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Caidance Lind


Bold Points






My name is Caidance Lind, and I'm seventeen years old. After high school, I plan to earn my bachelor's degree in psychology and would like to do criminal psychology or justice. I plan to serve wherever God calls me to go! Recently, my life plans (that I'd thought out for a while now) took a turn. I knew God was telling me that my wants didn't match His. I finally gave up being selfish after a youth trip in January 2023. I knew God was telling me not to make plans because He already had plans. It's something I fought against for a long time. I realized that no money, job, or future could be any better for me than Jesus. He continues to reveal Himself in my life. I'm not sure what career I'll pursue, but I trust God to guide me there. I decided to add this to my BIO because it defines who I am. My identity is in Jesus. Aside from religion, I have tons of hobbies and accomplishments! I'm Music Lead for an upcoming TV Series called Anderias Core, and I play many instruments: guitar, electric lead guitar, bass, piano, and ukulele. I also have a GPA of 4.23. I am a Georgia State National American Miss Finalist. I love surfing, running, taekwondo, soccer, music, composing, writing, traveling, and hanging out with my friends. I also love Dr. Pepper. Thank you for taking the time to read my BIO!


Crossroads Christian Academy

High School
2021 - 2023
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
    • Music
    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Criminal psychology

    • Music Lead

      Anderias Core
      2021 – Present4 years
    • Voice Actor

      Anderias Core
      2021 – Present4 years
    • Referee

      CARE Soccer Club
      2016 – 20215 years
    • Youth Worship Leader

      Crossroads Church of Dunwoody
      2018 – 20224 years
    • Crew Member

      2021 – 20221 year
    • Waitress

      The Ice Cream Shoppe
      2020 – 20211 year
    • Aftercare Worker

      Crossroads Christian Academy
      2021 – Present4 years



    2017 – 20214 years


    • Second in tournaments

    Mixed Martial Arts

    2012 – Present13 years


    • First in Sparring
    • First in sparring
    • second in sparring
    • third in forms


    • Religious Music and Worship

      Crossroads Christian Academy — Youth Worship Leader
      2018 – 2022


    • First Baptist Church of Kahoka

      2017 – 2021
    • Crossroads Church of Dunwoody

      2021 – Present

    Public services

    • Public Service (Politics)

      Civil Air Patrol — Cadet Airman
      2020 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      Care Soccer — Coach
      2019 – 2020

    Future Interests






    Athletics Scholarship
    I am eternally grateful for athletics and how they have shaped my hobbies, character, appearance, performance, friendships, and life. First, my hobbies changed. I got into Taekwondo at the very young age of seven and fell in love with it. In sixth grade, I got into soccer. More than hobbies, Taekwondo, and soccer were now part of who I was. I found a piece of who I was through them. Athletics has built my character shockingly. They taught me integrity, honor, perseverance, teamwork, and victory. I apply most of what I've learned from sports to my real life. The things I've learned have developed me into who I am today. Due to being fit, I felt more confident, allowing me to love myself. I saw drastic differences not only physically but mentally. When I say appearance, I mean how others perceive me. Before sports, I didn't look as confident, happy, or capable of defending myself. I can now make healthy changes to better myself. My favorite perk of doing sports has to be the performance differences. Before sports, I couldn't perform specific physical tasks or hobbies nearly as well as I wanted to. With them, I'm doing things I never thought possible for me, such as running more than 5 miles at a time, having abs, beating the boys in my class in an arm wrestle, and earning awards in Taekwondo and soccer. Now, any physical task presented to me seems possible. I look back at the achievements I've made with pride to continue. The most beneficial thing I've gained from sports is relationships. I can't stress the importance of making friends with your teammates. I'm still friends with half of my soccer team and ALL of my Taekwondo class. I speak to them daily or weekly for reference, and they're people I call my best friends (even though we are states apart). Nothing but good has come from knowing that your team is there to support you in the game or out of it. I'm eternally thankful for the people who stick around. Other than bruises and scrapes, nothing but positivity can come from athletics. As a musician, I was skeptical at first. But then I gave it a try myself. There is nothing else I would have spent the time and energy on! There is nothing I regret, wish differently, or dislike about my experience with athletics. It made an impact that will last forever.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    When I think about who I am, there is a list of qualities that pile together in my mind and define me. I know no one else on earth is exactly like me or anyone else. It's a beautiful thing to be unique. I'm bold because public speaking, confrontation, or far-fetched goals have never scared me. I'm determined to make something of myself and help others with what I earn. I'm relentless with every goal or plan I make. I'm aware of everything around me all of the time and catch things most people don't. I'm clever with the solutions I create and the risks I take. Last and certainly not least, I'm stubborn and passionate. Most of us hear these words and think they're negative traits. Despite having a negative connotation, it can go both ways. If I use stubbornness correctly, I can stand up for what I believe in, protect others and myself, and not give someone the option to do what's wrong. If my passion is in the right place, nothing can stop me. I think it's only fair if I name my flaws, too! I'm going to be very blunt and honest about these. I don't take correction well. It's tricky to take a total shift in anything I do. Once I get going, I'm going. Another poor quality of mine is my anger. It's usually my default emotion to something I don't like. I never take it out on anything or anyone, but my attitude and facial expressions are more than noticeable. One negative trait is I love being in control. Honestly, who doesn't? If someone knows something better than me, I'll encourage them to take the lead. If I know I can do it better, I won't hesitate. Finally, I have a stressful time expressing or talking about my emotions. It doesn't matter what it is. I will bottle it up forever. I get stressed when prodded to open up, so connecting to people on an emotional level isn't something I'm skilled in doing. When I planned my entire life out, I knew I didn't want it to be solely about myself. After I earn my bachelor's in psychology, I plan to join the Air Force as an officer. At the same time, I'll obtain my master's online. It's an opportunity for affordable college while I serve my country. After the Air Force, I'll wait for God to point me in whatever direction He wills me. I know I can do good wherever I end up working. If my will matches God's, I'll apply to be a criminal psychologist. Crime continues to grow, and people continue to harm each other. A criminal psychologist's job is to understand why people make choices to help better prevent others from making the same choices. I see this career as extremely valuable in today's culture. As humans, we should be protecting one another. Human nature steps in and ruins our original design instead. With this job, I would have opportunities to protect others from those who want to harm them. I would also encourage those who have made mistakes to change and better themselves. Wherever life takes me, I'll do my best to spread encouragement, God's love, and change.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    Inspiration comes from everywhere, everyone, or anything that speaks to me. Involvement has been the most inspired by results. I see how hard people work and the effect it has. Seeing how community involvement changes people's individual lives has sparked my interest. I try to put myself in someone else's shoes. Feelings, thoughts, needs, circumstances, and events are all things I consider when volunteering anywhere so I can perform my best. One of my favorite lines from the Bible says, "Treat others how you want to be." It's one of the hardest things for me, but volunteering is a symbiotic relationship. You help other people meet their needs while you build your character. Good character is sought after and contagious when presented correctly. Change is something most people (myself included) don't like. It interrupts our plans, is inconvenient, and is outside our comfort zones. When I go about making a change in anything, it isn't rushed or sudden. The last thing I want to do is make change seem unappealing. Currently, I volunteer for a few things every week. On Wednesdays, I volunteer at a BCM group where college students from around the world meet, play games, eat dinner, and learn about Jesus. I helped teach kids TaeKwonDo (as an accredited assistant coach) in the wintertime for free and saw it bring more families into the church. I make food and hygiene kits for the homeless of Atlanta, especially in the winter when it's freezing. I also lead worship at my church whenever our worship leader is out. One of my favorite things my church does annually is Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center work. We ensure that gift boxes are stuffed and have every necessary item inside. The kids who get these boxes get toys, school supplies, clothes, shoes, and hygiene products. The boxes are packed by normal people, they get sent to the centers where we work for hours, and then get shipped to places like other countries, or local orphanages where kids don't get Christmas presents. It's such a neat concept that changes lives forever. In June of this summer, my youth group and I will go on a mission trip to Alabama. When there, we will clean campuses, do outreach, do lots of work, and visit the beach during our breaks. We also learn about God and help lead local kids' VBS. They learn about God, who loves and created them, eat snacks, play games led by us, and sing fun songs that will get stuck in their heads until 2047! I love helping with VBS because even though it might seem cheesy to the teenagers running it, it isn't cheesy to them. I remember going to VBS as a tiny kid and remembering how much I loved it. I hope to carry that same joy to other kids, too. I never feel like volunteering until I'm doing it. I keep myself motivated and inspired by results so I can continue to do anything and everything that I can for my community.
    Trees for Tuition Scholarship Fund
    I like to plan my future, even though my plan is always subject to change. My journey changes daily, but some things never change; One of those things is influencing others around me. A good influence is just as contagious as a bad one. Bettering (or worsening) your direct community affects the world, too. What would happen if I did neither? It would worsen. Not choosing either of the options is still a choice with immediate results. The first (and easiest) thing I do (and will do forever) to better my community is to be kind. Not just polite because I pretend you don't exist in public. You never know what could be happening in the lives of those around you, so the least I can do is smile. Happiness is a contagious choice. Some other things I currently do to better my community are local missions (which include sharing Jesus, free community service, and feeding the homeless), volunteer work so the kids from Atlanta can have a fun, free skate night every month, and planning my future job around the needs of others. I also help at a college group every Wednesday night, so students who want to grow in their faith have resources. I'm also educating myself in economics and human rights, so I have a better understanding of the things that need the most help. My favorite hobbies are making music, fitness, travel, and surfing. I think about how my hobbies could benefit the world around me, and a few things come to mind: With music, I could help people find common ground and understanding. With fitness, I could help encourage someone to meet their goals. With travel, I can go on mission trips and share Jesus, where people don't have the same opportunities I do. With surfing, I can just be a friend. These things I've named aren't huge on the "helpful scale," but they affect my community. In the future, after college and the Air Force, I'll look for a job that benefits the most people. I've chosen to major in psychology, knowing that it's versatile. Psychology also really piqued my interest. Imagine understanding the human mind! Psychology is a valuable career. You learn the "ins and outs" in your mind and help others understand theirs. I've chosen a focus on criminology, knowing how beneficial it is in today's society where people harm each other. If I could hand-pick my career right now, I would pick either psychiatry or the Behavioral Analysis Unit. In the meantime, I'll do whatever I can to get there!
    Linda "Noni" Anderson Memorial Music & Arts Scholarship
    The creative arts, often overlooked, are as necessary for some of us as much as air. Most see or read the word and think it's just another part of life. Talent is seen instead of expression and a picture instead of a story. Not us, and not me. There's ALWAYS a hidden feature, meaning, significance, or value that the artist inserts for themselves. I've experienced time after time. Making music brings me the greatest joy I've ever experienced. I do my best to describe what it means, but words only go so far. Actions speak louder than words. Art, specifically music, is my action. It allows me to truly, express myself. I've always strayed away from opening up and showing emotion. Art, for me, is the key to the door. I can put 100% of who I am on display for the entire planet and feel safely vulnerable. More than my emotions, it speaks where words can't. I can put my soul, mind, and heart into my art and genuinely feel understood by those it reaches. I'm getting goosebumps and a lump in my throat by writing about this feeling. Without art, I can only imagine where I'd be. A beautiful thing about art, it isn't just about me! It's about common ground. Having a special connection to people you wouldn't normally connect with is priceless. It restores my faith in the human race as a whole. Not everyone has the same taste, but I can guarantee we are NOT alone. Let's say a thousand people, and I hear an album (for example) and understand it like most don't. We connect our lives to it, it changes us, and it's now a significant part of who we are. Who cares if they don't get it, too? They have a connection somewhere else that we don't have to understand, either! That's the beautiful diversity seen in art. Many pieces of music tie for first place on my ranking of importance. I could go on and on about why I love them all, but I'll stick to a few key ones. First, The Adventure by Angels & Airwaves. Bare with me because most people don't understand this one! This song has my favorite line ever written included. It isn't abstract, intelligent, or complicated. It's the line they chose to end the song with because it lasts in your mind. The line says, "Life's waiting to begin." These words live rent-free in my mind and have motivated me for years. Let me put it into context. The song, The Adventure, talks about life as one big adventure. Your dreams, goals, and outcome are all there waiting for you. All you have to do is reach out and grab them! It has acted as fuel for my life and ambitions as the first piece of music that spoke directly to me. Second, the album, Invitation to Her's by Her's. Released in August 2018, the album was their rise to fame. The band consisted of two talented artists, Stephen Fitzpatrick and Audun Laading. In March 2019, they died in a car crash, not even seeing the one-year progress of their very loved album. Their album was not only a work of art but perfection (and no, this isn't an understatement). Their songs are musically perfect and clever. Their words have truthful, positive meanings that apply to life. I've never listened to an album and fallen in love with every part of every song on it. They sound like nostalgia, comfort, and hope. I wish they could've seen their influence! But by art, they live.
    Patriots Path Scholarship
    My name is Caidance, and I am seventeen years old. I am passionate about music, my faith, and serving my country. I've always wanted to join the Air Force. It took me a while to gather the resources I needed to take steps in that direction. In early 2020 during COVID, I joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron in Burlington, Iowa. My grandmother suggested it to me after I had told her I wanted to join the Air Force when I was older. She informed me about CAP, so my father and I went to check it out. I fell in love with it instantly. I learned how to wear my uniform correctly, march, and display military practices. We met every Tuesday. My favorite types of meets were our PT days. I ended up beating our highest-ranked member's push-up record and their mile run time (even though I was the only girl there). I like how there could be fun competition in the middle of a group of people working for a common goal. I enjoyed spending time with others who took great pride in our country. Civil Air Patrol gave me an extra step toward my future in ROTC. My family has moved, so I am currently searching for a new squadron close to me. I chose a military career path because my father, uncle, grandfather, aunt, and great-grandfather were all in the military. They all served in the Marine Corps, but they don't mind me choosing the Air Force. I (like most) take a lot of things in life for granted. I know that choosing to serve my country will make me appreciative of the freedom and belongings I have. I believe everyone should join the military for at least four years. It would create a sense of pride in our country that is missing today. I have been preparing myself for years now. I work out, do taekwondo, study, and get good grades in hopes that I can perform my best. In preparation, I've been working towards my future college. I plan to get a degree before joining, so I'll enlist as an officer. I've been researching what kind of job I'd want and how I plan to earn my master's degree online while in the Air Force. I know that the Air Force is the right option for me. I can't wait to graduate and serve!
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    The particular book I chose is an instruction manual for life. It's the perfect hand guide given to us straight from history. It continues to prove itself as it gets older and more popular, being the most popular book in the world. The Bible has sold over 5 billion copies, washing out all competitors. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (taken from the Bible, speaking about love and how to live it out) says, "Love is patient, love is kind. Love doesn't envy, does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails." The text above is an example of what love is. It's the best example of how we (as humans) should treat each other, keeping every element in mind. If everyone studied this small piece of the book, the world would be a much better place. Imagine how great it would be if everyone read the entire book! We would treat each other so much better than we do already! Altogether, the Bible is one big love note to the world. It gives advice, comfort, information, instructions, hope, and understanding. It fits any and every situation and tells God's story. It provides us with correction and helps whenever we decide to pick up the book and read it. No matter how I feel, I can pick up my Bible and find everything I need.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    Volunteering is a life habit that many never step into and miss out on because of it. As a human, most of my mindset and priorities are ALL about me. As I stepped into volunteering, I saw how dangerous my frame of mind was. It's easy to say you think about other people, but do you? When I started volunteering, I did things for my community, including Civil Air Patrol, volunteering at my church with the kid's programs, and bringing food to the homeless. I mowed my neighbor's lawn during recovery and shoveled my older neighbor's driveway because she struggled through it. I started to see the change in myself ever so slightly. I noticed I would be happier after I helped someone with something than before, and it made me think. I realized I needed to prioritize others' needs like I wanted my own needs. I saw more opportunities to volunteer around me. You don't have to travel super far or make it a public matter to make a difference. I saw needs in my church, friends, house, and family. I started to make volunteering a lifestyle and included it in my daily routine. I still volunteer wherever I see the need for someone to step up. Before I explain why I need this scholarship, I want to thank you for the opportunity, and I hope this goes to whoever needs it most. I just wrote an essay on honor, and I want to stay valid to what I wrote. College is expensive, and it stresses me to think about how I have to cough up that money. The job I want in the future is one I chose because it benefits the community around it. To get the specific job I want, I need a minimum of a master's degree and four years in medical school to be an option for selection. Eight years of college is a lot of money I don't have. I already work five days a week and babysit. I also spend my spare time on, trying to win scholarships. I've been a finalist for a couple, but haven't won any yet. During college, I plan to work as well. I have no financial help with college. My parents have their student debts to pay off, and my two younger siblings are still at home. They've made it clear that they can't help me. I also have to pay for my car and my phone. It's a lot on my plate currently, but I (think I) know it's temporary. Whether I win this scholarship or not, it's in God's hands, so I'll do what I can and trust Him!
    Norman H. Becker Integrity and Honor Scholarship
    Integrity is doing what is right even when no one is watching. It means obeying my parents and doing what God says outside the church. Having integrity is a large piece of my character. I want to be trustworthy and honorable in what I do. It means being reliable to those who need me. I strive for integrity daily, though I haven't perfected it yet. I know very few people with integrity. It also means being a rarity in today's society. Honor is something everyone wants, and nobody gives. Honor is a part of daily life as well. There are several opportunities I can think of where I chose the option that was better for others instead of myself. It's rude to take a position, role, or opportunity from someone else who worked harder for it. I had a taekwondo tournament recently. I had nobody to spar with who fit my age and belt category, so I had to spar with my friend, who was lower than me by a belt. I beat them and earned a first-place trophy. I hadn't ever won first place before and was excited. I saw my friend's face and felt sorry for her. I told her she fought amazingly and deserved the trophy. It hurt to give it away, but it worked for the better. Giving honor where it's due never goes unrewarded. My reputation has improved since bringing others honor. I am now considered honorable by my peers, and that makes me happy! There would have been no honor to my win if I had kept the trophy to myself. I think about it frequently as a reminder to myself.
    Voila Natural Lifestyle Scholarship
    Hello! My name is Caidance, I'm 17 years old, and my favorite color is silver. I love psychology, surfing, California, reading, skating, running, taekwondo, soccer, performing, singing, and writing music. I also love playing the guitar, piano, ukulele, bass, and cello. I'm pretty sure music is my favorite thing on the planet (along with Dr. Pepper). Winning this scholarship would be a dream for me. I have high educational goals that I'll need for the job I want. It requires a minimum of a master's degree and four years of medical school before I'm even qualified. I can't stress the amount of stress it would relieve! I work 20 hours a week on top of school and will pay for my education alone. Money is (unfortunately) a lot of what I think about because it genuinely worries me. If I had known how much college costs, I would've started saving much earlier. Next semester, I'll start my bachelor's degree in criminal psychology. After those four years, I'll join the Air Force as an officer and earn my master's in forensic psychology online during the same time, so I have a way to pay for college. It's also a way for me to serve my country. After earning my master's degree and being in the military, I'll do medical school for four years. After all of this, I'll decide between criminal psychology and psychiatry. They both sound like memorable options to me! Someday, I hope to help my dad pay off his student loans. My family grew up poor in our community up until last year. My dad has two jobs, my mom has one, and my sister and I work for the daycare program at our school. My dad works as the principal at our school (connected to our church) and is also a pastor. He only accepts salary from the pastoral job because it's better for the church. The money is supporting international friends of ours who have next to nothing. My parents won't be able to retire like everyone else. They're good people who deserve a retirement. When I'm older, I hope I can help them out. They've spent their entire lives pouring into other people, so I want to give back. Overall, this would do a lot more than help me. I'm excited about my future and education. I'm sure I'll get there. I'll do whatever it takes.
    Financial Literacy Importance Scholarship
    Finances. The stress that word brings me. It's tricky to manage finances as a high school student, but it matters to me and my future that I do it well. They determine whether or not I have a car in college, can pay for a house after, and can buy the everyday things I need. It has an unfortunate impact on my future, and fear is a good motivator if you need it to be. I want my future family (if I have one) to not have half of the stress. I want to be successful and to look back and say I did a good job preparing myself for whatever is next. Currently, I am doing anything and everything to manage my finances well. I work twenty hours a week right after school. It feels like a lot on top of the college prep, but I know it can only help. Whenever I get a paycheck, I put $50 into my checking account, and every other dime goes into savings. I set that money aside for college textbooks, car payments, phone payments, future student loans (which I am not excited about), and any other emergency I can't predict. I'm also building a credit score for the future. I never buy anything huge, maybe gas once a month, but it's a start. I keep a journal by my bed and write everything I purchase inside. After every month, I look back and decide where I spend most of my money. If it isn't crucial to my survival, I find ways to minimize or dispose of it completely. There's always something I can take away. I'm always selling clothing I don't wear, babysitting on the weekends, and picking up shifts at work. Once, I even tried to sell Canvas templates. I try not to revolve my entire world around money, but nothing is free, so I need to use whatever time I have. I limit my shopping and only buy things I genuinely need. I have a pact with myself where I can only purchase ONE vinyl each month. I have a problem, I know. Instead of buying ANOTHER instrument, I ask for them for Christmas or my birthday. I'm fixing it! I learn with new experiences and change my habits to match. There is so much I wish I had known before, but now I can pass that information along to someone else. I'll continue coming up with ways to manage my finances better. I'll also keep myself open to advise.
    Holt Scholarship
    Hey! My name is Caidance, and I'm 17 years old. I'm a senior in high school, work 20 hours per week, and my favorite color is silver (the shiny kind). I love playing guitar, ukulele, piano, bass, and cello. I sing, read, surf, write music, collect vinyl, play soccer, and enjoy traveling! I've chosen to pursue a master's degree in forensic psychology. I will also join the Air Force for four years and attend medical school after college. When I've completed all of the stairsteps I need to get to my chosen career, I plan to apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. After working there for however long, I plan to get a job in psychiatry. I chose everything specifically for a reason. I chose forensic psychology because I find it interesting, and I chose the Air Force because I want to serve my country and have that experience. I need medical school for my psychiatry job. I wanted to pursue the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit because I want to use psychology to benefit society. I don't want my life to be all about me. People harm others and create a bad character because of it. I've seen and experienced the effects of human harm, and it tears people down. I'd love to be a part of the reason that stops. I love learning about human behavior and motives, so I know this job will suit me well. It isn't for the faint of heart, but I know I can handle it. I chose psychiatry as the following step. I plan to take everything I've learned from years of school and experience to help others understand why they do the things they do so they can overcome them. I like to think that psychiatry is a reputable career choice. I hope to be well equipt by the time I reach that point in my life. I also hope to retire well so I can help my father, who is still paying off his student loans. I also have friends in Papua New Guinea who give everything they have and are to Jesus. I want to support them in their ministry. I hope to be able to give back to the people who poured into my life. I wouldn't be able to live with a good conscience if I didn't. I would be nothing without the people who gave something up for me.
    Glen E Kaplan Memorial Scholarship
    I have two real passions. They are VERY different, but they define who I am. I'm passionate about them because I love them, and they help give back to the less fortunate, depending on how you view fortune. One of them is music. The writing, singing, performing, composing, producing, teaching, recording, and enjoying of music keeps me going. It's almost like my recycled fuel for life. Music has always been there for me and encouraged me to use it to express my emotions. The other passion, the contrasting one, is psychology. I know I'm naturally talented at it because it comes easy. Picking up on little details most people don't notice and being able to determine someone's true feelings based on one look have always been a talent of mine. Whenever I explain to a person that I understand them by telling them what I see, they always seem surprised (and a little violated). But, there are good ways to use psychology that benefit others. I'll be majoring in criminal psychology next semester because I want to see a change in human nature. It's harmful and scary. It's our job to care for each other because we're nothing without other people. I hope to do that well. Overcoming challenges has been a recurring theme in my short life. My entire character revolves around resilience by now! I've learned that it's never worth giving up on anything you love. It's always better to push through with humility and be able to look back at what I've overcome. Everything from moving states frequently, high stress, financial struggles, harmful family members, and past childhood trauma have paved a hard path for me. But I've never been one to give up, and I don't plan to. Knowing what it feels like to go through hard times and financial struggles, I plan to give to those who aren't as fortunate as me. I can't financially support others as much as I'd like to, but I do my best with my sponsored children. Later in life, I plan to pay off my dad's student debt. He has two jobs and only accepts a salary from one because it's better for our church. My parents live their lives serving others and deserve a retirement. I also have friends in Papua New Guinea who have nothing and are the happiest people I know. Someday, I want a business property for mental health. I won't charge a thing. I know what it's like to suppress every little thought inside your head. Everyone deserves to understand how they feel and have support, advice, a hug, and anything else they may need. I'm also pursuing a career that is outward-focused. I plan to pursue criminal psychology. I want to protect others and understand the abnormal brain. I'd be lying if I said it didn't interest me. With music, I plan to give in a unique way. Whenever I hear a song that means something, I feel understood. I love to feel understood. Sixth love-language? I plan to make music that brings others happiness and contentment! I do love music and everything about it. Second career? Definitely.
    Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship
    Passion, happiness, anger, grief, love, unsureness, mystery, and pure chaos are all expressed through my writing. It could be music, poetry, stories, novels, letters, an outlet, or an essay. I could be in the worst or best mood and still desire to write. Inspiration is taken from everything around me and recycled to inspire others. Without writing, my mental health would be a mess, and I would have left everyone I know in the dust. When I look back at where I have been through time and in health, I picture writing as the only way I can truly express myself. It has allowed me to touch others around me while displaying myself in a way I can't explain. Other people's writing has shaped who I am, what I like, where I'm going, and how I feel. I'm almost jealous I didn't think of the words that go into my favorite songs. But I'm even more appreciative that they exist because I wouldn't be me without them! Aside from me, writing affects the entire world. Music creates a common ground, stories manufacture common interests, and all of it creates the feeling of being understood. It's a nice feeling. Recently, I was lucky enough to take a trip to another country with my dad. I was surprised that the culture shock wasn't as drastic as I had pictured. The music played in America was the same stuff I heard here EVERYWHERE. It shocked me! After a minute of being there, I saw the similarity between the two (very different) countries, all because someone took the time to write something meaningful. Emotion has a tremendous influence on writing. When someone writes something they relate to personally, and another person feels the same, there's an immediate connection established. Emotional connection is the strongest. I'd go as far as saying that writing can end tension between some people and countries with its memorable impact because it touches a sensitive nerve most people try to ignore. I have writings that are personally important to me. The most important to me is the Bible due to my religion. Most of my favorites are songs I relate to and adopt into my personality. Two of my favorite songs are Just What I Needed by The Cars and The Adventure by Angels & Airwaves. Most people don't understand why I love them, but they were there for me exactly when I needed to hear them. Writing will always be who I am, and I plan to pass it forward.
    Your Dream Music Scholarship
    The song that has the most important message to me is The Adventure by Angels & Airwaves. I remember sitting on my bed at age thirteen with Spotify open on my Kindle Fire. When I heard this song for the first time, I felt like everything was completely in place. I had a "where have you been all my life" experience. It sparked a sense of curiosity, excitement, and determination in me. Aside from me seriously enjoying this song, the meaning gives me chills. It's a song about letting life happen, going through this ride, and taking full advantage of the short time you have. It isn't a love song about one person primarily, but it's about loving life with the people around you. It's called The Adventure because life is the biggest adventure. The last line in the song is, "Life's waiting to begin." It means when you're ready to start life, it's there waiting for you. Listening to this song and the words inside puts a lump in my throat. It's been my favorite song ever since I first heard it. I even featured it in my bio because it's a significant part of my life that I want others to see as important to me. The fact that this song means as much to the person who wrote and sang it makes me appreciate it even more. In an interview, Tom DeLonge said, "That night after I sang it, I remember sitting in my studio at 2 in the morning. I was at my house, my family was asleep, I was listening to this thing, and about halfway through the song, there were tears in my eyes. I felt like there was something magical happening." This song will always contain magic that inspires me.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Mental health is the footing that helps keep every other version of my health in order. It determines my mood, endeavors, performance, appearance, and future. Many things stress me out, but keeping focus is how I overcome them. Being mentally stable allows me to be a source of stability for myself and my peers. Self-edification is similar to pride but much more humble. That's the fine line I try to walk on. I have to remind myself that attitude determines direction. I fixate on where I'll end up, almost to a flaw. It's that same fixation that strives me to stay mentally fit. I have this habit (a game I play with myself) where I treat my mental health as a muscle. The more I consistently exercise it, the stronger it becomes. If something goes wrong or I'm in a stressful situation, I remember that I'm building muscle and removing any chance of self-sabotage or credulity. That way, having a negative attitude becomes unjustified. I can't tell you how repeatedly this practice has entered a clutch and saved me. I've learned that long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity. There are plenty of things I practice that improve my mental standing. Keeping myself approachable and open is significant for me. I'm an introvert and would live in a world of solitude if allowed. Pulling myself out of my comfort zone has been successful. I've made friends that will last a lifetime and have received opportunities that I otherwise wouldn't have. I serve people, hoping I won't be as selfish as I am. My mind is healthy and is constantly changing. I'm shaping the change to look just how I choose. I work hard academically, so I have a sense of validation and success. I work even harder at my job. I eat healthily and exercise, so I feel strong. I read books that fill my brain with positivity and wisdom. The part of my mental health that is the most significant is my relationship with God. When I'm not strong, He is. Whenever I feel like my life is falling apart, He picks up the pieces. I don't have to fear my future because I know where I'm going when it's all over. I know that I'm never doing life alone. That's the hope that keeps me going. Whenever I fail to build my muscle, I bring my problems to Jesus and He takes them from my hands without question because that's just who He is. I'm thankful for the head I have on my shoulders, but I can't take the credit.
    R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship
    We don't grow when things are easy; we grow when things are hard. It took me a long time to arrive at this actualization. When I was a young kid, my family and I lived with my grandparents at their house because our family of five couldn't afford a home. My dad quit his job at the police department in New Bern, NC, and homeschooled my siblings and me. My mom worked at the Ronald McDonald House, so we had money. After moving around states a couple of times, we landed in Missouri in 2016 when I was 11. My dad got a job as a pastor, and my mom stayed home to homeschool us. I was excited about a refreshed change. Everything (in my childish mind) was perfect: my family had a steady annual income, I made a couple of friends at our church, and I got to go to the store and pick out a few new clothes (we didn't do that very often at all). I was ecstatic to pick two new outfits and a pair of running shoes from Walmart nearby. I went to youth group that night with a new sense of self-worth that I hadn't ever had. As all the kids and teens made their way upstairs, one teenager pointed at my shoes and said to his friend, "Look, Walmart shoes." His attitude hurt my feelings. I turned around and asked, "What's wrong with my shoes?" He answered, "Those are poor people's shoes. You must be poor if you're happy wearing those." From that day on, I knew that (at that time) my family was considered poor in the community. I've always worked hard in school and work. Working hard through financial and mental struggles has shaped me into the hard-working and determined person I am today. The embarrassment I experienced created a drive within me to be something great. I plan to continue to work hard and impact everyone around me. I want to prove to people that working hard through trials is worth it. I want those I come in contact with to have someone to stick up for them, and the career I chose will do that. After high school, I'll attend Liberty University and earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After that, I'll join one U.S. military branch as an MP with an officer rank and earn my master's in forensic psychology online. When those eight years are up, I'll apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit and make a difference in our world. I want to create a safe, inclusive community where people don't harm each other. If I hadn't ever had the conversation about my shoes, I wouldn't have had the motivation to push harder in everything I did the way I did. I'm thankful for the pain that allowed me to find myself, but I never wish the same to happen to others. I want to cultivate the belief that you can be motivated to push through hard times without being hurt.
    Science Appreciation Scholarship
    I will consume my entire life pursuing science. Science is clever, definitive, vital to life, and harbors all answers. Science deserves to be a priority in STEM studies. I love science because it doesn't just cease at one subject; there's biology, botany, social sciences, chemistry, physics, etc. It's an endless pool of knowledge which, in my assertion, makes it the most valuable STEM major to pursue because it has such considerable factors to offer. The kind of science I'm pursuing is psychology. After high school, I'm attending Liberty University and will earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After that, I'll join a U.S. military branch as an MP with an officer rank while achieving my master's in forensic psychology online. After I get the experience, degree, fieldwork, and improvised resume, I'll apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. My job will be to use the science I've learned (and will persist in) to better society and individuals. With science in action, I'll be able to safeguard people from those who would impair them. Science has an influence on society that makes science matter to it. The sort of impact it has can change everything around it and will undoubtedly do so until the end of time. With science around, life is made easy. Science allows us to learn about our world, bodies, and beyond. Science has diverse factors that shape our civilization, individuals, and traditions. Building cars or cities, making music, producing medicine, and learning about the human brain are some of the entries that science opened. Science came foremost. If the acronym STEM were in chronological order, it would read SMET. Science is an interest in acting. After interest is born, you reach math. That same math proves science to be factual. After you have curiosity and proof of possibility, you breed engineering that eventually turns into technology. Because science has to come first, it proves itself to be the base. You can't build anything without a base. Therefore, science is the most important because it makes everything else possible. I think every aspect of science is just as valuable as the next. I'm pursuing the hereafter I chose. It's in my skillset to have a psychology-based career, so that's what I'm going to do. Science is a tool capable of many things, uniquely to the other STEM majors. It's abstract, unlike math, flexible, unlike engineering, and never changes, unlike technology. These differences distinguish science from every other subject. It merits a special place in our society's heart and mine!
    Dante Luca Scholarship
    Due to moving around a lot as a kid/teen and having brave parents, I've interacted with all sorts of people. The situations I've been in are unusual. I grew up faster than other kids my age because my extended family put my family and me in stressful situations. I hope I can say that I treat others well more often than not. I've had some friends who struggle with depression, anger, hopelessness, and lack of motivation. I've seen people walk right by them, refusing to help. I know how it feels to be afraid of what others think. I usually try to put myself in their shoes and disregard hateful opinions, but sometimes it can be scary. I talked one of my youth group friends out of self-harming and potential suicide. They ended up gaining stability in their life because I cared for them. When I was in 3rd through 5th grade, my grandfather (who I at the time had a good relationship with) would go out, do drugs, and cheat on his wife. I remember our family driving by an apartment complex in Kentucky daily to check for his car. My younger siblings were pretty young, so they didn't understand the severity of the situation at the time. After months of this, we went out to eat with our grandparents, and I remember my grandfather pulling me aside. He told me that he knew I understood what was happening and that he was sorry. He told me that he loved me, my parents, my siblings, and my grandmother. I told him if he was truthful, he would stop what he was doing. That was hard to say because I knew it would cause tension, but it had to be said. After a few more months of my family and me persistently trying to bring him back, he saw the wrong he'd done, got baptized, and now he and his wife are happily married. In July, my family moved into a different apartment complex. A few months ago, someone tossed a cigarette off their porch and set the building on fire. My parents saw it while walking, and nobody inside knew. My mom ran into the house, grabbed a fire extinguisher, and ran right back out. I knew something was on fire, and it freaked me out. I thought about it for a split second and ran out after her. I caught up to my mom, who was still running, grabbed the extinguisher, and kept running. (I go on runs a lot and am fast, and she still had a while to go). I saw the fire and handed my dad the extinguisher. As he started to put it out, I ran into the building and knocked on everyone's doors. There was one lady home, and she got out of the building. I could go on and on with other instances where something crazy happened because it happens just about every month. Everyone I know thinks I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I think it's the opposite. I'm thankful that I'm able to help those around me. After all, I always get the opportunity, all jokes aside. My family and peers admire my default reactions and appreciate them. Bravery, to me, is an immediate response. That's why I'm pursuing the career I am. I hope to continue to inspire bravery and courage in my peers. I thank those who first inspired me.
    Future Is Female Inc. Scholarship
    Feminism is advocating women's rights to be equal to men's. It's giving women equal opportunities, jobs, respect, education, and protection. Feminism matters. It has affected and will continue to change history. Because women have spoken out on behalf of what they believe in, they were able to propel the Civil Rights Movement and get women out of their houses. They helped call out rape culture, pass Title IX, fight against sexual harassment, and balance court. Without these brave women, who knows where gender equality would stand? They worked and endured hate to make my life comfortable. Sojourner Truth is inspirational to me. This woman, in my opinion, paved the road for gender, racial, and religious equality. She was born in slavery in New York and escaped with her daughter in 1826. She spent her entire life advocating for women's rights. The path she paved helped pass the 19th Amendment. My favorite quote of hers is, "It is the mind that makes the body." She inspired everyone. Sojourner influenced how I view feminism. I had always seen feminism as unnecessary because the women I saw promoting it were spiteful, wanted attention, and didn't bring gender inequalities to light. I later found out that there are other women out there who are actively working to fix these issues. I researched feminism and learned about Sojourner Truth. I saw problems from the past and others that are present. I learned to appreciate the women striving to give us the same opportunities. Currently, I'm working to educate those around me about gender equality in my community to help people understand the need for feminism. I'm working to unify women because we're stronger together. I raise awareness in my school through a club to educate those who join so we can go out and make a difference. I'm trying to convince the school board to let me start the club. I would allow men who wish to join to do so. It would help educate them and inspire other men to see the positivity feminism can create. We would go out and help other associations with equality and raise money for causes. Overall, feminism shouldn't carry a negative attitude toward all men. It's supposed to raise awareness so there can be change. Feminism should contain grace and good intent. It has changed the world before, so I know it can again. With feminism, lives will be made happier.
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    This past year has been full of change. It's my senior year, and I've been figuring out my future for a while now. Last year, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life until we moved, and everything changed. Moving was hard because it closed the door to the opportunities I wanted. After we moved, I started exploring other options and enjoyed them. The move inspired me to explore paths outside of my comfort zone. I've seen a lot of change in myself. I'm braver than I was, smarter, and kinder. I look older, more relaxed, and not as stressed. I've learned how to handle situations of change positively. I'm not sure how I would've reacted to trials had they been this past year, but I'm sure it would be rough. Looking back, it's like observing another person. I'm happy with the changes I've seen in myself. I wouldn't change anything that I've gone through. Along with the changes, a lot has stayed the same. I still have my sense of humor, friends, hobbies, and love for music. I still love Jesus, my family, and chocolate. My style, dreams, and interests are the same. I'm still very much myself but now have more experience on how to walk through life well. I've learned a lot through seeking myself. I always thought those around me had a perfect sense of self when I didn't. I didn't know who I was. Over time, I've learned that we aren't going to understand ourselves 100%. I found who I am. I'm the only one like me on this planet. I've learned that everyone is working to understand who they are. I know I can do good for others through whatever career I decide. I've learned how to be selfless. I don't have to prove myself to anyone with worldly success, money, fame, or a fancy job. I've learned that money isn't everything. I'd rather be happy and dirt poor than miserable and have money. I'd choose to help other people than myself. I won't see closed doors as a negative thing anymore. My mom always told me, "One closed door opens another door." I now know that she was right. I'll see unexpected happenings as a chance to grow and try something new. I'll make sure I walk through hard times with a smile on my face my entire life.
    Your Health Journey Scholarship
    Balancing school, work, sports, and college preparation makes it hard to keep a healthy lifestyle. There are habits I practice to make sure my mind, body, and spirituality are consistently healthy. I've changed these habits from last year when my health was not a priority. I work twenty hours a week in the daycare at my school. I go to work immediately after school and leave anywhere from 6-7:30. When I get home, I exercise, eat dinner, and shower. After that, I do my skincare routine and read my Bible. I plan my exercises: arms on Monday, running on Tuesday, core on Wednesday, legs on Thursday, cardio on Friday, rest on Saturday, and TaeKwonDo on Sunday. During the school year, I make my lunches the day before and make sure what I put into my body benefits me. I limit my Dr. Pepper intake because I love Dr. Pepper! Getting enough sleep is a change from last year. I got six hours of sleep on average. It left me tired my entire day, and my performance went down. I get at least eight hours of sleep this year. I usually go to bed no later than eleven. Because of getting more sleep, my grades, sports, happiness, and energy have improved tremendously. It's allowed me to earn awards through TaeKwonDo and improve in musical performance. It's a big part of my health. My spiritual health is at the top of my health-related priorities. It determines how the rest of my week or month goes. I make sure during school to do my devotion first thing. Outside school, I attend church, help lead youth group worship, and read my Bible. When I don't make spiritual health a priority, everything declines. Last year, I could have done much better to make spirituality a priority. It affected how I handled stress and interacted with those around me. Overall, the amount of improvement I've seen through having a healthy lifestyle is inspiring. I love the results and plan on carrying these habits out throughout my life. My house is cleaner, and I look fitter than I did. I can run farther than I could, and I've learned a new instrument. I feel more confident in who I am. I've made this my new normal, and I have zero regrets. I'm never exhausted or sluggish. Having a healthy lifestyle is crucial to living a happy life.
    Olivia Woods Memorial Scholarship
    A book that transformed my life is the Bible. I usually try not to enforce my religious opinions onto others, but I have the opportunity to speak on how and why it changed me personally, so I will. I love reading all kinds of books at any extra chance, but the Bible changed my life because it taught me that I could go to heaven and be with Jesus forever when I died. It taught me how to bring others with me, so they could, too. It's the ultimate guide-for-life book. I was read the Bible by my parents from a very young age and enjoyed the stories. Studies of the Bible were a part of the school curriculum from age 5 to the present. As the years have passed, I've spent my time glazing over the chapters instead of comprehending them. I thought the book was boring and I knew everything already, but I was so wrong. Last year, I realized I had no idea what I was reading. I had a tool right in front of me that would help me learn about God, history, people, and everything else. I became interested in learning more about it. Now, I pick it up to gain something from it when I read it. As I read, I saw how I should spend my time and energy. I realized I wasn't treating others the way they should be. It changed the way I interact with others. I don't just want to be a good person by the world's standards, but by God's. It brought authentic joy into my life. I've learned so much since I read the Bible. It transformed my life because I let it. The only thing that kept that change from happening sooner was me. Other ways it's changed my life are not being as selfish, recognizing when I'm wrong, having better relationships, and not fearing death. I can't believe the challenges I've overcome through this book; It got me through depression. I don't know where I would be without this book. I wouldn't understand God's love for me, my purpose, a piece of history, how to get to heaven, and how to live life well. I thank God for putting this tool into my life through my family. I share this book with anyone willing to listen, hoping it will change their life as it did mine.
    Living Well Scholarship
    Clean living matters to me because it ensures that I function the best I can. When I practice clean living habits, I feel good, look good, work well, and am happier. I like to take care of my body because it's the only one I get. Clean living keeps my face clear of acne and keeps my hair strong. Taking care of myself improves my performance in sports and singing, too. I like to stay in shape because I'll join the military after college and want to serve my best. Eventually, I want to perform my best at my future job. Clean living matters to me because it improves life. I'm in my last year of high school and work full time while playing sports, so taking extra time to prep for clean living is difficult. I get home from work (which I do right after school) and prep my lunch for the next day. I motivate myself to do this because I get home for the first time every day at seven. After I make lunch, I exercise (mentioned in a later paragraph), shower, and do my skincare routine. After this, I read for half an hour and then go to bed, ensuring I have a minimum of eight hours of sleep. When I wake up, I do my morning routine (which includes more skincare) and eat a healthy breakfast. Then, I go to school, work, come home and repeat. The weekends are different. I get to sleep and take more time for self-care, reading and exercising. I also enjoy video games when I have time, but I only play for an hour. When I exercise during the week, I usually keep a schedule. Tuesdays are for running! On weekends I try to rest, but sometimes I do something active. For example, tomorrow, I'm running a mud run in Atlanta that is a 5k. I try to limit snacking, especially on the weekends. Clean living helps me function in school as well as in sports. I do taekwondo competitively, so staying in shape affects my performance. I have a GPA of 4.2 now and have clean living to thank. Without it, I would have worse grades, be lazy at work, unmotivated, and be out of shape. I am grateful that my parents encourage clean living because it's easier for me to act on it that way. Clean living has ultimately changed my life.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    I love math (even if I don't like it) because it forces my brain to grow, learn, and open up a part of my brain. It's interesting to wonder how far behind our civilization would be and how our day-to-day lives would look without math. I appreciate those who spend their lives understanding it so our lives would be easier. Unlike English, math only has one concrete answer; they aren't abstract or opinionated but are correct. In math, grades can't be biased in any way because there is only one. I like that it has one right choice because nobody else's opinion can prevent a good result. Studying math interests me, so I can learn about real-world problems that need solving. It's a tool that is beneficial for a lifetime and can help others. Math can help you get into college and make sure you do good. I love that you don't ever stop learning. There's always something to learn and discover. We will never stop discovering math, and that thought is unusual. Math is a key that people have studied and used that key to open a door and make life easier. I like that different methods change with time. I love math!
    John J Costonis Scholarship
    Thinking about the future excites me! Though, acting on plans is hard. My dreams have shifted over the last couple of years, and there are many hardships I have faced and will face. My long-term goals for the future are to take care of society and make music I love. After high school, I'll attend Liberty University and earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. Then, I'll join the Air Force as an MP with an officer rank while earning my master's online in forensic psychology. After those eight years, I'll apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. To help give me a leg-up for the Air Force and college, I was in Civil Air Patrol in Burlington, Iowa, from 2020-2021. I earned my rank as Cadet Airman in the first month. I had a great time and learned a lot until I moved to a new state for the third time since age five. I left the only three friends I had my junior year, and it felt like I had to start prepping for college all over again. I still haven't found a new Civil Air Patrol near me. After I moved, I wanted to start saving money for college, so I applied to a Chic-Fil-A near me. I got the job after an interview and worked there for four months, five hours a day, three days a week. It was a lot of work because it was right after school, and I always had the closing shift. I usually worked on drive-thru drinks or with curbside orders because I was fast and efficient. The owner of the store always thanked me for working hard. I had two managers (both adults older than twenty) who were there every day with me. They liked to boss the teenagers around and threaten to fire them behind the owner's back. It was Christmas week, and I'd work every day except Christmas Eve to get extra hours. They demanded that my shifts have more hours and that I wasn't working enough days (despite having few teen staff work three hours a week). I told them that their request was unreasonable. One of them asked me to meet them for a meeting, and I agreed. They fired me and said to the owner (and workers) that I had quit without notice. Hardships continue to come. I've had a neighboring apartment explode due to a gas leak causing my garage door to break, and colleges turn me down for no apparent reason. I also had to sell the car I was going to take to college, had mental health issues, and have not met my financial goals. I know that money will be the main hardship for me. I'll pay for college with whatever job I get while in school. I'm excited about the good parts of college, though. Money isn't everything and school is necessary for me to get the job I want. I'll continue to work hard until I get there.
    Greg Lockwood Scholarship
    In a world full of diversity, there is partiality everywhere. Showing these biased opinions isn't fair, helpful, kind, or acceptable. It tears a person down and is altogether hateful. We force our thoughts or beliefs on people and then get mad when someone does the same to us. It needs to change. Every person on this planet is supposed to be here. Whoever they are, whatever they believe, whatever they look like, we are all equal. I hate when people bully others because of their appearance. Not only can we not control our appearances, but it shouldn't even be a problem. Everyone knows what it's like to be picked on or bullied, and it sucks. It creates tension, destroys relationships, and puts someone down. I want to see this change. It would help people support and love each other better because we're not doing well at that. Countries would be more open to travelers, study cultures, appreciate them, make new relationships, and ease the political issues that affect us. I'd also like to see us respect each other's views without getting defensive or being blunt about whether we don't agree for whatever reason. I have friends whose beliefs, morals, and lifestyles are 100% different than mine, and we are still nice to each other! We can still disagree and be friends; it's possible. We should treat each other like we are treating ourselves. It's hard to do, but if everyone works towards that, it will feel effortless. The results would follow naturally. Instead of neglecting views, you could work to understand them and learn something you didn't before. You could try explaining your thoughts in love so someone else could understand them, too. We should all be in a constant state of growth. We can't do that if we are hindering ourselves from growing. Being open invites a world of opportunities. If we encourage each other, imagine the motivation we'd receive to pursue whatever we'd want. The world could grow together instead of isolating itself from its parts. The development of technology and other things like a cure for cancer, space exploration, world peace, and taking care of those in need would become much more accessible. Suicide rates would drop quickly. Happiness would spread. It starts with individuals, and I will be one of them. Kindness is contagious, so plant the seed, let it grow, and watch the world change.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    I'm seventeen, have a 4.2 GPA in school, and work 20 hours per week at my school's daycare. I've lived in four different states. I love science, surfing, traveling, reading, art, roller coasters, skating, singing, guitar, piano, taekwondo, making friends, and serving others. I also serve as a worship leader for my youth group, volunteer with college ministries, and help teach lower belts in taekwondo. My dad is a pastor and principal. My mom is a teacher, and I have two younger siblings who are my best friends. After high school this year, I'll attend Liberty University and earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. Then, I'll join the Air Force as an MP with an officer rank while getting my master's degree online in forensic psychology. After those eight years, I'll go on to apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Virginia. I chose this career because I wanted to be one of the reasons the world is a good place. I want a job that isn't all about me. I want to change the world by showing love. Changing the world starts with individuals. I can do that through this job I chose by protecting, understanding, preventing harm, stopping harm, and learning more about human behavior. People are good, and individuals are not. All it takes is a willing person to affect those around them. That can be me! There are those out there who dehumanize people and harm them. I've seen how it can change a person. I've had friends, loved ones, and acquaintances all be affected by people making poor choices. When I put myself in the shoes of a victim, I'd want someone to go out of their way to help me. Nobody deserves to be harmed by another human being, and no person should get away with those acts. Because I'm able, I'm going to help others. Without good people, I wouldn't have what I do or even be alive. Through my career, I want to give back to the people who gave to me. My dad has two jobs and only accepts a salary for one job, so our church has more money for missions. My dad has thousands of dollars in student debt after working hard for his ThD. I have friends in Papua New Guinea who own one pair of clothing and dedicate their lives to caring for others. They deserve thanks.
    Dr. Meme Heineman Scholarship
    I hope this scholarship goes to whoever will benefit the world around them the most. This scholarship is oddly specific to what my future holds. Like Dr. Meme Heineman, it's what I want to do. I want to be a part of changing the world around me. People deserve to be cared for, understood, and protected. This scholarship would make funding my education easier. The job I want requires a minimum of a master's degree to qualify for the position. I've been accepted into Liberty University and will attend next year to earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After, I'll join the Air Force as an MP (for the field experience requirement) with an officer rank while earning my master's online in forensic psychology. These are just the stepping stones I have planned to get where I want to go. When those eight years are up, I'll apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Virginia. The idea of applied behavioral analysis interests me. I've seen the effects it has when positive behavior support is displayed. I wanted to make a difference, so I planned my future to be outward-focused. Positivity is the only thing to show because positivity is love. Love is something everyone needs, and everyone wants to be understood or heard. The only way to do that is by showing love without partiality. Some aren't as fortunate as me, and I've seen how it affected them personally. If you are in a position to help others, you should go out of your way to do so. If I were in that position, I would want someone to understand me. I will pursue a career with an "unto others as yourself" attitude. Along with spreading love, I want to protect people from those who want to do them harm. Nobody should have to go through pain from another human being. Unfortunately, being a victim of this sometimes creates another predator due to the things that happened to them. It isn't their fault that their past looked like that, but making someone else go through the same thing is never okay. Helping individuals helps the community and helping the community improves it while making the quality of life better. I would love to see that happen. Dr. Meme Heineman saw it after 25 years of dedicated work. I hope to be like that someday. I thank the individuals who spent their life improving others' lives. You make the world a better place.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    College is an exciting, scary thought. I'm excited to meet like-minded people, sleep longer, learn about psychology, decorate my dorm, and take the stair step I need to secure my future. I'm an introverted person, so I'm excited to make friends. I'm excited to get a glimpse of my future and to experience opportunities, I wouldn't be able to without college. I'm excited about the Christian environment of the school. It's difficult for me to maintain a stress-free self during school with tests, pressure, and the fate of my future relying on my grades. Through trial and error, I've learned what works for me while working 20 hours a week after school. Keeping my health in check while it's well-rounded matters to me. I keep myself in physical shape by exercising, eating healthily, and taking care of my skin and hair. I go on runs weekly, do taekwondo weekly, do push-ups, core, and never skip leg day! I make my lunches the day before, ensure they're healthy and have all the food groups. I limit snacking and soda by drinking water throughout my day. I make sure I don't burn myself out. I get at least 8 hours of sleep per night (even if that means I miss out on some free time after work), so I will perform my best in everything I do. Maintaining a healthy mind is a huge challenge, especially during school. I generally have a negative attitude. Last year, my mind was in an unhealthy place. I learned what went wrong, how to prevent it, and how to keep a positive brain. I read my devotion daily as well as other books I enjoy. I fill my time doing productive things that help my mind grow in a positive light. Other things that make me happy are art, music, and science. Soul. It's the most important thing. It goes so much deeper than the mind. Where would I even be without it? It determines who I am, who I'll become, and where I'll be when I die. There are things I do to keep my soul functioning at its best in and out of school. I'm a Christian, so keeping your relationship with God is significant to my soul. I try my best to imitate Christ. I go to church and my youth group on Sundays and Tuesdays. Without Jesus in my life, I wouldn't be alive right now. Sometimes I don't want what's best for my soul, but I learn every day. One major thing that affects my soul (along with school) is music. Music makes me feel something. It's unlike words. With it, I don't feel alienated. I feel like someone understands my brain, and it's so cool. The thought that someone out there wrote that and then it spoke right to me is incomparable. It sounds silly, but it's genuine. Though admiring it, I also make music. It's my passion, and I want others to feel what I feel. I listen to music during school and write it in my spare time. Health affects you tremendously. You never see the need to be healthy until you see the results. It does make you a completely different person. I'm grateful that I have the resources to do so, because who knows where I'd be or what ambitions I'd be missing.
    Learner Higher Education Scholarship
    Higher education is a key to doors full of opportunity. Attending college ensures standing out, success, experience, preparedness, and the ability to get there. Higher education is meaningful to me because it's necessary for the future I want to create. There are so many benefits that come with higher education. It's worth the time, stress, and money to me. Using a little drive to ensure your life is secure is a small price to pay when you look at the big picture. I work hard in hard in school and work twenty hours a week. I work as much as possible to not stress as much about finances. I'm gifted in science, math, French, and English, but history was challenging. I put in the work, and now my GPA is 4.2. I'm a senior this year and am a little nervous about college. It's scary, but I know it will create the best possible future for me. I've had my future planned out for a while. I was accepted into Liberty University and will attend next fall. I plan to get my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After, I'll join the Air Force as an MP with an officer rank while getting my master's online in forensic psychology. I want to use my time wisely. All of this will take me eight years. After those eight years, I will apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Virginia. The career I chose requires a lot of schooling because it's a serious job. I chose it because I wanted to use my time to help other people. I'm naturally a selfish person, so I try to discourage that. I want to change the world around me by starting with individuals. College is so important to me. Without it, I'd never get where I am going. I'm ready to give it my all and determined to get there. I don't want an ordinary job. I want to stand out. I only have one life, so I want to make the most of it. Someday, when I'm financially stable, I want to give back to those who poured into me. I'll help pay my dad's student loans and support my friends in Papua New Guinea. I want those people to know that the kindness showed didn't go unnoticed. I want to encourage others to do the same. I'll support the movements that matter to me. I can earn that kind of freedom through higher education.
    Blaine Sandoval Young American Scholarship
    I dream big. My peers have always joked that my head is constantly in the clouds. I never wanted to live an ordinary life that wasn't exciting and ambitious. I never wanted to play it safe. I want my life to mean something to me! Last year, in my junior year, I wanted to take higher classes in math and science. I knew it wasn't required, but I wanted my GPA to stand out. I took physics and pre-calculus, and now my weighted GPA is 4.2. I worked hard to keep straight A's, and I achieved it. I make music and am determined to put it out there to inspire others and make them feel something like the music I listen to inspires me. I want to inspire others to dream big because there is no shame. Now, I play two instruments, learn two others, and serve my youth group with worship leadership and volunteer hours. I study French and Greek as well. Before I moved to Georgia, I was in Civil Air Patrol in Burlington, Iowa. My commander told me to take three months to study for the rank test. I had already passed my drill test in the first two weeks and studied hard for the test. I told her I was ready to test, and she looked surprised. I took it and passed with 100% and earned my rank as a Cadet Airman in the first month. I later attended my most recent martial arts tournament last year. Most of the people who compete do karate and choose very showy karate forms while they scream to get attention from judges. I did a 4th-degree black belt traditional taekwondo form (as a purple belt) to perform. I knew it was risky, but I wanted to stand out. Usually, the judges are biased toward karate, so they overlook taekwondo. I took the risk! The form was very technical and hard to perform. I performed the best I could, ended up winning, and took home a trophy for my team. In the future, I want to help my friends in Papua New Guinea by helping support them so they can recover from hurricanes and build the churches they need. I want to help my dad pay off his student loans. I want to serve my country and encourage others to do also. I want to ensure that wherever I end up, I know it won't be small or regular. I want others to see that dreams aren't as far-fetched as they may think. My ambitions for my future are what my friends say, "unrealistic." I know that nothing is unrealistic if you work for your dreams. I have had these plans laid out for a while. After high school, I'm attending Liberty University and will major in criminal psychology. After I get my bachelor's, I will join the Air Force and serve my country. Due to the degree, I get to enlist with an officer rank as an MP. While I'm there, I will be getting my master's in forensic psychology online while getting my field experience. All of this will take eight years. I want to spend my time as wisely as I can. Then, I will apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Virginia. I know it's highly competitive, but I am determined to get there. There's a difference between being alive and living. I want to do both. "Life's waiting to begin." - The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves.
    Olivia Vada Camacho Scholarship
    After I graduate, I plan to major in criminal psychology at Liberty University. After receiving my bachelor's, I will join the Air Force as an MP with an officer rank while at the same time getting my master's online in forensic psychology through the same school. After those eight years, I'll apply to the FBI. I chose this major because I want to help end the suffering that humans inflict on each other. Every bit of our problems comes from us. This major is the key I need to access some of the passions I have. I also want to serve my country. We lack patriotism, so I hope by joining, I'll gain a little more myself while getting my field experience. I chose the major to ensure my job would pay well too. I want to help my dad, who's still paying for his student loans. Goals in my personal life are numerous. I want to travel the world around me and experience history. I want to make music and put it out there to inspire and get others to feel something. I want to be successful in whatever way possible. I hope my job will give me the resources to reflect on everything given to me. I want to write books that inspire and uplift. I want to show everyone that dreaming big is a good thing! That if you put in the work, anything is possible. I want to prove that paying for an education is worth it. I want to change the world around me. I want others to learn from my mistakes (I know I'll make plenty). I want my life to end in a place of comfort, success, happiness, and a stress-free environment. I want to do life big. Whatever job I end up at, I plan to do it well and someday retire. My goals while in college will be to maintain the best GPA possible, make connections, learn from others, have fun, and explore hobbies and topics that pique my interest. Even though most of us see college as a necessary stepping block, it is still an experience full of opportunities that last for years. I'm usually hesitant to speak on religion through a scholarship because most are biased toward other ideas, but I am a Christian. I hope those I come in contact with see Christ through me. My life doesn't belong to me anyways! Whatever God wills will happen, but I'll glorify Him from wherever I am throughout my life.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    A year ago, my mental health was in a dangerous position. I was struggling with severe depression. Nobody around me knew what I was going through because I didn't want them to worry. I felt as if I had told them what was going on, they'd look at me differently. I kept it to myself my entire junior year of high school. I didn't want my peers to be shocked about something that was (in their minds) very out of character for me. My dad is a pastor. I didn't want it to affect his job. My mom is one of my teachers. I wanted her to focus on the class. My sister, whom I mentioned it to once, laughed in my face. Never again would I make my problems public. It caused tension in all of my relationships. I stopped contacting my friends and stopped showing interest in anyone. My parents always said that a long-term state of depression was a selfish mindset to have (we always discussed controversial, theological things). They were right. Knowing I was being selfish ate me up inside. I tried to snap out of it the best I could. I had no concrete reason to feel hopeless. Depression strained my relationship with God because I was 100% inward-focused on depression which is a dangerous place to be. The aspirations that took 17 years to grow went down the drain in one day. The clear picture I had faded away, and I couldn't picture myself in the future anywhere. My hobbies became less interesting to me. I stopped making music, playing sports, going out, and seeing friends. I spent every minute of my day possible sleeping. Some days were better than others, naturally. One day, in particular, was awful. I wished that I would disappear completely. Nobody knows what I did that day until now. I cried in the bathroom, grabbed the razor (meant for facial treatments), and cut my arm with it. Immediately, I wanted to undo what I'd done because I wasn't ready to cause myself harm, knowing where it would lead. I knew I needed to change something, so I started serving people. I related to the ones who dealt with issues similar to my own. We helped each other through hard times. I made better relationships after understanding myself and what was going on. I restored my other relationships. I made my relationship right with God and prayed that he would give me joy from Him. I got back into music as well as other hobbies. It took a lot of effort to climb out of that spot. I can't even type this without getting emotional, let alone talking about it. There are factors that either made the situation better or worse. Some things or phrases that made things worse were: "There are people out there who have it worse than you." This phrase made me feel guilty and even less qualified to live among others. "You have no reason to feel this way." This phrase made me think I was unreasonable and uncared for by others. Withdrawing from those around you and withdrawing from God was the biggest thing. Do not withdraw from the people who care about you. You may not always feel it, but they do. Along with things that made it worse, many things made it better. I noticed that the longer I spent around my family and friends, I was distracted from my mind a little. Reading my Bible and seeing what God says about sorrow and how he will comfort you helped tremendously. One verse (one of my favorites), Isaiah 41:10, says, "Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you. I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness." There was also music to keep me in a good mood. There was one song I played on repeat (and still do) every day. It's called "Achilles Come Down" by Gang of Youths. Aside from being catchy, this song talks about the inner-battle Achilles faces. I could relate. Now, I am in a much better place. I am proud of myself. It would have been easier to have others alongside me from the beginning, but I still pushed through. Life is a gift that I have been given so it is my job to take care of it. My aspirations are big, and my dreams are even bigger. One of my favorite quotes is taken from the song above: "Life's more courageous to overcome." So that's exactly what I'll do!
    Learner Scholarship for High School Seniors
    The idea that I only get one life scares and excites me. I am even more scared of wasting it. I want whatever I choose to have all my efforts put into it. So, I am pursuing a college degree because it is the feather in my cap that I need to get my desired career. Going through college allows me to learn more about the job while getting the stepping stone. The career I chose is specific and very thought out. I have had this particular path laid out for years now. After graduation, I will attend Liberty University and get my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After that, I'll join the Air Force as an MP with an officer rank (which requires college) while earning my master's degree in forensic psychology online. Then, I can apply for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. I want this job because it is in my skillset and helps the world around me. To get there, I need eight years of college minimum. Getting a secure job will also ensure that my future is bright. It will boost the income of a potential career so I can help my dad pay off his student loans someday. I know college would help me give back to the people that poured into me and made me who I am. Everything I have and everything I am is because of them. I don't want to consume everything around me without returning the favor. I don't want to live a selfish life. I want to use my abilities to the best of my capability. I also don't want to go through life unknown to the world around me. I want to make a noticeable difference that inspires others to do the same. I want others and myself to feel like they have a shot at a successful life they can make from scratch. College is expensive. There is no escaping it, unfortunately. But if you aim high, the reward will be big enough to make it worth the money, time, and energy you spent. I hope my future will do the same. I am lucky to have the money I've earned. I have friends who are native (and live in) Papua New Guinea. Their country gets hit by many earthquakes that destroy what little they own. I hope to someday help them better their villages by supporting them from where I am. College is worth the cost. I've seen how it changes people's lives and allows them to do things they never thought were possible. I want that to be me!
    Act Locally Scholarship
    The worldwide community today represents exclusive groups of people. We are all fond of the idea that bringing people together can make a difference, but it never goes any further. These bad habits are born in the community. They spread to the rest of the country and the world. These people who practice being exclusive are us. We may not do it on purpose, but we do. We're quick to judge those around us using whatever filter we want: skin color, religion, hobbies, age, gender, and appearance. Regular practice of these habits causes those who don't practice to show exclusive behavior. After this community-bred partiality spreads to the rest of the world, we separate ourselves from the rest of the planet as if those people aren't the same as us. It takes a toll on leadership in our world and starts violence because of assumptions about other countries. I do my part to keep myself from being the reason someone else feels unwanted in their community. I don't have many personal friends because I try not to show partiality to those around me. Those I've tried to befriend in the past want to be exclusive and usually dislike me. The ones I became friends with because I was inclusive are still my friends. I volunteer in my community through homeless ministries, mission trips, getting groups of people in my area together for food and card games, playing sports, and visiting local attractions. We are going to Six Flags Over Georgia on October 8th! Sharing the things I have and my time hopefully gives others the boost they need to reciprocate to their community. Another way I act locally is by art. Art speaks to me better than words can. There is art everywhere around you: paintings, writing, music, the sky, earth, space, and people. Helping others understand that art is a crucial piece of life inspires them to make art and radiate positivity. It opens a door into someone else's mind and world. When people find the art that inspires them, they realize they're not the only person who values whatever is significant to them. I know that art influences unlike any other because I've experienced it. What helped me feel included at age eleven was music. I had just moved states away to a city of 2000 and left the only two friends I had. I felt particularly alone that year, like most. I started listening to music. The words, instruments, and voice were perfect. I couldn't explain why I liked this particular song so much. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that an actual person (or people) made this straight from the creativity of their mind. Having experienced art, I started making it so others could feel the same way I did. I've written a few songs and shared them on YouTube with my friends. One person I don't know commented on a video saying, "It feels so nice to finally be heard." That was the only fuel I'll need to act locally for the rest of my life in any way possible.
    Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship
    The idea that you can create your reality is becoming more apparent in online gaming. Those who use these platforms to let loose and feel like they can anonymously go about whatever they want to exchange opinions with others in the same boat. It gives them control over the things they create. It also gives them the freedom to act and speak however they want. I don't find gaming altogether unhealthy. It does, however, resemble a double life. The false reality will slowly bleed into the real world and make changes for better or worse, depending on the individual's morals and desires. Those who spend extended amounts of time gaming tend to avoid social interactions. They go out of their way to avoid them. When they engage in social interaction, they forget some unspoken rules such as general manners, hygiene, communication, eye contact, and other factors that make people feel comfortable around them and then withdraw further. Along with the faults, there is also good that can come from video gaming. I play video games once a week and have experienced some of the good that has come from it. It encourages creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, risk, free-spiritedness, adventure, and real-life goals. Gaming brings some thought-provoking ideas about our world to light. It also provides a front-row seat to what those ideas would be like in person. It makes specific theories seem a little less impossible. Viewing these are great because it creates curiosity and hope. It encourages those playing to research topics outside of the game that interests them. Gaming has personally affected me. Controlled gaming has helped my math grades improve, my songwriting, reading comprehension, the speed I figure problems out, creativity, and reflexes. One game called "Portal II" created a desire to learn about Aperture Science in me. I had always viewed these ideas as far-fetched and goofy. But now, I see I was wrong. Monitor how much time you spend gaming while considering how it may change how you interact with others to ensure you are only letting the beneficial bleed out. People have seen that it can make them feel more reclusive in their daily lives. So allow the good parts to change you while keeping yourself out there to practice socializing civilly with those around you. Practice social norms twice as much as you are gaming. Gaming is a lot of fun if you do it properly!
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Determination. I value this over any other quality inside of me. I learned this quality from my dad. He made his dreams a reality by working hard for what he wanted. It is one thing to dream big, but making your dreams a reality is different. To work for something you want until you get it has helped me achieve a lot in the past. Without being determined, I would have never created the music I love. I would have never gotten a first-place trophy at my taekwondo tournament. I would not have earned my 4.2 GPA in school. I would have died due to appendicitis. My dreams would be simple. But they are not simple. Whenever someone asks, "Why are your plans so big?" I answer, "When you aim for heaven, the worst that could happen is landing in the stars." I should be so lucky to land in the stars. When I picture my future, I see the reality I want to create. I am determined to get through college, earn my degrees, join the Air Force, join the FBI, and make a difference in this world. I will make a difference with the music I create. I will work for the things that matter to me. Wherever I end up will be the best possible outcome. Determination is necessary for any journey. Life is one of many journeys I will take. I have one life. My drive will allow me to push through any obstacle or setback with positivity that will stand in my way. It will help me work harder than others and stand out. It will allow me to take leadership positions. I will be able to perform my best on any path I pursue because it matters to me. I know I will inspire those around me who are discouraged from dreaming big to take the chance. I hope to help others on their journey too. Helping others means you are doing something right. I will be determined enough to not only help myself. I will impact those around me and inspire them to do the same. Changing the world starts with individuals. I strive to be one of those people and always will. I appreciate and thank those around me who inspired me to be determined. That kind of inspiration lasts a lifetime and I will pass it on to those I come in contact with every day.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    Songs I wrote for characters created by my friend: Timebomb (For Taboris. A misunderstood force to be reckoned with) [Chorus] Overbearing and its bitter aftertaste Someday you’ll take me out (of) your pocket Catch a timebomb to the face [Verse 1] I don’t care where we go it’s no Concern of mine Though you could ask me my thoughts Just sometimes [Verse 2] My patience isn’t as big As you might think Been collecting since day one, I’m not your Weapon’s missing link [Chorus] Overbearing and its bitter aftertaste Someday you’ll take me out (of) your pocket Catch a timebomb to the face [Bridge] Yes I feel And you reel me in to die Yes I cry When I’m all alone sometimes [Chorus 2] You’re overbearing, can’t get rid of that bad taste Someday you’ll take me out (of) your pocket Catch a timebomb to the face Mr. Personality (For Tad. A mysteriously mischievous hero) [Intro] [Verse 1] Call Mr. Personality, Is that just what they want from me? I’ll put on a show To keep secrets they won’t know. [Verse 2] You have a lock, go find the key, It’ll take one day, or two or three. Go ahead and begin, It’s a ‘me’ test you can’t win. [Chorus 1] I’m constantly improving, You’ll be the one swooning, On the day I decide To take your soul for a ride. [Verse 3] So have you fallen hard for me, Fellow victim of ventriloquy? Go get me the source, Or I’ll have to use force. [Chorus 1] I’m constantly improving, You’ll be the one swooning, On the day I decide To take your soul for a ride. [Bridge/Instrumental] [Chorus 2] Very easy to improve, When you have nothing left to lose. The day has come when I decide To take your soul for a ride. Take Over (For Chip. A powerful girl who lacks confidence) [Chorus] Can you handle the overexposure? Make up your mind and fake the composure. I know you can, ‘cause you already told her, Take over, take over, take over. [Interlude] [Verse 1] Where to begin? There’s an absence of yourself. Don’t worry, dear, I’ll get you out of this mess myself. [Verse 2] A double life’s hard To carry, there’s no doubt. They’ll lose their minds When they finally find out. [Pre Chorus 1] You’re not here. [Chorus] Can you handle the overexposure? Make up your mind and fake the composure. I know you can, ‘cause you already told her, Take over, take over, take over. [Verse 3] It’s gotta give, You’re gonna have to believe me. Do this for you, This is how It’s supposed to be. [Pre Chorus 2] Are you here? [Chorus] Can you handle the overexposure? Make up your mind and fake the composure. I know you can, ‘cause you already told her, Take over, take over, take over.
    Healthy Eating Scholarship
    Eating healthy has an impact on your mental health, physical health, and general well-being. It is good to maintain healthy eating habits to keep your health in check. Eating well affects my physical performance in sports, music, attitude, and academics just as much as eating poorly. Whenever I eat poorly, my priorities change. The motivation I had for being active and studying well is less important to me than when I ate healthier. It brings my mood down and causes me to work harder for better grades. I have seen the need for change in health in those around me. I know I should not be the same way, so I have higher expectations for myself than others might. Last winter, I was in the worst physical shape I have ever been. I had gained extra weight due to poor food and drink choices. I was not getting the nutrition that my body needed. I could not perform my best in the sports I played, the activities I participated in, and the things I wanted to do. My mental state was in just as poor of a place. I found myself in a long-term slump. I started to lose interest in my hobbies and my friends. I was lazier than I should have been and lacked energy. My test results for my history tests were disappointing for a few weeks. I recognized that I needed to change the unhealthy habits that caused me to perform poorly in almost everything I did. I decided that I was going to change everything. I started preparing healthy meals the night before school days. I made sure that everything I put into my body would benefit me. I kept track of how much water I drank and the suggested amount. I started exercising to get back into shape. I limited the soda and snacks I put into my body. I began to excel in the sports I played and the hobbies that filled my time. I watched as my mental state looked up. I noticed the difference within one week. I loved the results and decided to keep it up. I saw the difference in my body and became more confident. My acne started to go away too. Eating healthy changed my life altogether. I encourage those around me to try it also. I plan on always eating healthy from here on out. All it took was one week for immediate results. It took one week to help me return to normal. One week changed my life.
    Lifelong Learning Scholarship
    Learning is fundamental to personal growth. Without growth, I would stay in my comfort zone without any room to improve. When you are learning, you are outside the comfort zone that most of us do our best to stay there. No matter how much you try, there is always something else you can do to learn more. Learning is special to me because it brings higher knowledge to the things you pursue. It is also important because it brings me joy to see how far I have grown due to learning. It can be hard to be open-minded, but the reward is far greater! I plan to keep learning. My motivation is to experience the result and see what becomes of it. When I graduate, I will attend Liberty University in Virginia and earn my bachelor's degree in criminal psychology. Then, I will join the United States Air Force as military police with an officer rank, while I obtain my master's degree in forensic psychology online through Liberty, as well as getting my field experience done in the same four years for the best possible use of my time. After these eight years, I will apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit and use what I have learned. The career I have chosen will ensure that I will never stop learning! I will be in a constant state of growth that excites me! I am ready to learn and grow further in life. I learn more daily through my hobbies, too. I play chess, read, study aperture science, and most importantly, make music. Music is a hobby you will never master 100%. It is complex, a mix of art and science, and requires creativity, originality, and determination. Through music, I learned to play guitar, bass, piano, and ukulele. I sing better than I did before learning how to do it properly. I only know a fraction of what is possible to know. I grow every day of my life and plan to always. If I had never learned these things, I would not be where I am today. The things I chose to spend my time doing would be different. I would not be making the music I do, I would not have learned that life is an adventure full of exciting opportunities that shape who I am. I would be alive, but not living. Learning creates those great opportunities that keep you living. I will never stop learning!
    Affordable College Prep's First Time Winners Scholarship
    I have learned that it's an incredibly competitive process. There are so many relevant applicants that apply and need help. I also learned that those who have earned their scholarship, deserve to earn it. It has also taught me about many different topics that I did not think to explore or study. Some of those topics include quantum mechanics, cyberbullying, mental health, law enforcement heroes, and even Disney characters! Though I haven't won any scholarships yet, I love that I have been able to learn how to think outside of the box. It has even helped me improve my writing skills, grammar, positivism, and general knowledge. I'm happy that I have been allowed to give my opinions and write about amazing people as well as their achievements. I have learned that not everything has to be about me. I do think the scholarships I have applied to have specific people who deserve them. Not only from the writing itself but learning from others who have applied by reading their essays and seeing their profiles makes it easier to learn about what scholarships are looking for specifically. Every scholarship is different in a way that certain things are more important to certain people than others. For example, most people would not think twice about using their phones while driving, but reading a story from another scholarship and seeing the real effects of texting and driving has made me think more carefully about things I usually look past. There are also reoccurring themes throughout these scholarship topics. A lot of them do not apply to me due to race, majors, schools, or religion. There are many factors that determine whether or not you're even qualified to apply to them. Whether you can apply for scholarships is in the control of whoever brought the opportunity forth, so I have learned to apply to lots and do my very best. I have also learned to appreciate the opportunities that people give by providing scholarships that could potentially help fund some of my tuition. These people are not obligated to share what they have, but they do anyway because they can and are passionate about their beliefs. I hope to do what they did someday when given the opportunity. I will not take any opportunity given for granted, but give it my best shot and seek other opportunities too! Thank you to those who have provided these opportunities (including this one) you make a difference!
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    My favorite Disney character is Remy from Ratatouille. Remy was another carbon copy in his family and didn't stand out from the crowd at first glance. Remy had different dreams and desires than his family, however. He was scolded for being different and dreaming "too big". He ran from the negativity and after trial and error, he found an outlet where he could pursue his dreams. He also met a friend who helped give him access to the outlet he needed. He and his friend had a symbiotic relationship and helped each other through their journey with no support from any other person. Despite all of the negativity against him, Remy was still high-spirited and kind to those around him. He was a good friend, a good son, a good brother, and an excellent chef. He used his gifts to make people smile and feel cared for. He loved those around him well. Remy eventually achieved his goals through hard work and made amends with his family who apologized for not being supportive of his dreams. Remy is my favorite character because my dreams aren't quite what my family would choose for me either. They're far-fetched and impractical just as Remy's dreams seemed. I'm confident that I can achieve my goals too! I look up to the character because he sets a good example for the attitude I should maintain while pursuing goals. He also encourages me to be joyful about everything I do, and that friendships are just as important as your own personal plans. Helping those around you is always a better option. I had also never seen Remy in this light until recently, despite watching this movie throughout my childhood and loving the character. Now I see him as less fictional, and more real. I will continue chasing my dreams with positivity and love.
    Mike Braem Memorial Scholarship
    You live in the reality you create. It's a motto I live by. I don't want my life to just be about me, I want it to encourage, build, grow, and inspire those around me just like Officer Braem inspired everyone around him. There are steps I'll take after high school that will help me achieve this goal. After I graduate, I'll attend Liberty University and earn my bachelor's in criminal psychology. After that, I plan to join the Air Force as military police with an officer rank while earning my master's online in forensic psychology. All of this will take a total of eight years and will give me the feathers in my cap I'll need to make the difference I strive to while using my time as well as I can. Then, I'll apply to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Virginia and get to work! This is where I start making a difference! I really can't wait to inspire others around me with big aspirations and goals. I also hope to contribute the best I can to put away those who wish and do hurt our world and communities. Law enforcement is known for being stressful to those who pursue it, but it's certainly much more rewarding than your average career. Benefitting and protecting those around you is all I could ask for in a job. My particular contribution is psychology. I've been gifted with it so I don't want to waste it! I trust that God will set the appointments I need to make and in His will, have a favorable outcome. Aside from all of the hard work that comes with it, I hope to teach people to love each other well. There are many who inspired and shaped me to choose what I did. My dad worked as a canine officer in New Bern, North Carolina when I was little. He greatly contributed to his department. He isn't a big man, but he knows five different martial arts he learned in Korea through the Marine Corps, and now teaches them to me. He has told me numerous stories about his police days with some ending well, and some not. Our family has also received death threats from a man (who gets released anytime from now to 2026) my father arrested in the past. I know hardships exist through doing good. My dad always said, "If you're doing something right, there's always someone who will dislike you." He is right. Along with the bad, there's twice as much good. I want to make a difference like my dad, his buddies, Officer Braem, and everyone else whos life is or was dedicated to making our world a safer, better place.
    Holistic Health Scholarship
    Being in school while working out college details, 20 hours of work a week, and extra babysitting to make enough money to put me through college, can be both mentally and physically exhausting. There is, however, still a lot that I have control over and maintain control over to ensure that I have the strength, energy, and nutrition to put me through the week. I maintain my nutritional health in school and work by preparing my meals, snacks, and drinks the night before ensuring that they are healthy options that will benefit my body. I keep a goal of drinking 67 ounces of water a day to keep myself hydrated. I keep the Dr. Pepper to a minimum during the school year, which for me is difficult. For my physical health, I do as much as possible to keep myself in shape with the time I have. I run two miles once a week, exercise daily (after work) with a planner I have for specific workouts every day, eat a good dinner, shower, and go to bed with at least 8 hours of sleep. Showering for me is almost like getting to pamper myself. I make sure I'm relaxed, clean, and my (extensive) skincare routine is completed before going to bed. I'd prefer to have more time to unwind after a long day, but I'm not the only person out there juggling school, college, and work. Mental health is the most important thing in my own mind. Last year during the winter months really took a toll on my mental health. I was exhausted every day and started to lose interest in my hobbies as well as my general wellbeing. I was busy with extra things that I had to cram into my school day such as: planning worship sets (as worship leader) for my youth group, my friends all relied on me to be their mental support, and my extended family had many issues that my family had to deal with. So, this year, I ensured that things this year would be better. I've kept myself mentally healthy by reading my bible daily, writing in my journal, listening to encouraging podcasts, talking to my friends, reading books I enjoy, and (my favorite) listening to music. School life is only as stressful as I make it. I was a straight A student last year and this year with more confidence that I'm in control. I plan on taking these methods to college with me next year.
    Caidance Lind Student Profile |