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Brittney Svendsen


Bold Points




Hello! My name is Brittney Svendsen and I am a Senior in high school. I also currently serve as President of the Hunterdon County Polytech Chapter. My life goal is to be a veterinary pathologist. To achieve this, I plan to study Small Animal Science. One thing that I am passionate about is getting more minorities involved in the agricultural and veterinary fields.


North Hunterdon High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Animal Sciences, General
    • Pre-Veterinary Studies
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
    • Biology/Biological Sciences, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Kennel Attendant

      K Street Group
      2022 – Present2 years



    2022 – Present2 years

    Track & Field

    2022 – Present2 years


    Junior Varsity
    2019 – 20201 year


    • Present


    • North Hunterdon High School

      Fall Concert, Spring Concert, Christmas Concert
      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Woodlands Wildlife Refuge — Part-Time Volunteer
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Goats of Anarchy — Barn Volunteer
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Immaculate Conception Church — Alto
      2018 – 2020

    Future Interests




    VNutrition & Wellness’ Annual LGBTQ+ Vitality Scholarship
    As a queer person studying small animal science, I have a unique perspective and set of skills that can be used to make a positive difference in the world. There are many ways that I can use my education to benefit animals, the environment, and society as a whole. One way to make a difference is through advocacy for animal rights and welfare. My education in animal science has provided me with a deep understanding of animal behavior, physiology, and nutrition, which can be used to support organizations that work to end animal cruelty and exploitation. I can also use my knowledge to educate others about the importance of ethical treatment of animals and the impact of human actions on animals and their habitats. By advocating for better treatment of animals, I can help promote a more compassionate and sustainable world. Working in conservation is another option. With my degree in animal science, I can work to protect endangered species and their habitats. My knowledge can be used to develop and implement conservation strategies that help preserve biodiversity and promote environmental sustainability. I can also work to monitor and evaluate the impacts of human activities on wildlife and ecosystems, and to promote policies and practices that minimize harm to the natural world. My education in animal science can also be used to research animal behavior and cognition. This can help improve our understanding of how animals think and feel, and how they interact with their environment. By advancing our knowledge of animal behavior, I can contribute to the development of more effective and humane animal welfare practices, as well as inform conservation efforts. My research can also help promote a deeper appreciation and understanding of the rich diversity of life on our planet. As a queer person, I can also use my education in animal science to promote diversity and inclusion in my field and beyond. I can advocate for policies that support LGBTQ+ individuals in STEM fields, mentor and support other queer students in my field, and work to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all. By promoting diversity and inclusion, I can help ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and can contribute their unique perspectives and talents to animal science and other fields. In conclusion, my education in animal science as a queer person can be used to make a positive difference in the world. Whether I choose to advocate for animal rights and welfare, work in conservation, research animal behavior, or promote diversity and inclusion, my knowledge and skills can be used to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for all. equitable, and sustainable world for all.
    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    I am a person who is constantly driven by the desire to achieve my goals and aspirations. I believe that one of the most important things in life is to have a clear understanding of what motivates you and to use that motivation to propel yourself toward your dreams. There are several factors that motivate me. One of the primary motivators for me is a desire to help others. From a young age, I have always felt a strong sense of empathy toward those who are less fortunate than myself. This has led me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, and I will be studying to get my degree in Small Animal Science this coming Fall. I find great satisfaction in being able to make a positive difference in the lives of animals or people, whether it be through providing medical care, emotional support, connecting owners with resources, or advocating for animal rights. Another motivation for me is a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. I believe that we are all capable of achieving great things and that with hard work and dedication, we can overcome any obstacle. I am constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities for growth, whether it be through learning a new skill, taking on a leadership role, or pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. If I could do anything with my life, I would love to be a traveling veterinary pathologist and see the world and experience different cultures. I believe that there is so much beauty and diversity in the world, and I would love to immerse myself in it. I would also like to use my skills and knowledge to help those in need, whether it be through volunteering with international aid organizations, or working on community development projects in underprivileged areas. STEM is an incredibly dynamic and exciting field with endless potential for innovation and discovery. The rapid pace of advancements in technology and science is truly mind-blowing, and the possibilities for creating positive change in the world are endless. Ultimately, my goal in life is to make a positive impact on the world around me. Whether it be through helping others, promoting social justice, or inspiring others to pursue their dreams, I want to leave a lasting legacy of positivity and hope. Personally, I've always had a keen interest in technology, and I find it absolutely fascinating how far we've come in such a short amount of time. From the earliest computers to the latest smartphones and beyond, technology has revolutionized the way we live our lives and interact with the world around us. When it comes to information technology specifically, I am particularly drawn to the field because of the incredible potential it holds. Through a career in IT, people can work on developing innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies to solve complex problems, streamline business processes, and improve overall efficiency. The opportunity to be a part of such an exciting and rapidly evolving field is truly exhilarating, and I am eager to see where IT will take me in the future. Growing up in foster care was a challenging experience for me. I often felt alone and abandoned, and the constant moves and changes in schools made it difficult to form lasting relationships. However, with resilience, determination, and the support of caring individuals, I was able to overcome the challenges that came with being in foster care. I faced multiple challenges, such as frequent moves, changes in schools, and the loss of relationships with family and friends. These experiences left a lasting impact on my mental and emotional well-being. Despite the challenges of foster care, I found ways to overcome my circumstances. One way was by developing a sense of resilience. I learned to adapt to adversity and overcome challenges. I found ways to cope with the challenges I faced and found hope for the future. Another way I overcame the challenges of foster care was by building a support network. This included foster parents, social workers, teachers, and mentors who provided guidance, encouragement, and support. Moving forward from foster care meant finding a path toward a successful future. I pursued education and developed healthy relationships. I realized that my experiences in foster care did not define me. By focusing on personal growth and development, I created a positive future for myself. Overcoming the challenges of foster care was a significant achievement for me. Resilience was fundamental in helping me to overcome difficulties and create a positive future. Building a strong support network and finding paths toward a successful future were important in moving forward. With the help of caring individuals, I was able to overcome the challenges of foster care.
    Jaqaun Webb Scholarship
    College is a crucial period in a person's life where they can explore new opportunities, meet new people, and gain knowledge and experience in various fields. It's also a time to learn independence, responsibility, and time management. However, succeeding in college requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment. In this essay, I will discuss my plan to succeed in college and the benefits of obtaining a college degree. To succeed in college, I plan to: -Attend classes regularly to stay on track and not miss any important information or assignments. I will arrive on time and participate actively in class discussions. Additionally, I will take advantage of office hours to get to know my professors better and ask any questions I might have. -Stay organized by using a planner or to-do list to keep track of assignments, deadlines, and exams. I will also use apps to manage my time more efficiently regularly by setting aside a specific time each day and utilizing resources such as study groups and tutoring services. I will review my notes after each class and revise my work regularly. -Get involved in extracurricular activities by joining clubs, organizations, and volunteer groups that align with my interests and goals. I will also attend conferences, workshops, and other events that can help me develop professionally and personally. Obtaining a college degree comes with many benefits, including: -Higher earning potential and better job security and benefits. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings of someone with a bachelor's degree in 2020 was $1,305 compared to $746 for someone with only a high school diploma. -A wider range of job opportunities that may not be available to those without a college degree. Employers prefer candidates with a college degree because it demonstrates that they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and commitment to succeed. -Personal growth through the development of critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills, as well as gaining new perspectives on the world. College can also provide opportunities to learn about different cultures and backgrounds, which can help individuals become more open-minded and empathetic. -Networking opportunities with professors, peers, and alumni that can lead to job opportunities, references, collaborations, mentorship, and career advancement. In conclusion, succeeding in college requires hard work, dedication, and commitment. However, the benefits of obtaining a college degree make it all worth it. With my plan to attend classes regularly, stay organized, study regularly, and get involved, I believe I can succeed in college and achieve my academic and personal goals.
    Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
    As an individual, I have faced numerous difficulties throughout my life that have significantly impacted me in various ways. These struggles have been both academic and personal, and each one has taught me valuable lessons that have helped shape my perspective on the future. One of the most significant challenges I faced was during my high school years when I struggled with math and science subjects. It was a challenging period that made me doubt my ability to pursue a career in that field. However, I didn't give up. I spent long hours studying the subjects and trying to grasp the concepts, and I sought help from teachers, peers, and tutors. With time, patience, and hard work, I overcame the challenge and developed a better understanding and appreciation of the subjects. This experience taught me that if I work hard and remain persistent, I can overcome even the most challenging obstacles. In addition to academic struggles, I have also faced personal challenges that have significantly impacted my outlook on the future. Losing a loved one was one of the most challenging experiences I have ever had to face. It left me feeling lost and questioning the meaning of life. I had to learn to cope with my grief and find a sense of purpose once again. However, I didn't let the pain consume me. Instead, I sought comfort and guidance from my family, friends, and even professionals. This helped me to cope with the loss and learn to cherish the memories of my loved one. This experience taught me that it's okay to ask for help when you need it, and that there's always someone who is willing to offer support. In addition to these experiences, I was also in the foster care system for years. Being in foster care was a challenging period in my life, but I was fortunate enough to have foster parents who loved and supported me. They provided a safe and stable environment that allowed me to focus on my education and personal growth. Despite facing numerous challenges, I was finally adopted in eighth grade, which was a significant turning point in my life. This experience taught me that even in the most challenging circumstances, there's always hope. Despite these difficulties, I have managed to overcome them, which has helped me become a stronger individual. These experiences have taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the value of hard work. I have come to understand that no matter how tough the circumstances, it is always possible to rise above them and achieve one's goals. I have learned that perseverance, a positive attitude, and hard work are essential to overcoming adversity. In conclusion, overcoming difficulties has been a significant part of my life, and it has had a profound impact on my future outlook. I have come to appreciate the value of hard work, determination, and resilience, and I am confident that these lessons will serve me well in the future. I believe that it is important to face challenges head-on and to use them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. I hope that my experiences can inspire others to persevere and never give up on their dreams, no matter how challenging the obstacles may seem.
    FLIK Hospitality Group’s Entrepreneurial Council Scholarship
    As someone who cares deeply about the environment, I believe that promoting animal wellness is a crucial way to create a positive impact on both local and global communities over the next five years. Animal wellness refers to the state of being healthy, happy, and comfortable for animals, and it is important to recognize that promoting animal wellness goes beyond simply ensuring that animals are fed and housed properly. In order to promote animal wellness, we must also focus on factors such as mental and emotional health, socialization, and overall quality of life. By promoting animal wellness in a holistic way, we can create a healthier environment for everyone. One of the most significant ways promoting animal wellness can positively impact the local community is by reducing the number of abandoned or mistreated animals. When animals are in good health and well-cared for, they are less likely to be left on the streets, which can create environmental problems. Abandoned animals can cause damage to natural habitats, spread diseases, and create a nuisance for local residents. By promoting animal wellness, we can reduce the number of abandoned animals, which will help to create a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone. Additionally, promoting animal wellness can also have a positive impact on the local economy. By creating new jobs in the animal care industry, we can help to stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for individuals in the community. Promoting animal wellness can also have a significant impact on the global community. Animal agriculture is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By promoting animal wellness, we can encourage the use of more sustainable and ethical farming practices. This includes reducing the use of antibiotics, providing adequate space for animals, and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. By adopting these practices, we can reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture and promote a more sustainable food system. We can also reduce the amount of waste and pollution created by animal agriculture by promoting the use of biodegradable materials and encouraging the recycling of animal waste. In conclusion, promoting animal wellness is a critical way to create a positive environmental impact on both local and global communities over the next five years. As an individual, I can do my part by supporting organizations and initiatives that promote animal wellness, reducing my consumption of animal products, and advocating for more sustainable farming practices. By working together, we can create a more positive future for both animals and the environment, and ensure that the benefits of promoting animal wellness are felt by everyone in our communities.
    Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
    Public relations is a critical aspect of any organization's success, playing a crucial role in shaping public narratives. The impact of public relations can be profound, shaping public opinion, attitudes, and behaviors. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of diverse voices in public relations and their positive impact on shaping public narratives. Diversity in public relations is critical, ensuring that a variety of perspectives are represented. When diverse teams develop public relations campaigns, they are more successful in communicating effectively with broader audiences. In contrast, homogeneous teams may fail to connect with diverse audiences and perpetuate stereotypes and biases. Moreover, it is worth noting that diversity in public relations is essential for several reasons. Firstly, organizations operating in today's globalized world must communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Public relations campaigns developed by homogeneous teams may fail to connect with diverse audiences and even perpetuate stereotypes and biases. Secondly, diverse teams can bring a wealth of perspectives and ideas to the table, improving the quality of public relations campaigns. By bringing a variety of experiences, cultural backgrounds, and worldviews to the team, diverse members can provide unique insights and ideas that would not be possible with a homogeneous team. Lastly, diverse teams can identify and address potential barriers preventing certain groups from engaging with the organization. This kind of insight is critical in developing inclusive messaging and providing access to underrepresented groups. The impact of diverse voices in public relations can be significant. Public relations campaigns developed by diverse teams are more successful in reaching broader audiences. Diverse teams develop messages that resonate with different cultures, ethnicities, and communities, identifying and addressing potential barriers that may prevent certain groups from engaging with the organization. Diverse voices in public relations can challenge existing narratives and promote more inclusive representations of underrepresented communities. When diverse voices are heard, they help break down stereotypes and promote greater understanding and empathy across different groups. By promoting diversity in public relations, organizations improve their reputation and build stronger relationships with their stakeholders. Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion helps attract and retain top talent, as well as build stronger relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Furthermore, a more diverse team is more likely to reflect the makeup of the community it serves, which can help build trust and credibility. In conclusion, the power of diverse voices in public relations cannot be overstated. Organizations should prioritize diversity in hiring practices and ensure diverse voices are heard and represented in their public relations efforts. By doing so, they help shape positive public narratives, promote greater understanding and empathy across different groups, and build stronger relationships with their stakeholders. Ultimately, diversity should be seen not just as a moral imperative, but as a strategic advantage in today's globalized world.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    Mathematics is a subject that has always fascinated me. I find the beauty of numbers incredibly captivating, and their simplicity and elegance are the foundation of many things we take for granted. Numbers are not just a tool but a universal language that allows us to communicate complex ideas in a concise and precise manner. Solving math problems requires analytical skills, critical thinking, and creativity, which are valuable in many aspects of life. The real-world applications of math are vast and can help us solve problems and make informed decisions. Math is used in finance to calculate interest rates, in medicine to model the spread of diseases, and in engineering to design and build structures. Mathematics is a subject that transcends borders and cultures. It is the same in every country and can be used to communicate ideas across different languages. This universality makes math a powerful tool in STEM fields, allowing researchers and scientists from different backgrounds to collaborate and share their findings. In conclusion, my love for math stems from its beauty, logic, universality, and its ability to challenge me. It is a subject that has enriched my life in countless ways and has provided me with the skills and tools to solve problems both big and small. Math is not just a subject, but a way of thinking, and I encourage others to explore its many wonders.
    North Star Dreamers Memorial Scholarship
    As someone who is passionate about animal welfare and an aspiring veterinary pathologist, I am fully committed to my goal of diagnosing and treating diseases in animals. I strongly believe that helping animals in need is my life's calling, and I am dedicated to pursuing this career path. This scholarship is incredibly important to me as it will enable me to not only achieve my career goals but also expand my knowledge and skills in veterinary pathology. With the financial assistance provided by this scholarship, I will be able to cover the cost of my tuition fees, textbooks, and other academic expenses. This will relieve the financial burden that often comes with higher education and allow me to focus on my studies and research without any financial constraints. In addition, the scholarship will offer me the opportunity to attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that will keep me up-to-date with the latest advancements in veterinary pathology. These events will provide me with a platform to network and interact with other veterinary pathologists, researchers, and experts in the field. I am incredibly excited about this opportunity as it will allow me to learn from the best and build relationships that will be beneficial for my career growth and development. Moreover, the research opportunities provided by this scholarship will give me the chance to broaden my knowledge and skills in veterinary pathology. By utilizing the funds to purchase the necessary equipment and materials, I will be able to conduct research projects and collaborate with other researchers and experts in the field. Through research, I will gain in-depth knowledge of the diseases that affect animals and the most effective ways to treat them, which will be invaluable in my professional career. Furthermore, I believe that networking is a crucial aspect of any career, and this scholarship will give me the chance to connect with other professionals in the field of veterinary pathology. By attending conferences, seminars, and workshops, I will be able to meet and interact with other veterinary pathologists, researchers, and experts. These relationships will be beneficial for my career growth and development, as they will provide me with a support system of like-minded professionals who can offer guidance and advice. In conclusion, this scholarship is a critical opportunity for me to achieve my career goals as a veterinary pathologist. With the financial assistance, research opportunities, and networking opportunities provided by this scholarship, I will be able to complete my education, conduct research, and build a network of professionals who can support me in my career. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and look forward to making the most of it by dedicating myself fully to my studies, research, and career growth. Algebra Scholarship
    Mathematics is a subject that has fascinated people for centuries. It is a subject that can be both challenging and rewarding. It is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns that helps us understand the world around us. Mathematics is a vast field that encompasses many branches, including algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. One of the most important applications of math is in the field of science. Mathematics provides the foundation for many scientific disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Scientists use math to describe and predict the behavior of natural phenomena, from the movement of planets to the behavior of subatomic particles. Mathematics is also essential in the field of medicine, where it is used to analyze medical data, identify patterns, and develop treatments. Mathematics is also an important subject in the business world. It is used to analyze financial data, make predictions about market trends, and calculate risk. For example, banks use math to calculate interest rates and determine the creditworthiness of borrowers. In addition, math is used in engineering to design and test new products, from airplanes to smartphones. Math is also used in the field of economics to analyze consumer behavior and predict market trends. Moreover, math is not just about numbers and equations. It is also a subject that teaches us critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By learning math, we train our minds to approach problems logically and systematically. We learn to analyze problems, break them down into smaller parts, and find creative solutions. These skills are useful not only in math but also in other areas of life, such as business, science, and engineering. I have always been fascinated by math. I love the challenge of solving complex problems and the satisfaction that comes with finding a solution. Math is like a puzzle that requires patience, persistence, and creativity. It is a subject that constantly challenges me and pushes me to think outside the box. Furthermore, math is beautiful in its simplicity and elegance. It is a subject that has its own language and structure, and it is a joy to discover its hidden patterns and relationships. Math is like a work of art, where the numbers and equations come together to form a harmonious whole. The beauty of math lies not only in its practical applications but also in its intrinsic value. Moreover, math is essential in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It teaches us how to approach a problem, analyze it, and find a solution. By learning math, we develop logical reasoning and analytical skills that are useful in other areas of life. Mathematics is a subject that challenges us to think creatively and outside the box, which is a valuable skill in today's ever-changing world. In conclusion, mathematics is a fascinating subject that has many practical applications in our daily lives. It provides the foundation for many scientific disciplines, helps us make sound business decisions, and teaches us critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, math is a beautiful subject that challenges us and brings us joy at the same time. It is a subject that is essential to our understanding of the world around us, and it is a subject that will continue to fascinate people for generations to come.
    Andrew Perez Mental Illness/Suicidal Awareness Education Scholarship
    As a pre-veterinary student, my passion for animals has been a driving force in my academic and personal pursuits. From volunteering at local animal shelters to interning at veterinary clinics, I have sought out every opportunity to learn more about the field of veterinary medicine and gain hands-on experience with animals. I have also been involved in animal rescue operations and have been part of animal welfare organizations that aim to promote responsible pet ownership. However, I cannot deny that my journey as a pre-veterinary student has been impacted by my mental illness. Coping with anxiety and depression has been a daily struggle, but I have learned to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed. Whether it's taking a break to practice mindfulness or confiding in a trusted friend, I have found ways to manage my mental health while pursuing my passion for animals. In addition to my academic and personal pursuits, I have also been active in my community, volunteering for various social causes. I have been part of environmental initiatives that aim to promote sustainable living, and have also been involved in fundraising events for charities that support underprivileged children. Looking ahead, my ultimate goal is to become a licensed veterinarian and provide quality care to animals in need. I aspire to specialize in animal behavior and work with pet owners to establish healthy relationships with their furry companions. I have been researching about the latest developments in veterinary medicine and have even reached out to professionals in the field to learn more about their experiences. In addition to my career goals, I hope to one day become an advocate for mental health awareness in the veterinary community. I believe that by sharing my own experiences and fostering a supportive environment, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate field of veterinary medicine. I have been researching about ways to promote mental health awareness and have even attended some workshops and seminars. Overall, my passions as a pre-veterinary student and my experiences with mental illness have shaped my aspirations for the future. I am excited to see where this journey takes me and eager to make a positive impact in the lives of both animals and people. I believe that by pursuing my passions and continuously learning, I can make a difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. I am determined to overcome any challenges that come my way and to use my knowledge and skills to create a better world for all living beings.
    Kenyada Me'Chon Thomas Legacy Scholarship
    In the field of veterinary medicine, there have been several African American pillars whose work has had a significant impact on the field, inspiring and paving the way for future generations of African American veterinarians. One of these pillars is Dr. Augustus Nathaniel Lushington. Dr. Lushington was the first African American veterinarian to be employed by the United States Department of Agriculture. His work in veterinary medicine focused primarily on animal disease research, and his contributions to the field were significant. Dr. Lushington's research on swine erysipelas, a bacterial infection that affects pigs, helped to develop a vaccine for the disease. This was a major breakthrough in the field of animal disease research, as swine erysipelas was a significant problem for the pork industry at the time. His work on tuberculosis in cattle also had a significant impact on the field, as it led to the development of a test for the disease. Dr. Lushington's dedication to his field is an inspiration to me and other African American veterinarians. He overcame significant obstacles to become a veterinarian and his work has helped to pave the way for future generations of African American veterinarians. His contributions to animal health and disease research have had a significant impact on the field of veterinary medicine, and his legacy continues to inspire and motivate veterinarians today. Another African American pillar whose work I find inspiring is Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. While Dr. Williams was not a veterinarian, his contributions to human medicine have had a significant impact on the field of veterinary medicine as well. Dr. Williams was a pioneering surgeon who performed one of the first successful open-heart surgeries in the United States. Dr. Williams' surgical techniques and medical innovations have had a significant impact on the field of medicine as a whole, and have also contributed to advancements in veterinary medicine. His commitment to improving patient outcomes and his dedication to medical research and education make him a true pioneer in the field of medicine. As a veterinary student, I believe it is important to recognize and honor the contributions of African American pillars in all areas of healthcare, as they have paved the way for future generations of healthcare professionals. By studying their work and learning from their experiences, I hope to continue their legacy and make my own contributions to the field of veterinary medicine. In addition to Dr. Lushington and Dr. Williams, there are many other African American pillars who have made significant contributions to the field of veterinary medicine. Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson, for example, was the founder of the Tuskegee Institute School of Veterinary Medicine, which was the first veterinary school for African Americans. Dr. Patterson's work helped to increase diversity in the field of veterinary medicine, and his commitment to education and mentorship has had a lasting impact on the profession. Other African American pioneers in veterinary medicine include Dr. Lloyd Noland, the first African American veterinarian to be licensed in the state of Alabama, and Dr. James Edward Hanger, who invented the prosthetic limb and whose work has had a significant impact on the field of animal prosthetics. As a veterinary student, I am inspired by the work of these African American pillars, and I am grateful for the contributions they have made to the field of veterinary medicine. Their legacies serve as a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare, and of the significant impact that one individual can have on an entire profession.
    Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
    As an animal lover, I have always been interested in the well-being of all living creatures. Growing up, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time around animals and to learn about their unique personalities and behaviors. This experience fueled my passion for animal welfare and inspired me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. One of the things that excites me most about veterinary medicine is the opportunity to provide medical care for animals and to help pet owners understand the importance of preventive care. My goal is to educate pet owners about the benefits of regular check-ups, vaccinations, and proper nutrition, so that they can provide the best possible care for their furry friends. I believe that by doing so, I can contribute to the overall health and happiness of both animals and their human companions. In addition to providing medical care, I also plan to use my knowledge and expertise to advocate for animal welfare and support efforts to improve the lives of animals around the world. This includes volunteering my time and resources to animal shelters and organizations, as well as staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in veterinary medicine. I want to use my voice to raise awareness about important issues like animal abuse, neglect, and the need for more sustainable and humane farming practices. As a future veterinary professional, I believe that I have a responsibility to not only provide medical care for animals but also educate pet owners on the importance of preventive care and responsible pet ownership. By doing so, I hope to contribute to the overall health and happiness of both animals and their human companions. I want to help pet owners understand that pets are not just animals, but members of their family that require love and care as well. Pets provide us with unconditional love, companionship, and emotional support. It is our responsibility to care for them and provide them with the best possible quality of life. One of the ways I plan to do this is by using my knowledge and skills to promote animal welfare and help prevent animal cruelty. I want to work with organizations that help rescue and rehabilitate animals that have been abused or neglected, and to advocate for stronger laws and regulations that protect animals from harm. In addition to caring for domestic animals, I am also interested in working with wildlife and exotic animals. I believe that all animals deserve our respect and attention, regardless of whether they are pets or wild animals. I want to help preserve the natural habitats of these animals and ensure that they receive the care and attention they need when they are injured or sick. Throughout my career, I also plan to stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments in veterinary medicine. I believe that continuing education is essential to providing the best possible care for animals. By staying informed about new treatments, procedures, and technologies, I can ensure that I am providing the most effective and compassionate care to my patients. In conclusion, my passion for animal welfare and commitment to making a positive impact on the world through my career in veterinary medicine drives me to be the best veterinary professional I can be. I want to use my knowledge and expertise to help pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry friends and to advocate for animal welfare issues. I am excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the many opportunities that lie ahead.
    Ron & Janell Lunan Black Girls in STEM Scholarship
    As I grow older, I am beginning to appreciate the importance of financial independence. Having the ability to support me financially provides a sense of security, freedom, and empowerment that is hard to achieve in any other way. First and foremost, financial independence provides me with a sense of security. When I have a steady income, I am better equipped to handle unexpected expenses or emergencies. I can also plan for my future, whether it's saving for retirement, investing in a home, or building up an emergency fund. This sense of security allows me to focus on other aspects of my life, such as my relationships, hobbies, and personal growth. Furthermore, financial independence provides me with a sense of freedom. When I have the means to support myself, I can pursue my passions and dreams without being held back by financial constraints. I can travel, pursue higher education, or start my own business. The possibilities are endless when I have the financial freedom to make choices that align with my values and goals. Moreover, financial freedom can also mean being able to give back to society by supporting charities and causes that I care about. Lastly, financial independence provides me with a sense of empowerment. When I am in control of my finances, I feel more confident and capable. I can make informed decisions about my spending and investing habits, and I can take pride in my ability to support myself. This sense of empowerment spills over into other areas of my life, such as my career and relationships. It also helps me develop a better sense of self-worth and self-esteem. A career in STEM can be an excellent way to achieve financial independence. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and it encompasses a wide range of fields and disciplines. STEM careers are in high demand, and they often come with higher salaries than other fields. Additionally, STEM fields are constantly evolving and offer opportunities for growth and advancement. A STEM career can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as many STEM professionals are working to solve important global challenges such as climate change, disease, and poverty. Moreover, a career in STEM can offer the opportunity to work in a field that is constantly changing and innovating. New technologies and advancements are being made every day, and STEM professionals are at the forefront of these developments. This can provide an exciting and engaging work environment, where employees are constantly challenged and encouraged to learn and grow. In conclusion, achieving financial independence is a worthy goal that can provide a sense of security, freedom, and empowerment. A career in STEM can be an excellent way to work towards this goal, as it can offer higher salaries, opportunities for growth, a sense of purpose, and the chance to work on some of the world's most pressing challenges. As I move forward in my life, I know that achieving financial independence will be a key priority, and a career in STEM may be the perfect path to get there.
    Wellness Warriors Scholarship
    As a student, it can be challenging to balance academic responsibilities with personal wellness. However, there are several ways to prioritize health and wellness to succeed as a student. In this essay, I will discuss some ways I manage my personal wellness while attending school and how it helps me succeed as a student. One of the ways I manage my wellness is by incorporating exercise into my daily routine. In addition to the benefits discussed in the previous revisions, exercise can also improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. As a student, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. Exercise can act as a healthy outlet for these emotions and contribute to a more positive mental state. Another way I manage my wellness is by eating a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to the benefits discussed in the previous revisions, a healthy diet can also improve gut health, which has been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. Furthermore, a balanced diet can contribute to better sleep quality, which is vital to academic success. By eating a diet rich in nutrients, I can improve my overall health and well-being, which ultimately contributes to my academic success. Getting enough sleep is crucial for personal wellness and academic success. In addition to the benefits discussed in the previous revisions, sleep also plays a significant role in regulating appetite and weight management. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can increase feelings of hunger and lead to overeating, which can negatively impact overall health. By prioritizing sleep, I can better manage my appetite and maintain a healthy weight, which is essential to my overall well-being. One other way to manage personal wellness is by practicing mindfulness. In addition to the benefits discussed in the previous revisions, mindfulness can also improve emotional regulation and empathy. As a student, it is essential to be able to manage emotions and understand the emotions of others. Practicing mindfulness can help me develop these skills and ultimately contribute to my success as a student and as a human being. Maintaining personal wellness also involves having a support system. As a student, it is crucial to have friends and family who can provide emotional support during stressful times. Additionally, having a sense of community can also contribute to a sense of belonging, which is essential to mental health and well-being. By prioritizing social relationships and building a support system, I can better manage stress and ultimately succeed as a student. Maintaining personal wellness is essential for academic success. By incorporating exercise, healthy eating, enough sleep, mindfulness, and social support into my daily routine, I can manage my wellness while attending school. By taking care of myself, I can reduce stress and anxiety, stay focused, and be more productive. As a result, I can succeed as a student while still prioritizing my health and well-being. By continuing to prioritize my wellness, I can develop healthy habits that will benefit me for years to come.
    Ruthie Brown Scholarship
    Pursuing higher education can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a person's life, but it often comes with a high financial cost. While taking out student loans may be necessary to finance education, it is important to be aware of the potential impact on one's financial future. As someone who is planning to pursue higher education, I have given careful thought to how I will address my future student loan debt. One of the primary approaches I plan to take is to be proactive in seeking financial assistance. Scholarships and grants can help reduce the amount of debt that needs to be incurred. I will explore all available options for financial aid, including those offered by organizations and foundations that offer financial assistance to students based on various criteria, such as academic achievement, financial need, and community involvement. By researching and applying for these opportunities, I will increase my chances of receiving financial assistance and minimize my overall debt. Another strategy I plan to utilize is to work part-time while attending school. Although balancing work and education can be challenging, having a part-time job can provide me with some income to help pay for tuition and other expenses. Additionally, some employers may offer tuition reimbursement or other education-related benefits that can help reduce my debt. To further reduce my debt, I plan to create a comprehensive and realistic repayment plan for my student loans before I even start borrowing. This will involve researching different repayment options and determining which one will work best for my financial situation. It will also involve creating a budget and setting aside a certain amount each month to put toward loan repayment. By having a plan in place from the beginning, I hope to avoid defaulting on my loans and minimize the amount of interest that accrues. In addition to these strategies, I also plan to be mindful of my spending habits while in school. By living frugally and avoiding unnecessary expenses, I can reduce the amount of debt I need to take on. This will involve finding ways to save money on textbooks, transportation, and other expenses. Furthermore, I plan to take advantage of any opportunities that can help me earn money while pursuing my education. These opportunities could include internships, research assistantships, or other paid positions. By gaining work experience in my field of study, I can develop valuable skills while also earning money to help pay for my education. Lastly, I plan to explore loan forgiveness programs or other assistance programs that may be available after graduation. These programs can help reduce or eliminate my student loan debt, depending on the field I enter and other eligibility requirements. In conclusion, managing student loan debt requires careful planning and consideration. By seeking out financial assistance, working part-time, creating a repayment plan, living frugally, taking advantage of earning opportunities, and exploring loan forgiveness programs, I hope to minimize my overall debt and make my student loan payments more manageable in the future.
    Eleven Scholarship
    Life is full of obstacles, and sometimes these obstacles come in the form of setbacks that we never anticipated. One such experience that I faced was failing my final exams in seventh grade. It was a challenging time for me, both emotionally and academically, but it taught me valuable lessons that I still hold on to today. Failing my exams was not something that I had expected, and it felt like a massive blow to my confidence. I had studied tirelessly, burning the midnight oil, and sacrificing so much of my social life in the process. It was a tough pill to swallow, and I felt like I had let down not only myself, but also my family and friends who had supported me throughout my academic journey. I was devastated, and I did not know how to move forward. After the initial shock, I began by analyzing my study habits and identifying where I went wrong. I discovered that, while I had studied hard, I had not studied smart. I had focused too much on memorizing information and not enough on understanding the concepts. I also realized that I had not taken enough practice tests, which would have helped me identify my weak areas in advance. It was a wake-up call for me that hard work alone is not enough to succeed; one must also work smart. I also reached out to my teachers for assistance and guidance. I was hesitant at first, as I did not want to admit my shortcomings, but I soon learned that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a manifestation of strength. With the help of my teachers, I created a new study plan that was more effective, incorporating new study techniques such as flashcards and mind maps. I also sought extra tutoring to help me understand the concepts better. It was a humbling experience, but it helped me realize that it is okay to ask for help when you need it. Going through this experience taught me several things. Firstly, it taught me that failure is not the end of the road. Instead, it is an opportunity to learn and grow. I learned that failing is not a reflection of my worth or potential, but rather a chance to reassess my approach and do better next time. Secondly, it taught me that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. Asking for help when you need it is a sign of maturity and self-awareness. Thirdly, it taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience. It is easy to give up when things get tough, but it takes strength to push through and overcome challenges. In conclusion, facing and overcoming the setback of failing my final exams was a significant turning point in my life. It taught me valuable lessons that I still carry with me today. I learned that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. I also learned that it is okay to seek help when you need it and that resilience and perseverance are essential traits to have in life. This experience has shaped my approach to academic and personal challenges, and has helped me become a stronger and more resilient person.
    Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
    STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is undoubtedly one of the most exciting fields in today's world. It is a field that has made significant contributions to various sectors of society, from healthcare to transportation, from agriculture to energy. I believe that pursuing a career in STEM can provide me with a unique opportunity to explore and learn about the world and make a positive impact on my community. My fascination with STEM started when I was young. I was always interested in learning more about the world around me, and I found science and technology to be the best way to do so. As I grew older, my curiosity only grew, and I began to realize the crucial role that scientific and technological advancements play in our daily lives. I also realized that there is still so much that we don't yet know about the world, and that's what excites me the most about STEM. One area of STEM that particularly interests me is veterinary medicine. I believe that by using my skills and expertise in this field, I can make a significant contribution to the lives of both animals and their owners, thus creating a better society. I want to dedicate myself to improving the health and well-being of animals, as well as to educating pet owners on how to take better care of their pets. A career in STEM can have a significant impact on the community. With the skills and knowledge gained from a degree in STEM, I aim to make a positive change in my community by developing affordable and accessible technologies for underprivileged areas. I want to use my expertise to help bridge the gap between the privileged and underprivileged by providing access to resources that can improve their lives. Moreover, I want to contribute to scientific research that can help solve significant challenges facing our world today, such as eco-friendly veterinary practices and farming techniques. I believe that through scientific research and technological innovation, we can create a better, more sustainable future for everyone. In conclusion, my passion for STEM is rooted in my desire to make a positive impact in my community. By pursuing a career in STEM, I am confident that I can contribute to the betterment of society. I hope to inspire others, especially young girls, to pursue STEM careers and create a more diverse and inclusive STEM community. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I am excited about the possibilities that the future holds.
    Julia Elizabeth Legacy Scholarship
    The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are crucial to the advancement of our society. Innovation in these fields has led to a significant improvement in the quality of our lives, from medicine to transportation, energy, and communication. However, for a long time, these fields have been dominated by a narrow demographic, leading to a lack of diversity in STEM professions. Diverse representation in STEM careers can promote innovation and creativity. When people from different backgrounds come together to work on a project, they bring their unique perspectives and experiences. This diversity of thought can lead to new ideas and solutions to problems that may not have been considered before. A diverse team can also challenge assumptions and biases, leading to a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to problem-solving. For example, having a team of engineers with different ethnicities, genders, and cultural backgrounds can help identify problems and provide solutions that reflect the diversity of the community they serve. Having diverse representation in STEM careers is crucial to addressing the societal issues we face today. Problems such as climate change, healthcare disparities, and technological advancements require diverse perspectives to find solutions. A lack of diversity in STEM can lead to a narrow understanding of these issues, and solutions that may not work for everyone. For instance, a diverse team of scientists working on climate change can provide solutions that consider the impact of climate change on different communities, taking into account their unique circumstances, cultural practices, and economic situations. Diverse representation in STEM careers can also encourage and inspire future generations. By seeing people who look like them in various STEM professions, children from underrepresented communities can imagine themselves in those roles. This representation can also break down stereotypes and biases and show that anyone can pursue a career in STEM, regardless of their background. Overcoming the barriers to diverse representation in STEM careers requires a multi-faceted approach. One of the barriers that hinder diversity in STEM is the lack of role models and mentors from underrepresented communities. Providing mentorship and support to students from underrepresented communities can help them navigate the challenges they face in pursuing STEM careers. Another barrier is the lack of access to quality STEM education for students from underrepresented communities. Providing resources and support to schools in these communities can help provide students with the education and skills necessary to pursue STEM careers. In conclusion, diverse representation in STEM careers is essential for promoting innovation and creativity, addressing societal issues, and encouraging and inspiring future generations. It is crucial that we continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse STEM workforce, where everyone has the opportunity to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences to advance our society. Overcoming the barriers to diverse representation in STEM requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, businesses, and the community. By working together, we can create a future where diversity in STEM is celebrated, and everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Calculus is a highly specialized branch of mathematics that has been developed over the course of centuries. It is a field that deals with the study of rates of change and the accumulation of small amounts of change to determine larger changes. From the earliest days of modern mathematics, calculus has played a vital role in the development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and it continues to be a cornerstone of modern science. One of the key benefits of calculus is that it provides us with a powerful tool to model and understand the world around us. By enabling us to understand the laws of nature, including the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and even economics, calculus has allowed us to make incredible strides in our understanding of the world. For example, calculus helps us to understand how objects move, how they accelerate, and how they change direction. Calculus also helps us to understand how chemical reactions occur, how cells grow and divide, and how populations change over time. Moreover, calculus is an essential tool in the field of engineering and technology. Engineers use calculus to design and optimize structures, machines, and systems. For instance, calculus is used to design bridges, buildings, and airplanes. It is also used to design electrical circuits, control systems, and communication networks. Calculus enables engineers to predict the behavior of complex systems and to optimize their performance. Without calculus, designing and optimizing complex systems would be virtually impossible. Another area where calculus is widely used is in data analysis. In the age of big data, calculus is used to analyze and model complex data sets. For instance, calculus is used in machine learning, which is used to develop artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. Calculus is also used in statistics, which is essential for making decisions based on data. In short, calculus is an indispensable tool for data analysts who want to make sense of the huge amounts of data that are generated every day. In conclusion, calculus is a vital tool in the STEM field. It enables us to understand the laws of nature, design and optimize complex systems, and analyze and model data. Without calculus, we would not have been able to make the technological advances that we have made in recent years. Therefore, it is essential that students pursuing STEM careers have a solid foundation in calculus. With its wide range of applications and its ability to help us understand the world around us, calculus is sure to remain an essential tool for many years to come. Tell AI what to do next…
    Amelia Michelle Sanford LGBTQIA+ Memorial Scholarship
    As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I have faced numerous challenges in my academic life. The struggle for acceptance and understanding from peers, teachers, and society has been a constant battle. Despite the progress made in recent years, the discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQIA+ individuals still exist in many schools, making it difficult to feel safe and included. In this essay, I will discuss some of the struggles that I have faced as an LGBTQIA+ student and what I hope to achieve in the future. One of the most challenging aspects of being an LGBTQIA+ student is the bullying and harassment that comes with it. Many LGBTQIA+ students, including myself, have experienced verbal insults, physical violence, and cyberbullying. These experiences can have a severe impact on mental health and academic performance, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicide. The lack of understanding and empathy from peers and teachers can make it challenging to feel safe and supported in school. Another struggle faced by LGBTQIA+ students is the lack of representation and resources in schools. LGBTQIA+ history, culture, and contributions are often overlooked in the curriculum, leaving many students feeling invisible and unimportant. The lack of support and resources for LGBTQIA+ individuals can make it challenging to find the help and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of their identity. In the future, I hope to see a world where LGBTQIA+ students can feel safe and supported in their academic and personal lives. I aspire to become an advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights and to create a more inclusive environment in the agricultural and veterinary industry. My goal is to raise awareness about the struggles faced by LGBTQIA+ students and to promote acceptance and understanding. I want to see a change that recognizes and celebrates the contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals in history, society, and culture. I also hope to create support groups and resources for LGBTQIA+ veterinarians and to provide a safe space where they can be themselves without fear of discrimination or prejudice. As an LGBTQIA+ student, I have faced many challenges in my academic life, including bullying, harassment, and a lack of representation and resources. However, I am hopeful for the future and aspire to become an advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights. My goal is to create a more inclusive environment in veterinary and agricultural where LGBTQIA+ veterinarians and queer farmers can feel safe and supported. With education, understanding, and empathy, we can create a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can thrive.
    Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
    My name is Brittney Svendsen and I am a 17-year-old student planning to pursue my Small Animal Science degree at Delaware Valley University this coming fall. I have always been passionate about Veterinary Medicine and I am determined to achieve my educational goals in this field. I come from a humble background, and my parents have always emphasized the importance of education. They have instilled in me the values of hard work, determination, and perseverance. These values have helped me overcome numerous obstacles in my academic journey and have shaped me into the person I am today. Throughout my academic journey, I have faced numerous challenges, including financial constraints and being in foster care. Despite these challenges, I have remained committed to my studies and education. However, the cost of tuition, textbooks, and other expenses continue to pose a significant barrier to my educational aspirations. I have been actively involved in extracurricular activities such as FFA, Track and Field, and working with K-9s, which have helped me develop my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. I have also been a volunteer with Woodlands Wildlife Refuge and Goats of Anarchy, where I have had the opportunity to give back to my community and make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need. Aside from my academic and extracurricular activities, I have also faced personal challenges such as being in foster care, being adopted, being queer in a conservative household, and surviving domestic abuse which has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of having a support system. Receiving this scholarship would be a game-changer for me. It would help alleviate the financial burden that I face and enable me to focus on my studies without worrying about how to pay for my education. With this scholarship, I would be able to pay for tuition, purchase necessary textbooks, and cover other educational expenses. Moreover, this scholarship would not only provide me with financial support but also motivate me to work even harder toward achieving my academic goals. It would give me the confidence and reassurance that my hard work and dedication are being recognized and appreciated. As I pursue my educational goals, I aspire to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. With the knowledge and skills that I will gain from my degree program, I hope to contribute to Veterinary Medicine by becoming a veterinary pathologist. In conclusion, receiving this scholarship would be a life-changing opportunity for me. It would enable me to pursue my educational goals with renewed vigor and motivation. I am grateful for this opportunity and I am confident that I will make the most of it.
    Voila Natural Lifestyle Scholarship
    My name is Brittney Svendsen and I am a 17-year-old student planning to pursue my Small Animal Science degree at Delaware Valley University this coming fall. I have always been passionate about Veterinary Medicine and I am determined to achieve my educational goals in this field. I come from a humble background, and my parents have always emphasized the importance of education. They have instilled in me the values of hard work, determination, and perseverance. These values have helped me overcome numerous obstacles in my academic journey and have shaped me into the person I am today. Throughout my academic journey, I have faced numerous challenges, including financial constraints and being in foster care. Despite these challenges, I have remained committed to my studies and education. However, the cost of tuition, textbooks, and other expenses continue to pose a significant barrier to my educational aspirations. I have been actively involved in extracurricular activities such as FFA, Track and Field, and working with K-9s, which have helped me develop my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. I have also been a volunteer with Woodlands Wildlife Refuge and Goats of Anarchy, where I have had the opportunity to give back to my community and make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need. Aside from my academic and extracurricular activities, I have also faced personal challenges such as being in foster care, being adopted, and surviving domestic abuse which has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of having a support system. Receiving this scholarship would be a game-changer for me. It would help alleviate the financial burden that I face and enable me to focus on my studies without worrying about how to pay for my education. With this scholarship, I would be able to pay for tuition, purchase necessary textbooks, and cover other educational expenses. Moreover, this scholarship would not only provide me with financial support but also motivate me to work even harder toward achieving my academic goals. It would give me the confidence and reassurance that my hard work and dedication are being recognized and appreciated. As I pursue my educational goals, I aspire to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. With the knowledge and skills that I will gain from my degree program, I hope to contribute to Veterinary Medicine by becoming a veterinary pathologist. In conclusion, receiving this scholarship would be a life-changing opportunity for me. It would enable me to pursue my educational goals with renewed vigor and motivation. I am grateful for this opportunity and I am confident that I will make the most of it.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    Getting involved in the community is not only a necessary step towards creating a positive change in society, but it is also a rewarding experience that can help individuals grow and develop. As a member of the community, it is important to be aware of the issues that affect the people around us and work together to solve them. For me, the main inspiration to get involved in my community comes from a desire to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the betterment of society. Community involvement provides a plethora of opportunities to connect with others, understand their needs, and work together to create a positive change. By participating in community events, individuals can gain a better understanding of the issues that affect their community and work towards solutions collaboratively and effectively. Moreover, community involvement can help to build stronger relationships, promote a sense of civic responsibility, and create a more cohesive and resilient society. Volunteering is one of the most popular ways to get involved in the community. Whether it is at a local charity, food bank, or animal shelter, volunteering can help individuals develop new skills, gain valuable experience, and expand their network. By volunteering, individuals can also give back to their community and contribute towards causes that they are passionate about. Additionally, volunteering provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose, which can have a positive impact on one's mental and emotional well-being. Apart from volunteering, participating in community events can also be a great way to get involved. Community events such as festivals, parades, and local fairs provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with their neighbors, celebrate their community, and learn about different cultures and traditions. Moreover, community events can help to promote a sense of belonging and foster a greater appreciation for the diversity that exists within our communities. In my personal experience, volunteering with disabled goats has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Through this experience, I was able to connect with other volunteers who shared my passion for animal welfare, while also making a positive impact on the lives of these animals. By dedicating my time and energy to caring for these animals, I was able to promote compassion and empathy towards all living beings, which I believe is crucial for creating a more just and equitable society. Overall, community involvement is a powerful tool that can be used to create positive change and make a meaningful impact. By working together towards a common goal, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable society. Individuals need to take an active role in their communities and use their skills and expertise to make a positive impact. Whether it is through volunteering, participating in community events, or simply being aware of the issues facing our community, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a difference. Together, we can build a better future for all members of our community.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    I strongly believe that every individual on this planet is unique and has something special to offer. I am no exception in this regard. There are certain qualities, skills, and attributes that make me stand out from the crowd. In this essay, I will discuss some of the attributes that make me unique and how I plan to give back to my community. One of the attributes that make me unique is my creativity. I have always had a passion for art, and I love to express myself through various forms of creativity. I enjoy crocheting, writing poetry, designing, and drawing in my free time. I believe that my creativity allows me to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas and solutions to problems. In fact, I have even started my own business where I sell various crochet items that I have made. Another attribute that makes me unique is my empathy. I have a natural ability to understand and connect with people on an emotional level. I enjoy listening to others and helping them through their struggles. I believe that my empathy allows me to be a compassionate and caring individual. I have volunteered at a local wildlife refuge, where I spent time with injured or displaced animals, providing care and husbandry during difficult times. Lastly, my determination is another attribute that makes me unique. I have a strong work ethic and a never-give-up attitude. I set high goals for myself and work tirelessly to achieve them. I believe that my determination allows me to overcome obstacles and succeed in whatever I put my mind to. For instance, when I was in high school, I worked part-time while also excelling in my studies. This required a lot of hard work and dedication, but ultimately, it helped me develop my time management and multitasking skills. In conclusion, I am proud of the attributes that make me unique. I plan to use these qualities to give back to my community in various ways. I want to use my creativity to volunteer my time and skills to local agricultural programs that help inspire and educate children. I want to use my empathy to volunteer at shelters and help those in need. Lastly, I want to use my determination to inspire and motivate others to work toward their goals and dreams. I believe that by giving back to my community, I can make a positive impact on the world around me. I am always looking for new opportunities to grow and learn, and I am excited to see where my unique attributes take me in the future.
    Richard Neumann Scholarship
    Problems are a part of life, and they suck! But instead of just complaining about them, we can do something about it. In this essay, I'm gonna talk about the problem of limited access to clean drinking water and offer a solution that can make a difference. Identifying the Problem The lack of access to clean drinking water is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide, especially in developing countries. This problem causes contamination of water, which can lead to various diseases, including cholera and typhoid fever. In addition, people in remote areas have limited access to clean water sources, which makes it harder for them to get clean water for drinking, cooking, and other daily needs. Proposed Solution To solve this problem, we need to create a portable water filtration system that's affordable and easy to use. The system would use a combination of filters and other technologies to remove bacteria and other contaminants from the water. It's simple, but effective. Features of the Water Filtration System The water filtration system would have the following features: Portable: This bad boy is lightweight and easy to carry around, so you can take it with you wherever you go. The system is small enough to fit in your backpack, making it easy to use in remote areas. Easy to use: You don't need to be a rocket scientist to use this thing. It's designed to be user-friendly, with simple instructions that anyone can follow. The system is easy to assemble and disassemble, and it comes with a manual that's easy to understand. Affordable: We don't wanna break the bank here. This system will be priced competitively to make it accessible to as many people as possible. The system is designed to be affordable, so that people who are struggling financially can still have access to clean drinking water. Effective: This isn't just some cheap toy. We're using advanced filtration technologies to remove contaminants from the water, so you can drink safely. The system is designed to remove bacteria, protozoa, and other contaminants from the water, making it safe for consumption. Benefits of the Water Filtration System The benefits of the water filtration system are pretty sweet: Improved health: This system will provide access to clean drinking water, reducing the risk of water-borne diseases. By removing contaminants from the water, this system will help to improve the health of people who use it. Convenience: It's easy to use and doesn't require any electricity or other resources. The system is designed to be used in remote areas, where there is limited access to electricity and other resources. Cost-effective: It's affordable, making it accessible to people who can't afford expensive water filtration systems. By making this system affordable, we can ensure that more people have access to clean drinking water. Conclusion In conclusion, clean drinking water is a basic human right, and we need to do everything we can to make it accessible to everyone. The portable water filtration system that I've proposed is a simple but effective solution to this problem. We just need to get the resources and funding to make it happen, and we can make a real difference in the world. This system has the potential to be a game-changer, and we can help to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide by bringing it to market. Let's make it happen!
    Dema Dimbaya Humanitarianism and Disaster Relief Scholarship
    As an aspiring veterinary pathologist, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. My passion for animals and my desire to help others have led me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, and I believe that through my work, I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of both animals and humans. One of the ways I plan to make a positive impact is by volunteering my time and expertise to help local animal shelters and rescue organizations. These organizations often lack the necessary resources to provide adequate medical care to the animals in their care, and I believe that by volunteering, I can help provide compassionate care to animals in need. My skills in veterinary pathology will enable me to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and I hope to work closely with these organizations to help find loving homes for the animals in their care. In addition to working with animal shelters and rescue organizations, I also plan to use my knowledge to educate pet owners about proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive care. Many pet owners are unaware of the health risks that their pets face, and by educating them, I can help to improve the overall health and well-being of pets in my community. I also hope to participate in programs that provide free or low-cost veterinary care to pet owners who cannot afford it, as I believe that access to affordable veterinary care is essential to ensuring the well-being of animals. Another way I plan to make a positive impact on the world is by advocating for animal welfare through legislative action. I believe that legislative action is necessary to create long-lasting change in animal welfare, and I plan to work with local and national organizations to promote the ethical and humane treatment of animals. This could involve lobbying for stricter animal cruelty laws or supporting organizations that promote animal rights. Furthermore, I believe that research is essential to advancing veterinary medicine and improving the lives of animals. As a veterinary pathologist, I plan to conduct research that will contribute to the development of new treatments and therapies that will benefit both animals and humans. I hope to collaborate with other researchers and organizations to advance our understanding of animal diseases and develop new treatments that are safe and effective. In conclusion, my ultimate goal as a veterinary pathologist is to make a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. By volunteering my time, educating pet owners, advocating for animal welfare, and conducting research, I hope to help create a brighter future for both animals and humans. I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in the world, and I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.
    Kathryn Graham "Keyport's Mom" Scholarship
    As an aspiring veterinary pathologist, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. My passion for animals and my desire to help others have led me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, and I believe that through my work, I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of both animals and humans. One of the ways I plan to make a positive impact is by volunteering my time and expertise to help local animal shelters and rescue organizations. These organizations often lack the necessary resources to provide adequate medical care to the animals in their care, and I believe that by volunteering, I can help provide compassionate care to animals in need. My skills in veterinary pathology will enable me to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and I hope to work closely with these organizations to help find loving homes for the animals in their care. In addition to working with animal shelters and rescue organizations, I also plan to use my knowledge to educate pet owners about proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive care. Many pet owners are unaware of the health risks that their pets face, and by educating them, I can help to improve the overall health and well-being of pets in my community. I also hope to participate in programs that provide free or low-cost veterinary care to pet owners who cannot afford it, as I believe that access to affordable veterinary care is essential to ensuring the well-being of animals. Another way I plan to make a positive impact on the world is by advocating for animal welfare through legislative action. I believe that legislative action is necessary to create long-lasting change in animal welfare, and I plan to work with local and national organizations to promote the ethical and humane treatment of animals. This could involve lobbying for stricter animal cruelty laws or supporting organizations that promote animal rights. Furthermore, I believe that research is essential to advancing veterinary medicine and improving the lives of animals. As a veterinary pathologist, I plan to conduct research that will contribute to the development of new treatments and therapies that will benefit both animals and humans. I hope to collaborate with other researchers and organizations to advance our understanding of animal diseases and develop new treatments that are safe and effective. In conclusion, my ultimate goal as a veterinary pathologist is to make a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. By volunteering my time, educating pet owners, advocating for animal welfare, and conducting research, I hope to help create a brighter future for both animals and humans. I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in the world, and I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    Growing up, I never had the chance to speak for myself or advocate on my behalf. As a foster child, that was not an option. It did not matter how much you did not like your new home, or how you rarely had more than three shirts to wear; you were just another case file on the to-do pile on a social worker's desk. The statistics for children in foster care are sobering - with 50% finishing high school and less than 3% obtaining a college degree. Despite the grim future predicted, I dreamed that one day I would finally be listened to and viewed as more than just a number. I thought that if this dream came true, I would be able to become and achieve anything that I wanted. In 2019, at the end of my eighth grade (and my fifth year in the system), I was finally adopted. After adoption, my eyes opened up to what being a “normal kid” was like, from small details such as getting new school supplies every year, enjoying family traditions, or hugs. I was truly an important and valued member of a family. Though all of that was important, none of that compared to the euphoria I felt after finally being heard, understood, and truly perceived as a person with thoughts, feelings, and dreams. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I discovered my love for animals, my passion for their well-being, and launched my dream of becoming a veterinarian. I began by volunteering at an animal sanctuary for domestic animals including cows, horses, pigs, poultry, and disabled goats. I worked with many animals that were blind, had prosthetics, or faced significant medical issues. Those goats were survivors who had known difficult lives before their time at the sanctuary and were now able to live life to its fullest. I could easily see a parallel to my own journey, and cherished my time with these special animals and the advocates who helped them. While exploring my love of animals in a tangible way, I also explored the theoretical and practical sides of my passion. I virtually attended a veterinary medicine camp through Tufts University where I learned how complex the field is and the impact it has on animals and society at-large. With my passion ignited, I enrolled in an animal science program, joined FFA, volunteered with a wildlife rehabilitation center, and began working at a K-9 training facility. This past school year, I delved deeply into my study of animals and went on to win an individual third place and a team fourth place in the NJ State Veterinary Science Competition at the FFA Spring CDE. The more I immersed myself in animals and the health and care of them, the clearer my purpose became: listening to those who cannot speak for themselves and helping those who can not help themselves. Through animal science, I realize I can give animals something that my younger self struggled to have: a voice.
    Ken Burnett Scholarship
    Project Pride of NJ Scholarship
    As an aspiring veterinary pathologist, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. My passion for animals and my desire to help others have led me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, and I believe that through my work, I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of both animals and humans. One of the ways I plan to make a positive impact is by volunteering my time and expertise to help local animal shelters and rescue organizations. These organizations often lack the necessary resources to provide adequate medical care to the animals in their care, and I believe that by volunteering, I can help provide compassionate care to animals in need. My skills in veterinary pathology will enable me to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and I hope to work closely with these organizations to help find loving homes for the animals in their care. In addition to working with animal shelters and rescue organizations, I also plan to use my knowledge to educate pet owners about proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive care. Many pet owners are unaware of the health risks that their pets face, and by educating them, I can help to improve the overall health and well-being of pets in my community. I also hope to participate in programs that provide free or low-cost veterinary care to pet owners who cannot afford it, as I believe that access to affordable veterinary care is essential to ensuring the well-being of animals. Another way I plan to make a positive impact on the world is by advocating for animal welfare through legislative action. I believe that legislative action is necessary to create long-lasting change in animal welfare, and I plan to work with local and national organizations to promote the ethical and humane treatment of animals. This could involve lobbying for stricter animal cruelty laws or supporting organizations that promote animal rights. Furthermore, I believe that research is essential to advancing veterinary medicine and improving the lives of animals. As a veterinary pathologist, I plan to conduct research that will contribute to the development of new treatments and therapies that will benefit both animals and humans. I hope to collaborate with other researchers and organizations to advance our understanding of animal diseases and develop new treatments that are safe and effective. In conclusion, my ultimate goal as a veterinary pathologist is to make a positive impact on the world through veterinary activism and community service. By volunteering my time, educating pet owners, advocating for animal welfare, and conducting research, I hope to help create a brighter future for both animals and humans. I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in the world, and I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.