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Christopher Huff


Bold Points




I am a student, team leader, and author with many qualities that benefit those around me. I am considered by classmates, colleagues, and professors as a dynamic person focused on achieving goals, exemplifying leadership, and willing to do more than expected. I authored the book "Don't Be A Money Idiot" to teach others the significance of financial literacy. I also authored the book "A Trip Into Destiny" to teach others the importance of self-improvement and becoming the best version of oneself.


Georgia State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      Marketing Strategist and Day-Trader

      BIPOC Urban Innovators Scholarship
      My name is Christopher Huff. I am a rising junior at Georgia State University, an investor, and the author of the books, "Don't Be A Money Idiot" and "A Trip Into Destiny." I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. My experience with video creation, video editing, digital poster creation, authoring two books, and being the lead chair of social promotion of the Georgia State University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success has assisted in my aspiration to enter marketing. Using various platforms such as Clipchamp and Canva has given me the tools and skills I need to start in the marketing realm. While many components have contributed to my decision to pursue marketing, there are two concrete reasons for my selection. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. By spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. One particular goal I have aside from striving in the marketing industry, is succeeding in leadership and community service. I believe a leader is someone willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta.
      Autumn Davis Memorial Scholarship
      One particular time I faced hardship was in 2022. I lost several relatives on both my mother's and father's side of the family all within the same calendar year. I lost 3 relatives on my mother's side of the family and lost 5 relatives on my father's side of the family. One particular relative I lost passed away on New Year's Day, another passed away on Mother's Day, and another passed on my birthday. Having lost so many relatives within the same year, I had a wave of several emotions come over me that caused me to enter a state of deep depression. I was lost, confused, distraught, and most importantly felt hopeless. I would go several days and sometimes weeks at a time without talking to any of my friends or family. I would get several calls and text messages from people trying to check on me to ensure I was okay. Due to my depression, I had to check into therapy and grief counseling on a biweekly basis. I missed several opportunities to spend time with my friends such as attending birthday parties, football games, and graduation parties. I also missed time with my family by forgoing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in 2022 and 2023. Not having my deceased relatives around during the holidays caused me to lose sense of the holiday spirit. I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. There are two concrete reasons for my selection. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. By spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were.
      Black Leaders Scholarship
      Two black leaders who truly inspired me are my mother and father. To me, legacy is the everlasting impact that a person creates throughout their life that is continued by others after their passing. Legacy is significant to me because it entails what notable embarkment a person left and how they were able to affect the lives of others. Legacy is very indicative of a person's character. I believe that how one carries oneself will be manifest in their legacy. I believe my upbringing has substantially influenced my path of life. In my early years, my father would require me to read every day for at least twenty minutes and provide him with a synopsis of what I read. As I got older, he also taught me other things that are still pivotal in my life today such as how to dress as a man, save and manage money, and standing affirmed on my convictions. Through my father's teaching and guidance, I have established great prioritization in different aspects of life including education, dressing accordingly for occasions, and a willingness to have contrary views to those of the majority. My mother has also played a pivotal role in my life's development. My mother has impacted my life in various ways, but two particular ways that stand out for me are charity work and personal presentation. Throughout my life, I have seen my mother sacrifice time and money for strangers, relatives, and friends. From giving my friends rides home from sporting events to donating clothes to the homeless, to paying for a man's meal because he did not have enough money, through my mother's example I have made it my mission to give back and serve those around me. I have partaken in several charity initiatives including donating food to underserved children, creating blankets for the unhoused community of Atlanta, acquiring a job as a teacher's assistant, and working with impoverished children to ensure they are on the correct educational path. As for personal presentation, my mother has always stressed the importance of my image when I leave the house. She always reiterated that I do my hair correctly, dress presentably, and maneuver with a purpose. Because of my mother's regurgitation of prioritizing personal image, every day I ensure my hair is neat, my clothes are clean and well put together, and that I am giving the best possible presentation of myself to the public. As I get older, I plan to make my legacy a continuation of the values and teachings my parents bequeathed to me. I plan to teach my friends, fellow community members, and my children the importance of prioritizing education, financial literacy, standing by personal beliefs, giving to those in need, and presenting yourself in the best possible way. I hope, that my experiences and teachings bring great benefit to the lives of others. I want my legacy to be that I managed to positively influence my children and the lives of others so they can be the best possible versions of themselves and can continue teaching more people how to be productive role models in society.
      Norton Scholarship
      When people say "my truth" often, they refer to their own anecdotal experiences. In other instances, they use the term as a substitute or as a verbal shield to detract from an inevitable truth that is perceivably ugly. The concept of human truth can be heavily disputed because with there being eight billion people on the planet, each person will have a different opinion from the other. If there are eight billion different variations of truth, who would be the arbitrator on whose perception of truth gets validated and whose perception of truth would be rejected? Because in Genesis 1:27 it states, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." If every person is created in the likeness of God, one person or group's perspective cannot be the precedent for all of mankind. Because we are all created in God's image, we all share equal value, and no man is superior to another. In John 1:1-3 it states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made." Here God clearly states that he is the creator of all things. The word of God is the only truth that all of mankind should and must cohere to. Many people of high moral standards whether they believe in Christ or not, understand that the word God is the absolute truth. For example, the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy hold the Ten Commandments, with one of the commandments being "Thou shall not kill." If one were to ask a nonbeliever of Christ why they would not kill people, they would generally say that it is morally wrong to take another life. In this common answer here, they understand the taking of innocent life fails to abide by a moral standard. This particular moral standard of not taking innocent life was established by God himself for us humans to follow. Because he is the creator of all living and nonliving things on Earth, we as one of God's creations, are subject to adhering to the word of our creator. While truths among people can be disputed, one indisputable truth is the truth of God. The truth of God is the truth that is established to guide the people of Earth on a path of righteousness rather than a path of confusion and disarray. This is why in John 14:6, Jesus states "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Here the bible clearly states that Jesus, who is the living image of God, is the only way to truth. This particular establishment of truth does not solely apply to followers of Christ but to all people of the Earth.
      Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
      God and my faith in him have helped me significantly, especially in times of trial and tribulation. One particular time I faced hardship was in 2022. I lost several relatives on both my mother's and father's side of the family all within the same calendar year. I lost 3 relatives on my mother's side of the family and lost 5 relatives on my father's side of the family. One particular relative I lost passed away on New Year's Day, another passed away on Mother's Day, and another passed on my birthday. Having lost so many relatives within the same year, I had a wave of several emotions come over me that caused me to enter a state of deep depression. I was lost, confused, distraught, and most importantly felt hopeless. I would go several days and sometimes weeks at a time without talking to any of my friends or family. I would get several calls and text messages from people trying to check on me to ensure I was okay. Due to my depression, I had to check into therapy and grief counseling on a biweekly basis. I missed several opportunities to spend time with my friends such as attending birthday parties, football games, and graduation parties. I also missed time with my family by forgoing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in 2022 and 2023 because not having my deceased relatives around during the holidays caused me to lose sense of the holiday spirit. Throughout this time I could only help but ask why me, god? I was confused that as a person of faith, a follower of Jesus Christ, and somebody of high moral standards, how could any of this be happening to me? Throughout this time I had to continue to look to my bible for reassurance that I would get through this troubling time in my life. One particular verse in the bible that stood out to me and helped me during this time was Romans 5:1-5. This verse details how as a follower of Christ, I must rejoice in my sufferings knowing that it produces endurance and endurance produces character. Even in a time when I felt more helpless than anyone, I knew that God had greater plans for me and my life and that my future would not look like what I had been through. I overcame this particular hardship by asking God for peace, clarity, and assurance that my future would not be as dark as my past or my then-current state of being. Because of God's grace and mercy, I was able to seek therapy, attend grief counseling, and have friends and family to talk to about my ongoing issues. While I did not want to disclose my issues to anyone initially, I knew it would be necessary. Had I not shared my problems with others, more than likely my issues would have only gotten worse. One of my relatives who passed away in 2022 was my great-aunt. And one thing I learned from her was how to give back to those in need. Since her passing, I honored her by following in her footsteps, exhibiting leadership, and giving back to my community. I believe that in my career aspirations, my faith in God will guide me in a direction where I can thrive mentally and financially. I believe that I will be able to accomplish the goals I set for myself and achieve things I had no anticipation of achieving. While I know every day will not be great, I know for certain God will always direct my career and my life graciously.
      Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
      One particular time I faced hardship was in 2022. I lost several relatives on both my mother's and father's side of the family all within the same calendar year. I lost 3 relatives on my mother's side of the family and lost 5 relatives on my father's side of the family. One particular relative I lost passed away on New Year's Day, another passed away on Mother's Day, and another passed on my birthday. Having lost so many relatives within the same year, I had a wave of several emotions come over me that caused me to enter a state of deep depression. I was lost, confused, distraught, and most importantly felt hopeless. I would go several days and sometimes weeks at a time without talking to any of my friends or family. I would get several calls and text messages from people trying to check on me to ensure I was okay. Due to my depression, I had to check into therapy and grief counseling on a biweekly basis. I missed several opportunities to spend time with my friends such as attending birthday parties, football games, and graduation parties. I also missed time with my family by forgoing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in 2022 and 2023 because not having my deceased relatives around during the holidays caused me to lose sense of the holiday spirit. Throughout my struggle with grief and depression, I learned that although death is definite, it is not the end. The best way to thrive in life is by doing for others. One of my relatives who passed away in 2022 was my great-aunt. And one thing I learned from her was how to give back to those in need. Since her passing, I honored her by following in her footsteps, exhibiting leadership, and giving back to my community. I believe a leader is someone willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta. I also have a job with a company called Jumpstart. At Jumpstart, I work with several underserved and at-risk children who are preschool and pre-kindergarten age and ensure they get the proper educational skills they need for kindergarten. As a team leader, I lead reading time, create learning retention activities, and help new Jumpstart members adjust to the company and the classroom. I always ensure that instructions and information are thoroughly communicated to members and students so they have absolute clarity on what they need to know. I also partake in mentorship outside of school. I help mentor friends, peers, and classmates on effective communication, proper attire, and obtaining better educational opportunities. Through my mentorship, I help teach and lead other young men on the right path where they are more inclined to make correct decisions, stay out of trouble, boost their confidence, and represent themselves in the best possible way.
      Joy Of Life Inspire’s AAA Scholarship
      One particular time I faced hardship was in 2022. I lost several relatives on both my mother's and father's side of the family all within the same calendar year. I lost 3 relatives on my mother's side of the family and lost 5 relatives on my father's side of the family. One particular relative I lost passed away on New Year's Day, another passed away on Mother's Day, and another passed on my birthday. Having lost so many relatives within the same year, I had a wave of several emotions come over me that caused me to enter a state of deep depression. I was lost, confused, distraught, and most importantly felt hopeless. I would go several days and sometimes weeks at a time without talking to any of my friends or family. I would get several calls and text messages from people trying to check on me to ensure I was okay. Due to my depression, I had to check into therapy and grief counseling on a biweekly basis. I missed several opportunities to spend time with my friends such as attending birthday parties, football games, and graduation parties. I also missed time with my family by forgoing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in 2022 and 2023 because not having my deceased relatives around during the holidays caused me to lose sense of the holiday spirit. I overcame this particular hardship by seeking therapy, attending grief counseling, and having friends and family to talk to about my ongoing issues. While I did not want to disclose my issues to anyone initially, I knew it would be necessary. Had I not shared my problems with others, more than likely my issues would have only gotten worse. One of my relatives who passed away in 2022 was my great-aunt. And one thing I learned from her was how to give back to those in need. Since her passing, I honored her by following in her footsteps, exhibiting leadership, and giving back to my community. I believe a leader is someone willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta. I also have a job with a company called Jumpstart. At Jumpstart, I work with several underserved and at-risk children who are preschool and pre-kindergarten age and ensure they get the proper educational skills they need for kindergarten. As a team leader, I lead reading time, create learning retention activities, and help new Jumpstart members adjust to the company and the classroom. I always ensure that instructions and information are thoroughly communicated to members and students so they have absolute clarity on what they need to know. I also partake in mentorship outside of school. I help mentor friends, peers, and classmates on effective communication, proper attire, and obtaining better educational opportunities. Through my mentorship, I help teach and lead other young men on the right path where they are more inclined to make correct decisions, stay out of trouble, boost their confidence, and represent themselves in the best possible way.
      Leave A Legacy Always Scholarship
      My name is Christopher Huff. I am a rising junior at Georgia State University, an investor, and the author of the books, "Don't Be A Money Idiot" and "A Trip Into Destiny." I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. My experience with video creation, video editing, digital poster creation, authoring two books, and being the lead chair of social promotion of the Georgia State University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success has assisted in my aspiration to enter marketing. Using various platforms such as Clipchamp and Canva has given me the tools and skills I need to start in the marketing realm. While many components have contributed to my decision to pursue marketing, there are two concrete reasons for my selection. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. By spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. One particular goal I have aside from striving in the marketing industry, is succeeding in leadership and community service. I believe a leader is someone willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta. I have substantial experience in leadership roles whether it be in high school as a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club or in college as a member of the National Society of Leadership and Excellence, the Golden Key International Honour Society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I also work for a company called Jumpstart where I am a team leader. As a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club, I helped donate food, clothes, and hygiene products to the unhoused community of Atlanta during Thanksgiving and Christmas donation drives in 2019 and 2021. I hold two leadership positions at Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success as secretary and social events chair. As secretary, my job is to facilitate meetings and work alongside the chapter's president, vice president, and other members of the leadership team to ensure Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success is meeting certain deadlines, actively partaking in community service, and is allocating funding accordingly. As the social events chair, I am tasked with operating the social media pages for our chapter. I create posts to alert Georgia State University community members about events hosted by the National Society of Leadership and Success, host the various events posted on social media, and send out reminders to other society members about upcoming meetings and events. My exemplification of effective communication and guidance is another example of my leadership ability. At Jumpstart, I work with several underserved and at-risk children who are preschool and pre-kindergarten age and ensure they get the proper educational skills they need for kindergarten. As a team leader, I lead reading time, create learning retention activities, and help new Jumpstart members adjust to the company and the classroom. I always ensure that instructions and information are thoroughly communicated to members and students so they have absolute clarity on what they need to know. I also partake in mentorship outside of school. I help mentor friends, peers, and classmates on effective communication, proper attire, and obtaining better educational opportunities. Through my mentorship, I help teach and lead other young men on the right path where they are more inclined to make correct decisions, stay out of trouble, boost their confidence, and represent themselves in the best possible way.
      Brandon Repola Memorial Scholarship
      I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. My experience with video creation, video editing, digital poster creation, authoring two books, and being the lead chair of social promotion of the Georgia State University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success has assisted in my aspiration to enter marketing. Using various platforms such as Clipchamp and Canva has given me the tools and skills I need to start in the marketing realm. While many components have contributed to my decision to pursue marketing, there are two concrete reasons for my selection. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. By spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were.
      Career Test Scholarship
      I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. My experience with video creation, video editing, digital poster creation, authoring two books, and being the lead chair of social promotion of the Georgia State University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success has assisted in my aspiration to enter marketing. Using various platforms such as Clipchamp and Canva has given me the tools and skills I need to start in the marketing realm. While many components have contributed to my decision to pursue marketing, there are two concrete reasons for my selection. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. By spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were.
      Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
      I embody selflessness by being willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta. I have substantial experience in community service roles whether it be in high school as a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club or in college as a member of the National Society of Leadership and Excellence, the Golden Key International Honour Society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I also work for a company called Jumpstart where I am a team leader. As a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club, I helped donate food, clothes, and hygiene products to the unhoused community of Atlanta during Thanksgiving and Christmas donation drives in 2019 and 2021. I hold two leadership positions at Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success as secretary and social events chair. As secretary, my job is to facilitate meetings and work alongside the chapter's president, vice president, and other members of the leadership team to ensure Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success is meeting certain deadlines, actively partaking in community service, and is allocating funding accordingly. As the social events chair, I am tasked with operating the social media pages for our chapter. I create posts to alert Georgia State University community members about events hosted by the National Society of Leadership and Success, host the various events posted on social media, and send out reminders to other society members about upcoming meetings and events. My exemplification of effective communication and guidance is another example of my selflessness ability. At Jumpstart, I work with several underserved and at-risk children who are preschool and pre-kindergarten age and ensure they get the proper educational skills they need for kindergarten. As a team leader, I lead reading time, create learning retention activities, and help new Jumpstart members adjust to the company and the classroom. I always ensure that instructions and information are thoroughly communicated to members and students so they have absolute clarity on what they need to know. I also partake in mentorship outside of school. I help mentor friends, peers, and classmates on effective communication, proper attire, and obtaining better educational opportunities. Through my mentorship, I help teach and lead other young men on the right path where they are more inclined to make correct decisions, stay out of trouble, boost their confidence, and represent themselves in the best possible way.
      Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
      I believe a leader is someone willing to work for the preservation and improvement of others' welfare. One way I have encapsulated this form of leadership was in 2022 during the Georgia State University President's Day of Service. During the President's Day of Service, I and other volunteers, came together to donate food, clothes, and water, and make drawings for underserved children at two local elementary schools. Another time I served my community was in 2023 at the Martin Luther King Day of Service. At this event, I and other volunteers used recycled bags to create plastic blankets for the unhoused community in inner-city Atlanta. I have substantial experience in leadership roles whether it be in high school as a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club or in college as a member of the National Society of Leadership and Excellence, the Golden Key International Honour Society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I also work for a company called Jumpstart where I am a team leader. As a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and Beta Club, I helped donate food, clothes, and hygiene products to the unhoused community of Atlanta during Thanksgiving and Christmas donation drives in 2019 and 2021. I hold two leadership positions at Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success as secretary and social events chair. As secretary, my job is to facilitate meetings and work alongside the chapter's president, vice president, and other members of the leadership team to ensure Georgia State University's chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success is meeting certain deadlines, actively partaking in community service, and is allocating funding accordingly. As the social events chair, I am tasked with operating the social media pages for our chapter. I create posts to alert Georgia State University community members about events hosted by the National Society of Leadership and Success, host the various events posted on social media, and send out reminders to other society members about upcoming meetings and events. My exemplification of effective communication and guidance is another example of my leadership ability. At Jumpstart, I work with several underserved and at-risk children who are preschool and pre-kindergarten age and ensure they get the proper educational skills they need for kindergarten. As a team leader, I lead reading time, create learning retention activities, and help new Jumpstart members adjust to the company and the classroom. I always ensure that instructions and information are thoroughly communicated to members and students so they have absolute clarity on what they need to know. I also partake in mentorship outside of school. I help mentor friends, peers, and classmates on effective communication, proper attire, and obtaining better educational opportunities. Through my mentorship, I help teach and lead other young men on the right path where they are more inclined to make correct decisions, stay out of trouble, boost their confidence, and represent themselves in the best possible way.
      Hines Scholarship
      To me, college is a gateway to a multitude of opportunities. It gives a person the opportunity to network, enhance their education, build strong relationships, and put them on a path toward a career. I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. Earning the Hines Scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals in several ways. Firstly, being awarded the scholarship will cover most of my book expenses. While the scholarship does not cover the entire cost of books, it does help me substantially because I can avoid taking out a larger loan. The second way the Hines Scholarship can help me achieve my goals is by enabling me to be prepared for my classes. Without worrying about how I will cover the costs of my textbooks for the semester, I will be more composed and inclined to succeed in my classes. A third way the Hines Scholarship can benefit me is by helping me save money. As someone who does not have a stable income, covering collegiate expenses is rather difficult for me without taking out loans. If given the scholarship, I can avoid going further into debt to cover expenses for college. The fourth and final way the Hines Scholarship can assist in the achievement of my goals is by getting me closer to graduating college and starting a career in marketing. Once my expenses are covered, I can finish earning my credits and obtain my degree. After I acquire my degree, I anticipate starting a career as a marketing strategist and image consultant and can begin paying off my student loan debt.
      Redefining Victory Scholarship
      To me, success is the ability to achieve one's goals while simultaneously implementing positive change in the lives of others. I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. Earning the Redefining Victory Scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals in several ways. Firstly, being awarded the scholarship will cover most of my book expenses and my remaining tuition costs. The estimated total expense for books next semester will be around $1000 and my remaining tuition will be around $2000. While the scholarship does not cover the entire cost of books, it does help me substantially because I can avoid taking out a larger loan. The second way the Redefining Victory Scholarship can help me achieve my goals is by enabling me to be prepared for my classes. Without worrying about how I will cover the costs of my textbooks for the semester, I will be more composed and inclined to succeed in my classes. A third way the Redefining Victory Scholarship can benefit me is by helping me save money. As someone who does not have a stable income, covering collegiate expenses is rather difficult for me without taking out loans. If given the scholarship, I can avoid going further into debt to cover expenses for college. The fourth and final way the Redefining Victory Scholarship can assist in the achievement of my goals is by getting me closer to graduating college and starting a career in marketing. Once my expenses are covered, I can finish earning my credits and obtain my degree. After I acquire my degree, I anticipate starting a career as a marketing strategist and image consultant and can begin paying off my student loan debt.
      Nyadollie Scholarship
      My name is, Christopher Huff and I am a rising junior at Georgia State University. I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. Earning the Nyadollie Scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals in several ways. Firstly, being awarded the scholarship will cover most of my book expenses. The estimated total expense for books next semester will be around $1000. While the scholarship does not cover the entire cost of books, it does help me substantially because I can avoid taking out a larger loan. The second way the Nyadollie Scholarship can help me achieve my goals is by enabling me to be prepared for my classes. Without worrying about how I will cover the costs of my textbooks for the semester, I will be more composed and inclined to succeed in my classes. A third way the Nyadollie Scholarship can benefit me is by helping me save money. As someone who does not have a stable income, covering collegiate expenses is rather difficult for me without taking out loans. If given the scholarship, I can avoid going further into debt to cover expenses for college. The fourth and final way the Nyadollie Scholarship can assist in the achievement of my goals is by getting me closer to graduating college and starting a career in marketing. Once my expenses are covered, I can finish earning my credits and obtain my degree. After I acquire my degree, I anticipate starting a career as a marketing strategist and image consultant and can begin paying off my student loan debt.
      Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
      To me, legacy is the everlasting impact that a person creates throughout their life that is continued by others after their passing. Legacy is significant to me because it entails what notable embarkment a person left and how they were able to affect the lives of others. Legacy is very indicative of a person's character. I believe that how one carries oneself will be manifest in their legacy. I believe my upbringing has substantially influenced my path of life. In my early years, my father would require me to read every day for at least twenty minutes and provide him with a synopsis of what I read. As I got older, he also taught me other things that are still pivotal in my life today such as how to dress as a man, save and manage money, and standing affirmed on my convictions. Through my father's teaching and guidance, I have established great prioritization in different aspects of life including education, dressing accordingly for occasions, and a willingness to have contrary views to those of the majority. My mother has also played a pivotal role in my life's development. My mother has impacted my life in various ways, but two particular ways that stand out for me are charity work and personal presentation. Throughout my life, I have seen my mother sacrifice time and money for strangers, relatives, and friends. From giving my friends rides home from sporting events to donating clothes to the homeless, to paying for a man's meal because he did not have enough money, through my mother's example I have made it my mission to give back and serve those around me. I have partaken in several charity initiatives including donating food to underserved children, creating blankets for the unhoused community of Atlanta, acquiring a job as a teacher's assistant, and working with impoverished children to ensure they are on the correct educational path. As for personal presentation, my mother has always stressed the importance of my image when I leave the house. She always reiterated that I do my hair correctly, dress presentably, and maneuver with a purpose. Because of my mother's regurgitation of prioritizing personal image, every day I ensure my hair is neat, my clothes are clean and well put together, and that I am giving the best possible presentation of myself to the public. As I get older, I plan to make my legacy a continuation of the values and teachings my parents bequeathed to me. I plan to teach my friends, fellow community members, and my children the importance of prioritizing education, financial literacy, standing by personal beliefs, giving to those in need, and presenting yourself in the best possible way. I hope, that my experiences and teachings bring great benefit to the lives of others. I want my legacy to be that I managed to positively influence my children and the lives of others so they can be the best possible versions of themselves and can continue teaching more people how to be productive role models in society.
      Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award
      I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were. Earning the Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award will help me achieve my educational and career goals in several ways. Firstly, being awarded the scholarship will cover most of my book expenses. The estimated total expense for books next semester will be around $1000. While the scholarship does not cover the entire cost of books, it does help me substantially because I can avoid taking out a larger loan. The second way the Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award can help me achieve my goals is by enabling me to be prepared for my classes. Without worrying about how I will cover the costs of my textbooks for the semester, I will be more composed and inclined to succeed in my classes. A third way the Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award can benefit me is by helping me save money. As someone who does not have a stable income, covering collegiate expenses is rather difficult for me without taking out loans. If given the scholarship, I can avoid going further into debt to cover expenses for college. The fourth and final way the Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award can assist in the achievement of my goals is by getting me closer to graduating college and starting a career in marketing. Once my expenses are covered, I can finish earning my credits and obtain my degree. After I acquire my degree, I anticipate starting a career as a marketing strategist and image consultant and can begin paying off my student loan debt.
      Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Antonie Bernard Thomas Memorial Scholarship
      To me, leadership is exhibiting characteristics and actions recognized and followed by others. I exemplify strong leadership and communication skills by mentoring high school students on the importance of education and identifying and developing skills they can use to obtain jobs that can be turned into careers. I exhibit resilience by not allowing externalities to distract me when I am focused on a specific task or obligation. I showcase unselfishness by always asking others if they need assistance or assisting others when I can. I exemplify determination by ensuring that I finish any job or task that I start. I exhibit a strong work ethic by always completing schoolwork and fulfilling obligations at my job days or weeks ahead of their deadlines. I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were.
      John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
      I selected my field of interest to be in marketing. I chose to pursue marketing for two concrete reasons. The first reason I decided to go into marketing is to obtain a job as a marketing strategist for a major corporation and turn that job into a career. As a marketing strategist, I want to identify different mechanisms and algorithms that can reach different demographics of customers and help bring in greater revenue. Once I can bring my company more profits, I want to utilize my newly found mechanisms and algorithms and assist other companies in enhancing their social outreach. One of my main goals is to spend at least twenty years as a marketing strategist. I believe that by spending at least twenty years in the marketing strategy industry, I will have built a thorough resume as a reputable marketing strategist and my input and analysis will be sought after by various companies. By doing this, I can establish a successful professional career doing something I am passionate about. The second reason I decided to go into marketing is to help others gain a sense of individual style, teach others how to prioritize their image, and help others maneuver through life with a sense of confidence. As someone who did not always know how to showcase himself, I want to help others express themselves through their clothing. Another aspiration I have is to get a certification as an image consultant. Afterward, I want to merge my image consulting certification with my knowledge and experience in marketing and create a consulting firm to help men, women, and children market themselves to the public. By doing this, I will have made a career by helping others feel better about themselves and going on an entrepreneurial venture that will continue my legacy for several generations. While the financial aspects behind my career aspirations are important, I believe the greatest success I can have is utilizing my marketing skills to serve others and influence them to be better than what they once were.
      Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
      My fondest memories of playing Nintendo games were playing co-op mode on Super Mario games with my sister. We played several games, including Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, and Mario Super Sluggers. Of all the Super Mario games my sister and I played, the most exciting was playing Super Mario Bros Wii. There are many reasons why this particular game is most memorable for me including, it being the first Super Mario game my sister and I ever played, we spent more time on this game than any other Super Mario game, and it generated the most laughable moments for my sister and I. One particular moment that stood out for me was when we would play coin battle mode and compete against each other to see who could obtain the most coins. While our main focus was to collect the most coins, we both would speed run and try to race to the flag first. Even though we both wanted to finish first and collect the most coins, we would often risk losing a life during the speed runs. To avoid losing a life, we would shake our Wii remotes to put ourselves in a bubble and spam shake our remotes to get closer to the other to get out of the bubble. Since my sister and I were competitive towards each other, we would do everything in our power to keep the other one in the bubble so we could collect coins and the other one had no other choice but to watch. While this was very agitating to watch, it was hysterical to engage in. We did this every weekend and school break from 2010 to 2015. After 2015, we did not play as we had before. While we do not play anymore, I will forever cherish the memories we made playing Super Mario. Even after all the years that have passed, I still reminisce with my sister about the times we played Super Mario.
      Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
      To me, legacy is the everlasting impact that a person creates throughout their life that is continued by others after their passing. Legacy is significant to me because it entails what notable embarkment a person left and how they were able to affect the lives of others. Legacy is very indicative of a person's character. I believe that how one carries oneself will be manifest in their legacy. I believe my upbringing has substantially influenced my path of life. In my early years, my father would require me to read every day for at least twenty minutes and provide him with a synopsis of what I read. As I got older, he also taught me other things that are still pivotal in my life today such as how to dress as a man, save and manage money, and standing affirmed on my convictions. Through my father's teaching and guidance, I have established great prioritization in different aspects of life including education, dressing accordingly for occasions, and a willingness to have contrary views to those of the majority. My mother has also played a pivotal role in my life's development. My mother has impacted my life in various ways, but two particular ways that stand out for me are charity work and personal presentation. Throughout my life, I have seen my mother sacrifice time and money for strangers, relatives, and friends. From giving my friends rides home from sporting events to donating clothes to the homeless, to paying for a man's meal because he did not have enough money, through my mother's example I have made it my mission to give back and serve those around me. I have partaken in several charity initiatives including donating food to underserved children, creating blankets for the unhoused community of Atlanta, acquiring a job as a teacher's assistant, and working with impoverished children to ensure they are on the correct educational path. As for personal presentation, my mother has always stressed the importance of my image when I leave the house. She always reiterated that I do my hair correctly, dress presentably, and maneuver with a purpose. Because of my mother's regurgitation of prioritizing personal image, every day I ensure my hair is neat, my clothes are clean and well put together, and that I am giving the best possible presentation of myself to the public. As I get older, I plan to make my legacy a continuation of the values and teachings my parents bequeathed to me. I plan to teach my friends, fellow community members, and my children the importance of prioritizing education, financial literacy, standing by personal beliefs, giving to those in need, and presenting yourself in the best possible way. I hope, that my experiences and teachings bring great benefit to the lives of others. I want my legacy to be that I managed to positively influence my children and the lives of others so they can be the best possible versions of themselves and can continue teaching more people how to be productive role models in society.