Hobbies and interests
Board Games And Puzzles
Brittany Davis
Bold Points1x
Brittany Davis
Bold Points1x
Northcentral University
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)Majors:
- Education, Other
Western Governors University
Master's degree programMajors:
- Education, Other
Western Governors University
Master's degree programMajors:
- Special Education and Teaching
Western Governors University
Master's degree programMajors:
- Education, Other
Western Governors University
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Education, General
Dream career field:
Higher Education
Dream career goals:
Chuck Swartz and Adam Swartz Memorial Scholarship
Pennsylvania has been my home since my birth. I am from a tiny town in Northwestern Pennsylvania. We are surrounded by the Allegany National Forest. My family spends a lot of time in the forest and we enjoy every moment.
One way that I help conserve Pennsylvania's natural environment is to clean up litter. My family and I clean the woods around our town each spring and fall. Another section we clean is the sides of Route 6. These areas are littered by the numerous amounts of travels that our area sees. Not only do the people in our area leave litter, so do the curious critters that live in our areas. We have lots of animals that get into garbages and carry it around. Due to these reasons, I find it beneficial to have litter pick up days each month in the summer time as well as in the spring and fall.
Another way that I help conserve Pennsylvania's natural environment is to participate in specific studies that are done in our area. Currently, there is a study being done that I am participating in on the song birds of Pennsylvania. My grandmother and I are documenting the birds that we are seeing in our area. Another study that my husband and I signed up to participate in is a study on turkey that are seen in the area. These studies will help determine the amount of birds (songbirds and turkey) in the area and the types of songbirds in our area.
The last way that I help conserve Pennsylvania's natural environment is to decrease the amount of pollution I create. I try to walk to places that are close enough to me (the post office, my parents house, the restaurant). This is easy to do when the weather is nice and if I do not have to go out of town. Another way I try to cut down on pollution is to car poll with others if we are heading in the same direction. Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially if I need to go to the store. The closest grocery store is 15 miles away.
Pennsylvania has been my home and will be my home for the foreseeable future. I hope to do my part in keeping Pennsylvania's natural environment clean and flourishing. I will instill this in my children as well so they will keep the environment flourishing for a life time.
RonranGlee Special Needs Teacher Literary Scholarship
My dream of becoming a teacher all started in second grade. We were asked to create a diorama for an assignment and to base it off of what we wanted to be when we grew up. My little kids size 3 shoe box was a tiny little classroom that resembled the current classroom that I was in. My fifth grade teacher really solidified my want to become a teacher. She made learning fun and we all felt loved and cared for in her classroom.
It took me a few years of working after receiving my bachelors degree to determine that I wanted to become a special education teacher. I was working as a TSS (therapeutic support staff) with students who had some behavioral issues. The student I worked with from 8-3 was in a life skills classroom full time and was severally Autistic, ID, and non-verbal. After working with this student for 2 school years I decided to go back to school to become a special education teacher.
Since receiving my degree I have been a learning support teacher and a life skills teacher at the middle/high school level. My mom recent career change has kept me in the special education field, but the path is a little different. I am current working as a Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI). I work with students from Birth to age 22. The severity of vision loss varies between each of my students. I have had the opportunity to learn and teach braille, reinforce cane skills and implement the use of assistive technology.
I am looking to continue my education and receive my Doctorate of Philosophy in Education- Specializing in Special Education. My ultimate goal is to teach full time at the collegiate level in the education field. I am currently an adjunct professor through Northern Pennsylvania Regional College teaching education courses to a cohort of paraprofessionals.
Explain how you would guide your special needs students to experiencing a sense of their own presence by first defining this statement followed by your mission in accomplishing this task.
I feel that this statement means that the student is self-confident and aware of their own self as well as their learning. I would guide my special needs students to do this by including them in all aspects of their IEP meetings and in their learning. I would encourage them to talk about themselves as well as learn about their disabilities. Using open-ended questions to get students thinking and allowing them to talk through their thoughts. This can allow them to become more self-confident in their learning and with their personality. I feel that incorporating interests into the student learning will help them understand themselves and help them grow as learners.
Once upon a time there was a young girl who wanted nothing more in life than to become a teacher. She didn't want to be a princess, a doctor or an astronaut. She wanted to teach. The young girl spent her early years playing school with her friends and even her stuffed animals when her friends were busy.
Years and years later the girl was struggling being a single mother, trying to go to school and work. Her family stood by her side and helped her through the difficult times. She persevered and was able to achieve not only a bachelors degree, but also three masters degrees all in the education field.
Now the girl is working as a Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) and works with the kindest students in the world. While working as a TVI the girl is trying to reach her ultimate goal.....to become a professor. This will prove to be the hardest challenge yet.
After finding the love of her life, she was able to achieve her goals. The girl got married, raised her children and completed her doctorate degree in education. The girl is now known as, Doctor Brittany Lynn Davis.