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Charlie Blackburn
Bold Points1x
WinnerCharlie Blackburn
Bold Points1x
I am a single mother going back to college to achieve getting my MBA!
Strayer University-North Carolina
Master's degree programMajors:
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
Strayer University-North Carolina
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Accounting and Computer Science
South Piedmont Community College
Associate's degree programMajors:
- Accounting and Computer Science
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
2010 – Present15 years
Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
As a person who suffers from ADHD, epilepsy, anxiety, major depression, manic bipolar, and high blood pressure at the ripe age of 31, I have a lot going on to be so young. And to think, most of it started way back in high school. I can't walk into a room without that demon in my head saying I am not welcome, I am not good enough, you don't belong here. It never stops. Thank God for medication, or I would be in an asylum. My brother has almost the same mental health issues, but instead of medication, he chooses to smoke pot. I don't get how that helps, but each one is their own. I am thankful for the psychiatrist that I have now, who has finally figured out the appropriate medication cocktail to help me have somewhat of a normal day. I pray that my problems never fall on my young son. I don't want him ever to have to deal with any of this. I have seen how my mother feels about my brother and me, and I would hate to have it carried through generations.
To advocate for mental health, I share a lot of helplines on Facebook and let people know I am here for them as I just lost three friends, all male, to suicide. The first was in February; the other friend was just two days ago. I am still in disbelief. I wish they had talked to someone and gotten help. It is always the ones who are the happiest and never show that they are down are the main ones who commit suicide. I feel that mental health questions should start at a young age so things like this can be prevented. If people had the nurturing and love they need and someone to lean on and sit and listen to, I feel this alone would go a long way. A parent should never have to bury their child, especially because they feel as if death is better than living. I won't lie; I have had those thoughts before, but now that I have a son of my own, I have a purpose: to live every day, get up, and fight. Some people don't have anyone, and it is truly sad what this world has become like. I pray going forward that if a friend feels like this again around me, they can come to me and talk to me. I would rather miss sleep knowing you are ok than wake up to that horrible phone call ever again.
Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
Since I was 13 years old, anxiety has controlled my life. Later in life came depression, manic bipolar, epilepsy, and heart issues. I do not give up easily, so I take my medication like I am supposed to so that I can have somewhat of a normal life daily. Living with all of these problems is a problem in itself. Anxiety can control your emotions, how you feel, how you act, what you say. It is a little demon inside of your head that won't stop talking. Having it for so long, I have learned different ways to cope with it, but there are still those days when it wins full force. Being a single mother with anxiety is even harder. I had bad postpartum depression once I had my son. Thank God in heaven I still have my mother to help me since his "donor" walked out when I was three months pregnant due to heroin. It has been a difficult life for me. When I walk into a room, I never feel comfortable or welcome. That little demon is constantly telling me I am not good enough, that I will never be enough. That I am a terrible mother and daughter. That I should do better. The house is a wreck and needs to be cleaned, but you don't spend enough time with your son now that you are returning to school. It is a never-ending cycle. That is why I am glad to have the psychiatrist I have now. She has me, so far, on the right dosage of medications to help me with all of this. The next thing she wants me to do is take therapy and talk to someone, which I wouldn't mind, but I can't afford it or afford to take the time off of work to do it.
Pursuing my master's degree is important because I want to prove to myself that I am worthy. I can accomplish what I put my mind to, even though most of the time, it has negative things to say to me. I am tired of working two jobs and not having enough time for my son, so I dropped a job, picked up school, and will be finished by the fall of next year. Then, I can get a better-paying job and only focus on one job and my son. He is the most important thing to me. Since my father passed away in 2019 from ALS, my mom, and my son are all I have left. They are the rock that keeps me going. They are my purpose. That is why I wanted to higher my education to show my son that, as his role model, it is tough, but it can be done.
Organic Formula Shop Single Parent Scholarship
The most challenging thing about the combination of being a student and a single parent who is working full-time as well. Providing for a child is a hard job, especially doing it alone. I was working two jobs to provide, but now I am working just one to try and make ends meet so that I would have time for school to further my education in hopes that I will find a higher salary job that is capable of handling my mortgage, truck payment, daycare, tuition, regular everyday bills, groceries, the list goes on and on.
I am doing this all for my son and my mother. They are the only two family members I have left since my father died in 2019 from ALS. I have to make sure to do my school work on lunch breaks, or I have to stay up late after he goes to bed to be able to focus. Getting your master's degree is harder than I anticipated. In the end, all of this will be worth it. I will have better financials and less stress of how I am going to pay the bills.
Receiving this scholarship will help either pay off the debt that I have accumulated through credit cards from paying tuition with them or go to the school directly to help cover next semester's classes. Either way, it will go towards my education. I was getting FAFSA help, but I made LITERALLY $1.00 too much last year to qualify, which is really disheartening. I take time out of my day during my two-week breaks to fill out as many applications for scholarships as I can in hopes that I might win one or two. I would feel accomplished if I won your award. It would help me to know I am on the right track and making the right sacrifices to make our way to a better future.
My goal once I graduate is to become a CFO. I have over 14 years of experience in accounting, and I need to know the business side to qualify for the position. Obviously, I will have to obtain some kind of experience in between. I also hope that my background as treasurer and an accounting supervisor right out of college will help persuade someone to choose me to give me that chance to show them what a great leader I am.
Having a child, working full-time, and pursuing a master's degree is all I do now. For the next two years, this will be my life. I will have to keep my head down and focused even when I am exhausted. Even when I don't have the energy, I must still push through to show my son what a great worker I am and what I want us to accomplish, that he is my saving grace and the reason I do all these things. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am hoping in the fall, when he starts school, we might do our schoolwork together so that I won't have to miss out on so much sleep!
Thank you for your time and for reading my story. I wish everyone the best!
Charlie Blackburn
Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
My name is Charlie Blackburn and I am a single mother who is going back for her masters in business. I have nine courses left until I graduate. I decided to go back to school to make sure my son and I can afford the life he deserves. He starts school this fall and my mommy heart isn't ready but I am so thrilled for him as he continues to grow in his education. Obviously education is important to me and you should never stop learning.
The last class I just recently finished was about leadership skills and how to go about using them. Our motto at school is "learn today, apply tomorrow" and this class helped me be able to do that in my daily job as an accounting manager. The class showed me how to be the best leader I can be. How to be strong in my communication skills, to be present, open door policy, available and willing to listen to personal and work related problems. I rose quickly to this position as I am an easy person to talk to but I also stand my ground when necessary.
My goal in my professional life is to work my way up to becoming the CFO of a great company. I prefer a smaller company verses a corporation as I have worked for both and the smaller companies become more of a family whereas I feel in large corporations people become just a number and are always revolving with new people. I like stability when it comes to my jobs as I mentioned I am a single mother and I have a big responsibility that only I am in charge of.
Learning effective communication techniques are necessary to succeed in today's business environment. Improving your business communications such as writing, effective emails, explore ways to see your ideas through persuasive writing and learn how to manage a crisis within your organization while you are the leader. You need to be able to recognize and manage unhealthy conflicts among team members. Uncover the steps to holding your most productive meetings, techniques to engage and hold your audiences attention. All of these traits are demonstrating great leadership. As a leader, speaking candidly about your leadership values and communication strengths while being present and authentic will help you to build connections and establish relationships of trust. Also, remember your appearance is also an important part in your leadership. How you carry yourself, the expressions on your face, how you hold your shoulders back are all great leadership traits.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
My experience with mental health has been like living on a roller coaster. Over the past year it has unfortunately become worse and worse. I have now been seeing a psychiatrist to help get me on the right medications to help level me out. I am always depressed, anxious to the point my whole body trembles and I feel as if I could sleep 24/7. I am behind on house chores because I have no drive whatsoever to do them. My son is four years old and he even has noticed a change. He told me the other day that our house looks like a trash can, which hurt my feelings but made me realize just how bad it has gotten.
The new medications I am on are starting to help a little bit but there will always be those days of feeling worthless and like you don't matter in this world. I have had a horrible past, PTSD stems from it. I refuse to talk about it which isn't helping my mental health but I am just not ready. My psychiatrist keeps pushing for me to go to see a therapist and thinks that it will help, which I am sure it would but I can't afford it, let alone take time off work to do so since I am the only provider for my son. That is why I am going back to school to further my education so that one day we can afford the things we need without having to ask for help.
When it comes to relationships, they have been a disaster to say the least. I tend to choose all the wrong men. Even Hayden's "Donor" walked away when I was three months pregnant. He thought that drugs were more important than being a family and sobering up. To this day we haven't seen him but I have heard he has been in and out of jail constantly. It hurts me to know that my son might never have a father because of me and my mental health. Some people just don't understand what it is like to have this to live with every single day. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
My understanding of the world is that you and you alone are in charge of your life and what you make of it. No matter if you are sick, have mental health issues, whatever the case may be, you and you alone are the one who has to push yourself or you will drown. Yes mental health has become more of an open subject to talk about but there isn't a cure for it. It is just "maintained". Even though I don't want to go back to school and get in a ton of debt, I have a son to provide for and he is solely alone my responsibility. I will do everything in my power to make sure he has a good life and one that he deserves. I just hope that my mental health problems don't fall on him one day and I hope he never has to deal with this himself. It is a hard problem to deal with and like I said there is no cure.
I have been diagnosed manic bipolar and am on four different medications to make it to where I can somewhat function like a normal person. It is expensive and the mood swings are horrible. I have learned when I feel an episode coming on, my son goes and stays with my mom. I never want him to have to experience seeing me in such a horrible mood and the things that come along with it. It took my mom years to accept that mental health was actually a diagnosis. That I couldn't just "shake off" how I felt and change my way of thinking. It doesn't work for people like me who have this problem. Now that I am on the right track with medications, she says that she is starting to see her daughter in me again. This made me feel so happy.
Mental health has made this one difficult life to live but I have a son to live it for. I could care less about a relationship but my son deserves a male figure in his life. The world is going to do nothing but get worse in my opinion, the only thing I can do is make it the best time here that I can, when I mentally can. Thank you for reading my story and I want to wish everyone the best of luck.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
Understanding the nature of the universe goes hand in hand with our understanding of who we are and how we fit into nature. Studying the universe means studying the things that exist within it and the universe itself. Determining the universe is harder than you think. The universe isn't a "thing". We can measure physical quantities that define the universe's properties or the cosmic expansion rate. But even these measures are not of the universe but of things in the universe.
The universe is big in space and time and, for much of humankind's history, was beyond the reach of our instruments and minds. That has changed recently. Over the past 30 years, the pace of progress has accelerated with the realization that dark matter is not made of ordinary atoms, the discovery of dark energy and the dawning of bold ideas such as cosmic inflation and the multiverse. By looking out into space with telescopes, astronomers peer back in time. The light from distant galaxies reveals an earlier epoch, and the redshifted amount of light indicates how much the universe has grown in the intervening years.
When it comes to understanding the fabric of the universe, most of what scientists think exists is consigned to a dark, murky domain. Ordinary matter, the stuff we can see and touch, accounts for just 5% of the cosmos. While there is no evidence yet that the dark dimension exists, the scenario does make testable predictions for both cosmological observations and tabletop physics. That means we may not have to wait long to see whether the hypothesis will bear up under empirical scrutiny or be relegated to the list of tantalizing ideas that never fulfilled their original promise. As gravitons leak into the dark dimension, their waves can have different frequencies, each corresponding to different energy levels. And those massive gravitons, traveling around the extra-dimensional loop, produce a significant gravitational influence at the point where the loop attaches to the sphere.
Studying the universe can gather data about celestial bodies and investigate the universe's natural state. Exploring our solar system and beyond it deepens our comprehension of the cosmos and contributes significantly to advancements in astrophysics and cosmology. It is also a chance to answer the question of whether we are alone in the vastness of the universe or if distant civilizations actually exist. It offers greater insights into the origins and existence of life itself.
Rebecca Hunter Memorial Scholarship
How I paint a good example for my son by going back to college is showing him that even though it is tough right now, in the long run, it will be worth it. I needed to return because I was working two jobs to make ends meet, and I didn't have much time with him. I want more time, so I am sacrificing time now while he is too young to hopefully remember this. He starts school in the fall so I am hoping maybe we can do our homework together as a bonding experience and show him it is ok never to stop learning. You are never too old to take on college. I want what is best for him and I want him to achieve so much in life, as any mother would for their child. He is my little best friend, my copy-paste. He is my little twin, and I will do anything I can to help him. Getting my master's degree will allow me to find a better-paying job to come home to at night. Thank god for my mom; without her, all this wouldn't be possible. It has just been me and my son since I was three months pregnant. I don't get child support and I don't get government assistance. That is why I go to scholarships to be able to afford to go to college. It is draining my bank account to do this but like I said, once I complete my degree, hopefully by next year, I can find a job higher up in the company I work for and if not I will start job hunting immediately. I have to do what is best for both of us. I love my job, but there are no positions where I can be raised. My goal is to graduate with honors and eventually become the CFO of a company. I know I will have to work hard to get to that position but I am willing to do the work. Education is important to me and I want my son to have the best so he is starting at a Christian academy this fall and I am so proud of him. He is excited to start learning. He said he couldn't wait to read to mommy like I have always done for him. I am a complete book nerd and I think he will be too. Thank you for reading my short story and for having this scholarship available to people like me.
Sustainable Business Scholarship
It is important for businesses to implement sustainable practices because it not only does it have an impact on us as humans but the environment as well. We have future generations to think about. Our kids, grandkids, and so on. Conserving energy and polluting less leads to a better living environment and better health for everyone. When companies reduce their use of air, water and land it also in turn saves the company money. This in turn is leading to the making of greener technology and in turn allows smaller businesses to thrive. Businesses who care about sustainable practices care about leaving natural habitats for animals which in turn helps protect the biodiversity of our plant Earth. One eco-friendly practice my business could do is to go solar. There are grants available for helping pay for this as well. It will not only cut costs but offset our energy usage. A second method my company could do is tire inflation and other tuning of our company trucks. If your tires are properly inflated it improves your gas milage by up to 3%. The third thing we could do is cut down on traveling for meetings and use zoom or another online plat from to cut down on our carbon footprint. Going even further with this, you can set in place sustainability throughout the work place. Conduct a sustainability audit, implement a recycling program to minimize waste and encourage the use of reusable products, reduce water usage, etc. In turn all this will significant cost savings, a positive brand image, employee satisfaction by promoting a sense of purpose and contributing to a positive workplace culture, and much more. Sustainable businesses must meet current needs while also safeguarding the needs of future generations. With me being an accountant for 13 plus years, being sustainable can also improve relations with the government and the local community. It can get the company tax incentives and subsidies. Every company wants to pay less taxes. People, plant, profit is how I see it. Focusing on these three factors will help tremendously. Sustainability requires coordination, collaboration, innovation, invention, and re-imagination. Work with our supplier and educate our customers, to make sure they use and dispose of their products responsibly since we do run an oil company. We need to lead by example and drive other companies to be better and do better.
Thank you for reading,
Charlie Blackburn
Robert Lawyer Memorial Scholarship
I am a 31-year-old single mother returning to college to fulfill my dream of getting my master's degree. I am from a little small town south of Charlotte, NC. I am also a first-generation college student. Neither of my parents could afford to attend, so I was driven to want to go further in life. I received my associate's in 2015, and my bachelor's in 2019, and now I am going to Jack Welch Management Institute for my master's, which I will receive in 2025. I do all this while working two full-time jobs and caring for my son. I have been an accountant for over 13 years and love my job. I have a chance to grow within the company, and my goal is to become their controller one day. Right now I am in the process of asking for a promotion from being their bookkeeper to office manager. I have slowly been taking on more responsibilities and finding new software to help update the company as a whole and make things run smoother, and then we can take on more clients and vendors. This has been a long time coming for me as I have always pushed myself to be the best person I can be. I also want to set a great example for my son. He will be starting kindergarten this year, and I am NOT ready! So far in my education, I have been able to keep a 3.5 GPA or higher. I am very hard on myself about presenting the teachers with my best foot forward. This is all a reflection of me and what I want to become. Being a non-traditional college student has made this quite difficult for me as I truly can't afford to be in college right now, but I feel if I further my education, I will have a better chance of growing and advancing within this company and hopefully, in turn, make a higher salary to pay off all of the school debt. That is also why I am filling out scholarships to help give me a little cushion, or wiggle room, if you will. I am passionate about learning and reading. I have more books than I can count. You should never stop taking in as much information as possible. Getting this degree will help me reach my dreams of becoming higher within the company and also give me a chance to give my son a better life.
Thank you for reading,
Charlie Blackburn
Sikora Drake Women in STEM Scholarship
My name is Charlie Blackburn, and I am a first-generation college student. I am attending Jack Welch Management Institute to gain my MBA. I am a 31-year-old single mother of a wonderful four-year-old boy, and I work two jobs, all while attending college. I work for a large oil company during the day as their bookkeeper, and at night, I work with my mother, who owns a florist, doing her books to keep her business going. I have been an accountant for over 13 years, and I absolutely love my occupation, but I am starting to strive for more. My ideal career would be climbing the oil company's pole. I have already been offered a seat as the office manager once I graduate college, but I would love to become this company's controller one day, eventually. This way, I would only be working one job, giving me more time to be with my son as I am a single mother. Going back to college was and is a very scary thing I decided to do when I realized it might just always be me who is raising my son, and I do not want to miss his games or talent shows for school. I do not want to miss any step of his life at all by working so much. If and when I get this degree, I will be able to make more money, only work one job, and be able to take care of both of us financially and physically. I am a very strong-willed and want to do this to better myself so that we can have a comfortable future ahead. This way, I can show other single mothers and women who are scared or hesitant to go back to school that it is possible. By God, it is hard, but it will be worth it in the end. I am already gaining knowledge from school to help in my day-to-day activities at work and how to handle stressful problems. I made the right choice by going back to college. I would use this scholarship to help pay for tuition and/or books for one of my semesters. It would come in handy when scheduling for next semester. Every little bit helps in so many ways! Thank you for reading my story, and I want to wish the best to everyone who applies for this scholarship.
Thank you,
Charlie Blackburn
Alexander Hipple Recovery Scholarship
My name is Charlie Blackburn and addiction has hit my family pretty hard. In 2019, I discovered I was pregnant with my first child with my high-school sweetheart. Three months into the pregnancy I noticed a change in the child's "donor". I will keep him anonymous. He had been to rehab many times but was clean for over 4 months this time. Come to find out he was using again. I gave him the option to go back to rehab and help raise this child as a family or leave, and you will never be a part of this child's life. I know that sounds harsh but I wanted what was best for my baby and I did not want them growing up in a lifestyle like of addiction and the absences that come along with it. I wanted a steady, everyday life for my child with people he could count on to be there every day. To this day, the "donor" is still on drugs and has never met my wonderful son Hayden. He is four years old and has the most loving personality and is such a blessing to my family. The donor's family has not even met him. They have never reached out to help or even get to know him. For me, as the mother, it is very disappointing and heartbreaking knowing one day I will have to explain all of this to him. It has not been an easy road whatsoever but I would not change a thing about my decision. My son is happy and healthy and goes to a wonderful church for daycare and is loved by so many. I have yet to find a man that I am willing to date yet because as I said before, I want the best for my son. One day I will find someone, but it is just the two of us for now. Thank God for my mom, whom we call Nana. She has been a blessing in helping me raise Hayden as my father died from ALS a month after Hayden was born. Needless to say, 2019 was a very hard year for us. Hayden, Nana, and I have made the best of it, though. He is thriving and has not missed a beat growing up. He has male figures from my family in his life to help teach him "manly" traits. It takes a village to raise a child and I am blessed with an amazing one.
Learner Math Lover Scholarship
I have been a math lover ever since I was a little girl. As I would put it today as an adult, numbers do not lie. You can always get an answer from working with numbers. That is why I became an accountant. I have been one for over 13 years now. Working with numbers has been a passion of mine, and my career goal down the road will involve numbers as well. I would like to become the company I work for's controller someday. I have already taken the steps to continue my education at Strayer University's Jack Welch Management Institute for my Master's in Business. I love working with numbers; I always have and always will. They are more simple to understand. You can always find where they come from and where they are going. They make their own journey, so to speak. I was an accounting supervisor for over seven years for a large corporation, left there, and now I am a full-charge bookkeeper for one of the largest oil industries around the greater Charlotte area. Numbers will always be something I am good at and passionate about. They can take you to so many places. They are what make my world go round.
Book Lovers Scholarship
I would have everyone read Alice in Wonderland by English Author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under Lewis Carroll's pseudonym. This novel was written in 1865. It is an old book that has been remade multiple times over but the original is the best version of all. There are multiple versions of the book and also different versions of videos and movies written after the book. I am almost positive I have every version of the book ever written. When I am bookshopping if I see a new version or the same but with a new cover it is going home with me. I have been a fan of this book and movie since I was a little girl. It is a fantasy world she "falls asleep" in. She ends up wishing she could go back to her fantasy world when she wakes which she only thinks is a possibility. In all reality, she can make her possibilities her reality. It opened my mind to think that if it is a possibility, you can make it your reality no matter which path you choose. You will always choose the path that leads you to where you are meant to go. The creatures being friends, the bad guys are your life are obstacles in the day-to-day, and waking up is you have finally reached where you are meant to go in life. The path along the way is not what matters, it is that you make it and enjoy it while getting there. It is a peculiar book indeed.
A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
Hi, my name is Charlie Blackburn, and I am from a small town in North Carolina. I am a single mother of a wonderful 4-year-old who is about to start a school of their own. I work full-time as a full-charge bookkeeper during the day and nights and on weekends I work for a small business in our downtown area. I just started my journey into the MBA program at Jack Welch Management Institute a few weeks ago and it is going fantastic so far! Enough about me! Now about my career and the positive impact I want to make on this crazy world.
I have always had a love for school and going further in education. Going the extra mile you can never learn enough. I decided it was time to go for my master's when my mother's health started to decline. She is a small business owner and has been for over 45 years. She has shown me what true hard work looks like. I want to make a difference as she did. She has touched so many people's lives through her work and continues to do so every single day. I want her passion and drive for my future. I would like to become the company's controller one day and climb the ladder while getting my MBA. I work with all women and the Vice President (he is a man). Each day they come to me with their problems and I get back with them about how to handle them or go about them and correct them. This program has helped me in such a way that I am able to handle certain situations better and in the future this company will grow even larger with such a great team at hand. I want to prove to my son that with hard work and dedication, mommy succeeded and it will help make his future better as well. My goal is to graduate with honors and get a promotion that way my mom can retire comfortably and I will be able to help take care of her physically and financially.
All of this goes hand in hand with what I would like my future to look like. I want it to be comfortable yet challenging and through this process I will have a lot of that. Thank you for taking the time to read about me and my goals and I want to wish everyone the best of luck!
John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart Scholarship
Hi, my name is Charlie Blackburn and I have been affected by this through my mother. A few months ago she had to have a PFO procedure done. She had two strokes back to back that affected the same area of her brain and come to find out she had a hole in her heart between the two chambers. I was the one who took her to the hospital every time she had the strokes, when we thought she might be having another one and the day of surgery as well. My mom and my son who is 4-years-old are all I have left. We lost my dad back in 2019 to ALS due to a cholesterol medication. I am not sure if you all count that heart disease but the cholesterol medication that he was taking caused him to get ALS and spent the next 4 years fighting for his life. He passed away the day my son turned a month old. I also have high blood pressure myself at 31 years old. I take two medications daily to help keep me from having a stroke or heart attack. It is way more common than you would think. That is why I love my Apple watch, it keeps tabs on my heart rate for me and lets me know when I need to calm down or slow down a bit. It also lets me know when I need to be concerned and take my blood pressure and see if I need to take extra medication. My mother is the same except she refuses to wear jewelry besides her wedding band.
I am a single mother and like I said all I have left are my mother and my son. That is why I am going back to get my MBA degree so that I can not only take care of them physically but financially as well. Mom's health continues to down spiral. If I can't afford to go to school I won't be able to give her and my son a better future. My plan is to go from a small-time bookkeeper to be this company's controller or into some type of management. I do also work part-time on nights and weekends to help make ends meet so any amount would help tremendously. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay and I want to wish everyone the best of luck!
ALS Family Scholarship
WinnerHello, my name is Charlie Blackburn and I lost my dad to ALS back in 2019. I am a single mother of a wonderful four-year-old and am going back to college to get my master's in business administration. I decided that it was time to go back because of my son and my mom.
My mom lost her husband, my father, to ALS. He lost his four-year battle when my son was only a month old to the day. The reason I am applying for this particular scholarship is that it hits really close to home. I did the ALS walks and raised money for charities aiding families with ALS. I even quit my then job as an accountant to stay home and take care of my father all while getting my bachelor's degree in accounting.
All I have left are my son and my mother. My dad was my absolute best friend and when we lost him it was the hardest day of my life so far. He was such an amazing man, dedicated to his family and to church. I chose to go back to school now to help in the future be able to take care of my mom and my son physically and financially. My mom has had such a hard life recently and she deserves every bit of love and support she can get.
Ever since we lost my dad my mom has been running her business alone with my help on nights and weekends. She recently had two strokes and had to have a heart operation to put a metal piece between the two chambers of her heart to stop the strokes. It has been a roller coaster to say lately with taking care of her, helping run the business all while raising my son alone. This scholarship would help me so much and make a tremendous impact on my life by not going into further debt by trying to help my family.
I am just a small-town bookkeeper at the moment and like I said I work nights and weekends with my mom to help ends meet and to also help her not to have to do it all alone. My goal with the MBA is to work up to becoming a controller one day or at least in some management position so that my family will not have such a financial hardship.
Thank you to your family for doing such amazing things and helping families that have been affected by ALS. I want to wish everyone the best of luck!
Mental Health Scholarship for Women
I believe my mental health is important because I have mental health issues of my own that I deal with daily. It not only affects you mentally but physically as well. It affects your quality of life. Mental health can come in many different forms as emotional, and in my case, it is hard on my social life. It is expensive as well to have mental health issues. I am on four different medications to help balance my brain so that I can function in what they call this "normal society". In my opinion, there is nothing normal about it these days.
I maintain my mental wellness as I stated in the above paragraph by taking medication to help balance me out. Another way I maintain it is by keeping a daily journal. I also just recently started doing meditation and it has helped tremendously. Talking about it with family members and even letting my young son know who is only four years old. I believe it is important for him to know that just because mommy might feel like "this" one day or for a little while, it won't last forever.
I believe that parents should start educating their children at young ages about mental health awareness. It is never too early to start teaching them in this day and age. Teaching them the signs and coping mechanisms. Teaching them that it can affect how we feel, and act, what choices we make at that period of time, and how we interact with others. It can contribute to higher medical costs and loss of jobs in some cases.
We need to look at ourselves and reflect internally on what we can do. How can we better ourselves? Realize that it doesn't last forever. That there are so many different options for treatment. You can go to therapy. Like I do, you can take medication if you have insurance and can afford to. If it gets bad enough you can always hospitalize yourself until you feel comfortable and stable enough to come back out into the world. There are a ton of support groups that you can reach out to. Create a self-help plan of some sort. Talk to family or spouses about how they can help you reach the mental goal you are trying to achieve. Reach out to different types of counselors.
There are also different organizations you can reach out to. For a few examples, there's Active Minds, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) the largest mental health organization out there, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. There is even one for OCD, which I have personally realized a lot of people with mental health issues suffer from OCD. Their link is iocdf.org. The International OCD Foundation. Please take a look at some of these if you are truly struggling and reach out for help.
It has affected my personal life in so many ways. I am single because I chose to be, but deep down, I feel I am a burden to people because of my mental health issues. I am 31 years old and my mother still to this day checks on me multiple times a day to make sure that I am okay. I have been down the suicide rollercoaster and been locked in my house refusing to come out for weeks sometimes months at a time. Trust me I GET IT!
Just don't ever give up on yourself. There are too many options for treatment and help! Thank you for reading.
Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
I believe my mental health is important because I have mental health issues of my own that I deal with daily. It not only affects you mentally but physically as well. It affects your quality of life. Mental health can come in many different forms as emotional, and in my case, it is hard on my social life. It is expensive as well to have mental health issues. I am on four different medications to help balance my brain so that I can function in what they call this "normal society". In my opinion, there is nothing normal about it these days.
I maintain my mental wellness as I stated in the above paragraph by taking medication to help balance me out. Another way I maintain it is by keeping a daily journal. I also just recently started doing meditation and it has helped tremendously. Talking about it with family members and even letting my young son know who is only four years old. I believe it is important for him to know that just because mommy might feel like "this" one day or for a little while, it won't last forever.
I believe that parents should start educating their children at young ages about mental health awareness. It is never too early to start teaching them in this day and age. Teaching them the signs and coping mechanisms. Teaching them that it can affect how we feel, and act, what choices we make at that period of time, and how we interact with others. It can contribute to higher medical costs and loss of jobs in some cases.
We need to look at ourselves and reflect internally on what we can do. How can we better ourselves? Realize that it doesn't last forever. That there are so many different options for treatment. You can go to therapy. Like I do, you can take medication if you have insurance and can afford to. If it gets bad enough you can always hospitalize yourself until you feel comfortable and stable enough to come back out into the world. There are a ton of support groups that you can reach out to. Create a self-help plan of some sort. Talk to family or spouses about how they can help you reach the mental goal you are trying to achieve. Reach out to different types of counselors.
There are also different organizations you can reach out to. For a few examples, there's Active Minds, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) the largest mental health organization out there, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. There is even one for OCD, which I have personally realized a lot of people with mental health issues suffer from OCD. Their link is iocdf.org. The International OCD Foundation. Please take a look at some of these if you are truly struggling and reach out for help.
It has affected my personal life in so many ways. I am single because I chose to be but deep down I feel as if I am a burden to people because of my mental health issues. I am 31 years old and my mother still to this day checks on me multiple times a day to make sure that I am ok. I have been down the suicide rollercoaster and been locked in my house refusing to come out for weeks sometimes months at a time. Trust me I GET IT!
Just don't ever give up on yourself. There are too many options for treatment and help! Thank you for reading.
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
I believe my mental health is important becuase I have mental health issues of my own that I deal with daily. It not only affects you mentally but physically as well. It affects your quality of life. Mental health can come in many different forms as in emotional, psycological and in my case it is hard on my social life. It is expensive as well to have mental health issues. I am on four different medications to help balance my brain so that I can function in what they call this "normal society". In my opinion there is nothing normal about it these days.
I maintain my mental wellness as I stated in the above paragraph by taking medication to help balance me out. Another way I maintain it is by keeping a daily journal. I also just recently started doing meditation and it has helped tremendously. Talking about it with family members and even letting my young son know who is only four years old. I believe it is important for him to know that just because mommy might feel like "this" one day or for a little while, it won't last forever.
I believe that parents should start educating their children at young ages about mental health awareness. Teaching them the signs and coping mechanisms. Teaching them that it can affect how we feel, and act, what choices we make at that period of time, and how we interact with others. It can contribute to higher medical costs and loss of jobs in some cases.
We need to look at ourselves and reflect internally on what we can do. How can we better ourselves? Realize that it doesn't last forever. That there are so many different options for treatment. You can go to therapy. Like I do, you can take medication if you have insurance and can afford to. If it gets bad enough you can always hospitalize yourself until you feel comfortable and stable enough to come back out into the world. There are a ton of support groups that you can reach out to. Create a self-help plan of some sort. Talk to family or spouses about how they can help you reach the mental goal you are trying to achieve. Reach out to different types of counselors.
Just don't ever give up on yourself. There are too many options for treatment and help! Thank you for reading.
Empowering Motherhood Scholarship
Hello reader,
As a single mother of a wonderful 4-year-old, I have been crazy enough to go back to college for my MBA! I chose to do this because I want the absolute best future for my deserving son. He has only known me his entire life and NaNa who graciously helps me when she can. I want to be able to provide for him and not have to struggle so much. I am a first-generation college student out of my entire family. I work a full-time job at an oil company that is in a small town in North Carolina but the headquarters are based out of Atlanta, GA. I also work nights and weekends for a small business in our little town to help make ends meet.
My dream is to be able to afford college so that I don't go into further debt because I would like to send my son to a private school. Again, I want the best for my son, not only financially but the best education possible as well. With this scholarship, it will help pay for my degree or books. I already have a laptop from going to Strayer earlier in my life for my Bachelor of Science in Accounting. I was awarded the Golden Key Scholarship back then because of my merit standards.
Working full-time, and taking care of my son is not all that I do. My mother is in her 60s and just had two strokes, they found out that a hole in her heart was causing the strokes over and over again. Shortly after finding that they did a heart operation and put a metal piece in between her two chambers to close the hole. Her health is quickly going downhill and with this MBA I hope to financially be able to help her so that she can retire and enjoy life and her grandkids. Her husband, my father, died back in 2019 from ALS so it is just us three that keep each other going. My mother and son are my main priority and I want to become the best version of myself career-wise so that I can make their lives easier. The world that I grew up in, my son will not. Things change so much and I want to be able to be prepared for whatever circumstance comes our way.
I want to thank whoever ends up reading my story and taking the time to do such a wonderful thing for a lucky person. I wish everyone who applied the best of luck!