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Caleb Peterson


Bold Points




Greetings and thank you for considering helping me with a college education! I am a Senior at Palmer Ridge High School in Monument Colorado. When asked what I want to be when I grow up the first thing I say is: NOTHING BEHIND A DESK! I am constantly on the move- I never sit still! I love to travel all over the world and explore new cultures and experiences. The mountains are my play ground when I am home - I love jumping in my old junky jeep with my labs and hiking with them on a whim. When not out exploring, I play two varsity sports while working nearly full time at our local country club as the night food and beverage manager. (However I sneak off and golf whenever I can!). I am in the "twice gifted" category and love school. I am in FCA and enjoy volunteering with my family at local golf fundraisers such as March of Dimes and Rotary Club. I was a premature baby so March of Dimes is very important to me. I have Tourettes so things do not come easy for me at times but I have learned how to battle this with counseling and practice! I do not want any accommodations or any sympathy for my disability and have always tried hard to not take advantage of any. I believe hard work pays off in the end! I find humor helps me through most of the hard days in life. I am excited for the next chapter in life- college. I plan to choose a small 4 year college where classes are small and I can get to know my professors and peers. I hope to continue to play golf and grow in my faith.


Palmer Ridge High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
    • Agricultural and Food Products Processing
    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Business/Managerial Economics
    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Business/Corporate Communications
    • Business/Commerce, General
    • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      To work in a STEM field working with animals or agriculture on a farm.

    • Night Manager

      Woodmoor Country Club
      2021 – Present4 years





    2018 – Present7 years


    • State Qualifier


    • National Archer Association

      2017 – Present
    • Palmer Ridge

      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Youth for Christ — Leader
      2014 – 2015
    • Volunteering

      Open Door Mission — Volunteer
      2013 – Present
    • Volunteering

      rotary club — Volunteer
      2018 – Present

    Future Interests





    Scholarship for Golfers
    Five sports later and I have finally found the one to pursue the rest of my life! When I was young I loved being constantly busy! I would go from field to field and have numerous different outfits in my parents car at all times. I'm sure they love lugging my equipment around with happiness, as I just loved being involved in every sport possible. Whether it be football, basketball, golf, soccer, or martial arts- you name it and I did it. I recall having great admiration for every coach that I had. I always idolized what they did and how much passion they had for each athlete on the field. It seemed that they gave every effort possible to make youth sports better for very little pay. My parents would always remind me to thank the coach and referees after every practice. Now today, I need no reminder at all because I understand the grit and dedication that it takes to endure an entire hour or two of coaching or refereeing youth athletes today. Many many times there were teams that I wanted to join and we would have to wait for a coach to help sponsor and run the team for sometimes over 30 days. This made me very sad and angry, however most of all it just pushed me even more to pursue a career in a sports related industry. When I heard that I could possibly work in and on a golf course for the rest of my life I was thrilled. I started working at my local country club as soon as I could. I knew that working at the club would surround me by people who understood what it would take to grow and develop into a career in golf. I am lucky to be surrounded by people who have been working in the industry for many many years. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from each and every one of them. Whether that be on or off the course, I make sure I work with all of the departments at the club. I especially love helping with the youth golf clinics. Teaching has always been a passion of mine when it comes to sports. In summary, I would like to pursue a sports management degree so I can hopefully grow into a position in the golf field. I would love a job that combines my passion for sports with helping the youth athletes of tomorrow. I plan to play golf at a 4 year university next year. Golf teaches us many life lessons and I am thankful it will be a life long sport for me.
    Allison Thomas Swanberg Memorial Scholarship
    When my mom used to drag me to the homeless shelter every Thanksgiving when I was growing up I always thought she was so mean! But I now realize all the reasons she wanted me to go. I used to hate the smells and sounds. I would look away from anyone making eye contact. I always hoped I could just make the food and not have to talk to anyone, but it was always already made by the time I got there. One by one I would go to each table and hand out the food. We tried to make it special and bring our own decorations and avoid the buffet line style on Thanksgiving. I remember one year I got to talk to Steve. He invited me to sit. Of course reluctantly I did. I obliged because my feet were so tired by the late afternoon. He asked me a few questions about myself and I mumbled a few sentences. He then quickly made sure I knew he was a former Gulf War Vet. Despite his ragged clothing, a shiny lapel pin caught my eye. Indeed he was not pulling my leg. I knew the chances of ever seeing him again would be rare but listening to him tell me his thoughts on the world was for some reason fascinating. My mind could not stay focused and I kept thinking -how did he end up here at the shelter? He was very articulate for a man of his character. He had many goals and aspirations but he was perplexed on why they never matriculated into anything. He explained his parents died when he was young and he loved to golf. My chair suddenly felt very uncomfortable and I felt the need to stand but I resisted. We chatted away about our new found commonality. I glanced at the clock and realized 30 minutes had gone by! Steve may of just been one person in that shelter but somehow he represented each person that day that walked through those doors. I then realized I was not going to fight my mom anymore and obliged to keep my grumblings low from then on. Somehow that man motivated me to get out in the world and volunteer more, he motivated me even more so than my parents did. Community service means to me just what it says. "Community" is so much of a representation of common people coming together to support one another. Steve embodied the entire community that day without even realizing it. Since that time, I have volunteered in many community settings. Whether it be with local sports groups, Rotary Club, homeless shelters or church- it will always be important to me. I hope I can work in a career setting where I can constantly give back. I hope to seek a non-profit organization to partner with early in my career. I think this would be an excellent way to give back to those in need. I am already seeking organizations in my college community that I can connect with in Nebraska. My area of interest lies heavily on helping disadvantaged youth gain access to the game of golf. I have already partnered with our local club to create this endeavor. I hope to donate a variety of golf items to a program that can help those less unfortunate that can not afford the golf equipment. I may not know what the future holds, but I feel confident going forward that I can help more people like Steve feel a sense of community.
    Sports Lover Scholarship
    Five sports later and I have finally found the one to pursue the rest of my life! When I was young I loved being constantly busy! I would go from field to field and have numerous different outfits in my parents car at all times. I'm sure they love lugging my equipment around with happiness, as I just loved being involved in every sport possible. Whether it be football, basketball, golf, soccer, or martial arts- you name it and I did it. I recall having great admiration for every coach that I had. I always idolized what they did and how much passion they had for each athlete on the field. It seemed that they gave every effort possible to make youth sports better for very little pay. My parents would always remind me to thank the coach and referees after every practice. Now today, I need no reminder at all because I understand the grit and dedication that it takes to endure an entire hour or two of coaching or refereeing youth athletes today. Many many times there were teams that I wanted to join and we would have to wait for a coach to help sponsor and run the team for sometimes over 30 days. This made me very sad and angry, however most of all it just pushed me even more to pursue a career in a sports related industry. When I heard that I could possibly work in and on a golf course for the rest of my life I was thrilled. I started working at my local country club as soon as I could. I knew that working at the club would surround me by people who understood what it would take to grow and develop into a career in golf. I am lucky to be surrounded by people who have been working in the industry for many many years. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from each and every one of them. Whether that be on or off the course, I make sure I work with all of the departments at the club. I especially love helping with the youth golf clinics. Teaching has always been a passion of mine when it comes to sports. In summary, I would like to pursue a sports management degree so I can hopefully grow into a position in the golf field. I would love a job that combines my passion for sports with helping the youth athletes of tomorrow.
    Seeley Swan Pharmacy STEM Scholarship
    I've always wondered why and how the world came up with the abbreviation STEM. After all, to me the field just seems very broad in nature. However after looking back at the classes that I have taken in school many do overlap in the STEM arena. My whole entire life everyone has always told me that I am good at math. What does good at math actually mean? Yes I know I have been able to excel through all of my math courses with ease. Yes I know that I have taken pretty much every math class available in my school. Yes I know that both my parents are really good at math as well. But what does actually being really good at math mean? I think it means that you can complete equations with efficiency and without much afterthought. With simplicity. When something comes easy to someone, we tend to want to explore it more. I think that's why I want to go into a career where I can use my math skills. Not that I am necessarily looking for the easy route. But I have found in life that we tend to grow and succeed in areas that we are good at. Although that statement may sound simple, it reminds me of what Albert Einstein once said, "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler". Although I am pretty sure he was referring to reducing equations, how many people really understood his point? I remember back in elementary school a teacher once telling me that I had to remember how to do all of these equations because I would not be walking around with a calculator in my pocket. I have to look back at that moment and laugh because now we are so engulfed in technology and of course we actually do walk around with calculators in our pockets- a.k.a. phones. Indeed mathematics has changed over time. I think that's why I am drawn to this field. Using computers and technology has really drawn in more and more students to the STEM fields. It is ever changing and developing into a higher complexity than Albert Einstein would of ever imagined. I wonder if he would still stand by his statement in 2022? Look at golf for example. Can you believe all the technology and math that has evolved? I would love to find a career I could develop golf software to make people better golfers. When I was little I used to get really mad that I couldn't not reproduce the same shot over and over and over again with consistency. I finally now realize that there are just too many factors to consider when shooting a golf shot on the course. The wind is changing every second and the greens are getting dryer and dryer by the moment. Even a bald eagle could come and take your ball and change the entire equation. But what if I could make that shot consistent over time? What if I could develop a golf club and a golf ball that produced more consistent results? What if I could develop some software where people could practice and each swing of their body was exactly the same each and every time? STEM is just the beginning of so much more in our ever complex world. If I get this scholarship, I would use it to develop my own tools and resources in this complex world to make things more simple for everyone.
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    If you sat every second of the day and watched a flower grow you can't really see it growing at all can you? That is how I feel like the last year has been for me. Although I can't necessarily quantitate or measure the amount of growth that has occurred, I know that I have undoubtedly gone through so much. 2022 has been a year of awakening for me. All of a sudden college application enrollment period has opened and I feel "flooded with emotions" for many reasons. Literally when I open up the mailbox everyday all those annoying college fliers "flood" out because there are so many application mailers coming to my home! Not only has it's been a time of reflection for me but I look back at all that I have accomplished in my life. When I started exploring colleges my parents told me that they had not been able to save any money for my further academic education. My father has lost job after job and times have been tough due to family illnesses. I knew we had sold off our family home and now rent but never realized how bad it was. My heart sank to the floor. My initial instinct was just to run and hide and play video games. However I knew I was going to have to pick myself up and take personal responsibility for the rest of my life. Turning 18 proved to be a pivotal point in self discovery. I was able to land a job relatively close to our house so I could drive a golf cart to work every day. Although I was still trying to juggle school and sports, this job was the best thing for me over the summer. I was able to actually be promoted to nighttime food and beverage manager because I worked so hard. I have learned so much about people in their lives when I talk to them at the club. Seeing all that they have accomplished in life and how successful they are has only motivated me even more to pursue my dreams. I feel like I've changed so much this year. I no longer rely on my parents to tell me when and where to be at all times. I am able to juggle my schedule, report to work without being told and living life in general like an adult would. Managing my checking and savings was a task I tackled head on. I feel at this moment so much more prepared to move out of the house and attend a four-year university. Learning to be independent has not been an easy task, but I am so glad that I was forced to go out and be apart of the American workforce. It has really allowed me to reflect on my dreams and passions in life. Although I am largely undecided on my career choice I definitely know I do not want to have a job where I just sit behind a desk. I want to influence people and would like to continue in a service oriented role. Personal growth can sometimes be very hard to measure. But like a flower that is slow to produce the blooming petals, looking back I can definitely see the beauty in the growth as time goes by in myself as well.
    Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
    Although I am still undecided on my educational career path, gifted education has been a pivotal part of my life. You see, I was chosen in 2nd grade into the gifted program at my school when I was playing around with some graph paper in class. My teacher noticed I was plotting dots on my X and Y axis and asked what I was doing. I quickly explained I was graphing linear equations that I learned on Kahn Academy. Shortly after I was whisked away to take some tests and they identified me as a top one per center. I had no clue what any of this meant at that age but really enjoyed being pulled from class to participate in small group sessions and work on projects that challenged my brain. Shortly into my 3rd grade year I started (for some reason) chewing on my shirt constantly. I would come home with torn sleeves. I also could not stop washing my hands. They were blistered so bad that it hurt to write. I never felt comfortable in my chair so I was moved to a bouncy ball. I also hated wearing clothes that were too tight- I always felt like I could not breath. Thankfully my mom let me wear draw string shorts to school every day! I also recall smells really bothered me - especially in the cafeteria. I was a very picky eater so I would bring my lunch and eat in the classroom with the teacher most days. Also around that time my teacher noted that I had some abnormal movements in my neck. I would complain that I had headaches and neck pain at the end of the day. my teacher would constantly tell me to stop making noises because I was clicking my tongue as well. I never really noticed that I was doing these things but apparently I was. I was then evaluated at Children's Hospital by a neurologist and diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome. At that point they called me "twice gifted". Apparently having this was a gift to some but for me it was quite troublesome. Eventually I noticed that a lot of my peers that were gifted had the same symptoms that I did. Tourette's and sensory processing disorder are very common in gifted children. There just wasn't a lot of education out there for my parents or myself to research in how to deal with it. We went to several counselors and I was able to practice some mirror therapy which helped a lot. Although I maintained a perfect GPA up until ninth grade I feel like my Tourette's started to take over around that time. My grades started to suffer because Covid hit and we had to do all classes online. It was very hard for me to focus because I did not have the classroom stimulation anymore. I was not going to let that stop me and actually started to tutor other students who were struggling as well. I continued to push myself and maintain honors and AP classes despite getting B's in those classes. I would rather be challenged than be bored and get straight A's. I would love to find a career that would help me continue to work with students who are twice gifted. We all have our struggles and gifted students have many struggles as well. Although grades may come easy for them it can be actually quite challenging to continue to succeed over a long period of time. I have noticed that my tics are much less when I am riding horses or on the golf course. I hope that I can have a job someday where I can possibly do equine therapy or work with kids on the golf course. thank you for taking the time to hear my story and I hope to be considered for this scholarship. Thank you. Caleb Peterson
    Healthy Eating Scholarship
    I believe it is important to eat healthy for several reasons. The main reasons are mental health, physical health and academic performance. When I was growing up, I was a very picky eater. My mom would always say "eat your veggies kid" and hide them in my smoothies. I was born at 34 weeks, she would feed me so full as a baby I would puke it all up! But, all those calories helped my brain grow into what it is today. The brain needed those heavy fat calories to help me focus in school and get good grades. It helped me sleep better and this led to being able to get up early and be ready for school bright and cheery. Physical health is important to me because I play golf and basketball at the varsity level. I know and understand that I am more prone to injuries if I do not eat healthy and take my vitamins. Strong bones and tendons are essential for athletes to avoid injuries. Milk helps the most which I consume daily to keep calcium flowing to my bones. I also have Tourette's and tics- when I eat foods high in magnesium I notice my tics go away. I have never had a broken bone or major injury because I exercise and eat healthy! My weight is normal due to my healthy eating habits. Academics does not come easy for me but I do notice when I eat healthy my grades are better. I can focus on tasks much more easily. I always make sure I have healthy nuts and fruits on my backpack on test days. So as you can see - athletics, academics and mental health all are important to me- when I eat healthy it keeps them all in perfect harmony. Because my mom works in a diet clinic I have learned so much about good nutrition and the human body. I am sure glad I listened to her advice growing up because I look and feel great at the ripe age of 18! Caleb Peterson '23
    Dog Owner Scholarship
    I have two beautiful yellow Labs Miley and Hutch. They go everywhere with me in my vintage 1997 jeep! They love the mountains and the fresh air on a sunny day but enjoy the snow too! My dogs play a pivotal role in my life keeping my tics at bay. I was born with tourettes syndrome and have been seeing doctors my whole life. Without sleeping and cuddling with my pooches I just tic all night long which causes horrible neck and stomach twitches. My dogs can sense when I am stressed and will cuddle even closer! I would like to be considered for this scholarship so I can send you a video of how much fun we have in the mountains! Thank you for considering me!
    Caleb Peterson Student Profile |