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Dane Deater


Bold Points




I pursuing my career as a BSN wanting to help Type 1 Diabetics like me. I am a Native Alaskan, and White 18 years old attending Grand Canyon University. I am very determined to pursue my career as a nurse so I may help others.


Peoria Accelerated High School

High School
2021 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Cook

      2021 – 2021
    • Customer Service

      West-Wind Drive In
      2021 – 20221 year



    2017 – 20192 years


    • Philosophy

      N/A — Researcher
      2021 – 2022


    • Peoria Accelerated

      Computer Art
      2021 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      HYPE (High School Youth Preparation for Higher Education) — Volunteer
      2020 – Present

    Future Interests




    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    My most valuable qualities is that I'm caring, hardworking, and determined the reason why is because these are what make an amazing human being. My qualities I picked also can carry onto my career choice and my life journey. I'm going to school for my Bachelors degree in Nursing, the reason why I'm going into this field is to help Type 1 Diabetics like me. I care a lot about either finding a better way to manage diabetes and or curing it. A lot of diabetics struggle through their day to day life, with blood sugars, mental health, and discrimination from work. For us it's a disease and not a disability so that's why I want to work hard to show and inform people that we are hardworking, caring, and determined people. I care for family and my community I want to also help out with giving scholarships to kids who are in need of it, I want to look for kids with similar traits as I have for I know that they will bring great things to this world. So I need to work hard into making this my dream so in order for me to do that I need to get into college, and pursue my degree so that I can have the money to help others. By doing so I need to study, ask for help from my teachers and peers.
    Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
    I have depression and anxiety. Growing up was a really big struggle I was diagnosed with depression due to my Type 1 Diabetes feeling alone and secluded, struggling with taking care of it. It was difficult for my mom and I because of my negligence, and I wanted to meet others who had Type 1 Diabetes, I finally did when I went to diabetic camp. Although it didn't cure my depression it helped me realized I wasn't the only one struggling with it, and I'm glad I realized that now. I am still going through depression, but I am managing it. Now for my anxiety, my anxiety became with more of not doing well in school and being very socially recluse. Overall I stress and get anxious over my grades, and wondering if I will do well. Which was becoming a hindrance. Socially I've been bullied for most of my life which made it hard for me talk to students, and make friends. I became very shy because of it. What also didn't helped was the constant moving through out my life. I moved about 10 times in my life not really staying in one place for long. So that even worsened my anxiety to make new friends. But now I've finally got to a more stable living I began to become more outgoing and easily able to make friends. What have helped me overall with my mental health was therapy and volunteering in a program called H.Y.P.E. these two things helped out a lot. With therapy at Phoenix Children Hospital and Devereaux, I was able to manage and discover myself. At Phoenix Children Hospital I had a therapist named Dr. Puffenburg who helped me managed with personal life, my diabetes, and how to keep myself calm and focus with school. She was such a big help on the and I can't be anymore appreciative. Over at Devereaux I hadn't got a more stable relationship with a therapist due to them either leaving or moving, but I did had a great behavior coach who was like a therapist to me and his name was Isiah he was like an older brother I talked to him about my problems, and he would give advice. We even talked about my interest and his as well. Sadly he went to Navy Bootcamp to become an officer I will always remember him. Now H.Y.P.E. put me in an amazing spot, I met a lot of young adults, and kids like me and I bonded with a lot of people like me. I volunteered over at the Phoenix Zoo, the Library, and at local parks. It helped keep my mind occupied and I learn better habits at how to manage my anxiety and depression. I'm very thankful for all of these resources that were handed to me, now I learned how to better manage my mental health. By being busy, alone for a period of time, and taking breaks and focus on myself.
    No You Did Not Win An Emi, But You Did Win This Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Dane Hans Deater, and I'm of Native Alaskan descent from the Aleutian Tribes. My father gave me my name based off his Great Grandfather Hans Deater, who is a fisherman from Denmark. Hans traveled from Denmark to Alaska to fish for salmon and that's where he met my Great Grandmother who was Native Alaskan and they got married. That's all I know from my ancestry. What my name means to me, is my heritage, my origin, and my continued legacy of my great great grandfather's name as it was passed down to me. Although I do wish to know my great great grandmother's name so that if I have a daughter I can name her after, my great great grandmother. Why it's important to me well I like to think of it as respect to him, and to carry on a legacy. For I believe into respect your elders, and being there for your family. Although I haven't taken up to my Native Alaskan traditions and I want to do so. I have taken my Danish ancestors religion as a Norse Pagan and I want to continue that and integrate both cultures and religions in my life. The power my name holds isn't great but the meaning of my name is one I truly respect and hold into my heart. According to Christian beliefs it stands for; God will Judge, Gift from God, and Of the People. So if I go by that I think the power my name holds is within my helpful nature, as I volunteer, and will do anything for my family. A gift from God, I don't know much maybe I am a gift from God because of my helpful nature. God will Judge I don't know about that one. Overall I am proud of my name nor do I want to change it. It defines me, and my ancestors and I am proud of that truly am.
    Stand and Yell Community Impact Scholarship
    I was apart of a volunteering group called H.Y.P.E. it's a group that goes around helping out the community such as helping at the public Phoenix Library, the Phoenix Zoo, and at local parks. This group also helps kids with mental health to put their energy into something good in the community. I for one have depression and anxiety, this group helped me get over my anxiety by meeting new people and gain new experiences, and helped my depression by not being cooped up in my house all the time. I am Type 1 Diabetic, and with my diabetes I want to pursue into the career of nursing, a lot of kids and adults suffer from this horrible disease and I want to make sure that my community is well informed, and have supplies for it. This is how I want to help people around my community cause I understand how hard it is to go without supplies, and how dangerous it is. I also like to supply them with water, any fast sugar like glucose tablets, and even healthy breakfast, lunches, and dinners. Even just being there sitting down and getting to know them and how their diabetes is being managed. I think what we need are more volunteer nurses and doctors to do this, especially with times like this where we are in economical and socially depressive state. With my education I will receive at Grand Canyon University I plan on making a better change by innovating or finding some way, somehow to cure diabetes, even while going to school I want to do more volunteering work. I believe that helping our community is the world's number one priority.
    Bold Science Matters Scholarship
    Joseph von Mering and Oskar Minkowski's discovery of diabetes back in 1889. They took a dog's pancreas out to discover it, sadly though the dog died shortly after. Due to the sacrifice we now understand how important regulating our blood sugars have become. Later in the future of the year 1910, a scientist named, Sir Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer proposed that there was a lack of a chemical he called insulin. 11 years later, Fredrick Banting, and Charles Best discovered if they can extract some of the chemical insulin from one dog that can produce it to another dog that dog sugars can be regulated. These two then purified the insulin taken from a cow and gave it to a 14 year old boy who was the first person to have an injection of insulin. Why this is my favorite is because I am also Diabetic, Type 1 in fact. If these amazing 5 scientist never discovered it I wouldn't be alive today. In fact not a single Diabetic would, now this is why I'll be pursuing into the career of nursing and later gaining doctorates degree to help other diabetics overcome their disease.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    Hi, I'm Dane Deater and I am pursuing in my bachelors of nursing. I am a Type 1 Diabetic who wants to help other kids and adults with Type 1 Diabetes. A lot of kids and adults like myself have struggled with diabetes for most of their lives and will continue to struggle for the rest of their lives. This is the reason why I am going into the medical field to help either better control the disease or cure it. I've been diabetic for 10 years now ever since I was 9, and as of that result I learned new ways of helping myself better understand it, including my incredible endocrinology team. I've also struggled with managing it cause I was a kid, so I've ended up going in and out of the hospital. I want to encourage kids that it's not the end and that we can all work together to fight this and that they have a team of nurses, family, and doctors to help them along the way and be there to comfort, ask questions, and teach them about diabetes. I also like to make an awareness about the differences of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes since a great amount of people don't quite understand the difference between the two. After taking my bachelors I like to at least have 5 - 10 years of on field experience and return to pursue a doctorates in medicine and nursing but minor into pediatrics endocrinology and adolescence endocrinology. This is how I like to help better impact the world by taking care of people, inform them about diabetes, and help out with bringing new innovations to better control their diabetes, or curing them.
    Cindy J. Visser Memorial Nursing Scholarship
    What inspires me to pursue my education of BSN, is due to the inspiration and admiration of endocrinology doctor, Dr. Kapadia. He inspired me to help other kids with Type 1 Diabetes like myself. Teaching kids to better care for their diabetes and help them cope through the confusing, and hard times as I have experienced throughout my life. I sympathize with them, I understand their pain. I hope to better the advancements of medicine to help Type 1 Diabetics by either better managing the disease or curing it, but most importantly helping the world by being there support system as Dr. Kapadia was. Thanks to all the nurses and doctors like, Cindy and Dr. Kapadia we are better understanding medicine and easing people's pains so that patients can sleep soundly. Cindy is the definition of the nurse everyone should strive for.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    I suffer from depression and anxiety. Honestly, I struggle with it badly and change how I see the world, to me I see the world more grey, saddening, and terrible it is, I guess you can say that it helps my goal of being a nurse in a way and to help out other children who suffer from depression due to health issues, and anxiety to a new diagnosis. I too had these feelings when I was just nine years old, I asked myself, "Why me? Why do I have diabetes?", "What am I going to do now? What can I do now since I have diabetes". A nine-year-old asking God why he was picked to have it, made me lose faith. A kid that young shouldn't question themselves these questions instead, be taught and comforted on how to conquer their health and better themselves for them. But since this was me and not other kids and without mental health help, I couldn't speak to anyone until I told my mother my feelings and ask for help. She's always been my number one supporter and I think we have a better relationship now than ever because of it. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay!
    Tyde Memorial Scholarship
    This scholarship would mean a lot to me, as my parents don't make much and struggle with paying bills and this can help them out. I would like to help my parents out by going to university and getting my nursing degree and help them out. I just really want to make my parents proud and prove myself to others. This scholarship could even help me to pay less money I also struggle with a medical condition called Type 1 Diabetes it makes my life harder on me and my family too, due to high prices on insulin and this could help me to have enough money for my insulin and fast sugar so I don't have to worry if it will last me throughout the day and not ending up to the hospital. Thank you for looking at my application for this scholarship and please consider me for it.
    Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship
    HSINTELLIGENCE Minority / Indigenous Nurse Leader Scholarship
    I'm a Type 1 Diabetic who want's to help other Type 1 Diabetic's. This has always been my dream to do so. So many Type 1 Diabetic's struggle on taking care of their blood sugars by being stubborn about it or being uneducated on how to take care of themselves. A lot of people don't know about Type 1 Diabetes and it's best to educate the populist so that we can all help one or another. I believe that one way to help diabetics is mental health, a lot of us diabetics do suffer from depression due to us being diagnosed. It is tough on kids I know this due to me being in a camp with other diabetics, and I myself have suffered from it as well. So again, my plan is to help Type 1 Diabetics who may struggle with their diabetes, and are suffering with mental health issues from their diabetes. Thank you for taking your time to reading my essay. Thank you, Dane Deater
    BJB Scholarship
    Community means a lot of things to people, but for me it means; family, friendship, common interests, attitudes, and goals. I plan on helping my community once I become a nurse to help others in need. I also have done community service by helping the Phoenix Zoo and volunteering at the Phoenix Library. I am a diabetic so I like to help other kids, educate them about their diabetes, and help them to understand it. It's a big struggle for kids with diabetes that they can't do much because of it. This is my time to help out by getting my nursing bachelor's and pursuing that career. Thank you for taking your time in reading my essay I will look forward to receiving word soon. Thank you, Dane Deater
    Ace Spencer Rubin Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Dane Deater and I'm from Glendale, Arizona and my disability is Type 1 Diabetes. It is a struggle to do most things and is a mess to manage despite what other nurses and doctors say. It's something I don't wish upon anyone, nor do I think anyone should be a victim of this diseased disability. I now want to be a nurse to help other diabetics out there struggling and give them guidance by giving them support and some personal experiences on how to take better control on their diabetes. I learned so much from it that I now know how to control it and it made me a more responsible, independent, and strong person now then before, so I would like to say thank you for giving your time to read my application I know it's a short essay, but it's a quick and straight to the point goal of mine. Thank you, Dane Deater
    Dane Deater Student Profile |