Hobbies and interests
Track and Field
Upcycling and Recycling
Shopping And Thrifting
Exercise And Fitness
Health Sciences
Adult Fiction
I read books daily
Cynthia Egwuogu
Bold Points2x
Cynthia Egwuogu
Bold Points2x
Hello, I'm Cynthia, a senior at Pelham Lab High School in the Bronx. I'm a child of Nigerian immigrants and my parents are my biggest inspirations.
I'm interested in studying biology and medicine as I intend to go into the medical field, and attending college will be my first step.
Because of my career goals, I am trying to save up enough money for college and graduate school. I strongly believe in striving for the best in order to reach my fullest potential and live out my dreams.
Other than the health sciences and medicine, I have an interest in wellness, reading, writing, baking, and self-improvement.
Pelham Lab High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Majors of interest:
- Medicine
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Emergency Medicine Physician
- Present
Club2017 – 20192 years
Junior Varsity2019 – 20212 years
Track & Field
Junior Varsity2019 – 20212 years
- Most Improved Player
Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
SUPA Research — Researcher2020 – Present
Free Arts NYC
DrawingNo.2020 – 2021
Public services
Pelham Lab — Filing and Mailing for a teacher.2021 – PresentVolunteering
Pelham Lab Cooking Club — Packing sandwiches.2019 – 2021
Future Interests
Cardel Love Scholarship
Before understanding my goals and what I want to do in the future, you have to understand where I come from.
My full name is Cynthia Chioma Egwuogu, a name rich in Igbo culture and reflective of my parent's faith. Chioma means "God is good" in my native language, which my parents named me before taking a leap of faith, moving to the United States with nothing and no one except their children and each other. As a kid, my parents relied on their grit, determination, and faith in God to make things work. Even amidst the current struggles they face today, they have made ends meet for their children. My parents’ sacrifices forever inspire me, as I now work to pursue a college education and do what my parents weren’t able to. I feel that the best way I can give back to my parents and show I appreciate them is through success and utilizing the resources that they struggled to get for their children, hence why I have been set on reaching my fullest potential as early as I can remember.
Growing up in the Bronx, one of the poorest counties in the New York City area, I’ve always noticed many disparities between more funded communities and the Bronx. One of these disparities that particularly stood out to me was health and healthcare received. I’ve experienced firsthand people not being able to receive the care they need due to factors such as a primary care physician shortage as well as the cost of healthcare. Making myself aware of the inequalities and gaps in health has inspired me to study health and biomedical sciences.
As early as I can remember, I was interested in the way things work. This was in the world, in systems, in individuals, and most interestingly – in the human body. With the awareness of healthcare disparities and the strong interest I developed in human anatomy, I have long intended to become a physician in areas that need primary care providers. I hope to fill the gaps in my knowledge and master the subject of biomedical science in order to provide the best care possible to my future patients. As a future healthcare professional, I intend to be a patient advocate, volunteer in the community where needed, and care for others in the way that matters most – their health. I also hope to gain the trust that is not often had for healthcare professionals. The disparities in healthcare and difficulty in receiving quality treatment are often why many believe the healthcare system has failed them. I intend to be the change I want to see, by taking a holistic approach to medicine – taking into account the full well-being of future patients. By striving to treat the whole person, I will ensure that patients will feel they are genuinely heard and cared for at hospitals.
Change is not easy, and it surely doesn’t happen overnight. However, my experiences and upbringing have shown me that taking leaps of faith and being dedicated to what you intend to do make all the difference. It takes individuals to bring about change and through a college education, I intend to do just that.
Charity's Alumnus Erudition Award
My experiences growing up have fueled my journey to becoming a healthcare professional and working to improve the health of others. As a future healthcare worker, I hope to use my background in nutrition, and environmental sciences, as well as witnessing the effects of limited access to healthcare, to bring in different perspectives and approaches to upholding the health of others.
My parents were born in Nigeria, where there needs to be more widespread healthcare and access to quality care. I also grew up in the Bronx, one of the poorest counties in New York. Coming from these backgrounds, I’ve seen how communities are in dire need of primary care physicians and healthcare workers. With the shortage of healthcare workers we’ve seen in these communities, and the challenges people have in receiving the care they need, I hope to someday work to overcome these challenges in the current healthcare system. Through outreach and placement and rural and inner-city communities, I hope to give back to those in need through one of the most important ways – safeguarding their health.
In addition to my background, I have conducted research related to nutrition and engaged in a plethora of experiences and internships where I learned about environmental science-related concepts. Through these experiences, I’ve formed a perspective on how these topics relate to healthcare and the contributions I can make as a future healthcare worker. By conducting research on nutrition’s impact on the immune system, I have found that antioxidant nutrients correlate with the susceptibility to diseases associated with inflammation. Through my research, I have learned that nutrition plays a significant role in one’s health, and therefore hope to advocate for proper nutrition in all communities, as disparities in access to quality nutrition are something that will affect the health of underprivileged communities.
In addition to being an advocate for proper nutrition, I hope to bring a perspective on the importance of environmental health in order for optimal human health. Through my experiences related to environmental science, I have further understood that sustainability in communities is needed to prevent respiratory diseases. I can make contributions by advocating for the environmental health of communities, as it is also just as significant in protecting the health of individuals.
All in all, these perspectives from my background in how I grew up, as well as my experiences in the fields of nutrition and environmental sciences, are the way I would contribute to healthcare. My unique views and varied experiences are what I believe the field of health needs, giving a new way of looking at things to future patients.
HM Family Scholarship
I’m a senior at Pelham Lab High School in the Bronx and am passionate about biology and biomedical sciences. As early as I can remember, I’ve been curious about life and how things work in the human body. Learning about biology sparked a passion for the medical field, as I continuously wanted to understand the inner systems and processes and how they were affected by diseases or injuries.
As a kid, I’ve gotten various injuries that landed me in the hospital. Every time I’ve been to the hospital, whether it be because of these injuries, or doctor’s appointments, I was inspired by the care I received from the healthcare workers. Each time, I observed as the providers worked to assess my injury and everything going on. As they used various tools to assess my well-being, my curiosity for medicine increased. I always wondered what inner systems were affected by my injuries and how they would be treated. I found myself repeatedly wondering “I wonder what it would be like to be in the position of a healthcare worker.” I continuously stared at the space around me, in awe of the technology and medical tools used to assess and treat patients. Over time, I wanted to care for patients just as I was cared for. I gained a liking for hospitals and a newfound inspiration for my future career. Whether in an emergency room or at a checkup, I find myself looking toward my future and thinking “this is what I want to be doing.”
My mother, who is also a nurse has also been a big inspiration in my life. My mother and father immigrated to the US when I was a few months old. Getting her nursing license was a struggle at first, but my mother didn’t let setbacks stop her from living out her dream career of helping patients as a nurse. Seeing my mother become a nurse and later go on to teach other nursing students as a clinical instructor endlessly inspires me. I feel the inclination to follow in her footsteps and continue giving back to the community through caring for others’ health. Attending college is the first step I will take in immersing myself in my intended career, and I hope to someday show my parents that their efforts and determination are what influenced where I will be.
This passion I’ve developed for biomedical sciences is why I want to go into the medical field. Because of my curiosity for biology and the people in my life, I look up to, I can’t imagine myself doing anything else, but expanding my knowledge of biology and medicine as well as becoming the healthcare provider I’ve always dreamed of.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
"Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Isaiah 41:10
I've read this quote and similar ones from the bible countless times. Struggling with mental health issues, which is often exemplified by current issues both in my life and the world, I find peace in small moments where I can be closer to God by reading his word. Throughout high school, when I strived to achieve my goals, it was easy to feel discouraged by uncertainty and thoughts that cloud my mind. Despite going through periods where I feel depressed and hopeless -- often caused when thinking about my future and achieving my goals, I try to remind myself that God has a plan, and the struggles of today will not burden me in the future. Practicing my faith and listening to the message God has is what kept me going in times of worry. No matter what is going on in my life, I put my full faith and trust in a higher purpose and reason for why things are happening. Having faith reminds me to keep going and to not fall in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges I face, I stay optimistic simply by keeping on going and trusting in a higher power that things will work out.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
Throughout high school, I found joy in taking part in various acts of service. Whether it was taking time during lunch or after school to help teachers grade classwork, or volunteering at the botanical garden, I developed a liking for helping others. I believe that giving back to the community by starting with the people around you is very rewarding, knowing you impacted the people around you in some form. In my everyday actions, whether that may be picking up trash and plastic I see on sidewalks or helping the elderly across the street, a life well lived for me is a life spent improving the lives of others. Despite the negativity and issues going on in the world, giving back in some form can positively impact someone's mood and helps the community you're in. When I go out into the world to serve a purpose, I try to keep a positive attitude in order for the same energy to be reflected onto someone else. Throughout my actions of service, I've learned that people need to be the energy they want to receive and to make a difference, the change starts with oneself.
Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
My parents are from Nigeria and later moved to Qatar, where they lived a comfortable life. Shortly after their third daughter was born (me), they risked leaving their comfortable and happy life, to move to the U.S., a completely new country. They believed their children (my siblings and I) would benefit from American education, and believed their children would thrive there. From an early age, education and higher education were emphasized to my siblings and me, because of my parent's experiences, having a lack of opportunities, my parents wanted the best for us and believed we should take advantage of the educational opportunities we have here to prepare for the future, knowing they didn't have access to what their children have now/ As a kid, this felt overwhelming for me, as I felt so much pressure to please my parents with my grades and academics. At the time, I simply wanted to be a kid and didn’t want to deal with all the responsibilities and expectations that were expected of me.
Despite my fear of growing older and dealing with more responsibilities, time still passed, seemingly faster than ever. I felt overwhelmed when dealing with my parents' hopes and expectations of me. It felt daunting thinking about my future and therefore didn’t take school as seriously as I should’ve. It wasn’t until my sophomore year, almost a year into a quarantine that I decided that I should make small positive changes in my life in terms of my academics and learning to better myself. I started taking notes, actually attempting to understand what I was learning in class, and applying in-class concepts to real-life scenarios. It was during this time my mindset began to shift toward life. I began to make the best of what I had while working to become a better version of myself. I started to see that the time I spent not working towards a goal is time wasted. As humans, the only thing we can do with our time on earth is to reach our fullest potential. By focusing on what was most important, which are my grades, and my future, and making the best of the opportunities I have now, I was able to not only be more in alignment with my future goals but develop my passion for learning for the purpose of learning. In everything I did, I hoped that when I would look back on my past, I would see that I lived a fulfilled life, and did not see it as a wasted opportunity. Although my parents may not have gotten access to the resources I currently have, I hope to show that their sacrifices were significant in my current successes. By developing and pursuing my passions, I am trying my very best to make use of the resources I have to reach my fullest potential.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
During my junior year, I returned to my high school for the first time after 1.5 years. I wondered where all the time had gone, and how I would deal with all of my responsibilities. I was juggling extracurriculars, AP classes, dual-enrollment classes, research, and relationships, while trying to find time for myself. Junior year has been one of my most difficult years, and the amount of stress it's caused me couldn't be put into words.
Many of the days were stressful, especially as the homework and responsibilities piled up, and the time I had for myself got shorter. Many times I felt like giving up, and I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I set very high expectations for myself, and thought myself a failure if I didn't make time for every single responsibility. Even as I achieved school awards, high averages, and was recognized for my achievements, I personally felt I was lacking in some area.
Although this is an ongoing struggle, I have learned some coping methods to ease the burden of everything I am dealing with. Venting to people I trust, taking breaks, having a schedule for each task, and simply doing what I can at a given moment has worked the best for me.
Even though there are still days where I am drowning in responsibilities, I try my best to remember the intended end goal, which for me, is preparing myself for the future. Through the struggle, I've learned that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and that the challenges I'm facing are apart of my journey. Sometimes, all we can do in life is just keep going. I'm beginning to learn that struggles are apart of life, and its what comes out of the struggles that make it all worth it.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
When I was younger, I pressured myself to reach certain goals and stages that I had not quite reached yet. Rather than trusting the process, I focused on the end goal, trying to skip the crucial stages in my life. Patience can be interpreted through many ways-- being patient with others, being patient with one's self, and being patient with life, and the different stages one goes through-- for me, patience means knowing that everything happens in time, and it's important not to rush. It was my freshman year when quarantine happened, and I'm now halfway through my junior year. When I returned to school, after a year and a half in quarantine, I felt like I had to know what I wanted to do in the future, as well as what career I wanted to pursue after high school. I believed things would be much easier in terms of researching colleges if I had a clear vision and plan, instead of exploring my different interests and being patient throughout the process of self-discovery. It took me a while to get over this impatience with myself, but it was worth it. I took the time and the energy to explore different passions, and classes, and try out multiple clubs and internships to learn where I could possibly see myself in the future. Being patient, and doing what I can with what I had was very significant through my journey of self-discovery. Although I may not be entirely sure what I will be pursuing in the future, I have some direction, and I'm learning to be patient in my journey of discovery.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
Through my life-long journey of self-development and growth, I've developed different hobbies and passions that have come to define me. Reading, which at first was something I did in order to expand my vocabulary and knowledge, has also become something I cherish, as I emotionally attach myself to fictional characters, feeling all their joy, sorrow, and anger. Baking and cooking, which although I don't consider myself the best at, is also therapeutic to me. Experimenting with different spices, eyeballing ingredients instead of following measurements, are things I consider fun and relaxing. Whether I had a long week, or if I just feel the need to try a new recipe, I have come to enjoy the act of cooking for myself and my family. With all the recipes I make, I try to balance it out with some movement and exercise. Over time, moving my body has been a holistic and spiritual form of medicine for me. Something as simple outside for a long walk in the early morning has become one of my favorite past times. In addition to this, creating in some way, shape or form, has also become a big part of my life. Whether it is creative writing, or graphic design, I try to develop my individuality and perspective through creating. Overall, learning and exploring sums up most of my past times. Every day, I explore new things through my different hobbies and habits, and learn new things through the experience resulting from those habits overtime.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
Throughout high school, I've struggled when it came to knowing what areas and specific topics I needed extra help in, in preparation for assessments. I've attempted multiple study strategies, but none of them seemed to work for me. The simple note-taking methods didn't work for me, as it felt like simply looking at a bunch of words and definitions on a piece of paper. No matter how long I studied, my current strategies weren't doing me any good, and reflected in my test scores.
When I realized it wasn't the amount of time I was studying for, but rather my studying strategy that was the problem, I tried others until I found one that worked for me. I've always been told that I'm really good at explaining things, and teaching things to others, so I thought, "maybe teaching something to someone else will actually be teaching myself." So, I spent the time explaining everything about a certain topic to a few of my friends, as if I were a teacher.
When I explained, and got questions in response, I used my knowledge of the topic to see how well I responded to questions, and to also check which areas I needed extra help in. By knowing the areas I needed help with, I knew exactly what to focus on, and was able to go back and review, then eventually, explain everything I knew about a topic that was once unfamiliar to me. By figuring out how I learned best, and how I better retained information, I am now able to study in a way that works best for me, and improve my scores through more effective study strategies.
Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
From middle school up until about my sophomore year of high school, I've accepted the bare minimum, in terms of my academics. I never put absolutely zero effort into school, but I still put the bare minimum effort, even if I knew I could do so much more. Back then, I felt comfortable with having average grades, and not putting the extra work in to excel in school. I didn't care about most of my grades, as long as they were above average, and I felt like I wouldn't be able to do great things even if I tried. I believed I was simply who I was, and there was nothing I could change about it.
Looking back, I can't help but feel disappointed in myself, not only realizing that I had so much potential, but knowing I could've done so much better than the work I settled for. When I think about who I was back then, in terms of my mindset regarding school, I cringe. However, I don't let my past define who I choose to be now, right this moment. Reflecting on my past mistakes only motivates me further into pushing myself to do the best I can. My experiences helped me to turn around my mindset, and behaviors regarding my academics. Ever since, I've began to really challenge myself, and set higher goals and expectations. Every day, by striving to do better than I did yesterday, I prove to myself that I can turn around my grades. I can academically excel. I can learn anything, and most importantly, I can do anything, with a turn around in my mindset.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
Ever since the pandemic, taking care of my health has been very significant to me. Prior to the pandemic, I consumed a lot of heavily processed foods, and rarely ate fruits and vegetables. Now, I've changed my mindset regarding what I should put into my body. I've done some research about the importance of nutrition, which I believe many people overlook, and found that people who consume whole foods, and are conscious of what they put into their body, have a decreased risk of various diseases, and are able to live out longer lives.
When I started changing my diet, in order to take care of my health, I found that not only did I look better, but I felt better. I no longer felt sluggish as I felt when I consumed loads of sugar, sodium, and processed fats. I was full of energy, and decided that I wasn't going to back to how I was before. After making some permanent changes, and doing a bit more research, I truly believe that living a long, and healthy life all starts with what you put into your body.
Nutrition is key in taking care of one's physical health, and having good physical health ultimately equates to living a healthy life. The condition of ourselves in the future is a reflection of the choices we make now. Everything in life starts within ourselves, so it is our inherent duty as humans to make the right choices now, and to care for our health by consuming healthy foods.
Bold Influence Scholarship
When I am on social media, I find that the people who I follow, and the people that inspire and motivate me the most, promote and spread similar ideas. Most of the things I listen to and watch online all share a common theme of health, wellness, and reaching ones fullest potential. Following these inspiring people make me feel as if I'm apart of a community. If I were in a position to be highly influential to people, I would want to create a community where although everyone would be on different journeys in their lives, they would all be growing together, and forever reaching their fullest potential. In a world where many care about superficial and material things, I would want to build a community of people standing for self-improvement, and wellness, rather than the trivial matters people let consume their lives. If I were an influential figure, I would want to be inspiring to others, as other people have inspired me. Overall, I would stand for a community, in which we would uplift and support each other, and motivate each other, to do better, and stand for better in our lives.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
In the beginning of the pandemic, I was a freshman, fresh out of middle school. Now, as I'm back in school, one and half a year later, I find myself in my junior year of high school, preparing for college. Now, as I'm a few months into the school year, I can say it's been a true struggle. However, slowly but surely, I'm learning to find balance and cope with the stress amidst all the chaos going on in my life at the moment.
For myself, it's easy to get caught up in the mindset of feeling like I have to get everything done right this moment, and I have to figure out everything right now. However, when I feel this way (which I do very often), I remember to take things slow, and take it one day at a time. Very often, I overlook the fact that the only thing I can do at this moment is simply what I can.
For me, relaxing is taking things easy, and simply trying my best and showing up for myself in everything that I do. The concept may seem simple, and overused, but it's what works best for me. When things get really stressful, I surround myself with the people I love, and the people that support me. I take a step back, and take things a bit slower. When I find myself burned out from trying to get everything done right this moment, and living a fast-paced lifestyle, I take time to be in the moment.
Whether it's talking it out with my mom, meditating on it, journaling my thoughts, getting the rest I need, or watching some of my favorite comfort movies, overtime, I've learned to find and make peace with the chaos, that is my life.
Bold Books Scholarship
Every book I've read has made some type of contribution to my life and my overall mindset. For me, no matter how minimal words on a paper may be, I believe there is always something to learn and take from a book. Some books I've read, have outshined others in their significance. Those books are the ones I quote daily, and apply their meanings to my daily life, while the words I've read long ago remain imprinted in my mind. One notable book I am referencing is "They Both Die at the End," by Adam Silvera.
Telling the story of two boys, Mateo and Rufus, who both discover they have one day left to live, with the devastating thought that their whole life, they haven't truly lived at all. From the very beginning to the end of the book, I related to the rollercoaster of emotions the characters felt. I wasn't prepared for their untimely deaths. After reading, I was sure of one thing-- I had to make every day count. The dedication of the book itself is for those who needed a reminder to make every day count, and the opening quote of the book was the statement that living was the rarest thing in the world-- most people are simply existing, and that was something that'd remain imprinted in my mind.
Reading this book truly changed my mindset, in the sense that I had more appreciation for my life and the little things that I ever so often take for granted. Although I realized the importance of making every day count later than I hoped, in the words of the book itself, "Maybe it's better to have gotten it right and been happy for one day instead of living a lifetime of wrongs.”
Ruth and Johnnie McCoy Memorial Scholarship
My parents are from Nigeria, and later moved to Qatar, where they lived a comfortable life. Shortly after their third daughter was born (me), they risked leaving their comfortable and happy life, to move to the U.S., a completely new country. They wanted their children (my siblings and I) to have an American education, and they believed their children would thrive there. From an early age, education and higher education was emphasized to my siblings and I. My parents wanted the best for us, and believed we should take advantage of the educational opportunities we have here, knowing they didn't have access to what their children have now.
As time passed, I grew to understand my parents point of view, and learned to value the opportunities I have myself. I've always had a passion for medicine, and science, and knew that I'd grow up to pursue something related to the health sciences. I truly realize how fortunate I am to be where I am today, and to live comfortably, despite all my parents went through. Attending college is the first step in pursuing my dreams, as a higher education will further my knowledge of what I will need to know in a specific field.
Other than my having a passion for medicine, my mother has always been a nurse, and seeing her, a labor and delivery nurse, help women safely deliver their babies, and hearing her tell stories of the countless times she's helped save women's lives has inspired me greatly. Through my not only my mother's, but both of my parents' experiences, I always new I would pursue a higher education to show them that their sacrifices for my siblings and I are greatly appreciated, to show them that their experiences were not in vain, and to prove to myself that no matter where I started, I am capable of doing great things, including using a future career in medicine to leave a lasting impact.
By pursuing a career in medicine, I plan to leave a positive, and lasting impact on the community. Health professionals not only treat sick patients, but work with populations to improve their health, while simultaneously working to determine people's needs, advocating for their patients, and supporting the mobilization of resources. By being apart of the health professionals who leave a positive impact on the community, my education that I am fortunate to have will ultimately be going towards a great cause, which is the public health of the community.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
Oftentimes, when I look at my life, and my surroundings, I feel as if I have nothing to be happy about. I get upset, thinking about how unfortunate my life is. I had the recurring thought, "once I have ____, I'll be happy." I couldn't have been more incorrect.
It wasn't too long ago where I took a step back, and reflected upon my lives and the things I have. Everything I had, was something I previously wanted. Every material possession I owned, I once thought it would guarantee me happiness. Whether it was a new wardrobe, the latest IPhone, new shoes, a new laptop, more friends-- the list goes on. I remember when I once wanted everything I had. I remember when I thought material possessions guaranteed me happiness.
I recently realized, happiness is a feeling, it comes and it goes. I was happier yesterday than I was today. Happiness isn't based on material possessions, but rather a feeling from within. To me, things that bring me a feeling of happiness are enjoying my own company, and living in peace with myself, no matter the external circumstances. True happiness to me, aren't necessarily people, or things. Happiness is within us. Everything in life starts from within ourselves. Happiness, to me, is being comfortable, and at peace with myself, and with my life.