Hobbies and interests
Foreign Languages
Meditation and Mindfulness
Bible Study
Social Issues
I read books multiple times per month
Cybill Petion
Bold Points2x
Cybill Petion
Bold Points2x
My life goal is to become a social worker to help with people's mental health and personal issues. I also want to become an independent music artist, and I already started by putting two songs out on all major platforms. I'm most passionate about my music and creating content for my youtube channel. Thank you all for these opportunities that you guys give us students.
Winning a scholarship would mean a lot to me and my family. I would be able to focus more on my education than paying for it because working while attending school puts a strain on how well things go. How would I use a scholarship if I won? Of course, I would put it towards my full tuition and any necessities such as books, a new laptop, etc. I am thankful to even have the opportunity to apply to such scholarships, so thank you Bold.org.
Temple University
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Social Work
Montgomery County Community College
Associate's degree programMajors:
- Business Administration, Management and Operations
Wissahickon High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Social Sciences (Social Work)
Dream career goals:
A children and youth social worker or a mental health social worker
Dining Staff
Artman Assisted Living Community2020 – 2020
2015 – 20161 year
Track & Field
2013 – 20141 year
Junior Varsity2017 – 20181 year
Casting Club
Voice actor2020 – PresentYoutube
Musicmy songs on my youtube channel., BlackBeauty2019 – Present
Public services
Habitat for Humanity — helper2022 – PresentVolunteering
Big Brothers Big Sister Indenpdence — Big Sister2022 – PresentAdvocacy
charity: water — donator2020 – Present
Future Interests
Dog Lover Scholarship
A run to the nearest window, a wagged tail, the barking and running to their owners; that is what a dog’s love is all about. I used to have a dog; he brought me so much joy. His energy levels were something else. He also gave me emotional support and comfort when I felt stressed. I love how they become a part of the family by being more than just a pet. They can do many activities, and their cute reactions to things are laughable. Having a dog connected my family back together by having to take responsibility for caring for him. We always wanted a brother, and we got one in dog form!
My family and I were excited to find out we were getting a dog. We cleaned the house, prepped his bed and essentials, and waited for the furry fellow to be welcomed into our home. My mom made the long journey to fetch the chihuahua from New York from his previous owner. She got all his information and came back with him on the subway. I was told that was no walk in the park. Even though our dog Leo loved walks in the park and around the neighborhood.
Having him was like having a baby, a full-time job. He taught me to enjoy nature more by going outside daily. I am a homebody, so I had to adjust to this. Feeding him and buying him exceptional food and treats was my favorite thing to do. I always found myself going to the pet section in stores to grab him something new. Sadly, dogs do not live forever, and we had to see ours go, which brought tears to my eyes. A few days after his passing, I went to my assistant principal's secretary to talk to her about what happened. We were close enough to talk about it. I did not know while telling her my story, I would burst out in tears, and so did she. It was a touching moment because she also went through a time when she lost her pet, which also hurt her deeply.
We talked about the great memories we shared with them and how they made our lives more positive every day. Author Gerald Durrell said, “A house is not a home until it has a dog.” That is true; dogs bring happiness and love into a household. I will never forget my first dog Leo and how he made me lovingly appreciate dogs.
Bold Success Scholarship
How can I achieve success? I ask myself this, and I have the answer.” Reasons reap results” (Jim Kwik). When I was a little girl, I was part of a reading club for my school. We went to competitions to show our skills and what we learned from reading. We would have reading logs and fill them out after reading specific chapters. This method helped us remember what we read better. Reflecting on this experience, I remember how fun reading something new and exciting was. This encouraged me to get back into action. As a young adult, I realize how beneficial reading could be. Reading helps reduce stress, increases your vocabulary, and much more (healthline.com). I now challenge myself to read a book for at least twenty-five minutes every day to reap the benefits.
I do not want to be afraid to keep on learning even after school. The knowledge I gained from reading, learning, and practicing is one of the best things I can do for myself. I want to bring what I learn to others as well. I want to be a cheerful voice in our society and help others.
My future goals, and how do I plan to achieve them? I want to become a social worker to bring help towards mental health awareness to society and provide them with the care they need. I am in college to do just that with my degree. I am also working on becoming a voice actor for some side income to help pay off some of my tuition. This scholarship award would help me pay off my schooling, providing me more time to focus on my studies and optimize my knowledge so I can help others in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay.
You Glow Differently When You're Happy Scholarship
“I can’t believe I graduated,” I said this to my mom. She wasn’t surprised though because she told me, “I always knew you can do it because God helped you through it.” I threw a small home party with a few friends and family in the mix. We shared some laughs, ate some really good Chinese food and the sake was quite refreshing as well. So when I saw my degree for the first time I started crying because I knew that I did all of that with God’s help. That is one of my happiest memories.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
I always think about this daily; taking care of myself must be my main priority always. I relax by doing Blogilates with Casey. She's a fitness YouTuber who helps me with my weekly stretches and workouts. In the past couple of months, my mom and I would go to the park every day for a quick walk to relieve stress and get the blood flowing in our legs. This also gives us time together while taking care of ourselves.
Every week, I make a foot soak for my mom and me with onions; I heard this takes toxins from your body and makes you feel relaxed. I also put on my oil diffuser with some lemon oil once a week and do some bible study. This is the main reason my mental health is at a decent standing. I also read the book Limitless by Jim kwik, which has really helped me get better at reading and unlocking my learning ability. Every one of these things comes with struggles, but I must do them daily to truly take care of my mental health.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
What’s something you have learned about yourself that you’ve found valuable? I have found that I can always keep learning for the rest of life. It should just stop at school for me, I should just keep going. I read books daily to get more knowledge and be more aware of the world around me. I realized in the past two years that reading has greatly broaden the way I think about things and keeps my brain focused.
I believe learning new skills that I find an interest in and really narrow down on how to do them accordingly is important. Do not get me wrong I get discouraged when I fail, but don’t we all? I just react differently then I did before and it makes all the difference. I use to be like ok I finished high school I’m almost done learning; I figured out that was the wrong mindset for me.
Knowing that I can always improve and learn and unlearn things has become quite valuable to me. I enjoy reading books that help with self improvement, watching productivity YouTube videos, I even had skill share for a while to pick up a new hobby. I’m learning how to learn and read faster from this book called Limitless by Jim Kwik and it’s really caging the way I think and read. Because let’s be honest, I’m always going to have to learn new things and relearn so I believe that is something I have learned about myself that I find valuable.
Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
What's the most helpful piece of financial advice you have ever received? Track your spending to improve your finances. Doing this has helped me learn how much money I was overspending with groceries, takeouts, random impulse purchases, etc. I continue to learn new ways of saving and earning money innovatively and effectively. I would say this is more general advice when it comes to finances. Does it cover how you spend your money? How can you save it? Even with apps, they give you sidenotes and tips on how you can save on your monthly bills.
I use this app to send me email reminders about my monthly spending and if I went over it or not. Those are actual wake-up calls because they keep you accountable for your spending habits. Making a plan helps you stick to your healthy spending habits and saves more money in your pocket. Another helpful piece of advice is paying off all your debt first or within due dates. This is a constant reminder that if I want to become better at controlling my finances, I must pay off my previous ones first, so I don't accumulate more.
As a college student, one of my biggest worries is how long it will take me to pay off all my student loan debt? Because interest rates add to that cost which I think is unfair, but that's just business. But with a good plan and saving up to earn even more money in different ways, I should be able to pay off my debt within a few years, hopefully. So tracking my spending to improve my finances is one of the best advice that I have heard, and I believe everyone should use it.
Bold Great Minds Scholarship
Who is someone you admire from history? I admire many, not just one, but I would say one of them would be Martin Luther King Jr. I love the passion he had in his words and the visions he had in his mind for the future of our world. Why? Should I mention that he was a Baptist minister, a man of God? He would get so much hate for his speeches and leadership during the civil rights movement. He even had to suffer the consequences of getting death threats and eventually got assassinated.
Being in the church and believing in God's word made him the strong man he was. He made history even, which made the world stop and listen. The words that he would repeat still give me shivers which were, "I have a dream...... that one day....... he is a man of God, which I truly appreciate since I am also a Christian and a child of God. Every time I hear something about this man, I get goosebumps for everything he accomplishes and what surprised me was that he knew the risks of continuing his speeches and leading. That did not stop him because he knew that he wanted to make a difference, even if doing this would kill him. Having someone like him in my lifetime and having such an impact on history is astonishing. That is why Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the many people I admire from history, and this is why.
Bold Be You Scholarship
How do you stay true to yourself in your daily life? I enjoy doing certain things I love to do every day. I pray, which is beneficial to me. I love watching anime because it brings excitement to my eyes. I try and exercise and stretch every day to make sure my body feels better and not too stiff and tired.
I do simple things even throughout the week, like reading an excellent book to increase my learning. I sometimes write a to-do list of about three things because it's better to write down only a few things other than a lot, so you do not feel overwhelmed. I want to start doing this more because I hear how good it is for you sometimes to do nothing and think, even just write down your thoughts. Journaling brings out the creative side and helps me realize what I'm feeling at the moment. Sometimes I even have tiny concerts in my room dancing to random songs on my phone and using my microphone; it's so much fun it even shows me my goofy side. These are the things that I do every day that is true to myself.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
What's one thing that gives you hope that the future will be better? Well, I'm a Christian, so I believe what God tells us in the bible about the end times. He will make a better world for us to live in one without hurt or suffering, a world like a paradise. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). Since it's his word, I believe it wholeheartedly because I know that it is true.
Even though we want to trust the world leaders to make it a better place, they are still humans that make mistakes. The Lord makes no mistakes when he tells us that our future will be better someday. Hope gives me the chance to believe in purpose, dreams, aspirations, or just about anything related to having a better lot. I want the best for all people. This plan includes God's children, which is everyone, even if others don't believe it's true.
In challenging times, people are more frantic than ever. They need a positive change but, every time we see the news or pick up, the phone is flooded with the good and mainly the bad. Because let's be honest when you hear the terrible word that sticks with you more than the good. It worries you about your safety, other's safety, and protection. I always pray for people and our future, and the only words I can trust are God's because I know it's absolute. He does not lie to us as the rest of the world can. There are no scandals or secrets with words. He only wants the best for us like any other father would, and doesn't that include our future? He is the one thing that gives me hope that the future will be better.
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
What have you learned that changed your perspective on something significant in your life? I learned and continue to have to remind myself that not everyone is going to like me. I should accept it and thrive to do what I want and need to make myself happy. It does not matter what age I am; I should never stop learning new things, purposes, and perspectives about life in general. People will tear you down no matter what you do. To me, there is no such thing as being a perfect person. There is just you, and how you live your life, that's quite simple for me.
We focus so much on appearances and getting notice for clarification of others. But why is that? Why can't we be okay with being ourselves? I understood this when I started to read my bible and find the true meaning of happiness. If most people could not even like Jesus, the son of our creator, when all he did was accept everyone and care for people, how can I expect everyone to like me? That does not seem practical or realistic. That is one of the main reasons that changed my perspective on something significant in my life.
Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
What is something that you love about yourself? I love how funny I am and that I have a good heart for caring for others. Why? Because it makes me a happier person, my personality gives my life more meaning and purpose. I enjoy watching anime because of the excitement it brings me and helps me learn to love myself more. I provide advice to the people I care about and donate to those that need it. I do not expect anything in return because I learned to care for people in need.
Self-care is critical to me. I usually do a spa day at my house about once a week, like a nice relaxing foot soak after a good pilates workout. I even do it for my mom without asking if I see she feels stressed or tired. She is very appreciative, and that makes me happy. Just the little actions that I continue to push myself to do every day are some of the things I love about myself.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
What does generosity mean to you? Being willing to give up my time and money. For example, I try to round up change or donate even $1 when the grocery store asks me to, and I feel weird if I do not. I do not do this for a reward. I generally like helping people, and if something I did change their lives, isn't that just great. As a caring person, I believe it is just what humans should do, and we should always care for and help people in need. Because you never know when you need help, and if you do, isn't it life-changing when you do get the help?
It involves offering assets, time, or talents to aid someone in need. Donations are needed to support communities and organizations. However, generosity should not be limited to times of great need, such as extreme situations or natural disasters. It should include the individual's pure intentions of looking out for society's common good and giving from the heart. Generosity should reflect the individual's passion for helping others.
One time in NYC, my friend and I were walking to a sort of k-pop store to get cute stuffed animal merch. This homeless guy was yelling at people saying that he was hungry and wanted something to eat. Many people ignored him since he was spitting everywhere when he talked. I decided to help him and try and give him some money, but he told me he wanted food and I said what kind? A burger and fries from the restaurant before us, so I decided to buy them for him, and he thanked me afterward. That money was to get my mom a gift but, I told her what happened that meant more than any gift I could give her.
Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
What does financial freedom mean for you? It means saving and learning new ways to use and gain skills to earn more money. Once I'm able to have my career and side hustles, too, that can help bring in more cash, that seems like a good deal to me. One of my goals is to have a skill I work really hard in, and I do the work once or a couple of times, and then I can get passive income for years to come. Not stressing about paying my next bill on time is a nice plus to have in our day and age.
I do not want to be rich or require it unless I win the lottery or something. I need to have enough money to cover my living expenses to spend more time and experience with those I care most about. Not worrying about money all the time will be better for my health and stress levels personally. One of my friends told me, " She rather not get gifts but pay for experiences since they mean a lot more." I felt that because I had heard it before.
How can you achieve it in the future? By keeping track of my spending on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Pay off debt like student loans because I know I have to get them to get my next degree in college and level up my education. Spend less on shopping, and that should not be so bad since I do not shop much, and I'm trying to be more minimal in what I have, mainly just the essentials. Always keep my career moving forward by learning and gaining new knowledge every day.
Write down my goals because writing down what you want to do sticks in your head better, I heard. Why not create additional sources of income with different skills I want to try and actually have fun doing. Plus, I would get paid to do it. Score! I do not want to live paycheck to paycheck because I have experienced that before, and it can get frustrating. By having more freedom with my time, I can go more places, experiences different things, and spend more time with friends and family. Enough to actually retire well, because once I get older, I should not be worrying about my finances; I have already got enough on my plate. That is what financial freedom means to me.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
What does your dream life look like? Being my true self, learning new things everyday, being alive and making a difference in the world. I am a simple person, I want a solar energy based house so I can save a lot on finances. Being able to have multiple sources of income coming in by myself alone. Does this mean I will never have any struggles?
Of course not, my dream life is what I make it and how I react to it. Because life does not go as planned and I should just enjoy the little things. Be in the moment with myself and the people I truly care about. Deepening my faith with God. I really want to try and do missionary work and help my own community because helping out people is something that makes me truly happy. That is what I want my dream life to look like.
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
What is one way in which you try to have a positive impact on the world? I donate to the less fortunate than I am constantly. I remember when I was doing my taxes this year, my accountant said, " Did you give away to any charities because that can give you benefits when it comes to lowering your taxes or something like that." I responded with, " Yes, I give away to many different charities throughout the year, but I don't want any benefits out of it because that is not what I do it for. I am a Christian, and as is said in the bible, "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving will be in secret; your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:3-4). I feel like making donations to legitimate organizations and helping the less fortunate when you can, can not only help that one person but can create a chain reaction just with one person's action. That is just one way I try and positively impact the world, and I believe that others should do this as well, to help others in the world that can not pay you back.
Pandemic's Box Scholarship
How has the pandemic positively affected my life and aspirations? During the pandemic, some of my loved ones, including my mom, got COVID-19. The pandemic wholly altered how I did things, so I changed priorities and prayed a lot every day. Overall, the results came back better than I could have expected; my mom is recovering now and getting better every day, and I graduated community college with an associate's degree in business administration. I'm even taking the time to take another class online to pursue my side hustle in voice acting because I find it exciting and fun.
During these past two years, I learned that life is not guaranteed every day, and you must make the most of every day you have, even if it's about the little things. I have given myself more time to focus on my physical health, such as exercising and stretching every day. I am finding out how to eat healthier and better by preparing my meals and teas to help my energy and keep whole. I hope that everyone finds a positive side to what this pandemic brought them, as it did me.
Social Change Fund United Scholarship
What is my utopian vision for optimal mental health for the Black community? This would include healthier food markets in low-income communities. Eating healthier has proven to make people more active, making the community more involved in bettering themselves. Having more group seminars within the communities with different ages and backgrounds. Having these meetings can give people in the community a different perspective on their mental health.
To solve these problems and construct growth in the mental health in the black community would be complete elimination from prejudice and racism in society. Racism and prejudice are the leading sources that African American people go through and impact their mental health. The ideal society is once blacks are treated equally, and all their rights are guaranteed. For society to change, a path must be traveled because racism has deep roots within our society. This must be fought every day by everyone to make this movement a reality.
How can mental health care and advocacy help achieve social justice for communities of color? With support groups, classes, warmlines, and much more. Talking with your county mental health department on what you can do to help with the mental health programs in the black community; even volunteer to join one. Faith and community organizations can have a list of mental health care providers in your vicinity. Ask mental health professionals questions so they can learn how to treat you better. Such as, What is your current understanding of differences in health outcomes for black patients? Do I feel like my provider understands and relates well with me? Is my provider willing to integrate my beliefs, practices, identity, and cultural background into my cultural plan? It's crucial for a person to feel that their provider appreciates their identity to get the best possible care and support.
Finally, a shared experience in facing discrimination, racism, and inequality has greatly affected a person's mental health. Communities of color are more likely to experience socioeconomic disparities such as exclusion from health, educational, social, and economic resources. These disparities may contribute to worse mental health outcomes. There are some black mental health resources that I found that can help with dealing with these issues. Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM). Black Women's Health Imperative, Black Mental Wellness, Brother Your on my Mind, to name a few. When meeting with a provider, it will be helpful to ask questions to get a sense of their level of cultural awareness.
3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
To Respect, support, and understand them as who they are as a woman. Society should start putting all types of women such as women of color, bigger women, women with disabilities, etc. In the media and everyday advertising. This will show women that society cares about all types of women, not just the ideal ones that they do now. They are becoming more aware of such empowerment but thinks of it only as a trend or an interesting topic story that will wash away when it is no longer entertaining. To us, women deserve so much more than that.
We, women, bring human life into this world and sacrifice a lot for society. So why can't society do the same? I wonder if they get intimidated by all that women can do, were emotional and delicate creatures that can't take on hard projects or lead a country? That is not true. We aren't even given a chance to make that step because society is scared of that change, not us. The large gap proves that society does not uplift women as they do men. During Covid-19, it's been tough on the working class, especially women, losing more jobs. This is not even surprising anymore because the world is used to this inequality between genders.
Well, this must change to increase better support for all women, no matter the color. What needs to be done to ensure these demands are met? Have and encourage women to run for leadership positions. Why not support women-run businesses, I know I already do, and I love it. Mentoring women personally and professionally.
Shut down the negativity; women are always put up to unrealistic standards in the media way more than our counterparts. Take a stance against negative comments online, in schools, and wherever you may go. Fight against negativity by promoting body positivity. Be honest and open about your experience as a woman in this society. This is never easy to do but, it's the talking and taking action on situations like these that make a difference in society.
Finally, Know your own worth; as women, we are strong, amazing, hard-working creatures who can do anything we set our minds to. If you do not live up to society's standards, change them and make them your own. Even tell other women to do the same because those are only some of the ways to really support, uplift, and encourage women past systematic and social barriers.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
My vision is to continue to show the world what I've gotten out of it. I am an independent singer, and a box does not categorize me and my music. What do I mean by that? I'm not just an R&B singer or rapper because I'm black, I just sing, and my tone of voice can change depending on the song. It can be a mix of genres such as gospel, R&B/rap, etc. It's about how I feel and the message I put out that really matters to me. Throughout my life, I realized not to let certain things define me as I am. I'm human, I slip up and make mistakes, but it's my mistakes and downfalls that bring me to my own path. It's how I react to the downfalls that make all the difference.
My artistic dream for the future is to continue to perform my music online and stay as an independent artist even if I get offers. Because I also know the cons of the music industry, and I am a woman of my faith. I'm not going to let the industry question my faith or bring me down a dark path. I know my worth, and I'll make it there on my own, even with just the support from my friends and family. The first song I wrote was about two years ago, and it's called " Ain't Nobody," That song is my favorite so far because it describes how I really feel inside, and it's raw to me. Having an artistic side and sharing that with the outside world is extremely hard because let's face it, the world can be cruel. " You get better at working by working. If you don't work, you're not getting better," - Terry Crews.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
What is my favorite book that’s a no brained that would be the Bible. Why the Bible you may ask, let me tell you. It’s one of the oldest books in history and one of the best self-help books that can help me and others for our whole life. It gives me hope that this world can become better through God’s power. It even says that in the Bible. “For I know the plans I have for you. Declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”(Jeremiah 29:11).
Its more than just a book to me, it’s about God’s words and messages that go beyond what we as humans can comprehend. What can we gain from this book? Anything you want to know such as all kinds of love. Why do people experience death? What will happen to this world in the end times? Why should we believe in God everyday and praise him? I can go on and on but I think you guys get the point.
The Bible is a limitless read. What do I mean by that? The Bible is one of those books that no matter how much you read it you won’t ever understand everything that's God is telling us. To me that’s ok but I trust him wholeheartedly on what he’s doing because he is our creator. For the sacrifices and patients he gives us his children; I’m forever grateful for what he does for all of us. That is why the Bible is my favorite book and always will be.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
Dealing with mental health from a family member has changed my perspective on people in this world. I had survival goals like wanting to go to school for business or music at first. That path clearly took a different turn with me. After my sister would have her episodes of bipolar disorder, I decided after almost two years of college, my mom reminded me about the social sciences major. She knew I always had a passion for helping people with mental issues and the family around them, and I was so happy when she told me about it. That made me decide to switch my current major to social sciences to study to become a social worker.
I know that it's a hard profession but, I feel that it's one of my purposes in life. When it comes to my relationship with my sister, not all relationships end happily ever after. In her situation, my family was greatly affected for years because of the symptoms of her disorder and how she reacted to her episodes. Her actions had me calling for services to help people like her, writing down her symptoms and how to cure/cope with them, etc. Sadly, there is no one-stop cure for this mental issue; all the best you can do is take medicine and go to therapy regularly. I also knew other people who had mental health issues and how my mental health would be not okay at times either because of many different factors. Learning about how mental health can impact your everyday life only strengthened my faith in God.
"Wise Words" Scholarship
I use to feel lost and still feel that way sometimes. Until I got more connected with my faith and reading my bible, this quote has been used in my music video because it means so much to me. "But I say onto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). This scripture means a lot to me because it's timeless; I am always reminded of those words when people make me upset or confused.
The meaning of this cuts deep into my soul and makes me realizes how much I need to pray and care for others, especially when people do not reciprocate those feelings. Does it hurt to hear these words? Yes, it does, but the truth is supposed to be straightforward and sometimes hurt because that is when it connects to your emotions the most. The fact that the words belong to our creator means a lot to me, not just because I'm Christian but to know that God cares so much about people. That he risked his only begotten son on behave of our sins is beyond what I can make of it.
I use this scripture in my music video called "Starey," an original song I wrote. It is about a bully and a victim and their points of view on how they treat each other. At first, the director did not put my Bible verse scene in there when he gave me the final copy. This made me deeply upset because I told him about how important that scene was before the music video. I thought he lost the clip, but he eventually fixed things up and winded up putting the clip back in. This made me satisfied with having my vision and God's word in my music video. Here is a link to the video if you guys want to see how I did my music video with the scripture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g7bHEJipWs&feature=youtu.be
The quote reminds me to be kind to others because overall were all going through something, including both the good and the bad. Who knows, my kindness to someone today can help brighten up their day. Make them laugh and see hope in people in the world again. It can always start with small things like holding the door for the person behind you. Forgiving somebody when they do wrong by you. Paying the meal for the person behind you. The little things always add up to something bigger. It is challenging to do good to those that want nothing but the worse for you, but that is what Jesus did, and I want to take his teachings and bring them on to the world the way he wants me to. To be truly happy, I believe that helping others and praying is the best way for me to become a better version of myself.
Women in Music Scholarship
Music helps with my overall health and how I feel. I have been passionate about music ever since I was a little girl. Music just surrounds me from tv to school. I even played the violin when I was younger but did not take it as seriously and I accidentally broke it by trying to play it as a guitar. Do not worry I have learned my lesson to be careful with instruments.
I am a independent music artist named Cybs. I already have two songs out on all major platforms. One named, “Ain’t Nobody”, and the other one is called, “Starey”. I always wanted to be a singer but only saw the pros and final stages of the industry. What do I mean by that? Now I finally realize that certain paths in this industry are dark and scarring ones and I want to create my own. To display that I do not need to show sexuality with what I wear or even in my music to make people listen.
No judgement to the people that do but, I am just different and I want to covey that through my music. The words I write are special to me. I always pray on my music and always put my faith first because that is what brought me to music.
As an African American woman, many expect me to do hip-hop, rap, R&B, or Gospel. But why does my music have to put in a box that just confuses me a bit. The music industry usually does not know where to put people like me. That is why I stay clear of record labels for now. I believe with my own help from a few people and some business skills I can do things on my own.
As one woman in this world, I can only make a difference in the way that I do things, express myself and help others. I want to tell others in my music that it’s okay to be different and be confused daily. To never stop learning on improving yourself as a person. To get rid of toxicity in your life to live a far better one. To have faith that one day you’ll make it in something or things. You can do more than one thing that makes you happy. I want people to know that to live your best life you must work on you first ALWAYS.
Cocoa Diaries Scholarship
I was bullied for my color throughout my school years, and to be honest, who hasn't. I was just in elementary school when one of my first encounters happened. I was in music class, and we girls were sitting in a circle listening to some music and whipping our hair back and forth until I was called out. This boy near us said to me, " Your hair isn't even moving like the other girls." That made me upset for the rest of the day and more self-aware of my natural 4c hair, which at the time was in some cute ponytails.
How has this hair experience shaped who I am today? Well, I have learned to embrace the hair God gave me and learn more about how to take special care of my specific hair type to have more confidence about being and accepting myself as a black woman. How can I contribute to social activism and uplifting other black women? This would be through my content, which includes being an independent music artist and a YouTuber and social media, of course. I want to express to all black women, regardless of age, that they remember this, " If everyone did not like even Jesus, why should I be. I mean that Jesus died for our sins, but all he did was show us that he was humble and accepted all types of people. Even such a pure man as him got punished by the people he still saved. Look, no matter the race, hair, disabilities, religion, etc., someone would always find a way not to like you and pick out all your flaws and shortcomings. I say create your best self and strive for your own path. The opinion that matters for you to be happy in life is you. That is what I want every black woman to know, and that is exactly what I am trying to do too.