Hobbies and interests
Carsyn Briley
Bold Points1x
Carsyn Briley
Bold Points1x
I plan on attending Barton College in Wilson, North Carolina to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). I will focus on school and participate in extracurricular activities.
Bear Grass Charter School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Associate's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
Family Nurse Practitioner
Mama's Pizza2022 – Present3 years
Future Interests
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
I believe that mental health is very important and can have a good impact on individuals if they are willing to change. It is easier to be successful when you are in the right mindset and have the right friends or family to support you in everything you need. Mental health affects how you may feel, act, cope, and think. Anybody who is in a good mental state will have a better chance of flourishing in various aspects of their lives.
I believe that mental health is a key factor in being successful and excelling in everything that an individual does. I lost my mother in September of 2021 due to metastatic breast cancer, her death was very heartbreaking. Leading up to my mom's final days was mentally draining because I had to take care of her throughout the day while also managing school online. I had to make food for her, help her walk to the bathroom, help her feel comfortable, and also help her with the oxygen that could be transferred when needed.
Personally, taking care of her by myself at sixteen years old was mentally and physically draining. When I was not helping my mother, I was in zoom meetings with teachers and also doing schoolwork. I did not have time for myself because my main focus was taking care of my mom. Due to this, I was not eating enough food throughout the day which also led me to not having a lot of energy. To this day, I would not change anything that I did for her, except to do even more for her no matter how I was.
After my mother passed away, my mental health got even worse because she was my best friend and I did not know how I could live my life without her. I was depressed and did things that I regret and knew that I needed to change. About a month later, I decided it was time to change and I went to a therapy appointment. After my first appointment, I followed up with my therapist twice a week for about a month, then started going once a week for about two months. Therapy truly helped my mental health and changed who I am today.
I am able to maintain my mental wellness because I decided to change and receive professional help and become a better person. This helped me become an individual who is determined in being successful and to also be there for others who need me or just want advice. I will never go down that dark path again because it was very hard rising back up but I had many people who believed in me and helped me along the way. Now, I focus on my body and my mental health and know when I need to reach out and get help.
Rosalie A. DuPont (Young) Nursing Scholarship
When I was 16, I lost my mother, Lori Briley, to metastatic breast cancer in September of 2021. My mother was my best friend and will always hold a special place in my heart. Losing my mother took a toll on my mental health which lead to me attending therapy two times a week. I was able to continue working on my education and playing sports while battling depression. While watching my mother's journey come to an end, I maintained all A's in all of my classes because my mom would have wanted me to keep pushing through and make her proud. This made me realize that I wanted to pursue a degree in Nursing to help and care for individuals.
I am a dual-enrolled student at Martin Community College (MCC) and Bear Grass Charter School (BGCS). I have completed most of my prerequisites through MCC while also being involved in extra-curricular activities. I am a cheerleader and I also play softball for my high school, BGCS. I am also a hostess at Mama's Pizza so I can earn and save money for college in the fall. While being involved in these extra-curricular activities, I realized that I can balance sports, school, and work while maintaining all A's in all of my classes.
I plan to make a positive impact on the world through nursing because I will be able to help and care for many individuals. While working as a nurse, I will build relationships that will help individuals feel safe and respected. I will also have a good attitude and will be willing to advocate for my patients while providing patients with healthy lifestyle choices and health information. Patients will be able to trust me with any information and I will give them health advice and also help individuals come up with a plan.
Considering this information, the Rosalie A. DuPont (Young) Nursing Scholarship, will help me continue my education to help other individuals. If I am chosen, this money will go towards my college fees so I can obtain my dream career. I have provided a story that has inspired me to attend college and pursue a degree in nursing, my academics and extra-curricular activities, and also how I plan to provide a positive impact on the world through this career. I pray that you consider my application for this scholarship and help me achieve my goals!
Herb Collins Scholarship
I plan to attend Barton College to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP). Barton College has accepted my application and I will start in the fall of 2023. Throughout high school, I have always studied hard because I am also a dual-enrolled student at Martin Community College (MCC). I have been accepted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at MCC. I am also an applicant to the Beta Club and Honor Society at Bear Grass Charter School (BGCS).
I am involved in extracurricular activities at BGCS. I can represent my high school because I am a cheerleader, we cheer for football and basketball, and I also play softball. I am working a part-time job at Mama's Pizza to earn more money before heading off to college. It takes a lot of time and effort to focus on classes along with other things that I am involved in. I have taken a ton of college classes through MCC, which is a great opportunity to prepare for college. This opportunity has allowed me to complete most of my prerequisites for nursing!
This scholarship will help me utilize higher education due to my mother passing away in September of 2021 from metastatic breast cancer. I have always looked up to my mother because she was a physical therapist (PT). I loved hearing my mother tell me stories of her patients, which is why I want to work in the medical field and become an FNP. I believe that I will do great working in the medical field because I am a very generous and caring person. There are many ways that the Herb Collins Scholarship will impact my community.
The Herb Collins scholarship will impact my community because it will help me attend nursing school. After I graduate from nursing school, I will be able to give back to my community by working at the hospital. While working as an FNP, I will be able to examine patients and also develop treatment plans. I love to interact with people, which is why nursing will be a great opportunity for me. This scholarship can also have a huge impact on lowering the cost of my education, which will help with my academic achievements. I will be able to have a great learning experience throughout college which will help give me multiple opportunities to volunteer and many internships! Overall, this scholarship will help benefit me along with my community by helping me obtain a higher level of education.
Lisa McGinley Scholarship Fund
One extracurricular that I am involved in would be softball. I have been playing softball my whole life which shaped me into the person that I am today. I was involved in travel softball and all-stars. When I made the all-star team in Pitt County, my team traveled down to Florida to take home the win in the World Series in 2015. During practice and games, I try to help my teammates if they are struggling or if they are just having an off day. I plan to help or talk to anyone who is feeling down because I know how it feels and I would like to see everyone happy. After one of my teammates was not hitting the ball, I told her to stop thinking so much and to gain confidence in the batter's box. After the scenario went down, I helped many people, including myself by reminding myself to have confidence and to get out of my head. Softball was always my go-to especially after my mother had passed away from metastatic breast cancer.
My mother went to every game and always supported me during each game. When I was not doing good during a game, she reminded me to keep my head up and just play the game. My mother would practice with me in the yard and give me pointers and what to fix involving my technique. She was a great role model and I plan to follow in her footsteps. She encouraged me to be a better person not only in sports but also in life. I know she is beyond proud of me and everything I have accomplished. I will continue to make her proud.