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Clarence Foster


Bold Points






18 years of excellence, and positively impacting my community.


Warren Easton Senior High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Finance and Financial Management Services
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Real Estate

    • Dream career goals:

      Open my wealth management firm, rebuild lower income neighborhoods in my city, and finally run for president.

    • Crewmember

      Raising Canes
      2022 – Present2 years



    2021 – Present3 years


    • Scout Team Player of the Year
    • Flying Eagle Award


    • Nutrition Sciences

      Trio Upward Bound — Team leader
      2023 – Present


    • Talented/Gifted Music Program

      2016 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Trio Upward Bound — volunteer
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    I love math because it requires a unique blend of understanding, passion, and an almost artistic appreciation to truly connect with it. This connection is not something that comes easily to everyone; it takes a special kind of engagement to see the beauty and power in mathematical concepts. For those of us who do feel this connection, math becomes more than just numbers and equations—it becomes a language through which we can understand and change the world. Math is a discipline that demands both precision and creativity. It’s not just about solving problems but about understanding the underlying principles that govern these solutions. This deeper comprehension allows us to see patterns and relationships that are not immediately apparent. It’s this ability to discern the hidden structures within complexity that makes math so fascinating to me. There’s a profound satisfaction in unraveling a complex problem and arriving at a solution through logical reasoning and analytical thinking. The connection I feel with math also empowers me to envision solutions to real-world problems. Mathematics is the foundation of countless innovations and technological advancements that have transformed our world. From engineering and computer science to finance and economics, math is at the core of progress and development. Those of us who can harness the power of math have the potential to make significant contributions to society. We can develop new technologies, solve pressing global issues, and create systems that improve people’s lives. In my journey, math has been a tool for empowerment and change. Through my studies and my work with CodeClarence, I’ve used mathematical principles to teach financial literacy, helping others understand and manage their finances more effectively. This has a direct impact on their lives, enabling them to make informed decisions and achieve greater financial stability. By sharing my love for math and its practical applications, I hope to inspire others to see its value and potential. In conclusion, my love for math stems from the deep connection I feel with its beauty, precision, and transformative power. It takes a certain understanding and passion to truly appreciate math, and those who can make this connection possess a unique ability to change the world. Through math, we can unlock new possibilities, solve complex problems, and make a lasting impact on society. This is why I love math and why I am committed to using it to make a difference.
    Innovators of Color in STEM Scholarship
    I've chosen to pursue a degree in STEM, specifically in finance with a concentration in asset management, because I recognize the profound impact that financial literacy and technological advancements can have on economic empowerment, particularly within Black communities. The STEM field is a powerful catalyst for change, offering tools and knowledge that can drive innovation, economic growth, and social progress. As a person of color, I am determined to leverage my education to address the systemic issues that contribute to the lack of wealth in Black families and to shift this narrative toward one of financial stability and growth. Historically, Black families in the United States have faced significant barriers to wealth accumulation due to systemic racism, discriminatory policies, and unequal access to education and economic opportunities. This has resulted in a substantial wealth gap that persists today. By pursuing a degree in finance, I aim to equip myself with the skills and knowledge necessary to empower individuals and communities to overcome these barriers. My goal is to use my education to promote financial literacy and economic empowerment. Financial literacy is a critical component in breaking the cycle of poverty and building generational wealth. Through my platform, CodeClarence, I have already begun this work by providing financial education to my peers. The content I create includes the latest financial news, practical financial tips, and monthly motivational posts, along with constant positive reminders to uplift and encourage my audience. By demystifying complex financial concepts and providing actionable advice, I hope to inspire my peers to take control of their financial futures. In the long term, I plan to expand CodeClarence into a nonprofit organization that hosts fundraisers and provides scholarships, grants, and financial boosts to families in need. This organization will be dedicated to giving back to the community and helping individuals build a solid financial foundation. By offering these resources, I aim to create opportunities for economic mobility and stability, which are essential for closing the wealth gap. As a person of color in the STEM field, I also hope to serve as a role model and advocate for diversity and inclusion. Representation matters, and by succeeding in this field, I can inspire other young people of color to pursue careers in STEM. My presence and success in finance and analytics can help challenge stereotypes and demonstrate that people of color can excel in these areas. Additionally, I will advocate for policies and initiatives that promote diversity and support underrepresented groups in STEM. Furthermore, I intend to use my expertise to address broader systemic issues that contribute to economic inequality. This includes working with organizations and policymakers to develop and implement strategies that promote equitable access to education, job opportunities, and financial services. By addressing these root causes, we can create a more just and equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In conclusion, my decision to pursue a degree in STEM is driven by a desire to use financial literacy and technological advancements to empower Black communities and address the wealth gap. Through my work with CodeClarence and my future endeavors, I aim to shift the narrative from one of economic disparity to one of financial empowerment and growth. As a person of color in the STEM field, I am committed to making a lasting impact and inspiring others to join me in this crucial work.
    North Star Dreamers Memorial Scholarship
    Receiving this scholarship would be a transformative step towards achieving my career goals in finance, specifically in the realms of real estate, private equity, and investment banking. As a prospective student at Louisiana State University (LSU), where I plan to study finance with a concentration in analytics and double minor in sociology and economics, this scholarship will not only alleviate financial burdens but also enable me to fully engage in my academic and extracurricular pursuits. First and foremost, this scholarship will provide the financial stability needed to focus on my rigorous academic program. With the cost of tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses, financial strain can be a significant distraction. By alleviating this burden, I can dedicate myself entirely to my studies and maximize the opportunities available at LSU. This includes participating in finance-related clubs, attending seminars, and engaging in networking events that are crucial for building connections in the finance industry. In addition to academic pursuits, this scholarship will enable me to continue and expand my work with CodeClarence, a platform I created to provide financial knowledge to my peers. CodeClarence houses a diverse array of content, including the latest financial news, practical financial tips, and monthly motivational posts. Throughout the month, I share constant positive reminders to uplift and encourage my audience. This platform has already made a significant impact, and with the support of this scholarship, I can invest more time and resources into its growth. My vision for CodeClarence extends beyond an educational platform; I aspire to transform it into a nonprofit organization. This future nonprofit will host fundraisers and give back to the community through scholarships, grants, and financial boosts for families in need, helping them get back on track. By expanding my reach and resources, I aim to create a lasting impact, fostering a financially literate and empowered generation. This scholarship will provide the financial stability and time required to develop this vision further, allowing me to dedicate myself to creating meaningful and sustainable change in my community. Moreover, this scholarship will support my long-term career goals of starting my own private equity or investment banking firm in Louisiana. The skills and knowledge I gain from LSU, combined with the practical experience of managing and expanding CodeClarence, will be invaluable as I embark on this entrepreneurial journey. Understanding the financial landscape, mastering analytics, and gaining insights into economic and sociological factors will equip me with the tools needed to succeed in the competitive finance industry. The scholarship will also enable me to take advantage of internships and work-study opportunities that are critical for gaining real-world experience. These experiences will not only enhance my resume but also provide practical insights and connections that are essential for launching a successful career in finance. By reducing financial pressures, I can focus on securing and excelling in these opportunities, thereby building a strong foundation for my future career. In conclusion, this scholarship will play a pivotal role in helping me achieve my career goals. It will provide the financial stability necessary to focus on my studies, expand CodeClarence into a nonprofit organization, and pursue valuable internships and work experiences. With this support, I am confident that I can make a significant impact in the finance industry and my community, ultimately contributing to a more financially literate and empowered society. Thank you for considering my application.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    One of my greatest achievements to date is starting my CodeClarence Instagram page. This initiative, aimed at providing financial knowledge to my peers, has been incredibly fulfilling and impactful. Creating and maintaining this platform has taught me a great deal about myself and reinforced my commitment to helping others. The experience of starting CodeClarence has shown me the power of knowledge and the importance of sharing it. Financial literacy is a crucial skill, yet many young people lack access to the resources and education needed to make informed decisions about their money. By creating content that breaks down complex financial concepts into understandable and actionable advice, I’ve been able to empower my peers to take control of their financial futures. My CodeClarence page is a vibrant hub of financial education and motivation. It houses a diverse array of content including the latest financial news, practical financial tips, and monthly motivational posts to keep my peers inspired and focused on their goals. Throughout the month, I also share constant positive reminders to uplift and encourage my audience, reinforcing the idea that financial stability is within their reach. My vision for CodeClarence extends beyond an educational platform; I aspire to transform it into a nonprofit organization. This future nonprofit will host fundraisers and give back to the community through scholarships, grants, and financial boosts for families in need, helping them get back on track. By expanding my reach and resources, I aim to create a lasting impact, fostering a financially literate and empowered generation. Seeing my peers engage with the content, ask questions, and take proactive steps toward better financial management has been incredibly rewarding. It’s a testament to the willingness of this generation to learn and grow, and it underscores the impact that one person can have when they are passionate about a cause. The positive feedback and the gradual, yet steady, actions taken by my audience have shown me the value of perseverance and dedication. Through this journey, I’ve learned a lot about my capabilities. I’ve discovered that I can inspire and educate others and that my efforts can lead to real, tangible changes in people’s lives. It has also taught me the importance of consistency and patience, as meaningful change often takes time. Looking ahead, I hope to continue expanding CodeClarence and reach an even wider audience. My goal is to develop more comprehensive resources and perhaps even host workshops or webinars to provide more interactive and in-depth financial education. Ultimately, I want to help foster a generation that is financially savvy and empowered to make smart economic choices. In the future, I also aspire to use the skills and knowledge I’ve gained from this experience to pursue a career in finance. Whether through starting my private equity firm or working in investment banking, I want to continue making a positive impact on my community and beyond. By combining my passion for finance with my commitment to education and community service, I aim to create opportunities for others to succeed and thrive.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    I'm Clarence, and I believe that making a positive impact on others through love and acts of kindness is essential for building a strong, supportive community. Growing up in New Orleans has given me a deep appreciation for the power of community and the importance of giving back. Through various efforts, I strive to make a difference in the lives of those around me. One of the primary ways I contribute to my community is through volunteering. I actively participate in community service projects, ranging from helping out at local shelters to participating in neighborhood cleanups and assisting with food drives. Volunteering allows me to directly impact those in need and see the positive effects of my efforts firsthand. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that my time and energy are helping to improve the lives of others and strengthen the community. In addition to volunteering, I also enjoy mentoring and tutoring younger students. Education has always been important to me, and I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others. By helping students with their studies, particularly in subjects like math and economics, I can support their academic growth and boost their confidence. Watching them succeed and knowing that I played a part in their achievements is incredibly rewarding. Supporting local businesses is another way I contribute to my community. New Orleans has a rich culture and a strong sense of local pride, and I believe that supporting our local economy is crucial. I make it a point to shop at local stores, eat at locally-owned restaurants, and encourage others to do the same. By doing this, I help keep our community vibrant and economically healthy, ensuring that our unique culture continues to thrive. At my job at Raising Cane's, I strive to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere. Whether it’s offering a kind word to a coworker or providing excellent service to customers, I believe that small acts of kindness can make a big difference. A positive attitude can be contagious, and by fostering a supportive environment, I hope to inspire others to do the same. Promoting inclusivity is another key aspect of my efforts to make a positive impact. I stand up against discrimination and strive to make everyone feel valued and included. By promoting diversity and understanding, I aim to create a more inclusive and accepting community. It’s important to me that everyone feels they belong and are respected for who they are. Through these various actions, I hope to make a meaningful and lasting impact on my community. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, supporting local businesses, fostering positivity at work, or promoting inclusivity, I believe that acts of love and kindness can transform lives and build a stronger, more connected community. By continuing to focus on these efforts, I am committed to making a difference and inspiring others to do the same.
    Eddie L. Smith Sr. Memorial Scholarship
    My journey toward making a positive impact on the world through my career begins with a deep-rooted passion for finance, analytics, and the potential they hold to drive transformative change. From a young age, I've been drawn to the intricate workings of markets, the power of data-driven insights, and the complexities of economic systems. This fascination has only grown stronger over the years, fueling my determination to leverage these disciplines to make a meaningful difference in the world. As I look ahead to my future at LSU studying finance with a concentration in analytics, along with double minors in sociology and economics, I see a pathway to not only acquiring knowledge but also gaining the skills and perspective necessary to effect positive change. Through rigorous academic coursework, hands-on learning experiences, and exposure to real-world challenges, I aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of how financial systems operate and how they intersect with broader societal issues. My vision for making a positive impact extends beyond personal achievement to encompass the broader community and economy. With roots in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city rich in history, culture, and resilience, I am committed to giving back to my hometown and contributing to its continued growth and prosperity. By immersing myself in the local real estate landscape and understanding the unique challenges and opportunities it presents, I hope to identify innovative solutions that not only drive economic development but also promote social equity and inclusivity. One avenue through which I plan to enact change is by establishing my own private equity firm or investment banking firm focused on the Louisiana market. This endeavor aligns with my long-term goal of becoming an influential leader in the finance industry while also allowing me to direct capital toward projects and initiatives that have the potential to make a positive impact. Whether it's revitalizing underserved communities, supporting small businesses, or investing in sustainable infrastructure, I see my future firm as a catalyst for positive change, driving both financial returns and social value. Furthermore, my commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond business endeavors to include active engagement with the broader community. Through volunteering, mentorship, and advocacy, I seek to uplift those around me and amplify the voices of marginalized communities. By leveraging my education, skills, and resources, I hope to empower others to pursue their dreams and overcome systemic barriers to success. In all of my endeavors, I am guided by a strong sense of purpose and a belief in the inherent potential for progress and prosperity. While the challenges facing our world may seem daunting, I am confident that with determination, creativity, and collaboration, we can build a brighter future for generations to come. Through my career in finance and real estate, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, driving economic growth, fostering social inclusion, and leaving a lasting legacy of impact and inspiration.
    Delon Hampton & Associates African Americans in STEM Scholarship
    This scholarship would not only significantly help me, but it also help release stress of off my family. Money is scarce where I come from, but that is beside the point. I have a plan to financially free my family and with your help, it can come true. I plan on studying finance while in college with a minor in business analytics. I believe to make money you must first understand it. I also take an interest in the stock market, as it has helped people such as the great Warren Buffet and even Mark Cuban. It can change someone’s life. So help me change the tide of my family and support my legacy by investing in my future. Finance is so important to society. It plays a pivotal role in shaping individual lives and societal progress. At its core, finance is not merely a tool for managing money but a means to foster stability, growth, and, importantly, the ability to give back. Financial literacy empowers individuals to make informed decisions, navigate economic challenges, and plan for a secure future. It serves as a cornerstone for personal development, enabling people to invest wisely, save efficiently, and ultimately achieve their aspirations. Moreover, a society well-versed in finance is better equipped to address issues like poverty and inequality, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable community. Through this course, I believe I can gain the skills to give back to the community. I look at this as an opportunity to change the financial tide of everyone’s family. Multiple families lack the adequate financial resources and the suffer severely from it. Several problems in America tie back to the lack of financial literacy and awareness. The importance of giving back is intricately tied to financial awareness. As individuals accumulate financial knowledge, they become cognizant of the privilege associated with economic stability. This awareness instills a sense of responsibility to contribute to the welfare of others. By giving back, whether through charitable donations, mentorship, or community service, individuals leverage their financial understanding to uplift those facing economic hardships. In essence, finance becomes a catalyst for positive change when coupled with a commitment to giving back. It transforms from a personal tool into a force for societal betterment. As we recognize the interconnectedness of financial well-being and social responsibility, we pave the way for a more compassionate and equitable world, where the benefits of financial knowledge extend beyond personal success to the collective upliftment of communities.
    Chris Ford Scholarship
    This scholarship would not only significantly help me, but it also help release stress of off my family. Money is scarce where I come from, but that is beside the point. I have a plan to financially free my family and with your help, it can come true. I plan on studying finance while in college with a minor in business analytics. I believe to make money you must first understand it. I also take an interest in the stock market, as it has helped people such as the great Warren Buffet and even Mark Cuban. It can change someone’s life. So help me change the tide of my family and support my legacy by investing in my future. Finance is so important to society. It plays a pivotal role in shaping individual lives and societal progress. At its core, finance is not merely a tool for managing money but a means to foster stability, growth, and, importantly, the ability to give back. Financial literacy empowers individuals to make informed decisions, navigate economic challenges, and plan for a secure future. It serves as a cornerstone for personal development, enabling people to invest wisely, save efficiently, and ultimately achieve their aspirations. Moreover, a society well-versed in finance is better equipped to address issues like poverty and inequality, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable community. Through this course, I believe I can gain the skills to give back to the community. I look at this as an opportunity to change the financial tide of everyone’s family. Multiple families lack the adequate financial resources and the suffer severely from it. Several problems in America tie back to the lack of financial literacy and awareness. The importance of giving back is intricately tied to financial awareness. As individuals accumulate financial knowledge, they become cognizant of the privilege associated with economic stability. This awareness instills a sense of responsibility to contribute to the welfare of others. By giving back, whether through charitable donations, mentorship, or community service, individuals leverage their financial understanding to uplift those facing economic hardships. In essence, finance becomes a catalyst for positive change when coupled with a commitment to giving back. It transforms from a personal tool into a force for societal betterment. As we recognize the interconnectedness of financial well-being and social responsibility, we pave the way for a more compassionate and equitable world, where the benefits of financial knowledge extend beyond personal success to the collective upliftment of communities.