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Ciara Ugas-Moy


Bold Points








I am an Information Technology student specializing in web and software development. I hope to leverage my skills to help make the world more connected and sustainable. I also have a strong interest in UI/UX and customer experience so I have applied for the accelerated masters program in information systems so I can take specialization courses relevant to my emergent interests. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, running and hiking, so naturally I take a keen interest in preserving the environment around me. I am particularly passionate about sustainability (especially the social aspect, often overlooked). While I am still learning and exploring many avenues in tech, I hope to use my skills to help leverage platforms which truly help users make ethical and sustainable choices. Far too often I see features, and programs that turn out as greenwashing initiatives, or money grabs which exploit socio-economic issues instead of fixing it. I think with the right team I can take steps to change that. As I am nearing graduation I am actively seeking out peers with complementary skillsets and like values, and searching for companies in alignment with my values. I work part-time as an undergraduate tutor and a barista, so when I'm not helping others push through their CS/IT/IS coursework I'm making coffee for those late-night study groups. I also coordinate events on campus with the organization ASHA- Advocates for Sexual Health Awareness, to help students feel safe and welcomed on campus, as well as aware of their titleIX rights. website:


New Jersey Institute of Technology

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science
    • Information Science/Studies
  • Minors:
    • Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      Software engineer

    • Academic Tutor

      New Jersey Institute of Technology
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Barista

      Intrinsic Cafe
      2022 – Present2 years
    • Conference Manager

      2022 – 2022
    • Desk Attendant

      2021 – 20221 year
    • Intern

      Advisors Next Door (Environmental Consultants)
      2022 – 2022
    • Junior Manager

      Atlantic LNG
      2021 – 2021



    2021 – 20221 year


    • Present


    • Spoken Word Club

      2019 – 2021

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Advocates for Sexual Health Awareness (ASHA) — Director of Expansion
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Atlantic LNG — Mentor for those in Point Fortins Finest Leadership Development programme
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests





    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    The Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum While Heinrich Hertz is the father of frequency, 54 years after his discovery Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil leveraged and revolutionized its utility with Patent # 2,292,387 for a "Secret Communication System". With both inventors having a musical background they based their design upon the piano. The idea was to rapidly and unpredictably shift the carrier frequency of a communication signal, much like playing different keys on a piano. Just as a pianist moves their fingers across the keys to produce a sequence of notes, the frequency-hopping system involves changing the transmission frequency in a predetermined and synchronized pattern. Through the rapid and intentional alteration of the carrier frequency during the transmission of a signal, this groundbreaking technique made it challenging for unauthorized users to intercept or jam signals, significantly enhancing the security and reliability of wireless communication. This not only secured military communications during World War II, but also laid the foundation for modern Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. Today brilliance of Bluetooth and WiFi extends beyond their functionalities, reaching into the realm of human connection. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard that facilitates data exchange over short distances. Beyond the convenience of seamless device pairings, Bluetooth extends its utility to a diverse range of applications. It plays a pivotal role in energy-efficient home automation, optimizing resource usage in smart agriculture, reducing waste through efficient supply chain management, and promoting preventive healthcare with various types of wearable devices. WiFi, with its enhanced power and extensive reach, provides internet access. Whether we embrace it or not, the internet has fundamentally transformed the contemporary world, serving as the backbone of the modern economy and influencing our socio-political landscape in unforeseen ways. This impact ranges from smaller-scale instances, such as facilitating more frequent communication among separated migrant families and ensuring the everyday safety of friends and family through location sharing, to larger-scale scenarios like the sharing of scientific data and the democratization of education, making learning accessible to people worldwide. Frequency-hopping technology has fundamentally reshaped the way we connect, communicate, and collaborate, infusing our lives with heightened efficiency. Most significantly, the ubiquitous availability of information has empowered us to collectively strive for profound knowledge and mobilize with impactful purpose in our ever-expanding globalized landscape. Beyond the wonders of the technology itself, Lamarr's once-unrecognized contributions in this endeavor greatly inspire me to keep pushing forward, irrespective of unappreciative audiences
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    Growing up on an island, the route to my childhood home was a mix of stunning mangroves and beaches, juxtaposed alongside stretches of coast marred by oil and gas infrastructure. While I had no control over the development shaping the world around me, this stark contrast served as a poignant reminder of the crucial importance of living sustainably. For the most part, financial limitations influenced the habits I developed out of a necessity for resourcefulness. However, now residing in a country with greater economic freedom and an abundance of low-cost alternatives, often of questionable origins, choosing to live sustainably seems increasingly optional and even disadvantageous. Fast fashion, fast food even fast furniture. These pervasive trends are designed to provide an illusion of abundance, often at the cost of someone else's labor and the reckless depletion of natural resources. Many people attempt to have what I consider a 'capitalism fast' all at once, boycotting for a month or two, and then falling back into the cycle of mindless consumerism. This effort is noble, but much like a person seeking improved health for themselves, a crash diet won't work. Rather, implementing small but maintainable changes to ease into new habits is more sustainable. First issue: Recycling Grievous greenwashing, but an incredible marketing strategy for companies preying on consumer guilt. Estimates for the amount of plastic recycled are too low (around 5% in the US). I avoid these products, constantly seeking the alternative. If I must buy plastic, I opt for products with packaging that I am naturally inclined to reuse. However paper over plastic, and glass with intention, is the general rule of thumb, with an eye out for fast-growing plants like bamboo being the basis of the product. Second issue: planned obsolescence and fast living Manufacturers create janky machinery with unbelievably short lifespans. I try my best to pay the premium for a quality product, as this is both beneficial to me and the environment. However, if something is out of my budget I make my best effort to ensure it is structured in a manner that is easy to repair. As a part-time barista, I have a deep love for espresso, and I have been looking at home espresso machines. I have opted to get a manual lever machine for Christmas and I am well acquainted with the parts. The trade-off between a few extra seconds of my day for a piece of equipment that will last a lifetime, and produce a quality espresso, is nothing compared to a product that will last only 3 years if I'm very lucky only to end up in the landfill. Beyond personal taste, this choice emphasizes slowing down and appreciating the process, a deliberate step away from a fast-paced, disposable culture. Likewise, in my approach to clothing, the emphasis is on longevity. I often repair pieces or exchange items with friends. When it comes to produce I buy local and seasonal produce and utilize it as much as possible: making orange peels and ginger skin into tea, making preserves out of older produce, it's the little things. Looking ahead, I plan to leverage my web development skills to promote transparency in supply chains. The goal is to empower consumers with information about the environmental impact, ethical considerations, and overall sustainability of products. Through these efforts, I aim to contribute to a broader movement towards conscious consumerism. I hope this shift will help investors recognize that "Earth is now our only shareholder." (-Yvon Chouinard on transferring ownership of Patagonia)
    Your Health Journey Scholarship
    I have always been an active person, but it was not necessarily for my health. Being a hyperactive person, you could often find me on the school's soccer field, whether I was by myself trying to burn off energy or with a group of people I just met, trying to start a game. My involvement in exercise was solely dependent on sporadic bursts of energy, or my competitive side. As a result, there was a constant back and forth between good and bad habits, based on how I felt in the moment. For example, when I first started lifting, it was because my younger sister was doing so and I refused to let her out do me in this regard. However, I quickly realized there were no shortcuts in strength gains to surpass her. In various sports and games, I could always familiarize with my opponents' style and find ways leverage my strengths against their weaknesses, so I could compete even if they were more experienced. However in strength training the path to progress in linear, and requiring consistency and dedication. There was no way for me to skip ahead of her progress with time, making the only my only meaningful competition myself. I could only aim to lift heavier than I did last time. My initial endeavor rooted in silly sibling rivalry evolved into a sense of camaraderie between us both in the pursuit of self-improvement. There are some days when I don't feel particularly motivated to go to the gym. On day like this I remind myself, that while, feelings of regret may or may not surface after missing a day, the feelings of accomplishment after getting a workout in is certain. Living a healthier life requires a lot of discipline and time management. The latter does not come naturally to me, but in pursuit of my goals I have certainly improved in such areas and the structure it has added into my life carries over well into my work and academic life. While it is still difficult to manage dividing time between my job, class, assignments, gym, sleep and my social life, as I get into the rhythm of things it seems easier each week. Furthermore, It be remiss of me not to mention the role me friends play in my journey towards improving my health. We all are products of our environment to a certain extent. Being within a group of friends who also constantly seek to improve themselves holistically, and are supportive of my goals enables me to maintain good habits I have picked up, and give me further motivation to keep.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Ciara. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. It's certainly fun, but I'm more passionate about utilizing such knowledge for PEOPLE. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Maybe I got lucky this semester, to have such an amazing roommate, suitemate, and team (for intramural soccer). From a last-minute event with no one to go with, to help with homework due at 11:59, to moral support, or just the need to let out some feelings. I'd drop what I'm doing and show up because these are the kind of people who I know are worth it. It's the little things that we do for each other that color even the most mundane aspects of life. When working, we accompany each other on graveyard shifts when working on campus. When cooking, if have rice, my friend has the rice cooker and between us both, we experiment with what ingredients we have left. I am always surrounded by wonderful people. In fact, I once made a joke "If all my friends were sick I would want to be sick too". It was as if the universe heard me, because soon after all my friends who remained on campus for the winter break became sick. Of course, as designated nurse, I eventually got sick as well. But even amidst illness, an endless supply of tea, and vitamin C, there is laughter because at least we could quarantine together. We build each other. We support each other. We look after each other. Not out of obligation, but out of want. They are my little chosen family. It is easy to be generous because the people around me are worth it whether or not they reciprocate. I'd do anything for my friends as long as it is within my means to do so.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    Maybe I got lucky this semester, to have such an amazing roommate, suitemate, and team (for intramural soccer). From a last-minute event with no one to go with, to help with homework due at 11:59, to moral support, or just the need to let out some feelings. I'd drop what I'm doing and show up because these are the kind of people who I know are worth it. It's the little things that we do for each other that color even the most mundane aspects of life. When working, we accompany each other on graveyard shifts when working on campus. When cooking, if have rice, my friend has the rice cooker and between us both, we experiment with what ingredients we have left. I am always surrounded by wonderful people. In fact, I once made a joke "If all my friends were sick I would want to be sick too". It was as if the universe heard me, because soon after all my friends who remained on campus for the winter break became sick. Of course, as designated nurse, I eventually got sick as well. But even amidst illness, an endless supply of tea, and vitamin C, there is laughter because at least we could quarantine together. We build each other. We support each other. We look after each other. Not out of obligation, but out of want. They are my little chosen family. I am committed to being selfless because the people around me are worth it whether or not they reciprocate. I'd do anything for my friends as long as it is within my means to do so.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    Maybe I got lucky this semester, to have such an amazing roommate, suitemate, and team (for intramural soccer). From a last-minute event with no one to go with, to help with homework due at 11:59, to moral support, or just the need to let out some feelings. I'd drop what I'm doing and show up because these are the kind of people who I know are worth it. It's the little things that we do for each other which color even the most mundane aspects of life. When working, we accompany each other on graveyard shifts when working on campus. When cooking, if have rice, my friend has the rice cooker and between us both, we experiment with what ingredients we have left. I am always surrounded by wonderful people. In fact, I once made a joke "If all my friends were sick I would want to be sick too". It was as if the universe heard me, because soon after all my friends who remained on campus for the winter break became sick. Of course, as designated nurse, I eventually got sick as well. But even amidst illness, an endless supply of tea, and vitamin C, there is laughter because at least we could quarantine together. We build each other. We support each other. We look after each other. Not out of obligation, but out of want. They are my little chosen family. I am extremely grateful for them and I'll always be there for them.
    Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
    My friends. My friends give me hope. Maybe I got lucky this semester, to have such an amazing roommate, suitemate, and team (for intramural soccer). From a last-minute event with no one to go with, to help with homework due at 11:59, to moral support, or just the need to let out some feelings. I'd drop what I'm doing and show up because these are the kind of people who I know are worth it. It's the little things that we do for each other that color even the most mundane aspects of life. When working, we accompany each other on graveyard shifts when working on campus. When cooking, if have rice, my friend has the rice cooker and between us both, we experiment with what ingredients we have left. I am always surrounded by wonderful people. In fact, I once made a joke "If all my friends were sick I would want to be sick too". It was as if the universe heard me, because soon after all my friends who remained on campus for the winter break became sick. Of course, as a designated nurse, I eventually got sick as well. But even amidst illness, an endless supply of tea, and vitamin C, there is laughter because at least we could quarantine together. When I look at the people I am surrounded by, I just know my generation is going to be the one to change things. I look at my friends and I see future researchers, policymakers, and revolutionaries. I see leaders. And not just any leaders. I see leaders who care. They are the people I want to work with in the future. They are not the kind of people who remain friends with me in hopes of climbing future corporate ladders, but rather the kind of friends who co-operate with me to build ladders to help others climb. When I talk to my friends I don't feel like a naive child spewing pipe dreams about changing the world. I see myself among a group of people who actively seek to better themselves, educating themselves and getting involved. I am amongst people who are willing to work towards their goals and learn more about the things they want to see changed so they can enact that change. We build each other. We support each other. We look after each other. Not out of obligation, but out of want. They are my little chosen family. This is what friendship is to me. This is what inspires me.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Ciara. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. It's certainly fun, but I'm more passionate about utilizing such knowledge for PEOPLE. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to come join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    There is nothing more satisfying than playing football/soccer barefoot in the rain. The rain would soften the prickly weeds hidden in the grass, which could easily catch you off guard on a sunny day. The entire field would become a slip and slide. Every tackle was a slide tackle, as there are no risks of burns and bruises on wet grass. It was all too entertaining to see a series of players strewn left and right in the ball's wake, each slipping a couple more times in an attempt to get up and continue chasing after the ball. We would come home drenched in mud and decorated with grass. In moving to America, football became an easy way to meet new people. If there is even a single person practicing, I can just enter the field, and already, I have a friend. Wait a couple minutes, there'll be enough people for a 4 or 5-a-side match, with water bottles or any other item on hand that we could find as our small goalposts. The game is a people magnet, providing camaraderie between a group of people who were formerly strangers in barely 15 minutes. You can learn a lot about someone from how they play. Are they always a striker or do they fall back when everyone wants to score the goals? Do they tend to pass the ball back or will they attempt to dribble through three defenders? How do they react when losing possession? Do they keep playing like they are hungry, even when the point differential is huge? Do you always find them creating opportunities for great passes or are they relentlessly chasing after the ball? It doesn't matter what the answers are. I just want to see how we can work together. So pass the ball.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    Two qualities that I have been working on are confidence and humility. In some ways, those traits seem contradictory, but they are not in the way I define them. To me, confidence is knowing that you are never too small for any big task, and humility is knowing that you are never too big for any small task. I keep this in mind when guiding my decisions and I am always willing to help with any task. My high-school, my peers, knowing this, have always used me as their go-to girl when it comes to school events, especially house-related activities. From impromptu art competitions to sporting events to calypso competitions, I show up for Keller (my house). I don’t even sing, but I ended up writing my first calypso and performing with two of my friends one morning. Now that I am in college, I also strive to remember I am never too small for any task. Confidence in myself prevents me from giving up. This semester I am taking nineteen credits while working the maximum hours on campus. My academic goal is a 4.0 GPA this semester. In addition, I intend to be more involved in the organizations I care about like the Black Students' Union and our college's chapter of Amnesty. Furthermore, I intend to run to represent my major in the senate. In terms of personal goals, I am helping my sister to immigrate here in order to attend community college because I believe she is safer here with me and will have more opportunities here. I know it is a lot, and that it is going to be hard. But I know I am passionate about my classes, the organizations I spoke about, and my sister will always be a priority. I can do it.
    BJB Scholarship
    1. I consider my hometown in Trinidad, Point Fortin my community. I also consider Newark my community. I consider my peers who are immigrants or children of immigrants to be my community. I consider my peers who are also low income my community. I consider my peers, African or of the Diaspora, my community. There is no one home, because I find my home in people. They are all equally important to me. Back home, I maintain contact with an organization running a program called "Point Fortin's Finest Leadership Development Programme" as a mentor. Last semester, I mainly helped with random campus activities. This semester, I have made it a goal to become more involved in student organizations that are important to me such as the Student Senate, representing the college of computing, and the National Society of Black Engineers. Furthermore, I would like to get involved in the Amnesty chapter at my college. 2. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters. These are my goals. I am getting to them, one way or the other.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    It is important to nourish the body, mind, and soul. THE BODY It's a given that we must eat healthily and get exercise to take care of our bodies. But it isn't always easy. One of the best ways I have found, to ensure I get exercise is by surrounding myself with friends who are also active. It can be friends who play the same sports as you, gym buddies, or even just that one friend who always wants you to accompany them on some errand which results in quite a bit of non-stop pacing. Likewise, if someone struggles to eat healthily, surrounding themselves with people who also are health conscious is a good idea. Try making a meal with your friends, rather than ordering pizza for the group. THE MIND We need to learn. In order to effectively take care of our bodies, we must be knowledgeable about them. There are many ways we can unknowingly harm ourselves out of ignorance. Furthermore, it's important to always keep learning as this will keep us mentally sharp well into old age. Perhaps there is only so high we can grow physically, but we are yet to test the true mental bounds within human capacity. THE SOUL It's important to be passionate. About something. About someone. About life. Why live longer if there is no reason to live. Some of us want to live longer to see our friends and family flourish Some of us want to live longer to see blossoms bloom again in season Some of us want to live longer because there are too many things to do in one lifetime, too many books to read, too many films to see. Regardless, we want to live because in life there is soul. And in soul there is beauty.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Ciara. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. It's certainly fun, but I'm more passionate about utilizing such knowledge for PEOPLE. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to come join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Ciara. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to come join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters. These are my goals. I am getting to them, one way or the other.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Ciara. I am from Trinidad and I came to the US in the fall of 2020 to study Computer Science at NJIT. I would like to be a software developer, but not long term. I just value the industry experience and enjoy coding. After completing my degree I intend to use the knowledge gained for the advancement of Trinidad. When I return, I intend to get involved in politics at some point, so that I can promote the implementation of technology within all economic sectors in a way that is transformative and lasting. Increased use of technology will catalyze the advancement of all industries, thus diversifying the economy, and decreasing sole reliance on oil and gas. Furthermore, building the digital landscape improves the transparency of institutions and ease of access to information for government services. I also intend to advocate for the progress of LGBTQ rights and against the prevalent issue of gender-based violence in Trinidad as well as the wider Caribbean. Most importantly, I would like to deal with the classist structure of the education system to allow persons of any background a more direct path to success. But, charity begins at home. I have four siblings. I may be limited in terms of resources currently, but it does not have to be that way for them. I want to ensure they have more opportunities than me. In fact, I am currently working so that I can help my younger sister to come join me in the US and study at a community college near my campus this fall. I hope to reach a point where I can support us both so that she can focus on her work and not financial matters. These are my goals. I am getting to them, one way or the other.
    Durham-Dodd Dreams Scholarship
    A person who is considered extremely influential in someone's life is oftentimes a role model. My mother has had to raise 5 children by herself, in addition to providing support for my sickly grandparents. She does not carry the stress well. Our household was toxic. Albeit, this is not an insult, she should not be defined by her motherhood. She does not have to be the family's superhero. She is a foreign language teacher. All her students know of her endless creativity in coming up with new teaching approaches and love her for it. All her co-workers know of her aptitude for learning and implementing new approaches, whether or not it is related to languages. All her daughters know that she never holds back when it comes to school events, as it's easy to find her late at night patching something together or typing something up. She is certainly intelligent, passionate, and hard-working. My mother. She plays a role muddled, but she is not my role model. I admire her for her qualities, not because she is my mother, but because she is truly a phenomenal woman. However, she could be more if unencumbered by life's misfortunes. She reminds me that I need to be more than I am now. I refuse to glorify the endless self-sacrifice of a single mother. No praise belongs to suffering. I want more for her, because she deserves it, not as my mother, but as a woman. I am here to break generational curses.
    Finesse Your Education's "The College Burnout" Scholarship
    Playlist Name: After Class Artist Name: Theo Reticle 1. Dominic Fike - "3 Nights" 2. AJR - "Come Hang Out" 3. Tai Verdes - "A-O-K " 4. E^ST - "Friends" 5. FKA twigs - "oh my love" 6. Glass Animals - "Youth" 7. Kanye West - "Street Lights"
    Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
    see pdf attached.
    Hobbies Matter
    I love playing football (soccer). I love the defending, I love going for the goal, I love the adrenaline rush of it all. However, football is not just about the game itself to me; It's about the people. I was not a sporty person at first but, my younger sister, who loves football, was not allowed to go to the park alone. So I would accompany her there and we would play with any person who approached. I did not have cleats, but my sister kicked with her right foot and I kicked with my left, so she would let me wear the left side of her pair sometimes. However, there was nothing more satisfying than playing barefoot in the rain. The rain would soften the prickly weeds hidden in the grass, which could easily catch you off guard on a sunny day. The entire field would become a slip and slide. Every tackle was a slide tackle, as there are no risks of burns and bruises on wet grass. It was all too entertaining to see a series of players strewn left and right in the ball's wake, each slipping a couple more times in an attempt to get up and continue chasing after the ball. We would come home drenched in mud and decorated with grass. In moving to America, football was a way for me to easily meet new people. If there is even a single person practicing on the field alone, I would just walk into the goal to defend, and I already have a friend. Wait a couple of minutes, we'd have enough people to alternate positions. Wait a few more, there'll be enough people for a 4 or 5-a-side match, with water bottles or any other item on hand that we could find as our small goalposts. The game is like a people magnet, providing camaraderie between a group of people who were formerly strangers to me in barely 15 minutes. We don't even need to speak the same language to work together. All we need is synergy. It's easy to tell a lot about a person, without even talking to them, from the way that they play. Do they prefer to be a striker but are willing to fall back when everyone wants to score the goals? Do they tend to pass the ball back or will they attempt to dribble through three defenders? How do they react when losing possession? Do they keep playing like they mean it, even when the point differential is huge? Do you always find them creating opportunities for great passes or are they relentlessly chasing after the ball? It doesn't matter what the answers are, I am always down to make new friends. I just want to see HOW we can work together. So pass me the ball.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Coming to America has been a blessing. I once mistook complacency for contentment. Mere survival was enough. I was in a community where higher education was frowned upon as college was seen as the devil's playground. I was discouraged from making friends outside of my family's religion. I was allowed to be ambitious but not too much, because "only God can fix the world". Here, I am free to talk about what I want, with who I want, and to go where I want. I thought I escaped. However, somewhere along the way, I fell into the trap of escapism. Most of my friends are exchange students. For them, studying here is a vacation. For me, studying here is key to social mobility. But around them, it was all too easy to forget who I am and my reason for being here. I realized exactly where I lost myself when I met someone whose life seemed to be in parallel to mine. The things he cared for were the things I once passionately spoke about. However, such issues were relegated to a spot buried in the back of my mind. Once again mistook complacency for contentment. I was not doing enough. I may be in a better place, but what about those like me who also do not have the support to achieve more. I immediately started researching educational options for my sister to join me in the U.S, to enjoy the opportunity. I started working so I would be able to support her as well. Additionally, I have made it a goal to become more involved in student organizations that are important to me such as the Student Senate, and the National Society of Black Engineers. There is always more to work towards. I refuse to become complacent again.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    I don't come from the most supportive or affectionate family. It is not an environment I would wish for anyone to live in. But I cannot choose my family. Regardless, I will try my best to raise and support my family. It is my obligation. However, I can choose my friends. Maybe I got lucky this semester, to have such an amazing roommate, suitemate, and team (for intramural soccer). From a last-minute event with no one to go with, to help with homework due at 11:59, to moral support, or just the need to let out some feelings. I'd drop what I'm doing and show up because these are the kind of people who I know are worth it. It's the little things that we do for each other which color even the most mundane aspects of life. When working, we accompany each other on graveyard shifts when working on campus. When cooking, if have rice, my friend has the rice cooker and between us both, we experiment with what ingredients we have left. I am always surrounded by wonderful people. In fact, I once made a joke "If all my friends were sick I would want to be sick too". It was as if the universe heard me, because soon after all my friends who remained on campus for the winter break became sick. Of course, as designated nurse, I eventually got sick as well. But even amidst illness, an endless supply of tea, and vitamin C, there is laughter because at least we could quarantine together. We build each other. We support each other. We look after each other. Not out of obligation, but out of want. They are my little chosen family. This is what friendship is to me.