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corbin brittain


Bold Points






My goals in life are simple. I want to be successful, and do what everyone thinks I can't do. I have a bit of a rough past, I have worked hard and life has changed for me. I have had a couple of great jobs! Learned lots of skills, and was taught about business. However, I decided to take my talents into the field of computer science. I currently have about 13 credits and am merely just beginning my journey. Working full-time and going to school is complicated! I would love some help. I struggled with substance abuse for years, but I have tackled the problem, and my life has become so much better. Finances are the last thing I want to worry about when it comes to educating myself, but time is relevant, and people have to balance work and studies. Time certainly won't stop for me. Thank you for viewing my profile!


Oklahoma City Community College

Trade School
2022 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Accounting and Computer Science

Oklahoma City Community College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science

Liberty High School

High School
2011 - 2013

Liberty High School

High School
2011 - 2013


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Games

    • Dream career goals:

    • dependent

    • bartender/server

      Buffalo Wild Wings
      2021 – Present4 years



    2012 – 20131 year


    • letterman


    • Myself — author
      2022 – Present


    • none

      1996 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Christian food pantry — distribute boxes of food
      2011 – 2013

    Future Interests






    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    If I had to pick out qualities about myself that I rather enjoy I would have to say my ambition to complete my goals. I use to be the type of person who set lots of goals, and made lots of plans but, in turn never really completed anything. I'm not the smartest guy In the world, and I'm also possibly not the ugliest, or nicest, but I really genuinely care about other people and I think that has taken me a long way with relationships. I think that I really enjoyed myself a lot better when I had more time to relax and think and meditate! However, school is my life now and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel like my ambition to be successful is what keeps me going, on many of my essays, I mention how I say to myself, "why not me?", it is kind of my thing. If I'm sulking, having a hard time with some coding, or even depressed, it's like a little something to get me motivated. I think I do a good job of staying focused and on task. I pray that all of my efforts today get me some sort of scholarship! although, I will say I had lots of fun writing some of these, and others were a little gloomy, or more depressing than I would have preferred I had fun. A little background on me, I never really started caring what people thought about me until I felt like my life began to take a turn for the worst. You see, I have kind of a rough past, and my future wasn't very bright at certain points. I never quit, and I never stopped thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. I got out of prison on December 22, 2020, with nothing. I got with the VA, and applied and got approved for a chapter 35 DEA, G.I Bill benefits. To my surprise, they approved 25 year old "dependent" and blessings started to come my way, you see, the military usually has a cut-off date, I was a special case due to my father's late development of disability. Everything happens for a reason, right? Furthermore, I am forever grateful for the good and bad in my life, and I hope you choose me and help me keep building myself up on this solid foundation. Let me be a person like Sloane Stephens one day, and make a difference!
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    When headed back to school theirs only one thing to do! Look your best, and be ready! Will I get the professor who leaves me in the dust? These things don't matter so long as you walk in on day one looking great, and feeling prepared. Confidence is your best friend, wear it like a badge of honor! You can do anything you set your mind to they say! Show up, and show up! My best tip? When you want something, you seriously just have to do it. I'm an early student, and new to this college thing. I'm also a GED student (in other words), a college dropout, and don't exactly get the best first impressions. However, I work really hard. Never quit, success is not an option, and school is not an option if you don't graduate you're probably gonna have a really hard time in life. I'm really talking to myself! In all seriousness, it doesn't matter what you wear to class, or where you sit, just be ready and try your best, as cliche as it is and sounds, you can only do so much. Have faith in yourself and ask questions like, "Why not me?".
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    Computer Science is a beautiful thing, and probably the most overlooked, irreplaceable science known to man today. I have always been a little on the nerdy side. Not that this equates to becoming a computer science geek, however, I was genuinely fascinated by computers and knew Bill Gates was a genius at a very young age. I am not probably the most sought-after candidate in most environments, but in a field behind computers, all that matters is your skillset, and I have enough determination to take this thing on. I believe the irony of me possibly winning this scholarship is also relevant. I have a little bit of a bumpy background, covered in tattoos, and piercings, and am definitely not the smart and witty person Chris was. However, I am very determined and will continue to put my grades first in everything I do. I don't care if I have to stay up all night all week long and study twice the time others do. I simply do not care. I want to keep asking why not me. I can't find a reason why I shouldn't be able to do something great, like become a computer scientist just like everyone else. My dream is to move to Tampa Bay, Florida, a place I've actually never been to, and begin a career as a video game designer, or find a good coding job! Eventually, when I retire, I'd like to maybe run my own company, and create video games that people never expected to exist! I would love to come out with the next "Call of Duty", or "World of Warcraft", simply because, why not me? I don't think that I am the best candidate for this scholarship. I'm sure there are plenty of deserving people, but I can promise if I do receive it, I will work even harder, and continue to learn the most revolutionary science generations before I would have never imagined possible. I am passionate, and I will succeed regardless. Thanks for the opportunity, and more specifically thank you, Chris, you sound like you were a great guy.
    Health & Wellness Scholarship
    Wake up in the morning, grab yourself some eggs, get your morning coffee, or zero sugar, 300mg caffeine Bang in your system. Whatever it takes to get you going, get going, and be active. I work in the service industry, and I happen to work at Buffalo Wild Wings, smack dab in the middle of Norman, Oklahoma. Well, what that means is, that I stay on my feet, (sometimes running) to take care of college students, so I as a college student can take care of myself. What does this have to do with maintaining a healthy lifestyle you ask? Absolutely everything, my job is stressful and tiring, and like many other serving jobs, it's taxing. Mentally, you'll almost immediately want a break after a Saturday night, or a Sunday with some good ol' football games. So, I created a game plan that works for me, in order to survive school and my job. I eat a ketogenic diet, and if you're not familiar, it essentially adapts your body into a state where you use fat in place of carbohydrates as fuel. Ketogenic diets have been proven to help with autoimmune diseases, and weight loss! It also for me gives me good clean mental clarity, which is essential for a person like me who struggles with mental health and refuses pharmaceuticals medications. Let's not get into a debate about holistic medicine, or pharmaceuticals this is only intended to be 400 words, and my fingers will get very long-winded. Next, I would like to tell you how I keep my body in shape by dieting! Most of the time, my diet is 90% of the process, and I don't need to actually do anything but work hard at work. I try my very best to be active every day and 3-5 days a week and dedicate 30 minutes to an hour to some sort of workout. Everyone's body is different, furthermore, I suggest chest, arms, biceps, and the next day legs and cardio, and repeat. let's face it though, I'm not a personal trainer nor would I like to be one. I am just really broke, and actually have some good information to tell you about how I stay in shape. Do I think certain diets are for everyone? Ketogenic, yes absolutely. Although consult with your doctor and don't take anybody's essay written for scholarship as fact, and please for the love of god, do your own research! I appreciate the opportunity to have fun writing and the potential pay for classes. As I am getting quite tired of ramen noodles.
    Veterans Next Generation Scholarship
    My father is a retired Army veteran of 17 years. He retired medically and has served five tours. He is a sociable person, or at least he used to be, but never did he talk much about how things were overseas. I wish I could tell you some honorable story about how he was a role model, and how id love nothing more than to be just like him. Truth is, my father was never there, and after my mother divorced him, he wasn't back in our lives until I was about fifteen years old. Due to my father's PTSD and extensive drug use prior, too, and post his service. He is no longer able to comprehend reality and lives in a pretty miserable world all by himself. It's not something I can but, only mental health professionals could explain to you. Point is, not everything about the military is as pretty as they make it out to seem. I truly believe the military kept my father with the purpose for a long time, however, the only lessons I learned were detrimental ones. Seeing how hard he did work, and just simply thinking about all of the time he spent overseas in battle, or even posted outside of his country of residence, you can't help but respect him as a soldier. After researching I was able to find the DEA chapter 35 benefits, and apply successfully. Still, I pay for a two-bedroom house alone and need more help. Back on topic, I use to believe I was going to be in the military, and had aspirations of becoming a member of the Army, just like my father. Thankfully life doesn't always go according to plan and considering my inevitable past, I chose to pursue and shape my own career aspirations. I am the first in my family to go to college unless, of course, my little sister beats me to it! I always tell her, "By all means please make me proud!" I'm by no means an author, to some I'm barely considered qualified for college, or intelligent enough, but if you ask me. Why not me? So my father did play a role, and I appreciate his sacrifice, but this is my world for the taking and like a soldier, I won't be denied. I love my father with all my heart, and I wish that there were better help for our veterans. I've tried to help my father, but have been told to leave him be. He rents an extended-stay hotel, and posts on Facebook all day, talking to himself when he's supposed to be retired and enjoying the money he earned. My aspirations are supposed to be living the way he's living? I'm sorry you can have that back Sam, because "I WANT YOU" to take better care of my father. I probably won't win this but, I enjoyed getting it off my chest. Thanks, Good luck.
    Bold Science Matters Scholarship
    The science behind computers is fascinating. You wouldn't believe how complex it is to just ask a simple question like, what is your name? At least in a cram school, (an 8-week course meant to be a full 16-week term) that is. I am getting close to being about halfway done with coding C++ and it is truly fascinating how much knowledge there is to soak in about computers, and how many different styles of languages they speak. Bill Gates is truly a genius. The technological advances we have achieved in just the last 20-plus years are all thanks to computers and Bill their father. We can now communicate with each other and continue to work during a national crisis. We can code our computer to punch in numbers, and ask questions. We have beautiful social media websites such as META (Facebook), and youtube. The society we live in today is completely engulfed in the science of computers. Is this a bad thing? It can be, and people have made good arguments in the past that Americans specifically are becoming more dependent on technology. However, the pessimist never mentions how much they love their Android or their iPhone. Use technology for good! Go get yourself an iWatch that counts your calories, and calculates your steps! The world has been changed forever and will continue to change, and I intend to change with it. That's why I'm pursuing a Computer Science degree, and I am requesting this scholarship! I want to live in the world Bill Gates, and his predecessors have made, and see for myself the world of science. I want to learn to nurture this living breathing thing we call computers, and technology. We can make the world a better place! Good luck, and thank you!
    Overcoming the Impact of Alcoholism and Addiction
    First and foremost, my father is a retired army veteran and was a respected man by his peers in the military. As far as being a father goes, he was never there, and through the course of my life, he was on and off drugs. Actually, some of my first encounters with drugs were regrettably with my father, and unfortunately, he is now 100% disabled and unable to behave like a normal human being. Methamphetamine has consumed him in paranoia, and you wouldn't believe some of the stuff he posts on Facebook after many years clean! On a serious note, I learned valuable lessons from watching my father, never verbally from him. Addiction is a selfish disease, and If you don't believe it is in fact a disease you are severely mistaken. It has taken plenty from me as well. However, staying on topic, in a sense substance abuse was my father, and the mistakes I made in the process shaped me into the man I've become. How we choose to respond is the answer and the key. I could have given up a long time ago, and plenty of people would have believed it to be a fact that I wouldn't have gotten this far. Ambition is priceless, and is a part of you, drug addiction in the family is toxic, and you have to make sure that you have enough willpower to be better than your parent. I still shed a tear now and then for my father, but being selfish about your education is okay, and being responsible for the drug addict in your home is simply impossible. Only the person themself can choose to change, so just keep trucking on and know it's going to be okay you're not alone.
    corbin brittain Student Profile |