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Daunte Wilkerson


Bold Points




My life goal is to graduate college with my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Sports Management. I will start my own business and coach youth football or high school football. I plan to continue community service in my community and to employ a deserving high school student with the opportunity to work in the OTJ program just as I am currently doing.


Palatka High School

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Business Supplies and Equipment

    • Dream career goals:

      Company Founder

    • Secretary

      Bethlehem Baptist Church
      2020 – Present5 years



    2019 – Present6 years


    • Leadership Award

    Track & Field

    2020 – Present5 years


    • Most Improved Shot Put Regional Shot Putter


    2019 – Present6 years


    • Coaches Award Best Offensive Lineman All County Award

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Upward Sports — Assistant Coach, Referee
      2017 – 2020

    Future Interests


    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    My personal experiences with finances are working for Bethlehem Baptist Church and being employed as the Church Clerk. I have learned about spread sheets and checks and balances. I have to balance the bank account according to the records that our Finance Team updates weekly. This has helped me to manage my own accounts and to be able to save before I attend Warner University. While attending college I will not have a job because I play football and this will take up most of my time, so I will be able manage how to spend and variate between needs and wants. I have saved all of ,y graduation gifts by depositing the funds into my savings account. I use my checking account for expenses while I am still employed. I have learned to spend on necessities and not wants. I realized that my mother being a single parent does not have the money to send me to college so I have earned some scholarship money and I am continuing to apply for varies scholarships until I leave in August to attend Warner University. I have maintained a 3.6 Grade Point Average throughout High School. I graduated Cum Laude with my High School Diploma. She has made many sacrifices throughout by teaching me how to save and how important it is to save. I am trying to pay for college with scholarships and not have to graduate with debt hanging over me. I am excited that High School students will now be required to take a Financial Literacy class before they graduate. This will make it easier to learn about finances and to be able to save for the future. This class will help college graduates who are in the work force to look for jobs within their major. This should help to determine which jobs they should apply for. Once I graduate with my four year degree in Sports Management and become employed I will have a handle on savings and checking with the bills that I will create as an adult. I will know how to budget my income for rent, food, car insurance and other monthly expenses. I have thought about coaching at the High School level or applying for a job in the National Football League. My future will be better because I plan to graduate in four years and start my career basically debt free.
    Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
    I deserve this scholarship because I’m funny and hilarious. My academic goal is to party and become a full time comedian. I overcame a speech problem at the age of three. I talked entirely too much and cracked jokes everyday.
    Daunte Wilkerson Student Profile |