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alexus brown


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I want you to look at me and see someone with potential. I want you to see someone who deserves a chance to do better things in life. I just need that sliver of hope you see when you look at me and I will show you how I can exceed even the biggest expectations. I am hardworking, generous, a leader, and determined to flip this world upside down. I am fully prepared to have anything, and everything thrown at me because I didn't grow up with everything handed to me. Everything I have and I am, I had to fight for. That is why I just need the chance, just one opportunity to see my full potential and once given, nothing will stop me.


William Paterson University of New Jersey

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Marketing
  • Minors:
    • Music

Manchester Regional High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Music
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      talent scout

    • Cashier/ Waiter

      Big Jims Pizzeria
      2018 – 20202 years
    • Cashier

      Rite Aid
      2021 – 2021
    • Team Member

      2021 – 20221 year
    • Story Teller

      Undergraduate Admissions
      2022 – Present2 years



    2020 – 20211 year


    • Show Choir

      Winter and Spring productions with volunteer performances at veterans nursing homes.
      2018 – 2021
    • Manchester Concert Choir

      Winter and Spring Concerts plus traveling to near schools
      2018 – 2021
    • Manchester Theater Group

      The Wiz , Beauty and the Beast , Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      AB & Family community entertainment — Tour leader and coordinator
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests


    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    If you think that you have no one, you will always have yourself. You can always just depend on you when no one else is around. However, if you are not in the best position mentally, who can you depend on? This is why I believe mental health is important. I truly believe in the phrase " Mind over body" because you can be the most physically fit person but if your mindset isn't right, then you won't get anywhere in life. Having a good mental health is vital because you really depends on your brain for a lot of things. If you are having a bad day mentally, it will show throughout your whole body whether physically or emotionally. Having bad mental health can just really take a toll on you and the environment that surrounds you. Mental health decides whether you clean up today, if you shower, if you eat and even if you get up out of bed. For something that takes up such a small space in your body, it creates such an impact on you . I maintain my mental health by prioritizing it when it comes to decisions. I ask myself how will it affect my mental health and I. In what way will it affect it, positively or negatively? I make my mental health my number one priority because without it, I would not be able to handle things or do things the way that I do. In todays times, you will see a lot of people started to take mental health seriously. With all the new research and information coming about about mental health/issues, it really has influenced people to start caring for their own mental health. I would be limited to the opportunities that are given to me because I wouldn't be able to handle them mentally. I also like to give myself a mental health day. A lot of people take advantage of this because they just don't want to do anything that day but I make the most out of this day. I make this day all about bettering my mental health so I can take on whatever the next day might bring. I will read, I will write my thoughts in my journal, I will organize everything that I have, I will clean up etc. There are so many things to do that will help create a better mental space for you and I take advantage of all of those methods. Mental health is extremely important because it helps me get through the everyday trial of life.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    My favorite Disney character has to be Rapunzel. I just relate to her story and I aspire to inherit her character traits. She is such an optimistic, positive, and strong woman who just sees the good in everyone. She made friends with even the meanest of people and she brought smiles to everyone she came across. I would love to see the world how she does. In these modern times, it gets harder and harder to try to find the positive things. Rapunzel takes the worst situations and try to make the best of it. Her whole character just reminds me of a ball of sunshine, lighting up everyone. For her story, I relate to it so much. My parents are not the kindest. They boss me around, they make me do everything, and they try to keep me secluded from the world because they didn't want me leaving them. I had to beg and plead for them to send me to a public school but even when I went, they heavily monitored over me and watched my every move. I wasn't allowed to have friends over, I wasn't allowed to go out, I was just kept at home away from the whole world. It wasn't until high school when I finally decided that I had enough of it. I put my foot down and told them that I am old enough to do what I want to do and I shouldn't have to slave away for them when they are plenty of grown enough to do it on their own. I finally stood up for myself and it felt amazing. Dealing with years of trauma, gaslighting, and manipulation really has turned me into a stronger person. I finally realize what life is really about and now I get to live it to the fullest. I find a lot of myself in Rapunzel because of the things we went through so she isn't just my favorite character because of her movie, it is because of who she is as a person and what she has survived.
    Pet Lover Scholarship
    My little fur baby has changed my life because he has shown me how it feels to be in love and be loved. I have a black and white tuxedo cat named Momo, the name was created when I was three. I got him from my mom's friend and I am always so grateful that she gave us him. Momo wasn't the nicest kitten but that is because he didn't have the chance to be one. He was born into a trailer with five other dogs who were also very mean. My mom's friend couldn't afford to break up animals fights anymore so she gave him to us. I just remember him the car literally crying so loud and when we brought him inside, he instantly ran and hid. Even though he would literally attack us for no reason, I would always hug him so tight and kiss him all the time. He is much older now so he is more relaxed and more loving than ever. Momo has taught what it feels like to take care of someone that you love. I would go to hell and back for him. Momo has shown me a love that I never thought that I would get. My family isn't very affectionate or the greatest when it comes to emotions. They would always shut me down or push me away whenever I needed someone. Momo was always there when I was distressed. He would be right beside me when I needed to lean on someone (even though I am five times his size). I love my cat more than myself. He is really the light of life. I love pets because they bring out another side of you. They can make the meanest person turn into the biggest baby. They bring out the love and care everyone has within themselves. Pets better us as humans and we truly don't deserve them.
    Small Seed Big Flower Scholarship
    Charming, loving and caring are all words that can be used to describe me. However, those words only describe the surface of me. Inside, I am well articulated, organized, hardworking, and unique. The way I set myself up is definitely one of a kind. I am hungry to achieve all good things in life and I want people to really see how much good I could bring back into the world. My dream future is me getting ready in my own place to go to the job that I absolutely love doing to discuss how everyone that is there can be successful. My dream job is to be a talent scout or music manager for the biggest music companies. My dream place is a little modern apartment or condo, everything pink and girly! My dream future is to have everything that I planned for to become true. The only thing that really stands in the way of me building my dream future is me. I may come across as very confident and very extroverted but in reality, I am always riddled with fear and anxiety. I really tend to get in my own head a lot and overthink everything. I need to think and plan everything out or else I won't do it. Being very dependent on myself doesn't allow me to branch out and do anything else. I like to think that I have a phobia of failure. I will do anything and everything to make sure that I don't disappoint whether it be myself or others. I can't afford fail, it is never an option. With this mindset, it really handicaps but benefits me. It's beneficial to me because since I always thrive for greatness, I will have it. However, this doesn't allow me to take any risks and what is life without risk? Life doesn't have a game plan. No one can sit you down and tell you exactly how your life is going to go. The world is changing every second of every day and I need to learn how to change with it. Removing this block is going to be hard because I have been like this for all my life. I need to start looking at the positive of things instead of always trying to find the slightest negative. I need to start living life with more oh wells instead of what ifs. I am going to start saying yes to things I would normally pass on. I am going to start living life glass half full. I am going to start really seeing life how it is, a blessing and not a Microsoft excel sheet. We live in a crazy world right now and tomorrow is never promised so with all the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent that I have, in order to have my dream future I need to overcome myself.
    Bookman 5 Scholarship
    I was born into this world destined to fail. I was born into a fatherless, low class, uneducated minority family who had to fight and beg just to survive. My mother, who tried her best everyday to make life painless, had two other kids she had to deal with at such a young age too. Everyday was a battle, there were no breaks to just relax and live life. I like to think of my childhood as the trailer to the hardships of life, like it was the prequel of just how bad my life is going to be when I am older. And trust me, it did. I've dealt with homelessness, poverty, hunger all before the age of 10. I've encountered every disease a child could get and at times I have had to "deal with it". There was either having a birthday or Christmas and even then you would be lucky to end up with one. In total, my childhood sucked. Now that I am older, life still sucks but I have become so used to this "lifestyle", nothing phases me anymore. The only good thing to come from this was the person it turned me into, a courageous, driven women who won't stand to let anyone tell her she can't do it. College is important to me because I would finally break free from this life of endless struggle and pursue my dreams of making myself someone in this world. College gives me a purpose and drive to be someone worth mentioning. I know the life I want and deserve won't be handed to me so this is why I push myself to work hard and earn such a lavish lifestyle. I want to look back at my college days and be proud of myself for not giving up and receiving the life I have. I know I am capable of doing whatever I put my mind to, clearly if I am still here writing this essay! With my degree, I can finally give my family the break they deserve. No one has worked harder than my family and it is about time we get a chance to breathe. Everyone else around us has a chance to just live life, when will it be our turn? This is why I am going to college, to finally start living life and see what it is all about. I have never wanted anything more than to get a degree and be the first person in my family to graduate college. I want this more for them then I do for me because at the end of the day, this degree will save all of us.
    Healthy Living Scholarship
    No one can predict the future. No one can sit down and tell you exactly how your life is going to go until you die, not even the witch lady with crystal ball you go to. However, you can determine what it can consists of. With a healthy lifestyle, you won't have to worry about any minimal health risks. You can enjoy life without a second thought. Living a healthy lifestyle improved my way of life drastically. I used to be even bigger than I am now but since I changed my lifestyle, I am now thriving. I feel more confident, braver, and lighter (physically and mentally). It also helped ease the fear of the future a little knowing that what I am doing can help me live a little longer. I don't want to live 100 years but I don't want to go to soon so having a healthy lifestyle is important to me because I am in control of a better future for me, physically.
    Chang Heaton Scholarship for Music Excellence
    The arts is what made me. I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for music. It helps define me, it is almost a personality trait. I love being involved in music. It is the one thing that makes sense in this crazy world. To have a career in the arts would mean everything and more for me. I would be doing the one thing I know I can excel in and it would be an honor and life time achievement to be working with music. I would want to have a job in the music industry, more specifically a talent scout. This is important to me because being noticed for your creativity and work is one of the best things you can give a person. I want to be that person that gives someone the chance to be better than themselves and show the world why they deserve to be recognized. I thrive giving things so what is better than giving someone the opportunity to have a different life. It would be amazing and life fulfilling to be that person that just helps others with their path into music. I always believe that if you indulge yourself in music, it seems like the world problems melt away. I want more people to be interested in music because that what makes the world go around. Having a career in the arts is important to me because it means change for others and gives me the thrills of living life.