking services this concept of thinking needs to change the cultural perspective and educate mental health in a positive light for those individuals that need the help but are afraid of and or do not know where to go to seek services. Keeping mental health issues within a family should no longer teach communicating about mental illnesses as something negative to keep to oneself. We as a culture should embrace and support those who would benefit from services within the mental health field. The tough conversations cannot be avoided anymore. We in the black community need to change the narrative and ask questions about the mental health issues within the family history, knowing this history could help other members become more aware of the early signs of mental illnesses that predominantly affect one family and if there if there a generational occurrence as well. Moving beyond the fear of asking important questions and communicating openly and openly can actually open one's family dynamic to communicate about family medical history as well as prevention. One of many areas of mental health that I am passionate about is providing access to services and resources to those who are considered low income, at risk for homelessness or are classified as homeless apply for those services to either get them back on their feet or avoid homelessness by filling out applications for equal opportunity housing programs. I believe knowledge is meant to be passed on in every way possible when it comes to mental health and health in general. We in the black community cannot be silent when we see those who are suffering from mental illnesses. Everyone deserves to receive the support physically or mentally to live the best versions of themselves. A simple conversation trained or not in the mental health field can truly make a difference in someone like. We as a culture should not act on the facts. We are grained as a culture to stand up for ourselves and for those who are suffering to stand up for themselves. Mental health should not be any different. The teaching of “what happens in the house stays in the house” should be non-existent. Times are changing active communication should be tough and passed on to the next generation within the black community at least in my version of utopia within the black community from the mental health perspective.
      Frank and Patty Skerl Educational Scholarship for the Physically Disabled
      Having cerebral palsy is not a hindrance and does not define my ability or intelligence, being a part of a community of individuals that is often ignored by their physical or mental impairment. We are more than our disabilities and I surprise anyone when I talk to someone for the first time. In the past, it would bother me when people assumed my intellectual abilities because I am wheelchair-bound and I would remain silent and allow people to believe those stereotypes about me or people with disabilities. That has a lot to do with growing up in a semi-sheltered environment up until I graduated high school. Once I started my college career I started finding my confidence and self-awareness in myself and for my disability. I know that I was and am more than that and I have found my voice to speak up for those with disabilities of a vast majority advocate on the negativity of making assumptions based on what individuals think they know about being disabled and our capability as a community. It gave me joy when I read news articles about the marches and protests in DC continuing to fight for our rights as disabled citizens for more resources and as ability needs are changing in our country, changes are continuous and should never be ignored just because standards are met in most places in this country. Nevertheless, I believe that we need to continue to speak for those who can not speak for themselves we all know that in some capacity we will always need to. I am one of those people who will always speak for them. With this belief, I believe that continuing my degree in psychology will allow me to do just that. There are a large number of individuals who are undiagnosed in the mental health field and medical field that could have an underlying mental disability and their for entitled to government assistance. Applying for government benefits can be a long a time-consuming process, however, improving the relationships between the mental and medical health fields could decrease the approval period for an individual especially if they are facing the risk of being homeless or losing their job. The warning signs are out there for those who are struggling we just need to be more observant and think more about others than we do ourselves. I feel that having a disability allows me to have the ability to be aware of those that need help because I am aware of my own difficulties. Becoming self-aware is not something that happens overnight but through life experiences and the people I have encountered along the way that make me passionate and willing to learn and continue to advocate for the disabled community from a mental health perspective.
      Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
      Having a disability has provided me with a different perspective on how I see the world as I go through my daily life activities my experience changes every day, and the situations I encounter are either a learning experience or a life experience. Having cerebral palsy has not changed my drive in my ability to educate those questions when they see me if anything, motivates me to advocate for those who want to know more about this disorder, and the stereotypes of those disabilities. Yes, I do use a power chair to get around It gives me a sense of independence when navigating outside my environment. I embrace positive situations when people are not afraid to ask questions in order to ease one's curiosity. I believe that learning different diverse backgrounds can be the starting point to learn someone's story. This is one of the reasons why I in passionate about the field of psychology communication is key to a person’s struggle with mental health issues but it is not the only aspect to take into consideration observation is something that is needed to better understand an individual mental health need as well which is in which I am good at. When I see a person struggling, I cannot sit by and watch them struggle, in some instances, people are drawn to me just to randomly talk. Most of the time I do not even know this person and they just starting to me. After finishing my degree my goal is to continue to help people on a broader scale. Right now, I currently help people fill out documentation either the paper version or digital resources. This process can vary depending on the individual that I am working with and if they have the required documentation needed for the service or program. If the individuals do not have all the required I take the time to search online to see if I can find the information for them based on the information given to me. I do everything in my during the time I spend with them to provide or gather all the information possible online. There are times when information needs to be mailed to the individual and I have to schedule additional times to meet to finish the applying process. Assisting in the application process for services is just a part of what I want to do in my career in the field of psychology. I am willing and able to learn and pass on my knowledge and training to those who are willing to be just as determined as I am to make a positive impact in the world. The needs of people come first in my mind especially if there is something I know I can do to help them. I just hope that as the world continues to socially accept change it is also possible to bring the medical and mental health fields together or at least find common ground for the sake of the individual. I believe that mind and body balance and the collaborations between both fields is the start of helping the client or patient understand their illness and disorder from both perspectives and calibrate on a more detailed treatment plan to give them a side of peace and understanding about themselves full circle.
      Single-Parent Household Undergraduate Scholarship
      I service my community by assisting a wide variety of young adults as well as the elderly in filling out the documentation for services free of charge for both Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City communities. Partnering with Just Ducky Behavioral Health, I have recently established my own case management company Every Way Case Management in the last couple of months, in order to help those who are in need, gain access to the resources and services available to them. My goal is to help individuals bridge the gap between computer education and resources to services. It has not been an easy process and is different for every individual I work with, but I have the time and the patience to work with anyone who requires extra support. Money is not my motivation it never has been, helping others has been and will always be my top priority. I learned from my recent experiences that people are really struggling to fulfill their daily needs of food clothing and shelter. Why should I charge for a basic necessity to live? In my eyes charging, for that is inhumane. Therefore, I will not charge for the suffering, I get paid in appreciation to see the joy or relief on their faces. Once an application has been approved for resources such as food stamps, or income supplement programs that's all I need to know when I really help someone. I know I still have a lot to learn from a business perspective, but what I can do now and helping people gives me fulfillment. This motivates me even more to go back to school and finish my degree in psychology the people and what I do matter in the more education I require can help them further and reach more people for the good. I wouldn't mind transitioning into a nonprofit organization because I feel as if it could be a positive resource to eliminate the costs, without having to burden others with this idea of paying for basic necessities or services. Nevertheless, as I continue to work with the less fortunate or low-income population, I realize that mental health and environmental factors play a role in these situations. Knowing this, this is how I feel, I imagine my degree would those individuals struggling with their mental illness along with their daily struggles. It would allow me to have the education and knowledge to recognize when to refer services to those who need it and don't know how to go about it or advocate for themselves. This whole concept along with my partnership Just Ducky Behavioral Health as well as going back to college is coming for circle, not only is going to help me become a better case manager but also a better person. I'm passionate about helping people and I don't care if I make money from it because I'm serving the people, and that's all that matters to me. I'm learning from both the business side and the psychology side to become better and providing documentation assistance, but to also develop the ability to recognize when someone needs mental health services as well as the fulfillment of and individual daily essential needs.
      Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
      Non-tradition is the classification that I am now placed under academically. Socially I think it is because of my age of 37 years older. I am proud of myself for where I am now compared to when I was in my early twenties. Being older has allowed me to figure out with uncertainty that I want to work in the mental health field without a doubt. Accepting that I have a disability of cerebral palsy doesn't hinder my ability to help others who would feel uncertain and hopeless in my ability to help those who are seeking mental health services. My experiences dealing with individuals who suffer from mental health were something I grew up around due to substance abuse from a large number of family members. Now I know that everyone story is different as to why they became addicted to their drug or drink of choice. When I was younger I always wanted to help them. When I started going through my college courses and learning about the field of psychology I realized their was more to it then helping people. I knew that I did not know everything but I thought I could at least point them to the services and resources they would need in order to get clean. I thought they would care about the effects their addiction was having on me and they would at least want to change for me. I was sadly mistaken, having to deal with my own mental health issues of depression and anxiety I had to make a choice to find my mental health balance in order to focus on bettering myself and finding my own sense of peace and fulfillment. Therefore, through my own struggles as I got older, I realized that an individual dealing with mental health issues, especially substance abuse, has to make the choice to want change and accept the need for help and will put in the work for themselves and no one else. I also learned we can not make the choice for them but, support and reassure them they have another choice when they are ready to seek help and be prepared for the possibility of relapsing. There are also times when walking away from the person is in their best interest as well and it is not something I should feel guilty for doing. Nevertheless, From my personal experiences, I have grown as a woman of color and know my boundaries despite the shortcomings of my family. I will not help those struggling with their mental health issues only when they are ready to help themselves find the help they need. My mental health needs to come first, especially when helping others and there are times when I need to ask for help when helping others. I feel more confident and self-aware compared to when I was younger. Completing my bachelor's degree in psychology specializing in psychiatric rehabilitation. I feel more confident now and driven to successfully complete my bachelor's degree because I am more focused on why I want to enter the mental health field and that is because I know that hope is possible despite what the mind is telling someone that is struggling I am ready to help.
      Diverse Abilities Scholarship
      My dream job is going to be my reality. That is my goal and my passion. I always knew that I was going to help people I just didn't know in what capacity. My dream is to have my own case management company where there will be various varieties of individuals and abilities despite their disabilities. I believe that no matter what a person's disability is they still have a way to contribute in a professional environment. It's just finding what they're good at and giving them the confidence and the support they need to fulfill their capabilities. The structural setup of my business will be fully accessible where no boundaries will be put in place such as automatic entrances with passcodes, using key fobs, or the ability of their controller if they had a power chair and any digital device to gain access to all areas if needed. The advancement of technology has come so far in past years that this idea of how I would want my business structured foundationally is possible. I'm working towards eliminating those boundaries in the workplace and giving people confidence in their abilities despite their disabilities. Having a disability is not a negative connotation to me, but a positive one. The mental health field is not just a career choice but a passion professionally, and personally. Therefore, I am a strong believer in balancing the mind and the body becoming full circle, and the well-being of an individual struggling with mental health issues. This is why I am returning to college to continue my path and completing my bachelor's degree in psychology. I am an out-of-the-box thinker and not a traditional student. I don't think I am supposed to be. I think in this day and age yes, the standard practice of the field gives you foundation, however, there has to be an alternative when it comes to assessing the individual need based on the disorder diagnosis. My ability to adapt to an environment or situation. Based on what I have observed is something that I think I can develop upon to make a positive attribute to my contribution to the mental health field. I have seen the effects and the techniques of having a conversation even if it's not in a professional capacity. Having a simple conversation with someone who's experiencing a bad day could ultimately turn the day into a good one for that person. Yes, people struggle with mental illness, but I also believe other factors can improve their overall health and well-being, such as financial stability, and giving them the confidence and support they need when they're about to fall mentally or physically into their environment. Having cerebral palsy has allowed me to realize that the so-called normalcy does not exist. We are meant to be messy as human individuals and different, but we can adapt and overcome. Nevertheless, as I evolve as a nontraditional student, I believe change is possible if you look outside of the box. I know it will not be easy and there will be times when I am stressed but I am down for the challenge of change. Everyone should have the ability and the support to live their best sense of self. I also believe that when you find the same people who are out-of-the-box thinkers. It would create and make my business successful and possible. I know what I stand for and what I'm looking for people to work with me not for me in creating change and helping those who struggle with their mental health and overall health needs.
      Joshua A. Vaughn Memorial Scholarship
      I decided to choose the field of mental health after witnessing the undiagnosed behavior within my own family and community and the effects it carries on the individual, family and community as a whole. Living and growing up in Baltimore City I have seen the effects of not having the financial means and medical support to address on-site symptoms or signs of mental illness or health issues. Healthcare care professorial stress the importance of wellness visits for the prevention or early detection of disease and or disorders and for the younger and middle-aged population most individuals follow this concept. However, when you look at the population the majority or minority population among individuals in Baltimore fears going to the doctors or other mental health professionals because people of color have negative consultations from both fields. Most people of color are taught at a young age that what happens in the home stays in the home from their parents and elders. This message has been passed down through generations. I hope to change this generational continuation and add a more positive attribute to the mental health field as a way to support awareness and promote the importance of both going to annual primary doctor appointments and seeking mental health services when referred. I think there needs to be added support and resources on both sides to change the conversation. A balance needs to be established in promoting a positive experience for both professions to encourage the client or patient to maintain their visits. Nevertheless, furthering my education as I get my bachelor's degree in psychology my goal is to change the conversation about routine healthcare visits and mental health awareness. Baltimore is a city that holds on to negative experiences especially when it comes to the ongoing level of violence in low-income areas. I always wonder what causes a person or person to commit such action of violence. Most believe violence committed is due to environmental factors and limited resources, opportunity, or upbringing. Could there be more from a medical perspective because of that lack of maintaining the medical and mental health needs of the offender for committing a crime? I believe the mind balances the body therefore, I would want to ask questions based on the individual medical and mental health history and if it contributed to the act of violence. Do I think that this perspective could change the Baltimore community no but, I think that it should at least be considered to try to educate and encourage the community to think outside the obvious and the first step would be changing the perception of medical and mental health experiences.
      Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
      Big fan of Nintendo, I still have one of the first original game boys handheld in the original size in red be for the the game boy went to the smaller pocket size and in color. I would put the handheld as big as it was in my book bag get on the bus for school and play with my friends before we got to school, even though I was told not to take it to school. Diagnosis with cerebral palsy's it makes it difficult for me to play video games as often as I like so having the handheld versions as I was growing up made it easier for me to feel included with my friends and family when they would play games such as Mario Brothers, Dunky Kong, Mickey Magic Castle because the game system fit better in my hands my fine mother skills. However, I played other systems such as Nintendo 64 with my family it was purple four controllers. Friday nights were pizza watching wrestling and playing Mario Cart with my mother, three sisters and my neighbors. Those matches were brutal with a lot of yelling and fussing at the television. I would only play a match or two and rarely one because my hands would cramp up but, it was fun either way. We would pass off the controller when a person lost, sometimes it was not always a fair win and that was when the fussing would really get amplified. This is what family time involved back then coming together and spending time with one another Nintendo's product demonstrated the true meaning of togetherness. Nevertheless, the tradition continues to this very day. It might not be as often as we would like but, my mother brings out the Nintendo 64 to this very day. She has become a collector of all things Nintendo over the years to on occasion play Mario Cart with my eight nieces and nephews and the tradition of fusing and disagreement continues in the next generation of Nintendo players.
      Dounya Discala Scholarship
      Helping people is what I do in some aspects I feel like a superhero. I will help anyone even if they do not ask right at that moment. It has become a part of me that I embrace wholeheartedly and that will never change. The act of helping has led to the path of psychology I am determined to finish my bachelor's degree despite the perception from professors who worked in the field. My college experience has been growth in my self-awareness and knowing when to be assertive when the situation calls for it, especially in an academic setting. However, I had to learn this after leaving a university after realizing that change is not always a negative if the situation calls for it. I was attending a four-year private institution intending to complete my degree in psychology as I was starting to come back from a mental health matter. I felt confident seeking counseling services on campus when I decided to take a required psych course. Putting all my effort and newfound confidence into my work, I started to struggle with my writing ability due to my learning disability. My academic advisor who was also the professor for the course asked to meet with me to discuss a recent paper I had written. As we were going over the paper and he saw that I was struggling he concluded that the psychology program wasn't the best fit for me. I was shocked by the fact that those words actually came out of his mouth. I broke down in tears feeling angry I decided that day to transfer to another university that day and never looked back. I know that college can be difficult and stressful for a lot of people but, I also believe that they need to feel supported and more questions should be asked before making assumptions about a student's ability and not suited for the major they had chosen. I found a university that encourage, supports, and challenges me to do my best and I know that that is a rare find but there are college and universities out there that believes such that. This entire experience has taught me to fight and continue to fight for what I want and drives me even more to the successful completion of my bachelor's degree in psychology. I want to help people at their lowest realize that anything is possible and that there are people out there waiting to help them reach their full potential. No one person's opinion should discourage someone from following their educational aspersions despite their shortcomings or personal situation. Most individuals in the field of psychology learn to observe before making assumptions about what a person could be going through and ask questions if they are truly invested in what they do professionally. Nevertheless, I am stronger from this unfounded college experience at the private university and I know that even though I am still in the training phase of my degree I would never make any assumptions about a person I barely know without looking at the bigger picture first. That is not how you help a person that struggling no matter what their situation is even if you are a professor in the field of psychology.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      Most of my life, I have put others before myself especially when it came to family. I raised by single mother we were taught to look out for one another. This notion stayed with me as I grew into an adult however, the subjects changed in my mind and including my family and my friends. When I started my college career, I felt grounded with a sense of a strong foundation. I was getting grades developing a strong, personal relationship, and I thought that was on the right path in my aspirations of pursuing the field of psychology. Then one day life started to change Then one day life started to change in my mind was seeing as well as I got older, my family will call my friend when you reach out to discuss, what was going on with them asking me what my advice within this situation. I was always willing to put what I was doing aside to help them. Which then led to the abandonment of my own physical and mental needs. Focusing on the needs of those around me, who is the shift in my mind and body balance. I started feeling overwhelmed, anxious depressed, and I thought I could handle it, as well as the needs of others and go to school and be successful. However, I was wrong I started to feel out of sync with myself, but I tell myself I was so close to finishing my degree just keep on pushing even after I sought out counseling. It wasn’t until 2011 when I had to step away from pursuing my bachelors degree in psychology to work on myself, and find out what I really wanted to do with my life as well what my life would look like outside of an educational environment. At that point in my life went directly into college straight out of high schools. Education was the focus instilled in me I knew nothing else. Nevertheless, have had this experience after leaving college I was forced to focus on what makes me happy so I started taking walks, takings photos, walking my dogs, talking to random people. Exploring what brought me joy and smiling the roses has put my mind and body back into focus and finding my purpose and passion came back into the world of mental health . My purpose and passion fell into my lap unconsciously. I was helping a friend re-enroll in community college, and I already knew the ins and outs of applying and what was involved in detail. What I wasn’t aware of was how good I become a providing additional support and resources at her request in areas where she was struggling in. It wasn’t until an old friend from community college where I got my associates degree in 2009 had contacted me when she opened up her own practice in counseling that I felt I knew I was spiritually being called back into the field of psychology. As I continue to help my friend, navigate through the world of cute community college, as well as learning, the professional side of counseling from another, that it actually started to make sense of the area of psychology in which I should be pursuing, and that was called psychiatric rehabilitation. This area of psychology allows case management to include the mental health aspect in developing it and implementing a treatment plan for individual that might be struggling from homelessness or incarceration get back on their feet, and also assesses the mental health aspect of an individual struggle, when seeking out the proper resources and healthcare professionals. The goal is to make them confident and support, which then Increase their ability to be successful in gaining employment or income supplement need based on their disabilities and mental abilities. My hope is to help those that need it ,that want it, and would fight for what they deserve out of their life without having limitations due to their mental health status interfere. I look beyond a persons mental and physical status to see the true potential. I am willing to work with them so they can have the same confidence that I see in them when I work with them that’s why my perseverance in completing my degree in psychology is so important to me because it’s another way for me to understand those that really need help, in become their best sense of self. I know from personal experience that feeling of wanting to give up, not being able to sleep, not knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing doesn’t make you happy anymore and sometimes it’s okay to take a step back to refined yourself, and I have done so. A degree in psychology is my goal. My passion is to help others find theirs and let them know that if they really want it, whatever it is, they can achieve it at any age or mental and physical disability.
      VonDerek Casteel Being There Counts Scholarship
      What you see is what you get, is the phrase that plays on a loop in my head when I meet someone new for the first time. When I first make eye contact with them it gives me insight into their comfort level and their body language, the person or persons gives off after they first meet me. Perception is something that I am always aware of and curious about in the presence of others because of my unique appearance especially when meeting them. It is not because I am a woman of color, I believe it is because of my chair. I can see the curiosity in their eyes but the fear of offending me, so they don't ask the questions that are lurking in their head. To ease their discomfort, I smile which tends to break the ice and then conversation follows in most instances. I see my disability as an advantage, not a disadvantage and an educational opportunity for those who really want to know more about why I am in a chair. I am not ashamed of being diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It is a condition that affects me neurologically, but also allows me to have the ability to be empathetic and sympathetic to others, and what they're going through. A lot of times the first conversation eliminates a lot of stereotypes that they have for people in wheelchairs or others with disabilities and our abilities. It makes me laugh when they ask me how old I am because I'm not ashamed of being 37 and a lot of people are shocked when I tell them this because, in their eyes, I look younger. Nevertheless, it has taken me time to figure out in-depth what I want to do as a career. I always knew that I wanted to go into the field of psychology. I just didn't know what aspect would spark my passion for helping people until a couple of years ago. I like helping people figure out what they want to do with their life what their dreams or overall desire for their purpose. Seeing that shift in confidence and self-awareness having received help and support from people who really care and see the full potential of that individual. This is why I decided to go into the field of psychology specializing in psychiatric rehabilitation as well as providing additional resources and educational support for those that need it. Each individual is different, their needs are different, and the type of support that is given is different. I don't fit in a box, so I don't expect every individual that I help to fit in one as well. This is why I have chosen to follow this path and allows me a lot of customization in treatment when working with different types of people from all different backgrounds to get them to their full potential based on what they want out of their lives. Furthermore, my hope is that if I were to receive the scholarship, I would be able to finish my bachelor's degree and continue the work that I currently do but build on it from a psychiatric rehabilitation perspective. Passing on knowledge within this field will allow the continuation of change in adaptations to this idea of normalcy because we as people are not normal. We are individuals and should be seen as such, despite our physical appearance the scholarship will also allow me to advocate to look beyond the physical appearance of an individual, and really see their true potential.
      Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
      My mental health experiences have made me see the field of psychology from a different perspective. When we talk about mental health in general, it's like being placed in a box based on the categories of symptoms a person more than likely experiences during the moment of diagnosis, but that isn't always the case for everyone who is experiencing a mental crisis. From my own experience of depression and anxiety, I'm a strong believer, that we all don't fit in this so-called box of categorization. I don't believe that people suffering from mental illness should be seen based on the category that they fit in with their symptoms. I am passionate about the field of psychology from my own experiences I realize that the method of evaluation is standard. However, those individuals who train or practice in this field need to evolve in order the better balance a person's treatment plan and be able to adjust based on the client's responses whether they're digressing or progressing once the treatment plan has been established. Some practice psychologists continue to adapt methods of treatment because that is their area of focus however, medicating a person first and collaborating with their counselor or social worker, does not always work well for the client as a starting point toward a treatment plan. Not every individual fits the stander practice or treatment plan. This notion of medication first treatment second should be the opposite in most cases depending on the person's needs I think personal judgment plays a hand in this. I am a strong advocate for looking at the whole picture when it comes to evaluating an individual's needs from a psychological perspective. I don't believe medication first and treatment second. I also believe that if the client is coherent enough to communicate what they think is best for themselves, that should be considered as well when creating a customizable treatment plan. Which could address other aspects of the individual's environmental triggers. After receiving my bachelor's degree I hope to go into a master's program, where I can demonstrate an alternative approach to psychology in the mental health field because as we are changing as a society, this field should change alongside. Nevertheless, I know I'm working on becoming a trained counselor from an undergrad level and that I am not a counselor as of yet. The best advice I can give them is that an individual or someone else who is a representative for an advocate on your behalf has the right to seek out other options for services when the therapist or counselor's techniques do not meet their needs and or expectations. They have other options especially if their methods do not coincide with their own beliefs as a client or a person. I also tell them they don't have to stay with professionals just because they're used to them if they're not benefiting from the mental health services based on the diagnosis. They have the right to seek methods from other professionals that fit their needs mentally. This could increase the possibility of a more positive outcome in treating and managing their diagnosis. My focus is on helping people mentally and physically become a better version of themselves and realizing that there are professionals out there who do take the field of psychology seriously animals show compassion for their needs and strive to provide the tools and counseling services that would allow them to feel hope and possibilities.
      Financial Literacy Scholarship Award
      Let's face it, depending on how an individual has grown up based on their family foundation of how they manage money economically is most often the foundation for money problems as an adult. Those skills are often past down to the children as the proper ways of managing money. The individual then transitions to adulthood, and they've already established their money habits. I know from personal experience living in a low-income family household with a single mother she had to budget everything and divide it up among four children. This type of household puts a strain on a parent, the goal is to make sure that the children have food, clothing, and shelter. Therefore, when the income from one parent does not balance with the money coming in credit cards are an option that most individuals take to provide for their families. However, when I turned 18 It felt like the credit card companies knew, the credit card offers started pouring in at a record rate. I wasn't given the knowledge of how to use a credit card correctly especially when starting college. I eventually ended up going into credit card debt and had to use a debt relief service to keep the credit off my back. I had to find that information on my own by doing my own research. Once I became credit card debt free, it allowed breathing room for me to continue going to school not having to worry about collection agencies calling me every day. I completed my associate's degree and then I transitioned to getting my bachelor's degree. I learned getting a bachelor's degree and receiving financial aid changes when transferring from a two-year to a four-year institution. I was introduced to loans a Big mistake, if I had new what I know now I would've never gone down that road. I understand why some people need to get loans and the emails persuade you even more because they make it seem like there's an urgency for an individual to receive loans. I got a couple of loans as I was seeking my bachelor's degree, I got close to finishing my bachelor's degree when my disability and Mobility presented a problem for me to continue going to school, but when have loans the reason doesn't matter to not pay your loans. I wanted to go back to school, but they only gave me a six-month grace period which wasn't enough time for me. Nevertheless, I did my own research again and found out about the loan forgiveness program in 2012, and had to go through the process of demonstrating that I was permanently disabled, and I was unable to pay my loans back based on my setback which I was. I had to go through a three-year monitoring period, where the program would send letters every year. I would have to state that I was still permanently disabled. It wasn't until 2015 that the case was closed because I had demonstrated that I was permanently disabled and wasn't financially able to pay my loans based on their criteria. This entire experience has taught me that individuals preparing to go to college, either on the freshman, level or returning as nontraditional students, need to do the research when it comes to what is financially best for them. I know that I am not taking out any loans to continue my education experience and I'm focusing on mainly getting grants and scholarships because I can't afford loans based on my physical limitations and abilities.
      Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
      I am a non-traditional 37-year-old black woman with cerebral palsy which contributes to my learning disability. When I first started to think about going to college back in 2004 I knew that I was a visual and auditory learner. When I started community college and had to meet with the disability support services, I started, to explore what my disability was and how it would impact my ability to learn at a higher educational level. It was a whole new world for me. It was the first time that I was exposed to using dictation software, having a reader or a scribe, and the ability of a spellchecker. Yes, I came from a high school that was developed around others with disabilities however, I felt I wasn't prepared for exposure to a higher education academic level of learning and the social exposure to such an environment. Community college prepared me more for the real world, not only on an academic level but on a personal level as well. I learned how to advocate for when I needed something and the proper process to go through when situations were out of my control. Once I graduated from community college in 2009 with my associate's degree I was ready to continue with seeking my bachelor's degree. Furthermore, It was when I attended the University of Baltimore in 2011. I took a course called Psychology of Aging and my professor was a neuropsychologist, she was the first person to ever tell me that because of my cerebral palsy, my learning disability is due to a disconnect between what I see physically and how my brain translates it to my mouth verbally or my hands so, when I'm typing, they could be a complete sentence in my head, but on paper, words were missing. Knowing this new information gave me clarification from the doubt I had in my writing abilities as I was going to school. I thought it was something that I was physically doing wrong. Now I have the knowledge that my learning disability is something that neurologically I can't help. After taking a short break due to mental and physical health reasons, I recently decided to re-enroll at the University of Baltimore, in the spring of 2024 to complete my bachelor's degree in psychology. Knowing how my writing physically translates neurologically, made writing difficult for me at times, so I started using dictation to bridge the gap neurologically. It made me feel as though I am a good candidate for the scholarship because without having the knowledge of why I learn differently I wouldn't be able to overcome it. Using learning about different tools and techniques throughout my academic career, has shown me confidence in my ability to be a good writer. Along with dictation, I also use the feature read aloud would help me auditorily with my documents. I believe that I am constantly learning about myself and my disability, and with this notion, I can help those discover more about their own. We all have the possibility when it comes down to changing how we learn and how we can adapt over time, through knowledge and experiences from others, could make anybody confident in pursuing the goals that they set for themselves, despite their learning disabilities. I feel passionate about finishing my degree in psychology because in this field I'm always learning about myself, my limitations and new technologies that not only me but those that I'm helping as well, no matter what they might be going through from a disability or mental illness perspective.
      Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
      I am a 37-year-old African-American woman seeking the completion of my bachelor's degree in psychology. After stepping away for my mental health reasons I know how important it is to have a strong support system in place to get you back on track to become the best version of yourself. After figuring out my balance and establishing boundaries I feel more confident that I can complete my degree despite the struggles that I had to face mentally and physically. I know physically I will always have limitations due to my diagnosis of cerebral palsy I have accepted that there will always be something I would help with. Nevertheless, when I do not have that balance between the mind and body in an academic environment it becomes overwhelming. Having had this experience happen to me has made me realize that I needed to step away from school. Even though I was so close to finishing my degree, it was the right decision for me. I had to learn how to better balance my mind and body and a better sense of self and that allowed me to refocus on my goals. From my own experiences, I feel as though I can help those who are struggling mentally and physically and encourage them that they are not alone from my own story and experience. Therefore, mental health is very important to me because I see the needs of individuals who do not have access to support and the effects of not having resources for services when they need them the most. This is what drives me to achieve my bachelor's because I want to help people not feel as though they're alone and give them the support and resources needed for them to become their best selves knowing that they have somebody that supports them whatever the issue may be facing. If I were to receive this scholarship would help not only me financially prepare for returning to college. This scholarship would also allow me to continue with my dedication to helping those individuals who feel like there's no way out now that there is. I know that I can't save everyone but, the skills and knowledge that I would gain from going and completing my Bachelor's degree in Psychology would give that person or persons the option of not being alone and the services and resources they require to hopefully help them find a healthier sense of self. I care about the mental stability of anyone I encounter because they matter even if I know them or not. It does not take much to ask someone if they are okay.
      I Can Do Anything Scholarship
      My dream for my future self would be to have the knowledge and skills after receiving my bachelor’s degree in psychology, to improve digital access to mental health services and resources for those individuals who are struggling to get back on their feet due to mental illness or at risk of homelessness from professionals who cares to take the time to notice their need for help, everyone deserves a second chance when they are at their lowest when they have the support to become their best self.
      Catrina Celestine Aquilino Memorial Scholarship
      I believe that to truly make a positive impact on this world I had to look inside myself and figure out how the world has impacted me. I like to think that I was placed in my particular situation because I was meant to help people why else would I have been dealt the hand of being diagnosed with cerebral palsy at a young age? I feel being able to adapt to a diagnosis it was easier to adapt to my environment at a younger age. Versus if an individual were an adult and had an onset condition or unfortunate accident that has changed their daily way of living. For most people, it is very traumatic and difficult to deal with the acceptance of the new reality. Where whereas when they are younger everything becomes the new normal quicker because of the people around them. They create a sense of normalcy, versus having to accept a new reality of normalcy as an adult and learning their new capabilities. In this sense, I feel lucky because adapting to cerebral palsy is my sense of normalcy from day one. This perspective based on my own experiences, is why anything else would make a significant impact in the medical field from a mental health perspective. I have seen and accepted my struggles, and know that they are not easy even now on an everyday basis. I hope that my patience, kindness and empathy will have an impact on those who are struggling with their mental health. I want those individuals to realize that even on their darkest days they have support, and they have a choice, and that they are not alone. When a person is struggling to get basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. This can have a detrimental effect on one's mental health, especially if they have to provide for others. Having a steady income helps people avoid this situation. However, we never know when a person is truly struggling until it's too late and are at the point of being at risk of homelessness. Services and resources, then become available to individuals. The worker then sees the person is now in need of services and resources. This should not always be the case. I would like to think that we as a society would want to prevent this. There's always a missing piece most of the time this idea of rapid response to find the services and resources available to those individuals is a little too late or a long process of providing proof of their needs. Nevertheless, we can't blame the services and resources for intervening when a person is at risk of homelessness unless the person speaks up and admits that they need help. I believe there needs to be a collaborative effort from fields, such as mental health, medical, and law professionals. There needs to be a hands-on approach and create a program from the different professions to lower the number of people who are categorized as at-risk individuals. This is why I am so focused on finishing my bachelor's degree in psychology, I see all these people struggling to get basic needs. I know that I can help find the resources and help individuals in the application process and be an added support when needed. This is my goal to make people feel like they're not alone when they are at their lowest. I am passionate about helping people, whether it be mental health or any additional services to help them live a better life.
      Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
      Losing someone is never easy it's like a piece of your soul that is no longer a part of you. Once they're gone, it's a unimaginable, feeling wrapped up with the turn of unexplained emotion at one time that is overwhelming. Loving someone so deeply that it hurts that it affects your mind and your body truly shows how that person affected you. It literally leaves a mark on you for the rest of your life. I have experienced sudden loss and I like to call it prepared loss in my lifetime. Not everyone is fortunate enough to experience prepared, loss I was fortunate and grateful. When I lost my grandmother in 2021, I was overwhelming and grateful at the same time for the time that we spent together because most people don't get time. 2010 I transferred four college she was diagnosed with kidney failure. My family and I didn't know what that meant or how it would affect her life and longevity. It was an adjustment to her new reality, it didn't change how I saw her. It altered her daily life. Once she was diagnosed, she had to start dialysis three times a week, which was new for her and my family we still saw her as a strong-minded opinionated and smart person but that never changed. Berfore her diagnosis, I want to believe that she loved us all equally, but in my heart, I knew that she loved us each differently. My relationship with my grandmother was something special from the day I was born in. I was not her first grandchild however, I was the first grandchild from my mother her eldest daughter. My birth was not easy for I was born 3 months early and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I spent most of my months with her according to my mother after an extended stay at the hospital. We were inseparable and bonded for life, my siblings that followed had their special relationships with her, but my relationship with my grandmother was different it was nurturing yes but also knowledgeable. I felt as though she was trying to prepare me for the real world and what I might encounter. She taught me many things throughout our time together especially patients, kindness, and to look out for those that can not help themselves. Nevertheless, after her new reality made me value time even more with her after her diagnosis. I struggled with accepting that her time was now limited and in gods hands. I told myself she accepted me and love me from the time of my birth and that she would want me to do the same. Nothing changed at first after my grandmother's diagnosis with kidney failure, she went to her diagnosis and continued watching her great-grand children with little to no change physically at the beginning. We would talk every day or every other day depending on how she was feeling when she came home from treatment. Most days she was happy and alert asking me about my day and other members of the family which was our usual routine. On the day I decided to take a break from college she knew I was not at my best. She would in so way always now, even if I wouldn't t talk about it she told me to take my time, be careful, if I need a break take one it was no rush. At the end of each conversation, she would say love you, be kind to one another. This went on for the next couple of years. Between 2020-2021 her health started to decline and started going in and out of the hospital regularly and I knew the end was nearing. According to her doctors, no one usually lives as long as she did on dialysis. Her strength amazed me as she continued to put others before herself, even when she was at her weakest. Months before her passing she told me to be strong and that she was getting tired she knew the end was near. The day before she passed she said she was tired and I knew in my heart what was next. The next morning I got the call she had passed. After my graduation passing, I figured out what she meant by her words, be strong, show kindness, and watch out for others. I had to be the strong one now for my mother and family. Fighting is all I've done my whole life, since she passed to hold my family together and find my purpose in life. She is among those that continue and encouraged me to look past my disability and that I am strong enough to help those individuals that are struggling with kindness, and compassion she's with me every day.
      Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
      When I was born, with setbacks already in place I knew I had to fight for what I wanted, I knew that from day one. I was born and raised by a single mother who had three additional children so I know as a family we struggled even though my mother made it seem like we didn't. I don't blame my mother and I don't blame God, I believe that I was capable of handling whatever was placed in my way even though I have a physical disability that also affects how I learned things. Knowing this, my entire life fighting is all I've done. When I started college, this was a different fight. This fight was to not only be seen past my disability, but the show people that I was a smart black woman yes, there were times where I didn't think I can do it, and they were people literally telling me the same thing I was telling myself. I kept pushing because my goal was to have a degree so when I got my associate's degree in 2009. I was the first person in my family to receive a degree and the second thing was I did it having a disability. I will never forget the looks on my family's faces when they saw me walk across the stage even though they were a little late they saw me get my degree. I always knew that I wanted my bachelor's in psychology, I got into one university and realize that University was not the right fit and I transferred to another. However, when I got there, everything was okay at first, I was meeting new people passing my classes and I was so close to finishing my classes, but then there was a death in the family and from that point it was like a downward spiral in my mind that I came back from. It was like one thing after another was happening to me. I rely on a motorized wheelchair to get around and it started having issues towards my second to the last semester. I had just registered for classes and all of a sudden had to withdraw from those classes because of my chair, so in my mind, I didn't know what to do. I felt so defeated. I had to leave because mentally I can't take it anymore. I had to take the time to reevaluate what I want it and what matters to me because I was not focused anymore. I felt like a failure because I was so close to finishing. Feeling this way about myself I knew I had to change the situation and take some time and step away. I started seeing what my life was like outside of college because that's all I knew. I started straight out of high school. I was told I need to get a job or I went to school, I really did not have a choice. Most people at that age don't even know who they are and that's who I was. I was one of the people so when I stepped away from school, I got to figure out who I was and what I wanted. Reevaluate my boundaries and my beliefs, what I want to do in my life. I don't blame anyone for my choices because I had to do what was best for me. I feel more focused now after taking time away and I know what I want and that's to help people figure out their struggles to find themselves with my degree in psychology.
      Jillian Ellis Pathway Scholarship
      First of all, I am awesome by nature! What makes me resilient is my passion to help those in need. Especially in the mental health field. I have seen the need and benefits of receiving mental health services for those that are less fortunate. I currently receive services for myself because of my disability after being diagnosed at the age of 6 months with cerebral palsy. To apply for services and resources such as food, housing, income, or insurance. Individuals have to have access to the internet and the basic knowledge to operate a computer to fill out an application and provide documentation when requested. I have to fill out such forms for continuing service myself. I sympathize with those that struggle with the idea of applying online using the computer because of their lack of access. I know that there are libraries and I know that you can go to Social Services to apply online or services to use a computer. However, the one thing that I constantly hear from the people around me when dealing with filling out these applications is the anxiety they feel for the lack of confidence they have in the ability to navigate this new digital world and if the application is going to be filled out correctly. This is where I help people when they need help I tell them to call me and I am willing to work with them to fill out the necessary documentation. I know this based on my educational experience after receiving my associate's degree with a concentration in psychology in 2009. I have the knowledge to operate and fill out these applications for services on the computer. Offering to help those that are in need shows them that I do not mind taking the time to help. I also have the patience to listen to them and their experience from applying for services when they didn't fill out the documentation correctly and they didn't receive the services they desperately needed. This is one of many ways I want to use my bachelor's degree in psychology once I graduate. No one should fear filling out basic documentation just because they feel like they cannot do it because of their educational background. People know of online options for services but are afraid to ask for help. Therefore, even though more government programs provide internet services at a discount rate. Individuals have to be currently receiving government services to qualify for the reduced rate. This is difficult for those that are at risk or are currently homeless. What are they supposed to do? I am currently working on my bachelor's degree in psychology to help those underrepresented in my community have additional resources to help those that are down on their luck get back on their feet psychically and mentally. Everyone does a chance or second chance at life no matter what brought them into their current situation.
      Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
      When I think about the term unrepresented, it makes me think about who I am and how I identify myself. I am a 37year old black woman, what a disability who is intelligent and underestimated by my abilities. When people see me in any type of social setting, or even walking on the street, the first thing they see is my disability. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy is something that I excepted a long time ago so when people look at me, I know that they're wondering why is she in a chair. Those that are bold asked me, Ask if I was in an accident or how did I become to be in a chair? I'm used to these questions and it doesn't bother me to answer. Most times I prefer people to ask me questions because that's how they learn more about the condition and me. It's those individuals that just stare in silence that bother me the most. However, those that are bold enough to have a conversation with me are usually surprised by how intelligent I am, this shocked me and I figured out that it was based on a stereotype. The stereotype that most individuals think of people with this type of disability they see the physical side of cerebral palsy and think that it also affects the intellectual part as well, especially the ability to hold a conversation but that is not always true. I strongly advocate that every person with a disability should be seen in the same way as everybody else. Yes, there are people with different disabilities that communicate in different ways, but that does not mean they are not smart or, they do not have the mental capacity to know themselves. They just do it in different ways. Educating those that really wanna know about cerebral palsy is the first step to stopping the negative connotation associated with not just cerebral palsy but all disabilities. Nevertheless, I am continuing my education and going to complete my degree in psychology. I realize that it's not just me being black and older, but my disability that makes me unrepresented on a college campus. I want to change that because anybody with differences, whether physical or mental should feel included, embraced, and excepted among other college students. Those students and faculty should be brave enough to just ask. My goal is to educate not to discourage. I chose the degree path of psychology because it allows me to immerse myself in a career where my hope is that having a client who are already struggling with their mental health, see, my physical disability would encourage them to work through their struggles to get to where they want to be in their life when they put in the work.
      Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
      My closest friends are not just friends to me, they are family. I am willing to do anything to help them when they need it, I continue to tell them this every day. Mental health is something that has affected me my entire life with my own family and friends. Now that I am an adult, I hope that based on my experiences, I am more aware of those that struggle with mental health issues. Talking about my experiences with mental health personally it's not a problem, but when that experience is happening to someone else, it changes you. I have a friend who almost a year ago was on the path of suicide. I will never forget the day. That experience will be a part of me for the rest of my life. I remember getting a phone call from his ex-girlfriend saying that he was on a bridge and he was going to jump. I had put the call on speaker my boyfriend and I are very close friends with him. The first thing we told her to do was to call the police and tell them what was going on. Panicked set in automatically, this was a sudden change in his behavior we knew that things were changing dramatically in his personal life with his now ex but, we never knew how much he was struggling internally. Everybody was calling him once we knew what was going on he wouldn't respond so I got the idea to start texting he was responding to anyone. I tried one last time and I got a response and I knew I had to keep them texting. Now I tell everyone I have my associate's degree with a concentration in psychology, I am not licensed to counsel anyone. However, I knew that I had a way in, and all I could do was continue to text him. I gave him the number to the national suicide hotline he wasn't gonna call. He said he was only going to text me. I had no choice but to try everything in my power to get him to get back in his car and go home to his kids. He felt hopeless because the one person that remained in his life was now leaving him. He blamed himself for the situation turning out the way it did. In every text that I sent, I was just hoping for a reply each reply meant there was still hope he would change his mind, and I kept reminding him that he wasn't alone, and he had to fight to be here for his kids, if not, anyone else I was scared for him. I was scared for myself because I knew that all I could do was text. As I was texting him I was praying. I hope he changes his mind. Please give me the strength to get him the courage to change his mind. In that moment I felt as though I was not alone spiritually. I continue to text all night until I got the call from his ex he was home and seeking mental services right away. Now I know this situation doesn't end it in the same way for everyone and I sympathize with that but this experience of the day is what made me sit down and think about going back to school, and finishing my bachelor's degree in mental health so that I would have the training needed to help others in similar situations if it ever happens again interning with Just Ducky behavioral health was a start.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      I believe mental health is important because mental health has different aspects of exploration when it comes to how an individual has difficulties finding the balance between the mind and the body. Some individuals show signs that they are not themselves, the people around them just shrug it off as if they are having an off day and not taking into consideration the why and other factors that there could be something else going on. The people that show no signs at all are the individuals I get concerned about the most. When individuals struggle with mental illness in silence. It makes me believe those individuals believe theirs no one out there that cares or could help them find the services available to them and it is the complete opposite. Closing oneself off from family and friends makes suffering from mental illness more difficult to find help and work on their issues because they believe that they can handle their own. However, other individuals are going through a mental episode where medications included in the person's treatment plan, could help them feel more like themselves after they have been diagnosed. I do believe medication helps those that are needed of it, but I also believe that there always has to be a balance between therapy and medication. In past years, most working in the mental health field and moving away from the idea of medication first and therapy second, and kind of trying to find that balance, where both concepts can better help the client and what client involvement in what works best for them in their treatment plan nevertheless, there are still those that practice the medication side more than the counseling side. Furthermore, having seen both sides of mental health in my own life I maintain my own mental health on a regular basis by constantly communicating with family and friends, and other support when needed. There are times when I have to use my coping mechanisms of journaling, music, or having a conversation with a member of my support to balance my struggles. I'm not ashamed of that, It took work for me to get where I am right now. I had to allow myself to ask for help mentally and be okay with what I was struggling with and that I needed help. Now I have a strong sense of self and boundaries and I know that it's okay to say no and that I can't make everyone happy and that there are times when I have to put my needs first. That I matter too and it's okay to put myself to put me first.
      Charles Pulling Sr. Memorial Scholarship
      I decided to go back to school at the age of 37 to complete my bachelor's degree in psychology. I will be the first one in my family to get my degree. Most people my age would already have been established in their careers or field of study at this point. When I first started my academic career I was 18 fresh out of high school and I was going to because that was the social norm. At that time I never question what I was told to do I just did it. I knew that because of my physical disability and learning disability that it would take me a little long the traditional student and I was ok with that because that was my reality. As time went on throughout my academic career I received my associate degree in general education with a concentration in psychology in 2009. I transition to two other universities along the way before stepping away in 2013 for personal and mental health reasons. I had to find my sense of self on my terms, as well as figure out what my purpose and contribution would be toward others. I always knew that I wanted to help people within the field of psychology. It wasn't until I got older that I saw and experience the value of mental health services and a strong support system that it has become my passion. The need for mental health services and other resources such as social services, SSI and SSDI are needed as more and more people are being driven or at risk of homelessness. To debate on the cause of homelessness is not just one issue but a combination of issues the lack of awareness and public funding is just the starting point. This in combination with mental health services and other resources is what drives me to complete my degree even more because I know that I have the time and patience to help find those resources for an individual I need. When I'm helping someone and they get the services they need the look on her face is all I need. It's like they can't believe that someone took the time out to help them. I am not a nontraditional student and I don't think I was supposed to be, having taken the time to find my purpose is how I believe I am going to make a difference towards those in need.
      Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
      I was taught when I was little to help others when they are in need. I am not ashamed to say that I need help every day because of my disability. I know how it feels to have someone come out of nowhere to help me with the simplest things such as when I drop my keys or when I need help with doors getting into a building. Most of the time I don't even have to ask because there are individuals that already see that I'm struggling. From my personal experience in my everyday life, it is one of the reasons why I help others because I have seen the other side of receiving help and I know what helping someone did for me. The simplest thing can change someone's day, an overall perspective on human kindness and decency. The concept of helping others is what drives my motivation to help others when I see them struggling on the outside and within themselves. Mental health has become a passion and this is why I am majoring in psychology. I have seen both sides of it and I know how hard it is for me so, I sympathize and empathize when help is needed in others. It is difficult to ask for help when a person knows they need it. Especially when you are skeptical about how a person is going to respond to them when someone asked. Let's face it most people are not kind in response, which is why most people do not ask when they need it. Therefore, when I see someone or sense that someone is in, need of help, I asked them sometimes they say yes, other times they say no but at least that. When they do say yes, that's when the communication starts. I always say having a simple conversation matters when helping someone and doesn't have to be associated with mental health. I think people fail to realize that asking for help is not always a physical request, but a mental need for a conversation. A conversation can lead to so many different possibilities for those that need help. As a person, that's been on both sides of the receiving end of the help and giving help I see the difference that it has on the concept of common decency and human kindness. That feeling that I get after someone helps me, tells me, and shows me I am seen and heard and that someone was brave enough to put my needs before themselves. Overall helping people is my passion, my goal is not just to complete my degree in psychology, but in my everyday life. I also believe that the best way I can show anyone know they matter and that I care even if it's for a moment of their time is by using my experiences and training. Helping people is the simplest act that should be done by everyone without a second thought after assessing the situation, but this is not a perfect world and people tend to overlook those that truly need help. This is why I think it is important to help others.
      Fishers of Men-tal Health Scholarship
      Mental health is not easy to talk about therefore, this essay will be my letter to myself to continue to encourage me to go after completing my degree in psychology and show my mental growth into whom I become today. When I started college in 2004, I was just going to community college because that's what people expect me to do after graduating school and everything was on track until the end of 2011–2012. The time was hard for me. I lost a high school friend due to a bacterial infection that was quick I didn't even get a chance to see you bye. Her death was the third time I sought out mental health services through the college. My grades are slipping and I couldn't get over the guilt of not being able to say goodbye. having somebody to talk to help me realize that her phone call a couple of weeks before she passed was her way of saying goodbye to me and that I had nothing to feel guilty about. However; I transferred to another university towards the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 and I felt as if I was getting back on track with my career goals. I was getting his grades and closer to completing my degree when another close friend passed away a week before I was to take one of my exams. She was an older woman, and she live life to the fullest even though she knew that she had cancer I admire her so much because nothing ever stops her. On that day, it was cloudy gray, but I can feel sadness in the air. I remember going up to the coffin and the reality hit me that she wasn't for me back, and I burst out into tears. After getting myself together I told myself I had an exam to take and I took it. Looking back on it now that probably wasn't a good idea. Shortly, after losing another friend, I went through a downward spiral again but this time I decided to leave school. It was the best decision at the time, and I had to get my mind right because I realized that I wasn't going to school for me that I wasn't getting my degree for me but for other people. I had to find my balance and sense of self again. Through a lot of family support and prayer. I finally found my way back. Now it may have taken me a while, but now I'm going back to school on my terms and advocating for myself and what I want. I feel as though I'm not alone anymore that spiritually I am being supported, emotionally, and I have a strong family foundation and support from others that I can do this. I can complete my degree in psychology and help those others that have struggled because I have struggled to get where I am now. I feel confident and balanced. I know how it feels to be overwhelmed by your emotions and your everyday life and not having that balance or confidence to say no it's too much. After completing my degree in psychology, my goal is to help those who are struggling not just with that though it's life because it is so easy to go to the dark place and not be able to come out but spiritually it's possible prayer help me a lot even if it isn't for me, I pray for those that suffer Because I believe that everybody needs someone to look up for them.
      So You Want to Be a Mental Health Professional Scholarship
      I think as I got older the world of psychology has grown from being an interest to a passion. When I was younger, it was just about finding a career that best fit what I was good at and not what I was truly meant to be. Seeing situational, environmental, and emotional changes as they're happening is what drives me to make a positive impact when It comes down to people that can be in mental distress. It's not just asking how you're doing it's more about whether can I help you or how can I help you when someone is struggling. The struggle could be simply where to find food, housing, and clothing. Somewhere safe where, those less fortunate don't have to look over their shoulder. Living in the city, where homelessness and a large population of individuals, that considered low income. I see this every day homeless people, especially on the side of the road holding up signs, asking for food and money. Sometimes you have those who just want to have a simple conversation to know they are seen and that they matter. Action is what is needed to help those that are fortunate, but how to implement those actions relies on helping those find those resources and services housing, snap program, job placement, or applying for income, those physical or mental abilities preventing those whose ability to work is difficult. I am currently enrolled independently enrolled in the SOAR program as well as seeking my degree because there is a need to bridge the gaps between those that are at high risk of adding to the population or include it in the population of homelessness to help back on their feet. Despite my own struggles, and getting my degree I will continue to do whatever I have to help anyone get the services that they need especially when I see it every day. Psychology is more about diagnosing and making a conversation than working together with social workers and other public services because, without a team effort, a lot more people will suffer. Therefore I believe as the combination of disciplines, would work together, to help those less fortunate to decrease the number of those at risk. We are struggling at some point in our lives, the difference is that most of us have the support of family and friends when we accept it. Knowing where to find services they need, my hope they are less likely to overlook, but everybody struggles. I think that more occupations in public safety need to collaborate in a way in which they should have the basic tools needed to determine how to approach a person with a mental illness to distress and de-escalate situations that the root cause could be from a mental illness that is undiagnosed or otherwise present when encountering someone that is mentally struggling. Human kindness and decency do not take that much to show towards another person.
      Ernest Lee McLean Jr. : World Life Memorial Scholarship
      My goal is to complete my degree in psychology. What drives me to continue on this path despite my own shortcomings is the suffering of others due to mental illness. As a black woman, I've seen the pain and the suffering in my own family from drug addiction to homelessness and growing up in the category of low income. Growing up in such an environment led to a lot of mental illness that I saw firsthand growing up. I did not know what to call it at a young age or understand what I was seeing. It wasn't until I was older that I was able to figure out the missing piece of mental illness, that there was more to what I was seeing and mental health was the missing element. Growing up, I was always "told what happens in the house stays in the house", so talking about what I was saying, amongst my family to someone else was not an option in those days for most people of color. To have a mental illness when I was younger was a hidden secret, then even people in my own family are just revealing it to me now as I am an adult. This is what drove me to continue my education after stepping away from college for my mental health issues. I work hard to overcome what I have gone through mentally, along with being diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a learning disability at a young age then others can too with the support of those in the mental health field and other services. I believe my own experiences as a child and adult, could provide comfort, understanding, and additional support for those that feel that they have nothing left. I also believe that the more we talk about our family history amongst our own families is the start of understanding the early signs of mental illness, drug addictions, and other healthcare issues. It should not be seen amongst our own family as a hidden secret anymore. The struggle should be told not withheld to teach so others can learn that their resources and services to help those that are suffering and to let them know that they are not alone and that their life matters and people care that is why I am seeking a degree in mental health. I am not ashamed of what I have gone through mentally or physically because of my disability. I started talking and not hiding amongst myself and thought about the help and support of my family and mental services when I needed to. I had to face my fear, that was the first step that I was not alone and from my own experiences can be better and help others. It is not an easy task to work in the field of mental health and I realize the good comes with the bed depending on the person, but the one thing I will do is not give up on them even when they give up on themselves when they are ready to ask for help and provide support when needed. Helping people with their mental and physical struggles drives me to continue to pursue my degree in psychology.
      Meaningful Existence Scholarship
      What I am passionate about is helping people it doesn't matter to me where they come from when I see them struggling I'm going to help them. When I see people in need the first thing I ask them is "Are you OK" That statement alone changes everything that is the reason why I decided to go into the field of psychology, having a simple conversation can change the outlook of anyone's day. The power of words that show you care matters in this field. I can practice the two, most valuable things that I'm good at conversation and observation, and that's what makes me passionate about pursuing this career. from the first conversation, I've learned that people have tells when you come in contact with them that either they just want to be heard or feel as if they matter. It may not even be a psychological issue that's causing their distress. I've also learned that on the other hand, there may be situations where I have to ask more questions, but at the end of the conversation, I will find or figure out ways to help them even if I can't do it myself because no one should be alone when they're struggling mentally or otherwise. This field allows me to contribute in a way that I know will matter to the individual. Psychology is more than just a job to me. It allows me to focus on the individual to think outside of the box when it comes to finding resources, services, and treatment plans for them or additional help when I can't do it myself, and that is why I am seeking a degree in psychology with the hopes of psychiatric rehabilitation certification and my master's degree afterward that's how much I care about the field and the people that and impacts. I already know as I am working towards getting my degree that I would not be a typical therapist, because my own experience gives me empathy and sympathy for those less fortunate. My advantage is Physical. I don't see it as a disadvantage. I was born with cerebral palsy so my perspective on the world and people is where my passion for psychology comes from because I know how it feels to be looked upon because they don't appear like everyone else it is that you are coming it is my strength and my strength is what I feel is going to help a lot of people who are struggling mentally or physically in their day-to-day lives because I believe it goes hand-in-hand. You can't balance one area of the body without the other, so I feel as though becoming a therapist is where I will make my mark in the field of psychology. I feel it, so I will always be learning. Even after I finish my college career in the field of psychology allows me to embrace my truth even with my limitations.
      Deandrea Woodhouse Student Profile |