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Courtney Gibson


Bold Points






Currently enrolled at Post University online. Mother of four young boys and sole household provider and income. Family enjoying life, I'm working to show my boys no matter your age you can achieve your goals if you set your mind and heart to achieve each goal and progressing in a positive light to improve your future. I want to show my children I never stopped chasing my career dreams and will adventually achieve my goals. I absolutely love being a Paralegal and truly loved what I did. I specialized in Social Security Disability and Veteran law I was promoted on three occasions I started as a file cleark, then offered a legal assistant position, and then Paralegal to senior lead paralegal for the Horenstein staff. I love what I did but during the pandemic I lost my job along with many others the job hunt is harder without a degree to be able to practice different kinds of law it would improve employment offers with a degree. I'm looking to expand my knowledge, grow my career goals, better myself and obtain an degree to better my family and of course my own life. For any scholarships available or if selected would be a huge blessing as my aid doesn't cover everything and I am considered low income. I'm a single mother trying to support my family trying to be the best mom and college student I can be any scholarships are greatly appreciated, and will be put to good use. I'm beyond grateful if I get any offers or assistance of any kind. I'm studying at Post University online for my associates degree in Legal Studdies. First generation to attend college in my family.


Post University- Online

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Legal Professions and Studies, Other

Sinclair Community College

Trade School
2009 - 2011
  • Majors:
    • Legal Professions and Studies, Other
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

Greene County Career and Technology Center

Trade School
2007 - 2009
  • Majors:
    • Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
  • Minors:
    • Accounting and Computer Science

Beavercreek High School

High School
2005 - 2009

Beavercreek High School

High School
2005 - 2009


  • Desired degree level:

    Associate's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Senior Lead Paralegal

    • Paralegal

      Horenstein, Nicholson, & Blumenthal
      2015 – 20216 years



    2005 – 20094 years


    • Beavercreek High School

      2005 – 2009

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      St. Vincent De Paul — Volunteer
      2015 – 2020

    Future Interests




    Bold Independence Scholarship
    Being independent is not depending on anyone else. I'm a independent mother of four I have no help but care for myself and my children. I feel this can also mean for some moving out of your parents house. Bring able to support your own bills and your basic needs. I feel I'm a very independent woman.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    My dream life would be finding the path that allows me to achieve my degree regardless of our family is considered a lower income family. I would have a good paying job and be able to live comfortably with my four children that is a huge dream of mine. Another dream I have is to get the courage one day to audition for American Idol or the Voice. My children have encouraged me to move forward with singing they say I have an amazing voice and you know young children are very blunt and forward to get a compliment from any child I feel is the best compliment that you can achieve in life honestly. I feel my sound is between Adelle and Alica Keys and I can really sing their songs extremely well but I have stage freight that has held me back my whole life from talent shows to singing karaoke. One day it is my dream to audition and actually say I tried but I'm a reasonable person and so I have pursued my other dream of becoming a Paralegal and pursuing my law degree. I feel once I have that I will be able to give a better life to my children. Even though I'm 30 I feel that you can still pursue dreams and goals at any stage of your life. I will never give up on me I have always dreamed of being financially comfortable over living pay check to pay check. Having the means to pay bills on time and also being able to take my children to Kings Island or Disney World. One day I will get my children to those activities and I will achieve my degree and goals as there is always room to grow as a person.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    I donate money to the homeless and I volunteer at food pantry and giving my time to feeding homeless people. I feel that everyone should take an hour or two of their time each week to give their time to helping build a stronger community. If you can't afford to donate a small portion of money to those in need then I feel that donating your time is just as important and valuable as the money to support the programs that help the homeless community and those families or mothers in need. I always take cash out of my wallet and give to those that hold signs on the corners of streets and at stop lights. I always bless them and pray with them as that would be a very hard thing for me to do if the situation ever presented itself and I was in a tough spot. I do feel at least they aren't stealing and they are just simply asking those more fortunate for a little bit of help. If we each gave a dollar or two to those in need we could make our community stronger and maybe if we tried harder to find centers that have programs to help them if we were more informed about what are some resources available in our communities and have less in our community suffering. I think if we researched resources around that have programs then we could give the information to people in need. We could stop take them to shelter or pantry, donate a few dollars to help them. If people all did this once a week it would make communities stronger or lessening people in need and more getting to those resources our community offers. I feel this would be a positive change in our community.
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    I started my last job as a file clerk basically I ran everyone's arrons and handled all the court filings getting them filed at the courthouse in a timely manner as well as being the back up receptionist, I ran her breaks and lunch. Within three months I was offered a legal assistant position with one of the legal staffs after one year in that position I moved up to being a specific attorneys paralegal. I became the Senior Paralegal on staff and I held that position for four years after a year in the legal assistant position. When I became the Senior Lead Paralegal on staff I handled all the training for any new hire on our staff. I was the partners right hand and basically managed her schedule and all the case work needed on her case files. She was a very strong woman leader and I genuinely looked up to her as another strong woman attorney. She showed me what actually caring about your clientele means. She personally took six months out of her personal time and life to train me at being her Paralegal. I felt like my job mattered when I worked for her and wanted to spend my career working for her. Unfortunately she retired and moved to Florida and I was let go due to lack of work with losing an attorney. I also believe that the new boss I received for a short period of time wanted to let me and a few other people go after the new management team took over after she left. I was the new attorney's in charge boss previously and I think it was a very awkward situation and her retirement was unexpected and actually blindsided her partner. Then the day she was going to be leaving she pulled me aside prior to telling her partner and informed me of her retirement and I feel there was hard feelings over it. At that time I was more knowledgeable on her cases and what she and I did together than he was and I felt he used me to train his newly hired staff members before he let me go and I feel that was a saf way to hire me. Had he actually had given me a chance he would have seen the amount of value I brought to the team. Due to my job loss it lead me to a new journey of a job searching experience. In my experience I noticed without a degree and only experience it hasn't been easy on me to find employment in the same field and led me to go back and finish my college degree that I put off for many years. I feel that the experience and knowledge I have gained from that position will greatly help me and my resume for all future employment endeavors and opportunities that present themselves in the future. I absolutely loved what I did and all the positions I did work I did learn from and gained new knowledge and skills from the experiences in those areas of expertise. The attorney that spent her personal time training me truly taught me what she did on case's and how to be a qualified Paralegal and I feel that the knowledge I gained from her is and was extremely important, beneficial and useful to what I did and is knowledge I have retained for future opportunities. Being the trainer and leader on our staff I really had received knowledge that will stay with me and lead the team to be a success.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    I don't think pleasure is as important as giving back to those in need. I volunteer and donate money and items to those in need. The holidays are the perfect time to organize a fundraiser for those in a shelter or something as simple as if you take 20 dollars to make bunch of sandwiches with a bag of chips and just passing it out to the homeless community. Sometimes homeless people go days in between eating or something as simple as having a place to lay their head at night. I think most people just don't realize how many people in their communities actually go without. Giving back actually brings me joy and I feel what goes around come around. I think if you are a low income family like myself there are still things you can do to spread kindness and give back to your community. I give to homeless at least two to three times a week. I always give at least a few dollars to the people with signs standing on the corner. The thing that is very sad in the situation is many times it's veteran's that are the ones homeless, jobless, and hungry, standing on the corner. I mean these people served for our country there should be more programs out there to help veteran's in need. I give more to veteran's than with just regular people in need. I believe if you can spare it, give a little bit or grab them a dollar sandwich if they are hungry. I've also donated groceries, coats, hats, gloves, hygiene products and other items to shelters in need of items. I think we should all pay if forward if it's in our means to do so. Giving back is very important to me makes me happy.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    I think giving to those less fortunate is extremely important. I volunteer and donate money and items to those in need. The holidays are the perfect time to organize a fundraiser for those in a shelter or something as simple as if you take 20 dollars to make bunch of sandwiches with a bag of chips and just passing it out to the homeless community. Sometimes homeless people go days in between eating or something as simple as having a place to lay their head at night. I think most people just don't realize how many people in their communities actually go without. They're families that don't know where to start to get help or just are embarrassed or ashamed of asking for help. I think if you are a low income family like myself there are still things you can do to spread kindness and give back to your community. I give to homeless at least two to three times a week. I always give at least a few dollars to the people with signs standing on the corner. The thing that is very sad in the situation is many times it's veteran's that are the ones homeless, jobless, and hungry, standing on the corner. I mean these people served for our country there should be more programs out there to help veteran's in need. I give more to veteran's than with just regular people in need. I believe if you can spare it, give a little bit or grab them a dollar sandwich if they are hungry. I've also donated groceries, coats, hats, gloves, hygiene products and other items to shelters in need of items. I think we should all pay if forward if it is in our means to do so. Giving back is very important.
    Bold Loving Others Scholarship
    I try to always show those I care about love. I try to spread love to homeless people through volunteering, giving money to the homeless, and donating items or doing charity drives to help those less fortunate during the holidays. Last year, my work and I organized a fundraiser for woman and children in domestic violence shelters and raised almost 3,000 dollars in funds and food, and hygiene products it was a huge success. The drive is something I'm going to try again, I think we could really make a difference if others would do drives and it doesn't take much to clear out your cabinets and donate to someone less fortunate. I think spreading love, time, or even items for fundraiser is a few ways to spread love. I do everything I can for those I love and try bringing happiness or a simple kind gesture really goes a long way. I stopped the other day a veteran with a sign that said "will work for food or money veteran looking for help I'm hungry and homeless." It was very sad. I pulled a $20.00 bill out of my wallet and gave it to him. He said oh God bless you sweetheart I've stood out here for four hours and you are the only person that has stopped and I'm cold and hungry and he thanked me over and over. The light was red so I prayed with him then the car behind me seen what I did and they then gave him a few dollars too. Just that little bit of kindness could have made a difference between that veteran having food for the day or potentially not eating had I not stopped to donate. Kindness goes along way pay it forward to those less fortunate.
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    I think having joy in life is something everyone strives for. I would consider having joy in your life as having happiness in your life. To me a couple things that bring joy to my life would first and foremost my four beautiful children. I have four young boys and they bring my life so much joy I couldn't imagine life without their little faces everyday. Another thing that brings joy to me is music I'm a pretty amazing singer my children want me to go on American Idol and you know how honest young children can be so they make me feel good about the talent that brings joy in my life. I try to spread joy to other people as well rather I'm volunteering or devoting my time to working with the homeless or give a 20 to the guy or lady standing on the corner. I try to live my life on spreading joy and kindness to other people so having joy and sharing joy or even a simple smile can really go along way in a person's day. If I can make another person smile I will do it in a heartbeat. I seek out joy in my life by doing things I like and enjoying the time I get with my family. Joy is a huge part of my life and I look for way to also bring joy to another person each day just as my children bring me joy each day they wake up and I get to see their beautiful faces. I hope everyone has joy and happiness in their life if we had a world filled with joy we could truly make a difference in other people's lifestyle choices and give others a reason for hope.
    Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
    Recovery means everything to me. I'm 9 years clean from pain medication. I had some big surgeries when I was younger and became addicted to the medication my doctor prescribed at such a young age I caught it early. At the time, I had a baby which was most important thing because I was proactive and put myself into a program and had my doctor stop the medication. I'm very proud of how I handled the situation and at a young age. Now nine years later I'm in college. Recovery is real if you want it you can work to have a healthy life. The people I've met in meetings and support groups was just amazing these people really have lived through some tragic things and I had one tragic thing happen to me. The life style was just not for me. Recovery is possible I have a passion for helping other addicts that are still stuck in addiction or trying to figure out how to get to the point of recovery reach out to me if you need a support person. I feel I'm a success story, I'm proud I can show my children when they age look this is what can happen educate them on substances. I believe in recovery and was beyond happy to see a scholarship supporting those in recovery thank you for helping another recovering addict because we are normally stigmatized and I appreciate someone recognizing recovery and thank you lost dreams.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    I love my kind heart. I truly do for other people and one thing that I do to make a difference is smile to other people and staying friendly. In addition, I give to the homeless and volunteer where I can and I feel that keeping a kind heart for those less fortunate is the right thing to do. We are a low income family and we struggle with one income and four children but I still make an effort to do my part for the community. I might not always have money to give but I do give my time. If there was something I could volunteer my time for a scholarship I would do it just to help pay for school. I feel that is something I love about myself my kind heart and effort to help my community that and my outgoing personality. I'm a very bubbly person and I adore people.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    The fight song is my song that inspires me. "This is my fight song take back my life song". I went through a divorce and this song helped me get my life with my children back. I felt like I was fighting for my life dealing with a divorce and being a young single mother that song pulled me through many hard days and gives you a little bit of confidence to getting your life back in a situation like mine that I was in. I feel this song says it all and helped me through a really dark time in my life and really glad to be enrolled in college truly conjuring every goal that I'm setting and accomplishing them one at a time.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    I feel self-care is very important. How you carry yourself and how you present your self and how you are your own biggest fan. I believe when you take care of yourself and telling yourself everyday you get up that your are enough, and your worth it truly can pave the way for receiving the love and respect you want from other people. If you don't love you how can you except love for other people to love you. I do self care days once a month where I will get a manicure or do something little for myself but makes me feel prettier about myself. Self love is the most important thing I can express because if you don't advocate for yourself in life no one will do it for you but if you work on yourself and try building up a little confidence can go along way. My opinion, self care and self love impacts your life drastically because it's all about how you care for you will affect everything around you. Putting the work in for goals you want to achieve in life the amount you work at those goals and the harder you work the better outcome you get. I believe self-care is extremely important to achieve success.
    Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
    I feel financial freedom is setting yourself up for future goals and not having to worry about how your going to pay your bills, I feel is everyone's goal. I'm seeking my degree in legal studies for that reason. I'm a mother of four beautiful boys aging at two years old, nine, ten, and eleven years old. I had my oldest three in my first marriage I was very young and our marriage didn't last. I've raised my children on my own and I do my best. When I attempted school before I couldn't finish didn't have any help with the children before. It truly was a struggle and I was between seventeen and nineteen years old pretty new to life as an adult and a new mom. Now looking back I'm proud I pushed myself at thirty to enroll in school I feel at any age going to college is important as I lost my job as a Senior Lead Paralegal of five years recently this year due to the pandemic. I have found without a degree it is next to impossible to find employment with five years of experience. I pushed myself to go back to school for this reason and to show my children how important knowledge truly is in life. I'm specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law I'm excited in the legal studies program I'm doing to learn about all the other forms of law and will better open new horizons in the future endeavors that will become possible. I just truly am excited to concur my degree and keep building toward mine and my children's future. Being a single mother of four boys I feel will be easier now that most of my boys are older now. I feel a degree will make me more financially stable. We don't have much money with the loss of my job but I figured perfect time to get a degree. I've wrote many essays to apply for scholarships and I know getting one is a long shot out of the thousands of applications you guys probably get. I want to stand out as for making a positive change in the community I do volunteer work for St. Vincent De Paul. I usually involve my boys to show them that even though we are low income financially their mommy never gave up and paying in forward is the right way. There is always someone less fortunate and to remember the little blessings God grants. I inspire to grow my knowledge with the skills from previous work along with new knowledge I gain by completing my degree will improve my future. I try to show my children be your own biggest supporter and how you set your goals and work at it each day to achieve even a step closer and to make a plan and keep pushing. Looking at school in a positive manner like growing knowledge, and growing as a person if you pursue each day like it's your last. You never know what life can throw your way to never give up on yourself or your community. I believe you get back what you give. My children see me give to the homeless and do for the needy with volunteer work truly I feel that warms my heart to do for another less fortunate. Thank you for considering my essay and I pray that the effort I've put in for thousands of scholarships ive applied that even if one comes through it would mean the world to me and a step closer to financially free.
    Saroya Byrd Legacy Scholarship
    I'm a mother of four beautiful boys aging at two years old, nine, ten, and eleven years old. I had my oldest three in my first marriage I was very young and our marriage didn't last. I've raised my children on my own and I do my best. When I attempted school before I couldn't finish didn't have any help with the children before. It truly was a struggle and I was between seventeen and nineteen years old pretty new to life as an adult and a new mom. Now looking back I'm proud I pushed myself at thirty to enroll in school I feel at any age going to college is important as I lost my job as a Senior Lead Paralegal of five years recently this year due to the pandemic. I have found without a degree it is next to impossible to find employment with five years of experience. I pushed myself to go back to school for this reason and to show my children how important knowledge truly is in life. I'm specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law I'm excited in the legal studies program I'm doing to learn about all the other forms of law and will better open new horizons in the future endeavors that will become possible. I feel as a woman that is strong willed, dependable, independent and technologically advanced due to my certifications I earned years ago in Computer Office Technology gives me a slight leg up, I just truly am excited to concur my degree and keep building toward mine and my children's future. Being a single mother of four boys I feel will be easier now that most of my boys are older now and I have help from my mother with the baby. We don't have much money with the loss of my job but I figured perfect time to get a degree. I've wrote many essays to apply for scholarships and I know getting one is a long shot out of the thousands of applications you guys probably get. I want to stand out as for making a positive change in the community I do volunteer work for St. Vincent De Paul. I usually involve my boys to show them that even though we are low income financially their mommy never gave up and paying in forward is the right way. There is always someone less fortunate and to remember the little blessings God grants everyday. I inspire to grow my knowledge with the skills from previous work along with new knowledge I gain from completing my degree to better my future. In life I show my children you are your own biggest supporter and how you set your goals and work at it each day to achieve even a step closer and to make a plan and keep pushing. Looking at school in a positive manner like growing knowledge, and growing as a person if you pursue each day like it's your last. You never know what life can throw your way to never give up on yourself or your community. I believe you get back what you give. My children see me give to the homeless and do for the needy with volunteer work truly I feel that warms my heart to do for another less fortunate. Thank you for considering my essay and I pray that the effort I've put in for thousands of scholarships ive applied that even if one comes through it would mean the world to me and help another single mother of four.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    I feel technology extremely important as it changes regularly and very much needed in life nowadays. I believe there is nothing more promising standing next to a strong willed mind and sharp demeanor, and strong work ethic that we as women can bring to the table. I'm an mom of four beautiful boys and the past five years I worked as senior lead paralegal for Horenstein, Nicholson, and Blumental, I lost my job in January due to the pandemic and really have noticed without that degree you are easily overlooked even with years of Paralegal experience. I was promoted three times during my time with the firm. I was always dependable hardworking and I truly took my job seriously. I'm trying to show my children that strong women are unstoppable just as are some men. I believe woman along with being technology trained to have the acquired skills are a force to be reckoned with if we set our mind to pushing our positive vibrations and goals to the for front of our minds. I'm strong minded and I won't stop until I achieve my goals. I want my children to see even though life can knock you down like it did our family with the pandemic to never give up on your dreams as you can achieve goals at any age we can rebuild our communities it's about being persistent in the steps you need to take to achieve each goal. I took computer office technology in school and loved it as that certification has really helped me in the office setting and certified me in many programs. This gave me the skills needed to advance in the technology field. If selected it would be a huge blessing, with only one income in our household and with school being costly any assistance is beyond appreciated. I believe technology nowadays is very important and keeps growing our knowledge should grow with it. Consideration for this scholarship would be a blessing because there are expenses aid doesn't cover, it would go toward improving another strong woman helping to achieve personal career/school goals with the financial burden school can bring in your life. I feel every person should have the opportunity to achieve school to improve life as we are a low income family but I never give up. The way technology is advanced I can't wait to learn more.
    JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
    Education and knowledge is what you have in life to better your life. I never realized how important having a degree was until I lost my paralegal position after five years with the same company due to layoffs during the pandemic. During my job search I've noticed that many employers require a degree even with five years of experience. I figured no better time than the present to go back to college and finish my degree. Obviously we are now considered very low income family of six with only one income I figured I can work full time and still attend school online. I enrolled at Post University for the legal studies program. I feel having the knowledge in all forms of law will help better my future employment endeavors and make more options available as I specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law. I feel knowledge is power and nowadays you want that leg up in the world. I set my goals and push each day to get a step closer to achieving them. If you consider my profile you will be granting the scholarship to someone who is a strong hardworking independent mother of four who is the sole provider in her household. I feel I will utilize the knowledge I will get from school in my employment field in the future. Education is everything in life it builds and shapes your whole life as when I mentioned knowledge is power and it will make or break what opportunities you will receive in life and could determine your salary all the way to shaping what options you will have in your day to day life with your finances and the impact they will play in shaping how you will get to live your life. I feel it's very important to your future and will play a huge part in getting the kind and the type of decisions that will be considered with any future employment offers. Thank you for your time and consideration have a wonderful balance to the rest of your day.
    Future Female Educators Scholarship
    Education and knowledge is what you have in life to better your life. I never realized how important having a degree was until I lost my paralegal position after five years with the same company due to layoffs during the pandemic. During my job search I've noticed that many employers require a degree even with five years of experience. I figured no better time than the present to go back to college and finish my degree. Obviously we are now considered very low income family of six with only one income I figured I can work full time and still attend school online. I enrolled at Post University for the legal studies program. I feel having the knowledge in all forms of law will help better my future employment endeavors and make more options available as I specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law. I feel knowledge is power and nowadays you want that leg up in the world. I set my goals and push each day to get a step closer to achieving them. If you consider my profile you will be granting the scholarship to someone who is a strong hardworking independent mother of four who is the sole provider in her household. I feel I will utilize the knowledge I will get from school in my employment field in the future. Education is everything in life it builds and shapes your whole life as when I mentioned knowledge is power and it will make or break what opportunities you will receive in life and could determine your salary all the way to shaping what options you will have in your day to day life with your finances and the impact they will play in shaping how you will get to live your life. I feel it's very important to your future and will play a huge part in getting the kind and the type of decisions that will be considered with any future employment offers. Thank you for your time and consideration have a wonderful balance to the rest of your day.
    McCutcheon | Nikitin First-Generation Scholarship
    Education and knowledge is what you have in life to better your life. I never realized how important having a degree was until I lost my paralegal positions after five years with the same company due to layoffs during the pandemic. During my job search I've noticed that many employers require a degree even with five years of experience. I figured no better time than the present to go back to college and finish my degree. Obviously we are now considered very low income family of six with only one income I figured I can work full time and still attend school online. I enrolled at Post University for the legal studies program. I feel having the knowledge in all forms of law will help better my future employment endeavors and make more options available as I specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law. I feel knowledge is power and nowadays you want that leg up in the world. I set my goals and push each day to get a step closer to achieving them. If you consider my profile you will be granting the scholarship to someone who is a strong hardworking independent mother of four who is the sole provider in her household. Thank you for your time and consideration have a wonderful balance to the rest of your day.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    I stay true to myself as a strong independent mother of four young boys. I've been a Paralegal for the last five years and I recently lost my job during layoffs caused by the pandemic. I've stay true to myself and decided it was time to enroll in college and get the degree I've always dreamed about. I want to show my children to never give up hope and to always inspire to achieve your goals in life no matter what age. We are an low income family and finchal aid doesn't cover all of the expenses school comes with. I volunteer at St. Vincent De Paul and did for the last five years through my previous employer. Now I'm a mother in need of assistance with school cost. I stay true to who I am on the inside feel strong woman do not get the recognition they deserve in the world today and if you are looking for a family that could truly put this scholarship to good use then I ask for you to consider my profile. I know it's a long shot and only one is selected but I figured why not try put myself out there and try for scholarships if any are out there that help single moms like myself that would be very beneficial to improving our future and I thank you for taking the time to read about me and why I never give up on my goals and stay true to myself everyday to never stop improving to be a better person. I believe when you pay it forward it comes back around to you.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    I'm a mom of four boys and my oldest three I had at a very young age and very close together as they were born 2010, 2011, and 2012 I graduated in 2009 so right out of my early adult years life was not easy. It threw many curveball my way and made college when I attempted it last a bit more challenging as I was young and a new mom. I feel over the years I made a very much struggling mother into an unstoppable career woman that is dependable, articulate, motivated, and determined. I recently lost my job of five years working for Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumental due to layoffs with the pandemic which has put a strain on us financially. I've noticed on the job hunt it is not easy to get selected with hands on experience but no degree. That led me to enrolling myself in college, figured no time better than the present to start achieving the biggest dream I've ever had which is to be the first college graduate in my family. I specialized in Social Security Disability and Veterans Law, I am currently enrolled at Post University in the legal studies program. I figured to expand my knowledge, grow my career, and better enhance my childrens future by working towards achieving my associates degree would really improve my employment chances in the near future. I'm proud at what I've achieved in life, to pay it forward I volunteer in our community if you are looking for a mother determined to better her future I ask that you consider awarding this to someone like me who doesn't have much income and help lower the amount of loans needed as financial aid doesn't cover the full cost of tuition for someone like myself.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    I feel being a kind personable person with passion, direction and motivating yourself to achieve ensured goals. I do volunteer work for St. Vincent De Paul I feel we are very low income family but we are blessed at the same time because we have a roof over our head where others do not. I'm a mom of four beautiful boys I feel I would be a great candidate for the scholarship. Paying it forward means to me is helping those in need and it comes back around to you, and paying it forward I feel will encourage the next person to do a kind gesture. I give back to our community and I lost my job of five years as a Senior Lead Paralegal for Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumental this year due to layoffs with the pandemic. I've noticed with the job search it really hard even with years of experience in a field to get the job without a college degree. I'm enrolled at Post University for legal studies and would really like to show my children even though we are an low income household their mother's an strong woman and showed them school is possible at any age as long as you keep setting goals in life and continuing to pursue those goals by keeping yourself accountable in what steps are needed to achieve the greater outcome of success. I feel I try to make a positive outcome for others everyday and with taking just a little of your time to volunteer or start a drive for the homeless it all comes back around by continuing to pay it forward to the next person in need. Id be grateful on consideration for the scholarship as a mother trying to better a rough situation during the pandemic.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    I feel math is extremely important as it never changes and is very much needed in life. I believe there is nothing more promising standing next to a strong willed mind and sharp demeanor, and strong work ethic that we as women can bring to the table. I'm an mom of four beautiful boys and the past five years I worked as senior lead paralegal for Horenstein, Nicholson, and Blumental, I lost my job in January due to the pandemic and really have noticed without that degree you are easily overlooked even with years of Paralegal experience. I was promoted three times during my time with the firm. I was always dependable hardworking and compared to others I truly took my job seriously. I'm trying to show my children that strong women are unstoppable as are men. I believe woman are a force to be reckoned with if we set our mind to pushing our positive vibrations and goals to the for front of our minds and I won't stop until I achieve my goals. I want my children to see even though life can knock you down like it did our family with the pandemic to never give up on your dreams because you can achieve goals at any age we can rebuild our communities it's about setting your mind to a goal and being persistent in the steps you need to take to achieve each goal. If selected it would be a huge blessing, and the lord knows with only one income in our household and with school being costly any assistance is beyond appreciated. I feel if we work together as a community to strengthen woman together it could truly change society. I believe all men and women should be equal and especially in careers and mathematics is very important. I want to keep achieving goals and the saying goes behind every successful man is a strong woman behind the scenes holding everything together. I have a household where I'm the sole provider and my partner stays home with the children yes that seems odd to most but it works for our family and behind the scenes he does hold things together so I can achieve my career goals and concur our life goals. He might only have love to offer but he supports me going to school, with the children and working which truly he is just as important in our household as I am. He is supportive which is more important to me because he makes it clear to our children truly how hard I work for us and everything I do for our family. Nevertheless, even when our family is in a tough spot with the loss of my job we never give up hope. Any consideration for this scholarship would be just amazing blessing because there are expenses that federal aid doesn't cover, it would go toward improving another strong independent woman in our community towards helping to achieve personal career/school goals with the financial burden school can bring in your life. I feel every woman should have the opportunity to achieve school and better your children's life as we are a low income family but I never give up hope even though if I'm considered low income I want to still be able to attend school and achieve this goal of earning a degree in a field I truly lived working in.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    Women I believe get overlooked in career fields even with our strong willed minds, positive ethics, and strong hardworking women we deserve to have just as many opportunities as men. I believe there is nothing more promising standing next to a strong willed mind and sharp demeanor, and strong work ethic that we as women bring to the table. I'm an mom of four beautiful boys and the past five years I worked as senior lead paralegal for Horenstein, Nicholson, and Blumental, I lost my job in January due to the pandemic and really have noticed without that degree you are easily overlooked even with years of Paralegal experience. I was promoted three times during my time with the firm. I was always dependable hardworking and compared to others I truly took my job seriously. I'm trying to show my children that strong women are just as good as strong men. I believe woman are a force to be reckoned with if we set our mind to pushing our positive vibrations and goals to the for front of our minds and I won't stop until I achieve my goals. I want my children to see even though life can knock you down to never give up on your dreams because you can achieve goals at any age it's about setting your mind to it and being persistent in the steps you need to take to achieve each goasl. If selected it would be a huge blessing, and the lord knows with only one income in our household and with school being costly any assistance is beyond appreciated. I feel if we work together as a community to strengthen woman together it could truly change society for the better. I believe all men and women should be equal and especially in careers but that just isn't how it is. I feel if men and women both recognize what needs to be done or for promotions I feel the playing field should be equal and a strong independent women should get just as much respect in the business world as a man. The saying goes behind every successful man is a strong woman behind the scenes holding everything together. I have a household where I'm the sole provider and my partner stays home with the children yes that seems odd to most but it works for our family and behind the scenes he does hold things together so I can achieve my career goals and concur our life goals. He might only have love to offer but he supports me going to school and working which truly is just as important in our household as I am. He is supportive which is more important to me because he makes it clear to our children truly how hard I work for us and everything I do for our family. Nevertheless, even when our family is in a tough spot with the loss of my job we never give up hope. Any consideration for this scholarship would be just amazing blessing because there are expenses that federal aid doesn't cover, it would go toward improving another strong independent woman in our community towards helping to achieve personal career/school goals with the financial burden school can bring in your life. I feel every woman should have the opportunity to achieve school and better your children's life as we are a low income family but I never give up hope even though we are considered poor currently we can rebuild our communities together if we all put in equal effort in making change.