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Connor Warfield


Bold Points




Jordan High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biochemical Engineering
    • Biomedical/Medical Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Biomedical Engineering

    • Dream career goals:

      Future Interests



      Kristie's Kids - Loving Arms Around Those Impacted By Cancer Scholarship
      Throughout my life there have been lessons, those taught to me by my family, or just simple schooling, all of which I hold dear to me. You should always be respectful, never stare, and it is always polite to ask someone about their day. When people ask me though the answer has never wavered, 'It's a great day'; For me it will always be so, because despite my short experience, I have learned what a truly awful day is, those being the events of my adolescent cancer. I will not presume to state that anyones isn't without hardship, God bless any and all that must endure this crucible, but there are events of my journey that are unforgettable, those were the truly bad days of my life. Problems ranging from chronic nausea and fatigue, to severe complications with my liver and brain. Childhood cancer has forever changed my life. I have been quoted to act like I am fifteen going on forty, and after I feel as though I’ve lived the hardships of a lifetime in 4 long years. Those 4 years of my life taught me, they taught me the normal schooling of course, but I learned much more. I learned to grow up, one would say it is a shame that I lost a portion of the child’s innocence, but that is how life goes. That was the ironic blessing and curse of it all, I had to grow up but now I see a new perspective. I lost some ignorance but I gained more knowledge, and while there were a truckload of bad memories, I wouldn’t trade any and all of them if it meant I’d lose the good memories that were also there along the path. Sure I never got to experience the full bought of middle school, but in its place, I became a Sunshine Kid, I was fortunate to venture upon a few trips and meet plenty of new people, and thank the lord I got to enjoy more time with my family, knock on wood, because despite this obstacle he placed in my path he still helped to guide me through it. That disease ironically helped me to grow, in all honesty I’m sure anyone would wish that they never had it, but there is a bright side to it. Despite that a friend of mine is no longer here to crack jokes with and enjoy a game with me, just as true as seeing is believing, I have a deeper respect to cherish those I have left before something happens. I can say I understand live every day like it is the last, I shall pray for more, but prepare for less; Not that I plan to worry about the day I am gonna die, no I shall just enjoy the time I have, and the time that everyone else has, of which we can spend together. Childhood cancer has taken from me, and given me something in return, you may not call it a fair trade, yet I’ll take it any day of the week with the odds you get. It has aided in my growth, helped push my learning, and forever changed the way I look at life. That is why I will always strive to do better, keep a smile upon my face, though, most importantly, why it shall always be a great day as I journey to make it so.
      Connor Warfield Student Profile |